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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1872)
TELEGRAPHIC. Charles Sumner Decline ther ouiiuation for Gov ernor. Greeley takea a Westonl Tour. THE HERALD. EBMASKA Published avery Thursday at PLATTSMOTJTH, NEBRASKA. i(Ue (ornfr Halo unit fonI Street Moancl Ntorjr. HEI1LJD) n win tat. PAPER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Tens, i;i Advance. Oao eopy. rear Oo copy . nix montha Jq opy. thr month.. 20. 1:00. SO. ATTORN EYS MARQUETT. SMITH & ST A K K IK torny at Lav. Pwti.-e in all the court oftha State. Special attention given to colleo tion anl matter of Probate Office OTer the Poit Office, rinttjmontn. rcb- T?OX WH EELER Attorney at Law. Spe- cial attnticu siren to probate brwineM ami land title -aee. Office t the Masonic ttlock. Main Street. Plattdinouth. Nebraska. MAXWELL A CnAPMAN-Attorry-. a Law and Solicitor, in cocerr toouth. Nebraska. Ogee in i lttgerald Bloc. MB. REESE. Attorney it Law OSce . on Main ftref. over Chapman Dru Ktore. Special aUeution given to collection at clairat. PHYSICIANS. T n l.TVf VrtsrOS. Phvi-ian and Sur- IV. eeon. lenders hi pro-ional service ?o the citieni of Cawconntv. Resideneeouthat ooroerof Oak and Sixth rct: office on Mam street, one d.vr weft of Ljmin'i Lumber Yard. Vlatumouth. Neb. .1. W. RAWLINS. Snrrcon and Physician Late a Buraeou-in-Chief of the Army of the Potnm. Plattvtnnuth. Netpka. Ofnce i,t O. F. Johnson' Dru Store Main rtreet, or polite Clark mS Plummera. INSURANCE. IfHEELER JLBENN2TT R;al E.t.tte and Taa Paying Aent. N turi Puolic. Kire. and Life Iouratju AgeaU. I'Ucainoutb. Neba TjDELPs PAINE (icnerat Inuranoe Aent I Repreen mm of the moil reliable Com dex ie in ibe United State. Office with Barnes fc Pollock in Pitteeraldt Ulock . LianTdiwtr HOTELS. KKOOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZfiKRALD Proprietor Main Street, Betwecu 5th and St. TOWNLEY HOUSE. Lincoln, Neb. Tlii ILinse h-ts just beon refitted and refur nished kiw throughout. Kverylhiux is new hdd ciean. and comlorlaMc a ;c imoiation war ranted to fuesU. Mr. C. i. IloberU, foriuei clerk ot tnis lioue. is till with it. StHe of fice for all parts of the !$;. Kree Buss. lOtf C. B. SOU! U WELL. Proprietor. miscellanp:ous. Agents Wanted. UTELSII'S Practical Guide to Business i the best sllinK book in the market. It is a book fT all concerned in makinx or arir money. Liberal cinuiis-tious paid, and 10.l fiven away to aironU proving; successful. Ad dress for tf rum an'l territory. T. M. STARR A CO. General Western AirentM. ITdiwSw ' Davenport. lows. Fine iirt &zi11gy&. j fnotoarapa. Amrrtrphs ana copiss from old picture.-, plain or culore-1. either in ink. walnr or oil. All work tie&tly exaeutwd ad warranted to give satif:i--tion. V. V. LKvNAKU Arti-t. Iddtf Main St.. Plattainouth. PHILADELPHIA STORE. SOLOMON & NATHAN DEALERS IN Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, 3,ailies? Furnishing1 Goods, largest. Cheapest, and Bost Asfortol Stock ia the City. JT?"Store on Main, between 4th and 5th htreet.. I'lattMiiouth, Nebrask. dlf. wlO-ktwtf To .4rvrRTisi!iia All persons who contem- i p'ate making- contracts with newpaper for tbs -insertion of Advertisements should send t fjeo. . Lowell 0o. hr Circular, or inclose i1) senu fr their One bun Ired Paire Pamphlet, containinx Lists of :i,iM Newspaper and estiu'ate. show ing the cost of adrcrnsine. alsomar.y useful hints to ad ertisers. and some account of the experiences if inn who are known as suocesiiful advertis ers. This firm aee proprietors ot the American .Newspaper AdrertisinK Agency. nd are possessed of unequaled facilities for ecariug the insertion of advertisements in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. ON MARRIAGE. IIAPPY Relief for Young Men. from'tbe Tects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man good restored. Ii pediments to Marriage re moved. New methot'of treatment. New an lems'Vublo remedies. Books and Circala sent free, in sen led envelopes. Ac' drew. lloffAKH ASSOCIATION. o. 2 Month .Ninth street. Philadelphia. IV an In stitu son bavin? a lunh reputation for honor Ue conduct and professional fkiil. S-tw 6m LLC P. GILLETTE Xc bra ska City, General Agent Dep't NorthwestJ I Uaioa Csatral Life IiVBnRAIVTGE GO Ot Cincirnati Ohio. J. U. PRES50N. julyl5dAwtf Local Agent AhMtrncts of Title. THK NUMERICAL SYSTEM. The best In J use, l or descriptive circulsrs. a-ldress, ACiiES. BLACKMAR i CO Burlington. Iowa. CUNARD LINE- PSTABLI5XED- ------ IHIO. Pasengers booked to and firm all pa-ts of Karvpe at lowest rates, Apoly to H. V. 1)U YERNET. GenT Western A'gt,3T5 State st. Chicago, or lo ED. WILSON. 