' s JrFTje -ffflBWi 1 -. ' p. ' E."T. DUKE & CQ.j THE HERALD. LOOM 81 CO., STATU AGENT i ti stp72l:ca:t issrmas is cass co. The County Ontral Committee arc authorize-l to make the following ap pointuieut s for nieeting9 autl speaker ia Cass Coanty, dining this campaign : At Rock Bluffs Thursday. Sept. '2', J p. M. Speakers, S. M. Chapman and G. S. Smith. Greenwood, Friday, Sept. 27ih, 7i P. M. Speakers. S. M. Chapman and J. W. Baroc?. Eiglit Mile Grove, Saturday, Sept. 2Sth, 7 I. M. Speaker?, Kccsc and Smith. Mt. Pleasant, Monday, Sept. 30ih, 7 T. M. Speaker?, Hon. T. M. Manjtiftt and M. B. lleestf, from l'iattsmouth, and other local speakers will address the people. Factoryville, Wednesday, Oct. 2d, 7 p. m. Good speakers will be in a. tend ance. Stove Creek, Thursday, Oct. 3d. Elmwood, Friday, Oct, 4th. Tipton, Saturday, Oct, 5th. . Speakers will l3 designated for the la.stnained places, diirin;: the week. The names of Local Speakers are re; quested to be tent to the Chairman of the Committee, as it is impossible in so fchort a time to ascertain who will speak at thee places, and it is intended and expected that local speakers, in each precinct, will do their part in addition to those already designated, or in case of the failure of any speakers as announced. Jno. A. MacMurphv, Ch'n. dlwtf N PCLI7ISAL; Mv-ssrs. Smith and Chapman will i-pcak at Omaha Junction, on Monday cveuing, October 7th. Turn out and hear them. d&w Uadu't the Detn.-Libs. better have Lct(t) the affidivit business alone? Affy's like chickens come homo to roost. Hemp Packing lor sale at E- T. Duke& Cos. 83dlw-27wlt Patent'round zinc boards to go under heating stoves, selling fast, at E. Tf Duke & CoV 83dlw-27wlt Eeligious. The Third Quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church will be held on the 12th and 13th of October. Services will commence on Saturday the 12th at 7 o'clock P. M. Officia meeting after the evening services. J. II. Pkesson, Pastor. M. M. Shipman, and J. D. Rockwell, of Weeping Water country, called ou the IlEKALD, Monday. General Thayer's speech at Weepinj? Water was well attended, and he outdid himself on that occasion. Gen. T. is one of .Nebraska's most gifted orators. Mr. J. Goodman, the Kaolin man called to see us on his way to the clay quarries out at Louisville. The fair "went off" famously. The last day could not have been better had the Directors ordered the weather, and no drunken men, no quarreling and not an oath scarcely were to be beard on the grounds. That speaks well for Cass county. Full list of premiums and oth er matters published soon. 77CEZ. Woikiug accomplishes everything in this world ; men talk of genius, natural gifts and wonderful powers ; they may all aid a man in the successful pur&uit of any business, but still he must work. Without work the highest gifts are squandered, brightest intellect is dulled, and soon becomes incapacitated for any strong efforts, and more especially for a continued strain of any kind. Persist ed work will make mediocre talent a 6uc enss, while flashing outbursts of genius, easily accoutred information, or fits of wonderful enthusiasm, usually called gen ius. i uin a man in the long run and leave him sitting by the roadside watching his more industrious neighbor climbing the hill of prosperity and competence. Mr. Eli Plummer of the firm of Clark & Plummor, started Sept. 5th for Chi cago, to purchase an additional stock of goods for their fall and winter trade. This house has already laid in a large Btock, but find the demands of its trade are so great that it is necessar to still