Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 13, 1873, Image 1

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V, the ogg;
Published every Thursday at
. . . i
One square, ID lines er b-t.) oce Insertion il. 3
Kneh tubseinent insertion 50
Profunional ftni, not tiC-fiiif.K six 1" 0
? column per nun urn iQJiQ
icoldiun, per aoiiutu fJ.O", ,
JJ column do WI.0
Ono column do ....... .JOOJO
All nil vcrt'u-in lull doe quarterly,.
Transient advertisements uiutd. Lepd hi sd
toftlve Corner 3f al" ami Second SlrfU
-Hecond Story.
official pa run OP THE
J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.
TERMS : $2.00 a Year.
Terms, in Advance.
Que oopy, one year .
Ono copy, six con'hs
One opy. three months.
.. 1:00.
Kxlrix rv;.i'." nf t'i HrBAtn for pile by V. . J '
rlrcip-ht. nt the Post I aTnn. arid . P. Johur
son. North fide Mi'o l5Lre', b'-t-vecn Ftcood
and Third.
Volume 0.
Plattsmbuth, Nebraska, Thursday, February 13, 1873.
Number 46.
M4r.QTTP.Tr. SMITH k ST A r B I P. V A '-
'tor eys it Law. I ra- th a in all the court
f th i St. to. tpeciul attcmiuu givcu to collec
tion" and matters of Probata
-Fee over die Fust Oiiioc, Pliittsiaoutli. Neb.
DII. WIIEFLF.U& Cr. Auonifrysai Law
Special aft:t!ti"i C'tveii to probate hu
ire" md land tide cases.
OfTioe in the Ma
Foni Block. 2Iain fctrect.
CJAM. M. CHAPMAN Attorrev t.
O Law and Solicitor in Chmeery. Platts
mouth, Nebraska. Office in pitzjjerald'ulilock
T B. r.EESE. Attorn-y t . Law Office
lM . on Main Mreet. over Chapman Urn
fs.ire- Special attention given to collection
ol claims.
T K. LI VTNG3 TON. Physician and Sur-
IV eeon, tenders his professional service to
tno cil-.itns ol e,.t.s county, ncfiasncewui ai
r.-i.Tfif(iik andaixth streets; fiU'ce on Mivn
r treet. one door west cf Lymaii'! Lumber 1 ard
Vlattsiimuth. Xeb.
1 W. RAWLINS. Siinrcon an'l Physician
l Late a Stirron- n Chief of the Army ol
the Potomac. 1'liittJmoutb. JSebra-O'.a. U!;i
at O. F. Johnson's lrus store ".Iain street
1 Ks. SflIlL!)KNKCHT & lil" TLKU. Praf-
J ticinz Phyiiyi:ins. ' 'lliee in Merges l.iocK.
One of then will be fo.ind there lay and
night, when not away on proffcr'sional businifs.
U2 w3!ly
TT'HKKLER BENNETT Real lfct.tte aid
Tax Paying Agents, N it:, rn Public. Fire.
fl Life Insurance AgeaU, Plutiaiuutli. l-oiy
ra-.ka. -"
THELPb PAINE General Insurrxnce A?tt
. itcpr Fents sonic of the inojt rcliablo Coui-
patios in ihe Cnited states
Main Street, Between 5th aud C'Ji St.
The heft hoiiki published on tho HousR ff'i J
LI? WW. i.i:cr:u icrius
Money rradc r.i:ul-
V bv Aicents eviiiug tnuie
book.t. fcciKt Jor
PORTER it COATE-5. PnblWicr.
1 hila iclphia. i'a.
Phutoeraplu. Ambro'.yphs an 1 copi"?
roni wi 1 ii:tur;s. plain or c !o:e 1. either in
-ok. w ;ter or cil. All work neatly e.oci:-.-d
-id warranted tn kivo satist'-iftion.
V. V. LKON AUD Arti-t.
V)dlt Main St.. Flatt.-uioaih.
Fancy Dry Goods, Notions,
I.'-idios Funsllg Goods,
Li.3t, Cl!npe?f. an! Bet AssortOi
h'toek in the City.
;rre on M tin. hptwon 4th an-l 5tb
rfOHt.-i. Pl.ii-t.-iuouth, Nebraska.
1-6 vlt" iA:vtt'
x. jifi '3rr
13 in receipt of the nes and
k.inicr3, Cl.wb.s.. Vc?tinr.s kc
v r broubt to tho city, which
I wiil tu;ike up in tho
Latest .styles,
i'leas-? call an i exar.nue.'tiira
;i- noutb, Apnl 18, 187-.
t i -f.
? tin i' Tir.LKT'i
XtLranka City,
t-ural Agent Dcp't Northwest,
Central Life
Of Cincinnati Ohio,
. riON.
Lo ii to A'our Children.
' '. Sreat Soothing IleuieJ.
Cures colic and srr'plri; in' Price
! . the b)wels, and t.icil itat ; . -
!. t.r.ieess of teethinir. Cen'
: .; Subdues eon vulsi i;3 and Price
. ' . ..." ir.ri'n!:1PJ fill diifPllL'. ini-l 2-
I . it i. in f. nt jind chinlrn. Cent.
! Curei l)i:.rrh.e'l. Dente-i Price
'.: v . v and.-ummsrcomplaint -
hildrea of all a?es.
; - , it Irtfant-s' and ChildreirsnSooth-
; ,.. . . in b!1 disorders brought on o
. y other cause.
:' tho Grafton Medicino Co., fct
DfKists and dealers in Mtdicinsc
r?r v
uci'.a iv
O. a f
?Iicc Iliiililiiaj;.
a. j a-v urn
t. 1
and w tf ta
-id Cloak Maker.
.-.- wtti of Brookn'Iousjfj
inn a -i..y. .-Dj of nil kinds constantly on nasi
5? A ?5E3ESh3 S
IT ay man Curtis.
.I'iatlsjsjowfii, IVcSi., '
Rcr-alrers of Steam ngine7. Boilers, Saw and
liriH Mills.
