Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 31, 1872, Image 3

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    -- V-J
.- .....
Remember nd Regiter, everybody.
Remember the Club meets
Friday night, and let this be
Notice to the Band that
there will be a meeting.
Goods not 6old at less than cost. No
goods given away, but good goods at the
lowest prices for cosh, at
lltf. Clark & Fixmmers.
Plattsrtouth, Neb.
Both New York and Boston are re
ported as being troubled with small-pox
mm postal til.
W. II. Brown, the Agent for these
well known Nurseries, is in town, rolicit-
Ibi orders for Fruit and Ornamental
Trees, Flowers, Bulds, and Green House
Plants. Satisfaction garantee dor on pay
demanded. W. II. B.
SSdlw tfw
Business is at nearly a stand still in
many towns east, owing to the horse dis
thlasr tbat I a teres la Every One,
O'Brien &lerges, at the Platts
tnouth Shoe Store, next door to the
Post office, are filling up, for the Fall
trade, with, the best and cheapest stock
of boots and ehoes erer brought to
Plattsmouth. L'owtf
In the report on class 7, an error was
tnade in reporting awards made. The
awards are as follows : I
II. Howlaxd. Sorine W'a-on. Ne-
braska manufacture, 1st. prem., $2.50
Sulky, Neb. Manufacture, - Diploma. J
2 Horse Wagon Neb. Manufac. $2.50
WTM. GlLMOCB, Jr., Potatoe Digger,
The Committee say all articles exam
ined by them were of Cass County man
ufacture, except the Potatoe Digger, and
show a skill and enterprise which we de
fire to commend.
Every one to know that'O'Brien &
Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store,
keep enly first class shoemakers, and all
their custom work is made from the best
brands of French calf and kip. They
only chargo 75 cents for soling boots, and
make anything to order, from a stoga
boot to the finest French kid, ladies'
shoes. Their foreman is master of his
business, and his "fitting" cannot be ex
celled in the Lett shops in the country
Before this paper will reach its read
ers again the eleetion will be over, and
'we now for the last time call to your
minds the duty and importance of see
ing that your names arc properly regis
tered, and also try and come out and
Vivian's is the place to buy your gro
ceries and provisions. 20 tf
Sheriff Grebe, of Omaha, looked in
upon ui this week.
A rl to our Invlomrm.
Profiting by the experience gained by
more than two years dealing with the
people cf Plattsmouth and vicinity, we
have selected For our fall and winter
trade a class of boot and shoes, that for
cheapness and durability, we say, with
out hesitation, are not equalled west of
the Missouri. We find the people want
good goods, and we are prepared to fur
nish them at reasonable prices.
25wtf O'Briex Jt Merges.
SEu N. B. -a
We have bought the entire right and
interest in the whole subscription list of
the Weeklt Herald, from H. D
Hathaway, and as fast as our friends can
square up the old accounts we shall be
pleased to have them as wo want old
books settled. tf
Plattsmouth, Oct. 2S, 1872.
County Commissioners met in accord
ance with call made by County Clerk for
the purpose of submitting a proposition
to the legal voters of Cass County to
vote bonds to aid in the construction of
the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Rail
Road. An election was called, and
notice of proposition was ordered to be
published according to law.
Board adjourqd, to meet on Wednes
day, the Cth day of November, 1872
P. W. McKis.vo.v.
Will meet at Clark & Plumtuer's Hal
on Friday eveuing next, for the trans
action of important business. The
members arc particularly requested to
attend, as it will be the last meeting.
probably, before election.
Wheat, S590; barley, 40 cents
corn, 17C41Sceuts.
Where are those Registration lists?
Coal -stoves, Ut soft coal, of all size
and kinds and prices to suit, at
66dtf25wtf E. T. Duke & co.'s
J. Newt. Hays is at Cheyenne, and
gaining his health famously.
Soothing Children. Many sleepless
nights of painlul watching? to the anx
ious mother might be avoided by using
this invaluable preparation.
The recent rain will help the fall wheat
and protect the young trees and shrub
bery from frost this winter
See advertisement of Dr. Butts Di
pensary, headed Be ok for the Miliioi.-
Marriage Guide ia another column. It
should be read bv ail. decld&wly.
Evening Star, wood burner, and from
10 to 74 varieties of heatirg stoves.
