THE HERALD. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, ATRIL 10. 1873. J. A. MACMURPIIY.. ........ cditoh. CORRESPONDS CE Prom all parts of the State and country res pectfully solicited for the lit bald, We do not read anonymous letters ard eon- . mnnieations. The name and address of tUo wri ter are in all eases indlspener 1c. as a guaranty f good faith. UV.e OTB SPLEXDID CLCB ilJiT. We call attention to the splendid Club List offered. It is our desire to place before the people of Cass Co. every opportunity for infor Boatioa and instruction. To all those who wish to take ny of the publications mentioned be low we offer them a the following low ratr: Harper's Magazine and Herald one year 51 75 4 7 - M 4 75 " " 4 75 - - i 75 - " 4 75 " " " 2 50 - 4 r.o .. m .. 4 c) " " 5 0i " " 3 09 - " 3 00 " ' 6 Z - 6 00 " 3 00 " " f 3 00 - -; -S 00 - - 4 no 4 00 - - " 4 0U - 3 00 " " 2 00 " ' 3 50 Weekly Bazar Leslie'! Ills. News'per Chimney Corner Scribner's Monthly Wood's honse'd Mas;. Les'ie's Ladies Man, Vetera' Mus. Monthly Atlantic Monthly Prairie Fanner Chicago Inter-ocean Spirit of the Times Tnrr, Kield k Farm ' New Yrk Timet - . - W orld " " Tribun " " Ledr - Weekly Rural New Forker Toledo Elude What Xezt?(chromo) Phren. Journal We make the abeve liberal offers because we are rery anxious to collect in our subscription 1 ist and start on an entirely caeh basis, which we shall ebdeavor to make our rule hereafter. A Splendid Chance. JTe will send the Herald and Pemorests' Monthly, which i 83 for one year, to any per son who pays us $3.50 In addition to both Periodicals at the price named, a choice from a list of extraordinary Premiums is given to each subscriber to Dem rest's Monthly. Anion these are a fine pair of Chrorno Picture (Falls of Niagara and Yo semite Fall), worth $10 ; or a rood Stereoscope with a series of views : besides numerous other valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol lars each. The best boys' and girls' magazine, and the Nkbbska IIkrald at greatly reduced rates. We will send Nkbrvka 11erai.i and Dkmoh b T'a Torso Aiikrica, which in 81 00 for one year, to any person who pays us 82.IO. Dcmor est's Young America is always sparkling with entertaining stories. Poems. Music, Puzzles. Games. Travels, and other plcasnut features Js profusely illustrated, and cannot fail to amuse, instruct and elevate, and assist to make the lives of youthful Americans useful, truth ful and happy. Granges and Unions are growing all over the country. This move will either larst the monopolies or cause a famine. The Farmers' meeting io Springfield. 11!., is accused of beine gobbled by sotue politicians, and the better cla-is of farm ers went home di.-cuted. T0S1U20I WZEW1 A Big tornado ewept over the State of Iowa on Saturday last UutliriKton is badly demeralized, and Council Bluffs has not a whole house of glass in it, so snys the newspapers. Better live in Nebraska. Ccaha News. We are surprised to learn that tbeOma ha dailies are discontinued. We know dailies were expensive luxuries, still we supposed thero wa wealth and intelli gence enough in' Ouiaha to sustain a daily issue of th papers. The daily Journal and the daily Leader issued of Lincoln, are the only ones no far as we have any evidence, now issued in ihi State. Brown ville ftem ncra t. They had a happy time in Missouri this winter. One Democrat announces himself as turned radical because his prty goes back on schools, public im provements, and economy, and another Mr. Kirkpatrick, proposer) to take the Governor's house for a Mad Asylum, because it has co-it 8,U0 dollars for re pairs in two years and h thinks the Governor has no business with a better house than the majority of taxpayers live io. Buffalo liill, Ned Buntlio, "and Dov Eye." ate making a sensation at Niblo's Garden, New York City. The New York papers come down on them, but can't prevent their "show" from drawing crowded bouses. Ned. Bontlioe is a novel red roan (that is a red man of novel's). Bill Cody, a sham hunter (so nay the old prairie salt) and the meek and painted "Dove Eye" an Irish gal who never saw a wigWiiD. PAY PAY AT SASSL, And other odes, by Robert Benton Kod ney, U. S. N., ha been laid npon our table. It is a handsome litile volume, and dies great credit to the author. The ceue at Babel on pay-day is suggestive, and the old, old oft told story, of that wondrous tran-foruntion, is brought be fore the mind in clear letters of light, showini; what must have been the curi ous effects and consequences of such an utter upheave of all mens' ideas and thoughts as expressed by the tongue, at that time. It will repav reviewing. "For trieks that are vain" commend us to our friend Hon. F. Welch. Ha explained a mef-nieristn or spiritualism dodjre to us the other day, and it costs us "cigars for four. W. P. Republican. Lucky if you got off at that. lie's up to euch tricks, we know him of old. ZIASSSTXC. The transactions of the Grand Chap ter of Nebraska for 1872 i.