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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1872)
THE HERALD. YTA1TT2D. a will take several loads or com, id pay for subscriptions to this paper, at the usual market rates. KK.4D THIS. GioJa not eold at less than cost. No goods given away, tut good goods nt the lowest prices for casu, at lltf. CLARK & PLUMMER3. Plattsrrouth, Neb. homethlne tht Interests EvtryOnt O'Brien & Merges, at the Platts- niouth Shoe Store, nest door to ihe IVst office, are fillinr up, for the Fall trade, with the test and cheapest stock of loots and thoea ever brought to Plattainouth. 25wtf The last thing Fanny Fern wrote wes a plea for school children, published in the Ledger of Oct. 9th. WASTED t Every one to know that O'Brien & Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, kep en'y first class shoemakers, and all their cubtom work is made from the beat brands of French calf and kip. They only charge 75 cent3 for soling boots, and make anything to order, from a ttoga boot to the finest French kid, ladies' shoes. Their foreman is master of his business, and his "fitting" cannot be ex celled in the let i-hops in the countsy 25wtf V. II. Remington, of the Tribune and Republican., has been down to New York and around. It says so in the Re porter, any way. A Word to oar CiiMtomers. Profiting by the experience gained by Usore than two years dealing with the people of Phttsujouth and vicinity, we fcava ct-Wted for our fall and winter trade a class of boots and sdioes, that for whoapness and durability, we say, with out hesitation, are not equalled west of the Missouri. We find the people want good gooJs, and we are prepared to fur uih them at reasonable prices. Ite.-pcctfully, 25wtf O'Bbien Merges. Corn or wood taken in pay for sub scriptions, if brought in at once. - Ntw sign on the Herald office, new barber hop, and new clothes all round down on Main 6treet sinee election. Wake up, you fellows that live out towards Ashland, at the other end of the avecue. K3- N. B. & We have bought the entire right and interest in the whole subscription list of Week lv Herald, from II. D. Hathaway, and as fast as our friendscan hju-t? up the eld accounts we shall bo pleased to have them as wo want old books settled. tf Subscribe, subscribe, for the Herald and other good paper?. Club rates with Harper's, Woods, iSeribner's and What Next magazines, and nearly all th good riricuitarnl and newspapers ia the land. Two papers for one price almost, ia the fumls and names. Send Viviau's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20tf Docs anyboJy know anything cf tbe hereabouts of the Finance Committee uf the late Grant and Wilson Club of this city? Business hoars from nine a. M. to iix I', u. at tbe Herald office;. Store--Jlcw Uoort-w I'rlees. At V. S. White's Grocery Store, two doors cast of Court House. Call and buy Goods low down. I have a well se lected Stock of Staple and Fancy Gro- vnes which I offer as low as the lowest. Wanted 1000 pounds of butter, do 1000 dozen egg. Corn, oats, potatoes, chickens, or any kind of produce, wanted. All g'jods delivered free of charge, in any part of the city. F. S. WHITE, Brick Store, two doors East of Court House. CCCash paid for hides. iO-dlt w-20tf A V7erl to the Thisifcg ITen V7ho Sty their B:ot3 and Shcs3 in Fi&it:- In these days of low prices for all kind) of Farmers produce, It is natural they should inquire whre the cheapest placo is, to buy good Goods 1 We speak in all sincerity, wheu we say ours is certainly the best place to get Boots and Shoes. We can sell you Mens good Split Leather Boots for $2.75, Mens Heavy Kip all whole stock for $3. GO, and ever, thing else in proportion. We have a much better class of goods than we ever bad before and we cannot aud Kill not be under-old. Attached to our es. tabliidiment is a "Shop" where the ver test workmen will attend promptly to 3 onr orders for new work cr repairing. Farmers! and everyone! give us a call, and you will eave money by doing it. Very Respectfully, 32w2t OBuien & Merges. Stop those chills that have been har assing j-ou so lonjr, as they sometimes end in that fatal disease called by some the "Up country Yellow Fever." They ran be very ..isiiy stopped by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator. Do not de lay ; go at once to your druggist and get a package and be cured. 