THE HERALD. liailroad Time Tabic. B. Jkt X. B. R IH NEBRASKA. AM TK1. A Kx. 1:0 freight A Ac 8:1 I DEPARTS. p. m. a. ui, Mul And ti. 11:15 a. m l freight A Ac, 3:30 p- m B. A M. R. R. IN IOWA. AtBIVKS " 1 Mail A Ex. 5:35 p. raj Mail A Kx. :45 a. m Action A Fr'ght 2 p ax Ac'tion A Fr 12:.V.p in Paci&e Expre 9:20 a in! Atlantic Lx. :M p in. The Trnnider boat will leave the Depot to eon- nCv WHO EiVlCru iKiuau u aius ' muiuwo tki th t im. riven above. The lioat U run h Chicago time which is 33 minutes faster than Plattsmoutn time. OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. . la aonnection with Burlington A Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at foot of J ones Street. LXiTKR. ARTTS. Plattsmouth 1:20 a. ro. do .8;2'J p. m, Omaha.. 2:40 a. m. do ..10:45 p. in. Plattsmouth 11:45 p. m do 4:' P- m Onaaba- 10:25 a, m do -J p m K a ST. JOE. A C B. R. R. Iat faoifio jcsctiox iowa.1 ooiho worth, goiho bouth. 2 !t i. eTp'aiTeTrge mnattamouth5 Sc onnecUon "uth or North by leaving here a the 12:00 in. train. . ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. ROCTZ. C. B. A St. Joe R. R. 8oatk C B. A St. Joe R. R. North. B. A M. R. R. East, B. A M. R. R- West. Omaha by Rail Weeping Water. v ..i. t v . r;tv Hv Staze. CI.OSBB. ARRIVES 9 pm. 10.3D pa 9 p. m. 10. JO p m 9 pm. 10.30 pm 9 am. 4 pm. 9pm 10 a m 12 m. 12 m. 9 pm. 7 pm. Office hours, from 8 a in to 7 p m. aaadavs. 12:30 to lj P m. n ALL. P. M. City Official. PLATTSMOUTH. M. L. White. M. B. Reese. Joaiab Moore. Mayor. City Clerk. Police Judge. -Mile Morgan. IT alter J. White. street wb. ALDERMEN. First War.-J. Fiterld. C. H. Parmalee SllnwHi, Ja. Buttery. J. W.eymaa. irgan. . .:; Tuirb- Ward. R. Cushing. R. ' lvian. CASS COUNTY. U. F. EM -on. X'an'l McKinnon. . W. L. Hobbs. S j W.Johnson, . U. W. Wi?e. Jacob Valle7. T. Clarke James. ) J. W- Thomas. Probate Judge. V County Clerk. Treasurer. Sheriff. Supt. Pub. Instruction, County Commissioners. Coroner. Churches. -TABTi3T-On thecorner of Main and Nintti. K Si. T J. Arnold, paftor. Residence on -:-. k.i.Miii 10th and Utd. Serviccs every Kkith at 11 a. m.. and at 6 p Pabbath school at y j J 1 a.m.. Prayer meeting every W ed- Btsday evening. C hbihti A w-fcervie in o8 . r r rrVl at 11 A. M. ma;;. p. 1 I'utnr. Corner ot L.ocusi aim nm Cordial invitation extenuea to aw cia. i tend PAL Corner Viro and Third streets A R. Grave Servicesevery Sunday " . in. ind 7 p. m. Sunday School i.. Prof. d'AUemand. bupt. KOTinnu-Cornor Locust and 8th sU r! t? m. ii ,..;. Locust st be tween 4th and 5th .U Services , KwlTa?!' il a. m-and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath bchool at i. 1 1 P-.r meeting every V ednosday 0 p. m. ra-er meeiiins vvening. - . .. .i r p.iUiA$sfiaori -Rev i VT"""":T7-"" v:,irM:.r, .vprv Sabbath at " Ma and Sermon at IWJO v2,,l Benedi. lion at 3:30 P- m. Mass at 8 a. m- every week day, 17ii9T I'KR3BTTr.RiAW North sideo V weU of 6th Rev. W. T. Bartle . everjs ibbath at 11 a. m. and h-.-M p. siid?of Main st. Ie ; service n m . Sab' bath achool at V.M&- m.. iuoj i 7 'j"1'"1, " tdVnt. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Methodist ErisroPAL-Wet side of Sixth ireet. south of Main-Key. J. II. Presson Services every Sabbath at a. m. and . p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Mass saeetines every Monday evening and ua mediate ly aftor clone of Sabbath morning scrvices -Sabbath School at 2:30 Oowtao den 2-1 September bat i T c ti tcb o OKv. Luth. llemeinds in ihrem Schclhaus rmUt.umll UhrtJotteodienst. U?erhaupt findet derselbe von jetrt an reeclmaessie allel4 Tage statt. Minister iter, u i'?n" Sabbath school at 1 p m.. rroi. Bpt. d'Allemand. Lodges. w n t V Rniiir meetinirs of Platte Lodge, 1 . No 7. 1. O. n.F. every Thursdn evening at Jdd Fellows tlall. Transient Brothers are cor aially invited visit. A.d'ALLEMAKP. N. O. M. IT. Hathaway. See. r n r Fr mnmRQt No. 3, 1 . Regular Convoentions the 2 and 4 Friday's of "each month at Odd Fellows Hall cor 3d and Transient Patriarchs conltaily invited i,rl'u nkwman.CP. f E. K. CUN2IISGHAM Scribs - m-. o, iTTaunrTn I.nnr. No. 6 A. F- il A A. M. Regular meetings at their hall t w R and thiri1 (xonth. Transient Dretnern iothcu iu .iw R. It. LIVINGSTON. W. M. A. d'AtLiMAMD. Sec Macot Lodos No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Regulai meetings at Macoy Hall. firt and third Fri lay. J. . W laE. W. M. J.. M. BaARDSLtT. Sec. N kTaBHASKA CHArTlta No. 3 R. A. M. Regular aunvocations second and fourth Tuesday ling, of eac month