Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 07, 1872, Image 4
1K E TMJld :: -mm Saved 'A f LOCAL CJr-r: : r-- Mr. Leonard ha not . interviewed the IT ERA LI, "upon the subject yet, but we rathcrgacsahc ishappy; end wc are hap py to conciututate him upon bis happi ness. Ltaic life And a happy ono to tbe boy, eay we, . Z We hear that the cold weather "wo have been having has brought the gtcre down, and that they are "quite abundant in the vicinity of Plattsmouth. ! J i.. . -,, . ,. By a diligent perusal of tbo papers from all sections of the country far a year or two past, we have made the din. covary that when the editor of a paper is away it is always the "devil" that runs the paper. . So the "devil" is officiating here at present, and if our readers find any 6ign of the horns and cloven hoof, (metaphorically, we mean), this will ac count for it. Do not be too much fright ened, however, for the editor will doubt less soon return on his way rejoicing, wnicn may be changed into weeping when he gets here, and rescue the "little concern" freni the hands of the afore said imp of darkness. The man who popped the oucstion bv tarlight got his sweetheart's consent in g twinkling. The bridgo acroia the Platto is pro gressing finely, and it is to be hoped that wo will bare that outlet before many days. It will be a great convenience to both riattsmouth and Omaha. Ye local can bless the day, for then ho can go up to the tram o mornings and get an item or two. Buying Your Green-house and Cediing Plants. at vmn Picnic Gardens. DONT send Enst for Plants when you ran fret Just 1 rood for less monev nenri-r home. To my numerous friend and patrons I would Fay that I biiye the InTucrl and be:t s.'ock of plant, ever offered tor .le in tne west and proooso to sell them at reasonable price. xe (ur a" semi tot my - New icscriptlve dlalou. which will be pent free to nil who apply for it Then give your orders, and feel conldect I ean satisfy you. AUrtrexn, V. J. IIRSSKR. reb. 11 d&w riati'mouth. hcb. W A NT K i . We will give energetic tufa and women Business that will Pay From $3 to $8 per day; can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strict ly honorable. Particulars free, or sam ples that will eRable you to co to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. ... Address. J. LATHAM A CO.. 97d5t 1HJZ 202 Washington hit.. Jioston, Mjuk. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. BFCCKSSOR lO Tootle, Kanna & Clark. S, B L O'OM- & CO., S- BLOOM , CO., f T. n m F '.wiLSi GENTS' VTfa Johx FlTJ!RraI.D. John R. Ci.mct vun ter. C. II. P4RMKME, Vire President T. W. Evaks, Ain't Cathier. Died On Friday, the 1st day of No vember, 1S72, of Membranous Croup, Emmet Dilley, son of D. H. and Francis It. Dilley, aged 4 years 10 months and 16 day. Funeral at tbe rcsidenco of Jas. IT. Dilley, Saturday afternoon, at 2 p. m. Thin Rank is now nuen for business at tei: new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general - Banking Business. Stock. Bond, UoIU, Uovernment and Local Securities Bought and Sold. Dnnosits Received and Interest allowed On time Ortificn ten. Draft drawn, available In anv nrt of th United State and in all the principal town nd Cities of Europe. no v.s ciiilu!:ea$ cloth lyu Hats zn Cups. Boots an: Shoes, 6CANXETS, 8D0D3, Tf.U-.XS, VALISES, E J fejBB' Main Street- Set-onJ Door East of the Court Uwuje BRANCH HOI E PronUway.Couucil Bluer Iowa. FlBtitmuth, Netr'nv Plattsinoulh Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES A Repairing neatly done uy Main Street, Plattsmouth, (n t uke's Old Stand. P. MAXWELL, Keb. jnn i5diwt Peters' Musical Monthly for Novem ber, price SO cents, contains the follow ing choice collection of Mew Music. The pieces are also published in sheet form at the prices annexed : Save one Bright Crown for me Sons and Choru9, Hays, 40 cts ; Asking a Blessing from Mother Song and Chorus Stewart, 30 cts. ; Thou art no longer Mine Ballad, Danks 'M ofs. ; Lost and Found Bal lad Donnikcr 30 cts. ; Lord, forever at Thy Side Solo and Quartet Panks. 