Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 17, 1873, Image 3

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) C TliEM Ell A LI).
X ' -m -. """"1- - - " T ' "
'l?niTrnArl Tinin riVil"J,v '
Uim , - DEPART. .
MU A Ex. 1:1 p. in.! Mai! and Ex. 11:15 k. m
FreUbt A Ac 8:10 a-niJErcigbt A Ac. iJ p- in J
B. 4 21. R. IX IOWA.
Mtntlx. 5;S3 n. ia. Mail & E. f!.t5a.Va.
Ae'tion & Fr'ght 7 i roi Ac'iion Fi' U.-:jp m.
Paoitio Kxpres V:20 ml Atlantic Ex. ,4:iJ p in.
The Transfer fc?t will leave the Pit town
Beet with Kaatf3Oinii trains i" rtiiiiut;-. earli
er than the time ivcn abme. 'Ihe i'.oitisruo
by CbicJMft tims which u Si minutes fu.:Ur than
Platuiuouth titr,
la eonnection -ith Burlington A Mifioun
Rlrer Railroad 5: Ncbras'k.
Depot at foot o' -Jones Street.
Plattsmouth 1:50 f-. m. I Plattsmouth ll:'-0 a. m
, do 12:25 n. n. I 1 9:"5 a. m
0mah....10::W &. m. I Omaha. :' p. ra
tie "7:05 a. tn. do 2:00 p m
K C. 3T. JOE. & C B. R. R.
at re?ic jrsrTios 'otta.I
Slall and Ei"ire-4 p. w. 8 '' - m.
i.'iht Exprea ".: a. tn- 3:15 p. tn.
. Thia irivea pas?. 'Reri fmm Plattfmnflih close
eonnection ffoin? .-'oijth or North by leaving here
OB tha. 12:00 tn. train.
boct a.
A B. 4 Ft. Joe "K". R, South
C. B. A St. Joe ? R. Sorth.
B. A M. R. R. l-. vt,
R A M. R. R.Wcst.
Oicfiha by Rail
Vr'hrmk flilv. nv Staec.
5p IT. 10.7) p C
! p. in. lo.Wpm
ipm, l'J.:5')pni
9nm. 4prn.
9 p in l! a in
. 1' ia. 1 2 m.
8 p tn. . i pin.
OS JO honr. fr-.'n H a. ui to 7 P in
under. 12:30 '- !: P in-
local advertisements.
Transient 20 c nta a lino. Kflt'ilar aJver
Uert 10 cent prr i'.ae. yo alvertiiemeot in
serted lesj thao -5 cent.
Lfal adrertl-i iucntt will bo sharjcl t3 tbrs
arties handinc thcui in.
As oor spare is limited, nil commnniration
annst be brief and to tlio point, wiih no was'.eof
Ara requestel t :- notify t'ao ofiico if the paper i
o JolirereJ. p---tnptly.
Mcwtinpr Ircilon4.
1. Any perfo-i who takes a piper regular!?
tron the poM nHcc, whether d' reeled ta biJ
Kame or wbet'-.'-r he ia a Fubaci-iber i.r not is
tasponaible for 'he p:ty.
S. If any pef -n or .'ers his pap' r iiiei nin
ed. ho muit p - all arr'aufs.'-r tl.e labliehtr
may continue I-Fcrd payment in inaife,
and collect th wlmlo mnount. vhelher the
xaper is token from the cSiec or n t.
. 3. The c"tr; have deci-'d th t refusing to
taVe newpaien an-i periodica' from the p.-t
flice, or rtin-iv .r. g and leavin?: th'n nnealle i
fir. is pritnaf-- 'e evidence of intf-.'toH'il JroAd.
lioTtca TO E'- srtsopy. Hsubf-n.crspaj--
?"V insT for tbo'.r r per to u-, and or Jwiug itUi-
ned at a certai. tin-.c. i-'fc44Peil4-;
but, weeannot e repoj jftIe for hat baa been
'done befor o;- iitr.c, fr for or ler unpposel
to har been tcii by .thrs to o'.h?r?. Ocr
Looks utooe iti't be If iruide for all old fob
leription.. Plf1 ""f remtSr ber this.
Corifcrenct mieti'-n Friday, and otlr
town will be full of lieverenl gentlenseh.
Call at F. S. Wh5TTar.d try his
tea ;l 2 2t
, ijffhc Rev. ?Ir. I'ron preached his
tarewell strnioh lastiSunday evening, to
a Urge uu 'v. ice.
G ta r. ' White 'and g?t pood win
when flu ir. I 2-2t
Twen'y tl ';u-a;id heal of horn have
been shipped by ihc. B. !i M. 11. it. in
the put t.vt; ty daysij
Best Fine cut andt;irS it
SSlf 1-10.
Book Store.
Azro f-tui h
h thefiSl ra li.-hes
of his rai.n,'
natural t i s. i A
J Oth. tt looks
SiuUli aro'ini again.
fto to Vivian'i fi
Viion. -
jroiei iea and pro
SOtf Soaie .sof
la-t, on M:
4 feet stti
maple fcei sowri in June
IV de'fc )lace hive grown
The snfid came fioni Mr.
Cull aal fiec the;jhew gtt iters at the
ghee store, .hey are 14 beautiful, so pood
and cheap- '
Ona of t ie famouiiJenniii- caes wa
Vlraginz it slow cv th alch.j on Wed
nesday, we dropped i::to the Court
rooms. ,!
