Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 08, 1873, Image 4

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21 & RA1ISEY ....
Communications on Edneatlonal Topics, Re
port ot Educational Meetings, &c, aro respect
fully solicited lor the Educational Column, and
may be addressed to Educational Committee,
Box S6, Hock EloSk, Nebraska.
Chn Editorial Committee.
We speak a language containing vast
treasure of religious wisdom, and ver
nacular, more or less, over a largo por
tion of the Globe, and, for this and
other causes, perhaps destined to be1
Come an organ of international com
munication more universal than any
other tongue. The students at the Mis
sionary Seminary at Bale, in Germany,
well denominated tho English lan
guage the missionary language. It
might almost be called the language of
religion, in reference to the vast treas
ures of theological science, the mines
of religious truth, and, above all, the
Inestimable work3 of practical piety,
of which it furnisher a key. There is
in it a capital of speculative and practi
cal theology, rich and deep enough for
the whole . world to draw upon from
time to time. God himself has especial
ly honored it, and prepared it more and
more for his glory, by giving to tho
world, through it3 medium, such works
as the Tilgrim's Progress and Paradise
L09t. -It is the language of Protest
antism, the language of civil and re
ligions freedom, the language of com
mercial enterprise, the language spoken
by the greater portion of seamen in the
world. It is the language of the two
freest, most enterprising, most powerful,-
and so far a3 the appellation
can at present be admitted in a na
tional sense, most truly Christian na
tions on the globe. Taking all these
inlluences into consideration, there is
not another language in tho world so
ftacred, so connected with holy associa
tions, and, for the treasures of religion
which it embalms, . so important to
man's highest interests, as the English
language. ..We. therefore cannot but
regard its increasing prevalence as a
great and special indication of the
Providence of God. The time is not
far distant, other causes being sup
posed to maintain their influence, when
this language shall have become an or
gan for the world's literature ; and in
addition to this, if we mistake not, the
world's religious book-mart, and most
elevated and important literary center,
will be found in America. Chester.
Taaiint? a Kowdy.
It is about a dozen 3"ears since busi
ness liof- pleasure took rue to Xew
Jericho, the terminus of civilization and
the Whammelover Railroad. And "a
hard road to travel," that was. It hail
steeper grade, sharper curves, and more
of them, than it is to be hoped ever per
iled the public life and limb before or
It was Saturday afternoon, and we
were to reach Jericho at some indefi
nite hour that evening, "time not being
of the essence of the i-ontract."
At a place called Blueruin we stop
ped fifteen minutes to "liquor." There
had been a cock tight, and several other
fight3, and a big crowd there that day,
and every body was in high glee.
The New Jericho tk'lcgat ion returned
by our train, and rougher looking sam
ples of rustic rowdydom it would have
been diflicult to find, even in that fa
vored region. Among them was a
strapping six-footer, a very Hercules in
proportions, with a cock-o'-the walk
sort of swagger about him, who took
possession of two seat, deiosiiing his
body on one and deadheading his legs
on tho other. One cheek was puffed
out by an underlying quid, while ever
ftnd anon, with a back-action jerk he
would send near a gill of tobacco juice
over his "shoulder, which those within
range had the privilege of dodging or
taking the consequences of as they
liked. As for his conversation, the
curse of Ernulphus, or the table
tiuk of i Flanders mess-room in Viicle
Toby's time, in point of maledictory
power, was weak, jn comparison. At
the next station a young lady came on
board, beautiful as Venus and modest
as Diana. " How so rare a flower came
to bloom in such a wild, was a question
to puzzle over. The lady was standing
and all the seats were occupied. I was
at the point of offering mine, when a
youthful' looking gentleman, of pre
possessing manners and appearance,
stepped forward . and addressed the
couchant Hercules:
"Allow me," he said, politely, "to turn
Over the back of "this seat." " '
"Hey?" the other grunted.
The request was re peated.
" "See you dod darned first V" was the
gruff response.
"But, sir the gentleman began to
"Iookee here, youl" blustered the
bully, "don't you offer to go for to rile
me! that's my advice, an' I gives it
free gratis,- cause 1 feel a intrust in
you." ; ;
"But this lady is entitled to a seat,"
the stranger' persisted.
"Give lief your own, then, dod drot
you! an" stop your chm-musie, or by
Uoky, you will lile rm!"
' "As a last resort, the gentleman ap
peaktl to the conductor who happened
to bo passing, liut tli " Inter declined
to interfere, bucn tilings must be left
to courtesy. Besides it wasn't his
place to take pan in the disputes of
passengers. So saying, he went his
way, punching tickets, and taking no
further heed.- -
"Dod blast you, lutv riled me!" shout
ed the bully, springing to his feet and
striding up to the young man, who
didn't seem quite sensible of his dan
ger; "you've gone an' stuck your nose
iutt rtber people's business, an' I'm
-goiTT'to pull it!"
