r .. THE HERALD. EI1SCELANE0US ITEMS. The first Rnsian newspaper was pub lished ovar one hundred ana sixty years a to. under tha sp a'al patronage of Pater i he Great, one of its principal contri butor. "Why i. it,'! aaked a Frenchman of a Switrer, "that you Swi always fight for money, while the French only fight for honor ?" I Mippose," an?wered the that each fight for what ' be inoet lack. The sharpest, so far this month, in the Troy fill, w ho makes her unsuspecting father the bearer of f-weet missive" to a clfik in bis Cice who has been forbidden to vis-it his employer' house. iha pins ihe letter in the Id mail's cloak, and when be reaches the ofice and throw tift'the reruicnt, clei k gets it and responds by Uc same carrier. " The eabj ct of impression at first sight vras being talked over at he tea-table, when the lady whose duty it was to pre- ride, said, ehe al way ibruitrd aiidea of n pvron at urtl . eight, and generally found it to be correct." "Mauima," raid her youngest ton, in a shrill voice, that attracted the attention of all present "Weil, my dear, what is it?" replitd the good mother. 'M want to know what was your opinion when you fir9t saw mo ?" The question gave a sudden turn to the coavtrsattoc. Eosiin's View cf Writing. Mr. Rcskin now writes: "I was obliged to write too young, when I knew only half truth, and was eager .to et them f.rtb by what I thought fine words. J'eo'tlo u.cd to call me a good writer thcu ; now they ay I can't write at all ; hscaue, for instance, if I think any body's house is on fire. I only tay, 'Sir, vour hou-e id on fire ; ' wherea lorrue iv I Use! to say. 'S r. the abode where you probably passed the delightful days ot youth is in a state ot luttmnuiution, and everybody u-ied to like the elfoct of the two p 3 in probably passed, ana o! (be two d'6 iu 'delightful days."' Why i a wife like a bad bill ? Because the id difficult to get changed. - Why is an umbrella in wet weather like a worn out horse ? Because it's used up. "l'apa, didn't you whip me once for tjtuiir xorciny 7 "Yes, my child ; and you hurt him Tcry ujuch." "Well, then Papa, you ought to whin Mater's uiuic teacher, too ; he bit sister yvstcrday afternoon riiiht on the mouth, and I know it hurt her, because she put her anal around t.is nsck and tried to tbjk? hiui." Haw to Salasi riear. 1. IiOo'w its color, if it is white, with a tligh'.iy yeIioi-h or t:ra coWed tint, si i fijoJ kinn. It it is very white vi'k a biui-ii cant, or with Llack s,)t cks in it. the fl-jur is not good. 2. I'xuuiine its ad!.tkent w-1 and knead a little nf it between the finders if it works dry and sticky, it i poor. F.our made ironi i pring wheat 13 likely to be f-ticky. 3. 1'fcrovr a lump of dry flour agant a dry, i v)l!i, perpendicular surface ; if it ad heres in a lump, tb.3 Hour has li e in it ; it it tails like powder, it is had. 4. iNpiecz. eom; t.f the flour in your band ; if it ictiirn the shape itivea by the pressure, that, toj, is a good sign; Fijur that wilt Hand all thee teat?, it is safe to bay. These motifs were given by old flour dealers, and we nnke no apo'ogy for printing them, as they pertain to a mat ter that onocrns everybody, namely, the qmiitj of that which is "the staff of Si.W. The rapid destruction of oor pin for ests, and cn-rjuent rise of lumber, compels the f-ir'uer to look elsewhere for shelter lor bis stock. In