Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 10, 1873, Image 3

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"J. Railroad Time Tabic.
wr.a . v. I.lrt
MKht A Ac. 8:10 a. m.l Freight k Ac, 2:50 p- ui
n. m.i 3i an ana r,x. ii:u.m
B. M. R. R. IN IOWA.
kr. tn r. r-:b n. m J Mail Ex. C:t" a. in
a FrVht 9. a in1 Ao'tion k Fr 12:35p ni.
Pacific Expres S:20 a mi Atlautic Ex. 4:20 p m.
TheTrnsfer boat leave the Depot to con
nect with Ea.a3-jnd trains 4; ininutcs earli
er than tne lime given iw o. j u
by Chicago time which is 33 minutes faster than
Plattsinouth time.
la connection with Burlington k Mifsoun
River Railroad in Nebraska.
Depot at foot of Jones Street.
Plattsinouth J:.tO p. m. I Plattamouth Uf a a. m
uo 12:U5p. in. I do V tp a. in
Oraaha......lO:.Jo a.m. I Omaha- 4 1' P. in
do 7:00 a. in. I do 2:"0 p m
i m m
K C. ST. JOE. A C B. R. R.
Iat pacific jrsrnos IOWA.t
Mail and Express 4:48 p. ro. 8 ifl a. in.
Nieht Express.......:i a. in- 3:15 p. m.
This gives passengeni from Plattstnouth close
Connection going South or North by leaving here
an the 12:00 in. train.
t3. B. k St. Joe R. R. Sooth
C. B. k St. Joe R. R. North,
B. k M. R. U. East.
B. k M. R. R. West,
Omaha fey Rail
Weeping Water. -
ixhniikA Citv. hv Sttr-
9 pm. 10.30 pr
9 p. m. 10.: p m
9 pm. 10-30 p id
9 am. 4 pm.
9pm 10 a in
12 in. 12 m.
9 pm. 7 pm.
. Oftiee bnr, troin 8 la to 7 m.
iaBdays. to 1:30 p in. t
Transient 25 cents a line. Regular adver
sers 1) cents per line. N advertisement in
serted iWs than 25 eents.
- Lgl advertisement! will bs eharged to the
parties banding them in.
As ear space is limited, all -communication be brief and to the point, with bo waste ef
re requctea to notify the office if the paper is
not delivered promptly.
Sewp!tler Derlnlon.
1. Any person who takes a paper regularly
from the post office, whether tlirectrd to hi'
name or whether he is a ubscriber or not is
r:i0oiMe for the pay.
2. If anv peman orders his papr uientin
ud. he mast pay all tT-ar(rf.or the rnblinher
msy continue to send it until payment is male.
and collet the whole amount, whether the
jpapor is taken from the office or not.
3. The courts have decided refusing to
take newfpapers and periodicals from the po.-t
ffice. or removing and leaving them un-ulled
lor. is prima fcie evidence of intentional fraud.
Notice to Evirtbodt- Ml subscribers pay
ing for their paper to u. and or lering it stop
ped at a certain time, will find it to stopped;
"out, we cannot be responsible for what has been
done before our time, nor for orders supposed
to have been g-ven by oth-rjto oher. Our
bocks alone must be the guide for all old sub
scriptions. Please remember this.
Cio to the little Philadelphia Store,
rnd s-ee the new, cheap goods.
School Books, at publishers prices, at
SStf P. O. Book Store.
Printers are thicker than hail, in
Plattsruoutb. Three new ones came
to town last week, all in & bunch.
Go. to.Vivian'i for .groceries an J pro
visions. iJUlf
E. T. Duke & Co. are hoisting heavy
goods up and down that eleva'or at a
rapid rate. It means spring business.
Call and see the new guitcrs at the
ahre store, they are so beautiful, so good
ar.d cheap. 4Stf
J. II. Buttery still survives in thf
Drug business, and moves once in a
srhila on iunsbiny days.
The first Republican Mayor of Ne
bra.-ka City, and the first German May
or, were both elected on Tuesday la;t.
Our n"w devil has been tick a day or
two, but dow turns up all rerene, that
accounts for the funny things in this
We have heard a good deal about
"cheek," bat we sawa specimen of lip
the other night that like to have beat
our time.
Tha St. Louis GMe thinks that a
majority verdict ought to be allowed
from juries instead of our old unanimous
The German Lutheran Sunday School
will commence at nine o'clock in the
norning hereafter. Remember the
change of time.
