V ri r r ' ,-t .-. .. THE .HERALD. " - - rublUhederety.Thursday at . fiATTSMOUTn, JSEBRASKA. -1"'" . ... OKic-Cirnr Main and Second Street Second Story. 1 is -r THE HERALD' One square, (to line or lws) no Insert.' o.'. $L03 Each subsequent Insertion tf Professional cards, not exceeding six linos. .I'J.od K column per annum 2.00 1 column per iinnum . .40.06 column da i. ...... .00.(16 1 Ori5 ci.lmnn do lOO.Otf All advertising bills duo quarterly. Transient advertisements must be piild fCr 111 advance. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS i ' COUNTY. J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS : $2.00 a Year. Terms, In Advance: One oopj, one year........ $2.00 Cue copj, six months.. 1.00 One copy, three months. .".............. 50 Volume 9. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, May 8, 1873. Number 6 EXTRA CY'I'IK OF T!tE ITPRAtJ) for alo by II; .1. Mrcbrlit.at Hie. Post irn-e, and O. F. John son, innicr f Main and Fifth Sts. t i 4 n 1 ' ! .... ATTORNEYS. CAM. M. CILJM AX Attorney at I-iw and fco'ielwir inVhaneerv, Phittsmouth, Xeb. OHlue lu Fitzgerald's Plock. "T B. IEESE. Attorney at L.'.w. Ofllce on - Man Street, over CbTntn Tri''f1flt,-r?f I. II. Wf-lXiU J. W. fTIXCHCOMB. W!ller: & StlncJacomb, ATTOIti t9 AT JAW," ; FAKtJCETT. SMITH & STARrilRD. Attor ..;. tiw. Pracfiee in all the courts of 4 the State; , k et U attention given to collections and m:niT9rtf Probate.- " - OiTlceciere.l'otomce, riattsmoutn, .apu. T? R ft I V 1WJSTON. Prrvslelan anu HurgeoH, J-V. T.mim. Ihui -nrofessiorial service to the eM?ns C eouritv. liesitleu southeast crner of OaV and Sixtti stret.- ; office 011 Jlain ytoniiu;. Pla tirtoiuh. Xehrasks.. Oflice at O. I". JoluisflB'S lrug Store. Main street. W1IKEW:B BEXSETT Ktal Kato and ' Tax ay i VS Agent. N ot-u1 es l'ubl iv 1 1 re aaid Lite lnurMioe Agenis, i-unismum, .-.t-u. "TJHELIS AGJE Cenenil Insuranee Ac KiireM-iH ome of the most reliable t ent, ironies in tU ItJted lats. -JanT-wtf . - HOTELS. - BROCKS HOUSE, JOIli FttZGEItALD, Proprietor. Main Stfegbetween Fifth fc Sixtlu MISCELLANEOUS. lla;Lmoutli Til Ills. C1 If EISEL, tmprietor. Have recently been repaired .'d placed In thorouali running orler. HX.ue -isheli of Wheat wanted ininie (ii:ttoly for woic4f he highest market price will t e paid. - i Hiwt-HrtS. of TillO. riHIE TMEKlL SYSTEM The best In us? for destipt e circulars, Hildres.s. Burlington, Iowa. (IKEEXIIOUSE AND BEDDING ; il'LANTS. Time and monc r saved by onlcrhis or me. I have the larveMtjAd best colk-rtion of Hants i veroT.-red tor:;:le iu the West. Catalogues f ve. Sweet PotiUO. t !abbare. Tomato, ai.u otii er I'lants for sale 4) their seuwm. A.tUifi WJ. jjptirU.t. ilatumouth. eb. FINE AliT GALLERY. WI"5iotoarapIf, Ambrotype and copies from old pictures. 3lnin or coloreil. ei.iier in ink water or oil. All w irk neatly exeented and war ranted to give IXAItT). Artist. lo-tf Main St., Plattsmouth, "cb. NEW DRUG STORE- . - - WAIPiy; WATER, SEl T.ui'oTTER, - - peai-kk ix i)Rt';s. niEPinyrs, pint3, OILS. VAK?ISH. PEKKKMElty, STAT I O EKY, ' OTi O N " ': CXGtH ANblU- . ' , - . iJEcto. . . itf. li. GOLDING, 8fre( t. (ink d(nr west 01 layman a imuiuki iaru, l'h'.'r:imoyti,Kiet)rafca. - ' "x W. lik"vJNS, Rursreon and l"hysh:i;in. in.t flitef of t lie Anuv of ths I Dialer in C ' cLOTnixo. Frnxjrix goods, hats, CA1H BoDTSJfnoKS. TiJCNKS, ri VALISES. Oil'.FHT BA'Js', . f A.C &.sj ic, &c " One of the oldest aid most Keliabh! If oases ln riattsiiioiitn. Mail :i tree t, between Fourth tusd Fifth. i; fc-KEMEMBEB THE TL.VCE. r n8-tr, f XEnr STYLES. E. L. ,EXiSTER, , MERCHANT TAILOR. Is In receipt of the finest and - BEST ASSOJITJrEXT CASSIMEKES. CLOTHS. Vi:STIX'JJ',SCOTCn GOODS, IKISH IKIEES, &C. Tn fact, the largest ahd best assortment of Cloths ever broiiKlit to t!us city, wincn 1 am prepared to make up hi tae Latest Styles. Call and examine Goods. aprilis. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, V SALT, & L'l 'Eli Y STABLE. Main stnet, riattsmouth, Xch. I am prepare to aeebrumodate the public with , - 4 Horses, Carriac5, Butties, j.ins. ; janil a Xo. 1 Hearse. On short notiie an tasnable tenis. A ILu'lt will run to .'lie Steaii3Kat Landing, Depot and all parts of (he city vjhen desired. . Janltf. ' , . - Mrs- A. D. V.'jfoomh. DRESS A!?D CLOAK MAKER. Rooms three dors west of Brooks House. ; CUTTIIG AND FITTING Made a speeialtj. Patterns! all kinds constantly on hand gtf-iy- , New Lumber Yard. . nartnpr openri a Lumber Yard at Louisville I will keep on land all kinds of Lumber, Lath, 1 poors. Blinds. - - fehinples. Sash, S.C., ' 4.. &c, &c, lc ty I will alo deal In all kinds of Grain, for vUich I will VW the highest market price. - E. XOYE3. LenlsvHle. V - - - - Xebraska. 9. "Blaciismith Shop. i . ... - -i- ; CHAS- X. TIFFAXY, ; J : ; MT PLEASANT, NEB. -'Begs leae to inform the farmers of Ca33 Couai that he keeps a good No. 1 !X ::BLAC?SJfIT2I SHOP oaemile abrtiof lit. Pleasant. ,AI1 fcitfla of ron Work attended to. "JVegCTS jpaird, Tann Implements earefallStaendL Lo est prices, and all trorka)ne A short notice. - -Tf ' i ' Official Directory. CtiXGKESSIOXAI T. W. Tlr.ton. BrownviHe I". S. Senator. I". W. Hitcucoek. i nnaha'. . . : J?.tax waw- EXECUTIVE. R. W. Fnnias, Brown vllle Governor. J. J. Gper, Ltneolii Sec'y of State, J. B. Weston, Beatrice.. Auditor. H. A. Ko-nig. Columbus. Treasurer. J. K. Webster. Crete Att'y Gen. J. li. McKenzie, Lincoln. ..Sup t Fub-Tnstrucn. JCDICIABY, Geo. B. Lake, Omaha .....ChJef Justice. Daniel Gantt, Nebraska City, i Aa.ite TikiCh Samutl ilaxweU, Flatu'th, ) Associate Just s. rLuVTTSIOUTH, R. K. Livingston. .. . ....... '. 