Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 21, 1872, Image 2

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    I I...M ,i .
! t :
Ollicial Directory.
T. TV. Tipton, Brownville.
V. W. Ilitchcvck. Omaha.
Jcbo Tafle. Uinaha.
TT. S. Senator.
U. a Suuaioi.
William Tl- Jarre?, Lincola. Act. Governor.
William 11. gainer. Lincoln, Sec. I State.
John Oiltefpi. u. Auditor.
11. A. Koenii.-. Ci.!au.U. Tri-ur. r.
li. 11. Roberts. Omaha, Attorney
J. 11. Mckenzie. Line la. Sup.. Pub. Ina.ruc'a
O. P. Mason. Nebraska City, Chief Justice.
George 15. Lake, Ojuaaa, A,fs.0,.ja.,e Ju.ticc.
L. Crounze, it. Caitiuuu
JI. F. Kill on.
Oitn'l M Ivinnon.
AV. L. ll.ibb.
J V. Johnson,
Probate Ju'ljr-v
County Clerk.
&upt. Pub. Instruction.
County CouimL-g'.oncrs.
V. W. Wise.
Jacob VnlleT.l
le T."
Jienj. lbin.
Jam ik.
J. W Thomas.
8 EE OIK SII.I-::1I I.J'IS tlHT.
We call nttent on to the tpleiitli.1 Clab List
tff.'red. It is our d-v-ire to place bef.,rt- ths
people of Cas Co. every opportunity for infor
mation and instruction. To oil :h- s who wish
to take any of the publications mentioned be
low we offer them a the foUitviiK low rates :
llarperV Magazine and UcraUl one year $4 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
I.lies 111. News'per '
Chimney Corner '
geribner's Monthly
"Wood's house M Mrs;. '
Lee'ie's LaJicj Ma?. '
Peters Mu. Monthly '
Atlantic Monthly '
Prairie Farmer
Chicago Inter-ocean "
spirit of the Times "
Turr. Field Kurta "
New York Times
" . " World
' Tribune
" Weekly '
Kural New f orker '
Toledo KMdo
What Xeil?(chromo)'
l'hreu. Journal
4 7j
2 50
' " 4 f0
" " 4 00
" 5 0
4 3 0J
3 00
6 25
.. .. 6 w
l' 3 0a
.. :. 3 w
" 300
" ' 4i0
4 00
" 4 0
3 0j
" " " 1.0
" " 3 5u
Of course thee terms are understood to hi
strictly cash in advance. .4il taking advnnutg?
of this elub' in? list will leceive the IIekalo
from now till the firt of Januar.ree. so the
ooncr yon oine the mre you Will set 'or your
To thosi ow'nj back -ubscri ions on th
II skald we make the following offer to con: ju
ne from now until the Erst cf January.
To any who will fay us twj years subscrip
tion, that i. their bjik aub cri tion. ana on?
year in advance we wi I givo u handsome ebro
tao, a picture worth two dollars, called. The
Entter ('ru-t. Ir is acro-it ea-.-ircled by a wreath
f flowers-color j 1. Or. if they prefer i-- Woo 1,3
Pocket Magnifier, beinz a magnify ng glass
suitai le t flip in the pocket, wrth 50.
To any one p yinff two jear'e sub-crip: i".n as
above s'ated and feveuty-S.e eetits :n add.tiou
we will give The ti'o':e Microscope woitti J! 'aJ
or a gold pen with silver c-sc wjrth tha same
We make the abeve liberal offers because vc
arc very aaii ,U3 to cjllrct iu our suls.-i ipti-n
1 ist and start on an entirely cash basis, wirch
re shall chueavor to make our ru e herciltei.
A Splendid Chance.
We will eid the IIfrild and Demores'a'
Jlonthly. which i 3 lor oue year, to an per
ron who piys us t'.5J
In addition to both I'piiodicals at th" price
named, a choice from a li.-t of eitravrdia t-y
Prciaiuwj is siv-en to each subscriber Dttn
rct' Monthly. Auxou thc-'C are a fine p- ir
of t'Unmo Pictures !f'alls C Niagara and Y.
tmite Falli1), worth 10 : or a rood St:reoscoj.e
with a series of vie as; besides nunjrrou? oiher
valuable prcmiims worth iroia twj to ten dol
lars each.
The best bys' and girls' mnsazi-.e. and -he
XBRKA Hekald at greatly reduced rate.
We will send N'bx K llkiit nnd 1ku.c
z t's Youns AMERlct, which is $10) for one
year, to any person wh j p tys u Petnor
ct Yout g America is always spukiins with
entcrta ni::g .Stories. Poeio. Miiic, Puz'.lcs.
Game. Tave!s. and other features
is profusely i lustra'ed. and cannot fail t
amuse, instruct and derate, and a--ri-t to inakr.
the lives of youthful Americans useful, truth
ful and happy.
The opposition do not fcem to be
afraid of Greeley's defeat leeau.-e Grant
would throw out the vote of n Southern
State or two, any more. What's the
Nebraska college, NTebr is'ta city, lia
over Ofty ttudent.. Nmie but boys are
admitted at present. Lc.
From Tuesday's Da'.ly.
An exchange very sensibly remarks,
that it is tired of the sensational play
got up by the irresponsible ee.-lesia-tie
courts, and thinks their ttials ouaht
to be abolished or kept private. Tin
Catholics do their froeking and un-froek-iag,
their churching and unchurching,
without making a public epecracla ot
We re-publish the above because
tome of our folks cotu-fudied the thinji
last night unt'l there was no sense in it,
and we wiil here add that the late Kob
rtsoa trial called forth our reiuark.
The Bee tells us that Oregon has
granted a three uiiliion subsidy, but
doesn't tell us what fur or what about.
Hoston wasaiieh old city, but her
wealth was owned and kept within her
borders, on'l insurance done at home.
