TEE HERALD. LOCAL-NEVrS Wb are the rceipien: of a nice looking cake from the ladies of the Methodist Festival, for which we return Luany I liuink?. 1 lie festival was a most, ueeiu- t-J success, a large crowd being in attcn- anctt and a pleasant one likewise a re munerative ene, wo understand, and we are glad to congratulate the ladies OH tie success of tljeir endeavor?. Cass county gives 421 Republican ina- ioiitv and Tioton to hear Irora. - That will give 50, probably, making 471 Re publican majority, being a gain of 201 ever the highest majority (Co. Com.) in the October Election. Our neighbor up the street is a pretty cleyer fellow and his efforts at jolity after the battle will be taken good part by the IIerali. We are glad to ecc you so spunky. The new paper, "7 Ac Daihj I'Jili cfn," started at Lincoln, comes to our table this morning- It is a four column folio paper and says it supports Furnas, the Republican rarty, and the right generally. Arthur Carmichael, of Weeping Wa ter, called uuon the Herald in a sub stantial manner. Many thank.. If the "Perhaps" had lent us that sick Rooster when we wanted it one day it might not have had to turn its tail up so ludricously now. We received a very pleasant call from Rev. Mr. Marquette, of Fairbury, and brother of our townsiuau of the same name. - The occasion of his visit here was a sad one, being to attend the fu neral of his brothei -in-law, young Mr. Montgomery, whose 6ad death was no ticed a day or two ago. Wanted. A member, or Clerk of the Territorial Legislature, to make afii- davit that Horace Ureeley was a candi- date for President. Tipton precinct comes in with 55 Grant votes to 8 Greeley, making a Re publican majority of 47. This gives us 4G8 in the county. Its lioslca! ladepenlent. We are glad to welcome back that ex cellent musical periodical, suspended since the Chicago fire. It has been pur chased of Messrs. Lyoa and Healy by Mr. Robert Goldbeck,'' the well known pianist aud teacher, and will be conduct in a reilly independent manner. The present number contains "Will it pay to take a Musical Paper?" "Richard Wag ner's Early Years," (by himself) "Queen IIortene and "J'atant pour la yrie, .IVJltOnaiS On musical Jjauca- tion, rtc. I Here are Hires new Pieces nfAf.:. n'1 l,v ATr OfldWlrr Son-- , j , n "Ihe Cot ; song, "Separation ;" riano ' .... ,, mi - nocturne, Absence. . Ihe musica vJvi rr HI us uaivu'U lu I'll. VJOlU- I becL's pungent and able critical reviews Of new music. Send $2 to Robert Goldbeck, Chicago, III. II5d 33w A little boy named Skinner of Syra cuse, Ind., lately achieved great success in the parts of David and Goliah, both together. He was swinging a sling about his head when it Lit him under the ear, killing him instantly. Connor says the Grain men ofPlatts tuouth are paying seven cents more than they are in Nebraska City. Young Montuomeby, who was bur ied Wednesday, was a very fine lad and the whole town mourns his death. We were not nblc to attend the funeral ow ing to absence on business, but we are informed that the attendance was large. The young man is supposed to have fallen from the train and the cars ran some sixteen miles before his absence was discovered. The train wa3 then backed but he was dead. Tha Han who Sat Up the Star Sraaglei Lander. The printer boy, who, in 1J-14, set up in the Baltimore American the MS. of Francis Scott Key's pcem, "The Star Spangled Banner," still lives, in full vig or, being none other than Samuel Sands, the editor of the American Farmer. The American received the MS. from John S. Skinner, who, after the bom bardment of Fort