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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1873)
r "a-- 1 ! THE HERALD. , - . . PLATTSMOtrrn. Nebraska. J THURSDAY. APRIL 24, Is 73. J. A. UACiirRriIY. .Editor. C01UIESP0NDE iCE From all parU of the State and country re pectfully solicited for the IIkbald. We do not read anonymous letter and cm tnunications. The name and address of the wri ter are in all case indispener le, as a guaranty of good faith. SEE om bPLOIHDIXI'B LIST. WTe call attention to the splendid Club List offered." It la our desire to place before the freople of Cass Co. eyery opportunity for irfor snation and instruction- To all those who w"::b, to take any of the publication mentioned be low we offer them at the following low rates : Harper' Magazine and Herald one year Si 75 Weekly . A 75 U 75 " Bazar Leslie' Ills. News'per ' Chimney Corner ' Scribner'a Monthly " Wood's honse'd Mas;. ' Leslie's Ladies Mar. ' Peter' Hub. Monthly ' Atlantic Monthly " Prairie Farmer Chicago Inter-ocean ' Spirit of the Time " Turf. Field A Farm " J?ew York Time " " World " Tribune " Ledger r - Weekly ' Rural New Forker Toledo Blade ' What Next? (chromo) ' 4 70 4 73 4 70 2 00 4 SO 4 00 6 00 5 00 S 00 e 23 6 00 3 00 3 00 S 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 CO 3 50 rhren. Journal We make the above liberal offers becnuse we are very anxious to collect in our subscription 1 ist and r!art on an entirely cash haia, which TTe shall endeavor to make our rule hereafter. A Splendid Chance. ?Te will end the IIzraLd and Dcmorests Monthly, which is S3 for one year, to any per son who pays us S-3.50 In addition to both P-eriodicals at the price flamed, a choice from a list of extraordinary Premiums is given to each subscriber to Dem erit's Monthly. Among thee are a fine pair of Chremo Pictures (Falls of Niagara and Yo Semite Falls), worth $10 ; or a good Stereoscope with a scries of view? ; besides numerous other valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol lars each. The best boys' and girls' magazine, and the Nibrpka Herald at greatly reduced rates. We will sand NgBaga IIerai.d and Demor- t's Yotjxo America, which is 1.00 for one 7ear. to any person who pays us i-i.i . Demor est's Young America if always sparkling with entertaining atones, Fems, Music, Fuziles, lamed. Travels, and other pleasant features Tm nrVrfilsel v illustrated, and cannot fail to amuse, instruct and elevate, and assist to make the lives of youthlul Americans usetul, truth fal and happy- It is proposed that the Kansas edito rial fraternity be invited to meet tha Nebraska nnill drivers and have a eplarge on or about the 20th of May. The St. Louis Globe heads a theatri cal ciiticism : "SOTHERN AS BAVID GVRIUCK." Who is Bavid Gvrrick, we don't know Lim ? The New York correspondent of the St Louis Globe thinks that Sothern has played the idiotic dundreary so long that he can play no other character to advantage. A curious crime has been committed in New York. A Gas Collector was struck in the head, for the purpose of robbing him, it ft supposed, while collecting a gs bill from a Doctor, on Chambers street. The co'lector say the Doctor struck him, and the Doctor says a strange patient struck him. Both men were injured, and the Collector is not expected to live. GOOD- i?SW3. Mr. Wm. B. Porter shows us a letter from Nansom Bartholow & Co., of St. .Louis, in which they they say that the "Trunk 'JLino of Pack ets' will be put on, and tha ''St. Luke"' leave Saturday next, and other boats will soon follow. Corn and oats can be shipped b'y this Line at 27 cents per hundred pound to St. Loui.-, or 50 cents per hundred to. New Or.eans. This is good neirs for our farmers and ought to make their hearts rejoice. EOITTS PLATTE EPISCOPAL c::tvc:a- The Clergy of the Protestant Episco pal Church south of the l'i.ute, met in Convocation, at Nebraska City, on the 17th inst. Six clergymen and the BLsh op were present. The principal subject of discussion was "a general fund for the sustentation of the clergy in place of the parochial . I . 1 1 I A support, or ratuer me lac-K or it, as now ha J ;" also resolutions were passed that no clergyman m the Diocese should receive les than' $800 dollars a year, and signifying a willingness on the part of those whose salaries were more than that sum to make up to those having less by an equitable distribution of the excess. . We glean this information from the Nebraska City Frets. 