a lew year pioa will le' $50 x-er thousand tor ciu luon boards. While in Michigan la-t summer I found that the bet timber iui'lj h:d risen iu value fioui $10 to $50 in only three years. "r- lligh priies will soon preclude the posihi!iiy of feccpg or barn building rxcet t in extreme cases, liy the most tareful cstlmite which cau be made; seventeen jears, according to the present rate of waste, measures the duration of .ur noble J in fares s which have been azei in proving. A'ready, btyend the jissuuri, Ua'd f. uces nre a iuxury in vrh'ch or.Iy the vreal:hy can indulge. j'ut bdges are Letter; they do not rot rr blow awny; end some of the rtfck rai.-rs of Illinois and Iowa have already solved the "burn" fjuestionby t bming groves of evergreen--, and they find them extremely sat sfactory. '1 he belter is Fufiicicnt, and thie is no trouble in ffail rg or tying, and tho barn grows better and b-tter every year. J.ct vt look at the cott. An acre of iitcmvA will afford shelter for a large drove of cattle. Let it be belted with four or five rows of tree?, and you be astonished at the pro tection afforded. Io into the beautiful grove of Saniuel Edwards, of LaMoille, on a bitter winter's day, and it will teem us though you . had entered a "new at-ujo-phfre, cattle will te comfortable thus defended in any weather, and tur keys and chickens creep up under those j overhacgir.il -branches to- their co.v , roo.ls, without danyer of freezing. If" j one studies the grt atest economy, he can pet a thousand trees, twelve to fifteen inches hib, for $10, and by giriny these careful cultivation for a few j-ears, he will have all the shr-lter he could ak for. Thi number of rreea will enclose his acre of land with four or five row. If a man wishes trees 'fa Lruer ize, two or three times transplanted, which will give him a speedier shelter, ha can gt them by the quantity for one half the uul retai! prke, wlnoh is twenty- eata fvt , that is, one liiniird trees, two feet high, can be bounht for '$25. The Norway Spruce is by far try? host: it g rapidly afti-r it is fair'y M&rted it is ua ni);c.t;tuon thinr to set tneiii fory et l.igh z?tr they have sn trtn'y jeir3 planted, and tbey throw out trer iiuil near the ground, and eo interlock their branches that tnow cannot blw thruuh them. Then, h- they grow old, thi-ir brar,;he, leaded with a wealth of fo'tj. Jroon down flT5l overlap each rther so that the rain acd snow can Isaidly find theix way through them. Wkruto is Kite let hiui begin note, and in a dozn years hi enn l ave a grove which will be worth fitty timeo its pres ent cost, ber.4ibJiXz s beautiful adorn mnt to prairie home. I'eople hay 'wa are afraid of ever srnsftns, so many cfxhem iie." The Bjiietio fir, k liatiro of wet foils, does die in time of drouth, lut it is seldom ycu see a dt d arwavSiMUeseHDecT when clotty iJ.nteJ in hflrs nr trmrt9 I bare, wirtia a few months, edited plantaUotis where I have seen thousand of them, and I have nt sen one among them all which has yielded to our three years of dxouth- C 8. Hasis. Plantation Bitters . S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial tor th aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women ars es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi ca!, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific io every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dec. 