THE HERALD. A Chapter of Accidents Tho Eesalt of Using Untamed Steeds. . SI From rhw Tituevile Press-l ' We have thought all along rince the Iror epidemic begun towage, that there would be trouble from hitching up oxen, men, boys, and goat, "who had never tee a property trained to this kind of work, and now we are called upon to no tice a series of runaway accidents that oAMirred in town yesterday, by which mnoh property was destroyed, and lives endangered. We hope it will never be oar duty to again chronicle such a hor rible chapter of destruction. - TOE FLBST OUTBREAK occurred at the head of Franklin street f eater Jay morning, about eight o'clock, t use-ins that Mr. I'umpjerker, one of the jiuraeroaa milk dealers who supply certain of our citizens with coloring ma terial for the'r coffee and tea, was com ing; in from his dairy with hid baaid-cart filled witL milk can?, and (owing to the epihippic) drawn by two sorrel-headed lined men, one young and spirited fel low who had not been worked in harness but three days, and the other an older beast with wind galls on bis head, and blind iu the off eye. Mr. Pumpjerker was 'pushing behind not dreaming of danger, when ja&t as the team turned from Drook street iuto Franklin they caught sight . of several cows, and not being familiar with such looking animals, ?caine affrighted ..and dahd off down i'rankJia street at a fearful rate of trpeed, with their coat tails in that horizontal position necessary for the eojoyment of tbo game of chequers, and their eoap locks flying in the breeze. The hand cart was upset near the corner of .Walnut street, but the now thoroughly madden ed team sooa kicked themselves loose from the wreck, and with the tags flap ping about the - calves of their leys fled out oq the Pleasantville road, where they were stopped by a saloon keeper who held a couple of cocktails in frent of them Mr. lumpjerkcr's loss was about six dollars, mostly for tinware and wasted chalk. ANOTHER ACCIDENT. A Swede man who was attached to a red wheel-barrow, while trotting down Spring street yesterday forenoon became frightened at the feet of a young man who was ' having his boots blacked in front of, the American Hotel, and before the bystanders could stop him ran away at breakneck speed toward MonrosJ street. A man in front of the Parshall 11c Use yelled, and threw a club at the frighted man, but h struck the latter in a different t-pot from that which the thrower intended to hit, and only accel erated the runaway's progress, and he broke into euch a gait that he broke a gate near ue corner of spring and Per tf strocti, and left the wheel-barrow a wreck on the top of E. T. Hall's sewing m&chirje rooms. At last accounts the frightened Swede had net been captured. end it is thought-he his returned to his catire load. A NOBLE EXPLOIT. An old farmer caaie to town resterdav. driving his two sons who are about ten hands high, with white fpoU in their foreheads where their hat wear the dirt off, arid hitched to a light wagon filled with frost-bitten pumpkins, decayed po taloes, store-wood, and other luxuries peculiar to this country. Both boys had been carefully groomed,' and came gaily prancing into town, when just as they were opposite the dry goods store of W. IL Andrews, on Spring street, several handsome youcg ladies came out of the store., and William, who was on the "curb" Eide. became friehtened. and began kicking, which so alarmed his companion that he, too, snorted, and seizing the bits in their teeth, the team started towards the PostofSce, the waon striking aeainst telegraph poles, awuiDg posts, and other obstructions, throwing the driver out and causing ttove-wood and vegetables to rain upon the beads of the people on the side-walks, in great profusion. A policeman tried to stop them at the corner of Washington street, but his noise and gestures only fright ened the team more, and they turned north up Washington (street, leaving the wajjon box and .wheels behind School was just out fcr neon, and the path of the runaways was filled with