Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 07, 1872, Image 3
at THE HEEALD. LAB3E SB3SVSSI CP CAITLS. Sam. Barker shipped nineteen car loads of cattle and tUrea of hogs from Ashland on Mortday. Sam. ia one of I our be6t stock men. BEAD THIS. Gaoia not sold at less than cost. No goods given away, lut good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at litf. Clark & Plumpers, oi... u htu Really somebody ought to get up a tnn nf tVi TTnitfd States for the use of i. ,u Saturday Review told its readers that the "Lesi-lature of tbe State of St. Louis" had been petitioned by the wo man suffragists, and now we have the London Telegraph talking about the election of Ilartranft as "Governor of Philadelphia." Henrth & Home. laametbinsr that Interests ErrOnt. . ... ... ... U linen merges, at me xjaus- mouth Shoe Store, next door to the IW office, are Glline ud. for the rail of boots and thoes ever brought to Plattsmouth. L'5wtf The side walk on Washington avenue is about completed. WASTED I Every ona to know that O'Brien & Merge, at the Plattstuouth Shoe Store, keep en'y Crst clasd (hoenjakers, and all their cuktoni work is made (rouj the bet brands of French calf and kip. They only charge 75 cents for boliu boot.-), and wake anything to order, from a ttoga boot to the finest French kid, ladies' shoes. Their foreman is tua?ter of his business, and his "htting" can net be ex clled in the best fcLops in the count y 25tf Wm. Montgouiery, son of II. K Montitomerr. of this place, ww killed on the Rock Llaod railroad on Saturday William was a very fine lad, and the deepest sympathy is felt by a 1 friends for the bereaved family. lie was brake man on the train. Full particulars not received. His father left this morning. A Word to oar Caatomers. Profiting by the experience gained by more than two years dealing with the peoplo of Plattsmouth and vicinity, we have selected for our fall and winter trade a class of boots and hbces, that for oheapneas and durability, we say, with out hesitation, are not equalled we.-t of the Missouri. We find the pejple want good goods, and we are prepared to fur oiah them at reasonable prices. Ilespectfuliy, 25wtf O'BaiEX Si Merges. M. B. We have bought the entire right and interest in the whole subscription list of the Weekly Herald, from II. D. Hathaway, and as fast as our friends can square up the old accounts we thai! be pleased to have them as we want old books settled. tf Vivian's is the place to buy your gro ceries and provisions. 20if 9vr Ntore- Sew Jm1 w I'rlces At F. S. White's Grocery Store, two door3 east of Court II-ue. Call and bay OooJ low down. I have a well se lected Stock of Staple and Fano Gro ceries which I offer as low as the lowett. Wanted 1003 pounds of butter, do 1000 dozen eggs. Com, oat-1, potatoes, chickens, or any kind of produce, wanted. All godn delivered free of charge, in Ly part of tha city. F. S. WIIITK, Brick Store, two doora East of Court House. fiSrCash paid for hiies gO-dlt w 26tf A "cri to the Tiifzs L'ea TCho Zzj their Eccts and Sh:es is Pla;ts- E13Uth. . In these days of low prices for all kinds of Farmers produce, It is natural they should inquire whre the eheape.-t place is to buy gwul Goh ! We fpeak in all sincerity, when wj say uurn is certainly the best place to get C-nt and Shoes. We can .-.ell you Men tmo l Snlit Leather Boots for i2 75, Mens Heavy Kip all whole .-tok for $3 60 and ever thin? else in proportion. We have a much "better class of pools than we ever had before and we cannot aud tcillnot be undersold. Attached toouref fablishment ia a "Shop" where the very Lest workmen will attend promptly to your orders for new work cr repairing. Farmers ! and everyone 1 give us a call, and you will save money by doing it. Very Ilespectfuliy, 322; OBrien & Merges. Wheat, 85rt9J; barley, 40 cents; corn, 17(318 cent?. That "red trophy business" of Ten oie'i was pretty hard and no Uiia'ake rather ob t(c)eene we should say. MR3. WntTCOMB S 1TRCP EOR Eoothino Children Many sleepless nights of painlul watching:- to the anx ious mother mi'ht be avoided by using this invaluable preparatio... 