Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 15, 1873, Image 2

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VlIUKSDAy llAY 15, 1873
J. Ai ilACMURTItY, . ; . i . t Editor
From all JaitS ot the Plate and couhtry respect
fully olictted for thte itEKALi
Agricultural notes and bUort articles detailing
tanner's experience particularly requested.
We do not read anonymous letters and com
munications. The name and address of the
writer are In alt cases indispensable as a guar
a n tee ot good faith.
A Splendid Chance.
We will send the IIkrald and Dfcrrtrjfrjst'a
Monthly, which is $3.00 for one ycaF W any per
son who pays us 13.50.
In addition t Iftth TYriodScils at the price
harned.a choice front a list of extraordinary
Premiums Is givta to each subscriber to Demo
reat'i Monthly Among those are a fine pair of
Chrbrto Pictures (Falls of "iagara and Yosem
ite Falls), worth Slo ; or a good Stereoscope
with a series of views ; besides numerous other
Valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol
lars each.
Tnfbest boys' and girls' magizine, and the
Kebrabka HgRALb at greatly reduced ratesi
We will ihd the Nebraska ITkrald and
DKMOREsfa Touxo America, which Is $1.00
for one year, to any person who pays us SC.oo.
Demorest's Young America Is always sparkling
with entertaining Stories, Poems, Music Puz
iles. Games. Travels, and other pleasant features
Is profusely Illustrated, and cannot fall to amnsc
Instruct, elevate, and assiet to make the lives
of youthful Americans useful, truthful and
"We fall attention to the new Tostal
rules and regulations, published in to
day's issue ot this paper.
The Nebraska Teacher for May comes
to our table, with many good things
At rt Meeting of Tnuies-TJnioris
twenty-seven delegates (from different
Unions) voted to postpone the en-
foreement of the eight hour rule until
1874. Nearer .lection you see Strikes
and sich don't work well on odd years.
As will be seen from our columns
Mrs. D. Y. Dudley, of "Weeping "Water,
has been removed from our midst, and
leaves a husband and many friends to
mourn her untimely decease. "We ten
der our sympathy and condolence, to
these friends; under their sorrows.
"Wolfe's Directory of Lincoln city for
1873-74 containing historical statistics
of the city, a brief description of the
public buildings, &c.,- &C, lie upon oiir
table. It is very well got up and re
flects credit on Mr. "Wolfe's energy and
good sense. How it Works on his pock
et the Directory saith not.
Trunk road is all the excitement.
Messrs. John Fitzgerald, Herman New
man and M. L. "White, visited our citi
zens on Friday, to see how Mitch Stock
Would be subscribed by our people.
They had very good success, Jrf Oma
ha over $50,000 were subscribed on the
first day that the books were opened.
Geo. Dakin, Esq., of Buffalo, sends us
a rerort relative to the trade and com
merce of Buffalo fur 1872, together with
& list of the members of the Board of
Trade, &c It is a neat pamphlet of
122 pages, and contains" much valuable
information, of which we shall avail
ourselves from time to time.
A JB.m named Webb, shot an Omaha
Indian at Duprey's mill in Burt Co,
wounding him in the thigh and hand.
The Indian had offered him no provo
cation and was standing quietly near
the mill, when "Webb shot him from
the door of a house a few rods distant.
Finding he had not killed the Indian
he attempted to shoot again but was
prevented by the people in the house.
He was arrested and bound over to
appear at the next term of Court. The
Indian was taken care of by the people
at the mill, So says the Burt Co Pilot.
Attorney General "Webster ha3 laid
two eggs on our table, which beats all
the eggs any of the newspapers of Ne
braska have been cackling about. Lin
coln Journal.
Has the Journal turned Into a hen's
nest, and has it come to this, that a
paid official of the great State of Ne
braska has taken to laying eggs on edit
ors' desks ? Does he expect to hatch
'em, and if so of what complexion are
the progeny to lie Webster's onlyf or
young Attorney General's ? This needs
looking after. The Journal says the
newspapers have been "cackling."
Here's our cackle; but we don't lay
egars--ain't that kind of fowl.
We could' not hwvs helirred tbrr?
were so many fools in the world, that
could read and write, as the writings
on the Indian question for the past
month proves there are. Time and
aram it is asserted that the treaty of
Penrs was the only treaty ever kept by
fhe whites. Over and over elaborate
articles art? written to show the folly
of holding trestles with Indians, the
writers evidently never having taken
the trouble- to post themselves on the
fact that Congress, otr March 30th, 1871,
passed the" following law, saying that,
"Hereafter na Indian nation or tribe
within the territory of tlx? United
States shall be ackowledgnl OT recog
nized as an independent nation, trile
or power, with whom the United States"
may contract by treaty."
Over . three years ago. and yet old
liens are sq milking about making treat
ies with Indians. .
