Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 10, 1873, Image 4

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I -
CominnuictioDi on Ednoatlonal Topiea, Re-
pwrti cf Kducational Meetings, 4c, arerc.-Pv-ct-fulir
solicited for the Educational Column, and
may bo addreised to Editorial Conxiaittee, Box
36. Reck EluCa, Xeb. B. 5. Rah et,
CVn Editorial Committee.
The Educational Association of Cass
county met to-day, March 23th. 1873. at
the Mt. Pleasant school hou?e, and at
2 o'clock, p. M., the President, Mr. J
T. Sumny, called the meeting to order,
and in a few brief remarks stated the
objects of an Educatirnal Association.
The Secretary bfcing absent, en motion
if S. A. Bear, Prof. Patterson was cho
sen temporary Secretary.
Mr. Patterson, Chairman of Execu
tive Committee reported a programme
of exercises, and remarked, that owing
to the absence of a number of persons,
to whom parts bed been assigued, it
would be impossible to follow the pro
gramme as agreed uin by the commit
tee. Prof. Patterson then took up the sub
ject of Primary grammar,- and gave a
brief lecture upon bis piethod of,teach- j
jn-thesame jio discussion of this
Subject was participated in by 'nearly all
the teachers present, and by Mr. Wins
low and the Revs. Folden and Gallagher.
Prof. Patterson reported the fallowing
question for discussion during the even
ing : Should our L?pfelatuie pa.-s a law
compe'liui children to attend school?
Under miscellaneous exercises there
was a lively discussion on the import
ance of an Educational Association, and
the necessity of teachers and friends of:
education sustaining it. Nearly every
teacher present took part in this discus
sion, and prominent among those .who
spoke iii favor of building up the edu
cational interests of the county, were
.' Mr. Win. J. Lynch, and the Revs. Fold
en and Gallagher. The choir of Mt.
Pleasant, led by Miss Frew, favored the
Association with some excellent mu
sic, after which, on motion of Rev. A.
Folden, the Association adjourned to
meet at the M. E. church house in the
evening, at h o'clock P. M.
Association met and was called to or
der by the President.
Rev. A. 1.. Folden opened the exer
cises by prayer.
The discussion of the question,
"Should our Legislature p;i-s a law eom
pcl!in children to attend school, was
opened by Mr. A. S. Hoar.
Messrs. Folden, Martindale, Lynch.
Gallagher, Patterson, and other?, fol
lowed, ar-.d .ipoii th wole it win one of
the I?-' t interesting discussions to which
we have listened. The prevailing sen
timent seemed t ha in favor tf a more
regular attendance at our schools.
The exercieC3 of the evening were en
liveJ with ujumc by the Mt. Pleasant
thoir, led by Mis Frew. After a v..ry
interesting tessiou the Association ad
juurnedto "meet "on Saturday at 9
e'clock a. si.
Saturday, Mareh 23.
Association met and was called to or
der by the President. Mr. A. S. Bear
conducted devotional exercises, which
were followed by a musical exercise con
ducted by Miss Frew.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and approved. At the suggestion
of the President, the Secretary read the
eonstitrrtioo, after which, Prof. Patter
son conducted a class in the elementary
sounds. This was one among the most
interesting exercises of the occasion.
Mr. Patterson conducted it with a great
deal of fckill, and reflected rather severe
ly upon our present system of orthogra
phy. A lively uiscussieu among the teach
ers followed, which was participated in
by others, among whom wtro Professor
Wi?c and Mr. C. II. Winslow.
Mr. Martindale, of Plattsmoutb, con
ducted a class in English grammar.
This gentleman delivered an interesting
lecture upon the subject, and also, upon
his method of teaching grammar.
A discussion followed this exercise, led
by Prof. Wise and Mr. Winslow, and
participated in by nearly every teacher
present, after which, on motion, the
Association adjourned to meet at 1
'clock P. m.
Association met aiyi was called to or
der by the President.
Musical exercises were conducted by
Miss Frew, after which Mr. C. LI. Otis
read an essay on read' og.
Remarks were made upon the subject
matter of the essay by Prof. Wise, Prof.
Patterson and Mr. Boutoa.
Mr. Bouton proposed the following :
Is, time, well speut, in studying the defi
nitions of words as given in cur readers?
Mr. Martindale answered ia the affirma
tive. The chairman stated that the dis
cussion of th rubject would now be
closed, and that there would then la an
opportunity to attend to any business
that might he brought up.
Prof. Patterson coved that the next
meeting be held at Weeping Falls.
Prof. Wise sustained the motion, which
wa carried.
On motion of Prof. Patterson, the
thanks of the Association were tendered
to Miss Frew, and other ladies of Mt.
pleasant, who bad furnished the Asso
ciation with vocal and instrumental mu
sic during the meeting, and ao to the
citizens of Mt. Pleasant for the hospi
tality, they bad showu to the memters
of the Association.
Next in order was Ili.-tory, by Mr.
Bouton, who Mated that there wre
brancheJ which he thought were more
impoitant than that, and req -jested to
te excused; teqaest was granted.
Mr A. S. Bear thru conducted a clan
in rithietic, and gave a brief lecture
on 'the ue of the mathematical M-n..
Ttii" was followed with re mars by I rof.
Patterson, Mr. Martindale and r. Lcu-
tWOn motion of Mr. B mt on, the A-s
ci-ttion adjourned, to meet at eep,:ig
Water Fall, on Friday, June 127th, at
, 10 "''j:?: SUMNY, President..