to'olock &. p A uesuajr evenings M Nbwmak. Seo. i n n.T nnvi Rniwrn.No.2 TI E Eliison . w f T C. W. Kine. W See. T. W Shry- wk Lodge Deputy. Mevts at Clark t Plummer's hU svary Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars epectruUy invited. TrBSvrRKi. The Turner Society Turners Hall in liuthman Block, meets at n,l Thin! Wrlnidv of each Month. Gas. Reinha-kle: Firnt 'urimri Wm. Messier: Semml Tvrnwart Ueo. Karger: Warden John Erhart. T A utiitisim All rersons who contain plate making contracts with newspapers for the nsertion of Advert isetuentsehouldsend to jjeo. . owell 0o. for a Circulaf."or incloe25 cents for thet One K., Iie Pamt.hlet. containing Lints of 3,flu) Newspapers and estimates. Fhowing the ea nf advert isinar. also many useful hints to ad vertiser, and some ao-0unt of the experiences of men who are known as suocessfal advertis ers. This firm are proprietors ot tne American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 4 ark &ow Y- and ire nnw.wpil of uneonaled facilities for eceuring the insertion of advertisements in all i sweaters and Periodicals at lewest rats. Omaha Marble Works. M. J, FEENAN, Manufacturer and Dealer in 1TAI.IAVA MF.Rlt'AW M It Ft I.E. Jiojnt. in,- iieaiiovi:s Iflaulles & Furniture ITXarfole. For ppecimen or worsmansbip refer to Smith's and allcry's monu ments in Plattsmouth Cem e t a r y The patronage of Oase County is respectfully elicited.- Km LOCAL XEWS. LOCAL ADVERTIaiiMEjiXS . Transient 25 cents aline. Regufar adver- Isers 10 cents per line. No advertisement in sorted less than 25 cents. Legal advertisement! will be charged to the parties banding them in. COMMUNICATIONS. As our space is limited, all communications must be brief and to the point, with no waste of words. The thermometer stood at 25 degrees below zero, on Tuesday morning. The funeral of Misa Louise Vallery was very largely attended, and numerous friend j of the family were unable to ob tain entrance to the church, even, the crowd was ao great. When can the Legislature best be compared to the Ship of Stato. When they're in a committee of the whole(d). Boone, the barber, has re-fitted his place, and engaged more tonsorial force It is a No 1 shaving shop, now, and all a. J r 11 J can be accouimoaatea. tau ana eee him. LCCATI01I 0? TIIS STATS PAIS. After a long fight and a strong fight the State Fair is to be held at Lincoln, for 1873. "Omaha gives in gracefully, sayg "Bub" of the Republican. LEGISLATIVE JOZES. Last winter a year, when one of "R- By's" famous bills was up in the House, and it had been gee-hawed about for a week or 60 one Quimby arose to a point of order. "State your point," 6ays the speaker. I only want to know at what stage of the game we are to vote -on this bill. I don't seo any symptoms of its ever coming to that." r. H. WHITE, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain, Fruit and Produce. Fresh iish and Oysters received twice a week. Cash paid for Hides 1 43t5 The cold weather has frozen all "the local" up, and wer e "little short on this page to-day. W. G. Leming sends us ten ears of .1. mil. -P If-- corn, planted on me 10m 01 iuay, uu botton land, and will yield with good care 100 bushels to the acre. Mr. Lem ing thinks his ten ears will take the pre mium in Sup't Noteware s list, and we forward the same for trial. LECTUSE. . N&xt Sunday evening, in the Episco pal Church, at 7 o'clock. Subject : What becomes of tiie SOCL BETWEEN D EAT II AND TIIE RESURRECTION ? Text : The beggar died, and teas carried by an gels into Abraham's bosom. St. Luke XVI. 22. Miss Lelia Simpson has been obliged to give up her classes in music, and her f udies, in Nebraska City, on account of disease of the eyes, and has returned to 1'lattHmouth. We are very glad to welcome her back again, but sympathize in the affliction which has befallen her and hope that it may be only temporary. Remember Frank White, the roccr, one of the best fallows and the best gro cers in the world. Call and buy your potatoes and things of White. 