5ujpcs;a Sliciie ITsar f a?i!U:a St&tkr. Papiilion, Neb., April 29. The body of a man was found to day two miles west of here v near the R. R. tiack with a bulW hole through his breast aod a pitol lyine near him. It i supposed thit he committed suicide. He was a German and his name is un known. ' He came here from the Eat looking for some friends who could net be found. He acted strangely the few days he wa here and it is believed his mind was deranged. No particulars can be given cntill the coroner has time to hold an inquest, which will te some time during the evening. A man named Mr. Neidham, living about ten miles northwest of Pawnee City committed suicide by banging on the 12th inst. Saml. S. Cook, a blacksmith of Ge noa, Nebraska, was killed by the acciden tal explosion of a rifla which be had fastened in- a vice and was cutting a place for the insertion of a new sight, when the gun- discharged, lodging the contents in his abdomen. "John quickly extemporized five tow baps." . Read this and see if it does not xnuio-aU the letfor of the alphabet. Proceedings of the 13th Annual M. E. Conference, which conyened at riattsmonth, Nebraska, Friday ,April lSth,lS73: Flattsmoutii. April 23 S A. M. Conference met pursuant to adjourn ment, Bibop Andrews in the chair. Religigious services by Rev. D. B. Colt. Iinutes of yesterday's proceedings were read, corrected and approved. The tenth question was resumed. Has the character of all the minister been examined Rev. S. P. Van Doozen, Presiding Elder of Covington District, red his report. The District is flourishing. The settlement in part of the District being new, Mission funds .and support were almost impossible, as the settlers bad all they could do to raise crops to support themseJres; but the promises for the future are bright. The grasshoppers at Madison were in such force a. outdo the representatives of the Church. During the year he has preached 140 times and attended four cauip meetings, besides ordinary tueet- On motion, Bro. John II. De LaMa- tyr was granted permission to go to the mountains, on account of ill health. Rev. B. C. Parker was located. Rev. D. W EI wood was granted su pernumerary relation. On motion, Bro. Peter Linguist s re lation was changed, at his own request, as the mission was abolished. He in tends to return to Switzerland, his fath er-land, to meet his family and take care of them. The Bishop was not able to state, without thinking, whether Bro. L. could not be retained on trial, and granted leave of absence. Bro. L. thought during the time he had been here he had got some new ideas of freedom, and he would return to his native country with useful leson A resolution was proposed requesting the Bishop to clothe Bro. L. with some authority, by recommending bim to the people of his native country. Rev. L. F. Whitehead, was, at hi own request, granted a supernumerary relation. 12th O. Who are admitted or taken up. Nebraska District Stokely D. Rob- bert, T. J. Newman, admitted. Iancoln District Wm. M. Wiley, mitted. Omaha District C.ilmar McCune Beatrice District Albert Goss, mitted. Omaha District Daniel Davis. ad ad Several names were presented to be received on trial, but as they had no been examined before the oommitto, leave was given to .withdraw recom menJations. Omaha District Reverend Richard Pierson, admitted. Rev. Elijah J. Willis, from the M Protestant Church, admitted to the Con ference. P. V. Lan.lon, of the U. B. Church, was recognized as a local Elder. Rev. Hiram Head of the U. B. Church, was recoguized as an Elder in this Church. He was then admitted on trial. It was s'ated that he was a mem ber of the Grand Army cf the Repub liiand the U. B Church, was about to discipline him for belongina to a secret society, whereupon he wiihdiew from the U. B. Church. He is a u-er of to bacco, but he promised to abstain there from for gratification, as speedily as pos sible. He was received on trial. David C. Brannan was received as an Elder. Omaha was selected as the place to hold the next Conference, by unanimous vote. Rev. T. B. Lemon, from Committee on Church extension, resolutions indors ing the parent society. Rev. Geo. Alexander offered a resolu tion requesting the Bishops to change the time for holding Conference from the spring to the fail of the year. It was urged by those who bed experience in moving that the srriag is alway stormy, wet and unpleasant, whikt the fall is beautiful, lovely and dry. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 23 to 13. On motion, it was Resnhed, That the next Conference be held eith?r next fall or spring as the Bishops may determine. The General Missionary Committee re ported an 1 among other things recom mended that Pastors b9 instructed to make detailed statements of the Mission ary fund. Adopted. Mr, Cameron urged upon the confer ence the propriety of doing away with the credit sy.