-just out. and is a very fine book of 140 pages. The Report on Foreign correspond ence is voluminous aud able It covers 102 pages, and is quite a history cf Ma sonry in itself. Five hundred copies have been circu lated, and no better report has been re ceived, from any State, in this office. T22 ATLA:;ri3DILASTS3. The accident to the steam-r Atlantic, which suuk near Halifax, is jot simply horrible. The Captain is b' by many au thorities, the company by others, and th ship pronounced unsafe by still an other party. One tbiux is certain, sach accidents thould n-1 be allowed to occur. That a new staunch ship, should go t pieces in Qfteen minutes is unaccounta ble, if she was properly built. Give as the o!d: fashioned ood n ships. Cast iron is good for stoves, but poor material to build ships of. "Another thing, there are no more sail ors now-a-days ; the time of apprentice ships has gone by ; there is do school fur educating sadors any more. Crews are picked up f'rota the riff raff and .-emu of the docks, and when a moment of great p' Til arrives they have nt ithtr the meu tal or phyMcal stamina to be of much service. Want of thorou2i discipline allows the decks to be crowded, and the operations of the seamen to be inter fered with. Taken all in all tome very severe measures must bs taken by Gov ernments to render ocean travel more secure. The Farmers' Union, of Washington county, and the traders and middlemen of Blair are having a bout io the Blair Tine. Both parties call a good many hard names. Speaking of Sergeant Bates and his flag-bearing tramp over England, the Cheyenne Leader pointedly says : "If Sergeant Bates will carry the American flag across the Sioux reservation, the people of Cheyenne will see that hi calp is sent cast by exprenn. C. O. D. iNeoraska city newspapers are having a high old time at blackguarding The Chronicle calls the Prat "The Idiot," and tin Press rotorts by suggest ing that the Chronicle is a "Galoot" and a "perambulating distillery." Gentlemen, we want au elevator on the Missouri river, down on Front street While you are forming companies for town sites, and all this sort of thing, lets have an Elevator Company in Plattsmouth. Who is the first man to Btart it don't all sppak at once. The Nebr ska Farmer is out again, Deyo & Chapin, Editors aud Proprietors. This is W. F. Chapin, formerly of Lass county. It is a fine work, contains much useful information for the farmers. If they can mak it a success it will be useful to the aericultural community. We see by the "Turf, Field and Farm," that our old friend, Ben. Akers, of Leavenworth is in trouble. The old Jennison charges are renewed and put into the shape of sworu affidavits. If Mr. Jennison 8 charges are proven true it will drive Akers from the trotting field and ppoil the chances of three of his best horses. Farmers and Grunge men, stick to your original idea, let tariffs and politi cal demasogues alone, andy-iumaydo yourselves some good. Once drop your conservative, co-operative plan, and go into any political arrangement that prom ises you success, and our word for it you will be ground between the upper and nether millstone, as to your pockets, and your rights and interests be left jim where they were be ore. Mind this, we do tell the truth now and then, if we are an editor, and we have taken a notion thnt way this morn ing. For The Herald. When you transplant trees, he sure to shorten them in. The roots should not be shortened in, but the tops shortened in. ' ' . " One year-agU I transplanted large ap ple trees. Some of them eight years old, and large. I cut off the tree about fiv feet from the root, and every branch from the body. So that when planted they resembled a row of stakes. Every one of them lived, aud grew well, and now have beautif ul tops. W. S. West. As many of our brethren fthe weekly press decline an ext h .rrpe with the dai lies of (Jniftha, w would point them to the Council H'uffs Aip-'i ''. as ha best paper for news, political and buxincs matter published on the tipper Missouri. The dispatches t.f the Nonpareil are al ways free of those glaring errors so com mon in other papers, and the reports of market are attended to by competent persons. The Nonpareil can be had at any station west of this on Union Pacific at the name time Omaha papers arrive. Ourbrethren will find the change from the Omaha papers o th Nonpareil as pleasant as the change from stotry boots to comfortable slippers. J1 turnout Tub une. e have received the Turf, Field and Farm, for March 28th, and are very glad to nee its familiar faeq. tnce more The Turf, Field t and Farm contains every kind of news relative to hon-es, hunting, thoroughbred stock, theatrical Dews, the various trotting clubs, rales, tc, fcc, and is one of our most valuable exchanges, containing a vast amount of information about everything. They are in a bad fix in New York on light. All the gas laborers have "fitruck." A telegram April 6th, says : The city below Grand street is in total darkness. Orders have been sent to private consumers to turn off their gas so that the streets and public offices may be sopplied. The Stadt Theater was left in darkness in the midst of a pei formaqce, and the uewspapcr and ex press offices wore using lamps and can dles to eke out wi;h. It seems almost impossible to get the positive and true account of the hite changes in the Postal law. If, as re ported, it does away with free exchanges and free1- connty