Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 08, 1873, Image 3

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local ' news!
Transient 05 cents aline. Regular advertisers
cents per line. Jfo adrerOseincnt inserted
'. or laaa than 35 cents.
Legal Advertisements will be charged to the
.parties handing them In.
A car space Is limited, all communication:?
most be brief and to the point, with lio waste of
An tevueted to notify the office II th'o paper la
not delivered promptly.
1. Any person who takes a pawr regularly
Trorn tne pst office, whether directed to his
name, or whether he Is a gubscrloer or not 1
iponsible tor the pay.
. 2. IX anypersorfrders ils paper dlscontlu
S9d, he mux :ay ail arrearages, or the publisher
may continue to send It until pavmcnt is made,
pad collect the whole aniouut, whether the pa
per is takenfrom the offlce or not. ....
3. The cocrta have decided that. refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals from the post
office, or reuoving and leaving t'.iein- uncalled
for, hi priinaevidence cf intexiial huid.
Noticb ToETKRTMODy. All subscribers pay
ing for their paper to us, and ordering it stopped
at a certain time, will find it so stopped ; but
we cannot be responsible for what has been
done beforeour time, nor for orders supposed to
be given byotherS to others. O'ir books alone
must be the ; guide for all old subscriptions,
rieaae remcjibcr this.
Mike MiGuire sheets rats.
" , ' - v. "
Bargains at flank Strclghfs.
A new Eesstaurant next wtek.
Call and,se D. Schnasse & Co.'n now goods.
The Bie:ablo niet at Mrs. Livings
ton's. " . -f
Two brick yards ore
In town iiot.
in operation
fclED Of consumption, E. F. Ko
oer, at the house of Mr. Ballard, in
Plattsmouth, on Sunday, May 4th, 1873,
A new lot of blank deeds, summons';
ubpojna3, &c, &c, for sale at the Her
ald office.
Co to Vivian's for the good ihlngs of this life,
&nd be happy. 0-3t
Tho walls of our High School build
ing are fast rising into prominence, as
fne looks westward on the hills.
A party of home bred and Chicago
educated youths, were having a jolly
time one day last week, at the O. K.
Tweiity-lhrfy emigrant wagons,
crossed -yesterday, on t'm-ir way toward
the setting sun.
One steamboat, two rafts, a mud
turtle and two hen coops have gone
down the Missouri river, this week.
Gaiters for at
Would gi barefooted?
the Shoe Stoic.
Having just received a large lot of
Envelopes, and Letter Heads, we are
prepared to fill large orders in that line.
Handsome dress goods at Clark &
Pluxutuef's. :- Remember the place.
New houses are going up all over
town. One by one, and slowly by de
grees, our town is puUing ou tho airs
bf a large city.
Streight & Black are getting ready
for the summer campaign. Ice cream,
lemonade and goodies generally ! Look
out fo Wiley's first opening!
Solomon & Nathan are enlarging and
fixing up their store room, making a
vast improvement in the looks of
things, and in their capacity to do busi
ness. The Modoc lava beds and the inside
bf the Atlantic beds continue to fur
nish horrors for the pictorial newspa
pers. We are informed that wheat is l5.1c
to 1.00 per bushel, in Nebraska City,
and Connor says he pays $l;03 toy .10
here. Bully for Contior.
Business is so so, and the f armers are
planting, and the weather is lovely, and
our cistern is full, and everybody is
cleaning house.
Stadelman'snew store looms up fine
ly and is going to be one of the most
sensible and best Litilt dwellings we
, The Hon. James Brooks, of New
York, is.dead, and was buried on Sun
day, May 4th. He had served in pub
lic life for many years, and was also a
Journalist, of riote.
Lee Wright lias a veiy pretty little
place just otlt of tow n, with plenty of
fruit! and good buildings on it.. Hav
ing engaged in business on the Bepub
lican, Mr. Wrigl-i desires to s'tll this
place, and it can be bought at fair fig
ures. Call and see the pla':; aTl yoli tie
siring a home.
The Mnnlerer Cnptoreil
Wm. Mcwaters, who assanlted the
Postmaster at Wyoming, and--killed
judge Wolfwho was assisting the LT.
S. Marshal to arrest him. w;is captured
on Monday last at Kansas City, and
will be brofght to Xebraska immedi
ately. We looked in at Mrs. Crocker ves
terday, and the pretty things laving
around fairly dazzled as. What's more,
shei, said she iiad been selling off the
prettiest ones, . when we supposed all
tlia time the prettiest thing obtainable
were already "there. Hats that are hats,
and hats tUaU ar. linnets, were . pre
sented i,o view iri every style, color, arid
kind of material jossible to imagine,
and as. handsome .an . assortment of
flowers, (artificial jf course), as we
have ever seen, Sh fcpeps a "full stock
of mourning '-goQd?,;' j general line
of fancy good3 bf every descrit'tion.
Last, but not least she charms the' eye
with'tiie gracefa'array la her large
k- khow, windows, ad draws theni irre-
Istitty to look in?Je ind then to pur-
The cititetiS cf Boono eoiinty . are
having sonic sport over their oslraor
dlnary supply of bridge. By " some
mistake, contracts for five bridges were
Jet to ilr. Boyd, arid ,also to tiII. T.