-tem in the book concern. A vote of thanks was voted to the K. C, St. Joe., & C. B. R. R., for courtesy in transferring men.bcrs of the confer ence. W. W. AlJerson was recommended for ordirration as Deacon, by the author ities from Montana, requesting this con ference to elect hira to Deacons orders. Adjourned till 2 o'clock p. m. The Seminary has been located at Lin coln, on crtn lition that 20 aeres of land and $50,000 are raised in the next six months. If not complied with other places can compete. Plattsmouth, Neb., April 23, '73. Conference Convened. . The bord of Conference Trustees rec oaimended that the board be increased, which was agreed to as follows: Rev. J. B. Max field, Chairman, Ceo. Alexander, Clerk, J. G. Miler, A. G. White, T. B. Lemon, Vf. B. Slaughter, M. Pritchard, II. T. Davis, and S. T. Van Doozcr, Ministers, and E. II. Rog ers, W. E. Heller, M. L. While, D W. Scott, J. L. Livingston, and W. A. Burr, Laymen. Reports from committees on Sunday Schools and Education. Resolution offered making Lincon the place at which to locate the Seminary, on condition 20 acres of land and $50,000 were docated and in the event it was not done nntil six months then to locate at pucti plsco as will comply with th above conditions. " - - Rev. A. J. Swartz, from the commit- tet on Ministerial Support, reported 1st: hat tho Ministers of this conference were not all supported as they ought to be by the role of the church and the doctrines of the New Testament. The Secretary was instructed to get ,000 blanks and circulars among the ministers. L. Swartz, A. Adair, and Wehn were appointed committee to draft constitu tion for preachers and society and report at next session. Collection taken op for benefit of Bro. Terman and sister Bright. Committee on periodicals reported. The committee on temperance report ed and we regret that our space will not admit of our publishing the report. A liberal collection was taken up to defray expenses of publishing minutes. Abbreviated report of statistical com mittee was ordered to be printed in min utes. Mission committee reported for No braska District, $14 75. 12 50, 2 00, 7 50, 1C 75, 10 50, $70 00. Lincoln " Gmaha " Colu'bus " Kearny " Covin'ton " Total, Resolutions of thanks to the Bbhop for his able, dignified and impartial man ner in which he presided over the con ference and conducted its business. Also, thanks to the church and citizens of this place for their liberality and hos pitality, extended to the members of the convention, and left their prayers that God's richest blessing might abide wtth this place and its citizens. The Bishop made the followinc nomi nations, which were approved: Also, thanks to the B. & M. Railroad for kindness ia transporting members of this conference at reduced fare. The conference closed. APPOINTMENTS Of M. E. State Conference. NEBRASKA DISTBICT. M. riilTCIIAED, Nebraska City, TVru, Lafayette. London, Brownville, St. Deroin, Falls City. Eulo, Cincinnati, Tawnee City, Table Iiock, Long Krancli, Fr.Esiprxa Eldek. T. B. Lemon. T. J. Newman. W. S. Blackburn. J. V. Taylor. TV. B. Slaughter. To be supplied. D. F. i:odab.uth. S. I. Koueris. L. V. Smith. "W. A. Bresson. David Hart. Suprlied by J. Buriinnane. J. AV. Martin. D. J. Ward. Tccuniseb, Grant, EE ATM J. B. MAXFIELD, Beatrice, Blue Springs, Adams, Vesta, E DISTRICT. Tkesidixg Elder. S. I Wilson. D. Marquett. riarrison Bresson. Jno. Battt'r.son. T. A. Hull. Supplied by E. Wilkinson. To be supplied. A. L. (loss. W. D. Case. D. B. Lake. Supplied by II. C. Rhodes. W. E. Morgan. A. J. Swans. Sterling, Fiiirbnry, Saline, lloperviile. Little Sandy, Fainnonnt, Dorchester, York, Crete, LINCOLN A. T. DAVIS, Lincoln, 1st charts, 2nd " Ashland, I'lattsmouth, Rock Bluffs, Mtl'leasant, Wcf-pini; Water, Oak Creek, Rock Creek, Belmont, Talmyra, Upper Neincha, Milford, West Bloom, Orton, Seward, Ulysses, DISTRICT. Bkesiiixo C. S. Alexander. To be supplied. B. II. Beale. Chas. MeKolvey. Eiclmrd Burjie. J. D. Ci ipprn. A. L. Foldcn. W. B. M. Colt. To be supplied. A. G. Blackwell. II. 1 Maim. To be supplied. ChillaKluT. D. C. Brannan. To be supplied. T. TV. Brookbank. J. R. Reed. W. ?.T. WorW. South Bend. S. II. Miinlov. nrofessor of lantruasro in the State I'niversity and iiu-iiiIkt of Lincoln ;uur tevlv Conferewe. S.'G. Miller, silent of State Tf-mperaneo So ciety and member of Ashland Quarterly Con ference. OMATIA DISTRICT. G. W. DeLaMATYU, Bkesidixo Eldek. Omaha 