y' T II E HERALD. 70 OMAHA AND SACS. On Friday last ye editor limitations r.revented their being ini"ict- Eorace Greeley's Memory. VLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1872. J. A. MACMURPI1Y. Editob. Official Directory. .p.,rr,m cu lor tne same the comforts of Lome and the luxury ol . , ,,.. bis easy chairy id the marble halls of aa n0,r e,lu"ne m,u tuuum" " , n;K 1pn hl! Rhirt on rc3ruuium.jr u 11 vife.o AN OPEN LETTER. hia sanctum ", his back, a bran new cigar in bis mouth and Lis hands in his pockets took pas sage on board of the 13. & M." R. R. R. town iin,l 1 -. fV I, Xa mr..l tP irlnnnw rrnrfnt Mlat e e- iuu..:.t.,;(U n ani sunlit mountain tops for the level v In a lT 1 t 7 A' T Pj tzMent of the United States , T trust that 1 shall not be reiterated time and again in his paper, J charged with presumption in addressing or else he must acknowledge the corn you on the subject of this letter. 1 that a set of sharp, shrewed mtn, made want to tnant you, not xor any I l " .1 , . rl,Arn rv rvk , . j stowed on my menus, ur fcuynu ,v a fool of him, and improved on his ere- - . t, ' are a3 comtDQa .A,UUIatUV. O - . CONGRESSIONAL. . W. Tipton. Brownrille, P. W. Hi'choock. Omaha. John Taffe, Oinaha, TT. S. Senator. U. B Senator. Representative. EXECUTIVE. Uiiii.m TT.TmL Lincoln. Act. Governor. William H. Jtmet, Lincoln, . Sec. tt State. T.L. i;il.nii Iitipnln. Auditor. ti a vnnnrr rninmhuj. Treasurtr. 0H.' Roberts'. Omaha, Attorney General. J. M. McKentie. Lino In. Supr. Pub. Instruc n JUDICIARY. O. P. Maton, Nebraska City. Chief Justice. Oeorge Ji. Lake, , Uuiatia, I Agsociate Justice. prairies and treeless regions of the riatte bottom and so on to Omaha. In a short two hours over the hand some new bridge on the Platte, by the beautiful little village of the same name, under the hilU by old Bellevue, and there we are. The great, the wonderful, the long looked for, the much fought over U. P. Transfer bridge is over our heads for a moment, the engine gives an unusual snort and the curly headed brakeman, with a coldish, epizootic looking nose, shouts "Omaha" "We have arrived, and the old agony is over. By the way, this Platte bridge is aa th honpfita thev confer. I eixe to and shows him unfit for the high edito- thank you for something greater and 1 bet rial duties he has assumed himself ca- ter than these ; for something much be lt x e ici- Mi--i. v.in I vond tne oruinary practice ui mp" vm pable ef fulfiling w Nebraska, hereto- J , t de .K. thank vou tbr fore. rptnpct shown bv vou to Mr Greeley on hi rienth-bed. and lor tne great respeci. you paid his character and memory by vmir attendance on hw funeral. It was J .. f .1.1 A - a great compliment lor ine neau u a TZLSS2AH3 EOILSD D0W1T. The Fifth AvenueJIotel was partially 1 rcat Datiou to decline attendauce on an official lestivity wnile a private wuieu consumed by hre on the 10th msL Lioss principally in damage to furniture by fire about $150,000. Eleven servant girls perished in the flames. Edwin Forrest died of Apoplexy, on the 12th inst, CORRESPONDENCE Yrom all parta of the State ni country res tactfully eolicited for the Usralp, The Beaver- Falls cutlery company one of the blessings vouchsafed to Ne- have imported Chinese workmen and braska during 1872 and upon one editorial tne white workmen have left indignant soul, the new Governor ought to ap- F hundred ap4 thiry more Italians your remembrance of Mr. Greeley, dy wa i!v.nff. a citizen who had no claims on the sympathy of the official, either of blood or close friendship. It was a mucu greater compliment when that Executive aid iiciifl the nressint; duties oi nu great, otSce, and, making a night journey of hundreds ot miles, at an inciemeur season, took the ilace of a private pre Bon, among the thousands gathered to- ircthpr to rav the lat-t tilOUte oi resueci o. . ., j i lb. -it the living can pay to tne aeau. r or We do not read anonymous letters and com- point another general Thanksgiving in J andel at Castle Garden the 12th, in a nS'i for your attendance at his funeral ; publishers have issued under the form of a book, I detect over a hundred typo graphical errors besides several absurd lunders about African geography, whuh hose innorant of Africa would naturally ave committed. . The only book that I have written, and which is genuine and original, bears the title of, " How I found Livingstone in Central Africa," and is published only by your firm, and which is copyrighted according to law. 4 " Hoping you will take the earliest step to warn the public against this fraud, and encroachment upon my rights, and tn inf'nrm them that there U nnthing in th Pt.urious works but a rehasn ot Livingstone's books, and my letters to the Herald, and that the pictures re also from Livingstone's books and frouil illustrated papers. I remain, Yours very truly, Henry M. Stanley - - The railroad traveler will dodareme ' that is pleasant and perfectly and a sure preventive oi iu from Constipation or chanj and diet, by using tour Regulator. mnnications. The name and addrcsi of the wri ter are in all cases indupenaable. as a guaranty f ftood faith. 