7'... . Mayor. PhehiB Paine -...r.. City Clerk. . Ti,.ll.. T.i. I. .a J. W. Haines. Miies Morgan. D.N. Johnson .....a. ....... .....X VUIC UllC. Marshal. Street Comiiiistdouer. ALDEP.MAX. . FittsT Ward. J. Fitzgerald, H. S. Xewinaa, Ski.vk Wakd.-J. Wayiuan, C. Nichols. Thii:i Wauu. Ii. C. Cushing.Thos. Pollock. FoiKTii Wabd. It. Vivian, L. F. Johnson. CASS COtJXTY. H. F.Ellison DaiTlMeKinnon. W. U Hobbs...., Probate Judc. Comity Clerk. Treasurer. . . .Sup't Pub. Instruct n: .County Commissioners. ....Coroner. j aeon vauery, 1 vTii'in .1 1 in o J. W. Thomas. Churclies. BAPTIST On the corner of Main and Ninth, Kev. T. J. Arnold, pa-stor, Kesidenceon Main betwt-en loth and lith. Services every Sabbath at 1 1 sv. 111. and T p. m. Sabbath school at 9'4 a.m. Pray.T meeting every Wednesday evening. CHRISTIAN Service In ConKregation Church ut It a. m. and : ao p. -m. Corner of - Loctist arid ti.li Kiri'ets. Cordial invitation extended to all classes to attend. Inst'OPAL Comer Vine and Third rtreets, i;cv. A. K. timves. Services every Sunday at II : 30 a. m. anl ? p. in. Snnday school at 3 p. in. CATHOLIC Xorth side of Public Square, Rev. Fstlfer Boliul. First i;tss every Sabbath at 8-30 a. in.. Second M:ms and sermon at tu-JO, Vesx;rs and Benediction at 3-J0 p. m. Mass at 8 a. iu. every week day. ' I:IliST PKESiiYTKKIAN North side of Main street, west of etii. He v. W. T. Hartle ; Ser vices t'verv sabhath ut 11 a. lit. and 6-at p. m. Sabiwith School at ;-30 a. ui. . lTijiyer meeting everj Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL West sido of 6th street south of Main Seric-- every Sabbath at 10-30 a. m. and 7 i. m. Prayer meeti.'ig every Thursday evt-niiij. Class meetings every Monday evening and unmeUi atelv after clos! of Sabbath nioruiu services. Salb3.a School at i-M. SOXTAG den 5M September hat die Deutsche Ev. Luth. lit-nieinds in ihrem Schulhans vor rnittays urn 11 I hr tiotteodienst. Ceberhaupt flndet dcrseltx" von jetzt an regelniaessig aile 14 Tage swtt. Minister, liev. L. Ifa!iaa-ald. t-al)b:ah scbool at 1 p. m., Prof. d'Aiicmand, Superintendent. IO. O. F.Iteinilar meetings of riatte Lodge No. 7. I. O. U. F. every Thur.day evening at Odd VtiV.ov.i' KiX. Truioic.it BrutULTS are cor dially invite J .0 visit. A- d'ATXEMAXD, X. G. M. II. Hvtiiavay, Sec. T O. O. F. ll.ATTSMOUTH EVCAMPMKVTXo. -1 a. l.e'-ub.r Convocations the 2d and 4th Friday's er.'i molitU at Odd Fellows' Hall comer 3J antl Main streeis. Traitsieut Pa'.ri urciiS coidia.I-- invited t visit. H. NEWMAN. C. P. E. E. Ccxsis .ham, Ssiibe. 1IASON1'.'-X.TTSV01TH IIDCK N'O. S, A. 1. i A. Mitegniar meetings at their H:J1 on th:i ami t-iinl Monday ev: .-rungs of each, month. TiaZiiiiat brethren fnvtted to visit. I P.. li. LIVINGSTON, W. ML. A. d'ALT.RMAND,' Sl-C.- . f ACOY I.Oir.E Xo. C2, A. F. & A. M. Rni x 1 lar nieetinrs at Macoy Hall, first and third Fridays - J. N. WISE. W. M. J. M. BK VRwi Kr, See. V- EKKASK CHAITER No 3. R. A.M. Reg ulr ro.iV'ations second and fourth Tues day evenings ct each month at 74 o'clock p. tn. li. li. LIVINGSTON. II. P. II. Xewmas, See. - -T O. G. T.-oLIVE BRANCH. Xo. 2, IT. Elli son, M. W.C. T.. C. W. Kins. W. See.. T. W. Shr'oef . Ji!g Deputv, MKH-ts at Clark & Plumiuer's II.U1 every Tuesday evening. L Trav eliing Templar.- re-ipectfuily invited. qU'RXYKKKIX. The Timier Society meets at Turners' 1I.-H In Guthman's Bhx-k, on the first and tliird Wedr.esd'i's of each month. i WecklKitiKli : Treasurer Cins. I.ein- liackle ; Frst Tunisvart Win. Hessler ; Sec ond Turnwart Geo.. Karger ; AVarden John Erhart. . 1 . 1 I11 Purissima et Optima. m 1 lilli 1 Al'v 1 ;l CU.Il ill 1." TV ill 1 HtlH u it'l- tv mt-(rt 1 i-:rla njrti!.t ( if "I Til 1 IV T OT1V In- Juriaus xuiiiraJ substance, bur is ruaSlCV YK(j ATABLE. In a.11 iHsonscs vf the Liver. Bowels and Kidnoys TUous:mli4 f tl? ?omI and frrvnt in all parts of pwor in !iirifin tbe Mjd. stiitiulaun Ibe cr Itegiriawr isackiowii'dg(-d to bave no epi;U 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 S.11..M...HU' 1 IIVEU MEDICINE, It contains f'v irmedienl elements, never unit ed in the same i.n'pv proiHiribm in any other preparation, viz; ;t g.'iiile Cathartic, a wonder fal Tonic, mi un-pxceptionable Alterative and a certain Correct re of all Impurities of the bodv. 11 u. r-s oii. uiLi iiocu lei , lllil il is now rpranledus the PKAT TXPAILIXO SPECIFIC. for Liver Comprint and the painful offspring thereof. to-wr : Iy-;p-ii:;i. Camstipatioii. Iiepresslun of spiriis. Sour Stomach, Heart Born. etc. &: Keulate me I'vcr and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared on'yl.y J. II. 7EILIX & CO. Inu'iirists. Macon. Ga. Send for a f ircj'nr and irJ: Areli street, l'rice by inaii i.a ( Pldladeiphia Pa. For Sale by J. Jj. Buttery, janl-wiy I'lattsmouth. Xcb. MONEY SAVED BY Buying Your Greenlionse and Bedding Plants AT THE Picnic (wardens. TAONT send East for Plants when vou can get Just as gwt fur ies money nearer home. To my numerous friends and vatrans I would say that I have the largest and best stock of plant3ever oiu-ied for sale in the West, and at reasonable pHees. . .. . Be urv and s-.'nit for my Xew Descriptive Catalogue. vhlch trill be sent free to all who applv for It. Then give tne your or Jei, and I feel eozfldeut I WSJ t'i7iVGilk?tl, Si to. 0DD-FELI.01YS, ANNIVERSARY. Speech of Cecil lYUliatn3. Saturdat EvENixct, April 2G, 73. ZTii, Chairman, Ladiesand Gentlemen: 'lye have assemliled this evening, as ha'.