Bro. Peet's favor received and re
ceipt acknowledged hereby. "
A new bank was organized in Lin
coln on the 10th, called the Merchants'
Bank, with a capital of $30,000. John
Fitzgerald, President, N. C. Rudolph,
Vice ; President,, aaw.l Geo. P. Eaton,
CaShier. -
Dr. Latta, of Rock Bluffs, has re
moved to Lincoln, and Cass County
has lost a good citizen, and kind physi
cian. Well, Doctor, may luck attend
you, but-iu' our opinion youH 'come
back to Cass .after, trying "them Lin
coln fellows" awhile, . V
The Trunk Kailroad Company is a
fact, and the building of the road is
bat a matter of a few months. Over
$50,000 worth of stock was subscribed
in Omaha on the day the books were
opened, and Several parties who were
absent telegraphed to reserve stock for
them, amounting to much more. Over
$50,000 wa3 raised in Plattsmoutli,
John Fittgefald subscribing $15,000.
The importance of this road to the
Whole State cannot bc-over-estimated.
It 1b the only Trunk road through Xe
braska, and the only one which Can
give us the through connections that
we need and want.
In time, by connection with the
Omaha & Northwestern, we shall have
to the northeast a direct and speedy
outlet to the great lumber regions of
Minnesota, and the Red Itivef. North
westerly we will tap the head waters
of the Missouri, the great mining re-
gions of the Rig Horn, and thence to
Tuget Sound.
South in one direction to St. Louis
and New Orleans, or to the Atlantic
coast at Newport News or Charleston,
and westerly again to the Gulf of
Mexico, striking Galveston,, or some
point in Texas. All thi3 can and will
be accomplished, and before many
The Trunk road Waking connections
with the 13. & M. in Nebraska, and the
IT. P. at Omaha, at their eastern termini
in this State, will always have an
advantage over roads running north
and south through the interior of the
State, and tapping these great cast and
west arteries, through the land at
points remote from their chief head
quarters. It will jmy from the mo
ment of its opening; and no better
investment can be made by tho3e having
the funds to spare, than in buying
stock in this, the real Trunk foad of
Nebraska and destined to be one of
the links in the greatest north and
south chain of railways midway be
tween oceans yet to be built in
By some hocus pocus, slightly smel
ling of red-tape, sometime last winter,
our mails were all changed, and ordered
around by Omaha. The ostensible rea
son then was that the river was not
safe to cross here, and that a delay was
liable to take place any day.
That's all very Well as far as it goes,
but the river i3 open now, and the
transfer boat crosses as regular as
clock-work, and still all riattslrionth
mails going or coming fronl the east
are sent by way of Omaha, and the
through mail cars from the west are
run to Omaha instead of to this point,
where they should be delivered.
The disadvantages of this plan, are
obvious m ot only are our postal agents,
men who had located their families
here, and made arrangements for their
lwmes here, dragged -away from such
homes', and forced itt rcn into Omaba
and stay there a large portion of f hfelf
time when off duty, but by the present
foolish anil ridiculous plan, all mails
to and from this place are dumiied on a
freight car, or at best, a baggage car,
and run up to the Junction at Oreapo
lis, without being in charge of any
Mail Agent. Strictly speaking, no one
is responsible for those bags while on
that transit. Tf they were robbed or
lost no ierson could be found to an
swer for their safety. The Postmaster
here would claim that they had passed
out of his hands; the Agents on the
postal car, never receiving them at all,
could not be held responsible, and we
hardly think the railroad company de
sire to warrant the safe delivery of that
mail, when not in the charge of any
properly authorized agent.
The contract, if we mistake not, calls
for the delivery of those mails at
Plattsmoutli, and makes this the initial
point for the through mails on the B.
& M. I?. R., and we should like to know
by whose authorit' they have been
thus improperly diverted.
The woes of "poor Jack" have form
ed the burden of story and song for
many A year. Reporters of the daily
press have told how he was welcomed
after a cruise, crazed with rum, robbed.
and then "shanghaed" on a vessel for
another long voyage. These narratives
at last reached the ears of the paternal
government at Washington, and a
Shipping Commissioner was appointed
to hxk after Jack's interests. The
natural result is a war between tho
Government agents and the keepers of
1 Hoarding and dance houses, drinking
dens and gambling holes, whence the
mercantile marine has been accustom
ed to draw their supply of sailors. To
day's illustrations show in striking
contrast what has been done for Jack's
comfort, and how he is inveigled Into
debauchery and recklessness of life.
There are two sides to the story, of
course, but it is evident that the gov
ernment means well, and will soon be
taught by experience how best to
adjudicate between the rights of ship
per and sailor. The great danger is
that an organized charity may become
a matter of salaries and fees, in which
the interests of those who are to be
protected wilt be lost to. sight. The
Shipping Commission will liinl it prud
ent to look to this, for the emotional
side of human nature sympathizes
strongly with Jack when he is in dang
er of sharks, and cares little whether
the latter are clothed in shop slops or
in government uniform. Graphic.