23. dJtw lyr. Beautiful Women! HA CAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to the Cerr.. plexion the Freshness of Youth. Oaoax's kaosolia Balm overcomes the flatbed appearance eaused by heat, fatigue and excitement.' It make the lady of forty appear bat twenty, and so natural and perfect that no person can detect its application Uy Its use the rout beet rkin is made ti rival the pare radiant texture of youthful beauty. It rcnoves redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains notLing that will Injure the tkin the least. ' Maosolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York. London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all "Druggist aa J Perfumers.' 2fi. diwlyr 31 Mustang Liniment, FOR M!J AD IIUAST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial that, the oele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adult, Horses, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no Ifamily can pass a single season without some kind of an emolient being neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Orer three hundre 1 livery stables in the city of NewTork alone are using; the Mexican Mm- tana Liniment in all of which it gives uatuua satisfaction. CACTIOW. The genuine is wrapped in a nne.SW -Pint enRryin; with "O. W. Writ hrn;t. Chtmitt." and " Tr,t t. Mtrk. MVXfAAl MUSTAAU iAVJt'.VT." engrared across the fnce of each wrapper.- The wnole bears the proprietors private Ln ted Mates Kevenue ttaiup. and not a common stamp as used by druggist, Ltox MAKcrAcrrRio Co., 53 Tark Place. N. Y. Jan. 9th. dl w Iw every 3riw LYON'S KATHAIROfi, Far Preierviflg snd Beautifying the Human Hair Te Prevent its Fatting Out and Turninj Cray. A well-preserved lleai of Hair, in a person of middle ace, at once bepenks refinement, ele aancc, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not in?enaible to its advantages and charms. Few thing? are more digas in? than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat cVer3d with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S KTIIAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Ha'r. Qlossy Curls. Luxuriant Treves, and a Clean Head, is no'iceablo and irresistible. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w ' ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from the effects of Errors and Abuse in early life. Man aood restored. Impediments to Marriage re movl. New metho,of treatment.- Kw an remarkable remedies. Books and Circul sent f.-er, in sealed envelopes. Ad-'. IIOWAKH ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth .Stree. I'hiladelphin, !, nn In stitu sun bavicg a btrh renulation for hoaora bie conduct and iirotesrional skill. 3w Aui . . . Sent by mail for 10 c8- E. B. Foote, M. 1 120 Islington Are, New York City. Iiumbcr! Lumber The Undersigned ha on hand and is IflanufaciUM ing All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At hi Mills at the Ferry Landing at PlatUmoutb Orders Promptly Filled.! Willi iu EoonaTon. JunwSd dwtf Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don't nil to p'nrurt Mr Witutlete'm Soothing ray for Ch Ud mm '1 reth -ng. This valuable preparation hns been used with SEVEn. KAILISUSCOCE-IN JUOU oA N'Ds UK CASKS. It relieve th otiM from pain, kut !aT"jTtP the st-imch nd bw4. eorvKet aoidity. and gi vi s tote anl energy to the whole yter. ltwilaUoi stantly relieve Uripina i thg it arrli anil ir.