Clarke. Boyd erected a bridge at Al
bion, and Clarke built one along side
of it. The people call one right hand,
and the other the left hand bridge.
After completing this bridge, Boyd
went ahead and completed the other
four, but Clarke backed out of the ar
rangemement. Journal.
Fine Cut Tobacco at the Pest bffie
"The American Stud Book" is com
pleted. The index, being copious and
complex has given much trouble and
slightly delayed the publication of ' the
work. It is thought, however, that the
volumes will be ready for delivery to
subscribers by the lFth of May at the
farthest. If they are not ready at that
time, it will not bo the fault of Mr.
Bruce, but of those who perform the
mechanical part of the labor. The
work has loeri completed at the cost
cf ftuch time and labor, and it can
hardly fail to give satisfaction to those
who want goHelhng of standard value
oh the genealogy of tile liorse.
Groceries sold cheap ; fresh
canned fruit, &c, at Vivian's.
vegetables and
A Whole Library.
In presenting a young friend with
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we
have given hiiil a wti'ite library the
most rt'inaifcableand complete compen
dium of human knowledge ever pub
lished in a single volume. A man may
purchase a Bible first, and then a hymn
book, if lie is inclined to psalm-singing,
but the third book should be "Webster's
Unabridged, a3 it will prove a great
fountain of intellectual light, and will
be worth a hundred times its cost to
a:y family that pretends to keep up
with the civilization of the age. In
dustrial Age.
New Goods at the Shoe Store, cheaper than
ever. 3-lf.
West Virginia, not to be behind the
times, has inaugurated a small war on
its own account. The Legislature be
ing at loggerheads with the Governor,
appointed new officers for the various
public institutions. They were direct
ed to take possession " on the fi;?t of
May, but when they appeared at the
Penitentiary on the day named they J
found the Superintendent of that insti
tution intrenched and prepared to de- j
fend himself. He had received orders
from Governor Jacobs to sloot any j
rriaii who attempted to ireddle A' ith h'-j
bilsinc?3, and proposed to execute the j
ordor to the letter. The disappointed j
officials withdrew for consideration, at
which point the report stops. Intcr
O'vun. The undersigned begs leave to an
nounce to the citizens of C.'.ss County,
that from and after this date he has
put down all Watch, Clock and Jewelry
repairing to about one-half the cus
tomary rates.
"Watches and Clocks cleaned for
$1.21, nlaiu Springs put in for 81. 2.1,
and all other work in proportion.
Warranty given. Flease give me a call,
and have jour work done by a first
class workman. American watches
and clocks sold at factory rates. Jew
elry sold for less than Chicago prices.
Please rt'itember the place corner of
Fourth and Main streets, opposite the
Platte Valley House.
Yours, Iicspect fully.
Joseph Sen later.
1'iatUmouth, March 27, 1373. 52-8
March brewed beer is said to be the
best of any brewed through the year,
and as it gets fit to Use about the first
of May, it has passed into a custom
with brewers Cn or about that tiute to
send out to each and all of their cus
tomers' a barrel or two of extra strong,
foaming, March brewed beer, called
Buck beer, and the German legend runs
In this wise: A party of jolly Teu
tons had long been enjoying themselves
drinking much beer, ori pleasant May
day, in old Germany. After many
parting cup's, they finally essayed to go
home. One of the number, feeling
lnore beery than the rest, ran his head
against a stone wall, literally butting
it, sheep fashion. His companions
asked him what lie was doing, when he
replied: Nothing, only that old Buck
went by and kicked me, didn't you see
him tl id n't he kick you? Since that
time this beverage Las been called
Buck beer, and "7UL8 'em got kicked
by the Buck, last's i Plattsmouth.
The Old Countess ; Or, The T wo pro
posals, a Sequel to "Lord Hopes
Choice? by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is in
press and will be published in -a few
days by T. B. Peterson & Brothers,
Philadelphia, Pa. It is the best book
that this popular American Authoress
lias ytt written. "The Old
Countess." will be issued in a
large duodecimo volume, uniform
with "Lord Hope's Choice," and Mrs.
Ann S. Stephens' nineteen other works,
'and will be for s;de at all the Book
stofes at the low price of $1,73 in cloth,
or :?l,oO in paper cover; or copies will
Ik? sent by i:aiirtc anyplace, post-paid,
by the Publisher,; on receipt of the
price of the work in A letter to them.
All of Mrs. Ami S. Stephens. B-oks,
comprising "The Old Countess," -Lord
Hope's Choice," -The Beigning Belle,"
"A Noble Woman," -Palaces and Pris
on".:" -Married in Haste," "Fashion and
Famine," "Wives 'and Widows," "Baby
Gray's Strategy." "The Curse of Gold,"
"Mabels Mistake," ."Doubly False,"
"The Soldier's Orphans," "Silent Strug
gles," "The Wife's Secret," -The Be
jeeted Wife," "Maty Derv.eht," "Tho
Old Homestead" "The Heiress," find
"The Gold Brick," twenty in alb are
put up ia sets, each ret in a neat box,
and are bound iri nicrocco cloth, in uni
form, elegant and durable style; with
new new and beautifully tles'gned
backs, iii full gilt, price STJO it set,
and ate published by T. B. Petersen &
Brothers; No. 308 thestnut .. Street,
Philadelphia, Fa.; wt:p: will sei.iajiet
td any one, per express,' freight paidTSk
f eceiff of price. ; fi
Two weeks tefore this event the
womeii begin to look wild, their hair
rissurnes astiffer perpendicular, their
eyes a fierce glitter.
