Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 03, 1872, Image 3

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    tAIJniitai. JUi. wr-!
Gsoda not sold at Ices than cost. No
goods given away, lut good goods at ibe
lowest prices for cash, at
lltf. Clark & Plummers.
Plattso-outh, Neb.
Line: LIME!
IT. Itobinson starts Lid lime kiln for the
aeason, to-day. All persons det-iriog Huie
can now be furnished. For information,
call next door east of the Brooks House.
Ileer scnli us a CJ lbs suect pota
to, "for bieakfast " We have , been
comparing corporofity's, and think Hes
ter made a mistake. Mr. Mickelwait or
Judge O'Neill could hold that potato for
breakfast, better than the editor of the
Osceola Nor!iriii--(;ftnNriir Home
tin punnible.
W. II. Drown, the Agent fur these
well known Nurseries, is in town, tolicit
ing orders for Fruit and Ornamental
Trees, Flowers, Bul ls, and Green House
Plants. Satisfaction garanteedor on pay
demanded. W. If. H.
38dlw tfw .
The strains of flute and guitar mingled
very pleasantly with our dreams last
night, aud at last aroused us to a realiz
ing sense that somebody or bodies were
treating us to a delightful seranade, for
which we return many thanks. We do
not pretend to be a judge of music, but
we know that was excellent, and Platts
mouth need not be ashamed ef her mu
sicians. ofHe(blnc ttint Intcri-hts Everyone.
O'Brien k Merges, at the Platts
incuth Shoe Store. nc.t door to the
Post office, are filling up, for the Fall
trade, with the best and cheapest stock
of boots and shoes ever bruu.t to
Plattsmcutb. jwtf
At Stadelman's New Jewelry
the best assortment ever brought to this
inaiket. Kings, chains, studs and sets;
also a few watche;:, which will be sold at
wholesale prices. 74dlw2Gv?3t
Kvery one to know .that O'Brien &
Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store,
keep on'y first class shoemakers, and all
their custom work is n.ade from the bet
brands of French calf and kip. They
only charge 75 cents for soling boots, and
make aujtiiing to oru.r, frorj a stoga
boot to the finest French kid, ladies'
shoes. Their, foreman is master of his
business, and his "fitting" can net Lc ex
celled in the best shops in the counry
- 25wtf
The largest stock of cloth ng to be
found in town, at Stadelman's. The
best assortment .of clothing at Stadel
man's. The cheapest place to buy
clothing is at Stadelmann's.
Vivian's is the place to buy your gro
ceries and provisions. 20tf
A Word to our utomr.
Profiting by the experience gained by
ruorc than two years dealing with the
people cf Plattsmouth and vicinity, we
have selected for our fall and winter
trade a class of boots and shoes, that for
cheapness and durability, we say, with
out hesitation, are not equalled west of
the Missouri. We find the people want
pood goods, and we are prepared to fur-ci.-h
them at reasonable price?.
rSwtf O'Brien & Merges.
Mrpsrs. Smith and Chapman will
speak at Omaha Junction, on Monday
evening, October 7th. Turn out and
bear them. d&w
Morning Glory, Base-burner, for hard
coal five sizes, at E. T. DuKE & Co.'s.
At Solomon & Nathan's the goods are
rolling iu hand over fist. 85 13w26i2
S. N. B.
We have bought the entire right and
interest iu the whole subscription list of
the Weeklv Herald, from II. D.
Hatha way, and as fast as our friends can
square up the old accounts we shall be
pleased to have theui as we want old
books settk-d. tf
. E. T. Duke & Co., have on hand seme
new patent hu.-king gloves. Saves the
h3nds and diminishes the labor. Farm
ers cull and see them and you will par
chase. $3d lw-27wlt
Sec advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis
pensary, headed Book for the Million
Marriage Guide in another column. It
should be read bv ad. dccldiwly.
Unless A. L. Brown had a good maay
partners and was forced to divide pretty
freely, he ought to be a rich man now.
Five or six thousand dollars is a pretty
cood nest egg for one summer and not a
good summer for cont racts either. V ho
was Browns partner.
The ladies wil' do well to gee thoe
splendid sets ofJew.'iry, (pure gold)
the finest ever brought to this city, at
Braitsch's, in Bloom's Clothing store.
Go to Henry Boeck's new store foi
furniture, mattresses and everything in
the houso furnishing line.