( (hlcr. We believe it the b-it an I ""un-st rem-ily in th worid in all eaes ot' tyerterv and Din r raiei in ehil lre . whether airisiug from teeth ing r anv o:uer eaurfe Depeud upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourslve. and t-'elief and Ufa th to Your .iAint. Be sure and call tor Kl D. OA X.-n for women to do. r Io Go anl Mtki Ma - B 7M New ko.-k City. S, BLOOM & CO. tSiiF RN,SHK6 GOODS V-',Vt4 HOYS AJVD CfllLUlEJVS JLOTlUJys Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E 'C Main Street. 8ecoad Door East f the Court House-' - - - Plattsmenth. Nelrask BRANCH UOCt E Broad way. Coutricil tluffs Iowa. -Opposite the IMatte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store.4 Main Street, -Plattsmouth, Xebraslca ST. LOUIS DECKER BROS., O.K. MILLEII& COS PIANOS. nb 0ltx J'irst-tlass Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strings. Eheet r CaTrVlUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tunmd MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company as No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES KOK-FORFEITIKG Iivideu(l on the Coutributiou JElmi, Securing tbe Greatet Pecaniary Advantags to the Pslic7 Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COftl? NY : lt- ThM is a Wesfrn CompinT. manned by Wefitfrn men. wh kniwo finneual charac. ter, ability and p:iiiK. sfford Hint lBUaranty lor il cartful and sujcesstul management. 2d. lis f.ilioies are all ""-rrlViiir , , , - 31. HrKruiauis all C II. It receive no r.o e an 1 gives none. Tolicy holders have no tn ierest o pap. a 1 no outtan-Hnr notes us liens upon their policies. 4th. it ha wo re iriotinn upon trave'. 6(h. Its dividends are made up n the contribution p. an. 6lh. Iu. buninesd is exo usivtly life iasuraace. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums raid, hence the Company that loans its asset at the Uigbeft rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Kastern companies invest then moneys at ti percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage ot Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of 1.0U0. invested for btty years at i per cent, compound interest, is f 1S,4Jj.19 a " ... 4.j.yol.6l 10 " " " 117..J6.I.KS 12 " " " " hih.!.!" olioholler than any othernansial alvantiges aa Ha lateoseats tothc OFFICERS . !I P Mackav, President. V M Swan. ice re-"i lent. Dr. J L Vever. Mai. t)'to:. Oe-irgi A M-iore. Secretary. J Joaei. Ass't ieoretary. II L .'e raw. I're narer DIRECTORS. D Sh're, Leavenworth. Kan. II D Meckay. Leavja wrth K a. JFKiohar ls. - ' U M Swan. II H Hammond " W G C.Im. 11 Edort Geo A Moore. T ar.ev. " " U W IVweu S M Sirickler. Juoction City Geo L Liavu, atLouis. Mo Chas Kbinsou, Lawrauce. J Merutr. W.Uadley. L llastinz. M R Morgan Grn, ieent for IVebrMaka autl Xrll?ru liaiifla Good Travaling S3!ia.tor3 Wantad. R. W. MARSHALL, Agent. I , 1 T TSW Off?'' J. R LIVINGSTON. Med Fxamme ( ' '' CONTINENT At " ttVU rl . - ? Conlincnlal Duilbing. Uos 24, ,V4vW4'V-V JUSTUi LAWRESCE. President. Enterprising JEcon and Ifutcber Policies issued to Jan. 1. 