' - r 1 . HDUCAnO-'tAL.COLUKM. I. 8. Ham sky, ) -Je:itik .Johnson, , Elltorial Com. T. II. T. S.U1.M, . j . Ciinirimiieafions on Kdueat ion.al Topics, !!e rr!f rf J-YucVionr.I Meetings, Ae., nro rc-i.-tt-i0 y ;.!.. i . d for tho P'ducit ion a! Column, nnd i-viy be adilregfieJ to l"i it.r i ll Committee, 1'ox ."... Keck it ..IT"-. Neb. IJ. . Ham ey. ( h'a rM-jiaiinnal ConiiuiiUe. As most a'l tea-?hcrt ar.J friend. of rducntior;, of" C'.r-: county, arc fitting a'ivo upon ttluet-.tional matters, I will j-rn a f;w thoutilits upon the necessity t'f regular attori.Iaiice at sclioul ; anl mention ronicrcf the inconvenlpn.-es un ler which ta- lieri labor on account of irrecular scholars. We will commence with a class, co::i poseJ of a dozen ruembcr--, say sit the bcinriin of arilhmetL ; we ta!.e n j notation and numeration, and a'on flni-ly ; ic-aru to write Numbers very well ; next v.e take up &Mitiii ; C ; along oil r'ght with thm ; n.-xt we take up sub traction ; goes till-tijrht with those: pres ent, 1 ut two itieiulers ira absent; Wil liam has Leon hoi at horoo to turn the prinlstone, chop vro.ul, draw water and a host of other things; James has ,er i .Jlrt',,?J be t!.o ulne.-xtor of the Pple -, . . " , .. i J j do tr.i.s worn weil at least lour e!e haps been absent voluntarily. When they return to s!;co!, they lirrl their class just loinnlns ii muhiplicvitien ; but, bear ii) mind, Vi!iia:u and Jainej lave learned nothing about sub'.raetion. The tezvher hi? hi-j Liud-s full, he can not form a new ila-s for Vv'ibiara r.ml James, so they csn do noihi.'! but fall into the class which they fell vnt of. The cla.-s toes through multipiicuiion, j and takes up divisi -n. TeaLh..r calls ts bliek-bo;ir 1 ; reads a problem in di-vi-bi; ail begui w rk ; soon the hands of all, except of William and James, are raised to denote Jl.ii.ihed; they puz zle over the problem awhile, but ''no go;" the teacher inquires, "what's the trouble boys?" Ans., "can't subtr.ct." Why can they not subtract ?2s!mply be-cuu-e they have ci;hcr been k'l t out of tehoo!, or allowed to st -y out, when they thuul l have L-arne 1 subtraction ; and the ccncqu:-njes are, the teacher must perform estra Lbor to Lrlnar tliem up with their clas-usates ; he may have to visit them after school hours to as.-i-t them ; this is certainly an injustice to him ; Ibr lie is not employed to work dty and ni'jht, yet he will do it rather thi.-i see his eehuLr.? '.ill be'iind their clisses. We do not r:tcnd to say that it is uece.r :icc?.sr.ry fr a M.-'i-dar to be absent fio:n school, but do not sco the noco-sity of to much ii regularity ; we think jxire.ils miqht take a little !;:ore interest in s hools -coerally : er.ourh at hast, to visit them ones in a vshU. A. J. G. ieiloips no t-ran .-a ot education re- attention in our public F-'ho.'s a; that of Composition, liy omrajn consc-nt, it scjuu that composi tion is considcre 1 one of the ' h'irher branches," anl therefore the stu ly of it tliculd be eononed to the higher grades of scditiols. Now we think this i a wriin? itr.presion, and the sootier it is removed the better fir tiie masses of youth, who depen 1 almi t exclusively upon the jviblio fchool for their e jura tion. I-iiccd, we believe that the sub ject an 1 pr actio? of composition should take the place, of so much theoretical grammar. Children should" bo taught composition wh. -never they can form the letters of the alphabet with jien or pen cil ; at least this branch should be t visit with the Crst principles of E:-11-la cramm-ir- So fir as practical use is concerned, what alvantaire is there, to the pujill, in devoting the three, or six months which it may attend school during the year, to the ae piiremcnt of a theoreli- cal kno;vl ; I re of grammar ? What a 1 vantarre is tliis theoretical knowledge in the ordinary affiirs of lif-', without a prtrt'fil knovylede ? A