Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 27, 1873, Image 2

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' - -iytw
From all parts of the State and conatry rer
s-ectfully solicited for the Hebal.
Te do npt read anonymous letters and com
xaun'cationj. Tne name ed address oftho wri
ter are in all cases indispcMP . le, as gusrauty
cf good faith.
We call attention to the splendid Club List
cffered. It is our desire to place- before the
people of Cass Co. every opportunity for infor
mation and instruction. To all those who wish
to take any of the publications mentioned be
low we offer them at the following low rates :
Harper's Magazine and Uerald one year S4 75
4 75
" ' " 'i 75
- 4 75
4 75
"5 50
4 0
" 4 00
M 5 00
" 3 CO
" 3 00
- . " " 6 25
- Iiaxar
Leslie's Ills. News'per '
Chimney Corner '
TtcribBr'' Monthly '
Wood's honse'd Mas;. "
Let' ie's Ladk8 Majr.
Peters' Mtie. Monthly '
Atlantic Monthly '
Prairie Farmer '
Chicago Iuter-ocean
Bpirit of the Times "
Turf, Field Jt Farm "
Nw York Times "
- " World
" " Tribune "
- Ledser "
" Weekly "
Rnral New iforkcr
Toledo Blade
What Ncit?(chromo)'
Phren. Jonrnu! '
m 3 00
- - V 3 CO
" " 3 00
" 4W
- " " 4 00
" " . 4 00
3 00
2 CO
3 50
tre make the abeve liberal offers beean we
are very anxious to.collcrt incur subscription
t ist and start on an entirely caeh baji'i., which
we shall cbdeavor to make our ru!e hereafter.
A Splendid Chance.
W will send the Ukualu and Icniorestd'
Monthly, which w S3 for one year, to any per
son who pays us
In addition to both Periodicals at the price
named: a choice froiu a list of extraordinary
Premiasns is given to each subscriber to Deui
orest's Monthly. Au'ung t'jee are a fine pair
fOliromo Pictures (Falls cf Niagara and Yo
semite Falls), worth S10 ; or a good Stereoscope
with a series of view? ; besides numerous other
valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol
lars each.
The best boys' and girls' Difigazine, and the
Nmn8K Herald at neatly reduced rates.
We will send Xehka IIkrai.d and Demor-
ts Yocsn America, which is 51.00 for ono
yoar, to any jierson who pays us S'J.M'. Uemor
est's Young America, i- always siiarkling with
ruterUiinintr Stories. Poems, Music, Puzzle.
Oaine. Travt-ls, and other pleasant features
Z profusely illustrated, and cannoX fail to
amuse, instruct and elevate, and a.-i-t to makti
the lives of youthful Americana useful, truth
ful and happy
Wnni!A3, The Constitution of the State ot
Nebra.-ku providos that "tha Legislature may,
on cxtra.irdinn.ry o.'i-a'ions. lio ronvcoed by
proclamation of tho' Governor, and wlit-n so
convened shall transact no business except such
as re'atcs to t'ao olje"ts for which they are con
vened, to le stated ia the -roc!uuiation ot tbe
Governor:" And trlnreos. under the Act enti
tled "An Act to Def'uie the Kcutiiaries of oer-4-riir-CMinti"."
approv.-vl the third day of
March. A. i. H7:;, inextricable dioi-iulties hare
aricvn ia ihe administratiou of justice and the
olIection of revenue in certain portions of the
State; And whereat, an Acteiititled ''An Act
to Incorporate Cities of tfce 'ir-t ' "la," ap
proved te ruary .7th, 1S7.J, failed to receive the
signature of the President of the Senate, as
provided by tho Constitution :
Thereore, In acoorJance with the provisions
of tbe Constitution, and bv virtue o- the nu
thoriiy vested in uie. f. Kobkbt W. I'bn3,
tiovernorof theHtateof Nebraska, do call upon
the members of the Legislature of the said
tttate to meet at tho (Tapitol in the t'ity of Lin
coln, on Thursdiy. the twenty-seventh day of
March, instant, at the hoar of two o'clock r.
if., for the purpose of talcing action upon the
following aubjeoU of legislation :
1. The repeal or amendment of tho law enti
tled "An Act Defining the Boundaries of cer
tain Ceunii-s." approved March third. 1ST.;,
and to devise such measures as will prevent tho
abatement of actions commenced aud the fail
ure of justice, owing to any change of county
boundaries maile in said Act. and .will legaiizo
and make valid the nets of puh.isftflieers actinic
in good faith in parts of the State thereby af
feuel. '
2. To outsider tho propriofy of extending the
time of makit g asesnicnts in portions of tlie
Plate affected by aaiJ Act, and in newly orjan-iz'-d
counties. .
3. To consider the incorporation of Cities of
tho first clas.
4. To make npprof.riatiou for the legislative
xpenH of the se!"ion.
In Testimony Whereof. I bavA horetm
L.S. to -et my baud and aSixol tho Urc.t
Hsai of the elate of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this nineteenth day of
March. A. D. IsTa. r.f the Independence of the
I n: ted s-tates the Nincty-seveulb, aud of thi.
H'-ate the Sevnili.
Joax 3. OoaPKB, Sic-cretary of itate.
7'W. F. Chapia is nominated for Mayor,
in the city of Lincoln, and will bs elect
The Railroad fiaht in Il!inois is still
' going on. The pooplo ?eeta thoroughly
s The press generally are giving. their
opinions on Schuyler Colfax. Cold fct3
are the arguments usoJ.
We call atteution to the Land ss.q at
Lincoln, on May 7tb, at 2 o'clock. See
advertisement in another column.
Thera is nothing new in regard to tre
striken among -workmen k Naw York
city or elsewhere east.
The Bull a Ileal Bank in New York
has failed. It caused great excitement
ia the eity. Tha defalcation of the
President va3 the cause.
A Mining Industry Atlas, showa ks
by Gen. CunniDgham, is a very Sue af
fair, and as il is to be a present to the
Crete College, we congratulate its stu
dents on having eo rich a scientific ref
erence at hand.
They Jiave had quite a row down In
Moberly, Mo., on the North Missouri
Railroad. All the epgineers gat on a
strike. Tha Superintendent put on
"scabs (ccgmeeis not belocm? to the ;
Brotherhood) and, tha rest kicked up a
Baniberge'a Nawspaper Reporter To' 1
March i, before us. Bamberge says ow- j
. , i '
in,f to the breadth ot bis intellect nif.
tha constant and miraculoas increass of :
the circulation of tha "Reporter' ho i i
obliged to move to New York city to e t
" J I
Place biij enough to Bashay ui u I
77. . -5. . L1 'IS '.
-?... r i: ed'co' i..r tn mm. il i
,' - Q(J
uim ii: 'ti'ic, i
('inr the
ve do in
v :
1 L .-". nllha .....i
i )
T i
r'lMl'K '-CI KfOrrgOWe
! We fcaJ a slight poow twm iu Plaits- !, on Monday.