circulation, it is a blow at the weaker class of papers, and a di rest stab at the 'ree circulation of intel- igence and news among the people. It is a measure tending to increase th emoluments of the rich an 1 powerful, and retard the progress of the weak and helpless. It will cut short the means of information of the small county papers without rsally benefitting the great dai lies, bt?cau-ie, when their news sources are cut off they will become tame and less thought after. - It 6eems a foolish and useless piece of work, whatever shape the bill finally turns out to be in. . TZ22IEL3 EJ3ASTZB. The steamship Atlantic, of the White Star line, from Liverpool, March 20th, for New York, ran ashore the 2d day of April, on Meagher's Head, about twenty miles from Halifax. She bad on board ovr one thousand men, women and children. Three hundred were saved. The disaster is traced to the carrying of insufficient coal for a voyage of morethau ten or twelve days. The steamer struck about two o'clock in the morning, and Cornelius Schaller sends us a lot of Dglih papers with blue tracks all over ihem, which means, we suppose, that fhey have crossed the blua, blue deep. which few native born Nebraskians ever see. ... At all events, we got the papers, and they are full of beef beef. . Our friend Schaller is like unto Prof. Butler, with bis 10 years, at 6 percent. No matter when he begins, or bow the words look at first, it is sure to end up with cheap beef for EmjlamJ from the plains of NbTska. some cf the passengers who were re cued, afterwards perished from the e feet of fright and exposure. A large portion of the enrgo will be saved. Harrowing details of the scenes en acted on the fated ship, are given. Most of the women were drowned in their birtLs the heavy seas which con stantly poured over the vjssel, prevent ing them from reaching the deck. One woman, who rook to the rigging and was lashed there to keep from being swept away, froze to death. Ouly one child was saved, a boy of twelve years ; his parents and a young brother were drowned. Ona man was rescued with both legs broken. Many who had life buoys, by reason of their not beipg properly adjusted, were drew aed. ' . Civil Sarvica :sri Washington, D. C, April 4. There i not the slightest foundation for the a sertiou of a Liberal journal as to an abandonment or change iu the p'an adopted for civil 6ervic-.' reiorm. Ex Senator Cattell, of New Jersey, as the 6emor member of the Advisory Board, takes the pl;ce cfMr. Curtis as chair man. Mr. Josep!) liil has not inti mated atiy wi-h to resign. It is not yet known who will fill the vacancy caused bv M. Curtis' retirement, but a leading olnerii haid to-day it would be one in whom the pub'ic would bve confidence. CtOirKTlTIVE EXAMINATIONS. As to the failure to make the plau tffieiritt, it nsuy be mentioned that three members of the Treasury Examining Board are detailed to organs th- ex auiiiiing system in thu cnsti.m-hou-es and other public off.ces of the Southern and Southwestern States. Mr. Graves, of the Treasurer's office, and Mr. Kimball, of the llvenue Bureau left for Sr. Loui to-day on this business. They wid go down the Mississippi to New Orleans, then to the several Gulf ports. .Mr. Saviile, the Chief Clerk, leaves on the 9:h inst., and will proceed as far as Mobile. Th plan to be adopted is that in u.e in the New York Custom houe SECRETARY RICHARDSON AND THE GOLD FLURRY. The Secretary uf -the Treasury contin ues still unmoved, to all appearances, by the wall street excitement. It is known that Mr. Bichardtton'g appointment was not satisfactory to many prominent Wall street operators, and it is therefore prub able that these brokers' combinations are merely intended to give trouble at th very iuceptiou of his official duties. With this understanding in view, the Government will not interfere except in accordance with its announced program me for the sale of gold and purcVisj of bonis. It is believed th;it this r rosrrato me. r?afjiiy and unflinchingly followed, will iu the vd overcome any cvmbiiiation that, may be made in Wall street, and wrdch obtaiocd b-fjre Hiehurdson' promotion. St. Louis Goe. It "is fun to see the Ooiaki Herald diddle along behind the Chicago Times and Tribune. To savt their precious railroad monopolies, these fine thinkers have suddenly promulgated the theory that it is the tariff that makes railroad freights so hith, and very coolly p.-opo se to the farmers to let up on their grievances about the discrimination on freights, and go for a r?peal of the tariff laws. Pretty shrewd move on the ptrt of the Times and tribune, and came near winning The Omaha IIehald has an article in the same strain, advising our farmers to give up their trial for cheap freights and pitch into the tariff. Ouo.wouid think, to read it that ic was original with the Herald As regards the facts of the case, the Liter- Ocean gives the true story of the tariff question is the railroads : It ISTOover ninety of the officers of the leadiug railways iu the United States petitioned Congress for an increase in the duty upon iron and steel. The'rr reasons therefor were stated as follows: 'Immediately before iho construction n" tho Erststei l ral uiatiuinoiriry in tli s ennntrv. for eign makers utiarged ll.'xi per ton (equai then .o ii currency; lor steel raus. A Ain works wcr buiit. foreign ki le-i iabor iutro- Uucwi, livire ta'jor instructed, and dumestic irons, clay. gaL.;Ter and gpie el mai.y and exiienu've rial) fount to uroduee r-ien)- lent -ans h- price ci the foreign arti. ie was frraduaMy lowered, unt:l it i i rmloit ! than 8i per ton n g ld, ir ii.;i3 in curretje v. Now hat several miihoiifi ol' rlvllur- have been expended in luiioia-.ery, furnaces, and experi ments in p-riec intr fe proc-.