44tf Otz, the Veterinary Surgaon, has re moved to the little brick, north side of Maiu street, west cf the Court House. Remember this. 44lf. PRESENTATION. Yesterday we were hhown, by Major D. II. Wheeler, Secretary of the .Sen ate, a beautiful Masonic jewel presented him by the Grand Chapter of Nebraska. It is the "jewel" of a Past Grand High Priest, and embraces all the symbols of the degrees up to' tho 32. Tho lower part consists of the three triangles of the Council, held in place by the High Priest's breast-plate, containing the twelve precious stones. Next above is the second part, consisting of the Knight Templar's cross, in the centre of which is tho keystone of the Chapter, surmounted by the square and compass. Th upper part consists of the eagle and r . other symbols of the 32. The three parts are connected with hinges, On the back of the centre piece is a plate with the followine inscription : "Pre sented by the Grand Chapter of Ne braska to Past Grand High Priest D. II. Wheeler." Major Wheeler is one of the earnest workers for Free Masonry, and has done as much if not more than any one else to build up and establish the cause io Nebraska. We congratu late him on this deserved compliment. Leader. COUNCIL P20CEEKNSS. ,Cocnctt Chamber, December 27, 1872. Council met pursuant o call of Mayor. Present M. L. White, Mayor ; R. C. Cushings R. Viiab. J. H. Buttery, John Wayman and C. II. Parmele. Counciimen, and M. H. Reese Clerk, The Mayor submitted the call and ob jects of the meeting in writing, a9 fol lows : Council Chamber, Dec. 27, 1872. To the Council ruen, Marshal and. Clerk of the City of Plattsmouth : Gentlemen: You will take notica that a special meeting of the City Coun cil is hereby called to meet at the Coun cil Chamber, at 7 o'clock r. m., on the 27th day of December, 1S72. The ob ject of said meeting shall be to make an appropriation to make a payment on th contract for building School House, and to provide for the payment of interest due John Fitzgerald for money borrowed by the city for avenue purposes. M. L. White, Mayor Radfug of minutes dispentBi with Ordered that II. B. Dexter be allowed $C00 on account cf School House con tract. Ordered that John Fitzgerald be al lowed $64.25 interest on $1500 borrowed by the city for avenue purposes. Adjourned M. L. WHITE, Mayor. M. B. Reese, CleTk. Proceedings cf the A3Jeurnei Session of the iaucauonai 01 bass uo. heldatEcck Bluffs, January ........ a KVk-. Kock Bluffs, Neb., Jan. 24, 1873, Pursuant to adjournment the EJuca tional Association of Cass County met at the Kock Bluff's school house to-day January 24th, 1873. , J he temporary President, Prof. L W. Peet, being ab sent, Mr. J. F. Doud temporary Vica President was called to the chair. B S. Ramsey stated that Mr. A. J. Graves, temporary Secretary was laboring under a severe indisposition and desired to be relieved of the duties of Secretary. Prof. Patterson moved that Mr. Graves be le- lieved and that B. S. Ramsey act as temporary Secretary ; motion prevailed. Prof. Wise stated that the present meet ing of the Association was merely an ad journed session, or a continuation of the session begun at Eight Mile Grove; Dec 27th, and that the object was to com plete unfinished business. As a number of teachers and friends of education were unavoidably absent, and would be present on Saturday, it was moved by Prof. Patterson that the Association ad journ to meet on oaturaay, January 25th, at 10 o'clock A. M. ; motion pre vailed. Saturday, January 25th. Association met and was called to or. der by Mr. Cory, temporary Vice Presi dent. Prof. Wise addressed the Associ- tion on the difEculties of organizing Educational Association and Teachers' Institute, and in order to test the sense of the meeting. Moved that .the Asso ciation adjourn to meet on the last Fri day of March, at which time it was hoped that there would be a full attend ance of the teachers and friends of edu cation in the County. B. S. Ramsey said that in order to bring the question of adjourning the temporary organization before the Association he would second the motion to adjourn. Messrs. Cory, Mereness, Patterson and Ramsey discussed tho motien to ad , i . . , . journ, ana on a nnai vote ine motion was lost. Prof. Patterson then moved a recess until 2 o'clock P. m. ; motion was carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Association met and was called to or der by Mr. Cory Acting President. Mr. 8. Peake moved to proceed to the election of a permanent President ; mo tion prevailed. Prof! Patterson nomina ted Mr. Isaac Cory for permanent President. Mr. Cory said that he did not claim to be a resident of Cass Coun ty, and did not expect to be a teacher in the'County longer than the close of his present term of school ; he would there fore thank the gentlemen for the proffer ed honor and asked to be excused. At the suggestion of Prof. Wise the Secretary read the Constitution. Mr. A. S. Peake nominated Mr. Sumny for the office of permanent President. The chair appointed