1S72 Number Piiiioied NueJ and revived in AbsKITS. Jan. 1. U'l This Company is Purely Mutual ir it o"crnti - inlriern. anntiallv. on the ontrihution Plan." ense to income. thn have ever been attained io t m its history. . Its total Ae are saS "ient to V rge VI li tock capi al, and leave as a oalanca more 'A m fiiis Company Issu IN'' 1871 InjrOtliei Compan IS. A. TAYLOR & CO., - iuiiwn dcncral Agents, for eliraskn UUltDE T SMITHS AMN AND BOSTON. ORGANS. huos anb rgans. Music acd all k nds ef Musical Merehmdis and Refaird Satisfaction Gumrnn'r-d.-H dejoJaw II Clkins. 'Jooral Ageat, Vf K Harvey. Can. f ctuar t. . T A ilarl. Attorney. HLVvaia h ra vorth.. W Y. Che uberlain. I A Hura. K B Allen. C A "erry. Weston. Mo. G XV Veal l'opeka, Kansas.' J M Price Atcaison, Kan. V Rritebbins, " 9 &t ns n by , t a . i FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OJ PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. auccasaoa io . Tootle, Hanna & Clark. John FiTioKRAt n. freident. John R. Clab, Cut titer. C. II. PMVL. m Vie Hrtniatnt T. W. Etas, 4't Ouhier. Th' Tlank is now onen for bujnes at t eii Main a-d Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds. Gold. Uovernmeni and Local Securities Bonght and f Sold. Deposits Received and Interest allowen .On time Certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United States and in all the principal town' snd Cities of Europe. . , , OR THE CELEBRATED AND O F STEAMER S. Persons wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can purchase tickets from us threugh to Plattsmoutb. aplSwtf . rJOREK9 VimijiMriij Gb. Atuu, Ma i'raacfaco, Cl., umI M Cmmio aw, ;1 MILLIONS Kenr Ttm'uionr to tbelf Wauilerrul C'nratie't, EtTcctM. They are not a vile Fancy Drink. Marie of Peer Ram, Whiskey, Proof tSpirlta sud Itprnaa I.lenore cluctorctl, sitctl nntl iivectettri to ticae tha tat.ciUlcil "Tonics," ".pet;et." "Uetrer.4;c.. thatleail tlie tippler on to druukcuneMinim ruin. but are aortic Medioiiiciuaile fmui t!t Mitivc Itr.ts and Herb of California, free from nil Alcoholic Sliinn Innts. TlievnretheliKEAT lll.MH ITItl. FIEItmul A I. IKK 4ilVINJ I'K I Nfl I" I.E. perfect Henovntor ami liivirontor of the Syrtein. tarrying off all poimxtouft matter anil restoring thet.lixxi to a healthy condition. No rtrwn can tuke these Bit ters according to diivctioii and remain long niiwell, proviilwl their jonc are not destroyed by mineral poison or other n:ean. n:id the vital organs wafted beyond tlio point of repair. They are a tJcutle 1'urtatlve n will ns a Tonle. pose'tt'iiip, ulso. the x.i-uliar merit of acting ss a owciful pfitt in relieving CotifrrNtton or Ififlrun matiorv.r (Iw l.ivr-r. nid all llieViwernl fn;aiirt. FOtt FEMALE (Oil 1'I.AINT i Tr. old, tuaiTioil omiiiKlc, nt the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life. Uickc Tonic Cittern have no eiiu. For Inrinmmatory nnd Chronic Khrnmat' limn nnd Janf. DyapepMin or Indigent ion, llilionn. It eiiiittent nnd Inlermillent Ke tcrs, IliHrnars of llic Klood, Liver, liid ttr nnd Klndder. these Ulllrrn have liem most si.rcesKfiil. hurh IJixenncM are cnunetl by Vilinled Itloorf, which i.i generally proiluoi'd by (terangement t tlie IHgrative Orsnm. IIYSIMCPIA Oil I IIHJESTIrtX, Ild lche. l'sin in the Shoulders. UoiikIis, TigbtneH of the Chest. Dizzineu. hour Eructation of the Stomach. Had Taste In the Mouth, llilious Attack. I'alpnatlon ci the Heart. Inflammation of the l.uui.. Pain In the re gion! of the 1Wi!iict. and a hundred other painful symp tom. ar tho ofipriiig ef lypepia. Ther invlsorate the Stomach and stimulate the torrd Liver and Bowel, which renacr them of unequaiiad tfneary In cleansing tlie blood of all imparities, and im fartins; new lifo an J vi;or to the who!,: system. FOIt SKIN DISEASES, eruptions. Tetter. Ssit Rhenm, Clutches, Spots. Pimples. 