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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1872)
MnM aiini A nsAjswifcr iSjiiiNSO 1 r 1 " " ' -r - Latest By Telegraph -" -1 , . Death of Mrs. Grecloy, i s THE HERALD. Fubiuhed every Tbunday at PLATTSHOXJTH, NEBRASKA. c Corner Jin In nIfeendlitrect ecoU tttory. Cows Said to be Afllictctt with IIoi-bc Disease in New Jersey. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. J. A. HACMmiPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS' TERMS : $2.00 a Year. as HIEMAILID) m. mm r ! 1 i Terffii, in Adrance. One copy, ene year.-.. neopy, six month One inpv. three month.. .to. . 1:00. ATTORNEYS w i tTTPT r cvttit Jf STARBIKD At i I Z h JU. Practice in. all the court. of the State. Special attention given io collec tions- and matters of Probate , Office over the Poet Office, Plattsmonth. Neb. 179?.? T.yJ5E?E5TttorohateLn8"m8 -j ij ;.i -a... Office in the Maaunie iii-v RrrM-t. Platumonth. Nebraska. MAXWELL k CHAPMAKAttorreyi . a Law and Solicitor! In Cb ancery . " moath. Nebraska. Office ia Fittgerald sBloek. MB. REESE. Attorney at Lnw-0Ti(-e kt.wi or Chanman s Drug Store. Special attention given to collection of claims. " PHYSICIANS. -v t i.t vrv35TflV. Physician and Sur- IV. eeon. tenders bis professional services ito , th. itLna of Casseounty. Residence southeast i nl Sixth streets: office on Ma:n ttreet. one door wet-t of Lyman's Lumber Yard Plattsmouth. Neb. -w w siwMVi) (!nrnn nt Physician l J .Jtm m. Snrnn-in-Chie of the Army of tho Pntnman. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Offioe at O. P. Johnson's Drug Store Main street. I rposite Clark k Plammers. INSURANCE. llTIIEEI.ER A REVN'KTT Real Estate and v Tax Paying Agents, N-jUns Public. Kiro. and Life Insuranoe Ageate. Plattsmouth.. Neb- rk. "V4tt 1H SLPrt PAINE General Insurance A rent I Represents some or the moat reiiaoie ooia- Office with Barnes k Pollock is) Fitzgerald lock- jao7diwtr HOTELS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZGERALD Proprietor ' Main Street, Between 5th and 6th St. MISCELLANEOUS. AGENTS WANTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books published on the Honss and the Cow. Liberal terms. Money nr ade rapid ly bv Atenta selling thede books, bend, lor eirCUlurpOKTER C0ATF.3. Publishers. Philadelphia. Pa. 3F"inc Art G-ollery. Photograph. Ambrotypbs and copies rmm qM niotn rM. nl hi n or colored, either in ink. water or oil. All work neatly executed and warranted to give satisfaction. . V. V. LKONAHU Artist. lOdtf Main bt.. Plattsmoutb. PHILADELPHIA STORE. SOLOMON & XATIIAN, j DEALERS IK Fancv Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Largest, Cheapest, and Best Assortod Stock in the City. JDarStore on Main, between 4th and 5tb 6treets. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. dl6 wl6d&wtf To A itebtiskrs. AH persons who contem plate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of Advert iseusents should send to for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One hundred Page Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3.0)0 Newspapers and estimates, showing the cot of advertising, also many useful hints to ad vertisers, and some account of the experiences of men who are known a successful advertis ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 Eo H- Y- and are possessed of unequaled facilities for securing the insertion of advertisements in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. LCE P GILLETTE Ntbratka City, General Agent Dep't Northwest. Union Central Life iiirsimAxvrcs go Of Cincicnati Ohio, J. H. PRESSOR. julylSdAwtf Loeal A gent XEW STYLES. (MERCHANT TAILOR Is in receipt of the fines and BEST ASSORTMENT Of Cassimeres, Clotba, Vesting?, to ever brought to the city, which I will make up in the Latest styles. t-Plcase call and examine. Plattsmouth, April 18, 1S72. dlS diwtf. CITY MfcAT MARKET, BY GcOj FijLler, MAIN STREET, Plattsmouth; - Nebraska. The beat of Freett Meats always on hand ir their season. Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle 49Higheet Cash Price paid for green Hides Volume 8. BEST IS Tiie Gib c ap est. Pi J. METTEBR. Will be found at his old stand on Main St. where he will be pleased to see his for rxu customers and friends. He has a large and good aMortnra ef farm machinery such m the rrbe Marsh harvester, a reaper that two aiJ X can cut and bind ten acres oer day wit- one man to drive, and the binders can work ia the (hade. 1 filburn and Studenbaker Warona. fhata - i'JL pion Reaper & Mower Massillon Thrash er, and tfuoaio fit thrasher, and bx-el.sior ncaper ana Mower Ac, F. J. METTEER, Main Street, Plattsmoutb. Neb. L. S. Bt.Aia, Traveling Ajent. Feb.29wtf. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. 23 Gm Hoover. LOUISVILLE, NEB. o Keeps co3tatly en hand all staul articles sacb as Coffe Tobteoo, Dry Goods Boots and Shoe, te., In fact every thing njillykent Ii a V i ! Store, which will be sold oa -n.ill poG;s for Va&h. A II kinds of Produce taken in excbiau Iorgodand IIihe.t Markgt Price given in eah 19-r forQraiB. DOANE COLLEGE? ThePreparatory Department, Rev. D. B' Pcrrj, (Itecenlly of Yale CoHege,) PRINCIPAL will o ieu September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rates. Apply to CIIAS. LITTLE, Chairman f Trastees, Cret Nei. p20-w3h NEW DRUG STORE, I WEEPING WATER, KER.. I T. Ts. POTTEB, DEALER in Trugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils Varnish. Perfumery. Station ary. Notions Cigars and Tobacco wl6t JPIaltsntotitli A C ADE MY! ! summer Term Commences July 1st 872. Chicago Aveeae. PIattaiouth, Cass ceanly. Kebru-skH. Prf. Ado!pho d'Ailemand, Pr )netor 25th m and J rmcipal, Jos. Schlater. ESTABLISH KB IK ltl. DEALER IN tVATCIIES, CLOCKS JEWELRY BILroVApSPLSP?CLWESARE VIOLIN STRINGS AND . FANCY (JOODS. Watche. Clocksand Jnlr rn.i.J ...ti. ind with dispatch. .Removed to nnnif Platte Vli TTn..o. Uiaa Street. lor.lOwt ROCK! STONE! I will furnish parties with stone for all building purposes at a reaseaable price, at my quarries cr delivered on the car at Louis ville station The following kind f atnno pan be had on short notice; rill, caps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such ae was nsed by the B. k M. R, R. in the construction of their (tone work. All responsible orders, promptly filed J. T. A. HOOVER. - LouUrille Station. NEW L U M B E R Y A R D! uaving openea a dumber Yard at Jjoursville, I will keep all kinds of LUMBER', DOORS, .ASII. IKLINDS. &c, ic, &c, And would invite all those wishing to purcna' io give me a call. O , -I will alstv al in H kinlf of GRAIN. v ""-v-Aa in Vay iu uiiesi ALarKet price. E. wVO YES. ON MARRIAGE. - HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from the eu-cis vi errors ana Aouset in earl v life. Man ood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New methodof treatment. New an remarkable remedies. Books and Circula sent free, in sealed nnlnt Adtre. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, P, an In- BLiiuusua uving a. eigti repotation for honors ble conduct and profwricnal skill. 2Uw Am MACHINE HOP! Wayman Curtis. Plattsmon4.!, Neb., Repairers of Steam Cnginee, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gaa and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Pipe Force and Tift Pumps, bteam Gauges, alan Valve Governors, and all kinds ef Brass Engine Fittiu? s, furnish ed on short notice. rf ARMING MACHINERY KepaUe ' on hort aotie. ass University of Neb r a s k a LINCOLN, NEB. Ilojoll Mr" The next term of the University will open SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1872. A fall Corps of Professors is provided. Tb Apparatus. Library and Cabinet are tew and cotnp'ete. The Agricultural College Will open this fall. Tuition free, and books at COlt. For further information send for cata- Rooms for self boarding furnished at small oat to the ktudents. A. S. BENTON, Chancellor.. 43 ilw-X w 2m Lincoln Neb. jlTEW STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska. JAS. CfLSSS; & CO BOKTOX k JSKK8. ' MaLKS IS Seneral Merchandise svexi aw DRY GOOD?. Q ROCKIES. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS.?11"09 We are Agents, for to. t Willcox L Cib3Sewrig Mack -j MriS. A. D. VKITC0MB, o?o Dress and Cloak Maker. Rooms Northeast corner of Platte Valley House. CUTTING Sc FITTING made a specialty. 5- Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand, 84d 26w-3m THE "Silver Tongue." M4KCFACTUECD BY E. P. XEEDIIAM & SOX, 143. 115 k 147 East 23d Street. New York. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Responsible parties applying for agencies in fections still unsupplicd. will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties re siding at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. Send for illustra ted price list. Oct 25 diw3m Omaha Marble Works. M. JFEENAN, Manufacturer and Dealtrin ITALIAN V MKRI( .t MtRltl.F. - IHKSIN. II KAI1 4. F., Iflaulles &, Furniture arblc- For specimen of workmanhip refer to Smith's and Vallcry's monu ments in Plattsmouth Cem e t a r y . The patronage of Cass County is respectfully Solicited. dS.i-w27-fim Keei it Before the Public ! THAT FRANK CAR RUTH, ru j t i m. uuiogrujiucr uuu ucweier, is selling Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper than any other pine west of the Mis souri ttiTw, ana a call to exnmine goois an'! prices will assure you cf the same. Uood goods of all kinds at bottom figures. And of the Pho tographic department Head the following price list, it can't be bent East or West. 1 dozen Clems 1 do Large 4 Bon Tons 4 Itnperia's 6 dox calling cards 50 1 dos Mod. eds 2 50 $1 50 1 do ed. ilir 3 nil 1 0") 1 eab't cd phot. 6 00 I 12 !f4 l'hot fr. 4 00 3 00 14-4 gem " " 2 00 A large stock of Frames constantly on nanu at jow prices. Uo not have a picture taken of any kind nor buy a dollars worth of Jewelry . until you have called and examined specimens and prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, neatly re paired. aaa - ww. aii isonui warranted as Represented. 27w-88dtf PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. rn;i?5IS,Pwnet0'HavingrecenUybeer 1Wrrrtii.KiIa7lIJ? thorough running orde o R Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, TEN LITTLE "ULEEALS Air "Ten Little Indian Boys. Ten little Liberals getting into line. One of them bolted, and then there werenioe. Nine little Liberals, organized by hate, Fougbt among themselves, and then there were eight. Eight little Liberals claimed to be eleven. One couldn't see it, and then there were -seven. Seven little Liberals playing silly tricks. One got disgusted, and then there were six. ix little Liberals getting in a hive. One cot tunK, and then there were five. Five little Liberals played a game of "draw." One got basted, and then there were four. Four little Liberals getting up a tree. One tumbled over, and then there were three. Three little Liberals sitting in the dew. One got the colic, and then there were two. Two little Lrbeials Ulkiug very freely. One got mad and wouldn't go for Greeley. One little Liberal sitting all a'onc. Swallowed up his on uelf, and then tbe e were none. The reports of the horse disease in the East look darker than ever, the late lei- earams renortinir that it is spreading to cattle, and that fifty cows have died of t Q Orange, New Jersey. Its present damaging effects unon trade are almost incalculable, and should it extend to cattle it will be increased many fold. It is said that where the afflicted aDi - ua!s are worked, the disease takes the form of glanders one of the worst ills to which borsf. fleh is heir. Tbe disease is abating somewhat in Boston, and in Rochester, but seems to baconie more fatal in New York city, owing, perh?p., to the persistent work ing of the Mck animals. Tbe ad inUrim Editor of the Omaha Herald tells us what he knows about the "viWican party. It is not of so much rto the world to know what ithe party as it will be to enow wnat tne ltepuD- about him. OS :c War Eorse Eca. H. T. Union. T. Hudsnn, a I")rmrcratic e last leei.!attire from Co lr"' Vi'lattc count v. ha Dublinlv c fCfe out for Grant and Walson. Through his influence a large number of others will do likewise He is known throughout the State as an honest man who follow hia nvrn honest convictions without reeard to I former prejudices, and his following will J be larce. Let them come there is room for all or- the broad Republican platform. llibune ana Kepublican. Mr. Hudson is an old friend of ours, and we heartily rejoice to see him come over to the right side. There is a great deal of fraud and cor- ruption in the Republican party. They do very Daa inings. luey lrank letters to their friends, they run arouud looc when they ought to be home; they make speeches to elect themselves, and they spend Grant's money outrageously fiee so saj's the ad interim of the maua ureuey papjr. it may dc so ; l but let us look at the other side for a I moment. Senator Hitchcock is home. and has been during the campaign at tending to the proper duties of the sta tion. Senator Tipton has been cJnssez- ing around after a tidal wave and spend ing his time and the people's money (as the opposition always claim when it is a Grant man) in trying to break up the prty anl ruin the men who have helped him to become all of a Senator that he is. Gen. Grant is at his post during his duty and has been. Horace Greelev has been swinging round a circle outside of the wave until an ebb tide carried him to Chappaqua and landed him on the bed rock of defeat. Gratz Brown, is Governor of Missou ri, a great State, its wants are many, the need of bis presence at home has been felt severely, and the people and press of bis State called loudly lor their