Messrs. Meriness and Ramsey tellers. B. S. Ramsey movod that ail who cast votes at this election b declared members of this As sociaton ; motion was carried. Mr. Sumny having received a majority of all the votes cast W3S iwv!rbA zlzcizd J 'resident, ine Association then pro- a mi a . . eoeded te tlio election ofViea Pr?n5dfnta, which resulted in the choice of the fol lowing name 1 gentlemen: L. W. Pat terson, 1st Vice President ; W. A. Fol- den, 2nd Vice President ; S. F. Smith, 3rd Vice President. Prof., Wise nominated B. S. Ramsey, for the . office of permanent Secretary, who having received a majority of all the votes cast was declared elected. Prof. Patterson nominated Miss Bella, Ramsey . for the office of permauent Treasurer. Prof. Wise moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast the vote of the Association for the nominee ; mo tion prevailed, By the Secretary ; 4,Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen: in obedience to your instructions I here by cast a uuanimous vote for your nom inee for Treasurer." Prof. Wiae nominated B, S. Ramsey and Miss Gertie Johnson for members of Editorial Committee. Mr. Cory nom inated Mr. E. Kirkpatrick for member of Editorial Committee. On motion tho President was in3trueted to cast the vote of the Association. By the Presi dent: "Ladies and uentlemen : In obedience to your instructions I hereby cast a uuanimous vote for B. S. Ramsey, Miss Gertie Johnson and E. A- Kirk patrick." Prof. Wise, Prof. Patterson, and Mr. Wiles were nominated for members of the Executive Committee. On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the vote of the Association. By the Secretary : i4Mr. President : In compliance with instructions I hereby cast a unanimous vote for the nominees of this Association. Prof. Patterson submitted the follow ing, and moved its incorporation in Ar ticle 8th of the Constitution after the word "President" in said article ; "Pro vided. that the Secretary shall have power to appoint an Assistant Secretary who shall be empoweied to perform any of the duties which pertain to said of fice." The motion, to amend said Ar ticle was unanimously carried. On mo tion the Association adjourned to meet on Friday, March 2Sth, 1873, atlheMt. Pleasant school house, at 10 o'clock .of said day. . Isaac Cory, B. S. Ramsey, President. Secretary. rEBSOXALS. J. Klepser, of Weeping Water called on the Herald last weak and left us a years Sub. Thanks. Robert Metteer, of Plattsmouth, walk ed to the scratch and made us happy 12. Thos Wiles did likewise. It's cold weather and funds come good, boys bring 'em along. I From the Statesman. MAJOR D. H. WHEELER of Cass County, the very able and effi cient Secretary of the 8enate, is the right man in the right place. His executive ability is too well known in this State to need any words of praise from us, but as it is our b ashless to praise or censure as the person in font tn&y demind. we cannot omi lit he.-e. TLe journals of this body are models of coi 'rectnessahd Ibe business of the Senate is never hindered or. delayed by any in efficiency on the part of its historian. We'do not desire to say too mjch, we could not very well say less than we have : he who "peeps" is satisfied, and others must be. The Science of Health for February is an excellent nuinber containing Pop ular Phisiology, with illustrations ; The Scientific Era in Medical Systems; What a Bachelor thinks of Babies; Dress of Children ; Seasonable Dishes ; Christian Agriculture ; What to do with Old Tin Cans: Business Women of Washington ; Matrimonial Incompati bility i A Test of Vegetarianism ; An 800 Miles' Walk by a Man 60 years old ; How to Cure without Medicine ; Causes of Sudden Deaths; Health of Lawyers; Cold Feet. Cause and Cure ; The Hu man Hair, its Right Treatment; Hy- genic Associations; Answers to Ques tions on Health Topics. The informa tion here given must be worth many times the cost, which is only 20 cents. Subscription price, $2 a year, and a fine Chromo given to each new subscriber ho adds 30 cents for mailing and mounting. Address S. R. Wells, Pub- ishon 389 Broadway, N. Y. XTew Liquor Store. M. C. McGuire has opened a new Wholesale Liquor, Cigar and Tobacco, Store, on Main street, next door to the Herald Office. Sample room in the rear. o,. Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Coal stoves, fer soft coal, of all sizas and kinds and prices to suit, at G6dtf25wtf E. T. Duke & co.'s Mickelwaite & Co. desire to inform the public that they have on hand and shall continue to keep through the win ter, hard coal, which they will sell at ow market rates. 