1'UMtules, Boils, Csr- Eiele. Kins-Worm. Scald Head. Sore Kye . Eryidpe Ilch.Scurt. lii-rolonilioiiH t.f the Mi in. liiimorxand esses of the fkln. cf wl,a:evr name or linlurr. ate rallv dus; up and rsrrieil out of the sytrm in a shcrt time by the use ol these Bitters. Une bottle in such eases will convince the most Incredulous oftueir cura tire effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood whcrevr yon finJ it Im parities hursting rhroushthe skin in Pimples, Erap tiona or Sores; cleans? it when o;i End it obstructed andsldscish In tha veins : clccao it when it is foul, and your fcrlinss wiil tell you when. Keep the Mood sure, and the h al'.li of tho artcm will follow. Pin, Tape, nnd oilier Worms, lirkln In tha lystera of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. esvs a dltin!ruihed Dhylolos;tsf, there is scarcelr sn individual ioon the face of tlie earth whose body is rx-mpt lrm the pr snc of worms It Is not upon the lieaitnv l'-m,'nt ni ins bods that worm. exiAt. lint unnn th rilseaS'Ml humors and slimy deposits tlist breed fhese li vine monsters of disease. o SysVm or Medicine, no vermirure. no anthelmintics will free the system from wvims like taese Hitters. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. n. McDON'At.P CO, Drugs-ists and (ten. A cents.' San Francisrn. California. and Si and 34 (Jommerce Street. INew York. taToOU) AY ALL VBLUGISTS AUXt DEALKK3. St?2ti.G TRADE. 1873- FURNAS NURSERIES, DUO WNVILLE. NEB. FURNAS, SONS & FERRAND. t X Furna anl Son, Brownville, Nebraska, an I E. Ferrdii 1. Petroit. Michigan, hive. conliilateil their xtocka aii'l will lireiiftei- conduct WuHnt; at Hrowtivil'e, Nub . where thoy offer the lartreM. arpl uiot select gen eral Nurhi ry Swok tver offered in tlie West, consisting in part as follow : 20 000 Choice 3 year old Apple Trees. . . Im.nno " 2 5; HUM " 1 50.000 " I. 2. 3 and 4 year oia reir Trees. 40,0 0 2. 3 and 4 year old Cherry I re s. rsinyn 1 a-.il 2 ve:tr H Pea-h Trees, 20.'Wl " I'lara. Apricot an 1 Nectarine Trees .000.0(10 No. 1 Honey Locust Hedga Plan s, iM(Np l I'snsre t 'range, 0D0OS) Forest Tree Necilings. ari.OO-i Ever.T. eiP. in va idv. 100.0XI each B'acKtierri'-s. ia.xpoernes uu itraw o Trios. 50.0in e,eh Ooosi-b-rrics an1 Currants. 21.0-0 1'erpelual a"d i.'limbing Hoses. 10)0 riowennr shrubs. .000.000 Willow Cuttinf s. JolrF, Karlr While, nntl Ida. ns Extra Early Corn- ITALIANBEES. c rkshire and Poland Hogs. R.Di'ley of Cass' County will act as agent Tii Lese nurt-er;es in this section. P. O. address Platt&moath. Cau county. Nebraska. tCerrMHinrifnt for . Ca IaIo. u.&a Solid tc. Wend Q us A3 5 M . CC 5 r 5 AND MEDICINES AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main Street, nea;l epposite tin IIekalu Office. Wholesale and Retiil De ler in Il'u?t nnd i1lPlicinsi, P.iints. Oif Va iiSii. cs ami Toilet Articles. 99" Prescript inns carefully 'ompoutde d all hours d.y ucd night. 35!y j dm:toic WIIITTir.R. j j 017 St. Charles Street. j ! onger located in St 1-tmis than any Chrou-' 11 j its I'liysiciiti . o success ully tr. nt Simp e anlCi ii. plicated V cut-real I'i-e.ise as to bring p ttienls trom o ery rotate.