An attempt was made to suit the ac
tion to the word ; but before the meta
phorically offending member had been
bo much as touched, something it
moved so swiftly I couldn't 1-e positive
it was the gentleman's list took Her
cules letween the eyes and sent him
sprawling to the other end of the car.
IIe; didn't -get . up . immediately, and
when he did he seemed a little bewil
dered as to whether he had been
knocked down, or the train had rim off
the track. He had had enough, at all
events, whatever it come from, as was
manifest from the subdued air with
which he took his departure for the
smoking, car, wither his companions
soon followed, no doubt secretlv chuck
ling at the" result,- as usually do the
chums of a whipjed bully.
Pap Kilderkin, the proprietor of "the
,Kew Jericlio Rest; was the most com
municative of hosts.- Before bedtime
' that night, I wast thoroughly and accu
rately "up" in all. the gossip of tl e
tlaeerand had its scandalous statistics
at imr fincrerV-emli. - - I
.Among other things, I learned that
XtoeI pitching" had hitherto been
Auioug the wants of the community,
but that a "supply"' had been at length
obtained, and the new minister was ex
pected to enter on his duties on the
"And a refreshin' season hell hav of
it," said Pap.
"Why so?" I asked.
"Oh, Hill Grinky an t'other chaps
goin' to break Lim in tfrmorrer; an' of
you want to bea fun, I'd edwisej'cu to
go thar."
And I did go not "to see fun," as
Pap Kilderkin suggested, but, I trust,
from better motives. Pap went too
by what prompted, I prefer not judg
ing. -
When we reached the church the
minister had not yet made his appear
ance, though a goodly number of hear
ers had already assembled. A few min
utes later, yesterday's delegation to the
Iiluerin cock-light, headed by the van
quished bully with both his eyes in full
mourning, sauntered in and walked
noisily down the aisle.
"That's Bill Grinkey," whispered Pap,
"an thPin's t'other chaps."
"Make way for the mourners!" sang
out Bill, crowding with his compan
ions, into a front seat, where a boister
ous conversation was struck up,
mingled with an incessant cracking of
"I kin tell you the progranny," Pap
continued; "a pack of shootin'-crack-crs
'11 be teched off doorin' the fust
hymn, an a pair o' game chickens as a
couple o' them chaps' gut in their pock
ets, '11 be sot fightin' as soon as the tex's
gin out, after which gen'ral Xed 'ill be
in order."
A sudden silence fell upon the con
gregation. Xot a murmur was heard,
and the peanuts ceased to crack. Look
ing up, I saw tho minister in the pul
pit; and guess my surprise at recog
nizing him as the young man that had
struck out so deftly from his shoulder
the day before.
With a clear, manly voice, lie gave
out a hymn, which was sung through
without interruption. A prayer was
offered up amid profound and decorous
silence. Another hymn followed, and
then a sermon, earnest, plain, practical,
without a word of cant in it. From
the beginning to the end of the exer
cises, not an unseemly sound was heard
save a single incipient crow, promptly
choked oif, from one of the invisible
I say, Bill," I overheard said from
one of "t'other chaps," as they made
their way out, "that parson's a trump ;
he preaches a downright good lick, an'
rights fair without bitin' or goughin."
It was easy to see that the new min
ister's status was settled. I have since
heard that Bill Grinkey has become an
exemplary member of the church, and
the parson the happy husband of the
young lady, as whose champion he first
achieved popularity.
The Greeley Homestead.
From Moore's Ilural Xew Yt rcer.
Mr. Editor: I - want to tell you
something about the old Greeley Home
stead, but I am afraid I shall not de
scribe it very well, for I am not four
teen years old, and I have only been in
school six months in my life. How
ever, I Wil try.
3ly grandfather, Zaccheus Greeley,
settled her in 18 2 5. He came from Ver
niond. He was one month in getting
here. He came all the way from Buffa
lo by the Northern and Western Canal.
What a long, lovely, dreamy journey
to make in the autumn!
When grandfather got within ten
miles of this place, he had to hire a
sled with oxen, for there the road end
ed. One the sled he put all his house
hold goods, and his family, and thus he
made his first entrance into the wilder
ness. My grandfather's family then con
sisted of my father, Xaihan Barnes
Greeley' and my aunts, Arminda,
Esther and Margaret. My dear uncle
Horace had been left in Vermont.
My grandfather built a log cabin on
the spot where our house now stands.