Governor to transact public business for them during this summer, but Gratz was away eating buttered watermelon and gormandizing soft shell crabs, with a sandwich of political speaking, be tween whiles. Sumner has gone to Europe, Schurz is a Senator, and where has he been ? Home, or at Washington? Not muci! Tiumbull, the high minded, of course hj has bren home ; he has made i,o speeches, been attending to his Sena?o rial duties very closely everybody knows that! A'l these men are Senators or State officers, all of them receive pay from the United States, or the people; very much the Fame as a "Grant Sena tor" t.r a "Grant Governor" would. lliss ilorgaa oa Hogs. Miss Morgan, live stock market re tarter for a New York paper, and one. therefore, whose opinion on such matters should possess 'weight, ays. that the Berkshire and Essex hogs are preferable as market hogs, to common native stock, as the waste by shrinkaire in thoo im proved breeds is less than one-half of mat or tbe coarse native hogs. In this we agree with her, but why does Miss Morgan state also that the pure bred Berkshire is entirely black, and that the pure Essex is almost free from hair, when these distinctions are not charac teristics of theso breeds at all ? On the contrary, the Berkshi re has wKif foot and often other whim marl nnrl th Essex is often well haired. Il&jrth and r i lis y t f th I M & r r 1 M & m Thursday, November 7; 1872. A LITTLE HOSE The next thing that worries them, and this time it is the New York Trib- ne that has "conniptions," is the Frank ing business. It thinks $170,000 would not pay the bills for campaign docu ments that Grant Senators and Grant clerks have sent off to elect the "usurp- er." Well, we'll tell you how it worked in Nebraska. The first batch of poiiti cal documents that came to Nebraska fully franked by a Greeley Senator, we suppose were Liberal documents. The V. M. allowed them to slip through somehow ; the next day or two a batch of Grant documents came, and while the officials were in a quandary yet, in re gard to disposing of these "Pub. Docs' they slipped out again, and we suppose j were distributed. But a few days elapsed when the medical director of the Liberal pulse m Uaiaba sounded the alarm or corruption the Franking privilege was being prostituted, &c, &c, &c : the I people's money wasted, the country on verge of. bankruptcy, paying mail con- tracts and feeding Grant hirelings. I Hardly was the ink dry on tbs Doctor's article when a .huge sack worth 35 I cents of Liberal documents, addressed -k. A. Allen, Chairman of the Lib- "al Central Committee of Nebraska," I arrived at the PostoDGce. 1 L. A., you all know him, a fine gen tleman, for a Democrat, too, marched I into-the office, rear part, you sec, where they wouldn't let "Itosey" com 3, and grabbed his bag of "letters !" Our vir I ,aous "lend, lo?t, stepped up and showed the Hon. Chairman the Doctor's tirade, and ventured to remark that those "letters were all Greeley docu- ments, and they were franked by -, Serator from New York and not onlythe sack franked, as one may say, but the envelopes of each sepa-1 rate letter, or document, were franked, and the envelope blank, so that the Hon. A. cnairman couid nil in his lnends names and the names of whosomever he J . wished to convert and re-send, i. e., re-1 frank them to all the persons he desired I to convert to the Liberal cause in Ne- I braska. The Hon. Chairman said the Doctor was some kind cf a Hon. fool. but took his "lotters" and the govern merit is still defrauded. ANOTUEU SIN. We have newspapers, the Graut men own them, the Grant men run them, Grant edits them all, 3Ioses ! what a great man he must be. One daily pa- per generally uses up an editor every two years; but Grant edits em all, and still lives to take his ' bourbon straight, but not any straight Bourlon. Let us look at this. Horace Greeley owns a paper, called his paper, often.