CUS FAS From it personal inspection we are pre rin to State that woik on our Fa!r ground is jroing on. finely. A large t'niM;ri, to contain perishable article-, od exhibition, id being put up a very cprnffWaMe : little" "office to hold the rreenhaitkH and things. Stalls for the Hfe stock, and a track for the equine podiistM, are all Leing pushed forwarJ with rkill and judgement. The-fill term of the "Plattstnouth Acadeui.v," of Prof. d'AHeuiand will eon; im nee on the first of October. We " fcdvise all who yrhh their children to lisve the best of instruction, to patron ize fhid school. Two new houses goian up on Park Hill, Mr. Shea's and Mr. Robt. Smith's. VThc says Plattbinouth is not on the im prove. J op. Buttery has a jar full of the finest readies we ever saw, raised iu Xe nra.a. Mr. Pottenger showed u a peach that rreasured eight and one-half inches. The op' oiition say we have all the corruption, and all the offices, and all t!ie money and Ed. B. adds 1'role has 1 1:0 baby. ; Frank Stadter presented ua with a fine portrait of Uncle Horace, signed "What I know about Vinegar Bitters." It resembles the oldrgentleman consid erably, if not more. Frank says it also resembles a man he knew in Poland in fact his uncle, whose name was 6'cchhh lniighibbrroowccchhhiiggrikrrrgbgjijiski. The most remarkable thing about this t'ietnre, however, is the motto on the Vorder, which say?, "Everybody knows Horace Greeley has always been by pen, rrecept and example, a preat advocate t temperance, and that he is entirely free from the use of alcohol or tobacco in any form." How is that, 'Germans? It does not pay Frank knows, or that the editor of this paper knows, but that everybody knows this. How will he go down for rn anti-temperance candidate t How be f-upported by a party that held a con rentioujand declared they would not fjpport men of known temperance pro clivities ? A big excursion passed over the B. & M. JL R. Sept. 19th, Lincolnwards. They were on a visit to ece the folks and get some Nebraska peaches. Our Liberal friends are not satisfied with votes taken on board of railroad trains, here is a vote taken among far mers at a threshing machine. There were twelve men present. Vote 10 Grant, 2 Greeley. How's that for high 1 Miller, Hendricks & Co., shipped four ear loads of hog?, September 18th, that averaged !69 lbs. one of the finest lets ever shipped from this point, A new grammar of the English lan frnage, with dictionary, glossary and en cyclopedia attached, will soon be issued by the Great American Lexicographer, at the "Peihaps" office. Mr. James Clizbe informs us that lie runs a hack between Plattsmouth and Weeping Water, daily, and will carry passengers the round trip fur two dollars, one dollar each way. This affords a much cheaper way of reaching Weeping Water than has been available hitherto. The Mills County Chronicle says, one "Patsy" Faulbabar, who used to drive a "go'long" peddlar wagon has scooted with $4.00 of Mr. Darlin's money. He is ihort, heavy set, lots of gab, a Gcr ujan "6 years old, light hair, thick moustache and his soul keeps marching on. S. S. Billings, E.sq., leaves on our table some very fine specimens of peach: es and apples raised on his grounds fouth of the city of Plattsmouth, and we desire once more to Lear record that Nebrask a can raise peaches. The apples are very fine, and but few years can elapse before oar State will bejknown abroad as the great fruit State of the Union. The grain comes in lively and the new Kales and the old scales seem likely to get on a scale and go scaling around on a scale that's rather scaly generally. Plattsmouth, Sept 20, 1872. Editor Herald : ricking up the Watchman, yesterday, and reading the editorial remarks made on the joint dis cussion, I was astonished at the bare faced impudence of the editor of that paper. Now, sir, I was present, from the be ginning of the di cushion to the end, and although an ardent supporter of Greeley & Brown, yet sir, if our cause has to be bolstered up by such misstate ments as I read in the Watchman yes terday evening, yon may count me and two others that I know of) out, The statement made that Mr. Crounse was hissed off the stage, is not true in any shape or form, and tha calm, gentle manly, dignified conduct of the Judge, contrasted quite favorably with the an tics of the disabled (?) pensioner. I am satisfied, sir. that a few more iuch meetings as we had the other even ing, would annihilate the Greeley party in Plattsaoutb. AlthoHfh not courting publioitr, yet if yoa geercperyoutan-inseTt this. - Observer TCTERISART. FredejifJ Otz, Veterinary Sergio. Can-be focd t JokuBbarmoo's stable. Knows b nsicss anil attends to it. Give Biro os4l - 70d&wtf II. Ilobinsou's lime kiln is now in ore, raf icu, and all persons desiring fime can siorrsi Mgrniog GIaty Base-burner, for hard -oal fire sfzes, at K. T. Dltte &Co.'e. