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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1873)
Til E llERALl), PJTTSIVTOUTH, NEBRASKA. T H II E R ATj IK ADVERTISING BAT5. One s-quaie, (10 lines or lass"' ono lnsorttoo f.if Each subsequent in,i;n ... 99 Profij-nionalcwd.', not efJisiy il line K jroljmn per annum .: 2ft 9tf i column, per animal 40.tfV JjoiBtna. J ...,.,...... i.&3 Onecolu:nrt do '. ..100.otf All ndyortNn bills due quarterly. Tratdicct adToHuttnenli mutt i peii la e t Teuoe. Se-coud lry. ORFICIAL PAPER GF TUB CITY AND. COUNTY. J. A. HACJfeHJRPHY, Editor. "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS. TERMS : $2.00 a Year. ; 1 - 1 A N i IHj Irft T.4 lfi - Nd J Terrs, in Advance. Qim 9P7, oae year Qxi oopy, nix months. One ory. throe month ... I :. SO. ATTORNEYS t TAP.onsrrr. bmith a starbihu At. tori eys at Law. Practice in h!1 the courla s SbU. Special attention given to eollec- nmttfrii of Probate OSce over the Post Ofiiee, PlcUsinoiith, Keb. m . i ...I. i- i ii -r-k V. WIIKFIiEP. A Co. Attorney at Law. L Bpwial attention given to probate !-u-btea nd land title ese. office ia the Ma tonic Kotk. Main Ptr-et. Plattcaioatb. 3ie-bcM-V. TXWKLI. A CTIAPMAX-AMorreys a Law and Solicitors in Chancery. PlatM mOKth. Nb-ka. Offire i Iitzirerald'sBlocls. MB. f BESB. Attornry at Law Officii . Main Sju-eet. ovr Chantnn Ira fitr- 8peil attention given to collection felaimi. physicians! T . R.U VINfJSTOX. Physician and. Sur JLt t eon, tender.4 his professional service to X9 eititens of Ciuir county. Raoidencesouthrast ei-MrofOsli andSixth Mreets: office on Mad txt. one door we.-t t Lyman V Lumber Yard viatl&aioath. Veb. 1 W.RAWUXS.Snrjwn ind Plyiician J Late a fcirgeon-'n Cbief of tha Army ol the Potoaiie. PiattRinth. Nebraska. Ofrice t 0. F. Johtrtoa's Icar Jstore Main street THH. SCniLBKSECHT A BITTLEIi. Prac JL ticingPhy-ie:an. i fiec in Merze' Pdock. One of them will be fonnl there day and tSiht, when not away on iroffwional butiiactM. HALL LIGUTED AT ITI'JuT. dMB wlHlr , 1 - - , . . - - INSUUANCE. . . WnEELER ABKXNETT Real Kstate aa Tax Payicif Aeents. oti.ris Public.Fira, ad Lif IftsaranM Agents, Pit-jioulh. Neb en vita. i-iU" PHZI.Pd PAISE General Inorance Aaent Rcprnt aotne of the must reliable Com riia in the United States. OSic with BarneJ A Poilok io Fit isreral i a4fc fjao'd iwtt' HQTEIjS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHH FITZGERALD Proprietsr H&ta Street, Between 5th and 6th St. MISCELLANEOUS. A S X TS W ANTE D FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL W kic l-.r.La n.iblixhad oaths IIoftSE aui bCov. Liberal terms. Monyira'te r.iid fft Asanu sellin thes book. Bend tor fOJICa A 00ATK3. Poblirfher. Pbiiaieitiiii. Pa. ELbl Art Caallerj. W Pliotorrapba, Anrotyphs aal aspies fromel t picture, plain or eolore-i, either in ftik. water or oil. All work neatly executed id waTatd to rive satisfaction, V. V. LEON A It D Arti.t. de4 ifain St.. PlattJtnoatb. PHILADELPHIA ST03E. BOLOMO & 2TATHAX, tSAiEiLS IK Cqssv Dry Gsods, Kctiens, Lsdies Famishing Goods, Lergoet. CnpeRt, Best Ass-rtoJ Stock in t'a8 (Mty. sy-3tor on Mym, 4ti and'Stb streets, I'littmouth, Nebraakm. dJ wl6.I&wtf CUriARD LIKE. BSTABLIS5ED -------- panra" booked to and frcra all part of u.v at lowest "'-nA?Lu VERKET. al 't Artate.CHK.aK0-. CEOGHAr.T TAILOR I la receipt of ths Snea and BEST ASSORTMENT Of Csrvimor-, Cloihs .Vesting", fee vt brought to the city, v.hich I vriiJ tnake up in tbo Latent styles. f-Vloss call sni oxamine.-'Sa I'lattsmouth, April 18, 1S72. 4l dAwtf. LBE P OILLETTX:, XbrasJia City, 4merl Aretit Dep't NorthweaU . ; Union Central Life J. B. PRE3903I. yetylMAwtf Loeei A gest Lo;k to Ycur Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Onres colic and gripini inl Price Wbitcomb the bowels, and fieilitat ,. 2 Svrui). tthe rr.vce of teething. jCenta. M HS. i Snbdnes convnlhtns and: Price Whitcowib's oyercomes all discae iaci- 2-1 Kvrun ident to irifunts and children. Cent. MRS. i Cnrcs Diarrho?. ly.cnte-i Price fWitc6mb? ry andgumtnercomplaint 2-" Svrao. ichildren of all aee. Xenls. It istke great Infint3' and Children 'snSonth- iag Remedy, in all uisorders brougnt on Dy teething or any otier caufe. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., St tjri jf druggit3 and dealers ia !'iici.'e WSVh3re. dri cfjftv H. J. STREIGHT, BOOK-SELLER, Stationer?, ft9etvs AND PA PER CFA LER. PLATTSMGUTH, flZB, A Volume 3. MACHINE ."HOP! Way man Curd .Vlxtizzitan'hi, Web., Repairers of Steam iSsKiues, Boilers, a Grirt Mills. i;. am Htcara Pininc?. Wrought Iron Pips Frce and 'lilt Pump, tearii OaaBM, alanr Valve Governors, ami all kinta ot Brass ELfgiue Fitting s, fursisbed on ehart notis. AR.MING MACHINERY Repai'ifi ' op. ihoTt notice. u fi SATO A Heavy Stack of Goods on Hand. A i?n.' ttnd 'o Wfirr ot Borrs-reJ ejW OLOSST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITX. North side Main between Second and Third sU. Take pleasure iu annouacio to . Farnacr aasd Mechanics. Tat he lias as large and we'.l selected toc of Dry tio.vif. Groceries. Provisions, as were ever brought to t-e ci:r of Ptattsincutli. S-It willc'cttyoa nothin? to !o.-k ot them whether yu buy or not. i-y exaimnitxt the prices at the "U 1 1 TsELIAVLt." you will be ab'.ata tell when other parties try to yt,a. Juwtt Buying Your Green-house and Bedding mnts. At 3B in ir Garde ns DOV't cerd East for Plants when yon can r-t jut ai good f r Ics.- money nearer hoisr. To civ nu-icrum fri-.-n ls and patrons I would ssy that I have the lareet and best -ck of evr olered for sale in tne yest and propop t" f -M them at reasonable prices. Batur auJ eed for uiy Hew Bccri?t!ve Gatalanae. which will be eent free to ai! f ho apply tor it' Then pire your orders, and I feel conUtenJ I can sctisfy you. ,,rl!SPS Address. R . . h E? S E R. reb. 13 dw ruttsaiouth. .cb. PLATTSfSOUTH fiiLLSM PLAITSMOUTH, NEBR45KA. CORAD HEISEL Proprietor, Flour. Corn MoM. Fee 1. A?.. A Wavs on hand and tv-roaia at i'jcst v,ii.-u --v.. . . a. a Corn. yFarticalr aMjcHon given to cus tom work. FACER'S EXCHANGE. . LOUISVILLE, NEB. TKeeps constantly on hand all staple articles cucn as Coffee Tobacco, Molasse?, Dry Goods B-ots and Shoes, ic, In f;ict every thins usually kept 1- a an ty Store, which will be sol i on Fin.-iH profits for Cash. All kinds of Produce taken ia exchnage forgoodfaud Highest Market Price given in cash tor 'jtram; N"EW STORE Wesping Water, Nebraska, SCCCS3SKKS TO IIORTON A JENKS. HEAI.F.I13 IS General Morcjiandise, BITCH AS-; DRY GODR. . GKOCEtES. JIAltnWARE. QUELNaV.'ARE. HATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. At Y7 are AetU for W'iHoox & .ih'ez Sewing Machine PjLATTS230LTiI C. HEISKL. ProDrittoe.Karine recentlyber repaired and placeit ia thorougij running orilt IfKUVt Buiheid of Wheat want! immediate! 90 VET. qgjL-jjua i at' punip . a I nd 3 fe2-i? This unri eonta n a jurious u For forl ia ull discu tionpaMlt 1 he country v liiir powc In p the t I new lif? nd V mous' Liver KegnV euual h it LIVE1 It coi.t.iin four in ted in th'i same baia: lr taration viz . a gentie fat To ie. ao un-ex'-eption.rt a certain Carrective otail in cch sipnal suc.-cp? h:is att it now reenrded as the GUEAT UXFAILIXt fi Liver Oomrlaict a- d the thereof, ti-wit. Dysiejoi. jaunaieo. uitious ai a ks sick aeaa.iu: Depression of spirits, io'.ir fct jinacU, Burn. Ac- Jtc. KtKula.e the liver and prevent. CHILLS ANDi FEVER. Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN A CO. Dru rgiew. Maoon. Ga. Send for a Circular I and .'i29 Arch street. Price SI; by mail 1.V5 J Philadelphia Pa, Foralebyj H BUOERY, jantwly. Platteinouth. Keb. SCRIBER'S A Serial ttory Bu Dli. IIOL LAND. iVn ry Bv SAXE HOLM. A Loay Stir a. DUET II A R TE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUT CLARENCE COOK oa FL'RNITCRI and DECORATION. R. II. .STOD DAR1) on ATfTHOns. Zxtracriiiiary laiuremcLts to'llctr 500 PAGES rZt I.OI Ac.. & The Publishers of Sckibxkr'3 51'Ktiil their Trospactna jast issued, promise f -r ensuing year a more brilliint ju ray of contrib tor?,, and an increase in the variety asd beau tyofits illustrations, already onceded by thi' critics to be "jincr thin any irhlch hive Jiilhrrto appeared in any American magaziiie,n Dk. IIolhsd. the Editor, will write the se rial st;ry of the year which will bo autobiogra phical in form, and, will be illustrated by MSss ILillock. It ii entitkd Artluir Bon- niCHHtlo, and will deal with somo of the most difficult problems of American L'fo. It will be commenced in the November Number. There will bo a new ptory hv S.tss Holm Bar.T Hautk, the Lett writer o.t thort ttorien now lichnj, will contribute a character istic story, entitled the :pie of I'irfdle town, which will be illustrated by Shepird. II. II. STcnain; will wri;ea scries of enter taining paper about Authors, itielr IVr- noiikI ('iiitrfirteritiM, IIonn l-l:'. FHiiiilirN. rriemls Vl tsiitis, and Majs. Apcriesof Porlrail f tlvltii; Aiueri- rnu tVriicrs, is also promised Cook will write about I'lirnilnr? Hntt tts l,'i'riili:l 1 . nt t n a IfuniPfi. Tii-sa papers will be einiuontiy - . - j ,, P'HClical xs wen a.' anii-no. an i win oc in tratcd with c'.eicns ar.d ::Uo;chc' by nuffif-ru-arti in addition to ibose rhich the writer, himself wi'l furoi.-h. A:n-'rc tbo?