For these reasons i-he wi;l probably fee I
Ler losses by the late fire more severely i
than Chicaara did hers. The car-ha! of J
rs. The capita! of
., " v.:n-l r.-.,.,
wai largely
iSarveycr General Cunnimzb.ini o
Plattsmoath, is in town, and three times
a day he makes a general survey, of the
Wyoming House dining room tables.
More corruptin. Ia'nt lli-iby aftaid
to have such n bufTaU skull'd fellow
jl oct inigh carry off the tablecloth.
We call Bttention to Special Election
notice, in regard to voting bonds for the
Ft. Louis and Nebrss-ka Trunk Railroad,
which appears in this isae. The copy
w only brought us this morning, and
we did not expect to get the proposition
in (Lis week at all when we wrote the
artie'e on railroad bon3?, c he where ap
jmring in this paper. CuaiuieDts next
Prom every quarter we are asked why
the IIcrai.t docs not tay something
about raihoad bonds?
Y; have stated to these parties very
frankly the reasons why the liERAI.D
has not, hitiu-rlu, opeti i it head about
the H called Tiunk Uailroa 1 I. nd-, uud
w n iw do .o in j.ublie rint. Fir.-f and
foremost, our advice and eo-operation
has not been asked by any of the high
contracting, parties that may be supposed
towMnr a railroad through C- a county ;
that i.s t.) say, by either an ajrent of the
proposed raiirond, company, nor by the
County CoiuitiisMoticr., nor by the citi
ztns who Fcexu to be tHki'ig an active
put in the matter, and under these c'r-
cuiutaiiee.s we did not feel like putting
oar oar in too abruptly. A gain, we are
iiio.-t abominably apt to tell the truth
for an K litor and if we we ctj ay j'tst
what we think on this question we s nuld
make some iui-u in I'lattsmouth malder
than a wet h-n, and on the other side
lay urelves liabln to j;et a head put on
us by the gentlemanly farmers of the
southwestern ard western precincts, tu
say nothing of Rock B'ufTs, tt at.
Lastly, wc have heaid i teuch talk in
thi State on rai'roa 1 bends, north, east.
outh and west, and we have hard so
many little peevish, selfih, useless jnal
ons, nartowminded nnd contentptible
reasons urged for or u;;tin-t their pas-.-afifl,
that having a tcusper somet; ing
similar to our'friend Jack lloibacb, we
feel .strongly tempted to shout take
y.ur bo mis, and tro to lil!ylick with
tl em only don't bo! her us any more
about tha matter. In short, we never
conceived a higher, more exalted idfa of
the immense patience and forbearance of
the GREAT llCLKR, than after listening
to a promiscous discission on the pro
priety or necessity of voting raihoad
bonds. It always struck us tint if the
Scpremk Good cou hi stand this and not
swrep the little worms frwm his path l"r
their stupidity an! eh irt-ihtednes.
there wa- a pretty good chauee fur al
most anybody to jiet in right and straight
at the Ja-t day.
We said oar opinion had not been
a-ked"by the hhih. contractors." It h i-.
though, by not less than a doz-n of our
best a;id i:i i-t hubstauiial farmers, and
thoy arga tha.-. We jour i in
ton. we need it to guide us alight Yon
are our K l':t.r. we pay 3'ou to do our
thinking, as one may say. You h v.
hetter and larger opp-irtuuities to know
the fuli beariiiaf of this ubj -er than we
cut haV:-. and we detUaiid of you that
rh.r Herald s-ive tl, its ea-i lid. truihfu!
opinion on tl.i qie-'ioti nf voting
honds f.r this T.utik ruiid. It is yoir
right and your duty to do sn, and yen
must. This in MtbstanCi. is w .tir some
of t!ie be-t vu-tt in the cmintv have aaid
to n-, an 1 we recognizj their riiiht to
ak if. We believe t hat from several ta
f "fiiriirinti" e.n taiiru;ii bin i matter.
nd a natural ap'itti L to pi. k up infer
liinmn o.'i things in gen -ra', we could
throw on e bht mh Mi! j-ct. There
lore, after the pending proposition before
the County Couiini-fioners is published,
and we can see its details and examine
its bearings, the Herald wi l j-ive a fnli
and exhaustive opinion fair an 1 spi ire,
on the propriety of voting thj bonds
asked for by the Trtsn- Jlailnmd Com
.pauy. It wil: pioiahly bj next week,
atid we wain evety one jha thiy rneo"
take no offensj if our views differ from
many, for if we .-peak at 11 it wid be
ust what we think and believe, let it hit
whom or what it may.
Tiiey are eomg tor Col. Tom. Scott
in N. J. say he'sgoiriir to gobble 'em,
Tojhowhow iui(iortaut connectingand
c-tmpeting line? of railroads are consid
ered by other cities, aod as a hint toour
own folks, we copy from a St. Joej h
exchange :
"We should not overlook the fact that
at least two points on the Missouii iivi-r
to wit : Ouriha and Kansas City are
'aying deep tin; foundation rd" eommu
nicttion mi both sides of the Missouri
river which must boar rich fruits. Ivich
of these places has at h at equal
facilities with us to the eastward and su
perior lines to the west an 1 southwest
St. J o-eph should not deceive itself ax
to what the Gnal result of superiority in
this or any other respect will be.
The most sensible thing the TriLmir.
has sai l lately is the following :
The Republicans have won a perilous
ifiumph. Join Randolph .said that one
was the best p.t.ille majority. When
the old party had chosen
Mr. Monroe, Ctesid. tit, with only one
evetor disseising, it dissolved and ran
four candidates at the next election.