Call ad see us, B. . DVKS 4 Co.
Within the next SO d;ty
"40,0u0 pounds of -Iiags.
50,000 pounds Cast Iron.
20,000 pounds Scrap Iron.
10,000 pounds Old Papers.
And any amount of old Copper and
Cash paid for any of the above ar
Two doors East of Court House.
80d 1 t-2G wtf. .
Council Chamber, Oct. 22d, '72.
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Mayor Councilman Wayoan,
Vivian, Butery, Parmele, Fitzgerald,
Clerk and Marshal
The Journal of Iat meeting was read
and approved,
The Committee on Highways and
Bridges reported on the following pcti
tions, to-wit : Kecommended that the
alley running through block 33 in said
city be opened from Fifth to Sixth
street, and that no further action bo ta
ken in regard to grading Pearl street ;
alto recommended that no action be ta
ken in regard to petition of Fred.
Kroehler, asking the Council to allow
him an increase on the assessment of
lot 7 block 7 on Washington avenue.
and on motion, report adopted
Committe on Fire and Water recom-
mended that no action be taken in the
matter of F. S. White moving his frame
building from the corner of Main and
Sixth streets, and report adopted,
It was moved that the Committee on
Fire and Water be instructed to procure
hooks, ladders and buckets, and to make
each other arrangements as the commit
tee may think necessary to protect the
city from fire motion carried
The bond and contract of H. B. Dex
ter, for building High School, was pre-
eented and approved by the Council.
The Council then proceeded t. exam-
me bids for graling Washington and
Chicago avenues, and
On motion, the contract was awarded
to D. W. Mullio, at twenty-three cents
per cubic yard.
The Committee on Highways and
Bridges was instructed to iiave all eide
walks built that had been advertised for
On motion, R. Vivian was appointed
City Weighmaster, and requested to
give the required bond.
The resignation of R. II. Vanatta,
City Clerk, W3s
On motion, sccepted by the Council,
and it was moved that M. B. Reese be
appointed City Clerk, to fill said vacan
cy, and motion carried.
The Marshal was instructed to open
the alley in block 35, from Fifth toSixth
The following accounts were presented.
and on motion, allowed : To E T. Duke
services as Councilman, 8 00; R. Viv-
tan, per order .street commissioner.
$11. SO; Nick Engle, for assisting City
Ingineer, $7.00 ; Wm. L. Tucker,
1.75; R. H. Vanatta, services as Clerk
nd work on tax duplicate, $141.92, on
olice Fond.
On motion Council adjourned.
Attest! M. L. WHITE,
R. H. Vanatta, Mayor.
City Clerk.
.Vm Slorc-Sew GihmI New frier.
At F. S. White's Grocery Store, two
doors east of Court House. Call and
buy Goods low down. I have a well se
ected Stoc-k of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries which I offer as low as the lowest.
Wanted 1000 pounds of butter.
do 1000 dozen eggs.
Corn, oats, potatoes, chickens, or any
ind of produce, wanted.
All go.:ds delivered free of charge, in
any part of the city.
Brick Store, two doors East of Court
JtGyCash paid for hides.
80-dlt w 26tf
STonderfal Success Greelej Annihilate!
Harked Increase of K-ssrisrs,
&c., c, &c. ? ? ?
Just about two weeks ago last Friday,
this paper, the "little concern, fcc.," by
the advice of leading spirits in the party
here, did announce and set forth, that
on the evening of the said Friday, the
great Republican party, with flying ban
ners, and loud sounding timbrels; with
manifold instruments of music and
bright, twinkling stars of genuine liber
ty-lights, would peiambulate the gor
geous streets and solid alleys of Platts
mouth, and intensify, if that were pos
sible, the enthusiasm of this peoples for
Grant ond the rhrhr. We announced
the fact, and the Universe rolled on.
Friday night came, and a select few met
at the Hall and ascertained that fell dis
ease a kind of hor.-e epidemic had
laid the most useful of our members on
the broad of their back, and which ren
dered the rest hors d combat. The
meeting was adjourned, until the sick
members should either die, or resume a
living, healthy perpendicular, and they
gave them until Eriday, Oct. 25ih. to
do it in.
the second meetino.
