W,l .lll : V 1 I-; '. iT 1 r i ' : r ! TH Jfi HERALD. Mr uvu'ucn FIATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. sXtfec Corner Main nnd Second Street Second Htory. OFFICIAL PAPER OP TUP CITY AND COUNTY. Terxcs, in. Advance. fine i-nnr. an e veer ........ ! One copy, fix month- nc"py. three months I:0O. 50. ATTORNEYS. .- ir r rii iPV A' Attorrev . i . . . . .... - . south, -Nobnisk. Office i I itzjreridd sBlorlt. M B. 1-.EE5E. Attorney at Lu-Otr;.-o r.n M nn -tr.-.t nifr ChapinRn!" Drug Jstore. Special attention given to collection j oi cmiTim. . B:l!!):i KE. J. W. STlSCHCOMB. ATTfil'.M'YS AT f.WV. 4.-ly. riutfrPiouth. Nebraska. M" AKdrt:Ti-7"tMllH i STAR Hill 1 At- tor? er at Law 1'ra-tio in ail the court ti n' and matfi-rof I'r''iite Office over the i'osl jti-e. PlnttrEouth, Seh. iMIYSICIANS. RK. LIVIViSST.). riy-i.-ri.m and Smi- en. tenders hm irorM.irnI i?rvicei ift tbn citiinM i."Ci!Wcouri'.y. l.e.-iidicouthoast crnerof Oak andsixtli Treel!! : c!Tice nn Main reet. one do"r wert et Lyinan'i Lumber Yard vJttinouth. Neb. .1 W. RAWLIN'S. Hur-.n and Physician Late a :urs:on-in -Chief of the Army cl fe Pooin w, I'lal wnouth. .NobrisUii. Ot5c at O. K. Johnson's Dra ntore Mam rt.rvt TNUlIANCi:. rtrnEELEIl JtBEXNKTT-Real Estate an I and Lite Insurance Agei raaka. HUttts-xioaiu. Neiw i-:tt IHELPd PAIN E r.enernl Insurance Airett Keprc.nt "ine the uiost reliabla CoUi vaiies in ibe United States. riar.7d.Jtwtt HOTELS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZGERALD Proprietor Main Street, Between oth aud Clh St. Sont hy mail for 10 e;s- E. B. Foote, M. L. 10 I-eiincton At., New York City. PI.ATTS.TJOUTfl yillA, C. It F!1K fj. Pror.rtetc.fTavini recently ber r-vnirt-d 4C I iaof.l in thorough running orde. 1 l t'.u' UushnU of neat wante I umneiii.teh tt which the biaiac-t Diiirket price will he rai AhJract of Title. 'HE KflKUI."L SYSTEM. The hjt . For der-crint e -irculHrs. aljf.-. ACKtS. KLUKMAH A CO Burlini.n. ln. m.TiMIrol,' .t IL'i.UH)! t - t'J l.. aaict br orderinc of rr.e I have the Urxt and j collectit.n pt Pir.ts er offered 1 r ?nle ii.the V est. t ataiojruer. frwe. u-rt l'-iv, (i',baj'. Tomato, and other Address VV. J. 11E.S-KU. PJatUaicuih. eb. cV-'-mS. 4 - PhotosraT Sr-.typh aal copie from el i picture. if rt or cjlure I. either in ink. water or oil. ad narraatcd to ei V. lOJtf 1 Mirk neatly executed sr lj;ict:'n. L'ioN'.UUi Artit Ali,B St.. i'iattsuiouth. ROCK! STONE! 1 ttif with Btone fli ail building purp'5 t rea.Bable price, a Biyqnarric r delivered the cars at LouL vlile .tatin The foifowit 4 kind of stone can be ha i on hort notice; tilU, caps, perch rock ir.e or rod -jnd oi sue, a was n.-e i by tie j U A M. R. R. in the con'tniation of their fton work. All respiniblt onlir. promptly Cilnl J. T A. HOOVER. Louiv$!!e. Station Keb. Da!er in (JlothinR, J rurnisliine Good, Il.'ts. Cap, CotsA- ;hoe?;;,-- Va'iscs & Carpet Bags, &c Ac. One ff the OM-t and most Reliable Iloiises in i'lattsmouf h. Main Sect, between 1th .V 5th. IQ-JIKMEMIiER THE PLACK.-ff'l vltf rAMEiriEX CHANGE t fZr. Hoover. . LOL rlS VI L L L yPD. o fKeept cntanUy on hand all staple arUatwa sach as Coffea Tobaeco, 3Ioias, Dry (fo o A a I toot "i and Shoe, Ac, In faot every thin usually kept I Vaii ty Store which will be sold on Muall profit? for Cakh) .411 kinds of Produce taken in excacage for good and II if best Market Trice given in cash 19-vr for Grain. PHILADELPHIA STORE. SOLOMON & NATHAN, DEALKR3 IN Fancv Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, largest. Cheapest, and Best Assort oJ Jtock in the City. tSStore nn Main, between 4th and 5tb Btrcets, Plattstnouth, Nebraska. die wieJAwtf THE "Silver Tongue. MAXCFACTCIKO bt E. P. NEEDHAM & SOX, 113,145 & U" East 23d Street. New York. ESTABLISHED IS 1846. Iteaponsible parties applying for aencieji tections still nnrapplied. will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distance from onr authorized affentt may order from oar factor? . Send for Clustnv Swwivrfnllt t M4wa -izz V rn J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. Volume 8. at! Onicial Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. r vi. Tiptoe. TJrownville. J'. Vt". Hitchcock. Uruaha, Jhn T atfe. Omaha, ' r. S. Senator. U S Sen.'ttor. KepresentatiTe. EXECUTIVE. ( . x Kurinq Br,-,WD ville. ! I - i f i er. Lincoln, i .1. 13 e.-toru 1 .eatripe. Qorrnor. Sec. ftate. Auditor. T r-a;u r r. Att'jr tien. , Pub. Insiruc'n I " w . ! McKeuzic. Line Id. fui! JUDICIARY. . Tt T. iVe. Omaha. Chief Jistiea. l.ar.i'l (.antt. e r I Associate Jus. siiiUti Maiwell, Muttsuiouth J PLATTSMOCTH. M. L. nite. Mayor. City Merk. Tolii-e J udce. Marshal. Street Conjtnisioner. J..Uh Moires, Afi !' AJ jrn. rt !ier J. White. ALDERMEN. F;ht Takd. J. Fitztrcralo. C. II. Parmalee S'aCnd Wahd Jos. 15nttery. J. Waymic. TuiitD WiKB- K. Cushing. R. Vivian. CASS COCNTT. IS. V. f.jsi o. Dn'l MeKir.noi W. L. H;ibKs J V". .Johnson, i;. W. Vi.-e. Jnco'j Vaiie'y.l T. Ciarke j l.jnio -Jamo. J J. Vi lnouiaii. Probate Judn. County Clerk. Treasurer. Sheriff. f apt. Pu. Instruction, Ceasty Commissioners. Coroner. Clmrches. fSiP-.iar On the corner of Male and Ninth t l?-v. T. J. Arnold, raptor htidence on or Htidei 11th. ,t f Sn!- .h p: 11 a. in . and at p m. Sabbath schu'i at y '2 a.m.. i'rayer meeting erery Wed- as ljy rcninr. C1bk'tii Strrici in Congregation Church, a: 11 . v. and i:' p. in. Elder Alton, Vastor. C-.rcer of Locut and &ih street-!. ordia.1 iaritalion extended to ail claques to at-lnd- ;orL Corner Viro and Third street? lev. .. K. tirares service; every un-iay a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School "loftRfOATH! Corner Locust and St'n fts V ' Usv 1J F Manwell. reidenr Loi unt be trei 4ih and' oth are Servi-e? every tfabbaih at :1 r. m' and t'-;'' p. m- nabbath fcehool at 12: .'" r. in. i'raycr mectii-s every V.'enesday ore.'