Though the Democratic party broke
into fragments, not one of these has
distinctly proposed a return to ibe anti
fie.vrn policy of other days. On (ho con
trary, the iouibei:, hIio urged li man
tier of ol j- ction.s to Greeley, sai l noth
ing of his d-vo.iori to equal rii-hts. re
gardless of color. We may Curly con
clude that there will be no fu:ther for
niidil'e. Vstematic opijsitioti to m
p irf ial suffiat'e.
There is little or no complaint from
any quarter of violence or terrorism at
the polis. (Slacks and . w lute- swat mi-d
around a thousand polls, stiugglirij zeal
"tls y. but -carco v s blow was stiuck
a:.d no s lims ( x r oecurn-i!. Ir is thu
settled that whites ami Macks may v.'
j together wihoiit breach of" the peace
I "rebel" and "niirgcr" tn at iny e. ch
,ot.rr w;tU forbearance and cot.sidera-
together wiMioih hwh .t thppao.
Remember thi", you who keen howl
ing about election frauds and force
Tins i the comment of your own dear
ftiend, Uoiace Grcthy bin st'f, -sns
Louisiar.a seems to be in a fearful way,
politically. Warmouth has the returns,
it is said, and writs and i junctions are
the order of the day.
Pennsylvania is in a bad a fix, except
that the elements of person! violence
are not threatened so strongly. If ih
exchanges are to be believed, at a'!. Gen.
Simon Cameron went to foitnl of the
nfScers of the Pennsylvania Centra! Rail
road, and demanded Scott's removal
Tb-?y laigVod him to FroTa. Oaaercni
then tried to have Scott removed in an-1
other way. Meanwhile Sc itt hearing of
the kmdnes of Cameron as regards his
railroad po-ition, struck out after Cam
eron in hi weakest Hint, viz : He pro
poses to defeat l i'u for the United Stale
Sen tte to which Cameron is att aspirant.
It is n-TV war to the knife and knife to
tb -"hiit. Democratic exchanges think
Scott can make it.
In New York General Grant threat
ens to carry out his civil reform ideas,
and Gen. Dix does not oxactlv m ke up
his mind how he'll like it and things are
Mis-. Claflm, Mrs. WeodhuH, and
Miss 1iura Cuppy Smith, well known
in Omaha, as a free love lecturus. were
nli in the Clialii.- ease iigainst
Col. Wood.
Tho San Francisco Firuro makes fun
of Joaquin Miller's telling a Ilf.mhl Re
porter to "come to the Pacific coast and
stay a month." lie thinks Miller miht
have aked him to Ids house or offered to
pay his expenses over," &c.
The late gale of the last two days has
been very severe a I over. From our
State exchanges we learn that it caroled
around "West Point, howled over North
Platte and Freenionf, shrieked over
Omaha ami the BIufF.-, and by tel. gaph,
that at Dul ith, the Anclic Duluth, it
blew a steamer away, lashed the waves
into such a fury that they broke up a
break-water, and gave two schooners
The horse disease has left the 'osses
and lit on the 'ens.- A St. Louis paper
says "heggi" 'as ioz.
"Vehicular accidents, injurious to
human beings, were quoted active, in
the repottoiia! market yesterday"- is
the way a Sr. Louis reporter dosciibes
the Accident unrket. He is supposed
to be troubled with the " Z iO'."
A female correspondent of a daily p i
per, discourses thu-ly :
This is a field d iv for the nnn. Thev
are voting earlv and I'rhoitM think.
prettv often Certainlv thr'.s no ir
lvgubtiitv in tal in? drink. Efforts are
made to kep bars c-ose 1, lu yot might
a wh try to kep tlm monij out of a
cloud as a man out of a rum mill.
Go'dsmilh Maid and Lucy arrived at
the stock yards in hfc'gn, on the 1:2th
iu-r.. over th C. 15. .t Q . from O nalri.
and wi-re k'-pt in the car ail night for
b-ar of 'Z -ot " l$riO.0iK) cone if they
i-jl tiiz.) On ih 14 h instant they
an i veil at Phil 1 lelphi in a .peet 1 c:tr.
and they will winter at Bristol Pa;
If is a curious fie , but said tobetrm-.
that as many per-o'is were vaccinated
within two week"- f the election, in St
luist as Mere were voters registered.
! Poor vote, or bad small-pox.
SpRIXUFir.l.D. ILL, Nov. 1G Gov
-rn:r Ogie hy's myj -nty in ninet.i-lour
counties is :ii.77 fli- l"n.ov:iia coti n
lics ae to he heard fto'u : Ak'xamb-r.
C.i-s, Cb.rk. C.a.k, Crawford Fu!to...
Henry ami Ja-per. These w)li pro! a'ly
increase lis inajnitv to Do W).
It is snowing (-lightly here to day
'She. steam donttny, which ha been
n ak ng trial trips no the llleeler stre- t
iiue. i protiieii c-d a complete success
This ri.nte i- njost nie ii and tor
tuious in New Y"tk.
In Iviglaud a telegraphic e mtii'i:iie:t
tion f twenv wn;d may be sent any-,
when; for a : shilling, and willbediliv
ered to any address within a mile of. the
efliee where it is received, wi'hnnt cx'r.i
charge. This is decidedly better than
the rates which prevail in America, and
suggests the inquiry whether the facili
ties of lightning cannot be aff ode I to
the people here at more leasm able tig
They a e tryimr to make a corner on
Wool in New York
Tom. S ott is to contest Simon Cam
eron's seat in the United States Senate
in Pennsylvania.
A fellow has brought a $75,01)0 Ruby
into Santa Fe, New Mexico. It beats
the Zoot.
'1 he southern Minnesota Railroad
has been declared bankrupt.