-. who will contribute are: Hans Andersen. Bryarit. Bushiiell. Egjlcton. Froude, llig.-inson. !!i-hop IIunt:n?ton. Lrot Harte. John tiny. II. II. MacDonuM. V itch 11. Mias Phelp3. Itcdiiinn. Stockton. Stoddard. t,'e- lia Thaxter. Warner. Wilkinson, Mr--. U uit- ncy. besides a hot of o'hvr. Watcon Gi'der wiii write -Th tl -itI- n.;" a3 hitherto. l1rof. Joas C DPr: conducts tSe Department of Salure iil s,cie :" The Dcpariioent of dud fs J-1J and " nlluro nl I'ro jrro.'" will engage the contributions of more than a s.ore of pecs on bolh si les of the Atlan tic. The Watch m Refi.kctob si. s "Scribncr'E Monthly for September id better than usual, which indicates a needless waste uf cdi'orinl brains ud Publishers uionev, for thn Masazinc waj irood cn.u;h bet'ore!" And yet ttc. Iuttit!nri fromiso to iiihUp ltMili tXetier tar 5ie 'i:ln:r Vrar ! ! The Subseri-ptir n price is I.OO a year, with spe ial rate3 to Clergyman, Teachers, and Postmaster. -The followintr EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS are oiTercd to new subscribers: For S5.50 the Publishers will rend, or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply the mag azine for one year, and the twelve numbers of Vols. Ill And IV., containing the beginning of Mrs. OUphanfr Serial. "At liis Gates;" for 67,50, the Magazine for one year, and the 21 back numbers from the beginning ; for $10.50 the Magazine for one year and 10024 back num bers bouXu(4 vols.), charges on bound vols paid. This will give nenrly 5,000 pagjs of the choicest reading, with the finest illustration', for $10.50, or nearly 50) paM f()r a dollar' and will snablo every subscriber to obtain the series from tb.9 2rt- Srecial terras to Sealers, Clergymen ani Teachers. SCRIBNEP. A CO.. 6o4 Broadway. N. Y. ' 32w tl'eb OMAHA LOTTERY A NOBLE CHARITY. To erect the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum, To be Drawn in Public. December 30th, 1872. $230,505,00. Tickets $1.00 Each or Six for $5.00 OiO Lickets sent by espress C. 0. D., if desired. 1 Grand Cash Prize - 7'.0O0 1 Grand I "ash Prize 25.I.KW 1 Gr .n l Ca.-h Prize. 15 (e0 1 Orand Cash Prito lO.OuO 1 Cash Prize &,I"iO 1 Cash Prii 4.(..) 2 Cash I'nies. $1,000 each i,oo I 4 fah Priies. 2.0J each. S UiO 2 Cn.-h Prizes. 1.IM1 enh 2,CK,'0 50 Cash prizej. Ech $100 6,lK) 100 Cash Prizes. .ich 55') 5 OTW 2') Cash Prie, Kach fly 5 (KO 5.000 Ch Priies. ". S10 f0.0oo 3.1ul Cah Prizes, " fci l j.oOo "4'w ' . 230,503 This Iel Enterprise is endorsed by th hirhot authority f tho ttate and bes. busiaci men. " - Over one-half the tickets taken before Oct. 1st. Tb limited numhei on hand will be jurni.bed Money cin be t-ent by mail, in Registered j Letters, Post 021co Money O.-ders. or ny cx i pre s. 1 Ail Prizcsw-il piid ji full. Aoksts Wax IfcD. Foi ;ull particulars address. - i . J- m. ft TTEE, J. Al. PTTEE J 1 1 V LIVKI It poi.t.iin four I J 1 V fit" Inn??. 17:h. ;te;u!ivti hu li fe iilLC;ir:irici as , list evening, ct of hi iec- ' TO, CTlllt UUI. (fuiieJ an hour iiU'htir. Coui- krich of" the t-ariy illutiatcd their riuiisive in.-titu- iuidteiJ. . an in- itiou ot tlioir jit iici- ro all injured wi.o i M:reii;im,r tho liio tleiiiKiueiit itUithc into court. d U repeat the f tiio pr.:o.i.Iini: titii At.; ii, In Vis investigated, -m vontri ana a :ui 1 i noil lliC lurhiii the t,.:ije. net. were tij trail j iil mi, t;U snorLiy a pontic;! uartfioaiiui, more powciiul than nhvMcal violence stiooii the nun titiuns of the laud. The lecturer clear K portrayed the state or Ciitornii iiii rd lately prcceliug the gold fever of o tne luiensuy oi iiiu cxeitciuent it induced, and the motlev crowd of a!vationaiities and types, of character that ieo!!eeted to.tther. An emigrant reyoatu" who rowed him a.-hor f, and who charged h were vou not fd in 184-2 ?" he 1 . T ;werea, out i Jmm.'t fhe regatta', ppA.hiippy at the pleasures of t ireik- Wharf. titer a I, he I'lh-ni-e Irful of arried tu the rect. T tho "poi- rd not,"' den sus- u wool. I inaui-hed rancisco, ing desir- OHH jTr it carriage. "HoU "2ef shouted: '"that i only rr iioau. ana tiraiiiiuwiiv ne ilutig tit va on the lawyer's fhouller, tiving hiu sy for his frerviee. It wa the firt fee h ever had. Lausrhter. He (leflined describe the Christian prineiples of Wse tuen ; at lea-t he should defer ei'cisni until lie had, with present ca!iunL-4. the fafe distance of the historian. Applause. lu distant parts of the enptry they left children and families, at even ofiicers of justice, perplexed and 'menting. They desert ed their own wes, and in pome extretae ease even deseed tlie wives of others. Lsut'hter. 