6UBSCRIBER3 Are reqnente to notify the office If the paper is not delivered promptly. BEE OCBSPLESBIDIIXB LIST. view of the ease, the comfort, the safety with which the South Platte and North Platte can now clasp hands across the treacherous candy chasm of the Platte River. THE EAIL20AD As the editor of this paper will be ab- i i .l - ri n : io We call attenUon to the splendid Clao L.st j offered. It is our desire to place betore tne I meet on lucsuay, auu win uui jnuuaujjr DeoDle of Cass Co. every opportunity for info mation and instruction. To all those who wiin to take any of the publications mentioned be low we offer them a the followmjj low rates : TTarTx-Vii Magazine and Herald one year it o Weekly Bazar Lealie's Ills. News'per Chimney Cosner Bcribncr's Monthly Wood's house'd Mao;. Leslie's Ladies Mac;. Peters' Mus. Monthly Atlantic Monthly Prairie Farmer Chicago Inter-ocean Spirit of the Tiuies ' TUrf, Fieftl Jt Faxia 4 Kb York Time " Vorld " " Tribune ' " . Ledger ' " Weekiy ' BnralXew Torker Toledo Blade What NextT(chromo)' Phren. Journftl 4 7o 4 75 4 75 75 4 7d 2 50 4 CO 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 6 25 C 00 3 00 3 00 destitute condition. The Dakota Southern Railroad is fin ished to within sixteen miles of Yank ton. Secretary Delano'sailed for Cuba ou the 14th inst., to be gone for a month or two- Mimstfir Washburne has cone to JIaine to visit his father. The Common Council of New York have decliued to proffer the hospitality of the eity to Stanley. Herman Peters, general manager in of Lloyds North German hear of the result of their labors, we take this chance to say a few word in advance of their decisions. The needs and wants of this county have been pretty well discussed in the Bremen, Herald already, as well as the benefits Steamship Company, is dead. that a railroad might and probably would bring us. It only remains for us to add that af ter a careful examination of the nntter and a little ta.k with both sides we fairly for the tearful attention you paid to the crul pfrrnininos of that occasion, Jlr President, I thank you with all earnest ness. T am verv sure that in doing so I but echo the sentiments of hundreds of thousands of vour fellow-citizens whose views of public anairs led tnem and mvsolf to Kunnort. in the late can vass, the man to whom you have shown such hich respect. 15y these acts you h:ivo removed urciudiees. chanjrea on nonents into friends, and shown the world that great official life need not deaden the better iustincts of our com mon humanitr. By these acts you have taught the nation that Ameiicaus never forget what is due to the character o their treat citizens, and that the pas sions of an exciting political contest never destroy therespect that American partisan uiiuuiivii" r- A club of ten persons, at Columbus, X f d Indiana, hold the ticket which drew the I thauk you. Mr. President, and pray r. AriA a T.,Terillrt I trin t a lone and hanDV life may await flii.wuav lAiuuimv. : P . i I . . I vrvn Ann wncn it suau iit:at5 iuc A portion of the tower ot a church in J, TJl . . the an2ei oi Deat Cork, Ireland, was blown down while to can yOU hence, may your passage to conclude that if this chance goes by it h people were at worship, and crushed the tomb be made smooth by the affec 4 00 4 0Q 3 00 2 00 3 50 through the roof of the building. No one injured. A company has bean started in Beat rice called the "Beatwater Supply and Coal Mining Company," for the purpose of boring an artesian well at that place Major Powell, the explorer, has ar rived at Salt Lake. Of course these terms are understood to be! strictly csski in advanco. All taking advantage f this ejubbiag list will receive the IIkbald will be abcut the last one Cass will have for a North and south road. The capi tal and influence of the State are being 3 oo I dragged inland and westward so fast that 4 00 this little belt of country on the -ei 1 n' .1- jver will 60on De leit in tne rear and there will be no object for capitalists and railroad men to build a road up the river to accommodate twenty miles or so of country on the Missouri Again the men that are moving in from now till the first of January free, so the ts matter have worked SO long and sooner you ..me the mere you will get for your f , . . , ;f I , t 7 Bone- ... .. j. .1 .u. : :.1 o. t.' in Te those owin? back ub3criotions on tne move goes unuer mey wear inai il ia oan rrauuisL-u, was c"uui.u u HibaCo we make the following offer to contia- he last time they will try for a Trunt North Sea. Eighty lives lost road. There is no time to spare either, they say, because it will take three montli3 to run the lines and fix the bonds after they are voted; other interests than those of Cass County have to Le won over, and taken all in all if the bonds could be voted to-morrow there would tiona of kind friends and the crave clos over you with the heartfelt prayer of your countrymen tor your eternal rest Hery respectfully, you menu, Sixclir. ToustiY. New York, Dec. G, 1872. ea from now until the first of January T any who will pay. two years subscrip tion, that is, their back suhf rition. and one wear in adrance we wiil give a handiome chro- sno, a picture worth two dollars, called. The Eatttr Cro: Ir is across encircled by a wreain f flowers-colored. Or. if they prefer itVool.s Pocket Magnifier, beins a magnifying glass suitable to slip in the pocket, worth S- 50 To any one pnj ing two year's subscription as addition . . . . i . :n above statea anu eevenij-uc i.