-lK-en statexi, for the purpos of cel(. baiting the 5-ith anniversary of our Oltjer; r Jieipg wholly unaccustomed to speak ing ifrjj public, it has been with much hesitancy that we have consented to adij-ess to you any remarks at this tiia!y doubting our ability to do justice to lithe, subject or to the occasion, or maj? 4nY very near approach to it. 3M.-iev of these facts, it will pcr hari mt be inappropriate for U3 to spec of the origin of secret societies, and! glance over the more important eveitSjjof the history of our own order, usiy, in 2artt the lanjuarj3 of the Jiis- Seqret associations, among nearly all theliidious of the earth, it is said, have exisjiji from the earliest times. They'Jbave aeeompanied, though they maylnoV have advancetL civilization, and Men; the preservers and possibly the pj-omoters of religious, scientific and political truth. Tltfnonly means men at first possess ed oil recording doctrines, events or discoveries in science and arts, was by the usi of picture writing, and after ward! l ieroglyphics, or abreviated syni Txls. Cearly all learning was then confirieU to the Priesthood, and Royal familipi of each nation. These modes of writing, did not, perhaps, constitute an exclusive art, but suggested means b3r whic'hthey communicated with each other, aid i handed down to their suc cessori t!iose doctrines, discoveries and State slarets which they deemed proper to discttifee to the world. In Asp'ria, Greece, Rome, Gaul, Ger many anil Britain, the Priesthood were the founders, and religious mysteries the fourvkati m of swret soeities. Therrilasof religious worship were but acttit symbols, in most cases, con veying co,niT3 ion religioin ideas to the multitud'i, but having a deeper mean ing to tlrinitiated eye. Owing o the love of mystery and blind verneration for antiquity which induced in my assixiations to claim an origin traceable to the earliest ages, there liaH'9 not been wanting well meaning ' inembcrs, to render that doubtful service to our Order. A simi larity can! (perhaps le found between the mode3 bf S initiation and other cere monials of1 ancient associations and those of oirt own Order, and they have l)cen appealed to, in proof of the un warrantably assumption. The origin of O.ld-Fellowship, we believe, is not uefmitely known, though associations similar i:i many. respects, have existed for many years in Great Britain. " i "i Mr. Sprv "ifti;hi3 history of Odd-Fellowship, say.that : " in the early part of the last Century, the writer, Daniel DeFoe, meitciojis the Society of Odd Fellows; aii4 the Gentleman's Maga zine for 174. speaks of the Odd-Fellows Lodg as a place where very pleasant evenings may be spent." All beyonti. tliis date is said to be mere conjecibvue "We only know that when Odd-Fellowship comes into the domain of certajiity, the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man are its foundation' o precept and practice. The Order then existed under the name of thel J" Tj.'nion order of Odd Fellows," haV tig its seat of govern ment in Lon&4nu This association re mained uncharged until 18i), when a Lodge was instituted in Manchester, England, after Which througlt the influ ence of a few friends of reform, (who wished to elevke the character and in crease the usftfufticss of the Order) several Lodge 1 seceded in due form from the Union Onler, and in 1S13 con stituted the ."Independent Order of Odd-Fellows." '"Under the impulse of elevated r,irtlw3. this new Order ad Tanced rapidl', far outstripping its ri val, from which it sprung. Several attempts were early made to establish Odd-Fellowship on this continent, on the same plan as that of the Union Order of Odd-Fellows (that is, self institution, and recognizing no higher governing power than their own individual Lodge) any number of mem bers uniting themselves together, formed a Lodge and received a charter from any neighboring Lodge, with jiow er to grant charters in return. It is claimed that Lodges were instituted, in this manner, during the last century. Sinco 1S02, Lodges of this kind have been instituted in Baltimore, Wash ington, New. York, Boston and Phila delphia, and those in each city were generally ignorant of the existence of those in the other cities, and even a late as 1823 some of them believed themselves to be the only Lodges in the L'nited States. These, from vari ous causes, all successively failed. The earliest successful institution of Odd Fellowship into the country, and the commencement of our present Order, dates no farther back than April 2Gth, 1819. Thomas "Wildey, born in London, England, January 15th, 1783, (and a member of the Order as it existed there) together with Messrs. John Dun can, John "Welch, John Chetttham and Richard Rushworth, met and arranged preliminaiies, and on the 20th of April they organized Washington Lodge, No. 1, by self institution. . Shortly after, rfc."r charged Us orgsiiizariun 34 wort.. to the Independent Order; and took steps to procure a charter. About thi3 time Franklin Lodge, No. 2, wa3 opened. June 17 th, 1820, the Grand Lodge of Manchester granted a dispensation, which never reached them. Through P. G. Crowder, of Duke of York Lodge, Preston, (who visited Bal timore in 1819) that Lodge issued a charter on February 1st, 1820, which they received and accepted indue form, October 21st, following, and in June, 1821, the General Committee of the Manchester Unity, confirmed it. Thus was constituted "So 1 Grand Lodge of Maryland, and of the. United States," with power to charter Lodges accord ingly. Prior to this there was no Grand Lodge in our country. The P. G.'s of each Lodge were a Committee of Su pervision