As the day set for the business ap
proaches, slight symptoms of monoma
nia on tl'.e subject of .carpets and fur
niture break out. Their dres3 becomes
more and more airy, their hair more
and more "fly-ey," and their eyes snap
quicker and quicker on the morning of
holise cleaning, long before the " broke
t day," they are up and on the ram
page. Quiet old bachelor, staid mar
ried man, pack your' carpet bag and
leave, for there is no place for you the
next week, and for two weeks your
pens, ink, boot-jack, slippers, overcoat
and thing, will be found from garret
to cellar.
But oh, how happy ,and lovely the
ladie3 do look when it's all over, and
they get their senses again. Then, the
house smell3 so sweet', and our wives
are so patient and loving for weeks af
ter, that it almost reconciles one to tho
yearly perplexity of the disease called
house cleaning.
The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Store In
Cass County. Nothing below cost, but cheaper
than ever. Peter Merges.
Mr. Cor. l: Schaller, tho chief of the
agents of the B. & M. Railroad, in
Great rintain, arrived in this city yes
terday', direct from England. Mr.
Schaller had designed coming over
in the ill-fated. Atlantic, but was de
layed by business; and thus escaped
shipwreck. He informs Us that about
twenty English immigrants to Nebras
ka, who had considerable capital with
them, being mostly well-to-do farmers,
were lost with the Atlantic, among
them Mr. Fletcher and ins bride, mar
ried but three days before their em
barkation, dipt. Williams is held re
sponsible, in England, for the loss of
the vessel and the fearful holaeust of
human life. Mr. Schaller informs us
that a large number of the right kind
of immigrants will arrive this season
from Great Britain, whose capital to
each family will ruii on an average
from 400 to G00, and one large farm
er has just sold out there to come to
Nebraska with his seven sons, who will
bring about 40,000 gold, to the aggre
gate capital of the State.
Mr. Schaller went to Omaha yester-
dav. and will return to this city about
ti,e middle of next week. He
templates a somewhat protracted stay
in Nebraska this time. Linwln Jour
Paul, the Jeweler, desires to let folks know,
through the columns of the Hfkai.p, that he
sells Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry cheaper
than ever, or as he says, "so good as never was"
that is to s;iy "shorty" put that in for him.
Chains Rings, Napkin Holders, and all kinds
of Jewelry for sale at reduced prices ; must sell
for bread and butter.
Repairing well done and warranted. Remem
ber this, and call and see Paul Iiiaitseh, the
Jeweler. 6-it
The following scene from a San
Francisco Police Court, will givo the
reader an idea of the average brain of
the. nice young men of that locality.
Col. Barnes Since you have been
twenty-one years of age what has been
your business.
Ans. Well, sir, sometimes I'm in
business, and I play a little poker some
times. T travel aronnd considerable
and do some correspondence for the
pajers. I take a copy of Shakespeare
around with me, studying to go upon
the stage, and I thought of making
my debut in Itosedale. Laughter.
Q. What part of Shakespeare did
you find llbsedale in ?
A. I did not find it in Shakespeare
at all, but it was a matter of doubt
with me whether I should take Hamlet
or Bosedale. Renewed laughter.
Q. Ahd you finally settled down to
playing poker? Great laughter.
A. Well, that came about as well as
Q. That is a matter of taste?
A. Yes; where a person is profi
cient in it.
Q. Are you a proficient ?
A. No, sir; I am oiie of those. un
lucky ones. I play mostly with bus
iness men.
Spring Goods at Schuasse & Co.'s. They're
going fast ; call and see ihem ere they flij.
We this week visited the stock of
Mr. Hugh Orr, at the farm of S. L.
Thomas, near Pour Mile Creek. They
are pure blooded Devons, and really as
fine animals of the breed as we ever
saw. All stock men know that there
are various opinions as to the merits of
the Short Horn and the Devon breeds
of cattle, and considerable rivalry be
tween the breeders of each variety."
Our friends, Orr and Thomas are en
thusiastic Devon lovers; and for the
purioses that Mr. Orr intends to use
some of this stock that is, to cross
with Texas herds they are no doubt
the In st and most suitable breed.
For niilk, ant consequently as butter
and cheese makers, the Devon also
stands high.
Christopher, two year old bull, herd
book pedigree 403, and a large, fine
aninlal two younger bulls, respective-
j ly; Counsellor and Nebraska Chief, five
or six months old, verv large for their
age,' and as slick as moles.
The cows ale nanied Flora, fthe 3d),
herd-book, 121 ; Dl-ani herd-book, JJ02;
Hopeful, heid-book.'. IC'21 j Ttuby, herd
book, 1204.' They all Jiavicg, a record
in the herd-book are, ccnselieritjy, pure
blood Devon, worth any ones while to
examine, especially in this country
where so much of tha future wealth of
the farmer must depend oil tile quality
of the stock he keeps.
