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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1872)
L-ia.i'm.iJimimMmmn TEE HERALD. ril TI T IT T 4 I I 1 II JLi .11 l!i I, 1 r MM A ME Published ever? Thursday at PLATTSHOTJTH, NEBRASKA. ADVERTISING RATES. . One ftquare, (10 lines or lesn) or.e Ineerlioi f Each cnLjiqiioot insertion ... Frofffrnional orJi), not t xceediiitf nix lint CfBee Corner nalnnad Kond Street Nfcoid Hfry. J- column i.or atinum : .'-i column, per annum column do ...... OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. One eoluain do . l .i'i.Dti All arlvertixhiff bill due quarterly. Transient advertisement luaet Oe ssid it: ad vance. J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS ; $2.00 & Year t V" i 1 1 i i i Terms, in Advanc. 0a ouY. ne year.. .......S2-0. One copy, nix moutha 1:00. One opy, three month Kn- ATTORNEYS MARQUET T. SMITH k STARBIRD At torneys at Law. Practice ia all the eourti of the State. Specix! attention given to collec- ti'.n ana matters oll'robate Oliice over the Post Office. Plattsmouth. Ueh IOX WHEELER-Attorncys at Law. Spe .cial nttentioi. given to probate busines and land title enses. Office id the Masoni JSlocK, aiam btreet. Flattsroottth. Nebraska HI P.. REESE. Attorn-v at Law-Offie on Main strce. over Chapman's Drug Ptore. SpecUl attention given to collection ot clHinj. T R.LIVI.VUST0N. Physician and Sur JlV ceon, tenders hie professional eerviee to tne citizen ol tas county. KeHidenceeoutheast eonierof Oak andSixth streets: office on Ma:n street, one door west oi Lyman Lumber Yard YJattrinioutb. reb. "I V. RAWLINS. Bursreon and Physician ' tiate a turgeon-in-ltiit ot toe Army o the Potcicac. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Otfi, at O. F. Johnson's Drug Store Main utreet INSURANCE. -117 HEELER k BENN ETT Real R'tate and Thi Paying Ajrents, N.iti.'ris P-JS Ue.Fire, and Life Insurance Agents, PJftt mouth. Neb rum. te 4tf T)HELP5 PAINE General Insurance Aeent Kepre"ntfi some of the moat reliable Com pai ies in ihe United State. Office with Barnes k Pollock in Fitzgeralds lock ban.diwtr HOTELS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZGERALD Proprietor Main Street, Between 5th and Cth St. MISCELLANEOUS. AGESTS WAITED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The beit book? published on the Horsr and the Cow. Lioeril teriui. Money n-ade rapid ly by Agents selling these books. Bend lor circulars PORTER k C0ATE3. Publishers. Philadelphia. Pa. Sinc Aft Gallery. g Photograph. Ambrotyphs and copie from eld picture, plain or colored, either in ink. water or oil. All work neatly executed and warranted to give satisfaction, V. V. LKUNAKD Artist. ldtf Main St.. Plattsmouth. PHILADELPHIA STOSE. SOLOMON & NATHAN, DEALER 15 Fancv Dry Goods, Motions, Ladies' Furnishing- Goods, Largest, Cheapest, aud Best Aa-sartoJ Stock in the City. fig-Store on Main, between 4th and 5tb t-treets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. die wlCJ&wtf LEEl' iilLLLTTE NtLrasJea City, Gencrtl Ajent Dep't Northwest, Union Central Life Of Cincinnati Ohio. J. H. PRESSOR. jalylodJtwtf Lel A test 2"JEW KTYJL.JES. TMERCHANT TAILOR If in receipt of the fines and BEST ASSORTMENT Of Casimeref, Cloths. Vesting?, ever brought to the city, which I will make up in tho Latest styles, rieasa call and examine." Plattsmouth, Apnl IS, 1872. dlSdiwif. To Aivkrttsk?.3 All persons who contern rUte niakire oontracts with nevf.paper.for the insertion of Advertisements dboul d send to -eo. owel! for a Cirnlar, or inelose25 cent for th'-ir One hnndrod Page Pamphlet, con'aintng Lists of 3.0) Newspapers and estin'nte., showing the cost of advertising, also uiany useful hints to ad vertiser, and some account of the experiences of men who are known as successful advertis ers. This firia are proprietors ot the American Ketrspaper Advertising Agency. ark ow and are possessed of aneqnalcd facilities for securing the insertion of advertisements ia ail Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest ratfeS. gtL. Jos. Sch later. iw . K8TABLIBHBD IS 1S01. DEALEIt IN WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE. OLD PENS Sl'CTACLES. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. VTatcho. Clock s and Jewelry repaired neatly nd with dispatch. .Removed to opposite Platte Valley House Miaa Street. nov. 10 w t ROCK! STONE! 