s LYON'S KATHAiHON, S, BLOOM '& CO., Mi THE lllSRA.Ll). Thlver ware "etolcii from BULop Clarkon, eosie months ago, La Lbcn recovered. -'7yf 1 i 1 Mother Gooe ipdt an imngioary j.-er.-'OD. She was the tliother in law of h printer in BoetonTJldis., aud her feul cane-wa Elizabeth (Joose," .The lirt edition of her welNtpown r1iyujewas old tb two copper, on Ievoub.ire street.' - a m "s DeuioreHVojorithfy conies to hand as omja!, full of pood . thins's ; a supple ment Pattern of the" Flora l'oloiiai-e,i'r girls, 4tuJ numerous oilier iJIutratins if euitscloak.-, fur?, winter hats uud buii netsi, ' children" clothec, jc, &c. Amongst the reading matter we notice a continuation of Jennie June's lly ctlJjeof Women;' Dickeut Cricket uh the llenrlh, ananed for readings and illutrated Ly tableaux ; and nutuerm other ritre.-tinK article!. Wc refcotu-met-ditto our readers a valualhaiid iateresrioj snion periodical.' Capt. Palmer is" iryin? to get up a Hook and Ladder Company. Some thing ntiaht to 1-3 dor.?, x this cxcc.h ively ?ry weather .i etror tfi'ipta tion to a Sre to break oat" Mi"i.ewlirre, and if it ever did where w"ii!d all . our property be, gentlemen citiz ns, wiih nn a LucLet, 'a ladder, or a hook ready for uxe. Help the Captain along, and wve your property. t . The Newspaper Ap-ney of Messrs, Geo. P. Kowell & Co , New York, w be coming quite celebrated over the whole Union, extending their buMiies facilites to every part of the ennnrry. cn doing their busipe-s in a prompt., efficient an 1 ' mitistactnry ' niannei-witlt their ten of thousands of eutoiners. Those, wku have advertiMmi business with thi jour Dai are referred to them. They arc our sole agents for Newyork and t.iat ruion. Leslie I Mich. AW.. 06J:!hvlt. We have received from . Horace Waters. 4S1 Broadway, New York, a piece of music entitled. " When the Hyht Waits MppUnfj l'!y" t-fiether with t heir inonthly bulletin of new mu fcit, which contains a lare.. and vari-d asMrt ment. TJiey'also ad vi-j-ti-e l'ianos dan OrArafisvery-cleap, taking pay in mootUy ustalWncrifH. w v ' A la lUarfiaaVlTCTT Hcilxl cf 2l3;ertiag. By hcok ad by crook and by Jove we've got a ueti ,f,nVh. Lewis- humr 'cm oh thrf wires ly th tuilf and Tim shut off the escape aul drew a lone breath, when whittle, slide, jumi the fi.-h, and th'y landed in our gink. He's a ureltv Wvkled fellow, isr.e cf 'etiu and ro-tuorrow all the boy.- will be home and there'll be more peese in l'larts niouth, than ever were teen at once ti gether. when thej" arrive. r P. S. Th- reinaiui of aMa-fodon. the whale and what's left of Smith will be shipped by rail. Demorets Ynnug Anterior, one of the best magazines foi1 the youn; folk. published, lio en "our table. As we glance throu; it all sorts of pood'thins meet 'our ryer Alter fit J'i'ny ; Haw S'tilte leitnml to l,e Th-nilc-ful; a Yharuiitv: litit w Clnf shjwini how a number of boys and phis learned to prufit by what they read ; and a lot of letters from the various sub.-criber-Bayinir how they appreciate the Ytirj America, and tel!i:ig afwnit ail s-orts ut, good times they are havinp." Tetms $1 OO per y-ar, or $1 5J v'uh JCLromn. Addreis,1" W. Jeiuujiftii Dtuiunfci,' goSf Broad waj N. Y. We took" a look 111 at Mrs. WhifconibV dress-making rooms to-diy, an 1 found every indic ition of'aa abnii I me-j of work, arid the ut juus for it. Graaif ai!y trimmed patterns Ji-playediuthe'win jvr, showed the la tet styles, an I a mounted and color d Bulletin of. October F.t.-hiois. adcd in the disp'a.' In '.a I lition slu showed U3 a great .variety of B.itter ick patterns, which oar reidjrs m;i-t know ari the standard, aiToidin a choice of everything, from a tramed. flounced and furbclowel tnit to a plain kitch'-n apron. 