12 Gin. AGENTS WAITED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books published on the Hobs and the Cow. liberal terms. Money trade rapid ly by Agents selling these books. Send for circulars, -IOIITER COATES. Publisher. IPbiladelpbJa, Pa. J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. Volume 8. THE OiI A Heavy Stock of Goods Hand. on JVo Ktnklm and A"o airW tat Co I Mad Qg m Uurrowmi 0LI2.T ESTABLI.-HKD UOUSS IS CITY . TUK North side Main between Second and Third cle. Takea pleasure in aoauuacmz to Farmers an. Mechanics, That he has as lar(. and well selected vtock of Pry iood. Groceries. Provision, a were ' ever broucut to the oity of Plattsisouth T-It will c-ist you n th.inr to look at theia whether yon buy or unt. By oxauininir the pried at the "OLr REM A RLE" you wil I be able to tell when other part ife J try tj swindle you 71-wtf-iltf. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. BfCCEKSOE IU Tootle, Hanna & Clark. Johji FiTroyBJ.!. Jors R. Cm Hi:, oAiera C. II. Pi !.. I"e fretident T. W. Eva.nb. Att't CaKier. Tlii Bank la now open for business at theli new room, corner Maia aid Sixth streets, and re prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Local Securities Bought aod fold. Deposits Received suJ Interest allowed U.i time tVrtinctites. Drns orwn. STuilai.le in any pert of the United States and ia all the principal towns and Cities of Europe. F O II THE C K L K CRATED EfJfvI3.TaT LIIE. AND AIssIssKI L.IIUE OF STEAMERS. Persons wishing to brins; out their friends from Europe can purchase tickets from u through to Plattamonth. aplSwtf I'LATTSSOUT H IHIL.I. C. HEISRrProprietoe.IIavins; recently been repaired and place.! in thorough running ordei lOU.OOO Bushels of Wheat wanted immediately t which the highest market prioe will be pa to Mustang Liniment, I'OU AI AST. 1 IVohably few articles hive ever had to i exton-ivc a Sal wh:Ic norie liave Leen more un:versn!!y benciloiLil than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adult. Horses, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family cau pass a tingle f-eaoa without some kind of an emollient being rteces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the be.L Over three hundred livery stables in the city of New York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. CI CTIOX. The genuine is wrapped in a fine iSter Plate engraving with "O. W". H'f 6rot. Chrnirt" and " trntm Mark. MEXICAN MUSTANV LlSUIEXT," engraved acrosj the face of each wrapper. The whole bears the proprietor's private United States Kevenue Stamp, and not a common stamp as used by drugguu, Lvox Mancpactukio Co . M Park Plaoe. 3. Y. Jan. Pth. dAw lw every 3rdw CITY MEAT MARKET, BY Crco. Piclilcr, M4IX STREET, Plattsmouth; - IVebraska The beet of Fresh Meats always ea hand U their season. Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle 7Iiighest Cash Price paid for green II idee. STYLES. F. ELSTER ("MERCHANT TAILOR Is in receipt of the finest aod BEST ASSORTMENT Of" Cassi meres. Cloths, Vesting?, &c ever brought to the tity, which I will make tip in the Latest strles. 8F-Please call ani examine. "GO Plattsmouth, April IS, 1372. d!6 diwtf. For the Ilerad Listen Greeleyites and Hrowultee. Unto you we loudly sing: The course which you are taking We think is not the thine- Ob, you Democrats and Liberals. Your graves we're d Urging deep. We'll let yon down in solitude With old II. G. to sleep. We will gire three groans for Greeley, And three for B. Gratt Brown : And we'll shout for Grant and Wilson. As we drop your coffin's down. Wo will tcrape the dirt upon you. And leave you there to slumber ; And lo dream of your disaster On the fifth day of November. Yes. for U. S. Grant and Wilson. We propose to lend a hand : We believe the honored soldier To be an honest man. Vote for him who fought our battles Oa many a bloody field ; The inflexible Ulysses Who was never known to yield. Once we've trusted, ocoe we've triad him. And we did not trust in vain; And the fifth day of November. We ore going to trist again Then adieu to yon. old Horace. And to you. old Gratzy Brown; On the fifth of next November. You will haul your colors down. J. C. B. 1'j.ATTSHorTH. Nebraska. (Jivk IT Up. We believe in Darwin now ; we nave no doubts aoout me origin of species (some Lind). Blowed, if we don't think that we saw the monkey ODee iq isarnuin s years slsio mai s been developing and dev-ol o pin? till it got to be a Colonel. (?) We dip the following frout an ex change : PRANK LIN COUNTY is the best timbennl and watered on the valley, and is settling with unexampled rapidity. Mot of the new corners are from Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, with heavv snrinklinc of neorjlo troia the eastern counties of this State. We understand tiiat Mr. Buck from Franklin is in town but we have not had glimpse of his countenance