1 will furnish parties with stone for all building purposes at a reasonable price, at my quarries cr delivered on the can at Louis ville station. The following kind of stone can be had on short notice; sills, caps, perch rock tne or rod sand stone such at was used by the P. k M. R. R. in the construction of their stone work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. X. A. HOOVER. LcoJvaCa.9tt ftrn. pl FARMERS Volume 8. MACKI.N E iHOP! W ainnaii 6c (hirtis. .Platt&nson!, IVeb., Repairer of Steam Engines. Boilers. Saw and j Un Allllg. (iaa and Steara Fiuimrs, Wrought Iron Pipe roree ana nit fuioF". Meain ttacges. alan aive uovernore, and all kind of Brass Engine Fittiir s, furnithed on short EOti. FARMING MACHINERY &epai'4 ots .iiort notioe. ang THE OLD Heavy Stock of Goods on Hand. iVo Bent a&il So nterrt on Jlorrotced eopUal o te Mad UJr t Jititr OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY , North side Main between Second and Third sts. Takes pleasure in announcing to Fanner and Mechanics. That he has as large and well selected stock of lry tioods. Orrocenes, Frovisions. as were ever brought to ta city of Plattsmouth. 4" It will ccst yon nothinc to lok at them whether yu buy or not. by examining the prices at the "OoJ ZcKLIAJlLE" you will be able to tell when other parties try to swindle you. Zbwlt Honc Saved Buying Your Green-house and Bedding Plants. TVON'T send East for Plants when yon can iJ get just a. good fr less money nearer home, io my nuiterous triends ana patrons I would Fay that I have too largest and best stock of plants ever oifered fur sale in tde west and proposp to sell them at reasonable prices. lis sure uw send lor my New Descriptive Catalogue. which will be sent free to all who mlv for it- Then give me your orders, and I feel confident 1 can satisry yoa. Address. W. J. HESSER. Feb. 13 diw Plattsmouth. Nob. DOANE COLLEGE, ThePreparatory Department, Rev. X. 15 ?e?r (Kecently of Yalo College.) riUXCIPAL will open September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rates. Apply to CIIAS. LITTLE, Chairman of Trustees, Crete Nek n20-w.'5m FARMER'S EXCHANGE. S. 3-. Hoove?. LOUISVILLE, o NEB. I Keeps constantly on hand all staplo articles SUCH its Cofl'ee Bigar, Tobaoco, Molas?es, Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, &c, In fact every thing usually kept In a Vaii ty Store, which will ! sold on small profits for Cash. All kinds of Produce taken in exchnage for good and Highest Market Price given in cash. 19-w for Grain. NEWSTORE Weeping Water, Nebraska, CXsIftlSE & CO euoofssaas ro H0RT0X k JENKS. DIALES8 IK Senaral Merchandise, BITCH AS DRY GOODS. (JROCEIEP. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. HATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. t We are Agents for Willcox & Gibha Sewinq Machine Abstracts of Title THE NUMERICAL SYSTEM. Tho best -a use. For descriptive circulars, aridresa. , A.CKES, BLACK MAR k CO i Xtarlicgtm. low. . Tie Tfc'ans of Tie Child. W heard no voice within the room. Nor saw a stranger's face ; And yot a trembling and a gloom Crept over us apace. As on his mother's breast reclined Nestling hi flaxen head His little hands in hcr's entwined In quick surprise he said ; "Say. mother what is that I see ? " He pointed to the dim ; Sure something in the vacancy Was beckoning to him. Between the goin& ont of night And coming iu ol day, II is spirit like a meteor light, "stole suddenlv nw.iv. JfacKellar. Dr. Brooke has retired from his edito- rial labors on the Democrat and the Demorat has ceased to exist. Co!. A. P. Henry, an artist of some note, and brother Mrs. C. E. VanPelt, of Lincoln, died at Paris, Kentucky, on the 7th inst. Nearly all our exchanges notice the fact that Cass county is going to try for Railroad Bonds again, and wish us luck. The Trunk railroad scheme scemd to be popular in the State. There will be a two-thirds Ridical majority m tho next Congress. An ex change remarks that if we have a vestiae of the old constitution left at the end of the term it will have to bo attributed to a providential interposition, states man. This means two-thirds RepuhUcnn, and as regards a vestige of the Coneiti- ution, and the Statesman recollect how much of the original constitution would have been left "at the end of the last Democratic Administration, but for the endeavors of the men now called Re PUBLICANS. The Omaha Herald editor has a habit of "sliding out" when an unpleasint crisis overtakes his affairs. His absence from Umaha when the election news came in is the latest instance of this propensity. He should stay at home and face the music. Beatrice Express, The Nest Legislature. SENATORS. W. D. Scott, Rulo, Richardson coun ty. Geo. D. Shook, lliilsdale, Nemaha county. A. Bowen, Nebraska City, Otoe coun ty. iu. W.liarnum, factory vjlle, Cass county. Orsoa Wilson, Omaha, Douglas coun ty. W. A. Gwyer, Omaha, Douglas coun ty L. W. OsDorn, Blair, Washington county. J. C. Crawford, est Point, Cuming county. S. W. Hayes, Fremont, Dodge county. Guy C. Baruum, North