knowledge of composition, imj '.ies a prae'ieu! kri 'wlele of the ooustruc tiou of lanuaw ;' what then is compo sition, more than practical grammar? Vv'e aii-wer; if in-itructi .n, in theooo be given, a knowledge ef the other, nece pariiy follows. In order to I i i rs r the su! ject more clearlj, and forcibly before the mind, we will illustrate. Ib-fore us bc-s a Ltter written by a valued fiienl, who has just left the common school, and taken his place in a school of higher gradf. The chirography is a fair imitation of the Speneerian system, and is therefore c a si ly read. Oithoraphy has not been neg lected in his previous education; but ah, synthesis has been entirely 'forot trn; the force of c x;ression is lost in disjointed sentences and mUjdaecd phrases; tlie etitire absence cf punctua tion marks renders it dilTL-ult to pet th ; rocaDin at ail ; capital letters are omit te 1 and u-e 1, in dire -t violation of some of t e simplest rules; in short, the rc c'picnt wonder?, that so pood a sraai icarian, t theoretically spcr.kini:) is juiltj, of such gross blunders in conij;o:-itio;). Now, we do not for a momeuj charge the blame upon this youcp : iitlemau ; the fault lies in the system of instruc tion so generally folLv-ed, not alone in a f-iiple school, county or State, but wher ever the common school system, is in vogue. V. e teactiers eonune ourse;ves too rrueh to text books to theory, and that part which is of the greater utility to the jojpils, is without doub, thought lessly neglects I. Ilo'v much, and in v finitely better would it be, if, in-tead of spending months r.nd years of labor, in instructing the jouth in the thron of grammar, we wo-id give more attention to the art cf eompo.-ltion or practical I grammar, and thus reTeve the mind, cf! . i.t ii r !,. 1 that, v.b.eh can only le of httte practi cal tie. llCCMS. John J.ao'ijs Iuga'ls the pew United 'a'ts Senator from lai!-as, is a native t i.l-t ssehusetts, ao.vir forty years cf j vi'c. at 'i a grn ;n ite f r t.oaius Loi.eL-e, r.y .f.l.1 i.tr-.-.s ll- , ' f r ii.e-c.as ot j uc i uwivr, a : rest-ience or .u-s u., wao was i.aciae pom cT s.'une note as a speiitco?. un.! a ! informed. At. Erst a divorce was talked fVc.j'ii nt contributor to the tiiagizinos of, but. after a week' consideration, srd nrwspripers. Hi went to Kynsas thi-y concluded to "go it" for better or f ficen years nco, and is regarded s on I worse, and are now a happy as two oid i-t-uler. 7-rw. A J rlni. in one shell. Miscellaneous Items. The propose. Nebraska Pre?. Associd tion shodli be lu-iJo f-oinetliinjr inure than u promoter of pood feliow.-Lip s-oiiielliini; ioop- than a help in i ii trims action of bnii)"ss, though thee are worthy objects it .-lioulil tecoine an jti ciMitirt; and an nid to progress in jour nu!i-in. There are many qu.-stioi:, a full i-cu-Mon of which, wi J lighten the path of the j ournaiiit. touie of these are t lie following : What is, the sphere of journalism? Shall it be confined to news an I i.aitv? Shall it lend or follow public opinion? Siiad it speak in the iritt ro.-ts of morality and r.liion l W'jil .a jmirtia! Le.-t secure the ends of journalism y the control of ooe mind, or by that if a coaipany of stoekh.:ld ,t? Wi!' the prevalence of liidre-i lent .Journaii.-u) le fur thelene flt id' the pre.-ii and the j eop'c? These aro (jue-s-tions whi h meet the jo-:rra!i-t at every sta.sre nn i wiil he de eid -i wi.-ely or unwi '.!'. Well r ill it be if N.Lra-ki j -urr.als will ive these and kin Ire 1 subjects the c n-i b ration which they deserve. E l' each one speak out, and :ivc us tho collective wisdom of the l'Viitei n'ty. Tho power of the. press is ripiilv ir.crea.