-New stock of
Will, not benn
7Udtf goods, che p and g'-6d.
dersold. . . ' t
The SH"V was so teep bili ia the west
ern part ( I the county that severil per
sna lo-t t!.- ir way tail suffered severely
In trying D reach i railway station, in
brder to reach court this Week.
ie 'Postpone-;
ment oi"
Claiborne's Benefit
Until Friday evening".
Conrcr: ice,
Court fertd Ciaiborne, ali
Jq one w ;ck. Isn
that as much as
rilttsuivath can
at one time?
Don't bilr g up an
cthtr excitement,
Can i: be possilli that Dam Clark
knd Kb Giinnell ate going to turn
inctho ii - preachy
fc Ciaybe ! who
They'd mi-ki good ones,
'ceauiboats passed up the Mis-
! P
on Weiesday. One, the
k, and tig other passing on
ide, t: riiie could uot be as
Looiis liVl old times to see
the lew:
Ihe tall fiuokc taci falling up stream.
Yest . -day, v;he"n iue Conference gen
tleujOa bcan t" ar!vo by wagon?, by
tra'n, : i f ot ic, s ?me rascals, with no
fear of a future w&rj before their eye?,
(darted the report a lot of gamblers
badj-i .i. come to ty-sn, and many be
lieved::. - jt
Lots No. S, 0, antli south -half of lot
10, in Albeit. 1". G jl house, with five
rooms, pantry; tel, cistern, holding
ICO barrels, on theUce. - Will be sold
cheap. Enquire or fj. H: Wheeler &
Co., ct of Ii B.LiV 51tf
1Z3 ! ICS !
c3 Tiring the ec
t one half cf
' I Wid deliver ic3
season in
small quantity
one nair cent per
5oun; 40 cents
p'-U lWr if 100 a day
ate your contract.
A pill
K' ' g tikiD; Cad and. a
Fohis Fif2gerald, Esq. , returned from
(jhitag'Cu Wednesday morning.
Blaok dfpjiiop.s for s:le at the II r'?.
ALD oiBco. S"ew lo,t of tUiuks of ail
kiud.'. Call and see tbeu'i.
oras fellow iQ New York e:ty adver
tizd that a Prof. Canteil A.' Big lie would
9y from Tiiniry steeple eu. a certain day.
Thoutnds ti'.red out to see b'xm. The
tft, I-ouw Globe thiDks Trof. Cari-tell
A-Lig He probably stood in the crowd
slid watched the fun.
Ot2, the Veterinary STrgeoD, has re
moved to the little brick, north side or
Main street, west of the Court House.
Remember tbi?. 44tf.
Oae, Iowi, hat a reformer. He
wants the City Council to pa? an ordi
nanco abolii-hin- 'eoSet'3 making it k
crime to wear them.
This wo a id bo funiiier than letting
the city priming to the highest bidder.
atts::t:oi; i 1 1
County ao 1 City ordrs bought at the
IjiViiiiant Hlore at the hinhcrt tiguroj.
Mr- I3mTor Hfhalli: I take the
liberty of nropc-ing the following conun
drum, which you may frolve At your
h-i?ure: Three tradesmen o? a town
combine to advertise their respective
trade, through the medium of a eing!e
card. Would it bo considered good evi
dence cf cheating tbu printer, and re
uj Hiding people of an old adagd, to-wit:
Three Tinkers make one workman?
Vsit yco Jink ? ihlirFRESSIIiLG.
TnE Senate Wm. Ivk'ertou Pro-
1 .!!
pnetor. co.-y, warm ana comnirtaiuo,
drop in and see u. Lipiors and cigars
vr.arrantPfl pnr and good.
Nov. 13, d&wtf
Uuicn Yir's Co. No.
J, will hold a
rcenliir nieeiiuj? at the Court llo'KC, at
7i o'l-io-k, .b;irp, V'e liiod ly, 231 inst.
A fijl' tdtcndinee is deiied, as bu-iness
of impirt iTico will be tran: Acted.
By crdr r of
j. A. MAcMt-i'iPiiv, Ties't.
To Let. A- place cf ten acres in
fru't a vineyard. To a goo 1 man ii
No. 1 'c'.; is oiTere 1. Apply to
Wheatl-y Miekelwir.
Coun in-; room, cornt r of the Herald
office fti'p. on
iiin street.
The April -numberof -tbii-popnior
Maciz:Td is a charmin't cno
new cover cies it an
attractive appear-
in keeping with its excellent fable
of contei.ts, and the Illu-trnted fio'ntis.
piece is lovely. Writers tdiolild :n3ke a
rioteofthe fact thit tlie pub!i-b'er i.
off-inn fii'ty dollars for the best hort
Ptory. Send a statu y for a specimen copy
to T. J. Gihu.ire, Milwaukee, Wis.
5'. :Ti7Zl7 ,
Frank Crruth's Jewelry Store, iu the
Iost Office Luild'r.g i the place to buy
fine Watcher, Chicks; Nipkin Rings,
A.-.scrred jewd.y, and Fancy Ware.
; N B. . l'vpairiny well jiimI neatly done
on short notice, cheap as elsewhere.