.init. itholic North fide of Public Saaaje Rev x r"at!:cr Ilaj-ei -'rnt f nm srcSiboath at M;.' - ra . . 'ouu .lasn ani .eriuon at vk.iu Uenedi'-tion at 3:'i0 D. in. Mass it k i. m. every week day. fiinur Pbrxbttbkhs N'orth pideofMain st. a weti of utn ltov. V T. Bart la Service ewerySabbath at 11 a. in. nndfi: i. kath .-cuOt.l at a- in.. Tho Pnllock Superin m. a o tm.Jent. t'rarer ineetinc every Wednesday er eemjt at 3:00 o'clock. kthoo:3t Episcypih. 'West side of Sixth tr-et.sou'h of Alain K service every abbatl at I0:.li a. ni. and 7 p. in. i'raver meetioc nra TSii.J... ... . . e;:n;;s every Monday ei eniiijr a.id i'lauedifite- Iv : close oi r-aoi.ata moriiiug aervicea." i Cost kr, den IK 'SeiTeTuoC: kt rt 10 331 1 i". L'.fta. rrf.ie:n I." in uir.sf-ctiuiiiu$ iric:? um 11 Lhrtlotteodienrt. Ut barhnnpt 6ndei derseibe von jctr.t an re-relm!."; alio-14 Ta:ctaTt. Mininrer Uev. L llannawaid. ihbita schaol at 1 p in.. Pr-jf. d'Allemaiid. ?UKt. Lodges. f O. O. F. r?c(?a;ar meelinirs or Platte Lodtre. V...7, I. O. o.F. "very ThorIa eveaint at O i l Ki-Uow-i Uall. Transient Urothcrs are eor- tnritei ro '-,A LLKM AXI. N 31. ft. lUTRiirtT, btc. r O. V. V. Platt?mouih Er mpinentXo. 3. J. Keifutar Convocations the 'j and 4 Friday's cr (ich month tt Odd Fellows Hall eor. 3d and Vtip ?t. Transient Fatriarhs eordja?ly invitej ;. II. NLWMA,C.l. . V.. CcssiNGHAM. Scribe MlSM!. PI.4TTSMOCTB I.ODOB No. 6 A. F i A. 31. Rciritlar meetings at their hall m irt un-i tnir- " -nday evening of eseh irontb Traneieot brethern invited tQ vi'iU R. H.HTTTGSIOX, W, -4u siliiXWISW-yee. t Mcot T.ona No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Rciruloi ffieffim-ft at ATacv Hali. ffrt snl rh-.l rrijv. J. N. WISE. W. M. I J -H. BB4RDSLXT. Sec. N'sbrask Chavtcr No. 3 R. A. M. Rrgutftr t j .nvticationi" second and fourth Tuesday I evtsiPus nf 13 iMonih 7' o'clock p. m. ,. K. R. LIVINUSTl'N 11. P. .WTMU. Sec. i t O T. 't iv8l:ai,ra.No.2--Tt E Kliison i . H . C. T. C W. Kins. W See. T. W Shry ctk Lodi? I. rm'y. M.-(U at Clark l,luniiner hil ery Tuesday evcraioK. Travtiing Temj iars pect.'itilv invited. Tr:;NvaF.iN The Tornor Society meets at 1 Tii ncr- Mall in ltutlvnan P.ircK. on the Ut am l!rd Ve lncdiy of each Month. W;Uiiauab: Irwver tlus. Reinhackle: iVt 2't.ru"-'rf 'A':n. Ilnj'er: Srmi 7urmcarf i Karger; irines John Erhart. l.fllir UILLKTTE Xtbraska 6Tty, GanetaJ Agent Dep't Northwest, s- w e iUUH UUJlbl 0.3L XJilU lUSUHATilGja CO Of Ciseionati Oli, S. ii RF.SSO. joi.fot.kwtr Local i ten PURISSIMA ET OPTIMA. 5" Tbi nnva'led Medicine is warranted not to coma n ad:gl particle ot Mercury, or any in junoua m.nera! sultance. but is PVRELY VEGETABLE. Forfortj oai" it has proved iu Rreat value in all diseases of the Liver. BowN. and Kidney i houjamla of the pood and (treat in all parts of the cuuBiry vouch fr its wonderful and pecu liar rwei- In purifying the blood, utimula'ini; . i l U l t ; .:- iue ttrpu i u-j ri.-, uai imparling new lis and Vieor to the whole system. Sim mon: piver Regulator U acknowledged to have no eoi.ua, aLlVFR MEIICIXE It ciiitainn four medical element , never uni ted inthe Fame happy proportion in any oihcr pr rnstioa vii ; a gentle Cathcrtic, a wonder ful Todo. an un-exceptionable Alterative and n cert Corrective of all imiuritie- of the body Such tgnal luce?) has attended its use, that it is aows-cartJei ;;the for Li4r Cotnpla'-nt a-d the painful offspring thereo tt-wit. Dyppepwa. CorsMt ati -n. JaunJ e Bilion t"a k Sick headache. Colio ireprei ion of Spirits. Sour Stomaco, Heart Burn. c. &a. B?s4ate the lKer and prerept, CHILLS AND FEVER. Preplred esly b7 J-H ZEILIS" CO. I Drus'B'ists. Macon. Oa. Sersdior a Oireolsrl and 329 Arch street. Price ii by mail U$ I PhUadelpbia Pa. PcrWbyj H. BUTTERY, I m-g iim ii m iiiii imh i urn run mi ji , , tlHm mma llllm , , , ,,,,, I NEBRASKA Atonement. What is atonement? That Christ av the ritfin to be coiupasion- & i V11 ,le ca!ue (lo'"i to this worid, aud aiaue a Larg.iu, ami agreed tliat he would fcuffur o much if God a!ter.Tards Vfould exercise cuiapasiou aud leniency toward aien? Away with your fchop logic!- Away with your commercial theories I Uo dywn amosia; the moles a'nd bats and grope with Mich detd.sta t!e nouoin ci" truth a that by agrde ment Christ came among uma to euffer and give Uoi a chance to be graciou ! Over all these heresies of bed 1 iifi up the glorious words. '"God so loved the world that he gave his on." Love be fore Cliriet loved wan t ha baw which sent that iilver arrow iritu thj world. ''God so loved' when ? From eterni ty. Whom? Tho world. And what was the mission of Chri.-t? To develop it; tu dirchwe it. So to live asuons the unloving and imperftct as to show what perfect manhood was; to live that the lowest, and wretchedest, and weak est should be drawn to him, and feel hi carets1; so to live thit when armed hate thrust it ear into his side, as it had driven the nails into his flesh, be should die loving. ly ti ese majestic symbol." alouu does the world know how t ) learn anything of Christ ; by these symbols do we have interpreted to us that love of God which is manifested toward the universe, end which endures to the ut termost. iSii:ce death is the utteruiot of our human experience, it was used as the nymbol of I he uttermost in the In finite ; and it is the revelation of that stupendous anJ glorious divinity of love whtch sits in the heavens aud utters its decreos riht and left, above and beneath, j everywhet-, filling the universe, Cit or j last, w"ith the Vr jit 0f divine benevolence. 