Til K Iii;A Li;. TO HE RALj). FaWiAf J every Tl.ers lay at PLATTSHOUTII, NLEF.ASXA. . ADVERTISING EAT2C. Cr.e S'Ui.!tc, (10 lira i ff t j.e i:.?cri if. a V-? " Etv.th f ubv.-'j-.i nt i.it cr; ion ;,1 Profestd ni-.l curds, not cxiv-ptEi-.g si-: Ilm-i I i )iCi)!upju i or annum Z'H''t '-4 culmnn, i er 'ii:uui ...... 1'l.fW ' 2 colonm it- ti'.'iO OHlre Corner 5Iai unci SceondSlrctl JiccoMil Story. Onecolarun do ' lueJiO fi? FICIA. L VAVEll OF TUFA All H'l .-orti-inz I. Win itm- iiur-rtf-ily. Triiti.-i-riit aawiti.vmi.-itu tisut be Laid in ail - CITY AND COUNTY. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS.' TERMS: $2.00 a Yoox. J. A. MACMDRPHY, Editor. vaui;e. Teres, in Advance. , one year Kstrn C. pie, cr th Ilmil.Bf.r .-!( hr Fl J One copy. Plat'tsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, March 13, 1873. Number 50. i-trcirrit, at Mo P..sM -lliee. nnd (I. l-..J.i,ii-foi. .N-.tth i le Muiu fcirevt. between St cioJ aii-1 J I . : r -1 One copy, f-'.x month ine r.r-v. three rr.onths. .. S:00. SO. Volume 8. "f"TT rT7?5 T1" A F M 1 Jri Joj Jl jLa Uo .1 jldJOiajO-iiil. ATTOHNKYs'. r-,f M. rifAPMAN Atf.rrev it ?- f,J P..ii.:if.r in C-iai-p.y. Plalt- ith. Xi.br.1ra. (:Tic la 1: itsenM si.ocii. M P.. PEES2. Attorney at La -"! i virc.Ti -.v r fivmtnan - Druz ftora. Spooiaa "attention given U collectii u f clmm. t, ii- u-ur.Ki.r.K. J. w. STlXCUCOSin. .j I'i-.ttNmouth, Ncamxka. r UttjrKTt'. SMITH ir . il ten cys ;il i.:. Pra-tir .TA H PIKD-At- in tlie rourts ft-ie r-u-io. s-p Jen? i nuciii i. nn.l ui:i"f r"t I'r iHatt; Spji-i;'! nttnritioa (riven to co'.lea- O'Jice over tl.e Tost U:V..-c, VI:itt.--mouth. ?-b. I'll YS K M AN-!- t) V.. LlVI.V.i iV'iS. l'hy.i::i.i-. a:vl Si 1 V. r. f . per ifs to rJip iiii-r. ol C .i:i--i li -1 t-Tifcout-n-nst ..rn..r(.f ):' :.:!.! S'.if ii "i 'lJt f!"lC on .iin tree'', n uo-ir west fci I... i.-iau'i' Lumber Yard 1 V. KAWI.LN', Siirc"-n and l'hysir-.ian L.ito a S'ir.'-.n-'.n-l rnc- ;f die- aiiiiv nj die rotiitii if. Pl.'-.tii'i-itii. Ne'iri ka. OiMoc at O. 1". J'hn?-n'. Druir Sioro Main nrt INSUIIANCK. w !7HK:-:LER A: KKXN SIT il E-tnfo and Tax Payi.'is .Aunt.:, ' n liil-!w.birc. and Lifa Iii.iiranco Ai:itj, t'i i'tajuutb. S'Am raaka. i- -4U IHKLPri 1'A r.N'E-lI.-ner.tl 1 n.-unince Aecnt 1 Kcpr-oet! .f the ru-ut rc-liahla Coaj- ;at ies in ills I'aiivd iutos. janTd.twtt noTi:i. HUOOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZti ERALD Proprietor Mttia trct't, Jotwccn wth an-j Glh St. Mrscj:LLAN:;oiTs. fcVnt by mat! fur 10 as- 11. I. Foote, M. D. I-cxiriKton Ave.. New York City. C. II EISI!f. Propr:etor.Havinr reecrtly been rer'ir i ar:d i.'.a-ed in thoroiieh runninp ordei r.il.-lirlK I v (ib:tl W!tr.!r-1 nu'U'.:liatel; f f wli)"ii lh ruifhfst market iri-e wi nai AUttrnctH of TiSSe T' best For !. ripr.ve ;;r.j. a ..Ires-". AwEi:.-. iil.A'.'K MA K A CO P-urlinf;-.! :i. I-iwm. F'E '.V(iM::X TO 10 li.i ; ., ! nr. I M iku M ao A : I r- - - v. !i -1. j. . 7 . -'7 i-:K City. MAr.'-v3ui f;i:i;i:Ntiousi-; and TIiANT.-. ri:ii)iN(; X;,?.n n r-1 i:i-.r.. v .- ivi-d l.v r!. riD of Ti '-. I h ive t'!.' '.Brcit ;.n : U-.-t n.M.-. i i. i: ..!' Plant rv.-r t.iP-ri-.il f..r '' Cn W-t. j'a'.-ytMes frc. t '.. '.''..?. ii' 'i i?;' ''!! f'.'.ip'i "' '' ' .:- , , Aii-lr.--: V,'. J. !ii.i.K, i" ttl. :;-.-'i'h. .. r.-t;' h wpy t;. Ke! r r Y.IUT12 : iT'.--t of I'tois nr.-l ASni-. in ri:,i'ci. I i'i:e iiiiM'Ut- I .-, fr-jtn the i.-lyFi'-. Ainii' .M .rri.i.'e re- m.ivii 4 in-'!-'i.-t' tr..-.i:.v:ti. rfi:irV:ib!e r.-n-.e in ii-Mk u.i-l Cir?u!.i intt ). in i "'V- ! -of-. , . .... x. n Ad'.-.--. ii'CVA'.ii' .VS.i; ll No.2 nth Nir.'h T.-. r. t".,i i..l- i. iii i. !.: n Ill s' it j -Mi; liavi.i-cn I. r , -t to.n lor hucora Lie roi:"-l il i i'T '.''J I Ii il ll'.IMt i':.i ilsiits Wanted I t '. e !- ii "5ticil l! of hj-fi.-nSe" lit ... i -V i: 111' il-' : -fl'.'N : er T.S.' MY JOL L Y r:?IFXI' S SECRET. I'r. I)IO I.RWf" new work :.: an Immeiise iir.M. S;n-i n -t . v. "ii t. y, rti.l prei i o:J he.-.'th. in I how ti. : grun ltl i n -vlv. A -.:it-.to viin Itirr tMOV. nn 1 in; a world f food with it. ' i..j.,v n'.t. bat fldr "I . K 'i.N- riKl i '.. i'aidi.du-r?.!-. Wv.-t M"d;-'ti tri't. Ciii'Mit". "'''L. FOE E')OK XEI DI D EY ALE Trie b-t b-ok I u'l'.ishc'. on the Ib'RS?. iiid tiicCov.-. I. itjeral terii!.. .!' ey irm'e riiid lj bv Agents s. lln. iho.-o ik. Send tor circular & C..ATFS rut,rHhery. l--iila.!e!j,hia. Pi. PhotoTai.bs. Ambrotytdn "-nd cc-.j: r-..., .!.! ki.-iiir.-.. t-biin -r e .1 r-i. uiihcr in ink. water'ur t.il. All ork lu'.itiy execute! and warr.suted t five ?;tti.! ; -f.-tn. V. V. Lii'i.N.Etlt Artist 10d:f Miti SU. Pla't.-tnoutb. ROCK! STOrJE! I furnish parties with ston? for nil buildinit i nrv .-e? ut rcii.-'-.n ible rvie?. a rr.v nuarr'.e.i r di-livere I on t!:-j ears it Lvii- vt'de .-t.itixl. The f.l!owi:i, kinl of ; can bo had on fh.Tt nrti.-r; si!i; c.:;-s. p.-re'u r . k ine or r 1 .--ind -.tone .--.:eh u?ed by the It. Jfc M. R. U. in tho c-in.truet'.oii of their Eton work. A!! rcsjii'iisibU ord-r?. promptly tiled J. T. A. EOOYEU. Loubjvii'.e. Station Neb. PHiLADELPHIA STORE. SOLOMON & X ATI I AN, DEALERS IX Fansv Dry Cecils, Notions, Ladies' Furnishing' Goods, Ijarr-est, C"inpo.-t, and Hot A..scrtod Stock in the City. 5T?toro on Main, between 4th end oth street, t'iattstnouth, Nebraska. - dlo wlf)-!vtwtf NSW -f.lERGHA?! TAILOR v Is ia rocctrt of the fines and BEST ASSORTMENT Of CasJmore". Clolh Vestiigs. &c.. ever l-.rought to the city, which I wi!i make up in the Latest styles. Bf3k.Plea.se call anl examine. "xiZ. I'lattsmouth. Ap'il IS, lb72. dl? di-wtf. Official Directory. coxanEsOXAL. T. .V. Tii.'on. Brown villo. U. S. Monitor. U. S Senator. P. v Eirehco.-k. Omaha, Jidia Tau'e. Omaha, Representative. EXECUTIVE. P.. VI. Futi is. r.rrwr-villo. Governor .1. .1. l'.i'-T. L:rn-oln. Sec. . f Sta-e. J. Ii H'c.