Part of this herd goes to Cheyenne,
to join the rest of Mr. Orr's cattle on
the plains,, and the rest remain here
with Mr- Thomas.
Jin T. has also some very good Berk
shire iJf d Magee pigs, and a few with;
"on? sandy boy3 mixed in the
Ceataur Liniiacnt.
There Is no pain which the Centaur LTnlment
will not relieve, no swelling It will net subdue,
and no lameness which it will not cure. This is
strong language, but it Is true. -Where the parts
are not gone, its effects are ttarrellous. It has
produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia,
lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache,
caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c,
upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin,
galls. &c, upon animals in one year than have
all other pretended remedies since the world
began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing
pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their
crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites arc ren
dered harmless, and the wounded are healed
without a scar. It is no humbug.
selling as no article ever before sold, ahd !t sells
because it. does just what It pretends to do.
Those who now suffer from rheumatism pain or
swelling deserve to suffer If they will not use
Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs,
chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c
have .been received. We will send a circular
containing certificates, the recipe. &c, gratis to
to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel
low v.Tapper Centaur Liniment is worth one
hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor
ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep.
Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at
tention. No family should be without Centaur
Liniment: J. B. Rose & Co., New York. -HMy
Castobia Is more than a substitute for Cas
tor Oil. It Is the only safe article in existence
which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate
the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural
sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine
or al"ohol, and is pleasant to take. Children
need hot cry and mothers may rest. 4-ly
By Mrs. Chavncey Wiltse.
From The Omaha Republican.
Winter lay dying, wild the wind-harps walled.
By fitful March their tuneful chords were
From helpless hands an ley sceptre fell
The chill reign ceased, and April softly wept.
The few dead leaves that clung to withered
. stems,
Rustled a reuuiMu ns they fluttering fell ;
Glowing w ith inward life, on bare, brown boughs,
Unfurling buds with leaf and blossom swell.
The waters wakening from their wintry sleep.
By Wooing winds, released from icy chains,
Fountains and lakes, rills, buoks and river.? glad,
"Withlsilvery sounds, unite in dulcet strains.
Soft, fleecy clouds float in an azure sky.
Like hclmltss ships sailing o'er shoreless seas.
Seeking no harbor, for no haven bound.
But drifting ouward with eachpassing breeze
The Joyous robins chirp with twittering notes
A rapturous prelude to the music rare
Of the wild, wordless, matchless melodies
Of thrush and oriole, soon to fill tho air.
On woody slopes, deep fringed with velvet moss
W here sunny lights and flickering shadows
Anemones and odorous violets
Embalm the air with incense pure and sweet.
Swift flies the shuttle of tin Jnolseless loom.
Where viewless fairies ply with tlngers licet,
Weaving, In varied tints of living green,
A grassy carpet 'ncaih our wandering foe.
Caressing zephyrs kiss the trembling leaves
As May trips lightly o'er her path of flowers.
Merry with music, sweet with breath of bloom.
On joyous wings swift fly the golden hours.
Remaining in the 1'ost Office at Flattsmouth,
May 1st, 1S73 :
I Alexander Jas. A. MfMurtz Tt
Bell 1 II. Morrison M.
j Brink It. Moore j. II.
! 15'iidakcr i MeCann W.
Bell O. T. Tatton Rev. W. B. S.
l'.rown Mrs. Fannie Rainier A.
Bengen V. O. Barker Miles
Crane Rev. R. IL Rasley Ira
Carlson C. Reed Mrs. R.
Duffey Mrs. Reed Miss M.
Evans S. J. Rich O.
Ellison A. B. Hliepherd J. W.
Elson Mr. Stout Miss Anna
Gardner Mrs. F. Smith L. 2 letters.
I loon T. E. Sans Jas.
Hayes Chris. Shields Frank
Hawkins F. Station C. W.
Henry W. A. Tompkins Miss M.
Kope.T. Walker M. T.
LeddyO. E. Wright J. B.
Landinesson L. Wood John
Bull E. A. Waybright S. S.
J. W. Marshal, I M.
t i -
Abstract of Assessment in Cass County
Nebraska, for the year 1S73.
Whole number of acres,
ami value, of laud listed
in the count v, 30S'627
Total valuation of town lot,
Amount of property invent
ed in
Amount of projtwrty invest
ed in manufactures.
Amount invested in stock
or shares.
Amount of money and
Amount of taxable house
hold furniture.
Number of horses and their
total value. 8,593
Number of neat cattle, and
their total value. 12,703
Nrmber of mules and asses,
and thei'- total value. 400
Number of sheep, and their
total value, 507
Number of swine, and their
total value, 52,364
Number of carriages and
vehicles of all kinds, and
their total value,
Number of do-s, 723
Number of jmiIIs
Amount railroad property.
Value of all property not
enumerated and n-Jt ex
empt. f 2.1.V..797
Total valuation of properly In the Co., $3,767,472
Last Wednesday's wind storm prostr
ated the East side of the Penitentiary
fence at Lincoln and one of the con
victs, Boss by name from Hall County
took the opportunity to smuggle one
of Warden Caupbells horses from the
stable, and "light out." The alarm was
given and he was speedily captured.
Lincoln wants a Board of Trade.