104tf. D. Schnasse & Co. New stock of goods, cheap and good. Will not be un dersold. - "Odtf For your cheap and good boots and shoes go to the shoe store next door to Postoffice. I will not be undersold. . 3S-tf At Merges' new etore next door to ostoffice. Call and examine my stock of boots and shoes, before you buy else where. I charge nothing for showing them. ' 38wtf School Books, at publishers prices, at 3Stf P. O. Book Store. ATTENTION 111 County and City orders bought at the Elephant Store at the highest figures. 42tf ' - Best Fine cut and cigars at 3Stf . P. O. Book Store. Tiie Senate Wm. Edgerton Pro nrietor. co.9y, warm and comfortable, drop m and see us. Liquors an., e.gars , warranted pure and good Nov. 13. d&wtf CORN.! CORN ! CORN!! "Wanted Corn on Subscrip- tion at tins ollicc immedi ately. If you want to get a .fine ,aod good fitting pair of boots or shoes made, call at the shoe store next door to the Post- office. I warrant satisfaction, Repair ing done neatly and with dispatch. 33wtf Pi-TER Merges. Remember Otz's, Veterinary office is now on north side Main street, in the little brick building west of the Court House. 42t8 It Aim COAL.; HARD COAL! II A KM (OAI.1 At Mickelwaite's yard corner Sixth and Main streets. Good Anthracite Coal on hand all the tim. 104tf GZNEBAL AGENCY OF HOWE'S SSWXS3 ""MACHINES, At Plattsmouth, Nebraska : F. P. Todd, General Agent. Canvassing agents want ed. Office at Solomon & Nathan's, Main 6treet. 36w3m READ THIS. Gaoda not sold at less than cost. N goods given away, but good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at lltf. Clark & Plcmmers. Plattsmouth, Neb. PATEONS OP ETJSBANDSY. ' The Cass County Central Association of Granges will meet at Weeping Water, on Friday, February 14th, 1873, atone o'clock p. M. . All Granges are request ed to be present with their representa tives, and as many others of the order 1" 11 - J A- I - as can come, are coraiany invueu to ue present. All Granges wishing to be come members of this Association can do so bv beins present at the above meeting, or applying to the Secretary of the Association. J. C. Cumins, Sec'y. Plattsmouth, Jan. 1G, 1873. 4312. B?S. N. B. "xsi& We have bought the entire right and interest in the whole subscription list of the Weekly Herald, from II. D. Hathaway, and as fast as our friends can square up the old accounts we shall be pleased to have them as wo want ojd books settled. tf For Sale or Bent. A pood story and half house, contain ing 9 living rooms together with' pantry, bath room aud closets, also, a' good barn and two lots with house. Will sell for part other property. For particulars in quire at the Herald office, or of the owner, 39-tf . C. W. LYMAN.' Business room for rent one of the best stands in the city enquire of. D. II. Wheeler & Co. 113d 32wt SPECIAL NOTICES. HCLIS KALKZTS. LWlieat,. 6590 Uarley, Corn, .. 40(i45 14oU6 v. ; Large and well assorted "stock of gen eral merchandise at Clark & Plummers. Try us. 2Sdtf" At Clark & Pluuiuier's everything a farmer needs can be found. " Call ' and see our stock. HSdtf. Go to Vivian's for groceries and pro visions. owl Emporia Red' Ribbon Stove at E. T. Duke & Co.'s. Plattsmouth, Neb. Cal and examine. 28dtf. Clark & PluinmerDry Goods, Grocer iea and a General assortment. We set cheap and buy often. 28dtf See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis nensarv. headed Book for the Million Marriaire Guide in another columrt. It should be read by all..' decldiwly. E. T. Duke & Co. have just received a large lot of Heating Stoves or all kinds, suitable for parlor, offices, stores, hotels,' or any place. Call and see them. ' rr3dtlZQWtl Evening Star, wood burner, and from 50 to 75 varieties. of heating stoves. Call axd pee us; E. T. Duke & Co. 66dtf25wtf For new, cheap goods, call on D. Schnasse & Co. Mr. S havimr just re turned from the east is prepared to fur nish goods at eastern prices. 70dtf THE LAST CALL. All persons indebted to me, by note or account, are requested to call and settle before the first of January, 1873, or I shall put them in tho hands of a proper officer for colloction. 