-t.-rn. I'-.atrifO. Au litor. Trea-u r r. H. . ICiifi;' j. t?ril4:r.!u4. .1. H. '.'. i.;.cr iiiitri'C Att'y ;en J. M. Mi;Koiuio. Line In. Sup'. l'uo. Inairuc n JUDICIARY. (ien. P.. Like. Omnhn, Chief Jltieo. :ir.i. 1 i'ir,lt. Nchnf.a f'iiy.1 . T, I 1 I ii r ic.w iu. 1' L AITS T 0 UT II . f r ii-v; '.tivni- M ' ti! -in.-' Citr 'U-rk! J.-.:th Mjorcs, Poli- Ju'U-c. Miln .V rL-.n. .Miir.r.al ALrERME:i. F'ttST V'Ann.J. Fi7.s-r ii f. C. II. Parma'.ea Sikosd nu. liu'tory,. cytiian. Taj ail U alu. E. Ou.ihln;;. H. Vivian. CAS.S COUNTY. If. F. EPi ra. Trobato Julso. I'an'l !eKinnon. V. L. l!.,tibs. County Clerk, Treasurer, -I V. .lohnson. Sheriff. ?npt. Tub. Inetrui tioii. an:y Comna.-eioners. IT. W. J. V,'- Th:j Coroner, Churches. HiBTi'iT ()n thee.i-o r ot .'.lam itr.J ;intn. T. J. Arnoid. i i-t.r Ii- yidence en M-.uri betwren 1'Vu an. I lltb. Service? every S:i!ith nt 11 a. :n . n ! at t.' r. m. r-ut.linth gyhei.l at if'S a.m.. i'rjycr luieting every U ea- ntid'iy ercmar. C1i;ri3TIAN ?erv:?t m Consrresation Church. ' at 11 a. M. nnd rt: !'t p. in. Ebler Alton, Pastor. Corner of Locust and Hth Htreets. 'or lial inritation extended to all classes to attend- J -VtsropAL Corner Yiro and Third ctreota J Kev. A. K. Grates .Services every Sunday at 11:01) a. u? anJ 7 p. in. tun.!ay t-thool t o p. m. ClosiiPEn tTTTpV Co-rer I.m'U'1 nnd Stn ts 7 i'.iv. JJ. E .M.hht ;'!. ri-idene f.'c-it-t t be- treen p.h rn.i at. frcrvs-cn every .vttat.i at 1 u. iu: :::ii i.. ci. r.-alibisth N-'-ii.i-l at iJ: 5-1 :. in. :ryi.? :a!stin every Veduc.4 i ly eveniriif. (lATF.c.Mr "i-.-.h :-' Eirf PublV.?';wir; Ecv ..' r'jtiicr JEtye.. I iff. M. every .-a!.balit lt t:.'J a. Sei "ti.i M.i-s nnd Sermon at !::.' Vei-rers an I Pencd-ft-.n at Jui V. m. it S a. ui. every vretk day. ;kst Pr:KR7TKrT n X rih si-leof M-:tf! st. west of K-". . V. 'I'. l'.:-Tl'.i ; scrvii-j!" every S'v'iiai'i at !1 a.m. :it: ': ' ':.; p. :r. S:;!i- i i ;;ool at !-... i r,...- :,i.i!i,K upertn- t .-n.'i;;:t. l'r:,ir i.t--. n.ti cve-.-y W c.lLiuJay cvcnliiK at .clock. Yt sti!(T:-t E'.'i.'.;-: m. V'efit rido of Sixt'i jrr.-"t. ' 'i i-r M v. J. it. I re.-roti r-v-rv ,iit.o;n h nt )'!.. a. in. ami i f. la. Prayer mi.'i.tia.-r cv r,- f '..i-; -!.';-- c-veninir. Ciaja ;ni.-. rv ai m ':yi'Vi uinc Jii'l i!2t:ie.ti:'.fj- br :uer (!(. i' .--.f'l.iiiii ut.-.rtiiU'i j-erviccs.1 ? ibbaOi Sei.o- 1 at :ta-; .P-n : i ?-pt:;ber i:at dio DeuNehs O Ev. I. 'in;. ' -n'ii'.'i-' in ihrcin S-hrditttun rtmt'iss 'in. II L .ir;.tte-iruvn:. Ct t.crntiuct ".n.!et l.-r-cio." v- n ictT ;:;i re'e!iUii;.-"..i:T aliell Tu::e ?t i.t.' '.iiru.-t -r l-v. E H:it!c:i a-.! i. S.il.!,.:i:. iolijjl -t 1 j. pi., t'rof. d Atieuiand, i:i r. Loug-c-i. I O. 0. F. Reittitar rnctltny or Platte Lo;l-. I V... 7. I. i F. 'vorv Thnrd-iv eveni'. r.t ld Fellow l!a:. Trat..ei.t li.-otho ara car di;iU7 t'nitcJ o viE .-rAl-LI-'IAM', r, . ti. ?.T. IE Hatkatay, See. f m. o. F. Pl,-.:t-:ao;it!i Er ..n:-r.er.t No. 3. J. K'-irui:'r Oon-MMim"? the iar.d4 Friday's o" e ten irv;:t':i i: M F-d ;;-.v.; E ..!! er. .'id and V..;;.i si.. Tra:i-t.-at t'atti-ireb ".r.;iC'.v ir.vitea o vi-it. It- -M.V, ;.1A-. C. i'-. E. E. CcxxtN'iit.t?:. Scribe T wivi' Pi m.ni'irT'! Eopce No. R A. F. ill ,i A. M.-i -l,'r!:K-!i;.j nt tVir Lrdl on the fir.t -m l " n-iny i'v nine of c-ic'u i'onia I rjiiiii-iil bret.h-.in mvit.-i to v:.-nt. K. P.. LI Y I-iiiS TON. 7. M. A. '.'. :.i.F.-.;.:.-y, re. ..-toY Ei.r,GK N'-. 2-J A. F. .t A. M. P.e'.i' n :M p. ':e. Inrfj at :i:i.:oy li-f a.'- '. th:r.i Fn i . . J. x. ve:e, W. E J. ."!. E!ka;;oL3Y, free. ,tl, rrr.rtAxKA ;-T ::Ti N.. i) P. A. M. Poirulnr . i'.a....:v. ;.)!.!. oH'i.r.d to-mb Ti.-.-duy evci.tit-s jJ cac i:i'nf. at o el'-i-l: p. IE R. LIVING. :.-N 11. " lo.TVtS, Se.-. ; '. ;'!'. I'.rr i; Itj: t. N--tr. 2-11 EElson J. 7 h i'l ?v . T. C V, M;.;. :' rite. T. V.' Shry- !::c !H".-atv. M,.,.-.s at CI irk Pi'imi'ier's T t :.:! j. 'ici: e:iugTe:::pbiTs I epei-! r: ir.iied. 'pt i:vf:-viv . The Ttsrncr o -rty ractfj at Turners !! id in tEtthrnuv IHoelt and T bird V.'dn--d -.v. f Mont a iS'i-c'xo iuib: iri-'tf'.vi tlui. Kvin'-i o-kle ; I'ir f T'trutr.irt 'iVni. ile-i'cr: .'.Ve-md Turnicurt ron. K ;;';.';; Vi'..-i-"'. a Johi Erl'.nit Nth r a ska City, General Agent Dep't Xortbwc.-t, Union Gontral Life Of CinH: -.iiiti Ohio, J. Li. PEEvSOX jnlyl idAwtf Local Asont PUniSSi&lA ET OPTIMA. Thi nnrival'eJ lle lieine i? warranted not to contain H-iD.'k- partielo of Mercury, or any in jurious rr.inertu sursianee, but is PU II ELY V E3 ETAULE. For f .rty e.n - i' ii as prove I its ere.it value ;n ail .ii-t i.-set tne Eiyer. rt-wi.and Eidneys i boesai.d .f tl.o eo.l nnd creat in all parts of the country vonrh f.-r its wonderful and pecu- !i ir power In purityinsr t';o blood, stimulating the t-'i i I Ivor r.'.,l tjowe!, ar.it lmpartimr r.ew lit - m l ir-ir t" the whole system. Sim mons' Liver Ki;uIator is acknowledged to have no equal as a EIVEIt MEDICIXE. It eor;t;u;'. fuur medical element, never uni te l ia tne sarin; happy proportion in any other i rrj.-irition viz ; a (reirtle Cathai-ri?. a wonder ful Toiit. :ni un-oxceptiiioablo Alterative and r. certain Corrective c t all i:.ii uritie utthe b..dy Such Ficn.-d sae.-es ha attended its use, that it JXiEAT I XFAlLlXu SPECIFIC. fir Liver Comi.lait.t ti'.'l too painful oS'sprins thereof, ti -wit. liyspepsia. Consnipa't -n, is afa ks S:ei; It ifirif. Sour Si. Enrn. Ac. Ac. Regulate the liver and prevent, CHILLS AXD FEVER: Trepared only by J. II. ZEILIX .t CO. Drucists. Macon. Ga. Ffr..I f.irl r.ri-!lT-l or,.! ' .l l,..h Price SE by mail 1 -A3 Philadelphia Pa. For Sale byj ft BUTTERY, ir-rlwTv. Plifsinuth. Xeb. 2AP.LY IAT3 17 1TSI2A2ZA. BY TIPTOP. THE FIRST KlfJUT EN A NElV COUNTRY. NEW HOUSES AM) STRANGE INDIANS. Wc lint Leon itttbra-.ed in New York that there v.'