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. . Don't tit to p'orrure ilrm Winifotr'f Soothing trvj for Children Teething. This valuable preparation h" heen ued witn MEVEtt AILING SUCCE SIN IHOU dAND.t OK CASES. It not only relieve the child from pain, Vut invigorates the stom-ch and howi-Is. corrects acidify, nl gri v- toue un.i energy to the whole system. Itwi.lalso ilntly relievo Orijiina in ihi K'txedt and Wind Oj Ice. We believe itlhe bust and surest reined? in the world, in all case of iysitry aud Diar rhoea in children, whether arriving from teeth ing or any o. her caue. Depend upon it mother, it will give rent to yourselves, and Jielief and Jlra'th to Your tnfanU. lie sure and call for "Hr, Winnluw't Soohting Syrup." Having the f .c-ioiile of ''CURTIS & PER KINS cn the outside rai-per. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. 10 University of Nebraska Koto!! Cf The next term of the University will open SEPTEMBER 12TII. 1372. A fall Corps of Professors is provided. T f Apparatus. Library and Cabinet are new and couip'ele. The Agricultural College Vill open this fall. Tuition free, and books at cost - For further information send for a cata logue. Rooms for self boarding furnidhed at email coat to the ituuent. A. R. BENTON, Chancellor. n43 diw-20 w 2m Lincoln. Neb Money Saved Buying Your Grben-house and Bedding Plants. AT TH DON'T send Kast for Plants when you can get just as Rood for leys money nearer home. To my numerous friends and patrons I would fay that I have the largest and bent stock of plants ever offered for sale in toe went and iropoi to sell them at reasonable prices. Be sure anU send for my New Descriptive Catalogue. which will be sent free to all who apply for it Then give nie your orders, and I feel confident I can satisfy you. Address. W. J. HESSER. Feb. 13 diw Plattsmouth. Nob. LYON'S KATHAIRON, For Preserving and Beautifying tbe Human Hair To Prevent its Tailing Oat and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, ele gance, health and beauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charms. Few things are more disgusting than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat cevered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LTOVS KATHAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies ia well placed Hair, Glossy Curls. Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irrefutable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w J. R. CLARK. ELI PLU5IMER. Cheap Gash STORE! Save money by paying Cash for your Goods. AT CLARK & PLUMMER'S. Deaxebr in JSTAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also a fall stock of GROCERIES, EOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CATS. We buy largely fur and sell cheap for the mo.vkt. (Store Opposite the Brooks House), Main street. flatlsmouth, JYt b. 24w-CGd-3m H. J. STBEIGHT, BOOK-SELLER. Stationcrt, Jl9etvs AND PA PER DEALER. Post Office Building. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. eSept t. d JAlmbaud w tf. D. SCHNASSK & CO., - -j- . Still ketps on Land a largo assortment of the best goods IN THE MAUK.E T atd liu-j ill net ie undersold. SCHWASSE i Has jut returned froru the East with a new stock ot the I 1TEST STYLES, I ApJ Le inform! us that it Isthefr mtentfun, u j sell their GO0X9 at Omaha "price and in fact &low us taey can be purchased East in the SAME QUANTITIES. iTCJlm Xj. IrJ1. uOHisrsoiT, l-Oppote the Platte Valley House, in ScMater's Jewelry Str.a Main Street, Plnttsniouth, Xebrawka ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS.,, G. A. MILLER & CO'SJ PIANOS. r Jfirst-chss bolesale and Retail Dealer in String. he t -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tvned S, BLOOM & CO.. wmw rents' kmshwg goods. BOYS AJVD Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Main Street. Second Door East-of the Court House BRANCH HOUSE Broad way.Concncil Bluffs Iowa. PLAT I SLiGUTH BOOT AND I m:a.jStxjf.ctory. CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AT Reoairinq neatly done by P. MAXWELL, Tain Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. jiWwtf In Duke's Old Stand. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING IMvidemlfti on the Contribution Plan, Securing: the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to tbe Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : int. This It a W est era Company, managed b? ter. ability and position, afford ample guaranty for 2d. It Polices are all non-iorieitin 3d. Premium all chmCi. It receives no notes to pay. and no outstanding notes us liens upon their policies. 4th. It ha no restriction upon travel. &tb. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 6th. Itf business is excluseivly life insurance. DIVIDED 8 Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its asxetc at the highest rate of interest can give you the large t dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investment at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in tho following startling figures: The amount of 1.00(1, invested for fifty years at 6 percent, compound interest, i $ IS, 420.15 8 ..... 46, 10 " " " " 117.360.85 12 " " " " 318.068.00 olicholdcr tbnn any othernnncial advantages and inducements to the OFFICERS H P Mackav. President. D M Swan, V ic-Pr3ident, r. J.L Vt-. Me J. D'to;. Oorge A Moore, Secretary. J Jones, A.'s't Secretary, II L Newman. Treasurer DI HECTORS. D Sh're, Leavenworth. Kan, II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. H L Newman Lea Ta Torth .1 V Richards. " " I) M Swan. H R Uammond ' " AV Coftin. H Edgertoa " Geo A Moore, T.i..- Carnev. " " I) VV Fcwers, S M Sirickler. Junction City Geo L Davis, St. Louts. Mo Chaa Robinson. Lawrance. J Merritt, W.iladley. " fcE Hasting. M K Morgan .1. B. COVtfJLT, fieu. Agent for Nebraska and Northern Kansaa Good Traveling Solicitors Wanted. R. W. MARSHALL, Agent. J. B LIVINGSTON. Med Examine W I L L I A EVI ST A DEL M A S! SM , lias on hand, ooo of the largest stocks of , CL0THINC AND GEKTSr FURNISHING GOODS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, invite cVory body in wjmt of unj thing in toy line to call at my store. &mili Side Juin, lSetrn 2il & 3tl Streets. And eonvinoe tUemselvm of the fact- I hare as a speciality In ny Retail Department a 'ee'ect etouk of ia Clothiog lor Men and Hoys; to which we invite those vho want Goods. "TrNo k'e? o- bJnd n larfrand well selfrtod UUHDETT, SMITH'S AM'N A N D BOSTO N. : ORGANS. aub Organs. pianos' Mufie, and all k nJs of Musical MerchandUa and UtV"redSatiactiou O'narantred.'itX UaCtid&W IT? S. BLCOM Sl Cnl?? CH1L D IiEJ S C L O 71 J l.XU Plattsmouth, Nebraska Western men. whose known eharc- iu careful and succesful management. ucceslul management. Poller holders have no interes and ttives none IT A Calkins, Ueneral Agent, W 13 Harvey, Con. Aetuarj, T A Uurd. Attorney. W E Chemberlain. T A Hurd. K li Alien, C A Verry, Weston. Mo, G W Veal. Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchicon, Kan. W K Stebbins. " PItATTSMOUTtl sfoek of IlatsTaud Caps. 8 lOtf J. WLKiK, Proprietor. R. H. McDmiti Co., IrsnraJ Gn. Acbu, Su Frtncltca, Cal., "d M Conuiwrca wm. S.M MILLIONS Bear TeitBoy to theli Wonderral Cnfativt Eflccts. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Faa Ram, Whisker, Praof Spirits and Kefu I.iqnors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tha Uate, called "Tonics," AppeUaera," " Restore r,"lia, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Boots and Ilcrbt of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimu Innta. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURI FIEItnnd A LIFE GIVING 1'RIXCIl'LE, k perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot the System, tarrying oH all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a hcaltiy condition. Ko person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organa wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a Gentle Pnrgntlve na well mi Tonic, posMsuing, also, the peculiar merit of acting oa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflanv tnation of the IJvcr. and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in younger dd, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithenma Hani and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent ro vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid neys and Bladder, these Bitters have beenmost succesHful. Such Diseases are cansed by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produocd by derangement ot the Digestive Orinua. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Dead che. Pain la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightne or the Chest, Dlulnesa, 8our .Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Taste In the Mouth. Bilioos Attacks, Palpitation et the Heart, InBammation of the Lungs, Pain in the ra tions of the Kidneys, aud a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offspring of Dyspepsia. Tbey invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torrid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled tfBcacr in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and in parting now life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spot, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Car snncles, Ring-Worms. Eeald itead. Sore Eres, JSrrRlpe jsa. Itch. Scurfs. Discoloration of the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literallv dug up and carried out of the srstero in a short time by tbe use ot these Bitters. One bottle in such eases will convince tbe most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you DdJ its im purities bursting through the skin la Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you Gnd it obstructed and sluggish in tbe veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Mood sure, and tbe health of tbe srstem will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In the lystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Ears a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon tbe healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and alimr deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No 8rtem of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free tbe system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. Mo DONALD & CO, Druggists and Uen. Agents. San Francesco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. 17 SOLD BY ALL DBUUGI3TS AND DEALERS. A C AD E I J! Summer Tel J Commences July 1st 872. Chicago Avenue, Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. I'rof. Adolphe d'AIIemand, Proprietor and Principal, mhC5t ROCK! STONE! I will furnish parties with stone fo all building purposes at a reasonable price, at my quarries cr delivered on the cars at Louis ville station. The following kind of stone can be had on short notice; sills, caps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such as waa used by the B. & M. R, R. in the construction of their stone work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. nOOVER. Louisville Station, Neb. 9 tf Lock to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. t Cures eplie and pripinsr in Pric Whitcomb's tho bowels, and fxnilitates ltd Syrup. Ithe process of teething. Cents. MRS. I Subdues convulsions and Price Whitcomb's overcomes all diseases inci- 2 Syrup, jdent to infants and children. Cents. MRS. j Cures Diarrhoea. Dysente- Price Vhitcomb's ry and sutnraercoinplaint 25 Syrup. children of all ages. Cents. It is the sreat Infants' and Childrcn'snSooth in? Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Me everywhere- de2d Book for the Million ! MARRIAGEII A private connselor to the GUIDE. Married or those about to m ar il ry on the physiological myster ies and revelations of the aoxu&l system, the latest dicsoveries in producing and nreventing offspring, how to preserve the complexion ic. This is an interesting work of two hundred . and twenty-four pages, with numerous engrav ings, and contains valuable information for those who are married, or contemplate mar riage, fctiii, it i a book tnat ougnt to be kept unaer iock ana Koy. ana not lata carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for W cents. Address lr. Butts' I)ipensary, No. VI N Lighth street, St. Louis', Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in public paper?, or UHine any quack remedies, peruse Dr. Butts' work no matter what your desease is cr. now deplorable your condition. Lr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on the disease mentioned in his works. Office. So. 12 N. Kighth street, between Market ndChenut. St. Louis. Mo. dec2dwlv NEW DRUG STORE, WEEPING WATER, NEB. JLi. POTTEB, DEALER in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. arnisb. Perfumery. Stationary, Notion. Cigars and Tobaoco wl6tf 412X21136?! Zjium'bcr The Undersigned has on hand and is Jlanufacttu in& All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Platt&moatb 1 Orders Promptly Filled.! , William Edcsbtob. June3ddwtf E. DUKE & CO. Jl'J FOOT OF JL1LY ST RE El Wholesale ic Retail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWARE. R0PB. RON. STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith Tools, ic. Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS PATEA'T, CIIirAGO, EMPORIA, L O Y A L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, cf All kinds Coal or Wood kept on hand. t JOB WOUK OF ALL KINDS DONE. thb"bestis The CI cap est, F. Jn MBTTBER. Will be found at his old stand on Main SU where he will be pleased to see his for mer customers and friends. H e has a larjte and good assortment of farm machinery such as the 'fhe Mar.h harvester, a reaper that two un . X can cut and bind ten acres per day Wi.-. one man to drive, and the binder can wort i j the shade. MilbornRnd Studenbaker "Wagons. Ti3m pion Reaper A Move' Massillon Thrash er, an J lluflalo Pit thrasher, and Excelsior Reaper and Mower Ac,.- P. J. METTEKR. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Xeb. L. S. Blair, Traveling Ajent, Feb. 29 wtf. CEDAR CREEK MILLS Is In running order now. Wanted 50 bushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customers in grinding and sawing. Flour, Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Cotne one. Come all. and give the Ceda Creek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCULUXTZ "doane college, The Preparatory Department, Reir. U. B Perr. (Recently of Yale College.) PKI CIPAL will open September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rates. Apply to CITAS. LITTLE, Rer GaaluTjTaTirTTtunKS. vvroUKtit iron fipe Force and Tift Pumps, bteaui Gauge. alan" Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice, :f ARMING MACHINERY RepaUel on short notice. " DOCTOR .WI2ITTIE It, 617 St. Charles Street. ! T ovzer located in St- Louis than any Chron 1 i ic Pbvaician. so successfully treats Simple; and Ccmplicated V enereal Disease as ta bring. nattent trom every btate. liis nospital op onrtunities. a life-time experience, with pur est druars DreDared in the establishment, cures , 1 j . . i cases given up uy outers, no maiicr wuo lait- ed : tell your private troubles, consultation free. Send two stamps for medical esiays. JUkbood, Y eiiAKHooD, sent r mail. 15 cents each, both for 25 cts. 100 pages. All that the curious, doubtful or inaui.-it:V' wish to know all about Self-oollution Preven tion. Marriage. Every young man and wo man ought to read it as a warning lbe ner vous debilitated or partially impotent em scienticaily advised.wn d cciid Jos. Schlater. A ISTARLISHED IN 1S61. DEALER IN (VATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY .SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PENS SPCTACLE3. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. Watcher, Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly OJl with dispatch. VHemoil to opposite Flatte Valley TInnsc Mten Street. nov. 10 wt Also for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address. GOODSPEED'S EMPIRE PCBLISBLNO HOUSE. Chicago. Cincinnati. E Louis, New Orleans, crXaw York. 22wlow A G N T S. S10 to S20 rer day Guaranteed. Suecimons and full particulars free. Address oods jiteb ary ani art Aoenct. Nowburrh; ff. Y. 72d-lww25 4t vv mQ' . Lj strati STATU AGENT fiS? iiALLADAY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS, FEED r.tlLLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Ilalladay Mill hs stood tho test for sir teen year?, both in the United Suites and Eu rope and is the o nly one Generally adopted by all Principal Rail roads and Farmers. "Send for catalogue and price li.i,.rv A. L. STRANG. aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. O. IF. TOIENSOIV DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, AND WAS! PAPER I ! H i M Si III f lliilil ' T'' All Paper rrimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, fagazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex perienced Drue-gist. Remember the place, threedoors west of the Herald office: Plattsmouth. Nebraska. PURISSi7TYfl)PTIMA. " This unrivalled Medicine ia warranted not to conta n a "ingle particle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For furty years it has proved its great value in all diseaxes of the Liver. Bowls, and Kidneys 'J bousands of the good and great in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and pecu- liirDOwer In Durilvine tbe blood, stimulating Irpia I ver ana Dowels, ana imparting ife and iiror to the whole system, riui- ' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have ual as a LIVER MEDICINE, mtains four medical element... never unl S the same happy proportion in any other ration viz s a gentle Cnthartie. a wonder ,nie xn lin-ereentinnaljle Alterative and sin Corrective of all imi'iiriiie of the body signal success has attended its use, that it t reparded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC. iver Complaint and the painful offspring iof, t.