;i3 and Steam Fittinirs, Vi'rouitht Iron Pipe
F rce and T'itt i'ninps, r-tern iJa-itre, ulanr
Valve Governors, and all Lini3 of
Brass Engine Fittings
furnihei on short natioe
Hepai-ifl ' on short notice. i
A Heavy Stock of Goods.on
No Lent nntl fto Intcre-i on fiorrowd coptlal
to t Made UJJ L wtonirr ! I
North s; '.o Ma'n bct-.vepn ?econ 1 and Third st?.
Takes pleaiJuro in announcing to
SrincY- siml JSeciianics.
Th '.t ho has a3 iirae find Troll e-'ected stoc.-: o.
Lry iiois. Groceries. Provi-simi. as were
ever brought ;o Ue city of PlatUtaouth.
-6'It'wil! ce-t yoa nothing to lo..-k at them
whether v-.n huv or iut. I'.y exauiinir.K the
prices at tho"f,y li ULl AU I.E" yi'- will be
..!.!. t. t.-ii a-hi;:i urlier uarti-S try to swiuul
jny YcurGriien-Qi?os and
Bedirinn Plants.
XT T.'l3
0XT Scad Ea-t for Plants when you can
pet ju-t ai it ii i lor ic-i lwonc nearer
ho'iip. To 'iiv ii!iTi.Ttus Irieu li nl patrmi' l
won! 1 ::iy that 1 Lfvo ihe Uwst mid bi st
st'H'k (" pUr.ts t er offered r Mile ui tie west
an 1 propos? to si 11 t'ticm at reasonable pikes,
iii tu.-o .in J send fur my
New Descriptive CataJt3u.
l.i-h will be sent free ti H who npily f-.r it
Then cive t.ic your orders, and I fed confident
I can satisfy yon. ,,;.r-
Address. . . j. 11 c.o-;.:v.
Feb. U diw riattMnoutb. 5cb.
PLAITSMOUril. nf.u;; I VXA
0KAD IIEISEL . - - - Proprietor,
Flour. Cm Meal, Feed." Ac, Always on
and for rialo at Liwest Cash Prices,
'iThe llirhest prices paid for Wheat and
CT'I'artieular attention given to cus
tom work.
r Kacns contintIy on hund all staple articles
such as
Dry Goods
1 loots an l Shoe, iTce.,
r., f.ii. cvfrft'iinff usnnl'v kcot P a Vaii tv
r.,r t-Ki-h ri'l he sidd on M:ia!l nrotits fr
CA?rt! Ail kinds of Prod jeo taken in exehnae
for good and
Hihet Market Pik-e given in caih
lj-w ' for Grain.
Weeping Water, Nebraska.
SGiieral Mercliandise,
DRY GriT-.
Q V E li N c W A Tl P,
We are Actit3 for
Willcox Sl Glbbs Sewinq Machine
C. HEISUL. Proprietor.Having reccntlybeer
repaired and placed ia thorough running orde
bt,o00 Bushel of Wheat wanto.1 immediately
ft which the Wahest market price will be rat :
Thia unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to
contain asinilu nartiele of Mereurv. oranv in
jurious uiiueral hutistanco. but is
For f'irty years it has proved its sreat value
in ail diseases of the Liver, Bowl. and Kidneys
J ut Llje and irrat In an parts of
the country vouch for its wonderful and pecu
liar p'wc in purityine toe blood, snmula'tns?
the torpid I ver and bowels, and imparting
new lite and iorti tho wholo system, bim
uions' Liver Regulator is. acknowledged to have
no equal as a
It contains Piur medical eleineut .. never urn
ted in the same happy proportion in any other
pr paration viz ; a frentle Uatuartic. a wonder
ful loon:, an un-cxeentionable Alterative and
a certain t.orrcctivo ol all imoiiritie ot tbe body
t"U'-u Biirnal success has attended its use. that it
la now regarded its tho
for Liver Complaint s-.d tho painful offspring
tliereof, t-.-wit. JJyspep'fia, Constipa'i n.
Jaundice Bilious at'a ks Sick headache. Colic
Dotiret s:on of fcinrits. teoiir fctouiach. Heart
Btiru. Ac. vc.
Kegula-.e the liver and prevent,
Prepare! ccly by J. II ZEILIN Sc CO.
l)ru?Bi.-'ts, Macon. G:i.
Send for a ) and :i'2'J Arch street.
Price 51; by Philadelphia Pa,
For Sale by J. H. BUTTERY,
jantwly. PlatUmouth, Neb.
A Jeriil Story r.y DH. 110 LL AXD. Stic
ry r.u SAX fJ HOLM. A Long Story from
dri:t II ARTE.
, ;v.
5ttO PAGES Vliil $l.O0Z Ac. Ac.
The Publh'bers of Scsibnsii's Montrly, in
their Pro-'p'.cius just issued, promise f -r the
eniun year a more brilliant array of contribu
tor.3., an 1 tin incrcaso in th' varie'y nr. I beau
ty of its illustrations, already conceded by the
critics t 13 "jin'-r th" any which A ire hithrrtu iv l iii any Ainrinn in itrtzinc,'
i)'i. liot.iSD, the Editor, will write the ?e-
ial story of the year which will be autobiogra
phical -a form, and, will be illustrated by
tfi--3 IlaHock. It is entitlid ArlJJiir IIi-
niO!iN!, r.nd wiil deal with STtno of the most
uiciilt problems of American Life. It will be
coimooiii-e l in tiie .November .miiudit.
There wiil bo a new story bv Sax's IIolvi
Tim ! Danrrrs.
',.-(' (ir'aa. wilt contr:but3 a cbaractesr
tiftory. eniiilel 1 I1iiri t" lil;lln
titva, v. i:i
i!lu-tri!ed by Bhcppard.
U. II. STona r.i will wriioa scries of cntcr-
taitiins pipers about -n:tiorH. Ilseir i'cr-
Miinnl t'iinrueteritlcH, House Lfle.
Kh mill t", frifitils, IViilm, ti;J H'ajrii.