N. B. Coffins made to order, and also
kept on sale. ' 70iiwtf
Tho "creminm list" of be eounty and
state Fairs will not be published in the
Heralo this week as per promise on
avnntof the continued absence of the
o - T fl Wheeler. Part of
the list is "set up" and on Mr. heel
er's return the the rest will be published
Urn endlich cinmal den cegan den re-
publikani.-hen Vizeprcsident-schafts-
Candidaten Wilson ausgestreuter Ycr-
laumducgen, dasz er dem beruchtigent
Orden der Knownothingsangchort habc
eia enae zu ruactien, wanuie.i sicli vor
einigen yagen eioig Brook lyoer Deutsche
schrifdich an diesen mit dor Ditto,
sieuber , diesen Punkt aufzukluren. Sie
erhieiter hierauf folgendes, vom 20. ds.
aus Natick, Mass. daiirte, cigenhandigc
Schrcibn dej Senators: Meine Herren,
Ich hube Ihr schreiben empf.tngen,
in dem Sie bei niir anfragen, of die Be
richte, dasz ich ein Mifglied der Know
nothing Partei war, auf Wahrheit be
ruhen, oder Frdichtungeu, ausgitreu-
yon politischen Feinden, sind Ich
wicderhole hiermit nochmals, dasz ieh
niemals mit ihr gestimmt babe und
da?z ich Btrets bestrebt geweseri bin, von
ihrer Grundung an, bei jeder Gelercn
heit durch Wort und Schrift gegen ihrc
schadlichen Prinzioien anzukamnfen
:us den beifolgenden Auszugcn meiner
Keden, die in verschiedenen deut.chcn
Zeitungen veroffentlicht everden Sin
ersehen, dasz ich uiich stetz frei und
oflen fur das Prinzip erklert habe, dasz
die Adoptivberger der Union gleiche
Rechtc mit den Landes Eingeborene
daben sollcn and dasz jede Unteidreck
ung lrgend cine Klas.en and vornehm
ich von ihrer Frendgeburt herruhrt, im
hen Gegensatze zu den Prinzipien
wahrer Ileligion, Gotteafurcht und dem
Zeifgeiste steht und dasz solche Beein
trachtigung der Fremdzeborencn hechst
uogercht, unmenschlich und unpolitisch
st. Diese meine Erklarungen stirnmen
den liberalen Ansichten, deren ich
wehien.d meiner langjehrigen po'.itischcn
Laufbahn gehuldigt habe, volkommen
uberein. Aufdieser Grundlaffe ruht der
Jau unsrer mechtigen republikani.schen
'artei, der Partei de Fortschritts-
uc-ren unvereiuJerUcne totetzen : r rei-
licit, G'eichJieit und BrederUchkeit sind
Die-es sind und werden meine Losungs-
worte sein, so lange ich lebc and zu
wirken im Standebin. Deshalb musz ieh
auch ganz energisch solche Ver'auwdun
gen zureckweisen und sio fur
cia verechlichcs ohne crfolg,
schou iuehrmals und besocders
in deu Jahren 1S55 und 1S5S von den
Opponenten der Republikaniselien
Partei gegen mich im Auwendung
gebracht wurde. Sic, geehrte Herren,
sind wohl im Stande, Wahrheit von
Falschheit zu unter.-cheiden ; Sei wer
den inir daher wohl auch in der Zukunft
Ihr Vertrauen pchenken. In dieser
IIofFuung u. 8. w.
IIevrt Wilson.
FAI2 63072133
of Cass county are situated three miles
southwest of Plattsmouth, near the res
idence of W. R. Porter, Ksrj. A stream
of water passes through the northern
side of the grounds where stalls and
cheds for stock have been erected. On
visiting the place we found a large as
semblage of people from all parts of the
county. We sha'l not at this time at
tempt to give a de.-cription of the ar-
- t
tides on exnibitior", nor tne premiums
awarded, as they will Lc given in a body
The grounds were crowded with pco
pie, and Mr. Wheeler informs us that
the entries were very numerous. The
priucipal feature, to many, on Wednes
day aftei noon, was the trotting match.
Having been kindly invited to the stand
we propose to tell what we know about
that kacixq. ; '
The first thing on the programme was
a race between F. J. Mettcer's roau
mare and Dick Strcight's light roan
mare "Cass County Pet." best two out
of three.