-in -hence the desira biet. ess th:it it .should take the position which will give it the greatest i hiciency for :oo J. Our i lea of th? Journal h that it ments of pnwer must be coiiceutra'cd and uia.'io prouonent. The Jourii i! mnt be in sympathy with the pepl, t mu-t un ler.stHiid their j.iys and a ! ver.siiics, tlieir troutdes and trial-, their ne. ds ;ind aspii ati ns. af;d understflndiiip them it must iai.or to re dress their wrongs and secure their ri-l t Th.e journal must be indepen lent in the formation and expression cf its Oj.ir: ions. not airaid ofeiitieim, not to be bought by favors nor to be frightened by opposition. The journal m'l-t be bold for the riirht. ever speaking the ttuth in the spirit of kindness. The journal ii:u-t be loyal. Prizing t'ie prosperity of the btate above that of party, it shou'd advocate those m-'ns-ures which will bet promote true liberty and happiness in the nation. When the-e elements shall control the leadlntr j urn:ui-tie inuuence i:. this State, Nebra-ka wi'l have entered upon a higher t-t a ire of culture and progsess. Saline C,V. l,st. At lcnjrth he parsed, and said : 'T suppo-e th-.t r.s a man old e- ouuh to be fa:her of all the-e j'onnir peopde I oiiidit to say f'sarikiy wli.it 1 i'eel in rei-ard to this .-ut j.-cf. I do not believe it is ii'ht br n.e to .shut toy i.iomh titrot upon my couvietio'js. My own tueasuru of i'airh is s:oa;l. I v.uh to J it were lair r, arid I am encouraged to believe that it is s!v.w:y strei!..'i h-. ::ii!r. I uvi pcrlccMy aware that 1 lack peace in th.e exact pro portion that I laek laith ; and .so io,;. every man, t.o matur how tnueh be may boa-t. Fait li is th.e natural fd of the sou! the only natural and healthy atti tude of the M.ui 1 would ''o through an;, liv.g to win it, bnt such men as (r:tusha.v and 1 Jed low cannot l..du ttie. T 1 hey gimpsy utstres ::nd ui-cust :p.- fiieir wh de conception of Cliristianity is cramju'd and me an, and their methods of operation tire unwise and unworthy. I know how Mr. Grimshaw fetds: he knows that revivals are in progress in the other churches, and sees that hi-, own congregation is attracted to the rueetiivs-'s. lie finds it imposs:-,!,. 0 .v.w i., i, ll.Ulill.: UO If t.ts co nr.-!i. :ir. Tl !!". 1 ft.j-I j I 1 .-v t...r.ii;.iti' .1 f - o.osr extrair'h:iai v to toako it orie f the center- and receivers of the m-w intbicmv. Ite has beetj at work faith f illy, in lits way, ibr vear-, a:.d desires to sc.: the i.arwt wbieTi bo has been tryimr to rear gather d in. So be sen Is tor Iji.i.ow. aow 1 know u!l aoont these Ucdlow revivals. Tli.v cttK- i. . i . i . i . syoen jo; eio.es, :ui i i;i'-y eo w .e;. ne soi;j. Jlis m jsfrd s"i d s j.rours at en si nd prows into a ereat tree, wh'.-h wifli ii- t ers ana uies as soon as ne ceases to breathe upon it. I never kn-w an in stanee i i whidi a chureh th-t ha 1 be.-n rai-cl out of the nrre bv his induene- did not sink ba k into a deeper imbuer enco after lie had b-fr it, an-i tint by a process whu-n lsju-t as natural as it inevitable. An aituuu&i excttctnewt ..'1 i . i an artni in exnau-tion. tie o.eaics Viri an i rutns proc-sses or ''l:riou-. oouc a- tton that ot!i l-.vis.; w-uld have .ne on to li.ri.-e'ioh. lie has one t.riicc lor the iiiihriitcd. the igno.ar.i, the vicious, t'ie sto'id, the sensitive, the dt-lieato the weak and t he st rotor, the o'd and tho y nnar. 1 know it is said that the spirt ol (mil is iv.th him, an J I h uv it h ; t ....... . ii i- ' out one poor man nice into n y. not mo- nopi.;i.e tne spirit ot (ou, l ioipe: nor doe that soil it ref'iso to stay whero he is not. No, it is Hollow it's all I! d I . 1.1 1 iow ; ana ine Met tn at a rev-val jrrr up un-lar his i!i!f.ienc cacs when he n tires, proves mar it is ad ii-d!ow, an.i accounts for tl-." miserabio s'-uiw of rier- manenfiv rrood results." Fiom Dr. II)ini it's ' W rth ur lion n i.itfc ner's for March. rih- Ca 'lLzz-!:z.z fcr Fun. They are funny fellows in Colorado Li-tea to a corresium lent from there: A tr.eatnea' perlormauce iuinicli ire ly after the Chicago fire was given f .r tiie t.enetit td the Vulierers in Chicaco lhe program me conustcd of charades an 1 tableaux pih;cir i;!v. and the lat charade was the word "matrimone." J ne aefors ui-st i.ro.Juced a mat. then n ack of rve. and afterwards a ha.' (f money, alter wh:ea two ol' the perform er- were married on tin? -faze by a rcL'u- r m;i.i-ttr of the irosin-l. The audi- .