The Bee has been claiming a larger
circulation than !oth the Omaha daily
papers combined, for some time past.
Many persons doubted this fact, and to
support his assertions, Rosewater
comes out with the sworn oath and
"affy" of his business manager, which
says that the average sale of the Bee
to newsboys and agents is 107 per day,
and the circulation agent swears that
on the 10th of May he accounted for
1,185, thus making tho daily circula
tion of the Bee 1,292.
On the face of the above, of cn his
own check, we don't know which, Rosey
makes the following astounding offer:
Now, in order to afford our local con
temporaries an excellent opportunity
to turn an honest penny. We will make
them the following propositions: "We
are Willing to discount the total lxma
fide city circulation of the Herald and
Republican 250, and pay them five dol
lars for every subscriber they can pro
duce to exceed our city circulation.
"We are willing to discount the city
circulation of the Omaha Republican
900, and pay a similar sum for all ex
cesses over the Bee's city circulation.
AVe are willing to discount the entire
circulation of the Republican 700.
against the entire circulation of the
Bee, and the entire circulation of the
Iterald 300 against the entire circula
tion of the Bee, on similar terms.
i "We ate ready to discount the city
circulation of the Herald 650 against
the city circulation of the Bee upon
similar terms.
Whoop de doodle do! ITow's that
for high? Discount the Herald! the
the great immaculate Herald! The Pa
per that made Dr. Latham and all Ne
braska that wields a power Emperors
and Senators dread, and to whom the
world bows in obedience! Ye Gods,
can these things be, and overcome us
like a summer cloud!
Six hundred and fifty! Rosey, ain't
you chaffing? "Why, man, it'll swamp
'em. Go slow, old boy, or they'll both
get mad and quit, and then you'll have
nobody to fight, and will be in a worse
fix than tho man that tried to keep
tavern after an earthquake had killed
all the other inhabitants around there.
That Rosewater should crow over
the Republican and make some pretty
big statements is not to be wondered
at. The rivalry of party, and some
rather Frosty personal matters, would
naturally make him jealous of its influ
ences, and inclined to deprecate its cir
culation; but that he should get after
the immaculate Herald, the great pa
per (?) which has so long boasted of its
unbounded circulation and wonderful
feats of journalism, and which has pat
ted Rosey on the back and chirrupped
him on whenever he said anything was
out of Hitch in the Republican party,
that Rosey should go back on it and
thus expose the lies and the vanity
and the boasting of the Herald is the
unkindest cut of all.
Oh, Roses, hw could you I C."50 !
An Interview onj.the Indian Question.
Salt Lake, May 8.
Yesterday the Omaha Herald's cor
respondent' Interviewed Brigham
Young, and obtained his views of the
Indian Question. Brighatn said that
in '47 he settled in this country with
140 souls, and for thousands of miles
around the land was infested with hos
tile Indians; that he gained their
friendship, and by acting honorably
with them, and never stooping to de
ception, kept it; that the hostility of
tlie Indians had been augmented by
robberies committed by unscrupulous
agents, and that they had lost all faith
in the honor and integrity of the gov
ernment Officials ; that the Modocs did
to the Commissioners just what they
thought was being endeavored to be
done to them, and that ieace should be
made at any cost or the entire West
would be embroiled in general Indian
warfare. When the correspondent
asked, "You indorse President Grant's
Indian policy then?" Young replied,
"I indorse the olicy so far it corrects
abuses and tends to a lasting peace and
to the civilization of Indians." Young
said the Indian war would destroy the
commerce, capital, and emigration be
tween Missouri and the Pacific coast,
and retard the settlement of the coun
try for twenty yea re, which would in
itself be a great calamity.
The above is from the great lover of
Mormons and Modocs, and here is the
editorial the Inter-Ocean perpetrates
upon it. See!
However objectionable the theologU J
al views of Brigham Young may bVf
he seems to have a pretty thorough and
correct understanding of the Indian
difficulties and to see the necessity of
great caution in our conduct toward
fthe Indian tribes. The great high
priest of Mormonism but states what
all must acknowledge to be the truth,
and what should put us Gentiles to the
blush, -in referring to the fact that in
1857 he settled in the West with 140
others, when for thousands of miles
around the country was infested with
Indians; that he gained their friend
ship and confidence by acting honora
bly with them, and, never stooping to
deception he has retained it. lie fur
ther states it as his belief that a gene
ral Indian war would destroy com
merce, capital and immigration be
tween the Missouri and l'iicific coast,
ami retard the settlement of the coun
try for twenty years. "Peace shoul be
made at any price," said Brigham, and
although this is rather sweeping, it is
very evident that peace should be made
and" maintained on some terms.