107d31wlw Thi riattsrnouth Pastoral Union will hold its next sosmoh, Monday, Nov. 11, at 10 A. 31., at the residence of the Ilev. r r i t -ii. l iur. uartie. Arianiieuicnis win men oc made fora due observance of the Na- ThnnVsiririn Th. rrv of a - r- J - - - - rj - - Plattsmouth and vicinity, are invited to attend and participate ia the. proceedings By order of the Society, C. Alton, Secretary. Col. Blood h arrested, phy, too? Is he a tro- Claflin thinks ail the religion, in the world are He-reliios, and claims ail the anIfi are represented as males. Ioes Clafiin thick she would make a good .lookin-femaloaDl? The eamts for Wanted. Within the next 30 days 40,000 pounds of Rag. 50.000 pounds Cast Iron. 20,000 pounds Scrap Iron. 10,000 pouod3 Old Papers. And any amount of old Copper and Brass. , Cash paid for any of the above ar ticles. F. S. WHITE, Two doors East of Court House. 80Jlt-26wtf LIST ot .Letters remaining List of Letters remaining in the Plattsmouth Post Office, Nov. 1st. 1872. I Autcustine II E I Hrown A C Billard Saunders Bowen Jas Brinson Nellie Canuicliael John Cone S D Everett. Jerome Freeman Chas tlohson Jennie ITarbret J Luits G Hartholowew W C HIain Win Car!yle S C andler O E Duerr C Fowler II K Fieeujan T A ai it q. Johnson J C he man J .Miller Henry Mar-elton Elizabeth Murray Lucinda trr jtriotuaa 4 x m I Pindar Euima O reck .na Spear W L Sehraby W Sulson Edna G Stone Jo n Tiacy Jas Williams J S Younr L A s0fje;t,e y o Stenwood Joseph beirth t U Zimmerman J 2 Youug Charley 4 Young E iza S J W MARSHALL, P. M. Don't Hawk. SriT. Spit, Blow. blow, and dicru-t everybody with your U tarrh and its nftonive olor, when l)r Safe's Catarrh Remedy will speedily de stroy all odor, arre.-t the dis-hnrjie and cure you. iuaoiwivr Business men fiud it much more con venient to contract with an established Advertising Agency, like that, of Geo. Howell .t CV, .No. 41 Park Kow. New Vort. than to uiak" contracts Ji rect with publishers. They gain the a-J- vantajfe of dia'init with one per.-ou in stead of dozens or hundreds, while the cot is not merea.-eJ. IUiUoIwiw The stercotypcr and printer of Wood- hull's Weekly have been arrested for sending obscene documents through the mail. The dreadful yellow disease is r:ging in this country. Death .-tares you in the face . Whv do you delay Go to the Druv Store and c-t a package of Sim mons' Liver Regulator, fur one dollar, and remove the cause ot tins tatai uis ease. Kep your Liver in proper order na tliere is no oanger .i your uemx , , I I . . afiiictod. I07J31wlw To V. T7;cdiull tni T. C. Claris. Airreab!y to your "'request. we have noticed the arrival of your Weekly. To what number in Ludlow street jail, or elsewhere, shall we address OUT copy of the Herald witli marked notice of your paper? Omaha, City, Neb., Oct 10, 1872. Dy virtue of 1 1 - authoritvin me vet , -. , i .1 i eil. It H oriiereu inai trie oeuenn'er term if the DitIicr Court fir Cass Co., e further a.? j'urnid, from the fir-t .Mnndavin N ivCiiitxT to the second Mon day in Decs-tii her, 172. Witn9 aiy haid the day and year first atiOVvJ wiitten. . Geo. B. Lakk. d&wtf "fey Judge. Mrs. Whitcoaib's j-uccess iu the dressi- niak'uiK line if s-hown by the way the work po-iix iu. Ladies who h:ive fitting or f-ewinir to be done can not do better than to patronize her. She is to found st the Platte Valley Iloiise 122d32wlt Bninevs room for lent one of the best stands in the city enquire of. D. II. Wheeler & Co. 1131 32wtf Al I dies desirinp nicely fitting drcs e3 or clooks, wi!l finct themselve-i suited by calling upon Mis Whitconib. Rooms in the North east corner of Platte Val- jey uon. 1.3d 32w-lw Evening Star, wood burner, and from 50 to 1 5 varieties oi lieanni: .-foves. Call a. 1 see us, K. T. Dlke L Co" 6GJtf25wtf See advertisement of Dr. Biitt- Dis pensary, headed l.Kk fr the Million Marrhgc Gaid! in another column. It liiuld be re;td bv ail. d-cldtwly. Coal stoves, twr Hof e-al, of all sizes and kinds and price to uif, nt o6if25wif E. f. ICKE&co.'s E. T. & Co. have ju-t reeeive 1 a liirce lot of ll-.