1st Church, 2nd " " . mission IronBlufT, Bellevue, IUuir and Calhoun, Fontanelle, Fremont, Pebble Creek, Schuyler, Butler, Columbus, Osceola, Eldred, Clark Wright. J. II. Bresson. J. M. Adair. Suppled by W. II. Burt. F. M. Estcrbrook. To be supplied. William lVck. To be supplied. Jacob Adriance. C. A. King. To be supplied. Calmar McCune. Supplied by J. Frazer. D. S. Davis. KEARNEY DISTRICT. A. G. WHITE, rKEsiDio Eldek. Keamey, Supplied. D. A. Crowelf. Grand Island, To be supplied. St. Paul, Richard Pearson. Clarksvillo, To be supplied. Orvilie, C. I Smith. Overton, Supplied, W. J. Wi. on. North riatte. To be suppled. Juniata, R. II. Crane, Harvard, E. J. Will is. Little Blue, Supplied, by F. Penney, Red Cloud, S. B. York. Franklin, To be supplied. Republican City, To be supplied. Arapahoe, To be supplied. Upper Republican To be supplied. COVINGTON DISTRICT. S. P. VaxDOOZEK. Dakota and Covington, Pkesidixo Eloe. Supplied, J. S. Orr. J. II. AVehn. I'onca, Springbank, Union, St James, Supplied by J. Fowler. To be supplied. George Sco:t. To be supplied. Supplied by J. Wolf. AV. II. Porter. C. AV. Wells. AV. E. Bassctt. To be supplied. Adam Burriss. Supplied, by J. Charles. Hiram Keith. S. T. Bollman. Niobrara, Arizonia, DeeaMir, Lyons, West Foint, Norfolk, Madison, Dry Creek, Oak dale, Albion, On Saturday last a little accident h tp- en id to occur on the O. & S. W. R. R. near Bellevue. An engine and tender were dumped, and the nose of several freight cars bmatbed in. No lives lost. A stranger wants to know what it is that makes the water in the Missouri river so dirty. DirN we gass. - - 2KTEIC7 C072T. The following catea were disposed of at the last term of the Dictrict Court for Cass county : Wheatley Mickelwaitr D. W. Palm er & B. & M. R. R. Co ; decree in favor of plaintiff, as prayed. Doom Bro. & Co. vs James E. Hol land , judgment in favor of pl'ff for $235.05. Thos. Hogan r F. A. White, ct ah ; judgment in favor of pl'ff. fur $105 20. James Sweet & Co. vs A. J. Wads worth, et al ; case to U. S. District Court lor Nebraska. McCartny, et iL, vs F. A. White, et a!. ; judgment vs def'ts for $223.15. John MwGiunety vs A. J. Wadsworth et vl. ea.-e transferred to U. S. District Court of Nebrur-ka. Mary A. Johnson, by her next friend, vs C. II. I'armele and L. F. Johnon ; petition dismissed far want of equity, at cost of pl'ff. Stephen B. BiisSe'd vs N. and W. Agnew ; dismissed at cost of pl'ff. Edward Heller and Peter Gerkin ts E. II. Ea'on and Sarah M. Eaton ; judgment in favor of pl'Ss for $742.50, Levina Whituey vs James Simpson, A. G. Elliott, and A. B. Lunt ; verdict iu favor of deft's. Moses Whitney r A. B. Lunt, James Simpison, George Ediott and James ll.iwke ; di.-missed at cost of pl'ff. Conrad IleiscI vs Agust Whecland ; judgment vs deft for $1003.70, and or dor of sale of attached property. Isaacc Wiles vs Cass county ; motion for new trial overruled, judgement on the verdict. Thos. F. Robbins vs J. II. Ilogan ; foreclosure judgmsnt $200.SS. in favor of pl'ff, and order of ale of mortgaged premises. J. D. Simpson vs Lelia Simpson ; de cree as prayed in petition. A. B. Smith r F. M. Dorrington and II. M. VanArman ; judgment as per stipulation. E. A. Wiggenhorn vs Clinton & Cra bel ; judgment in favor of pl'ff, $015.00. B. & M. R. R. Co. ts The County Commissioners; dismissed without prejudice, at cost of pl'ff. Li via Johnsou is James Johnson; decree of divorce granted, on ground of adultery. Laao Weil and Iaa ? Cahn r Tl II. Eaton ; judg't vs deft for $153 o0 O. E. Tyler is A G. Barnes, to Lu cind a Barnes; judg't in favor of pl'ff for $398.62. Tlo; 1st National Bank of Plalt.-ni -uth vs Moses Dodge and J. C. Gil'iiore ; judg't in favor of pl'lT for $1107.80. Dodd, Brown & Co. ts'IVl I & Eaton; ju liiiuent in favor of pl'ff, $540.10. Tootle, Barleigh & Co. vs White & Spires; dismissed at cost of pl'ff. C. II. Parmele vs J. M Ilinehnian and Alice B. Ilinchman, ; forec!oure ; judg't iu favor of pl'ff, for $308 14, aud order of sale. Alfred II. Wis9 vs D. II. Ramey, L ander W. Frione and John Barney; julj?ment in favor of pl'ff, fir $409.70- A: II. Wise is John Ward, 11. A. Everford. Samuel Carter and F. J. Met teer; judgment in favor of pl'ff for $333.00. The B. & M. R. R. Co. V3 James E Grove; judg't iu favjr of pl'ff, for $35 00. The 3Ioiiae Plow Co. vs Doom Bro Co. ; foreclosure ; judgment in favor of pl'ffs for $S13.50, and order of sale. Martha K. Parinele vs A. C Robine ; foreclosure ; judg't in favor of pl'ff for $594.61, and order of sale. D. M. Kelsey vs D. D. Andrews ; foreclosure; judg't in favor of pl'ff for $;21.90, and order of .