It was sixteen by eighteen feet. It
was built of rough hewed logs; the
lloor was made of split timber, and the
roof covered with the bark taken from
the Cucumber tree. It was very wild
aud lonely there. There were no
neighbors near to visit, and no school
or church within ten miles. I suppose
this seems very strange to city people,
and it must have been very gloomy to
dear grandmamma, who was so clever,
and so fond of reading, and loved intel
ligent people so much.
My father was fourteen years old
then. When they went to meeting, he
would put the oxen before a wood-shod
sled and the family would all get in,
and father would walk beside the oxen
to drive them through the woods.
here were no roads, and father says
e would drive over large logs in me
way, and through deep streams of
water, while the frightened wolves
would howl, and the deer would bound
away before them.
"Oh, solitude ! where are thy charms?'
Xow, all this ia changed on the old
Homestead. There are but a few acres
of the primitive forest left, We have
broad, beautiful meadows now, where
those grand old trees one stood, and
lambs sport and cows graze where
lears ami wolves and other wild ani
mals once roamed. The log hut has
long since been displaced by a nice
country mansion, in which I write this.
One thing, however, remains sacred to
the memory of my grand-parents the
cold spring that gushed up
ground beside the rude ci
from the
Hows on, and will
" How on. forever,"
I suppose, though those dear forms (in y
grandparents) ate resting in the distant
vuhure churchvard, anil though my be
loved Uncle Horace sleeps in Green-
wool, and my aunts have found new
homes far from t'le old Homestead.
I've lots of pets, of lamrs a:id birds,
I love to hear them sinj; ;
Hot none hrinjrs baek the friends I love.
Like the ripples of the sprite.?.
Ki'ukxia GitnFi.KY, Wayne, Ia.
Some Boston man- of the olden time
writes thus regretfully:. "Thirty years
ago a beef-steak, oyster and t hicken
supper, with cream, toast and coffee,
and fixens' generally, cost but twenty
five cents ahead, and 'dark seal' bran
dy, or any other brandy, was only six
cents a glass , and large-bottomed cut
glass tumblers at that."
Scene After Examination.
Excited Freshman Did I pass my
examination. Professor?
Professor (with a proud scorn) Xo,
Off dances Freshie, radiant with
Prof. You misunderstand me, you
failed sir!
Incorrigible Freshman. Ah! but I
won a bet, you see. : ; .
Professor staggers.
Dying Willi Their Diamonds On.
New York Sun letter from the Wreck of the
The most interesting couple in the
cabin were Mr. and Mrs. Sheat, of
Xevada. They wore jewelry to tho
value of about $30,000. Mr. Sheat
talking millions back. Mr. and Mrs.
Sheat, with their 630,000 worth of
diamonds, are floating around in the
cabin yet.
i i i li. L L O i
For you Groceries go to
F. R. Guthmann
Comer Third and Maintreet, Plattsmouth.
lie keeps on baud a large and well selected
stock of
&c, &c, &c, &c.
In connection with the Grocery is a
Bakery and Confectionary.
f SAll kinds of Country Produce bought and
Take notice of the sign
On Main street nearly opposite the IIEEALI)
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
CLES, &e., S.c.
fcSPrescripUons carefully compounded tal!
hours, day and night. 35-ly.
" 0. F. J01IXS0X.
Books, Stationery,
And Latest Publications.
Prescriptions e.ire fully compounded by an ex- ;
perieiieed Druggist.
Ke:neinl'r (he place. Comer Firth and Main
Streets, l-lattsmo!itU. Neb.
The adn-'rfhir!t . beloui. rffcr yort ia the
Publishers of this paper a regca-ds thrir
perfect rtllabiliUj, n.tu when v?ritint to
ihrm, plcmc inciicwi you saw their Adver
ti&Kment it this paf-i:
Jtuin. iln. will, on
Z? rul of hcif-Ki-aKnrfiatnt. Illstrtwi
- Clrrular, und i'rirc List. Willi fitll Htio
orxaiB)iiMi. r nablini; you tx ortii-r fi(H h
la tlirtrt frrm tlie'r ilnaw. which will
mm! (r, t!ic brst str'e. ship;? liy n.
. press. !. O. witb lkie pritiivifB or px--.
entln'H srd rricmiug'fcl ibtir expense,
- If KOt Kiiifcliitti.rj. .- k .
J ETC J KioesofiM-ir-niTMarPinent urnt fr
III I it Orders (';; l(J. Kit puarantecl.
nft,'P mill TttuMis'C'lothLta Fnorfsltr. Si-nd
UU I O fur Illustrated Stjb cud Prices.
n"AHUI).VS PATOT rOlflU.f -i
for m:rkhi)f Htiow nrU, Ituxes,
Bnrrclst. Isn. 'frnnks. 4c &2.