children, and it seemed as if several lives tnast be lost ; but at this juncture a noble and daring Jivery hore, who waa out with bis throat in a sling, taking a walk for his health, aw and seemingly compre hended the situation, and thoueh his throat was so fore that he could hardly "whinner," anl his ankles so hme it was with difficulty he Kianaged to throw himself in front of the runniug men, and seized them by the coat tails with bis mouth, and fsoceeded in checkiog their career, but not until the noble ani mal had been, dragged several rods. The father of the runaways c;rr.e up and took charge of his oSVpring, and offered to treat the horse who had stopped them to a bran mah or brandy emaoh, but tb hitler merely ehook his head and disap peared down au alley Ijadirj' to his biirn. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE OP A CHILD. Yesterday a child of John Macgud eon, the gentlemanly pig butehar aud importer of sausage neat, who lives on Canine avenue, was riding down Martin street in a baby carriage, drawn by a dark bay servant, w hen a couple of poor ly fed, gaunt looking chajji hitched to a grocer's delivery wagon, turned a corner suddenly and threw a kiss at the dark bay, causing her to thy and upset the bady cart, throwing the ojoupant to the ground right ia front cf the grocer's team. A lady who ?aw the occurrence gave a shriek bo loud and thrill that it 1 wived the life of the child, for the two hired men hitched to the delivery wagon heard it, snd thinking it was the noon whistle of the Titusville Manufacturing company, by a strong effort checked their speed when within two feet of the infant, and wheeling around went to din ner. The promptness with which theae cuca cease work and go to meals, in this ca.e availed something. . . TJXLY ONE MORE Yesterday afternoon a gentleman who lives upon the Pleasantvnie road, hitched ud his old grandfather, just as he had twenty time since the horse disease visited this section, and drove into town to do a little marketing. The old man wan foundered about forty years ago by eating a warm meal on washing d iy, and it was nearly lour o clovk betoie thoy reached town, when tba driver, Mr. Feriruson. drove an in iron of a grocery store, and, after hitching histgraudfather to the awmnir post, went into a aicvn to tee if there had been any decline in ler since the Uos'.on; lire. Tor fcoroe 'uinutes the horse we mean the grand father stood quietly, but becoming restless, (he had not been. blanketed), allowed his eyes to wander around until he saw io front of him a basket of pears, in which was a placard inscribed "oue fr a quarter or $18 by the peck' Tne price po startled the venerable old man, who wasn't used to city eutom?, that, with a wild snort of fear, he broke his baiter Ptran, kicked himself loose from the vehicle, and galloped towards Pitraantville, running over two livery hori-cs near , the ite of the Abbott House, bad!y injuring them,' and break--Vig his owo leg m tally that when his .ntudou arrived upon the tpot a few bfi fchot the old man to "at him ont 'of hi. rni;;. and save I Plantation Bitters, " . S. T. 1860 X; This wonderful vegetable restorative is the shcet-anohor cf the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for 11k aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates,, tropi cal temperate jor frigid, it acts as a specific io every speciea of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits.' Dec. 33. itw lyr. ; Beautiful Women. HAGAN'8 M AGNOSIA BALM imUfti Ceir plexioa the Freshness of Youth. IiASAM's MionouA Balm overoomea the flushed appeftraricw caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but tweary. and to aataral and ptrfeat that so rcrr-on ea deteet its application. By ita nt a the roughest fkia is made to rival the pure radiant texture of yoathful beaaty. It removes rednefs. blotches, and pimple. It co&taias nothing thai will injure the skin the least, MiQKOUi Balm i used by all fashionable ladic ia New York, London and Pari. It cost only 75 cents per Bottle, and it sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. , 26. diw Jyr eW ' Mustang Liniment, FOR MAC ANI OCAST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Horses, and Domestic Animal., are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say.Jthat'no familv can Dass a single season without sonic kind of an emollient being neces rary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. . Orer three hundred liry stables in the oity of New York alone are uing the Mexican Mu- toss Liniment, in all of which it gives unusua a&taotioB. " CACTIOS.