--It has had great influence in its day. It micht have soincaxrain if GtppW elected. If it is dancerous for a Prosi- dent to run newspapers, surely Horace Grteley shou d not be elected for he can't hdp but try and run the Tribune vehue he lives, and sure the T, iburte. is running him now. Gralz Brown owned and edltm! a newspaper, and depends largely on the newspaper influence for his success. He would USA tllPni a T.I in if nlnnfo.) nA evidently knows how to doit, being bred io the business. If controling newspa pers is dangerous to our Liberahtes we dou"t want Gratz then. Carl Schuiz owns end edits a raper and he aspired to a high cabinet "po sish" under the new regime before the tidal wave washed all hopes of success away. Carl is a newspaper man he ought not to be Premier. Gentlemen and ad interims take notice wc are ahead on men, on manners, on moraN, on votes ond on cverytking, so far. A Leipsic firm announces a volume of over nine hundred pages, containing the most prominent articles which have re cently appeared on the international copyright question. "Madam," said a boarder to his land lady, "I am very sure this pepper is half peas." "Peas, indeed 1" That pepper is Smalt & Hommersly's very best. You don't know anything about pepper if you think there's peas in that." "Forallthat, madam," said the boarder, I m cure that pepper is half peas ; p-e-r, pep, per. Six letters, and three of them p s." Trial cf Ecai Engines. On the invitation of Professor Thurs ton, of Stevens Institute of Technology we lately attended a trial of road lot-o-motive eneines, held at South Orange. IS J. 1 he trial was und. r the direc tion of the Professor, and was eminently sawsracrory. i ne eninrs, of English manuiaciurc, were ot ten horse power nominal, solidly and very neatly con structed, and were handled with the greatest facility. They were turned in a circle of thirty feet diameter outside of the whcel-i racks, and one of them hitched onto a train of ten loaded wa one, weighing altogether twenty seven and a bait' tons, went off in a verv hvelv manner up a hill with a grade of one foot in twenty. The power thus devel oped wou!d be amply sufficient to draw a ganir of a dozen plows through a tough cod- The only question is whether or not the usual difficulties experienced with locomotives in the field would inter fere with tha success of this engine. .It would bo interesting to see the question tested. Ea. For Xlie Herald. Mr. Greeley and friends arc consoling themselves with an idea once advanced bya colored man when he met with a mag nificent fizzle. He said, "blessed are they that expect but sot le divjppi vHt . p . - . , . ,. i v...- im. j.4 ; LOSnCPOLIXE. ' AITS TSANSFSE5. I We never go, away in the direction of I Omaha and have any occasion to cross I the big muddy, but that our ears are pierced and our cious sensibilities - 1 shocked by the wicked oaths and insane I desires of the traveling public in regard I to our innocent, transcendent, and gently I flowing Missouri. If all the Jam(n)s - 1 that have been thrown at and across the I river by the passenger?, over the variou I "transfers' they have had at Omah-i, tin the last few years, could only bo I thrown up in a straight line they would I levee the river from here to St. Louts, I and then leave enough material over to grade the Trunk road from the Kansas J line to the Niobrara. : The present bridge airaneme-il doc t not seem to give any better, if as good satisfaction as the old fashioned boats '. and the trouble and annoyance of 6hift mgand changing, chcckinc, andre-check I baggage and showing and trading I ar,d swopping tickets, seems to be an id tolerable nuisance. When we arrived at 1 lattsmouth landing, and saw the nice, clean, staunch li. & M. K. U, boat, the "Vice-President," it made our I heart glad with joy. Step right aboard 1 wide, well lighted, clean, saloons, a puff or tw a snort and a scream, fifteen ruin utes ana you are over in Nebraska. Home again ! Would'nt trade her for forty bridges, if the Herald was owiier of a "Transfer. o- ilie tie'fit The present campaign, or the different roads to the White House, reminds me of a circumstance of a friend of mine who was traveling on horseback and j came to a town on a river, and there was J a railroad along side of the river; the first man he met was a colored man. He asked how far it was to a certain town, below. He said, "Sah, if you take the river, 12 miles, ifjoutake the wagon road, 10 miles, if you get aboard the I cars, j ou dah now." lheald Democratic stage route was once considered a popular road; but having been out of use for the i&t twelve years, it is badly washed, and overgrown with mullen, cedar, grass and dog fennel, it's considered a hard road to travel. The Greeley road is thought by some to be shorter and more direct but it is hedged in on one side by rocks of Protection, and Free Trade on the other, recently we have understood that a part of the bottom had fallen out. But he that gets aboard the train that General Grant rides on, is "dah now," for as North Carolina went so goes the Union. ' Cosmopolite. Hisis to Employees. There is scarcely one in this large class of our people, whether male or female, old or young, that is not ambitioas to rise