D. Schnasse & Co. New stock of
poods, cheap and good. Will Dot be un
dersold. TOdtf
The Irish World gives a very neat ac
count of the performances in Platts-
ciouth on St. Patrick's day
Mike MeG-jiro and Newman are left
p-.t as managers, though.
hmpmkr Frank White, the grocer,
bee o the best fellows and the best gro
cers n the world. Call and buy your
potauanJ things of White. 44tf
Jtawjand thi
js Fremont Tribune ac
if Morton of plaziarizing
itler or Prof. Butler from
J. Sterlvw t is in regard to a pam
phlc-t called pi-a.ta and her resources.
Capt. ri, i'-pJraer has a brand new
Croquet eTO-t his residence, in aP
pie ptejor. Seats all around, and
ess cash ioned. Wants his friends to
call especially Lady friend.
The West Point Republican contains
good articles on many things, and its
"around home" has many items of inte
rest, but the way they are run in com
pels a body to read over the whole lingo
in order to pick out an item, and that
often bothers us so. throw it down
altogether for want of time.
Is hereby given that an Election wi
be held in St. Ltikes Church. Platts
mouth; Nebraska, oh Easter Monday.
April, 14th A. D. 1873 for the Election
of our Senior Wardon, one Junior
Wardon and three Vestrymen. Said
Election to be held at 7J o'clock- P. 31.
of said day; at test:
Wu Li WlUt, Clerk.
. 270TICE TO ATT5217E7S.
Blank depositions for 8 le at the Her
ald office. New lot of blanks of all
kinds. Call and see thetu.
D. IE Wheeler & Co. are fixing up
things to create a tensatiou this spring
in the way of real estate and law uusi-
nesa. Look out for Stinchcooib, when
court time ccnies rouJ.
0:z, the Veterinary SurefJn, has re-
moved to the little trick, north side of
Main street, west ot the Court House.
Ueuienibr thi-s'
Frank Carruth's Jewelry Store in tLe
Post Office building is the place to bui
une ateues, woets, apxin Kings,
Assorted Jewohy, and Fancy Ware.
j. 1$. Impairing well ani neatly dene
on hhon notice, cheap as elsewhere.
. . i
Jlickelwaite & Co. desire to inform
the public that thev have on hand and
fhall continue to keep through the win
ter, hard coal, which they will poll at
low market rates. J04tf.
The new Councilmcn took a stand,
La?t Saturday night they showed their
hand ;
"We'll run the thing without expense,
And teeter-tauter on the ft nee,
Uotil we get our hand well in,
And then we'll scatter broad the tin."
County and City orders bought at the
Elephant Store at the highest figure.
The Odd Fellows, the best fellows of
'em all, are going to hold an Anniversary
Festival on the 25th of this Munth.
Ball, supper, tuu.-ic , speeches, Sec. fcc.
Full programme in next week's paper.
Remember thf Jtime, the place and the
The Senate Wm. Edgerton Pro
prietor, cosy, warm and comfortable,
drop in and see us.. Liquors and cigar
warranted pure and good.
Nov. 13, d&wtf
Ilichard Chiborne takes bis benefit at
Fitzgerald's Hall, on next Wednesday
nizht, April lGth. "Nick of the
Woods" and "Family Jars" that
means sweetmeats you know. See ad-
vertiemnt in another column, and turn
out and see Pick act old Nick.
A man by the name of Woodson, at
tacked a party called Knee, on Saturday
evening, and caved his head in with a
brick. Knee is very law, not expected
to live, and Wuodson has been put under
five hundred dollar bonds to await the
result of Knee's wounds.
On Saturday afternoon, as the little
son ot 11. J Mrt'it'i: was tripping
across the floor, he fell, and his head
striking the sewing machine, the sku'l
was laid bare for two inches. Dr. G. II.
Black was immediately called, sewed up
aad neatly dressed the wuodf d-tlw!
little sufferer is doing as well as could be :
The Rt. Rev. R II. Ciarkson, Bi.-hr p
of Nebraska, will administer the rite of
confirmation in St. Luke's Church, p
P:attsmouth, this evening. Thurday,
April 10th The fervicc begins at 7i
o'clock. He will a!.-o le present at J
the 0 o'clock, A. M. service, to morrow.
Good Friday.
C. L. Mather, a resident of Plate
mouth for some time back, has bought
part of the outfit of the Nebraska
Herald, and starts a new paper in the
Republican Valley next month, to be
called the Red Cfowl Chi'.
Go in and win, old boy, and Ma(y)tber
fkies be kind and 'the folks generous to
NeT7 Sicci at Solcnoa & ITathaa's.
"Bloody Nathan" means nothing;
but the new goods at Solomon it Na
than's means low prices to everybody,
and cheap, cheaper, cheapest, to all buy
We have received a number of Mas
ter Clemie Cha-e's pape , the Excelsior ;
a newspaper written up, and made up,
and worked off by a boy less than twelve
years old.