Mc Henry and the withdrawal of the British fleet, was sent down to them in a flag-of truce boat to negotiate for an exchange of prisoners. Mr. Skinner chanced to meet Mr. Key on the boat and obtained from him a copy of Lis song. It wa3 not for some time after its publication ttat the mod est Key would permit it to be known that he was the author. Mr. Sands has long been known a3 the editor of the Farmer, but the fact of his having "set up" "The Star-Spangled Banner" will be new to many. IF Fi'jaro will "hold his bosses," un--til we can get our breath after building up pyramids, and figuring out majorities, and listening to congratulation.", and just wait till our hand gets well from over squeezing by happy friends the day after election, we'll give him thit "notiss" with pleasure. The United States District Court met at Omaha on Friday last, and Judge Dundy s charge to the jury was a mas terly effort. Sound, patriotic and just, ic is jast such a charge as the people need ti. hear. The way of the transgressor is hard. . Sylvester Franklin Wilson, editor of the 'Peoples Paper, at the instance of lr. J. L. Candy and other men who knew of ome of his tricks, !i3s been arrested and bound over for trial before the IT. S Court at Omaha. Xemaha Valley Jour tiaf. Gentlemen, subscribers, -the first of January is approaching, and we do want to settle up all our old accounts by that time. Try and pay; up the back lists and jv.u will greatly oh:,.-e n. B- murphy,; Manufacturer of HAND DEALER IN Q Karn(kee S-ASf e ArM r-e ciuu., cJw"- 'OOLlHS, WHIPS. . y i o UIilLlK6lb LrilHlCbi OtC kek. je: sk. j ib at r Promptly Exccuted.-All work Warranted- FlNi HARNE33 A SPECIALITY.- Nov. 30. tf IMattsuioutfc Neb BEST IS siie Cheapest. Will be found at bis ol 1 staml on iia.1" P1 wbere he will be pleased loses his tor- uit customers aim menus. II e hiU a large and good assortment of farm mucniaery suck as trie fl'he Marsh harv. ter. a reaper that tw-n ;- 1 can cut and biud tea acres per day . Oq man to drive, act me uiuuur.4 can itofi u the thaue. Milbnrnnnd Studerjbaker Wa?ons, ham lion Reaper & Mowe- Jiassiilon 1 bra ti er, and BufUlo lit thr.-sher, and Ex'-elsior Reaper and Mower ic. F.J. METTEER. Main Street. Platt-mouth. Neb. L. S. Buair, Traveling AjenU Feb. 20 wtf. Mustang Liniment, FOR MAN AMI BEAST Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Horses, and . Domestic Animal?, are always liable to accident, and it is rafe to say, that no d,-iT!-r rton nii, n Kmit! Cf:snn without ,. , r , . i 80me k,nd of an eminent tc,nS .nccCa pan7. It becomes a matter or impor tancc then to secure the best. Ovor three hundred livery stables tn tne city of New York alone are using the Mexican Jlus tang Liniment in all of which it gives unusua satistaction r,IITIX. The eennine is Trapped in fl n Plat enrrnvinii with "(i. H'. VVK ,..- rh,mit." and " Tnite Mark. MhXlCAJy M US TA z (r LtlMtiJk IV engravea across th- f:.c .,t'-.iph wranner. The whole bears the proprietor's private Unted States Revenue Stamp, and not a common stamp as used by druggist?. L.YOX mancfaci vrio u . M Park Place. N. Y Jan. 0th. diw Iw every Srdw Rook Tor the Million ! MARRIAGE!! A private counselor to the - GUIDE.. (Married or thoo a.:ont to mar iiry on the phyaiologistil master ies and revelation ol the sexual system, in l.ntest diesoverios in Droducinsand iireventin; fr. rinw hnw in nrpsrrva th coinDlexion &C. ii mi :. n f (rt-vt " n s Wfirk fti" tWO h till tire J. and twci.ty-tuur pages, w:th numerous engrav I ,!