Platte, Lin coln county. Job A. Dillon, iecumseh, Johnson county. b. 1. Pound, .Lincoln, Lancaster county. N. Iv. Griggs, Beatrice, Gage county. Those in Roman type. Republicans : in italics, Democrats. REPRESENTATIVES. E. S. Towle, Falls City, Richardson county. C. o. Metz, Arago, Richardson county. li. llolcomb, iuiddlebury, Kichardson county. Charles Blodcett, Saunders Milb, Kichardson county. Cyrus WLeelcr, Brownvillc, Nemaha county. Paul Schmmke, Nebraska City, Otoe county. J. 11. Misters, Nebraska City, Otoe county. J. IF. Putriclc, Nebraska City, Oroe county. Logan Lnyhart, Nebraska City, Otoe county. J. . Barnes, Plattsmouth, Cas? county. John brown, Greenwood, Cass county. A. H. Babcock, Pawnee City, Pawnee county. L. H. LafliD, xecumseu ; Johnson county. J. L. McDowell, Beatrice, Gage county. Samuel G. Owen, Lincoln, Lancaster county. A. K. W hite, Lincoln, Lancaster county. nliam II. Deck, Ashland, Saunders county. William J. Thorn pson, Milford. Sew- ard counfv O. W X W. Baltzley, Crete, Saline county. Silas Gather, Red Cloud, Webster Si countv J. E. Crammer, Fairmount, Fillmore county. M. H. Sessions, Lincoln, Lancaster county. S F. Burtch, Bllevue, Sarpy county. W. R. Bartlett, Omaha, Douglas county. J. L. Webster, Omaha, Douglas coun ty. C. F. Goodman, Omaha, Douglas county. Martin Dunham, Omaha, Douglas county. Hugh L. Dodge, Elhorn City, Doug las county. E. G. Dudley, Omaha, Douglas coun ty. Henry Sprick, Fontenclle, Washington county. A. Nelson, Tekarua, Burt county. Milton May, Maple Creek, Dodge county. R. F. Stevenson, West Point, Cuming county. R. H. Wilbur, Ponca, Dixon county. A. J. Arnold, Columbus, Platte coun ty. L. JU. Howard, Greene Island, Cedar county. Ed. Parker, Lone Tree, Merrick coun ty. Bruno Tzschuck, Bellevuc, Sarpy countv. IVi'Viam F. Cody, North Platte, Lin coln county. Elected "by the Republicans, 31. Elected by the Democrats, 8. The above is a correct list of the tnen bers of the next legislature with their postoffice address and political complex ion. The Republicans are claiming Virgin ia and. Louisiana. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, I GOVEBJTOS'S PSCCLAilATIOST. State cf Netra:ka. Tiaaisivinej Proclamation. To Him who has during the past year bestowed upon the people or this com monwealth the blessings of peace, pros penty and plenty, it is proner that we as a people, should make , humble and giat'. tul acknowledgment. Therefore, I, William II. James, Act ing Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby appoint THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2Sth, as a day of prayer and thanksuiviuir. and rccoiLmcnd to the people of this :tate that they meet in their usual places of w rship, and invoke continued evidences or Divine favor. Iu testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and ciused to be L. S. affixed the Great Seal of the State. Done at Lincoln, this first day of No vember, A. D. 1872. By the Acting-Governor : tf William II. James. STATE ITZlfS. Wednesday morning a traveler up through the bluffs, near Sioux City, came upon the harrowing spectacle of a dta I man with his team by him, one horse dead and the other crippled and lelpless. lhat they had altogether come down from the dreadful height, at the foot of which they were riled, was evident. Further investigation elicited the facts that his name was Jolio B. Baliinger, and that he made the "fatal ' tl- K ! I in fnv lii-j f O, I I ha ntnr. - n 1 . iiuuAtv.iv'.. Ativ ujuii tat 75 -U H jB. r victim of the greatest murderer Whu', ana no cmeers alter the Covington News. in 15 tno i:.nnr-r IJiiii Iil-oin Cov. A ens, nee a tux Clerk, says he is ri, e applications lor :D' steamer, "Lib it "preparations to tfirefcr. Orhce on rujourt House Ar a the prettiest fj se ever duiic m ,1;' ."nount of mon so iar raitnruuy 'dO.od ii. f. uandy r . . i , or? uepenaeui. ini' Dlft-T5frThursnay, Oct. 2Sth. of bullous lever, Miss Dora White, aged 18 vears. Miss hue came to the county with her parents in the tail of 1861, and -set tied near Uecatur. ohe was a young lady of excellent moral character, es teemed and beloved by all who knew her. She was preparing herself for the po sition of teacher, and also for that of music teacher her active mind and stu dious habits promising a bright futuic. At the time or her death she was re idsne with her brother-in-law, Mr. Stansell, of this place, whose wife, Miss White s Hster, had died so recently. While cneraged iu the labor of love of taking care or her Mster s children, she was stricken with the same disease lhat had taken her tUter away, but the best care and most skillful medical treatment were unavailing. She was interred at Decatur, a large concourse of sorrowing friends and ac quaintances following her remains to their last resting place. Hart Co 1 dot. 