Mrs. C. II. Vinton has our thanks for
cash and good wishes to the Hekald.
Mr. Holbrook still lingers in the lap
of Plattsmouth, ere shooting out to
some frontier settlement, or long sur
veying trip opening up new country
ftr tew Indian wars.
E. Plummer, Senior, the pere of E.
Plummer, of the firm of Clark & Plum
mer, has returned to Plattsmouth again,
and once more greets us with a pleas
ant smile as we pass up and down our
daily promenade.
Mrs. Latham has left the balmy air
of so tit hern Nebraska, for the snow
clad hills of Canada. May she have a
pleasant trip arid safe return, is the
heartfelt wish of the Herald.
Oh, how solemn Latham looks.
D. U. Wheeler returned from the Re
publican valley, on Monday, last.
Hon John Rouse was in town en
Tuesday. ,
Eugene. Munn, Esq., of the county
visited us on Tuesday last.
T. B. '-.Stevenson, of Nebraska City,
turned rjp m Plattsmouth, Tuesday
f .A brother of S- H. Libert, now Gov
ernor of Utah, visited us this week.
Oake3 Amea was attacked by paraly
sis on last Monday evening, and but
little hopes are ertertainod of his re
covery. He is 69 years old.
The ridiculous flurry which the New
York papers made on the Curtis resig
nation is only another eviclcifce of how
little there is to censure in tho conduct
of. the- Adminstration. While we
choerftllly testify to the scholarship
and editorial ability of Mr. Curtis, we
are fully convinced tnat all the most
impracticable aud unpopular features
of the civil service rules were devised
or suggested by him, and that civil ser1
vice reform is likely to be the gainer
by Ins resignation. In fact his resig
nation is a matter entirely personal to
himself, and not of the slightest con
sequence either to the civil service, the
Administration, or to the country at
large. We . have no doubt Mr. Curtis
himself regrets the unwarrantable
manner in which his nanie has been
used. Republic.
The Coining Woman!
From Kate Field's Critique on lkurhum.
Since my introduction to Barnum's
female gymnast a gnoddooklng,. well
formed mother of a family, who walks
about unflinchingly . with men and
boys on her shoulders find carries a
300 pound gun as easily as the ordinary
woman carries the clothes-basket I am
persuaded that "the coming woman,"
like brother Jonathan will "lick all cre
ation." In that good time, voman will
have her rights because she will have
her muscle. Then if there are murders
and playful boatings between husbands
nnd wives, the wives will enjoy all tho
glory of crime. What an outlook! And
what a sublime conso'ation to the pres
ent enfeebled race of wives that are
having their throats cut and their eyes
carved out merely because their biceps
have not gone iuto training! Barnum,s
female gymnast is an example to her
sex. What woman has done, woman
may do again. Mothers, train up your
daughters in the way they should fight,
and when they are married they well
not depart this life. God is on the side
of the stoutest muscle, as well as of the
heaviest battalions. It is perfectly
useless for Miss Anthony to talk about
the equality of the sexes as long as a
man etui strangle his mother-in law.
NEW YORK, May 6.
Monev 1501GO
Gold." 117
Governments .Strong!
Flour Quie't
Wheat Dull
Corn Active
Oats Easier "
Bye Dull
Barley Dull
Cattle Good
Hogs Live
5 00C T5
1 25 14'
SO ?z
3 50 0 30
5 00LA5 50
Wheat 105e,ll0
Barley C0Ii70
Corn 10(f:',20
Oats 23&23
Bye 4o(f.50
Beported by Cutler & Wtiite.
Vivian's is the placo to buy your Groceries
and Provisions. 5-3t.
Business is business, and so arc th Cigars at
the I. O. Book Store. 5-tf.
Ladles, call and examine the n!ce and cheap
Gaiters at the Shoe Store, before you buy else
where. No charge for showing them.
Office and Store rooms. Inquire of Mrs. A.
D. Whitcomb, or at this office. 3-5t.
Groceries, dry goods, general mer
chandise, at Clark & l'lummer's,
Quick sales and small profits. 5t2
I. Schnasse! & Co. having received a complete
stock of goods for the Spring trade, desire their
friends and patrons to call and examine tho
same before purchasing elsewhere, as they are
satisfied that the old house can dc as well by its
customers as any In town. S-H.
The large and commodious wareroom, cellar,
and oSice ou second floor of building formerly
occupied by Jacob Vallery. iT- in Masonic
Block. Enquire of li. K Livingston or
48-tf. E. T. Duke.
Frank. AYhite, with an S. in it, keeps
groceries on Main street, close by
".Shorty" XeWman's Clothing Store.
Call and see his stock. 5t3
We konstantly keep a komplete stock of kroc
kery, kwcensware, kutlery, kongress palters,
kodfish, korsets, knickers, kandy, kollars, k!
thln;, knotions, kerosene, kotfee, kurrauts,
kottonades, kassimeres, kandles, and every
thing konsistently konnected with the trade,
which we are selling at lowest ka-sh prices ;
konseiiuently kasli kustomers kneed to kali
kwick to get bargains. Hkf.d Bros.,
5-tf .Weeping Water, Neb.