-cui3 . , . , , .l ... . ,.. . v tvji nnthniditv to fnare between now and or a cold pen with silver case worth the same Spnng in order to commence work as soon as the ground and the weather once. We make the abere liberal offers because we Are very anxious to collect in our subscription listapdstnrtoaan entirely cash basis, which we shall ehdeavor to make our rule nereaiter. would admit. want bonds. Remember this, ye who A Splendid Chance. We will send the IIerald and Deniorcsts Monthly, which is 3 for one year, to any per- -on who pays us $3-50 In addition to both Periodicals at the rricc named, a choice from a list of extraordinary Premiums is given to each subscriber to Dem- rest's Monthly. Among these are a fine pair . -i - . f TT-M , C X nn .a n n I V OI (.nromonciurea iraus ui ii.eo. ..... " , . , , T ., , ... 'r-Tl tl. 1D . . inn, Stmnnrnue UllU intUVl'ICU UK wuiiv. lu hid mean HU1UB X an?, . ' 1 rith a series of views; besides nnmerou other time we saw -lr. UrisCOil, the Architect, valuable premiums worth from two to ten dot- fc Qmaha. and he assures that the THE mSS SCHOOL E0U33 FCTJlTDATIOiT. Our attention has been called to the foundation of the new school building, some of our citizens thinking it unsafe. Our absence this week prevents us fram giving this matter that personal atten which so important a matter demands, although we rode up there Satu'rdoy, lars each. The best beys' and girls' m.igaiinc. and the Nkbbaska Herald at greatly reduced rates. We will send Nebraska. Herald and Dfmob t's Yocsa America, which U 1.00 for one year, to any person who pays us S-i.w). Demor est s xoui entertain nmfni.lT il I nt rat r.1 . and cannot tail to amuse, instruct and elevate, and assist to make the lives of youtliiul Americans useiui, iruiu ful and happy. foundation is ample and secure, and ho is willing to stike his reputation on its safety. To prevent all cavil, howev er, the foundation will stand until 's'Young America is always sparkling with grjring. and then before any more work tertaininir Stories. Poeins. Music, Puzzles. . , . ... , , . mes. Travels, and other pleasant features is done a portion Will be exposed and thoroughly txamibed by competent par ties. This ends all need of further com- uienfc at present. m&i STert ? The December number of this juveni magazine is crowded with sprightly an All the gamblers in Salt Lake have (rO0d things, as usual. It is much th been arrested and fined one hundred dol- cheapest of all tho publications for boy lars each. and cirl. compares well with the mo The shin Frani.-in, from Hamburg to costly in the variety and merit of its cou the tents. 30 ecnts a year, a Sl.U'J I'rang riimaio free: sneciuicn 3 cents. Joil B. ALDEN, Publisher, Chicago, 111. The gale which visited England swept also over France, doing much damage. David G. Croly has resigned the mana ging editorship of the World. r The stage and street railway compan ies say that they" lose by knocking down of drivers and conductors, one-tenth of their profits, and this aa a reason for not paying their employes wages enough to insure deeent subsistence. The com panies are as sordid as their employes are dishonest. tSt. Liovis uioue. Ti.3 Eerald's Atolosy. Strvkvixg Frauds. Surveyor Gen eral Cunningham is entitled to have it said of him, all deputy Surveyors are entitled to have it said or them, turn, undor the direction of Mr. Laird, of Adams county, its fair and capable fore man, the United' States grand jury ac quit them or chaieres ot fraud and cor ruption in office. It is also due to Mr. Cunningham to say that he sought an investigation into his official acts. Many witnesses "wero examined who kew nothing, including Mr. Chauncey Wiltse, who is a perfect know nothing, and .Mr. Alfied L. Brown, who knew more than he to'.d. With these statements of facts connected with these matters, we leave eral Republicans informing them of the the subject, and shall not probably re- vacancies the Republicans h-ul left, and nur to it unless at the express invitation of the fact that the Liberals ani the of men who may desire its further dis- Democrats had been placed on the panie cussion. Jmahii Herald. . footing, and asking it the Liiueran wisn rw,. r- i.