3Irs. Whitcomb has ha I a nuui bcr of years experience in cutting and fittinp:, and -will guarantee her ouetomer perfect sati hfactfont--" If any one has a fault to find with this weather they are hard to please. The farmer! aeemJ.to be taking advan tage of it, as the street are !in.-d with teams,, and the atores filled witb tus tomeri. Sttrvght & B ack are hivelm; in the apples at a grat rate. Now 'n the tiuia to f-tow some away for winter use. 1 1 iek ory nuts and apples u-ed to be the tub etratum of good cheer, in oM-limuri. Speaking of circulars, letters 4c. con taiuinf -'ttuipttng ' basinet offer-. "Welsh's Practical Guide to Business" says : "The astoni-hinjr extent of these swindlinpr scheme may Iw j iced from the following, wbn-h i- vouched for by a leading Boston 31 irch ant ': A rogue in rerted in about 23,K) papers, lor reveral month, an advertisement offering to tend a handsome, illo-trate l book of 70 or 80 p ze fr two 'hree cent st nups Ha receivedum enormous amount of let ' ter-i , each conVainin-r ahe two stWps.. Thee he sol 1 to .the, dealer-. The en velopes and letter paper wer.t t he rag men. Th' names and addresses he SrCfunycopied, -nJ'.ld the hsts to dS fct from 3 to 8 cents a nam". Oat of U. rtrrtfit.J. . W. SHANNON'S EEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. MAIN S Til KT, : : I'laltsmoutti, Nebraska Iain prepared to accnniiiodate the public wit dorxc. Crri.fe.-t, iiutc and a No. 1 ilerse oi. short notice ei;d re.u.nar-le term. A ll' ill run tn te tjuit'loiHJir. ad tollitt ot ihe city turn iesirtti. r A N T K - ?f f will icritic 4-n an J w .mm 1 8iiiiic!i tiiitt will i'ay Fn-ui f 5 to )?: per djy ; eau Uj puour-d in your own ui.ihh.rhooi, and la str.et y honorable i'aitLcuiars free, or sjiii p!ej that will e-abl j ou to go to work a' oiife, i I be teul on receipt of two thru cent ft amp. Ad lr.. J. L TII M A CO.. 97i.t -Ji C3- V-Liaitoii ?t-. Lofton. rslcucsr Saved 8 Buying Your Grten-iiousc ar.ti Bedui.13 P.ants. ' -. -V . - S ,. 'AT TBI Eicnic Garde DOXT anl Eat r-r Plant? hPTi y.iu fun seel iiiX. a.) K .o 1 frlm uiorx-y nfi'ift hoiif. T mv tin i.cruu-1 frii.fi-t? ami iiir itis I woi'l I x:ijr that I b;ivo the iartr- ft itii'l ' Mivki'f i.lantaerer.itfer-?'! lor Mle intn weft pnl irp In red th'ti at teadxiiitbit) prices. L;ure en 1 fur icy !" Uew DescripUve Cataloguft fis' h wifl be ent f-eto nV who pr!y r"r it Thrn rive r.ir your orders, an'i I feel confi lent I ran Mt-fy yoa. , - . " . r , Al.lre. . ' J. MKSKR. rth. 13 dw riattmoi.th. Neb CUNARO Llf.E. KSTAELISNED - - - - - - - IH. Pafundr H"k d to unl fr m h' p-ts o' Europe it !.wett re. Anlrtn i) o. Di; VERF-T. Geal W etern A'gt.37 t:it st. t'icaKO. oro ED. VVtLSOX 12 w. Keep it Before the Public ! "JrZ T . " ". '' THAT. '. ;iiir . FfiAAK C Ail lib TIL I'holoraphtr.. and Jewcier, ; is seihn Watches, docks & Jewelry X'hapT than any other j'ic- wtt of the M:s-0ur-iw- r. aii-J a cAi to ex:iumi iroo-l an prieer wi t a surs you I it-. same. Uo"d g'ds oi all ii.d.-i at t-o t- in fiuTi. .And oi tii- I'li i t.r lihui d.-rartment itead he lollnvii.j; price list, it cau'l ba uet U-nt r V :gt. 1 dozen Gem 1 il-J L.re 4 bon Tt.u- 1 upcriai it 6 do c.liiug cardu 5 ldi M-Kcda $2 5) II 00 I d.i c t. pnot" 3 tl 1 00 1 -ju'I el obot 6 t 2 0l t4 phat v lr.'-4 wi 3 0j 11-lttui " OO A !ari' s-ioci 'f Fiaiiie." eon-tantly on " hand at low iiriees. Ui not have a ;fture takeiol any kind nor l-u a dollars woiili W .l.-w;lry r until you h veeal!etl and examined v- ieeimeii' and onees. jr Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, neatly re paired. 