.ire fi-xteen too J hotiios and four stores, a hotel, and all wc "wanted," in our new towa. We found two Ior sliauties with dirt roof and i;ur:c!;eon'' floors, one frame builJiti, (;i trading' post), and a chell for a hotel without any roof on it. We wanted aooo of it, bt:t we Ii:tu to accept the faitttat'.on, as the "Omahti" It-ft nest uicrtiin;:, and never another boat or arn Lody else but ourselves did wo sea for fix long weeks. Araon,j this crowd were Dj:tor Thompson, (l'ierce's asent), Charley I'orur, John Katusajer, John McMur- phy, James Thompson and icife, acd some others whose names I forget nine persons in ail. We found Sum. Lord, Lob l'ercival (now of Council Diuff-1, Willi-mns, and Harry Owens on the ground, who welcome J us heartily with ail they had, but that wis "powerful" little, and powerless to comfort our bro ken hearts and disappointed espceta tions. EE'SMesj carpy s .store, tdtftuent. Lambert, a Freaihman, owae.l one of the lopr shanties above uir-ntioned, and John Chc-e (known as "old man C'taso") the other. Both were "traders" with the Indians. Lambert, at that time. not very partial to the "Sucre venter lieu YASKEKS," a ho called us and made a great deal of fun at our "biled hirts,' and paper collar j. lie dubbed us the "New York paper cfllar aristnc i raey, and never misst'.! a enmct- to run joke upon us. We Locarno batter fiienda .u!'t:r awhile, and many a good time have I had with the old mtu, IL-t-enin. to etoriss cf Indian fights, and j trading post politics cf tho 'American ! uir Company," who once owned (?J and ruh'd thi.s county- with an iron hand. Uut wo had a lady among u?. an 1 wc must fix a place for her. A hou-e had been built ia f't. L-uis and shipped up on the boat we had that much s.'nse. 'Old man Chase" was gona away, and t?ara. Iyrd ororse.l doora to ut. A lanket or two was stretched nros.s one corner fjr Jitn and his wife, and ih-j rest f uscamwod down on the "puncheons." A few r-hiwls, a blanket, and some old ieces of carpeting which had been roa.Jit aloti?, wrapped around ma hincry, sexved for "feathers," while we slept our fir-t sleep by the banks of the Missouri. Oh, how homesick I was. that nli;ht. Few of the party had over cooked a meal of victuals, or slept in anything but a dean, white bed, male by wo man's care, or ate tuT anything e mmo:- cr tV.an f-'ood w bite ware. I 'irty blank et.-', tin pi.itc-s, spoiieil cgffs, and dry crackfirs were sT.mewhat cf a change and I, beinr the youngest of the parly, turned over and cried a knothole in l'uo puncheons full of tt'ars. Next tiiortiutff we "packed" the hou-e upon our shoulders, and before nitjht had a place for tho man an his wife. We "ba?hs" continued to slo.ep in the Ch-tM n-.aai;n, but ate over at Thomp- 1 . - MM II r sons, i cor .lirs. . a iic-nip.-cn : r.o'.v i have i it t-d Ltr, since I have grown older, and know what mu.-t have been Vrr trials, her fears, and her titter irir.fi- iness tl-.cn First the Indians annoyed her ; at that tim-i they had not toe mast rem ite idea ot privia, or tue sanctity ot a man's dwelling. Ail the houses th:-y had fcen belonging to white men, were trading josts open to all, their own wig wams contained from eight to ten families, and all are more or less common proper ty, so that by habit and usage they thought they had a right to march plump into any house, and s juat down on the floor to smoke if they chose to. Then all our ways and hab't3 wero a curiosity; they would pic-v up every coV.;ing utensil, examine her clothes, atid if she shut the door, would flatten tlteir nose against the window panes for hours and watch her work. The souaws ere tho worst for this, and genera'Iy kept uard over all of us during meal times to see how wc ate e eight, big, strong men, roamed over the prairies &nd came Loi';e with such appetites ts completely overrow ere.d our meek; little landlady. Our fare was mostly potatoes and bread, and more and more had she cooked, and yet we cleaned the j latter and looked hungry for mere One day she cried my heart bleeds fur her 7io:r, and I believe I be'peJ her Cry the. i bitter ttars over it, and said . , . ,, 44T f iOUOieiUdy: il i COUid Only COCk pO- . C tl t tatoes enough for them men once, ould die happy. bhc is dead now aal I sincerely hopo has gone where they do not need to boil potatoes. Alter a wcile" aloug cama Frank Htlch '.Loston we called him "Shanghai" Wells, "Grey Horse," and nosts ci otuers ; tut nearly all men. t'.-, -, .1 i , P omen r crc a rarity m thos-e days, and ciety, anl perhaps a Intlo from pure cusseuness," a state of society grew up that, except the houses, would rival j any old baronial ball in England, before the conquest, for featiDg and famine : j for carousing and gaming ; or for pure dare-devil adventures of strength or skill. Everybody drank, almost, and the store soon became headquarters for ell manner of practical j-kinsr, and some times more serious .-.Hi a vs. Mock duels were common, and were one man's espe cial delL'ht. The charges of ball were carefully with Ira wn, and then the com batants, fired with wrath and "sod corn,' wer? placed in po-i'ion with all due care and forin'ility. All tho usual practices were observed ts give it efTect and dan Eerous as these games were, it Was amusing to observe the effect on differ eot constitution.-? of the supposed near approach of death. Soma fang wildly, Others crowed and braved" it out. They g n?ra!!y fired wii i, and would not have hit the side of a housa any way. One iel.ow. truiv impressed that ne was about to bo s-hot at, dropped his pistol in abject terror, and fell on his knees.