B. 2. RamseTt Secretary.
Crio3 Incidents cf tho Shjtl& Disaster.
The terrible castrophe which occurred
lately at Smyrna, when a cafe and con
cert hall built on piles tuning out intd
the sea gave way suddenly during an
acrobatic peribraiaiie?, and one hundred
persons lost their lives, teems to have
been one of that numerous class of ac
cidents which never ought to occur.
Everybody in Suyrna, sys the Pall
Mall Gazette, know that the cafe was
unsafe, and might topple over into i he
tea at any moment, yet no 'steps re
tak-.n to prevent two hundred and fifty
people astmb'ing in the doomed build
ing, which, with hardly any warning,
on the 9th of Januar leaned forward and
disappeared in the tea.
A correspondent cf the Levant Her
ald, writing from Smyrna, gives the fal
lowing account of the tragedy : "On
Saturday Light at 10 o'clock we heard
what sounded like the report of a can
non ; it was the kivito giving way. The
people living near the scene of the cat
astrophe say that the sounds Wi-ru most
appalling. F:it one loud erah like the
firing of cannon, one liug wail, i hen a
deep silence, soon broken, however, by
the screams of those who tot their
heads tbovo wat-r. Some bud e'ur:g to
the ceiling of the cafe nr:d could not
draw themselves up until the hands
which held on to their log eave way.
"It is said that niot of the boatmen
who volunteered their asUtance first
rih: 1 the pockets of the sufferers and
then drew them into their boats. Sixty
seven corpe have been fouud, but
many more still remain in the dei'p mud,
which the quay stones have forced up in
great quantity. The clown of the 'acro
b it troupe' was saved and rubbed dry,
dre.-sed at Mr. Mirzan's hou-e, and ran
back to seek fur his wife and daughter,
the latter aged 12 years. The former
had b en trot safe into a boat, when,
looking round, she screamed out, My
husband and child cannot have bee:i
saved'' and jumped into the sea. She
had expired before they brought her up
again. Her daughter and the actresses
were all to be seen at St. Antoino's Hos
pital, lying dead in their tage finery.
A Greek who escaped says he wa awe
struck at the moment they rocked right
to left by the .cceno which vm being act
by the acrobats at the time namely,
'Death,' running af'tr' some one and
causing gri at laughter amonjf the spec
tators. At that very instant the cafe
gave way.' "
From the Kani-as City News, 15th.
A young man. whom, for the gratiS
cation of our readers we will cull Smith,
doesn't now fondle his wife and call her
pet names as he did a few days .ago.
He says he is entirely cured of the
fondling busines, and seems determined
in the future to p.iy strict attention to
drinking, and cursing everything envel
oped in a petticoat.
ile isn't much to biame, either.
Thursday night last, after an hour' 8
(piiet slumber, marie sweeter by a focd
good night kiss from his wife, had been
enjoyed, he awoke to rind that the part
ner of hi joys and sorrows had left his
side; during his sleep. As ?he did not
return in a few minutes, be became
alurmed, and dressing himself, started
in search of Iter. Ho felt too proud to
rep -rt the matter to the police, and
walked up and down the streets for
hours nt knowing ir: which direction to
turn. At last lie happened to pa-s
alortt.' Fourth street, and heiiring the
mu.Mo frouj the oi l Varieties Hall, where
a masquerade ball was being given, he
concluded to ''take a pep" in there and
try and divert hi- attention a little from
the painful subject engrossing his mind
Up the stairs he went, and you may well
imagine his surprise and eonstern ition
and chagrin, to see his wife, otgai-od
only with a mad; over her f.v.e, whirl
ing around in the dance, a vagrant for u
partner, and a motley crowd ot our most
depraved citizen for asei ites.
lie di in't draw a revolver and com
nieiice shoolimr round promtscou.dy, or
even tell hi- witij that he knew sho was
there; but quietly returned borne, lock
ed the door, and went to led. About
four o'clock the wife returned home,
but finnd the doors ail locked. Her
hushand heard her trying the doors, and
opening the window told Ikt to begone,
as he did not associate with her kind of
masqueraders. An attempt on the wo
man s part to gain aiml-sion, even uutil
late in the morning, was t f no aval
she turned away, to repent of her f jlly,
no doubt.
The man still positively declines to
have any thine to do with bis wife, and
seems almost heart broken on account cf
the disgraceful affair.
yi nnh anI; How I.iifilllow fiei.1 ;r-5.
rfjiS,?CT Jntt pnlliihed. a new e.iition of
iHkf lr. uitfrHfllfi.i elfkrni
vanny on ibo ni zicn! cure iwitli-
or Sou;inal Wfrukiic-x. inv-olurtiary Seminal
Lessees Iwpotkcv. Mcutat and I'hy.-iual ia
caiaeity. 1 hi eiiioritf to Marriage, ete.; also,
CoNsiu-Tiox."sv. ard it s. induced by
Felt' indulge r.ce or "xtiiil cstravnuHc.
tt -I'riee in . sei'Icd t nve'f 1m. only 0 eentJ.
The eclebr:) teil avjtaor. in this admirable e-
Fay. clearly ripinonsrnstta frr.ta a thirty years'
iuece)tFi!i praetieei ihat the nlarramx
o! sl:"-ah:?e tn.y be radically cured
without tt f n.e of iii'rrtial tiii diciiie or tlif n-pli.-atiou
of the kn:fe ; ii.; "'Jt a mode i f
ear" at oner Fitaple. cer'iiiu. ud C'eetua). by
means oT whiuh every suiierer. n mat'er wlnt
his c -Dilition may be, msy cure hiuiseif . heap-'
ly, priviiteiy. and radieally.
v,lhi lec-turc shonl 1 le in the hanis of
every youth nad ma a in the land.