Again the loud trumpets sounded, the
Herald blowed its horn, the ground
tremDied, and tbe sun sat in fiery reo
beneath the western sky. Everything
was iu readiness for one of "them
things" we so often have about the eve
of an election, call -d :
Remember, Republicans, this was on
Friday night last ; and now we are about
to tell you what the Grant and Wilson
did that night.
The band God bless 'em were al
on hand, with shining horns and puck
ered niDuths, their eagle eyes glistening
forth enthusiasm, and their willing legs
jist Aching for a good, sound tramp.
tramp, tramp.
Doctor George H. Black, President o
the Club, took his seat, iu firm, mania!
order. Ua tia ngtt flank stood, "at
a i i I Vs ;
ense," w:th grounded arms, the nuttier
on. Vicc-i'i-tid-i.t.-- o: th: A-fecia'tit n,
after tie order ii which ti.ey u.-i"iy
have arianed themselves at fuifiWr
Club meet iogs Prof. d'AIIemand a lee
tie to the right front rear, and Mr. Dovey
and Isaao Wiles in a semi circle around
the President's left wing.
Henry Smith, the Secretary, and Jas.
Dick, the Treasurer, had little seats on
shelf, fixed upoverthe presiding officer's
head legs hanging down and the com
mittee of five, such as Sam. Chapman,
Fred. Dorrington, M. B. Murphy. W
Smith, Wm. Stadelmann, Sheriff John-
ron and others, on the various sub-com
in it tees, took up positions on the lefr, to
the rear of the Vice-Presidents coat
tails out of the window,
The Doctor gave three astounding
raps with his cane, anJ the meting
kuiu to order," by the baud playing
the tune of "Old Virginny neber tire."
After this interlude, a collection for
the benefit of disabled candidates and
over-due printer's bills was taken up and
netted a good round sum.
The bet Republicans in town and
the most constant attendants at the Club
meetings, were then called on for a
speech, and immediately rose to their
feet and said : "Mr. President and citj
zens : vv e are nappy to be uere : we are
happy to see you so happy in being here;
we are happy to know that you are hap
py, in being happy, ana that the cause
of your happiness is because we are hap
py in being happy because it is a happy
thing, that all of us are happy, and to
come out to-night to increase cuch oth-
era happiness. uentlemen, u you
were happy when we begun, you will be
happy now that we're about ; and
wishing you much happiness in always
being happy, and a certain success at the
polls on the fifth we remain in happy
contentment that you will enjoy many
happy meetings, with full turn outs
just like this and now we are happy to
bid you all a happy adieu"
The band gave three cheers, the Presi
dent whistled "order," and the people
shouted, "vox populi, let ns be happy."
A very enthusiastic individual in a tall
plug hat sung out "Let's aJjourn till
next week," and we did.
Now, citizens the election is close at
hand. Next week we vote, and the
campaign is orer. We ought, and we
should, have one more meeting of the
Grant and Wilson Ciub, to transact im
portant business, and wind up our af
fairs with honor and credit to ourselvr
as gentlemen, and good Republica'cr
But we are tired of announcing thiy
that don't happen. If the officer!
lhat Club will inform the Editor of 4
paper on what niaht they will meet
week, we will give the announ-jeaie
the prominence tlia: types oa.i give
be there, as we have been, when
ail summer. c siiuui"-"
meet nm uM friends there, and we d
1 1 t!7. . 1 ..II 1 -ift'J:
think that common justice, and a desire
to wind ud our affairs properly, ought
to insure a full- turn out. Give us no
tice, at once of the evening, and set it
so that no one can fail to be there for
want of timely notice.
Send in your notices to be published, tt
time, please, and do not leave all till the
ast moment, and make the printers "set
a mm
up so late o. nights.
The Senate, not at Washington, but
in Plattsmouth, opened on Friday last
with a very parliamentary turn out. A
code of laws was laid down which the
people who frequent this law abiding
place are expected to strictly eomplv
with. It is contained in certain signs
and symbols, and also governed by an
unwritten code which must bo observed
by till gentlemen of the upper and lower
house. The symbols most prominent
are Old Father Time, as representeae by
the full moon face of an old fashioned
eight day clock, with the words "No
lick Here," in red letters across its di
ameter; and the exact image of o genu
ine silver fork with the m'stic letters
what you owe," underneath.