-r. led to be so considered. Mr. bumner ineaDOveisaiairsamp.epi t.cuo. - , . M deci;,i(J ft or ot tho ueraui. it K.eep in us coi- - ; m tj: Serato Coamittces. Tlie statidins committees of the Sen ate were announced on Friday. Mr. Wilson resigned the cliaiimanship of the Military Committee, and Mr. Lo gan was appointed. The other chair men determined upon are: Judiciary, Kd rounds ;. Finance. Sherman; Flee-, tions, Morton ; Foreign Relations, Cam eron ; District of Columbia. Patterson; Public Buildings and Grounds, Morrill, of Vermont ; Patents, Ferry ; Commerce, Chandler; Claim?, Howe; Indian. Af fairs Harlan; Pensions, Pratt ; Contin gent Expense, Carpenter ; Public Lands, Pomcroy; PaciSe Railroads, Stewart; Disabilities, Boretnan ; Mines and Min ing, Hamlin ; Revision of Liivs, Conk ling; Territories, Nye; Enrolled Rills. Windoiu ; Iievees of the Mississippi, ICellogg; Naval Affairs, Cragin. . Two committees were givsn tin Democrats instead of one, which gives them the use of two committee rooms. The one they had was Private Land Claims, and the on. given them besides U Engrossed Bills. At the Democratic caucus Thut man was elected Chairman of the fir-t and Casserly of the second. A communication was sent to tne Jjio- TO CTJ2 &2ASE23. We leave the Herald for the first time all alone a3 far as our presence i concerned in its issue. M. II. Hatha way will have charge of the paper in our absence. THE CUOE73SAH CHASSIS. Eeport cf tig Grani Jury. The United States Grand Jury, (No Tcmber term) were discharged Decem ber 12th, and passed a resolution of sympathy with Judge Dundy, and thanks to Hon. Wm. Daily, U. S. Marshall, District Attorney Neville, and the other Cunningham, Survej-or General of Ne Government officials, for their courtesy braska, have investigated the same ac and kindness, &o., &c. You all know cording to the charge of the court, and 'i. ' j ..!.. in so doing have spared no abor to make ow il. is juurseu, uva muuu vo.o v- theJr ,nvestjgatioa thorough, to the end United States Grand Jruy Room, Omaha, December 12, 1872. To the Hon. JJmer & Duudy, Judge cf the United Stales Lfuitrict Court for Aebraska Your Hoxor : The grand Jury, to whom was referred the investigation of the conduct of the Surveyor General's office under the administration of L. L. ponent sayeth not. We oall the attention of our St. Louis friends to fae Trunk road project now be) talked up here, and ask them to pitch in now if they ever intend to aid ia this matter. If this chance goes by it U probably the last attempt that wili be made in this direction by any Ne braska capitalists or by county aid. W have received two very beautifu ehromos, "The Villago Belle" and "Crossing the Moor," from James Sut ton & Co., proprietors of the Aldine. They are given as premiums to subscri bers to that Art Journal, and are worth the price of the paper alone, but when in addition to that the Aldine makes its appearance every month, fall to the brim with pictures, every one of which is a gem ia itself, and with reading mat ter of the highest authority on works of Art, and kindred matters. No subscri bcr will think for a moment that he begrudges the five dollars spent, but is rather filled with delight at the feast which is spread before him for so small a price. We have the pictures on ex hibitidn at the office and hope will take a look at then. Messrs. Sutton & Co 4&t9 that they have a large supply of theebromosnow ready, and hope toiuo ply a'i subscribers "as fast ai the apply, tut in any event will supply all dues .wfth the February cumber. We refer our readers to a description f hjo-n, fhynmnn&ra made, in another , that the truth might be known. Wit nesses from all parts of the State have been examined, and particularly those cited in support ot the charges me against the official conduct of the Sur veyor General, and in no case have these charges Lien sustained. In all their efforts to get at facts by evidence the grand jury have bceu faith fully seconded by the government officials who have at all times promptly put the machinery of the court at their disposal. And as the conclusion of all investiga tion conducted without fear or favor, it is the unanimous vote of the grand jury under their oath?, that the Surveyor General, E. E. Cunningham, is in no cae guilty of bribery or corruption in office. Ja. Laird, Foreman Grand Jury. C. H. Ti'ghtner Vincent Dvorak, Enoch Yost, Geo. W. Gratton, Chas J. Ryan, Cha. Harkison, Glen Kendall, L. W. Reynolds, Samuel Pettit, H. E. Moritz, Warren Hutchins. Henry A. Kosters, I). V. Stephenson, H. J. Carpenter, S' D. Fitchie, Henry L. Swale, A. H. Baker, Geonre Peterson, Thos. W. Lyman, J. W. Majors. It will be seen and understood by our citizens, we think, that Gen. Cunning ham is fu ly exonerated from any com plicity with fraud and corruption, and that all such charges made during the eimpaifcn were purely an invention of the D emocratic leaders in this State, to throw mud on a Government official and an opponent politically. Although this report does not say eo it is a fact, that tho parties raaking sUeh charges were unmistakably guilty of the same offences charged upon an innocent is 5s. .ani.. nothing buttha statut