- of inarm auture in this rou try, and numbers t oi r own eiii zets are d"pen.eut u; :n i. inr tupparr, tne I'lumer") in threatened witu by tUe pressure of Ji sriibh mid Prussian luuker. " e. as sse a of steel rails and transporter of die food a i.d mat. rial for American luiinioac'ure s an ( their numerous emplot es and tklllud labor er . do not desire to be depi-udont exclusive y upou tbeforein f apply, und there' jre join in ii-kn-K thxt. instead oi the present ad valorem duty specific duty of two cents per pou .d b pi . cd npon th i wrticle. beii g the rate Cx d by a bill which the S nat -'anuary SI. UioT una ot a bill which was reported o the ilou e Ly the VunniUxe of Ways ani Mcaus during the gams year." FI2S01UL. Dr. Geo. B. Graff is now absent in London for the purpose of selliug mining 6tocka ia Colorado. With the Doctor's business tact, we have not the least doubt but he will make it a success. Dakota City MiiL New house, new folks and new goods, are pouring into town lively. J. Newt. Hays, the lively and spark ling editor of the Fremont 'Tribune, is in town. . The contractor on the Iligb School Budding. Mr. Pexter, and his partner, Mr. Goodwin have got here at la3t, and work will be pushed forward at once, with a full gang of men. Yankee Newell has come to town, aad is going to. High School it this summer. F. W. D. Holbrook, E q.. formerly of the B. &. M. has returned from Cali fornia, and e enthusiastic over the beau ties of the climate and the productive ness of the soil. Everybody always is that toes to California. Yet people die there, and well, fill out the quotation yourselves. Our friend Waugh has almost got the Texa-t San Angelos Diego, or nome other Sou' Wet fever. Look out, its catch ing. We've bad it. George Buck, Esq., of Franklin, is in towo, and wili stay some days-helping. fix up things for a rapid development of the Republican country, this summer. D. Sehnaane bhows his benign counte nance on our streets once more. He has jut returned from Chicago, nd fol 1 iwing in his wake comes a f-pring stock of gO( ds that will set the town agog with wonder and surprise. Siioasse knows how tcrdo it, and when they do come, we emoke, you know. Solomon, of the firm of Solomon & Nathan, has returned from the ea-t, and we may expect to see the little Philadel phia store loom up in all the grand eur of a superb stock of dry goods, fancy goods and things that delight the ladies eyes and make them say, "O, my ! Oh, dcarl how uice ! how pretty! Ac, tc. What fellows that S. & N. are, to be sure. Always diner it so. STAX3 IT2Lf3. Lincoln is to have amateur theatricals. The play of "The Drunkard" is to be brought out Liucoln sportsmen go fishing in Salt Creek Result, Terrible Accident. Mr. and Mrs. Swart- little baby, a girl seven mouths old, met with a terriole accident ye-ter-d;iy morning by falling on a hot heating stove. She was tied in a high chair near the stove, and a little sister was trying to pull a rattle away from her, when the chair was tipped tcrrward by the pulling. tier fa.?e s' rusk the bottom of the ti t stove with g:eat force, burning it bdly. I r. "Da vis was called, and relieved th little sufferer from her pain. JSeutiice Jur press .' Isaac W. Flanigan Sr., was arrested April 2d, at BlaT, Dakota, for robbing the mails ot $400. La.-t tail his son Isaac N. Jr., was arrested for the same crime, having robbed tho mails at the satrjn point it S55. and. he was sen fenced to three years imprisonment. J he old cent wi;l probably keep compa ny with the'fcon. Ex. The Ntbratka Farmer has been start ed agiiu with Messrs. Deyo and Chapin as Editors and proprietors. Hebron boasts of a successful concert by homo mu-icians. The Lincoln Journal contains a report of Prof. Aughey, concerning the ccal mines in Richardson county, bout four miles south of Itulo, and about a quar ter of a mile from the A. & N. R. R. He states that the veins range from three iuehea at the entrance to twenty six inches 260 feet from the mouth, and thit geological indications would show the vein to be from four to five feet thick some fifty feet deeper, and a little east. He also states that the coal is of ex cellent quality, superior to the Leaven worth coal, and to much of the Ft. Scott coal. It can be obtained at a tri fling cost, and in unlimited quantities. If this be true there is no reason why Nebraska should not be supplied with coal in a very short time at from four to Sve dollars a ton. As will be seen by our Council reports, the new Mayor and the Councilmen elect were duly in -tailed on Saturday evening last. Mayor Livingston made a happy s-peech on the occasion, and our new City Clerk blushed at the iron clad oith that was