Sent, under xen!, in a. pliiin eiivetopo. to nny
aJdrcK?. poftaid. oa of tix cents, or
two potae f rmn;..
Also jt. Culver's "?.r.irriaB.3 Gaide," price
50 cents.
Address tlie Publisher3.
CilA. .1. C. KMX K. Sr Cm.
17 j;.)-.v i v. Sew York.
43-ly Post Otiiee liox, -i.SrX
flook for the 5ifiion !
MARRIAGE1; A prtvnte eouticeior to tl.
GUiOE. i:Arritd ortho-e'it U ii';r
i ry o'.i t'.e I'iij 5iuit,"', :'' nirstcr
ie and revelutojiiMot' tw s-;,ial :-tatii, th
latent uieKoveries; in prorluit!B :md urovcatins
olfsi rini;. how f pr.ervo tbe e:ii!dc.iin .Ve.
TliU is an intc-reftiiisr work f tvo hundred
and twei.tir-l'our res. r!th numerous tuir rav
ing, and contains alitabic i-;.'o.:!:ntioa for
tnojo vrno are m:im-d. or eo'it-nplate mur
riaje. Ktill. it in a book that oubt to be kept
under lock and key. and cot iii careieFsIy
about the hoj.e.
Sent to any oui (free of pjU:(co) for.rrt
Addre.-R Dr. Butts' Ii i.en.iiry, Ko. 12 S
Eighth street. St. Louis, i-lo.
Notice to the At'dieted and Unforlunate.'
tcforenyplyinst') the r.otorioi:? qtine-k. nhc
advertise :n pa'Ain PtpTs. or u-in? atiy quack
reiuediei', peruso Ir. IVua' vurk m tntitte:
whut your ae-eiio is or h.yW deplorab2o youi
condiftoii. be cTfSultod. perhonIJy or by
mail, on ta diseise mentioned in i.'u worVs.
'' .o.-X. KUhi'u t-recr, between Markc1
aaiv aesnut s:. kouis. Ho. dee.lfcwlv
Mothers, Mothe
Doi iiid to p-orure Mm. H'i.isW Suolhiuff
4 Syrup Jmr VkiMre 'i'ftU,n-j.
Tiiis viiuiili'.o preparation liai 1ph nP'l
jA.itiSOft'ASKj. . It i..t nty relieves tSc chilj froin pain, but
iiiy :t-:irati-s th;eh and biiitc!?, corrects
ae:duy. and rives tone and enorcv to ihe whole
ys.em. It wi;Iii!so i btantly relieve
t- v '" the li- li an.i Wia l C1.
.e believe,, the bertatil surest remedy in
the wond. mall ease of lysrtery and l):pr-
Sn.VU ''"l;6"" whether arribius froia teatU
inT (,r anv other eaue
ycurvl.C,;'lil,20l!:' U wiU
Rtlv-funt Ilcilth to i our l.ifaaU.
D! sure and call for
"Mr: Trim!.,,', Sunfniro, ftr;i.M
iVSZ f'e-''Je of "CUKTIS i PiJR
MNS"en the ontsi! wrar per.
cM t7 ryirrt thrnnshout ti wriJ.- W
xisar'.'i."' rrxr'?j-;-i"
I lata and Caps, Boots and hoes,
Main Street. SecoEtl Door East of t tie Court 3Iou;e
BItANCII IlOt E r.r.-adway.CoucnrU Ulu?3 Iowa.
Hi. IF1 . J" O 2sTS O 2sT ,
fcSTOpposito the Plat to Valley -J louse, in Schlator's Jewelry Store,-
Miiiu Street, j4aafcnn.itS5, Nebriwka
ft. A. MILM"t& CO'S
Oihtt Jfirst-(I;i3s
'.Vbolesulo and Hotail Dealer ia Sti ins?. Shc-t
Ch- I.ots -nn r.ow be bnupht in Dnfcff's AiMitinn to 'he City cf riattsiiscutl:. ot jrices ranRiri;
rom t- S"0 and on terras so tasy thi-.t liutsun: vvitii .!ie
- ,
l'or tho e who want town property either to held for a speculation or to buU
upon, this is a rare chance to et ir. These lots are in a delightful
location, and are dotted over with a
Young and I3et;ulij'ul
Which add materially to their value.
I 4Cj- Parties wit-hir: to i-urchase ot Jock at tlicsf
illation desire J. bv c-all:t. on .. I . J: 1 "r 1j. I '. L.I iv.-1 I I . i-..-cc-eur"i iI tl.a r..-t;iis oi -b
L'K K or ). II. V UKKLl-.Pv & CO.. anU BAHN J-:s dc I L!.OCK, ileal 1 -stats A fonts.
1'or cash th above price? will be d: --u:i!ed ten per coat. nr
l'LATTSUOCTU. XdiKiSKA, Oct. --O I ISTi. dltlO-Woltf
W ILL! A rsl ET ADELB3A fit S3 ,
Has on hand, one of the targost .' teeU.-io'
invite every body in want of anything in my lin3 to cn'.l at tny store.