The first heat was trotted in 3 min. 4
sec. the dark roan (Metteer's) winning
the heat.
Streight's marc was yery lame, and
many thought she would be unable to
make the second heat, at the call of
"time's up" however, she came to
scratch in good style, and without
scoring, they got a go. d "send off."
the second heat
was made in 2.55, both horses working
to a charm, and the lame mare some
how forgot, and won the heat. A litt'e
walking, a little bathing, some blankets,
a fresh chew of tobacco for the drivers
and everybody is ready for the third and
Two scores and the horses are away on
the wind "go my beauties." This was
as fine a heat as we ever paw trotted on
acv course in America. The horses
kept neck and neck for the first third of
auuie; on tne second tuird the dark
roan seemed to gain and the "Pet" II 11
behind, greatly to the sorrow of her
friends who supposed her lame foot
would cause her to lose the race ; but
on the last round she forgot everything
but the home stretch before her, arid the
horses crossed the line with the liht
roan (Streight's) about half her body's
leneth ahead time, 3 minutes.
When we consider that this track was
only a third of u mile, and that three
rounds must be trotted for a mile heat,
all horsemeu will recognize at once that
that this was very good time indeed.
between John ShuunOn's gray pacer
"Ilnmpty Dumpty" and Cal. ParraeVs
bay colt, "Horace Greeley" was tho
next thins on the turf.
Both horse passed under the line in
good style, th bay ahead about four
Nevertheless, they got a "send
off" and rattled away. Ihe colt did ex-
cellently well, and never broke a step or
lost an inch by fooling around. Unlike
his great namesake, he stuck to the gait
he started out with, viz ; a good, square
trot, and made a good rccr rd as an hon
est and reiiable candidate for future fa
vors on the trotti.g course. The prey
trotted, racked, paced, cantered, and &!
mo.-t whistled and sang around the
course, owing to the lens? h of time since
he bad pulled a sulky, and it made him
feel so eood, vou know.
The race was declared a tic, time, no
where, and we left
On the next heat, we learn, the grey
settled to business and was the winner.
And so ended oar first day at the Cass
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
State Board of Agriculture, held at L'ri
co'n, Nebraska, on this tho last day of
the Annual State Fair, Sept. Gth, 1872.
There were present the following,
and tx-oflcio members :
R. W. FURNAS, President,
J. S. Morton, 1st Vice-President.
J. T. Allan, 21 Vice-President.
D. II. Wheeler, Secretary.
J. W. Shannon, Member.
Geo. B.Graff,
C. II. Winslow, "
D. T. Moore.
W. W. Abijv, Ex Officio, Member.
There being a quorum present, the
Secretary announced the following list of
members whose term of ouico expired at
this meeting, viz :
D. II. Wheeler,
J)hn Mutz,
R. D. Simpson,
J. A. Ewing.
F. A Tisdehjr.
Geo. B. Graff,
C. Eckhart, and
J. W. Shannon,
Oliver Hura.on,
M. Vandeveuter,
J. L. Carson,
J. T. Allan,
F. M. Dinninny,
II. P. Coolidge. I
On motion, the Board proceeded to
elect members to fill the Board, which
resulted in the election of tha following
person :
D. II. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Cass
County ; M. Dunham, Omaha, Douglas
County : J. W. Moore, Nebraska City,
Otoo County; II. Q. Staver, Salem,
Riehardson County; J. II. Greg?, Ne
braska City, Otoe County ; N. W.
Wells, Schuyler, Colfax County ; F. A.
Tisdel, jr. Brownville, Nemaha Co. ; F.
M. Dinning', Tfcumseh, Johnson Co.;
M. Stocking, Eldied, Saunders County ;
John Keith,
Ilinman Rhodes, Gage County ;
II. P. Coolidge, Columbus, Platte Co.;
J. W. Holt, Salem, Richardson County.
Thereupon, the Board proceeded to
the election of officers for the ensuing
year, which resulted as follows :
R. W. FURNAS, President.
J. S. Morton, 1st Vice-President.
J. T. Allvn, 21 Vice-President.
J. W. Moore, Treasurer.
D. II. Wheeled, Secretary.
On motion of J. S. Morton, the
Vesident was authoriz.d to appoint the
Executive Committee for the ensuing
The President naurid the following
persons as the said commfttce, viz :
C. II. Winslow, of Cass County; M.
Dunham, of Douglas County; F. A.
i-del, jr. of Nemaha County ; J. W.