V series of I'orfrrslls of Living Aineri-
fn Writer, is a'.-o .Tomi-'.-d
t'LAkCNCK CoitK wi.l write about Kuril! Inro
itutl Jec-ratIoii ol Airiericiui
iinnies. Thfso P".ier? v.iil bi eminently
prncti al r.s well ns art is-'ti rn I will bo illus
trated with fiesins and ket.:hes by numerous
rti-ts in addition to ihoso which the writer
himsc'f wiil furni h.
-Villi. rig those who will couti ibute are:
Hans An'K r.-eu. Bryant. Bushncll, Ksleston,
Froudc. lli;;ins.iu, l'ihop Ilunt'uiiton. Bret
Harte. John Hay. If. II. Macl 'pnal 1. Mitchell.
Miss Phtlps, Stedman, Stoekton. Stod.lar 1. I'e
Iia Thi.xter, Warner, Wilkinson. Mrs. Whit
ney, besi ies n host cf others.
Vat..r. 'Jiiiler will writ-! " fhc "bl-
nol;" as hitiieito. I'roi. Joiiv C. Ditii'Eit
conducts the Department of .ntnrp ami
fst-li'iice." The Departments of ''IJortie
a n J Nrl-ly nr.d C ulture siml Ir-
srrn, wt:l -ii-4:';,-e tlie coutrioutions ot more
than a svoro of pens on both fides of the Atlan
tic. The Watchman am Rkflkctor says
'Scribner's Monthly for September is better
than usual, which indicates a needles waFte of
editorial brains und Publishers money, for the
Magaziuo wr.s cood enough before 1" And
yet Hie l'lihlishi-rn I'reuiisc In imiKe
it Hotter the oinlnt Year! !
The Subscription price is 81.00 a year, with
i-i.-oi-ial rtcs ti lergrman, leacliers, ar.-i
s"-Thc fjiljwi:i
are offered ti new subseribers:
For So.oO tho Publishcis will send, or any
Bookseller or Newsdealer w ill supply the mag
azine for one year, and the twelve numbers of
Vols. Ill and IV., containing the beginning of
Mrs. Oliphant'r Serial, "At His Gates;" for
7,50, the Magazine for ono year, and tho 21
UAL &. II Jill UCl a IIUUI 1UU VLgiiiiiiiin , iui
ib J!SMz:n. for one vear and the 24 back nam-
I -.. ,t r.-,l, 1 V,nnl i-ntj 1
- - I
. . . . ... 7 1
,. . , i , . 1 1 pirn ni:irir.-ii T. kt f ' I
choicest r.iUu,M.-:ih the finest illustrati ns, l
, ... .. . j - .
he ilO.W. or nearly 00) p-s for a dollar 1
an l will .uable every sub-jribtr to obtain the
series from the first.
Sealers, ClsrsTinsa ana
: H 3 T 3 .
SfRIBNKi: i- ro..c;t Broadway. N. Y.
To eroet tho
f-'2UraSka StatC Orphail
To bo-Drawn in Public,
IVIarch 31st, 1872.
Itckcts 5s 1.00 ivir-Ii or bix for ?.3.00
L'uV.ets sent by espres3 C. 0. I-, if desired.
1 Grand Cash Pri
1 Grand ' 'ash Pria
1 lira n I a.i Irr;.9
1 irand .i'i l'ri.-
1 t'ash Pria
1 a-h Pri.3
2 'a-h Prizes. S-''KJ ea'-'a
t I'm1i Prizes. .o-KI eaeb.
2 t'ash Prizes, 1.I- .0 ea-h
"0 ash pri.cs. Kach Shi)
lot) ':-h Priz.-f, Kaeli a.-.l
j ."
jot) .adi 1 rizt s. l-.a-h fj
o.hihi Cash 1'rizcs. " i'O Cash 1 rues, tj
4'"-" J.s),"-j
Thr I.f-Til T-riterpris.- i endorsed by th
highest authority of the State au 1 besl busmes
Ovsr one-half the ticket taken before OcT.Ist.
The limited nmnbei on hand wiil bo iurnihed
those who apply firt.
Money can be gent by mail, in Registered
Letters, Post Ofli so .Money Orders, or by tx
pres. Ad Prizeswill be paid la lull. Agrsts Was
ted. Foi lull parueular address,
l i di tt rr f
t3d9t-2iwRt General Maaairif," Omaha Vb,
' W?T
tr, tz?. t-y. . s. r.i a
I an a Tssian.
I am a woman therefore I may not
Call t.) him, cry to hiiuT
Fly to Liin.
Pray him delay not.
And when he comes to me, I must sXquict
Still as btone is.
Harder an 1 colder.
If my heart riot
Crush and defy it I
Should I errow bolder
Say ono dear thinir to him.
All iny life tlin? to him.
CliDi; to hi:n
What to atone ij
Enough for my sininn? I
This were the co?t to mo.
This were my winning
That he were lost to me 1
Not as a lover at lst if hi parted from me,
Tearing my heart from me
Hurt beyond cure
Calra and deuiuro
Then my behavior ;
Showin? no si;jn to him
By look of inir.o to him.
What he has been to mo.
Pity mo lean to me
Christ 0 my Savior!
Scribner'ifor January.
Well, eonny, it pays to be honest.
Anl run your shebanK on the square :
When a chum of mice forgets it.
YTo separate then and there.
I kept tolling Jim Smith thi,
He allowed the remark was just:
But lie went his own gait all tbe same.
His tuno was "Go it, or bunt I
SVe were out in Kansas t'-gather,
Jim aiid mo, in the year Fifty-eight;
They had mide it so hot ia Missouri,
We concluded not to wait.
So we put, buins peaceable men.
Even Jim soon saw that wo must;
I bad only my oxen and cart.
And Jim not a red, being bust.
We piit, as a fores ltd. to Kansa',
An '. ha I scarce been there a waulc
Wiien we stunb'ed across an old miner
V'h had rec-tit returned from Pike's Peak.
lie dropped there wis gol 1 there, one night,
And showoC us a big full f du-d.