'Ligkts and Shadows of New York Life; or, the Sights and Sensations of the Groat City." A work descrip tive of New York City in all its var ious phases. Its Splendors and Wretchedness ; Its High aud low Life ; Its Marble Palaces and Dark Dens; Its Attractions and Dangers; Its Rings and Frauds; Its Leading Men and Politicians; Its Adventur ers; Its Mysteries and Crimes. By James D. McCahe, Jr. The National Publishing Co., of St Louis, have just issued one of the most cmarkable aud attractive books of the day, bearing tho above title. It is com prised in on3 large octavo volume of 850 pages, and illustrated with nearly 200 fine engravings of noted places, life and scenes in New York. To Mr. McCabe is due the credit of laving produced the most complete and graphic account of the great city, and its busy and varied life that it has been our fortune to meet with. His book is brimtull of solid and useful information, and abounds in descriptions of the var ious pub'.is buildings ol New York, its palaces, prisons, hotels, churches, stores, hospitals, etc. The work sets forth in glowing colors the noble work for suffering humanity, which is going on every day in the great city, and reveals with a bold hand the terrible crimes ; the dark, mysteries, and tho hidden ins of metropolitan life. We are introduced into- the home of the .... Fifth Avenue millionaire, and carried with equal interest to the squallid cellar of the Five Pointa beggar. We are brought faco to face with the good and the bad, high and the low, with leading merchants, bankers, editors, and actors, with bummers, thieves, detectives, and murdereis, with working women, ballet girls, adventuresses, and a host cf oth ers, and we seem to be listening to bheir tnries from their own lips, so tnorougn- v do.. the author enchain our interest. Our warmest enthusiasm and our deep- t intern vt are alternately arousca uy the thrilling recitals of their deeds of virtue and vice. The history and irauas of the famous Tammany Ring aro rela ted with great force and candor, and this portion alone is worth the price oj the book. , . voa . e. "1 ill e33 f I has uw i tion o A 1 J 1 Iahoxt the book is No irK Thursday, November 21, 1872. minaturc. The author has penetrated underthe protection of the police, into tne darkest and most dangerous haunts of crime in the city, and has thus been cnabW to obtain accurate information, on trie topics whercor he treats. Visit ors to New York, cannot hope to see or know as much of the city as they may learn by a perusal of this book. To &l who contemplate 'visiting the great Me iropous, we cordially recommend it. both for its information and for its no erful warnings against the dangers of the city. Those who cannot sec New York l 1 -lit uiemseives wi.i De in a great measure repaid for that privation by reading this work. It is published in both English and German ; sold by subscription only, ai.d the publishers want agents io every county. 77IS3 AND" OTSZSWISE. A man of letters the postmaster. Painter's epita- h : " He died nn.l made no sign." Chicago now claims a permanent non- ulation of 350,000. "Prayer and Pills" is the title of rn of Holland's editorials. A Burlington, Iowa, book firm adver tises Bibles "superior to any other." It may seem paradoxical, but Mr. Smock, of Louisville, is a verv shiftless fellow. Rev. Holland thinks dove-colored ataloons and shiny boots are emissaries of the devil. The Pittshunr naners still din fram the Chicago Twie.. and are losinir sub scribers by suicide. "To what las uses do we come at at. A Pine street clrl now wears n Jret'Iey banner as a bustle. The portrait of Mark Twain, in tho London Graphic, looks like the repre sentative door-keeper of a minstrel show. It is said Vinnio Ream, the sculptress. will bust Henry Ward Beecher. Wood hull tried it, and has come to grief. Theodore Tilton is buving un and sun pressing all the copies of his biograph of xurs oounun wnicn ue can naa. The pasting of bills upon lamp-posts and trees has been prohibited in New X orfc. Col. Daniels, editor of the Richmond State Journal, is now m possession of the old Mason farm adjoining Mt ernon. He calls it "lona" in lienor of his wife. In England it is considered a penal off- ense ior one to jump from a moving tram and break hss neck. Tho wheat crop of thi ? State this year is lorty per ceii t greater than it was last Josh Billings says : "Eisht won't go i'jto eix and have anything: left over. Many a young fellow has found this out by trying to get a number six boot on. The Orecron Leci'ature has indefinite ly postpoued a proposition