'jme of the best men htl the worst anteJeiit, and some of the wor-t had a yltiess I'nriran lndijrce. With perfect Itneatioii ot the ehsra-?- iera.-id litbitsf th; Argj l.nt, hi pic tured their tunp of 1if ao 1 th-'ir invet t rare p.: .s on ij- gamb'ing. Oo ; night a f iro hiiki man slipped d-.-td uo ier. tire tab!o- TjfJ physician, ail plavers, d elated thutie died of of the Jertrt, thec winer. who .at ac his left, 'mpauflod hi lircthcr gambler on the iry, the ir.ijvst sjv straightway pro- efjfll wilii iiil tli,v rotiirtu',! s, vf.lict aeeord iiiewit!i the fata Lmgluer. f simple nrded W'estero. who made a r J r r. ..oO' 3 w. r i X F v t M M 1 t' V. 1 asiia, Tiiursaay, January y, IU76. a proa..'licr he won every tries. Laugh ter. An engineer on the I'aci'ic Kail road to;d of a comrade who died of con su'iiption. ''i'oor Jim," he said, "got running .-dower and sdoirsr, until vne dav he sropfed on ins center. What a piu'f. ie of the helpless hitch of this weary human uiaclsmery. I Appiaune A teamster met a surveyor and a far tner angrily d .'.-.ending. Siding with th surveyor, lie .nid : '"If I were you W'Mild ju-t tlieoiolite that foi!.w out of l atun." I Laughter. 1 Another team (ter wa; rebuked lor his profanity ly a young girl returning fro?u camp-mee!ing. "W !iy M!s)," aid be, 'you don t c! that sweating, do you? Why, you ouxht to hear i;!l Jones exhort the iui penitent mule." Laughter. The names of places were oxpresMT. A letter from 'l) l?roke" was not cal enlated to indue credit, and a stranger would he.itate to secept an invitation to "AiurUerer - iiat. La lit liter. 1 A stage in California was run from Happy Valley to Mount Dolores, and from Hi.izas to I'urisim a. Continued laugh t- r. Adverting to tha recent Spanish co!oiiit-i, he minutely described how tht? Argonauts at first pretended friend ship and afterward completely robbed and despoiled them. They joined their iJii'ViTifroesi and bull ftghts, but were de ci iedly snxious to give the bull a show Ijiuahter. On one or two occasions they substituted a grizzly bear, thut ck-ared the riiig and effectually wiped out the first two rows of benches. Laughter. But with experiens? the Spaniard became wise, and allied him self with his oppressors. Being the ear liest inhabitant, bis evidence on the question of titles was so valuable that he knew everything that was wanted to supply a deficiency txi either tdie of ctse. I baugnter. I lfus extetHea so far as eventually to destroy all owner ship of property in California. The ad vent of the heathen Chinee imparted a new life, a new conservatism to the character of the Argonaut. He engen- lered cleanliness, attended to all domes tie necessitic.s, andactelat tabl2 l;ke a an who, knowinz his superiority, could, never jeopardize his posbion by condescending to speak He worshiped tho devil in your household with a frank ness that bhamed your own attempts in that direction. Lauvhter. I Oppress ed by cruel statute, he had an innocent way of defrauding tho customs by con versing with custom officers, whilo seat ed on a chair stuffed with smuggled tptuui. He avoided too State tax by taking the name and assuming the facta! expression of sonic other brother who had paid the taxes. Laughter. Know ing the character of hi Christian breth ren, he established doetor's offices at every street corner of San Francisco, dis tributed medicines, the mention ot which would bring on sa-sieknos.", and when finally discovered, retired with dtjrniiy to his native rice, the happv t..s.sor of half a million dollars. The b'eturer wound uo with a briiliumt de-. teription of the-resources of California, and in retiring was loudly applauded- Eow I Sscspsi Zsizg Eillei in a Duel. BY MA UK TWAIN. The only -merit I claim Cor the follow ing nuTutivo is that is a true story. It has a moral at the end of it, but 1 claim nothing on that, as it is mei"!y thrown in to carry lavor with the religious ele ment. After I had reported a couple of years on the Virginia City ..Nevada IJ-ii';; Enterprise, they promoted me to be editor-in-chief and 1 lasted jut one week, by the watch. But L made a; un common lively newspaper while 1 did lat. an i when I retired I had a duvl on my bauds, and tiitee horse-whippings ;romied me. ihe latter I made no t t'ctupt to collect; however, this history oneeros only the former. It was tne bid '"na-h times ot the stiver excite ment, when the population was wooder ully wild and mixed : everybody went inued to the teeth, and all .