37tf Wm. Stadelmann. NOTICE" ' Is hereby given to all concerned in the Wm. Young burying ground to meet at tho house of Wm. Young on. the first Satarday in February, at one o'clock, for the purpose of arranging the business affairs of the same. By order of the school board of school district No. 6. L. W. Patterson, 432t Director. Sheriff's Sale. "Rv virtue of an Order of Sale, issued bv the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, wherein Maxwell and Chap man are PJaintins and J. b. fllcneuson and Isabella McNeilsen are defendants. will on Monday the 24th day Oftebru- ary, A. D. 1873, at One o'clock P. M., of said day at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth In said county, sell at auction the follow ing real estate . as the property ot the said Defendants, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter (t), of the Northwest Quarter (J), of section No. Twenty-seven (27), in township No. Twelve (12), North of Range No. Twelve (12), East of the Sixth P. M. situated in Cass Countv. Nebraska, to satisfy a judgement rendered at the Adjourned September Term of said Court, A. D. 1872, and on the 13th day of December, A. D. 1872. Given under my band this 22nd day" of January, A. D. 1S73. J. V. JOHNSON. Sheriff, Casa Co., Neb AM M Chapman, Fi'ffs Notice to parclinwers of B. A 31. K. R Office of Land Pspartvbst, B. A M. it. it. it. Co.. IX KB, Lincoln. Neb., Deo. 20th, T2. Having received patents from the U. S. Government for our land?, we are prepared to issue contracts to parties holding pre-emption certificates for a portion of the same Persons holding such certificates num bered between 1 and 300, issued between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of July, 1870, are hereby notified to ex change their pre-emption certificates for regular contracts, at mis omce, wuura sixty days from this date, as provided in said certificates. Geo. S. Harris, Land Com., B. & M. R. R. R. Co., in Neb. ro39w8t Sheriff 'a Sale. Bv virtue of an order of Sale, issued" by the Clerk of the District Court with in and tor Cass county, iNeb., and to me directed, whrem James Uodger is Plaintiff. and Henry Mcbhane and Ellen McShane. are Defend ants. I will on Monday the 24th dav of Februarv. A.' D. 1873, at 11 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, in said count, sell at auc tion the followine real estate as the pro- nertv of the Defendants, to-wit : LiOt No. One (1), in Block No. One Htv.dred and Thirty-four (134), in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, iNepraskaand ecorded patof said eity, to satisfy a de- ore?, pandered at the Adiourned Septem ber term. A. D. 1872, ot said Court and on the 17th day of December, A. V, 1872. Given under ray hand this 22nd day of January, A. D. 1 8 j 3. J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. Sam. M. Chapman, Pl'ffs Att'y. 43 Probate Notice, TV OTICE is hereby given that appli cation has been made to me for the adontion bv B. Siebold. of Elmer, El!s worth Ureen, a minor child, son ot Jiien Gre-'n, and that a hearing of said mat ter will be had before me at 1 o clock p, m., on the th day ot i ebruary, A. V month. Cass countv. Nebraska where lrSsJ. dl LU V UlAltJO IU ViLJ v vi c: all parties interested may attend and they snail be ueara. II. E. Ellison, Probate Judge, Plattsmouth, Jan. 13th, A. D. 1873. 42w3 m vautage that locality, enterprise, capital,! iuwiiicuic van cv-iiu U1U.-1 uu HJatlc IliCI most of if we do not wih to pee our natl ural pnue lowered by be in cr dutanced bv Chicago in a race in which every energy is bintiuea to ine utmost ; and it is non enough that we should maiotainour sun remacy, it is abolute!y necessary thatall tne wori j stiould be accustomed to nek nowledeit, and that co partial comnari son should incline to our disfavor. The returns of the yearly business which are. published with eajh new year are the greatest aJverti.ement, the most con viucing argument that can be given to the outside woild, and in thee. as they have heretofore been published", St. Louis is at a disadvantage. The three great staples of grain, lumber and live stock are the leading features of these returns, those on which information is fullest and by which the readiest juds mept is formed, and in these three staples Chicago maintains the easy lead of nast THE IL Ea 2 "ST POB 1873. IT IS TBS BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. .Xo Family can Afford to do. Without it. IT GIVES MORE GOOD AND ATTRACTIVE READING MATTER FOR THE MONEY THAN ANY OTHER PEKIODICAt. OR BOOK PUBLISHED, The Leading Newspapers Pronounce TIE GALAX1 The Best and Most Ably Edited Amer ican Magazine. THE GTL AX Y Mee's tho Wants of every Member of the Family. It Contain Tnonfftrul Articles by o II Vwntalas sketches of Life and Id venture). a hiMt . It has Nertal