2j CtS ;A Night in Venice Vocal Duet, Europe can purchase tickets from us tbraugh . OB THE CELEBRATED AND OF S T E A M E R S. Persons wishing tobrinjr out their friends from Xj. JOHITSOISr, X-Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store, Main SHreet, I'lattsifiioiiih. Webrnska :i J i ja r 3z vmkj - mi- ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS.. MM, A. MILLER & CO S PIANOS. b I (V SMITH'S AM'N AND BOSTON, ORGANS. aub Organs. Vhole?iile and Retail Dealer in Strings She-1 Jlu.-Ic and ull k.nds of Musical Mcrehaa i; "MUS1CAL INSTRUMENTS Tned and liVired Satisfaction (Um'ecd..i i.c6Ja - J. Wtuii, Propri.tor. R. H. McDoxalb Co., DrunciiU t , Co. Afenu, Smi t nujcbcv, Ci.f mud M Comiurc Mrtcl, N,. T ' MILLIONS Bear Te.Kinany to their ! Wonderfal Curallvfc Eflecta. They arc not a vile Fancr Drink, Uade ot Poar ' Ilain, Whltkcr, Proor Spirit and Befaaa . Lloaora doctored, .piced and (vreetened topleaaa tle , taste, called "Tonloa, "AppcUier," "netorers,"4iC., J that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are I a true Medicine, mode from the xntive Boots and Herb j of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stlma i laata. They are the UK EAT UI.OOI) PURL j FIElland A LIFE 1J1V1NO Fill NCI FLE, i a perfect Renovator and Invijtorator of tlie System, ' earryinf; off all poiwnous matter and restoring tbeblood ! to a healthy condition. Ko person can take these Bit ! ter according to direction, and remain long unwell, i provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral I poison or other weans, and the vital organ, wasted ; bcyoml the point of repair. j They are a Geatle I'araative a well aa a ; Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting ' aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflara? tnation of tbo I.iver, and nil the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at Uie turn of life, these Tonic Bitter, havo no equal. For Inflammatory and C'hroulc Itneuma tlain and (lout, Dyapepala or Indigestion, Illlious, Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Dlscnaca of the Iliood, Liver, Kid' aeya and Bladder, these Bitter, have been most successful. Such IM.ensca are caused by Vitiated Blood, which i. generally produced by derangement of the Digcative Organ. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, PaiD In the Shoulders, Cooghs, Tightness of tha Chest, Dizziness, Bour ruetation. of the Btomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation oi tha Heart. Iuflammatiou of the Lungs, Pain in tbe re gion, of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offspring, of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate tbe Stomach and stimulate the toiytd Liver and Bowels, which render tbeai of unequalled tffieacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Car puneles. Ring-Worms, Scald Head. Sore Eyes , Erysipe las. Itch.Hcurfs, Discolorations of the tkin. Humors and Diseases of tbe Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literallv dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tbe useot these Bitters. One bottle in such ease, will convince tbe most incredulous of their cura tire effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Gud It. im parities bursting through th. .kin in Pimple., Erup- t tion. or Sore. ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish In tbe vein. ; cleans, it when H is foul, and your feeling, will teU you when. Keep the Mood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousand., are effectually destroyed and removed. Bay. a distinguished physiologist, there i. seareelv an individual nnnn the tar.m or thA j earth whose body i. exempt from the presence of worm. It i. not upon the healthy elements of the , body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humor. 2nd slimy deposits that breed these living monster, of isease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no tree uie system rrom wrma iixe E. T. DUKE CO. .11- FOOT OF JULY STREE7 Wholesale Jt Retai! Deilers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves TINWARE. ROPE. :iOM . ST EL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tool?, ,tc. keep or lund a J-nrge Sto k of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS FATE. VI, CHICAGO, LMPORM, L O Y A L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STATE AGKNT-. STOVES of All kinds Coal or 'Wood kert on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. WM- II BROWN, Dealer in -2- Fruits and Ornamental Nursery Stock. FLOWEKS, BULBS and GREEN HOUSE PLANTS. HAL-ADAY:S patent WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINrtLB ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS, FEED milS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL." The Ilallndny Mill has stood the test for six teen yenr. in the United States and Eu rope and is the only one Generally adopted ty all Principal Rail roads and Farmers. SenJ for catalogue end price list,-1 A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. O. JOim&O DKALEK IN DRUGS HDEDICIHES, AND WALL ?a?BR ! ! To the East North and Southeast. STATIONS. IVpns MAIL. Leave PI.ittmouth, 3 3)j. in, 5 :.0 . in. Arrive Bu linglon 7. 0 a- m. 10.."0. in. " vcpdola 11.15 a-u. 3.23 a. ic. " CUicafc-o.CB.iQ ) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. m Peoria.. " 9.C0 a. m.t 1J.50.. in, " Ind'p'iii'I W. C;15p. id. 9 2,"ia. m. " Cincinnati " ll.' Op. in, 4.15 p. m. " Loganp't T.PAW 5.55 p.m. 9.20 a. m. "Columbus " 2.15 a.m. 6.30 p.m. ThrouKh Curs from MiKxouri River to Chi cnijo. In.iMiiapolis, Cincinnati. Logunfiiort and Columbus. Connections nt those point with lines leml. inir to the Knst, North and Sonth. This id tbe Bert, SKortcmt, (Juickent and Chtm. ett Route. 4 Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via the Burlincrtnn nnd Missouli Kiver Railrnad A.K.TOUZALIN. C K.PKRK1NS. Gcn'l 'lickct A (rent. Gen'l Sup') FURI.ITUR E vV aal f a TIios. W. Shryock, CABINET MAKER And dealer in all kind, of Ifuriiiiurc Claairs. Osceola, low. a JSS? Trees warrauted true to name. Any siock o, ticed ihat cicnot be fai nisbtii (h mooey wi'.l be promptly refunded. Orders Solicited. n20 w3m to Plattsmoutb. aplSwtf J. B. CLARK. ELI PLUMMER xju'.-uuuHii tsip. ; uracie 8 waltz Kinkcl 35 cts. ; Rosebud Scliottischc, Ucebe 35 ots. ; L'Afrieaino Kinkel rS5 cts. ; Canary Schotiiscbe Rauch 50 cts. Yon can' cet a1! the abovo Music for 30 cents by ocniinr for the November number of Peters' Musical Monthly, or the Publisher will send the last four numbers for $1. xr t, f ,?Jlrc33',J- J 1 TERS' Save money by paying Cash for your I'iuaiu i uuuMitr, o-j'j isroauway, isew Goods, lork. Cheap Casli STORE! -o V e expect fun ono of these days j when there gets to be frost, on those two boards across the gulch in front of our ' 'office.' AT CLA11K & PLUMMEUS. Jl IS SO Ull I VALLEY LI PR anthelmintic, will inese Hitters. 3. WALKXK, Proprietor. r.h. McDonald & co- DrursHsU and Oen. Agents. Ban Francisco. Calirornla, OLD BX ALL DSLUGIST3 AUD PEALMK8. N. Cox, of Centre valley, came in aDd left' tbe Herald a William or two. Good man, Cox. Dralkrs IV Tho French licel has gone completely out of fashion. . noncE, coiniT adjoueued. Omaha, City, Neb., Oct. 10, IS72. By virtue of tho authority in me vest ed, it is ofdered that the September term ot tne liistnct Uourt tor Uitss Co., bo further adjourned, from the first iuonaayin xiovemhor to the second Mon day in December. 