The Inter-Ocean is a pretty good pa
per. It is making a bold Railroad
fight, and it has able editors; but when
it comes to quote the Omaha HeJahFs
or Brigham Young's opinion of the
way to deal with Indians, it betokens
softening, either of the spinal column
or the brain.
We should like to ask how it was that
Brigham could keep the peace with
thousands of Indians, and yet mur
der and rob white men who
passed through the lands he claimed.
It would be very hard to convince the
Ieople of the West that the Mormons
did not sanctian and aid the butchery
and robbery of innocent emigrants by
the hundreds on their way to Califor
nia or to settle and help develop the
mines of Utah, about which he blows
so inuclr now.
Our people say very confidently that
Brigham kept good faith with the Indi
ans and aided and atetted them and
furnished them- with arnts and amuni
tion to kill white- emigrants, In order
that he and Ids- peculiar people and in
stitutions might b protected and pre
served. Almost any man with 140, or
a less number of souls, could go among
the wildest Sioux or Comanche tribes
to-day, and keep the peace with them
by furnishing them all they wanted at
guod rates, in exchange for their furs,
&c, and then pointing out some other
tribe or race of men that tley could
plunder with impunity.
BriefIf Young was so honest and
so kind to IndKns, how came so teany
white men to be killed in the Mormon
dominions ? The government had bet
ter ask the Mormolis that question be
fore it accepts Brlgham's theories on
how to treat Indians. Anybody now-a-days,
can tell how to protect Indian's,
Will some one tell us how to protect
whites from Mormons and others.
The New Tostage LaV.
. The people may as well begin at once
to familiarize themselves with the
terms of the new postal law which
goes into effect June 30th. Newspa
pers, exchanges and country newspa
pers, circulating in the county where
they are printed, will no longer be free.
We add the following statement and
schedule of rates taken from the offi
cial publication:
"Newspapers sent by mail must be
prepaid by stamps, unless "regularly
sent to regular subscribers,' by publish
ers or newsdealers, when the following
rates are chargeable quarterly in ad
vance, either at the mailing or delivery
office : "
Dailies ..... . , 35 cents.
Six times a week 30 "
Tri-Weekly 16 -
Semi-Weekly 10
Weeklies 5 "
Semi-Monthlies, not over four
ounces G -
Monthlies, not over 4 ounces. . 3 "
Quarterlies, not over 4 ounces 1 u
"Newspapers and circulars dropped
into the office for local delivery must
be prepaid at the rate of one cent for
two ounces, and additioual two ounces
or fractions thereof; and periodicals
weighing more than two ounces are
subject to two cents, prepaid at the let
ter carrier's office. The iostage on
regular papers, etc., must be paid in ad
vance, either at the place of delivery,
to the carrier, or at the office, otherwise
they will be chargable at transient
Since our last paper was made up
there comes to us the news that four
more names, of almost world-wide
fame, have passed away forever.
Chief Justice Chase died in New
York city at 10 a. m., May 7th, 1873.
He was twice elected a Senator of the
United States, served two years as
Governor of Ohio, was Secretary of the
Treasury in the dark days of the Re
bellion, and has been called "The
Father of Green Backs." Nine years
ago he was called to the Chief Justice
ship. He was one of the Judges at the
Impeachment trial of Andy Johnson,
and no man, Seward not excepted, has
borne a more prominent place in the
annals of our country than the late
Chief Justice.
Died at his home in the village of North
Easton, Massachusetts, on the 8th of
May. He had for many years occu
pied a prominent position in the busi
ness world as a manufacturer, capital
ist, railroad magnate, and legislator.
He was a member of Congress from
Massachusetts for some years. Lately
the prominence of his name, in con
nection with the Credit Mobil ier
scheme has given him a notoriety
To his grit and pluck, however, we
largely owe the completion of the great
Union Pacific R. R., and his business
abilities were of the highest order.
Died at Avignon, France, on the 8th
of Maj', aged 57 years. His Father
was one of the ablest essayists of his
day, and John Stuart has become fa
mous for works on Natural Science,
Political Economy, &c.
He was a contributor
burgh and Westminster
has always been a firm
United States.
to the Edin
Rerietps and
friend of the
The Right Reverend Bishop Mcll-
vaine, of the Diocese of Ohio, died at
Florence, Italy, on the 30th day of
March, 1873.
He was the son of Senator Mcll
vaine, of New Jersey, graduated at
Princeton College, and in 1823 was
made Professor of Ethics and History
at West Point. In 182(i he was made
Bishop of Ohio, and President of Ken
yon College,
The principal works of his pen are:
"Evidences of Christianity," "Oxford
Divinity compared with that of the
Romaji, and, Anglican Churches,"
"The Holy Catholic Church," "A Word
in Season," and many other works and
sermons of high ability and research.
He was one of the noblest imd ablest
members of the Sanitary Commission
during our war, and died full of honors.
The Ouestlon of Incremation.