in position and pay. Many a youth of brilliant capacity sees the plodder advanced above him, and thinks his own merits underrated. Many a girl aspires to that confidence of her employer, and longs to be tieated as an equal rather than an inferior. We propose to put all these striving souls into the posses sion of the secret by which they may at tain their desire. The very first quality taken into account by one who is looking for help is trustworthiness. "Ia this man or woman an eye servant?" is tbe first question in the mind of the employ er, careful though he is not to express it. Ability, experience, skill, may be requisite, but of what avail are they if the man or woman cannot be depended on? Suppose we could not trust ia the steadfastness af nature we could not be sure that the sun would rise at just such a time every morning and set at the due hour at night ; suppose we find water running up hill, and weights rising sky ward instead of failing to the eartn how utterly baseless in such a world all our plans aud hopes become. We want to feel the same confidence in those we de peud on as we feel in nature. "Louis has been in uiy employ for fourteen years, and he has never once disappoint ed me. He is always prompt, faithful, trustworthy." So said a friend the oth er, day and straightway Louis, with his sooty skin, took rank in our minds with George Washington both men could be trusted. God give us more of them ! There is a large class of men and women who an succeed in life only as they link their fortunes to those wise in turning the rudder bands and shaping their course to the desired haven. Left to themselves, they drift. on an uncertain sea, often upon the shoals, rarely into deep soundings; smooth waters, cur rents and eddies bear them now here, now there; upon the rocks, upon the sand. Best it is for such to hitch with a man3'-stranded cable to some powerful craft, and fpeed direct over the main The advantage need not be at all one sided. .Dropping the metaphor, there is no man in heavy business tha voes not need a steadfast, trustworthy, : .1 . handed helper. Loes he find Mich . one? How soon the world knows it, i. this fame right-Land helper becomes partner in the business. A few months ago " Josie,'' an American girl, expressed a willingness to go into an American kitchen and keeps it clean, provided she were treated in all respects as an equal. Scores of letteis were ad dressed to thi column, clamoring for Emma Jo.-ie "for some one," said thev all, "that we can trust." The reputa tion one wins who is always where he is expected to be, keep doinj; as he is ex pected to do, is better than gold, more valuable than rubies. This will place him on the roliof honor in the estima tion of all noble souls. This will put in his hands the golden key that, opens the palace of eternity, for no human lips that will utter the words, "Thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee i uler over many things, enter into the joy of thy Lord." Tribune. Oregon not only claims to have found a new poet, but is proud of him as the workman poet. Ilis name is Stephen Maybell, and he is discribed in the local - , , . j : i t naner in wnien ins utiKinns n?r ripi-n . i;.juuu-..u ;is ueiug as my aect a.s lie is poei- W-u. - Number 32. An Irish girl told bcr forbidden love she was longing to possess his portrait, and intended to obtain it. But how if you freuu.i inquired he. "Ah ! Lut i"H teii LLe a-tis K. make it like you, so they won't knoa c,' There was a letter left this city last week with the following superscript.,.!; - tn on an Eastern jouruoy . , A .id a -k tbe mail boys' 't- I I oitould Cod the wato- i j . , O a here no tiack is la:d. i j. mi,' iiarc .. ;iiuu n-. j', .aibt as 1 c:u i.-. " ''.'"u'nioQ, o .'te " vt - . , wxiout'ieOliio. r. J. auce Lewi- Lave tiu ; e- To lend wbnt's found within . iC ;j.o thenewaof tiu.e - .o.a Iws Nebraska kin. .iTOSY OP AN AC?03. - 1 w,.v,- 'vav -nv - r Mactaff. -'.'ucu;i. , ne cCiur .ci; i uu- make.- iu JIa, tford. One day while working at the bench vigorously shoving a twelve ineh bastard file.