A Sergeant Rates is going to carry
the and stripes through England
on a b?t. An exchange thinks there is
no law acainst a man's making a fool of
him.-elf, and adds :
We on' j hoptj his success in the un
der iik ing may encourage him to further
Hoits, and that hi.-, next attempt will lie
to carry the flag of (ruany thruuuh
France, and the flag of England through
the rural di-fiicts of Ire'and. Kilbcrof
these excursions would, we are happy to
1m ieve, produce, a funeral in the fiatc
TH2 PLATTS 2:533.
Our visit to O.naha, the Sr-t for more
than a year, impresses us most power
ful !y with the impot ta 'ce of the raihoad
bridge now progressitig acr.s the Platte.
That s ream operates as an embargo
upon the 1 1 ado bet ween i ho t wo s ctions,
and the tiicTchant-i of Omaha are obliged
to sen 1 to Cbi rago for goods that they
migh. more xpedilieu-!y and chenpiy
pur. h of our Line i.n j btiers, ao 1 we
miah add that St. Jo sends lot . itft.ods
up this way that could just as Weil be
puichased at Omaha. Our Omaha
ti lends assure us that when this b i lg?
i- compleie 1 a.s it will be pr bably by the
first f DsteeUiber, they wiil be peif ctly
.-uMiv:d wirh the present lciiti:i of the
capital, as they wiil not be oblige I to risk
t lie uncertain navigation of the
wave- of the Plat te in a mud -Cow, th lice
forth wlun they vi.-it the State's metro
The Platte Rai'ioa 1 bridge wiil be a
universal pac:G:a'or. Ir will also assist
the fluctuating 'onuiies of (he Trunk line
very locch. -IJitcntn ,ournu.
Our County Cierk Ims become so un
rnly tl.e comini-.-iioiers have '"ft. need
bun in Set; im frivi!oif s at Coutt
Hou e. yciii'nt Tf'lmue.
We wish s.'tu-body would fence tm
County Cter- in before be gets round to
the Herald o53c9
rS23HEli"TIAL V0T2.
President Grant carries thirty States',
whose elect oi ial vote is as follows :
l..L) New Ilntnpshire ..
Li New York
- 5
Arkausas ..
C'ii c-tiitt
6 Xor.h Curolina .
t NLr.i!k a
3 New Jersey
.. 1 Nevada --
'Jl Orevoa..
. U Old .
.. . 5 l'ennsylvani.-
8 Kho.lo I-lard .....
7 siotuh Carol Hia...
13 Vermont
8 Viici-.ia
r W i-eon.-in
11 We.t N'irgiuia....,
... 21K5
1 llin .is
I'WI ..
Iva sas
Maiae . .....
Mn-s.ich isctts
V irMsfilO i
Horace Greeley carries seven S?a:es,
whose votes are as Pillows:
Florida 4 M'ssouri - 15
ei:(jin... II Maryland - "
Kentucky li lesu. ......
Total : "J
Whole -l.--tor.-il vote "
lirant's uaj jrity
We copy i hes above table lroui the
Mis-ouii ti'-piililicttii of Noveaiber 14;h.
Presume that by this time it ouht to
be something near right.
Hebron, Thayer county, in having a
new school house.
Comixo. Lieutenant Patrick Ilasson,
the owner of a section of land adjoining
the town of Centoria, writes us that be
is going to locate about sixteen families
on his land in the spring of 1S73. This
looks like bu.-ines. Central JSiur.
CjI. Champion S. Chase, of Omaha
is said to be oue of the heirs to an im
uitnsu property in England. We con
giatulate him.
Miss Clara Warner Robinson is to lec
ture in Omaha, Saturday evening,
against the ballot for women.
Ole Dull wiil be in Omaha in Febru
ary. An Omaha young man attempted to
commit suicide in Omaha because his
fair one had j lted him, but finally con
eluded the fumes of charcoal wen: not
so agreeable as his fancy had painted
them, and hcd try and live a little
A youth about seventeen years of age
half wilted from ep leptie fit, was
drowned in a well recently in Omaha.
Ice On Wednesday last, the ice on
the South Platte was strong nmuuh to
admit of a man cm-sing the River.
Lnico'n Co. A'itntifcr.
Mrs. Amelia Uloom?r, of this city, is
8t ill writing and arguing in favor of wo
man suflt age. C li H)'iltliciit.
We hae received 'intelligence that
Mr. 11. W. Sonievlad'a bn w.-ry at Ruin,
was destroyed by fire last night. . No par
ticulars as to the cause or extent of the
lo-s Jiii'i; lilliic!ttt.
A skeleton of a man was found about
eight miles northwest of llatvari a few
days since. It is supposed to le the re
tnains of a man who j-t..rte 1 for G'and
Island la-t winter, who probibly froze
to death Ex.
Mu 1'oiiok: I send you a few cx
tri' ts from a letter, written by an old
:ady now JS yeais old. Hiooid you b
claic t lu in f any iiitetest to ytoir icnl
eis, as a re'ie tVoui t l age. you are wul
come to them. Rosi cv fully.
31 its. S. A. Qcimby.
"I am in old invalid, 88 years old- I
cannot walk a step or stand alone, but
vij y hie and fiiends yet. I can sit and
read and wiite. and love to reid. and I
win k at 'patchwoik. " I hive piect d a
iptil' sit.e.- t h ive he?n. unable to Walk
lb it ha 7 7HJ piece- io if I. -cot it to the
C ojiity fair at S in -t ville, N J., and
got t t:t; flr-i rteni'uai
It h.ts been a very bouniiful season;
C' ru and potatoes arc got id, apples and
peach-H in abundance. Tliete has b en
a pump'siii r.-i-cd ti Ateliew Cole's farm
that weighed"-I'M- pounds Can the
we-iein wild- of Nebra-ki produce a
lart'. -r pump kin than 1 1 at? I think yon
will say iit. leold New Jersey is as good a
State as there is in the Union. Here
they e;tn sir tinier their own fruit tres,
and no wild Indian to molest or make
th m afraid.