Moore, of Qtne County ; J. W. Holt, of
lichardson Counfy.
On motion of J. S. Morton, it was
Rc$olcel, That the time and place of
holding the next State Fair be fixed at
the semi-annual meeting of this Board
in January next.
On motion C. H. Winslow, it was
Rssuheil, That the President be re
quested to call the semi annual meeting
or tho State Board of Agriculture in
January next, at Omaha city.
Judge O. P. Mason, moved, that a
Committee of throe, consisting of F. A
Tisdd, Jr., J. S. Morton and R. W.
Furnas, be appointed by the 8o ird. who
shtwl fix and report to the Board, acorn
pensation, to be paid tho Secretary of
the Board, for his services for the year
ending December 31st 1872, which mo
tion was unanimously adopted.
The Committee, after consultation,
submitted the following report :
To the Si'ite D ttird of Africullure :
Your Committee, appointed to fix and
report a compensation to be paid the
Secretary of this Board, for the year
ending Dee. 31st, 1872. would respect
fully submit the following report :
Whereas, The finances of theBoird
are somewhat limited, yet knowing the
neees.siry of having a competent and ef
ficient Secretary, and believing that the
laborer is worthy of his pay, would rec
ommend that the Board oav the Secre
tary the sum of six hundred dollars, for
the year ending 1872. Your Committee
would further say that the amount we
have named is not enough to fully com
pensate him, and believe that the Baard
will, in future, pay him enough to enable
us to retain his services in the position
he has so faithfully and competently
filled, and we further recommend that
an order be drawn on the Treasurer, in
favor of D. 11. Wheeler, Secretary, for
tho sum six hundred dollars.
On motion, the report was unani
mously adopted.
Judue O. P. Masan offered the fol
lowing resolution :
llesoh-ed. That an Auditing Comuit
tee of three, be appointed to audit all
claims, for services rendered, money ex
pended, for the use and benefit, of the
society, by any of its oraeers, and all
services rendered, and a full and com
plete itemized account of receipts and
expenditures of the society, and by the
same before the Board at its next Janu
ary meeting.
On motion, the resolution was adopted
The President thereupon appointed
C. II. Window, J. M. Woods and J. II.
Gregg, as an Auditing Committee.
On motion of J. Sterling Morton, it
llesohed, That Professor S. R. Thorn
son, A. M.. and&amucl Augluy, A. M.,
aid Chancellor A. R. Benton. A. M.
Ij. L. D., of the Nebra-ka State Uui
verMty be, an-J they are hereby appoint
ed a Committee of three to examine and
pils" "pon tho Ew,y3 on the " 'rlMBKR
Question," eutered at the Stare Fair
1S72, for the Special Premium of two
hundred dollars, and m ike a report of
their award, to the Secretary of the
Board, prior to October 15th.
On motion, it was
Resolved. That the members of Award
ing Committees, of the State Fair, be
reduced from 7 an 1 9 to 3 and 5, and
that the Boird appoint the Superintend
ents, and that the Superintendents ap
point tho Committees, in thbir respect
ive classes, on the first day of the Fair.
On Motion, it was .
Resolved, That the Secretary procure
the printing of 1000 copies of Dr. H.
Xb ib a ttjjiA ddrpyg. jq ramphlet form
and that he be authorized to draw upon
the Treasurer of tho Board for money
sufficient to pay for the printing of the
On motion, the Secretary was instruct
ed to draw an order on the Treasurer for
the sum of ono huudred dollars to pay
for the servi es of Dr. II. Latham in at
tending our Fair and delivering the An
r.ual Address.
On motion, the Secretary was instruct
ed to call for a report from all persons
who planted Trees on "Arbok Day,"
and announced the same through the pa
pers of Nebraska.
On motion, it was
liesbhed. That the thanks of the
State Board of Agriculture were due, and
were hereby extended to the "Press of
Nebraska," for the very valuable aid
they have given the Agricultural inte
rests of Nebraska, by publishing the no
tices of our meetings, and of the Special
pre uiiurrs offered for Tree planting, &e.
On motion, the thanks of the Board
were extended to the several railroad
companies of Nebraska, and to the B.
& M. R. R. in Iowa, and the K. C.
St. Joe. & C. B. It. It. of Iowa and
Missouri, for the very liberal aid they
have rendered the Board aud the Agri
cultural interests of Nebraska, by giving
reduced rates to passengers, and also on
stock aud merchandise intended for exhi
bition at our Fair.