It is a marvel in its way. and shows
what Nebraska can do Ciemie has
seventy odd exchanges, and indulges in
pictorial representations sometimes, tint
if not as good as the late New Yorfc dsi
lie, are certainly as Graphic, as far a-.
they go.
m -
Mr. Solomon, of Solonirn & Nathan's,
has returned from his trip east aid
brought an entire new stock of goods at
lower prices than ever. A heavy stock
of fine dry goods and fancy goods will
be offered for sale by this enterpri-ing
firm ; at such rates that none can go
away disappoin e i. Call and examine
the new goods. No charge for showing
goods, and we take pleasure in hiving
our customers examine our stock at all
times. 9 2t
The undersigned begs loave to au
nounce to the citizens of Cass county,
that from and after this date he has put
down all Watch, Clock and Jewelry re
pairing to about one half the customary
Watches and clocks cleaned for $1.00,
main springs put in for $100, and all
other work in proportion. Warranty
given. V lease give me a call, and have
your work done by a first-class workman
American watches and clocks sold at
factory rates. Jewelry sold for le-
than Chicago prices. Please remember
the place corner Foutth and Main
Streets, opposite the Platte Valley
Joseph Schlater.
PiATTSMOUin, March, 27, 1873.
a Lice
Pho'.ograph Gallery, on Main St., over
I Jobm-on'a Drug Store. Photographs
retouched cheaper than anywhere eke
in the State. No. 1 pictures taken every
day. Call and examine hpecimcus. 212
GdoIs not bold at less than cost. No
goods given away, . ut good goods at lie
Lwe.-i prices tor cash, at
Clakk & Plcmmeks.
P!attu.outh, Neb.
stats l.u:d salz.
Thete will be a public sale of State
penitentiary lands, at the office of the
stat0 i.riso:1 TnsnpCfor, Lincoln. Neh..
-tn. at 2 o'clock P. M
The lands are located in Lancaster,
Seward, and Saunders countios, and
comprise some very erwl f;jminir land.
For description, terms of s-i!c, &c.
addres State Prison Inspectors, Lincoln,
Nebraska. 5l!w6
Salomon came home and was o aton
ihed to find a youne Soloruon sitting at
the head of his table that he ruh?d
franti.alls out and shouted to Nafhan
"sell everything at cost ; put goods low
er than ever; please everybody ; charge
nobody, I'm to happy, Nathan, J want
to make everybody else happs. and the
quickest way to do tha', I've found out,
is to ell 'em goods way down, so do it,
old boy. I'll be b'tck in a minute," and
that accounts for the fall in goods, at
Solomon & Nathan's.
i . J, Mettecr, the great Machine man
of Plattstnouth, comes out in the Her
ALU with a rew pictorial illustrated col
umn, showing the beauties and advanta
ges of the Marsh Harvester, more par
ticularly, and also the Orchard City
Plows and Cu':ivators. for which Mr.
Metteer i the agent. We went out
with Mr M. last season to witness a
trial of the Marsh II trvester, and were
very much pleased with its performance.
If it ccntintie to work as we!', lid n;a
chine will eclipse 11 other ino.U-s of t:ik
ing off the immense harvests Nebraska
yearly seods f'irth.
All the bad luck we wi-h Me!t or is
that he may stll tin thotisand of their
machines, plows, &c., this summer.
For Kss.
Go and see Stadelmsnn's new stock of
clothing, firt class, cheap, good, and de
suable; entire new stock scllins at low
est cash rates; oVn t fail to call au J ex
amine before purchainc el.-ewhero.
At the new stand oppo.-ite the Brooks
House. 52-4 1.
U3zin;a c? tsz trazzux tc-ttit co.
Franklin Town Company met at Mr.
Sradolmann's store oc Monday April
7 - h,
A Company by the name of the Fiank-
lin Hotel Coiupaiiy was formed this day.
Officers !ect wer, Geo. II. Black, Pres
ident ; J. J. Ru-seii, Vice Piesid -nt; J.
M. Waterman, Secretary; W'm. Ktadei-
uiai.n. Treasurer; Geo- Bm:k, John
Fitzgerald and J-ihn A. MaoMtindiy,
Directors (ieo. II. Black wa ins'ruct-
ed to draft Resolutions and By-Laws for
said Company.
On motion G-'o. Buck was itif-truc-'fn
to take bid- on the Hotel and report at
next meeting.
The pro. poets are that a fine new
totel will be built this sumiuor add th t
the town will go right ahead.
slid Aivico.
Ef you hev a good watch or klock,
hold on tew it. It neads no repairing or
phixin ; but cf you hev a watch that
doesn't go worth a cent, ani want it re
paired in good shaip, call on the uuder-
If you want uoo Jewelry or p-iro stuff
or want your old traps burnished up or
tinkered to kill, call on the uodersioued.