Atiswer soon, as I may not be hete
long. I am living oji borrowed time,
and I do not know how soon the owner
wiil call for it. and I hope to meet you in
a world where the. wicked cease from
troubling and the weary ara at rest. -May
every blessing attend you nnd yours.
Elizabeth Emmons.
The writer of this is one of the old
residents of Morris county, N. J.. fa
miliarly known as Aunt- Betsy Emmons
throiiah-iiit all that portion of country.
How are you wild Indians? Dofsany
body in O.naha know "everybtviy" Em
mons of Mendham, N. J. ? We have
heard of '"Aunt Betsy."
Sens Herald an I Sens Statesman.
Hon. II. T. Clark, of Rellvue, has
received the contract for bridging the
Platte river at Lowell
Yes and Clatk's a trood bridge builder
too, and we hope will get more oT 'em.
Well, all we know about it is that
Ge ige Nororos.s was married at Fre
mont, but who did he marry?
Nor cross, nor sour; General Rick,
lie uiarticd neither Brake nor Stint .
Pi ice of ga- in Ne.bra-ka City $",5!)
per thousand. I hero appears to be a
little tr.tub:e in llie eompany.
Wood is worth $5 5i)at Laporte, Indi
Gas in Nebraska is as cheap as wood
in Indi ma, then.
The Cincinnati Enquirer uugailautly
-ays :
"().ivs Ijotran shows ht:r teelh too
much It O I'e only bad less teeth ami
'iioie brains idie would be a very infe-rt's-itng
lecturer. She dres-es well."
Im'ss tect!), and mo'e brains, the news
paper cpcs
L ss brain-, the mo-e teeth, the d ntist
One of the in -t reniii' kable eases tin
r.eoid happened at Pe:la, Iowa, jast
Week ; a lawyer was b itized.
Julas Iseirot! ahit next? Who
bipfiz;! him? fnat's the qweion.
Tlier- is a biptj.snj of good and on of
evil, we believe.
Nebia-ka C'ity ha a voting men's
literary association. Good.
And so e.uahr. Pl.ttsmouth to have a
Lit ciary ociety, and a good one, and
she can h-ivt! if our young men will only
fake hoi 1 well, and our other folks let
go at the light time. Come out ni Xt
Monday and see whit we tan do at
George"a oS.
"W9 Told Yea 2c.'
Keota, Iowa, Nov. 1. 1S72.
Editor. IH.rald: ,SVr. -I "expect
the time of luy ;ubscritioti has expired,
and I have been well pleased with your
paper, although we differ in political
matters; still, you seem to be an honest
man, and that is the main thing, let a
man belong to what larty he wiil I
have admired your ft le of handling
Miller, of the Omaha llemU, very
much, for as you say, he has damaged
3'our State, abroad, to a great extetit.
It can easily be ieeii in ibis community ;
for Nebraska has a ood many warm
fiiends here in fact we all have friends
or relatives in your State, and if they
are what he represents them to be. they
have changed gre itly thev left her.
1 was a citlz-n of your State for over
two years, and spent a great deal of the
lime in your city, an 1 must say I thought
you wenf a very good and honest people,
and am surprised to bear that you are
becoming so corrupt and dishonest. In
this campaign I have nothing to say, for
I ru too much of a Democrat to sup
port Grant, and would rather take a dose
of blue tu i, than swallow Greeley;
but enough of this. Eastern Iowa has
been blessed with very good crops of all
kinds. No more at present, but as ever,
am - Yours, truly,
Mf.uritt S. Rcssell.
We publish the above although l.te
in the day ; and it would not have been
published at all, but for the fact that the
Omaha Herald is keeping -up the same
injurious and cau-eless cry, since the re
turn of its sore-headed senior editor.
It only remains for us to say, that we do
not know the writer of this letter, never
heard of hitu before only a.s we send
biui a Herald through the mail He
wiitesgood sense, though, and our peo
ple will do well to ponler on this fact.-
How long cau Nebraska stand it to be
abused by her own Pr ss and her own
people bee iue of a diff'renca on politics?
Latest By Telegraph
A Terrible Disease Brea
out among the Fowl
Market Report
Along tho lin
terrible di.-easo
the poultry, ur
dretis. and turk
tu n ki t rhow si
Tha new hoi
appearance in a:
Fiity per cent,
sai 1 to die, and
mainly thus; work
Concord", N
A severe ishock ot vSTm ,n-. oc
curred here this alt moon about two
o'clock. It began with a sort of explo
sion, followed by trem iing and shaking
which lasted about leu seconds. Build
ings rocked violently,, and the shock was
plainly perceptible to people walking in
the street.
Sax Fit xcisc, NovemSer IS.
Li tru D. Fair is to leciure in Piatt's
ball this week. Sui j.-cf, " Wolves in the
Fold." There is much indignation ut thy
woman's audacity
Rochester. November 18.
Warrants were issued for the inspec
tors ot election who rccived the ballots of
Susan B. Anthony aod friends. Exami
nation in the case uf 31iw Auihoua Wis
iio-lpoiied by agteeinei'.t to the Stlfli.
phe says she is p!ea-ed to have her case
Srougut prope ly before the court.
Lonlo'w, November 19.
Manj' police, having expressed in li-.n i
tion at the suspension of eight members
for insubordination, some two huodr.-i
more were hi -ponded to-day. Iu-ubonii-natiou
is spreading, and it is feared
further su-pensions wid bt3 nvc Jssai y.
Topeka. Ka., November 19.
William P. Ross has been elected
chief of the Cherokee nation of Indians,
to place of Lewis Downing, defeased
Sr Louis, November 19. i
nator Bi:dr, win ii s been -:k sooie
time past, bad
"gilt attack .!' p ii aiysis
id th" rigltt leg an I isiiu on ri!n if,
last. He is much betttf 1 . :d !:is
pbysiciins say he will so 01 b ; Vell i tin
The attack, which fi ie'y rc-ciubles that
of Vice President Colfax, 'as cau-cd
by excessive labor an i as; i f tobaco. .