-itiiii: of all kinds. utaille for par!r, othit-s, j-ture-. hotels, or any place. Call and see t;.nn fir. Probate Notice I hereby give notice, to all concerned, that a Wi I O'lrpurnnir to be the li.-t Will and Testament o' ll-nry Kobt-it- soti, deeea.-ed, ate of Cass coirity. ati-J Mate ot 2elra-k:i, lias heen nled in the office of the I'rohiite Court of s:ii 1 coun ty, and shut a hearing will be had at mv otfiVe in the Cilv of Plattsmouth. in said county, on the ninth dav ol" No- v eu.ber, at one o'clock P m. . of said day, on ih appiifjati-m t prove and ad ujtt saui v ill to proha'e. at which time and place all pervins inteiested in said state are requested to apoear, and if they see lit contest aJmittuni said ili t- rrot ate Given under iut hand an 1 seal, at mv r.ftiw, this 22-i Hay ofO"ohrr. A. D. 1S72 II i: Ellison. 30 w 3 1'robaie Judge. Shsnff Sale. Notice ii hereby given that I will of fer lor sale at imMic- auction, at the front door of the court house in t lie cilv o4' IMjttMiiouth, Cas-i County Nbi ik- . on th niti'h day of 1) -o-inber, A. I K72 at 10 o'ci'H-k a in. of sa d 'iav, th f..l- lowins real estaie. to wit: Tne ui.i half () of the north east quaiu-r ( j of Section tnirteen Uo), town t.-n (lOj, o! range eleven 111) cast ot the sixth, j,. in , and lots Mos. five and six in block sixty six (f6), and luf-i three and four in block sixty eifiht (GS), in the town of eepintr ater, all equated n the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, taken s lhe P'pertyof Willi J. Horton, on two executions in i.ivor oi iiionnru amJ Spencer, and theSaiul Jos-enh Manufac- w Z .T JJ - : i . ... .1.- Court of the said county of Cass, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county. vGiven "o'Jer my hind, thu 4th day of ' y Johnson. Sheriff. ' Fox Wheelxr Atty. 32wjt, SCRIfttiER'S A Srrial Story By DR. HOLLAND. litre Sto ry By SAXE HOLM. A Long Story from BRE T II A It TE. BRILLIANT ARRAY f CON TBIBUT0R3. CLARENCE COOK on FITRNITURK and DECORATION. It- H. S10D DAR1 on AUTHORS. Extraordinary laiucemeiits to 27ew Sab-J Ecribers. soo pautj for si.oox .. Ac. The Publisher of Scribner's M wthlt. in their Prospectus just issued, promise f .r the ensuin v year a more nriiiicint .array oi coninou torg,. an J fcn increase in tne variety and beau ty of its illustrations already concede! by the critics to be "finer than any tchivh have hitherto appeared in any American wajuiiiw," Db. Holl no. the Editor, will write the ee rial st.ry of tbe year whiidi will be autobiogra phical n form, and, will be illustrated by Mist Hallock. It U entitled Arthur Bon- nlcnstlc, and will deal witn some of the mos difficult problems of American L fe. It will be comwet ced in 'he November Nuoib?r. There will be a new story br Saxa Holm Tbe One l. xs('il IMaticrr. . , BST IURrg. the bent writer of ihort ariet note living, will contribute a o'saracter- Honct note iivng, istin story, entitled the Dpie of riddle town, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. II. StopoE' will write a series ol enter taining papers about Aolhem, llirlr Ffr Htmal linrnctcriatirs. Home 1.1 f. FHinillfM. rrirudi, V lii in, nud Wny. A series of Portrniu of I.Iviaar Amerl- riiiiHritm,ia also promised Clakck Cook will write about I'urnllure nml Hie- llrcuraliuu r Aiarrlesn Iiuiiiph. Th-se papers will be eminently practical as well as artistic, and will be illus trated with designs and sketches by numrous artidt-) in addition to those which the writer himself wi'l furiii.-h. Am ng ihotie who will contribu'e are: Hans Aiiders-'u. B.