- Jlis career iu that part cf the country was ended. CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS OF Tin: USTIOIT FIRE CO., 110. I, CF TS CITY C? PLATTSISC'JTH. AKT1CLE I. SrceTir.x E This Company shall bo known and (iesib'natcd as Union ihRK Company, X,o. 1, of the City of l'latt-mouth. The object and bus iness of which is to do duty as Firemen. AltXiCEE II. This Company shall consist of nl more than 100 mcmbciS, including a Foreman, Firtft As sistant Foreman, -Second Assistant Foreman, President, Secittary and Treasurer. AliTICLE III. DUTIKS OK FOSEUAN. It nhrdl be tho duty of the Foreman to tako command of tho Company at fires, to Lave ehi-rgs of ad Company property, to call speei i :euiirs whoa he shall deem it fur tbo iuter est of the Company, or at the written reauestof ny Cvtj li-embers of the Company. . AliTICLE IV, DVTIE3 OF F:EST ASSISTANT FOREMAN. It shall be tho da'y of the First Assistant Foreman to take the j.'cr.ir ;l suju-rir.te;: denco of the Ei itino un E r the lih ee'i. n? of the l ore Dan, to iL.-si.-t the Foreman under hid directions ia the discharge of his dutius at fires, and at niretins for r.xtrci-e, and iu the abcience of tlio For-juiaa to disch-.r?o bis dutii3. ARTICLE V. PVTIKS OK SKC0N3 ASSISTANT FOREMAN'. It shall bo the dniv of the Sieeond Assistant Foreman to take tho general superintendence af th.o Hose at a !Ee. and aL-t as medium of com- I maaicxt oa between tao Foreman and First A.-si. taat Foreman, rnd in the abser.ee of tho ercm -.n an 1 Fir-t .'v.-sistant Foreman, to dis- cnaro tne duty i t r ir-t Assistant. ARTICEK VI. DUTIE3 OF TIIS FSES1DKST. It skall be the duty of the Prsi.lenl t presiJe at id! st.itci nnd si.eeii.1 meetinjrs, to gmntleave of absence from meetii.KS, and decide all ques tions of order without dcbaio, Cckijct to an ap peal from the Company, and apouia "eomCiit: tco, ualess otherwise directed by the cour-&Wl aeiiclf: VII. PCTIF.S CF TH? Sr.CRKTARY. It oh ill be the duty of tho Secretary to keep correct Est of the members, of the Company ; to call the roll at all meeting and alarms of fues, under direction .f the oJieer in command; to keep tho proceedings of tho same; note all absentee.-; keep a correct accoonttif Eros and h Tumid of firis; to notify all persons of admit tance into 'he Company, and furnish each with copy of the I'y-Laws: to enter upon the rcc- rds of the Company the names of the ofdeers at; 1 nicmhers elected by the Company, with the date of such election, and rc-po. t tho same to the Common Council of the Ciiy. it shall be the duty of tho Secretary to collect all Cnes and prr.al.i -s iisiiiiist the members of the Company, and deliver the s.-.uie to the Treasurer, and take receipt therefor. ARTICLE VIII. Dl'TV OF Til iC TKSASUnSR. It Fhall be the duty of tho Treasuror to pay all bills audited by tho Company; to keep nn accurate account of all moneys received and disbursed; to keep a ;orrect account of all tho property belonging to the Company, and whore the same may be frund : enter an a count cur rent of the funds at every annual meeting-, and deliver up all property belonging to tho Coui- ny at the expiration of his term, to his succes sor. And, as a guarantee for tho protection of tho Compaiiy, he bhall ftivo bonds to the amount of Five Hundred Dollar;, slid fureties to be such as the members of the Company shall deem secure. ART . CLE IX. DUTY OF M M ER3. It shall be the duly of each merabei- of ths Company to repair to tho fire, immediately upon hearing an aU.rm of fire, and use his nest exerti .ns in the discharge of such duties as mas- be assigned him by tho officer in command, and obo7 u41 orders of such oGieer. Should any meuiber refase to obey tho order of tha officer in command, ho shall be irraijned before tho C. rapany at their next meeting, and upon a hearing of the case, he shall bo dealt wiih ac- cor-iinic to the discrct.on of tho Company. ARTICLE X. RKOCLAtt MKKTI.IOS. Tuero shall bo an Annual Meeting of the Company on the first Wednesday in September, in each year, for the electionof officers and the transaction of sue h business as may er.mo fore thou, There shall bo a meeting on the first anl thirl Wednesdays of each au i every month. ARTICLE XI. BY-LAW?. The Company may have power to make such Ey-Laws trom titaa t time, not inconsistent with the Constitution, as they taay deem expe dient. ARTICLE XII. QCOUttM. Seven members shall eanstitata a quorum fur the tnnsactiou of business. ARTICLE XIII. srsr-ENDixu rules. Any of the rules gov'c-rnins this Company laay be FusponJel for the meetin; at which it is sus pended, by the unanimous vote of the mem bers present. ARTICLE XIV. rsiFortMS. ine unilorm or tnis Company shall be a reg- ular Crocapand front. Belt with naxo ad number ot company, lilacs pants, anl tao IN. Y. fire shirt of Red flannel. ARTICLE XV. Tdiis Constitution may be altered or amended by giving written notice at least one month previous to action being taken thereon, and a ttvo tliirds voto of the tuemben ST-IiAWS. ARTICLE I. Any member who b".;all fail to eppcar and an wer to hid name at any a!rm of fire cr roil all after a fire, i-hall pay a fine of ffty cents sickness or absence from the city crly excepted: .iiid tor non nttendon?e a, a regular meeting the f.ne fhtll be fifty con's every uicctin;. si. k ness and ub.enoe from tho city only excepted. One member shall stay at the Engine House and after tbo alarm ha stopped, he ."ha I hive a General alarm of the bid! with tho rope. Any member failinir" to procure for himself tho uniform adopted by tho Cei:;:-:ii:y within thirty days after becoming a iikth'mt. so ;!! be expelled unle.. he bo excuse .1 by the Company; furuppeariui; at tho annual parade without uni form, shii1! bo fined five dolh'-r?; for non-attcad- anee at tho annunl revicvv, Cve dollars; for uting profane or indecent language at any met in? of the Co'i-;any, twenty-fiv e cents; for be in intoxicated at any parade or meet. op. s.iaH be sent fioui the ranks or iteetn?, and b s ease shall cou;o bifore th inouibers at the ue.xt rcg uiar meelinir, ARTICLE II. KLKCTIX 0$ OFFICERS. The oiSaers of tbi. Company fh.ill be elected Dy Daiiot, at tne annual mccunj, oy a majority Of the member prssont. ARTICLE III. In the absence of the Foreman, First Assist ant and Second Assistant, at a fir'.