On motion, the thank9 of the Board
were given to its officers, the Superin
tendents of the several classes, aud the
Committees, for tho fair and impar
tial manner in which they have dis
charged their several duties.
On motion, the thanks of the Board
were extended to the citizens of Lincoln
and of Lancaster County, for the very
liberal manner in which they have pre
pared the Grounds and Buildings for th
State Fair.
On motion, the Board adjourned to
meet in January, 183, at tne call oi
the President.
'res' t.
Attest :
D- II. WntELER, Sec'y.
If you want a good, stylish hat. go to
Stadelmanu's. 74dlw2Gw3t
FC3 c:uitcilhai7-elsct.c:t
Doctor Geo. II. Black was unani
mously nominated for Councilman, in
tho First ward, of this city, in the
place of E'- T Duke, re.-igued, and the
election takes, place on Friday, October
4th. Said is held on Mam
street b-t nd Cth, at the store
an's, finest assort-
nd misses hosiery
liiefs, laces, &c.
rn styles of shawls,
stock of Alpaccas and
Empress c.
Owing to an unusual stress of busi-
ncss, wc nave omuteu acknowledging
the receipt of some very fine grapes
from Mr. W. S. West six different va
rieties one of which he iuforms us was
exhibited by him alone, at the Fair.
He also had there some unadulterated
sweet corn, seven varieties oi Deans,
soma very larue, wild, yellow plums,
which he had cultivated in hi garden,
the Citawissa Raspberry and the Ohio
ever bearing raspberry on the cane as
they were cut from his garden. Mrs.
West displayed as her share a long row
of bowls containing preserves and jel-
Within the next 30 days
40.0u0 pounds of R:igs.
50.000 pounds Cast Iron.
20.000 pounds Scrap Iron.
10.000 pounds Old Papers.
And any amount of old Copper and
Cash paid for any of the abovo ar
F. S. WniTE,
Two doors East of Court House.
Patent round zinc boards to go under
heating stoves, selling last, at E. 1.
Duke&Co's. 83dlw-27wlt
The only true time in Plattsmouth is
kept by Braitseh's French Regulator, at
the Elephant Clothing store. Call and
get true time. 85dlw26wl
E. T. Duke & Co. have just received a
argo lot of Heating Stores of all kinds.
uitable for parlor, offices, stores, hotels,
or any place. Call and see them.
Republicans, on Tuesday next the
State Elections tuke p!a?. You owe it
to yourselves and to the country to turn
out to a man and show vour colors.
A "campaign of calumny" has
been inaugurated against any
and every Republican candidate put in
the field, which shows conclusively how
weak the parti' is tliat must resort to
personal vituperation and slanderous af
fidavits to support its cause. J urn out
and give the lie, by your votes, to the.-e
charges that we have no good men in
our ranks, and dare not elect our present
can lidttes. Every lie published bv the
oppositionn has been refuted over and
over.. So don't fear.
Remember the eyes of tho whole
country are on you The election in iVe
LriisJci will bo looked for with interest
all over the Union, and the moral effect1
cf a Republican victory in this
grand, great, young Keystone State of
the present Union, will be second to
none other in the Republic, and can
not be over e.-tiuiated.
The eyes of a Nation will be upon
you nest Tiusdiy. Citizens, freemen?
honest men, do your duty, and three
cheers for Grant Furnas and the right.
Evening Star, wood burner, and from
56 to 75 varieties of heating stoves.
Call and see us, E. T. Duke k Co.
' 66dtf25wtf
Hemp Packing for
sale at E. T.
Puke & Co.
At sv a
ment f
and glovV f
The li J
and a ma-K z?7c
Frederick Otz, Veterinary Surgeen.
Can be found at John Shannon's stable.
Knows his business and attends to
Give him a call. 7l)d&wtf
Xew Store Hew UomU Now I'rlces
At F. S. White's Grocery Store, two
doors east of Court House. C.ill and
buy Goods low down. I have a well se
leeted Stock of Staple and Fancj' Gro
ceries which I offer as low as the lowest.
Wanted 1009 pounds of butter,
do 1000 dozen eggs.
Corn, oats, potatoes, chickens, or any
kind of produce, wanted.
All god delivered free of charge, in
aLy part of the city.