-uv- i'uc men re'j'ie.-reu tOgU'-s-tlie ., . . . .i . i , woro, at.d the sensation was pro hired when th- inim-ter inlbrcjed thi-in iliH? f 111 iro ! I;o. 'r 1 1 . . , i , . . , T ., l . 1 I ... ... ..s w-i.in.;-, ar,o wiar tney . W.TO I...V r... .-. .. J.. f. 1...I-. i i. of matiinjony! Unt the best .- - . . ..... m.i . . -v . .r, i t 111'iV OUIiU.S I SKNSATIONAr. ITE 31 Is the foliuwiri-' few evL-ijIii!r-i sinen. at a srh ct party in Louldrr. tho vmini. foiks vrcre amu-inr them-elves with caros te-iUti iortum-s. and amon other i flings, tiie Mini oiM-ss foretold that one of the gentlemen present .should many a certain young lady who wma so present. Tliis i. d to a banter to execute the prophecy of the cards, and, "al in uu, nij Hiioiu i:.r;y rejiaired to th residence of the Ilev. And.-s0n, who lived cios; l,v. arj r.ipns ed him to marry tlx m which he did, afttr repeat edly assining tli -m of the soiious nature or r tie act. .!ter tho eetem.iny i7.as pt-r formed the party disbanded and went home b it no one su-ptct:ng that Mr. A. and Miss G. wore reai.'v married, and ' voting that tliny had a capital time. Ir; A ,v"e U to hi ba!'I"'!c,,'1 ami cany th;? u-xt moriung the minister t.a:!e; wjth the cctifi -aN? of marriaee, wlti di comt le'elv sobered Mr A wltidi com j le'ely sober, d Mr A., who hadn't the slighter idea that he was married, -aying that thry w. re "..rdy in fun." i-nt ti,e miiiister soori corivinec! h:m, which completely sopcte the "fun voutn, and tiie two repane d to th ' , r If .1 1. T-l le S, BLOO S. BLOOM IL CO., -X' HO V& AJVD CflLDA'fJjV'S CIJ)TIJ'! Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes, (jLA?IKTG, RUGBEH GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E C JJain Street. Seconl Door East cftbe Court Iloasa I;HA;"C2I IlCU - Y LroaJway.CoU! r.cil lilurTs Iovra. tisOpposite the i'latte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store 3riu street, Isl:itt3-5ui!a9 Icbraslia left. sr- xixz rxs." js-ssi bcs. ST. LOUIS, r--.- DECKER BROS., G. A. MILL lit. & CO' PIANOS. 5' -it 0tx irst-clss ""holesale aui Itctnil l)ealer in .Striiigs. She. t MUS1CAL IN .-TRUMCMTS Tuned CllQIClZ TOWN Vf TCj fnn r.o-y he hcnc'it in P-u --'- AJ-liti. rum i-j l i ai:d on terms o .asy that pmm.:f ror t!to c who w:t;t town property either to lodd f..r a sj eul' tion or to b ujion, this is a i:;re cbi.f.c- to git jr. Tt.c.e iurs :.,-, a d InJ.ifui leicatioo, an i a:e d.'itted over v.iih a Young and Ic :n!;ful Gicicih oj Forest irei$y Which add materially to their value. & P;rrt-"a TrKli!rfr tn i-n r.O. ar r. r .O l,n..r.llttf t.rt .1,. .. .1 ia - tion ilircd. I.y i-i.iliov .i. !.. 1. Pt'Ki'i - !.. i'i.i'.. ,r 1 1. ii. v ni-0-.i.i-.it ,v i-ii . i-t i li.-u: J ijt o i.s'i th i nO'.vi; p-ii-;s v. ill lio 0 ' -uiiic 1 I'lati'suoc ui. i.ttKAKA. eici Jn t Is. J. V3J Has on haul, one of MID Gr73' CLOTHING t-T invite every body ia want cf Anil ronrin.-e thnsMves of tl, f.t. Ihwaa sped .lity in mv rrtail Dpart-:ient a s'ec. a'ock ot ! :ne lotbiiig for jlun and Bojv; to which wo invite ihso Fa; want j 4-Ialso keep on band alargsand .roll iuU-;ted FALL AND WINTER GOO S. DOWN GO THE A D. S C II i A Celebrated N'E"W'YOEK STORE South West Corner of M iin .Street vr 'WHIT Z V? W . V? - -j - OUES5 - GOODS, PiUNTS, liELAlNKS. iilNGHAMS PiUUWM SHEETING. LLEACHED COTTONS, B A L AI O R A L S . C A II PETS . CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARN'S, ROOTS AND SHOES In the Grocery line we keep the Fixest and Best TEA. COFFKK. SUUAR. i.IOLAS.sKS. DRIKD FRUITS, of every De-erirt-cn, All the. Wtric.tics of Sjtices, in f net for all Your GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, . YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAFS. GOTO Ft GO. c. Ac. Platteiccuth, XeLra ..