further increase their stock in order to supply all the wants of the trading com munity of Cass county. Oar merchants hive generally laid in large and fine stocks of goods this fall and there is no excuse for any citizen of Cass going abroad for goods while such stocks as we see in Plattsmouth are to be found on the shelves of our merchants, JThe sometime little paper, the Hebron Journal, has enlarged its borders and come out a fine seven column paper. Success to its proprietors and a long life, 6ay we. We call cur reader's attention to the fact that F. S. White has opened a Grocery Store, two doors cast of the CouH House, and promises to sell his goods cheaper than the cheapest. Bead his advertisement in another column and then call and see him. The Omaha Herald calls us a "fooL" It called us "Sonny," once. Ia it like son like father? We would rather be a son of a fool than the son of the champion bribist in Nebraska. When a man can run down a Freight Train on the B. & M. B. It., he ought to run fast enough to Iget elected on the Republican ticket in Cass. If you don't believe it ask Barnes. We liave Vol. 1, No. 1, of "The Peo ple's Paper," published at Humboldt, Nebraska, by Sylvester Franklin., It supports Grant & Wilson and makes a good showing io local matters. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don't ail to j"mire lln TTiWow Southing Svrupfor VhiUrtn Teething. This valuable freyirotion his been t used with NEVE a FAILINU tUCCE-S IN iliuL- It i.c.t oalv relieve the child frotu pr.ln. knt invyontt!' the (Ikbi th ami bowels, coin-eta acidity, and riv toDO and energy to tuo wliulc fysteir:. Itwi.laisoi stantly relieve Griping tx the UjW-U and Wind CjIcc. We believe it tho best an 1 surest rrim-dy in tbi worid. in all cases of Jj)-entery and Lnar rbo!. in children, whether at riding from tcetti iuir t r any o-.hcr cauno .... Depend upon it mother, it will give rest to yourselves, and 1-ilirfaud Iea'th to Your mU. Be sure and call for "Mr; Winxlow't Sootniug Syrup." flavin the f.c-simile of "CURTIS & PiR KlNS" cn the outside wrarper. Sold by Druggists throughout tec world. 10 LM1 A Heavy Steck of Goods on Hand. No lUnftand .Vn lufrr-t on Borrow Ul to le iladi Of uUmrt ! I OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE ft North ?ido Main between Second and Third st. Takes pleasure in announcing to Farmers and Mechanics, That he has w larg.e and well peieote ftnek of Dry Jood3. Groceries. Provisions, as were ever broujht to the city of l'iattsmouth S"It will cost you nothing to look at them whether you buv or not. By examining 1bo pricds at the '. r UELIAULL" s ou ill bo aole to teu wneu uiuci ' ,f nKW-f you jRlattsmoutli A CADEIY! Comrnsnces July 1st. 872. Chicago Avenue, Plattoinouth, CaM county. JJebraaka. Prof. Adolphc d'Allemantl, Pryniotor and k nncipal, nib J. R. CLARK. KLI PLUMMER. STORE! o Save mouey byjpayina Cash for you Goods. AT CLAKK & PLUMMEirs. Dkai.ees 15 STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also a full etock of GROCERIES. EOOTS and SIIOEH. HATS and CAPS We buy largely for cash and sell cheap for the money. (tore opposite the Brooks House). Main street, Platkmouth, Nib. 24w-CGd-3m FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. SUCCESSOR tO Tootle. Hanna & Clark. John FiTZGERALn. President. John R. Clark, C. II. Parmki.b. Vie Frenident T. W. Evans. Att't Caihier. Vatnier, This Bank is now open for bu:.nesi at theii new room, corner Alain ad hixth streets, and are prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds uold. Government and Local Securities , Bought and