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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1872)
THE HERALD. Railroad Tiino Table. CAM. R. R IN NEBRASKA. aim I DiPARTs. KM1 A Ex. 1:50 p. m. Mail "d Ex. 10:00 a. m iWg at A Ac V:00 a.mJircightA Ac. 3:0 P- in B. A M. R. R. IN IOWA. aanvrs Mad A Ex. 5:tt p. m. DEFAKTS Mail 4 Ex. :.. n. Ac tion A Fr' Jpm Action A t r' 1 J:P m. fracific Expre7?:2lT a ml Atlantic Ex. 4:-"J p in. Ao'tion A Fr' 12: Sp m The Transfer boat will leave the Depot toeon net with Eastern bound trains 4- minutes earli er than-ehe tiino given above, lue Boat u i run hir phicagotiino which is minutes faster than Plaits mout a time. ' OMAHA A SOUTIIWKTERN. inn with Burlington A Missouri Rlvwr Railroad in Nebraska, iv . .. i.r innn Strptt. v " ...trii PlatLsiiioutu 1:U0 a. m PlatUmouth 10:3.1 p. m do 4:20 p. m Omaha .10:40 a. m do 2:3 J p. in S:2 ) . m. Oiuaha. da tf.oo a. in. .J40 p. in. K C ST. JOE. A C B. R. R- lATFiCtriC JCSCTIO! IOWA.1 OOISO NORTH. OOI50 SOUTH. H all and Express 4:4H p. m. 8 00 a. m "F:1 ,' .,. ,1. This gives passengers irom x laiuimvuiu v mnection itoing South or North by leaving here onnection going e She 12:U0 tu. train. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. EOCTI. OI.OSTS. AKBITE9 9 pm. 10.30 pc 0 n. in. 10.30 p tn C. B. A J R;,11- O. U. A St. Joe R. R. North. n A- M. P R. hast. p m. 10.30 p m 9am. 4pm. B. A M. R. West. Omaha by R:i.l Weeping Water, K'nkmxka Ctv. fcv Stare 9pm 10 a m 12 m. 12 ni. 9 pm. 7 pm. Office hours, from 8 a in to 7 p m VIM to AM1IALL. P. M City Official. PLATTSUOUTU. . L. White. Ross Vanatta. Josiab Uor. Allies Morgan. (Falter J. White. Mayor. City Ole.k. Polife Judse. . Marshal. Btreet Coumijioner. ALDERMEN. Fibst WiBi.-John FittgeraW. Elbert Duke. SicoKB Ward -Jas. Buttery. J JVoyiuan. Tamo Ward. R. Cushmg. R. lvian. CAES COUNTY. II. . Ell! .on. In'l Jf cKinnon. Yi. L.Tibb9, J W.Johnson, U. W.Wise. Jaeob ValleT.l Iienj. Albin. James, ) J. W- Thomas. Probate Jadg. County Clerk. Treasurer. Sheriff. Bupt. Pub. Instruction, County Commirsioncrs. Coroner. Churches. -iJABTliT On thecorner of Main and Ninth IV Rev T. J. Arnold, pastor. Ktsidonce on Main between 10th and 11th. rr.ces every HahRii at 11a.m.. and at p . tn. roM-tlb VhooTat 9! i a.m.. Prayer meeting every W ed ntsday evoning. lRK'KTi4i-Serviei in Congregation Church, v j at 11 a. . and 6:30 P- w. Elder Alton. Pastor. Corner of Locust and JUh streets. 4'ordial invitation extended to all classes to attend- Tfyi-o-oPAL Corner Viro and Third streets Xj Rev. A. R. Grave- Services. every unday at 1100 a. m. and 7 p. ta. Sunday School at S d. m.. Prof. d'AilomanJ. Kui't. 1o-OREflAT:oNAt-Corner Loeu.n and Rth sts , J -K.V. B. F Manwcll. rci ence Locust tJ bc trecn 4lh anl .V.h sts Serviey every habbath at U a. in: and '; p. tn. Sabbath fcehool at 12. 0 p. m. Prayer meeting every cdnesd.iy areinnz. Catholic North ?id. of P ablic Square Rer O Father Hayes. Fmt M1 every h at 30 a. m.. Scmnd !w and Sermon at VI:-) Vespers and Ucneditinn at 3: !J p. m. .nasi at 8 a. tn. every week day. T?IB8T PREfltiTTicntAV North sideof Main at. 4 wait ft nth-Rev. - T- Bnrtlo : Serviejr very Sabbath at U a. m. and : p. m. r-ab-bath School at f:30 a- m.. ThoJ PoUoc-k upenn indent. Prayer fneeling every W ciues lay vcninK at S-.O1) o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Vest side of Sixth street, south of Mai a Kev. J. 11. Prosson Bervice? every Sabbath at 10::J a. m. and p. to. Prayer niL-iti:ff every Thursday evening. ClaAJ iaeetin"S every Monday evening-and immediate ly after c!oo of Sabbath morning services Sabbath School at 30 Soitao den 24 Semberhat die Deutsohe Ev Luth. (l-m U in ibrem Schulhaus orrait'.azs um 11 Uhr(lotteodien?t. Ut b-srhaapt findet dorselb von jetrt an reirclmacssic aile U Tagestatt. Minister kev. L'llannawald. Sabbath ichool at 1 p m.. Proi. d Allemanil. 6apU Lodgen. IO. O. F. Regular meeting or Platte l odge. No. 7, I. O. .". every Thursda evening at Odd Fellowi llali. Transient brother re cor Aially invited to visit. II. NEWMAN. N. a E. E. Clssihgham. Sec. f n-f F P'attamonth Er .mprncr.t No. 3. 