, . -lt'"W'"'MI"iMiMiMMMMMMMMM '-MMnilll,lin mm ' Mt Til E HERA LI). PLVfTsMOUriL XKIJRASKA. lrIIlJI.SDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1S73 J. A. MACMURPHY J 1L-E. t . ....l.DITOB. CORRE-jPONDK CE V all parts of the Stato and country re PVeirulty solicited for the Herai.p. V9 do not read anonymous letters and coin manieations. The name and adJres of tin wri ter aie in all cases indisspene.' lc. as cuiranty .f jtoxl faith. l M W-".ll .,. SEE Ol'HFLi:.lIDmil i.lST. W't call attention to the splendid Club List offered. It is our desire to place before the people of Cas Co. every opportunity for infor mation and instruction. To all those who wish to take any of the publications mentioned be low we offer them a. the following low rates : Harper' Magazine and Herald one year $1 75 Weekly Bazar Leslie's Ills. Ncws'per " Chimney Corner ' Scribner's Monthly " M'oodV house 'd Slag. " Lea'ie' Ladies Mar. " Teton' Mus. Monthly " Atlantic Monthly " Prairie Farmer Chicago Inter-ocean " Ppirit of the Times " Tnrf. Field A- Farm " New York Times WotII " " Tribune " " Ledger " Weekly " Rural New f orker " Toledo BLde " AVhat Ntxt?(chroino)" l'hrpn. Journal " 4 75 4 75 1 75 4 75 4 7j 2 50 4 E0 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 6 25 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 CO 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 3 50 Of crtiKO those terms are understood to be strictly cah in advance. -411 taking advantage ot this clubbing list will receive tho IIkbald from now till the first of January fnte, so the eaoner you oiue the more you will get for your money. To thosa owiuz back subscriptions on tho IIksald we make the following offer to contin ue from now until the first of January. To any who will pay ns two years subscrip tion, that is, their back subscription, aal one year in advance we will give a handsome chro nio, a picture worth two dollars, called. The Kii'cr Crot. Ir id across encircled by a wreath f flowers-color 1. Or. if they prefer it, Wood.s Pocket Magnifier, being a magnifying glass uitatle t slip in the pocket, worth ?2 M. To any one p-ying two year's subscription as above s'ated and seventy-five eents in addition we wi'.l give The Globe Microscope worth $3.50 or a gold pen with silver case worth the same price. We make tlie abeve liberal offers because we are very anxious to collect in our subscription 1 ist and start on an entirely cash basis, which we shall ehdeavor to make our ru'c hereafter. A Splendid Chance. fe will send the Herald and Dcmorests' Monthly, which is SI for one year, to any per son who pays us S3..VJ In addition to both Periodicals at the price named, a choice from a list of extraordinary Premiums.! given to each subscriber to Deni crest's Monthly. Among these are a line pir of Chromo Picture.i CFalls of Niagara and Yo semite Falls), worth $10 ; or a good Stereoscope with a scries of views ; besides numerous other valuable p.-emi-WJ worth from two to ten dol lars ea oh. The best beys' and girls' magazine, and the NunBiskA IIkuai.I) at greatly reduced rates. ATe will send NEBitk-KA IU.ram) and Demoh- t'sj Yoi'xg Amkuica, which D Sl fx) for one year, to any person who pays us S2.10. Deninr est's Veung America is always sparkling with entertaining 5Striif;s. Poems, Music, Puzzles. Games. Travels, and other pleasant features ! profusely plustrated. nnd cannot tail to amuse, instruct and elevatcand assist to make ; live? of vu . and happy LZT'S TTOWP003. Tlie Herald has been thinking of turning "joor." It is a hard word to s:y It is considered a ungraceful word by Home, but in Casjs, county, we can, at present think no other way of turning an honest penny to quickly and easily, and keeping the wolf from the door as by turning pauper. Yes, pauper. Throe fino farms are now set aside for their use, costing soma $8,000, and a building said to cost about $6,000 more, when finished, id to be added to their oaiforts. As there are but tiro people for all this to be divided up among, and they will have a good farmer and other "help" provided for their ue and ac commodation, tho Herald decidedly thinks of making the third. What v.th rents, bad debts, insurance and high price of paper and materials of all kinds wo are getting mighty h.ird up. The town U dull, printing scarce, pay pcarce. We owe one grocery bill of $10.00, and a livery bill of , and where the money to come from the L awyers only know. Gentlemen, County authorities, let in in. We want a third interest in one of those farms, Oh, do 1 the lives ,f youthful Americana useful, truth- 1 Ul 1 On the Fourth page of this week will be found a valuable article on education al matters. Iiad it, all. We call attention to the change in the time-table of the I, it 31. in Nebraska as published on our local page. Economy is the order of the day here after, in Cass county. That's right, we go in for that, but it's "poor" economy to ftop the fpigot and leave the bung- hole open. A correspondent sends a letter, in which he Fays A. & B. do some kind of busines?, but in the MSS. we can't te'l whether it i.s a heavy or a heavenly busi ness. Beats Greeley how some of these fellows do write. The IVgwlature at Lincoln are waking up at last, and thisj week promises to Le a lively one. Penitentiary investigation new Constitution, Temperance law, a'j tend to rouse "them fcllera" and make 'cm growl. COAL ! COAL ! 1 COAL 1 1 1 We want coal, we must have coal. If it is not in Nebraska there is plenty along the lints of the U. P. K. li., and the proposed extensions of the B. & M. II. II., and they must brinij it to us at reasonable rates. We talk of manufactories, and we need them. We want, Nebraska needs, corn starch factories, potato starch fac tories, oil mills, paper mills, rope walks', wool n mills, brick mills pottery mills, and she ha3 an abundance of the raw mitetial to run all of them and make them a success if sha had one thing more, and that indispensable ; that onu th'iDg is ckenp fatl. Gen .lemcn investi gators, scientific spouters, original "ge niuses," give us this some of you, and the hardy yeoman of Neb-aska will do the rest. They'll show you a State in ten years that will beat Massachusetts, Pcnusjlvania, and Illinois combined, and we think Texas might bo thrown in. Why, we have corn wasting by the tons, flax rotting wild, lime ready burned, city trying to crawl to a moulding ma chine ; grass for billions of sheep, and grain for as many cattle, whose hides can run a thousand tanneries. All it wants is coal, grit, enterprise, a little money and a cussed sight of faith and waiting But it'll come yet yoa see 1 1T3W3PAPS3 S73S:3!PXI3JJ3. Pltase Head this, All Hands.) We received a letter on this subject last week, which we publish