to establish iemaltf suhrage iu the State A woman of notoriety in Rutherford- ton, N. C, has been fined by the Mayor for the dredfni offense of calling the Marshal "Old Pewter Buttons." Rev. Dr. Storrs savs that Ileurv Ward Beecher has " wasted voice enough to make two thunder storms " by talking so very loud. The Plattsmouth Watchman was a Greeley paper before the election. It now hoists the name of Grant for its candidate in 1876. Ex. feci: ECST01T. The entire burnt district is over sixty five acres, embracing the best bu?in;ss part of the citj. Upward of f-cven hundred buildings are in ashes. But little definite information has been re ceived concerning the loss of life ; many were killed in attempting to save their goods ; the falling walls and limbers crushed to dc:itn large numbers whose bodies will never be recovered ; the po- ice stations aro crowded with anxious iQquirers, lor. missing mends and rela tives, The fire has placed the business of the city completely at a stand still. Everything is neglected. The gener ous offers of assistance volunteered by other cities and throughout the country have created a deep feeling of gratitude. AH-WAB-A-17EE-SHEZ-A ? William M. Bamberge, the General Agent of J. M. Pattee, Esq., writes the Herald as follows : "Pub. Herald: The enclosed ads of Messrs. Pattee & Co. do not appear in your paper, as per agreement, aud why don't you and where is Respectfully, "W. M. Bamberge, "Agent." Those blanks need nat he filled up just now, and Mr. General Agent Bam berge, how long have you run a paper, and don't you know how it is 3'0U3self, and what'd you have such a name for f Here goes, then, to rectify all mis- takkes, and we halloo, to our foreman, over the wooden partition, "Say, Sher man, what's the matter with Pattee's ads?" The press is running, and the boys are 'chaffing' each other, so in something ess than half an hour, comes back, sail ing through the upper air of the room, he cry, "What 'ads you mean ? "WThy those Pattee 'ads,' the one - Bam berge sent down, you know." (Long space of time, and foreman is supposed to be hunting round), then "Ain't no dam-berger 'ads' in here, can t find them." This time we open the door "Of course you can't in. those forms, that's just what Mr. D no, B-aniberge says be can't do, either. What'd you set them out for ? Fore man fumbling around on the stone be hind him, where 'dead matter' sets, and so on very innocently un i you mean that Orphan Asylum 'ad,' do you?" "Yes, I do mean that, why is it not in the paper ?" 4 Well, you see we had Col. Note- ware s 1 remium Liet, and two funerals, ana tnree accidents, and the ceiling down on Stiles' case that day, and the Devil was sick, and they got sot oat ; and Bill eaid he'd put them btck next day, and next day my baby got the whooping cough, and I wasn't here, and so you eee they got forgot, and "Yes ; hold on, put them in now, . K. and I 11 write Mr. Bamberge. jv. ana i 11 write Air. iiacuDerge. William, air yoa answered now, shall we write you a perlite note saying, "An unavoidable oversight, &c, &c." Geo. P. Rowell, Sheffield Stone, S. M. Pcttingill & Co , -et al, please take notice of the above facts and govern " yourselves accordingly Don't come down on on a poor editor so sav agely, when S. T. 1360 X., or Lyons' Kathairon, or some other 'ad' does not appear semi-occasionally. SOOT TS CHICA30. Tte Furaj Siis of tie Horse Tisesse. l'roui the Chicago Tribune, November 6. It is related of one horse at a livery stable on est Jackson street, that while suffering from pleuro-pneumonia. iie became delirious, and acted in the wildest and most unexpected manner. At oue time, laboring under the hallu cination that he belonged to a circus, he sat down and pawed the air with his ore feet. On another occasion he at tempted to scale his crib, wearing mean while an air of speculation in his eyes that was more than equine. Un several occasions he oeeauie wild and iurious, i ii is. but alter a paroxysm ot delirious pas ion t no poor beast would collapse into a condition cf tho utmost prostration. ia is better now, however, being among he convalescent It is to be hoped that he will forget the antics which he prac icd without being taught, for it would be a proceeding the reverse of desirable for the driver of a" light buggy should his horse suddenly sit down and paw the air, or dreamily attempt to climb over tne rroiu gate anu late utsuriver, uuggy and all, into the front parlor THE OX BUSINESS. The attempts to substitute oxen for horses frequently result in ludicrous mis haps. The principal difficulty seems to be, how to hitch up the critters. It should be borne in mind that competent ox drivers are not to be picked up on