Said Jii.1. "La's In off:-' I. "Waif,"
'N.u'y watt." said h . "Pike's Petik, or buet!"
I sot and thought ever tho matter.
An 1 ma le up my mind that rext day
I would sen about Jim and me goins:
He'd turned in. and was snoozing away
I jude 1. from tho smile thut he Fure,
Ha was sharing the sleep f-f just.
Wh.-a I woko I observed it was late.
And I was alone there and bust.
Unbeknown he had doctored my whisky.
And gine back on aie thus from the starl ;
fic had got up and got before morning.
And stolen my oxen and cart 1
You had better bolicv I was riled.
I've a sort of idee that I i-u. seli
"I'm going to go for you, Ji-u.
We'll see before long who is bast."
Why tho doggoned cuss had absconded
S'as inquired, and the miner ho told;
fo the next day there t tarted a party
To go after Jim aid nnd the gold.
Those oxen of mine wero our guides.
We got on their track from the fust ;
Aii 1 we followed 'em, two days behind.
Determined to ketch up or bustl
Twas a mighty rough country to travel
All "an J to the foot of the Pe.-ik
Vegetation about as abundaut
As tint yellow fuz on your cheek.
Not a tree or a shrub, withered grass.
Ar.d inver a stream you could trust:
Thero was alsali something in all
But no Peak, nnd no Jim wis he bust?
The track of the w.ig'-n we followed
Would bo b't't for a time, and then found,
Like tho rivers that oink in that desert.
lid as suddenly rise from the jrround.
Twas hotter th:m thunder one hour.
A. lid tho next there would coino a cold gust
lap down from the snows on tho Peak ;
Four days, no Jim I had he bust ?
The next dsy we sighted the wagon.
You have got him at last now," they sa-'iJ ;
But he's halted 1 There's something tho matter
And what are those birds overheard 7
Not buzzard's! A ox. too, i3 down.
And a leg through the grass thero is thrust.
Halt, holp 1 t here's murder ben done 1
"Hallo Yank!"' Silence men. Jim is bust 1
Poor Jim 1 At his feet lay his riflo.
Close by it his whip and a boot ;
There were marks all round of a tusslo
With some treacherous do? of a L't;
A tomahawk spattered with blood,
And Jim lying scalped in tho dust,
And daubed, by himself, on my curt,
Was his epitaph "Pikk's Psak, oa BcsrT
From the February
Getting Hent7 cf Fresh. Eggs.
Iu a Ion? communication to tho Ge-r
. . , , .
OiantOWn Iclcgrnpil UpOO tliO fubjCCt of
l L'ii.l
llOUlirV, -Uf. Jj iWlSQI, OI IIUUSOD,
! i. -1-. i em n pAnt;iJpN lhA nilfitifin 'ltliivj
. iv ''1 . aaw.t
to get plenty or goon i. ivorea iresn eggs
Willi little trouble, and thiuks it t lere is
any secret in it he has discovered it, and
makes the same pubhe for the benefit of
all interested, lie says
"Once, thirty years ago, I was troub
led ju-t as my ueighbor now i-: I fed mv
hens plen'yot corn and got but few eggs.
L reasoned upon the matter, and hap
pt-nd to think that the couditueiit parts
of mitk and the white of ct.s were much
alike. Now, it. has long been known to
milkmen that wheat middlings an.J. bran
are about the best of any food to" make a
cow give miiiw; wriy not. then, tb.3 be.-t
to make liens lay eggs? L tried it, and
since then have had no trouble. My
mode of prjp-.iiiisr the feed is to mix
about rive parts of bran with one of mid
dlings. In the morning I vet up with
water about four quarts of tho mixture
in a large tin pan, taking piius to have
it rather dry, though all damp. This I
set in a warm, sunny spot, south of their
shed, and they waU up, take a few dins.
. , n i:l ,
uou teeiu 10 iaisey u use corn, an I start
oil on a f-hoi t hunt for something Letter
but always coming round in a short time
lor a lew more dips from the dish of
bran. J. here is little time during the
wlioleday but what one or moreare stand
ing by the pan and helpimr themselves.
1 am careful to mix for them just about
as much as they will consume during' the
day. At Duzhf, just before they repair to
roost, I usually throw them about a pint
ofs-heiled com, well scattered, fo that
each one can get a few kernels. If your
bens don't incline to eat this feed at first,
sprinkle a little Indian meal on it. I
would like all who complain of not getting
egzi to try my plan, and I think they
Subscribe for the HERALD.
77h7 h3 Dida't fist S'.ectel
"T was considerably astoni.-hed, Gen
eral, by the news from Jefferson City.
I looked upon your election for Senator
as a foregone conclusion.
"But L wasn't elected."
"So I understand ; how did it come
about i .
"Oh ! Some of those follows took the
notion I wasn't we'd enough to perform
the duties, because! 1 Lave para!y.-is.
"Wei!, how ii that?"
"It wouldn't have made a particle of
""But you are a leader in the Deiuo-
eratio party ; Low ltI they come to se
lect a politically obscure man, m prefer
ence toleader-, of which there were
abundance? Where were Phelps and
Rollins why were their claims fonroU
ten?" 1
"Money, sir; money!"
So pavairely were the word3 uttered
that I bounded upright, and stared at
the recumbent form before me. The
General smiled erimly upon his toes, Lut
paid nothing. I looked from s f ice to
r.s.toes, and the latter hxed my atten
tion. I aw then the intere.-t they pos
sessed for tho warrior. They were
drawn up in lino on the great maus
knee, and looked like the first section of
a military column of fours, on y the com
mandant was on the riht instead ot the I
eft. Ihe General was teekin consola
tion in martial reminiscence.
"How money. General?"
"It was bought, sir," said the Gene
ra', bringing the section to a riar t-about
fi'.co, and scrutinizing the sole of hid foot.
"W ho bought what? "
"Bogy bought the Senator?hip."
"I heard there was tuch a rumor."