A 5 J-"a "- ywT U' )
lately is headed : "THE J10ME- 6Vy-
t?.? a turn' tiomeamau i ox aovfe
Wiudovzs The Nose Poetry,
ous conglomeration of auhjects.
1 nr- .
Ur- ;
Foter, the Car-Hook murderer, Tras
huns in New York, on Frid;r, the 21st
of March. A great fin of sympathy is
beir-g made by borne jouruals over his
Cipital p'jrii.-ihmerit is the otdy cure
for capital crimes.
The Graphic nc.Tspape', of New
York city, the new Illustrate.! Daily, is
a very good paper, (we take it in place of
ihe OniRha Jiee, now), but the Graphic
reminds us of our old friend Tom Pow
ell, Esq., at Frank Leslie's, who never
could remember just . "where Omaha,
San Francisco and Chicago were in rela
tion to each Other. The Grajihic talks
about removing the capital of Nebraska
from Lincoln no ward aud westward to
The House-bill giving the President
a salary of $50,000, the Vice President
$10,000, antl members of C'ongrca $7,
500, was supported by 4'J Republic. ns
and 54 Democrats and Liberals, while it
was opposed by 6.3 Republicans and 31
Democrats, as hhown b the Congres
sional Gk-le. So it appears that it wa
the "re formers" instead of the Republi
cans that increased the salaries The bill
does away with mileap?, but still, ac-
cording to reliable estimates, adds $1,
500,000 to the annual expense of the
Our country papers are mi-taken about
the fate of the rit;w tios-tal bill. It ha
not been defeated. It cats ofF from free
circulation all exchanges between news- j
papers, and repeals the clause showing
free circulation of papers in counties
where they are printed.
This is about tho thf!
verfion we have seen oUiis law. The
above is about the substSnSca of the bill,
though, and it is short-s
fi'ted policy to
place any obstacles in tl
ajr Ul im lice
igence among
exchange of naws and in
a fiee people. We pr
iocy this law
won t hold water longer I Ian ono session
... I m
of Congress.
1 1
Some fellow sent us h pactage' ad
dressed "Tip-Top, Squatjt r Governor of
Nebraska; P!attsaiaath, the other day
with three pamphlets t 10 tbi3 inside :
i u
TIL": !
Ve l A ibn ingen 'tfjt'if Tientle i f iling de Januar
On one was marked
your church library" on a
o be filed in
hlrher "Piease
iTid" on the
third, "Please carry in yfftr pocket for
reference." Send us an Jitcrpreter im
V . 1
The Omaba dailies r4stUngaiU
a:r-s and relusc to exchange longer
wiiu weeaui;. ic are furrv iv 5c
: . l. i.i- . . ... e -
them reduced to so low a point that they
must force a living out ot couutry pub
lishers. The metropolirnn daily press, as
a rule, exchange with a'l weeklies within
convenient distance, but Omaha notliei;;g
a metropolis, an I tha city on a ilecline, we
chco fiiliy contribute our mitto keep her
papers alive. Many oi the county pie.-.s
favor a combination to keep thewetsklie
from the Omaha ottices this would be a
good thing were it not that if the country
papers wer kept cut of their rtach the
editorials of the dailies wouM be as desti
tute of ideas as the 3 c!l ofan'oyster.
Frc m o n t Ti iL u n e.
As "Little Mac" would say they're
"too thin" low ; what could they b if
any thinness were added to their already
diminished thickness.
Declaring section lines roads in
ckrtain Cooties or tiik Staik ot'
Neukasic A.
He it enacted ly (he Legislature of the
Slate of Xdirushi:
Sec. 1. That section lines be and are
hereby declared to be p'iblie road3 and
highways in the Counties of Nuckolls,
Webster, Franklin, Harlan, Gage, York,
Clay, Kearney, Adam', Johnson. JffFr
son, Saunders, Dawson, Merrick, 1 1 all,
llamiiton, Fitimore, Saline,. Polk, Thay
er. Seward. Oice. Lancaster, Butler,
' and Stove Creek Precinct, Greenwood
Precinct, and W eepmg W ater l'rccu.ct
in Cass County. Nebraska, and jujIi
roads shall be of umferui' width as no
r.rnvidsd l.v law.
Sec. 2. When land.? art: unimproved
and not enclosed, it shall not hereafter
be lawful to enclose the same without
each side of the seotion line until the
Win ..-.vt :-!.iv.-e oij iuut iiimuiu yu
road dong such line or iine pioposed to
be f. need, shall have been vacated as
dow provided by law.
3. iNo road hereoy cs-aolined
sba!. ea opened untii damages shall have
iw assessftJ when the same are Claim
ed ; Provided, bowever, that appiiea
lid.i for damages shall 03 made within
ni.'.ety d:ys from the paasigo of this
c EC. 4. Ail perscmj claioiirtir daui
3C5 by reason of the iocxlioa of any
r.;id by virtue cf this act shull make
. . T . . .1 .41 ..-
s u icn pp. ca.i n to tne to,, .nws .
of the Couotv where said road is located I.
:,i : , !
hree of this act lcr the $rPointtnect f
Comiuissioners to assess estd 'dam- i
i -tfres: who shall render their award in
ritin.? and make return to the County
Commissi.mers of their county, within
'he tlIue now ProviJcJ by Uw, and any
person or persons aggrieved by this sa:d
mrJf suall have the light, to appeal to
the Iitrict Court of s ltd County in
manner as now provided by law.'
Vhen Portion of anv
- hon Tina in o r v r calil I Atinhiia 1 1 1 ! I
ua impracticable, it thall be lawful fjr
the County Co.nmissioner of sipjIi Coun-
tv tn vaeata such i.ortion of said section
line road unos tlie net it ion of not less I
than nve lreehoi'ders ot th road district 1
( in which reid road to scuebt to be va-
i '
i. . I CJUTl l! SILUCiril. I
A VJUf:e'' ''"'a j EC- 'ihe Secretary of Stata is i
'r- tuAa, vwtbereby directed to fundidi the County j
L Clerks ot the several counties included !
in this act with a certified conv of the i
cQlll.t . Oi..tA.1ititL. ilnin I,a .I.JCHI.A
Mir-, All .. s. . i :'
f"'"'flictw?,Jl tl,re bercby repeal-
iir.i,. I ' fill.. . i.Hiiiiti:irikii '.uiiii
Joseph A. Conner, E-,., phttsmouth,
Nebraska '
Dear Sir: Your valued favor of 14th
;n9t ,-a ji i,n,i nt,j nfrr,i. ji
J ...v J
- .
r.r.taA V V,.. t 1 1... C
ii-.-i.uui, ii u ume ui-uii uii,c j i'.y Mjuit; ji
our merchants to send barges up the
Missouri river for bulk corn, and have
promised theai that if we could spare
the tonnage in May or June, would be
willing to go :p for the purpose of dem
onstrating the fact whether or not it
would be feasible to run barges and tow
boats in that river ; and whenever we
determine ti f-t irt a tow up, will bo
pleased to .ilvic you.
Very truly your,
Henhy C. Haarptkmc,
V. P. & ( Jen'l Suu't.
We havo been requested to publish
the above letter, and sincerely hope that
the barge project may bo carried out
successfully. No other one thing can
help our river town3 so much. We want
elevators, and men of business to take
hoM of them, and tho battle is won.