ef uums for weeks the most libelous and flacrant abuse of General Cunninglnm It applies language to him that should only be applied to men guilty or peni tentiary oiiences. It calls for the action of the crand lury and promises start ling development." Its editor is put on the staud, but ha knows nothing, only he cives some names, and they know less than he thinks they do. The grand iurv after ratieut, careful investigation decido that there is no foundation for the libelous charges Any honorable man, it seems to us, would have made a tuil, IranK apology ; but the Herald cannot, it would seem, write an article without striKing some bodv. and so it strikes wildly at Mr Chauncey Wiltse. One of the leading democrat! ot Omaha, and who has been such for fully seventeen years, was in our office a day or two since, and said that he had known Mr. Wiltse tor many years aud whatever be'said "could be i ii i- j . a o..K . i. : i in iv reueu upon us iruiu. cutu uniia show a weak, vascillatinfir, vindictive and revengeful spirit coinuu tee service. - iWr. liice said ne should act with the Democrats hence forth. Tipton was understood to accept the situation. Senator Schurz did not desire to be considered in the matter, lie was informed that the caucus, under the circumstances, wished him to remain on Foreign Relations, and the minority would be satisfied to ieave their interests there in his hands as his views on for eign policy were understood to coincide with their own. Mr. Casscrly withdrew to take tha chairmanship of the new committee given the Democrats. Truci bnll is not in the city.. Fenton is retired from tho Finance, and Bayard left there. Yhurman will be cn the Judiciary, Trumbull will go to the foot of Privil eges and Elections, . Tipton will remain on the Public Lands, but goes to the foot. The Chicago Tribune gives currency to a rumor that the Vanderbil: interest has obtained control of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, and that Mr- Tho retraction Tracy will be ousted from the presidency shonld be as broad, full and explieit as at the coming election. The same mte were the libelous charges. Trib. db Rtp. rest, it is added, will not control the A lTot'e for Sheriff Johnson. The Sheriff of Fairbault county, Min nesota, is an original chap. He is also a eood collector, but he sometimes makes Rtr.injro return. Here is ose, filed a few days ago: "This i8 a dead beat. Says he pays afer harvest. You can return it then and I will try him clatter. I will catch lots cf these chaps with their breeches down when they get to hauling wheat to market.'.' Tall Street "v7arfare. The quarrel between Henry N. Smith and Jay Gould, resulting in the latter's arrest, has- caused much comment in Wail street, and gone far to corroborate the impression that into finance friend ship cannot enter. Smith and Gould have been partners in all the gigantic schemes and speculations,- (angiice, frauds) of the street for several years past; having been members of the firm of Smith, Gould & Martin, so proiui nent in the colossal gold operations of September, 1SG9. They - ave been vio lently hostile, too, to Cornelius Vander hilt: and vet. when they happened to yet on different sides of the Chi-iago and Northwest corner, Gould struck hands with the Commodore in the hope of ruining Smith, and Smith at once x Esed Gould s alleged swindling or tne ie railway out of millions of dollars. "L&Mffhorisins" is the heading of a column in the Oalifornia Ajivertiter. Hudson River. New York Central, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, and the Union Pacific, which including the Northwestern stretch from New York to Ogden. The same authority says that Mr. Traey will nlso be removed from the presidency of the Chicago and Roc Islaud road, the Pennsylvania Central having acquired a controling interest in that line. There may be, however, but little foundation for either of these ru mors. Hawk- Eye. 01? S7A17L37 Oil Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. Nov 23rd, 18T2. Messrs. Scribner, Armstrong &' Co., 054 Broadway, N. Y. Gentlemen--: I am informed that several books relating to the Stanle. Livingston Expedition have been issued by various pubbVners in Chicago, Philadelphia, etc.,s having been writ ten by me. I here take tne earliest opportunity to declare all such works, or hooks, to be spurious, and wholly unauthorized. I have looked over one book, printed in Chicago and I can positively affirm that there is not one original line from my pen in it ; that the book is composed only of extracts from Livingstone and Anderson's books, and my letters which appeared in the New York 'Herald. In the cxti acts from my letters, which the enterprising but thoroughly unscrupulous. SCHOOL FUNDS. Let the coming Legislature give thi subject its most careful consideration Some legislation, is in our opinion, abso lutely ueccssary to protect the schoo moneys from loss. Action should have been taken by the last Legislature and perhaps would have been