1. lico-nl'ir Convocations the 2 and t Friday V of eai-h mnth n'. Odd Fellows Hall or. an S Main sts. Transient Patriarchs cordially inted to'visir. V"M. L. WELLS. C. P. A. d'ALLKMASO. Scribe Masoio Pi.ttsmouth Lodo No. 6 A. F A A. M. Regular meetings at their tall on the first and thin' .' nday eveninss cf each -saonth. Transient brethern invitod to visit. JACOB VALLERY. W. M. A. d'ALLtMAScp, Sec. t awt Loncx No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Regular iVn meetings at Mco coy Hall, first and third inlays. J. a. n lot., n . ai. J. M. Bkardslkt, Sec. " Ncbha.a Chapter No. 3 R. A. M. Regular )nvoc.a'.ions second and fonrth Tuesday ToamRS of eae - month at 7i o'clock p. m. R. R. LIVINGSTON 11. P. T Newman. Sec. 10.-.T. OmtkBrasoh.No.2 TI E EHison . V. C. T. C W. Kinc. W See. T. W Shry ck Lodge Deputy. Meets at Clark h Plnmmer's hall every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars tespectfully invited. rxnEii. The Tamer Society meets at J Turners Hall in (iuthman Plack. on the 1st and Third Wednesdays of each Month. Weekbaugh: Treanrer (ins. Reinhackle; Find Tumirnrt Wm. Hessler: Sfnnd Turntcart eo. Kartrcr; Wnrdtn John Erhart. To All persons who eontem plate taking contracts with newspapers for the insertion of Advertisements should send to f. f. HoweU 0o. for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One hundred Page Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3,(M) Newspapers and estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to ad vertisers, and some account of the experiences of men who are known as successful advertis ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American Kewepaper Advertising Agency. 4 ark ftow Y- tr ims-tfMM of nneonaled facilities foT securing the insertion of advert ifents in all Newspapers and Period icils at lowest ratos. LECP GILLETTE! Jfebratka City, General Agent Dep't Northwest, i Union Central Lifa a XBJJS XJR A1"G 5 Of Ciaeii: di Ohio, J. ff. FRE330N, Leoal i teat LOCAL XEAVS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient 25 eents a line. Regular adrer isen 10 cents per line. No advertisement in serted less than 25 cents. advertisement will be charged to the patties handing them in. . m C0MMUNICATI0MS. Ai our space U limited, all communications must be brief and to the point, with no waste of words. Dr. Renner, proprietor of the Staats Zfitung, has sold a half interest in that paper to Otto Fuuke an-J Mr. Somerlad, the Dr. 'remaining as managiog editor, Hereafter it will support the adminis tration and be conducted on strict He publican principles. New store, new firm, on Main street nearly opposite Brooks House Eaton's the name ; pitch in and buy yourselves rich. Mi Lilian Edgarton, "Pearl of the Platform." lectured in Omaha on Mon day last. Dollar steam eDgines at th 38:2 P. O. Book Store. At Merges new store next door to Po-stoflice. Call and examine my stock of Loots and shoes, before you buy else where. I charge nothing for showing them. 38Wtf A funny thing happened at Mrs. Johnson's school in thi3 city. Twins are the go at that school, and one pair have kept just even all the term, received the same credit marks, and gained theame rank and prizes at the end of the term. PAUL BSAITSCH, The brightest jeweler in town. Pins, setts, studs, ladies fine gold watches, anything and everything that a lady or gent can desire. Fine goods lor the holdays. Call and examine ; no charge fbr looking. 36-4w We learned in . Omaha that Judgo Dundy's injuries were so severe that they would ' probably causo his conGne- ment to the house this winter and he will be obliged to remain in that city uu til he recovers. COKX ! COKX ! COKX! ! "Wanted Corn on Subscrip tion at this office immedi ately. School Book?, at publishers prices, at j 3Stf P. O. Book Store. Ono more man fortunate, Never importunate, Always in luck 1 The fellow who buys his Iloliday.pres- eots of Frank Carruth, at the P. O. ore. ki:ad this. G jo 1j not sold at less than cost. No goods given away, tut good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at 1 1 tf. Clark & Plummers. PJattsmoulh, Neb. The Tribune, in looking over a list of members elect of the Iowa Legislature, finds that there will Le in that body a Lyon, a Bullock, two Foxes and three Ducks. Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. m 20tf All persons indebted to me, by note or j account, are rquested to call and settle before the first of January, 1873, or 1 1 shall put them in the hands of a proper ofiicer for collor tion 37tf Wm. Stadelman.v. Full lines of boys and girls' sleighs, hebby horses w:igon., Sea., &c, at the 3?i2 P. O. Book Store. N. li. -15a We have bought the entire right and interest in the whole subscription list of tho Weekly Herald, pin II. D. Hathaway, and as fa.-t as our friends can square up the old accounts we bhall be pleased to have tlieui as wo want old book settled. tf Go to Eitou's for holiday goods ex- amiue his new stock. 1TCTIC3. AH parties knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned by book ac count must call and settle by the first of January next, 1873, for I am compelled to have moucy, and must have my book settled up. Al SriaRS. 3St3 A. F. & A. 21 Rogular communieation of Macoy Lodge, No- 22, at their hall, on Friday evening, tho 20th inst. All members are requested to be present, as the an nual electon of offices will take place. By order of tho W. M. itct'ics. Persons knowing themselves indebted Clark & Plumnier, ckhcr by note or account, now due, will please call and flit tie the aarue at onco. We must have a settlement of all accounts by January 1st. Clark Pltjmmer. December 18, 1S72. 3St3 CHEES FC3 CHECE. Some humble minded individual went down in tho country on Saturday last and bought a lot of hogs giving his check on the bank for the pork. Mon day unoriing .early he shipped eight and was getting the rest aboard when some body hunted Mr. Evan3 up and found that the hog man had nary a dollar in tho bank. The sheriff bought the pork for a time and the fellow is now hunting up collateral. For your cheap aud good boots and fchoes go to the shoe store next door to Postoffice. I will not be undersold 3;wtf Peter Mkroes. Look to sour Children. Dianhea. Dysentery, and Summer Complaint are cured by Mrs. Wbitcorab's Syrup, which is-sold 6r 25 oept a bottit. See tiTertise- crow SPEOAIL NOTICES. ESIE.IIASSSTS. ' Wheat, Barley, .. S590 . 400445 Corn, Large and well assorted stock of gen eral merchandise at Clark & Plummers. Try us. 28dtr- At Clark & Pluinnier'a everything a farmer needs can be found. Call and see our 6tock. 28dtf. Mickelwaite & Co. desire to inform the public that they have on hand and shall continue to keep through the win ter, hard coal, which they will "ell at How market rates. 104tt. Go to Vivian's for groceries and pro visions. 20tf Emporia Red Ribbon Stove at E. T. Duke& Co.'s, Plattsmouth '.11 and examine. Bast Fins cut and cij 3Stf pnetor, coy, war Aa-a v n n n1 a 11 1 warranted pure anX Nov. 13, d&i Clark !i PI ies and a Gen cheap and buy See advertisement nensarv. headed Book for the M Marriage Guide in another columfl. It should be read bv all. dscldAwly. E. T. Duke & Co. have just received a arre lot of Heatina Stoves of all kinds. suitable for parlor, ofSces, stores, hotels, or any place. Call and see them. (Hidtizawtt Business room fof rent one of the best stands in the city enquire of. D. II. Wheeler & Co. 13d 32wtf. Evening Star, wood burner, and from 50 to 75 varieties of heating stoves. Call ad see us, E. T. Ddke & Co. CGdtfJSwtf UAKDCOALl HARD COAL! HARD COAL! At Mickelwaite's yard, and Main streets. Goo Coal on hand all the time Go and see Carruth, store. Pretty things Photographic stacd, For new. cheap goods. Schnasse & Co. Mr. S ha turned from the east is prep nuh goods at eastern prices. Coal stoves, far soft coal and kinds and prices to suit. 66dtf25wtf E. T. Dc 10 dozen albums rece by exress. Price, from 38 12 P. O. D. Schnasse & Co. New goods, cheap and good. Will dcrsold. Nome! Iiiugr fbai Interest I O'Brien & Merges, at mouth Shoe Store, next d Post office, are filling up, for the Lall trade, with the best and cheapest stock of boots and shoes ever brought to Plattsrnouth. 