Help the causa along, all ye who can
by work, talk, cash or brains. Go in to
win, and we shall yet see barges loaded
at the foot of Main street that will land
grain ia Liverpool for a rate that will
leave the farmer and even that desperate
sinner, the "middleman," a decent proGt
on his work.
.. otjs'citt'ticss?.
As will be seen elsewhere, Mr. Jpb
Fitzgerald's name is withdrawn from tha
field as a cauiiiJate fur the Mayor.-hip of
this city. This is a wiso move on the
part cf the true frier:ds of the gentle
man above rramcd, becausa in the first
place, Mr. Fitzgerald ij so deservedly
popular and is so we'd known to Lave
the true interest of tho town at heart.
l that he in be elected Mayor ofthii
city at any time that his friends should
thiak it desirable to bring his tiaias for
ward on tha.riht kind of a ticket; of
In this issue, however, it would be
treachery to place him there, because at
the very last moment, before he left us
for a trip East, in speaking of. the city
election to his intimate friends, he ad
vised tho nomination of Mr. White, end
counseled his compeers to do ail for
White that they could. This tells th
mind of the man, and if we guess John
Fitzgerald aright he is not one of Ihe
"change every day" kind of teen.
As to tha present Citizens' Ticket
being an unfair one, as regards partj,
will tho gentlemen so herfdig please re
member that Messrs. Fitzgerald, Wcy
man and Vivian, livid over, all Demo
cratic Couneilmen, and that of tho new
nominations, Messrs. Morgan and Sharp
ar staunch old Democrat?, Joe.
Brown is about equally dividod, and Prof.
d'Allcmand takes no adits part in poli
tics. This Citizens move, as fur as wo are
concerned, and wp think we speak for
our party ia what wa say, was invigrc
rated with honest intentions to put good
men in the field without party bias, and
we think it has been done. Wo-ud.Ue
- - itr7jt friends " to vote ths Tf-t'r-rsr
T? .
i -. '
Co'j.vcibC.'iAMiiEit, March 21, '73.
Council met in pursuance of call of
Present, M. L. 'White, Mayor
Mesis. Battery, Vivian, WayniBu and
Gushing Coiuiciltuen, and M. W. Mor
gan, Marshal.
Tha Clerk being absent from the city,
Mr. F. M. Drringtoa was elected Clerk
pro t' in.
Tho Mayor submitted to the Council
tha call and objects of tin meeting in
The following Judges and Clerks. of
election were appointed for the ensuing
First Ward Charlai 1 azenby Wm.
L. Tucker ar.d E. H. Eion, JuJ-s,
and Phelps Paine and Low Myers,
Second Ward. J. R. Vanatt-i, J.
Beaumei.-tcr and Geo. Kroliler, Judgs,
and A. J. B..rces aud F. M. McDonagh,
Third Ward.-J. Streht, J. G Hays,
and W. J. Dcpaines, Judges, and J.
II. JJrowu and Win. L. Well', C:orks.
Fourth Ward Wiiiiam WinterMe."s,
Wm. S. West and A. L. Child. Judges,
and L. F. Johnson, and C. P. Moure,
j F. M. Dorrington presented the matter
of securing ths K. C. St. Joo L C- B
R. R. to tho cast bank of the Mi-souri
, rirej.f ansl re3j a comaninieatioa from
. ir. ,0,.J, i- -,1
iiic kJ uvi lutg.iu'. j a rn vt
vii motion, mi- iuuowsh it cm-
zc::a were appoiutcd a comuiitteo to pr?
narrt th ntcr-sarv Ptatiatiss. and ira
pare tho necessary statistics,
sent the advantage cf the city to such
Railroad company : M. L. Wh'te, J.
R. Clark, John Fitzgerald, F. M. Dor
rington, M II Cunninhaoj, R. L. Lir
ingston, G. II, Black and R. C. Cash-
in:, and said committee were infracted
t o nr.miniOi.1 ft liima tr 1-11 .
11 " 1 - 1. ,IJ.. IA. V , V w l.l.VW
the olHce 0f sii.X railroad ot:r.ray fr
. J
thft rsTirr.tso ot fisccrtainili? tho t r:m
swessary to icdae the desired action of
Tho action of tho Council of March
15th, 1ST3, allowing J. Yallery, Jr. .VJ;
for servicej as School Director, was re
considered. The salary of Supermtendant of Pcb
lic Schools tor the city wa. reduced from
$20).(.M) to $100.i0 per year.
Council adjourned
M. L. WHITE, Mayor.
Clerk, pro Uni.
"Arrah lae da.lin !'' cried Jmie
vi.o i :
J HIIJl,l.ll I'J IIIJ I'JlJllJCiUUS Mit Kli'CI t,
who had given him uo opportunity of
even answering her remarks tluring a two
hours ride Lenind uis httic bay nags, in
hi- oyster wstroti "are ye afthcr known
Ul.. f 0 1" tfdl Ir W ATA lll.t ' 1 k ( lilt' tifinii'a
thr-re?" '"Sure an it st l.ecauso thev're
red is if?" quoth blnshing Bridget.
"Faith, an' a better reason than that.
I tfifivountepi r-vecau-:e mere iv one uv i
i Z;'7 c) ..ptwisTf'I (wajron) j
- lKiREE??299
A careful, nurs.ryiana wiii Uecl ia Lis
trees 83 oon as they are dug-, taking
car? t.j kceo tha n.fls ir-oi-t. 'Iliea care- j
less uiftu buy thta mi l carry them ha:. j
an hour, or half a day, cxj.-o?ed to t!:o 1
sun and wind, plant them in a aurry,
and blame the unrseryuen ibr telling
dtad trees.
Have some wet rags in your basket,
or some wet traw in your wagon, and
keep the roots damp keep them wet.
W. S. West. .
We can afford to exchange our weekly
for the Lincoln dailies, and we can aleo
afford to pay ihciu the difference in
terms by advertising and assisting them
in extending their circulation. These
journals, although in their infancy, and
struggling "fir a permanent existenca,
propose to exchange with the entire
Sute preL-s; the favor is appreciated,
aud the State press r-hould aid in giving
wide spread circulation to the dailies in
question. IK. J. liepuhiican.
Judge Maxwell, who has been assign
ed to the third judicial district, has lo
cated in Fremont. Mr. Maxwell has
the fr piitution cf being a thorough law
yer and a-mau of sound judgment, and
we have no doubt but ho wid uiaitean
able a:id impartial judge. IK P..Iie
publicm. ' '-
The President has issued an order re
moving tiw local land oGiee from West
Pjint, Ncbra-ka, to Norfolk.
r.Our old Cass county friend, Moses
Sacking, ha.- an able letter about Ne
braska iu the New York weekly Times.
Moses 13 gjtting to be onito a newsiir
pery kind of a man as Will as a great
sheep-rai-iiig faruitr.