And convince thmclves of thi f-i"t- I h r n. s-':.ility !:i av 'W.5i I i;:irt-nii:t alsu'eii
stock of Fitio Clothins lor Aien ;iii i Lujz: to which we invite those v i.o want ti w is.
6H'1abo keep on hand a la-go aa I well .lei.'to 1
isi 'E "w York st o n e
South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmoutu, Neshaska,
sa t is.
In the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Best
All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your
rtattiaioutb. Ntbra
A X 1 ii O S T O
prases anb Organs.
Mu?ic and all kinds f Mereha:: i-
ami Rcp'tiredS'itlvaetionfluarvnittitf.'t?
licet1 Jw
Gioirth of Fore.t frets,
toi.. will h slu pn them, ar piven r.ny iriror
.tock of Hats and Ccp-
S K'tf
One door South of Main fctreet on we.-t side of Sixth. C:di and see hita and ge
i in lis h -en.
S .... . .-. . .
t- 5 -.w-iji. y
oompoaed Imply of wcll-krtown R O OT8,
HERBS FRUITS, coml-toed with othar
propfrtiea, which la their nat.ire are athartlc,
Aporont, Nutritio-ua, liluretic, AiteratiTO aul
Anti-Bilior.a. rxhe whole ia rccrvsd in a aufll
cient quantity cf spirit trozn tho SUQafl
CASK to keep them ia any cliinte, whica
make tho
noftho moii deirsV.s 5!cnJc "r
thartirs in the worlO. xacy mo "uuca
trictly aa a mrm
Temperance Sitters
- only to be used as indicico, and aiwaya ao
ording to direcUonf!.
They are tho aheet-anchor oftlio ffeblaand
flabiUtatrJ. ahey a-t urea a disoaeed li-var. and
Btimulato to such a degree that a healthy action
ia at once brought aboiii. Aa a remedy to which
Woman are cBpcciaHy aubject it is aopsr
adlnr eTory cthtr BiimuUmt. AsaSprinaj
and Slimmer Tonie they tare no equal.
They are a mild and gnt! PurRative aa well aa
Tonic. They purify tho b'ood. They are a
plendid Appetizer. They rcaie tho weak atronff.
Thay purify and iaTigo.-ate. Tl:ey cure Dya
papaia. Conntiration and Headache. They act
as a apeciflo in all aperies cf diiordera which
undermine the bodily atrength and break w
tbaaaimal apirlta. '
Depot, 53 Paik Place, Hew Yot&
On JIain Street, near! criositc the
IltuALD Office.
Wholesale and ftetail Dealer ia
Paints. Varnish
es antl Toilet Arfiicles-
3-Trerctipt itr? rie'cl'.y fi(tJ6td
all hours day aoinisiit.
I immffie: . vv -r-t- X w ,
v.,i';V'l ; ...iilJH
iM??Ji I! 1 i ; '' ' : -StiX' ty:
mMir Sr.-:;-;-:;.,! -Ml
'-.--,;; 5'', ' . . .-.' . . ,i ',,:;:.', ! ; ; :
at' 'V".
i : ' ii
': ' ': I'1-'!-:
' : i :.fl.,
: ! '!, ii:':iii!'
ii-'i'-'1 : : :
50 Cents psr Bottle. j
It promotes the GROWTH, PRESERVE
tbe COLOR, nnl iccrenses ibe VIor .4
and liEACTY tl' tfco UAIR. i
Ovm TtrrRTT a-.o I.jos'a Kathatrow
nit tjt llAtu TTii ivt pia.-o.l in th market by
"ATt,o7r" U jaf tff te,2S
College. Tho is ct.-me-.l from, tbe Creek..
crrww, Tim ::.vor it iotiotiwi. ,
I Urtit b8btMn-d.isunireceuttdndiDCTe-
Sa 'WaUrt rS"nS. U dicate.
Saidrnff! If prwnli the Hair from tnraiRC (trar
. Jt kw"S the h-.i o-oci. ST.-1 ir.oth bn.ra, , r.
BlAsV k')Dwn-C. it tilf SAME ID V!jJ,"
fflofiun'M t w. s vcr a quarter o a Ces
Srstires at. oi;iy Fi-ty Ccuis per Bottle.
'oaan:s Glory is Her Hair.
For Your Groceries Gd To
Ccmer Third and Main Streets, Platt.xniotrth,
keei3 tn hand a cholca and
vrell selected Stock of
Fancy Groceries,
Coffscs, Teas,
Sugar, Sj-rcp.
Ac., Ac. Ac.
ijfAL70 a goed asaortmeut of Boots Shoes."U3l
In Connection with the Grocery is a
Bakery & Confectionery !
'-A!l kinds of Country Produce bought and
Take noticed tie sisa "EMPIBE, IUKJRYv
AM O H(Ji, :aylwtf.
! MM
01 . S3
-I M
Xi Strang
The Il-ilinrtny V- ill hns stood tho test fix
r-n boil' in the Uuited States and tu
rope and is the only cno
Ger:o:.iI!y i;y all l'rincipnl Kail
roads slid Farmers.
j 5end for ciitr.'oguo and price list,
aplSwif Lincoln Xclraka.