-, or an alarm of Ere, tho member who first arri- ea at the En gine House shall take commanJ of the Compa ny o::d be obeyed as Foreman until the arrival of either of th se oCPjers., when ho shad relin quish it. Anl the soooad meaibcr who arrives ehaH tako tho pipe. ARTICLE IV. MEMBsasnir-. Any perron who m.iy desire to become a mem ber of this Company, shall send his name in to the Secretary, and at tho next stated meeting, a vote shall be taken by bailot, and should but three black balis appear against him, he shall be declared elocted; but il four or more appear against him, he shall be rejected. ARTICLE V. Sec. 1. -If more than one ariso to speck at the same time, the president shall decide who is entitled to the Coor. Sko. 2. No member shall niako a motion or Speak, on any question, mdes he rise to his feet and respectfully nddro ses the chair. 3. Any qucstioa may be ro ajiisidercd bv a two-thirds vote. Sko.'4. Ai.-y member who brim: ehi-ntcs. maliciously desdnsed, which be is ucahietofDs- aia, or shall kr.owinjr!y propo e ua-.v;rthy characters for membership, sh iil bo subject to a line or bo expelled at any lestilar monthly meetiiiir. f bo. 3- Xo discussion of a sectarian or polit ical nature will be entBrtaiaed by tins Compa ny. Skc. f-.Any member dcrirous of resign me;. shall rive a written or vcbal notice thereof. and n not square oa tue oooks snail oo expe:i- ed. AliTICLE VI. s;sc. 1. The Company mr.y at any time amend or repeal any part of these Ey-Laws, if such alteration, amendment or repeal s.iai! be open ly proposed in writing at a regular meeting, and it shall be laid on tho table for at least oce month before acted upon, and if two-thirds ot the members present voto in the aiaraiatlve f',r such alteration, amendment cr repeal, it shail bo considered adopted by the Company. Ssc. 2. Xo member sdiali t.ke anythins bo- ftinmt to tne company, irotn tac i-nfa-:r.e ou-.e except at a tire or pniaii? Skc-3. Any member absenting lma'oif for three ?uecessivo mretiairs, hi-' name shall be stiicken from tho roll, uolo s ho be excused by the Company. ARTICLE VII. Upon duo notico iu writing by the seeretary each member cf this t ompany shn:l attend is fiill uniform the funeral of a deceased member. ARTICLE VIII. VACANCIES. Should any vacancy occur ia the ofaccs of the Company, it may bo filled at the next stated mcelins. l.xruLSiOV. Any mcnibcr may be expelled from the Com pany by a t.vo-thilds voto nt the members pres ent at any state! meeting, for neluct of du-y, or disorderly conduit, or con-payment of dues and fines. AliTICLE X. LIQVOU.S. All intoxicating liquors areetriclly prohibitc 1 from being brought into the Ei-sine Hoaa, and anv lueswer appearing at any meo'ing in a state of intoxication shall bo fined- or expelled at the discretion of the Company. ARI1CLK XI. ARREARS. Any member bcin.; in arrears for over three months, shall not be cnlitiod to a vo c, nnd mny be expelled by a vote of the Company. ARTICLE XII. APPEAL TO T1IK COM?AXY. Any memfcjr feeling ofrgrievud at the decis ion of tho Presiient, may appeal to the Com pany, and if tho chair bo s-ast iincl, it shall be fiuai. ARTICLE XIII. OBDKB OF BU3l.Vr.9S. 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading f Minutes of last RcguUrorSub- sequc-nt Srecial Meedngs. 3. Propositions for and Election of Members 4. Hearing Excuses and Fayrueat of Fines. 5. Report of Committees. 6. Communications and Liils. 7. Unfinished Easiness. 8. Xew Business. 9. Election of Officers. 10. Hc-cond Roll Call. IE Adjournment. ARTICLE XIV. FI.VK3. Absence from ar.y fire or alarm of Cro 50 Lea' -inpf any fire without peraii sion 52. 0 Smoking at taef-liag, cr usiug profano language. 50 Absence from tho Annual Review. 5. CO Absente from Regular .Meeting. Kl Absence from Funeral 5 00 AP.TICLE XV. VOTING. V"hen a question is put, every member shall vote for or against tho same, unless excused by the Company, cr directly interested in :hequc3 tion, in which case Le shall not vote. Flog is a verb. And so is whack ; Car.c is a noun, And bo ii Lack : I And lazy boys who go to S-lecp, And thro' their lessons crawl and creep, And stutter and stammer. Must see the noun and feel the verb, To help them-in their grammar. Subscribe fcr the IIeralp. theu Ly pro.-;cat. Mr. Deiriek Dodd writes as follows to the Capital about the branch railroad to I:aitimore i::ki Y ashir.ton : Uut about this railroad. Of course want it abolished every rnedoea. The reckless velocity with which trains n;e run between e.cre and Laititnore is ubso lutely frightftih 1 was delighted years t-tro when this road was established, be cause I thought wo had trot rid cf the old, rickety and dantierotss fa-t f-tage coaches; but the speed they are begin ning, to run train at, on this road, i;; worse yet.- Muw. every one knows that Uaitinioro u forty mt.es from asiun' ton, if it is an inch, and throe days atid a Halt is p.euty (juiei trtoun sor tne ... i. i trio, but the manr-u-s have alreadv re dace 1 the schedule; to threo days ar.d four hours, a.;.!iViIiat with nr kin" the engine Crcs too hot, and racing with cow alerter t:-a roaj, atu tui mat, i!io conductors are even ctittm tnat time down. Why, it was orny the ot;.er da, on the down tritv we happened to spy Simm's c!d mule about two miles out of town Vv hat should tne re.less wretch cf an eiiiriacer do but c-Itip on full steam aud race every foot of t;ie way iuto the epc-t. e ui in t exactly pass tne mule but we cautrht up with ii'.tu twice, and came into the depot neck and neck and which was puQpg the most, the mule cr the engine, you couldn't have told to save your life. .Now, it was very csc:t;r.r and ah taat, I know, but I haJn't purchased an ac cident ticket, end i don't believe the other four passengers had either. L'his is all wrong, j.'r. .Luitor, ail vary wron. And tacn o:i another occasron, 1 re member, we came within a hair's breadth of having a very serious accident. The emr.necr had rotten oli to snow ball a chipmunk, and the cot. dueler was minding a youngs widow's baby for her the result was that we happened to get on a down grade, and we started ofl' at a terriSc rate, every bit of four miles an hour, i should think. We were halt a mile above the Au- napo'is junction, and the 2r.