1 htechtr. Frin the Memphis Appeal. Lat Saturday, a gentleman living near Madison station, on the Memphis and Litt!e I lock road, left his h oaie to go to the vitiate. I la had o it proceede 1 uiore than two hundred yani-. m unte 1 on a lineal descendant ot Lta!avu'g ass. when ho encountered a great sr-'asy black bear. The bear was a?toni Wd, and without takm!j tiie tiuic? to thitik hurried uu a caly-bark bc'ery od se&fiid hJiasc'r'- very comfortably on a limb, thirty or forty feet freoi the ground. The firmer was completely puzzled. If he rode back to his house to get his gunv the bear would surely escape. lie there fore tied the inu!e, a lon. eared mwlau choly niult, forty or fifty years of age, to the body of the tree. The mule was bridle-wise, but no bridle could hold him, and a strong leather cable was kept coiled about his neck. With this he was '.-itcncd to the tree. The farmer etarted Kouso, end Drutn tliviniii lii plansiteiued it propl-r to get away. lie doubtless enspected that a gun was com mr. tie came slowly down tearing the bark from the body of the tree. It rattled about t'ue sleeping inuls's bead who had not yet seen the bear, and dreamed rsci of the proximity of the ug'.y heaf. 1 he bear descended slowly ti'l he was wihia fire feet of the mule's great ugly head. TLea it was that the stupid, innoeeot, unsuspecting mule Ioord up. lie had never fcea a bear hef. re. His koeoi sniota one an ther. He grew pale iu the face. His ryes were projected from his head the f anner said half a foot. His tail was tdowly lifted, the hairs all turned away, till it stood at au a title of forty-lira d 'grce above his spina) column, and then it was that the mule 'hovei a t!gh and smoled a smile. It was an unearthly round ; the farmer, fifty frds aw3j-virithl't,r3srId rhvsulitf stood, watehin" the pr(z:css ct events, i he bear suddenly twisted tseif about and tea-eciuled to its perch. The m-ilo swoohngay fell at the baso of the tree. He iay sti!l and apparently lifeless for a time, when ltrui:i again attemp'ed the dcnt ; but the teirilie.l mule howled and roared even more ter ribly and pifenusly when th;j bark be gan to an, and he dashed and danced about the tree so frantically that Bruin hesitated, and finally, in stupefied amaze ment, sat upon the limb upon which he first rested The farmer came wih his rifie, and a bullet soon stopped the pu'.-f beats of the be:-r It lei I heavily beside the nmle, and, et range to tell, a told to us, the tuule and bear died de by &:de; the one of a mortal wound, and the other of mortal terror. The bear wasstiil black as Erebus; the mule's faco was already white with an indescrib able agony of mortal fear. SSiTATGS niT52SC:rS Senator Hitchcock has kindly furnish ed us with a copy of the biiis introduced by him during the lite Congress, which have passed, and been approved by the Prckideat. AN ACT TO INCOURAQE THE GROWTH OF TIM BER ON WESTERN PRAIRIES. lie ii en acted by the Senate and House of Hepiestnt'itivetof the Pnited State of America in Congress assembled, That any per?on who snail p!a;it, protect and keep in a healthy growing condition for five years lorty acres of timber, the trees thereon not being more than eight feet apart each way, on any quarter sec tion of any of the public lands of the United States, shail be entit ed to a pat ent for the whole quarter of a sectiou at the expiration of raid five years, ou ma king proof of such fact by not less than two credible whuoscsj Provided, That ouly one quarter in any section shall be thus granted. Sec. 2. That any person applying for th benefit of this act shall, upon an plication to the register of the laud office in which he or ste is about to make mch entry, piake affidavit before tuch register or receiver that said entry is made tor the cultivation of timber, aud upon filing said affidavit with a:d regis ter and receiver, and on Davment of ten dollars, he or sh shall thereupon be permitted to enter the quantity of land speciSed : Provided, however. That no certiacate shall be triven or ratent l.-sued therefor until the expiration of at.Ieast uve years irota the date ot such entry ; ami ir at the expiration of such time, or at any time within thrpe vears there after the person makin? such entry, or if he or she be dead, his or her heirs or legai representatives, shall prove by two Credible Witness. that h th nr rhev have planted and for not less than five Ttars have aaltivates andp)tet4 sues PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Thursday, March 27, 1873. quantity and character ot timber as afore-aid, they shall receive the patent for such nuartf r section of land. Sec ?. That-if at any time after the filing of said affidavit, and prior to the issuing of thd natt-nt for sid land, it shall be proven, after due notice to the partv making such entry and claiming to cultivate such timber, to the satf ic tion of the register of the land office that such person has abandoned or failed to cultivate, protect, and keep in good condition such timber, then, and in that event, said land shall revert to the Lui te l States. ' tEC. 4. I hat each and every person who, under Ihe provisions of an act en titled "An act to secure homesteads to actual rcttlers on the public domain," approved May twentieth, eighteen hun dred and sixtv-two. or any amendment thereto, haviriir a homestead on said tmb'ic domain, who, at the end of the tiiird vear of his or her residence there on, shall have had under cultivation, for two years. on aere of timber, th- trees thereoa not being more than tight t :et apart eaen way, and in a good thrifty condition, for each and every sixteen acres of said homestead shall upon due proof of said fact by two credibb wit nesses, receive his or her patent for said homestead. Sec. 5. That no land acquired under the provisions ol this act shall, in any event, become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts contracted prior to the issuing of patent theref-T. Sec G. That the Commissioner of the General Land ofiioe is hereby required to prepare and is.