, . v v i t w t ivii."' 15 1 -. 1
77 ti.i?f.rt:s'rs btluvj refer van to the
.) ', ".s '.fi.-.s 0 r'iu: of regard their
''. h:ct reliability, and vsheri' i--ritiii;f to
f'tpn, pleo.vs t.-C:il'c:i wi sew their Adter-
in !' i T.-! Mt'. JUprr.
r),.- )-j,i. or xt : ';:-!STlv:-;--ai, iji'jsirr.iru
l-.'j -ii--;, r. i.i.ii.J- j ii to r!rr 1 1
tot I:.
ir - i!irc-! in in Sin-ir ilu-i'. vMm will
1; l.i.-.iii- inlii!' !.:. ..!y'.c. S;s'j pid 1-y v
.:vvk, t . . I., v.ili) : iir'.iMi '. t.r x
.ii 17 at- I t ::rniii ; i.l ttt'Sr ticnsfr,
r-.: 2 ;. J :;-:;',s-r.'.( . r-ri'fc-.uri nr nt ont frM
w! i Ji 5 2s , -! f.ii:'.r;ti-.l. i ii !
i-r 'i!i;.i.T Hn-ela".t"". tjn !
)lj . f iVr !;i"Mi;-';l;. it.::? i'.f.
r-'?vs ! c4v.".:a.
'.. i. : .. : .-. n. Ai.i-titai.r.
'' - f.ri.irv'.!i.k 'vd.-. Ituxrs,
-U'- i ' hT :A f-ir-' !.'-. A-c.
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,,.1'm ..l- nv.-v. r.-u: 1 A :' -
lr-t I!, i . SU;-.r:.K-d tv.,J.i .-ii atrcct, &t.
v i 3 : r 1 5 ' 'fi" r'"t Il'iir In
r t.'
ii"' r. i.'.H'l-' ,!iirAAB l-AUMEK,
i.& ?i,-i;KS'3. V-rry r--.u:-.-id, on :y M) Ct. a
- ,,.,.--..- .5 . t'.u. t-;-ba of teu for f 4.
-V .
S."'l'..H t f T.O'U'I. Vo.
i'at.Kt l'Dcrmf"! Spriiiir
i. surwf. fr 8tRit.pii. I.liu'ii and
1. -r a.-i.l.-a. A f'.lvT-tlaie.
t ; I t. : f.'-fl'i-.-l "i:i-
si"-ui':i.iii '.: t.-lli! li nt llidell-
' :
-Si-.:' 1 .' :.''.' A.t.atii-n..
rfti.v.. j.,.,it i,u ;.a'd f-r cnl;. (,.
'1 1. It r f!f. T:i Li-
... -. .4 . n t-. . I A : i ' 1 I 1 1 1 '
: S:iv. ! a'-!-h T'xiitfd. II. l
i'-ii :.! i.-. t o., ullO!iv;iryft, fct. "
J j A L. HUt'.fuf pair iin'rcm ii 4'hronnm,
iii::i!s(iiiii'lr mcuair-.l, ld crtry-
r.!'. r" $.1. N prepaid ou re-
c-r 1 - x . ... j. r -t . i - ..: ..... i....n.
? r.;t 01 or . in,
f-.eTm-iX" aj and i'hritolVi-UijiaS19
ii-frs Mi'tci-, bi. 1 Oiiiai, JiO. v
4.7 wly
S-t:t l.v ui'ii! At 1') cts 11 li. F- t
I. 1.
ICO Lexington Ave, New YorTs Oily.
Lu k to Your Children.
Tho Groat So.thins Itemed;
; C:irc ?'lic am E'ipi'iTin! Pr'.c.
VVi'ttw-cmb's the b c!.', .n;J i.-;;irnt I 2
Syrup, .the i.rrvs! of tt?thin. ; Ctn
-iRS. ' Subdues convul.Mons nnd Pric
WSitcomh's n:enr.,'.ins' a!l di.c:i - i'u-i-! 21
iy'Si). ut-ni t-ji: -"ini" Htvl liii!rcn. C-ris
MR3. i C'-.!!i-3 i lurrinr i. (yscotu-i S'nct
Jii'lcotnV ry mid j ;ii:n;ei cmr-:!.iii:l I "
Sy.-u,. chii'li un d ail i'b'i e. iCcnt
It ;?tVoercat ln.ri jts' nd O ildrcn'pTooth
irj lifiiioily, in nil disorder brought on Ijy
to'thiti uf fitly .t5cr ra'iso.
l'rci -i.-ed by tbo "Jfiifioi; SlcJioine Co., St
'ol.l liy dri:e-!tj &nd dealers in Mrilieinso
cvt ryv.hre. de'-J i
lj""ri! n Mraningt not in otUer
:V)C0 Kr-smvlnes; lSl'J Pui;es Quarto. Price $12.
TTTLencver T wi-h In obtain o.-'tft fleCnitinn.'.
1 c.nsult it. L-.'huylcr Clf.tx.J
Evory seho!;ir know. it. value.
IV,'. li. 1'rt-sfoit, tho Ui?tcri:io.
TO.; sti one of iuv l.ii!v- curno nions.
-Lj LJolin L. AloUi'y. the Historian. Ac
o f:ir s.s 1 know, best dc3Lii: Dtetior.nry.
' Horace -Mjnn.
TaeboteiJi IecftU!li;nts of our lanifitaf.
John G U'hiitier.
"Cxccls oil others ia dcSt:it!ir.-ientif:.; tcriu.
- U'resi icnt Ij itoheoc k.
? eraarfeab.'e noiupTi'Iiuui of fainunn ktr.ivl-c(i-e.
1 V,". ri. C1:i.-'k. Tres't A(t Ciiiloc.J
ncoej-Kity fr every inteiiient fami!v. otu-
1'int. tui.-!icr, an.! prolf.sioiial man. What l.i-
ijriiry i- co-u;.itt.e wi:liout iu Lest l-nziiea Die-
ii'iniiry c
1'ub'Wjcil by O. A C. M Kit HI AM, SpringScM.