All sizes, from IncJi idler n )
wnrtls. Vrilu fur O.Mi'rifilive
price list, or remit only J."fir I!u:
p.ipniar ilm-li letter Kie. Sent
pr.-iiyl i V IM r:T for Itself ln
noiilh. rerlVrtnnlsfnrtlor. sieir-
ante1. or ironcv relnriifd. Aftcnt wanli il . Ad
dress II. V. iijiiuira & Co., 311 Olive ttroot, bt.
t.iiil. Mo
BCr'Ot,DSlIfl'v The Best Ko la
The Cieapost and Kendsemoat Airrioultnral
V aud family Jour as 1 ia this country ia tba
. Eight pace. Forty Columns, only BO Cta.
yfar.cix month" S5Ct. "lub of ten for 14.
Aiinm KU!D(J BllTfl. PublMim,
414N. TliirdWrwt Fr. Louin. .
7 1IHI' rslent IniproTfi! Sprinar
XI (tamp, fur stamping I.Incn and
lfinO other articles. A sliver-plated
etAiup of lino rl'tttth and ierftet eon-
Firuciiuo, witn rwiute or bestiiideli-
hlu Ink. Ink ral. and
three en tire Alilialcts.
6nclo-.-d luaneat box. ltli full in
structions, dent prepaid for onlyj.
$l.Ao. Tliehest tlinid lor the piii"c
ever lnrtnien aircini wjimch. it.i
C ISartmrd Jo.,3U Oil vc street, bt.
Lo'it. Mo.
I C I A beavtifal uair of French Ckroiuox,
A beavtifal yair of French Ckroiuox,
bandiMimal r moanted. aold errr-
wjtr ror f -i. neni prepaid oa rtf
celpt ot $1, oroO foe el thar. Atreuts
wanted CTerywhere. Whncaja aaake.
Inrico proUtH. Libcrel dlacotntts to
the Tradr. M jp a ad Cbroiuo
lint MtT3 ,r, lnit, a.
tiVr. ft JTS? V
W H 1 8 S ?1 fl ? ree wucd Morf hnnt
3 Ka'ftf J,viKju Ts-ioftitmHlMhrn
-is. ti
Ifaw Press, New Type, and New Material.
Call and see our new lot of LEGAL BLANKS.
All descriptions of work done In the printing line.
We are fully prepared to do
Every Kind and Style of Printing.
Semi In your orders for
Jlas on band, one of the largest stocks of
Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring
and Summer.
5?" I invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my store.
South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
And convince themselvps of the f-iet. I havens a specialty In my Retail Department a select
stock of I'ine Clothing for Men aud Boys to wnieh we'invite' those who want goods.
fS I also keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10
Zig Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schl;xter Jewelry Store.
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
G. A. MILLER & CO'3 . W lf
nb r Jfirst-dass iauc5 aab Organs.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in String-, Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Merchandise
Musical Ixstkumknts Tuned and Kepaired Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8-8t?.
tow m
J V T5ts can now be hnusht in Duke's Addition to the City of riattsmouth, at prices ranging
from tu tf'J and uu terms so easy that person wiiii
For those who want town property either to hold for a speculation or to build
upon, this is a rare chance to get it. These lots are in a delightful
location, ami are dotted over with a
Young' and Beautiful Growth of Forest Trees.
Which add materially to their value.
Parties wishing to purchase or look at tlns lot. w ill be shown them, or given anv infor
mation desired, bv eallinsr on T. IH" K K or I.. I . 1.KNM.1T. K.xeciuors of I lie Estate of S.
Di'KK or I. 11. WiUCbXEll & t o., and liAUM- &: 1'OLl.Ol.K, lteal Kstate Agents.
1-or rush the above prices will lie iiseoii;!te;l ten percent.
I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska, October LMd 12.
Biankels, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises, etc.
Main Street, Second Door East of Court House,
Doicn Go
Southwest Corner Main Street, riattsmouth, Xebraaka.
SB EL IT &,. 2J S.
Dress Goods, Prints, lioots and Slioes,
Delaines, Ginghams,
Drown Sheeting,
Dleaclied Cottons, Dalmorals, Carpets,
Clark's new Thread, Cotton Yarns,
In the Grocery line we kceji the Fixkst and Best
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,
Dried Fruits, Spices, etc., etc.
In fact for Your Groceries, Hardware,
Queensware, Wooden Ware, .
Glassware, ' Yankee Notions,
Hats and Caps, Doots and Slioes,
'ilr ORGANS.
riattsmouth, Nebraska.
ay, Cousieil Itlults. Iowa.
the Prices !
37" Sixth Street, one door south of
Look to Your Children.