-., TCi, ar married. r contemplate mar riage. Still, it u a book that oasht to be kept nn,ierlock ana Key. ana not laia careicssiy about the house. - I tfent to any one (free ofpoatage) for SO cents. J Address Dr. Emu' DMuensary. No. 12 -s 1 Notice to the Aftlicted and Unfortunate f Before applying to the notorious quacks wh reinedie.", peruse Dr. Butts' work no mutter what your tlesease is or now aeploraolo your condition. . ' Dr. Uutts enn be consulted, personally or hy mail, on the disease? mentioned in his works Ofiiae. I'o. 12 X. Eighth street, between Market aniCheanut. St. Loui-. Mo.- dec2dwlv LOjk to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures colic and pripin? in! P.-ic Whitcomb s the bowe!. and f i;iIiUt '-J SvruD. the i-rocess of tccthiae. ICenfs. MRS. I Sub lues convulsions audi Price Whitcomb s overcomes all diseases inci- Syrup. ,dent to infanta and children. Cents, MRS. I Care Diarrhoea. Dysonto fhitcomb's ry and summcrcomplaint Syrup. Ichildren of all ages. Price 23 Cents It is the treat Infants' and Childrcn'snSooth ins Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teethine or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Louis 310. Sold by druggists and dealers in Me everywhere- de'2J Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, CJrociries, . iliiidware, Queensware, .Coots, and Shoe. iiate, and Caps. Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Weir nd L A It Cultivators. Lcion Lorn flanters Grandetourand Princeton Plows. &c. re ,aiin timttum all of wbicn wtsoner to the public atth owei-t retail prices. All oocls liVarrantecl As ISepr escii ted. " 3Our constant aim will be to ell so low that 5t vill bo to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Casf county to make this their headquarters for trade REED. RR06. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. I "on'( fail to prorure 2Jr. M'in!vi0' Soothing i s i-trup Jot K.hudrcn leellnug. This ralnablo preparation has been used with XKVErt FAILING SUCCESS IN THOU SANDS O b' OA S ES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invicorates trie ptom--li and howels. orrm-ts acidity, and trivrs tone and enersy to the whole system. J.I will aio l MJiiiiiy rciie c Griping ' tht Tioweln and Wind Oilcc. We believe it the bc-t and surest remedy in the worid. in all canes of Dysentery and Diar rhoea in children, wnetner arming troin teetn in t r any other cause. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Infant. Eesure and call for "Mr', Winloie' Sfjvtning Sirup." fLiTinir the fic-sitnile 'of "CURTIS & PER KINS" on the outride wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. 10 HEW LUMBER YARD! Having opened a Lumber Yard at Louisville, 1 will keep all kinds of LU JI l riK. DOO IIS, &c, &c, tc, . And wouM invite all tho?e wishing to purchat ? to give me a call, -o C3 I will alt,v val in 1I kin ef GRAIN, for which I will pay tho highest Market irlce. 73. vVO 1 K S. S, BLOOM Si O O, .1 Jat3 aad 1'aps, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, Main Street- Second ioor.ai c i tae tours. BRANCH liOl E B roadway, tout no 1 muio -F RNISHI.VG GOODS. Xj. IP - JOHK'SOI , the l'latte Va'Jcr IIoue, in Schlater a Jewelry btorn, 4c5Opposit JSaisi Street, llsiitsmuth, NiiniHn ST- LOUIS, DECKER BROS., mrmmh Lff" G. A.MILLKU& CO'S-. PlAEOS. &ttx Jfrst-chss Vhole?alo and Retail Dealer in Striiitrs. Sheet "MU3!CAL IN?TRUMENTS Tuned THES JJISSOUiif VALlE LIFE Insurance Company tio. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH,' KANSAS ALL POLICIES KOK'FORFEITING Di vicieuclN ojj Hie Coutributibiti JPIawV Securing t'ne Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to tha Palicy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COSIP MY : 1st. This is a Western fompany. nianaupd by Western mca. whose known financial charac, ter, ability and poritiofc, atTord ample (iuaranty lcr Us careful and f uoceslul management. 2d. Its Policies arc all XuM-l'orf'riliiiK 3d. Premiums all CA-H. It receiver no noies aii (tim none- Policy holders have no 'n ierest to p:ip. add no oustnn'intr notes as liens upon their polioies. 4th. J t has bo restriction unon travel. 5th. Its dividends are made up"n the contribution p?an. , 6th. Its buiiueiis is exc usively lite insurance. Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its asset at the highest rate of internet can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their mencys at o percent., while tru? mates its investment? at iweivo per cent, or more. The advantage t Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following- startiius figures: The amount of $1.0()0, invested for fifty years at n rer cent, compound interest, is v i.4.io S ..... r.n.Rl V) " " " " H7,:'M).HS 12 " " " 31S.0fH.tH) olichulder thanaay OFFICERS II Ti Mackav, President. 11 M Swan. Vice-President, Dr. J It Wever. Med. ll'to:. Oenrge A Mnrfl, Secretary, J Jonos, Ass't Secretary, II L Ne Annan. Treasurer DI HECTORS. D Fh'ro. Leavenworth. Kan, J F Richards, II It Hammond II Edgertou " Tn.w Carnev. " " II D Mockay, Leavenworth Kan. I) M Swan. W O Coffin, lieo A Moore. U W i rwers. S M Strickler. Junction City tieo L Davij, St. Cnas Robinson, Liawrance, J Merritt, W.Uadley. K Hastings, M K Morgan el. M. COV&Ij Gen. 4gent for IVebrasha and rvorfliern Ckansa: Good Traveling Solictors Wanted. T TTT WHflOTTJTT A r-- , ex.. w . ju ao.on auii xxt i. n t J. II LIVINGSTON, Med Fiamine : j ss -" Conlincnial nilbing, tos. 24, JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. 0 mm Enterprising Economical, JLi&era an ft Number Policies issaed to Jan. 1. 1ST2 Number Policies issued and revived in ASriETTS. Jan. 1, 1S72 Tl,; Cnmnnryrr ia Pnrolv Tlfiilnal ? its nrerations. diviJinits entire surnlas am one its Poli cy holders, annual!-, on th "tfeasriiarfua-Plan." expenso to income, tnan nava ever oeea anainea oy iiiiy oiuer mmjiiiuj m a v-urio.pwuu.iuK period in its history. ,, ,. , , ,. '- . , ,, t. ,r cnfi.'icnt to dischanro n'l liabilities, inclulins re-iasara bob. sit baek all its stock capi' al. and leave as a balance more than Fliis Company Issued XVI ore Polici. 3 iinoixe Gompaxijf in tlic Worl S. Atavor & CO., i m diw f Ocncral Agci.... rov xcbrakn. "5C Wi. DK4LKR3 15 ' ?3r- T3' GOODS, Boots ami noe.s, TRUSKS, VALISES, t t riatismouth. SMITH'S AM'N AND DOSTO N. 0 II O A 3 . 2 iauos ub Organs. Munc and all k nd.i of Musical Merh.indis and llerrtired S'Uinf action Guar ante fd.y. dicoJ&w o;herunoial a 1 vantages aa l in iuceiaeit3; toT'the Q C'llkin. O'.aeril A'ent, W K Harvey. Con. r ctuar. . T A lluri. Attoraoy. IT h Xnv ntn Le 7a vcrth,, W K Chemberlain. " T A Uurd, E 11 Allen, C A I'erry. Weston, Mo, W Veal. Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W RStebbins, " Louis. SIo ll ' tt l 1 't'JH f I f '' 1 7 1 tJi ' 3 CD 2G -28 Hassan Si. ft g J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. ttrc - 1871.. 15.000 12.57 7,303,235,50 and has a larger businoss and a lower ratio of a MILLIO- of earned surplus. )N::S!A'RRi'A6:s from thf romarkahle renic iitv. Books and Ciicula sent free, in f.ite. r,VI'.1.',?A M WAK1 ASSOCIATrONV N. 2 S-MUh Ninh street. Philadeln'.iiP, Vp:t In Ftitu sot havinsrahihre ub.tirr.ljr aotiora l.Ie cor.du'-t and proit-sMonai tsm. t',:ii . . -i - FOil WCMI'"N TO TO- i'!