- His ho8i.ini on opriuiiities. a lif. 'i.ne e.ieri'rice. with pur Jest drugs preimred in the estaiili; hmei t. cures ca?e civen up uv oiner.. no inutur wno tail ed ; tell yOi r private troubUs. ' onsultatmn ree. fenu two s'Minp" 'or medical et'i jr. - M ANHoon. U'ftiicHdun, se j i:il. 15 cents aeli. both tor 25 cts. 100 pges ll thai the curious. loubr ul or inqm i' v wish io know all n-oit f-elf-pd!ution Hreven ion. Marri.ii e Fvery yout-a man nnd iu- man ought to read it as a warninr The tier vous d bi'U.iteJ . irt tally iinDotntea t :wiotr'slljr insert wa -"rv.u Alrtrncts of Title. 'PITH VI'MFTtin VI. SYSTEM The br-st a -"ress. 1 use. Tor de-rWpf 've cj rulTS ACRKS. liLM KM IK A CO hurlii.cton. Iuwa. E. T.DUKEitCO., At fuot of Main Street. AVhOLF.SALK AND KtT.tll. Dealibs in HARDWARE &. CUTLERY, NT VAN. lito.V, TI.1.WAKK, MAIl.fi. ste , All kind, of T I N Vr A R E 43-tf Manufaciuiin. Down Town Barber Shsp. o j. C. BOONE, CN MAIN ST It 15 ET. One door from D. II. Wheeler's" Office. HAiM CUTTING. SHWING AN0 SHAM POOING. Cliildrcns' Hair Cut. Especial attention given to this Eranch of the Business. Call and see GENTS, AnJ you will get a Boon in a CLE! AIM SHaVE. n41ly T.. a mroT.rna s 11 nrnnni vho eon lent p'ate mal:ir.g roitra-u with ne.-ns pees for tU Bsertio.n ot Advcrti?ements should send in ror a Circular, or ineloseii cents foi their One hun'red Pane Pfuihl'.. con-aminn I.Mtso SOiiO Xewt.apers an l esumaie . r cni.;,-ir aisnm-inv nsefiil hints to as- veriisers.andoine account of the e,.erir.ce .i bnn s suessfal ailwrtis- ers. This firm :i"-e proprietors ui ui Newspaper Aarenising nevus-j. 4 parkfcowJJ. y. and are possessed of unequilerl facilities io .erorina- tne insertion 'i - " Newspapers nd Periodicals at lc wen rat s. Om.ha Marble .Works. M. J, FEENAN, Manufacturer and Dealt r in ITALIAN M K I 7 , ... s wa aa .no.i i - Mantle & Furniture iTIarlile For specimen or woncmanship refer to Smith' ai.'l aUery monu ments in PlaiiMiiouth tcui- a t a r V The patronao of Coes County is 1 Uf" sat UTh. f avX jaa fc STATE AGENT yf.jn Vn&T. wr A cat 4$ S- . 1. HALl ADAYS PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE ANT FIViJLS AfTlXG FOltCE AND FA KM PUMPS. FEED it ILLS, ETC., TEH MS LIREHAIj. The Hilladny V ill hsst'md tliet'stfor ix eei year-, b th in the Uyised Siatts and Ku- rope and is the only t lie Generally aNpt!il r y a'l Principal Hail ronds arnl Farmer?. Send for catalogue "nd price lixt,- A. L. PrRAXU. aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. DEALER IM DRUGS, MEDICINESt " AND WAIiIst PAPER ! ! - . '-'rr iilliii ' ' l' -" All Paper rrircined free of Charge. Also Dealcr'in Cooks, Stationary. Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully oompounded by ares perirnrcd Drurrist Remeinher the place, threedonrs west of the Herald office: Plaltsroouta. Nebraska. THE BEST IS Tlie Clieapeest. AT ill be found at b olj stftri'l fin Ma-ri Pt. 1? wiiftflic will be i-le scil to tee bis for rut custun:ei'8 and iriends. ne has large and good a"sornent of firm lauchiuery tuch as the T he Marsh harrster. a reaper that tw 1 -O ; -I can cjt an'i bind tit - acres per da . . one man to drive. anJ tho binaer- can frk ij the fhaiie. A T ilbnrn fir d St!idnr.aker vl'srirs. 