-ale. Fir.--t National Bunk of Plattsruouth r E. T. Dake and L. D. Bennett, ex ecutors of the estate of S. Dake, de ceased ; judg't in favor of pl'ff as per stipulation. Jirus E. Neal vs Thomas Husfco ; confirmation of sale. T. B. Gordon ts A. II. Townsc-nd ; confirmation of sale. James ilodirart vs Henry MeShano and Elltn MeShane ; confirmation of sale. Wm. Stadelmann vs August Murphy; confirmation of sale. Ballantine & Brag vs Geo. Jennings et al; confirmation of sale. John Dill et til, vs Geo. Jennings et of ; confirmation of sale. Maxwell & Chapman vs McNeiison and Labtila McNeiison ; confirmation of sale. Saturday, April 19th, Court adjourned until Friday, April 25 h. A. D., 1S73. STATS ITL2IS. The Brownville Advertiser tells of a lady of Brown v.lle, who followed her husband to the saloon, and wish a club which she carried. demo!ihed beer gins ses and made havoc of thinirs generally. The Marshal ordered the saloon vacated and a row ensued, in which several per sons got mixed up. The next day the lady wa arrested, at the instance of the f-aloon keeper, and pleal guiity, was fined three dollars and cots, which sin; refused to pay, where upon she was sent to jail. She was re leased ou a writ of error, and the cae will be continued at the next District Court Kearney Junction is out of stamps. We learn from various Western county exchanges, that the farmers lost cattle and horses largely in the recent Know Ptorm. The Blue Valley Record, ha ben merged into the Lincoln Leader. The May number of Demorcst's Monthly Magazine presuuu its u-ual array of beauuful novelties iu the way of Stories, Household matters, Spring Fashions, original Music, etc. The amount of useful information and enter taining literature in each number of this model Magazine makes it a marvel of enterprise. Two Oil Chromos, worth $10, are giv en as premium to each subs riber. Ad dress W. Jeneings Demorest, 38 Broadway, N. V. The Best Juvenile Magazine Demo- best's Youica America. This Month ly Magazine contains a large amount of entertaining and useful reading matter for children besides numerous attract ive novelties. A Combination Puzzlo Picture is a feature of each number. Yearly, $1. Address W. Jennings Demohest, 833 Broadway, N. Y. THE LI0D0CS. Friday, April 18 A dispatch, date 17th states that the repDrted death of Eugene Hovcy proved true. Troops R. & F. appeared from Col. Green's troops with the medicine flat; which h id waved in front of Cipt Jack's strong hold, and the scalp of Sear faced Chatley who was found wounded in the cave, as also a squaw who was captured and turned over to the Warm Spiing Indians, twenty of whom are finhting with us. Our side has now tak en five sca'ps in the fight. The Indians have only the scalp of the boy Hovey. From officers who came in with the cavalry we learn the enemy have been driven from their strong hold. They are travelling toward Willow Spring, or for the country between Clear and Goo-c Lakes. The cavalry will start for the country East of the old emigrant road from Oregon. Tho throe days fight re.-uk in the t' -fal lo-s often wounded and five killed from both wings. Saturdiy, 19th. All available troops of San Francisco are ordered to the front. It is the opin ion of experienced army officers that if the Modocs escap- from the lava beds other tribes will join them requiring a larger force to subdue them. April, 23. Ti lt prams from Gen. Giil-m state that th Modocs arc still in the lava beds. A number were killed by explosion of s .ells. Fchnnfchin, the recon i chief is dead. Coi. Maon has moved into Capt. Jacks lair. Bo lies arc scattered round and the ! is Friday, April 18. A rnriior j revaiN ;: London that the Pop died this morning. A run is i'npctidiug in Malaga, Spain Martin M. Hugo and wife were found dead in a cistern, at Hartford, Wi-con- s';. Henry Fatieb, who murdered Peter Shafer last fall, was executed at Syra cos", N. Y., to-day. Saturday, April 19. A mother and daughter named Coop er were i'rozMi to death during the late storm, near Sr. Paul, in Howard county, Nebraska. A family of four, named Hay ward, aie also iuissirig, and several parties have been found frozen to death n-.jar Lon3 Tree. The troops fit Yauktou, Dakota, bad to abandon tluir camp, th cifizens of Yankton opening their doors to them. It is fe-i red sever;! of the men have got lost and frozen to death. Senator Sumner's health does not im prove much. New York, April 19. The Griind Jury instead of finding &n iodieujient for violation of the u-ury law, have made application to the le gisla ture to repeal the