1 1 XS "L W : r rr n t eel a I?'.ir(cji!ctl. 27w-SS Itf ON KaRRIAGE. HAPPY Riliei for Young Men. Ccnm tb effect of Krror atid Abufe-" in early Isle. Man a md reto-e t. Inrte-ii.ueirB t Vlarri me re novel. New me'h'n'ot treaiuienr. N-w a:i re:ii'i"',''le reuidie.- B M.Wa unJ Circula Ai ittMVAKD AS-.IICIATI0X. Xo. Z S,ut!i -Vii'fc trrl'h'liid'd hia. :nu la-. Ftitu n aa i-ia- b'f a.ie utiti mior Bo.:ori b.e ci.da I ami prole-ioual kil.. 20w tiui- Lo k to Your Children. The Great Soothing lttnedy. .' -?.'. it.'. .; 1 M - Cares colic and irrlpia? in j Price Wnilcomtll th-J uoWvis. aol t'. llit .tai i rup . .the tir'ce.ss it trefo . Ceia d i. 8abuea c .ravuNi ! n-lj Hrire WtitemV f'eurt a.!l iisea ioci-; i- ir-jp. doa t lf lUt and eh dr D. Cunti. ' Mila. ; Cirfi iMrran Ly-e;ite j ''rice ?"hicjBnli'.rT mid suuituwn-ouaplaiut Syrup. ch;l ieii of 11 CN. It i th wet t Intaiits an I Ohddren'sti.S-j.'lh-intr Item ly. n all diri-jra brougil on by mthinf? 'ir :in iilber rft'i.. i Prepare i by-th-i iral'taa Medicine Co.. St. Loai M-i. (vil 1 iru2iU and dealer in Me everywhere. 'de..2djr J. K. CLAUK. t ELI PI.U.MMEH STORE! S ive money by paying Cash for your (lood. ' r ' AT' " CLAHK & PLUMMER'S. j ; t DitALTBs m ...'!' STAPLK & FANCY DRY GOODS, , Alsii a full etocl of i . . GROCEUIES. LOOTS ac 1SJI0ES. HA T and. CAPS. We buy larp-ly fijr CASH and hell cheap for the AIO.se Y. (tore opposite the 11 rooks Houie), Main ttreet, I'lolt innnth, J4-6G1 3uj Nh. Still keeps on hand a large ashortniei:t of the het goods I I N 1 UK M A II K I-: T and they wiil not be undersold. -M (. SCU.VASSiv Has jii.-t return.-d from rh Kast with a new .-t.K-k of I he I. TEVT And he informs us that it is their intention to sell tueir GO' '!?. at Omaoa. price and in la-t a low as t .ey eau Le U purchased East in the - HOYS AJS'D CUIJJWESri! Ci.OTM-W Hats and Caps, Bants an.I Shoes, GLAfiKETS, RU33f. G0333, TS'JJIKS, VALISES, E JUin Street Sneova DoorEitft f the Court Houee !5KANCH HOC L Lrui.lway. Council Ulufl Iowa. Pl;ittsiii(utli CUSrO.M &SADE Ji0? rcpairinn neatly nene by P. xWELL, ?atn Strp.et. Plattsmsjth, Neb. jimw..'. In l uke's 0 .t . it . . n.iio iii Seli'ater's Jewelry Store,.? - the 1 iatte a.ley. Uoue, 111 o.ii.it.i 3:ti Strtt, Si.itt!n Kith, .S"ebpJiHk;i ST- LOUIS. G. A. MILLF.lt & CO"? Ph.K0 S. J r . N: -m Yrr.:.?-- ne, ni) (Other first-thss j Vrhole-ale and Ketail Dealer inSiritiKy. She-1 aMUSIC'LIN TR'JMENTi TunJ MISSOURI Insurance No. 7D DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH. KAN3A ALL POLIOiKS 'NOiN-FORFKlTl.Nl; dividentl.H on t!e Coiitribx-lioisi 3.lats9 t ecarinj the Gteat2t Pscaaiary Adyautag to the Pilicy Holcit REA3C?x'S FOR INSU IMG IN THIS COMPr NY : 1st. Tiii-i ii a .Vet rn "i:mp n . m-ir.;ii?'d !y W-'trn mei. who-" Tcn .wa fine-in? ehnr c tcr ability :m.l p i nford tin let-u .ruiiy lor tl c.i.lui aud -uoic-s.ui U) -innru:ueut. 21. I 8 '.. icit re al! ol- X .'li i'reniiiiiu all -il. It rej.-ive nn ' o e and 21 pone, t'oll.-y Ujlde a hare no n ie-e.-t pn. il n lou'l.n in nol-a ) Lens i-p -o their pjlioie?. 4 h it hii.' ho -e -li-ti'Mi pn iruve . ..,'. .r h. It .lividends are 111 'de up 11 tne eootritiiiti' n p'an. 6 b iu l'Uiieis i- exe ujir-ly lire iosa a.jce. v Are the accumulation ot interest upon prpniium paid. hencMhe O op ny that twin itj aei at the hivhe-t rate ol" interest can isive y.j t!ie ::irrfesl. -In iden.N.. Kasi ru -i jii.anies invent the: monsys Ht i percent., wliile thi make its luve-tni'-iita :it twelve p-r eeui. r more. The ad vanoiKe or Ve.iern inees.tmiM!t- to the policy h'il ler appe.irs in the Piinneinf startlii. fisures: The auiount nl" sl.tKiti. in veiled tor ii!iy ye.tra ut .... i pr cent. eoiti'iuud no .