1872. Witness my hand the day and year ursi Roove written. Geo. B. Lake, a&wtf Judge. Our old friend Hon. II. J. Hudson, of Columbus, an old Democrat and member of tho Legislature hut year, comes out for Grant in a whopping strong letter, published in the Platte Joum d, and fron which we shall make some extracts to-morrow. STAPLE k FANCY" DRY GOODS, Also a full stock of QROCKniES, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS. Wc buy largely for cash and se'l cheap for tho money. (tore opposite the Brooks House), Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES T0i-F0IFLITIiG IHviflcnc.M on the Coiitribcitioii lla. Securing ths Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to" the Palicy Holders REASONS FOR INSUSING IN THIS COMPANY Main street, riaikmouth, 24w-GGd-3m Nib. RE LB ABLE ter, .k"i-T,,!s li" Wt J'ompanj-. br Wes,ein men. whose k il. Its Policies are all oii-orlri 1 iug tio Ti V ltre,e,v's.n no:e and jrives none: Toli 4tQ. It OU SI) rMlruMmn I nnn travel nown finaecial cliarae. manatfoiuent. , cy holders hare no in- oth 61 h Juilfje Maxwell returned from Lincoln and he looks fine as a fiddle, if we may be allowed to speak so familiarly of a J udge. "Ceph" Metteer sold his trotting mare the other day for one thousand dollars, Iofs a ten dollar green back. Things is working election is coming. flood weather has left us. Mickelwaifci baa plenty of coal, Brown's trees are all j?one to Bally hack and Horace Greeley is almost elected to stay where he is. itisu ta uai'yy. i lllHO 4U1SS V I- Vian visited riattsmouth last night for the first time and everybody says "Oh my ! what a pretty baby looks like its mother." A Heavy Stock of Goods on '. Hand. Its dividends ar n.Mil imnn th. i . w busine!ta i exc usivoly life losuranco. DIVIDENDS . ..u .t1?e"c?'uUtion of Interest upon premiums paid, hence the ComDAny that loan. i iy&Jtsxx&' Pr eont, compound interest, is $18 4 0 15 . .. " " 4rt.)1.64 Vi .. V. " 117.3fil.85 . 318 OLvS 06 olicbolder thaaany othcrnancUl ad vantages and inducements to?Mt lVTothe Surupfor ChildrJV I- at . . , MU k fin A f 1.:.. . Pattsmouth Mills ! PLATTSMOUTH. MEBR iSKA. C0?AU 1IEISEL ----- Proprietor Flour. Cm-n Meal. Feed, ie.. Always on hand una tJfSuic at lowest Vu?h l'rice?. 5-The Hishcst nrice naid for Wheat and uorn. 8Particular attention given to cus tom work. St 'I' used TlIIOlI- 1 tt.o Pain, kut currvuia pre pa i with NEVKH KA1L1.( SANDS OI? CASKS. It not only relieves the e acidity, and pivts tone and enertrJthe whole system, it wiil also instantly relieve . Griping in the. Iloiceh and Wind Ottec. We believe it the host and surest remedy in theworid, in nil eases of lysentery and .Diar rhoea ia children, whether arriving from teeth ing - r tiny oiher caur'e. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and JMirand U'.ah to Your InfinU. Bo sure and call for "Mr; Yinslow' Sootnint Syrup." Havinsr the fic-iimile of "CURTIS St PliR hl:S' cn the outbid wrapper. ld by Urupgists throughout the world. 10 DOCTOR WSISTTIEIS 617 St. Charles Street. I r xypmar located in St. Louis than any Chrm I lj. 1? Physiclat. so micces? fully treats Simple jana ucmplicated V enereal Dic.i.- aa to brine yaucuis iruia every stale, uij nospitnl op oprtanities. a life-lime e.Tnerienc. with rnw- est drafts prepared in the establu hruent, cure?1 cases iriveu un bv others, no m.itior uhi r,.;i. ed : tell yot r nrivate troubles. iVniiilrntmn free. Send two c tamps for medical e- iys. manhood. Womanhood, se 1 mail. 15 cents each, both for 25 cm, 100 page-". All that the carious, doubtful ir innnir r I wish to knosr all about Self-pollution Preven 'ion. Marriaze. Krery young man and wo inan onrht to reJ it as a warnins Thn nrr Ivous debilitated or partially imputt-Dtcm Iscientically advisrd.wn c'ttl'o Plantation Bitters. S. T. i860 x. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of tbe feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlu aged and lanjld it has no enual anion? stoniachies. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women 3re es pecially subject, it is superseding even other stimulant. In all climates, tropi- 1 . , ai, ieuifn;rat or irigia. 11 aets as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down tbo animal spirits. iec. as. diw lyr. Weeping Vater, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groctries, liardsrare. Uueensware. Boots, and Shoes. Hats, and Caps. Acrionltnral Iinplcraent" of all kinds. Weir and I X L Cultivators. Union Corn Planters Grandetourand Princeton Plows. Jtc, ie ,adiu- "" "i wuica weoner to me public at the owe-st retail prices. All Goods Warranted As ISepresexiied. "Our constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trade REED. RR03. All Paper rrimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anez perienccd Druggist. Rcmomber the place, threedoors we?t of the Herald office: Plattsmouth. Kobra.ka. PUBISSIfclA ET OPTIMA. maib BTiKKt, (third door east of P 0 Plattsmouth Neb, "Ropairing and Varnixhing neatly uono. funerals attended on the shortest notice. "thTe" best IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST -:0: For Your Groceries Oe To Curner Third and Main Strc.ts, PlitLiooti tot 5IIe keeps on hand a choice well selected Stock of Fancy Groceries. Coffees. Teas. 04 Fo&tntianJXn Interest on K.trrofcrd capital II D Maekav, President, 1 M Swan. V iee-Presiilont, Dr. J L Wever, Med. D'to:. OFFICERS George A Moore, Secretary. J Jones, Ass't Secretary, 11 L Norman. Treasurer ILA.P;,kins' Qeaeral Ajrent, V t Harvey. Coir, actuary, T A Hurl. Attorney. OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN TUB bome fellow sends us a letter from along the B. & M. R. TL It's a whop per. Doctor Thomas, of Weeping Water, called at on the Herald one day last week mod left his respects and a "eub" ur w. co wags me woria. Miccess will follor in the wale of the Doctor, we Icel it m our bones. He paj-s the printer. North Maia between Second and Third sU. Takes pleasure in announcing to Farmer. and Mechanics. net,:,, t .u i' J F Richards. II R Hammond " H Edsertou ' Ta. ijsrner. " S M Strickler. Junction City Chan Robinson, Law ran ce. . uaaiey, DIRECTORS. H D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. I M Swan. " W G Co 8 in. Geo A Moore, " ' D V Powers, Geo L Davis. St. Louis. Mo ' J Merritt. E Hastinirs. " " MR Morgan " u H L Newman Le ?aa forth,, W E Chemberlain. TaHum, E B Allen, CAI W, Weston. Mo. V w . eal Topeka. Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. V R Stebbins. " Beautiful Women! HAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM give, to the Com plexion the Freshness of Youth. That he h is as Iare and well selected stock if . vriKi'is, Groceries, rrovisions. as were ever brought to U oijr of Plattsmouth. 1. It. CO 11Z, T Hen. tgenl for .Nebraska mid Xorllieru Kansi Good Traveling Solictors Wantsd. IIqan'3 magnolia Balm overcomes the .flashed oaascd by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no perron can detect its application. tSy its use the roughest rkin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing: thai will injure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionable ladies in New York. London and Park. It cost only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. .lit AGENTS WASTED" THE MASTER SPIRITS OF THE WORLD THE TREASURE HOUSE OF AMERICA. The Great Book or the Tssr, AgenU report sales of 25 to 100 copies in a few hours or days. Pkos'ectps Fate Addiess J. TV. GOOD SFEED, x-Ne7. Jor' Chicaso. Cincinnati, St. Lonis Aew Orleans. 