every street corner iu Chicago, uvd therefore there is much uncertainty as to the proper manner of addressing au ox in order to affect his movements, as welt as with reference to the correct mode of hooking him to the wagon. He ought to pull in harness, like a horse, but he wou't. He insists upon a huge hickory contrivance known as a yoke, and desires to be attached to the wagon in the sim- piest manner cousin- uu iuc i 1 . J.1. l,, A progression. A party oi ciers on c mo avenue yesterday afternoon experienced considerable difficulty iu making the thing work. They first attached tuo ropes from the yoke to the whifHetrees, only to encounter the most uncompro ruisinz objections from the oxen, whose feelings found vent ia kicks slow but dis agreeable. In the midst of their quan dary came a timely suggestion from a lobker-on who was evidently well up in the ox-gear. From him they learned that nothing but a chain of suitable lecath was necessary, aud, when this bad been procure !, they went on their way rejoicing, at the rate of two miles per hour. The streets were saved from utter de struction yesterday by a few vehicles drawn by hardy men, some apparent ly well-dressed persons, who displayed on their backs and behind them the ad vertisement of some weil-known clothing establishment. But there were more oxen on the streets yesterday than hu man beasts of burden or horses. A large number of ox teams could be seen in different parts of the city. Every large business house in Chicago has four or nve yoke ot oxen at wort now ctoing the heavy teaming. Messrs. Field & Leiter had several yoke ot these uselul and powerful beasts in their employ be fore the disease showed itself In the city, and have now several at work. On Mon day, when they were first impressed into active service, they were overloaded by the bovs. who seemed to think the ox some near relation of the elephant. Even this load the patient brutes drew sii-fs-.fiil!v. but thev wilted a little, and their capacity was recognized afterwards . . t.- i...., ,.. ni;,;i.i aS UClilK II'JV a ilKJZ V l 1 uu.iiuivv., - I 1 . Uxen are now being lmporiea at a rapid rate. The demand is not yet sup plied, and good animals meet with ready sale. A countryman stood hve yoke by the Chamber ol Commerce yesterday, mortiinff. and in one hour walked away with $1250 in his pocket, leaving the oxen to the mercies aud abuses of their new owners. There were ox markets all through the business portion of the city, ml !miit them cathered merchants, T-rtrJvprs !id curiosity Mcfcers. J he average prices were from 150 to Mrihanta cenerallv buvitm thir oxen. but some are hiring at $10 a day with driver. . . Hamlin. Hale & Co. are using nve yoke of oxen and find them to give am ple satuiaction. lne norses are not uu ing worked at all at present. Eaanai. oa tte Kail. TUoi-n ; n station on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad, called lannab, in honor ot a cteeeasea ciuzeu r.f Vnrt . Warns. A tram stopped there the other day, and the brakesman, after the manner of his class, thrust his head inside the door and called out "Han dah, loud and long. A young lady, probably endowed with the appellation of Hannah, supposing he was addressing her, and shocked at his familiarity on so short an acquaintance, frowned like a thunder cloud, and retorted, "Shut your mouth 1" He shut it. An English lady was recently forced to pay $20 as damages for having given a "good character" to a servant whom she knew did not doserve it. This off euce, which is the opposite of slander, is thus made by an English court to rank with the latter. There are 50,000 young men employed as commercial travelers in the United States. Mrs. O'Leary's cow is out on a But ler county farm, and the Bee thinks this accounts for okz, prairie fires. Number 34. Ne'brasia Life. A citizen of Nebraska thus posts an tell eastern correspondent, who had written depreeatingly of the State, and finally, spared a variety ot questions as follows : "What kind of a country do you live iu?" Mixed and extensive ; it is made up of land and wat r, principally. "What kind of weather?" Long spefls of weather are frequent: our sunshine all ??mcs on principally during the day- hnB. nt-" a a..A r ,. ' 1 wovr fr0t?" or tf red about, and generally ot in paila J and whiskey. "Is it hard ?" Rather I . I when 'ou have wad n 1 knee Sc W? M , Ionio. anti-Boloric, logs, and slabs. The buildings are chiefly outdoors and eo J0 T between joints that the chimneys all stick out ot the roofs. "What kind of society?" Good, bad, indifferent and mixed. "Any aristocracy ?" Nary a one w hat do your people do for a living?" Some work, some lav around. one's a shrewd business manacer. and