admirristered to him. It beats his ordinary "sweat" all hollow. The littla Council Chamber was filled with citizens, a.Joe Connor com plained that Coon Heisel h d brought fciS'min with him, by the dust he rsised. Speaking of dust, . ne of the hold-over qo'Stlemen tried fj kiek up a duat at once, on Street C jmiaissioner and City Printing. Ta tn'ns to the brains and wit cf one man, a sprinkler was found and the du-t kept down- before it choked us quite off. The manner of this City Father teems to indicate that h is occasionally troubled with intestenalis urmi. Now these saura men are gravely in vited to "co-operate" in entirelv remov ing the tax which they theu declared necessary to the cheap construction of their roa-is. W e once more repeat that the lnter-Ucean has but one object m view in tins marter, ana mat is to check the dangerous and growing power of' these monopolies, and to bring them iuto subj-ction to law and justice. In this attempt we want no mixture of is sues no conglomeration ot questions. each one of which will take off here a little and there a liu'-r of the urength so vital to success. Vr hen the railways have been brought into obedience to the laws already in f jrce, when their shame ful extortions und r the s'atu'es of the State are overcome, it will be time enough to consider tho cxpdi-'ntv of changing the policy of the nation, :-nd taking a new departure in poutical ccon- 7ZLES&AX3 ECILSD EO77;7. Friday April, 4. A fire in StJo-eph destroyed pioperry to t he amount of $35,000. The Collector of Customs has received in-tructions to proceed with an investigat ion of the siiikiog of tho steamship Atlantic. The several o3cers and men of the steamer and such officers as arc likely to know any thing of the disaster are detained. The immgrants snved from the wreck of the steamer Atlantic are expected to arrive here from Portland to-rurrow moinir.z. The agents of the Whi'e Star Line in t?iis city have been offered Fiiie.ii.' IbJl for the reception of thv uafortui.ate.-. ,ijd preparation have been made to provide for their wmits upon arrival. They will remain io Boston alf1 diy and on fv.turday evening will pro ceed to New York. Mr. Loufs Joseph Buffet, is elected President of the National Assembly of Fr suce. The Pope is recovering. An accident on the St Louis and Southern railway yesterday resulted iu the death of three persons, a d scalding oy steam or a numuer or ethers. Captain Jnck is endeavoring to create a general lnoian wariare. Monday, April 7. A terrific wind and rain frtortu at Han nioal, Missouri, damaged property seri ously, teating down all th telegraph l nes. "The It-iies of St. LouN held a meet ing yesterday, to consider the oocial Lvti law. The Connecticut State elections tke place to-day. Ingersoll is probably elected Governor. Tuesday, April 8. Th" bodv of a man was fours I yestcr diy. near Viola station. Oil the Chicago, K. I. it R. R. It is suppo.-ed he at tempted to jump f rom the train. Nixon, the condemned murderer, is very ill. There is quite a freshet in the Illinois river. of the Cass County Agricultural Society was held at the Court House, March 29, 1S73, J. M. Woods, president iu the chair. The financial Committee appointed to examine the report of Jacob Vallerj, Treasurer, performed that duty and re ported everything satisfactory. Mr. Valk'ry received a vote of thanks for the real and integrity with which he per formed the dut:es cf his ofliee. The chair appointed a committee con sisting of Messr-s. Walker, Mutz and II;i!l to revise the premium list. Moved and carried that the President and S;-creta;y consult with the different Rai loads with reference to tho terms upon which they will carry freight and pn.-ser.-gers to and from the annual fair ho d in September. Moved and carried that no distilled liquors be allowed on the Fair ground. Gloved and carried that parents with their children under 10 years of ago shall receive a seasoi ticket for one dollar. AH ladies who compete for first premi um in equestrianship, shall be over 14 years of ace. A premium will be offered to the best rider under that age. Moved and carried that an AUCTION or SALE of all kinds of property be al- owed upoa tha f .ir grounds one hourioi each dsv. Moved and carried that a committee be appointed by the chair, to prepare a premium list aud regulations for the printer, to have tickets and tags piiated and to appoint superintendents and judges tor the different eia.-ses. Mr. Upton offered a special premium of one Lerk.-hire pig, worth $20, to anv person who exhibits the best mare and family of mule colts ; also a brother of said pig, to ?ny one who exhibits the best marc and family of horse colts, and another pig of the same kind to any one who would show the best genera! dis pHyeffarm stock. The aca3 n tickets for families being offered so cheap, it is expected that nearly every man iu the county would buy one. J. 31. WOODS, Dorn, President. Secretary. THE MARKETS. Local AGENTwanted in Plattsmouth, for Til K ALUlNE, the only Att Journal in America. An active, energetic person, who wrll obtain a respectable list ot'subscribers, can retain the position permanently. Otheroccupatiou no object ion provided results are satisfactory. As THE ALDIN E is not sold to Book sellers who are not regular agents, this is an opportunity to work up a business that will be a regular income with less exertion each succeding year. No ap plication will be entertained unless ac companied by such testimonials as will show the highest respectability and general success of applicant in under takings. Full particulars by addressing James Sutton & Co.. Publishers 58 Maiden Lane, New rork. 52 4t J. F. NEW YORK, Aprils. 