34wl w A direct lina of telegraph has been epened between here and Omaha, over the Platte Bridge, via B. & M. R. R. line. HE'S C02, Oil winter ha. Tack down the win dows, paste up the cracks, hunt up some heavy listing for the doors, pile on the hickory chunk? and heap op the anthracite. Button up your coats, S?t ou the furs and put on your thick boots. This old fashioned cold soap makes "business in a minute" for the folks that haven't banked up round the houses and barns, and cellars, and out- nouses. Tue farmeis that have not lwiiked tfeo corn will have cold fingers after this, and wee to the man who-io po'ato are Etiil in the ground. PEES01TAL ITEH3. S Rogers, of Mt. Pleasant, calls on the Herald and pays for one year. R. R. Pitney sends $2.00 by L F. Reed. George Fickler is fixing up his meat shop and spreading round new pine with a perfect looseness. Billy Edgertoo's raft came down the old muddy last week, and there's lots of cottonwood lumber at his mill now. He forgot to tell us, and we found it out by guess. "Tother" or which or Mike Murphy ? -Dan. McKinnon 'Squire Beatty, of Liberty precinct, visits us along with the County Com missioners and other high officials. Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick, of Mt Pleasant, is in town. Frank Rlackmar, Esq., of the firm of Akers & Blackmar, Burlington, is iD town for a few days. lie stops at the I Currant, 6 White Syringa, 1 Snowberry. eteps jn reglrd to another R. R. propo- crib y the tenant Elias Coon, the pur Brook?. . 12 Snowballs, 30 Roses, 4 Lilacs, 12 c:f:rt chaser furnishing crib. Said Horton's Amos Teft, Esq., of Avoca precjnet, visited our burgh on Wednesday. John Shanuon is a clever fellow, a kind neighbor and one of the boys. He kcepB a Livery Stable on Main street John you're a Brick, gilt edged, Mil waukee color, well pressed, No. 1. Our new County Commissioner, Mr. Timothy Clark, is in town attending a session of the Board to-day, and called at the Herald office, leaving us a sub- ttantial reminder, Mac. Turner, our well known and obliging barber has sold out his chair and fixings and leaves us to-morrow. Good bye and good luck- J. C. Boone takes the helm we mean the painted pole and patent rcalps and moves over I on the right side of Main street, next to Dr. Black', office. Now if he'll shave us. for a puff a week, he'll be a Boone to the Herald office, indeed. Coal stoves, fr soft coal, of all sizes and kinds and prices to suit, at 66dtf25wtf E. T. Dukk & co.'s AST ZSTEAC2Dli7A2Y. It having been proposed that D. Case, Esq , aided by Fitzgerald Jr., whoso other name is Dave, and Adams (uot Reddy) the Blacksmith, sdioald bring the Platte Bridge down here in sections and set it up on Main street so that Leonard could photograpn it; Case, Fitz-Jr. & Co., beg leave to report to the Herald that the "thing cant be aid. iney got along very well and Case had almost shouldered the whole outfit, when the last bent broke square off, being a "little short," and they gave it up. Not meaning to be outd' ne in this way, and as the moun tain will uot come to Mohomet (that's Leonard) they are now going to bring the mountain u'jder a focus fo that Mo homet can take the mountain, the Bridge we mean. In orJer to do this, they have engag ed Billy Edgertou to build a huge cot tonwood Flume-a-scopt, seventy feet long, and six feet in diameter. This will bo placed on top of the High school hill just over the chasm, Leesly has dug there, and