We don't call ourselves the worst work
men in the State, and we have worked
at the trad.! fur so long that we hev for
got when we kommenced to bc-kum Jew
ellers. Yet we garranty you satisfac
tion if you leave your watches or jewelry
with us, or no pay.' That te Is the story.
People of Ca.s county kuow u very
well, and although we may be mighty
poor spellers we'ie sure to prove; our
selves good Jewellers. Try us.
F. Caiiuuth,
9 lt2 W. T. Eaton.
A CA23.
To the Elector of the City of Plitts
moufh: Gentlemen : Having been dul
6worn into office, I lose no tirno in re
turning my sincere thanks for so marked
an expression of confidence as you have
placed in me by electing mo to the offica
of Police Judge, which is one of re
sponsibility, and great importance to
this community, j our confidence in me
and my abilities to fill the Executive
chair, I trust will never be betrayed. I
shall dUcourage excitation to inciea.-e
crime, or the unlawful arrest of any
citizens, or allow any illegal trickery im
posed upon them; V the sim-j time
I shall uphold the Marshal, or any other
officer of the public peace, ia perform
ing their duty in a pioper manner ; and
I think I am sufficiently interested in
the city of Plattsmouth and its vicinity,
to make me at all times ready to r ro
Biote every mea-ura calculate.! to im
prove this place, and add to the pros
perity of its inhabitants, and I believe
the preservation of peace and the good
order of this city is a true reme-iy.
Thanking you, gentlemen, for your
public favor bestowed upon ma, I have
the honor to remain.
Your Devoted Servant,
J. W. Haines,
Ptift Jsigr.
0. J. Hoffman has erected
residence on Pearl street. "
There i3 no pain which the CenUur L'n-rient
wiil not telieve. no swelling it w ill not subJuo,
and no 'aincness which it will not cure. This
i. strong language, but it is true. Where the
part are not gene, its effects re marvelous. It
h.ta produce ; more cures of rheumati va. neu
ralgia, lock-jjw. p!sy. spraius. t-weiliugs. ear.
ache, caked-breasts. scaUs, burns, salt-rheum.
4c, upou the human lrame. and of strains.
5pavin, galls. &c. upon animals ffi one year
than have all other pretended remedies emce
th world began. It is a couutcr-irritan, an
all-lnaling paiu-r tiever. Cripples throw away
their crutches, tbe lame walk, pou-onous bites
1 are renderd harmless and the wountiea are
I . . t Tl,
hr.iprl Wlthr.llt 9 iii!flr. il DO UUUI' UK. au
rccips is jublit-hed around each bottle. It is
scl'iTifc' as n n-iU-le ever befo. c so 4, and it sells
because it docs ju-t it prciei.ds tiUo.
Thu-e who now suff-r from rheumatism, pain
or swelling des .rve to Kuu'or if they will n t use
Centaur Linirnnt. More than 1000 certificates
of remarkable cures, including froen limbs,
chi-onic-iheu-tiatism. gtut. ruiiui.ij tutaoors,
Ac have been received. We will end a circu
lar containing certificates, the re-ipe, Ae., gra
tis, to any reque-t;ng it. ODe bottle of the
yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth ere
hundred dollars for spavined or sweenied hor
seo and inalc.4, orl'or perew-worru in sheep-
I ciyci
J tcntu
j l.iuiu
Stock owners this liniment is worth yourat-
iot. No family should be without C. ntaur
incnt. J. H. Rose A Cc. New York.
l'nlori.i U n-ore than a substitute for fas
ter Oil. It is be only e article in existence
which is ci-rtaia to assimilate the iood, rcgulute
the toweN, euro win 1 co!ic and pr"luce natur
al clerp. It coc!::ins ueitLer miner il. ucr
phine or alcohol and Is t.leanant to take. Chil
dren need not cry and mothers liny test.
Tfij fini.fc 'I umi nr i in. i.i -ii y.H .w!MK
Plattsmouth is tupidly improving:-
Stadelman's new building is g- ing np;i
the corner of Main and Sixth. A nurn
her of new buildings are being erected
on the Avenu- s ; Fourth ward is com
ing out string on improvements, and
the hum of tho saw and ring of the
hammer is heard l'roui afar.
The carpenters and workmen for the
High School are here, and worklwill
commeuce at once.
itsw iaLLarss7 coors.
Miss Sweeney and Miss Susan McCrea
have just returned from the eastwith a
tine stoi-k of Millinery goods.
I 'ress making attended to. Irnnming
and tntirisr maJe u s; ccialty.