-us such ruies au 1 reg uiatums, consistent witn this act, and shali be necessary and proper to carry its provisions into effect ; and that thj rcgiters aud receivers of the teveral land cilices ihail be entitled to receive the bame compensation for any UnJs en tered under the provisions of this aet that they are now entitle 1 to receive whtn the same quantity of land is enter ed with money. Sec. 7. That the fifth section of the act entitled "An act iu addition to an act to punish cii-nes against the United St.tcs, and lor other purposes," March third, eight e n hundred and fifty-sevcu, shall extend to all oath, amrmltious and alniavits required or authorized by this act. AN ACT . TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO ENAISLE IIO.NOUABLY DISCflAKG ID SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, THEIR WIDOWS AND ORPHAN CHILDREN. TO ACQUIRE HOMESTEADS ON THE TUBLIC LANDS OF THE UNITED fcTATES," AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO. Whereas by act of Congress entitled "An act to enable hunerabij discharged soldiers . and ' sailors. -thir widow und orphan children, to acquire hmestead on the public binds of the United States," approved April fourth, eight een hundred and eventy-vwo, and by the amendment thereto, approved June eighth, eighteen hundreji and seventy two, it is provided that said s.ol diers and sailors, their widows and orphan childrn, 6ha!l have thu right to eh ter homesteads of one hundred and iitj' acres each upon what are called and knowo as "doable minimum" lands, or lands within the limits of railroad land grants-; and Whereas many soldiers aud fa'ilors had, prior to the passage of paid acts and the amendments thereto entered homesteads within said limits, not ex seeding 80 acres each, aad are unable, tinder the terms of faid act and amend ment, ar;d the rulings of the General Land Office, to avail themselves of -i a!clvauair.,f jffstaiiuir on hundred and amy acres of said "double minimum ' land; and herkas .-uch ui-Ci imination again! tha pioneer sohliers and sailors is uncall ed for and unjust ; therefore lif it tnacteil hy the. St;mte. nnl lionet of 'rprcsent-ttives of the Pa it. State of Aftifrici iu (foHgrrssaxa'uifJt-i?, That section two of the ac; entitled '"An act to atueud an acfrcbitioy to soldiers' and sailors' homestead," approved Juih eighth, eigh'een hundred and seventy tfTO, le uiuended so as to read as fol lows: That any person entitled under the provisions of the foregoing sections to enter a homestead, who may have heretofore untered under tha hotiientead laws a quantity of laud les than one hundred and sixty tcre. shall be per mitted to enter so ranch land as, when ad fed to the quantity previously enter el, shall not, exceed cue hundred and sixty acres. AN ACT To ACTnoRiZE Pke-Kmptors upon Homesteads on the I'culic Land to alienate f portion's of their I're Kmptiins or Homesteads for certain i'cblic purposes. lie it enactrd birihe Senife and House of heprexentittives of the Pnitfi Staff of America, in tlougrcs ntsrmbfed. That any peron who has already settled or hereafter may settle on the public lands of the United States, either by pre emption, or by virtue of the homestead law or any amendment thereto, shall have the riht to tran-fer by warranty, against his or her own acts, any portion of his or he said pre-emption or home stead lor churco or school purposes, or tor the rijiht of way of rauro-id across such pre-emption or homestead, and the transfer for such public purposes shall in no way vitiate t lie riiiht to comolete and perfect th title to their pre-emptions or homesteads. The wife of a roofer being asked if phe was not afraid to have her husband exposed to so much danger, truthfully replied, Oh, he s injured ! An imbecile telegraph operator startles the city with the following conundrum Q. Why is a telegraph wire like the earths axis? A. Itecanse it stretches from pole to-pole Ar. Y. World. A rural gentleman, standing over register in one our stores, attracted gen eral attention to himself by observing to his wife, "Mariar, I guess I'm going to have a lever, 1 feel ?uoh hot streaks runnin' up my kg." Dnnhury Neict. "You say," said judge to a witness, that the plaintm resorted to an ingem ous use of circumstantial evidence state just exactly what you mean by that IT" "Well, said the witn.s?,." my exact inaiisg t that lit U4 " Hcrtiwlinral Statsnsnts. We find the following itms in one of our exchanges, aud present them tor the consideration of our reader : 1. When fruit trees occupy ground, nothing else should, except very &.ho:t crass. 1'. Fruitfulness and growth of the trei cannot be expected the same year 3. There is no plum that the eurcu- lio will not. take, though any kind may sometimes escape tor one year in one tdace. 4. Pear blight still puzzles the great est men. The best remedy kuowa is to plant two for every one that dies. 5. If vou don't know how to prune, don't hire a man from the other side of the sea. whi knows iess than you do. 6. Jfon't cut off a big lower limb un less you are a renter, and don't care what becomes of it when your time is out. 7. A treo with the limbs coming out near the ground is worth twotref trim m'd u five feci, and is worth four tre: trimmed up ten feet, and so until they are not worth auytnm. 8. Trim down, not up. (J. Shorten in. not lfnttlifn up. .0 If vou had vour arm cut off, you would feel it at vour heart ; a tree will not feel, but rot o the heart. 