Sold. Dennsit, Received and Interest allowed On time t v . ..... CertiScatcs. l'?.0"'e'na ln iu principal towns uu vines ui curvpo. FOR T II TJ CELEBRATED AND ALLEIff ZallJE OP STEAMERS. Persons wishing to brin out their friends from Europe can purchase tickets from n. th,i. to PJattinioutb. aolSwtf I - Gf& HOYS AA'D CHILDRESS CLOTllUYG Hats and Caps, Boots itn! Shoes, C1AHKETS. RUS3F.R 60003, Main Street- Second Door East cf the Court House BRANCH HOUSE Lroa.2way.Coucr.cil B'.uSb Iowa. Piatlsmouih Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. CUSTOM FiiAPE BOOTS AND SHOES Repairing ncaily fnam Street, Piausmoutn, ea. ji5jiwtr In Cuke's Old Stand. Xj. ip . joii3rsoir, IgrOpnoite the Platte Valley House, in Senator's Jewelry Stored Min street, BlattsKiosalh, 3S"briska JX. EBQ"-2 IESJ rasC E3 """ CZ J C ST. T.OTTTS. c-r G. A. MILLAR & CO S- Snb Oljjtr jjfirst-chss bole?a!c and Retail Dealer ia Strings, Sheit MUS1CAL INSTRUMENTS 7"a;4j MISSOURI .VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company fio. 70 DELAYARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES N0K-F0RFEITLX6 Iiviilesicls on the CoutribaslioJi IPIan, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Zelders REAS0?3 F03 INSURING 'IN THISCOfPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men, whoso kno-.vn Snanancia! charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for iw careful and sueceat'ul management. Its Polices are all tnm-liriVitinx- ,,.... . 3d. Premium all caili. It receives no notra n ml fcives none Policy holders have no mtero to pay, and no oubtandinK notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. lt?dividends are made upon the contribution plan. oth. 1 1 business is cjccluuivly life insurance. Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the Utmost dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its invest ucnta at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage ol Western investments to the policy holdor appears in the following startlmf figures: The amount of id.UW). invested for fifty years at 6 per cent, compound interest, is lS,12i.15 8 " " 4-i.iMlil 10 " " " " 117,.G-l.S OFFICERS . Oeorgo A M.ore, Secretary, J Jones. Ass't Secretary, II L No.rinua. Treasurer II T) Micka". President, 1) M Swan, V ice Pre-ident, Dr. J L V'ever; Mti. D'to;. DIIIECTORS. D h're, Leavenworth. Kan. II D Meckay. Leavenworth Kan U :! 1. II t Slnrnn " J V Richards. D M Swan. II K ll iuuuoud W U C.itfin. Geo A Moore, 11 LUxerl T - Carnev. I) w Ki-wers, S M Sirickler. Junction City Gw L Davis. St; Louis;Mo Chas Robinson, Lawrance, J Merritf, W.JIadley. " i E lljistiiicr?, ;; M R Morgan Geu, Agent fnr Kebrusiinaud Kurlheru Iians Good Traveling Solicitors Wanted. R. W. MAkSH ALL, Agent, J. R JLIVINOSTON. Med Examine WILLIAM STADEL RfflZA N , Has oa hand, one of the largest stocks of CLOTHIMC AND GENTS' SPRING AND SUMMER, S-I invite every body in want of anything in my line to call at my store. 8outli &ide Main, Retwcen 2:1 c& 3d fit reels. And convince themselves of the fact- I havo as a. stock of t ine vlothmg lor Men and Boys; to rIalo keep on hand a lar and well selected lIiOUTH NEB- TR'JNXS, VALISES, E fC Plftttsmoutii. NcbrnsS IjOW 1 ricks dons by P. MAXWELL, IJUUDETT. SMITH'S AM'N A X D BOSTON ORGANS. 1 Ihuas aub )rgn:ns. Music andiOl k'nd3 of Slcaiea! MerahanJis and Repaired Satisfaction Guuranid.