Call y.d cxamirc t.yr stock, over
Meik's Hardware s .. r 2 It
Tbe old reliible IK-nu-t, Dr. Me-Crea,
is sri'.i here, and c:!n be found i;t the lit
tie ciffi-.-e ou the corner east of Dovc-y's
While th.j peripatetic dentist frater
nity keep on the move, our doctor stays
quietly at home arid attends to hi-' cus-:
tomers, giving (u.t.nietioa to all. 2 2t
The Daily I ess, of Kearney Junc
tion, contains an accouul of the fiuding
of two bodies, of Iliclnrd Bell and C.
F Ilildeb and, on I oup Fork near the
niou'h of Dcor Creek. They are up
pocd to have been tuurdeied by one
Fr:u.k .surname unknown, who
was with them huti'li;; and trapping.
He has not been seen for over a week.
The Plattsmouth Turner Society will
give on j of their favori a Sociables, at
Turner Hall, on Mdnday, the 14th of
Ais Fuouth.. Kk-vryLody Lv Ltud t o ci i .
Johnson's band will be out in full force
on the said evening.
Tickets of ado-!on, one dollar, to
be had at the door.
By order of the Committee.
fin-i'y of J. W. Sticchomb,
it rived la-'-t Saturday, and the
old loan look so happy as never was.
They have taken Idrs. Lewis' hone,
opposite tha Episcopal Church, and will
therefore bo under the wing of the gos-p'-l
and near to the good infiuvtiC's of
the Hkkaj.p. As Stinoheomb pere, in
days gtir.e by. has been one of the wor-t
Editors Ohio ever produced, he needs
s iiui pioiu rurroundiogs.
ta:;tzd i
A situation, i:i either a city or coun
try printing, ly a competent work
man, who has been at the business nine
19) years Have beeu Ass't Foreman
in on office in Ohio, which "run'' two
papers, one 3 000 copies, and tho other
90.). Can do anything requiring to be
done. Address, "G."
Care Wheeler & Stinchcomb,
Plattstnouth, Cass Co., Neb.
April 10, 1873. tf
Notice is hereby given, that assess
ments have been njade on each share of
the Arrapahoe Town Company, to make
in the aggregate $10 50. All share
holders of said Town Company, whose
shares do not show that amount endorsed
on each, will, within sixty days, pay in
to the Assistant- Secieta-y the ba'ance
due ; or their shares will be forfeited to
tha company. L. P. Hennjtt,
As-.t. Secretary
PLtt.-mouth, April 9. 1873. 2-3t'
S 'limps- owns a ftir-hor'c team. v
Sehnaps droVi his four-hore team down
to the foot of Main street, heads down,
tails up, (that is as regards their posi
tion in the street). Vice President
comes along and Schnaps horses reverse
things change ends ia fact ; whirl the
wagon over, heads up, tails down, thii
time, and off they sailed up Main street,
spilled the.flour, left the wagen tongue,
smashed things generally. Good ran.
goo I team one horse hurt balance
sound a- a nut. Schnaps won't swap mit
any man, and that's the whole of it.
Messrs. Fitzgerald, White and Dor
rington, returned from St. Joseph, on
Tuesday, and report that the Hannibal
Si St. Joe Railroad managers will send
an engineer to survey the route, and de
termine the distance and change neces
sary to bring their road to the river
opposite Plattsmouth. After such sur
vey and report they can determine on
what terms they will brinr the road to
the river. It looks favorable, and Platts
mouth is soon . to have several new
Railroad couooctions, sure.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, at Eight
Mile Grove, Cass County, Neb. March
28:h, 1873 one Texas cow, red and white
brand on right hip: under bit off the left
ear, rquarecrop oil the right.
April 5thT 1873.
Fs?srx Irwwr.
Council Chamber, Aprils, '73.
Council met in regular session.
Freseeni. M. L. White, Mayor J.
H. Buttery, C. II Parmele, Way
man, Richard Viviau, Johu Fitzgerald
and II. C. Curbing, Councilmen, M. W.
Morgan, Marsha), and M. B. Reese,
Clerk. .
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved.
Mr. li. c. Cushin-. Chairman of Fi
nance Committee, reported th-it said
committee had settled with the Treas
urer, aDd presented verbal report, stating
that the Treasurer had paid $70,232. IS,
and presented the orders so paid to the
Council, and also presented a packuso of
old uncanceled orders found in an old
box in the office of the City Clerk, stat
ing that the orders were all canceled on
the record, and
On motion of John Wayman, it was
ordered that said orders be destroyed ly
the Fnance Committee in the presence
of the Council, which was done, by
burning them in the stove, in the pres
ence of the Council, and the committee
reported accord:ngly.
iOn motion, it wa3 ordered that the
book in which is recorded the settlement
with the City Treasurer, be placed in
the hands of the l-'inance Committee,
with instructions to preserve th.r same.
On motion, the following accounts
were allowed : IL C. Cushing, one
year's salary as Councilman, $50; Mar
cia L'ncoln, 1 day's service in taking
euumeratiou of First ward, $2.50; J.