-lights and usults bad to be atoned lor with the et article of biood your system could irnish. lu the cours of my cuittng I made rouble with a Mr. Lord, editor cf the val naner. He fl-jw up about some ttle trifle or other that I said about i lu 1 do not remember now what it as. I suppose I colled him a thief", or ody na ciier, or an idiot or something e that. I was oWiced to niike the lper reaiaoie, ana i eouia not tail in iv dutv to a whole community of sub i rribers merely to save the exaggerated iiMtiveness of an individual. Mr. ord was offended, and replied vigor ously in his paper. Vigorously means a reat deal when it refers to a personal i litoral in a frontier newiaper. Dueling was all the fashion 'among the pper classes in that country, and very w men would throw away an opportu- ity of fighting one. To kill a person in duel caused a man to be even more oked upon up to than to kill two men i the ordinary way. Well, out there, if u abosed a man, and that man did not '.ie it, you bad to call him out and kill iui, otherwise you would be disgraced. So 1 challenged Mr. Lord, and 1 d hope he would nut accept ; but I new perlectiy well that lie did not want faghf, and &o 1 challenged linn in tne iost violent and implacable manner. nd then I sat down aud suffered and iffered till the answer came. All our ovi the editors were in our ollice, lping me in the dismal business, and iling about duels, and discussing the de with a lot of aged ruffians who had id experience in feuch things, and alto- ther there was a loving interest taken the matter, which made uie ur.speak iv uncomfortable. The answer came. -Mr. Lord delined. Our boys were fu- ous, and so was I on the surface. I sent him another chall -nge, and an :her and another; and the imre he did t want to fight the bloodihirstier I be-'' me. But at !a-t the man's tone angd. He appeared to be waking up. was beeomiog appaient tint fie was oing to fight-rue, - after all. I ought to ave known how it would be he was u lan who. never could be depended upon. ar bovs were exultant. 1 was not, hough I tried to be. It was now time to go out and prac- . , ..... ce. it was tne custom tnere to light aels with navy six-shooters at fifteen ices load and empty till the game tor e funeral was pee-ire. e went to a tie ravine iust out-ide of the town. d borrowed a barn door for a target rrow.-d it from a entVman who ws witand we stood this barn door up, J etooJ ft rail on end ozaiot th? rii die of it, to represent Lord, and put a squash on top the rail to represent his head, llo was a ven;tll, lean creature, the poorest sort of material for a duel nothing but a line-shot could ' fetch" nnu, and even then be might ("piit your bullet. Exaggeration aside, the rail was, of course, a little too' thin to rep- sent his rmiy accurately, but the squash was ail rikrht. If there was any intel textual difference between the sq lash and his head, it was in tavorof tne sooash Well, I practiced and practiced at the barndoor, ani" could not hit it: and I practiced at the rail, and I could not hit that; and i tried hard for the squash. and could not hit, the squash. 1 wool have been entirely disheartened but that occsionally 1 crippled one of the boys, and that encouraged me to hope. At last we began to hear pistol-shots near S.y in the next ravine. W e knew what it meant. The other party were out practicing. Then I was in the last de gree distressed, fjr of course those peo ple would hear our shots, and thev would send spies over the ridge, "and the spies would find my barn door without a wound or seratco, and that would simplv be the end of mo for ot course that other man would immediately become as bloodthirsty as I was. Just at this moment a little bird, no lanier than a sparrow, flew by and lit on a snge bash about thirty paces awav, and my little second, Steve jillis, wno was a match less marksman with a pistol much bet tor then I was snatched out his revolv or and shot the bird's head off. We all ran to pick up the game, and sure enough jut at this moment, some of the other duelists come reeonnoitering over the little ndire. ihey ran to our eroup to see hat the matter was, and when they saw the bird Lord's second said : 'That was a splendid shot. How far off was it?" Steve said, with some indifference : "Ob, no great distauce. About thirty paces. 'llurty pacrja' Ileaveni ahve, who 1 it?" Jy man Twain." "ihe mischief ha did! Can he do that often?" Well yes He can do it about about four times out of five." I knew the littl-5 rascal was lying, but I tiever said anything. 