1873 Money Active at 1-501 f0 Gold Firm at 111 Govei timer: ta Strong CHICAGO, April S, J873 Flour Quiet' Wheat Dull Corn Less active, Outs Kdsier Rye Dull Barley Dull Cattle Good, Hogs- Live, 5 0o(f-75 I 15i 2-n f.2 o $3 5o((T 5 75 $5 25' 35 Sheriffs Sale. In the District Court of Nebraska in and for Cass county. John Dill and the heirs of William Dill, deceased, Sarah Dill, widow of William Dill, and John iMontort, Ad ministrator of the estate of William Dill, deceased, vs George Jennings, Annie M. Jennings, W illiam E. Sheldon, Ad ha bheldon, bis wife. Chas. E. Bayley and Jennie F. Bayley, his wife, John H. Bayley and his wife, Edward Goodetiough and Goodenough, his wife, James fcweet, Julian Metcalf, A. Bowen, Attorneys in fact and Trustees of the Stc kholders of the Farmers and Mechanics Store ol Nebraka City, Wiilium Horngan, Evander W. Barnuru, Leggett & Co., and Richard D. Simpson, as Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. .By virtue of an order of sale issued to me in the above entitled case, out of the suid court, I will, at one o'clock P. M. , on the 14th day of April, A. D. 1873, offer at Public Sale to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the following described tracts of land to-wit : The northeast quarter () of section No. twenty-eight (2Sj, in township ten north of range thirteen of the sixth prin ci pal Meridian in Cass county, Nebraska ; also a part ot the west half () of the northwest quarter (ij of section twenty--scven (27) adjoining the tract first de scribed, the latter tract being described as commencing at the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of sectiou twenty-seven, (27) in township ten north of range thirteen aforesaid, running thence north fifty one 51 J rods and six teen (16) links; thence east eighty (80) rods; theuce south fifty-ono (51) rods and sixteen (1(3) links; thence west eighty (80) rods to the place of begin ning. The above tracts of land will be sold on said day, separately, to sati fy the decree of the court in favor of the plaintiffs against the defendants, and as the property and real c.-tate of the de fendants ; and at the same time and place I will separately offer at public sale, by virtue of the order of sale in this case, the remaining portion of the west half (J) of the northwest quarter or section twenty-seven in township ten north of ranee thirteen L13eatin Cass County, Nebraska, ex cep:tng the Hull house and lot, the house and lot. and the McGregor house and lot, as the prop erty an i real estate ot t he defendants. to satisfy the amount found due in the above ca-c to the defendants James wee t, Julian Metcalf and A Bowen. as trustees for the stockholders of the rarmers and Mechanics store of Ne braska City. All of the land described is to be sold to satisfy mortgages upon tho same. Given under my hand this 12th day of .uarcu, a. JL. 173. J. W. Johnson," Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Stevenson & Haywaiid, 50 5 1. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Ordinance No 41. An Ordinance dividing the city of Platts--' mouth into school Districts. CJM--. i. jie if oniamea oy me Mayor and (Jonncvwcnof trie City of I'latls moutli That the city -of Plattsmouth be and the same is hereby divided into School Districts as follows A!l that part of said city lying north of Main street and ea-t of Sixtb street and constituting the First Ward cf said city siiail t)c a school Ihstrict in tlif C.Mtnty of Cass. And all that part of I . , . , eaiu t-iiy lying norm or wait srreet and we-t of Sixth s treet and constituting the "-ttcond Hard ot said city shall ba a Siixd District in the said County of Lass. All that part of said city lying south of Uak street and west or feixth street and constituting the Third V ard of said city shall be a School District in the said County of Cass. And all that part of said city lying south of .nam street and est of Sixth street and constituting the rourth W ard of said city shall be and is constituted a techool District within the said County of Cass, JsF.O. 2 Said districts shall he known and numbered as niay bo designated by the County Superintendent of Common Schoo's of the County of Cass, and it shall bo the duly of the Superintendent of Pub'ic Schools within and for the city WJEW STYLES. E!. I. S la ST 23 R. -MERCHANT TAILOR Is iu receipt of the fines and BEST ASSORTMENT Of Cas5ruere, Cloths, Vestings, &c, ever brought to the city, which I will make up in tha Latest styles. S"fA-Peas call and examine. "il Plattsmouth, April 18, 1872. dlfd&wtf. NEW STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska, BUbCKSSERft TO JIORTON Jc JESKS. ' DBALEKS IK - Genera! Blerchandise, srcH AS DRY GOODS. UR.OCEIES. UARTiWATtE, QUEENSWARE. HATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, NOTIONS. At We ro Agents for V - iVillcox & GIM3 Sew Hi q Maohhre SPRUNG TRADE, 1873 FURNAS NURSERIES, EROWNVILLE, NEB. FURNAS, SONS & FERRAND. XX Furnas and Sons, Brownville, Nebraska, and E. I errand, Detroit, Michigan, have consolidated their stocks and will hereafter conduct business at Brownville, Neb , where they offer the largest and most select gen eral Nursery Stock ever offered ' in the West, consisting in part as follows : 20.000 Choice 3 year old Apple Trees, 100.000 2 500.000 " 1 50.000 1, 2. 