Senator. Guy C. Barton, cf North
Platte, has been sertm!y til, and - has
gone Hastier his health. North Platte,
The body of a man waj found abou t io
OW 'W-iui-'t W
hiiles through the -kull
It bad been
laying suuit time but sufnelent clotting
was still on the body to identify it,;' a:td
it is thought the murderer will be dis-'
' ; V
A man r.amed Hazen who had 'mur
dered a woman in Iowa, stolen 0d dol
lars, aud "come West to grow up , with
the country," was arrested in Fduiore
County last Saturday, and taken back to
fo before a jury plead "not guilty." and
lay iri.j dl a month or so while ho' pre
pared himself for a coarse of lectures.
Schuyler Register.
Now sicca the Omaha dailies have cut
the weekly papers from their exchange
list we hardly know what they will do.
But since it is a settled fact that they
can't have.a daily exchange fromOmaha,
contract signed, sealt-J and delivered
the next best thing they oct do" is, to
send for this paper. We will exchange
our daily with any weekly paper in Nej
braska, providing the publishers wa.
make the request. Central Xeb. Davy
Thats rich, we apply at once.
--T4ms trre "m-Kt NtrrTarCiTriTLTnT?fJ
io be a stable, belonging to Albert 5i
ton. Horses ar.d every thing ot va.u.
Owen ForncT, a brakesm iu on (he S
C .t T. It. R. was instaut
ki"c l at
Missouri Valley whi'e coajtling ca
Fiiday, H-rch 21.
ftcau:.-h:? Mcrrituae, arrived
frfi:i Br'.zil, briaginr
,5 Ecgli.ditucn,
mcrjbors of a ;irry cf 00 who bad j
been 'nducvd to go there under Hatter- j
it. i i .. .: ...1 I
t:or r.MMisoi i ncv 7i r5 uaCL'l .C'.i n..a
SOS. iticy Wt-r-3 udcci.en n:.i
ii.i -I " 1
enffr-red heavily, usany dying of etarva-
Fotfr. the. Car Hook murderer, was
hung iu the To:ubs at half-past nine.
A motion io tbe House of Coratnons,
Loiion, praying that (iovernmeut La
i:i-tructed to diseiit frota three intcrni
tionai rules adopted by the Court of
Athbrati :i at (Jensva, after a spirit.-i
dl-cis.-ioii wr.i lost.
Th: Grand Dike Abxis If ft Hong
K'onr, Jau i.'.ry 2o.
Saturday, March 22.
Carpenters in New York propose to
elrike for eight hours r dr.y.
Fo-tcr attempted fyiolde by poison
be for 2 bis execution.
itie steac;cr Aioa arrived ire-tu u.m
at Sau Franeisso with 1,30 j Ciiiuameu
and lo.UUu packages cd' tea.
Tha celtbra'cd clipper ship
struck a reef near the shoals of Parcel-
le,' and foiiadi-rud. The crew
on a raft which went to
l!"-rr' "
, , , .
were lost caeept i ho coatswain.
loiiday, idsreb 2-1
Liouter.ant Governor il. Pcttit,
""""" V"" "
ijcn?in, u;d last ovcrnd, quite .-ud-
! daitiv.
An employe of the U. P. R-
1 n i- 1 ... , v... . ' -1 ,
named C I ord, wua run over ty a .oeo-
' ,
friotiva at i ort 21 1 lattc. .U':..a:iu. -
A n sr. 1 c ' . r.-.-i we-r i.iirnt
to death in a hr,u-e near IV.otrey, Iowa,
! j1(. u . 'av
Josetdi l-'.s h-s bepn ani.ointtd Re-
c-iver cf the Land Office, at Grand
, .
Capt. lvivrard S &it:ith, ol ivVuyi.r.
Nebraska, was shot in tha rht sk:.u'd-
, - i. . i i ii-
er just after leaving Fry's batik. His
brother-in-law, Ed wr.l Roach, has been
arrested on susp'.cioa. , Tha wound id
only hl:gbt.
Tha widow of Foster, hanged ou Fri
day la.-. is utterly prostrated, and not
expected to live.
Tuesday March 25.
Tbe proposed movement for a gsnera!
?tvike among w'r.rkio men is gaining
ground in New York.
Alex Fenwick, uhder sortenc3 to be
Lung in California died io tha San Diego
prison last niht. Sunpo?ed poison.
The snow storm ha recched Chiea;:o.
Oh. lbs siio.v, tbe beautiful :ow j
such a huoky thing, yea know; bluing j
your noe and chilling jour toes, as
wbirlinar along the street, it goes. No
sillv praise nut any,.ir Joe,' for that i
c ". -mar? j
Local Aoest wanted iu Fjatt.-iiiouth,
for THE A L DINE, the only Art Journal
in America. An aetive, energetic
Vcr-a,. uut wii .abtaif
I ..... ar i
""t o: su ...scruier?, can retain the position
pprnianetitly. Other occupation a-jobjeet-
ion provided results are satisfactory
As THE ALDINE is not so! 1 to Book
sellers who are not regular agear?, this
is au opportunity to work up a business
that will be a regular iocome with less
exertion each succeding year. No ap
plication will be entertained unless a?
compauid by such testimonials as will
show the highest respectability' and
general success of applicant iu under
takings. Full particulars by addressing
James Srrrox & Co.. Publishers
53 Maiden Lane: New York. 52 4;
Tha penalty of using a postage stamp
the second time is fifty dollars.
- - - f '
.He who reads no newspaper of any
ku;d i on'y spared cf heaven that Le
nuy sit on a jurv.
NEW YORK, March 27. 1373
Money Active at 1 -fAi'-A-l
Gold Firm at
G over time fits Stromr
CHICAGO. Marck 27, 1S73 "
Fiour Qniot $5 W'- 75
Wheat- Dull 1 1 i-J 21
Corn Less active, 31:;32
Oats has'.cr 2'i,,2,i
Rye Dul'.... c5
Barley Diili So(';SJ
Cattle Good, oo
nogs dive,
$4 70(5&5 10
Fitzgerald's Kali, April ISih.
Th-; f.ivcrite ?.IaIo-drama u'
"Xick of the Voocls,"
A story of Jviriy Kentucky I.ifj In'erludu of
Music by Prof.' Johnson's Er.d.
Aduiissifn 5 ets. "' Ti"ts'rved sientf ?0 cts.
P.eservftd srals can be secured at II. J.
Streighl'3 Pot Olnce IJooksiore. f;l-t.
Registrar's. F-otico-
Notice is hereby given ta the voters
of the First Wr.rd ia the city cf Piisrto
mouth State of Nebraska," that tbe un
dersigned Registrar of aid Ward wi'!
sit IV-s the e rreeci.-n of the registry of
tbe Aotiirs of siiid Ward at the . oiliee of
tha Ci.ui.ty Clerk on the 25Th and Zh'a
day's of Marc:.', ls-73, fiooi y o"'elovk a.
m. to 5 o'clock p in., except one Lour
at noois of day.
M. l- RKcn,
IlegLltar 1st Wird.