Oo Saturday evening the hih-goose,
anti-humbug, live and !et-er rip club,
held a meeting at the Senate, at which
speeches and other things were disposed
of in great quantities.
The dreadful yellow disease is raging
in this country. Death stares you in the
face. Why do you delay? Go to the
Drug Store and gt a package of Sim
mons Jjiver uezulator, tor one dollar,
and remove the cause of this fatal dis
ease Kcp your Liver in proper order
and there is no danger of vour being
afilictod. 107d31wlw
This has been one of Nebraska's old
fashioned fine falls. Here it is, almost
the first of November, and we have
had no bad, cold weather until now.
The farmer could huk his corn and get
his fire-wood without wearing either
mittens or overcoat. From now on.
however, we nther think a change of
base in the weather is about to tako
place, and a baser sort of climate is ro
be our lot.
Don't Hawk, Spit, cpit. Blow
blow, and dUgust everybody wirh vour
Kj tarrh and its oriensive odor, when lr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy will speedily de
stroy all odor, arrest the discharge an !
cure you. 107d31wlw
$75,033 in Cull f:r $1.
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement in another column
of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum
Here is a chance to win a. fortune in i
Public Legal Drawing, and at the same
time help a noble and worthy institution.
93dSt 2Sw8t
Business men find it much more con
venient to contract with an established
Advertising Agency, like that of Geo.
P. Rowell k Co., No. 41 Park Row,
New lork, than to make contracts di
rect with publishers. They gain the ad
vantage ot dealing with one person in
ftead of dozens or hundreds, while the
cost is not increased. 107d31wlw
E. T. Duke & Co. have just received a
large lot of Heating Stores ot all kinds,
suitable for parlor, offices, 6tores, hotels,
or any place. Call and see them.
sen. m l ii ft i' I il i l 1 i , i
-Vi are rvq'ifc&ted by the President
and officers of the triant and Wilson
Ciub to announce that there will be a
Republican Meeting at the Cucrt House
on Monday night: the Jat before the
General Election, to which all are invit
ed. There will be music and speeches
and a geueral good time.
Turn out fellow citizens, one and all.
and let it be a grand manifestation of our
cntuiiatm in the right cause.
Registration List. .
List of qualified voters in Plattsmouth
Precinct, Cass County, Nebraska.
Adams Jacob '
Adaiu9 J W
Ahl Lawrcuce
Beiuis August
Beverage John
Cook Jo.-ieph
Cole Z Vj
Doud J. F.
Dyer ABC
Davis E.
Fiukler Gotfred
Foikers D V.
Gilmour Win
Gausetuer John
Goos Frederick
Hunter It.
Ho.ning C J
Hockeuberg Wm
Henrys J T
Hennings Jchn
Hall John
Jean Nelson
Karnes John'thn
Kinser G W
Keunard K A
Lesley Joseph
Lunburge F
Maxwell S .
Aker.-on M
Ak rson Peter
lieeson OH
Beverage C N
Brooks Allen
Colo Shadrach
Cummins J C
Cook Jacob
Davis Edwin
Dodge Moses
Dosh Ueorge
Kineoberry Henry
FerreeUriah W
Fosdick S
GiaiUan Jacob
Gansemer Peter
(ioos George
lowland Henry
I amino nd G v
doming J
iutbard D
lot brook John
lenniues Charles
Jackson John'
Kennedy K 11
Karnes Alexander
Klepfer Andy
Kampe Henry F
Lh ingMon J
Jj'easley" John
McCollock Z P
Montgomery II K Martin Wu, II
Slurry Hm It iMcUura A
Muium Peter
Morrison m u
Naylor P J
Owen T S
Paton G M
Puckett E
Porter J R
Newton John
Oncii James
OJam S
Porter Wm B
Pitz Pe er
Pet tit Joseph
Polaud J
Quinn L
Richie John
Rces R J
Roxby John
llermie G W
Shepard Wm II
mith C S
S.ifte Eli. -is
Snyder WTm
Spantrler Henry
Schildknecht V m
Taylor A B.