law s far a? U applies to city and county cf New York. Tho Jury in the SchofieM wife mur der case cune irito court at miduight, wirh a verdict of murder iu the second up'rce. Tii- prisoner was senteneed,to impris onment for life. It is said that the tax department of this city h-ivc sued the Pacific Mail Steam-hip Company for tax o:i their property, which is worth $2,000,000. Ttif? British Counsel apprehending that McDonald, of the Bank of England forgeries, may escape from the Ludlow Street Jail, has hired an fdSe-er of that institution to keep constant wtch over hi Th Sleambout train on the Stoning ton & I'rovidenen R lihoad, Coimeciieur, this morning f ll through the bri Ice nt tlich'POTid. Six enrs were burned, and twenty p Tsons are snpj))-'e,i to have been ki led. The a?;i lent was caused by a fresh t washing the raii away. The train was ail burned but the suk i vtg car rt;i ! o;ri e thcr. Tuesday April. 22. Judgo I?:ady has senteinied StoUes to St-j:e pri-'n f,r life. Hon. James Brooks is lying very i.l THE MAREETS. : ::w youk, April 22. i873 Money Aetive at 1-502 1 60 Gold Fir m at i L$ Government.-. Strong CHICAGO. Flour Quiot Wheat Dull Corn lyss active", ... Oat.- Kasier - Bye Dul' Barley Dull Cattle Good, April 22, 1873. $5 0;;.fG 75 I 24 o7A , 30 08 , 7u $3 ;.0-'crG 30 ' $5 25 5 ;",0 Iiogv Live,. Mr. Fox, of the Lowell Register railed on the II ERA LP on Tuesday and expatiated on the merits of the cele brated sand hill country where Moses II. raises the big corn. Mr. Stocking, the sheep-raiser snd T.mes writer, was in town, thy say, but forgot to call on the HERALD. R Baxter Windham Esq, an old res dentj of Plattsmouth has ju-t returned from the Ann Arbor (Mie-M university ; where he baa been studying Law and things. Plattsmouth Las two as good uouiing mills as you can findin the West. Satan is tbe first tramp mentioned in history; he went to and iro on tho earth Iwkiojj f t a j"b. West Point is about to start a starch factory. They had a typographical lion at La Crose the other night. A drunken printer hopped out of a four-story win dow. Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, at Eight Milft-Grove, Cas County, Neb. March 28th, 1S73. oue Texas cow, red and white brand on right hip: under bit off the left car. -quarecrop off the right. April 5th, U73. Ben J. Ar8TrN. Attachment Notice. M. J. O'NV.l vs. P. II. O'Neil. To P. II. O'Neil, You are hereby no tified that an attachment wa isued by me in favor of the above Plaintiff and acainst the above named Defendant, for the sum of sixty-three dollors ($63) and t ml set for Saturday the 31st day of May 1873. at 10 o clock a. in. said day. at which time judgment will be rendered acainst you if you do not appear and show cause to the contrary. James O'Neil, 3-5t Justice of the Peace. Plattsmouth, April 12th, 1873. FURfiS ITU R E Th os. W. S4hryock, CABINET lAKER And dealer in nil kinds of btrktt, (third door .-l of P O Plattsmouth - Nsb Rojairia and Vnrti?hinK neatly una. Funerals rMerplod cn tbe "orteirt not.ce1 4I $4 K 4,f-U I J T am now i)reiar(R. to fur nish the best unadulterated milk . HU TWICE EVERY 0 AY to all parties i3otify?n me. PETER GOOS. 23oli fos- th JlUlinti I i ' i MARRiaGrj: A j riviiic 'emiHH-li.r to f!i CiUiOE:. , Marritd or tbixci;il)ut to mar j .tj on the pliyAolngical inster ana rfv(.l;ti.ii.o of the spxaul sytm. the l:iiet"io()verie in r .rmt'ioinxandl nreventing f.tW nnif, how tu i'rrerre the- .eniiili siun &e. Thi i.- nn intrctin4 work ot'lnrro hundred nd twer.ty-l'our p;'.ntr. wirh nuiue eat entrrnv iniri. and c'nl:iiii- viu:ibie bifOruiatinu for i.jfe wl.ii fire i!ir.rrifd. r contain j.latc mr Still, it is a biok thut o-jxht to be kept uii ifr 1-x-k and key. and net,: laid carelessly wui the nousc. f j Soi.? to orr: on ('fre ofnost-ijte) far V) eortts. A.i.ln-s L)r. Hut-..;' lMspi.-iaiw.iKo. 12 li Lihi'i irc-si. m. Loui. Mo. i Xotii'e to th,? Aflii'.'. od ariiUnfcrtunftle. Hcre apply ii;et the n.irku quaokn who t. vertigo m ptiblio papers, r.r itsin ai:y quack remli.-5. puru.e Ir. Iritis' work no mattei wiiii! ynjrdtiiase is or nw dep.grablo your condition. Ir. liutt? e-.n hr c.-nsiiltel. i-rf onslly or by mail, en t!ie i!isonf.- mcntinrsr I in Jiis works. 'Miire. No. VI N. KishMi street, SeiKfen Market aii'lCi.csuiit Si. Loui.-. Mo. do2dwlv Sljiltol: Iloi !., liar l:ettor1. 1MB 'TiPfen Jst published. now f ditin-i r.f l.r. cd eri 'Jf 4'r !-(. 