2jwtf GE1TE2AL AGENCY CP H377S'S S3-QJSf TTrvfei At Plattsrnouth, Nebraska: F. P. Todd, General Agent. Canvassing agents want cd. Office at Solomon Nathan's, Main street. 36w3m THE HCIIDAYS AHE COIHITS. So is Braitsch' fine jewelry ; genuine setts fiue studs ; ladies and gent's watch es, suitaftle things for Christmas and New Year's presents, for old and young. Sweethearts and bachelors, old mar ried lolKS and grand parents, all suited to a dot. . 30-4w CA2SUTH'S ITE77 J3""2L3Y ST02S In the PostorBce. Holiday presents, fine jewelry, studs, pins, vratches, &c 3 6w4t If you want to get a fine and good fitting pair of boots or shoes made, cal' at the shoe storenext door to the Post office. I warrant satisfaction. Ilenair- ing done neatly and with dispatch. 'Swtf Peter Mercies. E3TSAY 1T0TICS. Taken up, by the subscriber, in Avoca precinct, Cass county, three last spring calves. ; one red with line back, the other two roan. No mark or brands perceptible. O. Tefft. 3tw5 ST AS! ST ADSL! STASEL A1T2T 1 William the clothing man, well, you all know him and he begs leave to inform the public, throngh tho Herald, that this is the fourth invoice of goods he has received this fall and winter. Every day they keep a going, soon this lot too, will be non est eomeatablc. Clothing, fine Jewelry, Hats, Caps, &c, &c, cheap. Call and see for your self. 129-dlt -35-w3t Caution to Farmers 111! Don't sell your Pok until you have seen me. tar. uovey, 35w4t HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS !! Mr. Frank Carruth desires us to in form the public that he has not removed his Photograph establishment at all, neither has he quit the business, but it is carried on at the same old stand over Herold's store, on Main street. Mr. Carrath has removed his Jewelry 1 establishment to the Postoffice building, westside, where he will be found at al business hours ready and willing to re pair clocks, watches, jewelry &c. lie also has on hand a large stock tf fine jewelry for the holidays, Remember Frank Carruth' e, at the I Poatoffiee tore fox holiday presents. - a3 r orDr.'S. f J- w y ton oi a i N vO H .1 f V It r t 1 1 Ul IUC 773 WISH YOU A HESBY CHEIST2AS " AlTD A HAPPY 1TS77 YEAS And ask you to call at tho PoatofHee Book Store EOR " IIOMDJlT PHE8ENTI. ScJwol Books, ttc, fec, Where you will find everything in the Gift line, from a 5 cent doll to a $1.50 gold watch. We have the finest assortment of Fancy Goods ever exhibited in Platts mouth, and propose selling them 7oto down. Come and see for yourselves. Henry J. Streioiit, Po6toffiee Block, Plattsrnouth, Neb. 3St2 THS EIGSE3T EPIZOOTIC YET HE2AD OP. Closing cut Selling out at Staislnaa's. J desire to close out my stock of Jew- and do not intend to sell any more ; Vfore, I will sell the balance of my AT COST. 'teen carat rings will sell at $1.25 ennyweight, which is wholesale Chains, rings, ladies setts, &c, at nearly half old prices. :ad earnest.. I mean to sell Jewelry stock and price is no all and examine before pur- sewhere, your Christmas pres- Forty dollar watches selling for $25. All this stock was selected with care abd with the expectation of remaining in the trade. My Fcrs, for the Ladies, have also got the Epizoot, and are bound to go off. I wifl sell the entire stock at cost. Now is your time, the last chanct, and all owing to the late" Epizootic display in Plattsrnouth. Very respectfully, 7 'it- 3t Wm. Stadelmanjt. A ori to 7 Oil Customsrs. l"n closing out the Boot and Shoe bu siness to Mr. Merges, I do 60 with the sincere belief that no effort will be spared on his part to merit the liberal patron- kindly bestowed upon me. And I ly ask my friends and the citizens mouth and vicinity in general ttinue their patronage to a business Marked hard to build up, a task iratively easy by the ready ous public. Mr. ermined to profit by the gained, and to keep nd sell them at reason- as arranged with me Lf-. mnniiPirtnrprfl Yelect for him even a as than we had been Vrir TCivsnpotfullv. r - l as. S. O'Brien. of all kinds at the P. O. Book Store. 