-jant. Buphijell. Egjjleston. FrouUe. Uig.inson, Jishop liuntington. Bret Har.c. John nay. 11. II. MacDunald. Mitchell. Miss I'helps, s?tcdman. JStockton. t-toddard. Ce lia Thuxter, Warner, Wilkinson. Mrs. Whit ney, besides a host of othtm. will write ' t neli" as hitherto, l'rof. John C. DsiPtR. conducts tlio Department of lre Mud ci e fe." The Departments of Iloiu nnd Ikoclly" and " iiliur ami Pro jcrMi," will engage the contii'outions of more than a score f peus ou both sides of the Atlan tic. Tbe ATCuaA.N su IUfliwCtob s. s "eScribtjer'a Monthly for September is belter than usual, w hich indicates a needless wacte ol edi oriul brains ud 1'ublUhers money, for the Magazine was god cn.ugh befoie!" aiiU yrl I lie Iutli-li-r) aroiiilie ( HitUv It Mili i:ellr fur I lie soinintc Yvnr ! ! The Subrcripiion price is 8 i.OO a year, with special rates to ClcrKman, Teachers, and Postmasters. -The Tollowiaz JEXTRAORDiNARY INDUCEMENTS are offered to new subscribers: For So.;0 the Publishets will hend. or any Bookseller or Newsde.iler will supily the tnuff zine for one ear. and the twelve nuuibois ot Vols. XII and IV"., containing the beginning o. iirs. Oliphani'r Serial, Ilia Gates;" lor $7.60, tha Magazine for oi e Jtur, and the 21 baik numbers from the bcg.unin ; fur $10.'j0 the vl uK..ziuu for one year and the 4 back num bers BuUNjU roUj. cjarice oa bound vols. paid. This wili give uculy 6.000 pas of thi choicest reading, w th the finest illustrations for $10.5i. or nearly' 50) pugoJ :or a dollai and will .nable every subscriber to obtain tl ser-es from the first. Special tcrsi3 ta Dealers, - KergTasa an; "Teacisrs. SCRIBNEP. & CO.. 654 Broadway. N. Y. Dissolution No'.ice. JVOTICI'J is hereby Kiven that the -' Dartnershio lieretofore exiftinsr be- C'dnton & Crobel in the milling business, has been dissolved, lhe business being carried on by 8. Clinton. - S. LLI vTON, 30w3t tJ. iN. CROBEL. '"MACHI;,ETHOP! Wayman f-urtis. .PInttsraiou'si, IVcb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. ,.,. Gas and stream Fittmirs, Wrourht Iron Pipe Force and Tift Puuir-s. rteam Gauges. alan Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice. - ARMIMG MACHINERY Repnii-- cv Vcrt notice. aus University of Nebraska R '"!! V The next terra of lhe University will open SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1872. A full Corpi of Professor-" i proviled. Tb Aparau. Library aud Uaninel are tew in I Ciinp'ete. The Agricultural College v' ill open this fall. Tui:!on free, and books at co-t For further information end for a ctta- rofeoie. Kootn for self bo ir ling furnishdd at small cost to the itu icnt. A. R. B EN TON. Chancellor. b43 d w 20 w 2m Lincoln NaK IVIohkt- Saved Buying Your Green-house and Bedmg P. ants. AT Tia DON'T send East f-r Plants when you e-m gel ja.-t k.dI l"-r uiont-y nerer homf. To uiy ttu.Lerou I'rii-nds and piitrons I would ray. that I have tbe luri;('.t Hnd be. tck .f plants ever BVred tor sale in tnr weft and np to i-ell th-ui at re:tsmab,e irv rt Ueture am' eeud for my New Oescriptlve Catalogue. wbi'-h w'.l! ht ent frt. nV rh- apply Cnr it Tbvn iro r., y.)-jr 'irders. an-1 I tool cunS ln 1 can -atify yoa. A i-irt. 'V J. 11 P.ssCl; reb. 13 d.W w . Pl.ittr xo ith. V eU 1. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MJA1N STREET, llattsmitutht Nvbruska I am prepared to accommodate the Dublls with Horses. Carriages. Buggies and a No. 1 llearee n short notice and reasonable terms. A liack willrun to th steAinboatlandinx.and to ail part Of th oity when desired. laimarw 1, 1WJ rwt 1 3 II I J E. T- DUKE CO. AT FOOT OF MA IK STREE1 Wholesale it Retail De tiers In Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWARE. ROPE, RON. STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, See. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK. BUCKS PATENT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, LOYAL COOK I i i l rr; t pt .'l,. .And Ulier n irSl-ViaS3 UUKlIlg STOVES', of All kinds Coal or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. 