below, omitting the names of tho parties. February 9, 1S73. I'd. IIe.iald: By jours of this date we are your debtor to the amount of ;'G.:25. We subscribed and paid for your paper for one year, with the ex press understanding that unlcrs we re newed, the paper should stop. I told Hatnaway r wouM not take Lis or anv other paper on any other considers tion. Now you send on a bi 1 of this amount. Wedoa'tlike it, but to end itwill pay onc-liaif the amount, if yea ceive another thousand when he had cast his vote. lie said he had taken the money for the purpose of unmasking and exposing the treachery, fraud, c 'ir ruption and bribery of Senator Potueroy. Mr. York then delivered to the clerk of the convention a package containing $7,000, which he declared he had re ceived from Pomeroy in consideration of his support. liaising his hand, he called upon the ncembers of the conven tion, the multitude assembled, and the (Hod of the Universe, to witness the truth of bis statements. The impression created by this as tounding statement beggars description. The friends of Pooieroy were thunder struck. Pallor sat upon their counte nances, and consternation seized them. The evidence was so direct and canvinc ing that no one dred attempt to refute it. A motion wa3 made to postpone tak ing tho vote for two hours. Mr. Adams wanted time to investigate the truth of the charges. Johnson, of Anderson, said lie ad vised Col. York to take Pomeroy's mon ey : said othir officers had been engaged in bribery, and ha was prepared to prove it. The motion to postpone was lost, and the roll was called. Most of the mem bers explained their - votes in hort speeches. Many of the explanations were quite amusing. Old man Dillard said he had never been bought, and he thinked God that $7,000 had not been offered to him. say ro. Yours, See the detailed accounts of evidence on the Credit Mobilier cae, and also in regard to the Kansas and Missouri Sena torial troubles, cn the first page of this week's paper. Fullest description found in a weekly paper. If tho railroad companies of this State, are really in earnest in desiring that no adverse legislative acts be passed against them, we will just give them a hint. . Choke off the Omaha llernhTa advocacy of their claims, and it will help simplify the caw amazingly We call attention to our funny man's letter, on the first page of this paper. If Josh Billings kin beat that, we give in. The best of it is that the Kditor of tho Herald don't know whether he meant it or Dot, but it was too good to keep. Appleton's Journal for February, lie before u3. It is a very interesting num ber, indeed, "Eggs in England," is tho title to one piece, but "oggs in Nebras ka" would suit us better. Well, well, a few more day3 like these, and we'll have oceans of 'cm. We don't say "so," and for these rea ?0C3. The newspaper law about taking papers out of the office is very plain, and wa meant to cover and avoid just ! s.ich difficulties as this We are sorry for these gentlemen, but. t would respectfully call to their mind the faot that we are innocent purchasers of the Subscriptioti hht of the .NEcnASKA IIe'IALP. The former proprietor assured us that the List was correct and a bona fide li.-t of actual subscribers. We paid valid money for the same. The gentlemen who write this letter and all others in the same fix ought not to blame us fur their carolessnes. When ever Mr. Hathaway or any other editor sent the paper over the time you sub scribed for, you should have j aid for it (if unpaid until then) at once and then refused to take it out of the ofLce, and especially when you knew and could see that there va3 a change of proprietor thip in the Herald, and a printed no tice that tho present owners had pur chased the "Subscription List" of the Herald, you should have paid up the back amcu'jt, an 1 then stopped your paper. It won't do to receive a paper for two or three years and then claim that you have ordered it stopped long ago. You knew it was coming, and that you read it, and some one was ex pecting pay for the same. We say this in all kindness to you", gentlemen, and all others in the same fix. Our lot and our cause are hard enough, and require the closest watching, without having to be responsible for others' oversights. See Newspiper Laws on second page. We sent out a number of bills last week to our various readers, patrons and customers, We hope thy may be taken in good part, and receive t -c prompt attention which our needs de martd; at the same time there is no in tention to crowd or push any party to extremes. We have a great deal stand ing out cn subscription, somew..ere in the neighborhood of $2,500. It is in small amount j and caa scarce'y be felt by the parties paying, whil3 the sum total to us would be a boon indeed. There are a number of papers that have been running for. several year. Every now an then somebody writes that they never ordered it or didn't know of it, &c, to obviate all. this, and get the books in goid fhape, every person tak ing a paper from this ofuje will receive a notice when it is over-due or unpaid more than a year. This ought not to oOfetid any on, and will help us to keep things straight, amazingly. We have paid out a good many dol lars for fuel, this winter. We adver tised that we would take corn or wood in pay for papers. Would you bclievJ it? Not an car of corn has come in yet on that offer, and we have bought corn for cash all winter. Two little loads of wood came in cn subscription. Friends, th!3 is rather rough on U3, and it we ask you now for some money pray re member that paper, printers' coal, ar?d all these things have cost money all this time, and we feel like the breaking up of a hard winter, pecuniarily, just now. Observe our little symbols tl "ti, friends, and make our hearts glad with cash or COrn' mmmMwmmmm Cedar Creek, Neb., Feb. 10, '73. Tlr. IIcLlAln : Thero may bo per sons in the remote corners ol the earth who are not aware of the fact that there is a town in Nebraska, on the line of the B. it M., by the name of Cedar Creek. To all such we would say that : if they should ever be so fortunate as to take a trip over the aforesaid road, if they will cast their eyes southward when they get about fourteen miles west of Platts mouth they may see the town. There certainly is a town site here, though it may require a very close observation to get a sight of the city. This town in like Glendale, and 'other places in the county, "only great in that strange spt- a name." Future generations may be hold a second Chicago here; if they do, in all probability they will have the pleasure of building it. The Messrs. Inhelder do a heavy business in the grain trade, here. About a mile from tin (prospective) town, on the