3T FESTIVAL. yrs or me iapust inurcn fill give a Festival and sup- iing, Dec. I9th, in the base- tzgerald's Block, at which to have every good thing season ; also a musical entertain-; mcnt. The Baptists have built a new church in this city, and been at heavy expense for the past season, and the object of this Festival is to raise funds for the Pastor, Mr. Arnold, who has labored zealously and faithfully with them for the past year and a half. We advice every one, who possibly can do so, to at tend, and help along the good work. TSACHESS' ASSOCIATION. The next convention of the Cass County Teachers' Association will be held at Eight Mile Grove, on the 2Gth, 27th and 28th days of December, lb72. The first session will be held on Thurs day at 2 P. M. We wish to havo this the largest as well as the most interest ing meeting of the friends of cducaca tion ever held in the county. To effect this we want yoa, reader, as a friend of sd uca tion, to take a personal interestin its success. We want you to be there and to influ ence as maiy others to come as you possibly cau. The Common School Cause in this county has made some ad vances, but there is great need for fur ther improvement. We want methods acuscd and means devised for incrcas- ng tho efficiency of our schools. We tiave a great work to do. Patriotism and philanthropy call upon us to do it. Are you read for the work ? A favora ble response is earnestly hoped for. Every teacher in tho county is expected to be present. Your absence will be takon as a want of that professional zeal which insures success. No excuse for your absence can be taken unless you have the weightest reasons. Come to the convention. T. II. T.'Sahm, Ch'n of Ed. Com. L0" THAN EVES 1 Guitars, violins, accordeons, &o., c, at the Postoffice Book Store. 33 12 NOTICE. The Stock Holders of the Arrapahoe Town Company are hereby notified that an assessment of five dollars on the share has been made for the purpose of erecting a public building and making other improvements in said town. Holders of stock, failing to pay this assessment within sixty days from the date of this no tic; , will, under the by laws of the Town Company, forfeit their shares to said company. By order of the Directors. Wm- Stadelmann, . Vice President. Plattsrnouth, Neb., Dec. 19, 1S72. 38w3t We notice that the sign of the Lib eral Club still lingers upon its accus tomed .place, showing the head-quarters of a once happy and hopeful band. IIou it remind.xus of the story of the frogs, who sang their evening songs in their fearless glee, but ere the morning came a cold wind swept from the chil northwest leaving' only their heads visi- bl abore the unwelcome ice. PERSONAL XTEU3. Frank Carruth has removed his Jew elry store to' the Postoffice building. Remember that. Our friend, Theo. Eaton, has bought out the old stand known as Todd & Ea ton and will hereafter keep things hum ming there. Call and see their holiday goods. Gen. Thayer and Family arrived in Lincoln last week. The General makes that city his home, hereafter. Wc learn on reliable authority, that Hank Strcight has taken to wholesaling goods this fall, and is doing a land offico busines at it, Doctor Latta, Hon. James Pitterson, Mr. Shera and everybody you can think of have been up from Rock Bluff lo court some one this week. We are sorry to chrdkiicle the depart ure from our midst, of Mr. O'Brien, late of the firm of O'Brien and Merges. We can ill afford to lose so energetic and popular a business man, and while we wish him all due prosperity in his east ern hotoe we deplore the circumstances which have induced him to remove from among us. Mr. & Mrs. Tip Top have gone to Waukesha, Wisconsin. May they have a Marry Christmas and a pleasant holiday rcspito from the cares and labors of office duty. Tip Top goes for the benefit of his health, to the mineral springs at Wau kesha. We trust seeing him back soon, ' as