Registrar's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
voters of tin: Second Ward of. the city
of I'iattsiuoiith, that tho undersigned
will sir. at Hei-el's Mill, in said Ward, on
the 2Sth aud 27th days jf ?.Iiro'.i. Is73,
for the tvurpoM vf correcting the tvgi-
" ration of sai-1 War: I. Tuters. w;!I" : Ge"
th t they are properly registcied, as
this ward has been changed retetitly. -
J. R. DlLiT,
Registrar 2d Ward.
' Irtish I - ?! - ' i -- t-l
h . l.'.9 O i.lrllvl.'i
Notice is b.t-reb-j' eiveti to t l.c i!u:di'it'd
voters of tho i bird '-'.'ard of '!.c (.-ity of
I'litiM't '.!h tb.r tb uti-lr-rsigncd v,id
sit tit Mickchvait Sharp's ei:;'i- in ti.e
i Vt ar-l,. on tin: i a::l vt n -days
o; .Murci:, i-i.i, lor toe p-irpo'e r: eor-
rect!.'i.- tit" r?g-iii'auo;. : sa:-i ard
Yoters ;vill please noriee snJ.
thr.t v-n aro pr-perlv rt-ai'teied
War d hss becu chsngrd re. eo'.ir.
p. p. ;'-s
Reg'.strji:- 3 i War 1
tr I. .
' w-. 1 w a.vs.W)
I -ioUv is lu-rel-y gtven to t::e tpuhtied
.4 1 -)..-. V. . L. 1
:'l .1. -t ,,.. .,.-!' (. il wo
it Co., it) said Wr.rd, on the 2,-0h and
2'Jt:i iluys ot l.-rc
f'f-:o '-f v"-'-rre--t;mi
iS7"i, for i he pur
ist roeistrario.-i of
OJ1...4 il 1 M3 i. J.Jii ,-i; L lil'tl
. I . . . t - . 1 -
.'-,, . 1 J e j
ard hn La-en recently fotiK-d.
A. L ClliLD,
Registrar 4th Ward.
Frobato HQiice.
To all whom it may c -ticerti.
o.tcc Here y gtven appu-a-
il. Y
( i:' i 'i.'T.'.'rt T .i
' 1 . -V
;tf;d A 1-
, .n.i.l.tniiir ,ll I i -i ,.1l .. M
l out!r, uect-arej, met .np.i su.;i- i- .vt
; ior m-.r;r.? i.r my .uee in i .attsmoucn,
i i- - . "r- 1 il . . k
'Jll li. : I i II Uiiv Ui :i, .v. i '. 1
i at o'cJ,; ;,. U1. ;,f .-id day st which
j time and plac-- ."y jit-rson ii:terctc-d
ti.'iV X.
.l.'u'Ttr :'i ! i'.-: :v .in -s. i. fuv ?'. v-
! have, nhy
t he fai l di":wis il. Youi:-
n "ed suci al:ni:ii
! frafor
tl.i- pravt-r of s-id
l'rubate J !i Lre.
- , . sc.
! oi-r.-
IU.,. ?. K' -'. . .! .!. in 4 it iv..
i tai i.ii.uuui,.ivi.'. ,. 1 li.ii 1 J, ,1. 1'. J.'l .1
y Notice.
j 'jv o : ,.!,. .;i-- Vvi- t
j m;js f.n- ,-.f ,.,ti, ;or,.j tati..n3
rit'Xt-. !'vO I'r.'i iV ov',,,.,' v.o! '
.t t-, j ir ..-., .('.,,,.,. v ,
1 Villi' j--.i t j Tv-o t. 1 n.-s s 11 ao 1 , i-.i.i..
. i - ! : .. it 1
! "Q to ' ttiii'..: t.i ay 1 1 1 i-.i.-.rco. ii-i, lour
1 liC't'ioi icxa i-atti ?. ies(.-nt't-ii asun.ows:
1 ' . , , , . . ,
j On. ftetr, tud att'l white ..Jor, tumke 1
1 1 ; ' . . 1 1 . - 1 1 1 '
1 ,. :,i, ,.,i
'Attn soc in end ot and 't.naer part of
I U-it cat
.. f ..-ir ..itin-.-.r!l t.n
ars o!d
; o?o rod ttrt.i Kite Moor uiarucl witu
erort on l. fi ear, and si t on ut'tder ti Io of
liirht car two car- old. One ad cod
! white s'er r. two year-- old, r:o marks or
,'ra;;J 'V' -,7 '!':i" , ,-; nn'-
il:irk Ti l l:'r t75!h crjr 0;i I''f: "r'
: Ti-, f.i-.ri ( ...
i ' u T,
f kmri n vjitPEA.N.
i5ua?'1 1 ""',J :irc:i
two v. ars old
F. J. L1eit23r's Maw A-J
fi-jf" 1
, , r- .1 . .
Remember tbe t!ae, oa bixth street,
one door south of Main. !
Pealer in Marsh uarveer?, Cuitiva- !
tors, Plows, Ac. " J
. -3 V'- v.,
araj.vM;ja.-a,!a;-r .sjpn.;sjsg y-v
- aam r. . . .ni.r oyar-c-ra.-jT-iota.'r
kttachmsnt Natica.
Norman Coou vs. S. II. Hudson.
Before C. II. King, Justice, of the
P aee fir Eiht mile Grovo Precinct.
Cas, Countv Nebraska.
To the sai-l Defendant, S. II. Hudson,
1 ou ar hereby not;lied that cn the
4th dsy of March, 1873 the naid C. II.
King, Justice, of tlie peace issued au
order of attachment, in the above action
for the sum of seventy and 55-100 Dob
lars, and that tlie time fixed for hearing
said cause is April 21 1873 at, 10 o'clock
a m. Norm an Coon.
By M. B. Reese, Plaintiff.
His Attorney. 51-3t
Ilalle:!, iotpHi;J, i Uecelit of Price.
Da-riinff. I nm lonely now. Sons
aud Chorus. Stewsrt. 30
Sweetest. S.diih and Ciiorns. l'auks. ttt'
Mattie May. Soiia ait'l Chorus. Dank, oli
Lost und aved. Uallad. Dounikcr.
';:rewr!l. l-'ariing. tili wemest, Koscwig. 3J
Ihtnkot u:e, Daruug-. ton.'
aud horus.
Asking a Ulessing from Mother.
Song and ( "noru.
Kccolle-.ttietis of Cbii'lhood.
Baritoi:C Sonsr
Thou art no lon.T Miro. Urvllad
licar me say my little Prayer.
' Sonij nud 'iior'i.
Close t'aeHiuttcrs Wi'.tie'f Toeal
Sncg aud Chorus.
Kthcl i 'rromo Sons un I ' 'horns.
j 'it Dt '1'i'jkSin Me. ong and
You'll aU ays find meTrue. Song
r.nd Ciiorun.
Doa.l, lut not Forgotten. Song
aud Chorus.
Meet tne Maggie. Song and
Lay ir.f where my Mother's
Siecrii'.s. Sen? and Chorus,
rather of'Ati. Sacrad Song.
Pratt. . 30
Stewart. 30
Pcrsfley. oo
Hays. Go
Hays. ?T
Iays. 40
Hays. 40
Stewart. 40
Pans?ron. 10
Instrumental Kusic.