The English Medical Press says:
The attention of our readers may be
advantageously directed to the subject
of incremation of the dead broached by
Prof. Polli. He repeats some of the ar
guments that have been used against
the process, birt nowadays, when sani
tary science has made such advance,
every inch of ground almost has be
come of value in a country such as
Great Britain, where the population is
out of proportion to the area of soil,
and where the infection of water by
the percolation of decaying animals,
situated, it may be, even at a consid
erable distance has been proved to oc
cur frequently, and to give rise to sick
ness in an intense degree, it really be
comes a question of consideration as to
how far burial in the earth is hygieni
cally correct or convenient. Habit and
the association of ideas have inured us
to the practice of eartli burial, so that
it seems alarming ever to discuss the
possibility of such a method being dis
placed, yet the incremation process,
could it le carried out so as not to hurt
the sensibility of our nature w hen bid
ding adieu to the last vestiges of our
felow-crcatures, offers certain advan
tages. By the present procedure we
lay the body in the earth to resolve
itself into its original elements-, by the
slow and (could we witness it) the re
volving process of deeoQiposltion, We
preserve no traces of the material once
so loved and precious In our eyes; Me
rear monumental slabs, and commemo
rate the intensity of our feelings by in
scriptions. AVould it not be more rea
sonable to decompose the body by in
cineration, and retain in monumental
urns, if so desired, the ashes of our
friends and relatives? The question
is one of increasing importance, viewed
from a hygienic' and social point of
Opinions of Engineers on the Economy
and Safety of Cheap Iron Structures.
Mr. Alfred P. Boiler, art old ciVil
engineer, says the fall of the Tf uesdell
bridge at Dixon, 111., was the natural
result of the mode usually adopted by
town committees for obtaining public
works of that character.
"What are your general views on the
subject?" . : .
"Well, IH tell you it is the strain'
ing after cheapness that has called into
this branch of business a certain cla3
of men as devoid of knowledge as they
are of conscience ; men who undertake
to build iron buildings fof the people
at prices little beyond what it would
cost to build a wooden bridge."
"And the result is?"
"Why, the result, of course, is, that
unfit workmen and poor material are
employed. It follows that the reputa
ble and scientific bridge-builder is driv
en from this sort of work, except in a
few localities."
"Don't you regard the acceptance of
the lowest bidder in work of this char
acter as a false and dangerous econo
my?" "Of course ; for when tho work is
awarded to the lowest bidder, there is
no use whatever for A 1 firms to make
any effort to obtain it. Their knowl
edge, conscience, and strict sense of
justice to the public would prevent
them from even approximating to the
lowest bid. The town committee or
comtnissiollers who have to pass upon
the Work possess no knowledge on such
subjects. All they look at is the low
est price, and the unscrupulous builder
with his oily tongue, wheedles them
into the belief that his bridge will be
first-class, and will last for ages."
"What is your opinion about Trues
dell's bridge at Dixon?"
"I never saw it, but, on the strength
of the figures reported, I should say
that it was a miserable, ill-proiortioned
affair, and should have fallen before.
There are hundreds of bridges through
out the country that stand simply be
cause the loads are occasional, but let
them be crowded, as the Dixon bridge
was, and they'll surely go."
Mr. Campbell, Assistant Engineer to
the Department of Public Works, in
answer to a question by the writer,
said, "I think the fall was caused by
the unequal strain, the greatest load
being on the outside."
"Do you think an iron bridge of the
length of the Dixon bridge could be
properly built for $30,000 ?"
"I should say not. Why, that would
have just about been a fair price for a
wooden bridge. A good iron bridge
would have cost double. I suppose
this was a light bridge, but was
probbbly defective in proper bracing
somewhere, though if there had been
more persons in the centre, that is, if
the crowd had been uniformly distribu
ted, the bridge would probably have
supiorted their weight without dan
ger." Several gentlemen engaged in engin
eering work held similar views. One,
while conversing about the accideut,
remarked that he heard one of Trues
dell's bridges, at Elgin, 111., fell down
without being loaded. It was rebuilt,
but the new one also give way. One
of the same bridges at RockfonL 111.,
also fell when crowded with persons
looking at a boat race. Another gen
tleman remarked that several of Trues
delfs bridges had been built in New
England, but since the fall of the Elgin I
Bridge no more had been put up.
The Way to put a Head on It.
Special Telegram to tlie Chicago Times, May 5.
New York, May 4.
While the church-bells were ringing
this morning in New York and Brook
lyn, the news-Inn s were yelling in the
city of churches : "Sunday Review"
full account of the great Beecher scan
dal. I bought a copy of the paper, and
found that some light at last was break
ing in upon this Plymouth Church pu
tridity. The Review contained
boiled down which Mr. E. II. G. Clark
has fired at Brooklyn from the walls of
Troy. This remarkable doument has
been extensively canvassed and anx
iously looked for. It begins with tho
following remarkable headings:
The Beeclier-Tilton Scandal
th e
The Seal Broken at Last.