23 &. Hoove?. L O VIS V1LLE, NEB. - o Keeps constantly on hand all itapl . articles s ich as Coffee 8gar, Tobacco, - Molacses, Dry Qoodi TJoot.i and Shoes, Arc, In fact eTery thing- usually kept 1- a Vi ty Store, which will be sol. I on -rav! profits for r'ASR. A II kinds of Produce taken in exthnage for good and Highest Market Price sriven in cash 19-w for Grain. DOANE CO 1 -LEGE. The Preparatory Department, Rev. X. 3 Perry, (Recently of Yale College.) "V, PRINCIPAL 3d, 1872. t low rates. Appiy HAS. LITTLE, rustees, Crete reb. 1. Wlbk. Proprietor. R. II. McDoiil A C., OrnirgisiaJ CB. ApHU, San KnuiriacA, Cl. -H 14 Comiuorc strni. T MILLIONS Bear 'Tew'mosr to thel Wanderful Culntlvv Eflccta. The j are not a vile Fnncy Drink, Made of Po nam. Whisker, ProeT Spirit and Hefnaa Lienor doctored, npiccd and weetcnel to please the Uxte. culled "Tonics," "Appetixerm" Tteitorers.ic., (hat lead the tippler on to drukenne and ruln.but are atme Medicine.niade from the Native Knots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Hi I ma" Inntn. Tlievaretlie;KEAT Itl.OOU IM.UI FlEUnml A LIFE UVIS PKINCIPLE, perfect ltenovator and InviRorntor of the Sywem. earryiiiRoff all Kiorou matter and rertorlriR thablood to a healthy condition. No person can take thce Bit lem according to direction and remain lonn unwell, provided their ')one are not destroyed by mineral poinon or other means, and th vital organ waited berond tho point of repair. They are n Ccnilo Purgntive n well nam Tonic, posftCHbiiiK., the cciiliar merit of actlnt a a Kweiful ncent iu relieving Congestion or Inflam tnation of tho I.lver. ntul all the V isc-eral OrKana. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Inyoniuro oM, miurriwl or single, at thedawn of womunhood oral the turn of liTc. Uirme Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Itlienma nnd Cout, Iypepaia or Indigestion, ltlliouH, Kctiilttent and Inlermitlent Fe ver, llUrnnci or lhe Itlood.. I.ivor, Kid- ey nnd ladd-r. these Itinera liav len mo ncresKftd. Kuril DUcnoc are earned by V illnted Itlood, which isgenerully produord by derangement f the DigratlTD Organ. OYSI'Er.siA Oil INIJHJEMTION, nead ehe. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of th thuL Dizziness. 8nur Eruetstioas of the Stomach. bad Taste in the Mouth, Uillous Attacks. Palpitation t the Heart. Inflammation or tbe l.ungs. Pain in tbsre Kions of the Hldiier. and a Uuutlred other painful irmp- toms. are the offspring of Drspepnia. They invigorate the Stomach andsilranlat th Urr5 Llrsr and Bowels, which renoer them of unualii tfficacr in cleansing th blood of all imparities, and im- antng new lif and vi;or to tho whole system. FOIl li!N DISEASES, Eruptions. TetUr. Bait Rheum, Blotches, Spots. Pimples. Pustules. Boils. Car- uncle. Ring-Worms. 8nsM llca.l. Sore Eres. Eryxl pe ls. Itch. Scurf. UiscoloraliotjH of the fkin. Humors and pisesses of the fckin. ef whatever name or nature, ai llteranv dug up and rarnni out of tue system in a snort time by the use ot these Bitters. One ttottle in such eases will convinc the most incredulous of tbeir cur live effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wherever you find Its Im ferities bursting through tb s'.io In i'imple. Erop tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you Cud it obstructed and sluggish In the velus : cleanse it when It Is foul and your feelings will tell yo-i when. Keep the Mood rare, and tb h-Uh of tbe si item will follow. Fin, Tape, nnd other Worm, lurking In th system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and nninvl. Fits a distinguished nhrsiolngist. I tLere is scarcelv an individual npon tbe face of th I earth whose body is exempt from the presence of I worms. It is not npon the heslthy elements of tb I hni, that wnrm. evist. lint noon the oiseaseo uumors ' and slnnr deposits tbat breed these living monsters of ' disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintic will free th system from warms Ilk laese. Bitters. t. WALKEB. Proprietor. IL H. McTXNAI.D CO. ' Draggists and Oen. Agents. Ssn Francisco. California, end 33 and 31 Uorumerce btrvet. new xorg. SOldJ BY ALL DBUUGI8T3 AND PKAXEU. Lo k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cure colic and griping inl Price Whitcomb the bowels, and IK ilitt I Syrup. the pnH-ees of teething. Cens. MHS. I Subdues convulsions andi Price Whitcamb's overcomes all diseases inci-i Kyrup. idem to infants and rhiidr-n. Cents. MRS. Cure4 Oiarrhiea. Iyente- Price hitcomb s rv andsuranrerconiDlaint I S8-" Syrup. Ichildren of all ages. ICenls, It is the srent Infants and Children VnSooth ing Keniexly, in all disorders brought on by teething or anv other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co.. St. .Ioui ji o. bold br druggists aad deaJora in Mo rjo. " fe h St r r Lumbcrl Lumber The Undersigned has on hand and ia 11a iiu fact in ing All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At his Mill at tbe Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edqbbto. J une3J d&wtf Book for the Million ! MARRIAGEII A private counselor to the UUIOt. I; Married or tfeore about to mar I try on the physiological m.