11. When anybody tells you of a trrdener that under;tar:ds all about hor- - - a 1 - ticiuiure and asrrieulture, and tnat can be hired, don't believe a word of it, for there are none to be hired. Such a man can make more than you can afford to give h:in, and if he has sense en''ui;h to understand the business, he will alo have enough to know this. Lif 3 Is:-ira::9 Evils. Agents have reaped and continue to c ... . - . reap aounaant narvets. commissions arc paid to them out of ail proper propo; t ion to tho services rendered, if every policy holder understood that from one fourth to one-half of his first premium and nearly one-twelfth of ail subsequent ones are given to the man who solicited and, perhaps, deceived hiui, public in Jig- nut ion mtghi force a change in a matter so important. I he annual aec u:its wlncn officers render of their btewaruship are not satisfactory. hat .arJaji .other expenditures" wh!chvruihjvv &p -by 'Unl'-' ttt:s ttTe" moiieyof policy-holders?' how many officers are attached to a company? what the services of each, how much, and how is he paid? what is the profit from lapsed aud surrendered poheieii, and now is it disposed of? are questions which. among others, oucht to be, and are not. answered. The State authority, under present law, can e-Jcct much, but evep it ha complained thaf officers "evade the rendition of fair aud honest state ments of expenses." The utmost rxpiicit- ness in tne matter suouia oc insisted upon by kthe assured as the only way of protecting the sacred :nteres!a involved Fu'l information as to principles and practice, fair and candid dealmg in every respect, are essential, if the business is evry to be properly uuderstoo 1 by the community, and serve successfully the real purposes lor which it was estaba-h- d It will merit the unqualified approval and support of all men, when it shall be conducted in methods consistent with thol'ollowing character so well given it by Professor Bartlett: "It may be proper to say, that I have never b en able to regard the institutiou of life assurance as a mere business concern, of which the main object is to make money. It has always appeared to me rather as a fra lernai charity, created by the voluntary union of persons for mutual rrotction against the calamities of sudden penury to helpless widows and orphan-awj&l dispeusin,.tlM4ti 1 'I?a!ivtoward H weuihersr-consistent with equal jus tice to all. of. J. 11. Van Amnnge. in April Galaxy. . 'EaltlciLakes ani ticir Habits. Ordinarily, the rattlesnake is'-xtretLj- ly sluggish, and uu-esH molested there is in ;le to fear from it during the greater poitian ol the year, dust before and ja-t after its wiRtcr sleep, however, it is more active, and oueu assumes the ot len ive. Iu order to strike, it must lie in a close coil, with its head and iicck erect. In this position it throws itself forward about three-founha ire length, support ing i's weuht entirely upon the remain ing fourth. W beu molested or alarmed or when ahoat to attack, tha rattle is vi olently shaken ; but practieal.y this serves little purpose as a warning, since when exvited the crea tire strike at the intruder with th'! quickness of lightning an i almost simultaneously with the sound or the rattle The statemeut that the noise of the rattle is peculiar, and once heard will never afterward be mis taken, is emphatically denied, the wri ter averring that he kas known the opin ions of those who had frequently heard the sound divided as to wnether a ctr tain ominous clicking arose from the grasshoppers, which were ia great num bers, or a rattlesnake." Contrary to the common belief, the reptile also often leaves its hole and moves about after eundown, not seldom crawling into tents, and even into heds, during the night. The u nion that venomous snakes do not bite twice in immediate succession is also pronounced erroneous, the writer mentioning a cse where ho saw the rat tlesnake strike three times witn electric quickness, each .ime leaving the marks ot its tangs on tne trousers ot the , er so i attacked. 15ut with all its quickness and irrita bility, the snake frequently rsfuses to bite, evcuv when crowded to the clo.e.-t quarters. It is related that often when trod on it fails to retaliate; and one r markable instance is given where a gen tlemeu en coming out of the river Platte after a bath, and entirely naked, s.t down upon a rattlesnake, anil discover ing his misiake suddenly resumed his legs, without suffering any harm beyond a severe fright. The peculiar odor ot the rattlesnake is vouched for, and we are tld that when one is irritated and made lo bite the rake r hoe with which it is intended to kill him, the implement will retain the tame unpleasant smell lor months. Once known, the odor is al ways' recognizable. The bite ot" the ratllcsnike, according to this observer's experience, is neither so rapidly fatal nor so incurable as most people suppose. Of thirty persons bit ten by the rattlesnake, he states that all recovered but one, and he lived twelve days after the accident. Of the whole ihirty, this was the only case which re ceived surgical advice; but whether it was the bite or the advice that killed the patient we are not informed. Whisky, the writer regards as a spe cific for the bite of the rattlesnake, and .relate unmsrona ir?t3w- sh rb il!