ClUCAti'i November 19.
The Inter Ocean will to-morrow an
nounce a combination between packers:
by wh'eh thev set a price for hogs on
Monday, and pay it through ut the week
for any grado. Four do'icrs is the rate
for this week. Com mission men are de
tei mined to defeat this scheme.
NKW YORK, November 18. 1872.
Monet Masy at 3Vi3
Gold Dud at 12 x l3
Government Dull
CHICAGO, November 19, 5872
Flour Quiet $4 50(0.5 00
Wheal Dull I 07vil 08
Corn Les- active, 30( 31
Oat.s easier
Rye Dul-
Barley Dull
Catii.k Good,
i logs Live .,
......... I, i ' r
5 -'("53
....S3 5dt3 75
..$4 O5ot,4 15
Notice is hereby given that an election
will be held in the several precinct of
(lies county. Nebraska, at the n-ual
idaces of holdin? elections. onSaturd iv
he 28:h tlay tif P.-ceiiilM r. A D Is72
for i he puipo-e of voting on the lollow
ing reposition, viz:
-At a scion ofth Board of County
Co'imii i-ioners old:-, co-inty. led 1 ar
I'la'fsiisnii'b. in said eountv on ihe 2i)ih
I tv nf November A. D., IS72. if was. by
said B ard resolved, that the f i!b.wnu
profetsit jon lie submitted to the elecinesi
of Cass cmn'y, Nebraska "Shall the
county of ('ass, m flt Mate of Neiraska.
(-sue arid eivo to the St. Louis and Ne-h-sfc,i
Trunk Rid Road Company,
tllir successors or assiens, one hurt Ir l
and thir'v thousand dollars of hfr cou
pon hoods, in aid of tho ronstrn.o ion of
the St Louis an 1 Trunk Rail
Road throMjrh s-,;.J Ci-s county, from
some lev.nt on the sot-il, i;,!f, ,,ft,,:(
county, i" a northerly rl-reetion, ami iass
iog tbroigh the ooToorata limits of tha i
r w. . I
V rfie
Is C
iVlN 13.
' 1 V. I
city, of Plattsmoath and shall establish
and maintain a passenger and freight de
pot therein, at which all trains shad stop,
and shall u ake . a connection
wiib the Uubn PaciQi Rail lload
at or near Omaha, and secur
ing to Cass county a direct con
nection with northern Nebraska, and
a mreci soutneru connection n 01.
Louis through the stale of Nebraska ;
said bonds to bo issued and dated.
January 1st., 1873, and bearing interest
at the rate often percent per annum.
the piiucipal and interest payable in the
city of New York, the iutere.-t payable
semi annually, on the Srst day of June,
and the 1st day of December, of each
year, and the principal payable twenty
years trom elate ; saii tjonus. wnen so is
sued, shall be deposited with Jacob Val-
lery, Jr., M. L v Irto, and Isaac iviles,
to be held in trust for said Ruiiroad
Company, and to be delivered to said
company, so constructing a first class
railroad, upon .tu lollowing conditions,
Sixty-five thousand dollars of said
bonds shall be by said tru-tces delivered
to said company, when they shall have
located,, graded ar:d bridged the line of
their road bed through Cass County and
the same shall have been so certified to
said trustees under oath of the Chief
Engineer of said Company ; provided,
however, that said trustees, upon tho
completion of any ten consecutive miles
of grading and bridging, in Cass
County may deliver, a portion of
said sixty five thousand dollars
of bonds, not exceeding at the rate of
three thousand dodar.s per mile of bonds
on su-di completed work, for the purpose
ofsecurinjr more speedily tho construc
tion of said Railroad. And the remain
ing or la-t sixty-five thousand dollars of
Bonds shall be due and delivered by the
said trustees tc said Railroad Company,
when the ties and iron have been laid,
and the road fully completed and ready
for operating the same, in connection
with otner roads giving a continuous
Railroad from the south line of Cass
county, north toO.-jaha. and it is hereby
provi led, that all matured interest cou
pons of said bonds before they are due
and delivered to said Company construct
ing said Railroad, shall rev art to the
County of Cass and be detached by said
liu-tees before the . delivery of said
bonds. And any of said bonds not due
nnd delivered to said Company under
the terms of this proposition, (if anv) on
the 31st day of December, A. D., 18i4,
shall in like manner revert to Cass Coun
Also shall the county of Cass, in the
State of Nebraska, issue and give to the
Weeping Water and llatto Valley, H31I
oad L.oasanv. their successors or as-
r-h'n.s, to construct a railroad from
point ou said Trunk Railroad in Cass
county, up the Weeping Water Valley
M westwardly to a point on the B. & M.
t Railroad in Nebraska, at or as near as
practicable to the town of Greenwood,
in said County of Castt, the amount of
five thousand dollars per mi e ot coupon
bonds ot said county to aid in the con
struction of said railroad from said
Trunk Raihoad in Cass County
to or near said town of Green
wood in said county, said bond
I to lo issued, dated January 1st, 1873,
and bear im interest at the rate ot 10
er cent per annum. 1 he principal and
interest payable semi-annually 10 the
city of Now York -on the first days cf
June and December nf each year and
the principal payable:!) years from date.
Said Bonds when issued shall be depos
ited with Tuno bv Clark. L II. James
and dallies M. Woods to bo held ill trust
for said Rail Road Company, and to be
delivered to said Company :o construct
ing a first-class Western Rail Road upon
the following term., to-wit.