"It's true, it's true, and I know it."
and he shot his li! down till his ten toes
amo into position, division front, look-
ingas if only waiting the command to
march on Lsogy, and lay nim in ashes.
Do I understand that it is a fixed
f.iet that Bogy really paid for his idee-
"Ve, sir he paid cash for it."
"Couldn't your influence and popularity
lave overcome that if your fiieuds had
acted more wisely?"
"Suppose Dan. and Bart. Able had
upportel Slil-on Hutchins for the
peakership cf the hou-e, could ycu uot
ixc coutmed his influence.' lhey
helped to defeat him, and he, thinking
on wre at the bottom ot r, opposed
ou violently. If they had aided him,
wouldn't he have assisted your
"Hutchins is a d d scoundrel, and
uch as he can't do au honest man any
Did Jiogy buy him r
"No ; he wouldn't trust him with any
"Mow i! 1 Uutchius nelp L025 .'
"Why Hutchins is a rogue, aud knew
all Ve otVior roiru.a. Ho brocht them
to Bogy and Bogy bought them up."
I here were a lew moments ot snence,
during which the general put the two
stctious of toes through a competitive
drill. I thought those of the right foot
the most proficient, but the General
raised too leu ana ecra.cneu tne com
mand mt approvingly.
"Who did liogy buy up, General :
The Hon. Frank did not ai.-wer but
shades of the 'finks ! how eloquently
.lid he respond to tho demands of the
atmosphere. Tho fingers and toc al
lotted to the entire t opulatiori of the
Ottoman empire, would be wholly mauc-
riu ite fur the computation of the num
ber ot perspiration drops that spra;i
from the honorable's body. Every pore
in his skin seemed to send a hundred
debdrates. Caucusses assembled in the
wriakles ; committees hurried to and fro,
find syndicates held their meetings. 1
noticed one dron in particular that, start
ing from tho Senator n chin, wound its
W5if tbr- lontrfli nf his and dronped
off' his heel. Here and there it stonned
nl seemed exnostulatin-' with those
around it, but they paid no attention to
t. and it hna v te unon the flcor.
"Yes." I thought, "all nature w coy-
emed by fixed laws, and sweat and meii livered the bonds or money is not pro
are akin," for I saw the General's Sena tccted by tho legal privilege of counsel
tnrial camnaiirn perfectly (vilified in the I
drnn that tumbled off his heel and had
fallen into a crack between two brick.
"Who did Bogy buy up, General? I
"I think T'll no around to tho other
ide of tho cjirtaio," said the Hon.
Frank to an attendant.
Whr ii vour encmiv re-reats. follow him
ur) I
"A off me o assist you. Uoneral,
and taking him by the arm I helped him
along and put him into another little
, , i irl
bed. fslde Dy Slue We lay again, ana 1
noticed that lie eved mo sustueious v.
"Are vou not cocriccted with the
Gl lc? ' he asked.
Cslfaz Eefora ths Ccnmitteo.
Special I'ispaich to the St. LouisGlobe.
Washington, Jan. 29
This hos been a field-lay iu tho House
committees. Air. Colfax apneare i bv
counsel, 'Hon. R. S. Hale, formerly of
tew 1 ork, being tne representative se-
lected for this purpose. It is a pity
that this ftep was not taken before, as
the matter assumed too grave an aspect
to b'O left to the loose and ex-parte pro
cedure or the present investigation
Mr. Hale declared that he shou'd
prove where tho suspicious $1,-00 de
posit came fro'.i oil the -'21 of June,
ISCs. The general feeling about the
Vice Preside nt i one of great sadtiess
to believe him capable of false swearing,
and justly doomed to national disgrace
Those who do not admit the circumstau
tial links are willing to believe that, there
has been an unintentional error of state
ment. Mr. Col fix's own bold denials
are aliecting ludgincnts. and there is a
report mat ne lias asked tne memi-ers
.t i iii i
of the Indiana House delegation to a.-k
tor a committee to t re pure articles of
Oce thing ts certain, Mr. Ams has
not an blei of the situation, uraveiy be-
r.eving himself lastenmg false swearing
and di-nonest evasion on certain gentle -
men. He seems to grow easier and
mere self-complacent, laughing over ev-
ery embarrasv-ng incident and enjoying
bis own sour v itticisms over other's dis-
comfiturcs. lie appears to believe that
the venue has changed from one ot using
corrupt influences to that of others be
ing proved liars. lie left here to-night
lor Massachusetts. It is hoped he will,
on bis return, produce the prtcnttjus
memorandum-book, by the contents
which reputations have been besmeared.
C7S FUi'lTY M-V.rS L577Z2.
Klmwood, Nfbuaska, )
January New Moon, 1S73. j
Now, Mister IlEP.ALPman, as I have
seen several little peaces in vour iar)er.
that I have the pood luck to take, but
T ..
, . ' . , ' . " yow, also an ex-.'l. i:. (and wants to
out; Lut I wiil fetch you a fjw sacks of be Hgsin), pre.-idciit of several ilistin
corn and take it again for I think that tuisbed comj)ani-s. etc., tell us ahottt
everv Christian nrt ti have it abr.itt the
house, and not without paying for it ea-
thar. now then, about a little informa
tion as regards tho wether out Hear;
it hns been a'lfierd Breezy around hear
and with bad wether and that I loss
trouble, the folkes that I know about
hear had to stay to hum most of the
time, and save thair shoe leather for the
wet weather in the spring. Now as I
have told you about the wether, I will
tell you about the Bonds. Now thair is
lot of di:T rnt. kind nf lion.!-, lint
rail road in this Here county, we ail of
u? that wanted them voted them clean
sweep, and hope that we wont have to
i"iy ii uii evui iiiu lvliuio to
a. iu Kno it 10 t.jtuu icners to taive it
our oi tuo state, i am isonas ail ever
and dont care who knowes it.