- Istrate the wonderful power of this atfent when administered r sutucsent quantity It is well known to ph' sicians that persons suffering from disease attended wit Ii severe pain will often tolerate much lar ger doses of opium or other narcotir than could otherwise be borne. IVrons poisoned bv the bite of a isttlrsnake manifest a similar tolerance for immense doses of whiky, quantities sufficient to make a weil person stupidly drunk, or oven to oestroy life, often producing no viable eheet upon the sufferer from snakebite. Yet, to bo of any service to tho patient, it is asserted that he must be made thoroughly drunk before it is safe to suspend the administration of the remedy. A quart or more of raw whis ly is frequently required to brim abut t hist condition; but when once ir is at tained, no further danger need be ap prehended. While the rattlesnake is found spread over a large portion of North America, it is mueh more abundant in some lo calities than in others Texas probably holds- an infinitely larger portion of thce reptiles than any other State in the ITni.tri. Tha district lyi'g betwen the Rio Grand and the Nueces, two s reams which flow in the same direction and some sixty or seventy miles apart, is a desert region, literary swarminor with poisonous serpents. "In summer' says our writer, one cannot go utty yards in this locality without, seeing a rattlesnake. In other parts. c-f the State tho moccason is the prevalent snake : while centipedes, scorpions-, tarantulas. and alligators infe-t various localities, and are each a terrible scourge." ,'l writers have hitherto concurred in raying tnat rattlesnake ar never met with at an elevation of more than f 000 feet above tb sp:i level. The surveying party of Mr. Morlv killed numbers of them last j-ear at nn elevation of about S. 000 feet ;" it is added, however, that they were never found so h'gh before. The mountain snakes posses more vivid colors than their breihrenof the prairies, ami of the two are more dreaded on ac count of th'ir supposed ferocity. Sci entific Miscellany fron April finlaxy. . "THE HEAT CTJESTICN.';. To -the F'ii'or-cf the -prcho, "London England. Sir; I was glad to see that in your isue of yesterday evenine you discussed the question of meat supply to Kngland; and that you also gave full consideration in your leading article to tho letter of Cosmopolitan," written from Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska. You seem to be ncredulous as to the possibility of brimr- in? live cattle from Nebraska, where the prarle grass makes the best beef in the world. I do not for a moment intend to im Lpeach your good foith, in depreeatin? your credulity. At present England know simply nothing of the productive qualities of tho Western States of Awerica. " . As a matter of fact, you cat sorns ridi cule upon tho idea ofcarrving cattle from Nebraska, and say of "Cosmopolitan." "we might suspect him of being a .back woodsman who has never seen the sen, butthathe writes so like a travelled man." I leave "Cosmopolitan" to give his own answer from Nebraska, and a-k you to allow me the privilege of stating a few facts, which have a!reajJybeA Liverpool newspapers. I suppose you will allow that, if or.e beef producing animal can be carried across th Atlantic, any number of such animals can be so carried. When 1 in Nebraska hist Novem ber, 1 caused a prairie-fed Durham cow to be taken from a largo herd on the prairie and forwarded to England. The animal was sent from Crete, Nebraska, to New York by the Burlington and Missouri Kiver Railroi.1. shipped in th'; Cunard steamer Abyssinia, and arrived in this country safe and sound on theCth of January hst. The animal was inspect ed by men in Liverpool who know what such animals oui'lit to be, aad the uni versal verdict was that the animal in question was in splendid condition, not withstanding her voyage across the Atlantic at the worst season of the year. She is now at the farm of John Cattle, Esq., Marsh Farm, near Chester, anf will be exhibited In London when op portunity offers ; alto at the agricultural shows. I have no object whatever in mislead ing the Eng ish public on this question. I know because I have brought one beast, that I can bring 50.000, or any quanity. I know that vessels can be built for carrying these animals, multiplying to any reasonable extent the small space oecupi-d iu ths cow house of the Cunard steamer which brought my beast in such splendid condition, her weight being up wards of 1,400 lbs. As to profit, you can readily estimate that when the animals can b. purchased itr Nebraska aud delivered in Liverpool for sixpence per pound, or less, there is a good margan of profit at a much lower: price than is at present being paid. And capital invested in such an. undertaking! will fealise a good return. Therefore, you must admit l)iat a cattle ship is not so chimerical as you first supposed it to be. My object in bringing over the cow was to show the . Bitiab farmers aud stock-breeders the k u J of beef we raise in Nebraska on prairie grass alone ; but it clearly demonstrates the idea of "Cosmopolitan." Yours respectfully, C. tt. Sen ALLER. Liverpool, Feb. 8th. A gentleman took an uo.bix-1'a to church the other night thinking rain woull fall before services were over. He thought it was raining as he came out with his girl and said. "May I have the pleasure of protecting you with my umbrella?" She locked him ia the eyes as a woman possed of the devil only can look and whispered : "Yes, dear, tisto ar " B??'4?hTl TERMS ; $2.00 z Year. Number 52. WIVES' COLUMN. I2I32 LAEIE3. Happening to be in Queenstown, Ire land, one evening in July last, 1 was in vited to a '.tend a grand ball. 1 had been visiting some of the interior dis tricts of Ireland, and was so tired that at first I was rather inclined to excuse myself. But before deciding, I asked a question or two : "Is it a big thing?" INever taw anything so grand in town!" "What class of women?" ' "The first class; the very best from Queenstown, "ork in fact, the most beautiful women in the world." 1 knew how the common women of Ireland looked. I had seen hundreds of them about Killarney selling "mountain dew and goats' milk." and iu fact for some time nad seen tne commen c.aas only the ser ants, pedlars and peasants. I had not seen the aristocracy. 