WoitdhnlT s Li$ and Theodore Tilton's
True Story.
The Account Horrible at Best.
iVTo Obscenity, but GodTs Truth.
The Sexual
E tides of Plymouth
A Xeto Revelation.
The Brooklyn Saints Torture St. Paul
into a Free-Lover.
The Thundcrltolt Shatters a Bad Crowd
and Ploics up the Ground.
All Kansas is excitwl and horror
stricken over the news that, on the
fami of a family named Render, near
Parsons, La Platte county, no less than
13 dead bodies have been dug up in va
rious plaees. The lxdy of Dr. York,
brother of Senator York, is among tLe
rest The todies are niore or less mu
tilated, and one little girl, eijrht years
old or therea-lioni was evidently
thrown into the grave with her father,
alive. ' The Benders kept an eating
house and bavu fled. Justice must
overtake uuch miscreants, and neither
Jutlge1 nor Jury will be needed, if some
of the hot bloods of Kansas get their
hands on tho murderers, during this
"YVHEittsAS, it has pleased Almighty'
God to remove from us by death, sister
Melinda Dudley, wife of D. T. Dudley,
Steward of Oakland Grange No. IS,
Resolved, That in the administration
of Diviiie Providence' a worthy sister,
an endeared and devoted companion,
an affectionate and faithful wife and
mother has beeu called from our
midstj -
Resolved, That in the loss of our
worthy sister and Treasurer we
have lost not only a sister and Patron,
but a true, faithful and consistent
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize
with the husband and friends of our
departed sister.
. Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented to the husband of
the deceased, and, also, a copy to the
comity papers for publication.
Oakland Grange, May 10, 1873.
Geo. W. Whitehead, late private sec
retary of ex-Gov. James, has received
the appointment from Nebraska, of
Inspector of tie U. S. Custom House,
New York; also Geo. Williams, of
Ex-Chief Justice O. P. Mason, of the
Supreme Court of Nebraska, has gone
on a pleasure trip to California and the
Sandwich Islands.
McWaters has been deposited in
the Penitentiary, at Lincoln.
A man in Nebraska city by the name
of Willoby, was robbed of his purse
containing sixty-five dollars and some
notes, while at the circus.
Friday May, 9.
It is rumored that news has been re
ceived of the loss of Captain Hall's
arctic exploring steamer Polaris.
The Commissioners and Warden of
the Penitentiary at Springfield 111.
have been removed on account of neg
lect of duty.
John Stuart Mill died of phlegmonous
Erysipelas at Avignon, France, yester
day. The supervisors refuse to vote any
aid to rebuild the bridge at Dixon, 111.
No more bodies have been recovered.
Tlri? President returned to Washing
ton last evening.
It is believed the Modocs have left
the lava bods.
Admiral Winslow of the United
States War Steamer Kearsage, was
stricken with apoplexy this morning
and he lies in a very critical condition.
Monday, May 12.
The President will make no appoint
ment to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Chief Justice Chase, until
Congress meets in December.
Chief Justice Chase's body lay in
state yesterday at the Supreme Court
room, at Washington. The funeral
takes place to-day.
The strike of the gas men in Brook
lyn, continues, and the city is in dark
ness. The examination of the Bank of
England forger, McDonally, was re
sumed to-day, before Commissioner
The suit for divorce, by non. Chas.
Sumner, against his wife, on the ground
of desertion, was granted to-day.
5,000,000 postal cards have been ship
ped to Washington, and will be imme
diately distributed among thirty-nine
principal cities.
The Louisiana troubles are consid
ered virtually settled. McEnery and
his supporters will not combat the
Federal authorities.
An action between Hasbrouck's com
mand and the Modocs is reported. The
Indians were repulsed.
May 13.
The Pope was very feeble yesterday,
had a fainting fit which lasted an
M. De Layason, wife of Tere
Ilyacinthe has given birth to a boy.
The Modocs were stampeded by the
'Warm Spring Indians and troops who
are in hot pursuit. In the engage
ment of the tenth three on our side
were killed and eight wounded.
From the St. Louis Globe.
Novel Method of Settling the Indians.
The trouble we had with the Modocs
brings to mind a plan for settling the
Indian question, which a frontiersman
once imparted to me as the very best
that could be devised. "If I wuz the
Government," said he, "I'd buy lots of
barrls of whisky, and lots otiig knives,
and I'd put 'em all out somewhar in
the "West an' invite every devlish red
skin in the hull land to what they call
a conf rence. After they'd got thar, I'd
knock in the head o' the barrels, 4nd
scatter the knives all round loose, so
they'll le handy. Then I'd go way and
leave tho Injuns to themselves. O'
course they'd take to the whisky and
the knives, and afore sundown thar
would'nt be more than one d redskin
left, and I'd go back and knock his
brains out afore he could do any more
damage. That, sir's, the only reel way
to settle the Injun question. I've been
among 'em, an' I know. Plenty of
whisky an long knives '11 fix 'em "Out,
an' nothing else will."