2Swl0t This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not t eonta n a fioclo particle of Mercurv. or anv in. juriuus mineral fsubjtance. but is PURELY VEGETABLE, r or forty years it h.i nrnvoil its -rt vol... in all diseases of tli I.U-nr Itmcl, nn.i a 'i housand of the rnml nn in nil ......... r me laiuuuj vuucu ior its wonaerrui !nd iiecu- i.i r i.wer in puruyiPfr tne oloou. stunula' inir he t-rnid I vcr ami lmwil nnrt imr.;. Dew life and Vi?nrt.i tha wtinl. a.-aA.n c: i mons Liver Regulator isacknowledged to have . LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical element,, never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other Pr, Deration vii i a gentle Cathartic, a wondor lul J omc. an un-e.tccitionahle Alttrativo ,n.l a certain Corrective of;;ll imiuritie of the body huch signal snccess has attendei its use, that it is now regarded as the . GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC. '"r Liver Complaint a - d the painful offspring; ,l,cr"'i, n-wii. uyspepsia, Lonstipan n, Jaundico. Bilious at a ks Sick headache. Colic Depression of Spirits. 6our Stomach, Heart JJUI u, d o tx . liegula:a the liver and prevent. CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. n ZEILIN A CO. . , . . . Dmjrgrists. Macon. Ga. bend for a Circular 1 and 329 Arch street. Price SI; by mail 1.96 f Philadelphia Pa. For Sale by J R BUTTERY, jan4wl7. PlatUmouth. N.b. iJae.-ir, 5yrap, , Ac, Jtr, j. SAlso a good assortment of Boots 1 She. 9 ' :0. In Connection with the Grocery l a Bakery & Confeiticr.sry "All kinds of Country Prodaee bou;u( .iri.i sold Take noticeof the sign "EMPIRE B K K. IC Y ASDGKUll 11. mnrlew.f. G. W. M 'E R K, Main Siree. Four Dors East of C&yr; House, PRaLEI Iff HARDWARE, HEATING AND COOKING STOTEr Of the latest Improvement?, warranter,, and eoll at a email profit abore cost. L'l'J,.lM'lrtMI;Mstl;liifH:lli,i-,l Sent by mail for 10 cis- E.'B. Foote, 120 Lexington Ave.. New York City. " 30w 90d 3m SOMETHING NEW ccTN FOR WOMEN TO DO. fiC? ZJL Do. G,od d Make Money. y'Vsi V2 Address with stamp. wi loui iaa 4ew jors city. S9d3Uw 3m Frank. Carruth took some "pictcrs" of our folk" 'tother day, and they look jast like us. Funny ! Delat Not. Convulsion?, wind col ic, and griping in the bowels of infants I cause death. Mrs. bitcomb 8 Syrun i.s a trirvl remedy, it costs only 25 cts. 10-Mlw 30 wit LATHS' HTSS ! LATHS' HT2S I Wtn. fitadeluiann, Estj.; has just re chived the handsomest lot of Ladies' Furs ever brought to Ilattsmnuth T1' W'H ecst you nothinc to look at ther wnetheryau buy or not. Hy examinioc th prices at th "nt.n ' ft iir 5? ante to tell when other parlies try to swindl em e be R. W. MARSHALL. A-nt. J. R LIVINGSTON. Md Eiamin. 1 Lo.k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. t rv.. . . . . . Whitr.-k-.'.v wino arm frtpinc in Pn Whitcombsthe bowels. an.l r.ii.; IDSPWHJ Df IfMhin. r..t. 3. i v: . 1. l - . ' . , " " .MRS Wk,ik'. . ouQuue. cmrnUions and i " wcn-oraes all diseMi noi d! Price -I a ti oT- lo """t? nd children. Cent. V,!l-V-.I Mrtff-t 1MI ami t. hitkU V.rr.lil,rrl,' nwnte- Pric. 1 1 I 1 m , illllAl nail M ' U . . ' - , . .,111 !. U in m .Ml 1 m r r . . ... I &r.i i .-..,vui,wu, amine before rurcnasing eiscwnerc. i r'r . i j i Cents. Eaiporia lied Ribbon Stove at E. T. ItiCe A Co. I'lattsmouth, Neb. Call .Tiimi;ir ' . dtf. , I ererrwhara. fa. ssfcsw . ildrvn of 11 fwArai? iiI5i",t?' "T Ch'ildren'snSooth- Lonis Mo. ' "raiion Aledicine Co, SL 2li&irurti,u ilrt in Ma deSda WILLIAM ST A D E L M A N N , Has on hand, one of the largest stocks of CL0THINC AND GENTS FURNISHING Gfinns: FfiR SPRING AND SUMMER, 3I invita every body in want of anything in my line to call at ray store. South SIclc 3uiii, fictween 2tl & 3d Streets. And conineo themselves of the fact- I hare as a special itv in mv Retail Dfnuhn.