romantic stream from whijh the town derives its name is a saw and grist mill, where Cot tonwood logs are "ripped up," and everything is ground, except the face of the poor. They make an excellent arti cle of flour, and, 'lis said, that they positively were never known to chase a man for the sack when he had left the grist. In our last letter we spoke of the miserable little saloon, iu Louisville, a gate of hell ; not for the purpose of in juring the proprietor's business, but merely'to express our contempt for such low haunts of vice, whereupon some person takes offense, and comes out in the W'ltchnvin with an article denouiic ing us in the nt violent terms, calling us "the devil." Now that is cool. STATE XT2LH. The State Grange of Nebraska met at Lincoln on the 4th inst. A friend in Minnesota writes to the Columbus Journal uuder a late date, that the weather is grettly moderating, the thermometer having gone up to 35 below zero 1 J. M. Pattee, of Lottery fame, has bought Iledick's Opera House, and in tends tarniug it irto a. hotel on the Eu ropoan plan. The following threatening "Notice" appeared in the Schuyler RfQister: All persons having Deeus, Mortgages or other Instruments in my ofEce that were Isft lor record and FEES not paid, will please call, pay lees and lift them, or Eistciy of Stsvrart, ths Cbstinais stress. G. B. Stewart, tho lawyer who shields him-elf behind his profession, and who refused to expo-e his tlients' business, is to night in Ord way's custody. Stew art is well known here, where he has re sided a dozen yars or more. He is counsel in tho Perkins claim against Itus bia. and has recently won' a suit in Kan sas for a largo sum against the Kansas Pacihc road. He is a man ot giant frame and possessed of considerable force and ability, lie is a Keutuekian by birth and known ii years cone by as an original emancipationist, always impe c inious, yet always controlling large in terests. There is little doubt here but that he knows the use of the Pa -ifio railroad money in securing the legisla lion of 1C4, by which the Government mortgage was made second, uut tlure is I 'ss doubt if he does know that he will n t tell He has excellent material for recusancv as a witness, and not only '.he w !1 to hold out. but the ability to defend his po-itiou. It. is possible, however, in spite of his obstinacy, that the facts will le developed, as Stewart banked at sn institution here, which, having laued four years ago, was made a Congressional investgatlm. Of the Pacific bonds placed hs Dura nt in Stewart's hands, eight thousand dollars were lost by the bank's failure. Ail the papers are on hie, and. ( n motion of Mr. Lynch, are to bi trans ferret! to the Wilson Committee. S:ew art's accounts are embraced in these pa- ners. and those acquainted with the in vestigation arising through Paymaster Puuldiivi's defalcation, declare that the key to all of Stewart s business will be found in tins bank arvount. The committee asked tho IIoue to order Mr. Stewart into custody, for their examination, but the House, actinz un der the more careful resolution offered by Mr. Bingham, directed that he be brought before its bar and there inter rogated. This is the usual course. A LAL'r.'TAELS' C:CTJ32SUC2. All Aleut Two C:r2s cf f7coL In the financial art e'e of the St. Louis Globe, speaking of resumption of specie payment, and which -the article favors at once the pertinent inquiry is made: In this connection, we would like to a.-k what differcncn there is between one lurmber of Congri'xs who is a stock- holder in a National Bank waking laws gnvermn? our national currency, and an other member of Congress who is a stockholder in the Credit .Mobilier legis Ialin? cn railway subsidies? We should say that was hot. The rest cf this letter is about a personal matter,' and the Herald caunot lend its space to discuss the same. The Editor doe3 not remember seeing the letter alluded to in which the Saloon keeper at Louisville "caught it," but they have answered back, it seems, and "!' jj. g-i3 snyi 1 u reiurn. we guess it had better be dropped. Ed. TE2 ACCUSATICI" OT COL. Y22Z C? ZA1T- One of the most remarkable and trag ical scenes ever enacted in any Legisla ture of the United States since we be came a nation took place at Toptka, Kansas, last week. For the benefit of our readers we clip the whole scene from the Globe. May such a scene never have the chance to occur again, must be the prayer of all good ciiizeus. Mr. Price moved that the Conven tion proceed to ballot for United States agents ; one millwright ; one druggist; Senator. Mr. Guerin nominated Judge one blacksmith; one plasterer, one I .1 - . . , t Cur ircnY;rs.l There are twenty two farmers in the present Legislatnre : one stock-grower, eleven lawyers; one phyucian,' four merchants ; o:;e builder, two real-estate In a Sa John J. Ingulls, of Atchi.-on, in a thort and appropriate adJress. As the Secretary was about to l-esrio calling tho roll, Co!. A. M. York, of Montgoino.y county, rosein hi- place and desired the attention of the Convention while making a brief statement. '1 he clear, ringing voici of the Senator im mediately caught the attention of the multitude. He said he came here with a desire to oppose corruption and fulfill San Vranoison fnnrf il, , ij. the requirements of his oath, lie hal day, a little dialog ran tl.na n 1 liNrd the charges of corruption against to wittier "You say yo-j were at ! 'iV', Fomcroy ; had heard the denial Lou-e every night?" "Yessir." "Wcr- gT n?,!,c"es8 ot ,the lelte.r ' y,.u his partntr ?" "No, H'r " " Anv LaI l(.a.ih-s benator himself deny it ; iclaiire if his ?" "Vn "UK, had t?V interviews with benator I era- you doing at hi house every night roy ; iV 4h.e flwa to . 'I was sparking hi, vik'ghLr" ' voti1 nd V: Ile pronged . 'c-olez. 1 f ort and received seven thousand Irll- a A'.3U 1 I'UlrlUJ 3 OWll liaiKJ, nun )y your debts snd be kaj yy. nurseryman; one jeweller: two bankr rs Nine were born iu New York, f'ourt.-en in u.:io, nve in i t-misyivunia. two jri Vermont; six in Illinois, three in Indi ana, one in New Hampshire, one in Ger many, one in lennessee, one in Norway, one in Missouri, on) ia Prussia, and one in Maryland. Forty-one are married, ten are f ingle,, and one a widower. The average age in the Senate is forty years, in tho IIouso thir;y-scven. Senat- tor lirown is the oldest mombpr of the Senate, ajr N. K. Griggs the youn gest, 28; H . D. Scott the shortest; Guy Barton the best looking ; J. W. Osborn the only hincle man in the Senate. J. II Master of Otoe is the oldest man iu the House, age 53, J. L. Brown, of Cas the youngest, age 24; JL H. Sessions of Lan caster, is the tallest. They are all hand-eome.