but for the dissension and strife that unhapil prevailed. We trust that the lawmakers who will soon meet at Lincoln will give early and earnest atten tion to the matter. We understand that $10,000 of the 5 per cent fund has been received during this year. We believe there is no pro vision of law for its investment and saf. There surelv should be. Wq -e- also regard the present law for the in vestment of moneys arising from sale ol school landi as very defective. Under its! operations the school fund has-suffereji loss. Gentlemen of the Legisl, you to protect the most this State by guardin common school fund. ' The " American S " published by Geo Advertising Agents" New York, con statement of if which an adv subscription A merch.i could bear answer froi years in jail. Native of my bare feet. ver honner. Cork soles fJ 5 r i Probata Notice. 1VOTICE is hereby given to ail persons having accounts or claims ag'iiat the ost tteof Henry Robertson deceased, are notified to tile the sntne in the office of Piob'tte Judge, Platt-ruouth, Cass ccuuty, Nebraska, on or before the 7th day of June, A. D. 1873. H. E ICLLISON. n373t Probate Judge. Notice to Contractors. WOTICE is hereby given that bids will Iv received by the City Council of the City of Piattsmouth for the con struction of .sidewalks on tho East side of ChicaJro Avenue along the linas of the following lots in tho City of Piatts mouth, in Bkx-k 42, lots No. 1,2, 8, 9, 10. In Block .05 Lots No. 1, 10, 11, and 12. In Block 57, Lot No. 12. In Block 58, Lots No. 5 and 6. In Block 1G4, Lot No. 3. Sidewalks to be constructed in accordance with the pro visions of Ordinance No. 24. approved July 20, 1S72, now on file in the office of tho City Clerk. Ihe estimate ot the City Encinecr of said work is for pine material fifty nix cents per foot and for Cottonwood material fifty cents per foot, and no contract will be let for a sum in excess of said estimate. Said bids will be received until Saturday the 7th day of December, 1872, at seven o'clock p. m- W. Li, White, Mayor, Piattsmouth, Nov. 22, 1872. 128dlt 34w5t .lUJiw j"rJF'J1" "I'11"'., i""1"1"" iniiu. Prospectus' for lSVJi. Sixth Year. Probate Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons having accounts or claim! airainst the ertate of S. Duke deceas ed are notified to fi'e the same in the of fice t Probate Judge, Piattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska on or before the 10th day of June, A. I). 1873. H. E. ELLISON, 4i373t Probate Judge Probate Notice. I hereby irive notice to all coneernc that an application has been filed in the office of the Probate Court of the county of Cass and State of Nebraska for the appointing of an administrator on the estate or (jeorgi? ihomson deceased that a hearimr will be had on said appli cation at mv oln:e in the city of Platts tuou'h. in iaid county on the 24th day of December, A. D. 1872, at one o cock r m. Given under my hand and seal at my office this 30th day of November, A. V, 1872. 3ow3t II. E. Ellison, Probate Judge. Probata Wotice. JVOTICE is hereby given to all per ' tons having accounts against the es tate of Mansfield Osborne deceased are notified to file tho same in the office o Probate Judze, Piattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska! on or before the 2d day of June, A D. 1873. II. E. ELLISON, n373t Probate Judge. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK, December 19. 1872. Monev Easy at 67 Gold Dull at 12(a, 1 Governments Firm CHICAGO, December 19, 1S72. Flour Ouiet $5 00(3i5 Wheat Dull 1 12 Corn Less active, 30(a;3 Oats lvasier - 25(t2 Rve Dul' o0(c;G Barley Dull Cattle Good , $5 75C 0 3 Hoes Live $3 80C4 50 THE ALDIIVE, 111 UitintrAtPif MnHiliW ( "I vrrnll.y admin,.,! to tip u tlitiidNnmt a4-rlxlieul iu tl Uorl.l. A Urprt. Btntll hikI f iiuni. plvnut Aiurrleuu - !(-. Iot for $f $:Uc in Ikfti: IVcws Stores. or Estray Notice Taken up by the subscriber on Octo ber 21st, 1872, Onvi Sorrel Mare, sup posed to be seven years old, has one white hind foot, is shod in front, had on a halter's head, shows collar marks, but no other marks or brands. Also, One b;iy horse spring colt, white hind f et, white strip in face, mane has been clip ped no other marks S. It. Smith. Residence five mi!e3 West of Weep ing Water. 128dlt34w5t An Ordinance providing for the pay ! went of City Indebtedness and to stop the payment of iuterest on City War rants. Be it ordained by tho Mayor and Councilmcn of Piattsmouth. Sec. 1. That there be and is hereby borrowed from the High School Fnnd of the City of PlaUsmouth the sum of Five Thousand Dollars which said sum shail be applied by the City Treasurer to the payment of all. city indebtedness of whatever kiud. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Mayor of said city to give ten diys notice by publication in the Nebraska Herald, notifying all hollers of City Orders that the ssid orders must be presented to the Citv Treasurer for payment on or before the'expiration of the ten days and that no interest will be paid on said orders after the time mentioned in said notice. ec 3- The City Treasurer is hereby ordered not to pay any interest accruing on any order or warrant after the cxpir ation oftha time fixed in the notice of thJ340rThis Ordinance shall take ef- fecYfYom ani after its , afSed and approved D--. Attest. TrirsK. Mayor. City Clerk, . A MAGNIFICENT PRIZE. SURDASSIN" i V ALL previou offjis. Jiach sub criber to DEMORKsT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, nt Three Dollars a year, will be presented with premium of Two Kletrant Chrotnos. companion pict ire1! of the two most desirable and popular subjects In America the Kalis of Niagara and Yoseaiito Falls. Size of picture?, IOJ2 by J2,'i inches. Theae olegant C'hromos, copied from beautiful pictures painted from naturo by one of the first artists in America give the most popular views of thoso interc'tin and sublime objects, and are faithful reproductions of the originals. the Grand Old Niagara, with its iiEinense body of water flling one hundreJ an 1 sixty feet, send ing up dense clou-Is of spray to reflect in bril liancy and beauty the vivid colors of the rain bow, is so dourly depicted that in imagination. you hear its mighty ronr. The io.ieniite.Wth its lofty moutuins towering to the pilvery clouds, and iti stupendous falls of sixteen bun dred feet, imp: easing with its awful grandeur. and filling the mind with delight and wonder These two ebnimoa are the best pictures ever published for Ten Dollars, and will be sent, mounted and varnished, by mail, as a premium to BACHyewly ihree Doliar subscriber to our Monthly Magazine, Reader, just think, TWO beautiful Chromos of Niagara and Yoscmite. These pictures are veritable gems, and wor thy of being ea3hrinei in an honored place in our homes. They will bo presented to yearly subscribers on receipt of Three Dollars, and Eight ccnU for pjsUje, with your fall name and address. Every home in America should possess these invaluable illustrations of art and beauty, and no Person of taste and enterprise can afford to be without the Model Magazine, which has been greatly enlarged and now contains the es sentials of all others, including tho Useful, the Entertaining and the Beautiful, with Original Stories, l'oenis and Popular Music by the best authors, the only Reliable Fashious (including full s;zo patterns). Home Matters in all their details. Gardening. Architecture, and all the utilities, beau'ios and novelties of Literature calculated to make ourliomcs useful, attractive and happy profusely illustrated, and a splen did volume for binding for the center table at the end cf the year, Singlo Copief, 25 cents. Splendid inducements fr agents and premiums for clubs. Address. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST. 83S Broadway, New York. ViGBvS FLORAL GUIDE. For 1873; The Gcidb is now published Quart elt. 25 ecnis pays for the year, four numbers, which is not half the cost. Those who afterward send money to the amount of Onb Dollar or more fr see Is may aiso order Twenty-live Cents worth extra the price paid for the Guide. The JANUARY NUMBER is beautiful. giv ing plans fo.- making RURAL HOMES. De signs for IHnlnt; Tnhle Deerlloii!, Window Cinrlen, Ac, and comtaining a mass of information invaluable to the lover of flower?. One Hundred and Fifty pages, on fine tinted paper, some Five H-indred Kngravings pnd a superb Colo-.ed Plate aad Chromo Cover The First Edition of Two Hundred Thousand just printed in English and Gemii, ud ready to send out, T11IP8 VWsPW- - Rochester, New York, ' THE ALDINK. while lnod with all tho regularity, has none ot'ihu tamporary or ilmrly ntere.it characteristic of orliua.y pcrioiin alv It is nn elcEaut uiisccll.iny (.f pure, luht and graceful literature ; aud c illeuiou of picture. the rarest fpecimcns of artt.Ttio kill. iu LUck and white. Although each suceiuijug number afford a fresh plousuro to its friend. I ho real value and beauty of THE ALMXE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at tbo cusse of the year. ART DLPAKTlIIVf. Notwithstanding the iucreuite in the piicoof tubscription lust Fall, wheu TI1K A.LMX) '- hs- sumed its present noble proportions und repre sentative character, the edition mre lh:n doubled during the past year; proving that the American public appreciate, aul will support, a sincere effort in the cau-e of Art. The publishers are authorized to aunounrn designs from many of the most eminent arlii.li of America. In addition. THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, aud greatest general interest; avoiding such a have become familiar, through photogrupp, or copies of any kind. The quarterly tinted plates, for 1373. will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimitable child sketches, appropriate to tho four seasons -These plates, appearing iu the issues for Janu ary, April, July and October, would be aloe e worth the price of a year's subscription. The popular feature of a copiously illustra tcd."Christmas" number will