Now, as I was faing about them
peaces I seed in your paper about them
festivals and gals, now then, the fo'hes
about hear got up a fe.-tival at our
school house the other cavrning, and we
had a joley good time, the fust thing I
ed was a fflkrs name called out, and
told as how tharo was a letter f jr him,
and ho looked Kinder funny and said he
thought that he wou! I take it, but the
Gal that iK1i ;t rivr cent please,
, - , .
" . -
changed Hands ; then thair was a peenut
sfa,nd, and they went like Hut oyters
did at supper, the thing was a suckscss.
the old folks talked and the young ones
Danced, and the Babyci gtjueelcd,
and the proceels of the thing went to
tho Treasurer of tho grange, now as
have huVe got commeticd a having a
good time, and some, of the PlatL-mouth
f'olke.? is out in this Neighborhood, we
intend to have the Holiev d ivs over
again ; and now mister Tip Top, if you
can finJ a l,heo in J 0!ir aper to put
this here document witu out too much
trouble, y stick ecr
in. I dont car
about havinz it in mine, case I am
Here and know alt about it. if I can
?ot timj I wiil write about Next Budget!
I g-ubsctibe myself L. NasUAZEN".
Fo;eh alonif your corn, mister, icq
want it
A Charter frm Steward's Tsstirnsnr.
(Before Credit Mobilicr Cominilto.)
Chairman. I ask you to state to
whom you paid tho bonds of the Union
Pacific Railroad Company, or any pro-
eeeds thereof ? I will not speak of dea!
in?s with my coents
i'ou refuse then to state to whom you
paid or delivered the bonds of which
you have spoken, or any part thereof ?
1 repeat and now state 1 will uiase no
i . i :..,. i-
taiemuiit, hu-jul inu uumiiwi oi uiy
Do you refuse to state to the commit
tee to whom you delivered the bon is,
or state what you did with them? To
do si would place me in a position in
which I do not not desire to be placed.
I give you another opportunity to an-
swer. I'o you rcluse to answer
have answered as I mean to answer.
After further eo'.lonuv, Mr. Hoar
nioved that Mr. Stewart be informed by
the chairman that in the opinion cf the
committee nis reiusai 10 msciose tne
names of the persons to whom he de
and cuent
Chairman. I state to you, Mr. Stew-
art, that the committee, having had this
matter undr con-i deration, it is their
oninion t-iat you have no risrht to with
hold the answer.
I presume I have the same rights
here in my examination as I had in the
discharge ot my duty as counsel, ncgo
uaior ati'i umpire;. t or iiio io niijnn
tne ouosiioii woaia ne to create uissaiis
fiction among parties and des'ioy tha
eoniidence now existing Dcrween mem.
- ".. - i :i.....:. . . ... i.
I lou nave no yt hi pure lino nu'j
Meets pertaining to private ad ur
itness having be. n asked as to woat
kind of bonds Mr. Hay received, said,
to the best of bis judgment, they were
o the same description and part of the
bonds witness li.d received.
Are you appithen-ive that in answer
ing the questions heretofore asked the
e treet would be to create stt lie between
your clients ? I am satisfied such would
be tho thcet.
Did you deliver (he bonds to any news-
paper correspondent? lhat is repeat
ing your question, but for the credit of
these centlemeu, I say I did not.
Did you deliver to newspaper propria
tors ! I dec.ine to answer, for two
them are my clients.
Where do vou live? i hat is imn;a-.
tcrial to the purpose of this cxamina
Do they live in Washington ? I d
c'.ine to answer
In reply to remitks made by Shella-
bar2:?r, the witness sail he felt it to be
his duty to his clients to decline to an
swer the question.
l'hcn you adhere to your po-u.on . I
cannot u.-e language plainer than I have
already used.
I r rn t 1 t 1
dimes x. v uson nere s.':.t no u o
telegraphed to J. M. S. Wil.iams to the
effect that hpence, yesterday, lialtesti-
iieil that illiams toid pen.j to give
YV ibtams a thec-c 19 .Odd Jiarehy
lsTl, and asked Williams did you do it
at that time, cr any otiierr to which
1 telegram li.iatns repoed, l never
gavtffiim directions to give you any por
tion of the 12'J,0o0; do not believe
you had anything to do With it. My
recollection i.j that Dodge, chairman ot
J the committee, ha J tho whole direction
ot it
Tho committee then requested the
gentlemen to retire, as they wished to
j howl a private consultation,- evidently
with reference to the relusal ot Mr
otlbtewart to answer the questions pro
I pounded
What do John M. Thavcr. R-M C
and A. I lam. Gunner, t x chairman of
!the Indiana State CVtitral Con mi: tee,
both ui-tinguished citizens of Liucoh),
know about Credit 3Inl.i::"or stock I'.t
eiecuonnerirg purposes ; aa it Mime
"here about $5,01)0 for NebrU and
I now Much lor Indiana? v ill Amaa
tl:lt htter in which he referred to c r
tain " div:iiends ot said stock in Wi-'-
corp-tn. as related hv the Milwaukee.
Xnrs f Let's hear from 'em States
TTarnicut1! cr Eurrc'L
A St. Louis Democrat Reporter inter
viewed Gov. Warmouth, of Louisiana,
as to his ideas of Judge Luire!I, and
here they are :
"Do you think Judge Durrcll will bo
impeached ?"
1 CS, I do
1 ll'll 1 t I
"He .heg."
Does he drink much?"
"He does pretty well."
"Dons he get drunk?"
"Well, I don't know but what it is
I . .1 i i. n
I ill A tr, wMt? I hit iMl hr.r lliirrn'l cftit
jruilkt (r the drunk gets Durrcll.
i rf .i
l nere is a repot t t hat no is a drunk
ard : liow is that ?"
"I shouldn't like to commit mvself to
a statemeiit to that tlilct, but I don't
tlimk I do him any injustice whtti I say
that for cootl, stcativ drinkintr. su h
drinking as would rct.lly do a man good
to Ijok at; sound drinking; drinking
with a fcubntantistl ba.-is; established on
a strong t.iatiorm, JJurrcll is to be relied
upon "
D :cs he get drunk on (tie bench .'