- r-8 15URDE SMITH'S AWN A N V BOSTO N 0 It G A ?; 3 . t'i it pianos muj rgans. Mus'.p ntid all k nli of Musical SIerii.m : and L'eitit'rrdSati'i.irtion Gwtron-ecd.iX etecuajtw LOTS.POR S ILK AT r to 'he Ciy i f T'.zl '.v.'cn th. el w it i the 1 rieco raiigii.. ' ' i Bl" )l ;-. l f. i:c.ut r'- oi n. i- i.tt o j-.; a- i M .;.' ii, Moid Kf:t.tto Ae;cal.. ten per i-eui. JlnO -w30if the largctt stocks of F0H3HI3 GOODS. anything in my line to call at my store. ' ft ii i . . stock of Hata and Caps. s r: PRICES! T S S E &"- C 0. 'S PLATTSMOimi, Nesraska, Til I ?i u wno HJII TV rsTTa It FIRST NATIONAL BAHK, OF PLATTSMOUTIi XEBKAr-ICA. srcf-'EssoR 10 Tootle, ffarma &. Clark. Joitx FiT7nrRAt.r. JllKX K. Cl.AHW. (.''; A ier. C. K. pi MM-r. 1 irf I 'lithnt T. W. Kvavs. Tliis Knr.k is row fi?ion fir Im-infs at tei! iiew mciii. fiinuT Main tv ! Sixth reit.s, a 0.1 are ;rti areil to traii.-aet a (.-eueral Bankina - Business. Stock.-. Hi.mls (jjiil. G jvcrninont an.! I.ri":il Sf rm itii'. Euujrlit au'l Sol I. P(?p(rit3 Kc-ceive.l an l Interest allowci Ua time Certificates. Prnf.- nrnwn, n vnilfl Ma in any rrt of the Priif' l St at ;in'l in all the principal to-.vnf cud Ciiie.- uf Kurspo. -Ta. a ks: rcai rEr"y-iJ O 11 T II F, C E L K b5 It A T K I A N D O P STE A M E II S. Persons ivishinK to bring out their friends from L'uropecuo purebasro tickets from u.f thruugh to Platismoatli. n;.ls:f J. Wi kku. Trj-r tor. U. U. Mcf"NL A Cj.. Ir:.--u Oo. A.-ut, sal. I rr.tici.co, Cul., f:.U i.1 evuiii:ni.0 kLttt.. Y BIII.I.IOXS Hear Tesi'mony to their Wonderful CurAtivi. Fliertn. They nra not avi'e Fanr-y Diinl.. 3Tiuie of Tonr Rum, VliiUty, i'rool" .'Sjiiiii anil K-fn L.iiii ors il.H-tnrc 1, fjmi-cJ ami e ectenr ! to !: -e tlio ta-tF.cnilod " Tonics" ".Xpi-ctlz'.'r.-," 'i:'.-t.):-"r.s."'ic.t tli:it lend the tippler on to ilriiukcniievsaini rti; n. ti: t a-0 ntme Icilicine.iiiade t'i'oiii ti n Native lirots aiul 1 Icrbi cf Califoi ilia, frco fiom nil Ali-oliolic Sllniu lnn.. Tiicy are the (i It HAT Bl.liO!) 1TKI FIEIiniul A I.IFK il IN; l'lt 1 I I'l.lt, n perfo t Honovati.r ami Iiivi.or.aur of t oo Sy trm, currj hiRo.f all Hj:.-.inms inaLo-r ami restorinij thuMuo.l to a healthy comliie.-ii. "o htshm can take those LiiU tcr? r.rconiiiijj to tlio'CtitaiS ami remain Ions unwell, provided their I ones ti.e not destioyej l.y n.iiu-ral poison or other r.'.c.ins, antl tl.e vital organs wa.stcJ bf voml the puir.t of repair. Tht-j- nrc u :eutle l'n rtnii vc as well na Touic, pos-essii uNo, tiie peen'iar merit of aetms ts a i '.vet ful r.-ct:t in lelievlnc C'o: j-etion or Iuflam tnr.tio'.i f "ie T.ivrr. r.n 1 :.!l H e Vit, cn:l Or "ans. Hill r::.UAI.K (OliriaiXTS, i. ye-nor ohi, marrica or siiiLrie, at I'.e .1 iwu -f v. omanhood or at the turn oT .ire. Uieso Tonic I'itters Pave no eiptal. I'or I ii.'I:ii:iiii:i lory nnd ( li ionic Klicnrnn- tii:i l;tid (iolil, I)yspp)i;i or I morsl ion. IZilion-. Kemltlent and I ntei'iiiilti-nt l"c- veis, l)is. :l.CH of lhe Islood, I.iver, Kfd cey ami Iilailder. th. o Houtm have tu en mo.' K'.'.eecs?.: ..!. S .n il IJ ivtim s are c.uim a Py 1 1 l:i K-.I IlIni'T. wliic'i is j-eiieraily proi'.tic.d ly iierr.n;;c:r.tiit of tiie II in .". ivc Or:,iu. DVSI'tl'SIA Oii IXIIICKSTISX, fiead- Hrln1, I .iin in tiie Slioutdors, Co. ishs. Tightness of tlis t'hest. Piz-in. fi, S'Hir f'rnctations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mo;:th. liCions Attaek-;, ratjiiTatiou ot lhe II sort, Ii.II unniatioa of the l.ur...;s, I'ain in the re- riona of the liiditeys. rml a luitulrt'l other psmful eyirp lorr.s, are the o" prins cf I sppi:u Tlicy invloral... I lie Stomnrli aud stimulate the torrvl Liver nnl llotrel., vtiie'i renner them of unequalled Ifticacy in eh an.i;: lhe h!ooi of ad impurities, and ini Vartiii new life and vi-or ta t!io whole system. I-Oir .Siv IN DISLtASltS, Erupt ions. Tetter. Salt Rheum, Idi.tche1?, Sfota, 1'impk". 