Two thousand five hundred dollars
per mile shall be by said Tru-tees deliv
ered to said company when they shall
have located, g tailed and bridged the
line of their road bed fn tu said Trunk
Rail R01 1 to sai 1 B. oc M. Rail Road in
Nebraska at or near Gieenwood and the
saie shall be certified to sai 1 Trustees
under oath by the chief cngiu tr of said
Provided, however, that said Trustees
upon the completion of ten consecutive
miles of grading and bridging may de
l.ver a portion of -aid Bonds not exceed
ing the sum of Two Thousand Five Hun
died Dollars per mile for the
Grading and. Bridging so com
pleted in Cass County and tha rt
tuaiiiing Two Tliou-nud hive Hundred
Dollar per mile of said Bonds shall be
due and deliver d bj' said Tiustees to
said Rail Road Company when tl.e ties
and iron h ive been laid and the Road
folly completed from said Trunk line to
said B & M. R R in Nebraska, at or
near said town of Gic mi wood and ready
for operating the same. And it is here
by provided that ail nr. lured interest
coupons of said Bonds before they are
due and delivered to the company con
structing said Rail Road shall revert to
the Cout:ty of C tss and be detached by
s id Trustees before the deii ery of said
Bonds and any of said Bonds not due
and delivered to sui.l company under the
r ruis id' this p.-opost'i 01 on the 3lt
d ty f Dc-mber. 1S70, shyil jn btc
mijmct rev-Mr to Ct-s C'ltmry.
A:.d sh.-u" il,e e be l. vi. d 1.. t -y :i
addition to 'lie 11-111I f ixes a lax .10 b
fixible property Of Cass County, sulfi
cicnt to meet and p;iy the L-nerest on
said bonds as it becooi js due. And af
ter ten years shall there be levied annu
ally an ad littonal tax on the taxa le pro
peny of said County sufficient to meet
and pay one-tenth pat t of the principal
of taid bonis and continue from year to
year, until said bonds and interest are
The form in which the question in
said proposition sha I be taken, shall be
by voting them by ballot, upon the vote
of which ballots shall be written or
printed or partly wri'ten or prin-ed the
words, '"For Railroad Bonds and Tax,"
o- "Aeaitist Railroad Bonds and Tax "
And if a majority of the ballots east,
diall have thereon the words, "ForRiil
road Bonds and Tax." then it' shall he
deemed and taken in ftvor of the above
propositions entire, and if a majority of
said ballots east shall have upon them
the words. Agatu-t Railroad Bonds
and Tax, then said propositions shall be
ibemed and taken to fie lost.
The :i!t'ioti of adoption of he above
propositions -hall be submitted to the
electors of C iss Coii'ity, at a special elec
tion to he he. for that purpose, on the
2Sth dav of December, A. D IS72, and
a special election fir that purpo-e is
hereby ordered to be held at said time
and at the usual places of holditnr elec
tions in the several Precincts of Ca-s
Count v, Nebraska. Said election will
be op.Mi-d at S o'clock A. M.. ofthe 28fh
Uiiy of December. . I) 1S72. nod will
rem lin orMi until C) o't-lock p M of -aid
day. And sa-d elec ion will he conduct
ed in the iii iioi. r preseribt tl bv law Ibr
genera' d.cibris. If these boils are
tb't-1 in d c in ied und-r this prono-iiion.
then the bonds herefofor voted to the
s-ii l Sr. L-uis au I ht -k i Trunk
Railroad by tle -cv ral precincts in said
('as County, shall be tl emcd null and
By or ler of the Board of County Com
missioners. Atte-o: J. VALLERY, Jr ,
D. W MeKlxxoN, President.
Clerk. 34wft
ti.wfr '"hy-i'M in 1ffi!e in Merifp.' Cluck.
Oie-f the-n w:ll be f i theie tl y and
night, whn uot niy on pretTea-i . buiinef j.
nLLL:ouri:i ax sight.
dl3n - r8H.v
Sheriffs 6aie
JVOTICE is hereby given that by vir-
i" tue of an Order-of Salu issued out
of the District Court for Cass County,
Nebraska, and to n.e directed, I will on
Monday the 2.ith day td' Noveiub.r, A.
D., 1872, at eleven o'clock A. M., 'of said
... .1... ...1. 1 .1 ....
ttay, mi me f. Mi ill iront OOor til the
Court House in the city of Platrsmouth,
in said County of Cass, sell at public auc
tion, the following real estate, to wir,;
Lot No. nin- (9), in block No. wo!2).
an! lot No. eleven (II), in block No.
thirty-four (34), and lot No. seven (7),
in block No forty-four (14;, !1 in the
City of I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Ne-
braska and as designated upon the pub
lished and recorded plat of said city.
Sold to satisfy decree ot foreclosure
rendered ci the adjourne I Sepf term A.
D. lisil ot the said District Court, in
favor of F. F. Perry and against E. B.
.Murphy et. al.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of October, A. D.. 1872.
J. W. Jonxsox,
Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb.
Maxwell & Chapman, ,
50w-5t Pl'tfTs Att'ys.
"OERSONAL. Tickxor & Co , the
A celebrated Clothiers, announce the in
troduction of a plan of ordering
cHithing by letter, to which they
call your special attention. They
will, on application, send you their
improved and accurate rules lor
Self-Measurement. Illustrated circu
lar and Price list, with a full line of
samples from their immense stock
of Cloths, Cassimeres, &c, &e., thus
enabling parties in any part of the
country to order clothing direct from
their jiou-e, with (he certainty of
receiving garments of the very latest
style and most perfect tit attainable.
Goods ordered will be sent by ex
press" to bo paid for on deliverj-,
with the understanding that if not
satisf-ctory, they can be returned at
Ticknor s expense. As is well
known throughout the South and
West, they have for 17 years Ex
CELLED in all departments of their
business, which is a guarantee as to
the character of the goods they will
feno out
Your orders are Fclicted. and
when in St. Louis, you are invited
to call at the extensive establishment
of Ticknor & Co., manufacturers
and retailers of men and boys Cloth
ing andl'ima-diing Goods, 603 and
North Fourth Street, St. Louis,
Mo. Bays clothing a specially.