Brick Store, two doors East of Court
JCs?"Cash paid for hides.
SO-dlt w 2fitf
Is hereby given, that I will offer for
sale at public auction, the northea-t cor
ner of Block thirty six (36) in Platts
mouth. Nebraska, nt one o'clock P. M
on Thursday the 10th day of October
1872, the leae and inre-est of 31. ien
Eick to forty feet off from the north end
of" Lots one and two (1&2) in It lock
thirty-six (30) in the City of Platts
mouth, ISebra-ka, together with tho
building situated thereon, to be sold as
the property of M. Ten Eick. on an or
der of sale dated September 19th, 1872,
issued out of the District Court of the
Second Judicial District, in and for Cass
county, in an action in said Court where
in James Tendon is plaintiff and M.
Ten Eick defendant, and directed to me
as sheriff of snid vutity.
Sheriff of Cass Co.
Maxwell & Chopmnn,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that on Tues
day, the 8th day of October next, at the
usual places of holding election, an
Election will be held for the purpose of
One Member of Consrress', 1 Governor,
1 Chief Justice. 2 Associate Justices,
1 Secretary of State, 1 Auditor, 1 State
Treasurer, 1 Attorney General, 1 States
frison In.-pector, A District Attorney
for the Second Judicial District
One State Senator for the Fourth
Senatorial District, composed of the
County of Cass. Two Members of the
House of Lepresenttves for tho l ourth
llcpresentative District, composed of
the County of Cass.
One Member of the House of Repre
sentatives for tho Twenty-fifth Repre
sentative I'istrict, composed of" the
Counties of Cas. Sarpy, Douglass,
Washington, and Dodge.
One County Commissioner for Cass
County, from tho Third District.
One Precinct Assessor for each 1 re-
Which Election will be opened at 8
o'clock in the morning and continue
open un'il 6 o" clock in the Af:ernoon
of the same day.
Ly order of the C'mfv Commissioners,
D. W. McKlNNON Clerk.
This 3d day of September, 1872.
24 4w
Legal Notice.
Samuel Berliner is hereby notified
that on the 3d d;iy of August, 1S72,
Tootle, Faileii'h & Co., filed their peti
tion in the District Lourt or. the fcecond
Judicial District in and for Cass County,
Ncbr.ka ; the object and prayer of said
petition is to lorcciose a certain mort
gage on the E i of Lot C, m Block 35 in
rlattsinouth city, Nebraska, in which
you claim some interest, executed by F.
S. White, Diana White. Augustus
Spiers and Lovina Spiers, to Tootle, Far-
h'ljih & d"., on or about the 20th day of
June, 1871, to secure the payment of
certain ptouiissory notes, calling for the
uiu of six hundred and sixtv-three
dollars and seventv-fivc cents, ($053 75),
arrd praying that an nevomit may be had
of the amount due said Tootle, Farleigh
& Co., and that said property may be
sold, to ati.-fy the same. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the 28th da v of Oftot-rr. 12
By Maxwell & Chapman.
24w5 Attorneys.
Ordinance No. 33.
An Ordinance providing for the con
struction of certain idewalks.
lie it ord'tined by the Mtinr and Coun-
cihneit of the Ltty of t laltsmoi'th
Sec. 1. That the owners of nil lots
and parts of lots bordering and abutting
on the west side ot seventh street in
said citv of Portsmouth between the
North side of Washington Avenue and
tho South side of Ehu street be and are
hereby required to build and construct
sidewalks along and against the east
line of their respective lots or part of
lots on the west side of said Seventh
Sec. 2. That the owners of oil lots
and parts of lots bordering and abutting
on the North side of Marble street, in
said citv of Plattsmouth. between Chi
cago Avenue and Eleventh .-treet be and
are hereby required to lui u and con
struct sidewalks along and against the
south line of their respective lots and
parts of lots on the north side of said
Marble street.
Sec 3. The sidewalks required by
this, ordinance to be constructed shall be
f.ur feet wide and shall be constructed
of good pine or Cottonwood lumber of
net less than one and one-half inches in
thickness laid crost-wUe und firmly nail
ed and fastened upon two continuous
sleepers or stringers n--t l"s than two by
four inches in size and well plaed and
fastened, and at such gradj a- shall be
directed by tho street Commissioner.