when all-is fixed Leonard will move his instruments, fixings, together with two drug stores full of chemicals int ene end. The Flume-a-sarpt will be t:p'ited" right, and Herman New man "who is a little short," will be set up in the centre as a sort of guide to enable the operator to distinguish be tween the top of the pile driver and Ananis' blacksmith shop. . When this huge instrument is com pleted in full working order, a pair of "hind sights" will be fixed on so that views of Rock Bluffs, Wyoming and Nebraska City can be taken at the same time, while a side light, about where Newman will stand lots in a view of Ashland, Lincoln and the Big Blue country, out wect. When a full picture of the bridge is fairly pbotographeJ, it will be mounted on one of John Shannon's grey paeers, Paul Braitsch is to put a pewter rim around it the Tcrners will march in procession to the city scales where this beautifu. work of art will be placed just in front of Frank White, city weigher, and if the cold weather lasts this work will be completed by Christmas. S23ESAL EZST7LT. Latest. The following States have certainly been carried for Grant: The six New England Stajes-, New York, Pennsylva nia, New Jeney, Delaware, Ohio, Indi ana, Miehigart, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Califor nia, Nevada, Oregon, Mississippi, Ala bama, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, Arkansas, and Louis iana. Greeley has carried Georgia, Ken tucky, Maryland, Missouri, Texas and Tennessee. Tribune and Republican. Wnnlfd. Within the next 30 days 40.0(H) pounds of Rags. 50,000 pounds Cast Iron. 20,000 pounds Scrap Iron. 10,000 pounds Old Papers. And any amount of old Copper and Brass. Cash paid for any of the above ar ticles. F. S. WHITE, Two doors East of Court House. SOd 1 t-2Gwtf Any and all persons, young men of grit, wit and enterprise, and older per sons of wisdom, strength and prudence. are cordially invited to drop into the Herald office this week and talk up the best way and .style to organize aud keep up a Literary Cli:b, this winter. Ladies aud all to join, and if we all try a lively and interesting society may and can be founded. Let us have you views on the matter, citizens. xue average Aew l orker holds up T1 r -wt- one hand in horror at the obscenity of oodhull and Claflin, while the other he reaches in his breeches pocket for a two-dollar note to buy a eery of their i eekjr. W. S. WEST'S CIRCULAR. " AN HALT ACSE." Wht Cbb bt Done la Nebraak kju one nail an acre id tne Uity - , Plattsmoutb, I have 50 large bearing tl. I T 1 I Grape Tines, 41 large Apple trees, some I of them have commenced beariug, 29 Siberian Crab trees, 9 large Peach trees, rear lree9' 13 m,d rium tree3' 10 eacn 'ium trees, 5 Ued uamson nam trees 2 Apricot trees, 7 Early Rich monu unerry trees, urge ana Deanng 3 large Maydrake Cherry trees, 4 large Belle De Magnifioue Cherry trees, 1 Email Chnkf: Chprrv. 1 small T tar lev j i - Mountain Cherry, 3 Chestnut trees 10 i,- v i t.. , . o XT.. li """'S"- luuiwiumww.A diuuw lien, o ocivwe uwry irec, j- xntn Service berry trees, 8 large clumps of Bar- .. oo : i . i .-. t hrv rn ftner.Wrir Knhoo 17 hllla r.f , - r ..j - Strawberries, 6 Gooseberry bushes, 7 currant busbes, 1 xellow lowering Flowering Almonds, 1 White Feverfew, 1 Bridal Wreath, 4 Rose Acacia, 4 Sear- let Irumpet Honeysuckles, 4 yellow trumpet Honeysuckles, 2 Canadian Hon eysuckles, 1 Sweet Scented Honeysuckle, 1 Siberian Honeysuckle, 1 Scar let Trumpet Creeper, 1 White Spirea, 1 Lombardy Poplar, 15 feet high. 1 Red Maple, 1 Scotch Pine, 6 Balsam Fir, 3 Red Cedars, 50 Savins, 14 larce hills of Peony, 6 Blackberry Lilies, 100 Ti ger Lilies, 32 Dahlias, more than 1,000 lulips, more than 500 Uladioli, 1 large Yacca, 10 hills of Rhubarb, a row of Sage 20 feet long, more than 200 hills of sweet Corn, 40 Cabbages, plenty of Watermel ons, nutmeg melons and cucumbers. Beds j of