1 made up my mind to go. I thanked the gen tleman and began at once on my hair and clothes. Tho number of ladies were about one hundred and fifty. '1 heir dro: was hke that of American ladies on similar occa- i.i t sions, only a little more so sieevee a little shorter, corsage a little lower. The ladies were reinatkably self possessed, ooiet and graceful, and 1 think on the whole average prettier than 1 hve ever seen for tie number on any such occa sion. . Some of our naval officers were pres eut in their stunning uniforms, and were honored with marked attention aud the aweetc-st smiles. I have written all this rigmarole in order to say something about the physi cal development of these Irish ladies. The Irish girls we have seen in Amer ica have full ch sts. large, fine arms, and are altogether plump and vital. When an American lady has bhown me her arms eandle-dips No. 8 and has ask ed, "How can I get such arms as Bridg et?" and I have said Work work as she does and you will have her arms." The lady has generally said, "O, that is njn work, that; catnip fresa climater t letr'yoii iTTTiad been brought up in Bridget's climate, I hou!d have had her; fine bust ; but this terribly dry Ameri can air takes all the juices out of us" ' Mr tMiriiisitv w;i fin tin to tn p how b Irish ladies, brought up in their moist pvon e.limatp. but without work, would 1 look. 1 ha e said there were one hundred and fifty ladies present. They were cer-j tainly very pretty and very prettily dress ed, but now, taking the witness stand, I testify that I have never in America seen one hundred and fifty young women to ' gether with' arms so small and chests so flat and thin. They belonged to the idle class, and all the woild over women of the' idle f class have spindle arms and thin chests, unless they become merely fat, which, with their weak muscles, is a sad embar rassment. ' Klegance, education, rank, aspiration, ambition, prayer, these will not pro duce a strong, full, muscular body. They are not the appointed means. Ex, erche, exercise, work work! this produ ces strong muscles, full chests and phy sical beauty. Work is the appointed means. Dio Lewi, in To-Day. ilY TTAIST. It measured twen?v-two inches in cir- c w mi e re nw ; a ffts s c; 11 iiad in y -4 re s se a made by that measure, and I was pro :d of it. Of course 1 did not believe in lacing. I did nt t even wear corsets. 1 wore my dresses only just ' snug,'' you know ; I h d to do that in order to make them fit weli. But they were "'not tight." Vou never saw a 1 ;dys dress that was? Well, I have. I saw a lady once come into a street car, and her waist was no small that I honestly believe I could have spanned it. At ali events it could not have been more than seventeen or eighteen inches iu circumference Her lace was white and thin, her lips were bloodless, and her eyes starting out of her head Now. her dress was light. Would she have acknowledged it ? Well, no, she did not. I heard her remark to a friend, who was apparently remonstrating with her, that it was "the natural size." But, then, who couid believe it .' That was a positive and painlul deformity, but vthcre it i rea!ly natural, as mine was, it is graceful and desirable. They sy the men do not ad mire it, but 1 know better. Do they not tcil about the sylph-hke form (what ii a sylph, 1 wonder J? There was my brother who made a pet of rue whenever he saw toe which was not often, for he lived far away ; but 1 remember his speaking one day of some fine lady, aud he .-aid she was "as slender as Jessie." That was only one of the things that made me foud of it. I have got over all that now. Shall I tch you how it happened? Wcli, I was out of health that uuiuicr had been, in fact, for some time no local, but a kind of general debility, and I would not take medicine for it. I had seen a good many cases where people began to take medicine for chro ic debility, .and they never got over the debility, nor the taking medicine tirher. 1 knew that my habits were not right in many respects. I needed more care about sunlight, ex ercise, diet, and so on : and I set myself kto think over the matt r. About that time 1 got a sewing machine, with a small book of direction, which book of directions, was a very great help to me in' running the machine. And the thought struck me that, I had another machine far more delicate and intricate put under 'my care, it was a great mistake to blunder on without any book of directions. I got a treat ise on Physiology at once, the best I could find. One of the first thirtrs I lighted on was about the lungs. There I found that all the blood in the body taust go to the lungs to be purified and vitalized by contact with the air which we breathe. Our Creator in making our bodies made the lungs just the right sire, so that they would hold, only the amount of air nec essary for vitalizing the blood of the body. If we all diminish the size of the lu:.g, thtn the blood is not fully pu rified, ar.d bad blood cannot fully nour ish the body. Bad blood may give rise to general debility, or to disease in any part of the body where there happens to be any weakness, and also to nervous disorders. Then there were pictures to show the difference in shape tween the-full- 1 Litairc ail tibx ADVESTISINO HATE! One sqnaie. (10 lioei or lean) ne iacorOon fl.ti Each aubsequsnt insertion 5 Professional ctrds, not exceediB Kit line 13 0 column per annum ; ...W'O !i'(ilumn, per innuu ....... ...4rJ.k i column do ...JM Onecoluuin do ... -.J90.CJ All advertising bills due quarterly. Transient advcrtu'cuivuts aiwut L vid in ad- ranee. jrfrti ftipit of th' Hcrat.d for snlV5y IT. J fctrei-ht. at the Post oflice. and O. F. John son. North side Main tnreet, between eceasl and Third. ' i reduced thfl sire of their inogs by tight dress. I looked in the glass, and I be gan to suspect that my drees was too tight. Ol course I talked about them things. Miss Crouch told me ' that I might have tho belt as tight as I p!