, Cri Monday May Sth; between East and Vest
Cedar Creeks, on the Mullen Kanch lioad. three
bed Comforts, two calico on both Mdes, and fill
ed with cotton ; one calico on one side and
woolen blanket on the other, and filled with
wool ; also two pieces unbleached muslin, 21-4
yards in each piece, and two pillows. The above
articles were rolled together and a white wool
en blanket wrapped around them, with a new
halter strap buckled around, thenu They vvero
lost off a wagon while moving. A liberal re
ward will le paid to any orte delivering the
abttve thinas at the Heuald office, or at my
farm four miles west of I'lattsmouth.
c-tt , , S. L. Thomas.
Legal Advertisements.
Legal Notice.
Margaret E. Harbison, in the State of Ken
tucky, Stearns K. Cooper, of the eit v of Chica
go and State f Illinois, John Tallou, the First
National Hank of I'lattsmouth, Neb,, I.aina
Duke, John S. l)uke, Mamrie I.. Bennett, and
Ella Cooper, of the County of e'luss and Stale
of Nebraska. Defendants in the ease mentioned
herein, will take notice that the District Court,
Second .Judicial District, in anil for Cass Coun
ty and State of Nebraska, at the April term A.
D. ls73 of said Court, made the following order,
to-w it :
Lloyd I. Bennett and Elbert T. Puke. Execu
tors of the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased,
l'laintills, against Lavinia Duke and others,
letcndauts. petition to sell lands to pay debts
of said deceased. This cause came on t- be
heard uM)ii the petition of the saiil l'laintilfs
and their proofs, aud the Court, being full v ad
vised in the preue-es, order that the Defend
ants in this case appear before the Honorable
tieo. B. Lake, Judgn of the said District Court,
at the Court rotlm in the Court House in the
city of Omaha aud County of Douglas and State
of Nebraska, m the ;th day of June, (being
the second Monday thereof i A. D. 1873, at 1
o'clock i: m., to show cause why a license
should not be granted to the said Llovd D.
Bennett and Elbert T. Duke, executors as afore
said, to sell so much of the real estate of the
said Shepherd Duke, deceased, as shall be ne
cessary to pay the debts Of said Shepherd
Duke, deceased.
It is further ordered by the Court that a copy
of this order be published foursuccessie weeks
In the "Nebraska Hekald", a newspaper
peblbued and pf genera! circulation in said
Court y of . ,
Said Defenders ere hereby notified that said
Executor?, l'laint iffs, as above set forth, w iil at
the time and place mentioned Iri said order ap
ply to said JiidKe for said lice-nse to sell said
real estate of said deceased to pay the debts a
aforesaid. Attest, . .
D. VT. McKINNO.- ?
Clerx cf the District Court of Cass County,
and State of Nebraska. -.- - . .
Wheeled & 8ti?:ch'v)mb,
5-4t$i5.50 Attorneys for Ffatnrt 3b.
, Probate Kctlce.
Tb whom It may concern, -f
Take notice, that Theodore Podjra hiw filed In
tnv olllce an Instrument of writing .purportm
to'be the last will and testamen tot L. K. Koeer,
nnd made application to have the same admit
ted to lrobate, and that said cause, is set for
hearing at my office hi 1'Iattsmouth, on
Saturday 2ith day of May, A. D. 1873,
at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. at which time all
persons Interested are notified to appear aud
contest the same -and show cause, if any they
have, whv said Ii1rtrnment should not be TlMcu
ed as the last will and testament of E. V. Koger,
deceased. '. ;
Witness rav hand and official seal at Tlatts
mouth. Nebraska, on Uils day of May,
A. I . 1973. 1U E. Ellison,
C ot. l'robatf Judo.
NOTICE is hereby plven tl'at nnder and by
virtue of the articles ot tneonwration of the St.
lxv.iis & Nebraska Trunk Kailroad t'ompany,
tiled in the of the Secretary of the State
of Nebraska, on the Jlst rfav ol August. A. 1.
1S72, Books will be opened for subscription to.
the capital stock of said 8St. l.ouis & Nebraska
Trunk lUtileoad Company, at the State Hank ol
Nebraska hi the City of Omaha ou tho 7th day
of May, tsTM.
A. s. I'AWMK'K, Incorporators.
riattsmouth. Cars Co.. Nebraska, April 4. 1S7S.
ii2 5w
Attachment Notice.
M. J. O'Neil. 1
vs. V
r. li. o'Neiu j
ToT. 11. 0'N'eil : . v
You are hereby notified that sn- attachment
v:is issued by me in favor of the above Plaint ill
and against the above named Defendant, for the
sum of sixty-three i'k! dollars and tri:U set for
faturunv tne Hist nay ot Mdy. 173, at to o ciock
a. m. of said dav, at which time juiltrmciit will
le rendered against you if you do not appear
anu snow cause io tao conti.m .
3 3w Justice of the l'eace.
I'lattsmouth, April 12th, 173.
Legal Notice.
John T. Craig, whose place of residence Is
unknown.. Agnes Martin and Kobeit Martin, of
t he State of Iowa. Margaret oung and t harles
Young, whose place of residence is unknown,
William W. Craig and Mary :. Kitclicy and
Matliew D. Kitclicy. of the State of CJregon,
Sarah Ann Carton and Lrt'.-er Cafton, of the
State of Kansas. June L. Craig, Josi.ih Craig,
and Joseph M. Craig, of the Conutvof Cass and
State of Nebraska, wiio are lelen"dants in tho
crise mentioned herein. . ,
.Will take notice that the Pis'riet Court. Sec
ond Judicial District, In and for Cass County
and Stare of Nebraska, at the April term A. D.,
173 of said Court made the following order,
to-wit :
(leo. II. Black, administrator, de bonis r.on.