-i1 12 , " " 31rt.0!.iil) olichol ler than any otharnancial advautajes an i ind-iceaieats to the II A Cslkins, (General Arent, W E Harvey. Con. r ctuarr. T A llurd. Attorney. II L X 'w-aaa Lsa vo Torth,, W E Ohemborlaia. - T A llurd. , K H AiUn. C A "erry, Weston, SIo, ii W Ve-tl Topeko, Knnu. J M Price Atchisou, Kan. W RStebbius, " I l r a ttk rrrr 1 1 i 1 1 btl UU Hi FURNfSHiHG GOODS, FOR speciality in my Ketail Department a se'ect which we invite Lhoae wno want Uoods. sock of Hats an'l Copi- 810tf 1 W. .. Irorior. R. H. Slcl.wt Co., urtintuu G.n. AcnU.sJ frUcio. Cal., J W Comn..rc. .lr.U S.X MILI.IOXS Hear Tcm'uionr 10 men Wonderful Curnlivi. Ertecln. Thev are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poor .... . i i . .i i .I'm.. . I.louordoctorcl.RiiccdaiidswceteneitoplcasetIio tastccallcd "Tonics," .pictizers," "nestorcrs."ic, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness amiriiin.biitaro true Mediciiio.inaile from the Native Itrvots and llerbj of California, free from nil Alcoholic sstlmn InntK. Tlieyaiet!ie;KEAT HI. ! 1 I- It I FIEltatid A LIFE IJIVIXtJ Pit I NCI I' I.E. a perfect Ucnovptor and lnvi?ur:itor of tiie System, carryingoff all poisonous matter ami restoring tlieblood to a hcnltliy condition. "o ix-rsoii can t.ikc these Dit tars ncconling to directions ami reii:um provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poinoir oilier means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Thrv nroaCcntle Purcotivo no well nsa Tonic, possessiiiK, also, tlic peculiar merit of nctiiiR as a powctful nL'cr.t in relieving Congestion or InHanir niation of the Liver, mid nil the Visceral Organs. FOII. FEMALE C03IPI.AIXTN, in young or old, married or -tingle, nt the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of iifc. Uicko Tonic EittcrB have no equal. For Iiifln-imiiatory nud Chronic lllieanm- iImui nud iout, Dyspepnia or I ncliaesllou. Itilioun. Kttiiitlciit and I iiteriiulleut l-c- TcrM, Dixrniidi of the Klood. I.ivcr, Kid neys aud Illaddcr. these Ilillcru nave iwcn rooaa sr.cccHslal. MCtt Miwnw. .y if i...i ih-1i isirencraUv uroiiiiad by derangement ot the liiCfitive Organs. nYSI'EI'fsIA Olt IXDHJESTHIX. Ileaa nche. Painlu the Shoulders, Coughs Tigutness of the Chest. Dizziness. Sour .Eructations or the Stoniacb. Bad Taste in the Month. Uilious Attacks. I'alpiiation ol the Heart. InQammation of the Lungs, I'ain in the re gions of the Ridneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torrVJ J Liver and Bowels, which render them or unequalled lITicacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im jartiug new life and vigor to the whole system. FUll MKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules. Boils, Car buncles. Hinij-Worms. ScalJ Head. Son- Eyes. Erysipe-tes.-l ten. -Scii rf-i. Diwolonitions of the Skin. Humors and liiKcascs ( the Skin, cf wuatv-r name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out ofthe system in a short time by the use ot these Hitters. One bottle in such ea..ses will couviuco the- most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the TitiaUd Blood whenever you did its im i .rtt;n through tha skin in I'implcs, Erup tions or Sores ; clcanso it when you Cud it obstructed ndsla;gish in the veins: cloansa it when it is foul, i the thadc. and your feelings will till you when. Keep the l.lood . oure. and the health of the svstem will follow. nv Pin. Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the ! filb'irn flnd Stadcribakcr l agon?, nm .ystem'eTsny thousands are eanvdestroved ir and removed. Says a distiniuwhed phyiolo?!jit. vc3.cr an j Mower ic. there is scarce! an individual upon the face ofth ; x.cai-tr aua iW.oy.cr earth wliose body is exempt from the pr.