several drink whisky. "Is it cheap liv ing there?" Only five cents a drink, and water thrown in. "Musical taste ?" Buzz and buck saws in tho day time, wolves howliug and cat-fighting at night. "Any pianos there ?" No, but we have several cowbells and tin pan in every family. "What oould a centeel famllv in inoderat circumstances do for a liv ing: ork, shave notes, fish, hunt, steal or if pinched, buy aud sell town Work, shave notes, fish, hunt, I Property I0AK1TS LADIES. A Woaaa's Hit at Woman's AaMtlon and roily. LCorrespondence of the Cincinnati Coin The woman who lives iu two little back rooms up-stairs, apes aud euvies the woman who has a whole house to herself. j The woman who has a small house apes and envies the womau with a large house, and the womau with a large house is in a steady fever of fear and fret ting Jest she be not recognized and visited by the woman who has a stone front house and a circus chariot with a clown dressed up i in uuiions. no matter now iiigu up a woman climbs upon the social ladder. there is ulways still some higher height which she can t scale, some other women over her aead who looks down upon her, and gives ber days and nichtsof jealousy and heartache. Not a blessed woman of them uli is happy and coiitcot in the soil wherein fate has planted her, but must needs spend her best time and strength iu frantic efforts to pull herself by the roots and transplant herself somewhere eie. j he snobs who ride iu circus char iots tuiu up their noses at the K;hoolmistiesses who look down from infinite heights upon tho clerks and dress-makers, and the clerks and dress makers in turn pay it off with interest upon tha kitchen girls. Is a iMi Wl LLlAOll VOO ttUJ tltl Ol lllULl U XS . ...u., - ,n ? Nnt , -r An i . honhniura n,I th wash- erwonian both inaniteiy better and higher up than the lady loafers, t! c the Stofe Moores of the Ibminine sex, in short ? Tea, verily. oman are the most absurd creatures, all owing to the silly fancy that it is lady like to be a loafer. Alittle time ago one of my small busy house-keeper friends asked a lady loafer caller what bad become of her sister. "She goes downtown everyday now, says the lady loafer, hesitatingly. Is she at work! quoth the house keeper. Well, ye yes, says the lady loafer, still more hesiatidsily. "Whatdoesshe do?" asked my fiicnd. The lady loafer stammered and backed off painfully two or three times, and finally made a clean breast of it, thusly : She she ehe has charge ot the trimminiis in a dress-making establish ment. She has nothing to do with the dress making. She has charge of the trimmings. It's not a common dress making establishment. It's one of the fashionable dress-makers. She won't make a dress for a poor person." "Oh, glory ! Fan me with a cabbage leaf!" quoth my friend, the email, busy housekeepen The idea of a body's dress-maker set ting herself up to be "highstocracy." The laurels of the lady loafers in the cir cus chariots are quite faded and wither ed after that. And yet, why not a dressmaker? Isn't money made at dress-making quite as aristocratic as money made with pork, whisky, hides, soap, tallow and tobacco? Those are the material foundations upon which our American nobility found their airy cas tles of aristocracy, you know, and I'm sure dress-making is quite as high and honorable as any of them. Frcn Judge Dundy Charge to the V. 5, Grand Jury. Ordinarily I do not think it advisable to note anything said or done during a hoar.-! no itical caovass. liot wnere several of the professed leading news papers of the state make open, positive, and direct chages of bribery and corrup tion in office against some of the federal officials in tlrs state, and the editors thereof profess to stand ready to prove the charges, I propose to give them full and ample opportunity to do so. If the charires are true, the officers so charged are totally unfit to manage the trust confided to them. The sooner the fact can be ascertained, the better it will be for the publ.c. If the charges are false the sooner they are shown to be so. the better it will be for the officers concerned, aud all others who are willing to see justice accorctel to whGia it is due. It is a matter of general notoriety m one section of this state that a promi nent individual thire residing openly slates and declares in public speeches and private conversations that he, act- inc with the knowledgo and under the advice of others, agreed to receive and did receive from others a certain sum of money as a consideration for his working and voting for the nominees of one-of the political parties at the elections just now past- If two or more parties com bined and confederate together, as claim