-'if' - Do J5ih1 an.l Muke SIr.ncy h - .'.-' Addrrs. with stamp, 4. . T5n TsS New O. k City. Keep it Before the Public !' THAT FRANK. CAR HUTU, !-Mr.vrr.i!,.u--r Jeweler, is seUiiip v-"--cl. - r Watches, Ciocki u. Jsvcu-y 5) 1 doz MkI. cds $J "rf 1 do-.eu G.;:i)3 tl TO 1 d c l. ptiot"8 I ii 1 cao't c.l phot. (. 00 ' 0 I "f .'h..t - v ; io Li.rg 4 lion ton Odoi caiiiic;.r..3 ow., . - . . . t . , , , ...... Z LKJ ,r,re stuck ff Frtes coil.-taiUly on A hiiiil at prices. Ho. not h KiiPciiilCllS ati't rrieef. , , 1T .,!, 5- Watches. Uotks and Jewelry. n-rall re- r""r;a- l faOOflst Wartaii!Ctl as Eirprescsilct! 27w-8SJtf FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTU NEUKAKA. SCCCSSOR .TO Tnoila. Kar.na Clark. John FiTziKBAi.r, Preaident. John R. Ci.a dk. C'A ier. f!.'TI. Pahmi.e. V7ee i'retideiit T W V'vivj 'Cnxhicr. ti.:. rrV ; ia,o, fi.r hninf. at txeit new room, orncr i.iain asiu oiacu suci., .hu are prepared to transact a coucral Banking Business. Stock.-. Bond.. , ' . ' ' : Gold. Government and Locul Securities Bought and Sold. Deposits Received and Interest allowed On time Crrtifi'-rites. Draft rawn, erailaX-le in any part ol tbe United S;;if and in all the principal lo . rnd Cities uf t-uropo. . ' OR T II K CrKLK fl R a . 1? 1 i O F S T E A Persons ishinir to brinir ou- Europe can purchase tickets1 to Plattsniontb. J. R. CLARK. . ELI PLUMMliT S TORE! o Pave money by paying Cash for your Goods. AT CLARK & FLUMMERY. Dealers is STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Alsi a full stock of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. IiAIS and CAPS. We buy largely for CAsn and sell cheap for the 3io.EV. (tore opposite tho Brooks House), Main street, t3laitsmouiht 24tv-GGd-3m Nth. Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for th. aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women ar es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.. In ail climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dec. S3, diw lyc. Beautiful VomenI HAGAN'S MAGN001A BALM gives to the Ccrr.. plexion the Freshness of Youih. Haqax's magnolia Balm overcomes the fiushod ippearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It xaakes the lady of forty appear I bat twenty, and so natural and ver feet that no person can detect its application. Uy its use tho roughest akin ia made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty.' It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure tha skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashiooablo ladies in New York. London and Paris. It costs only 75 coots per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. ..'". 2fi. diwlrcSd . . . Sent by mail for 10 cts-- E. B. Foote, M. D. 120 Lexington Ave, New York City. K-w 1 ?ru 1T1PPV Tli V.i fi r Ymtr .? ?4en. efte.-ts of Krroru rn Ab'isfli ia early lit'.-. Man a-d restore I., Ii-u e liTuents t .U arrive re .1 n!.n ,,inM wosfnf ne Mu 1 1 lV c t . cvu. uV K -od. an ; cf California, free from nil Alcohellc riiniM- '""A'' m .'Vurevo uiflho-uiiie. (lo.d B....1 ,,. They are the (1REAT 1II.001 PIRN WM;i:te. Avd ... the I'!.,,- tVnnd A LIFE CJIV1N PKINCIPLE. t..Kr-lhie K '.iii tiaeat '- .ho .Oiiowius fc lerfect ncnovtor and Invigorator of the System, ,i-ice list, it can't be bet K.irt r N tt. riD.0fTiillr.oiaonousmatterandretoringtheblood . ; t.,r l-.l-rii nt nv ittnd Iior bUV aa a powerful apent m rciicvmR ougesLiuii u. xnumT , ve a pict ure laUn ot hoj mn i n r vu thoYisccra, 0r(tans. a dollars WOt ll Ot .h'( ll-) FOIt l'EMALE CO.UPMIXTS, injomnoi until VOU have Calletl anil eXUUinieJ oUi marri0d or sinRle, at the dawn of womanhood or at C If ISl'.Ii.rrorrietor.lIavicK recently beet reprireJ an J placed in- thorough ror.mnit orie 'OU.olj iiu.