1'ustules, lioils, t'ar iunele. i!in::-W..rm.-.. S.v.Ia ileal. Sor. l,.5. l-v. .1... las. Iteli.Seuils. i:c)Ionitiel!s .l ti.e Skin. liiimur. nud I'.s.-.'ise- of lhe Skin. 0 w.iuti'V-r niiin' or iin'iin' .... lileiaPv .Ply up and carried o-it of the system in a Htmrt time hv the US" ot t h.'SP Hit te! rt. Oi:e hotlh. ii. .Mrli rass will convinco the ioo.it lacrtfiP.iloua of .heir cuia tive efleets. Cleanse die Vitiated Eiood wlienever you did it lrn- Ouri!K burs'.in? tlirou-li the e'iin in Pimples, trap-' lions or Pores; cleanse it when yea Cad it obstructed md slasi.-:!) in tha veins : cleaiiKo it when it is foul, led your feelings wid t Ii you when. Keep tho Mood jure, and tho h. al'h of the system will follow. Pin. Tape, and other Worm. l.:rkin; in th system of so many thous -aid -:. are effectually destroyed and removed. Stus a (list imrnishe.! physiologist. tliere is scarcely ati individual 'laon the face of the earth wl-os.. ho iy is ex-'mrH trom tli.s pr- senee of worms. It is not neon the healthy elements of the l-ody that tTnn:i cxio. hut upon the diseased humors nnd slhnv deposits that l.r,.(.a These living monster of flis.-1-.e. .,o Syst..'m of Meiliein". no v.-rmifii!res. no anthelmintics wiil free the tysteiu from wjims like thee bitters. 3. WALKEK, Proprietor. R.n. McDOXAI.D & CO., Drut'sists and lien. A-rcnts. San Franeiseo. California, nod 12 and 34 Commerce Street. New York. TSi:OLl 1j.V Al.Li lE.L'CiCUST3 AM) DEALJiHS, FU F? F. AS NURSERIES. BU'I WXVILLK, XEB. FURNAS, SONS & FERRAND. Forms nn 1 Soil., ErovrnvilK', NoLrasLa, an i 1-1. I'Vrran.I. Detroit. Mio! i tri, Law !ons-I:.l:ite.l I htir sto; ks aipl w'ili Lon.-aftt-r conh'.ct Ltisiiioss at Erownvill.!, N ! , wlinre tliry OiTcr tiie larf.-t ;;ip1 most sol- cf c.-n-eral Nursti v Stock cvt-r roTi-reJ in tiie W'p-t. con.si sting iti art as I'ol'o w : 20.000 Clu.'n c 3 yrar o! J Ai ! !o Tree?. Ii.o.ij.o " li " f.'t'.!'" I o.A.O 40.O0O fi-.i.ono L'O,' w 1 1, 2. 3 and I year old rear Trees. - 2, n ii a I 4 year oM Cherry 'e . i re. s. 1 a- d 2 ynr old Pca-h Tre' s. I'i ii in. Ap'i.'ot ::n 1 Nect.trine 1 rees a.fHV.i.o.Vi ?Co. 1 Ilonev Loeust HeJc-a Pl.n:s. o.l 'S. (Kl ) (s:ifi ( r.:i:r'. o.o o.iiiio Forest Tree Seedlings. o, ,t.(i.a l l-cr-T. e-is. in va dot v. lu1,'. i,ij each ll'ac'il'erri-.i. K a so berries anl siruivb-rri.s. ,r'n;Vi oic-h '"OS. oi rries nn ! ('iirrsr.ts. iy O il I . t j elu il at d Climbing KostsJ, KMKI i Fli.wprnnr S! robs, lij.Ot i,(si i y, iKorf CuitiuKS. Acinins SIxtia Eary Corn 9 If s y lis -f -if A I f Berkshire and Poland Hogs. J. 1'., rd'ley of t'ass County wi"" ftct a? as-cut of these nur er'es n this section. P. 0. address ITatt-auouth, Casseohty, Nebraska. t-rortfunomleiiee iolif)l). Semi rT N Ft-"- a. r?1 fc-s ls P3 n v2i Cr m A N D MEDICINES AT sj'l ?:aio Hrro-t. in c .a: i Orru-i;. IJ'flOMtO t: V.'hoioj:.:.- nnd Uetail Dc -U r ia r.isii Toilet Ai'.sclcv Pr2--er?rtion.s c.i refit! !y !! hoars d :y and 1 ffitfoa o c : i St. ( 'hailos S 1 rt'Pt. $ r 1 ..i-L. t..- .1 ? Si . . .. 1.1 l.'r:.i!l li'.si 1, Ill's ( ;1 y ( ur.ne.7. 1 i i r . y- ici.i 1 . - o ..aeeesi ' r i 1 v tr- at.s .- .iia 4 1 1 (- ereal iO-o i.-e as to l-nnif . p it:.-"- 01 u '.! -I OO. I'.:-' !lo p-al i 1 0 o ri'i.- pi ( 1 .ire ! i'i ,ie i-.-t. i i.i . l.iu:- 0.0 11 r: . j -MS.-.- ( n t;:. 'm- ot' e: -. en ia.it: or vi ho t::il- 'I : f-: yi. f prtva . trouhl.s.. '(-tisuloit h . I k . .... . .. 1 . . . , !- :;: nits, a ;,i 1 ... 0 ei.t ; r w:i i 1,111 :i.e. 1 rti :, ,r, ,or ?iri::e o e .11 IMKnili, 0 . M - II io!. se 'i tha- the eii.f .. ootii in; . els. i-.t n 'E(-s '.us, Tc: ! -i iii 1 r -i -j 0 j- v i il -o'.