.2t2. ,
t B
- A casa baj been t'.eterniiaed at 0ajha
reg irdii'g the fee of Probate Judge in
civil ca-e i, A decision was given In the
Jistrk-t Court, by Judge Jjake holding
that trie . Probate Judge may tae fees
ei'her under his own or Ju-tiees' fee
bill, itidiifjrently ; and that the law cf
1S7(). LMvin the 1 tiial fee. has been
. l .
repfaieu. i
Tl. nU U f Pm.
Court is now $50J, and the new law in
relatiotihercto will be published soon.
-; - - CSiiUAK7. . .
Joil P. Moore?, an old resident of
Plettsto, uth, and well known in the
county died on Saturday tfjoroing, about
nine o'clock.
He wis Police Judge of the city un
til the late election and his deith leaves
ono more place void in the ranks of our
firstr and best known Nebraskians now
fast becciiiing only too scarce.
Mr. Solomon, of Solomon fc Nathan s; j
has returned from his trip. east and
brought r.n entire new stock of goods at
lower prices than ever. A heavy stock
of fine cry goods and fancy goods will
be offerel for sale by this efctc-rpmici
firm; at such rates that cone can go
away disappointed. Call and examine
the new roods. No charge for showing
goods, aal wo take p'e-ure iu having
bur customers examine our stock at all
times. ' 9 2t
lhc utdersicnea tegs leave to an
nounce t'j the, citizens of Cas3 county;
that from and after this date hs has put
down, all Watch, Clock and Jewelry re
pairing to about one half the customary
Watchcj and clocks cleaned for $1.05,
main spriigs put in for $1.00, and all
otl:r wore in proportion. Warranty
given. P ease give rie a call, and have
your work dope by a first-class workman.
American watches and clocks soli at
factc-iy ra:es. Jewelry sold for less
than Chica'o prices. Please remember
the place corner Fouith and Main
Streets, tpposite the Platte Valley
4 Respect fully,
-- Jos EPJI Sell LATER.
Plattsxoltu, March, 27, 1873.
' 52tS
Morgan Vajbright'a team ran away
on 3Ionday and scooting round the cor
ner of .Mail and Second streets, ran into
Sir. Iloyal team, and they feeling in-
dignaut; bust up D- Schoasse & Co's
hitching .ptst, and both
teams took
promenade til round up the stret after
the most approved Spanish stampede
style. Fbrtinately no one was hurt, and
the critter's feel mortified f3 think thr'y
did to fooli-di a thin?, and acted so much
like, white .oik. Wiiybriht learned a
esson, bcHnassS got i' new horse post
and Mr. Ro-a! knows Jus' how fasi hia
Fhoicraph Oiiler7 cn 3Iin et.', over
John.on's Drug Store. Photographs
retouched cheaper than anywhere else
in the State. No. 1 pictures t'akt-n every
day. Call and examine hpcoiinens. 2t2
On account of the weather
Mr. 'Claiborne's Benefit will
be iostponod until Friday
evening", April 18th;
God not sold at less than co&t. No
foods given away, I ut good good. at the
lowest prices for cab, at
lltf. Clark & Plummers.
Pla'tts'Louth, Neb.
Bv the unde'rtf.ied, on the tbe 4ih or
5th of April. Ib73, one brown pony
mare; about six years old, with right
hind foot white and white stiipc on right
side of DOe, eyes not good. The ownt r
can have the same by calling at my place
aud paying charges.
It. 11 Countryman.
Mt. Pleasant, April 12, 1S73.
Remember Frank White, tho grocer,
one of the best fellows and the best gro
cers in the world. Call and buy your
potatoes and things of White. 44tf .
As Mr. Sam. Buker, with his wife
and biother-in-law (the Reverend Mr.
Woods) and another gentleman were
coming into town this morning, when
near Four Mile Creek his buggy broke
dowii precipitating himself and wife who
were sifting in front, headlong to the
ground. But 'for tun Ate! co bones wers
broken or joints dislocated, although
Mr.-. B. Was considerably bruised, and
the new baggy is a total wiick. A lum
ber wagon was chartered, and the party
arrived in town without further accident.
But t' e Rev. Mr. W., trho was on his
way ea-t to join his F.aiily and parish,
fjund, to his chagviii, that ho had ar
itved just a little too late for the train.
1-lionr Mile Grove.
April 10.
School Boots, at pil!ihcrs prices, at
jStf P." O. Book Store.
There will be a publio sale of State
Penitentiary .lands, at the office of the
State, l'ri-on Inspectors, Lincoln, Neb.,
My-f-th-rat ittJock r. m.
The lands Mocated in Lancaster,
Seward, and iviuti lers counties, and
comprise some pry good farming land-.
Fur descript,tini terms cf sale, ie.,
addreis State Vrqn Isspectors, Lincoln,
Nebrika. i ' ? ; . 52w6
1 ' - .