"No, I think not. Mv imprcs-Iori i-1
mind, this is only cn imrcssion my
impression is 1. e Ots drtiiik at home,
lu f'ire hs coos on the bench."
"Is he sound in every other wav?"
"Oh! Durrel! is a good fllow. I
wouldn't say anything against him, you
know ; but I may venture the remark
that his whisky is the best pirt of him."
3ai Ellis Collcctel -
a collect r of bills in
Philadelphia. Every body knows Uii'y
there, anl he collects the v.or.-t kind of
Litis that people are willing to
tnrow away, and wliit-n would oetl'rjwn
away, if it were not for Bify
.As il -y Sive tbeir bad bills to
i j ; ; v to coiiect.
Billy Bangs wears a very hih hat a
family relic. On the top he has painted
in luge flaming Liters, "Bad Bills Col
lected." '
flius arrayed, with everybody looking
at his hat be goes and knocks at the
debtor's olliee stands arr.und the door
a:; 1 makes tLe premise look gjinui-'Uy
ridiculous till the debt is p-.nd. Then Bil-
lv takes r-.fty per cent, of it, and givr
the rest to his "client."
Last week Biily wa arrested. He
went and stood rotin 1 Dr. William H
B.'own'ji office on election dav. He ca!!t d
three Or four times, always shovvinrr his
hit to passers by. By and by Dr. Brown
irot mad, atid he went and kicked Mr.
Bangs out kicked him clear across tip.!
treet. D. Brown testified th.t Billy
had damaged his good name that bi
got all his neighbors) to laughing nt him
that he was const.mtlv doing this to
good citizens of Philadelphia, who failed
to pay all their little bi !!.-".
1'he result was Bib'y s acumttal. 1 nc
cotirt said they had no right to reaulate
Banc s hats, and that he could wear a
plug" hat all covered with letters if lie
wanted to. So Billy is now the terror of
everybody in Philadelphia who" don't
Edens on tha Hissczri Sensorial Seattle.
Jeifer-son' City, January - J.
The committee held a meeting this af
ternoon. Mr. Edens, the ex-member from Mis
sissippi, was put on the stand. He wa
very contumacious. He testilied that
he was tv lawyer; knew of no money be
ing used, directly or indirectly, to influ
ence votes; he got here the day the
Legislature convened ; refu.-e l to an
swer what his business was, except un
der compulsion ; said be was here ex-
CiTismg the right or a citizen to visit
the capital; he pot a f, '2'H) loan from
General Dorriss, whom he never saw b -tore;
be mot him hen;; in return for
'ho loin he was to use his influence
to obtain votes for him. lucre was
nothing said about using too uk-Ii'-v he
got for this purpose. Ho never told
Colby that he had a number of votes
bought, or said that Colby made tho
proposition to him to get money from
Dorii is and then leave for Washington
City. He never told Co'.bv he h.ol paid
a cen. to apy member. He toll Mr.
Wade, of the Hou.-e, that be ami olh
ers ought to vote for Bogy, as it was
said that thos; who voted for him could
have their e.pen?ei paid tl iring the
winter. lie m treiy fttlled this to Wade
as a rumor. He mu le him no o:kr. It
that members who voted for Bogy were
getting :-;:;0!J or $40'). He did not use
iMrriss' money to rhctionoer for Bogy.
He never knew Dorriss t" pay anybody
money except himself. He- never knw
Bogy before be met biai hiv. Bjj
never mad;,- r.or proposition to him, nor
spoke to him about lloJ Senatorial ques-
tioti. l-o tuigiit nave nuve topi l'oni.-s
he could control som-i vote, but did uot
recvlh-ct that he luentb'.uc 1 a:;y names.
H- did not know whether be ever
thought Dotiiis e..uld be eiectci. He
never knew Geo. i. Kitehen tj have a
i t- -fi -.
cttsf ot monoy iu tin me. x mtiy a- u
u:i '.er.-tanding between him and
that ho was t i b'iy any m-mb: r witlt the
motity b got. liu t.!d Colby the-rw
were deau loads i f u.oney around when
Colby spoke to him; but be was u t a
walking -lietionary : he couid not give
tho meaning of the word.
The above is the ubstan.?o of the tes
timony, which was given with the xan-j
roii I peculiar to Edens.
A L1 -ra's'o'i m iti who went home the
other evening, and found his house
locked up, after infinite trouble uianagoi
to gain entrance through aback win.brw,
and then discovered on the parlor tn.J-j a
note from bis wife, saying : "I fiave
gone out ; you will find the door-kf,,y on
one tdo 01 the doorstep. wn.ty,.ri;t s
di rportcr
A writer in a popular Monthly rcccriti)
spoke sneeritiiily of "stewing" , tea, an
only praetiied by poor people for the.
sake of economy, rich tropic pieffrrii'g
the morn flavor of boiling water poured
upon double th" ijuantily ff I -"a.
If this is the tase, it shows a vast
amount of ignorance anifiitr lich people..
Vi-itors to China, especially those who
have traveled iti tbt interior, and be
come acquainted with the habits rf I he
Chinese, kr.ow that tbey invariably pour
boiling water on their tea, and Mccp it
for some time, and afterward boil it jp
a moment lelore serving. They know
that the impression in re.itard to the ila
vor of tea being spoiled by (borough
steeping, ;n created by the Chinese,,
for the express purpose of cov ring up
their trick of "doctoring" the leaves of
common trees, with an extract, drvirg,
und f iling them ns tea. '1 he New Votk
(! rarer, a most reliable authority, an
nounced iu one of its recent issues, lhat
fifty-three thumaml p unds of willow
leaves (doctored) lay in Shanghai, ready
to be mixed and shipped to this country
as tin -the proportion btiu1-' t least 'JO
per cent, in the best teas. The extrui-t
vvilh which t! c willow leaves are satura
ted is all taken-out by pouting boiling
water upon them, and ttnput') t f course
spoils the flavor, by adding to the tea,
the ta.-tc of tho leaf, will. or, raspberry,,
or what not, v.hi'di bad bt on made the
bais. A ''tc. une-.ilnred tea, however.
is a very different a flair. lis Lest quali
ties cannot be extracted by simply pour
big boiling wntcr upon the kave-3.