Pinks, Flox, Verbenas, Asters," Tree Cypress, Asparagus, Lettuce, Radishes, Beets, Onions, Parsnips, and Peas, 20 rods of Osage Hedge, a Dwelling House, Dooryard and Walks. Also on the same half acre, 120 large Apple trees from 5 to 10 years old, which are to be tagen off next spring. AIo on the same little half acre and for sale 3 Siberian Crab trees, 50 Plum trees, 2,000 Early Richmond Cherry trees all sizes up to 7 feet high, 20 Chestnut trees, 100 Grapevines, of varioui kinds and all sizes up to 10 years old and in full bearing, 100 Dwarf Service in full bearing, 500 Houghton Seedling Goose berry, 200 Raspberries, consisting of Red Prolific, Brinkle's Orange, Doolittle's Blackcap, Ohio Everbearing and Cata. wissa Everbearing, 100 Barberry than 5,00(3 Strawberry Plant 'ng of Agriculturist, Bartlett, Fillmore, French, Prolific, Green Prolific, Jacam da, Russells Great Prolific, Wilson and Washington, 30 Balsam Fir, 50 Satins, 100 Red Maples, from 4 to 7 feet high. vv.k T "1 . . r 11 it 1 1 i,uw jjuacs or an sizes, up to iu:i bioom- r ing, 100 Snowballs, 100 White Syringa. V 100 Roses of 12 choice varieties, 1,000 Honeysuckels of tour choice varieties, 20 Scarlet Trumpet, Creepers, 20 Flow- eriug Currant, 20 Flowering Almond, 40 White Feverfew, 50 Bridal wreath, 40 Jessamine, 5 Snowberry, 2 Rose Acacia, 50 Tree Cypress, 3 Yacca, 300 Dahlias 3,000 Tiger Lilies, and 100 heads of Ja pan Sugar Cane. Also on other ground 30 large Siber ian Crab Apple trees, 100 Early Rich mond Cherry trees, 100 Grapevines, 1,000 Raspberries, 300 Honeysuckles, 50 Lilies, 30 Persian Lilacs, 20 Lombar dy Poplars and a bushel of good sweet corn, perfectly pure. The Dwarf Service is a natural dwarf, I found it in the forest of Ohio. It bears abundantly. The Strawberries are not mixed. The Savin is a hardy evergreen shrub of the Juniper family. It is superior for ornamenting bouquets and halls of festivity. My prices depend upon the size and excellence of the articles. An attempt to describe the various sizes and attach the various prices, would be quite un satisfactory to purchasers, who by seeing can best judge of excellence. So come and see and you will be satisfied that my trees and plants are good and in good condition, and my prices low. Were I to canvass the count, or cm- ploy an agent, I could not afford to sell at my present low prices. Some people will onlj purchase of a loquacious stran ger who telis unreasonable stories and shows overdrawn pictures. Then they will order trees, shrubs and plants from a distant country, at great prices, and always be sorry for it. Why not buy trees, shrubs and plants which are rais ed in your own neighborhood. If you wisn to see pictures ot truits and flowers, come to ine and I will show vou rrwe pictures and ten times as many of them as agents generally carry. W. S. WEST, 18d3t-33wlt Plattsmouth, Neb. The Sexate Wm. Edgerton Pro prietor, cosy, warm and comfortable, drop in and see us. Liquors and cigars warranted pure and good. Nov. 13, d&wtf Mrs. Wiiitcomb's Strhp. ThU r. tide is good for all diseases incident to the period of teething in rhiMrrn nn.l i sold lor 25 cents a bottle. 117d34wlw HOYS KABSETS. Wheat, S5(90; barley, 40 cents; corn, li(o18 cents. Found. In the outside pocket of our overcoat a sky blue pink handkerchief with brindle spots in it. The border is sorrel and it m scented with essence of Turn-ip. The owner can have the same by applying to the delivery clerk at this office. If rou desire rosy cheeks and a com plexion fair and free from Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions purity your blood hv takinc Dr. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovery. It has no equal for this purpose. Ildlw34wlw "Come in, there's fire in the parlor,' were the whispered words we heard while passing a house on one of our princi pal etreet3 last evening. It is such little courtesies as these that increase the coal dealers' crofits. and tend to make the baker sweat over six-story wedding cakes before thp winter ig trver. Tititsvifo Ftmrt. 