Of the estate of Sarah Craig, deceased. Plain
tiff against John T. Craig and oih-.-rs. Defend
ants, pctaion to sell lands to pay debts. of said
deceased. This cause came on" to be heard ou
the petition of tiie said Administrator, Plain
tiff, and his proofs, and the Court being full
advised in the premises, orders that the De
fendants in this case apnear before the Honor
able tieorge li. Lake. Judge of the said District
t ourt, at l lie Court room in tiie Court House in
the city of Omaha in the County of Douglas
and State of Nebraska on the wih day of June
(.being the sef'iid Monday thereof) A. P.. !S7.'t,
at one. o'clock p. in., to show cause why a li
cence should not be granted to tin said tieorge
H. Black, Administrator as afnrciaid. to ell so
much -of the real e.-tate of said Sarah Crn'g, de
ceased, as shall be necessary to pay the debts CI
said Sarah Craisr, d'-ce.-ised.
It is further ordered by the Court that a copy
of this order be puM'shed foursuccessive weeks
in the Nkkkaska Hkwai.d, a newspaper pub
lished and of general circulation in said County
of Cass.
Said Defendants are notified that said Adminis
trator, l'lai'itiif, as above set forth, will, at the
time and place mentioned in said oroc, apply
to said Judge for said license to sell said real
estate of said deceased to pay the debts as
aforesaid. Attest.
Clerk of the Ptrict Court of Cass County
and Slate of Nebraska.
5-4tl5 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Public Sale of School Lands.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant, to an act
of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska en
titled an act "to provide tor the registry of
School Lauds for the control and disposition
thereof, and for the safe keeping of the funds
derived from the sale and ieyje of said lauds"
which said act was approved June illii, A. D.
ls7. And also in accordance with a subse
quent amendment to said act, approved Febru
ary loin, A. D. l-so'j, 1 will ou
Wednesday the 2th day of June
next, at the Hour ct ten o'c
oik A. m..
tne trout Uoor f the Coi
tilt House in
Plattsiiioutii City. Cass County,
forsule nt public, auction to tiie h
till the following described School
county, to-wit :
ebraoka, offer
igliest bidder.
Lands in said
5F H W
o 5 P
T 83
S3 io 0
18 10 9
16 11 9
13 11 9
1 11 9
3G 11 9
3(i 12 9
10 12 10
16 12 10
16 12 10
16 11 10
16 11 10
18 11 10
30 11 1Q
30 11 10
16 10 1Q
30 10 10
16 10 11
10 10 11
16 10 11
30 10 11
16 11 11
16 11 11
16 11 11
16 11 1!
16 11 11
36 11 11
30 12 11
10 10 12
36 11 13
30 11 12
30 13 12
36 13 12
30 10 13
36 11 13
30 11 13
Part of Section;
s. J,'
n. H
s. w. tj
n. J of s. e. Vi
all of, .
s. cf h. e. !
n. J2' of s. e. X
s. e. ;a . of s.
e. a
n. H of n. e. if
s. w. if of n. e, J4
W. 'tj
s. H of n. w. i
a 1'
. ,-2
S. W. Lf
all of
n. H. ,
n. li of s. e. U
B. w. if of s. e.
s. e. J of n. w.
s. w. 4 of n. e. (
n. e. of n. w.
s. J2 of n. w. 4
n. of s. w. Vf
n. e. 4 ol s. e.
s. e. 4, s. w. i of S. r:'. Vf
n. e. if of s. e. if
all of
n. e: j s. w. .
c 1 4 of s. e. ,Vf
lot 3
lot 4
s. e. . of n. e. H
p. w. Vf of n. e. Af
lot 4
Said sale will be continued from dav in day
until all of the above described lands shr.'.l have
been offered.
In witness wliereof I have hereunto set my
band and affixed the seal of said County, at
I'lattsmouth, this Ctli dav of- Mav, A. D. ?73.
1). W, M Kixnov.
C-7t. County Clerk. "
. No Prnnn ran lake lee Bitter ac
centing to directions. ant remain long unwell,
provided their bones are not destroyed by mine
ral poison or other means, and vital organs
wasted beyond the poiut of repair.
Dyspepsia or Ilit;eit ioi, Headache,
Tain In the Shoulders, e'oiitflis. Tightness of the
Chest, Dizziness. Sour Eructation of the Sto
mach. Pad Taste in the Month; Bilious Attacks,
'Palpitation of ttie tfiurt. Inflammation of the
Lungs, Pain Iu the regions of the KUIoeys. and
a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oiT-sprin-rs
of Drspepsia. One loltic will prove a
btftter guarantee of its merits than a lenglby
For FciiinUComnUlntf, in yonng or old,
married or single, at tho dawn of Womanhood,
or the turn of life, these Tonic flitters display so
decided an influence that lmprovamcut is soon
JKor Inflammatory nntl Chrenlo
Itheuntat lm and Gout. lUlious. Imminent
and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases oftUe Uiood,
Liver. Kidneys nnd ltladder, these Hitters have
ro equal. Such DLscasesare caused by Vitiated
Blood. . , - r-'. .