-aed; that was below the lungs, and would not compress them. Sj 1 studied that up, and found that the bIt th t tuldierf wear diminishes their respirution by one third actual measurement ; that we can-, not com pre- the upper lungs much be cause 'he rib are fixed; that almost al' the injuries of tight dres come by com pression about the belt; that we thus force some of the organs up against the chest, and diminish its size, and oihe,r wise downward, and put things into dis order, general and particular, often such as only women can know, and which, alas 1 many of them do know to their sorrow, only they do not su.ptrt the cause of it. . JP Mis Warburton looked hoirified whet I told her I did not wear cor eta al most made tne feel as if I had sinned against womanhood. She could not get along without them ; she could not hold herself up felt so weak ! Was sure she would row crooked and round shouldered. 1 asked her what held th nun up so straight; but she did not, think the question pertinent, and said so much about f eling weak, that I studied that up Surely enough, thero was a cause for it ! The muscles of the back, And all about the waist, are intended to keep tho body erect, but a tight drei prevents the play of these muscles, aud they become quite useless; the eonet taxes their placo, and works about as efficiently as would ludia rubber muscles for walking, or a woodtn band writing. I soon commenced letting out luy dress waists and skirt bauds. It was te dious work, tut then I had a tangible good before mo. Mote hip, wore vitali ty ! At first slouchy, but I drew long breaths, and they were a luxury ana made me feel better. I complained to. Miss Thurlow that it was a much easier matter to crush the ribs in than to get them ont again to their natural position. "Why, pull them out? said she; "where are your muscles? Throw your arms out, this way," and she brought her hands to her shoulders, then exteuded them in a horizontal line, first one and then the other. "Do it gctly at first, ten times every morning before dressing. Then extend your arms atraight up from the shoulders and down again ten times,' add ht to tho regular morning ex- ercise. Alter awniie whirl your arms U around in a circle a few times', then Igradually add force to all these as ybU tan bear it. But if your dress in per fectly loose, all your work your sweep ing, your making bed and kneading bread, and woik in the garden, when on have it to do will help." '"" " - "What do you call perf ctly leosa ?'" t inquired. . "fci loose that when vou draw- ika fullest breath possible you will not hit !.. ' i I laughed. I had not equalled tb'ftt -' 4 "Come," said I, "you must help mo, t I-shall look like a fright." She consented. She took a baque Jdittern, made it two inches laraer thait' my waist and then extended the bottom dewn into a gored skirt. I made up a teu-ntag d ess by it. It hung much l&are j smoothly than it would with the sl rt ;sewc 1 on. 'Nobody guested how kt soil was I have worn it in ay home reese ever since, and, with sotno modi- t tmi ...... . -...rrlr..l'.. i",. M . A 1 tp-rvii.-, uiLiuuai.j iui nucci aij'j cven- j'a diesses. At t tte end of cne year my -sSiist measured tweotr-Eve itmhin. Of course, having once commenced the study of health, I fouJ other ways of,improviug it; but I have never for- fotten the iiaportanco of large lun. f ou H "naturally slender." that is a misfortune to get rid of as far as possi- , blc. I have kept up my training aud added soma other exercises. One of these is to inflate the lungs alowly and then beat them with the closed hand gentlv at first, inarea-ing as 1 could bear it. I can now,, -after long practice, bat -my lungs with all my force, without any inconvenience. I have also improved' my under dree-". I have a looe, sleeve less waist to which I button my skirts. The drawers are all in one piece with another waist with sleeves, so I have do band to support anything. I hate tried this now for Bevcn years, and have succeeded beyond my most sanguine ex pectations. So fir as I can judge, my waist does not now taper at all. It measures twenty-nice inches! aud I am proud of it, with some reuse p. ... ,. . I wish I could tell what elasticity and vigor I feci, such as I never dreamed of when 1 wore tight dresses. (I acknowl edge cow that they were tight). And I am as straight as I can be without bend-' ing backward ; always straightest when my dres is loosest. And 1 can can work so much harder and longer, and walk so much further. It has paid for all the trouble a thousand times over. lj? brother came back last week. It, was ten years since he flattered 1C7 " "slender" vanity. I had not seen him' since. I was then a candidate for speedy translation. "Why, Jessie," 6sid be, "you look ten years younger than yoa did when I saw you last. What have you been doing ? "Cultivating my waist r" said I coolly. "Sensible girl ! fresh and animated, and stately as a Juno?" "Do you mean it?" I thought you liked a alend r forui." "What made you think se?' "Didn't you sy so ! (I knew better) Well, who can tell what you men do a -mire, any way?" "Do you cre ?" "Not much.'' "I thougdit eo. Ton would not ex change your vigorous health and perfect form for the smallest spindle waist in ' Christendom if you thought I did aiV rure it " "Probably not." "Well, now, tho fact is, we juat ad mire anything you may do. And when you squeeze the life out of you to gain our admiration, how can we help feel ing flattered, and how can we have the face to reprove it?- Perhaps, as your elder brether, I ought to have done so.: but I could not help seemg thaty-vv;' not physiological krwl'As . Vfii'- t.airC .u puvii bum be nracticallv! in" cje. and flatter us ' all the more , What reply to Yorker. The' great ner ecou. hi" - - rr7t .- eye