5ES I . vvnsz, cotet AWHjsirnx ti v ;..., r ' i ed, it is ordered that the September term of tho. District Pnnrt fr rLo n MJY V II kUO U LUD BUlilUriLV III IHH VRHL te x . . of Monday in N o mberto th Mi i De luriner aninnrnpri. rrnrn ho tirct I . .-.Vh day in December. 1872. Witneas mv hand tha dav nrl v.r first aboTe written. Geo. B. Lake. diwtf Judea. The dreadful vellow disease is ratrintr in this country. Death stares you in the face. Why do you delay? Go to the rim rr Rtnra mnA tret & ntpWira nf Sim. mons' Liver Reeulator. for one dollar. th.a fftfal Hia. I 1 V : . J.nran i auu lueig ta uu uaugci ui jrwvi ireiug afflictod. 107d31wlw I r an, i , t ei jjonaon is an anre too. ino last aavs i - re corning, or else a new experiment on I toe power or nyarauiics is Deing tesiea. i - The County Commissioners meet to- day .(Wednesday) to take soma further Business room for rent one of the best stands in the city enquire of. D. H. W HEELER & CO. 113d 32wtf. See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis- Sensary, headed liook tor the -Million larriairo Guide in another column. It should be read by all. decldawly. All ladies desiring nicely made dres- ees or clocks, will find themselves suited by calling upon Mis Whiteomb. Rooms in the North east oorner ol Platto Val- j ley House. 113d-32w-lw The city dads who invented this new sidewalk in Plattsmouth never went to a Turner Ball and we know it. The Catholic festival Tuesday evening was a perfect success so said. We could not attend ourselves as we had proposed to do owing to a press of other business. We are sorry to be obliged to chronicle the sudden death of Mrs Margaret leHt, wile ot Amus lerlt, Lsq, of Avoca Precinct. She died on Sunday morning last about three o'clock, Mr. Tefft has resided in this county for nearly fifteen years and Mrs Tefft will leave a large circle of Friends who have known her long and will mourn her sincerely. Our sympathies are with the sorrowing Family and friends in their affliction. rry, more j .'ySchildknecht has removed to the of the said District Court in favor of Jo , consist- cJ f d will have bis ofliee over Doctor 6eP,h- S Ctenrad RippeL la's Drug Store, for the future, always be found ready to leroas patient?. 119d3tw33-t. ve just received a foves or an Kinas, ii'es, stores, hotels, f rj see tnem. a 44 66dtf25wtf Vtion 0 orV ents, the firm of : inr v 7-i ... j - . 1 LY..-wl UlnAD " M . - - " rfTtViwCfc ?TThurs-eU Wis. Vus fever, Mis t lld34wlw EvU vg vstar, wood burner, and from 50 to 75 varieties cf heating stoves. Call ad see us, E. T. Duke Co. 66dtf25wtf COUNTY C0TJ2T. Plattsmouth, Nov. 13, 1872. Board met pursuant to adjournment ; present, commissioners V allery, James and Clark. No definite conclusion was arrived at in regard to Rail Road matters, and on motion the Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, November, 20th, 1872. D. W. McKinnojc, County Clerk. The Central Star comes to us from Centoria, Nebraska. Our friend Syden ham gets up a spicy paper. Here are some of his "head-lines ; " "The greit National policy ; A new Capitol for the Nation without cost; Equ:lization of of the patronage of the Government; eduction of the National Debt; De velopment of the Great Central Plains of the Republic." Probate Notice. I hereby give notice, to all concerned, that a Wiil purporting to bo the last Will and Testament of Henry Robert son, deceased, late of Cuss county, and State of Nebraska, has been filed in the office of the Probate Court of sai 1 coun ty, and that a hearing will be had at my office in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county, on the ninth day of No- v ember, at one o clock l. M. , ot said day, on the application to prove and ad uiit said Will to probate, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate are requested to appear, and if hey see ht contest admitting said ill to Probate. Given under my hand and seal, at ray office, this 22d day of October, A. D. 1872. H. E Ellison, 30w3 Probate Judge. Sheriff Sale. Notice is hereby eiven that I will of fer for sale at public auction, at the front door of the court house, in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska, on the ninth day of December, A. D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a tn. of said dav, the fol Inwinc real estate, to wit : The south half (J) of the north east quarter () of section thirteen (13), town ten iu)t oi range eleven (11) east of the sixth, p. m., and lots Nos. five and six in block cirir.clr rnr.. anil lots three and four in block sixty eight (68), in the town of Weeping Water, all situated in tne coun ty of Cass and state of Nebrwka, taken as the property of Willis .1. Horton, on tWO executions 111 lavor ui inuwiu ijpencer. and the Saint Joseph Manufac turing Company, and against the said Willi' J. llorton, issuea oy inc jir-vuvu Court of the said county of Cass, and to 1 a KhorifT nf said county. Given under tay hand, this 4th day ot November, A. It. 1 872. J. W. JonssoN, Sheriff. Fox Whbeler Atry's. 32w5t. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be riJnton & Crobel in the milling business. has been dissolved. The business being carried on by S. Clinton. S. Clinton, SOwSt G. N. Ckouet.. I .7 I 1 c Mi V 3 nks uw . 1 i Sheriff's Sale. . I rouriUii is hereby civen that tni nn. 1 I V . . ' v ersigned bhenff ot Cass County, Nebraska, will by virtne of two Execu r I lirtna iasnprl Kit tha n;of-; r I I "J ui ",w,lti, favor of Hebb-rd and yFcu. aUU iuo 0k. ouesepo xuanuiac- I Ma-kAMAA I m. turing company and against Willis J. i.rto.D' and to him directed, at 10 wJ fiV0 A'.M- Wi" Iae J?tn y T November, A.L. M?, t the resi- about two west of Weerin Water Full' w hue. iu iruiio .f . iKinnn. I In County, offer for sale at publio auction the following chattels, to. wit: I ADOUt SeTen hundred bmhlfl nf rvl.i I S?rn in the Crib, Three stacks or ricks of I rarley. suDDosed to contain about thrdA I hundred bushels, two stacks of Oats. I Alsn hv TirtiiA nf airl exeniitinnq f. ? I T , T " - f- Jf' f ,thf. Bme BU-he I nuua u. nuruju a iarin, wuere Xiiiaa I Coon now Hvps. nhAiit: twn milps nnnth or tDe sai(1 weeping v ater Jt ails, in 8aid County, will offer for sale at public i v . . ... . . . v. ., . auction tne tollowing goods and cnatteis, I . rri .1.- .1 I about one hundred and three acres of Corn in the field, to be delivered in the interest m abost thirty-five acres of wheat in the stack, also said Horton's interest m about forty acres of Oats in the etack, all of said property taken on said executions as the property of the said Willis J. llorton. Dated this 4th day of November, 1872 JU3. W. JUHiNSUJN. Sheriff Cass Co. Fox & Wheeler, Atty'e. 32w2t Sheriff's Sale. JOTICE is hereby given that by vir tue of an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court for Cass County, '.Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on Monday the Second (2d) day of De cember, A. D. 1S72, at one o'clock p. M. of said day at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska. sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit: Commencing l,075j feet north and 1,320 feet east of the south west corner of Section Iso. seven (i ), in township No. twelve (12), North of Range No. fourteen (14) east of the Cth P. M., particularly described as being the northeast corner of Townsend's Ad dition to the city of Plattsmouth, thence west parallel with the south line of said section two hundred (200) feet. Thencft north four hundred and thirty (430) feet. Thence east parallel with the south line of this tract two hundred (200) feet, thence south parallel with the west line of this tract tour hundred and thirty (430) feet to the place of begining