Todd A B
Richie J C
Roberts J
Rickli Auther
Skirvin II L
Shopp Hershey
Snyder Henry
Snyder John
Scott J M
Saee H W
Todd T J
Turner Allen
Wright Levi M
Watson John
Wiles Stephen
Wiles Thomas
Wulborn U W
Wainscoft Joseph
Wchrbein F Sr
Walker Robert
Isaac Wiles,
i Jlenry
. vkr ir' ij-
"V, iNeo., Oct. 16, 18.1,
Trtue e autnority m vcst
, , , o , , " TV OT1CE is liereby given that by vir
ordered that the September H tnftofan OrdaJofSala issued out
"wn is
terra ot the Listnct Uourt lor Uass Lo.,
be further adjourned, from the first
Monday in November to the second Mon
day in December, 1S72.
Witness my hand the day and year
first above written.
Geo. B. Lake,
diwtf Judge.
To the voters of Plattsmouth Precinct,
Cass County, Nebraska :
You are requested to come to my resi
dence, on Saturday, the second, . and
Monday, the fourth, day of November,
1872, for the purpose of Kepi-tcring
ai.d correcting any enors in the Registry
List. Isaac Wiles, Regiotrar.
New York papers have their Fashion
articles, detailing to the interested the
various changes of the capricous God
dess, Fashion. This example is followed j
by the papers of others cities, reaching
westward to Chicago, St. Louis and
Omaha. Why, then, should not Platts
mouth have a description of the various
tyle; an 1 colors in dress fabrics and mil-
. t
inery, wnicu wni aoorn tne persons ot
ler fair ones the coming winter. She
c moot equal these larger cities in the ex
pense and clegrance of dress, nor would
t be desirable ; but doubtless the dress
of a Plattsmouth lady is quite as inte
resting to her, and occupies as much of
her thoughts as of a blooming New York
Belle, and she is quite as much interest-
d to know what will be worn here as
the aforesaid belle can be in surveying
the costumes upon Broadway. Be it
our ta-k, then, to give as well as our ca
pacity will permit, a few bints as to the
styles and fashions of Plattsmouth.
We culled in at the millinery estab
lishment of Mrs. L. B. Crocker & Co. ,
this morning, and took a survey of all
the pretty things which Mrs. Crocker,
who has just returned from the East.
brought with her. Among the pattern
hats, we saw a very handsome age
green velvet one of the shape calL'd the
Jubilee, a variation of the summer hat,
of the same name the brim beinir of
velvet, and the soft crown of silk, the
trimming being watered ribbon, which
is the fashional le kind, and ot the same
color, sage green, which we must inform
our readers is on of the very fashion
able colors this fill, aUng with London
(Smoke, which is an invisible drab, as
near as we can make out.. I his hat was
further finished with a plume of pea
cock green, another fashionable color,
and a fall of lace ; a black velvet, and
turquoise silk hat of the same shape,
was handsomely trimmed with scarlet
velvet leaves, watered ribbon, a black
plume, and the jet trimming now so
much worn. We saw also bonnets.
which do not seem to differ a great deal
from those of the summer in shape,
having the rolling front and high crown
a little intensified, perhaps; other styles
include the turban, the hat with turban
front ; another style which turns up on
one side, and a great variety of shapes
which must be seen to bo appreciated.
Mrs-.vocker has also a great variety of
trimmings of all sorts ; ladies kid gloves
at all prices, ranging from $1.50 up
ward; children's worsted caps aud
hoods ; elogarit slipper patterns, nilrrad
canvas and wools and worsteds of all de
scriptions, suitable materials for presents
for the holidays, and a special line of I
ladies' neckties and bows, which will
loosen the purse strings if anything will,
presenting as they do an exquisite array
of colors from the most delicate pinks j
and blues to the vivid .scarlets and daz
zling plaids ; these colors are also repro
duced in sashes, which we could see in
our U)in.d'8 e?e oramg many a pretty
girl, tbU winter, as she whirled in the
mazes of the dance.
We must not neglect to mention the
dressmaking department. Mrs. Crocker
is agent for the celebrated Butterick pat
terns, and is provided with a complete
assortment, for frale ; she is also pre
pared to make up dresses and cloaks in
the latest styles and at the shortest no-
This brings us to the latest styles in
dress as we have already discussed them
in millinery. The Polonaise seems to
be still the favorite, although basque
and over skirt still prevail. We notice
also the single skirt, ruffled to the waist
behind, with just an apron front fastened
behind with a large bow, the waist being
a short basque, the front of the skirt
ruffled about ten or twelve inches up, the
rest covered with the apron front. This
apron front over skirt is also made with
large sash ends behind crossed and loop
ed most elaborately.