-h. u of Wheat wanted uiiuioui.itcl lor which the highest market price wnl t-e --J Y J I i f J WiLK.B. Propri.tor. K. li. k v..., j. V, ' .. ' .. . ....t n rt.mixi.rc tne.t. . 1 Co. Auu, aui - ' MILLIONS Hear Tcst'inony to men - Wonderful Ciirntivb EHecls. ThcT are not a vUe Fancy Drink, Made of Poar n.m. WMaker. I'rool rspiriia n Liquors doctorol, spiced ana sweeujnoa 10 ihuusu Ustc,.lled "Tonic," "Appetizers," "H3torers,v:c., hut lad Uie tiuplcr on to drunkenness and ruin.but are atrue Mdicie.made from the Native lloots ana neru r-ii rr"V 1 ll IT lo a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit- tcr3 occordins to dictions and remain long unweU, iJctl thcir m 0t destroyed by mineral Lisonor other aicans. and the viul organs wasted I luwv vv ,h ,!nt of rcnnlr. They arc a Gentle 1'nrnallve am well n a Tonic, possessinc, ui. v.ie ,nar ...r.. n,0 turn of life. Uieso ionic enters nvc nu m.. For Inflammatory nnU Chronic Kliemn- 0oaU Drspci)sIn or iudIgelion, Ttpinittent nud Intermittent Fe- un, 1Hwm ofHe Blood, Liver, Kid- neya niul Itlatlder, these Itinera have been mosi ncceimf ul. So ch D iscnaca are caused by Vltl ated nlood, whioli is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orenna. DVSPEPMIA Olt INDIGESTION, Dead liche. Tain in the Shoulders, Conghs, Tigbtnes of the fn. itw?iiis Rniir Rmrtations of the Stomach, hail Tutu in Uin Mouth. Bilious Attacks, l'alpitatlon ol Iha Ileart. Inflammation of the l.uDgs, Pain In the ra tions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tha ofiFprimrs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the terr VI LiTcr and Bowels, which render them of unequalled tfficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and lm- Dartinj new life and vijor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter. Salt Rheum. Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Car Ounclem Rinsr-Worms. Heald Head. Sore Byes. Erysipe las, Itch.Scuris, Discoloration of the bkin. Humors and tMseases or the tkin. of whatever name or nature, are itorallv dug up and carried out of the system in a short 'im by the useol these Bitters. One bottle in such eases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its frn- i pnm ounuu; """"p." ..r. .- I Hons or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed nd si js;isb in tho veins; cleanso it when it lsioui. and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Mood pure, and the health of the Evstem will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms lurking In the lystcm of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phrsiolnirist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face or the earth whose body Is exempt from tho presence or worms. It is not upon the healthy elements or the . . ..i.t Itnf nnnn till, HifiPRSM htimOrS and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of -i: ' n- f . t nj vnnnifiijrM. f.A disease. No Sytm of Medicine, no vermifuges, no Dthelmintics wm iree tue eysicm num iua es Bitters. WALKER, Proprietor. : R. H. MoDONALD & COn 'rugjtists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. California, i - and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. - - rSOU BY ALL DBUUGI8T3 ASD DZALICfiS, ''tin St. Charles Street. WCtiB plicated venereal ui-ease us to uringg Tifjnts from every St;ite. Ili3 hospitHl op- rtumties. a lite ume expenerice. wun pur-j Ljrutrs prepared in the establishment, cures. T piveu up by others, no matter