II. Dilley, Register, Clerk of election,
and taking the enumeration of the 4th
ward, $14.75 ; D. D. Martiud ile, taking
enumeration of the 2d ward, $3.75.
On motion, the claim of G. Wi Fair
field, for $23, was laid on the table.
On motion; it was ordered that, th
settlement with the City Treasurer, to
March 1st lh73, be approved by the
Mayor and Clerk before the Council ad
journs. Lamed.
On motion, the Bond of R. R. Liv
ingston, as Mayor, was approved.
Ou motion, the Council adjourned,
hite ne.
Thereupon R. R. Livingston, the
Mayor elect was sworn in, as Mayor, of
the City of Platt.-tnouth, and after a few
remarks, took the chair and proceeded
to business : and
On motion, the Bonds of the follow
ing Cot:nciiuicn were approved: Her
man Newman, First ward, C. Nichols,
Second Ward, R. C. Cushing and Thos.
Politick, Third ward. L. F. Johufon,
Fourth ward, and they were duly sworn
On motion, tho Bonds of Phelps
Puine, Clerk and J. W. Haines, as Po
lice Judge, were approved, and they
were duly sworn in.
M. B. Rce..e, was duly sworn iu as
City Superintendent of Schools.
On motion, it was ordered that a com
mittee of five be appointed by the chair
to revise Rules, Regulations and Ordi
nances, of Council.
Tho Mayor appointed as such com
mittee It. C. Cushing, Herman Newman,
John Wayman, R. Vivian and Thomas
' Oa motiou of R. C. Cushing, the
Council proceeded to ballot for Street
Commissioner, which resulted in the
election cf D. N. Johnson. D. N.
Johnson received 5 votes; John llol
rchuh received 3 votes. I). N. John
sou having received a majority of all the
votes cast, was, by the Mayor, declared
duly elected, to serve as Street Commis
sioner for the municipal year.
On motion, it was ordered that the
C;ty Printing be let to the lowest bidder,
ou which the ayes and noes were called,
which were as follows: Ayes, Newman,
Pollock, Vivian, Cashing, Nichols ;
noes, Johnson, Wayman, Fitzgerald.
On motion, the Clerk was instructed
to give the City Piinting to the lowest
On motion, the following committees
were appointed :
R. C. Cushing, Thos. Pollock and
John Wayman.
Richard Vivian, Herman Newman
'and L. F. Johnson.
John Fiftgerald, John Wayman and
R. Vivian
Tho Mayor, R. C. Cushing, John
Fitzgerald, John Wayman and R. Vivi
an the Superintendent of Schools to
be Cierk of said committee.
R. C. Cashing, John Wayman and L.
F. Johnson.
Herman Newman, C. Nichols and
Thos. Pollock.
On motion, the Marshal and Clerk
were ordered to procure two desks and
seats for useot Councilmen, and benches
lor the lobby.
On motion, it was ordered that the
salary of Teachers shouid be, lor the
1'riucii-al, $50 per mouth, aud lor assist
ant, 40 per month .
Uu motion, the Committee on Edu
cation was ordered to visit the school
houses of tne city, and examine tt.eir
conditions, aud procure suitamc rooms
iu the Third ward, tur the purpo.-e of
holding a be Loo!, to commeucc at the
same time as the other schools.
By ton.-ent, Capt. il. E. i'almer ad
dressed the Mayor and Couucil in be
half of the Babcoct Fire Eugine.
On motion, Couucil adjourned, to
meet ou Wednesday evening, April 9ih,
1873, at the hour.
Attest, Piielps Paine, City Cierk.
Is hereby given that the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners of Cass County will
meet at the County Clerk's oiEce oh the
21st. 22d, and 23d, days of April, A: D.
1873 for tha purpose of equalizing the
assessments of 1873. All persons feel
ing aggrieved or dissatisfied with their
assessments should make their appear
ance then and there and present their
grievance. By order of County Com
April 2, 137s! D. W. McKinnon.
t- OlerkV
EOiES XA32Z73.
100 105
14C 15
i ., 15,o : J7
Corn, ...
Oats, ...
Rye, ...
Best Fine cut and cigars et
SStf P. O. Bock Store.
Vivian's is the place to buy your gro
ceries and provisions. 2Utf
Large and well assorted stock of gen
eral merchandise at Clark & Piumuiers.
Try us. 28dtf.
At Clark & Pluunuer's everything a
farmer needs can be found. Call and
see otir stock. 2Sdtf.
Clark A PlumuierDry Goods, Grocer
ies and a General assortment. . We sell
cheap and buy often. 2sdlf
cee advertisement oi ur. uuics ius
pensary, headed Book for the Mil'ion
Marriage Guide in another cohiuid. It j
should be rend bv ail. decldiwly.