3 and 4 year old pear I rec. 40.0-10 " 2, 3 and 4 year eld Cherry 1 rees. M.OOO " 1 and 2 year old Peach Tree?. 20,000 " I'lum, Apricot and Nectarine l rees 4.000.000 No. 1 Honey Locust Heds Plants, 2.00O.iK)0 1 OnceOrant'e, 5.000.000 Forest Tree Set"llinr3. 2'io.000 Kverercens. in va-ietv. 100,000 each li'acklierriei", Raspberries and . l-trawb rries. 50.0i"i0 eieh Gooseberries and Currants, 2it.(fiO Perpetual and Climbing Ruses, in 0O' Flnwerin? Shrubs, 10.000.000 Willow Cuttinjrs. Coolry's Early White, and Adam Eitia Early Corn ITALIAN Berkshire and Poland Hogs. J. R.Pilley cf Cms County will act a cen cf lh nurterie in this section. P. O. eddr Plattsmouth, Cast county, Nebraska. S-('rrrsnon(lence Solicited. Rend for Ctlnlo nr.-M n41-tt E. T. DUIfUB ; CO.,- At foot of Main Street. Wholksalb ikd Retail DjULtaa HARDWARE & CUTLERY, TIX-WARE, NA1LM, All kinds of T I N V A II E 43-tf Manufacturing. Tlx Best Is The Cheapest F. J, METTEER, Will be found at Kis old stand on Main Ft. where he will ha plesed to see his for tu customers and friends. .( ns haji A lartr fud rood assort OB oat of farm machinery such as the rFbe Marhh har-rster. a reaper that two m i J. can cut and bin 1 ton acres por day wiu one roan to drive, and the biuders can work ia the thaile. Milbnrnnnd Ptudi-nbaker "Wajrons. Hum. pion Reiiper ii Mowe Masaillon Thrsih er. anil Rullalo Pit thrasher, and Uxrelkior Reaper and Mower io, F. J. METTEER. Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb. Feb. 29 wtf. CLAIBORNE'S BENEFIT Fitzgerald's Hall, April 16lh. The favorite Melo-drama of "Xick of the Woods," A story of Early Keutucky Life Interlude of Song ic , te. "Rurning of Chicago," by W. M. Carleton. And the genteel comedy of "FAMILY J A US." Music by Prof. Johnson's Band. Admission 25 cts. Rest rved Scats 10 ct. Reserved seats can be secured at II. J. StreiRht's Post Office Hookstore. 51-4t. CITY MEAT MARKET. BY Geo. 2Tiiilcx9 MAIN STREET, Plattsmouth; - I'ebraLaJ Wiijman ij Curtis . PIaUs2iiout, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Eccines. Boilers. Saw and Gribt Mills. Oas and Steam Fitting", Wrought Iron Pipe F'Tce and Tit't Pumps, bteam Ouuges, tlanr Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittin s, furnished on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY ftcpaiJ .' en short notice. ut The best of Fresh Moats always ea hand lr their reasoD. "Highest Prioo Paid for Pat Cattle "Highest Cash Price paid for green Hides. G. W. Ill E RK Main Street, Four Doors East of Court House, Semi-Annual Statement Of the condition of the Pbeniz Insurance C'om- 5any, o lln.oklyn, , i on the 1st day of anuary. 1S73. CAPITA!.. Capital. tl.OOft.ronfiO Gross Surplus, . 1.001 313 U2 Total Assets, 82,001,313 00 ASSETS. Caph in Bank, Cash in course of transmission by A cents. Loans on Bund and Mortgage, at 7 per cent NOTICE Notice is hereby given that under and bv virtue of the- articles of incorporation of the it Louis & Aeraka J runt Kail- rond Coujpanv. tiled in the office of the Secretary of tha State of ebra-ka, on the day of August A-I . 1.S72. Book will be o ene i tor subscription to the cai-ital stiH-k offcid bt. Louis o- !RkN Trunk Railroad Company, ot the Stite Bank of Nebraka in the city of Omaha on the j th day of 31 ay, 1Si3. J. A. HoRBAcri "J -Alvin Saunders I A. S. I'addock J- Incorporator. Clinton Brigos John Kitzuerai.d. Platt-uiouth, Cas-s Co., Nebra.-ka, April 4th, 1873- n2t5. Marine. A crued Interest. Keal Kstale owned by Company for offiees'. Wrecking Annaratu at Iiuffalo. Claims due tiie Company forbalvage and n.e-In,urunce. Other property, cundry items. IUPCSTAT 1TZWS. Qsr.BAL Land Office, Washington, D. C. (Jeneral Cunningham iidorms us that he has received an important letter from the Central Land Office, at Warhing- fon. It is to the effect that all the land in the State north of the North Fork of the Platte and West of the Junction ot the North with the South Fork of the Piatte river, is withdrawn from the mar ket the same, .on examination being found to belong to the Sioux Reserva tion or their treaty territory. All Plats will be withdrawn' from the Local Land OiScjp, and no further sur veys ill be mada until the matter is thoroujj'ily investigated and the title de termined. Mr. John Taffe di-covcred this error, and a- some counties have het-n organized in the disputed ground, we ere likely to have a Lot time about thia ntw. Administrator's Sale5. Iiy virtue of a license and order of sale taw inn real estate, to-wit: entered by the Distric t Court of Ne- . fifteen (10) i of PI ttst .outh to report to the County Cuil loans on U. S. Bonds, Ac, at 7 Superintendent in the rame manner as rtiu. liTJ'c. t... xr..: t. . is reqmrea by law tor directors of Via- ums, trict boards, said renorts to b spnarati. t'nited States. State and County , n ., . , . , . ionij, niarwet vaiue, for rach ot the Uistncts created by this Uncollected Premiums, Fire and Unimanee. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shali take ef-1 feet from and after its pa?age. Passed and approved April 4th. 1873. M. L. WHITE, Mayor. Attest, M. B. Beese, Clerk. 2t2. Sheriffs Sale. IVOTICE is hereby triven that by vir tue of an ordr of sale issued by the Clerk of the .District Court within and for Cass Co., Neb., and to me directed wherein William Stadelmann is Plaintiff and August Murphy is Defendant, I wiil on Monday the 14th day of April, A. 1). 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aid da v. at the front door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth, in said Countv. offer for ale at public auction the fbl- $145.49355 130:155 43 370.895 0" 87.80000 154.10499 679,20947 R2.892 74 13.995 29 , 225,ni0 00 17,00000 80.11171 14.5S4 84 Him is HARDWARE, HEATING COOKING STOVES Of the latest Improvements, warranted, and foil at a small profit above cost. 514t Liabilities, $2,001.31302 SHOT .472 70 II. E. riLMUR. Agent. en bmkii, in and for the second Judicial District, sitting in Douglas County, in the matter of the e-tate of Lnos Wil 1 am, late of said Douglas County, de ceased, under the seal t said court, and to me, the undesigned, directed, as ad ministratrix of said estate, I wiil offer in biocfc iNo. three (3) in Stadt lni an n's addition tothe City of Plattsmouth, Cas County, N braska.herefofore attached as the pron- erty of said Defendant, and to be sold to satisfy a decree rendered at the Septem ber adjourned term A. D. 1872. and on the 12th day of December A. D. 1S72, for sale and sell at pubiio auction to the npaint the said August Murphy, and in highest bidder, on the 24fh day of iMarcb, A. L. 1S3, at 12 o clock at noon (holding said ialo opeu for one hour thereafter) at the door of the building in which the DistrictCurt in and for Cas.s Conty was last held in the city of L rlattsuiouth, the lollowing described real estate, to wit : Lot seven U) in Block thirty five (35), Lot six (C) in Block thirty-six (36), Lot one (1) in Block forty two (42), all in the city of Plattsmouth, County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to pay the debts and charges against said estate, Catwarine Williams. Administratrix oi said e&tate. The above sale is hereby postponed until April 23d IS7 Catharine Williams, Executrix of the estate of Enos Wil lirta. d(Sasd. S2'3i favor of the said William Stadelmann Given under inv hand this 12th day of March, A. D 1873 J W. Johnson. 50 5 Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. UttKl UttKt I am now prepared to fur- msii tne Dest, unauuun t. TWICE EVERY DAY to all parties notifying me. PBTEB GOOS. ; Annual Statement For the year end in December Slut. 1872. of the coudition and affair of the Home Inxurance Company, of New York. Organized under tho Laws ot t lorn, maaa to tne raperintena ent of the lncuran J epartnient ot the Wtate of Nebraoka, in puiauance of the lawa of aid Wute. CAPITAL. Whole amount of Joint Stock Cap ital authorized. J--XJO.O0O W Whole amount of Capital paid up in cab, - Zwo.uoooo ASSETS. Loans on Bunds and Mortgages, (first Ueua). 81.910,70500 Interest accrued on eaiJ Bonds and Mortgage loana, 4S.30467 TTnitd Slain and State Stocks and Unnd (mnrlcr tbIub). 1.725.9C500 Loans on stocks. ltnnd and other 8rnriii(. held as coliaterajs, f i:J.7..V00). t'ajh dep-itd in Banks, Interest due a-id accrued on collat eral loans xml liaiiK oaianccn. Gross premiums in due course ot col lections, . Bills Heeeivable, taken for Fire, Marine and Inland ricks, and for steamer Alaguct, (secured by monag . Due from other Companies for re insurance on lo-ses already paid. ... , Salvage property and claims on loss es already paid. All other properly belonging to the Company, Doing my own work la Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with lona-'exr-erienee guarantee satisfaction and l'rices to su.t SlwSm ' THE OLD A A Heavy Stock of ds on nana. M.12349 201.J33 61 4.37066 290.49443 I 17.12683 37.50000 35,20164 78.72340 Ao BeuU and No JnlerrH on Borrowed top it al to tt Mad Off Homtr 1 1 Total. $4,446,86878 LIABILITIES. GroFS elaiics fir Losses against the Coin pny adjusted and unpaid. Xone. Gross losses in process ol adjustment including an reported ana sup t.osed losses, less re-insuranoo. SiW.0fl920 Losses resisted, inrludiug interests, cods, and other ex Dense. ai.Rvano Cash Dividends to stockholders, rc- mainins unpaid 2 OTS Oft All other property belonging to the company. 7S.7234A 2.277.158 19 H. E. PAIATSl. Atmt. OLDEST ESTABLISHED UODSE IX TUB CITY, e Go aotmv, North side Main betweeb Second and Third eta Takes pleasure in announcing to Farmers and. mechanics. That he has as large and well selected stock of Dry Goodg, Groceries, Provisions, as were ever brought to t e ci ' y of Plattsmeuth. It wilt ccst you nothing to look at them whether ya buy or not. My examinirjr th prices at the "OLD HE LI A tiLK" you will bel able to tH when c4&r lrt try swinditj