-ster- les and revelations ot the snxual syetem. the latext oicsoveries in producing and i-roventing- onsiiring, now to pr-crve tne complexion tc. Thi is an interesting work of two bamlred and twet.ty.four puses, with numerous engrav ings, and contains valuable iniormati in for tnose who are married, or contemplate mar riase. thrill, it is a book that ought to be kept under lock and key. and not laid carelessly aoout tne House. Sent to any one (free ofpostage) for?0 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary. No. 12 N Eighth street. St. Louis, Mo. Notice to the and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in puolin papers, or using any quack remcdie.". peruse l)r. Butts work no matter Before applying to tbe notorious quacks who hat ynurdestase is or how deplorable your condition. lr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on tbe disensen mentioned in his works. Office. No. 12N. Kightb. street, between Market andChesnut. St. Louis. Mo. dec2dwlv Abstracts of Title. I IIE N"MERinL SYSTEM. The beet use. For descriptive circolnrs. a-idress. ACKK3. BLAUKM.t R It CO 12tf Burlinston, Iowa. ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY Iteliet for Younit Men, from the effects of Krrors and Abnse. in early life. Man hood restored. Ira pediments to Marriage re novel. New methoc'of treatment. Nw an remarkable reinediow. Books and Circula nent free, in i-lea envelope. ..T n Adi- HOWARD ASSOCIATTON. No. 2 South Kinth Street. Philadel.jhip, In- stituison navinir a niRti re -ut ui- n tor nonora ble condur-t and prolessional skill. 20 w 6m FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. SL'CCE-ISOR 10 Tootle, Hanna & Clark. John FiTZOKRAtn. Prefident, John R. Clark. Caihier, c, II. PRMiri.. I tee President T. W. Evans, A n't Cashier. Th!p Bank is now open for budnes at teii new room, corner Main a- d Sixth streets, and are prepared to transact a seneral Banking Business. Stocks, Bond, Gold. Government aid Local Securities . . . Bonght and SoldTDeposits Received and . Interest allowed On time Certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part of tbe United States and in all th principal towns nd Cities of Europe. OR THE CELERRATED irJMAM LIME. AND OF STEAMERS. Persons wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can purchase tickets from us threugh to Plattsmoutb apl8wtf J. R. CLARK. ELI PLCMMER Cheap Cash STORE! o Pave money by paying Cash for your Goods. AT CLARK & PLUMPER'S. DEALERS IX STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also a full stock of GROCERIES. BOOTS and SHOES. HATi and CAPS. We buy largely for CAsn and sell cheap for the MONEY. (tor opposite the Brooks Ilotue). Main street, llatlmutht 24w-C6d-3m Pi&iita tit ii Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative i the sheet-anchor of the feeble and do- ilitated. As a tonic and cordial lor tlu aged and languid it has no equal ainoiiif stouiachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women a- i-s- pocialiy subject, it is superseding evt-ry othiT Ftiumlant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or tngid. it acts as a -pptific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength ami breaks down the animal spirits. Dec. 23. diw lyr. Beautiful Women. HAGAN'S MAGNOJIA BALM give to th Com plexion th Freshness if Youth. JJaoas's MAOSOLia Balm overcomes th flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfeet that no per.'on can detect its application, tiy its us tho roughest fkin is made ti rival the pur radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skin the least. Magxolia Balm is used by ail fashionable ladies in New York. London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is cold by all Dramatists and Perfumers. V. fcrl7rii AN ADVERTISEMENT TO FILL THIS SPACE. OB a a o ?5-2s: " a K cr- S" cr s a. S s s w z 8 3 a t:. 