1 never told him so. lie was not ot a disposition to in vite confidence of that kind, so I let the matter rest. But it was a comfort to see these people look sick, and sec their under jaws drop, when Steve made tiiese statements, 'ihey went off aud got Lord and took him home ; and when we got home, half an hour later, there w is a note baying that Mr. Cord per emptorily decline! to fight! It was a narrow escape. V e found out afte-wards that Lord hit his mark thirteen times in 'i:hteen shots. If he bad put those thirteen bullets through use, it would have narrowed my sphere of usefulness a good deal would have well cii;h closed ib In fact. True, they could have, put peg in tho holes, and used me for a hat-rack to a man who feels he has intellectual powers? I would scorn such a position. - I have written this true incident of my personal . history for one purpose, and one purpose ori'y to warn the youth of the day against the pernicious practice of dueling, and so plead with them to war against it. If the remarks and suggestions I am making can be of any service to Sunday-school teachers, and newspapers' interested in the moral jirogress of society they are at liberty to use them, widely disseminated, so that thci" may do as much good as pos sible. 1 was young and foolish when I challenged that gentleman, and 1 thought it was very fine and very grand to be adueiist, and stand upon the "field of honor." But I am older and toor experienced now, and am inflexibly op posed to tha dreadful custom. I am clad, indeed, to be enabled to lift up my voice aainst it. I think it is a bad, im moral 'thing. I think it is every man's djpty to do. everything lie can to di courage dueling. I always do now : I discourage it upon eveiy occasion. If a man were to challenge me now now that I can fully appreciate the iniquity of that prtietirte I would go to that man, and tako him by the hand, and lead him to a quiet, retired room and kiil him. Ur. Fcrrest. Eis i.ast Letter C53 of 2:3 Starles. The following remarkable letter is published as the last letter ever written by Mr. Forrest. Mr. Oakes had sent Mr. Forrest a caricature of a clergyman woo bad so many calls for Jocks of bis hair that he was almost shorn bare by hi- admirers. There is a tenderness and sympathy in it that reveals the true ..i .i. 'k-.. ; i .-r :.. liamic ui luc mail. iiaic aim ajix.,ic " are his two faithful Irish servants. . Philadelphia, December 11. Dear Oakes : I have receiv ed your three letters with the imclosure That poor devil of a parson was - barber ously treated by his congregation. He ought to have known to do what is right was his only course one can't serve Cod and Mammon too. The shei.-t of fooLcap with water mark of TSUI is a rare tiling ; thanks for it. I got to New 1'ork on Sunday, just before G a. ui. ; wnt to the Metropolitan Hotel, ordered a room and fire, and went to bed, and there lay thinking what a pleasant time I was iabebted to you for in Bootoa. Why, the week passed away like 'an ecstatic dream, without annoy, let , or hindrance. Yesterday was the coldest dav of the season here, and I found the scarf wrought by the fair bands of Miss (ieoreie a true comforter, and airain gratefully thanked hc-r for it. The bouquet brought me by Mrs. Jjaneis now cm niv dre.v-ine table, with scarcely a leaflet blighted, and its perfume breathe upon the air nibt aad day, telling me of her kindness, J he gins, lizzie and rvaie were delighted to receive your kind remembrances of them, and thank you very much.' The article from the 7Vit; cller is good, and vows nothing but truth, and if it does blow so- does (ii- briel's horn, and at the right time, too. It needs something to wake the dead I I hope you have been vaccinated, as you promised me, for that terrible pest tho small-pox is a hideous and fear ful thin?. Don't qedegt yourself ia this duty, which you owe to all who love 'ou- liamember me to vour sister, to Mrs, Lane, and to Miss Georgie, and also to Mr. Lane, with whm I was much rdi-ased. fjod bless you ever, my dsar an j njueh Number 41. valued friend. Edwin Forrest. I AM es Oakes, Esq.. Boston. lores w is an excel, cut s tor v-teller and liked nothing better than to teil the following annecdote in the creen-room d be found all tho ladies of the company assembled. In bis hotel, in St. Loui there wa a colored barber who always shaved Mr l orrest, and was ao intense admirer ot the great tragedian. While performing his functions one morning. the following conversation enued : "We'sgoing to play 'Othello' to-night, Mass rorrest. "Me, sir, an' do oder colored gemcn. I wish you'd come and see us, sar. " "Well, perhaps I would if I had time. Where do you play?" "Down in the servants' hall, sar. We'se got a good company." "Oh ! indeed. Hood compan3', eh! Are your actresses good?" .... -'Wed, Massa torrent, data just whar de trouble is. W e ain t got no ac tresses." "No actresses 1" H'We!i, sar, we can't cet no colored ladies to play on top of de stage." "Why not?" 