'ssfy on the r-irtit fure iwith "Ut ilieiifiTip ! cf vl i? . Tiio m k r i or Setninal Ytp.ikncs. invo.ontirv Seminal Lessee Ivpotkwcv. .Mental imd Physical in ciipneity. J Pi-edicjeutM to "In--iiiKe. cu:.; CosriTioN, Kpilrpsy. ii'id f i -fi. induced by self iiK'u!,-nt!0 or pes mil vxfjvaiiric.o. f-l'ri''' in sealed etirel're. oni y 6 cent. ' he u lebi nted jui!nir. in tUia n.liniriible e.i- i-ny. near') 'iciiio'triitfK ir -bi a thirty years' Fu- cessl il pnu 'ice. thnt th-smUrininc cobso qyeiicc.s of Mll"-ahne may b riicaliy cured without the tic of in'crrial niodioinor the ap plication of the knife : pointing o t a mode of euro at one inide. ccrtnin, nf ffectaal. by nioiins of which orcry nutl'crer, n mat'er what hi? c.-mliti'in may be. moy cure h: utself cheas ly. privaiely, and ra.lifnlly. j tTi;i lecture cliould he the hands of every yruth nd man in tho l.iud. s,,nt. under, in a pliin envelope, to any BJdrifs. postpaid, on rccc-j t c f .-jjt cent, or two po-tine s'atnpp. t ' . Also Dr. Culver's " t'aidc?' price 51" C'-nts. , Adoress the Publisher3, fit chas. i. c. kmkf . co. 4S-Iy 'osi 04 J 1oi. .M0. r ! 1 Mothers, riotl;ers, Mothers) iers .; ! . Wiiit'oic Soothina 1 on'titiftn 'fruolor V.itifdru Terth.ab. '. i il.i v:ilu.ib!e Lrcii:ir:iti:m h been ued with NEVKX. t- AILING SL'CCES IX XIIOU SAXbS OK CASKS. f j It no nly relieves the ehild fro patn, Kut in'.t'. s the stntn ich mid htwcij, correcMj acidity, and ores tone au'l energy I tho whoie 'jvlcm. It wi.l also t ftanf ly roiiei (irip''J t't Ih ? Itunrl i an l fiit'.' (tiler. Wo helievo it the bet and !iurei?ti remedy in theworid. in all c.i-es ot I (ysentery aiid Lir- r-ia'i in children, w hether arrisijfg I roax tceth intr t any o'her eau-e , 2 Oopeod upon it mother?, it will :riTO rst to yourselves, und r '' f tieiitfnnd H(Z th !o Your Infi pit. Cesuro and cr.ll tor "Mr., W'in-httr' nnlnlmr Fvrvp." H .vinir tliefxcimile of "CU ItTI'i , 4 PAR KIN'S" cn theontid wrat.per, v A Sold by Iriiirgicti throughout 0i .world. 10 The Lincoln R c u t e. T H K j : I JESnilrosui; f VIA .. t 7 T O it Sr. Joskph. TF.rcMstn. Topfk., T?a?stk Virr, J.KlVJJWOlTn, '.AWKitNCK.TAI.3 City. Whiie Cloud, I'osihCx, KtNSAS CiTT. I i I ClXCISSATI. Ist IXAPOI.I3. Col.t tiXi LoCI T1LI.E. NiSHTIr.LK. MlHPHl?.' 4T- ta.iooga, Mobile. Atla.a,.. And all the Points in tho Suutlnvcst, South and houth- east. 4 f I m NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that under anl by virtue of the articles of incorporation of the St Louis it Nebraska Trunk Rait road Company, filed in the office of tb$ Soeretary ef the State of Nebraska, oi the 21st day of August A. D. 1872.-4 Books wili be opened for subscription t4 the capital stock of said St. Louis & Net braska Trunk Railroad Company, at th State Bank of Nebraska m the city ol Omaha on the 7th day of May, 1Si3. J. A. Horracii 1 Ala'in Saunders I A. S. Paddock V iDCornoratorsi Clinton Briggs I i John Fitzerat.d. 1 PUttsmoutri, Cass Co., Nebraska, April 4to, lhio- nto. j ISTEW STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska. BUCCI3SKK8 TO nORTON k JKKKa. DBALBB3 lit General Merchandise, DRY GH0T?. GUOCETES. HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, II ATS. CAPS BOOTS. j SHOES. NOTIONS, ki, "We are Asent9 for j Wiilcox &. Gibha Sewing Machine SPREKG TIJADE, 187 FURNAS NURSERIES rue v.s villi:, neb. FURNAS, SONS & FEU RAND j i Furnaand Son, Brownviilu, Nobrasta, ati'l 1j. rcrrami, Detroit. Michiarij bavo t'onsolidati' l their stocks ( an-J will hereafter conduct lsii-inot-s at IJrywrivi.'io, ; Neb., wlic-ru they j oITer h"i larpot and uiost seVet gen eral Nursery Stock ever offered, j iu the West, consisting in part as follows : CO.OtO Choice S yczr old Apple Trees, 1im.ik "2 I f.'oio. " 1 ,..iu.uuO,w"..LJ.-2. S audi jcar.cJJ r." 3 and' fTeir'cir CLorry I t r c Tre. P0.000 1:0,000 1 nnd 2 year old Pesfh Trees, 1'luai, Apricot and Nectarine I roee 4.nno.r00 No. 1 Honey Locust llcdge Plants, li.IMtfi.dtrt ' 1 0-!re llrstiK'i ; fi.ti.xJ.m Forest Tree Sceilini-e, J l?"t).l.4l Evers-reeon. iu v.i:ieir. lCKJ.OiW each li'ackhcrries, P.n.f pberrici and .strwbrri:. .10.000 eieh Gooc;i)errie nn i Cnrrant", O.DO Perpetual n"d lim binff Uosej, 10 (KM Floweriii? Shrubs, 10.0O0.OO0 WUlovr Cuttinf. Coolfy's Knrly While, and Adams Extra Earfy Corn. ITALIAN Berkshire and Poland Hogs. J. R, Di'ley of Cass County will act a i cn of lhee nurseries in this section. P. O. ad Jrcaa Plattsmouth. Css county, Nebraska. KTArmipoDdrnte Solicited. nrl for t'.iUilrfUc.-A nl-tt ffhyman Curtis .PlnMsaiou;.!, IVcfc., Repj:rers of Steam nsrineB. Boilers, Saw as4 iaa und Stemi rittin(?s, 'Wrought Iron Pipe r i.ri;e and t iuuips. Meant ijusw, aiac v Jve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittin s, furnished oa shart notice, TARMINO MACHINERY rtepaU ' on ihert notice. i Semi-Annual Statembnt Of the condition of the J'heciz Inmrnnee Cora- pany, o firooklyn, , V., on tho 1st day of Jauuary, 18. CAPITAL. Cupital. ' Sl.WffiOfiO Gross Surplus. 