Aatamn Leaves'. ccoudPeceeo
il).ihac. t
Aelisruio. Faatr.sie.
itustie Hc.uuy March.
Suiibiti!a March.
.lohnn:es March.
1'.erti s Sc:t"ttisf1ie.
.1 im in i i; Scha tiUche.
ti.itfic's Waitz.
Swcct r-ixtccn Waltz.
T. I'rev. 31
Kicked. :"
Kiakcl. .'io
.SiH.i.a. ;u
Kinkcl. :)
Kiiikil. S."
Kiiikel. .t-"
Kiakcl. :'k
Kink el. ."-r
i'acLcr. '.V)
Voanc t20
Ki.,kl. :i'.
1'j.cher. ;U
Feints. 5o
Kinke!. tr
Ki!i4:cl. i'.i
j I'vcnir.g y.cphyrs V, a It 3.
l'lfiot liCMHty uliz.
Switeh-ofi" Calop.
iv it : o"s Polka..
I lay of Sansbinc Polka.
' :iten:r.!r -tars Polka d? S :lon.
(..JMIC S . i.lK'J.
Harry's l'otka.
Ki!i4:cl. ;'A
Ika. Youuj. -J
u have pi.rwire titixsw-
Smile of Jicitnty Polka.
marked price.
The Great Achievement of
tha Xincteentlj Century.
l the ' Xews and Full of
- Pictures.
Thei);7' Graphic is tha title of a
newspaper, published in New York,
v.hich is ficbieving the uio;t remarkable
journalistic tuccess ever chronicled. It
is an cieht-paga evening paper (three
editions daily), elegantly printed, aud
conducted by the ablest editorial tatect
As a newspaper Tho Dai'ii Graphic
stands in the first rack, and contains
4 4iL.uriy . . .
E2w Very Lat35t Fullcl-to
All Parts of tas '?o?;& -
r. r r t .
ant is not oaiy a newsjwrw'r, Imt an
i. 'unrated neav
ape;', a w--'1.
i'iiar ot
its p,'ovi h:.:d wtfn choico
mat tor telegrams, e itlortuts, g-jti-oa.
atid i.'i-d news, ii--v.. gosfip, and cor
resotni lenc oo tbe frehe-t and most
interesting topiej.
pages con.-ifft of
.he remaining iour
: "r;in F! M'iT!);''Tinf!J!
Jii.l-i'.i.'I'J i i. 's 'J I u: I lUUw
1 executed in the ino-t faultless an 1 arti.dic i
t!e, and portraying ajratcly and fully
all baii.'.-tr ovouts wifhui twenty ivtir
j li0ur.s after their oeeurrsnee. Those who
j have tuade journalist a study, and fuliy
i'.- tne trreat cnierpu.-e niani-
I lo-ted in tho colli etion and pubveation
i oi t.ews nv uie ataui t oe u-ie-irapn,
i J.V.5S.SOS, and the development of j.nrna-
I h.-lic taicnt, liavc bcu .ood o,
in.,' the thepry that the next advance in
that field would result in a newspaper
lur!)iLirt in ifs regular issues pictures
of ail irretit protuinent events. That
; .
! I J
thcorv is a tai,rv no longer ; tr.e iiews-
'oi rri't the future i the new.-papcr ot
j , ... ... ,. : . VvL n
Graphic. The processes which rer.der
i this marvellous achievement an existiog
i lac-t are the result ol the most
study ah 1 an ? udiess variety ot exuen- 1
; ments gradually jierfected duriuir the
! twelve years. They depend" upon
, ;ai;.r,IViriieuf s ls Jithographv and the
i.t:. 1 . -, ,
v.. ,;.i...vt.u...iiw I""'""
i IfV hi :r a hi a t-i.-tucit is c::trvi'ii rtn-i
I , , 1 . . -----
o prt'it m trom t-f
I rnittn- f.i t-.-i f iivr. It.itlv ! ..U
!. ?, - , v,.-i.j ...
; W(,rk
to itrt, serines
"f !
inti-rwrt, ' are r.'prouuec-d and picture.
... i . i ii i . I..
ort.t wins equal laciory au i toe mot
icrnpuiotis u iwiity. llisitrattunn of lead-
io event, are cngr.ved and prepared
!or the press evc-n -ie.ore the aeccojpJit.y- I
ii! vrittiT) narrative or dcsi-rintion ieaves'i
.,, i i-.i
the haml ol the compositor.
For the pro'-.r prsclleal working of so
. . .,. i
i'fi-at an tit?r.rtso, THE iRAPiIIC
coMiVi.NVwaifosr.ed, with a
Capita! of $590,000 In Gold.
i-mo:ith? vjd mr.n: :? Lrtor t ha Lrsf issue j
I ot 1 lt,t Graphic, the most cxt-n- :
1 ive pri'aratir.ns werr? iiiade, and to-day I
' ;ve p:'o ar-inrois .v -v- ma 2
' 1
sratir.ns w- rf- ina1.-, and to-day
. . .
' " i :
The LariTC't ald 3I6.rt Cfirfl-
. ..
Viii-cimtio- l-"-ol
)iete AO;iSpn)L. i-MilU
lishment in the United
In the trreat work of i.'hstratir.ij th
f events oftho day an extensive corps of
1 th,. lest known and most Kc:-ompiished
J . , , '
i frig's ro..- c'ir,t;tRtiv ciiinrrci.
j Vail,,. :'ainn to be in
I its strictest rc-n-e a ne wspaper. Strivin?
.. t A .... I i-ni!i(ii! It .lltniu
alwavs to be jost nr.d truthful, it discus
i ses all ii,oei:or:s in-.'- pendent ly and
i inspartinlly. Hisn'-.t .h organ of any
i patty, sect, or creed. It is ahveys bigh
j toned, ar.d contains nailing toedb-nd any
i tAste. Its contents qfve it an immcn-R
i advantage over tl;e "old fashioned"
papers. Tho annual subscriber gets a
Pictorial History cf ihs Year,
a volume of twentr-four hundred pages.
t'.r.. .. i.iM. rAfnrd (if CVOntS
;t;;jliLil'.nilli:.iiixi..'..i - '.-'-. -i
.... , - ..,.,..,, ,,fc,nr time aud
r. toe rets. "' It t.osseescs not merely a!
t,,ca intt ret, bul ;s a paper t-or every
reader of the language. It is, emphati-
t cally,
! Tha Paper for the Household,
Terms, $12 per year, or ?o
f.r (hree
months. Addie-s,
! New Yrk CftFj-.
MC j-i 3 Jl JIJJ.Jtt
Is in ro '" of tlio fines an
Of Cas..imoiv. Cloths., &o.,
ever brought to the city, which
I will make up in tho
Ijitct stylos.
XSPleas call tin! examine. ts3
Plattsmoutb. Ap-U IS, lb72.