The Great Soothing llemedy.
MRS. I Cures colic unci jr rs i.i:i.r in
Whitcomb'a'tlic liowels,- and l';ieiiit.ttes
Syrup. ItUe oroce.-iS ot leetluil!;.
MRS. i Siilniiies eonvulsious and
WhitcombVovereonies all tlie.ts's iiici-
I Pr?ce
! 2
Syrup. !U;it to miauls aiul cli:Uir'H. 'Cents.
MRS. Cun-s liarr!tu', Dvsciiit'-i Frice
fhicombs,rv and similiter tiiiiipiaint in
Syrup, ichililreii of all ap'. Cents.
It is tiie reat Infaiif s ami Cliililren's Sooth
inj; lU-iiic-iiy, in ail iismlers lit;u:it on hv
teethimr or anv oilier ennse.
rre-!!eU by tito c: ration Medicine Co., St.
Louis, Mo.
Sdlil I y druggists ?.ad dealers in Medicines
everywhere. dee2-ly
Vlneo;ar IJittei-s are rot a vile Fimcy
Drink, iaiide ot Poor Knm, WSitsk-.y, I roix
Spirits and Refuse Liquors, d.ctored, spiced,
and sweetened to pieaa t!io taiite, calicd
"Tonics," "Aoti::ers." "Restorers," Ac.
that lead the tippler on to dinnki nness and
ruin, but are a tac Medicine. ma;le from the
native roots and Ucrbi of California, l'rco from
nil Alcoholic Stimulant. 'J'liey are the Orcut
Itlood fuiilier and a Life-civinK Principle, iv
Perfect Renovator and luvitirutor of t!ie t-3s-tem,
carriujr off all poisonoua matter aud
rcsiorin? ihe blood to n healthy condiilon. en
riching it, refiesuinjr and invigoraunsr boilx
niiud and body. They are easy of administra
tion, prompt in their net ion. certain in their
rexultd. safe and reliable in all forms of disease.
fin lerami enn take tlicso liittcra ac
cording to directions, aud remain haijrau well,
provided their bones arc not destroyed by
mineral polsou or other means, and the vital
orirans wasted beyond the point of repair.
Dyspepsia or Isntlgealioii. Headache,
Tniu iu the Shoulders, Couirhs, oftho
Chest, PiZiiness, Sour Eruclaiious of the .Stom
ach, Had Taste in the Mouth.Ei'.ious Attai ks.Pal-
? nation orthe Heart. linammariou of the Lunga,
ain in the regionsofthe Kitliniys.aad a hundred
other painful symptoms, are the oL'spnngs of
Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal,
and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of
Its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Fur Female Cousplainta, In y 01:112; or oid,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood,
or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display to
decided an influence that a marked improve
ment is soon perceptible.
For Inflammatory and Clirojilc
UlieiiuiMtisui aud Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indi
gestion, Hilious, Hcmitteiit anil Intennitteiit
Fevers. Diseases of the Blood.l jver.Kidneys and
Uladder, these ldtters have Ikcu most successful.
Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Uhuid.wliieli
is generally proluced by derangement of ts
Digestive organs.
'i'ltr j- area tcntlc Purgative tin well
nan "I'otite, posscs.sins also tae peculiar taer.t
of acting as a powerful ueiil i;i relieviiij.; cnu
gesUon or Inilaniniatiou of the Liver and Vis
ceral Organs and in bilious Diseases.
For Skin Disease, Lrnplions. Tetter, Salt
Rlieuin. blotches, l-pots. Pirn pies. Pustules, licils.
Carbuncles, Riug-worms. bcuid-IIecd, Sore Kyes
Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the.
Skin, Humiirs and Diseases of the fr-kln, of
whatever name or nature, are literally dug up
and carried out of the system iu a short time by
the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases
will convince the most Incredulous of their cur
alive effects.
Cleanse tlic Vltlatctl IMootl whenever
you lind its impurities bursting through the
Bkln in Pimples. Eruptions, or scores ; cleanse it
when you tiud it obstructed aud sluggish in the
veins ; cleanse it wren it is foul ; your feelings
will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and
the heal di of the system wiii follow.
Orateful Thousands proclaim Tiveoab
ItirrKKS the most wonderful Invigoraut that
ever sustained the sinking system.
IM11, Tape, nmS other Worms, lurking
In tho system of so many thousands, are i!in
tuallv destroved aud rettioved. Says a distin
guished physiologist : The re is scarcely an indi
vidual on the faceoftheearth whose body ig ex
empt from the presence of worms. D is not up
on the healthy elements of tho body that worma
exist, but upon the diseased humors and siiiay
deposits that breed these living monsters of
disease. No system of medicine, no vermhtiges.