For the ITeralJ. j ! J
When you -trafisplant peach trees or
plutn trees ca niie the roots and take
out the worm i. (IVm't nt gleet to short
en in th'3 tops ) Vhen planted be care
ful to have the; ground a !itt!e lower close
to the tree, ani once a iiionth cr ofkener
pour in a littli aonp suds from the wash
tub. This wis my pmctico thiity five
vears aero. iniOhio, where peach tree
worm3 were atumiant, but they never
touched my Creeps l have no peach trot s
for sale
When you tat !j aood peach cr plum
plaut the seeddiiiuKdiately, or put it in
a good nlacs wl pre it not become
drv. Before tbo first day of November
place it where t;pu? want a tree to stand
Don't cover it it lore than an inch dee p,
o" lay a boar? or stenj oer u, r -
htith or snnifttliine to rrOtCCt H, ECU
;r. " ? . - .
keeD the irroiio.t 'iinoiit. in tne spring,
don't forget your peach tree, but remove
a'l obstructions,! etcept a little bttah; to
keep the grooBftWoist anl keep off the
chickens. Doo' tuy a budded peach
tree, tt i notfus good as a seedling. I
could give tha proof if prccf was necv-
i W. S. West.
Go and see Stadtlm inn's new stock of
clothin?, fit oIass, cheap, good, and de
sirable ; entire, fcef stock se.:;ng at !ov-
est casn rates; ut4i t in to can jii i ei-
kmins before niirca isinjr else where.
At the new iiand ojiposite the Brooks
House. . k I a"--t
The extraordinary fertility cf Nebras
ka soil receives tb4 following notice in a
letter recently Mtrltten by the e liter of
the Rural Xeio Ywkrr :
"The finest kArdk-ri moll in the St .te
of New York is not a whit better than
the averaae Nebraska soil, which is lignt
ard free troui Jumps at.d stone? ; dark
soiled, easily worked, and eminently pro
ductive. I would fi Ivisc all nursery m?n
in the East toitupCit a car Icf.d ot it to
grow their most delicate plants in. Thf-y
need take no pnicaii'ion, but send their
order to any pistbia-ter cr Itud a cent,
and tell him t tigtha urst Jirt he comes
to and send it tv.prig.
We object.? First tiling you know
hey'il have a railroad, broad guige cheap
freight, and cart all the soil of Nebraska
East to New-Ti tn Itrtiiize their old.
worn out," barren gardens. Come out
here and make 1 garden, Mr. Rural.
There's room fr ail or you.
If you bavf' agod watch which needs i
repairing and dott want to trust it into
the hands of nvnetout a urst class work
man, please call a! the jewelry establish
ment of Jo:M Scl'ater, corner Fourth
and Main gtVeetsi oppo.-ite the Platte
Valley House? :t J'lattsmouth, he is one
of the best workooen in the State, has a
business experience of 23 years, twelve
years he baaepfnt in the employ of
somb of the bet
stabliinments of Cin
cinhati and ltiuhf ion 1
If you entrust
a your watch to L)oi, it viii bs repaired
as carefully afcil. s
lifully as by the best
workmen id abf j
iy east or west:
arn on Siib'scrip-
tidil at tbi
Ollice imiifedi-
rbere u no pain which the C'eutaar L: mint at
will cot ielieve. qo swelling it nill not sabdne,
and no 'amtne-s wbieh it will not euro. This
U stror. ln-.i?uige, bnt it ia true. Where th
p.trts are not gono, its elTects are marvelou". It
has proeel more curt of rheumati in. nen
ralcia, lcek-'iw. palay, tpreiu?, swelling-?, ear
ache, caked-breasls, scald?, bums ealt-rheoia,
ic., upon the banian frame, and of strains,
rparin, calls. Ac., npea animals in one year
than have all ether, pretended remedies since
the world began. It is a counter-in itant, an
all-healing pain-reliever. Criri-les throw awsjr
their crutcbe. the laico walk, poisonous bitos
are renderad harmless and tho wounded re
healed without a sc-ar. It ii no hnmhug. The
recipe is rub!Uhed around each bottle. It ia
felling as no artiele ever before so'.d; and it sella
because it does jurt what it pretCLdu to do.
Those who now suffer from rbeumati.-in, pain
or swelliug- deserve to.suffVr if they will not nse
Cehtaiir Liniment. Mure th.ia lW.'O eertiiieatei
of rerjntkable cure3.- including frozen limba,
chionio-rbenniatisui. gcut, running tumocrs,'
Ac. have been received. We wilt fend a circu
lar containing certificates, the roeipe, ic., gr.t
tis. to aiy ene rcuuest'ig it. One bottle of the
yeHow wra'rper Centaur Liniment is worth cno
hundred dollars for :avined or swecnie 1 ho'i
se and nitlles. or for scrcir-worpl in s'-ieep.
Stock- owners this liniment is worth your at
tention. No family should be with out .Ccntavtr
Liniment. J. Itosu A Cc, New York.
I'ftttorisi is iiiore than a substitute for fas
ter Oil. It is ihe only te article in existence
whi'-Jli is certain to assimilate tho food, regulate
the bow'cl, cure win 1 colic and produce natur
al sleep. It contains ueithc-r miner mor
phine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Chil
dren need not cry and mothers inay rest,
mi mill n. -rsrYa"T "- t-it- t
The oil reliable Dentbr, Dr. MeCrea,
is still here, and can be found at the lit
tie office on the corner cast of Dovey's
WhUe the peripatetic dentist fr'aler
nity keep on the move, our doctor stsys
quietly at home and attends to hi cus
tomers, giving satisfaction to all. 2 2t
.-.oticc is hereby given, that assess
ments have been made on each share of
the Ariapahoe Town Company, to make
in the aggrsgate $10. 50. AH share
holdets. of said Town Company, whose
shares do not show that amount endorsed
on each, will, .within sitty days, p ly in
to the Assistant S-jeret-y the balance
tide ; or their shares will be foifeited to
the company. L. 1). Bennitt,
Asst. Secretary.