-e!t. i. t i.A'-'.i S " ... I s.'jr il ,5 1 - 1 10 " " " li7..aji.Si jj, . 'I.IIK.ilO olicbol ler than any otheraiuctil al vaat and in lu.Toiaents to th OFFICERS II I) Mitckiiv. Prvi lnt. Utotji M ire. Ss-rtiry. 1 Td Man. ice "re i le:it. J J. io. Ass t sB.-retiry, tir. J L. .Ve-ver, .MjX U'ta.. li U .icr.a i.i. I'roAiarur DliiETORS. l ?h're. Le:iyenworth. Kn. II U Moikiy, Leiyeae jrth Kia. J F KiuUa-ra. ' l M jvia. 11 K il:ituuioud W li O.1U111. H iiai,ei-i X . . .r .e. M Sirickler. .Iu' etion Uity Uliur Iti.OiU.-ou. L4ianue, V . iladlcy. tioo A .U.jjre, L V -werS. G.;o L Uvis. at. J Mer.ir. Lilii.'a'. il li .dorian .1. 12. CGI1L,'2 Hen. agent ff -bi i-lH rttif rn iVojie. GsoJ Tfi Jliij 3j!i3 tjri Yaiti3 R W. ST ARCH ALL Ajjent. J. R LlVIf'QT0S KJd Fitmiae W ! L L 1 A Til ST A D E L M A F5 , Ha on h in 1, oitd of the largest htocks of ClOTKifi'C MID GENTS' FU:?NI3HI?.3 G33D3, FO, SPftiiiii A:iD S MER, invita every body in wtnt of jnythiug ia my lini to call at ny store. Mouth ide 3Iuiai, ptwcca 2J A 31 Street. . And convince ?hmelres of tm fact- Ih-e apeci ility in ray Retail Dprtoient a te'oet stock of Fine clothing for Men and Boys: to which we invite those rka wu&t Uuods. PUttm.uth. Xelrx Boot and Slioc BOOTS A?ID SH3ES A' LOU9 i'Zl2C,. d Stand. HUiil'ETT SMITH'S'. AM'fs A NO HO S TO N 0BOA1H. aai (Drqans. .r- S.- 3 Bhuos . Mut-ic and -11 k nd. f Ma-sieal Merehan.lin unt Repiiir'dSatif action f;wtraii t'1.X octia VALLEY LIFE H Ci'.kins 'Jneral Aeat. V ii iLirey. t.Vm. e ctu.tr T A tiart. Atloruey. II L V t ma Le J -orth. W H Ohesuoerlain. T A dura. . ..-,, K It nn. " U A "erry. Weston. Mo, O W Veal fopolt.i, ICansaj. J M Price Atoaifou. uaft. V H Siuboius, " Loais. Mj k i r .trts.intfrj . ... .. . .... u u u.iki.xLn m i a - i rrwtt it l ....... n . ..i J V, al.aBK. rvfriwaui n ... r C.a A.rkU, anrMn,('al..aH4 M IvouiMHra Mrwrt. .. W tll.I.KIS Benr Trm'uiatnr lt hcif WaxialrrfHl C'urailTv Eltt-cm. They arc ih a vike Fancy DilnU, lla.let.f Poaf num. WhUkry, I'roor Spirila n Itf fuao I. la aara ilarel. apu-nl ami erinnl to il-aw the U-Ve.i-xUe.l "Tonics" ApiMilarra.'" "ll'TT."kc., that 11 tti tippler on to ruiiKrnne- anil rtun.liut are a true Mrdicii.niale from tlie Native Hjt ami HerOi Cf California. Tree Tram nil Alrahollr Sllrna lunla, Tlievaretl.oi;itEAT III.OOII 1M Kl FlEltnml A 1.11'E (ilVIMJ I'K I NCI 1M.E, lerfr-t lipirovator ami ! viirur.Uir of the Kyrtein. tarryiti-off all lMio"ona matter aiilrworlntitha'lood to a healthy condition. No -roii can take tltewi Bit tera a.rrtii;if to dilution ami remain Ion unwell, r.rovido.1 tlirir tone are not dvairoyed ty mineral poiwi.or otlwr ieans.anil the vital organa .aated U'vnii'l the xint of repair. They are n Centtc Pirelletwill na Toute. ixe..-inp. !. tlic in-iiliur merit of uclinpe ca a I oct ful r.Ff.t in relie tnf C-tiriion or IntUniT mutiO'i of th I.ivrr. nnd nil Ihe "irai )n.'aiia. FOtt FE.nAI.E ( O.IIM,AINTS, i.iyonnBor old. marrici or muK1c. at tlied . 11 of womanhood or at lh" tuni of iiie. Uim J onic urn1 nuw i-r luflitirimntary nud curaaic itiiem- lUni nntl l.'oul, Dyapriialu or Indiurxtion, i ISilioua. Krmittent nn:t I nlcrniiii rut r vera, Dl-rnara or lb.- Klood. I.ivrr. lild- aeya nu.l MlnUdcr. tliee Itinera liave Ihm. most i:eeeNHf..l. Kuril IJIaenaea are cne.l by V it lt cl i:iaol. winch iK.-ii.-ra!ly l.roiliic.