Jus;h. t-ote ly all Uooksllera.
'ebstcr'ii Primary Softool Di-t'ry, 2-M Ifn'gs.
uoiuuion nctiool -7
Hish School i(7 "
Actidetairt "
toiintiDi Hooso Willi nn-
n;ernin iliu.-tratiotiH an J uiany valuable tables
not to be li.unu fiHowDere.
l'ubHrilif J by IVTSON. RLAKE1I A V TA V.
,i flew lrti. 47 tf.
To tha East North and Southeast.
r.o i -J'- '? ft w T!'UV.)!,i t..ilio
'"1s V i'ifiSl ? r-!!' Mi rrhant
..i :E;!ilA?'J-Vri r", Tui'c.isr.tidl I(t!iir
;'-! ?r iJ'i-'ri i4 4A' . n Wri, Mt &
f -ii '. ';:. M St. t.t.his, Jii'., wlil. on
.' ' i 1:. ..:.... .....I .... 11. .. i- ...tralA
1 i. .. .A.
i- 1.1
ih-'fx t h
K: f LtirEe. - -'i j J .r. X
3 :
Leave Platt?moutb. 3. Op. m. 5J0 a. id.
Arrive Bu lington 7.C0 a-in. 10.50p.m.
" iicudota 11.15 a-rn. 3na.m.
" Chica?o(C.IJ.Q.) 3.1op. tr. 7.00 a. m
" Peoria " ",j(a. m. 12.50 a.m.
" Ind' W. 6;15p. id. 9.25 a.m.
" Cincinnati " 11. CO p. m, 4.15 p.m.
" Loganpp't T.PAW 5.55 p. m. 9.20 a. m.
" Col u tubas " j 2.43 a. m. 30 p.m.
Thrniiirh Cam from iibpouri River to Chi- !
eao. ladianapolis, Cincinnati, egansport ana
Cocneetiorre at those Dointg with l'nes lead-
ine to the ast. North and South.
Thi. i the lient, Shurteit, Quiche', find Cl:erp
tut Kou'e.
Do not be rle(feived. but obtain Ti-kets Tia
tbe I'ur'.'iceron and uifsouli Kirer Railroad.
Jl.ILjgtlZwAtd.i ... "ttmWA
rnr, FOR -woarETf TO DQl
ti V-N A.MroHS witlmump.
''-IV fi'-i Eox 7fc8 aow ioik Cty.
HAPPY Reliel fir Toanit Mtn. from tiir
offer ts of Kiror. Rtnl Abuso in early life. Man
hnml rcvtorcil. Iinf.p'iKiientu t Aluriutito ra-
imivo'i. .ew tnptnocoi tromiuent. ""t ni
remiirkablo reniclifn. I3.oks onJ Circula
entfft-r, in RMlrvi -rivlope.
A,l Sr.--- HUVA H ASXK.IAiJU.-s. -f..2
South 'ititli Jtrcpt. I'ltiliKlel ii:i, I'. n inr
ctitu con ainH lich re 'it.ition lor hctiora
ble civumt aau irole.:!-i(fih.l shul.
i'w (.111
A ii V. ft T; IV A T r.2
IUft OtKS NKMiI.D LY A'i.l.
'. A !
r t
Tho host book puhlifhtu on tho Hohhk uti'f
the Cow. iimral terim. Money
ly by AtrotiU selJinir tljwe bookn. Hcnd lor
Phila.lcldhi-. Pa.
G17 St. Chirles Street.
Ioniri-r l p:iteil in Pt. Louisttian any Cliron
j b; I'hysii.iat.. ho tiurrcytully tieara Siiupb
mil Coiiwiicatfti 'c:i real Lis'U.e an to bring
'tutienle irom evt ry Stiite. Ilia bon'it.'il op
irtunit;e!. a life tiiua ex nenf-ne. with Mir-
et. druitH j.rt'piireJ in the e.itablt: hmcrt, ourr
ii?c.x eiveti m by o;h rj, no matiiT wlio luil-i
'i ; teil yoi r i.riviOo troubles, t'onsultj tiotil
ree. frond two ptiini. lor tueaiiil t. yn
Mashood, V.'fiitAMioon, e
mil. 15 oenta u.:h. both b.r HO eta, l'W pages.'
II that the curious .ionbtlul r iuitm it v-
vish io know nil ii hur .Sell-pollution Proven
-.on. Murria ie. 1-very j oui g man ana wo
imu ouwht t. r'-a.l it tn a wnrniuv Tho ner
ous tl-bilii:iiil ii.- partially iutiiotentent
-ci.':iti'1fca.Uy uJvit'o.l.wu dcc-U
To AnvKPRTiF.'ifl All perponn who enntora
plate niakinc contriioli with newspapers' for th
nsertion of AJvorii.-ciiieut.n should send to
for a Circular, or inr.bue? cents for their Ona
hun lrni P.i!-'e I'amjililrt. eon'aiumit Lit of
!,( N ewppnpcrf anl eslimateii. iihowir. tha
cost of adveriiinK. iilo iiuw.y ti-eful hin toad-vertis-era,
nnd rome aenonntof the experiericf
ot tp n who are known as ue.ceiit'ul advrrtif
'I'll in lirrn arc r ;-rf jirietors ot the American
Newoapcr AUvcrlisine Ageuoy.