and Grievance with advisory powers only. The work of a Grand and Subordi nate Lodge under the same charter proved very inconvenient. At the in stance of one of its members, on Feb ruary 22d, 18 J 1, Washington Lodge sur rendered its charter to the P. G.'s of Washington and Franklin Lodges, and the Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States thus constituted, granted subordinate charters to num bers 1 ami 2. Bro. Wildey, first N. G, of Washing ton Lodge, was chosen first Grand Master. At that time the white, blue and scarlet were the only degrees of the subordinate lodge. The pink and green compiled by P. G. Entwessell, were called the intermediate degrees, and yet unknown in England. The Grand Lodge conferred the Golden Rule de gree upon P. G.'s only, for a charge of 75 cts. For some years the Order made but little progress. Its founder and mem bers were comparatively obscure men. Its name caused prejudices, and thus obscured its merit3 from the more strict and respectable class of humane men. But Bro. Wildey, conscious of good motives, and feeling he great benefit the Order would confer, if suc cessful, hopefully persevered. Having ascertained there were Lodges in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, he put forth efforts to effect a general union. A Massachusetts Lodge first made application to the Grand Lodge of Maryland, and of the United States, for a charter which was granted April loth, 1823, and instituted by Grand Master Wildey, and a Grand Lodge opened. While on this mission he in duced other lodges to make similar ap plication, and thus all disputes were h::ppily settled, and all the lodges then existing in the United States were united in one system, under one ac knowledged legal hoad. The hist of the.;.; lodges was instituted under the new system, June 27th, 1828. Maryland State and U. S. Grand Lodge not proving satisfactory to the otiier State Grand Lodges, its charter was resigned to the State Grand Lodges collectively and united with them in the organization of a distinct Grand Lodge of the United States, on June 15th, 1825, the first annual communi cation of which was held on Washing ton's birth-day following, and thu3 was completed the admirable structure which has proved so effeetivt? in pro looting the welfare and advancement of Odd-Fellowship in America. Bro. Wildey feeling the necessity of our National Head being legally recog nized by the Manchester Unity, and measures adopted to maintain a uni formity in the ritual and working in countries, volunteered the journey across the Atlantic at his own expense, and arrived at Liverpool June 17th, 182. He was kindly received by the authorities of the Order, and was greeted as the father and founder of Odd-Fellowship in the United States, lie was conducted throughout the ju risdiction, everywhere received by Com missioners, of the Order, and brethren anxious to do him honor. At this time he introduced into England the Cov enant and Remembrance degrees, which they adopted. The G. L. degi-ee they declined, deeming it unnecessary in their organization. Every request which he made was granted him except the one great object of his mission the independent sovereignty of the G. L. of the United States, in this coun try which th.ey declined. He was greatly surprised, however, on the day fixed for his return, by a visit of the Grand Officers, w ho after an address by the Grand Master, and other valuable tokens, placed in his hands a Charter, leautifully executed, on parchment, dated back to May 15th, 1820. This Charter granted sole jurisdic tion over Odd-Fellowship in this coun try to the G. L. of the United States. After his return from England, we find Bro. Wildey still continued active ly engaged laboring for the advance ment of the Order. He originated the higher and more beautiful branch of our Order, and instituted, or caused to be instituted, the first Encampment on June 14th, 1827. While belabored at home for the improvement of the Or der, he spent his time and money trav eling and toiling for its extension. lie made frequent official visits into other States, instituting Lodges and Encampments, and giving instruction to brethren. After serving eight years as sire, he continued to serve the Or der gratuitously as eeneral ajrent. He vi?ited the northern and eastern SI ate hi 1835; Virginia, in 137; lVnn- sylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Illinois, Missou ri and Iowa, in 1838; Tennessee, Ar kansas and Texas, in 1S39. Traveling in those early years was often toilsome and costly. By his self-sacrificing zeal, State after State were added to the Or der, which bound them by the strong est ties in the fraternal union. These valuable services were ac knowledge by the Grand Lodge of the United States at every session. A gold medal, at one time, and a valuable ser vice of plate at another period, were presented to him by that body its to kens of admiration and esteem. Thus the father of our now nume rous brotherhood continued to surren der freely upon the altar of our be loved Order, private interests, health, comfort and wordly advantages in all its forms, until enfeebled by sick ness and old age, ho was compelled to desist, and on the l'Jth of October 1831, at the ripe old age of 81 years, loving and beloved full of honors as of years, he passed gently and peacefully to rest. Previous to 18G1 the principles of the Order had become so widely known and generally appreciated, (that not withstanding the intervention of some five years of civil strife, the demorali zing effect of which