Polonaises are of every varietv of I
shape to suit the fancy and the means,
and the largest latitude is allowed in the
trimming, everything being ued from
lace and velvet to folds and ruffles. In
this connection we cau not forbear men
tioning the ready made trimming consist
ing of a fluting of black alpaca edged by
foldi of the same, which is sold accord
ing to the widih, at from 40 to CO cents j
a yard, and eaves a vast amount of labor.
Cioaks are of various styles, one of
the most prominent is the Dolman, a
half fitting sacque with very long, large,
flowing sleeves, which look almost like
wines; talmas aud mantles of various
shapes seem to be preferred, althojgh
basques and slashed jaekets are still
worn. The favoiite trimming for these
is heavy silk embroideiy, braiding and
fringe. We noticed at one of our lead
ing men-ham's several suits, and also
sacques an'i cloak richly braided.
We had intended to describe also the
various styles of dress goods, but lack of
space prevents our descanting further.
1 he "great variety ot silks, e:upreas
cloths, merinos, satincs, water-proofs,
both English and American, Japanese
silks and poplins piairls, &c., aiiord such
a lii-ld to select from, that all cannot fail
to re pleased.
For information, thanks are due
Messrs. Clark & PI u miner, and Solomon
& Nathan, and in the millinerv and
dressmaking departments to Mrs. L- B.
Crocker & Co. and Mrs. A. D. Whit-
Sheriff's Sale
of the District Court for Cass County,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on
Monday the 25th day of November, A.
D., 1872, at eleven o'clock A. M., of said
day, at the south front door of the
Court House in the city of Plattsmouth,
in said County of Cass, sell at public auc
tion, the following real estate, to wit,
Lot No. nin (9), in block No. two (2)
and lot No. eleven (11), in block No.
thirty-four (34), and lot No. peven (7),
in block No forty-four (445. ail in the
City of Plattsmouth, -Cass County, Ne
braska and as designated upoi the pub-
lis'Tlt and recorded rIat ot said city.
Sold to satisfy a decree of foreclosure
rendered aithe adjourned 8epf term A.
D. 1871 of the said District Court, in
favor of F. F. Perry and against E. B.
Murphy et. al.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of October, A. D., 1872.
j. W. Johnson,
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Maxwell & Chapman,
30w-5t B Pl'tffs Att'ys.
Probate Notice
I hereby give notice, to all concerned.
that a Wi I purporting to lie the last
Will and Testament of Henry Robert
son, deceased, iate of Cass county, and
State of Nebraska, has been filed in the
office of the Probate Court of said coun
ty, and that a heannir will be had at my
office in the City of Plattsmouth. in
aid county, on the ninth day of No
vember, at one o'clock P. M. . of said
day, on the application to- prove and ad
nut said ill to probate, at which time
and -place all persons interested in said
estate are requested to appear, and if
they see nt contest admitting said Will
to Probate.
Given under my hand and seal, at my
office, this 22d day of October, A. D.
1872. H. E Ellison,
30w3 Probate J udgc.
Dissolution Nolice.
IVOTICE is hereby given that, the
' partnership heretofore existing be-
C'inton & Crobel in the milling business,
has been dissolved. The business being
carried on by S. Clinton.
. Ulivton,
30w3t G. N. Crobel.
Sheriff's Sale.
VOTICE is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale issued out
of the District Court for Cass County,
csebraka. and to me directed. 1 will
on Monday the Second (2d) day of Do-
eember, A. L. 1872, at one o clock P.
M. of said day at the south front door
of the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
sell at public auction the following real
estate, to-wit : Commencing 1.075J feet
north aud 1,320 feet east of the outb
west corner of Section No. seven (7), in
town-hip No. twelve (12), North of
Range No. fourteen (14) east of the 6th
1'. M., particularly described as being
the northeast corner of Townsend s Ad
dltion to the city of Plattsmouth, thence
west parallel with the south line of said
section two hundred i200) feet. Thence
north four hundred and thirty (430) feet.