'Well, sar, dey won't doit; they tinks it so degrading, sar." Mr. Jrorrest always told this with lm meusc point, and thoroughly enjoyed the indignation with which the actresses invariably received it. During the last few years of his life, Mr, Forrest, .when not troubled with rheumatism, to which he was a martyr, relaxed wonderfully from his old violence of temper and man nt.r. 1 et ho never could get over his intense disgust at the actors he constant ly met in his travels "war actors'-' es pecially being his particular aversion. It was a weakness of his for many years to have with him a young notor and actress to play the principal parts with him, and these ho endeavored to train up in the way they should go. As a rule, howev er, these pupils ot his turned out lamentable failures, Mr. Oeoige Clarke, now of the-Fifth Avenue Theatre, being one of the few exceptions to this rule. No man ever worked harder to instruct his pupils than did Mr. Forresr. ; but it was useless. They would copy his man nerisms, exaggerate his faults, and there they stopped. "Daft Zsb. Goat." A gentleman from New York was taking a glass of wine at tho "St. Louis," corner of Freeman and Hopkins streets, Cincinnati, about three weeks aco, nnd observed at another fable, with several others, a Uerman who seemed uneasy and anxious, as if there might have been a Franco-Prussian disturbance be tween ihe beer and himself. Presently in ran a little girl her face radiant with smiles, exclaiming : "Oh. father! we ve cot a httla baby al home !" "Dat ih goot," said the Dutchman, as thn anxi.-ty disappeared trotu his countenance, Pill up der glasses. Not many minutes elapsed, before in rushed the little girl again with the an nouncement : "Oh, father ! we've cot two little bmis at home !' Th.' Dutchman looked a great denl as tonished, and not at all satisfied at this little family redundancy; bu' rising at ength to the magnitude of the occasion, ie said : "Veil den, dat ish also goot. 1 ill up er gla-ses." In a few minutes again appeared the radiant messenger, with the astounding proclamation : "Oh, father! we ve got three little boy at home !" I his was too much, even for Teutonic impossibilities. There was no further call for rlases. " V el, den, says hs, I nots ur dere und STOP THE WHOLE PfSNESS !" EDUCATIONAL COLUim All communications for this department will bo addressed to Editorial Committee, box 6.32, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. B. S. Kamsey, ) Gertie Joiissox, Editorial Com. T. H.T. Saum, ) COUNTY Eigiit Mii.e Grove, Neb., I December 27th, 1872. ) Pursuant to a previous announcement the Educational Association of Cass county met at Eight Mile Grove sc,hoO hou-e, on rnday, Decemoer 27th, 1872. fhc President being absent; Prof. Wise suggested that J. F. Doud, ons of the Vice-Presidents, be called to the chair. On motion, of Prof. Wise, J. T. Sum- ny was chosen Secretary pro tern. Prof. Wise then proceeded to make a few remarks concerning the object of the organization, the manner of the ar rangement for the first meeting, and the appointment of officers for temporary ganizatioii. He also stated that Prof. Adolphe 'dAIlemanl, who was requested by. the committee to deliver the opening address would not be present. Dy request of the Chairman, the Coq- sututiou to be submitted to tr,e Asso ciation was read by the Secretary. The Association then proceeded to adopt the Constitution first ths prc- uible, then each article aud aectbn sep arately, On motion of C. II. King, the pre amble was adopted unanimously. Article let was read, and Mr. Ilusted moved to amend it, ly substituting the word "Educational" for "TeachcM," making it read '"Educational Associa tion" instead of ''Teacher' Association After considerable discussion the mo tion to amend prevailed, and the Article as amended was adopted- The 2d Article was then rial an adopted by tha addition of the following fdnme ! Tn case anv nfli.-pr nf tb A tab cia'ion shall be absent from any ineelhf-s. his plaqu slull be supplied pro tern. The 3rd Article was read, and, on mo tion of Mr. Goo 1 rich, adopted. Tha 4th Article was read, and oa mo tion of Mr. J. A. Raskin, was adopted. The 5th Article was road, and adopted no motion nt Pri-f Ifua " - " . . v. t k '- J ' Ara Opiemof tl- II c t t.D for ! by If. istieiabt, lit ibo Post '!tj.;e. nr?d . F. John fon. North tide Main Siret. bttwera Senv4 and Third. III .:!.., ,i ,, ,, f jL m9 The Oth Article was read, and on mo tion of Prof. Wise, amended, by adJipjj the following clause to said Article : Said Committee shall not be ampowereil to contract any debts for which t Lis As sociation shall bo liahlo, without aprciii instruction from the Association. Tbo 7th Article wis read, sod on mo tion, adopted. ' The following Artiole was submitted by C. H. King, viz : All officers of tbU Association sh.