is indelibly writ ten upon the tablet of every American heart) that it has steadily advanced un til its membership, in good standing, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States (according to the statistics of 1872) numbers 348, S'J8, including two -Lodges recently in stituted in Germany, by Special Dis trict Deputy Grand Sire, J. F. Morse, having a membership of 205. Having enumerated a few of the most important events in the history of our Association,- we will now invite your attention to some of its leading principles: Odd Fellowship is founded upon the three great principles of "Friendship, Love and Truth," the daily practice of which is an imperative command of her law; "To visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead, and to edu cate the orphan." That all may judge whether or not any of these precepts are practiced, we will again refer to the report of the (rand Lodge of the United States, for 1872, which says: "Number of Bros, relieved, 23,213; No. of widowed fami lies relieved 4002; amount paid for the relief of Bro.'s, 8328,045.51 cents; am't paid for the relief of widowed families, 887,373; am't paid for the education of orphans, 89,781.05 cents; am't paid for burying the dead, 8125,819.72 cents. Total relief for the year ending Sep tember ICth, 1872, 8749,922.07 cents. Is not this;, indeed, a cheering re port ? Nearly three-quarters of a million of dollars expended, in so short a time, for the relief of suffering humanity. Pecuniary aul, though a laudable trait in our operations, is too often oter-extiinated. By its necessary prom inence, more readily attracts the atten tention of the outside world, and often that of our own members, than the gradual, the insensible, and the moral. Material aid is, therefore, but one of the many ways in which Ave may pali ate or relieve bodily or mental suffer ing. Who has not, at some period of his or her life, (when in sorrow and dis tress, from the loss of some dear friend, or from reverses in fortune, when per haps a stranger in a strange land, or from any other cause), felt the need of sympathy, or the soothing influence-of a few kind word.s fitly spoken ; or a pleasant thrill, (not unlike an electric current from a battery, in effect,) as palm meets palm in a friendly grasp of the hand, when extended iu the spir it of brotherly love. Expressing in language more impressive than words, how deeply one heart may yearn over the misfortunes of another. Figures and words are inadequate to express the calne of those acts, though simple in themselves, which can so suddenly trans form shadow into sunshine, and sorrow into gladness; acts, too within the gift of the most humble in life. Our Order was introduced into Ne braska some sixteen years ago, when a Territory, and very sparsely settled, and with many obstacles to contend against, lacks not the evidence of wonted pros perity. According to the report of the Grand Lodge, for the year ending June 20th, 18 12, the total membership was 1,173. Net gain over that of the year previ ous, of 1 05 members. We will close these few crude re marks, by quoting an extract from the pen of that able writer (of Odd-Fellowship Literature) A. B. Crash, rela tive to our work outside of the Lodge room, which, with my limited knowl edge of the subject, far surpasses any thing I might sav ; " Closing the Lodge does by no means suspend the work of its officers and members proper provision having been made, and instruction given, in the Lodge, the committees are now to pursue their labors! The sick are to be systematically and kindly visited; the distressed are to be relieved; the w id ows ami orphans to be attended to, and the needy tmd suffering to be searched out preparatory to being reported at the next meeting. -The principles of good will and brotherlv love are to be carried out in social and domestic intercouse outside the walls of the Lodge room. The world itself is one vast Lodge of brethren, and the lessons acquired in the weekly meetings of the few, should be reduced to daily, constant practice, among the many. Especially is that Temple the body, which i. the residence of the Holy Spirit, to be further en lightened and purified, and rendered the abiding place of Frindship, Love and Truth. 44 To prepare the Odd-Fellow for thesf daily duties and privileges of life, and to direct him in their proper perform ance and use, is the end and aim of the weekly meetings in the Lodge room the work of the Lodge being but a school to exercise him in his projer work of Odd-Fellowship in his own heart, in his family, and in the world at large. The tokens and emblems of the one are designed to direct his mind to the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the light woven Bow on the Cloud, the open hand, and all other visible objects in the other, which speaks of .God's good nes;Chian's duties and nature's blessed ness, and make them incitements to the pursuit of knowledge and virtue. " Careless, indolent or ill instructed, therefore, must he be who rests satis fied with a mere attendance on Lodge meetings, and whose mind and heart reach not beyond the mere routine of its workings, the letter of its lec tures and charges, or the outward ap pearance of its forms, emblems, and allegorized representations. u Tiie true Odd-Feilow, using these but as an out-line map, will study them that he may till up their vacancies un derstanding!, mark out his journey in the world, and pursue his life pilgrim age, knowing whence he comet h, whither he goeth, and what he doeth". THE INDIAN POLICYTHE CIIEY