-t .. stock of i ine clothing tor Men and Boys; to which we invite those who want tJoods. w-Ialso keep oa hand a large and well wleoted tock of IIat and Caps. S lOtf ' Hook for the Million ! msr7U'a:Q- ! ..A private counselor to the uwiuc. (Slurried or those about to mar . , h.ry on the physiological m.ster- ie? and revelations of ihe sexual system, the .onvenes in producing and preventing ".,;!'! u"r prservetne complexion Ac 1 ins is an interesting nrb nr - a ' " v. nv.uUU.l WV. iwcuijr-iuuciijigBi.wico nnme'ous engrav- ii i -""'" aiuaoie luioruistion lor liiusc un are inarnea. or contemplate rnar , till, it is a book that ought to be kept Uk i i. "nd ke, nd not ,aiJ carelessly iie.u,t to ny 0De (freo of postage) for SO cents. Address Dr. Butu' Dispensary. Ko. U N Eighth street. St. Louis. Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in public papers, or using any quack remedies, peruse Dr. Butts', work no matter what your desease is or how deplorable your condition. lr. Butts csn be consulted, personally or by mail, on the diseft mtitiAniu) ;n k ; Office. No. 12 V. Kiuhth .t U.. U..1. andChcsnut. St. Louis. Mo. dec2dwlv LumbGr! Zaizm'focr a ne unuersignea nas on nana ana is Jlanufactui ina All kinds of HENRY BOECK DEALER IN PURNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL PBSCKIPTIOJfS AMD AT ALL PRICKS. Metalic Burial Cases. O Doing my own work ia Tin and Sheet Iron Combined, wich longrexperienee guarant- aliifactioj and l'rice. to suit IAIt TDIES. 31i Also for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address. GOODSPKED-S EMPIRE PCBUSUIXQ (Tiieain. Pinrisinat; Rt T ; x-. n.i. . cw lork. 2wl w COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At his Mill, at the Ferry Landing at riatUmoutb Orders Promptly Filled.! William Eogkrtox. Jnned dAwtf P. SCHNASSK & CO. -i Still keens on hand a lanre assortment of the best goods IN THE MARKET nd they will not be undersold. MR. SCHNASSE Has just returned from the East with a new stock ot the .LATEST STYLES, fflustang Liniment, FOR MAN AXD HE A ST Probably few articles have ever had n.y extensive a Sale, while none have bc-rt more universally beneficial than the col' - WOl I )EN COFFINS bratal MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI- MENT. Children; Adults, Horses, ai, i a a uomestic Animal.", are always lito-Ie to accident, and it ia 6afe to Bay, that r.r family can pass a single season witliou'. some kind of an emoliient being necx .; sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred lirery stables in the ci:y of New York alone are using the Meiicxn Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gires unuaa satisfaction. OPAIiL SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage, Ii n Ate all to till and examine my large stock o niture and CoCns jan28t M. B. MURPHY, Manufacturer of fc- AND DEALER IN y rf a a V Va $arntss, aoolts, tinblts, OOI.lAIlS. WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c. And he informs us that it is their intention to sell their GOOIS at Omaha prices and in fact as low as tcey can b purchased East in the SAME QUANTITIES. 70ilm - CA UXIOJi'. Tha reidinsi l wrr,nA? in Gne Steet Plate engraying with "O. W. 6roo-, imitt" and "7Vod Mark. ML'XCA , ilVSTAMU L1S131EXT" engrared srru the face of each wrapper. The whole bear ti . proprietor'. priTate United States Recnu Stamp, and not a common stamp aa usod by druggists, Lto MiiscrACTraio Co , . . r-3 Park Place. N. Y. Jan.SHa. diw lweTery3rdw Promptly Execnted. All work Warranted -FfNE HARNESS A SPCIAUTY.- Nov. 30,;rtf PUttstnonrK Neb Abstracts of Title. rPHE NUMERICAL SYSTEM. Tha U't 1 use, lor descriptive eirculsrs. addreas, ACKKS. BLACK MAR &. CO 12u liurlingten, Iowa.