England fears a small corn crop.
Florida is making wine from oran
ges. Boston bewails the prohibition in
Dueling is sprouting again in Vir
ginia. St. Louis aspires to have cotton fac
tories. Chloral i causing a number of acci
dental deaths.
The Granges in Iowa are said to
number 100,000 members.
The Industrial Exhibition at Nash
ville will open next month.
Tire condemned New Jersey murder
er, Lusignanf, shows- no' fear.
The body of ilinistr Orr i3 to be
tent tome from. St, Petersburg.
SoloMoN & nathan
Fancy bry floods, Notion
Ladies Furnishing Goods.
Stock lnthe City.
and Beet Assorted
Which we are prepared to nell cheaper than
they can he purchased elsewhere Give us a call
aud examine our goods.
CPStore on Main street, hetween 4th and 5th
streets, I'lattsmouth Nebraska. iCtL
E, T. DURE & CO.
At the foot of Main Street.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Hardware and Cutlery,
FORKS, &c, &c.
All kinds of
Tinware Manufactured.
Post Office Book Store.
H. J. STREIGIIT, Proprietor.
For Your
Books, Stationery,
rictures, Mus'c,
Toys, Confectionery. .
Violin Strings,
Newspapers, Novels,
Song Rooks, &c, &c.
1.000,000 Sweet Potato Plants
For Sale.
100 1.000
relets $4.
?6i-tS f3.
Red and Yellow Nanemond
Brazilian White
or the Early Jersey, Wakefield, aud Tottler's
Brunswick varieties, at 15 cents per dozen, 75
cenis per ino. lieauv iay isi.
Also. Trophy and Gen. (irant Tomato Plants,
ai x cents per aozen, ?i.mj per iw.
Celery Plants,
Egg Plants,
Tobacco Plants,
Cauhjiower Plants,
d'C, it'C tf-C, d'C
In their season.
from a distance promptlv filled, and
delivered at tho Express
Cartace free.
in X'latnmouth.
These Plants were all raised at mv Gardens In
Kock Bluffs. AZSO SMITH, Proprietor.
tV Fnmk Whito Is my authorized
Agent in
; fl-8t.
The Best
- Has a large and pood assortment of farm Ma
chinery, f
The Marsh Tfarvestrr. a Reaner that two men
can cut and bind ten acres per day. with one
man to drive, and the binders can work In tuc
Main Street, Corner Cth.
Plattsmoutli, - - - - Nebraska.
Fourth Ktreet, north of Platte Valley H.mse.
Dealer In
Hardware and Cutlery?
Stoves, Tinware,
Iron, NaiJ.4
Glass, Locks,
Garden City Plows,
Hay Rakes,
Farming Tools,
Fanning Machinery, J
McCormick's Reaper and Moicer,
Buck Eye Reaper and Mower,
dt, tf-o, d-c &x, tf-o.
For the Gardm,
For the
For thi Field;
Purnas Nurseries;
Furnas and Sons, Brownville, Nebras
ka, and K. Perrand, Detroit, Mich
igan, have consolidated their
stoks and will hereafter
conduct business at
Brownville, Xeb,
where thev
offer the largest and most select gen
eral ursery .Stock ever offered
in the West, consisting in
part as follows:
ao.ono Choice 3 year old Annie Tnm.
1110,0110 " 2 " " ' "
M . M
I, 2, 3 and 4 year old Tear
1 rees.
40.000 "
60,000 "
20,000 "
2, 3, and 4 year old Cuerry
1 and 2 year old Teach Tre4
riiim. Apricot antectralno
1 IWS,
4,000,000 No. 1 Honey Wuat Hedite rlacU.
a.oim.noo No. 1 Osage Hi-dm I'lauU.
6,ouo,ixio Forest Tree HeedliiiK.
io,ooo Evergreen, iu viu-it-ty.
loo.ouo each Hlackberrios, Uapberrtea and
Bft.ono each Gooseberries and CurranU.
20,(1)10 Perpetual and Climbing lUwea.
10,000 Flowering (Shrubs.
10,000,000 Willow Cuttings.
Berkshire and Poland
R. Dlller. of Ca County, will act as Arent
of these nursciie in thin section, r. O. ad dree
I'lattsmouth, Cass Co., Nebraska.
SSef Correspondence solicited. Send for
a Catalogue. 41-tf
Tootle, Hanna & Clark.
Joux FiTzoKnAi.n,
John R, Ci.akk,
Vice President.
T. W. Kvawk,
Aas't Caahior.
Thi Bank U now open for business at their
new room, corner Main and Sixth street, add
are prepared to transact a general
Hanking Business.