-The genuine is wrarped in a fine.- Plate enitraying with "tf. if. Wet Vhtmiit" and Tra il tlark. ilEXlCAAl MVSTAKtt -LlSiMEMT." enjrrave.l across the f:es of each wrapper. The whole bears the proprietor' private Un'ted States Keren ue Stamp, aud not a common stamp as u&ed by druggists, Ltos MAirunrrraio Co . M Park Place. K. T. Jan. tb. diw lw every 3rdw LYON'S KATHAIRON, For Preierving end Beaattfyinj) the Human Hair To Prevent ita Falling Out end Turning Gray A weH-r-rwcrved Head of Hair, in a person of middle acr?, at once bespeaks refinement, ele- M ' cance. health and beuuty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not inseneihla to its advantages and charms. Pew things are. more digustin? than thin, frirzly, haroh. untamed llair, with head and coat covered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S K THAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Ilead. is noiiceablo and irresistable. Sold by all Drturcuts and Country Store. Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w Jos. Sch later. B3TARLISBKD IX 1861. DEALEH IN " "JEW E.LRY 6ILVHR AND PLATKD WARE. yoi.r PK. SPCTACLKS. VIOLIN TRINtiS 4SD FANCY OKlDS. Watches. Clocktand Jewelry repaired neatly ud with dispatch. re.R?moved to onpoite Platte Valley House Mian Street. nov. Hiwt Sent bv mail for 10 cis- B. B. Foote, M. I v ' ' ' 120 Lexinf t Ave.. New Yerk City. Lumber! Xjuzzibe? The Undersigned has on hand "and is llauu'actui iug All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly , Filled.! William Edchbtoji. Jone-tvldA-wtf Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don 't fail to prnrure JJrt. Wiatloxs't Soothing Stimp far 2hitdren 'frothing. This valuable prertraliun ha" hrn ned wirb EVEit FA I LIN'i Sl'CCU -i5 IN TllUU-SAN'!'-; Of CASE-j. It no only relieves thJrhH J from pain. Mit inv'Borrtt'S the stom ch ard bowi-ls. cornwt' acidity, and irir s tone an I cneritv to the whole systeir. Itwiilalsoi stantly relieve GripiM in tk: U wei ami Wind Otlec. We believe it the hewt an I surest remyly in the wori'l in all of Dysentery and Diar rhoea in chililreo. whether arruinK from tecth ini r iinT other onuiwt - Depend upon it toothers, it will give rect to yourselves. anl Jiefiff ad Ilea'th to Your infant. Ee sere and oall for "Jr. Win1o,e't Sootnimp Surup." living; hef'.o of "CURTIS k PR KrNS" (u the outside wrai per. Sold by Drupsrists throughout the world. 10 Dealer in Clothing, Farnihinc Goods, Hats. Cap, Boots & Shoes, Trunks Valises & Carpet Bafr, &e '&c Oao of the Oldest and most Keliable Houses in F'attmouth. Main Street, brteen -tih &. 5th. SKEMEMBER TIUZ PLACE. JW S, ,;3B LOOM U rASgSSs. bloom L coTsr BOYS A.XD CHILD REWS. CLOTUl-XU Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC Main Street. Second Door East of the Court House BRANCH UOL'c E Broadway.Coucnoil Bluffs Iowa. -Oppoisite the Platte Valluy IIou. in SchUtef's , J ewelry ' Store, Main Street, PiattMinoutIi9 Nebraska 1 ST. LOTJIS, - 51 DECKER BROS., G. A. MILLER & CO'S PIANOS. nV Ottx J'irtJ'-cIass Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Strincs. Sheet - -' -SsTMUSlCAL IN?TRUMENT3 Tuntd MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Ko: 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING EDivideiiii on the Contribution Pian, SccTirittj'tli3: Greateit Pecuniary Advantage to the Pelicy Holders i , j i REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : - Thia i a Western Company. mand by 1st. ter ability and position, affcrd Hiiirie ku iranty iit. Its t'jlioies are an """.