U S How y.
and arep eed f.f uneitialcd fieililira for
-(cumin the i tIioii .f advertir'emonLK in al)
i wttpajiera nd periodical at fewest rat.
Vllirar IMIIcim :.!-. l;. i 4 t::,-.v
Prink, inmle .l I'oi.r Hutu,, I f.-nf
Kiiints iiml Rer.iss l.iqnorH, locloreil. erf.
nri'l Hweeteiipil to pii-.ise th"'c. r,u:;ii
'Toiiice," Al'P"''.'-' ' Itfstoicvu.'' Ac,
tliat Icvl the tij.pli'r 0:1 to tli'iiikciineM nu
ruin, tint are a trr.c ."'nll.-iiie. tnalo from li.c
unlive rooic Rtit lirrt. i. .iiirnn.v. free from
nil Alolioiie SiiiikiIi'iIi'h. 'I'liey ate the ;ivut
hiood I'urilU r an. I a l.ife-i.-ivi:;r I'tiiietj-lt. n
1'eru ct K tiov:itor a:nl Iiivioi ;.ror of 1 lie !-r-teiii,
iMtryiMir rT a.! poix-noa n;aii-r un.l
rcsi'.i iti-r the M00.I to a heaiin ci'ImIiiIoii. en-r'..-t:inst
It, refrewliiiisr i.txl Invi ;orifiii l.c;U
mi'.al atul IhiiIv. '1 liry are tif a lininlfur
t!on, pvoiiiit In tiiiir nciion. Vrrt.iin lu tlic.r
rcwiit. safe and relUbt itt all forma or .iiscaw.
o I'traoa 11111 Uk tlieae i;Mletu.--cordinK
to (breetioiis, .mil rc'iuni lonKtiii wci!,
provMed liieir luii ui-.; n.ii lUHin.vv'.i l
mitirnU iin. 1:1 or oihej- tnai. .. tii il.t vui
or?aiifi wiiauM t.i j-.hkI the p.lnt 01 rei-.-nr.
1 ae)Ml.-t or litU(rt ir.n, i I r-a. I n -, e.
I'alu in tiie .snoii!.lci. i'oiu-Iih. 'l iKhuu .-n i.rme
Cher.!, liixzineK-t, Crin talitinti of ihoSioiu.
acli.Iiainu.-uc in t he Muutli.HI'ious Alliu kM.rul-
fitatloii of the ll'ari. Inriniiiniaiioii of tin- i.nrfci. in tlien-Klonuoritie Ki.lnu.vs.rmil h I. .inured
otner liainful mptonis. are the oirsprliiK if
J'vsKfisi;i. In (he? jimilaintn It IiimihmuhI.
r.nd one boliic will prove 11 Letter guarantu of
1:h merits than a lenutl v advcrilxoniciir.
l-'or Female loin 11I.1 iitta, in youni; or oM,
mirried or i;!L'!e, at the dawn of woinutihoo.1
or the turn or inc. these Tonic l;lti"M ti;.'ay no
decided an influence that it marked linprov
ineiit ia mhi p rrep:i!i!e.
I.'or Iiillnuininlory- a in C'lironlo
Itheiiuiallniii and Cout, Dvsp.psla or Indl.
KOSilon, B'iioua, liemilleul ai.d lot-rii,i;u ot
1 e.'rs, of t he l.iood.ljvi r. Kidney n hi.d
bladder. lheie Hitlers have l.t-en most Mt i w(u!
y-.itU IiKeiNarceatiHe.i by Vitl:itcdUI'jo.wti.'
i.i k-em-raay produced by itcraiigciuent of ti.a
li'i-i'siive Oron".
'J iey aro 11 eIIo Pnrnttve nt trril
n n 1 oulc, pi.'-.MKiiir; jiio t.'i'; penuhar nr r't
.f ttetitijr a powerful nsjent la i s he; Inif i,
'siion or liiititriiiuitiu n .l lh-s I.ikt uu I u
ci rul Organs h mi in liilious ldh- iis.m.
l-'or iU In DhriMti, KruptiorM, Tetter
KSi'-Uin, HloK-hOH, Spi,IH. Plmpicx ruHlule lunix
t'arlMiii'jIes.KlnR-worm. Hi- ild liead. So0 l'1Li
KrvsipeliiH, lich, HcitrK. Iis :oornioim of tha
.k'.u. iluinor.i and li.-.-aie.-f of the si.1,1 of
t. naievt-r nanie or nature, are literally tlux U11
ond rarned out r the hvh-iii l:i n i,ho"rt nine by
the use or these Miters. Cue boine In sueh tani
will convince the- most lucruduJous of l!itir cm--t.;i
-ij etlecta.
C'lenuse ltc Vltl:i(rl IIIoo.I whencvar
yo;i Imd in i!.ip!iiiii.M Innsim throuirli tha in I'implei, l.rupMorm, or Sores ; ! arise it
whr u you tiiid it oiirtra-u-d and bluw L-li in iho
veins : it when it. H roul ; ,ur feedtiK
wi:l tell von when. Kei-p the MouU pure auj
th- beiiiih of lh' system will follow.
;rnlrf-ul '1 i.iiusnn.N Jiroclaiin Visk'jaii
I:rrrr.KH the ni'.-t w-otiderful Iin iKoraul tiit
ever s'.iHtaln.'d the sit.kin system.