-.! by !craiicuiciit ' .i tin. llliri-ailTc Oi'snn. IIYKI'ICrSIA !t INDM'KSTIOX, neaJ rhe. I'aiala tlic Sl.otiMem. Concha. Tubtiiesa or the Client. Dizzines. !ar Eructatioiia of the Stomach. i l:ail Tasrelii tlic Month. Milioa AttacK". rauioaiioii oi Die Heart. Inflammation of the lame-. Pain inlhere jiona of Uie RUnei a. ni'l a liuuOrwl o iler painful ymp- turns, are ilia ofIsirinsi rf IJyspers'a- j Thrr inricoratif th. ?tom:ic!i and nimiilutc the ttrrvl Liver aud Dowel, which renui-r them of unciuIld tflicarr in clean!!!! tae bloo-l of all iinpuntiea, anu lai 9artln new life and vrror :o the wlioljtorstem. FOIt Mi IX l)IS:ASi:S. Eruntion. Tetter. Salt lllieiim. I'dotehc. S.tm rims-IoR. rustulra. lloils.Ctr iMi.r.Unni Mml.l ili'il. !ur" Kvi-i. Krvsine- iiui. I tcli.tH-urf. JiiM-oioratioU" thr tkin. Humors an-l iiiHc.it- of the .-km.ff w.iaO-T-r iian) or nttirp. aie l.....-iiv .i.. ..n ..priMl .till .if I li! tiVslin in n v!ir iimr ir the ue.t th e mor. um imif in wh-ii eatw.B w,:i c,mTnice Hie most mcroduloim of their cura tire eff.-ci. Clcanae the Vitiate! r.!oo. wheneTt-r you fin. l' Im ' u,rtii.ir H-ro-jL-h the cL.:n i.i I'i ml !. Kru ' tiona or Sorea : cieanns it when j o-.i C;)J it obstructed and slaaiish in tin vein : c!--a:ie it when it is foul, j and your fjclinja wiil tell you when. K-ep thj M.xmI aure. and the h al li of the avstem will r!!ow. j ! I'l n, Tape, and oilier N orma, lurkimr in the ; yitem r.f ao many thouaaiids. are effectually oeBtrovea and rmiovr.1. Saya a ditini-uif hod pliyinlocit. ; ti.erv is rrcrlv ai indiTiJual Mion the ww ortne rarth whom- body la ex.-mpt iroin the pr a -nce of worm. It i not un the healthy .-ment of the 1 .... !... i.nnn . 1. A A I CM Ml lllim.ra umr mat wi.riu- i and alnnv lepoit mar wwn mw in n - di..-. X Sr.'m f Wltinc nn rmwfuiM.ro ....i.in.i.i.. .in rr.n tl. .iim fiom wo.ma like thene Bittern. 3. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. McDON'AI.D CO, -' DruejUU and li.-n. Arent. San rranriwo. California. in'l 31 all 1 31 uommerce creci. i-f . . 3S0U BY ALL DBCUUiaTS AND UEAjr" . i nEAUCBS. J 1 ontctnn Pit i. IOUU Thi wondi'rl'ul vegetable i tti! sli'Hit-ancltnr of tlx 'eel .i!ituud. As h totsic and cor v apod and languid it lia- no efi'i'A rttoinacbic-'. A renied. for tr vtus wti;ikiies! to which wuni'n re ' 1;. pcially .-tihjpft. it is mi perked inir evr ot'iuT .-tiinulant. In all climates, tropi cal, tiMjipemte or frigid, it acts us a spHi-ific in every specie of disorder which undfritiinHS the bodily strength aijfl Kntiks down the auiiu.il eirits. Dep. 2v5. dAw lyr. Beautiful WomenI HAGAN'S MAGNOJIA BALM aivea to the Com plexion the Freshne of Youth. Haoan's maosoli Dalu orereomes the flushe.t ippcnrance caused by heat, fatiirue an 1 excitement. It makes the laly of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfoet that n ptr on can detect it application. My it ne the roufcheet fVin is made tj rival the pore radhmt texture or youthful henuty. Itrern'W-s redness, blotches, and pimple. It contains notions that will injure the skin the least. Magnou Btu used by all fahi..nahl ladies in N'ew York. Lo don an! l'aris. It coFts only 75 cent per B ttle. and in sold by all iJruriri-t a:i-l Perrutners. Dec. 2d. d.tw lyre 31 l MBXICATsT Mustang- Liniment Fll n IVohnhlv few artieles have ever had ko xten-ive h Salt, while none have been more nniversn'lv lieiiefictal than the cele- hrated MKXKJ VN MUSTANG LINI MKNT. Childim, Adults. Horses, and ronietie Animals, are tilwaj-s liaMe to aeeident. itnd it is safe to hay, that no family can pass a Mnce season wiihuut -iome kind o( an eniol int beinp neee sarj. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundrel liverv stables in the city of New York alone are nsin? the Mexican Mu. tanif Lin'inont in all of which it gives unusual satistaction. ' 'T The pennine is wrapped in a fine 8ff "-'lute enirrayinir with W Wt- hr; Chtfint;' hi: I " Tru .Wri-. Mf-.X.'t.'A V Ml'M'fA X'J ..VJWT." engraved acros the f -ce ot'ea;h wr:iprT. The whole b-rs the proprietor's priva'e Un ted St-.'es l-evenue Ma.oi. and not a common stamp as uaed by driiKRieta. Lyos M ancfaCTuhio Co., f i I'ark PUjc. S. Y. .1 .n.f th. d fr- It --- 'V-iw Mothers; Mothers, Mothers. no ,'t tn if to p-'t'iire Mm Winn'oto't Soothing Syrup for ;hihlrc teeth tig. This ra'uib'e preparation h'i h-en nsi with EVB,t KA-LlMtjUOtE bIN IlluU iA l- Or JAE-. Jt no on'e reiievrs the child from pnln. nt inv curat s th" stoin ell and how.l. f" rects a'-idity B"l ri' s 'one an I enerjo the whole yte"e. It wi luls- i eanly relieve Grip!-in th It neelt ft Wi't-l -'ilre. . We HeMcve it the bet an I i-ur -st reinly in th worid in all ea-ea ot llyaentery atrd Dir rboj i in coil-Ire -, whether a'rii-i a; from teeth inif r anv o her cause Depend upou it mothers, it will mve rest to youroel v-n. and t eliej amd flea th o Your Inf-nln. Desur' an 1 c-ill tor Me Winnf-tie'n Soittnini nrrtp.' HaTina-the f c-imi:e nf "CURTIS .V PiR Kl S" cn the t utaide wrai per, . bold by DfUfgiiV Urn u bout th world. Ja i ia I r v 1 v M W aTOiiaaii For Preserving n'J Beautifying the Human Ma To Provent it Falling On nd Turning Gra A well-preserved Ilea'! of Ifair. in si hereon i f-.ii l.lle ak-e. at once bepiiks rcO. ciueut. ele stance, health an b.ant; . It in-iy tru'y b ille'I Woman Crowning Oiry, wh'tie men rn n T tiiiicns",ilc to it a li-antiiBCs ;in 1 irlinruiM 'ew thing-' are m re li bii m tb;i:i thii. vizzly. harsh, untnmeil llar. with hnl tu' oat cavcrel with Dati-lruff. Visit bnrht ikI you fe?l n-l look kike a new uian. This hut LYONS KATIIAIROX will 'do all th. itne. The charm which lies in well placet fa r. los.-y Ourl. Iiuxurinnt Trec. ua.i Ivitn Head, is notireuble and irre? liable. Sold by all Drue-gists and Couatry jtore.. Jan. 21. dAw Iw ever 3w . T. DUKE a CO. ri FOOT OF JULY ST RE El Wholerfcte k Retail Deilers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stovrs, TINWARE. ROPE. rDM, STtc L N' AILS AND Blacksmith Tool. Ae. Keep on lnnd a large Siock of CHARTER OA K. bucks r rn.YT, CHIC .1 GO KMrORIS, L0 YA L CO OK nd Other Firsl-CIass Cooking S T 0 V E S, , , . r-f All ftnf"3 . -J i "li fn. Coal or Wood kept on band- - iB WORK OF ALL KINDS D0NR WM- II BROVVN, Dealer ia ?it! and Ornamental Snrncrj Stock FLO WE KS. eulbs an 1 GREEN 110 USE A. la, Osceola, Iotva itS?" Trees warranted tra? to nime. Any stock ordered that e ?not he furnhdi d th m ey wi',. o proaii tly refm dcd. 'Orders solicited- n'ZO w3ia Pattmouili i PLATTSMOUTn. NEBR SKA. CORAM HEISEL . - - - - Proprietor, S3 Flour, C -rn Me:il F'-e-I. Ac. A'wavs on hand ana fr dala at lowe.t Cash frices. t.Tm Highest prices pai.t for Vheataud Com. Jcgr I 'articular attention siven to eu torn work. uiirTois w irrriKte t i 017 t. Charles Street, IotiRer located iu st f.ouijthxn ay Thr n i.i V'hy-dei-i . o uccess'n!ly tratu .Simixe ;ind Oi n.piiuitc i Venereal lie as to tiring p. n ieutc roiii e ery ."t tte. Iln- h-pi 1 p- ioprrunitie.. lif i pe e.periM:e. with pur- e drug;" prepared m ihr c-.tiihii! hnie: t. '-ur s k;-nset eiven uo rv ot'.er-. no in -i tier who iil .etl : t.-ll yo. r priva e troubUs. nnsuliatinn jlree Send two stamp '"r medic il e j s.j ' MaMIo.O'. U'nsii hoop, se ? .. . - i...ir ..... li li ...... .. iin. i j t'ente ii.-ii. o ii 'or or. i i"si .. -AH thai the en-ioti". -oi'li u? r muni it v wish - kno ail --t rlt-pnliiit mu rreven toil Marri i e. "-'very yniir limn and wo- lilun ourni r"a'i It n irinu inc nci v iis .1 bi itsiied .