-. 3d. Premiums all OA-II. It receive no notes ierert to pap. aiid no ountan-iinft noes a neus upou mwr 4th. It has wo re-trietion upon travel. .. . , 5th. Its dividends are made upn the contribution plan. 0th. Its business is excusivoly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums pid. hence the Company that loans its at the hilheJt rate f interest can Sive you the Urt dividends. Ka.-teru co:Upa.ncs invwt tbir moneys ft o percent., while this make .its i iovestmonts nt '"." startiir Ihe aUvantAsre ot v esrtrji inrviuwuu i mo fisures: ti per cent, compound interest, is f ls,4J).5 - 4.WI.4 10 " " n,M.HTi 12 " " " " 3M.lWH.00 . ' J-.- olioUoldor than any othemaaoiai al vaataces and induneuient3j to ..far OFFICERS II I) Mackar. Prvi lent. 1 M Swan, v ioir V'ro-iiont, e -r?e A M tor, Serotary. .f Joiim. As't I'retary.. il L NeJT.uaa. Tre-isircr Dr. J L vVever. Med. D to:. DIIJECTORS. D Sh're. Leavenworth. Kan. II D Meekay. Leavenworth Kn. 1) M Swan, wtic-iiiu. ;; (Jeo A Moore. D W Prwer. (ie L liavis, St. Louis. Mo J M,rritt. h Hastinir". MKMoritan " u J F Richards. " li K Hammond 1 Kdjeri.u T.i - Cnrtie. . S M Si rickler. Junction City Cha Ilobiusoa. Lawrauce, W. llaiy. Gen. 4cent for Good Traveling Solictors Wanted W. MARSHALL, Agent. R L,IVINOSTOI. Med Fxamin nsnranrc (ompmu) of Jnv Contintnlal uilMng. Bos- 24, JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. EHtcrwisinffi Economical, Libera ami Safe Number Policies issue ! to Jan. 1. 1872 '. Number Policies isfiiod and revived in 18,1 - "i-"iA- i t ASSETTs, Jan. l.lsTi S.,.,ao Tbis Company is Purely Mutual ir it oneratlons dividing its entire surplus ; F0'': cy i...l lers. aiinuallv. un the "(onfrihHtio Plan." and has a larger business and a T.wcr '" f expense to inc"ne.thHn have ever been attained by any other Company at a Corresponding ''"its ioul & sufficient to discharge a'l liabitine. inhaling re-iusuranca. pay back all iU stock capi'al. and leave as a balanee more th-i a 3lfLLIO. of earned surplus. This Company Issued. KCorc Policit 3 IN 1871 THAK--' Any Ctlicr Company in. the: Worl . S. A. TAYLOR & CO.; jewJSv' i.frw jjj .4 si. CO.; Plattsmouth, Nebrask BUIIDE ?, SMITH'S AM'N AND BOSTON, 0 H Q AHS. - ratios 'anb Organs. Music aud all kinds ef Musical Merehanditc oad Rtpaired Satiifa .-fion 6ranteed.-&S deobiUw Company Wpctorn men, who?e Vnown finaecial Icharac. tor lis carelul ana suceessiul inamit'emeDu . and (fives none. Tolicy holders have no n- t.ytij u. ...-. . II A C.tlkin. CSeaTl A-Tcnt, ff'B ILirvcy. Cm. -.ctaar?.; I A ilarl. Attorney. II L X wman Lei v" vorth. V V. Cheuiberlaia. T A Huru, Eli Allen. C A l"erry. Weston, Mo, O W Veal. Topeka. Kansas. J M Price Atchuon, Kan. W R Stebbius. " Woraiknand Northern Itaiica; pf.jivrsMorn W 26 28 Nassau Si. t g J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. , Gcaornl Agent, for BTcbraiskiu FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSM0U.TU .NEBRASKA. .- BUCCK880 . TO - .... tootle, Hanna &. Clark. John Fiteopbald. . Pre ideal. Jobk R. Clark, , Camhver,' ,' C. II. Pakmklk.", Vie fretident T. W. Evans. . .-Ajtt't Vuthier. This Bank is now open for business at theit new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general : (T Banking Business. Stocks, Bands, , (old. Government ' and Local . Securities : Bought and Bold. Deposits Received and . Interest allowed 1 On time " i Certificates--Drafts drawn, available in any part ot the United States and in all the principal towns and Cities of Europe. OR TUK CELKBRA TED i m isz axit. s-irjs. OF STE A'M ERS. ' Persons wishmste brins; out their friends fVoin Europe can purchase tickets from us tore ugh to Plattsmouth. apl8wtf , N MARRIAGE. ; : - . . ' .:' : ! IIAPPY Reliei for Younsr Men.' from the elects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. .Impediments to Marriage re moved. New metbodof treatment. New an remarkable remedies. Books .and Circula ' sent free, in sealed envelopes. Adtr. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pim sn In etitu son having; a high reputation for honora ble conduct and prof essional skill, ftiwfcji C3TRAUSS' Wo have just issued Strauss' Waltsee in Two Volumes, price ft each in board. $5 each in cloth. The two volumes contain over Forty Beautiful Waltzes, worth atleaet$35 in sheet form. In C A lfl R j T P orderinic fromoth- M V U II I I C e r desiCrs be particular to ask for Pktebs Eoition hy Staauss' Waltzes, us it i the only correct and complete edition. Ad- T, A I 'jiLV , dress. J. L. PKTKRS Y iV Lj 1 Ai r. Mu."ic Publisher. 599 Broadway. N. Y TUE MASTER SPIRITS. OF TUE. AND THE TREASURE HOUSE The Ureal Itwk of I Agents report sales of 2 to ? hours or days. J. Wauii, Proprietor. R. H. UcPovjlb C., Orvff'M $ MILIilOKS Bear TeaKmony ta tbeil - Wonderful CaratlT Effects. Tbeyar not a vile Fancy Drink. Made of Post Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Lilquara doctorod, spiced and sweetened to please Uia taou, called " Tonics, "AppeUzers," "Kotorer,',4iC., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruln,but ars true Medicine. made from the Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic llmaa Ianta. They are the GREAT ULOOI) PI KI FIE Rand A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE. k perfect Renovator and Invifiomtor of the System, tarrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or ether means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a Gentle Parsatlve well aa a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agont in relieving Congestion or I nil am. Ination of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in younger old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at Uta turn of life, these Tonio Bitters have no eqnai. For Inflammntory and Chrealc Rhetna- liam and Goat. Dyspepsia or Indigestion Bllioaa, Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid' era and Bladder, these Bitters have been most anooescfuL Bach Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement tf the Digestive Organs.' DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Bead ache. Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Bour Xruetatlons of the Btnmacb, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ot lhe Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the re gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful arms torn, are the oflsprf nga of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the terrvl Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled Ifflcacy ia cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SK IN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tatter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Car- suncles, Ring-Worms. Scald Head, Sore Kres, frysipe- r ..v viKuiuntiuiia ui tne osiu. nuroorsand ptseasea of the hkui. of whatever name or nature are literallv dug up and carried out of the system in a short time bvtbe useol these bitters. One bottle in such eaaes will convince the most incredulous of their cura tire effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Emo tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you Gnd it obstructed snd sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul, tnd your reelings will tell you when. Keep the blood sure, and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the rrstetn of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished pbysiolnrist, there is scarcely an Individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worm ezUt. bnt nnnn tho rio.axl Immnra and slimy deposits that breed fheae livina- monsters of ninwe. ro cysietn or nedieine, do vermlfucee, no anthelmintics will free the system from wernas like these Bit tors. I. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD fc COt, Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. California. and 31 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. 