Vceping Water, Nebraska.
rr a rfr-iwr'srfci""''? -;. GM'b
UBAt-sas m-
fiener ai Merchanclises
acca as
V?e are Azects for
Willcox &, Gifch3 SewrnQ. Macftins
TKADI3, 1873
j A
I Furnas and Sons Rr-iwiivib'e, Ni'bra-J.
KrKerrnn 1. D"froit. f-dibranT
nave ci'ii-o.'iJ.itL'l tl.cir .mocks !
j an I will hereafter conduct
. . buMncs, at Brownvillo,. '; I
; 1
wti.TC tney
offer the largest nr. i most sch ct g"n- j
oral Nur?ry Stock ever offered
in t he West, eon.istmg
in part as foilo'.v : '
20,000 Choice 3 jrnr old Apple Trees, f
liKMSOO " t! " !
1. 2. 3 nnd4 year old poar
40,0'0 " 2, and 4 year old Cherry
50.0.10 " 1 ad 'i year old Peach Trees,
IteitsAI " l'luia. Apricot and XocUirine
4.000.000 To. 1 Hone? Locn:'t Hedge Tlants.
2.Wra.ci0 " 1 linnire iranpre.
5,t!.(.i Forest Tr Scaiw. ,
'("j o0"j Everirresns. in vaticiv. -IOjVw
each li'ackherri-s. Raspberries an I
,,0 noo eieb rJooseberrics and i.'urrnnts, s 1
SUM Porpotrial and Climbinj Rose. ' '
10 (vVi Flnwerimr Shrubs, '
lO.OtiO.eOO Willow Cuttines-
Cooled Early Wliite, asid
Adams BSxtra Early Cora.
Berkshire and Poland
J. R. Pitley of Cas3 County will act as' agen
j T'litt.rnon'h Pas co'jn'v Ncr.a-ka.
J lattx.nou.n, .a. coan. , --'-
I 77 atman &
j Tlepdrcrs of Steam E.inos, Boilerir. Saw and
: !js-i,-. Mills.
! ..'j" aad iei-.y Fo-t-i.trs, Wrought Iron Pipe
j VyLJ U'
I '?T
fu.-'ui.ihed on short soti-je,
:: eaU8 ' on chert sotiea. ait
Semi-Annual Statcmfcnt
Of t'ic copiiition c f th" P!icnix InsiirnnceCoa-
pany, o J:r nkiyii, r, 1., on tao is. jsj ot
i January, ls73.
' fp'nat.
j "'" sar'lui'
Total Aso.e
2.'jl, .".1. t'J
i ;n .v
.1 ' V
Ctw-'u a coarse of trai!iiii.-sion by
1 . ,11;u.''' , . . . -
n Bi :rd a:id
r c f-Ti f .
, i,03B3(,i u,.nai:ia .-.i. insane, ai i
per cent. w
Cull loans on L".
Uotids, Ac, at
per cenT.
Ti'tU riei-Ai-.nSla f-,r Marine Prt-icx-
27 f.Of.O
C73 ji47'
ii..'5 i J
Si'. D vo
P .O .o.iJ
Sc M 71
um. , ,. .
CucolU-eted Preuiiums. Fire and
' , ';i,lin.p' .
-V cr:t' d Interest,
Real l-Nfate owin-d by Company fr
, -ot.-i'-es,
rcckiiii Apparatus at Lujalo,
,:i.:-,,,ir iWrSiVae
Other pi u perry, tui-dry il'ins.
?.7.-172 7o
II. E. I'AL-MilK. A?t.
i ririvsjiirii '.Tir.'i t a -i r
jt t rvj c x
J for tliS-yrar ndlnc iAmbrr "Irt. 1S7
..f the
! fo.apuyy of Xew l'rk.' orsanize-t siH.iivtho
. Laws of ew ork. inie to lae supc:r.:i.r:d-
ent of the In-uranre l' f.f the "'-''
f Nebr,-uka, iapu-susncetf the 1 iws cfsaid
cgu'iia on antl auat
)in Iu.u:n-e
Whole smoui't of Joint Stock (.'.ixy
ital authoiiiced. ?.lwG Ot)
Whole amount ot Capital i l u;
i,i cssb, 2,-.'jmm
Loans" on Bonds and Mw-rtngcs.
..first'. $r.9D.:)
Itert t accrued on. said lionds aud
lortsnso loiti". 4.XAG7
I'nited s-'ats paid .State Stocks au I
Lon ls. '.market ViiUic). l,72-',i'6j.)0
Loans on stocks. H nls and other
f tv-nri: i-s, held as coii.tteril.
Cash depo'itod in Ranks,
Interest due aid n' crui on col! at"
"era! loans end Punk uatittKc",
tiros premiums ia due c.jurie ot coi-lei-tioiis.
Pills lteccivabl. taken fir FOe.
Matine and Inland riks. n-''d
for st arr i- ilajrnet. Useurcd
by uori :t-..
Pue from oliicr Coir.panics f r ro- on lo-scs airesdy
Sal vajce property an I claims oa IJ?"
!,370 Co
.201 C4
,75.73 10
All i,r..ii"i.i-t v ta tll9
es alreaoy panl.
. .. . . ... ...
Total. . .lW,87s
tjrof s laitr s for f.oss-.'k a tinst the
Company adjufted nnJ ul aid.
(i toss losses iu rc usj of jns: tnont
tnciu'iiiiK ait report"! a"J
posed lehi re-i:i-u.-anee, llZ.KQy
IoiUfS reiisted. iuchtditi interests,
costs, and othi-r eiiieri!''''. ItJ.SDOOO
Cash livideuds to S.tockho!J'.,re- ".
maining; iitipcid. ' ' I,('7oOO
All otber property beioE;':ce to ihe
Coriipauy, 78.723 40
I am now prepared to fur
nish the best unadulterated
to all parties notifying' me.
Weeping Water, Nebraska.
' Pry Goods,
Loots, and Shoes.
tluls. and Cits.
Ariciitljiral Impleipcnts of nil kinds. Weir end
"I 1 L" CultivitiorM, Union Corn Plaiitora
Grandetour and Princeton Plows, Ac, Ac ,uiin
'hni'urn all .f whit h wooflor to tho public at tbe
oest retail prices.
All 3od Vnrraiit3l
j i0ur constanaim will be to sr'.l so low thai
it will be to theiositive advantage of every far
mer ia the western and central portion of Casf
county to make this their II eailijuarters.
To ertc ths
Nebraska State Orphan
To ho Prawu in Public,
Wtntch 3st, 1873.
Tickets $1.00 Each or Six for $5.00.
1) o
T.ickef cnt by fXJTtss C. 0. !.. if debited. .
i GiunJ r-r.-a I'rue
1 ynm ( a.-h Prize
1 .-ir.iiid (.':uih PriiM
1'. tuh Prize
K'a.-h Priie
I.' h I'rizcs, 8:'..r0 each
4 Cah Prizci, tt.O'Kl each.
2 ChsIi Prize. 1,0:H) vftf.U
; aslt prizes. Ench (!o0
P'O Cosh Prizes. Each ?.r0
U) CaiOi Prizes, Each f J5
n.lXl ('aih Priies. ' U1
3,1'jl Cash Prizes, " -5
Thin LezI Enterrrise is endorsed by th
h:Khe.-t authority of the Mate and best businss
Stiver one-half the tickets taken lofore Oct. 1st.