- with no ono present but a single fellow-workman, he suddenly dropped his file, sprang back a tew feet, struck the attitude that Mac beth is supposed to have assumed in the dagger scene, and repeated the bleod curdhng words in the text, in a voice hollow, solemn, and impressive, with .eatures whereon were painted all the agony of a tortured mind. ied with gestures so strikingly true to nature that his fellow-workman was as tonished. He was more than that. He wasthoroughly frightened. Hp hnr? na. er been to a theatre in his life, and con sequently was but little prepared for this sudden clap of theatrical thunder. He supposed that his companion bad been strioken with insanity, and tr. hU mind it was not a pleasant thought to be cooped up in a room with a crazy man But how should he. vny lhaswas the question. The object of his dread was between him and the door, and he dare not nass him. Thev wm on the second floor, and esnano hv of the window was too dangerous to at tempt. All this had passed through his mind so quickly that the vouncr traffndi- an had only got to the words, "Come, let me clutch thee.' when th frihton. ed mechanic hastily retreated to a fir corner of the room, where there was a stack ot gun-barrels, and clutching one, placed himself in a defensive posture, with a look so horror-stricken it seempd to say; "if you do clutch me, or attempt to do so, I will knock your brains out with this tun barrel." He kent. bis ovo fastened on the speaker and breathlessly watched every motion, and maintained the same sinking attitude until the close. 3Iackay had been so wrapped ud in the recitation that he had not taken in the scene here described, but as he conclud ed he embraced the situation of affairs at a glance, and said: "VVhv Jack, whit is the matter?" "The matter with me ; nothing!" exclaimed Jack, indignantly; "but 1 would like to know what in thun der is the matter with you." A mutual explanation took place and a hearty augu lonowea. An old member of the Texas Legisla ture was met upon the Etreet with a arge roll of greenbacks in his hand, ooked at his pile, and chucklinc sn lnnd that he attracted the attention of a by-' tauuer, wno saia to mm, "what are you aughing at, Jim ?" JimrcDlied: "Yon see that money?" "Yes." "Well, boss, ijastgot that for my vote. Is'e been bought four or five times in my life, but dis is de fust time I eber cnt d cash myself." You must make von. wedd'ng Ci'ras smaller this winte;-. A new paper is talked of for Spring Id 3Iass., capital $200,000. Tho Re fie publican holds its own, but it stated that some people ot opposing pnnoiples want a first-class organ of their own. Aa I-.Iaai For Beat Terms luoderttc. Anybody vraT;t a L'ngdo:r. a'l to him self, twice as big as the Isle of Wight, with hills as high as Skiddaw, timber, fresh water streams, beautiful climate, varying only from 3S deg. to 78 dec, and a soil that will grow anything ? The Telegraph, of Friday says there is such a kingdom to be let, to be had of the Brit ish Government, for moderate -ent. li is the Inland of Auckland, is) uiIVs south of New Zealand. viii no natives and belonging to the Colonial Office, which some 3'cars ago leased it to Messrs. Enderby. who leased it again to a company. The latter failed to pay the rent, and government accordingly took possession again. No further assignment has been made, and if anybody wants to lie a sort of King, and can get forty or fiftj' laborers together, Lord Granville will, we doubt not, make bim. lessee, Governor and Parliament all together. He ought to be rich enough to kee steam yacht, though, orhe will be rathe r more secluded th;n if he kept a pike. If adventure is not who"y dead among us, that island will be taken up this "(.a:. London SptC'ntG.. , i.ev . iu Put Mull Guzrl'C sa.'s. ' Su(tiosWig tor an instant ha. civilization and Christianity had not prf c uded the practice of getting rid of-i. ly, feeble, rickety children, and h;ir legis'ution acting 011 enlightened princi ples of utilitarianism, and not altogether with inhumanity for it would be diffi cult to show that it is more ctuel to put a suffering b'rd or insect to eath had enjoined it, the world would simply have been the loser within the last two or three hundred years by Bacon, Pascal, Des Cartes, De Thou, Gibbon, Newton, Locke. Adam Smith. Boyle, Dr. John son. William III.,-I'ope, Addison, Wal ter Scott, William Pitt, -Cowper, Flax man, James Watt and Nelson. All these memorable men and how many besides 1 have not given myself time to investigate are recorded to have been more or less puny or delicate children : some (as Sir Isaac Newton, whose moth er said be might have been put in a 3uart mug when born) reared with great ifficulty : some unhealthy all their lives." oi . t. v. .1 me oun seems to te on me f.jie It ays : "ror President, (if for Vice-President, - a, Sued by the St ago Companies. The Jb'Jood in Jtufy. 