For new, cheap goods, call on D.
Schnase A Co. Mr. S having just re
turned from the east u prepared to fur
nish goods at eastern prices. . i0Jtf
Wanted A live man to take the
agency for the Improved Lock Stitch
G rover & Baker Sewing Machine for
Cass County. Apply to J. M. Nowland,
Nebraska City. 40wtf
For Rent. The large and commodi
ous wareroom, ceiiar and office on d
floor of buildimr now occupied by Jacob
Valiery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire
of R. R. Livingston or
48tf. E. T. Di:ke.
Lots No. S, 9, and south half of lot
10, in block 1G. Good house, with five
rooms, pantry, cellar, cistern holding
100 "barrels, Cn the place. Will be sold
cheap. Enquire of D. H. Wheeler &
Co., or of E. B. Lewis. 51 tf
Just see, the Molly McGee all right
once more, and bound lor the great
A estern shore.
Emigrants can now cross the old cmd
dy at Plattsmouth, old landimr. The
line, large ferry boat, Molly McGee, has
been re-fifted and re-built, and is now
ready to cross teams, loose stock, pas
sengers, freight, anything ami every
thing that wants ferrying across the
Come one ! Come all !
If you have a good watch which needs
repairing and don't want to tru-t it into
the hands of none but a first class work
man, please call at the jewelry establish
ment of Jos. Schlater, corner Fourth
and Main streets, opposite the Platte
Valley House, at Plattsmouth, he is one
of the best workmen in the State, has a
busiuess experience of 28 years, twelve
years he has spent in the employ of
some of the l est establishments of Cin
cinnati and Richmond. If you entrust
your wach to hiru, it will be repaired
as Carefully "and skillfully asBy the best
workmen in any city cast or west.
New store, new place, new goods, new
everything, but the man, and Wm.
Stadelmann is the same old William as
Business is business, and Stadelmann
has the largest and best stock of boots
and shoes made to order and marked
with his name, ever brought to Platts
mouth. Hats, caps trunks and valises ; a
large stock of new clothing. The new
Broadway hat. Call and see the new
Clothing store, opposite the Brooks
House. 9 1 4w
CScial Eecsri of the Cit7 Zlectioa, Held
April 1st, 1S73.
5 to CO It
c- p-
3 3 3
m t 2.
-i . w
Cl. p. c a. E.
For Mayor.
Livingston, Lib 9 52 42 75 22S
White, Cit 54 40 4o 37 17T
For Marshal.
Uempel, Lib. 43 34 20 45 142
Morgan, Cit. " 61 31 43 57 JS7
Bates. Ind. 13 25 i7 5 65
City Clerk.
Paine. Lib. 65 49 3S 70 222
d'Allemand. Cit. 47 43 50 40 ISO
Ci y Treasurer.
Winterstein Lib. 56 40 35 75 206
Hobbs. Cil. 56 52 63 36 197
Sup'i of Schools.
MacDanagh. Lib. 43 31 30 57 164
Reese, tit. 67 53 59 55 234
Foliee Jude.
Haines. Lib. CO 36 S3 4 193
Brown, Cit. S9 45 43 35 162
City Assessor.
Cements. Lib. 61 59 45 69 234
Sharp. Cit. 52 33 42 41 168
City Engineer.
Yardlev. Lib. 56 43 42 67 23
Fairfield. CP. 55 45 46 44 190
Councilman. 1st Ward.
Kowman. Lib. 72
Evans. Cit. 0
Councilman, 2J Ward.
Nichols. Lib. 56
buttery, Cit. 34
Councilmen 3d Ward.
Tutt.Lib. 42
Pollock, Cit. 66
Cushing, Cit. 58
Councilman, 4th. Ward.
Johnson, Lib. - 63
Dorrington. CP- 48
Tlios. W. thryock,
And dealer in all kinds of
2?iiriiiture & Chairs.
mais stbezt, (third door east of P O
Plattsmouth - - - Neb
j-Repairjj(jjr and VaftisHnit neatly none, .
menln atsocdeJ o-c fcLa ghortevt bsuk!
To Farmers and Horsemen.
Dr. W. D. Jones begs loave to en.ll attention
to tha fact that hehasjaat received two very
fine animals from the eadt, vi.:
From Fairfield. Iowa, audthelroa Orey Nor
field. Iowa, audthelroi
m called
man Sta tion called
Five enrs o d and weighs 1S00 pounds. '
They are both sure foal getters, and will stamt
at Rock Bluffs and elsewhere in the count
during tha season. For full particulars, see
Bills. 61-131
DEALER in Druss. Medicines. Paints. Oils
Varnish, Perfumery. Stat ioiiary. Notions
Cigars and Tobacco
I lit.
new seuinq machine
Buns very Easy,
Buns very Fast.