-t. Si'ii-lndltnti.ii i'reven I T'virj y: 1:; t' ; .';, 1, ,-,nd wn i ion . M :i rri-i -. e l' !'-:-! if a- a i-r 1 1-- i he r:-r f i "K.-'l ;.. : irttaijy i:a n-:t nren r j .lii.v a !- '.. .v.-a i-a J 7 At i.;Ot of Main Street. VrnLKSALE AM) 3'F.TATI. FkaLIRS IX HARIiVARE Ci CUTLERY, SiOViS, line's. A S l.S, -Vt . All klipls of 1 I N V A 11 K ;:i-tf Matiitf'io; n:"i:i'. D Ec -r-i ?i s 5 -' "r. Hlotliers, ; Oi h or? X. JL Ulitl O. DI-l'.'J,-'.) , ,! -e .V.-'S I ".'I -; Sj, i 17 .' .r 1.7. i ';- a in il nil. 'oic' .Su'ihi-n '! !iis v.-i i a :i 'le p. cparati-oi b been riod V.o:i l: A t AlLl.M. SU Lli 6 l.N lllVo- -A,. Or CASK-.. 1 1 on' n!v re'ievi s the htld from pain, l-u' inv'-rorat. s tho sfom oil and bow. is. corn-its aei i i ty . i, od ei v s t o:i e a ti l uovl to th e whole -ystci':. ltnilui.so i .-laiiiij' re.i. ve Griiiim in ihr II .w-'i ft. id Wi'il y-tfc. V.'e i oliuve i: the h-j.t an 1 surest rern-'dv in the wori ! in to! ca. es ol i'ys' iitery and Lli -r-rh;t , in eiii! ire , whether it-ru-d. k from teeth ills' i r utiy o her cause liepend upon il mothers, it will sivo rest to yuar.-clvi-.-', and Jlrity 'a:- J 'I th to Yuur I if tnii. Bestire an 1 eali tor "Mrr, VilitA'tic'ii &"fitin.j Vj.'rw.-j." 1! ivintr the f e-simile of ' CUHTIS .V PrJK K I . s"' en the out. spit w r,n per. sjold by Drucuisls throutiout lhe world. li) j e - - -. 4 i A Heavy Stock cf Goods cir Hand. AV licnfi and A r inicrrt on Jo-roici-.l cop Jul to le 1-la ie tj Cw'jn.iri 1 OLDEST E.STAKLI'-HRD KOfSS IX T'lF. til Y. Xcrth solo Main bctwTn : lakes pi -asiire tit 1: -.-l I and Thir l S'.?. ' 1 a 12 f: i J a to JFariizer aiscl That hf has a? lare and tH 't.-ted tik of Dry .i ts. Groceries, pro'" '...is. as wero ever brought to t e ci.y of I'latt-m utli. Arpl T: fs Xt -,-ill erst yon no'-iinrr to In k at them ! T-ssV wheth-rvsu huv or ti". l-y rrainno r the pr.ee.- .it the "UL.H H'JLIA HLH" you si'i he able to tt.IJ wh ja Oiher j a: iiti uy to . .ri.n.i to. 2Hwtt : for I STATE ACJENT 1'! - .- : . ' I: I."- :v. Is Ii fi a , 5 li I HAL v. At) AY i trilllT WIND MILLS. douuli: amii sixiu.: Arrru n r.ci; anii fah:.: i'r;.f;sf FEED ul!LL3, ETC., TERMS LIRERAL. The Tlallad:.y V ii! h: s stood the tet for x teen years. t..-,iltin tlio Uuiled Slates and l u lupe nnd is the only ne (IvntTtlly li'lor-tcl Ly a'l Principal Rail roa.ls an.) r,.iiiici s. s Feud fur c.atal nd prioc list,-J?-jr a. l. srn.iXtj. ni.lSwff l.iae.da e.'i l.r.-.s!:;,. 4. i:'Ai.r.r. in IHEBrCWES. AND 4 v Ail F apsr rriiirmed free cf Also Dealer in !3, - r o ill Lt ( ti u Jn ft I Latest Pufcsictlans. rrcseriptior.s enri iuliy roaapoun led by ai.-ex-pet icii. d In; ,Ti.st K.oneji o':r il -" pi:i: c. t'ire"'!or r.s west of the llrr.ilj ,;::iee: i'ltntsinouiu. Xebr..sk;t. y. he fonad rO his . i 1 slaod on Mioti V v:: rr will le- pie .-. ! i.j see his Hit cj-e. tuois and iri'.'iidj. ; e !ia rre erd coo I as ,,j i.u.t of- fur:i ry ueii iio ti n la f he Mitrs-h hnrvftT. a reiper that tinno I e.in eat :,nd bind t." n-ren peroav v. . "'"C! if .ii to di ivo, aa i llo) bin tors eau iwork the .-ha io. Joiotrn !-(! S'ador.hfiltr.r V.'con?. rh.np 5 pion I!e:,T.e. ,v Mowe- Atr.s.i:.. lr.- er. ." II I til ',, .f ( 1,1' it, mid Kx- ilea : r ini'l Mower Ac, F. ,f. MKTTEEI?. Vain P reel. TI at! ,-r.o'i'h. Xeb. L. S- Ut-Ai-i. Tr;velins; A nt. Feb. 23 wtf. Ti Tl s t r jy iT W -t T:) LOU't'GtS, SAFES. TABLES, Pi:i)STKADS. F ALL n.tCLIPTIONS USD AT 111 PJOGES. fetalis Quria! Cases. a.: i OF ALL SI3I13. Ready Va le, and Sold Cheap for Cash. V.'ith taatiy thanks for put pitronac, Iin Ate all toe ill ail eraninj 017 I ir-s stock o nttttre and Ool!inn jar.2vt -L'V- The Lo. t of Frt.-h MeatA a'ays on Land ii their ?ea.-or,. nishnst Pri.-o Paid for F it Cattle i-i I'.i-''.e-; C.:.-h Price- paid f;r .eet; Hit..-:. j I : 1 ! 2 j I I J .".I ME IV LUMBER Y ARC! Il uoiir ooop. 1 :i L'ltolor Viirl L-ji-vt.