Stocks, Bonds,
Ooiii, (iOTemmrni
and Local
Bought and
Sold. DeoosIU
Received and
Interest allowed
On time
Drafts drawn, available In anr nart of tha
United Slate and lu all the princioaJ totrn
and Cli!cs of Europe.
Person wishing to brim; out their friend
front Europe can purchase ttckeUi from n
through to I'lattsmouth
E3 " "
A Heavy Stock of Goods on
No "Rents and Interest on Borrowed
Capital to be made off Ctistomeri.
North Hide of Main between Kecond and Third
streets, takes pleasure In announcing to
That be lias a lare and well aeleetM Jtock ot
Dry Good. Groceries, ProTislons. a wereeTor
broubt to the City of Plaltsmoutii.
jt will cost you nf'tliing to look at them
wheth'T vnu liiiv or not. liv examuing the
prices I'rlie "OLiJ RKMAfil.K" you will b
ktile to toil when other parties try to swindle
you. 8-811
Ul f n original. flrct-claM, Dntlar Monthly.
O boiurbGl1, iDcudin Utr lid mtUlcns, bu
tunUaand ""v- arnti and cMWru. lluir
Vaf rmu the Importance f arruring a antnn of
D heart and purpoMia In lira, belore tbera (hail
be a union of handa- It Ixrilevea that. whUa It
.1 .nf I . f I v aiul will lnt.nMI th. tnllra
i wotnnu privilege topunfy aixl comfort ana
adorn. It abould be man 'a plaaaura to pnnrMla
fur. ehenah. and protect. It would hara ehll-
drrn treated aarrellmr. thmkUif and rawing
croaturni' perfectly creaiwl.but not fall grown,
v.. in ariTocatliur theaa doctriura. Ibe Jf aaa-
aiiie doe not employ dortrtnal aerrmina lmf
and dreary aiouiiiKn itii ui
and therefore do not profit the ri
. I, woiiM mh, tireAi'tft
being made to aerre Ui purpoaa a long dla-
ermrw by giving the reader o running real, ID
terwtlng and profitable to think about.
Tfie worst aa well aa tbe leat feature of the
Magazine la Ha price. The Idea of getting
rllT DraKlM Magaxlne at ooe dollar a rear.
Mk. hu aturd to moat people. Vet It employe
nf th hmt contributor In the country-
Including 1J1. H eil-Toa, Ita leading editor,
who receive a aalary of three thouaaod dol
lar, equivalent to about ten doDare per day.
Earn number contalna nearly eight hundred
dollar' worth of manor, wbkh ouetg tue aub-a.'nl-r
about eight cent.
Hope and Joy two beautifully Unbkd rrayna
portrait wonn rour uinmri wui na maiira
frer tneery pubacrlber to the Madeline at gl M
Specimen free. Awrnt wantej. AdtLreaa kv
8. WUOXJ CXJ., .Wewlttrgri,
Hops M Joy-HonB nfl Joy
Cttel -V7l3 C tk Frwa. Wood- mj
C matfux! ue a) one of tte mouuineu'eof hualneae w
htch mark tlie aAlfatfcvltat None
Journal, Khlla.. Fa. Aa Ita title prvmleea. It
la rfevoUMl to the lnafroctluA and entertauiDient
of the family order to place It wtUw.
Ill ibe mean of readers in motterate eireiua.
stances. It la fnnniihed at a remarkably low rate
In proportion to the Interest of Ita contents Jf.
y. Tv-wiaa. ..It Ueawntlally a noma magaxlne,
and I jut (be tiling that one wouid most deslrs
to place In the band of lit wife and lull i
r that a man of buainee would himself i
up for the employment of a leisure hour fmtt
Wilmington. N. C Were we oat of er editorial, "private elt'sen," cutoff
from our exchange list and all trut, one of the
tint magazines) to which we should eobeerlbe
would be Wond'e Household. yitr. Hers.
ford. Cx. It la an Intellectual and moral
educator, highly prised by all wno become ac
quainted wllh'a.Ariatiaai ....If
popular writer are. therefore, good writers.
and If high price prove uie merit or literary
wares, then Mr. Wood magazine la a good TJ
cl breathe spirit of economy, morality aa4 f
virtue wbicb la highly refreshing In this age of
fahiouable folly ana eatravensnre,,
Cdlna, Mo It la undoubtedly one of the
& -
freshest, liveliest toornaie we save examine!.
re abort, piquant, and of such unqoaeooned
excellence. I bat i bis pertedlcsl ought to be botlt
Kmrd, brirhiKneld. Tenn The arUclea
a- familiar and welcome In
yf hold. Wood's a niat-rel
verry many boo
T tirl-claae quality eomuUMsL JCM ark
i n a Kemps
Ms Hortolo: ift
WW. Op th I
M thonvh it -r
r-f.vlr.atf.nau af?