-wit. Dyspepsia, Constipation, dice. Hilinus nt'a ks Sick headache. Colic resion of Spirits. Sour Stomacn. Heart n. .te. Ac. Kegu)a:ethc liver and prevent. CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. II. ZEILIN A CO. Druggists. Macon, Ga. Send for a Circular) and 329 Arch street. Price 1; by mail l.i'o J Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by I U RMTTPRV sbm B y janlwly. PlatUnioutb. Neb, HENRY BOECK DEALER IN PURNITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DBSCBirilOXS l.fD AT ALL rKIOKS. Metalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS OP ALL. SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Caeh. ATith many thanks for p ist patronags, II n ite all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan28t M. B. MURPHY, Manufacturer of i AND DEALER I harness, Sablts grifclts, COLLARS, WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes. &c. Promptly Executed. JU1 work 'Warranted 2-FiNE HARNESS A SFCIAL!TY.-C f No?. Plattsmouth, Neb i 19 m 5 To the East North and Southeast. STATIONS. , MAIL. Leave Plattsmouth, 2 81p.m. C..'.0 a. m. Arrive Bu lington 7.j0 a- m. 10..r0p. mw " . vendota HJ.r a- hi. 3.23 a. na. " Chicago(C.B.AQ ) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. ta " Peoria. " 9.00 a. nj. i:W. in, " Ind'r.lisrfl.B.rf.-W. C;l.' p. in. 9 i"i a. rk " Cincinnati " 11.00 p. m, 4.15 p. m. " Logansp't'.T.PAW 5.55 p.m. 6.20 a. uc " Columbus M 2.45 a. in. 5.30 p, wv -Throuph Cars from Missouri River to Chl ca(ro. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and Columbus. Connections at those points with lines lead ins; to the East. North and South. This i the Bert, Shortest, Quicken and Cheirr tut iioute. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets Tla the Bnrlineton and Jiissouii River Railroad. A. E. TOUZALIN. ' C K.PMtKIM. Gen'I licket Agent. Oen'l Supl I . ., . - .11 ' - II I I. .1 - , FURPJITUR E Thos. W. Shryock, CABINETMAKER And dealer in all kinds of JPtiriiiture & Chnlrs. nit btbiet, (third door cost of P 0 Plattsmouth - - - Meb, "Repairing and Varnishing neatly none. Funerals attended on the shortest notice. A grand chance to olitalk choice building- lots, at pri ces and terms to suit the times. I am now offering to coll lots ia m addition from $30 to $C6 Each, from one third to one-half down and the balance payable in mx, nine and twelve months, according to tho valna of the lots, with ten per cent intemL IfcirA discount of ten per cent will be made for cash. This is certainly one of the finest chances ever offered in Plattsmouth to parties of limited means, to eecare piece of ground upon which to ereet a home. My lots are beautifully pituated and nearly all are covered with a fine growth of young forest trees. Come and look at thorn. Ho charge made for showing. S. DUKE. Julv 5th 1S72. 10dlwl4wtf T H E BB S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST -:0: For Your Groceries Go To Jb It. GUTHMAms Corner Third and Main Street. PlatUmooth. ;o: jC3JIo keeps ou hand a choice anJ well Hclected Stock of Fancy Groceries, CofleeJ, Teaa, Sugar, Syrup, ia.. -da, k. ttf.WPO a good assortment of Eoota JcShoea." .0: Id Connection with the Grocery i a Bakery & Confectionery 1 -All kinds of Country Produce bought an Take notlceof the sign "EMPIRE BAKTERT AM) OKUU KL mayiewtL STlW"STORE Weeping Vater, Nebraska. 6UCOK8BEF9 TO U0RT0N k JENK8. oiALCxa m General HIercliandlse, CCH A DRY GOODP. ORQCEIEP. HARDWARE. 4iUEESSWARE. HATS. CAI'8 BOOTS. 8Q0E?. K0TIOS8. Sat We are Agents for Willccx & Gib!3 Sewing Michlot FARMEtR'5 EXCHANGE. B Cr. Hoover, LOUISVILLE, XEB. rKeein comUbUt n hand I1 Upl artio! such as Coffeo Sugar, Tobacco, lolasscs. Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, &c, In faet every thing "usually kept 1? a Vaiwely htore. which will be oM on fajall. profit for Cash, .All kiai ulFtitou take in exlBac ff c.od ana ji?Vet M'.cket Trie gireaiO catK - w faT Graio i