-!.-, 1 veil? kocp al, kioJs ,,f 1-. I I a Vo ::.P iC, ivC, wiiuo invit ii th0-"O Wlsnin" 10 I 'lhe , ... .i i j.urcl.at - to live iug a call th'. - y Lei; o era- T l r. ,. in -11 kinds f,f r.UAIN'. which I will pv the higv est Market price. ' h. js-o y i: $. I ! ,T "JT"1" "'' All pi-r-opn who n ntf in I p ... ma ' v.-iets no d new o... p. r- for lti j li.-'-.tion i,: Ad.er. i.-mm r.in-h'i.n m-m 1 t 1 6ca-1?- Ecwcil tt 0- oi a ' .r-ulir, ..t- in .-..s c - f..i t!o-ir One Uin'r-.i Ihu-u l.-ioidii-i. . ..ir.i i-j l i ts of -ewvi-iii.it.. iuid ,., ., ,!, t-ost o a Ivor; 1-IH7 " .-o m o.v,.. ,, , iii's t,,Hd v. r, i.-it-k tin I i.a:e lii'i-ou.'it -d the , x ,.eriei,e. t ... ' in- n w n. at .' K li -rt a a s . - j , , i( j ii . i ins ut ill -e t.i''ti.tiiK .i in. Mcwspaio r AdverliMii;; I. -.-. .'I'l l I s- iiii-i inn Tt. Park tov n. V. ST wild iiren i--.. of u tie., a . led t'rr ii ies f,, e.n.in'r the i irlien of it Ivi.rtise.aia-tii.s itiuil ew--i.i pers and t'eriod;e...! ut !i ue t ru.t a. 'i 1 1 1; Milvor rnjrue " My i a t-h MJ UANUFACrUFFO RY i:. i. NKEDiiAr & sox, HZ, l"t j JL 117 Tii.st Stroet. Xiw Yoik. ESTARLISIIED IN mr,. Hesimuidhle parties ipplyiiu f,,r uRenejes Id sections still unsiipj.Med. will r..,.;,, prompt attentii n tttid I i I - :a! in luei in-nls. l'.iiliro siiliua i t !i di-t-on-e iri in oiir BatLmueil iiRPiitt may order fruj: uul f.u ioiy. .send for il 10 tr tod price li. t. Uot 'J l Attorn T II I.Q U S3 S T IS A L V A Y S T 1 1 E G 1 1 E A PB S -:(): For Year Grocct ics Go To U. . ss, Vd il .il .id..i i'i C raer Third ai:J Muin Jsfrrif., Idid Ibir.oulb, '. ()! s ' ' Jj-,i5"IIo kcejis on han l n Loico ar l wi ll silecte:! Stoct of Fn ey t-t roperies. Coirees. Tea", r.ir.n-. .syrtip, Jto., tin. A Id-j a ito'id aisorliucr.t of lioots . SLoea 'U To Comic ction with the Grocery i- B?;kpry. c: . ConfcLlicncry ! r." All I.ind.s of Country I'rooueo bought ard . H'd-1 e p. 'i. eofihe f sn ':i::di'iR i: r. i; fry AM' J . i v. auo IO tl. G. TV. ,11 E R K, r.lin otrett, Fc,- Coors East of Court al r.ti ik S I A R D VJ ARE, II MATING AM) E O Z B 1' (n ti T O V E 55" yA Of'tl.o lato.'t Tin i'i ovopirnt warranfeJ, tiMi .-o! i at a..;oao j i Gt u lo re ooi. O I)oi; z my 0,rn work ia Tin anci Sirjct Inn Ltibiri"'!. wit'i '., i -i.icl i"i. (TtK.'iir.cc fii.-rar.Ue t 1 liUi 11 MUil V ', W o.ll i i U . Iibi . lYatjman f fJiirtis. R,epnie-i of .steam I'nfine", Boiler. Suit nr. t liit.) ana Strum Fittiro-?, Wroncht Jr.-o ' 'pe Fo.-ee and Ti!f I'iO-'P-. 5"-a"i lW Vrnive Governors, aii'l Kio Is ol Bras Engine Filtin; s, ;jrnv:Le'i on t-'iort iioti.e, ' ' A a M i vJ M A C H 5 N E ft Y fpui-i" c, s'.r-t rioTice. -. '.it OMAHA LOTIEItY A :(.) IIEE CIIARI'lY. To ere t I Iio Helirasl-ra State Orphan To be I'i-'iivn in EVterch 311st, 1872. $230,505,00. Tirk'ts fl.O'i E.'!i or Fix for $:,()'. i) L'.c'.cis .".'lit by esprtsi C. O. Ih, if desired. . 1 Get! o 1 '.i- b i'ri- 1 i a :i I I ':i ii 1'ri :'.e 1 t - n i . 'i i'r o 1 i .r ,n I a i Pi io i -' 0,ie I ,i- ii i'i f.i-i( I'r. .. SVOociei ' .i' h I'i ii-. ''..isn tiifii. 'a h p. i-.-s. 1 o ..o-i, I ',..1. , r- i '-,. ., 'oa ':.: h !',- .-. I : .e-i I '"--h l'rii- :-. l .ro-h ' l o a li l'n.es, .;,) 1 Cash frizes. " C3 IT MA !.-.,( -..' I 1", Hrlt , lO.l-O 1 o.'I'O I -l.ooO ' r..i'o ; S IKfl 2(o v .'.it i) mi) b.i 0 l.V- 'i-. '' ?i'i!i,.Mi. Ibis T,':'-- l 1'nierpriso is endoried by tb blithest auiiiority oi tho .-into and besL b'jsinei to. 11. .... . .i.l.-.r T.n...t.... l.r r - , . ivrr one-;ri:i i ne i o. ,..-o. irt i. c ii oeiore icr isr. limit.-.l niti.O.oi on hand wiil he. iurni.h.,1 e vt ho :i"i iy t.rst. unt-y e,ui 1." hent by mail, in UeRislered is. Po-t Giiicc .Money Hidere, or by ex- pre s. il V--''r.'v'i beoaid n full. Aokhts Wax ted. Fo full particulars address, J. M VP TTIiF. Sr,-dt-2t)wc:t Oenernl MftBasT. fhnabii Vb 4V If s-V V ' I I tor .SrMl-i nl- f