-t thin we knew there being no ona to whistle and wako up th switch tender we were' turned oil into tho Annapolis road, poincr down the wrong track at full peed. lmagme our consternation, when just at this uoment we heard a whistle, not half a r.-:ile ahead of us, of the Al- napoas un express. SVe were paralyzed with terror. Here wero two trains on the same track, approaching -each ether at the dizzy speed jut mentioned. Evidently onr time Lad come. In a few short hoars tbo engines womd moot anl then destruction. With creat presence of m:nd a minis ter on oeaiu o.amieia . piuei i eet:.'K. Faie, but calm, the doomed band oi liiisSL iiiiei e r.ii,, aiiu lu iuyu vyuii inc nijr , . .,,...'. .....i. i .,. ....... shadow of d:ath upon them, raised their voices in a parting prayer. "Sand for the bnegie master I sat.l a young niaa with a s i t smtie. "Why? was asked. "Because we areibout to pass in our checks." Everybody wept. From the rear platform we could see the mi.'eiabie engineer straining every norvo to catel: up. but he had tight boots on, and didn't gain anything to t. ,.e " ' . n . . .1 At this moment a ray cr hope dawned uynu u.-. I had just fuished writing my will on .1 i r. liic l.'ur. e-i - . i....t.i V..UU, tniLii a v-i, rved a young lady in the act of detach ing her bustle. Placmr tho artiele wr.iela was corn- noted of eight hundred old newspapers arid a hair mattress under her arm, tue heroine inarched tnrougli the ear. We followed her anxiously. She climbed up on the tender and then over the engine. It was very iu:crercst;ng and thriidns to see her climbing over the wheels and trass thirirrs on the way to the cow catcher. It reminded me cf a country girl get ting over a vir.j fence. Let me see, where was I ? Oil yes on the cow catcher. Holding on by the cross-bars with one hand, tho noble maiden tied the bustli on the sharp prow of the cow catcher with the other. You can gu2?s the result In the course .-f the afternoon the collision came oiT Protected by the bu-ulo, the engincccrs received a gentle bump, and we were saved. I took up a on the spot. collection for the woman 1 always take up a collection on such occati'-ns. always. And what's more, 1 never forget to give the object interested something nice out or it, never. The Sccial Evil. From the St. Loui3 Globe. One imp ortant phae rxems to be ci their entirely overlooked or ignored by the uLi.'uiibiiLa wiui uiui -." --r Ihe crime in question has always existed, 4iM' il I.UKUUUV IU iU. UilHI .1 U II. u II nature is changed. The thousands of hnfortuates who. Irom one cause or an other, lead this degraded lite, wid ply ihe'.r shametul cnhing whether the law ur.der;?.K.es to forLi'a, regulate, hcem-je or not. The experier.ee cf ages has dcmcn - ...,1,1.,, Ui'o,- f h1."-1.,1" -'"-' '" --" "ll-u in;, tv:.. auo i-ost. rm.guus. laws eo- acted for tlit purposo b'-somes a dead ietter trom tn-3 impracticability ot tneir v.. ... state ci morals in Acw iciac, L.oston, Chicago, cr any other city- where the evil is treated as a crime, aud still exist? in bold deOanetj cf law, I am unaware of it. .'lauy ol tne opponents ot our pres ent regulations assume that the sums exacted cf the fallen women are sole y for revenue. This, however, is not the case. As I understand it, tho money which they pay is used in miintain'mg a hospital for their trcatmeut. The pro priety or suen an institution was ro.a f.-pclv discussed and clearly demonstrate i at the time of its foundation to need arr ext- nJed argument now. Ignore the fact as we may, hou-es of pro-titut'.on are supported by men who have now, or the mo-t ot whom will Focn have, mno cent wives, to whom mnv be communi cated u terrible disease, and tbo taint transmitted to their children. It was not f.-r th.o protection of the guilty. Lut of tho innoee--.it, that those retrnlatiena were devised. v ith the awiul anatnoma that soeiety pronounces on the wonaaa WiiO e ids a l::e oi s:;a:u , can iz be sun jiosed that any one would voluntarily tano her place as an oa'cas', simply (:- eau.-u Uij 1 twelves tier tl.e Ircairieht ..,:.. it . -. .i iu uo s.i : Hup, i.y, i nt-re is a stronger safuard to virtue than r.r.v lee;-;! en actment. It is reasonable tlitn to ciaiui tat tho ii. creased reeeinis from ti.i source em be justly attributabio to the voluntary action of herttofore virtuou women ( Another phase of th'13 rjuestion is so eloiuen;iy treated by o:jc 1 1 tha r.blt st. well as one of the purest Jl-i'-lish writers on morals, that I tive it in Lis language: 'diiere nas arisen m society a Gguro, which is ctriaiulv tlio mo.-t niou.-cfn! and in some respects the mopt awful. upon w.'i'.-u the cve ol the u era ran dwe.l. I ait uuhanpy bein'r who.-o vir- i.a.jiu ii ii ;i mi a tats ii) si.eiic. w;:o is scorned aa-i uj-uited as tho vilt'st offer sex, and (h' lu.ed lor the m..st part to diseas--; a:id abject wi cte iiethics and an cany tieatli; appears i:i every ae as t!.i perpetual si-mbtd of the d'-md ttion and the iiinluliiess of man. ilcrrlf the su preme type of vice, sh.- is p.U'm itc-ly t.'.e most eiiioient U'irdian of virtue, ibit fer her the untdi dlcngod purity of couut- ess n.i'.py liomes would be poiiuted, ar.d not a f.