EvD-and-Ir-IIan Zrcai'
For a small Bye an 1-In linn loaf, take
one quart each of rye and corn meal,
h:;1 1 ihe latter viih bobing witerctioticli
to wet it th"i -oitghly, then add one gid
of tnola-s.'S, tho rye meal, mil wurr-t
water imui:h to make the wholo us
thick as c.i'i wi.!I be stirred itli a
iron spoon ; it. itito ti thick loaf
a two quart pan will suit this quantity ;
but whatever the quantity may be, the
l'.;if is letter to be as much ns three or
four inches ti.kk. Smooth it over with
the wet baud, and place it on the bp of
ihe stov, where it will simmer, but not
1 urii ; the s'eatu thus generated iu lb;
bottom of th'? lord" wi" pas up into ic
and make it light throughout ; this wiil
be shown by et;;cks on th,- surfa-. and
in an hour nnd a half it will be ready for
the oven; bake it wish medium heat
three cr four boors. If les ciust is
preferred, i? may be ftcatnel three
hours, and then baked ono hour. If it
comes out stirky and heavy, you have
wet it too much, or the meal is too fine ;
if bar I and firm, it wat not wet
enough, -o absolute rule can be given
for the p-oporiion.s of watei and meal,
for nome meat require.! more water than
other. Practice n!y inAc.i perfect in
l bi-. txa ir, oil ! I.r Lif-M-t nil t . Hat
this brad is worth somo effort to learn
to make it well. It is very sweet and
tender; and if the corn and rye tir.- new
a good many prefer it v, ii hoot the hwct
ciiing. 1'lii-i inetlmtl of r.ii.-ing, which
rovers- des tb-f necessity of using ycat
or powdi ra, improves it sweel ue-s ; for
yeast sours Jti i-aii meal. :;:id the aikabes
i.urn i". It improves in qualiiy ibr tli"
fiit f-w days, and may be fio.-henrd at
any time by toasting or st inrnt;. Tho
trusts, if not liked, can bo taken oil and
teamed in a close ivr cr pipkin, vcr an
equal quantity of apple, ccn f ill of
water; and v.lun tende-, i hr r .'i irb'y
stirred, in making a good side obh lor 11 a nam-.? is Wfntvi, oil!
"Brown Ben." Sii'nc of Itiuit'i.
w ....0 ia.
:z'2 lT:c.-cr:e.
.eo Belief io pritrs a
story which was t'.Il ly t?e. lit'- e 'n.
tary ev.-ard, during his 1 i-t vi-it to that
city. It relates to a private corresp'on:
ctieo bet ween Mr. Seward ati-J Napelcon,
if iting the war for tho Cnion.
"it was," fai l Mr. Seward, "in tbo
dutkest days of the red ifcu. Oar lr
eiun rclaiioiis were u.o-t critical. h''n I
received an a'tf-L-tajiii le'?r frun tho
Emperor of the Prem-h. It wis marked,
'private and corifhb-ritia!. ' -It began
with expressions of per.-oual rcg;rd Ibr
myself, and pain at the spectacle of I bo
great Itep'ib'ie in th'j throes of dissolu
tion. 'Personally,' mil Napoleon, 'I
cnu'd wis-h the eaus.i of thu Unior. to
succeed. B it the welfare of Prance and
the fores of popular opinion are para
mount to individual sympathies. Ojr
vomrof rei.-.! interests am eriou.ily .-ufl'cr--ing
fron ti'.e prolongat ion of your war.
My su'i jeefss ajipcil to me to arrest tloi
bloody conflict. I must obey O05 voion
of Prance at whatever est- Vou can
not put ilown the Ilc'belfion : ombrace
the ? arlie-t opooi ttinil)' t i t'l.ik'i torrn
with fb. youth. If you fail toiioihH,
1 shall f cl conip'-iie'i, in the int- rc-ts id'
eivili. atioii -to intervene with r.ll t'.o
1 1 1 1
po.v-r ;-.t my cotutiiaici.
T answered Napido n's insu!tinK lets
;.-r immfliarc'v. I did n t wate wotds
i,i c.imi.limi f:s. I said: "This h a
'a.nily quarr-i. We propo. to sf-ttie it
in our own wav and iu our own time.
We do ret wi-h the n--i.-tuncj id' c?t
siders ; we: will not b.-ook inter fertnc?.
The American Union is to be preserve 1.
It snail b pre-erved if it takes L yearn
to do :t. The war is hardly commenced
ynt ; tho t-cople a-e just beiinuing to
warm to the wmk. We wisi (. be on
good tu rns v.iih our ccie.hl'.ors- we wih
e-pci.ia!!y to be on ocd terms with
I'lan .-c, our an ;jiont fiiend and ally. But
you must ke' hands off. If you r re
sume to inteiferg, we will (.how you what
.1 free i o;i'e battling fr national esist-em-
i ai -f c ipa io o.
Napoleon -Is 1'i't interfere.
No, we gue-is not .
This is tha man tho' editor of tha Oma
ha I.'iruM thoxitht aR-'mus.. aad
ouht to conqu. r Germany.
Good judge of men, he? ,
A minister in sacrin ie-l
so often and s-o freely to the jolly .od
that the Presbytery coul I no lonzor
oveilook his proceedings, and mmuionud
him before them to answer for hi
duo:. One of the ciders, and a const xnt
I .i!..l l.-ii.-j U:ll citf"!
coujirftmon in ins wti.u , - , .
a witness against htm. e.i, woi 11, .
'lid yeU ever s.o Mr. C the wor-o lor
li ink? "We'd, I wot no; I ve
tune sen
n him the Letter u , 1
it sa him
the waur ot. mi uex
you n.?ver see mm aruny .
,vhat I'll ne'er fee, for bnfpre he s W
16okened I'm ye biinll . '