SEC. 4 It i3 hereby ordered that the
several owners of Iota and parts of lots
alonsr which sid walks are hereby requir
ed to be constructed, shall build and
conMrnet said sidewalks as herein re
quired within thii ty days after the pas
sage of this Ordinance.
Sec 5 If at expiration of thirty days
after the passage ot th.s Ordinance any
part of said sidewa:ks shall not be com
pleted a herein provided, th u it shall
be the duty of the city engineer to make
an estimate of the cost and expenses of
building each sidewalk (required by this
ordinance to be constructed) remaining
uneonstrueted and submit the same to
the council, whereupon the mayor shall
give at least ten day no' ice that bid.-
will be received for the construct ion of
said sidewalks ard at the first meeting
of the council shall examine said bid
and may contract with the lowest and
be.-t bidder for the construction of said
sidewalks provided said bids do not ex
ceed the estimate made by the city en
gineer. Sfc 6. Thi Ordinance shall take ef
fect from and after its publication as pro
vided by law.
Passed and approved September 23d,
Attest: M. L. WHITE,
R. U. Vanatta, Mayor.
26wlt City Clerk.
Sheriff Sale.
Electa G. Hasty Administratrix of tUo Esta'e
ot' Ch irles HnKty deceased, vs. Eimuersun II.
Kntoo. Uy virtue of an order of alo issued out
of the District Court in and tor Cuss Co., .Neb.,
aal to :ue directed. 1 will fn tho 16ib day of
September. A. 1. l at 10 o clock A. M.. ol said
day at tho front di"r of tho Court llouso in the
City of PNUsinouth in pahl eouuty.otTer for sale
estate, ti-wir : Lots No. 7, x, v, lu. 11 und 12 in
Hlock No. six Wt in the City of I'la Uniouth.
Cas county, Nebraska Al o the sou'heast
ouartor t'l of Section No twenty-four izi) in
Township No. twelve (12 North of Kfince No.
twolvcdJ) East oftuefixth P. u. Also on
hundred acres ciTof the Noriheust quarter li)
of Section twenty five (25' i Town hip No.
twrlve (12 North of Kun?o N twelve (12 Eat
of the sixth p M.. all Mtunted in Ca-s county.
Neb. To beyoldto satisfy a judgment and or-'er
ofaalo un'ier as attachment rendered nt th
N vember term A. l. 1870. of the sai i District
Court in tavor of the said Ilaintiffnnd against
the raiii defendant.
5iven under u.y harjd this Sth ''ny of August
18T2. J. W.JOHNsOv.
SaeritT Cass Co.. Nebrasln.
Pottenuer, Fox & Wheeler. Attorney!! for
PUintiSs. 4)-w5
Legal Notice.
Matthias Spohn re. Christian Schlunt.
"OTICK i hereby griven. that we will offer
i at public sale, at Ve front door of fe Court
House, in I'iattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska,
on Monday tho 4th day of November. 1S72. it
1 o'clock F n., on said day,
estate, to wit: Lot one. two. three, ten. elev
en an I tw -lve in block No. six wet. one south,
in the town of Hock U'uffs. Ca-s county Nel-ias-ka.
vith alt tho buildine and annurtennnce
thereunto bclotiRiup. to bo sohl under nn order
of sale in pa titi.m mad by the District Court,
of the 2d Judicial DistriC, in and f'orCas coun
tv, Vebra ka. on the 12:h day of Kcbruarv, A.
D. 1S72- Terms of 8le: One-third can-, one
thir in one year, ami one-third in two years,
with interest on deferred payments at 10 per
cent, Jauks M. Patterson.
Cos ao IJkisw.i,, and
Ukohgk K. Draper.
Py Miiwut A Crapmin. He tore ei.
n24 3t Attorneys for Plaintiff.
v v. -
to rn.r.
insurance (otto
tfimiinrnlnl niHiinit WTn?
........ ... 3 Ci""" 1 " ' " - f
JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P, ROGERS. Secretary.
Enterprising Economical, JLiDcraf
auel team
Nunihcr Policies issued to Jan. 1. lS7i ,
Number Policies issue.i and revived in 1S.1...
AtiaETTS. Jan. 1. 1872
TV,;. r., : T i r. ....t
PVnPnan t in.'fimn thun tiuva n -1 h ..... n .O.iir.ii.1
perio i in its nistory.