-senc of : worms. It IS not upon tne nraii MT . ii-ui-... j ... body that worm exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimv deposits that t.nHd these livinsr monsters of disess-. No Svstem of Modirine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. 3. WALKEK. Proprietor. B. H. McDOXALD & CO Druggists and Gen. Asents. San Francisco. California, and 34 and 3-1 Commerce Street, Sew lork. O-gOLD BY ALL DKUUGIST3 AND DEALERS. X C H A r J G u . VILLE, NEB. ' Keeps tuch as UJ-nd all stapl : article r. rr, , k.' Aocacco, w Jlolasse?, Dry Goods Boots and Shoe?. &e., In f:ict every thing ueuslly kept I a Vaii tr s-tore. w x-u wiil ui: ?!d oa .-mall profits for Cah, .ti; kiuii of P.oJueo takou iu exchnase HislicBt Market Price given in caj-h 19-W for G ram. BIDS S OU FOItAUE. Oef cs Ch. Qu. -' . rr Pi-attk, 1 Omaha, ri-pt2. lSii J SEALKD BIDS, in duplVate. with cuarantee signed by iwo rcspons.b!e parties, not bid d'rs will be received ut. this ctiicn until eleven i.'cio-k a v.. en Jhursday. ' tuber 3. 1S,. fur the delivery at Omaha Depot, eo:a-ska, from tiina to time as required, ol ,fjO,(HK) l.Ur-helR of Oats, 70.000 bushels of Corn, or sny part theteof. . , ,. , P..dj to l e endorsed on tiie euvrlore, Ii'ds :r for: pc." ,., - , '1 he riiht to rej ct any or all bits is reserved B!:ink)ils furnished, and een.-ral conditmn iu .deknown on application rr this -fiice A Ll-X. J - Pi'-K l . Kw-4t Ch.. Qr., Sr. I cpt. 1 ltt , NEW DRUG STORE WEEPING WATER, NFTL TET,ER in Druses. Medicines. Paints. i!s. J7 Varnish, Pertumery. bt.taoi.ary, JNotu us, CiKurs and 1'obucoo wltHl Omcha Marble Works. M. J, FiiliNEN, 's Manufacturer and I'eali r in i iTAMtM.t Jiritirw 4icni.r. MltM JIKMK, III;A!)MII)MN, I?lal!es & Ftiriiiturc garble For Fpccimen of workaianship refer . to Smith s and Valicry's uionu ruents in l'iattsuaouth Cein e t a r y . The patronage of Cass County is respectfu'Iy sol, cited. dS5-w27-Cli..' Also for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address. GOODSPEKO'S K M P I U E PUBLISHING HOUSE. Ohieapo. Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleans, or New York. 22w low J."W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND - LSVERY STABLE. itr t v o m T 1? Ty rn ill A 1 11 uliVXil, P lattsmnuth Nebraska. .In no . r.rriiiirM Rnr.c-i nnd n. Nil. 1 Ilenr'' on short notice and reasonable tertn". A Mac will run to the steam boat landing, and to all pai? of the city when desired. January 1, lsTl diwtl MifS. A. D. WHITC0M3, 0?0 Dress anil Cloak Maker. Rooms Northeast corner of Platte Valley Ui-use. CUTTING & FITT1XG made a specialty. Patterns of all kinds constantly oa hand. r a t Coffee V V A'l FOOT OF MJtlJf STREE1 WiiuK-obla i Retail Deilers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stove?, TIXWARE. ROrE. ION, STEiEL NAiLS AND Elackimith Tool?, &.C r.. V I ,TO srkrl. nf iveet) OH 11.11111 ft 1 iprgC JlOC' CiJi i cyii. bucks r5rz.vT, CHirlGO. EM P OH LI, L O Y.I L C () OK And Other Firsl-CJass Cooking STOVES, ef All kinds Coal or Wood kept on hand. tm tVAPlfrtP AT.T.TvTVnS 1)1 , a J iJ uimi.ui - EST I2S E2. J, miSTTBBH, Till he found at his oi l stand oa Main St. where he will ue pie sea to bee uia iui mer customers ana triends. 11 e has a large and good assortment of farm machinery tuch ai the fl'he Marsh harvester, a reaper thnt twi .a : I can cut and bind te -. acres per day f. ' One matj to drive, and the binjera can worK F. J. METTEER, Slain Street. Plattsnouth. K b. L. S. Bi-Aia, XravclinK Aeat. Feb. 29 wtf. CEOAR CREEK KILLS Is in running order now. Wanted bushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customer? in grinding and sawing. Flour. Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Come one. Come all. and give the Ceda Creek Mill a tiiil. CHRISTIAN SCIILUNTZ DOANE COLLEGE, ThePreparatory Department, (Recently of Yale College.) PRINCIPAL Avill open September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rates. Apply CHAS. LITTLE, Chairman of Trustees, Crete Neb. n20-w3tu MAC E SHOP! Way man 4 Curtis. . rialts:tiouii, IVeS., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and firijt Vli! IjJ Gas and Steam Fittinjrs. Wroucht Iron Pipe Force and Tilt Pumps, te.nn Gauge, alan- Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice, :F ARMING MACHINERY Repai-ic f on short notice. ur DOfTTOK WSSSTTIER. C17 St. Charles Street. ronjrer located in St Louis than any Chron- anil fYmmieatftd Venereal Disease as to hrinu! Jpatients troui every State. II is hopial op-.j Joprtunities. a lift.- lijie experience, with pur- -est druijs prepared in the establii htnent. -uresi ,Vses eiven up bv otKcrs. no matter who tiiil- iied : tell yo. r private troubles. 'Vinsultation ijfree. Send two stamps for medic il ei'i.ys.1 3 JlAsnoon, woiiAHdon. se-' rj email. 15 cents acb. both for U) els. 100 pajres. ."All trial tne curious. iouoi-ui or mum i' v jfwish kn'jw all aout Self-pollution Proven twn, Mam ue b very youi:(f man and wo- man ouirht to read it as a warnina the ner ivoiis 'I biHtated o.- oartially impotententi cienti-cally aavisea.w n acc.a ..iSk Jos. Sch later. K3TABLI8HE9 IN 1361. ITCAI,KU IN IVATCHES, CFiOCKS JEWELRY SILVKR AXT PLATED WARE. UOLD PKXS SPCTACLES. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY (KODS. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly ind with dispatch. Kemoved to opposite Platte Valley Hoose Mian Street. nnr. nwt CITY MhAT MARKET, -Bi' MAIX STREET, Plattsmoutii; - Nebraska. The best of Fresh Meata always on hand ir their seaaon. Highest Price Paid for Pat Cattle -Highest Cash Prico paid for grocn Ilidef. fdl ' HAL-AuaY'o eMl'tlll" WIND MILLS. DOUULE ANI SINrtLR ACTINrt FORCE AND FAUM PUMPS. FEED ??!LLS, ETC., TKIOIS L1RKRAL. The H ilirt Ifiy MiM h s rto-d the teFt for ix teen ye:irs. both in the United Stntfa and Ku ropo and i the only (-no Generally a-t.ipted ry n'1 Principal Ifail road anJ Farmers. Send for catalogue snd price lit.-ff A. L. SrKANO. ap!8wtf Lincoln Nebraska. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND WALL PAPER ! ! All Paper rrinimed freo cf Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex nrinced Dnlsrfftpfc Remember the place, tbreedoors west of the Herald olhce: Plattf mouth. Tvebrafka. PURlSS!fdA ET OPTIMA. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to conta n aii e'e pnrt'c'eot Jlercury, or any tn jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty jciirs it has proved its (srent value in all diseases of the Liver. Low!, and Kidneys ' ho'-sards of th pood and frejit in all 1) ;rts of the country vouch for iis wonderful and tccu- li.ir powe In piiri'j inir tho blood, Htmiula in the t 'rpid I ver nnil bowels, ana imparting new lifu -nd Vijror to th whole s stem. Sim mons' Liver Kcgnlator is acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDiriNK, It contains fnu- tndicai element . never nni ted in the fame happy proportion in any other pr paration viz . a penrle l.:ithiirtic, a wonder ful To ie. an un-ex-ertionablf Altemtive and a certain C'irrrcrivo ofall im- uritie of the body Such signal Fuvesi h-is attende I its use, that it is now renrded .is the CHEAT UNFAILING SPf CIIO, for Liver I'omt laict a d the pain 'ul nflfsprinK thereof, t-wit. Dyspepsia. Co'S'iinti n. Jiiundicn ililious at a ks lck headache, t olio Iopressim of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart num. vc ac. licgula.e the liver and prevent, CHILLS AND FEVER. PreparedonlybyJ.il ZEILIN .t CO. Drui'B'sts. Macon, fla. Send for a Circular 1 and S-" Arch teet. Price 81: by mail l.v.5 Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by j H BUTTERY, jnnlwly. PUtUmouth. Neb. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FU RNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DBBCBIPTIOXB AID AT ALL PBICI. hletalic Burial Cases. VOlI"EN COFFINS OP ALL. SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cah. With many thanks for past patronage, Ii n &te all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan2St M. B. MURPHY, Manufacturer of 'and DEALER IN Kg . i V Aft i V harness, aoous, gnolts, OiI.L.AllS. WHIPS, Blankets, Brushes, &c. Promptly Executed. All work Warranted S-FUME HARNESS A SPCALITY.- Nov. 30. wtf riattsmouth, Neb S out I.e. i.a. j bl'ATIO.NS. HAIL. lSl'iis:i Leave Pluttsmorth, Arrive Bu lingtoo " Kcndota " CbicatfoCCU.it; C 3'1. r. 7 ''0 a- n.'G .i- m. ... r. p m :' :i. .'.i . ; i ;( ... :.. 0 .7) -rjt.S ii Id, Co ;. i.-j. - Peoria " Ixd'plU'l f...i v Ci'.cjniiAti " " Lopansp't W " Columbus " 9.l: LI" :. .'.-t' A ' .ce t ' -Thr.ueh Cars '--u v' cngft. In.li.iuai'olir . ( i :i:ilt. (.., II 's 'V I' UOlUlll'.'U. Conr.iTtions at ih"- i. mim 1 CCi I. 1: l : r...' ' i .l) in to the Kast .v. m ; .i ii - J tun u tho lit-' ' (,'.' eat HoMe. )n no be rtec-ivrt. tji:t . i . ,i s.ris Yii the llnrlirff'fiTi I ; .-.ouii v i : u.d. A. K. T' 17 l.l N . V t. V lihlS. Gen"! I i- L -t f.T. t ilcu't Saii'i FURWITU Acd dealer in all kiu-I of ia:f HTkKfcT, 'thiid door ml of P 0 au3!Ti3l.lCh Tt.'j':iirir. i r il 1 r.rnis'iinf tui'ly uoi e. d on ih tinrirl r.u-i J uriera. luu-i A g-iv.nd (. ii.'tiH'f ;." O ; t " I choio? liuihliiu lots, at j i i- ct's and trnn: to .suit times, 1 a in now (.iT-ri.Tg to s.;ll lots i r.:j avl'iiiiti I'u r.i, &de Vi ' W' ' t- Each, fit in t.:v.c third t (nc-h:lf k-en and ihi; lif.-iii.v jviyuhl'i in wx, r.in- u:.-d twelve moi.ths accr ':: tr ihe vlic of the lt.J, with tin per c; n) it.Un-t. S5?"A (iiM-f.ui.t of tvii i or cent will tnado for cluh. Thi-. 5r; certr.iniy one'oflho finest chances ever f.'ered in ri:ntmouth t partis of iimii'-d mean', to m-cut. piece of giound upon which to t-rtrt borne. JMy Iof are "aurifu"? '.i:ti!jd n.. v nearly all arc r:n n;d with a ;.. , of yount' ("'lrst trt Colli" an! ;: at tha in. No .hai; maic for Jsliowiti:'. s. ri:ij-:. . July .f.ih 1ST2. 3u.:e lv.t; T i l 15 U Va S T r IS ALWAYS . TiiE CHEAPEST :0: Fr.r V.,:ir Lic i .) 1 o A. A W J C'.-rner Third nud M;i-i StpcM. i,:.'.'i.ru'h. :oi SSlli keeps ou hand a h -i'H mod well fcit'Ctr-d Stu- k of Fancy Gr c-rii-s, CoiTe'ri. Tt!. c. A'.-. In Connect;.. n with tho Gwcry U e Bakery & CcnicLtionsry I "All kind of Trn;n!ry Produ'-e lout'Lt t l Take notice .ft!ie?;Rn "EMPILF. PA'CKST AD0L II "i . i"f:y;iwtf. 1ST JEW -STOKE Weeping Water, Nebraska. BCCC r.i-.u r.a to UOLTOy i JL'XK.s. General Iercliandise, tzen as - ORT GOODS. GBOCEIFS HARDV V I'", UUEl--Sv'Ar.E. I1AT.-'. CAPS LT(jT.-. ailOi'S, MOTIONS. M We art Agenta for WifTcox &. Glbr3 Sewiag Machine D. SCHNASSSb: 6c CO., Still keens on ha.i l a hvjv aoiiratnt of the beat good IN T Ii K: iMAKK i: T and they will Dot be ui. icriuli. MR. SCHiXASSE Has just returned tr .uj the East fcitii a uew hU jk hi i lie And he informs us t':at it isih-rr inlontiou to gell their OOOlJH ul t'liiul.ti, i. rices- cni in fact as Ion as toey can bo r-urihascJ Kat in the 8 A M K HUAKTU'ire. dim. i