Buns very Still.
Has a New Shuttle superior to all others.
Defies Competition.
Great Improvements in Needle.
Cannot be &et vv rong.
A3- Agents Wanted.
a ,Mri-s TH K "VICTOR" S. M: CO.
54 Tenth st., 4 doors west of Broadway. X. Y.
Manufacture the Celebrated
Jubilee ami Temple
These Organs are unsurpafeed in quality of
tone, style of finish, simplicity of construction,
and duribiliiy.
Also. MELODKONS in various styles and
unciuallcd in tone.
gend for Illustrated Catalogue".
Address New Havin Organ Co.
New llaven. Conn.
Agfents Wanted. 46-3m.
Having opened a Lumber Yard at
Louisville, I wi!1 keep all kinds of
&c, &c, 2lc,
And would invite all those wishing to
purchase to give me a call.
m I will alftv ,al in ill kind" of GRAIN,
for which I will pay the highest Market price.
Stationer?, Jlews
1Po;t Oflice ISniltling.
t. A lermbnnd wtf.ts
Plattsmouth Nebraska.
Iam prepared to accommodate the public with
Horses. Carriages, Buggies and a No. 1 HeAne
on short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack
willrun to tbe steamboat landing, and all parts
of the city when desired
January 1'. 1S71 l.fcwt
Dress and Cloak Maker.
Rooms three doors west of Brooks House
made a specialty.
f Patterns of all kinds constantly on nand
Omaha Marble Works.
m. jTIfeenan,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Mantle &t Furniture
. For specimen or workmanship refer
to Smith i's and allery's oioou-,
ments in Plattsmouth Cern
e t a r y
The patronage of Cass County is respectfully
solicited. d85-w27-6m.
CORAD UEISEL ----- Proprietor.
Flour. Crn Meal, Feed. Jfcc, Always on hand
j . - ... , . c i- f :
B Lid tor aaiv t luncoi viuu mttivvb.
w.The Highest prices paid for Wheat and
jg-Particular attention given to cus
... . -, .
tom work.
Blaclismith. Shop
ML Pleasant, Neb.
Bees leave to inform the farmers of
Cass County that he keeps a good No. 1
BiiACKSJiiTn snop,
one mile north of Mr. Pleasant.
All kinds of iron work attend
A to. Wacons repaired, Farm im
rjlements carefully mended. Lowest
nrires and all work done on short notice.
Grain received in payment. Give n)
a trial. CHA8- TUFA"T.
8 50-.
r.Ioncjr Saved
Buying Your Greeri-houso and
Bedding Plants.
At ro
v - . .
wouia say mat i nave tne i.inrn.t u...
stock of plan's eter ofi'ered for sule in the weak
and propof-p tatjll them at reasonabi crioo
Be sure anj jet J for my
New Descriptive Catalogte.
which will be sent n-ee to all who spp'y f,r .
Then give me your orders, and I feel confident
I can satisfy you.
Addresx. W. J. H KSRER.
reb. 13 diw Plattsujouta. Nth.
All Paper rrimrned free 0
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by aaex
perienced Druggist. .
Remember the pi left, three doers west of Ui
Herald office: Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Metalic Burial Cases. . .
Ready Mads, and Sold Cheap h,t Cash.
With many thanks for past patronage. Ii a
Ate all to call and examine my large stock O
niture and Coffins Jan2it
"Silver Tongue.
XAScrAcrcBEO t
143. 115 147 East 23d Strest, New York,'
Responsible parties applying for agenoies la
sections stifl unsupplied. will receive prompt
attention and liberal inducements. Parties re-.-
siding at a distance from our authorized agent
may order from our factory. Send for iUustra.,
ted price list. Got 264 Aw3is
. . - -
Tootle, Hanna & Clark
Jobs FiTzr.f hald.
C li. Parkelb,
Virm Prerit't'
T. W. Evaks. .
Aft (Ju.MT
Johk R. Clark,
This Bank is now open for business, at, tk i
new room, corner Main and Sixth street, ux. '
are prepared to transact b general
Banking Business
Stocks, Bonds, -Gold,
and Local
Bought and
Bold. Deposits
Received and
Interest allowed
On time '
Drafts drawn, available In ny part of tho--United
States and in- all the principal tonus
and Cities of Europe.
A'ND "
PitMAes .IA! A a4V.tU: 1. Ti.
I Europe can pnrohre Uoktt from tff
Tli Till II I T i-Tl' ' -lTO
vmvut UUIUI DI 1U WlAw Utiiir IflCUslff i, v .
DONT. send East for Plants when yo. ean
get just aj good for le. money nearer
homo. To. my numerous friends and i.atmn. r