good as new." A WONDERFUL INSTEUKENT. One day last week while at Omaha we dropped into the Tivoli Gardens, on Farnham street. Don't stare now, readers, please, we were in good compa ny and on lawful business if we did get outside of "zwi glass lager" while there. At these gardens one can see a won derful instrument. It is of German make, hailing from he Black Forest, and is called AN "ORCHESTRION." Seated iu front thereof you see an in strument somewhat resembling an organ, thirteen feet high and eight feet wide. It is full of pipes, trumpets and horns, apparently. In one corner is a drum, and underneath you can see the bellows work, wheu playing a tune. A long cylinder, resembling those belonging to an old-fashioned over-shot threshing machine, that in, with numerous little projections and points, is pushed in front of the keys, and as it revolves each little projection touching some key as they come around. It is run by a weight 500 lbs. strong, plays 72 tunes, and is equal to an or chestra of 21 musicians and represents 312 Instruments. It is a premium in strument, cost $5,000, and plays more tunes than any instrument now in the United States. It is a marvel to us Americans, and is well worth a visit of inspection. fcredWh is the 1'roprie- tor of the Gardens, and Prof. Schroeder runs the music box. We trust our citizens will be a little ndulgent, that is, have a little patience with the B. & M., for we all know the obliging officers good boys, too such as T. A. Riordan, Henry Brown, Mr. lartsell, Charley For.-iha, Jtc, &c, that are looking after the Transfer of 'assengers Baggage and Freight, with all the speed possible, and with all the earnestness and zeal controlable for the welfare of the people. We noticed, at noon yesterday, a load of men, trucks, &c., with Johnny Suhr, as Expressman, making for East Platts rnouth, for tho express purpose of doing their level best to re load and re ship freight (temporarily) via Omaha to our Plattimoutb and western merchants. The people may rest assured that the B. & M. are alive to th wants and de mands of the people of this great and glowing State, and that they will use their utmost endeavors to facilitate all business pro bono publico. Ed. Herald: Please allow me to acknowledge, through the medium of your paper, the receipt of a splendid do nation by my friends and brethren of Plattsrnouth and vicinity, on the evening of December 12th. It was calculated to be a surprise to the fatuity, and truly can we say that to us never was surprise so complete or fol lowed by a donation of so many good things. The 6upper, prepared by the ladies, was all that could be desired. The pre sentation speech, by Geo. Smith, wa3 appropriate and right to the point, and the songs of the company were refresh ing. Presents were distributed to the family to the amount of seventy-five dollars, besides pies, cakes and canned fruit in abundanca were left untouched from tho supper table, for all of which, as we1! as the manifestation of sympathy in our work we tender the friends our sincere thanks. Cyrus and Nellie Alton. NOTICE .TO H0LEE2S OF FLATT5 0T7TH CITY WARRANTS. To All Whs it Hay Concern. m Notice is hereby given that in accord ance with the provisions of an Ordinance passed by the city council of the city of Plattsrnouth on tho 16th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1872, all holders nf orders or warrants issued by the city of Platts rnouth, at any time Lore to fore are re quired to present the same to the Treas urer of said city for payment on or be fore tho 29th day of December, 1872, and no interest will be paid on said war rants after said date. Plattsrnouth, Dec. 18th, 1S72. . . M. L. WHITE, n33w2 Mayor. W. T. Eaton, has just received a large stock of splendid furs, for ladies, chil dren and gents, as cheap as the cheapest, also, a fine assortment of jewelry, and musical instruments, notions, &c., &c., too numerous to mention. Call and see item. 583t Buffalo, N. Y., Dec, 13, 1872. Dr. It. V. Pierce : For the past six months I have used your Golden