9-8OLU BX, ALL PSLUGliTS AMD DCALBS9L mS. A. Cf. WHITC0MB, Dress aiid Cloak Maker. Eooms thre door weit of Brooks Houss. CIJTTITuG A; FITTING made a specialty. .,' .... : w-Pattorn of all kind3 constantly on hand J Phosfkctcs ' J jp anH(:n!prv Nfnvps I j. w. Go&y r"- " J r New York. Chicago, p- ) ' ' New Orleans. y TINWARE. ROPE, PLATTSt r STEEL NAILS AND A Y Blacksmith Tool. e. PLATTSMoi C0RAD HEISEL I ( ) Jim hand a Large Stock of Flour, Corn Meal, F and for Sale at j wThe Highest pricV MAR TER OAK', Corn. i t I-Particular attentib C BUCKS PATENT, torn work. ' ' f V CHICAGO, EMPORIA, IfcircARBlTTrnv I T of All kinds' i! : Coal or Wood kept on hand. J0 R WORK OF ALL KINDS PONE. "SilveriTSngue.. MANCFACTCBKO BT 'E..P. XEEDI1AM & SOX, 143. 145 k 147 East 23d Street. New York. - ' ESTABLISHED IN 1346. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distunce from our authorised agents may order from our factory. Send for illustra ted price list. Oct 25 diw3m BUGS. Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Oodftg. , tirocvries." f iii.rdware. Queeneware. Boots, and Shoes. Hats, and Caps. ' - Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Weir snd 'l-X. L". Cultivators, Union Corn Planters, flraudctourand Princeton Plows. Ac, Ac ,adin fiinitum all of which we offer to the public at the oet retail prices. All CKootls Warranted i ' As -Represented. C -Our constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to thepodtive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trade REED. RROS. DOCTOR WIIITTIER. 617 St. Charles Street. located in St. Louis than any Chron i j io Physician, so successfully treats Simple ami Pnrrn.lifat.l Vennreni Uisease as to brins inatipnls frnm everv State. 11 is hospital Op-i toprtunities, a life-lime experience, with pur-1 I lest drugs prepared in the establishment, cures.. tenses given up Uy others, no matter who tail-f ed : tell rot r private troubles. 'onsultation: !t ree Seud two stamps for medicnl es-i's. Masboud, wbiianhoop. se-"- rj jiail. 15 cents each, both for 25 cts, 100 pages. 11 thai the curious, rtoubtiul or uiqiir ir v wish to know ail aout Self-pollution Pre veil j tion. Marriage. Kvery young man ana wo- mn oux-ht to re:d it as a warning lhe ncr vous d-bilitatetl oe partially impotenteni scientifically advised.wn decJa And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, Abstracts of Title. 'PRE NUMERICAL- SYSTEM. The best m use, Yor descriptive circulars, a tares. ACKKS, BLACKM.K Jc CO Burlington, Iowa. J. R. CLARK. ELI PLCMMEB. Glieap Cash ST OR E ! Save nianoy by paying Cash for jour Goods. AT CLARK & PLUMMER'S. DSALKRS IV STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also a fall stock of GROCERIES. BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS. We buy largely for' casu and sell cheap for the money. " : Z (Store opposite the Brooks House), Main street, f'loftsmouth, 'Neb. 24w-CGd-3m H . J . ST R EIGHT, BOOK-SELLER. Stationery jcivs AND PAPER DEALER. 5osl Ofliec ISnilliw PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. t. 4 Mlmband w tf.ts Om.ha Marble Works. M. J, FEEN AN, Manufacturer and Dealer in ITALIAN MKRICAX MARBLE, -H SUM ICS 'I'M, IIEAIlNa'OSES Iflautles & Furnitnre garble. For ppecimen of workmanship refer to Smith's and Vallory's moriu- , ments iaPJattstuouth Cera- -i ; " etary,' ' The patronage of Gas County ia respectfully irHWwi. ' Jr wCT 1 ; 1 f-- - j fT DUKE &, CO 1 - OT OF. MALY ST RE El Q? olesale Sc Retail Deilers in I 1 - - - - STATE AGENT ; a i HALL AD AY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE . AND FARM PUMPS. ' FEED HILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The ITalladay Mill hns stood the test for six teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only cn - Generally adopted by all Principal Rail : -i roads and Farmers. wSend for catalogue and price list.