- nnrtially iinpoiimen scicnticiilly HUTil n ' It' AGP.Vrs WATCO THE MASTER SPIKITS OK THK W0RLP THE TRKAURE IlOUSf: OK AMERICA. I lidiri-ai ltoU at Hie Y i r . Arnt reoort " ilea of 2 to 1 10 codes in a few h ur orilnvj. 1 o pkctc-. Kr.k. AH dread .. ik. aonusi'EKiK New York. New Or lean. Chi-.-aso, Cincinnati, St Ioum 210t Weeping Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry O.)o.l. Uroc ries, ua.dware. (jueeqiiware. iioot. and Shoes. Hat, and Cups. crieiiltr:il Implements of nil kind. Weir and "I X L" CultivHlurs. I'nioo Corn Plunli-rs. H-nnd'-tonrand Princeton Plow. Ac, X'c ifi hini'vnt all or which weofler to the public at thr n-ptt retail pri:ea. An 1 Represented. '"up consumt aim will I) - to sell ao low that it wiM he tt. thepoitive aJvnntane of every lar- iu'T n .ho western anleentr.il portion of Casf e .ut-t.' f make thih their headiuarter? tor trarle I REED. UR0S. Iatnxxa"be32 Lumber Thy Uiidorsigsied has on haJ and ie 12annfactu iny All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At hi Mill t the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth Orders Promptly Filled.! JwaaddArwaf L t a r-Baf..' 73 X a ?T ' WIND MILLS. DOUULR AXn FIN'ni.v AfTIXO FORCE AXU FA I- M PUMPS. FEED - ILLS. ETC., TKHM LIUKHAL. The II .!!n t-.y V i'l h-. t' d the t-t rr ix tc-n ypa, b .tii in the Uniieil S.atrs and Ku roj.e and is the only ne Generally adopted hy a'l IVineipal Ilail-rail- and l'lrnn'r. - Send for catalogue d price Iirt,-C A. L. rlKAN(J. aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. DEALER II DRUBS, MEDICINES, AND WAX! ! ! It Paper rrimrrcd frcs of Charge. Also Dealer in Bosks, Stationary, Jt1agazine9, and Latest Publications. Prescript inns carefully compounded by ocx perienced Ilrjceist , I'rmrmr-er the place. thre-door wet of in Hi-mid offico: Platt-tnouth. Nebraska. PURISSIMA ET OPTIMA. Thi nn-ivalled Medicine is warranted not to eonta n a-i pie prt e eot Me cury, ora-.y in j'lrious ininr:al fiih-tai.ee hut ia PURELY VEfJIiTAllLIS. Forf i'-ty ears it l' provd its proit v -lue in il diseases o the l.iv-T. 15--w'-. nd Kidnevs i l.o fa- d ot the Kond and tr'eat in at! p its of the connrry voarh fT i." w -nHrr'nl aid t c;u li ro'-we l'i ii'jri yii'sr the h'ood. rtiinulA inx ih t ipid I 'T mi le.wid. arid i-npa't'tn new 'if- nd ViR.irt th- wonle s'S'Pin. .sini nions' Liver Heir.: Iioor iucknowled ed to have o equal a- a I.IYER VEDIfTVR. It eort-iinj fmi tu'ia element . r.eer uni ted i-i tSisaiuf hiii!y proportion in any other i r tr:it'on viz. n (r:-n'le ''nth-.iriie. a wonde' fu' t ic. an n n ex i; i 'limlc Alterative and a er-rtain t) Tree ive of .il im iri?ie of tr e ln-.iy Sueh siBni! u;"cc h:i atten le i its use. that it is n1'' r'.pirdrH ihrt (1VEM UVFAIMVO PP'-CIin. f-rLi-er om-lanta d the pain ul off-inrina: therenf. t' -wit,. Dvspep ia. si ati n, .Turn. lie" Ililions nt a k iek headache, folic f' pri-i n of .-pirits. S-n r ftvniach. Heart Riini. .t c .v U su'a e -he liv. r and pr-ent, CHILLS AN It FEVt-'R. PreparedonlvbyJ.il ZKILINACO. l)ru Kt. Macon. Oa. Pond '(-ra Ci-cilarl and ri-h t wet, Prie- $1; hy mail l--'5 Philadelphia Pa. tor Sale by J ft. BUTTERY, janlwly. I'latts mouth. Neh. HENRY POECK DEALER IN FiJ R N I T U R E. LOUNGES. SAFES, TABLES, HKDSTKADS. af all DKacairTioas i at all raicts. Meialic Burial Cases. WOi if FAT rn FFIN.W OP A ! I SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for pt patronage. Ii n Ate ail tocill tn I etaiuiow-uy largestocko niture and Coffins ynnt IV.. B. WJURPHY, rr Manufiie-urer of f$ fpf A N D ft 12 A I, K 11 I S harness, Sa'bMts, friMrs, C l.l. - US. WHIPS. Blankets Bru lies. &c Promptly Executed. All work Warranted a-FlN HARNESS A SPECIALITY." I'o the Eit North and Sonth'f. WATI.ISS. nil.. I eaye PluttKmo-ith. C S p. in. 5 .VI i pi Arrive IJu lirgton 7. On- in. l:).R0p. in. " Mendota ll.lf. . to. .V.3 a. in. " C'u'u: ito.C IJ.AQ . S.lo p. in. T'Oaoi " Peoria.. " 4-.00 . in. i: .'4 a. m. " Ind'pli' I n..f V. 6:15 p. in. 9 . ra. ' Ci icinnati ' p. in. 4.1 p.m. " Loganfp"! T.PA W S.5.5 p. m. H.