Do antheUiiiiiiuci, will free the y.;;cm from
worms like tin se Hitters.
Nrrhaitlritl Uiseaaes. Pel-sons erg.iged
la Paints and Minerals, such ns Pluiabers. Typc
Bctters, Hold beaters, and Miner.-, as .no ad
vance iu iife, are subject to. par;dy.-:i of tho
Bowels. To ruard against this, take a dose ot
Wai.keu's ViNEiiAK Uittkhs twice a week.
llilion. ltcmitteiit, ami Internilt
tent Fevera, which are gi) prevalent iu the
vallevsofour great rivers rhrotuhou? ihe rrti'.cd
States, e.-pecially those oftho Mississippi, Oido,
Missouri, Illinois, Ttimessca, Cunderiaiid, Ar
kansas, P.ed, Colorado, Prazos, Pio titande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobiie, Savaniiuh. Kounoke,
James, and many others, wi'h their vt trilia
taries, througho'ut our entire country durinjr
the Summer and Autumn, and remarkuli'y so
durlug seasons of unusual lu:it and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive derange
ments of the stomach and liver, aud other ab
dominal viscera, la t!;eir tn.-atment. a purga
tive, exerting a powerful Influence upon these
various organs, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for the purpose rental to Dn. J.
YVai.kkk'h Vinkoak l.i iTKits, as they Will
ppeedilv remove the dark-odcrcd viscid matter
with which the bowels are loaded, at the same
time siimtiiat Lag the secretions of the liver, and
generally restoring the healthy functions of the
digestive organs.
Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White Swell
ings, L leers, Krjsipehis, swelled neck. Coitie,
Scrofulous Infiaaitnatious. lii'i"lei;t Icfiannaa
tlons. Mercurial Anections, Oid Sores, fcrup
tions of the Skin, Sore Lye, etc., etc. in these
ns in all other cuntiludo:ial Disca.-4!a.VAi.KEK2a
Vinegar Butesis lmve iHmwn their gr,-at oura
tlve powers in the nist obstinate ii'id intract
able cases.
Dr. Walltrr'a California Vlnr;ar
Illttrrs act on all these cases in a similar
inauuer. Dy purifjing the IUood they remove
the cause, and fcy resolving away the effects of
the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the
affected pans receive health, and a permanent
cure Is effected.
The propertlea of Dr. Walker's Vixeoas
Bittkk-s are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carmin
ative, Nutritious. Laxative, Diuretic, seda
tive, Counterdrritant, teudorilic. Alterative,
and Anti-Hilio'ts.
Tlie Aperieut and ro'.ld Laxative proper
ties of Dn. Walkek's Vinegar Hittem are
the best safe-guard in cases of eruptions and
malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, und
Boothing properties protect the humors of the
fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in
the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either
from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc
Fortify the lioily agint tllacase by
pnrifying all us fiuuls wiiii Vinegar Hitters.
No epidemic can take hold of a system thus
Directions. Take or the Bitters on going
to bed at night from a half to one and one-hnlf
winc-glassfuiL Eat good nourishing food, such
as bccf-steak. mutton chop, venison, roast beef,
and vegetables, and tike out-door exercise.
They are composed of purely regulable ingre
dient!, and contain no spirit.
I. 11. WcioaiALr " :? v
Druggists and Gen. Agts -
A cor. of Washington
roit SALE BY
3Iain. Call and see him and get a Machine.
Ealladay's Patent Wind Milk.
Dotibie r.nd Sin -le acliili:
Force FandSFarm Pumps,
Feed Mills, etc.
The l!:iil;i:lav Mi!! has stood I l-.e lest fur s!t
te;i ye:ir-. fxd'll in the l'i;i!fd .t;tes and Ki-r-'
;.:;ii is tlio only otic g'.'iix. rally ailujiieci y
ulf J'ldiici jtiil
Railroads and "Farmers.
Terms Liberal. Send f;,r Cat:logu ntid rrioc
List. A. L. .yri;A.';, Lincoln, Icb.
deali:i: IN
Funil I itre, I. . :i:i gc s .
Sr.fcs. TMep.
Cliairs, Dcd;dcads,
o-c, c'.c, fi.c, &e.
Of all descriptions.
Metallic burial Cases.
:-1 "V ..ff rr-. f -Y , t j
J.-.- : 1
Rendu Made and sold Cheap for Cash.
With many thanks for jiast patronage I it: vile
a! call ;'.nd examine my lari;e .stock of Fur
iiitnr:? r.iid Jrm23
a 9
compesed simply rf reil-known ROOTS,
HERBS and FRUITS, combined with ctiier
J-Topertiea, which in their nature ara 'fcthartic.