1.00i3i3 02 Total Assu's, 2,001.SI3O0 ASST3. Cnh in Bunk, Cash in 'oumo of transmis;on Ly AgenM, Loans on llond and Mortgage, at 7 per ccnt- Cail loans on U. S. Bonds, Ac, at 7 per cent. Bills Receivable for Marine rreo.i um. United M'ltes, Stato and County Bond, market value. Uncollected Premiums, Fire and Marine. A crued J ntere.-t. Keal Kctate owned by Company fr 'fiice6, Wrecking Apparainx at Bu"a!o. Claims cine ItieOonipacy for Sialvsce and xvc-Insurance. Other property, sundry ii-jms. $14.5.403 56 130.10543 270.?95 0) 8T.W0C0 1M.104W 070,20947 82.S0274 S-,000 00 17,0ij000 80.1171 14.0S4 84 $2,001,31302 Liabilities, J.T07.472 7O II. E. PALM KB. Agent. 5Ht Annual Statement For the year endins: December Slst.'lS72, of the coudiiion and nifitir of the Home Iiu'nrane Company, ot .Now lork. Irirauizel aaanr tne Lav of New York, niude to the SSupermtend ent of tho Insurance I'tpartmcut ot the fUite of e'uraiku, in puuaucc of the laws of said t-tate. . j CAPITAL. j Whole amount of Joint Stock Cap- j ilal authorized. $200.00000 Whole auiount of Capital paid up ia etsh, 2.M0.OOOO0 ASSET.-?. Loans on Bonds and .Jlortiragos. . . (Sm liens), 1.9:o.T5oia) Interest o-'rcrue'l on said Bonds and n Mortsr:i(te loans. 4S,364ti United Statts and Mate Stocks aud Uoud.J. (.market ralue). 1,723,96000 Loans on stocks. B nd and other securities, held as collaterali!, (: 37.50 -M.123 49 Cosh iiet'Ofited in Bank. 2o4..'3Jol Interest due ad accrue ! on collat eral loans tnd Bank balance. 4.370 05 Gros premiums in due coan-eof col- lecltoi.s. 230 434 48 Bills Keceivable, taken for Fire. Murino unil Itilunii nkf. and for steamer ilaKaet. tstcurod by inongage"'. 17,1.633 Dae from other Companies for rc-lOJ-nrauce on lo-ses already paid. 37.00000 Salrspe propertv aniclainis on loos es already paid, 35,20164 All other property belonging to Uie Compauy, S.i2340 Total. 1446,86879 LIABILITIES. Gro.'S clairrs for Lowes agaiostthe Company adjusted an-1 unpaid. JTone. Gross lo?ces in procc ot a jusiment ineludios ail reported 'id sup posed losses, ley re-in.urance. 550,039-0 Losses refisted. incda'tin iuterests, cost", and other expenee. 32.500 Cash Dividends to Mockhojders, re- -r.,M tnaining unpaid. 2,97500 All other property belonging to the Company, 78.. 23 40 TtV 3.27TaOl rt 4t E. T. mjjfcB & 0.? At foot of Mio Strwt. WB0LB84LI ANO Rmit DbALIM FIV HARDVARE & CUTLERY, STOTES, TIV.WABE, HAILS, I BOW, All kinds of T IN WARE 43-tf Mflntlfjlftiirlnir Th. Best IThcChcap cat. AITill bj found at hi old Rtand on Main SU It where he will be plenied to hi fur at customers and friends. no has h Urge and good aMr'taat f farm muehinery such as the r I'be Marsh harrepter. a reaper that two 1 can cut and bind tea acres per day wit J one man to drive, and tho binders can work in the i hade. Milburnand Ptuderbnker TTons, rham pion Reaper A Mnwf Maf-illoo Tbrh er. nii Rtitlnlo Fit thrnsher, and Eireliuv l.caicranJ Mower io, T. J. METTEKR, Main Street, riattsaaoatk. Nek. Feb. 29 rttf. "CITY HEAT MARKET. ET CSir'or-S5! 1 cr. f MA IX STREET, Plattsmouth; -efiraulia. n The best of Fresh Meats always haa4 ir their seasea. ' Highest Price Paid -'or Pat Cattle a-IIic-he!t Cash Price paid for crocs Hides. f-rv . g. w. in m RK x Main Street, Four Coof Eat of Court Homo,; M4iM m i : HARD W A R E , i ' HEATING ' I ! ' COOKirVG ,'fiTOVES .t Of the latest Improvcrne its, wairanlfcj, hlJ oii at a small petit aboro ooeL - !i Doinc ny owa werk la ; j Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with loDB"exreniinei rnaraaU satUiaction and l'rices to suit HABD SlwSm TIKJE2-GX-1! A Heavy Stock hi Goods on A'o entt and JVa fnterrtt o )orroii opital to Lt Mad VS lw I i OLDEST 'E3TABLT5nKD.ilbri3E IJf THH i ! &:th WW North ide Main between Sewr'd and Third im Takes pleasure in idm . oi FarnacrS and K.'.chanlcs. Tb it be has as lane and welti ;eleted stock of iry wools, lirocenes. i ron ". eTer brought to tr.e city of lattsmouth. i- 1 1 will ecst yon nothintt to look at them eciheryu buy or not. lteranainir tbe .u. "iti.u rti. i T a rent)" von will be able to tell when other parties try to rwindlo youwph 3 ; 26wtl 2TH ERC H A N T r A I L0 R I in receipt of the hnd BEST A S S 0 fi:"r LI E M T i. - Of Caimeres. Clott a, fv eatings, &c, ver brought to the cit?i which I will make up il the Latest otvlei . tf-Fleasa call an! oxa.O" ie.4ij Plattsrronth, April W P. . . . - Mwtf. S j t