- a. m. " Coiombat 2.45 a. bi. 6 30 p. m. w-a.Thnmirh Tarn from M'Mnr( Hiver to Chi c'it' I n li inttiiolis. Cincinniiti, Loicaimrorl ud Colmnlina ronneet'ons at th"io point with Vnef load in o the Kit North and "outh. ' his i- the Hint, ,V.Wt, Quick-nt and (.'half tt Wru'e D" no he dec-ire 1. hut '-htain TicVet Ia th Jturl'np'oii and x;?souli Kinr Koilroad. A. V.. T'-r.ALlNT. C K. P KM S. u'l McVct -tent. (Jen'1 Sop- F U R N I TU R E CABINET PiAKSR And dealer in all kinds of Furniture & Vlmlm, MAin 6TtT. (third door aaet of t 0 Plattsmouth - - - Neb, -Repaii inand Varnifhin neatly ticne. 1 unrraU attended on thr shorte"' notiew. IS ALWAYS THECIIEaAPKST ;0. For Your Oroceriei Go To F. IS. GJUTISlANNa C rner Third aud Main Streets. PIatUraoth. io: S&-Ue keepi on hind a - well selected of Fancy aroeerias. Coffee, Tea. Sugar. Errsp. it.. It. it. 3rAlse a oad aortment of Eoota i .Sh&t." :0: Tn Connection with the Grocery i Bakpry & Confection: ry ! S-A11 kind.of Country Trodnce h'.t pht 1 T,!i!e notice of the ,g a "'EM PIPE ! K F F. Y A ' ' 1 I J . ,f vV- HEW L UMBER YAR: ! Having open' d a Lumhi-r V frd Loui-viile, I will keep al! kind- ot &c, &c, tc, And would invite al! thoe wi-hin? to purcha.-e. to nive m .sH. -I will also deal in 11 kin of 0AT'J, for which i wiil pay the hig e.-u Market prvun. j:. .y o i r. s. CITY MfcAT MARKET BIT Geo. 2?1 i Ic2, MAIN STltEET. Plattsmouth; - I'e!iraiV:! Tha best of Fresh Meats alwty en hand ir their seasoo. fTihest Prto Paid for Vt Cattle esllijrhest Cah Prico paid for rroan Ililes. e Ais for CAMPAIGN tiOODS. Ad Iresi. GOODiPEED'S E M 1 I K E PUBHSUINU HOUSE. ( hic.iro. fiocinnati. St- Louis. New Orleinf or New York. -1"T Book Tor the Tlillioti ! MARRING ' A prite counselor to the GUIDE. UMarrital orthoe about to uiar jiry on tlie pliys:oloicl in sier ies and revelation-o! .he a X"-u system, fne - : ..1 n.. a.J i,r.hlL:iv latent icsoverie. in itoiwui ' olisi-riiiK. how t- pr i rve t!ie completion lo Thi - ia n intrestiuK work of two nu' irett au'l twei.ty-fourpKis. w:!h name ous ui.-av-inn, und contain valuable in'orma'! n tor those who are married, or conn "ipUte ni.'.r rine. Mill, it is a book that ouKht to be r t-rt unlerl'Hk and key. and not Uid cr.;il -iy about, thr house. el:t to miv on" (free ofpost:ie) for X) ici r:ts. Addrens Dr. L'utts' i'l-peusry, N.. li Eifrhth ulreet. St. Liuis. Mo. Notire to the Aftlu-ed and Uiirnr'iif'.ate: Before appU in? t- the notorious quack who a 1 vertt.- in pu li" pap-Ts. or u.rnt any remedies, pern-e Ir. Hut's worn no "Nittcr w hut y-'ur dea-ase i or how deplorable your condition. . , , , lr. lluttjem he consulted, p rs'in' y er oy uia'l. n the diseases mentioned in bi- work. KflTn-e. No. 12N. Eishth street, bttweru M.tiket andChcsuut. fcU Louis, ilo. aex.liwlT ROCK! STONE! I will furnish parties with for all baildinz purposes at a reai'aatble price, a', tny quarries r delivered on the ears t Loass- illestution The to.lowing kind of at-me can be had on i-bott notice; will, caps, p rcti ro. lt ineorroda-in latonesuoh as use.l .. t'uo B 1J1. R It. in the construction of their .'..ne work. All responsiblt ord-ri. prompti ? filled J. T. A. UOOVLK Lrirll Smli4 N"