- fStatenman. An occurrence took place in this town on Friday la-t, that may turn out a very .'erio'uS affair. Two parties, father and son, from Iowa, haulel two loads of wood over here, which they sold to Mr. Harvey Sage, as Mr. Sage avers, at five dollars p?r cord. The wool was driven to the rear of Duke's store and unloaded. Mr. Sage went out, with a square in his hand, to measure the wood. The - younger man askel him what he was measuring the wo ij for, and on Sage's reply, "that he Wailtcd to SI P. linw many irr- tlic-rc were." he answered that they sold the wood by the load, at five dollars a load, and not five dollars a cord. Sage main tained that he bought the wood by the cord. High words ensued, and Sage avers they both attacked him the fath er with a stick of cord wood. In the melee the young man was knocked down an I barked somewhat, and tho old gentleman - got a cut over the head with the square, which broke in his skull and has endangered his life. At this writing he lies at the Brooks House in a state of semi-torpor, and grave doubts of his recovery are enter tained by his -Pbysicaus. Sage has been arrested and held to bail, awaiting the recovery or deceae of the wounded man. Tuesday Mo.rning. Tho parties in jured give their names as Utterbach, and Jive in Iowa, some eight miles below here, and nearly opposite, Hock Bluffs. The old geatlcinan is a farmer, and well to 3o. The young man has been rather wild. . j Yesterday, Dr. I ivingston, of this place, and Dr. Peabody of Omaha, per formed an operation on Mr. Utterbach' s head, removing tome pieces of skull and relieving the pressure on the brain. He seems better to-day. This is a very sad affair for all paities. The Herald, of course, at this time as no opinion in regard to which party has been most to blame, and simply tells the story as it is told by the most relia ble authorities. One thing we will say, however, we are glad to know that nei ther party bad a revolver strapped to their back, and with murder in thir hearts, picked a quarrel, depending on such weapon, to come out first best. Whatever may come of this afiair, it was a natural ebullition of temper on both sides, and fought out y.ith the weapons of tho moa:ent, and not those carefully kept for suc-h an emergency. We will give our readers the latest news, on Thursday, in regard lo this matter, Rnd meanwhile, for the sake of all concerned, sincerely hope that Mr. Utterbach's wounds may not prove fatal. Latest. Dr. Livingston having sent for Dr. Peabody, as consulting surgeon, these gentlemen, on Monday Iat, re moved twenty-four small pieces of bone from Mr. Utterbach's skull. These j pieces were from the size of a pin point to splinters as large as one's little finger nail. The wounded man, on Wednesday, was not perceptibly better. Mr. Sage's bond's have been increased to $2,000. THE IdtKETS. NEW YOIIK, February 12. 1872. Money Active at 1 4(U-32 Gold Firm at Il4(all41 Governments -Strong CHICAGO, February 23, 1S72. Hour Quiet Oufoo 75 Wheat Dull 1 22 't. I 23 Corn Less active Oats Easier - 25'fl27 Bye Dul ftiCaCa TZLEG?wAlI3 BOILED D0H71T. . Friday morning, '. eb. 7. An effort is being made by lobbyists to assemble a new Congress on March 4th. - - Gen. Dix's son-in-law says that Dix never had anything to do with Credit Mobilier. The money paid h:m by the U. P. Company was salary due him as president, and also for certain stock in tha road which he had purchased and on which he had never received anything. Gen. Dix is preparing a statement con firmatory of the above. English Parliament assembled on the 5th, inst. Saturday morning, Feb. 7. The public library of Boston will be opened on Sunday, hereafter. Iliilway travel in the north of Spain is interrupted by Carlists, John I. Blair was examined before the Poland Committee, yesterday. The Brooklyn fires prove to be the work of incendiaries. McNult, the Peoria wife murderer, wag hung yesterday. He protested his in- noceuee to the last. Senator Cameron is ill. The President has pardoned Eli R. Stewart and Ilobert II. Mitchell, Ku kltsx era of South Carolina. Sunday, Ftb. 9. The epizootic ha3 reached California Much excitement prevails in Utah over the- Presidents policy in transfer ring troops there. Ex Governor Geary, of Pa., died very suddenly at Ilarrisbursr. yesterday. Tuesday, Fib. 11 Street Letter Boxes are being rifled in New York. Great excitement in Utah, over the present state of affairs. Immense fire in San Francisco, a build ing burned containing thirty thousand cases cf coal oil. King Amadeus, of Spain wishes to resign. Wednesday Morning, Feb. 1: A fire nt Granviile, N. Y., burued the best portion of tho village. Loss, !?S5, 000 to $Io;),0'J0. Mori, Japanese Minister, gave a re ception at Wa-hington, on the 10;h. The jury in the case cf George Irnin, indicted for murder, found him guilty, and he was sentenced to be hung. Total shipments of ore from Colorado fjr the week ending the 8 h hist., fifty tons ; average value, $."U0 per ten. Silver bullion shipment, $10,()j'J. Secretary Fish, this evening received the following dispatch from Minister S:ckles: "At nine o'clock to-night the corte adopted a Kepublican form of govern merit by a vote of 25'J in the afiirLHative and 32 :u the negative." Mrs. Edwin Forrest has notified the executors of her late hushaml's will that she will apply fur her dower iu the estate, on the grounds that Forrest was never divorced trour her, London, February 11. The steamship Talisman foundered at sea cn a voyage from Br iz iian ports to Hamburg. Twelve lives were lost. Commissioners Noiice. Whereas, it appearing to the satisfac tion of the Board of County Comiuio sioners of Cas County, Nebraska, that the M'opj.-itlon. to irivo One Jlun.lr.'l and Thirty Thou-aud Dollars of the Bonds of Cass Couutv 10 the St. Louis and Nebraska llaihoad Company in ai l of the construction of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad in said County, also Bonds at the rate of Five Thous and Dollars per mile to the Weeping Water t; Piatte Valley Bailroad Com pany to aid in the construction of th"ir road in said County, was duly submitted to the voters of Cuss County on the 25 ih . 1 . 1 ik 1 . . 1 ujy ui uanuury, XJ. 1SU, au 1 was published in the i'iattsmuuth IJekald, a paper published in said County, lor at least lour cousecutive weeks next alter the JSth day of December, A. D. 1872, and said pap r was, during said time, of general circulation throughout Cass Cunty. Due and legal proof having this day been filed iu tins ethos and it lunher appcari. g that a copy of said proposi tion was duly po-ted up at each and every place of voting in tnj ;veral pre cincts of Cass County during the entire day iu which the election was held, and it appearing that the tWtion in said proposition mentioned, was h.ld at the time therein specified, in the several precincts of said County on the 25th day of Juuuary, 873, an I was conduet- cu :u the manner pre.