Its total Assets are 8u0i"ient to discharpo a
its stock capi'ul, and leave as a balance more th
ma utuiMij oiuiv iMiiiu'ii ii' ii, u'uiaii'run, nit i I lux in onill o Plir'iun riiiii1) iin ll. I
cy holders, knnnullv, on the "(.'onlriliulion Plan." nd has a larger business and a lower ratio
ThisGcmpanjf Issued ZIHoi?g Policies
IIST 1871 Til A.HST
South West Corner of Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska
In the Grocery line wc keep the Finest and Best
All the lirieties of Spices, in fact fur all Your
Pattsmouth Mils !
CORAL) IIEISEL - Proprietor.
Flour, Corn Meal. Feci. te.. Always on land
aud for sale M Jowet Caatt Prices.
The Highest prices paid for IVbcatand
CSyParticular attention given to cus
tom work. ui'2l
Dealer in
nits ail Oram iat aI Narsiry S:o:k.
Trees warranted true to name.
Any stock or lerel ennnot bo furnislied the
tnaney will be promptly re.'unUea.
Or tiers Solicited.
Weening Water, Nebraska.
Dry Gi-ou,
Groc ris.
Itat?. aijd Caps.
Agricultural TmplemeBt? of all kitvK
v l," Cultvtor. Lni.m Corn F.anur.
OrtnJetonr and Princeton I'lows . &c. &e,adin
of which we oiler to the puU.c atthe
owet retail prices.
All Goods Warrantctl
As Represented.
-Omr csmstaat aim will V,e to Pell so low that
it will be to the positive advantage of ovory lar
xuer in the western an! central portion of Ci
Is in receipt of the finest and
Of Ca.M meres, CUh, Vesting, &c.
ever brouclit to the city, which
I will male-up in the
Litest stvles.
ESi,Pcasi call and examine. "f
Plattsmouth, April 18, 1S72.
di6 &&-tt,
24 2fi it" 28 'ftsssnit St KT )
.:.. i: i i.
l.v 'i . nlltn. 1 .. u I ,, f'. .....-... ....I!
I lin'illi'-o'. in-lit lint re-inurancs. pay back a I
in a MILLION of earned surplus.
Agents, for clirxislc.'i
P Jt I C E S ! I
Univfcr sity cf Nebraska
S-Tho next term or the Uuiverjity will op
Apparatus, library and Cabinet are
new an 1 comp'etc. Ihe
Agricultural College
I 111 UVVU 1 ..-. '
Eor further information send for a call
Rooms fcrr nelf boardia? furQinh?d it fra I
cost to the ituJenta.
A. R. BETOy. Chanetiilor.
n dlw-ao w2m Liccola N' .
t-:ii.n..n ii. r.n -i niiiiin irn nna dook: u
Bloxie Saved
Biivinn Your lirfcsn-Roase ar
BedJing Plants.
Msicnic Gar if en::
DON"! Fend East for Plants whea you c
get juet ai tfjod for le mom-y n -liotn-.
To cir nit't-erous frionJ3 and patron
wo"!! ray that I hnvo tho lareeM and bt
rtck of plants ever oii'croii furi-iilo in tor w
nnd prop'i.-sp to fcII them at rcaa-jiiabio ric
lo sure al rend fur my
Ue Descriptive Catalogue.
wliich will be rent fre-j'to rtU who nr-J-'y fr tt
1 UUi Aim - J --' "
I can f:itiFy jea. " n rcrn
Ad.tre.. K J. II F..-5SER.
Feb. 13 diw nattiuoutli. cb
For Preierving and Beautifying 1H. Human H
To Prevent its Fallirj Cut and Turaina Gn-;
A well-preserred Head of Hair. ir person t
middle age, at onco bespeaks rcfiaement. ti
. 1 , 1 T . iMil.
ance, neaitn ana oeauijr. xi maj -called
Wotuin' Crowning Glory, while in -are
not insensible to its advantages and chari.
... .It.-.njtin. f r f V'
lew tnins aro " '
. . , v,nA.l TTatr villi head L :
irizziy. uwsii, u " -
co?t cwrered with Dandruff. Visit a bar -
and you feel ana Iook use a new mm.
what LYOX'S K ATIIAIRON will do all l
time. The charm which lies in wjII pla.v
Hair. Glost-y Curls. Laxuriant Tresses, ar.u
Clean Head, is noticeable and irrefistable. '
Sold by all Druggists and Country Store,
Jan, 2d- dJcw Iw evoxy 3ar