Plattsmouth, April" 0. 1S73. 2-3t
r. s:h:tas2s & cos stccf.
Mr. Schnasjo, tlio senior partner of.
this firm, has just returned ftoiii Chica
go, where he his laid in a large stock of
goods suitable for the rpring and sum
mer trade. We had the pleauru of
passing through the store the ether day,
and were astonished at the number and
variety of goods this firm carry.
Their store is literary crammed from
top to bottom ; above the floor, under
the floor, ill pigeon holes and drawers,
on shelves and under . shelves, goods,
goods, goods appear. The first and lar
gest stock of calicoes of the season are
on his counters ; table linens, ladies
goo lj of ali kiuds, laces, embroideries
a:id bonnets no, vre mean hats, form a
pnit of their stock.
in the mere substantia! lines wo may
mention a warehouse full of coffee, su
gar, oils, syrups, tto ; alo crockery and
glass ware till you cau't rest. Wooden
and willow ware to suit you.
In boots, shoes and heavy dry goods
they also do a large Lusine-i?. In fact,
and in thorr, there seems to be but little
that tho farmer needs that Schnisse
does not keep. PiHtt.-iuourh must bo
doing some trade when men can afford
to bring such stocks of goods to town.
We had the pleasure of an introduo
tioo to Mr.. Benjimin 1'roste, the other
day. Mr. D. proposes to make Cass
county his home this sumner and always
if things keep moving. He will enter
into stock racing and kindred pursuits
on tho farm of his father in-law, Doc
tor Wiley, at Three Groves. Success to
Benjamin, siy we.
H. K. Campbell, Warden of the
State Prison, called cn the HeraLd
last week. He wants mere boarders
this summer, but didn't come after us.
Its that other fellow, he wants. We're"
not good at !tono work.
M. B. Murphy is home for a week,
taking auolhci lay off.
Ilonorables Elam C!ark, arid E. Grc
nell, of Ft. Calhoun, looked ir! at the
Hekai.d olnoo in our ab.-etice. Call
again, gentlemen:
Now what mischeif is up, Washing
ton County sends lur two shrewdest
Counselors down here to Conference.
A number of the Cass county folks
hao dropped in to see the Herald
this week, among the number are :
Jc'siah Burger. W. I). Lemon, Mr.
Ilarnsberger, Jas. Simpson, and Mr.
S. Prouty sends tho Herald to his
brother, Abel Prouty, at Granville,
Among the lawyers, tho Herald no
tices in town, are McConnell, District
Attorney ; Messrs. Crbxton, Stevens,
and Schofield, Nebraska City ; all our
fellows; Judge Wake! and Ja. M.
Woolworth, of Omaha.
Gen. Silas A. Strickland called on the
Herald yesterday morning, bright and
smiling as tUtiai, ia spite of the weather.
723 1T277 CAEI17ZT.
With toe eseentinn of the successor of
Boutwell, the old Cabinet has beerr re
appointed, comfirmcd and swc"rn in.
The Cabinet made up: Secretary of
Mate. Hsnilton I ish, New lork , Secre
tary cT Treasur-, Wrm A. Richardson,
of Massachusetts ; Secretar' of Var, W.
. Lelknan, of Iowa; Secretary ot
Navy, George M. Robeson, of New
Jersey; Secretary of the Interior, Co-
umbus Delano, or Ohio; Attorney Gen
eral, George H. Williams, of Oregon;
Postmaster 'jreneral, John A. J. Cres
well, of Maryland.
A deadly .blow has been struck at a
numerous, if aot great name. A'rnern
ber of the Ohio Legislature on a short
cut to' fame presented a resolctic'n the
other day declaring it illegal to' name
any more babies "John Smith ;" and it
wasso' far considered that it wfls referred
to a committee; cf which Johi SrEith ia
IsLcrily given that the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners of C-is County will
meet at the County Clerk's offioe on the
21st. 2-2d, and 23d, days of April, A. D.
1 873 for the purpose of -equalizing the
assessments of 1S73. All persons febl
ir.g aggrieved or dissatisfied with their
assessments should make their appear
ance then arid there and present (their
grievance. By order of County Com
April 2, 1ST3. D. W. McKinno.
1-St Clerk.
The late Mayor of Omahi, S. S. Cald
well, buried a little daughter ou Thurs
day last.
Seventy homesteads taken in the Da
kota "City Land Offiee, in six weeks.
A fire in Lincoln destroyed a stable
Owned by Mr. Lathrop. The fire was
first started by sparks from a B. & M.
engine setting the prairie grass on fire.
A sod of Secretary Delano's passed
through Omaha ten days age', on a trip
through the west.
Geo. Smith, an Attorney of Plat'ts
mcuth, has been delivering a lecture to
prove that science ahd relrion go hand
in hand. We will guar .nty that it ia
acund, as . George .was. noted for early
piety. Saunders Co. Republican.
A party is being made up in the city
to go on a camping cut and health trip
to Red Willow and back in the month
of May. Both ladies and gentlemen
will go, prepared for hunting, fihing,
viewing the country, and enjoying a
good bat-door play spell. -Vsi. C'tg
J. Sterling Morten has arrived at
homo from a protracted missionary tour
io tho easr. He has preached the gos
pel of Nebraska with distinguished suc
cess, and is entitled to be dubbed "El
der." Xtb. Ciy Kens.