-criLed by law ; and in consideration whereof, and of the re port, the Board do find and declare hat the whole numLer of votes cast "For Bailroad Bonds" and in iavor of said proposition at .-aid election, was Nine .Hundred and Sixteen; and the whole number of votes cast "Against Bailroad Bonds" and aaiust said proposition, at sail election was Five Hundred and Fifty-four, and it, is now .-diu Jged and declared by this Board that a majority or sau votes cast was in favor of aid proposition, and that all the require ments of law have been strictly com plies with in the premises. Jt is therefore ordered and adjudged that One Hundred and Thirty Thous:n 1 Dollars of the Bonds of Ca-s County be issu. d to tho t-t. jaiuis and iSehraska Trunk Bailroad Company through tfceir trustees as prsvided in said proposition, and that Bonds at the rate of Five Thousand Dollars per mile in like man ntr be issued to the Weeping Water & Platte Valley Bailroad Company through trustees in like mar. tier. A copy of which Bonds are in the words and fig ures to-wit: And the Board do further adjudge and declare that said Bonds when issued and delivered shall be a valid and sub sisting debt, acainst said County, and it is hereby ordered that notice of the adoption of said proposition be publish ed in the Plattsmouth Hekald for two weeks, and that the Senior Commission er be authorized to procure the necessa ry printed aud engrossed blanks for said Bonds, as he shall deem proper, upou application being made by said liailroad C in panics or their assigns, to have said Bonds issued and placed in the hands of the Trustees as provided for iu said proposition. Resolved, That the Scior Commis sioner and County Clerk of Cass County be. and they are hereby authorized and required to sign and execute said Bonds according to law. 23- IL'SK'W HT'CIR, 1S73. IT I-i THS BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Xo Family can AUbrd to do Without it. iT;ivi:sMon::;o(i and attractive Bi'.AUiSii JlAni li Foil THE MiNEY I'll AX ANl'utlll.K PKriloDR'AL. OllUO.K PUliLltfllKl), The Leading Xcwspnperj Pronounces ie Best and Mot Ablv Edited Amer ican Magazine. THE GALAXY Mec:s the Wants of every Member of the It Contain XJiotuf Iful Arllrlrsb)- Oar Ablrxl Wrllen. It oiiliiiiH Nit t-lcliv f I.irHiid A(l von in re. It ltn Mrrll Stories ly Our Ilesl Sov ItlniHMiurtht'jrirsIu K;oSi dumber The new department of SriKSTlFic Miscellany appears iu each number. WHAT TIIK LE DIXG- PAPERS SAY "Eirst of nil in attraction wo pluee, "ihe Galaxy.' " St'imlnrd. Chicago. "Will sustains its reputation for vigorous and racy wriiinfr. A. 1 . Iribunc. " 'Tlie Ualaxy' i.s a ways more a ungrmne than sir.y, nnd uire varied in its rautre than an v ot ht-r." Lull cntlent. "A mil! periu'liea!; a cre'lit to Amcrii-nn peno ucal liu-ruture. rinlit-tetihni I re.. 1 hure is n'lt a uuil pa?e Dctwevn us covers. V. )'. Y';;)if. "The variety of itJ content", tliei; soli.l worth, their brillinnco. an 1 thi-ir great interest, make up a. rencral Hmraetrr of great excellence lor every t umber " t'ot Boston. "Always ahiy edited, an l roinarkaMfi for the ffoo.l judgement displayed! ia the selection ot current topics lor uise ;.-;si n. In this way it iuite eclipses the wire conservative periodic al. of the duv." ,W Jtjumnl. Mass. 'We are incline. 1 to holieve that more down riirhl g 0d literature is erowdeJ between the covers of 'The Galaxy' than any other .njeri can magazine can boast of." Chicto Thhc. ishcldon .V Company ha ve opened a mine of interest in their magazine. 'The Galaxy.' by drawing to it the con;iiiur.ic;itions of prominent puolio men upon inestious- of general interest-" Ann, Philadelphia. "The reported incre pe in the circulation of 'The Galaxy' i h rdly to be wondered at. tor it is cert limy the best of American magazines." ;"'" Luffalo, X. Y. '"The Galaxy' i one of the fulle-t. and, ta-kr-n nltog ; her. richest, of the many nonthlies which have jriv'cn such an enviable name to our Amcri?-.ti wajf-mno literature."- Huwl iv ScLoul lirner. Philadelphia, Pa. XOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. I'RK'E33 Crs I'EIt.M JIBEIt. Pcbsckiptiox Pkick. 51 00 per year. CLUBBING TERMS. The (jaI.xt triff he -nt for the wic 1S73 trtth ctiy arte tf i)f filfwiity rio'ft-af ' thr pri'ie ttametl.' Wit? " Jl'trprr Week 'y,f r J'irprr's il'iZ'tr." or " Ajtjt? tnii'fi 'fiturtifif." $7, ih r-;n-I'tr prier i"v 3S. ith " A'ery Stvrtl'ti. r-'fj-vttir irir With'Onr Yt.u(t t ''ikt.' $r -"VO rf anlnr prive With " Li' ell 9 Living Aye," Sl'J reja'tr prifc AdUrti SZ2E2LDO:V & Co. 077, Broadway, N. Y. T h e Lin co In Route THE USailroncl. VIA LINCOLN, KE3. T O St. JosEra. Teccm3kh. Topeka, Pawsek CirY, Leaven win th, 'jawkkntk, Falls City, Wiiiik Cloud, Dosiphon, Kansas City, Cincinnati, IxruxAroLis. C'oi.cmbcs, Louis ville. Nashville, Memphis. Chat tanooga, Moiiii.s. Atlanta, Pi" And all the Points ia tl;e Southwest, South and South e a s t. o The Z'J t turnout h E'eople Py takiij(? the tx press train at Lincoln on the Atch ison .y JYctirasfitt Ilm It. Upon their arrival at Atchison. Kausaa, tho GREAT RAILROAD CENTER OF THE WEST Can obtain without delay or iue-jnvenience the VERY BEST Sluepiu Car accommodations anJ will reacli ST. LOUIS Karly next morning, being a much SSIORTI2IS & VII E2APER Iloute than that via. Pacific Junction. Track and Road bed are in ex cellent condition. The? pas senger aceoiiiuiodatioua are of the Lest. MO EXPENSE NOR PAINS Ltavo been fparej to make the traveller ciai- fir table. 9. Lay Over Checks Will lie jrh'en by the conductor to tlog3 wishni!? to stop oft at any of the many places of interest on the Atchison and Nebraska Rail Road, Without incurrius any AU.DITIO'X ALEXPKXSE. Thus affordinir Trav FLER3 unsuria-sej laeiliticg for visiting the PARAlIsE of all GARDEXS it Barley Dull Cattle Good, Hns Live,. $4 40.'5 00 4 KK .'3 I hereby certify that tho foregoinir is a true copy of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners at a session held at PJatt.eruouth (he 4th day of February, A L. 1S73. P. Y. kKixxox, CV'unty Clerk. The Great fie ma il a Valley." Y. F. WHITE. taencral Phos A(rent, 44t? Atchison, Kuiut. Proposals for Mail Contracts Post Okficb lKiARTMsr, WASiu.vuros. Deo. 1, l"72. I TJItOp Si A I.S will be reeeivel at the 'ont-uet Ollii-o t tin D:pari.!iiv!i'.. until " p. a, oi Mareh :i, t. v c 'itnynu !,i:ii,?m the roiie.t :!.. :. irni'i J'irly 1,1s; .', to Jttue J'Jt;.. 1S74, in LUd JStuti- (! N i:BitAS!CA. on the routes an 1 by iho stheddlei of depart- urts a:jd niriViilp i.eiein ipi'cilled. Iteci.iiuii.s announce I by or befure March ( iS. 