Thence east parallel with the south line of
this tract two hundred (200) feet, thence
south parallel with the west line of this
tract four hundred and thirty (430) feet
to the place of begining containing Two
Acres together with the Brewery Build
ing situated thereon and all tbe appur
tenances thereunto belonging.
Sold to satisfy a decree of foreclosure
rendered at the bept. term A. D. 181,
and on the 6th day of Oct. A. D , 1S71,
of the said District Court in favor of Jo
seph Leasly and against Conrad KippeL
Given under mv Jvind this . 30th diy
of Oct, AS D. 1872. " .
"J. W - Johnson.
Sheriff Cass Co. Neb.
Fox &. Wheeler,
Att'ys Plt'fis 3lw5t
to a e
e " S 2
S - 2 "
a o
85 H
CD "
o 4
a u o
' -n
2 o
D "
me -t
J5 es,
- a
B a
r o
S p'
W 5
- ir?
2 2
m .
g 2."
(ffoniratnlal gnilbing, 80s.
JUSTUS LAWRENCE. PreciJeot. J. P. KOO EES, Secretary.
Enterprising Economical. Liberal,
KamTjer Policies igsaed to Jan. 1, 1872
Nmber Policies issued and revived in 1371.....
ASSETTS, Ju. 1.1872.. .
Thifl CompftBV is PareW Mntnnl in iti Aruirniuini ill wliilnmr l .nt Mmltn ni Ii.
ey hoMtrs. annuallv. on the "Contribution Plan."
expense to income, than have ever been attained
period in its history.
Its totnl Aeu are sulfcownt to diccbarRO a'l liabilitie!. mmalins re-insuranee. pay back alt
its stock capial. and leave as a balance more th'in a MILLION of earned surplus.
This Company Issued IVIorc Policies
IIST 1871
Any Other Company in the Worl
janiodwtf General Agents, for K"cbraI:n,
South West Corner of Main Street Flattsmouth, Nebuaska,
In the Grocery line rve keep the Fittest and Best
All the Varieties of Spices, in act for all Your
A Heavy Stock of Goods on
yo Bent and jV faterft on Borrowed eopital
to be Made VJT Cnittmert i I '
North side Main between Second and Third ts.
Takei pleasure in aanouQcmf to
Farmer and Mechanics.
That he has as larg-e and well selected stock of
Dry Goods. Groceries. Provisions, as were
ever brought to tae city of i'lattsmoutiu
-"It will ccet yon nothing- to look at them
whether yeu bay or not. hy ex a rainier the
prices ai ine vujj mmasjiIi jviu wiu v
able to tell When ether PrUa try to rwindU
3 i
r- a
24, 26' 28 Hassan 51. U g
43, on
and has a larger business and a lower ratio of
by any other Company at a Correal. ondlac
To erect the
Nebraska State Orphan
To be Drawn in Public,
December GOtli, 1872.
82 30,505,00,
Tickets $1.00 Each or Six for $5.00.
Lickets sent by express C. O. P.. if JeirJ.
1 Grand Cnk Price
1 iraa4 'h l'rixe
1 (iran'l 'a.-h Prix
1 tirand t 'anh Prixe
1 Cash Prize
1 Cash Prire
$7 .IHJ
lo.o n
2 Cash Prices. n.OOOeach
4 ah Pnres. each.
2 Cash Prices. 1.M) each
50 Cah price. Each !'
1W afh fnces. r.nen
2J0 C&fh Prizes. Each aliS
5.(KO Cath Prices. " $1
3.1ul Cast Prises.
This Lejfil Enterprise is endorsed by th
hi shest antoority ot the State and be: buir.e
Over one-half the tickets taken before Oct. I.-t
The limited numbei on hand will lnroitti
thoae who apply first.
Money can be rent by mail. In Re-en-r-Letters,
Poit Office Money Orders, or by hi
Ail Priios will be paid .'n full. Aetirra 7i.
ted. Foi full particulars address.
j. m. p rrr.E.
93dSt-29wSt General Maaaer.Omia.cfe
Pasenren booked to and frtm all at c
Europe at lowest rates, Apply to
- . . . H- P. VERK ET.
Genl Western A'gt. S76 8ute iuCh ica
M tO. WU-iwJI.