bo continued. To possess such a valuable epi'ome of tho art world at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands iu every sccti.m of tho country; but. as the usefu'ness and attrae ofTIIF ALDINE can be enhanced, in propor portion to the numerical increase of its support ers, the publishers propose to make "asi-uranco doubly sure," by tLe following unparallollod offer of MO& for 1873. Every subscriber to THE A LEI XK. who pays ia advance for the year 1S73, will receive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, .he eminent En glish painter. The pictures, entitled f T be Vil lage Belle," and "Crojsing tho Moor," are lit 20 inches are printed fro n 25 different plate, requiring 23 impression ind tiuU to pencct each picture. The same chromns are sold l'cr i'M per pair in the art stores. As It is the de termination of its conductors to keep Till: A LDIiXE out of the reach of competition ia eV ery department, the chromos will lo found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offer, ed by other periodicals. Every tubseriber will receive a certificate, over the signature of tU publishers. gu"arasteeijk that the chromos delivered shull be equal to the sninples fnr nished the agent, or the money will be refua i ed. For illustratiohs of these chromos, ?e No vember issue of THE ALIUXE. The Literary Department Will continue under the care of Mr. RICH- ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by tbo bejt writers and poet of the day. who will s43fito" the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artistic attraction. TERMS. sSPtrAnsnm, In Advanrr, with M hroitton I'rev. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduc ed or club rate: cash for subscriptions mu-tbo to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, icilkout rerpon$i'jilitu to lit puilither' except incises whore the certificate is given, bearing ienc-itmtU signature of Jakis Slt TO.v Si Co. AGSIVTS WAITED. Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, will recei ve full and promrt infor mation Ly applying to JAMES SllTO.V A CO , I'nbllshera. 58 Maiden Lane. New York. t 11 1: Science of Health. :0: Vol. Nerontl, Commrnclnn; Jan. 1S72. :o:- Tt Helrnc or Health having been sus tained beyond our most tangnine expectations, we are prepa-ed with additional facilities for making the enduing volume respond still more fully to the popular demand for an honest and independent exponent of the Hygienic .System. We shall publish Popular IMilslologjr, fully illustrated, a complete explanation of the structures aod functions of tho human system. . Affection or tlie anil Kar, with hundreds of illustrations, embracing the whole range of medical and surgical disca.o of theso 5f"!Icrl S.vstrma, giving a history of all the medical theories that have prevailed in 11 oges of the world. DoutrMIc Kconomy, Household Aff-iirs. Hygienic Cookery, the SeloHion aud Preserva tion of Food, etc. Tlie Fronomy of Ilonllh. Only those who have investigated the subject can be aware of tbo enormous wnsto caused by sickness and uiihygenio living. I!y adopting the Hygenio system the people of the United States would save annually more than ore thousand millions of dollars. Does this statement seem extrava gant? Statistic more than justify it, as we shall prove. The Labor Irob!e.Tl. Correct babies of living will ensure laborer Health and strenjrth. enable him to save from his earnings, and be come pecuniarily independent. Iloallb Iw If iiilno. Above all mone tary considerations, however, is that of a sound body. Health reform is the base of all reforms TKHHS. Si a year in advance; single cum bers. 20 cents: ten copies. S13. and an extra copy to agent. A New volume begins with the January number. I'roinlimi. Besides Club Rat;s, we are offering liber..l premium?, a list of which will be sent on application. Local Acksts waatel everywhere, and cash commissions given. Send P. O. Orders; or, Registerel Letter Address all letters to S. IC. 'Wills. Publisher, 3S0 Broad sray. New York. TnE MST PUCCFPSFrL BOYS' AND 1 Girls' Monthly Msgazinc. L-emorfsi Ynrvo Amekica. Brilliant with instructive and interesting Stories. Poems. Puzzles, Trav els. Games. EJitorials. Correspondence, etc.. etc., etc.. fully illustrated in all iu depart ments, is an ever welcorae guest to the family table of instruction and amusement. copies. 10 cts. post free. Yc:.rly. 1. or with e. choioe oi the following beautiful and valuabl" premiums to each subscriber, for 50 cents exir a choice irom five fine Parlor Chrcmos worth each, or two interesting Juvenile Books nound iu cloth and gilt, worth 51.75. post tree; or a fine pearl-handled two-blvie Pocket Knife and a pallet of best Paints, post free ; or a verp powerful brass-ineunted. dauble cylin der ivory-tipped adjustable Microscope, worth :. vstae 6 cts-! or stereoscope wiiu eries ol views, pontage cis.; or u Photograph Album for holding 60 pictures. s M (.i-AmiiiiilA Tut postage 10 cm. j sou dabs. Address. JM,frt,saT iJrel war. ew YK I