Stories by Oar Best Hot - liats. It basnuort Stories In Each Unmoor The new deparfment of SCIENTIFIC Miscellany appears in each number. WHAT TIIE LEADING PAPERS SAY s "First of all in attractions we place. "The Galaxy.' " Standard. Chicago. Will sustains its reputation tor vigorous ana racy writing. IV. Y. lrttiune. The ttalaxy is a ways more a magazine than any. and more varied in its range than any other." Independent, "A mode! neriodioal: a credit to American periodical literature." Philadelphia freta. "There is not a dull page between its covers." The variety or it" contents, tneirgonu worm. their brilliance, and their great interest, make up a general character ot great excellence lor every number. t'on Boston. Always ably edited, ana rcinarkahio lor tne good judgement displayed! in the selection of current topics for discussion. In this way it finite eclipses the more conservative periodic als of the day." Boston Journal, Mass. We are inclined to believe that more down right good literature is crowded between the covers of 'The Galax' than any;other Ameri can magazine can boast of." Chicafio Time. bheldon & Company nave openea a mine or iterest in their magazine. 'The Galaxy.' by drawing to it the communications of prominent public men upon questions of general inter est." Age, Philadelphia. "The retorted increase in the circulation of The Galaxy' is h rdly to be wondered at, for it is certainly the best of Americas magasines. jjrpret,liattxlO, Si. . Ihe Galaxy is one of the fullest, and, ta ken altogether, richest, of the many monthlies which have eiven such an enviable name to our-American magazine literature." Sunday School Timet, Philadelphia, Pa. XOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. price ss era tEit jicjiBEri. SuB3carpTios Pbics. i 00 pof year. ' CLUBBING TERMS. ThK Galaxt will be tent for the yeae 1873 with any one of the following Periodicals at the price named- With "Harper's Weekly." or "Harper's Bazar." or "Appleton's Journal,'' 87 the rsgn lar price is 83. With "Every Saturday, SS,- reg utar arice $0. With "Our Young Folks." $j 50 regular price S. With "LiteU't Living Age,' 810 regular price 12. Addrtt SHELDON &, Co. 977, Broadway, N. Y. The Lincoln R o d t e. THE Atcliisov 5l ISeltraalca liailroad. VIA LINCOLN, NEB., T O St. Joseph, Ticcmskh, Topika. Pawnsi Citt, LK A VIM WORTH, CaWBKC, PaLLS Citt. Whit1 Cloud, DoniphoiJ, Kansas Citt. S4. ZaOUIS, Cincinnati. Indiakapolis. Comjmbus. Looia- tilli. Nashville, Mimpsis. Chat tanooga, Mobili. Atlanta. And all the Points in the Southwest, South and South- e a s t. The Plattsmouth People By taking the express train at Lineoln on the Atchison Nebraska 11, R. Upon their arrival at Atchison, Kansas, the GREAT RAILROAD CENTER OF THE WEST Can obtain without delay or inoonvenience the VERY BEST Sleeping Car accommodatioss and will reacn ST. LOUIS Early next morning, being a much SHORTER St CHEAPER Route than that via. Pacific Junction. Track and Road bed are in ex cellent condition .' TEe pas senger accommodations are of the best. NO EXPENSE NOR PAINS Uave been spared to make the traveller com frtable. LayO ver Checks Will be given by the. conductor to those wishing to stop on at any or tne many places of interest on the AAchison and Nebraska Rail Road Without incurring any ADDITION AL EXPENSE. Thus affording Trat- blkbs unsurpassed facilities for visiting the PARADISE of all GARDENS " The Great Nema ha Valley." TV7 R- WHITE, General Pass Agent, ttwtf -Atchison, Kansas. 2 g a 4" r - ' " 2- O 3J gas IT. n "O ' O D-T B S3 O - p T3 m o n a a Z. 2 s - a B ta f? O e cr ' J EL. ' ' "'a ' m z.. O O B 2Ko . c- -Erg r-,7 a 0 C3 pre 23 a 5-B e' p-C f gas - m a 4 a it" C-s a o 2 3D . 5 - 5" K s: 8 aT. off "9 OB-J WILLIAM ST Has on hand; one of CLOTHING - 1 .. . AND GENTS' SPRING AND SUMMER, invite every bod? in want of anything- in my lice to oall at my atore.1 South Hide Main, IZctwcen 2d 4k3l Jvtvectn. And eonvince themselves of the fact- I havo as a speciality in my Retail Department a Ve'eel stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys; to which we invite those who want Moods. A7"IaIio keep on hand a large and well seleoted FALL- AND WINTER GOODS, !oJ- DOWN GO THE AT d. Schnasse & c o.'s Celebrated NEW yoke: STOJEIJI) South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmouth', Nebraska, ; - ...... .... AIVD SO TIIE PEOPLE & IT DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, ...... BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES In tho Grocery