'Tiain 11 tinn Reaper .V "owe- 5Tas:l!fT Ihr-n-h- n i Unrs'n Tit tlir.sher. and KxeeNj' P.caperand Mower JLe, F. J. MEfTEER, Main Street. Plattmnuth. Neb. L. S. Blaib, Traveling Aent. Feb. 29 wtf. HENRY TH)ECK PKAT.Erl IN FIJRNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES. BKDSTKADS. or all oascairTioga axd at all raicaa. hlctalic Burial Cases. woodkn ror fins OPALIs SIZES. Heady Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for pin pitronage. I'm Ate all to call aa 1 examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan28t CITY MkAT MARKET, -DVT Geo, Fi-LIer, MA IX STREET. rialtinonUi; - Nebraska. The best of Fresh Meats always on hand i their seasou. Highest Priae Paid for Fit Cattle eUis-best Cash Price paid for green UiJes. !. NEW LUMBER YARt! Having nxnpd a IvmiWr YarJ at Iuiviilf, I will keep all kind of And wonld invite all those wishing to purer na-'- v rive uiv a can. o f I wil! n't . , 'O 11 kin'snf G AIV. e.i Mjrfett price. for which 1 will .T the tig. E, A'O I E S. i To tlio E-t Nrth nl PoutLr-t. STATlOxN'S. MAir'- I eave Plattsuiontb 3 op. m. 6 ' 1 11 Arrive Bu lington. . -jj q a. m. 10.C0 p. o . " wendota - 11.15 a. m. 3.1 . " Chicago(C.D.oQ . 3.15p.tn. 7.t-0;i.vi " Peor'a. " o.oo a. m. 12; 3 " In.l'pl-s I B.rf'.V 6:15p.w. VI- r.t. " Cincinnati " ll. 0p. m, 4.1 ! iu. " Logansp't T.PAW 55 p .0 . Col ambus " 2.43 a. hi. Mu ! uThroi'frh Cnrs from !Sotttt River m oik In.iuuapolis, Ciuciunati. Leunsi'i. t! Ctilutnh'is t onnfct:ons al ths" poin's with liuvi 1 in" the Knst North and "nth. J'bi." i tha Hi', .VA-Wt, Quickest oitr' (. ' ft Uo' ' P no be dec"ivcd. but '-Main Tiri' the ll-irlinir.on and aiiisouii Kiver Kaili Vt,. ' r .4 I - 11 A.E.TOUZALIN. C K. PtltKI Uen'l lit Hct A gent ieii': F U R TJ I T U R CABINET MAKE?: And dealer in sll kinds -f Furniture A d.Jri,. MUX BTBEKT, (third door eact of V 0 Plattsmouth - - til .... ar'Repatrlnr and Varnishtne nestly ur-f. Funerals attended on Ihe shnrlrl p -t:ce. T H 1.2 13 K S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Your Groceries G To " v -rr A4 aav. CaCIMMAKiV. C rncr Third and fain Street, PlHtsme.:V to: SSflle keeps on hand a ihoit-X! wa wt ll M-!ected Stock of Farcy Groccrier. Coffees, Teas, Sagnr. Fymp. Jke., &i. . 3AIso a gocd assortment of Coots A Sboee.-C - :0:- Io Connection trith the Grocery it t. Bakery k ConfeLtionir kinds of Counlry Produce bought -, S'dd Toke roticeof Ihes'gn '"iJill'IRE EAKI . AM; (- 1 i i . I 3 . iu2t;tt. G. IV. 31 E R K, Main Sircet, Four Doors House, Eaat of Co-r. A1.Z M HARDWflR E , H RATING AND C O O K I IV G STOVES Of th latest Imprnvomenta, warranted, and soli at a sua!! profit a bore cose o Doing my own work la Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with l.iDR-'eiperif nee gnsran'e satiiactiori anl i'ricel to suit 31 w 3m ROCK! STONE! 1 vrill furaif.lt paurtie with Mone for II budding purmes ni rea"Mljlo price, mvquHrri"S r ic-nvere'i on tne cars uoau- ville stsfiori T h r in kina or sunm enn be had on hfrt notice; il!s. cap, p rcli melt ine or rid san 1 stone u -h a k a use I by the It A M- K It in the cou't. ueti-iii of thir tton work. All responsible or 1 r. pr i-nptly filled J. T. A. HOOVfcK. Louisville, ftaiion Keb. I. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. M Al N STREET, PlattatKoulh Nebraska, I ana prenarni !o a.-"rrnrn'?date the pj'nl:o with ileiscs. Carnages. i.'tirris Pti-.t a No. 1 llro ghfn not : e Knit rert.ji?able teriuf. A Hack wiilran i the teaicli"tt isuiipg, sod a. I Lbrtl Ol He rit ti:zi ooiifi