The Madison Journal publishes a
statement of Mr. B. W. Suckow, cf this
city, who accompauied Ole Bull and
other prominent Norweg'ans to Europe
last year, '.iley taking passage on the ill
fated steamer Atlautic. Whcp nearing
the Irish coast they only missed running
on a dangerous leef by two minutes'
sail, the passengers discovering the
breakers before the lookout or officers.
Tho Wisconsin Legislature has ap
pointed a State Geologist and assistants
to make a complete survey of the State'.
C. S. Albright, of Peru, 111., accident
ally shot himself fatally while loading a
gun. Ho was Superintendent of the
Peru Coal Company.
The body of an infant was found ia
the river at Lowell, Ohio, tied in a coffee
iisvy Gccrs 1 1
New store, new place, new good?, hew
everything, but the man, and Wm.
Stadelmarjh is the saute old William as
Business is business, and Gtadeltiiann
Las the largest and best stock of boots
and shoes made to order and inarmed
with his name, ever brought to Platts
mcuth. Hats, caps, trunks and valises; a
large stock of new clotLing. The new
Broadway hat. Call and see the new
Clothing store, opposite the Brooks
House. 9 1 4w
We copy the following from tlio Fort
Scott (Kansas) Monitor. Mr. Bernardin
was an old resident of this town we
understand :
Eugene Philip Bernardin, whose fu
neral took place in this city yesterday,
was bom on the22dday of August, 183 1,
at Onans, Department de la Haute
Sautif, Franc-he "Couipte, France.. .He
left Fiance soon after reaching tlio age of
twenty-one years, landing iu the United
States in 1852. .lie resided for a riuui
hrr nf vears at Fort Wayne, Indiana,
where, in 1S.")7, ho was married to Mir a
Jostphine Mariotte. lie came to this city
in the fall of 18C0, where he ha3 with
his family sine resided,, following the
business cf a contracter and builder, and
has superintended the erection of aa al
most countless number of business build
ings. The Ma-onto building, on Wall
street, was built by him, as also were
several other important structures in tho
city. He went to Sherman, Texas, in
December lat. for the purpose of engag
ing in business there. He was attacked
with intl -lmniatorv rheumatism "about
four weeks since, and ai'rp r a, severe and
painful illness, died on Monday, March
31.-t, in the loiiy-sccond year oi jus ase.
Mr. Bernardin was an 'ndustrious and
useful citireri, genial and kindly in dis
position, always having a kind word and
a smile for all whom he met. ' He was a
nieutber of the Masonic and Odd Fellow
fraternities, and those orders united in
paying the last tributes of respect at hi?J
grave. He leaves a. wife and four child;
ren to mourn the loss tfan indulgent
father and kind husband.
A Eatnsrkab Hea.
Mr. Jerome has shown us four eggs
laid by ah eh which he owns. Each al
ternate day she lays a very Marge' egg,
eight inches in circumference aud the
next day one about as large as a pigeon's
egg. This has been going on for some
time and Mr. J. saysthat he can'texaotly
understand what that hen is trying to
do. We shall await for ther develop
ments of this singular phenomenon, and
iuvite the curious whx take in interest in
such fowl proceedings to investigate
the matter.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber; at Eight
Mile Grove, Cass Cosjaty, Neb. March
28th, 1873. ouc Texas cow, red and white
brand on right hip; under bit off the left
Car, square crop oif the right.
April 5th, 1873.
Attachment Notice.
M. J. O'Neil vs. P. II. O'Nei!. ....
To P. II. O'Neil, You are hereby co
tifipil that an attachment was issued by
rue in favor of the above Plaintiff and
asainst tho above named Defendant, for
in sum of sixtv-three dollors (63) and
trial set for Saturday the 31st day of
May 1873, dt 10 o'clock a. m.. said day,
at which time judgment will bo. rendered
against you if you do not arpear and
how causa to tee contrary. , .,
,. . . Jame O'Neil, .
3-5t Justice of the Peace.
Plittsi'otftt; Afril MA; 153.
Corn, ..
50(a 5
Oats, x
Vivian's is tto pUtce to buy your gro
ceries and provisions. 2utF
Large and well assorted stock of gen
eral merchandise at Clark & Plummers.
Try ds. 2Sdtf.
At Cark & nuuimer everything a
farmer needs can be found. Call and
seb our stock. 23dtf.
Clark :h PluninierDry Goods, Grocer
ies aud a General assortment. We bell
cheap and buy often. 28dtf
See advertisement of Dr. Butts Dis
pensary, headed Book for tbb Million
Marriage Guide in another columa. It
should be read by ail. decld&wiy.
For new, cheap goods, call on D.
Schnasse & Co. Mr" S having just re
turned From the east is prepared to iur-
, - 1" l , . TlYtrF
War. ted A live iuan to tak'o
agency for the Ini.proved Lock Stitch
G rover & Baker Sewing Machine for
Cass County. Apply to J. M. Nowland,
Nebraska City. ... 4Cftf
For Re!T. The large and commodi
ous warejooui, cellar anti office on 2d
flojr of building now occupied by Jicoj
Vallery, jr., ia Masonic Block. Enquire
of U. R. Livingston or
4Stf. . E. T. Deke. .