ENNES. From the Inter Ocean. We give below the views of the lit ter Ocean, Chicago, on the Indian Ques tion. Believing that we of the West know something of Indian affairs, and that, we have the same right to express our views, we beg leave to differ from their statements on the inside page of this paper: In Tuesday's Inter Ocean we alluded to the report of the Peace Commission of 18G8, of which General Sherman was a member, and gave several ex tracts from the report regarding the manner in which the Indians had been treated, and the causes that had led them to hostilities against the whites. In perusing the origin of our Indian wars it is hard to resist the belief that, if the full facts were understood, the: voice of the people would be almost unanimous for a continuation of the peace policy of the President. . Take the history of the Cheyennes as an example. In 1851, a shore time after the discovery of gold in Califor nia, it was deemed desirable to secure the right of transit over the plains for emigrants, and the various tribes inter ested were called together for that pur pose. Up to that date the territory ly ing on the route of emigration had been admitted by treaty to belong to the Indians. A council was held and a new treaty made, the Indians giving the right of transit, military roads, etc., in return for annuities amounting to 850,000 a year for ten years. Some years after gold and silver were discov ered in Colorado, and thousands of for tune hunters, who posse.-sed nothing more than the right of transit ovtr these lands, took possession of them for the purposes of mining, and, against the protests of tne Indian, built cities, established farms, and opened road?. By. the third article of tiie treaty cf 1851 the United States Government bound itself to protect the Indians and their lands against all depredations. The Cheyennes, however ignorant they might be, knew that this solemn obli gation had been broken. Helpless and unable to contend against the power that was pressing them to the wall, there remained nothing but to enter into a new convention. Accordingly in 1801, the tribes interested ceded their magnificent possessions to the L'uited States, reserving only a small tract- for themselves, in the possession of which they were guaranteed protec tion. It was also agreed that the United States should build houses, break and fence lands, and that stocks of animals and agricultural imple ments should be furnished to the In dians that they might commence the work of civilization. This agreement was worse than broken. It was a promise kept to the ear but broken to the hopes. The few articles forwarded by the Government were appropriated by the white officials outright, or ol tained afterward by a system of delib erate swindling. Still the Indians maintained the peace, and no charges were made against them until the 12th of April, 1804. On that day a ranch man named Ripley came into Camp Sanborn, and alleged that the Indians had stolen his stock. He could not tell what tribe had done it, but he ask ed for troops and obtained them. Some Indians were found during the day with a herd of stock, and Ripley claim ed a number of their horses. The herd was stopped bv the soldiers, and the officer in command ordered the Indians to come forward. They did so, and when within a few feet the officer di rected his men to disarm them. Of course the Indians resisted, and a light ensued in which the troops were beat- Soon afterward, Major. Downing, of the First Colorado Cavalry, obtained a force to move against tiie Indians, though for what purpose the Commis sion failed to ascertain. It could hard ly have been to avenge the stealing of Riplev's stock, for it had become pretty certain bv that time that the man had lost no horses, but had invented the torv for the purpose of filching some stock from the Indians. However this h mav be, Major Downing moved on tne Indian camn and surprised it. These are the words that Downing used in his evidence regarding the affair: "About daylight I succeeded in surpris ing the Indian village of Cedar Bluffs. We commenced shooting. I ordered 1 the men to commence killing them. They lost twenty-six killed and thirty wounded. My own loss was one killed and one wounded. 1 burnt up their lodges and everything I could get hold of. I took no prisoners. We got out of amunition and could not pursue them. In this camp the Indians had their women and children." About this time Lieutenant Ay res t had a difficulty in which an Indian Chief under a flag of truce was mur dered. Desultory fighting continued during the summer, when finally the chiefs sent word to Fort Lyon that the war had been forced on them, and they dersirc-i ps-ac. lie otc-r cii not feel authorized to conclude a treaty, but gave them a pledge of miliiary protectiou until terms of peace could be- arranged. Major Wyncoop, for this purpose, ordered them to move tlu ir villages nearer the fort, and bringtlieir women and children, winch they did. They numbered 50o men women and children. "It was here," says the re port, "under a p'edge 01" protection, that Colonel Chiving'on, commanding some Colorado troops, surrounded the camp and commenced an inJis rimi- rate slat that it scarcely has its parallel in the records of Indian barbarity. Fleeing women holding up their hands and praying for mercy, were brutally shot down; infants were killed and scalped in derision; men were tortured and mutilated in a manner that would put to shame th savage ingenuity of inte rior Afiie-;." "No one will be aston ished that a war ensued