ed in the case referred to, for the pur pose cf inducing another to offer a bribe to an elector to influence his-vote at any election where a member of congress is to be elected, then the persons bo com bining are guilty of a conspiracy to vio late a criminal law of the United States and ought to be indicted and punished accordingly- Extra Copirt of th 11 m AM) for lule by H. J Streight, nt the Post Cffic". and O. . J. Pri son. North side Main Street, between sVc-onit and Third. Latest By Telegraph Bismarck 111. Di soase Anioiijr the JNcv. Horses again. Plinrlo Sum nor Tfofnnw I - . . . v, ..... x. . VWA... ... America. Big Snow Storm. The "Liberal" Party. London, Nov. 14. ' The ale lnt night was excetdintly sevvore on the Prussian coat at i-'t a:., and twelve vessels wtr Mirk in tie har bor. A town was inundatvd, arid at tl.a height of the storm a Crc broke o: t among the warehouses, which spm-1 rapidly and is still burning. rever.'.l I lives arc reported lost, and many per sons were injured. Berlin, Nor. 14. Bismarck is i'l. One of his phynicin5 in this city has gone to Varsein to at tend him. New York, Nov. 14 The Boston Journal $nys: "The t that $100,000 have already been rais.'-l in Chicago for relief of our citiitnn suf fering by fire is 60 marvelous that grati tude is in danger of being confused ly the extraordinary associations it surest . Never was there such a case of bn ;;d being thrown upon tho waters aud re turning after not many days." Bergh says the present condition c f horses is the natural result of en; i treatment during their tiekneiis. A u :' disease has appeared in cuery large ssi ble in the city, and fatal cases have L':;r. numerous. Bobton, Nov. 14. Lieut-Colonel Atherton H. Stevt rr Jr., died at his residence in East Cum -brite to-day. He was the first Union officer who entered Richmond and re ceived its surrender. London, November 15. Charles Sumner left Liverpool yester day for New York, in the eteaaibhi; Baltic. Yokohama, October 23. The completion of the first railroad : Japan from Yeddo to lokohamav- I i .11 .1 11 ceiepratea vy tne emperor and onjr- grand style. New York, November l.' Official returns give Grant 14,557 u jority in New Jersey. Buffalo, November If. The Western Union telegraph op' tor, at Argola, this county, reports ty inches of snow there, and still tu . ing. A train on the Lake Shore r road due here at four o'clock a. m. . not arrive until two I. M. A large number of horses which ; been worked since recovery from 1 epidemic, are suffering from rclaji ; -Numerous deaths from affection. kidneys and dropsy are n pi rted. Columbcs, November 1 A special consultation of Dcuk, ' and Liberal Republicans was held : to day. The latter first met separ1' and resolved in favor of the con. of all elements favoring the lea iirif ; ciples enunciated by the Cincinnati form, pending which time ihe Lioc-r ganization khould be maintained at ; ter the next State Convention the l h . "the Liberal party" be adopted. ; Democratic and Liberal Repuu . State Committees met this aftern and Senator Thurman reported at dress which was adopted. A Hatter of Satisfaction. Not a bad story is told at the t .: of a most distinguished citizen of i'u. delphia. It seems that a dinner r-- was in progress during the recent linat display of northern lights, an i gentleman stepping out to coo! his ; ing brow, was Btailed by the n -about the frosty pole. He fetoo.i p fectly amazed, then turning to the dow ho saw within the wife of his sora sitting with the ladies, waiting . their lord to end their champang.? cigars. Pushing aside the curtain.- beckoned Mrs. Agnes to oome out. She complied, when he said to '. solemly : "Wagnes, d'ycr see anything ext . ery now?" "Yes, Dolly, I we you have drinking too much wine." "No! not that, Wagnea. I ni-?a- tronery phenoiuonums in atmosph' - "Why, where Dolly?" "Upper yonder Wagnos." "Why, dear me? yes, I do in'i -the moat brilliaut aurora that I saw. "Wacnes, are things shootin ! ' "Yes, dear." "And a-flashin', Wagnes?" "Yes, Dolly." "An, a sorter spreadin. and d.i eh, Wagnes?" "AH that, ciy dear, "Ho! ho! ' laughed the has' r much relieved. "Do you knox, nes 1 meaa Hagnes wten I can. and saw th-a celestial phornomcnu glowing upper yonder, blowed t' : didn't think I was drunk !" . TSS niSTOASTCS'CCSffAlTISS. The old JEtna and Phcnix of i ford, we learn, are secure, uoithet ! . more loss than it cau triumphit.f tain, and cich having a largo . left. Elsewhere we publi.-h dispitc ceived from tho PrudtT.ts of the American, of Philadelphia, Phe--Brooklyn, and the Hartford In Company, and the North Brit: Mercantile of Lou Inn, each sh-v- entirely satisfactory condition, r: by tha Bo.lcn disa'st?'.