I'in, Ti'ic,nii.l oilier Wcirma, lurk :ine
In the yts'. 111 of so rri'iri v thousands, arc eiTcc.
luaily d;jtroyel ami 11 looked. Savs a ilisiiri.
pii'slied : There Is acitreely an iniil-
l.lual on the face of the car; h vhose l.ody In ex from the pi-esenro of woniis. It is 'not up
on the healthy clemmls or the hod? that worina
exL-t. bat upon lliu diseased burnoisand miiny
! posirs that tirte l tlic! living looiiHters of
l:ease. No syslem of medii-lne. lo teriniiupcK,
no aiithi lnoiiltio-.. wiil free the evstem irow
worms like tin-Mr It.tti rj.
JMeeliaiiirKl lllncit .cn. Prrsotm enpapeJ
i'l I'aiuts and Minerals, wieli a.-. I'Iiiii.Iktv Tvpc
kcik rs, Gold beaters, an I Jll! i;.. ,ney ad
vance in !l!e, uro f-abjetL to p.ii-.ilsH r tti
bo-.vels. To jrtiu.-d apainxt this, t ike a ilosj 0
V i.KK!:'rt ivKc.'.it i.'iriKiM l wii-- a week.
KiH'ius, Itemtttint, nnI ,Urnilt.
lent Fevers, w inch are ko . 1. i.: in
valleys or ourureat river.- I hioirm-i; .j rilicj
States. esjM-riuliy those of (ha Wiaciitiippi. f.lo,
Misoari, Ihitiols, 'i nne,sce, Cnii:l . na .r-
Kaunas, i."i. ci.:orauo, ttmxw. V ' f
I'earl. AbtoHrua, Nubile, Santuri- ;. -,
James, ami many ode rs, witli i . '
lanes, tbrupiiuiit our enure, et.,!; :- i -i
t tie hummer iud Autumu. aa t tvtr ! ' ''.
dnrinir aea-son ot unnsia i -ki a id di v' ' ar
Invariably hccotnpaiihu oy exittr ive ff
ment.s or the K!oiuit '1 n-cJ liver, and 1 "tr
.1.... 1 ..: ...... I.. . . . . . ru.n,,.
ti.'uii ii.ii irji;ja. ia wh ir ireni uienT 1 f1'1 s'.
.tive, exertintf a pi. -v. 1! Imiiuence JV. "-
various orpana.'i mii!, j.; ' NJ 1
Is no cathwiic ior max tn ' , ' ' J, " '
Wll ti-.K' VlNEOAlt iiU'.i "'l
FDe.di: v remor iie .b. t .....a
vi'h w tiieh the b"iva t.i':loj
tiiaeatitiiu.fl! ini f .a . fr..i 1,.,
v-r. and
- -ri-.o
ffeuera.'lr rratorinz' the limiti'.
Oiehtive fu gaDK. ''
IStrorni, or Kliinr' rr' 1
Infta, Lioers. r'n sineiii', s ' " '
Scrofliioiis Inttikii.rd.Vtn :' S, ''
iiuw, i.'reuri u a;:l,. , ,
IKins of the kin. t-uc
US in all oth r-nni in; 11 , 4
Vinkoau lilTTRm have ail itt 1.
live power lu tii: w -.t .. ,,,,''.
able cas'. . - '
Dr. Unlirr'i CI ri..,,l. l'i .
Itlltrr act till ad it.! t:i tit a sii n ar
mann.T. ly purilvitifr th isiooil liny r niov
ttieraffuk nr.fl l.v rf.iiiin.,t.ui. ti.....
---- ... ...... j nit-, if-.;i iii
the iiiflaini.-iatlo.i (ihe tubercnlur 1i'xh!Ih) the
Rlfected parts teceive bea.Lh, and a ucrinaneut
cure U eireeted.
Tlie propel Ilea of Dit. Wai.kkiCh VtNEfijiri
BlTTElis are Api-rieut. Diaphoretic, t'artnin
aiive, Ntitrilious. Laxative. Iiure:-, .seda
tive. fVmiiTi'r-li-ritjjit. f.iiii.iri.i.. a .
- : .... iul, Aui'iuuvc,
and Antl-Kihoua.
The Aperient and mihl laxative proper
ties of L-k. Uaikkk's Yinegah Hittkrs are
the lieKt mm iH.friiw r.l ir, n . ... . . . . . .
; ---- - . . - - ui ciiiiMKiiin uuii
malipnant fevers, their balsamie. tieallne. and
soomuig properties protect the humors of the
lances. Their sedative properties aliay pain In
the nervous svstem ur,..,. ,,. ..., t :!....
nun IniUinniiation, wind, colic, cramps, etc
purilyins all lu, nuSl
No CP deinic call tale .,.i.i ,r .,.
rore-armed. " PJSM:ui luu3
Uirectioita T:ii- e . t ...
tO t-d nt T.iT.iT trAn . kL.VI '''"." 'D
wine-Klaluj:. kokI nourW.n.g food .Yucli
n 1 ma:,0,i iinn- vetnson? roast beel.
and cpetal-ls, anl take out-door eN-re'se
j liev n:e rotuTjoseil r.r r,. .. ... ....;
6int, and eoni.iurio. p!nt;-'
At, it. ilUHUAAbD &. CO..
Imptnsi and (.t o. Ap.-.., .tn 1 :a"ci o cv
A cor. of W-hingt. -i and t.'li.-trluti St i" V
fcOLU BV AU.DB'M.'Sle U rm'.iti.
s ry. -
Ik.-. s ars.-w- m m r .