-ill be elected by ballot, and all committees shall be appointed by the President, and on motion of J. A. Raukin, was adapted as the 8th Article. The following Article was submitted by Mr. Ilusted : This Constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the Association two-thirds of the members present voting far such amendment and on motion, was dopt 1 as article &'.!-.. The following Article was submitted by Prof. Wise: Any member of thi Association guilty of immoral coriiuot, contempt, or continue! absence, for one year, may be nuspended from tho Asso ciation, by a two-thirds majority of the members present, notice of uch action Laving been given at a previous meeting. The Constitution being adapted the President then asked tho further pless ure of the Association.' The Executive Committee having id charge the programme of exerciscs be ing absent, it was moved that whetrthis Association adjourn it adjourn to meet at Rock Bluffs, Friday, January 24th, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M., to complete the organization and for other business. On motion of Mr. Ilusted, Prof, Wise was requested to address the As sociation in tho evening. On motion, adjourned. " J. V. DOUD, Preaideut f J. T. Sumnv, Sec'y. CONSTITUTION Of the Educational Association of Casa county Nebraska, as reported by the Committee on Constitution and amended and adopted by the Association at Eight Mile Grove, Dec. 27th, 1S72. PREAMBLB. We, the Teachers of Cass county Ne braska, and friends of Education, for the purpose of forming an Association which fchall have for its object the mu tual improvement of its members, the progress and elevation of our publio schools, and tha advancement of thn educational interests of Cass and adjoin ing counties, do adopt the following CODE OF RULES : Article 1. This Society shall be known as the Cass County Educational Association." Art. 2. The officers of this Asso ciation shall consist of a President, 1st, 2d aod 3d Vice-Presidents, Sectetsry and Treasurer. Said ofbWr shall bo elected at the rrguW meeting in De cember, and shall contin te iu office for one year. Thn duties f eaid officers shall be the same as pertain to such officers in most parliamentary societies, and in cae any officer of the Associa tion shall be absent from any meeting. his place shall be bupplied pro tern. Art. 3. Any teacher, ex-teacher," director, or friend of education by gi- S: his other name, residence and pay ing an initiation fee of fifty cents, at any meeting, may bcconis a member with the consent of a majority of the members present at uch. meeting. Art. 4. Thin Society Bhall meet quarterly, and until otherwise provided, said meetings shall be held on tha last week of December, March, June ami September, at uch places as shall be determined upon by the Association. i special meetings may bo called by the President at the request of the County Superintendent, or on the written re quest of ten raembcrg, stating the rea sons for calling such meetings, Art. 5. An Editorial Committee of three members shall be elected at each regular meeting in December, wbose duty it shall be to furnish or cause to bo furnished matter original and eelected sufficient to fill not les than ono column in each weekly issue of the different pa,? pcrs published in the couuty ; said corn? ' mittee shall be amenable to the Assot ciation Tor the character of articles in said columns. Art. G. An Executive Committed of threa shall ba elected at each regular meeting io December, whose duty it shall le to prepare business, procura speakers, and to make all neoebaary ar-" rangemeuts for holding the meetings of the Association, said committee shall, not be empowered to contract any debt. for which the Association shall be Jiablo without special instruction, from, tho Association. Art. 7. This Society, in its deKbera-t tions shall bo governed by the ordinary parliamentary rules of. deliberative bodr ies. Art- 8. All officers of this Assocl tioD shall be elected by ballot, and all committees shall be appointed by the President. Art. 9. Thia Contittjtion may. ba altered or auie 91 t any re"lr ,ueet' mg of the iaTioa; ; ICC lUfllL lT - ...i.OTIt " " " '.,-r- ft ent. K.r of this Aesa Any "eb rlduct. cor,. nf immoral v--- e"- . , tw.noe tor po or continuy A.B0Bitotj !,a suspended ir f mm I Jd? .