Medical Discovery in my practice, and in that I have tested its merits in severe caughs, both acute and chronic, in chronic dise ases of the throat, severe cases of bron chitis, general derangment of the system, constipated condition of the bowels, and wherever a thorough Alteiative, or blood purifier, h?s been indicated. In all cases I havo found it to act gently, yet throu ghly and effectually in removing the various diseased conditions, and bringing about a healthy action throughout the system. Yours fraternally, II. L. Hall, M. D. This medicine is sold by all respective druggists in all parts of America. G LL OOO BBBR EEFEE, GtQBE I ST. LOUIS GLOBE. PUBLISHED Daily, Semi-weekly, AND "W"3:i."r , BY cce & Houscr. PRICE OF BCBSt'RIPTIO.f: Daily, (seven papers per week) per year $12 00 Semi-Weekly, per year...... 4 00 Semi-Weekly (iu clubs of five)... 15 00 Weekly, per year 1 00 The proprietors of the Globe, having the experience of a quarter of a century in newspaper publishing in the city of St. Louis, feel that they know what a newspaper should be in order to suit the varied tastes of the people of the Mis. sissippi and Missouri Valleys. They will labor night and day to produce a first-class journal, containing the news of each day from every part of the habita ble world, and such other information from every quarter, at home or abroad, as will interest the whole populatiou of the Western States. They will endea vor to make the Globe a welcome vis itor in the banking-house, the counting- room, the merchants' store, the work shop, and manufactory, and a fire-side companion for the farmer, mechanic, la borer, stock-raiser, fruit-grower, miner, in fact for every body that can read. The Globe, will continue to advocate the doctrines of the Great Republican Party, which has just achieved so great a triumph over tho conglomerate odds- and ends party in the Nation. In com- meroial, financial, agricultural, mineral, and all other interests, the Globe will constantly be found taking a leading po sition on each question as it comes up. THE WEEKLY GIOBE FOR il YEAR. We will send the Weekly Globe to any address for one year on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. is will make the OHC the LAKGEST and CH4.IST as well as the BEST paper in the West for the price. We will barely get the cost of the white paper at this rate, but we hope to run up a large circula tion by putting tte price so low. Send along your subsciiptions, singly or in clubs of any number. One Hollar for each name. COSIJIISSIOXS. All persons acting as agents or getting up clubs for the Globe will be allowed ten per cent, on all Dailies or Semi Weeklies they may get, and twenty per cent, on all the Weeklies they obtain. Deduct the commissions from the amount before mailing. Address McKEK, IIOUSER k CO., Globe Office, St. Louis. Send for Sample Copies. HEED I2IZO. Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS in Dry Oools, Groceries. li a id ware. Qacensware. BooUi. and Shoe. Hats, and Capi, Arricultural Implements of all kinds. Weir and "I x L Uultivators, union vxrn i lantors (5 rn.lfltonr and Prinoeton l'lows. ic. Ac .adirv fiinitum all of which we offer to the public at the oweet retail price. All CJoocls Warranted As Represented. S0ur constant aim will be to cll no low that It will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in tho western and coutial portion of Caas county to make tbu their heudquarter for trade KEED. I HOS. "Silver Tongue. E. P. NEKDIIAM & SOX, 143. 115 A 147 East !3d Street. Xew York. ESTABLISHED IN 146. Responsible partiei applying for agencies in fectiona still unsuppljed, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. Send for iUustra red price lint, Qei 25d Jtw3a MAJiCFACTURED BT 3 r E3 V. a. a o a n - a 5.1 sk2" to 3 ' 3 fZ 5" Er rs a. ta -I g 3 a 8 a O - a-O ls! d " 2 i H2 o a r o V H 9 O C5 o - ) 1 3 0 c O ?