2Sw 9t
Prospectus fcr 1873.
Year. -Sixth
An lllnti-ntt Monthly Jotirna
l'tilersrlly nrimllttMl lobe I lie
llMiiilsouirail Feriiinlritl In
tile IVorltl. a itrpro
kpnlKlltf anil tin in.
plen n( Amrrlraa
I' n 1 1 e .
for Sale in Book
1'cws Stores.
THE ALDIXK. wbilo i-saed with all tho
regularity, h is none of tan temporary or tim'lg
iu':erct characteriitia cf or ii nary perio li.ali.
It ii -in elesi t wiscelUr.y of pure. Ii . lit t.nd
raoeful lit. rature ; and h colloction of idjturcs,
the rarest spcoimtais of artistic ekii I. iu bluck
ana while. Allhouiih each puoeeding ouuibor
atfords a lresh I Iea.-uie to its f.-.encl.s. Me real
value and becuiy cf THK ALD1.NK will Le
most arprec.atcd after it ha teen boaud up at
the close ot the year.
.Notw-i hstsnJins the increase ia the pi ice of
eab-cription last Fall, whon TilK ALDlisK us
sunied iedprescut noble propor ions and repre
euia ive character, thj eJition uat more ikar
doublet during ibe pant yeur; proving than tie
American pubiic appreciate, aud wol tuport,
a tin .ere erJoi t in tho cu e of Art.
Tue publishers me KuthumeU to anaoaoce
tie.-iitns fioiu iniioy o. the most emiseot ait.iu
of Aiucricu..
In :eliiiioa, ALPINK will reprouuee
ex:nri j'les o. llio bit; lureign nin-teri, teUcieii
w.tii vie. to ihn hif'nel arlid.ic t-uoci.-s,
KiCAlem gcjcral ii.tcioet; av iding tuth a
bavn becoiue laiuiliar, through p-.oVgrups, or
0'...'ics ot any Km !.
'Ihe (ijarterly tiutoi plate?, for 2a73, will
reproduce four of Jtdiu &. Uavi' iniuiitablo
utiii.l sketches, uppropr.ute to the luur ?eusoo.
'Xuc.'v plaic-t, uppeai iiig iu the isf ue tor J an li
ar , .'.piil, Juii uud' ectouo.', uouol bo idue
H uriu luo ui a yca.'s s jsi .i.ti.iu.
A-Ltc p. p-oa. .c.u.o i .uif.'j..y itlLUftia-
tvd "t.Ui .MuJ.-s" UuUO.r Wi.l L-t: C 1'U .Ui.U.
ao postis ucu a vaiUabie ep.'ou.c ui the rt
we-rid .tt a so tiii!ing, will coLuiuaui the
fulst rip.iuiis ot tbousuuag iu every sccii -i of
the cuuu ry ; but, aj tuo uel'a nesi uud altiuc
oi Till' ALUliNi; can be euhaucud. iu prcpor
portiou to the numerical i urease of its support
ers, ibe pablit-hers propustt to make "a&euiauce
duii'oly sure," by the following uoprtillelled
oiler of
5iLU ibr 173.
Everv subscriber to THE ALEISE. who
pays i i itdvaace fiir the year 1S."3. wili r. eeive.
without a! charge, a pair otbeauiitul
oil chromur, alter J. J. li ll. he emi. eoi tu
glUU pj inter. Tue pictures, en.itleJ S" ibe Vil
lage llelle." uud "Cros ni tUe .Moor." are 14x
2U iaehes are printrd fro u '25 uitlereat pUi.e,
requiting '26 loipieseious and tiuU to per. eel
each picture. 1 he mo chromos are eo.d for
.10 per pair ia tho ai t As it U the tle
te minaiiou of it a conductors to keep TUE
A L ol. E oat ol'the reach oi:oisiiot,itiou io ev
ery ttppartiueat. the chn-mos wi!l ti- P.nn l
eurrc.-pouatu ly libctd ot t.ny th-tt ein be -9erj
id by ulh zt pei iudicalf. Kvery fuborioer wil
rcecicea crtifioalc. ovr tje f ixiintu: e cf the
p blihar., Ci.oaMo.ino that the chr'u.os
deiivercl si all be e-iual to the samples fur
nished the ngeat. or the money will be refund
ed. For illuc tratiohs of these chromo. see No
vember issue of TU K ALDIX E.
The v-iterary Department
W" ill contlBuo uii.Ii.m 'he care of Mr. KICII
Alii) IIKM'.Y !SUUli.VKl). ft?siMc.l y tie
be-t writuia anJ poets of tho day. wh will
rive to have tbe liUrsture of THK ALDIXK
ula? in kit-pet ttith i;-i Hriitio at ra-tiuu.
S3 Prr iliiniiiii, Itt ! n tiro. i t tl O i I
4 lrtttti ren,
TlIK ALIdN'i: wid. hcroa'tcr, be obtainable by cu on. 1 o w id bo ru rt'luo.
edcrc.un rate: cash for m-jscrip; ion tnu-t bo
to tbo pub'ishe:s .iir-fct. tir h icle I to tlf ovl
UCDt icilkout eriou'iilitg . the t)uliirk:r'
except in e tes where the cert ficate is fciven,
bearing the-ot.e siguaturo of J ass cr
ton A- Co.
Any person, ni-shiog to act p rtnanciitly as a
local aent. will reeeire lull aud prompt iofor
UHlion by app'ying to
I JAJIi;.it'5 ro d t't . tnbllAtira.
M M-.idca. Leuo, Xew York.
Herald Ojji c c
! -Hi
i m i r