-w. who, m tlio pri.Ioof tlieir uu attenu.ied chastity, think ui' h. r with an irsaignant (shudder, would have krovvn the agony of teiuer e aud of despair. Ou that one degraded end i;;n able firm are concentrated the pa-;ons tliat miht have hiled the world wi h s.iau.e. the remains, while cree ls and civiiiz itiotis rise and fall, tl.e eternal pr e. :es of hu manity, blasted lor the sit. 53 ef the poo pK" It seeui! to me thit something more than an aversion to the le.;a! reeoniti.'n of the social c-v:l s.Lo'i'd be re ptired be- tore the present syrtem is abolished. 11 the goo 1 ladies and gtr.tiemen who p. re rorestiag so vehemently against it can sorest siOL.ictlr.ug letter,, they will re ceive the cordial Nippon c-f aii good Citi zens, litit il their ami is tne restora tion of the old barbarous rule of occa- O: a'ly dratririnor these pycr creatures to the oa'aboose and Police Court for the sake of revenue, and then allotting them an unbridled liecn.-e in defiance of law, many conscientious, thoughtful people ill oppose him. V. Ii: l . Zcrlictilitiro I. Nebrai ka is a irood fruit raisincr Ptete. Tin: premium taken at the Na tional Pomologieal meeting, at llieh uiotid, Ruiueieutly attests this abund- r.t.y corrotorated by every exhibition of Iruit at our own Agricultural and Horticultural ntoetittgs. 2. droit will no more srrnw in Ne.- r.ii- ka without effort and care, and some ex pense, than any where el.T?. iheremy.H also be a fair kuowledge of horticuittua! science and iii t-eesses. .. .- 1 ' t. , . . o. c-piiiig piatitmg is oetrer than tali. ;,,,,,-,.,, i.t-,, t oil all the ttock ' , - , f. r,, ? It is for their inte ......... .. rest. but let. the planter ot trees lock to iis own interests, and plant in the spring. .iearly equally objectionable i- the practice of taking un trees in tho fail and heeling them in uutii spring. It is a C.ht a.'rtunst the tree iu the mi I t of its grappie with its bitterest foe, wir:!er. r. Iii removing the tree, each root tern from i'. is a blow at il s .vitality, an-1 t-a-rti ray el suu-hiiin or current e win i upon a root is a breath of death upon it. tor those rea-.on--, it is ire nrr !'; c-r.-'-r fir.t! l.J..r t.l TiTi-.il r. tron: '--.., I the p"'" - " " " V nearest nurseryman, and fo p;ant tti" m . t, , i. ... .1 . i u',' t"'T m yo ' l!!- " a -o I't-ar irau.-i-or:a. !::i . - . i' i i (. haii.i.cjs ct mi.es, and are rdien -o rr.t up as to be neaily killed by carrying them scarcely half a dezen miles. 5. oma.i and young trees are better for ordinary plan i nig than oil; ari l larger one. They sre ele apor and m -re certain to grow. T hey will also, go-aer- al'.v, inase more h-'-ap.hy aril hearty trees, coming into bearing quite as quicUv. 0. U inu-breaks rlante-i at tho same time as cue or two rear old avn o trees will grow enough faster than tiu fruit trees to constitute a sairbient proteetien ior item. MT- I 1 T . . I 1 . v in i irjaKs are nec-i": i on tne Soldi oi an orchard, a raueh as the North side if not acta illy mere. It seems to be more tho south winds tht.n the uorth ones that kill tlio trees. Every grammarian i familiar with the name of Lindlcy Murray, ami j-et few, perhaps, are acquainted with his early history, cr the circumstance that led l.'iui to . devote his attention to .'.tii-Iy, ae.d r.) lde him the greatest grammarian of his time. lie wr.s the son of a famous New York shipping merchant, and was engaged with his lather in lookirg after the varied interests that such a Lusiiit-Ks naturally brought with it. An author says . r. - it. r,j r t fo me(:t with a sin;;,,;tr accijcntf wijich changed the whole tenor of his 1:1b, and I him fam0113t lhmgh itroWlCj Liul of happiness, lie was singularly ath letic, ana on going to ami irom n;s o!.i:e prel'errcd ts walk. One liui mornicz, as he wai going down with his brother to hi- father s wharf (still ia existence, ownud aud used I v.- n,.t- ;-.-. l...... 1 L;fi, i"' .i.'t;' ,r'.v'h lu "--'i-' x ---"i- ...... exactly twenty-two ieet broad. He dur,.j thc immene tpice but led upon :J e, i:..;arin5 the spiual columu in tf u-ycrious fisLion, but to U:h au extent ti.at no was erer rtEervrard au in- i ,!,,t nri..,,!., ih-.tMr.nr dune for him that science and ali-jction could dictate, ail at length hi-; lather determined to re i lo in L n 1 on, where his uriibrtuncte sva coul-i have the as- ei-tanceof the highest medical advice. 'Ibis was in 1707. jjiuil-.-y .lurray . !.. 1 . . ,C . . 1 I .1 . - I - - - v, a icjuj. uunciii iL .i i ino e.iaae, and ue romaineri in i-.n ion all tue re d. of his lifo. Uc-::ig forced ;o i--ve up nil the pursuits vrhieh bad Ken formerly congenial to him, ho gave him.-tif up to study, and became a great grama. rimm be in--', indeed, the author of that work on Ivig i-ii ; ra;.:a;ar v.;.:eu is to-! rn:- verst.i t"Xtd t k. It would doubtless- astonisli i-insiii-mflen to learn that their recognized grammarian, their own j excellence, was an American, but such tar Is the tact. "Last Scene of ch" Kero-senc which has ended 1S7 strange cventfu histories daring the p.vt year. Pmoko it iy Sugar. In my own ense a rtt- ly nuii h i .1 ivw le u bad v, outi 1 in the bottom id' my loot. The pnin and nervous irnt-.tion wa.ifeveie. 'J';:is t:is all remove 1 by b -liling it in tba smoko b-r idieeii l.imuies, and J w-iable to re- siu:o my r. a lintr in con. fin t. We bave often rewmmended it to others with like iv . La-t v.'-.-ek one rf my men hau rt. lii;:r r nail tern out y :i pair of iee tongs. It Leeaiiso very i-ii:;fu :)e. va tu bavn I. ti expeete 1. lull i;i sui'.ir smoke fir twenty m:nuEs, the l ain era e.l. end it piomi.es tpe.Uy recovery. l.'x7iait';: 7h7 Clilurcn Die. A distinguished Paris Phvsici'iti savs ; I. i licve that, durl:: the twenty vcars I iiavo praetievd inv i refc.