- A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. O. JOKON DIALER Ilf DRUGS. raEDIfilKES, AND WALIx PAPER ! ! AH Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer'in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescription carefully compounded by anex nenenced JJroirrist. Kememher tbe place, tnree doors west ot W Herald office: Plattsmouth. Nebraska. THE BEST IS Tiic Cheapest. W"11 where heViubbe ax, customers and friends. He has a large and good assortment of farm niachiaery suck as the ri'he Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men 1 can cut and bind ten acres ner dav wic One man to drive, and the binder can work, iu tne thail e. Milburnand Studenhaker TagoB?, Cham pion Reaper k Mower Masnilloo Thrash er, anO Hut-nlo Pit thrasher, and icclsic- Reaper and Mower Ac, F. J. METTEER, Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb. L. S. Bi.aib, Traveling Aent, Feb. 29 wtf. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN PURNTTUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- Or ALL PEBCBlrTIOITB iKO AT ALL rRICBS. IVIctalic Burial Cases. WOC ) I EN COFFINS OP ALL SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for put patronage. Ii n Ate all to call and examine my large stock 0 niture and Coffins ' JanZot CITY Mb AT MARKET, ' BY -s MA IX STREET, ' Plattmoutli; - INcbrasLa. The best of Fresh Meats always on hand ir their season. Highest Prioe Paid for Pat Cattle r Mi chert Cash Price paid for green liiUes. NEW L UMBER YARD! Having opened a Lumber Yard . at 1 kee, a11 kiDds of IsUHBER,. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ic, &c, &c, And would invite all those wishing to purcha' to give uie a call. sr2 T wilf 1tiv tal in 11 kinds of GRAIN, for whieh I will pay ninest i.arget price. 77 """eO V t? ' SI - I 7 : I "55"viraw if: U.U.rCT.O-rm O- To tho -East North and SouthoEUif. STATIONS. - ATLAwrKi MAIL . gxruKss Leave Plattsmouth. - -S.91p.ra, 6.M. m. Arrive Ba Hngton 7.00 a-m. 10.50 p.m. " mcdJoU, 11.15 a.m. 83 a, m." " Chicago(C.B.iQ ) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. m " Peoria " 9 00 a- 12.50 L m.'. " Ind'plisI.B.rf W. 6;15 p. m" a. iu. " Cincinnati " tl jsD p. bi, 4.15 p.m. " Logansp'UT.PAW &-65 p. m. 9.20 a. m. ." Celumbas " J.5a. sa. "MuThrough Cars from Missouri River to Chi cago. Indiauapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and Columbus. Connections at those points with lines lead inar to the East. North and South. This is the lint, Shorteit, (Juickent and Ctip tit Rour. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via the Burlington and Missouli River Rsilroad. A. E. TOl'ZALIN, C E. PERKINS. Ucn'l Ticket Agent. tien'l Sup) FURMITUR E Titos. W. SliryocIc. CABINET rJIAKER And dealer in all kinds of Furniture ClaaEra. MAig stsiit, (third deer east ef t 0 Plattsmouth neb. w-Fepatringand Varnishing neatly none. ' Funerals attended on the shortest so tic, THE BE S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0:- For Your Groceries Gw Ta TP. It. GUTHMM, Coraer Third and Main Streets, PUttateA. :o: &jn keeps on hand chof? t4 if well selected Stock of Fancy Oroeeriss, ' . Coffees, Tea, Bcsar, ffyrwa, 4(!., sVm. A, Ale a goes' assortment of Beets k Shows." :0: In Connection with the Grocery b Bakery L Confeitionery I A11 kinds of Country Produce bought an4 sold Take notioeof the sign "EMPIRE BAEERT AM)U;tlJil. , Bay 16m tt. G. W. M E R K, Main Street, Four Doors East, cf Court House, Miin as) - u - HARDWARE, HEATING AJTB COOKIIVO STOVES Of the latest Improvements, warranted, and sold at aemailprolit aboro cost. ! ' Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with long'experieoee guarantaa s ati.'taclion and l'rices to suit .. 31 w 3m SOllETniMG NEW FOR WOMKN TO DO. Do (Joo'l -and Make. iloncy '.hllLT Box 7S4 Kew York City. ROCK! STONE! 1 will furnish parties with fitono for all building purpose at a reaeaawe pries, a. my quarries cr delivered on the cars at Louis ville station. The following kind of stone can be had on hort notice; eills. eaps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such ai was used by the B. Sc M. K, R. in the construction of their (ton work. All responsible orders, promptly nuea J. T. A. MOOVER. Louisville Station. Keb. NEW DRUG STORE, WEEPINQ TVATKR, NCB. T. L. POTTER, DEALER in Urng. iMeaieines., -". Varnish. Perfumety, Stwiwnary, NoUons X' Varnish, Perfuw k.tecini him on hol hay.