Notice is hereby given that, ttadcr . and
by virtue of the arljcles'of incorporation
of trie St Louis k Nebraska Trunk Rail
road Company, hied in the omee ct tti
Secretary ct tLe otate ci teoiasga, on
tho 2ist ay of August a. d. is7x
Books will bo opened for. subscription to
the capital stock of suid St. Louis & Ne
braska Trunk Railroad Company, at the
State Bank of Nebraska in the city of
Omaha on the 7th day of May, 1873.
j. a. iiorbacii
Alvin Saunders
A. S. Paddock
Clinton Brigos
.Tri'trv Ki-rt'fiERALD.
Plattsmouth, Cass Co., JTebraska, Aptil
4tll. liJ- U-w.
Ordinance No 41.
An Ordinance dividing the city of Pkttts
mouth into School Districts.
Sec. 1. Ui it ordained l; the Mayor
and Councilmen of the City of Platts
mouth; '
That the city of Plattsmouth be aoif
the same 1 hereby divided into School
District .1 as follows i
All that Dart of said city lying north
of Main street and east of Sixth street
and constituting the 1-irst U ard ot said
pitv shall be a School District in the
County of Cass. And all that part cf
said city lying north ot Oak street and
west of Sixth street and constituting the
Second Ward of said city shall b a
Sckool District in the said County ot
AH that p'i'rt of. said city tying south of
Oak street and west cf Sixth street and
constituting the. Third Vard of sad
city shall be a School District in the said
County of Cass. And all that part of
said city lying soutb of Main street and
eist of Sixth street and constituting the
Fourth Vrard of said city shall be and is
constituted a School District within the
said County of Cass.
Sec. 2. Said districts shall bo known
and numbered a3 may be designated by
and numterea a3 may rje aesignaieu Dy
the Coiinty Superintendent of CommoD
Schools of the County cf Cass, and it
shall be the duty of the Superintendent
of Pubha Schools wjthtrj and tor the city
of Plsttsmouth to report id ths ..County
Superintendent in the same manner, as
is required by law lor aircctors oi dis
trict boards, said reports to bs separate
for tach of the Districts created by this
I lrdi nanco.
Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take ef
fect from and after its passage.
Passed and approved April 4th. 1873.
.. M. L. WHITE, Mayor.
Attest, M. B. Reese, Clerk. 2t2.
Hnllcd, postpaid, on Receiptor I'rice.
Darling. I am lonely now.
and unorus.
, .Dauk.
Sweetest. song and Chorus,
Mattie May. bong and Chorus.
30 1
Lost ur.d S-.ivc 1. Eallad.
Farewell. Dariini. tillwemeeu
Think of me. Darling. Song
and 'horu3.
A.-kinar a Blessing from Mcther.
.Souk and t'horus.
Recollections of Childhood.
Earitoue Song
Thou art t'O locgarMine. Rallad
Hear iue say my little Prayer.
. Sonir ami Chorus.
Close theSihutters. W illie's Dead
i rtw
Pratt. 30
Ktbel L'r'enie Siong and Chorus.
Q it Dat Ticklin Me. Song and
You'U always find nieTrue. 3ong
Dead, but not Forgotten. Song
aud Chnrun.
Meet me Maggie. Song and
Lay me whero my Mother's
Sleeping. Song and Chorus.
Father cf All. Sacred Song.
Instrumenta1 Music.
Aiitumn T.f5i.rpM- nnnnd PpnHCfl
. Melodione. Ci T. Frey. 35
Aelisario. Fantasie. ' Kinkel. 35
KuKtin Ke.iutr March. Kinkel. 35
fJtlnbeam -March. SkaaM. 35
Johnnies March. Kinkel. 35
Herties Schottis:'uo. Kinkel. So
Jimmie's Schottische. Kiukcl. 3a
IIamU-'x Walt. Kinkel. 3i
Sweet Sixteen Waltx. Kinkel.
Evening Zepbyrn Walts. Pacher. o0
Hird of Beauty Waltz. ouug. 20
Switch-off Oalop. oiinsr- 20
Kittie's Polka, fr,r,kel- S
Ray of Sunshine Polka. YAChtr. j
tllister.ii5tarsPj(lkftdeSplt)n. le;- Q
Kddie'a Polka. K.ine- 55
nrro'. Pr.:ir-i. Kinkel. 3d
S.Hr of Beauty Polka. Young. 20
. 1. Ar ,K.ia bark nirtur titles.
Any piece mailed, post-paid, on receipt of
Address. j. u.,
Aaarees. Broadway. New York
And dealer ia all kinds of
Fiifiiiture & Clinirs.
u isi STKkXT, (third door east of P 6
Flattgrnoutli - - - Neb
To Farmers and HorsBri.ei!
Dr. W. D. Jones begs leara to el ttenHcii
to the faot that he hasjait refoeiTtd two TT7
fine anima-'s from the east. vU-:
From Fairfield, Iowa, aul th lra Orey ita't-
man Sta'Iion called
Fire years o"d and weighs 1300 pounds.
.. tXbey are both fure foal getter, and will stand
.ock. I luffs and elsewhere in the Count
during tho season. For full particulars, cee
Bills. 51-131.