who fail-( tell yoi r private troubles. (Vinsultatioc' Send two stamps for medical ei Hi1.' s.s -jIa.niiooi). Womanhood, so-1 ,1, IS rcn.'s p:ich. both for 25 cts. 100 pae.?s.! ! hat tho curious, doubtful or inqui-it v rh to know all about Self-pollution Proven f man ought to read it as a xvaruiiiK Tho ner vous dvbilitatod o." partially impotentenij Jscicntically adviteo.wn t'ti.t! THE "Silver Tongue, 7' MANCFACTrRKD I!V E. P. XEEDI1AM & SOX 113. U5 & 147 Kast 23d Street, New York, ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re tiidinz at a dist-.incc fr.im our authorized agents may order from our factory ted price list. Send lonliUStra- Oct 25 diw.Sm P. SCHNAtfSK & CO. -I- Still keeps on hand a lare fissortmen oi the best goods IN THE MARKET and they will not he undersold. MR. SCHNASSE flas just returned from the East with a new stock ol the LITEST STYLES, And he informs us that it ia their iutcntioc to sell thcir GOODS at Omaha prices and in fact as low as tney can bo purchased East ia tbe ' SAME QUANTITIES. 70J. lm LYON'S KATHA IRON, For Preserving and Beautifying tha Human Hair To Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, ele gance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charms. Few thiDgs are more digesting than thin. frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, 'with head and coat covered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S KATIIAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irresistable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w Omaha Marble Vorks. M. J, FEENAN, Manufacturer and Dealer ia ITALIAN A- nF,RI('AS M.tKRI.E. MOMMK.V rs, IIi:.tM o ES, i?laiitles &' Furniture - ar Rile. i For specimen of workmanship refer to Smith's and Vallcry's monu- " mentsin Plattsmouth Cem ,'" - e t a r y ; The patronage of Cass County is respectfully solicited. dS5-w27-Pti v 1 STATE AGENT HAL' ADAY-'S PATf!T WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLH ACTING FORCE AND FARM TUMPS, FEED &ILLS, ETC., TKKM LIBERAL, The llsiPmlny J: ill hs stood tho trFt for Pix ton years, both in the United Statrs and Ku rone anl is the only cno Generally adopted i y all Principal Rail road and Farmer. CScnd for catalogue end price list.-SO' A. L. StRANG. aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. iF. HSlX ' DEALER IN BRUSS, MEDICINES, AND WILL P APISH ! ! : k .'faf'i i r - JV' Ail Paper rrimmcd free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions esrefuHy compounded by ar.ex perienced Druarist. Remember the place, three doors weft of the Utruld office: Pittsmouth. Nebraska. PURISSIfM ET 0PTIKA. This unrivalled Sledicine is warranted not to conta:n a single pnrticle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral sub.stanue. but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years it has proved its prent value in all diseases of the Liver. Bowls, and Kidnevs '1 housands of the good and Rrcat in nil parts of the country vouch br its -wonderful and pecu liar power In purifying the blood, stimulating tho t rpid I ver and bowels, and imparting new life and Visorto tha wholo system. Sim mons' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to hare no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. ed in the same harnv nronortion in nnv other pr paration viz ; a icentie Cathartic, a veonder- lul Ionic, an un-exoeptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective ofall imi uritie' of th body Such signal success has attendel its use, that it is now renamed nstlin GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC!. for Liver Complaint ar d the painful ofiVprin thereof. t-wit. Dvsnensia. Cm sf i i;it i n. faundice. Bilious at a ks Sick headach. Oolio Depression of Spirits. Sour Stomaca, Heart rsurn, ,vc. a-c. Kegula: the liver atd prevent. CHI LLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN .t CO. Drufr;ri.ts, Macon, fla. Send for a Cireulnr ) ami :v.'ft Arch utrpot Price 1; by mail 1.S5 J Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by J ft BUTTERY, janlwly. Plattemouth. Neb. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN" FURNITURE, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- Of ALL DKSCBIPTIOKS AMD AT ALL FKICEB. f.letalic Burial Cases. ti ' 2? i-i-r--J WOODEN COFFINS OPAIjI sizes. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cai-h. With many thanks for past patronage, Ii n a to all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan2St Ifiiiinbsr! Lumber The Undersigned has on hand and is ' llatiujTactui infj All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At his Mills at tue ferry Landing at Plattsuiouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William EDCiKRTON. Jvuce3d liwtf 5 bA'--i:J::- -5 I'o the Ejt North anl SouthoaM. STATIONS. MAIL. 5.50 i. m. 10.50 p'. in. 3.23 n re. 7,00 a. tn 12.50 a. in, 9.25 a. ib. 4.15 p. ra. 9.20 a. ra. 6.30 p. m. :xlu.8 Leave PlaltMiiruth. 3 3)p. m, 7. 0 a- in. 11.15 a- in. 3.15 p. in. Arrive l!u liiiKton - " urndota " Chi(i.iiro(C.K.IQ ) " Tcor'a.. 9,00 a. in. C:15 p. in. H.i-0 p. m, 5.55 p. m. 2.45 a. w. " Ind'plis'I.D.if W. " Cincinnati " " Logansp't T.PJfcW " Columbus tThronsrh Cnrs from Missouri River to Clii chko, Indiannpolis, Cinciimati, Logansport and Columbus. C'iniio-ti'.ns at thse points witn lines icau in?othe Kast, North mid Sonth. ThiF is the Jicxt, Shortest, Uturl.est anJ Lnetp- ext Matte. - . Lloiiot.be deceived, but obtain l ickcts via the IJurlinirton and xitsouii Hirer R.-iilrond. A. K. TOUALIN, C U. PfrKKINS. Ocn'l Ticket Agent. (Jen'l Sup' FURNITURE Tho. W. KhryocJc, CAB.SET SHAKER And dealer in all kinds of JFuriiiltirc C.-airs. main stbkkt, (thirddoor east of P O Plattsmouth - - - Hcb. jr"Repairin(r and Varni.'hinif neatly uone. r'uneralu attended on the shortest uotioe. T H 13 B K S T IS ALWAYS TI1ECIIEAPBST -:0: For Your Groceries G To . IS. OUTIOIANPT. C rner Third aud Main StreeU, Plattsmeufh, xox- - Jfi-3-IIe keeps on hand a iboieo nd well selected Stock of Fancy Groceries, CoSTees, Teas, Sugar, Eyrnp, Ac, Aa. ia. 43"Also a goJ assortment of Boots .tShoe.'tt :0: In Connection with the Grotcry i a Bakery & Confectionery ! iAll kinds of Country Produce bought and Take notiecof the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY A ND OR ( J I "J . maslowtf. 6?. W. ME R K, Main Street, Four Deors East of Court House, shale m HARDWARE, HEATING AND COOKING STOVES Of the latest Improvements, warranted, and soli at a small pront above cost. O Doing my own work in. Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, with lonrfjxrerieBf . ratisfaction and 1 ri--f to a't 31w 3in feed, sal:: AX t I LIVERY STABLE. MAIN STIIEET, Plattsmouth, iVt bras h a . . . V.aa , llVt!r ritk Tm nreiare I to cinaoal?-'"-.;. ii short ootio and rea-.nab e terms. A . lack V, i V., 1 1, the sream Ix-at laudiUi. aa4 to all part of the city wh-n de-sred. January t. is.i ui CUNARD LINE ESTABLISNED booked to and frcm all part of Kurope at lowest "'".jA VEKNET. Gea'l Western A'gt.375 State rt.lbicaxo. or to tv. lULBU. Also for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address. )0DSPEEDS EMPIRB rUMUSUIXU Chicajro. Cincinnati. St. Louis, New Orlcan orNewVtik. 1 A.