which cost the Government 830,000,000, and carried conflagration and death to the border settlements." This, from the report, signed by Gen end Sherman, indicates the treatment the Indians have received at our hands. ?hall the present humane polioy of the Government bo abandoned to reinaug urate such barbarity? GENTLEMEN'S 3L0IJES. Spring a.il Summer, IS".?. FULL DRESS TOILET Consists of the full Dress Coat of Black English or French Cloth, (Eng lish preferred( cut full, medium in waist and skirt length, and coming to within four inches of Knee. Edges stitched raw, plain button of cloth, medium in size, and coat lined with siik or satin. Lapel to roll richly to within one hole of the bottom. Col lar one and three-eights to one and one half in width, and of cloth. Sleeve cut rather shapely to arm, and finished at the hand with cuff, fastened with two buttons. Plain and ribbed silk breast facings are worn to some ex tent, but do not meet with general fa vor. Waistcoat is of same material as coat, or of a black embroidered pattern of cloth, or of white embroidered Mar seilles, or of-white, plain, heavy silks, as would most comport with taide of wearer, ami occasion when used. Trowsers of Black English or French Doeskin, witli a narrow English silk bra. id down the cater or side seam, also ma.de plain, either of which is quite correct. For "Society Men," several shades of light pearl-drabs are mic-h worn for trowsers, and are considered "recherche." When light trowsers are used, the cravat ami gloves should be of the same hue as trowsers. Shirt collar either standing or turned down, as may be preferred. A'ith black trow sers, either black or white cravat may be used, but the gloves shoald be white. For Receptions and Morning Wed dings, the double-breasted Prince Al bert Frock, of black or dark bine c loth and worn buttoned, with White Duck, Marseilles, or White Broad Cloth Waistcoat", and peal-grey cassinipre trowsers. constitute a toilet "par excel lence," and is also much worn in mak ing afteni'ion and evening visits, at tending Operas, Concerts, etc. Gloves and cravat to kutraonize with trows-.'rs. DE.MI-TOILFT. The Prince Albert Frock Coat before alluded to, and the New Market Frock Coat, cut single breasted with waist and skirt of medium length, cuffs at hand with two buttons, coat fastening with one button below centre of breast, and skirt neatly falling away in front, constitute the two "leading modes." There is one other style, the "Lord Stanley," single-breasted, to be worn buttoned, and cut much away in front, forming an acute angle at the lower button, and is regarded bv the best regarded bv the best ! judges as the "coming coat" for the j more dressy class. . It is worn both sin- gle and double-breasted. . Trowsers are j geiu-rallv of cassimere, differing in pattern from the coat, and more f re-1 quently of a lighter shade, and are I made up of small check, plaids, and j tine strines. t nt to fall (iti'te easy to the leg, and with medium spring over the foot. Side stripes or bands are used, but are nut in quite narrow. Waistcoats are of same material as the coat, or of cashmere waistcoatings, which latter are meeting with favor among the more "elite." Ties, cravats, and scarfs, of silk, iu various tints and patterns, are worn with this tedlor, as mav most comport with taste of wear er " Collars, both standing and turn down, are in vogue. The "Czar," or standing collar, well opened in front, and poihts turned back, being the most used. Materials for coats under this head I are of Fine orstetl Coatings, in small ! niKx-l.-. slriues. birdsevs. diagonals. and crepes, of English and French manufacture, also English Meltons, and silk mixtures of extra qualities, to gether with French trie-ots and picques, giving a range in fabrics to suit all ages and tastes. BUSIXESS AXD Tit AVELIXO SPITS Are of till Wool and Silk and Wool mixtures, in stripe's and plaids, broken checks, twills, ete, in a large variety of choice designs and patterns, mostly in English fabrics. Suits alike, also coat and waistcoat alike, and trowsers dif ferent, are both equally desirable. Coats are mostly of the two following styles: English Morning Jacket, single breasied, waist goeid length, skirt short, buttoning well up on point of breast, neatly cut away below, and skirt well rounded off, flaps at side of hips, with or without an outside bread pocket. The edges are stitched, bindings for this class of goods being inappropriate. Buttons of ebony or ivory to match. The Double-Breasted Short Sack also is still epiite a favorite', being both styl ish and practical. It is cut kmger than last season, with a rich roll to lapel, and fastening with two lower buttons. Tins garment is intended to be worn buttoned, and as far as consistent, with white waistcoat. It is trimmed and finished like the Morning Jacket men tioned under this head. OVER GARMENTS. Are cut principally in the "Sack Style," single-breasteel, shapely to the body, and good length. Fabrics most in vogue, for this garment are light shades, and mixtures in fine twilled, basket woven, anel Melton coatings silk-lined, collars of same material as coat ; edges stitched, and fine silk buttons to match. I hi fcreiit 'VoriKS to roll xcely 'cack, and to he worn generally open. Suf tout or Frock style of over garments are not received with favor for sum mer uses. Shirts. Neck Wear, Gloves, etc., ard in gnat variety of styles, in new and el; g:iut design, in superb qualities, suited for all occasions, and to gratify t'je ta'-teof the most fastidious. Brown, Prior, & Fisk, Wabash