'Ida x irtfi rxi'H inr cartfuif the la (r,oriiM, ami intruvtiti;;H uiinrxrd.) The letter. fu. o.) iudieafe that th.-r i? no poiit oUu-eut tao i-lnre ii.-uue.i. e.ervieo mil not be let wheru no oii'n-es ei?r. M.iJRAi-K A. 14501 Froi-i Xortri 1 laf.e. by Stc:kvtlle. lied I'l.-w. n.i.l Luer'.'ille. to Hhjs t lty, Kun.. J'J ini'es and b.vk, onc e u w-ek. Leave Xori'n 1'latio Moiidny r.l H a. in. Arrive kt Ihivs City Syi uniy by b' l. in; Leave lluy-t City, Mond.iy 't H a m. Arrive ai XomIi I'b.tte Saturday lvC p m. I'r i n?.il invited to end at V.b'l Willow, 1 !.l miles le. di- timee. 14502 l'rom Line(dn, by 'i'iiton. Ouk Creek n. o.), anj (Sann Creek, to UcLton, 4i lulled anvl brfek. onee a week. Leave i.meolii ilouday nt C a m Arrive nt JJint' ii by 7 i in. Leave lienlon I ue.-d.iy nt (5 a in. Arrive at Lincoln by 7 p m. 11.V!.'1 KriTii Ple:i:int Hill. Iiv Tabor. L'loieville. Lmiiire. and llen-y tn. o.). to Ked Cloud. lit) iu!leand buek. oneeaweek. I-!ive lle::ir.t Mill Monday t (' a in Arrive at Ked Cloud We lrn sda v by 6pm Leave Ued C loud I hnr.-dav at o a in: Arrix c at I'leu.-ant Hill faturdny bv ti pin. IIjOI From Lone Tree, by Hammond, Oak lnc. und i'wiii tirovo, to Xiobiira, miles and bark, onee a week. Leave Lore Tree Monday at " a m. Arrive nt Niobrara V'edne.-diiy by 6 r m Leave Niobrara Thursday nt 0 a in. X rirf nt T.'.MO Trpn .S 1tard.1v by 1 I m. 14o0j From l'almyra. by idon, to Latrobe, 10 tailed and b;iek. otire a week. I.-eave Palmyra Wednesday at 8 a m Arrive at Latroho, by 1 i in; Leave Latndie Wedne-'day at 2 p in. Arrive at I'alinvra by 7 D 111. 1 1,'vfi Vroin (Irand l.-ianL t'V Juniata, tiilson. North tlue. aad Wella. to Med l.'ljud, Su miles and !;.i k, onee a week. Leave G.-:.nl Island Monday at fi a in. Arrive .it Led Cloud next day by 0 p ni. Leave Ked Cloud Vc.loes lay a t a m. Arrivn nt Cr.vml Island next day by li P Pronosiils invited to begin at Juniata, .'Jl mi!f let;? di.-tanee. 1 !,",(j7 From Fairuiouut. bv Kelle Prnir'e And llel ron, to Belleville, Kan?., 1U0 miles and baek, once n week. Leave Fairnu uut .Monday at S a tn. Ar-.ive r.t Belleville Weilnesday by 4 pm. Leave Belleville Thursday at t a in. .Arrive at Fairrnount Satureuy by 4 p in. 1450S From Fairuiouiu by West Blue ii"d Me J'adden, to York, 20 uiiles and ba.ek, tliree times a week. Leave Fairniount Monday, 'Weclnesdny, and Fri-lay at f a la. Arrive at York by 12 n. Leave York Mond y, 'Wcdnosdayt and Friday at 1 p in. Arrive at F rmount by 7 p m. 1430'J From Nebraska City, by Kin. Avoea. Cen tre Valley, Weeping Water, nnd Khn wood, to Ashland, 3 miles and back, once a week. Leave Nebraska City Monday at 7 a m. Arrive nt Aphland next d iy by 4 p in; Leave Ashland Wednesday at" a in. A rrive at Neb. 'ity next day by 4 p tn; 14"d0 From 1'aneato Texas. lak. i'er., 1 miles and bi-.ek, once a week. Leavi? Potiea l'ueday ut 11 a m. Arrive nt Texa by 12 tn. I,c:n e Texas Tuesday at 1pm. Arrive at Ponea by 2 p tu. .11511 From Pone, by Baiiy Branch (n n) r,n l M :r:on'n Fla.ee, to St. James, 06 miles an 1 baek. on .'e h week. Leave Ponea Monday at 1" R m. Arrive at St. Jamo next dar l-y 10 a m. Leave ?t. Jamts Tuesday at 1 p tn. Arrive at Ponea next day by 1 p in. 116T2 From Bonne t'f .Station, by Solon to 'roi ey. lo miles and baek, onee a week. Leave Benne;t's Station Tuesday at 7 am. Arrive at Crop?ey by 2 m. Leave Crops-y Tties lay at 1 p in. Arrive at Bennett's Station by tip in. 1 1313 From Bennett's Station, by Panauca. Cropsey, and Laomt, to Beatrice, 40 u-.iles Had baek. ones a week. Leave Bennett's t-tntion Monday at6 am. Arrive at Beat' iee by 7 p in. Leave Beatrice Tuesday at 6 a n. Arrive st liennett'o .Station by 7 p m. 14-314 From Columbus by Alexis and Sunimi. to Ulysses, ;i miles and baek. onee a week. Leave I o!u::nus Monday ut 0 a iu. Arrive at I'hsses by t p ic- Leave I lys; es Tuesday at Cam. Arrive at Columbus by ti p in. 11315 From Columbus, by Clear Creek (n. o. ceola and Lincoln Creek (n. o. to York. 40 miles nn 1 back, once a week. Leive Coin .bus Welneauay at ti a m. Arrive at York by 7 p m. Leave York bur.-day at C a rn. Arrive at Columbus by 7 p m. 14j1G From Columbus, by Hammond, to Nio brara. 110 miles ni,d baek. once a we.k. Leave t'oloioitus Mon.iav at t a in. Arrive at .Niobrara vVedne.-il iy by (5 p ni. Leave Niobrara Tt'Ur-day at 6 a m. Arrive at 'olumbus Saturday by t' ra. 14ol7 From Cidumbus to Crete, to mi cs und bu -k, oncu a week. Leave Cola-nous Monday at S a m. Arrive at Cre'e next day by 0 p m. Leave Crete We iocs lay at H a in. Arrive at Coiumb'is next day by o' p ni. 1 151S From North Bend, by Purple Cane. Pleas ant Valley Glenc e. nnd St. Charles, to West Point, ;!2 miles and baek, ur.ee h week. Leave North Bend Thursday at S a m. Arrive nt We-t Point by 6 p in. Leave We-t Point Friday ut bam. Arrive nt Nor'h Beiiil by 0 p m. llol'J I roiu North Bend by Purple Cane and Abint'ton. to Midland, -J miles and baek, once a ve k. Lvure North Beml Mondavat 7 am. Arrive at Midland by 3 p m. Lea ve Midland Tnes lay at 7 am. Arrive at North Betid by :i n ni. 14."2C From iiia-id island, by Ionuebrni? and St. Paul, to C"tes!ield, 3j miles and baek. twice a week. Leave Grand Island Monday aad Wed nesday at a in. Arrive at Otc.-!ield 'o' 6 P m- Leave Cotesiield Tuesday and Thursday at i a m. ' Arrive nt Grand Island by 0 pm. 14321 From Syracuse, y Burr Oak. Hendricks, and Latrobe, to Laona, 27 miles iLid baek. once a week. Leave S racusB . riday at 9 a tn. Arri eat Lnoca by t p m. Leave Laona Saturday at 0 a m. Arrive at Svnicusa by (i p :a. 1 1,022 Pram Ashland, by SoJ Hill. Rock Creek. tVresco, an I Ash BlulV. to L-ne Valicy. ;-il miks a: d ba-k. otice a week. Leave A-hland o'ulnesday at b m. Arrive at Lone Valley by 0 p Leave Lone ii!Iey Tburs lay at S a m. Arrive ol Ashland by ti p ui 14323 From Ash'and, by Belmont nu I LViirle, t i l'a!u:yra, Ij miles aad back, once a week. Leave Ashland luc day at U a m. Arrive at Palmyra by t p tn. Leave Palmyra S cinesday at Oam. Arrive at Ashland by m. 14-324 Fro-n lapidion. by Nasby and forest City, to Ashland, o'J miletj anJ bauk, once a wi et. . Leave 1'a pill ion Monday at S a in. Airive at Ashland by b p m. Leave A.-blan i l ues lay at S a. in; Arrive at Papiilioii by tj p m: 11.323 From Cottonwoud springs, by SlockviKe in. n.l, to Jted lllow, Oo miles and buck, once a week. Leave Cottouwood c-prings Monday at 10 a in. Arriveatrtcd rt'illow next day by i p in. Leave K- d Willow Wednesday at i a m Arrive at Co'tonwood Springs next day by 0 p ia. 14-320 From Harvard, by White Klin. Pprii:jr K.m, h. and Negunda. to Bed Cloud, 62 miles and baek. once a week. Leave llarvart Monday nt 'J a in. Arrive at Ked Cloud next tay by 4 p m. Leave Ked Cloud SVedwcsiiuy at liu in. Arrive ct Harvard nrt day by 12 m. 14-327 From Plum Creek, by Arrpa'"e, Ked Willow, and Mouiii ol' Frenchman' Fork, lo Juiesburv. C d. Ter.. lsomiie and b k. onee a week. Leave Plum Creek Monday at 6 am. Ariive at Julesbum Friday by b p m. Leaves Julesbunr Monday at i a in. Arrive at P uni Crce trid by t! p m. 1152S From Fort Kearney, by lCejiubhcan City, Truesd'dl. Kan., and Stockton, to Hays irv. Kan., and baek. o ;ee a w eek. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule INSTRUCTIONS TO BIMIlKIl-S AND TOST-MasTKK.'-. t'ontaininir also eonoitions to be ineorporated in the contracts to the extent the Department may deem proper. 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each inter mediate oliice. w lien not otherwise tpecilied, lor ussortine the mi'ils. 2. u routes where the mode of crnveyaneo admits ol it. ihespeeiiil aeents of the PostOlliee .Department. ul post otliee blanks, mail baps locks and keys, are to be eouveyed without ex tra charge,. 3. "War bills'' or receipts prepared by post masters, or oiher acents ot the I'epnrtmerit. will aeeompnriy the mails, pec-ily iu the num ber an 1 destination of ihe several oaps. t be examined by the po.-tmasters, t iinsue regular ity in the delivery ot baits and pouches. 4. Ao pay to I oe made lor trips uw . ier.orm ed : and tor each of sueti omis-ions. il'ibe fail ure be oeeasioKsd by the fault of the coutr.ietor or carrier, three times tiie pay of the trip w ili be deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break connection with depending mails, and not S'lfiicienily excused. one-:ourth .fthe compensation f.,r tiie trip is subject to forl'cirure. K.ir reoeat. d d -linoueficies ot tie kind herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to tne nature thereof, and the importance of the contract for repented fail ores to ran hgTfmiltij to contract ; tor viobitinK the post olllco lawn, or disobiiKT thn instrmt'.ong of lli 1 icpurtuieo t (or retu-inK to dist luirKO a cur, ier when ri quir ed by tho Department m do so ; lorrupuintr an expr. s ns aloresnid : or I-r iraiopoitie-t: i vr Uoiis or piteki ires couvay i.a luailabln inuimr out 1 the Ilia ., rt. 1 be I os! muster Genera 1 may order tin in- crr.i-e . 1 serv i", n a route by allowing 'In ro tor a ih- ron sncrease on the c o.lraci day. lie uiav i buniio si dieduleo d deoi;rtucrs ao'l mi iv uls in ad easi s, .n.d purl icu larly lo miike tuein eontorm to eonncetions with rnilruads, without increase ot iay, provided the ruuriiiii Mmu hit not iibrioic.d. 'i be Po.-t muster Gsneral limy a so il iscoi.l inue or curtail I he Herv ice, in whclo or in part, in oner lo place on t be route puperi ot servi -e or v l.enevi r the j nbiic interesl.-. iu his judgment, sl.all rciuir such u iseont inua nco or c rtnilmeiit for any oiher ea ..-e: be hIIovy- ir.e as lull lodemniiy to contractor one month i'X 1 1 a pny on the amount of serv ice di.pei.sed with, an 1 a i.m rifi compemat ion for tho jimount of serv ice reta ined a ml continurd. S. Payuncnts will tie ma te by oolleoion from, or oralis on postmasters or olhciwisc, niter the cxpira'ioii ot eacdi iU 1 1 ei say in November. 1 ebruary. May. und August, pro vdetltiiat reiiuircil evidence of scivijo hui been received. 10. lh distances (riven nre btli' Vid to bn substan iii'iy correct; i ni no incieasid pay will be allowed should they be printer than advertised, if ihe point" to b- supplied art cor rectly slated. h'i-it: i itnin itihirtn tlriaWr on liii .'. mi l nso in reference, to the weight ot th" mail, the condition of bills, roads, streams, ,1c.. and all toil budges, turnpikes. I lank -r :ols, lerr es, or obstruc'ions id' uny kind by who h expense loav bo inenrrcd. No claim for additional pay, b red on such Kro.ind, can be considered : nor for ulleared mistake cr niisfiplirehei sion lis lotlied-areo f service J nor for bridces destroyed, '.ernes discont iou d, or other obstruct ions cn i"ii'K or inercasiiiK dis tance or expense c?ur' injr during the rnr.tr.iet t.'rtn. biices tslablished alter this udvettise ment, is issued, nnd also during- tho contract te in. ere to be visited without etra pay, if the d'stnncc be not ineroie.l. 11. Bidders are cautioned to mail their pro-' posals in t inie to re c!i tho llcpiir bv tlio day and hour named (.'i p. in. March H7:'.'. tor liids reccdved afier that time iril mt br. rouniii rrtd in cotnpeCt on with bids, of reasoi abla Htnount received in time. Neither cam bids bo considered which are without the Ruaranteu required by Inn-, and ft certiflcnto ot the sum eienry of such ftuar.a'itei". nnd hi oath t.f the bidder according to siction 21o, act of .June C, Is7-- 12. Bidders houl l first propose for frrvien Ftrictly accord ir.c to tlie mlvi rtisi inent. and then, if tl-ey di sire, c;,nr'i'c j for dillcrent ser vice: nnd if t he r"jnttr bid be the lowest olf.-r- ed for the n ivertised service, the Oilier propo sil iocs may be eon i lercd. 13. There should be but one route bid lor in a proposal. Consolidated or combination bid ("proposinjr one mi m for two or more routes"; cannot ''o ;onsided. 1 1. The roii e. the service. th yearly pay, tho name and residence of the bidder that is, bis usual post-oiliec address), and ihe name of each member 1 a firm, where a company oilers should he distinctly Muled. 10. KidJers lire requested to uif, ai far nil practicable, tho printed p-eposnls lurindied bv the Department, to writeout in full the sum of their bi ,s. and to retain copies ol them. Altered bios should not bo su'.miite 1 ; nor should t.i-ls onee subm tted be wii hd.-awn. io withdrawal of-n bidder or guarantor will bt allowed unless tho withdrawal i-- r ci ive 1 twenty-lour hours previous to the lime lixed lor op nine the propoeals. Kach bi'l m st be (rtiaranteed by two r pon S'ble persons. 'I he bid and itaarantee fhoul l be hiu -ted plainly wiih the full namo of each person I ho Postmaster General reserves tho riaht to nject any b:d which may be deemed extrava gant; and also to disregard ilm bids of failing contractors aud bidders. (Act of June 8, ibl'i, Bection 21'.'.) li. 1 he bid should b? Sealed, snper'eribed "Mail Proposals, Slate of Nebraska, " ad-lresse i "Second Assistant Postmaster liei. eral. Contract Otlice," nod sent by wotiV. not 0y or to no aKeiit. Bnls of j.3,0. kj per annum Hiid upward munt ba accomi allied by a certified cheek or draft on some solvent national bank, cutial to b per cent, ot the amount, (iee law ot CoDKre.-4 nt June s, p.72.) 