2.t? o r -, a o - a -a m O C& 5 3. Cr o a a Si SolS- o frW? " w 3- O - s o g a a 9 5 Cu 2? s s-s; S sr5 4 2.o itsmw mpang of! fm axh CToniiiunlal guilbinj, los, 24, JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. R0QER8. ENrvtary. Enterprising, Economical, Libera antl Kumber Policies Issued to Jan. 1. 1(572 Number Policies issued and revived in A&iETTS. Jan. 1, 1872 This CoDIRlTlT 1S Pnretv Mllfiml It St, A.wr'.J'.n m .nt!.. mnt,m mww. ttm Tlf ' cy holders, annuallv. on the "Contribution Plan." and ha a larger business and a lower ratio f expense to income, than have ever been attained by any other Company at a Correspond)! period in its history. Its total Assets are sufficient to discharge a'l liHili'le. in?ludinr re-insuranee. pay back all its stock capital, and leave as a balaace nytre than a MILLION of earned surplus. This Company Issued IHorc Policitx I3ST 1871 Any Other Company in the Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., janiodAwtf Ocneral Agents for cbrnakn. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. sol.- DOWN GO THE A T . D. SCIINASSE & COS Celelrttad N EW YORK STOEE South West Corner of Malo Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska, AD SO TIIE PEOPLE 3D SI. IT DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, I3LEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND fiHOFB In the Grocery line we keep tbe Festest and Best TEA. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES. CRIED FRUITS, of Try Decrlt:on. All the Varieties of Sirices, in fact for all Your GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. HATS AND CAPS, GO TO D. SCHIaTASSK & CO.'S r-25-tf LYON'S KATHAIRON, F.r Prtrviag and Beautifying the Hum so HaVr T Prvot iU Falling Out and Taming Gray A well-preserved Ilead f Hair, in a person of middle ae. at once bespenks refinement, ele gance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning- Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charms. Few things are more di.gua ia? than thin, frisxly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat covered with Daodroff. Vuiit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This ia what LYON'S K VTHAIRO.V will do all the time. The charm which liea in well placed lia r, ;ios.y Curls. Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable aad irresUtable. Sold by all Drug-gUta and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w CUNARD LINE. KSTABLISNED 1840. Paseng-er booksd to and frcm all pa-ts of Europe at lowest rates. Apply to H. T 1U VERNET. Gea'l Western A'gt,37n State st. Chicago, or to EO. WILSON. 12 fm. NlTw DRUG STORE, WEZPl.VO WATER, NEB. T. Ii. POTTER, "TAEALER In Drugs! Medicines. Paints. Hi X-' Varni.-ih, Perlumery, Statiotary, Notion Clears aod Tbbitwo wl CI S o O O H w '3 O xn p ta u if M 3? 3 O H n . a H H H Q H a I" Sc as t 26 28 mm St. t g Safe . 1871...., M $,rv la.MT ..7,503,232,30 TH A.3ST PRICES!! T 12 IIN' K WHO RVC U M. B. MURPHY v Mamfatrer of fc"? AND DEALER I n! gjarntss, Sattbs, jgnWts, OOLLAHH, WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c. Promptly Exeoted.-AIl work Wsrrar.ted a-FlNE HARNESS A SPECI ALIT Y . Not. PliittsuioutV. N.b TUB BEST IS Tlie Cheapest. F. J. METTBB Jill b found at kKs old stand on Me!n Ft. wnere tie win oe inei.-u n v bu customers and friends. H e has a larg and good assortment of fara machinery sach as th rphe Marsh harvester, a reaper tht two -c i i X can cut and bind tao acres per dr .v... on man to drive, and th binders can wort ia th chaoe. Mil bum and Stadenbaker Waifors. r-hax-pion Reaper X Xower MassiUoa Thr'.;t -er. ana Lutiale Pit thrasher, and Kxla.:. Roaper and Mower Ae, F. J. MCTTlSElC If ain Street, Plattssaonth, Neb. L. S. Bui. Traveling- Aeal! Feb.20wtC