containing Two Acres together with the Brewery Build ing situated thereon and all the appur tenances thereunto belonging. Sold to satisfy a decree of foreclosure rendered at the Sept. term A. D. 1871, and on the 6th day of Oct. A. D., 1871, of Oct. A. D. 1872. J. W. JonxsoN. Sheriff Cass Co. Neb. Fox k Whkeleb, Att'ys PIt'ffs 3Iw5t SCRIBXEITS A Serial Story Bv DR. SOL L A SD. If me Sto ry By SAXE HOLM. A Long Story from BRET II ARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUTORS. CLARENCE COOK on FURNITURE and DECORATION. R. H. STOD DARD on AUTHORS. Extraordinary Inducements to New Sub scribers. 500 PAGES FOIt ftl.OO ! C. Ac. The Publishers of Scribkkr's Monthly, in their Prospectus juet isuod, promise for tho en'uinK ye a more brilliant arrny of contribu tors,, and an increase in the variety and beau- trofita illustratians, already coneoded fcy tne critics to be "finer than any urhich have hitherto appeared in any American magntine,' Da. Holland, tho Editor, will write tbe se rial story of the year which will be autobiogra phical in form, and, will be illustrated by Miss JJallock. It ii entitled Arthur Bn nlrnttle, and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American Life. It will be commenced in the November Number. There will be a, new story bv Saxe Holm The One lc;cd Intr, Bbet IIabtk. the leit vtrxttr of thort tioriei noir livinp, will contribute a cbarecter iftio story, entitled Eple of Fiddle i town, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. II. Stoddard will write a series of enter taining papers about Authors, their Per uniml (haracterlNtlcst, Home 1.1 fe. t'amllle, Friends, Whims, and Ways A series of Portrait of E.llnK Amerl- rnn Wrllf r, ia also promised Clabescr Cook will write about Fnrnltnre and the Ureorallou or iiracrirnn llamra. Thso papers will be eminently practical as well as artistic, and will be illus trated with designs and sketches by numerous artists in addition to those which the writer himself will furnish. Among those who will contribute are : Hans Andersen. Bryant. Bushnell, Eggleston. Froude, Iligginson. Hishop Huntington. I5ret Hartc. John Hay. H. II. MacDonald. Mitchell. Miss Phelps. Stedman. Stockton. Stoddard. Ce lia Thaxter. AVarncr. Wilkinson, Mrs. Whit ney, besides a host of other. Watson Gilder will write "The urn ioi- net;" as hitherto, rrot. JOUX . vkatck conducts tho Department of -lnre ana" The .Departments of "Home and aoelety" and "Vulture and Pro- grew,' will engage the contributions of more than a score of pens on both sules or tne Atian-: tic The Watchman asd RErLKCTOB says Scribner's Monthly for September is better than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains nd Publishers money, for the Magazine was good enough before! Aim yet the Fubllahera Proiulielo maUe It 111 Better for the Com lute xearn The Subscription price is 8.00 a year, witn special rates to Clergyman. jeBeuen,. u Postmasters. Aa-The following KXTUAOUniNARY INDUCEMENTS are offered to new subscribers: For 5x4) the Publishers will sena. or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply the mag azine for one year, and the twelve numbers of Vols. Ill and IV., containing the beginning o Mn. Olinhant'r Serial. "At His Gates;' for 7.50. the Magaime for one year, and the 24 back numbers from tne beginning ; lor the Magazine for one year and tbe 21 back num bers bocno(4 vols.), charges on bound vols paid. This wilt give nearly 5.000 pages of the choicest reading, with the finest illustrations. for $10.50. or nearly 500 pages for a dollar and will enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Sealers, Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIBNER t CO..C54 Broadway, N. Y. 32w tEeb AOFrtTS WANTED. THE MASTER SPIRITS OF THE WORLD and THE TREASURE HOUSE OF AMERICA. The Ureal Book of tbe Tear. Agents report sales of 25 to 100 copies in a few hours or days. Pbosprctcs Fbii. Address J. TF. GOOD SPEED, New York. Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis Kew Orleans J AN ADVERTISEMENT TO FILL THIS SPACE, OB cr s. B s 3. EL 4 a 2 15 r.r o tr-t jo o - TS m Q m rz c -i 22 'Z ' c" new f 5 o K 2 "a n fo C" f 2. 'in I'M or K2 CM 4 2S S-B i S a CO K' a a o 2. O r- r- Cod 5 O 9 sr to o D"2 Hi en S a 7-1 rr 0 W I L L I A M ST'A D E L KV3 A KM LM y Has on hand, ono of the largest stocks of CL0THINC AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, V3-I invite every body in want of anything in my line to call at my store, ' South Side Main, Rctwccn 2dT& 3d Street. And convince themselves of the fact- I have as a speciality in ray Retail Department a Wect owa. vi i iuo viuiuiuj mr men ajuu joys; 4-Ialeo keep oa hand a large and well selected FALL AND WINTER GOODS, - ioj DOWN GO THE A T . D. SCHNASSE & CO.'S Celebrated NEW YORK STOEE South West Corner of Main Street Pjlattsmoutii, Nebraska, AIVD SO THE PEOPLE T XI I IV' X WHO DYl DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN .SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, OALMOnAIiO, OAnPDTO, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOKS In the Grocery line we keep the Flsest and Best TEA. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, DRIED FRUITS, of every Description. " All the Varieties of Spices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QtiEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, GO TO O. SCHHASSE & COS ja25-tf &TR USS' We have just issued B:rauss' Waltxss in Two Volumes, price (4 each in board, i-5 ea?h in cloth. The two volumes contain over Forty Beautttul Waltzcc, worth at least $3.5 in sheet FAVORITE ld VAlZ be particular to ask for Peters Edition cm" STAArss' Waltzes, as it is the only correct and complete edition. Ad- 1T A T rW dress. J. L. PLIERS W A 1 tV Music Publisher, 599 Broadway, N, Y. HSd-3Sw 2m University of Nebraska aotoii 3- The next term of the Untverai ty will open SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1872. A fall Corps of Professors i. provided. The Apparatus, LiiUrnry ana uaninet are new and eomp'ete. Tho Agricultural College Will open this falL Tuition free, aad books at cost. For further information eeni for a cata logue. Rooms for self boarding furnished at small cost to tbe etudents. A. R. BENTON. Chancellor. b43 dlw-2 w Sat Lincoln Nh. Pattsmoutli ETills PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. CO RAD HEISEL ----- Proprietor, Floor, Corn Meat. Feed. Ac., Always on hand and for Sale at lowest Cash Prices, 1The Highest prioac paid for Wheat and Corn. fiar-ParticuIar attention given to cus tom work. EY1. B. tVSURPHY, , Manufacturer of C? jAND DEALER IN Q g)cuiut2, aSfauuw, Qiiuwt COLLARS' wrflPS. Blasts, Brushes, &c. Promptly Executed. All work Warranted S-FINE HARNESS A SPECIALITY." Nov. Pkttsmoutr. Neb 1.H i:.Fiui i 'in' ft---.v fr ft a H O o H O r 5 a H g o a 2! ft o a a w H H H a n o o. ?S trtr io wnicu we invite mose ruo wont (looas. rtock of Hats and Caps. 810tf - PRICES!! THE BEST m TIic Cheapest, E". J, HBTTEBH , W ill be found at his old Stand on Min PU where be will be iieasea to see tn ior BQt custom cis and friends. H e has a large and good assort ment c f f urm machinery sueb as tbe n""he Marh harvester, areaperthat tr-o .c? X u ciit and bind ten acres per Hwj "it one man to drive, and tha binders can woik 1 1 the fhade. Milbnrnand Studnbaker Wngon.. t'hnit. pion Reaper Jc Mower Masmiloc Tlrnt h er. and Buifalo Pit thrsfber, and i.'i?tIfior Reaper and Mower Ac. F. J. METTEliR. Main Street. Plattymouth. Neb. L. S. BAia, Travelinff AjenU Feb. 2 wtf. NEW DRUG STORE" WEEPINO WATXB, KKB. T." Ta. POTTUf.i D E4LER in Druas. Medicine. Pair!:'. ''i!s ' Varnish. Perfumery. SU,tiona-v. N"( Cirara and Tobacco wK; Piatt smout ACAD E M Y !! Summer ?'-. Commences July 1st B72 Chioago Avenae, Plattsmoath. C.m e-Diu Kebraeka. Prof. Adolpho d'AIIemand, P nd Principal,