DEALER in Drug.. Medicines. Paints. Oils
Varnixh. Perfumery, Stationary, Motions
Cigars and Tobacco
4'ViCT0R', s. r.i. co:s
Runs very Easy. ,
Runs very Fast,
. , Runs very Still.
lias a Xew Shuttle superior to all others.
Defies Competitiori.
Great Improvements ia Needle.
Cannot be Set roDg.
tf Agents Wanted.
a .1.1 rp. THE "VICTOR" H. M: CO-
5t Tenth St., 4 doors west oi Broadway, ' . Y.
Manufacture the Celebrated
Jubilee and 'ieuiiile
These Organs are nnsnrpafsed in quality, of
tone, style of finish, simplioity of construction.
knd duribility. ,.j
rAIso, MELODEONS in various styles and
unequalled in tone.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Address Niw Hatbx Okoaw Co.
New Haven, Conn.
Agents Wanted. 46-3m.
Havine oncnexl a Lumber Yard tt
Louisville, I will keep all kinds of
&c.', c,
And would iriVlte all. those washing to
purcnafp to give me a can.
-o - . , s
43- T w'ill lse al in all kind of GRAIN,
for which I will pay the higbeat Market price.
E. J"0 1E$.
iPosi Office .Bitildirig.
i, i lennband w tf.ts
I VV SH A () l
. " J-LL2U.1 11
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Iam prepared to accommodate tha public with
Horses. OairuceLUagiies and a .o. 1 lleAree
on short notice and reasonable terms. ,A Hack
willrun: to, te eteampoat landing, ana all parts
ot iue.c-.iy woen uer-rea
J an uary 1. 1 l ax wt ,
, . I
Drss arid Cloak Mdkch
Booms three doors west of Brooks House
made a specialty.
i- Patterns cf all kinds ecnstaatly aand
(Jrhaha Marble Works.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
-v a r ft V Jtr IWKRII'AX MAKHE.S-.,
maittles & Fnrnlture
For sbecimen pr wureraansliip refer
to Smith's and. Gallery's monu
ments in Plattsmouth Ceia
etsry The patronage of Cass County is rtspeatfully
.ni;p;tt,d. d8o-w-om.
CORAD HEISEE . - - - Proprietor,
Flcar. Corn Mal. Feed. Ac. Always,
and for Sale at lowest Cash Pn
on nana
.The Highest prices paid for Wheat and
ESrParticular attentloa given to cus
tom work.
BlacXxsmitH SIiop
CHAS. X. T HEM? lA&lK:
ML Pleasant, Neb:
lfva tn inform the farmers of
Lass uouaty mat no Keeps a goou no. i
VUw lunw 4. w . " i "
- All kmds ot iroa work at;tepa
ed. to, ..Wagons repaired, Ifarai im
nlpmpnta . carefully .mended. . .Lowest
priceaaaa ail wors: apne on oriorflwi.ii;c.,
w 1 m f 1 1 A
mata recetveu m ivii!iir
a trial. .
Csii. TlTTANT.
10 U VilfvA
niosao civ
Buyifig Yo'urGreeh-libase afi
Bedding Plants.
JPinic Gardens-
DONT send East for Plants when yon ea
a-et iudt aa rood for les money carel-
home. To my naa.erons frionds and patrons
would my that I hare the largest and bet
stock of plants ever offered for sale in tn we&
ana propo to sell tnein at reasonable priuei.
Be sure and send for my
New Descriptive Catalogs
which will be sent &et to all b apply fr l'
Then gire me your orairi, aad X feel confl Jen l
I can satixfy ycu.
reb. U dw Plattsmouth. Neb. -
A. N D
All Paper Trimmed free ?!
Also Dealer in
Magazines, and
latest Publication
Prescriptions carefully compounded by inex
perienced Drurgist.
Remember the place, three doors wert oF u.i
Ilerald office: PlatU mouth. Nebraska.
Metalic Burial Cases:
mum- . it i fi -j..
Beady yade. and Sold Cheap for Cash.
With many thanks for st patrcnage. 11
Ate ill to oa!t and examine or largt sidck c
niture ana (Join as .
"Silver tongue5
.... . - f .
143, 143 147 East 23d Street, New York,
i. . .. . ' ... :
Rnan!hl nartina anclrin'' fcr Sf etc!e V'A
sections still unsuppl'ed, will receive prompt
attention and liberal inducements. Parties rj
siding at a distance from our authorized agenU
may order from our factory. Send for lKustraj
ted price list. 0t 23d&w2d
first riATioriAL DANK;
Tootle; Hanna ii
Joan R. Class,
C. H. PAkXtLg,
Vie Pridtni
T. W. Evakh, ..y
This Bank in now 'open for busineM at tkslf
B.w room, corner Main and Sixth treets, and
ro prepared to transact a general
Banking Business;
- -i
Stock?, Bo'ndA, . . .
uo:a. ucTeraaent
and Local " ''..
' ' Bought sad
Sold. Deposits
Received and -
Interest aiiowea --v
On tlaol ?i't.
Drafts drawn, available 1m any tart of th
United States and in all the principal toT2J
and Cities of Europe.
1 1
.f v 'f : '-ft' H
on tht: cel'ebratud
illicit? LlJUTd
oi? steamers:
I . ... r
i vj. - " -f ?.X' i-t-t w f . -f n
Eurepseao fvchai3 Uokita-frMstti Uri lit,
8 mr.
r, 0 , .