Ave nue, Chicago, keep these good, and Ely & (3o. aro the Tailors that tell us these pretty things. Who wouldn't be fashionable now WIVES' COLUMN". Sl'MSSER' DRESSES. Practical people, with moderate do- sires and incomes, are likely to stand in perplexity before the piles of sum mer goods, wondering what to choose. The variety of fabrics was never so great but the designs, stripes, dots ilowers, etc.. aro reproduced in all, so that, the, material luing selected, the pattern is a matter of taste. This -select ic-n is the really difficult part of shopping. As usual, we are shown exquisite fabrics, so light and dedicate! as to excite our admiration and desirrj to buy. But these, are expensive, easily : foiled, and too fragile to be made over. They are sacred to the wealthy few who can afford to wear a dress half-a- dozen times, and throw it aide, with out being troubled by visions of ex- travaganco leading to poverty. ' ; " The mass of our people must pur chase with a view to thtj usefulness of the fabric. Will it wash? Will it turn? Will it makeover for a younger" member of the household t are quest- ' ions which few can afford to ignore, certainly not the mothers of families, ever growing in size and wants. One thought is condoling, any one ai these pretty summer fabric-scan, with a small outlay of time and taste, bJ ' made into a dress suitable for all ordi nary occasions. With the help of a good pattern, and a few yards of rib-' bon, a cotton lawn, at twenty-five cents will be as becoming a3 a linen one at fifty. The make up of the material has become the all important question and now that pretty patterns are with in every one's reach, there is no longer -any excuse for badly-titting dresses, or ' styles not adapted to the ligare. . . Such latitude of taste never wtu civ joyed. Every woman her own "Worth 1' is the cry. AVe can wear our drtwe Fhort or long, trim them with ruffles or flat folds, cr not at all; wear single! . skirls or doable ones, basques or round " waists, sleeveless jackets, mantles, dot 1 mans, saeques, or shawls. Society only asks us to look well dressed, and make the most of thJ beauty given us by Nature, and kind Fashion sets before us every possible adjunct to grace and refinement.- ' For house wear, the English and ; French prints and percales are best adapted tor morning. Tim new ones have white, olive, and buff grounds; on those are stripes, in colors, and be tween, Tialm leaves, butls, and sprays. Amon lt other wash materials comes the satin jean, more delicate in colors and having the new polka eioc. xro also usf ful, and-; c.ab's and ninues are make up well for children. 1 he waiter pique is very much improved. Som; havstripcs,"sot't and satiny, others the little shining polka dot. For traveling aid morning shopping the irrav and buff linen suit3 are most desirable. Swiss muslins and organ- dies, fluted v.ivl nulled, will always havof the first choice for evening wear particularly with the young. Hand- some evening d revert, for the seaside are composed of silk underskirts, thcT overdress being of Pompador crape or gauze, of the same color. Black silk!' with Hernani overdress, and profusion of white lace, makes an el e'- ! gaut and uurawe tonec. aneso grtna- dines crapes and gauzes come in an shapes, stripceL dotted, and flowered, at 33 a yard. t ' Another novelty for polonaises is rf fabric composed of ecru linen and A stuff 'resembling Turkish toweling, iff Bayadere stripes. In another, the white stripes are silk, with raised flowers The-se are odd and expensive, 85 and 87 a yard, and have an oriental effect that may give them popularity. The' are worn over the various fade tints and at least attract attention. For moderate purses, no dress 13 mora serviceable than black grenadine. Thtt eiverskirt can be striped or figured Sashes are worn with all toilets, and are tastefully draped at the back of shies. Self-colored sashe-s are more elegant than contrasts, and should bet of two shades if the costume is shad- ed. A useful' dress in our climate is it whole suit of black and white striped silk, trimmed with ruchings or Chan- tilly lace. A pretty way of finishing it is to have the sleeveless basque of black silk, black sash, etc. White lacet at the throat and wrists, and a becom- ing knot, make this a suitable toilet for a cool summer night. Positive colors rival the neutral tinte so much in favor, and blue takes the lead. New suits of ecru, and gray liner! and batiste, are. trimmed with dark blue, but such an innovation will not become peipular. Batiste suits are useful anI refreshing, even to look at, but a trimming of the same shade i; . most elegant. Nothing tires us so soon as violent contrasts, and American women have teo elecidod tastes for what is really beautiful, to adopt them. Demorest's Jlo-nthly Magazine, Fieee, pieee. pleco, and lo ! a counterpane t May each lair sleeper hero Find peace, peace, peace, And ne'er encounter pain. The fashion papers say the Ruta bagas beg parelon, we mean the Ra bagas, is the popular bonnet this Sfyt' son. You will know it where you s3 it, for the rim turns up all round like' a sailors hat. The handsomest dressed women fit New York just ltow is the wife of A street contractor. Her dresses aret made in Paris, and the Cuitom-house eluties on them are sufficient to buy art entire outfit for any ordinary woman The literary and other women of New York who have ideas above flirt ing, flouncing, and fashlonizing, are to form a rival club to Sorosis. Good Now we will see whicfe nocXety don tie cit jjool. , " " 1 t 1 - I n