17. Toe Contracts arc tc bo execute I and re turned to the De artmeiit by or before tbol't dav of J une. ls,.'d. otherwise the aec-pted bid der will be considered as hnvirir faded, and the Po t master General may proceed toe n traetfor the service s ith other p,rtio-, uecord iiu; to law. Transfers of contracts, or of infere-t mi cor tru.'trf. arc forbid leu by law, and consequently cannot be allowed. Neither can bids, or inter est in bids, be transferred or assigned to other parties. Bidders will tfiereiore take notice that they wi'l to expected to perform the ser vice awarded to ttieiu through llio whole con tract term. H. faction 2!'J of the act of June S, 172, pro vides l ha1 ro!.tia's for the transport. t ion of the mail rhall be "awarded to the lowest did der tendering siitlieienl fruarantees (or laithful performa nee. without other n lerence to the mode of such transportation than in iv be ne-ee.-sary to provide f -r the due ce rity, cennin -ty. aad seeuii'y thereof." Under tlrs law bid? thwt prop ire to transport ihe ma Is with "celerity, certaii ty. and se uritv." haviiiK neeu decided to n the only le-1! bids, nre con st uc l as providing tor t he em i'e mail, howev er larire, and wii.itever rn .y t ilie mo le ol c in vcyaoce necossaiy to iiisoro its "celtrity, ci r taiiity, und i-ee arity." and have the pretrriio over ail others, an l no ni tiers nrc con-i,iori, except for steamboat rout"'. li. V uiodi'iie.it i,yii ot a bid in any of its c-s-s.iiiial terms is tantamount to a new bi , and cannot be received, sons to interfere with regu lar c.mpi tiiion. Making h new bid, wnti KU.iraiilce and certificate, is the only way to modify u previous led. 2o. Postmiisti rs are to be careful not to certify to the sullicieia-y ot Kua nantoi s w ii hout know ing that they are per-ons of sutTieient. responsi bility, tsee section 247. act ot .June 8. Is,2.) Thev must n-d .s'o.-n the certificate untn the suui ot the bid is inserte 1. and ill tod and guaran tee are signed by the bidder an I I two i guaran tors ; h disregard of this in trcction by post masters wills'ibject tin in to immediate remov al, and to severe penalties. Posi masters are aU i liable to dismis al frotn' oliice lor acting as agents of con'ractors or bid ders, with o. without coinpensation, in any bu siness, matter, or thing, rclutit.g to the to. id service. They arc the trusted agents of tho Department, and cauoot consistently net in both capacities. 21. rtll bidders, (juarnntors. d sureties urn distinctly notified that on a failure to enter in to or periorm the contracts for thesiTVic" pra posed lor in llio accepted hid. their legal lia bilities will b entorced against tliem. 22. Present contractors, a d prisons known at ihe Department, o ust, equaby with others, procure guarantors and t eri ilic ales of the sulli cicney siibstantially in the lorms above pre scribed. The eert'li at--s of sulli ieucy iou-t bo signed by a postmaster. JNO. A.J. CULSWLLL, J'oxt Matt'r (jrnrrnl FORM OF PROpO-AL. t'.t'A R ANTEK, AND CKHTIFICATU. vhose podtofliis stale ol I'torosAI.S. T!ie undersigned , addres is, eountvof , proposes to convey the mails of tb' I iiitod frtate". from July 1. IsT.i. to June . 11,4, on r ute No. . between and , under the advertisi inent of the Post master General, dated December 1. 1'5"2. "with c lerity, cert-inty and security" (law of Juno Si, 1 -STll, for the annual sum of doll irs. This proposal is made with full knowledge of thedi-lai.ee of the rou'e. the w-igl.t ot ihe mail to be carried, and all other particulars in re erei.i-e to tire r.iite and sei v ice : and. also. alter careful examination of the laws and in Htructions ntlnci.d to advertisement ot mail service , and of th" provb ions coutainod in the ac of Congress oi J une i, 11T2, Dated ,Bi IJer, Gcabanteh, 5lst TI.. ,i ,t,I.-i.iu-ro.(I, re.-idinar nt f 1 .'undertake that, if the foregoing bid :. ,1. ..... M r.nifp o. o' accepted by theV"st'ma-rer General, the bidder will, pr or to the I I of June. I. J. enter into tb rc'iuucd onligatioii, ur ,,7.,,...i. i-, 1 . the tervicu proposed, with Rood aLd sutucint Mjrelics. . I his we do. understanding distinctly the ob ligations and liabilities assumed by gtirrantorj. Dated of- Cr.KTiriCATg. ihe under.-iirried, postmnster at -, 'tutu -, certifies, imikr hi - oath op m iK. that he is in uuainted with the abov e guarantors and knows tin m to he men oi properiy. nnu aide to make good thir guarantee; and that bidder and fcuarau'.ors are above the ae of 21 yca.-i. Bids of .3o0 ar.d upward must be aecompati ied by a ceniiiei cheek, or draK. on some sol Vent national bank, equal to o per centum on ,i. . uni.0.1 tin.- on the roirte : or in castt ot new serv ice, not less than o-ntuin ,f one year's pay proposed in bid.-siiou J, Act of June S. Is72. . t he Postmaster must not sign the ccrtifieato until thesum o the biid is inserted and the bid and guarantee signed by all the parties, uui d 1 ed. FORM OF PROPOSAL. FTC. Oath requited by Section 2 b' of An Act of ( on gr.rss, approve 1 June s. 1-72. to beatfixed to each bi 1 for carrying the Mail, and to be taken before an Olliecr qualilie 1 lo adtniuistor oaths. I, . of , bil ier for convey ing the rn dl on nut" A . .lr"iu - do swear that I have the ability pecuniarily to fulfill my obligation a such bidder : that the l.i I is made i d faith, and w ith the inten ti qi to enter into contract and perform the ser i ice in ease said bid sh .11 be accepte 1 : and that the signatures of the goaiaii'ors thereto uro mail inay o.-Ii.aoe ,i, f,fT t', ! genuine, and that 1 believe tlie said guaran M. VI IVAl ll'N . VI, .... ... -.-.r, -- mails, or anv portion of them, tor the admis sion of p.tsstngers. or for btir g concerned in sett rig up or running an express conveying intelligence in advance of the mail, a quarter s pay m iy be d-'dueted. C. 1'ines will be impos'il. ur.less the riehn- quency be promptly md tatiaf-i -tori.y explain ed l,v eeriitieates of r o-tri asters or the atLda- vits "of other credible peisJus. lor tailing to arrive in contract tim: tor ne:'eetio to rake Ihe mail from, or deliver it into, a po-t olltee : I li stinprin? 11 10 r,e wet. n jurcu, iiriiit.--i. robbed, or lot: and for refusing, after deu.and. ,, .r.ni-pv tho mnil as frequently as the con tractor runs, or is cruet rne l in running, a coach, cir -steamboat on a route. T. Tho Pf?tTOster Osscrtral may annul tu tors to be ticcuriiari! v responsible lor and ab'o to pay all damages the Unit d Mates shall sut ler by reason of iny failing tu pe.tonii my obU gallons as such bidder. th Sworn and sub: cribed before mo this dav ,f- , for -. A. li ls7 nn.l In toniiuonv thereof I hereunto subscribe my mime arid affix my official se"3 the uay ana year ulore-ui'i. ISE4I,. 'Notp. When the oath is taken btfor a jus tice of tlie peacc.tbe certificate of the clerk in a court of rc -ord should be added, under hi seal ol otljijo. that the person who admnisteieii the 011th is a duly qualified jastte of tUe seaoe1. the aAy rstandins tnt h should ro-