Aperient, TutTition, iJicreUe, Alterative and
Acti-Bdiog. Tha whole is jireeerred In a auet-c-.e:-t
qrjeit'ty of ppirit from tte fcl'OAll
C A VT3 to tec? tiei ia any climate, which
iiitif a-tha
one of the most deirfniMe Tonic and Ca
thartic la the wodd. They are tnteadca
trictij aa a ..
Temperance Bitter.
only to Vflnnnd 12 a taedlciTieaad dwayg ac
cording to Cire;tioni. , are tha rheet-inchor cf the frchle and
debilitated, a hc act ti?on a diseased liver, and
timalato to eueh a cfjrcc tbtta healthy action
la at once brought tbout. Aa a remedy to trhica
Women arc capoe uily aubject it la auper
aadhig erery othr stimulant. Ae a Spring
avnd Summer Tenio thry fcaTanoeqnaL
They are a mild and rentla Purgvdve as wed as
Tonic. They pnri.y tha tlood. They aro m
irplendid Apiwtizer. They Ktfce tha vreat atrong.
Thetxmrify nd inTteorate. They enra iJ-
L Tvapaia. ConEtipatln and Headache. They act
v via a BpociSe in all m-xylrmct diaordara whica
Knaarmine the bodily atrencth and break -MWO
; Pctot, 63 Park Plica. TSsvr Yorjfc
' --- -.
(i-.-Vj!.-,'.-:. "i ri-;.."Vkit-; ,,. I
I 1 Mi,
1 . .
Only 50 Cents per Bottle..
It promotra the r.noWTn,PHESKETK
the t OLOIJ, and Inrrrane (be Tbjor .-i
and BEAUTY of (be 1 1 Alii. ' j
Ovro Trrmrr Tsabu aoo Tvnjt'a Katuato:
roa Tint Haih wan f.rt wl ia h market tf .
Vrfeir IM bonus cri1oatoof Vrinoetoja. .
t'ollmr". Tl" OKi'io i d!nvi iron Uia OrMI,
'KATH0,"r,illllvTiT lof .r.o. parij j.rrfurmimlm,
r r::-c. Ton invor t boa roceired, and tba pop-'
lantrit hsuhtial.fa nniricedentl anrt incrwl
SUa. Itir.oreao t li iow 11 and HjtaC tt of tbo
Hair. It is a deliiTtittul drrain-. It eradicate
Jmn.lrut. It prnoi u tlie Hair (rora turnm arar.
y "ItiVS. a! T oul? iifty Cculi X MolU.
liwtii Glory is Her Hair.
TTA1TY U' licf for Yont'f? Mn. frn th" of-
feets f i-'iTois und Aloises in early life. Man.
hivid ivtwi-eii. l'lU'e-.iliner-rs to liUiITlP.ce re
IiloVed. New !!lel!l')d H tre.ltllleill. St w mid
mnarKab.1!1 remedies. I'.coks und t'ircnliirs sent
free in se.ile.-l ei!elii):r.s.
Address. MOU'Al.I AS'HTATIOX, No. 2.
V-o;it;i Ninlh Stieet. l'lilhid"! '!ii;i, l'a. iin Insti
11:.;. in hA-.inu a liirti ii in'ii'.tluu ior honorable
ClllnUet .liid Jli nZL'.-iri'J.lA Slwll.
To aivkrtikks. All i-iTsons who contetn
ti!.i;ein:i;.iii'; emitr-wts with newsimjiers for tha
insertion of Aderti.eiiiciit.l ahould stMid to
U.r ;i Circnhir. or Inclose 25 cents fur their on
iitnidivd p. r.-li-rfllliM . eo:il :iin!iiK Lists of
:;.: i Ncv.-n;itiers un-i filmas-s. liovint tho
eir.t t.f ;id erti.-ii'. :i".':o m;i,;y nseful hints to nd-vi-5!s,-i-.
and some ni-eot.i.i'of Hie fxpcrtM-e
c( ii-i! i:o K mi'. n ;is sucronsf ill ad vri rr,ers.
I ! is I V i in :;ie t'le nronrictnrs of the Allielleitu
Xi-wh'i.ijiit AJvcitisiii Agency.
:: ii arc tif ssesscd of unequalled f;u,I11ll',s for -i-iiriiot
tb- hiv-i'timi ! I'dveiltseiiients in all
Xev.s.i!ers mid I'eri. iicul j lit lowest r.itcs.
Book for tho Million.
M AhRI AGZ: 1 A jMiviite counsellor to the
G L'IDE, I M: ..r: led or ll'ose n bout to mar
I iy on the physiological niyste
ri. s ;in.l roela'iuns td the !-'exii;d system, the
i.iie.-.i (:;.civ( ries in producing and preventing
oif-priii1-', In'.v to preserve the complexion, &n.