-' ion. twiVitv th ius.u. 1 cliilhvii have been carried to count.. net, a s:tei i,;ej to the alstirj eu-t.-m ot'rxi.odug their arm--. Put tlio bu:t d :i therm .meter inlo a :v babv'n mouth, a:td the met. ury rises fo niiiety ("e'ree-. iN'o.v earrv it to his Ktr.le li.atid : i 'th-t !:;'.!! be bare and the ovenm." coo! the riK'tcury wi.l sink la lil'ty ib'trrecs. Ofceur-e, ad the !;.". that lluvs throueh thi-.-. anm mu-t i'i'.'t from (en to fortv I grees be! vj tho tem'-'Ti'tttrs of th,; h'.'.irt. ie 1 I ay, when ti.e-' a ettrrenls o i tee iiiti'M u w i -i 'ic to too chest, the child's vi'ality itmst be more ur le-s c rtij.r.ii;i!.-e J ? Ail nee J I ad I, that wo eight not to Le surprised at its lre.pi entiy ree;ining tillVeiioiis uf the tortgtr, iliroat, ur sf"m aeli ? I have feet; tuoro than one chiM, willi lesbitual ottgh or hoarse!! sS, i;r:ti;'L'' r. ' lu-vd by sitnii) kctifsieg tlio intiils nn 1 arui.t warm." Can VTcncn 77:rk? Every day mare woi.rm dt man 1 inoic and other work uml b etter l ey. Every Jay there is a little yielding to this de mand on the part of tha it-.ei t body politic. These women say, and truly, that tho .-hulling a.riin-1 them of in my duors of employment, forces so many workers int j so lew occupations that wayc-s tire kt",.t down, and that there is also maintained a monstroua inequality ot pay between work of etiual value as done bv a man or by a woman. Therefor' they reasonably k opp-irtiinity of.api'p'titiivship to many trades, and leave to ofRr skilled laijor in all markets. Put supposing that soeiety wore ready t coneev.-' tr.cir claim, t licra remains the q'te-'ia;i v. rtetie r wotu. n can take rans-vrit-i n:eti i:i cmpltiyui. r:ts wliich require either phy.:; v.l s're:iih or long hours of oniiiiU' u ' fipplieatio'i. A wouriii witli aboun-liu.'i physical health, to whom 'ho mere j'-y ' exi -tenre n an intoxication, u;. become f s-eptional, aot t- -y phe noii'.er.a'. ilo-t wom-.-n cai: t h '-tisv! ves well, if tln-y arc not i'l enough to bo driv en to bed. An t tor every one woman who coddles im'tcir.-iry :ii!:;i"i:ts and thinks it ir.t"reiirg b- a little d.-Ji-.-.v a Lun ir- 1 women g- tbrcuch t!:e weary toil of daily housekeeping, who bv" and a '! throne ti force t liiii- le.-. e take mm h ere to cur ,'ea h.-oau-i a wo do no r erm'.t our wotii"ii ( do fi--!l labor, but it is oaf lo a.-r:-t lb-it ua fi eld -labor i:; so cvhau-.'ii) t a-i th'a e:t 'less toil of . . . i i i i a r'm'irt ..iu 'r:e:ui iioiieKi-.q-er who is p-. or, but r. ho, la ing Amori-au, must Le gijutf::"'. 5h-? i-co'k, neiid id' aii-v,.i k- .-c-tmsti-.ss, la. .ore--, em! 1 r. r.urs:. .""ho f'el- it licht that th". girls sl-.oo'd htivn ru;:r'i p.iu oat s, a:: i i::e t.o i--n?v oi eiiaui-s, ii ii j. tho S't-.vmrr soriofy fmr kinds of e ik : .vheti it ihi-. t at her I:o;i . and h.-r o.vn go!,:. su.jli Irinm.ing as ap pears; in her 'iivoiite monthly fashion mag azine. What Puteh or lii.-h ptta .ant wo man who easily tills her f aid cud 1 stand thic pitihs- strain ? Many cau-'esaro a.- :gued for the degen erate physique of tno'l -rn American wo men, but this one folly r.f overstraining nerves an 1 muscles in tbi -climate, which it-e;f ovi r strains ail sen -it vc organisms, ii the clii -f- st cau 'o, we think. Cor-eds: and a weight of skirt nr d- tubt slay or ma'm their thou era I--. Out we fehould remember that th" corset of to day i a cobweb vr-'t com ptired, let us say, to tho "iraight-j of buckram and iron which is en vi - w at Pilgii.-n H all ns a relied of that fair Puiitnn, Mi-tree? Alico Prad fr.rd. An I tho ik-iiion.-tble limpness of our p:r'e. 1 ha1 notably reduced- the load of muslin which the l.-io lo of twenty years n;o tn.ide iudi.-peii-able. Whib it must be rcmcrnl ered that our grandmothers, who r.te held upas samples of rosy health, endured both the lm'ked fctays and the paur. l' (d'penent drapery. Too many hours of study in and out of school, and neglect of out-of-door exercise, are de.ublies- bleaching an 1 ibsicca'in' their victims. U'impies r.rel had y cook'-a loou, too math sewing and too little sliout-ing, too Much dancing aud too littbj wtdkitig, all have their evil f.-nt. i'utth'i very fact that our gdas en danfj a whole meht or sit at the machino an 1 hem the me.asure- es-T web of tarlatin in which they dance, or live on the culinary Eioncs that aro ikre 1 them in p. ace oi bread, or study ten hours a day and practice three, and no- dic.sho vs that women hive a tremen dous reserve of power, a tremendous rc.-istence to urease, whieh can easily bo trarr-fartaed into health. Hearth and ll'jme. Here ii a true dog story: A family down town having a false grato in one of the rooms of thc hous", placed tome red paper behind it to give ittbecnectol lire. One of the c! Jest days this win-, tor the doer beloricing to thc household c '.me iu from out daor-t, and seeing the paper in the sr rate detr tritely walked up to it and laid down before it, curled up in the r o-t way to receive tho glow ing beat a-, it came from tho tiro. He remained motionless for a few minute ; fueling no warmth he raised his head an 1 io'okedoy .T his shoulder at the grate; Mill b;e!:ng no heat, ho arose and care fully applied his nose to the grat and smelt of it. It wai as col l as ico. With a tank of the most supreme disgust, his tail curled down between his legs, erp hair on his bo ly sayieg "I'm cold cn .log trotted out of th? room, " -m . .vffninf i tt frisr. ii iif. or ii . his action? the room who- nn watc-T- t , - . -. .,,. . 1 ill . L an-khiuh'-d po hear'-' tunes. 1 hat dai? X'1 instinct. Trcj Wines. tunes. That dot raw'm A Plai n As-sw ER--;."!"1;0'1-, " fl you t.yn a deir pass this av, boy ronow what a deer i; Uc hnrod-"Why. somctbing like c onkev wilh short ears Have you see;; UL1 tbnt descriptu n : "Noa, r.ot tiil ?ec3 come b