. "1 key are a gentle Pnrgatl" well
n a Tonic, possessing the merit of acting aa
a powerful ajjeni in rclicrfug Congestion or In
flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs,
and in bilious Diseases. . ' ,
-For Skin Diseanea. Eruptions, Tetter. Salt
r.'ieum, ltlo'.ches, Spois, Pimple Pustules,
Bolts, Carbuncles. King-worms, Scald-ilcad,
Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoid ra
tions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases or the
&kin of whatever name or nature, are liter
ally dug up and carried out of tho sy
' tem iff a short time. by .the twe cf these Bitters.
t Grateful Thousand proclaim VINBKaK
ErrTEiw the most .wonderful Invigoraat that
ever gastaineil the slnltlTig svstent. -'
.J It. If. !IcDv5Al.( &. co: '
Drngi9t3 aod Gen. Ag'Ju. San Francisco, Coi...
Arr of Waf blngton ajyl Chajitca S-ta.. K V.
To Farfo'erB Hn3 Horse&eii.
Ijt, W. D. Jone beps leave to cull attention
to the fact that he has Just received two xvrf
Cno animals from the east. Tlx. :
From Fairfield. Ioya, and the Iron Grey itor
tnau Staliiou called
Five rears old n"d -weJiHts 1V ponnlr.
They are both sine foal getters, and will stand
at Hook Bluifs and elsewhere in tho County
during the season. For full particulars see
Bills. 61-13L
-ri c f oil"
Ituns very Easy.
Huns very Fast,
" ' Ttnns very Still,
Has a New Shuttle superior to all others.
Great Improvement in Needle, '''
. Cannot be Set Wrong.
J3TAgents Wanted. '
Address THR "VICTOR" 8. M. CO.
54 10th st., 4 doors west of Broadway, N. V.
40-1 at.
lit A. wateumAn & SOX
Wholesale and Kctall Dealers In
Pine Sj ii m b cr,
gusli, Doors, Minds, &c.
OP all kinds;
Herald Office,
Of All Kinds,
nebHaska herald office.
...... . kiAixsfcotfil, K2D. f t 4
a, - -
, V .
Alwr.ya on hand, and foraaloat lowest Cnn
price. "... : ( ' ( " . . ,i
fTWThe iiigncn prlcea paid fbr Wlieat nad
Corn. '
Particular attention pivpn to PuVrh vrdt.
Manufacture tho CclebmtoJ
Jiibilob and Temple Organ's.
'Thesfl Organs are unsurpassed in qnaltty of
tone, style of finish, simplicity of construction,
and dur.thilitv.
Also MKIaVii;ONS in various styles and un
cnualed In tone.
Send for Illustrated CnL'tlogue, ,
Address NEW HA . KX ohOAN T.V
, ... New Uaten, Coin.
fir-Agents Ivanlhd. 44-lSt
' - - -
mttKt mm
I am now rre;itcd to,furnUh ti betna
dulterated milk . t ,
To all parties notifying me - . '
rrrEit boos.
Excelsior Barber Sho
t .
. : t
Muln street, opposite Broof.i itc-ist.
flair Cutting, Shaving and
Kpcclal attention giycii.t? . ; ; . t .
tt - Vv - - . '
vmi uuu aee uuu.t, geuuanagct a boon io a
clean Shave; .
Dealer In
General Merchandiser
?ueh as
Dry Goods,
(Jueennwara, ' ' " n
, Hata, Caps, '
, . Uooia, Shota
Nctl-ri9, &o.; &o.
We are Agents for
Willcnx t- Gibbs" Sewing Machittz.
The lft of Fresh Meats always
hand in their itason.
. . . ' -' - i
. - ,,''
tST- Highest Caah Pric peld fcr greea hidaa.
. If-
5tAi:i EREET,
n.ATTSMorTir, ...
faiuiers exchange,
b. g. hoover;
Keens constantly on hand aU 8taplB ArtincJ
such aa
SUGAR, ' ..
Dry Griodsj
Boots, Shoes, &c
In fact, everything usually kept in a Variety
Store, which will he sold on small profit lor
CAML All kinds of Produce taken in exchanga
fcrgoois, ami the, , 'wfi
Highest-Market Prices given tti Cce
fcr Urain. . . 1
Machine Shop
IVayiiidn ij Curtis
r.epnlrcrs of Steam Engines, Boilers, fiaw
Grist Mills. ... -
Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron rir'i
Force and Lift Pumps. Steam Guages, Safety
alve Governors, aud all kind of
- i ' ' ' - -
Brass fingino Fittings
Furnished on Bhortnotlc.
Farming Machinery
Kcpaired on short .notice. . , 8-tt )
Tlios. W: Sliryock,
4 r ,.
And dealer in all kind ct
Furinturo anq cuairs,
Tt , ' ' ' ,. .
ittCr StitEET. Kex't door to Btot-ks ucist. C'
f'Riric ii "Va.ft.Atifr.3; nett! '
WrTlvi i I