The limiteJ uumbewon hand will belurni.hed
those who apply find.
Monuy can be cent by mail, in Rcfr'ntcrtd
Letters, Post Oilice. Money Orders, or by Ex
pre .
Ail Prizeswill be paid 'n f ill. Aot.NTS WI
ted. Foj full particulars address.
a,itt-29s St Gcnerul Monvcer. Uiaadia
coatsj Asa 2fr corriw ih
; , 7t3 eraatost lizzcvorj In tha World.
Endorsed hu t7,e
r Faculty . Enno cu " JSted Draltrr.-
- Planter and Farmm, ' And Endurf
el by Every Per .ton.
2ztra Sarl7 Thlrty-Iiro 2:i7ci Ccrz
It is a prnuino tt2 r.-.we 1 fucut corn, rrowirr
frtint ... to 11 feet in lieiKl t. ! yt.ur plunleu
the Ist of Miiy ; it was soil in (be market . I uly
23.1. 'si days.; A later plaaiiu.- was ready io
70 days,
Itt. It will produce tiiiirR errn to tho acre
with the same cultivation uu 1 iu any vartely of
:A. It hng n greater dej fi ofk rnel than any
h T'o-tootii variety.
.1. It h:i-- a euiller cob ikw uay thi'ty-two
row i d vr.el.
4th. It weighs C5 poani!i to ibo Lushcl, seal
od tneasare. i
Cth. It ti .13 better at both ei, 1.- :han any oth
er "'-rn. It j asolid white t.iij-;.ar..-iaci rn with
white cob.
Tih. It itr ws ihoro vigori'iu n id ripens its
w lM-le t r.r, earlier than aLj of tLa otter lar
noM varieties in Aineric .
sth. It tuakea better aeal, Uins; sweeter
and richer.
food'' Xt k" D1CT' folintfe "hi h makes more
10th. It can be planted on l-.-s lfrom which
wheat has been harvested, ur In. is which pota
to.v have l.een dun ; luily r pt i;,!.e b. lore irost
inn. 1 1, P-pikes sliool out wi ii.ii Jour fet n
tot'Kround. cor.-oju-MUly t';:e t r-. i. i- not liable
e i-0rV0'r.;lU''iby il,KU i"i-ri' w likewise,
c.isir-r to rather.
"' , ! '' f'!11" then any laive f..-i i Virity.
to vlrv.?.''. P-irT,on(t the fubsoil
j 'c (five the tiiot ati-frt4-y r.-fern .
ot tcmpijr lf. La..t ,,.aflIJ we ' )ul , '-iroot
-.oJ bt-chcir. more-, but couU not lill th,V ,r"-'i
Jn order that all may receive need
n-'ttf.:! t- pr t-e o. 1 -r pa-kue A T' "T
noil who will act up a cluU of f'-re will ,
parkas? (tmS's. Pi.tcin i,.-k..vis fors.'V.4
rH'"isarfi- f..r e'!. ' u i'f
A c,rii-t t!k will Vorajnn; n- ortl'-r, .t
tjr). wttn from 5 to s cir i l (..,rn tor "t .
AdJriMi. ilAiis-J A L . -M OK ;.:
Mi-v-r,.. CLy. Bcni.:i. i' Rn-ht r. t,.
.lornw.rr .i. .'i:.i iy. .t....r H-tl .,f'--Me.-'
iiun-y : 1 . t. 1 1 v. I'r..i t:,-i .r ..f i.. 1 "too
Hoi:.-c: srout A WiNon. A.,:, ,':,, .'.'!'
I h'lll'f, Or m- Ol f'lC tlUtlriil-l. DMal 'ur-
i-i t '.:.t il oc.r advc-tiLi:tLt.
is jiiisi;'f ru.
wrciersiitiikd citit.'tts i i 0a.t. .
h;ivit..T f-:'-i';ii::i-d t.f f tho ' it I N f.s it
grown on lor. dautes V'h iter,' ai to. one
em-t of itii- p::.:e, do certify t!i;i tno 0 ii
statk produce t tx k pikes, the .ivnt f;.ike V
ii'.tit-d if.'ii-arcl 11., lticlns iu iet.g;2l au-' 2
iii -'iics t. . 'Sj
il r. C. V,'. M.,:ir;A.v,
I. F.sar J. Kr-,i..iv,
II. -.'I'lahk, i'r,-. .Vafflnal Rink,
il. F. (um.N. Mtrcat...
W e. the undersigned: ilol.t rt;. I-stify tj,
the-above named -'nlentct) i.r ou ttly re .
dents of U ea oil , Vn, . '
"i:.:S. II. T.OHo. Jii-tn r,i t'l Pettr, '
Rev. ALftr.n T 'loKfto".
r.t.. V., l-.b. 12.
Messrs. ila.vhU a 'A T.din.
Iiiilletaeu: An y..u" r',aeKt ; l tuo to vivi
vour CiiiMi'iK in a i u f..f i. i ri. i i i. i-..,!,... .
and w ill rtalc thnt I ;, dLvtt.t.l .l:' . at it f
pli'iitod on th Pth cl Jo nil il ii Hue
......1 ..n .. . I . . . 1 . t. .... r I Z
. ,r , u I'lit'-r pn-"i.'i .'irtixt. i
I'lantc I cven ami nii..,;kli. ..r .,. rr- i,
i-ht-licd it tueasure.jtrOI bushels atd. w-ck. i
cheerfully reeoinoiend it to my bt ihrrlarem
hoping; that it iuht revolutionize the 8.riBl
,ul" "ono. i ours, very rijprciJaiO.
A premioraof Jsl will be pail yt!;e under
f tstne!. through the First Nation! U"'k, J..
o!rt .a..iI Si. Ciatk, frestdt-Lt. a-t'Unws:
'0 io tbe pen.n producing ll- ir'''t yield
rd l lunesa lorn to tho aire, t ? of an
acre. S-s) to i . f aa atre. 025. t i vt an acre
A report must bo nent to Firrt rtl",fcl ink
t'eaola, iriuia. hy the 1st W P"eibnr
siencd i.y the pcrs;in and ewnrn tt.. ''Oniatin
ihet-oru stna pound.;'to t;1(. bufbtl. A sauopla
ear cf corn niuK be sent with rert.
. A. . Henderson, i.f (Jrecn t'..; e. Indiana,
received th l ji Prcmlnn f-r p .Jniiirt; the
larift st yield ot Chinese Cora frt ia a to ponrid
package. .
Okkh C.a.ri. Tx, iw SO m .
.'ii'if". .lorsnm r. j;orxan. i . - J"'
He.itlecion: Your letter cf tr Vl!:1' fif Ip7. i
tnon'ii Mmf to hand ymitrUy wl-b e Tiraf '
ol $' oJ on the First Natijuul J;M.k d lndi? ' '
ap'd:s. Allow me to thank you wit!) my '
t -
JTl , I.. x.x. nr.