T!:i' i.s interes: in work ot two hundred
; i 1 t rve.i;y-four i:o;ex, wi'll numerous enniv-i.iu-.
no. I eont.'i.iH vnliniiile i!iforrn;itioii for
j 1,., .... :m ii!;ir; ied. or eonlemplatinK niar
ri. ! I:!.'. 1 is ;i bonk that oii;.'i:t to f kept
1 ; j ; : - 1- 1 i-k ::th1 key, imd not Inlil carelessly
ui'ulll I he poiise.
S. :it' one (free of ixistaite) for KO eenl.
Atidi-i-ss In. Units' l'i.speiisry, Xo. 12, N. atb
street, St. Louis, Mo.
Xii:-." i'i thi; AiTlic-teil an.l Unfortunate
p.ef:r e :i'ipl in-r t tl'.i' notorious ju:wks who
n-i :-e in i':i!:ic p;:p- r. or tisin:? any iiaclt
remedies, peruso l:. I'.n'tV work, no inaitur
wiia' o;.r 11 or how dejiiolal'lc 0U1
colli! It io'l.
Ii. lait! can In consulted, persinally or h
!. ci lli'
Ki .f i-i inciilioiied in Ins works. o l .. 1 .1" tit stieet, li'-tAeen ine .siar
ket a::l Chesnul, .- I. IjIa. Mo. dcc.'-ly
Manhood; How Lid, How Rsaforad
,j,-r. .1,:'A imbii.siieu, a new edition 01
'' ..; Dr. .u!Hi el. a Celebrated C-
' y i:....i ...01.
UO):i ll' j.iniii nut mi 11
me nil e) ot Sifrm atoiikiika
iMii;:! Weakness, involuntary Seminal
l. i l-.Ti- N" t . mental and phjle;d Inna
! , ' I .!!'i.-iirie ! is to MalTbiKe. ete. ; idso.
1 'tiTiov Keif ra-'V, 11 nd Vits, induced j:,-,-. erfe.i,al -.trKVHi:anee.
1 r;.'-" iii a seah'd envelope, only cents.
1 1
elesnv i!einoi:slraix s from a thirty year'
"SHa piitllllf, lltnL lilT null rillllK I I'll
ssf:;l" piaeliee, that the alarming rons1
? of seif-abn-ic. inay lie radically cured
... 1. ..r ru.itii'ili. fir 111, uu.
V. i!
.iti.iil of the knife ; pointing out the Liodi; of
e ;it mice Mini It. ."?itiu and elfectual, by.
11, of which every illerer. no nuvlter what
........ ; i. .m in ii v,' Iii." 111 v cure bi me!f beul V
telv and radlcaiiy.
-1 !iis Ictiii.' should he in the hands of ev-
ve. no! it and ini'ii in the laud.
Scat nniler seal, in iv plain envelop, to any
Mress. on too recetpl oi sis cents, or two imsi-
i)r. Culvcr'3 "Marriau'e Guide,' price 30
CiSlhe J'lililishitsi.
....... . in tvr i. r.r
K,ll.T. o . . rw 1.1 .s r. Mil.
U7 J5iwf rv. Sew York.
40-1 y i'ost Ollico Box, v&i.
Mothers, Mothers.
Don tfail tO proCtirOlrS. nmiw a uviuiiiuiB
Svrilt for C'lllldrt-n feetlilng. ' ,
-This v 'u able pivpnra'mi has been nierl with
it not only rehevet tkfl child from paln. but
iiivi -oi ites the stomal) and Imwels, correcu
iciditv aml.'c toi.nvmd enetvy to the whole
system.' it will also Instiiitly relieve
vreh. 'ievc It tlie best and surest remedy In
tlie world, in nil esses L.v-ntery and Diar
rhea in children, ftlo ;hr arising from let-thing
or any other cnase. :
1 i,.,...i .1 1111111, il in lturs. it will lHva i-eat. j
, .., . .. ... . T J
voursclves and i - - f
Eeuefisd Healu to Yotm IwrAKTS.
'Be sure and call for
"Mrs. "Winsuw'sUothino SiRcr."
lavinc tlie fni?-siniilejH
S" on the 1 "npT.
lX-y rtrujsi'-" Iht'-slioui th
t .1 -Maaaiaw
It aeia ine neiia cuoi, wu ' 1 -
B-iossy ait)nin.:e. II ia In f in ''
and Orii.iTY n it wa owr a yiiARHAol '
VJ .y. ... .. .i.i . .11 Iiniaiiita and Coon-
" J