line wo keep tlio Finest and Best TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR. MOLASSES, DRIED FRUITS, of every Dir8crptirti. All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your . GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QIjEENSWARE, .T WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, GOTO D SCErJASSE CO.'S n-25tf NEW DRUG STORE, WEEPING WATER, NEB. T. Ii POTTER, DEALER in Drugs, Medioj-nes. rainis, yns Varnish, Perfumery. Stationary, INotioru; eigars ana looacco Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, issucu ty the Clerk of the District Court, . within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, wherein T. 15. Gor don is plaintiff and A. H. Townsend is defendant, I will, on the 10th day of February, A. V. 1H73, at one o ciock r. M.t 01 saia aay, at me irum uuui ui i f!onrt House, in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at auction the following real estate, as the property ot saia aeiena ant, to-wit : . The undivided three and one-third (3) seres in the west half () of the south east quarter ( J) and the east half () of the south-west quarter (J) of section No. nineteen (19) in township No. twelve (12) range No. fourteen (14) east of the sixth principal meridian, situ ated jn Cass county, Nebraska, to satisfy a Tiidomifint recovered at the June term, A. D. 18G1, of the said District Court by ooirl nlfiintiff against Said defendants A H Townsend. tt al. and at tho April term, A. D. 1869, an order or revivor was obtained against the said A-. ii. Townsend. - Given under my hand this Zih day of January, A. D. 173. J. W. JOH.XSON, .-. i . . Sheriff of Cass Co. Neb. D. II. Wheei Hb, PI' ff3 Att'y. 4Tt5 mob of excitad men some o. breeding, some of neither, cluster, push ing and scrambling around the spot where the winner has come in. Some live minutes pass by. ThenSn ungainly-ill-figure, but ta!l and hand-orne-faced man, with the saddle from his Lorse jhanging over his left arm, is Ie4 through ithe throng by the friend who lias under taken to make the Baronet ku wn to the Prince towards the carriage of the latter. "Sir William Don, allow me to uiuke you known to the Priuce Louis Napo leon." But initially realizing the forms of the two men be sees be tore him the fu ture Emperor nods his head, and as he. does so blinks his inexpressive eyes. c5' 2 f Wtua IO1 ? m . O H PS H PS FX ti U Pi V- CO II I I tn Si . t I m j CO (a 5! o tr1 o H O 93 s A D E L 17 A 5 the largest stocks of FURNISHING GOODS, FOR stook of Hats and Cans. 1 icy V It I C ESI! T II I K ,VUO i OOB5 S-," nook for the Hillioii ! MARRIAGE GUIDE. A private counselor to the Married or those about to Biar rv on the i.hy.ilogical myster ies and revolations of the sexual system, the laten dicoVenes in producing ana nrc". offspring, hew to preserve he complexion c. This is an interesting work of two hundred and twenty-four rageC 'ith numerous engrav ings, and contains valuable infornintion lor those who are married, or contemplate mar riage. Still, itisabookthatoufrht to be kept under lock and key. and not laid carelessly about the house. . , m .. Bent to any one (free of postage) for W ennts. Address Dr. Lutta' Uixpeusary, ro. U Pi Eighth stret, 6. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in public papers, or uimg any quack remedies, peruse Lr. Potts' work no matter what your desease is or how deplorable your condition. ' ,, . iir. I'.,, tturrin be nonsuited, personally or ly mail, on the dit.M mentioned in bis works. Office, .No. 12N. Kighth street, between Market andChesnut St. Ltd is. Mo. doc2dwlv TUB Silver Tongue. S MAKCfACTtREJ) Bf. E. T. XEJGDI1AM & SOX, 143. 15 A 117 E't 23d Street, New York ESTABLISHED IN IS 40. RcsporiLle parties ri' plying fr agencies in sectiq as still nnguprlied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. ond for iljustva ted ptHce list. . Oct iidAw3u urn he mz os. Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IS Dry Goods, Orociries, llrdwa''j,' ... Qrieenx5, -, . JBotts, and Sbces, liats, p.od Caps, Agricultural Implements of all kinde , Wvt and' 'f X L" Cultivators, Unioa Corn I'lauters, Orandetour and Princeton Plows, Ac. Ac ,u,itn jiinitvm all of which weofieT to the public at the owent retail prices. All Oootb Varramtefi Am Represciitetf. -Our constant aim will be to sM o low that it will be to thepwitivj advantage of every far mer in th western and eeniral portion of Cm 6 aake toiiuair xieaaquarwrr r.EEI. RKO," ft r eountyi t 1 1 J year dlrJ., 1a. - " A i, j tin j