1 ,' ! i ' Undoul)led Appcnraiicti Horse Disease in Chicago. io Jury in the. Hall Fail io Agree, rrial 'i he' Horse Disease Deereat- ing. Nkw Vouk, October Z0'. TLe wife of Iloraco Greeley diej at four o'clock this morning at the residence of Al vin Johnson. Yesterday evening her symptoms inspired some faint hopeg of her recovery, but during the night she had two chills, after which she Was very easy until four, o'clock, when she passed peacefully away. The funeral will take place at Dr. Chapin'a church at twelve o'clock Friday. The weather to-day is cool and pleas-' ant and very favorable to the prevailing epidemic, which, it is now thought has reached a crisis. Several firms will receive oxen to-dayr from Poughkeepsie, for the conveyance or merchandise. The stable superintendent thinks that working of diseased horses will run the distemper into glanders, and that the re sult will be fatal. w It is stated that fifty cows Lave already" died of the same disease as that which' i3 effecting horses, at East Orange New Jersey. The schooner Crown Point, which was driven into port at Shonington, Sunday'' -ight, by stress of weather, had two men prostrated with yellow fever, which had broken out during the voyage. No new cases have occurred, but the two eick men are at the point of death. Three or four Broadway stage compa nies have each sued Bergh's society for interfering with their business. EochV claim $25,000 damage, and ask an iu" junction against Bergh and his- men.. Boston, October 30. More horses appear on the streets to day than for several days past, but far from enough to meet the demands. Th disease is evidently subsiding:- mmj -aTT Rome, October 3l! Dispatches from Turin report no abate ment of floods in the river Po. Over four thousand men are erecting barracks to arrest further progress of the water. Damages to property and crops is be yond calculation. At Enferrarra alone forty thousand persona are homeless. Assistance in being rapidly forwarded, from all points to the suffering people New York, October 31. The cold bracing weather of the last, two days had a good effect upon sick horses. The malady seems to have" slightly abated. More horses are on the streets to day. Many of the cars and stage stables report improvement im their stock. ' A female doctor r eports that she treat ed four ladies suffering from the horse disease. The disease is on the spread in New J ersey. -V - Chicago, October 31". Doubt no longer exists that tho horse epidemic has appeared here and is rap idly spreading. Such is the opinion of" two veterinary surgeons who have ex omined nek horses in several stables. There are forty cases in Power's livery stable at Evanston. Dr. Ranch, sanitary superintendent,, has ordered that all stables shall be disr . fected. Tl cix, November J. The Po continues to rise. Inundation, is spreading, and families are fleeing. Those who cannot escape are starving on. house tops and in trees where they have taken refuge. The streams are filled with carcases of cattle and wrecks ot houses and barns. The town of Reggio, fourteen miles from Medina, has almost, entirely disappeared beneath the flood.. - mi New York. November I. Th Jj,v i siio Hall trial disagreed and we e d'ttimrgeif. One report says they stood seven or conviction and five for acquittal. After the discharge of the. jury the court adjourned to Novem ber IS, when the prosecution will ask for. the trial of Twped. The horse disease is rapidb- . e - "' ?, and the streets begin to asu'ii. II appearance. . Car companif ar putting on more cars to-day. Ninety hmxes died during the past twenty foui h urs.. m - m m . 'ASHiNOTrt.v Novt-iub r 1. '.. ' of ih- I'tille.' t. s "- -'-. duced daring the pat iuo...-. -1. .! 'ions. 1 .1ir,AS1;i.i'ii..i, .v , . 1. Ti e - v few Te'ejs ra ui esinna:- iie' ;..j.ii.tei of Mefc horsca at from i ten thousand, but nt a single tau.1 c-t-o-has been reported. i' l., . '.:; X"V.-u. ' . I i mine' i .Htween tit I five thousand horses are affeced i i distemper, though a majority of lite, cases are mild. t. Joseph, November 1. llou. Columbus Delano. Secretary of the interior, and party arrived here t bis evening, amidst bonfires and booming .f crnnon. The honorable Secretary de livered a two hours' f pecch at the Aeade ray of Music, discussing all the leading issues of the campaign. Speeches wero also made by Hon. IL W. Furnas, gov ernor elect of Nebraska. II. C. Kirk, ex lieutenant governor of Ohio, and others. Mr. W. J. Tnouias, the editor of Notes and Queries, is preparing for early publication a work on the longevity of man, in order to show with how much doubt reports of unusually long lives" ought to be regarded. 'He. dues not' believa th&t any authentic iastatvc of. centenarian ex'..s. Bergli