- o e 4 8 a a 4 r7 a I L L I A IV3 STADEL M A N ,M , Has on hand, ono of the largest 6tccks of CLOTHINC AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, invite every body in want of anything in my line to oe.11 at my to re, I ou3i Side Cain, ICetween Sd;&J3d Street. And convince them.elve of the fact- I havo as a ""a x ms iiuwiui iui jicn uuu jivje; Ialso keep on hand a large and well t cleoted FALL AND WINTER GOODS -iol- DOWN GO THE A T D. S C H N A Celebrated NEW YORK STOEE South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmoutfi, Nebraska, AiD SO THE PEOPLE IF .D5S. DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YATiNS, BOOTS AND SHt iai In the Grocer line we keep the Finest and Best TEA. COFFEE, SUOAR, MOLASSES. DRIED FRUITS, of every Deeorlftita. All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. GO n-25tf Keep it Before the Fttblic I THAT FRANK CARRUTH, Photographer and Jeweler, is selling Watches, Clocks & Jewelry f Tin-iner than any othr place west of the Mis souri Kiver. and a call to examine (foods aril prices will assure you ci me same. vi'u of all kinds at bottom figures. And of the Pho tographic department. iveau ine iuuumi price list, it can t oe uon .aai. ur doien Gemi rn 1 a.l .l. .n1 do Large Bon Tons Imperials dos calling cards $1 SO 1 do cd. phot's X (XI 1 00 1 cab't cd phot. 6 (X) 2 ()0 H-4 phot ic fr. 4 00 3 00 14-4 gem " " 2 00 A large stock of Frames constantly on hand at low prices. Do not have a picture taken of any kind nor buy a dollars worth of Jewelry until you have called and examined specimens and prices. S-Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, neatly re paired. All Goods Warranted as Represented. Mr. Carruth desires to stato that he has re moved the j,art of his establishment to the P. O. fctore. THE Photo gr a pit ing Department Is under an able and eompeteut ai.sut will remain at the OLD PLACE Above. Remember thii ; Jewelry at the 1. O, Htoro, Photographs take - over HrilJ' M T o r i;, 27w-SSdtf NEW DRUG STORE, WEEHSO WATER, N ER. T. Ij. i T T It , TE ALER in Drugs, Medicines. Painti, Oils XJ VarnUh. Perfumery, Stationary. Motion Cifrar aad Tobacco 716 a A l a a- m ft) ll a 5 a. o c a - w H m o H O a s 2. 3 H H H H Q M a B o a apecinllty in my Retail Department a?cl iu nuivu we inviie luoae FQO warn nuotu. ctoclt of Rata and Caps. 8 1!V P It I C E S i I S S E & C O.'S THINK WHO 1ZU TO JRIattsm ou ill AC A D EMYi! Summer Tcrr Commences July 1st. 872 Chicago Avenof . PlatUsmouth. Caas MiaO, Nebraska. Prof. Adolphe d'Allemand, Proprio-v and Principal, S5tk Ifook for the Million ! MARRIAGE,'! A private counselor to t;. GUIDE. I Married or thoe about to ma ' dry on the plivxioloKical mrstet ies and revelations of the uxu:il tystcui, th. lateKt diuffoveries in producing and i-rerentii.,-oll-prinK, how to preserve the rouiplexion Ar This is an iotere.itin work of t Laudrr and twei.ty-l'our pages, with numerous eiigrav inif. ami eontaum vilualla inforuiatiou for tho-9 who are married, or cnr.tinilate mar rinse. Still, it u a !;,,. k that cialit to to ki uadrr look and key. and not laid earelesai.. a Dour ne notixe. St. tit Ln an V iin. ( frt. nf niul.r.l for .f n ta. Address lr. liutln' li5Uary. Mi. li Eighth street, St. Louis, Iu. Notico to the Afflicted and Fufortuna?. Reforesiiplrlinct'i the ntriou ouai-ks w'. advertise in public I'aper. ir au4 any qua. - remedies, peruse lr. IJutta work luatl. what your dejeaa is or Low uotlrLls oa con.lit!u. lr. tluttsean be consulted, personally or ly uimi, on the UineHKi! inentioiie.l in his wi rk Ottn-e. No. 12N. Kiijhth f 'reot. between M.r'r ', andCheeulit bt. Louis. Mo. 4ecdwl' Loik to Your Children. The Groat Soothing Remedy. MRS. Cures eolio and Kr'plng in Whitcomb's.ibe bowels, and I k ' Syrup, i the procei1 f tecLliinc. MHS. .tfbJuc envnl.ons end Whitcombs overcome at) tiin- Inci- Syrvp. .dent to infant and rhiulrt n. Cen . " Vr, - 3 - . MRS. ! Cures L)iurrhoa. Pvxente hitaemb's rr and summercoiuiduiut 1 Syrup. ohiidren of all ?-. i It WtUe ffreat Infants' and CbiMren'sn": tag Kemedy, in all ifUwrders brourh' t teething or any other cause. Prepared by tha Grafton M' dicinp t v Louis Mo. Hold bv druists and dealars in M'i" evei7whr, rfviJd Jrf h