yet. f We decidedly object to speakers on either side calling on Almighty God for reference io this campaign. We do not think it proves anything, and it is in ad taste. Without laying ourself open to suspi cion of infidelity, wc may be permitted to ruggest that it is extremely doubtful if the Supreme being is aware of the existence of a Liberal party in this State. There might have been some knowledge of a Democratic party on record above, some years ago, princi pally on account of the style of praying (?) many of them fell into ; but as for the Liberal party, judging by the way their Democratic allies treat its tuem befs we are free to confess that only the hand of Omniscience could raise them to a position deserving tno contempt oi any honest man. so:tzstym Col. Warner is a eood copyist The Omaha HeraM never states anything that it believes to be untnie, and tne Capt.-Col. never states anything be be- ieves to be untrue "so help me God' is his language, and yet he states and rc -states that Horace Greeley is an hon- est man, a very honest man, almost tne only honest man we have now-a-days, next to the Col. himself ), the ereme la crane of honesty, in the face and eyes of the fact that this same Horace Greeley wrote these things : From the N. Y. Tribune. October C5. 1867. To smoke is a Democratic virtue ; ' to chew is that virtue intensified ; tt drink is that virtue in the superlative. f From the Tribune. October 30. 1367. This would amount to six in a bed, ex clusive of every other vermin, for every Democratic coucn in tne state oi ew York, including those of Sing Sing and Auburn. Or, who said that "not every Demo crat was a horse thief, but thut every horse thief was Bure to be a Detnscrat." Or that "the fewer the school houses the thicker the Democrats," and "the less a man knew the more certain he was to vote the Democratic ticket from A to Izzard." This is the fame Horace Greeley who is now "clasping hands across the bloody chasm the fanre Horace who is the nominee and the can didate of these men whom he called horse thieves, liars, ignorant vermin, State prison birds, and so on. Is this honest? Can this be the action of an honest man? We leave thinking men to judge, nn i if it be urged that he is not so vile, but only the candidate of these vile men, (as he has told us), we reply that the "fountain cannot rise higher than the source,' and if he is elected by the votes of the class lie called Demo crats he will have to conform to their ideas of right, and justice, and truth, and by his own words they can have none of either of these virtues. Hon est? That Credit Mobiier senatiou is em. phatically denied by -Mr. Oakes Ames- over his own signatuture, in a Boston pa per. Mr. Ames Ftates that the names of the persons found upon his letters to McComb as recipients of stock, were not written by him, and he declares further more, that he never exhibited any such list to any person. This effectually pneks thi3 last bubble of Mr Dana, which, in the past ten days, has furnished so much capital .to the Liberal and Dem ocratic press. Bee. it PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, September 26, 1872. The following correspondence explains itself: Surveyor Geskbal's Oefick, Plattamouth, Neb., Aug. 31, '72. j CoL J. II. Xotevcare, Suot. of Immi gration, Omaha, Xtb. : Dear Sir Will you have the kind ness to furnish me the statistics of im migration in the State during the past year, to be incorporated in my annual report to the commissioner of the gene ral land office. Yours truly, E. E. CUNNINGHAM. Surveyor General Nebraska and Iowa. Omaha. Neb., Sept. Z, 1S72. E. E. Cunni-aham, Surreior Gtnerul Nebraska : Dear Sir In reply to yours of Au gust 31st. requesting this office to furnish you with statistical information concern ing immigration during the past year, I have the honor to rtl'er you to my annu al report, dated March 20. 1S72, in which, according to the best data within the control of the office, the population of the State had increased 46,000 since the open;ug of spring in 1871 a period of 14 months. I have the honorfurther to state, that, from all the indications furnished in our extensive home and foreign correspond ence, the increase of the year 172 will not be less thau 75,000. Yours respectfully, J. H. Notewark, State Superintendent Immigration. Omaha Tribune & Republican. nrsAScasATiosr 03 ejeseatio:?? The Gate cf Ujzizs. To the Editor of Retford and Gainsborough finn. Sir: When Diogenes, the Grecian eaee. was bidding farewell to the people of Myndas, where he had been hospita bly entertained, he was asked for a bit of advice as a parting present. Noticing that the city gate was very wide, he said, "O, Myndians, keep your gate shut or your city will run out !" A i ' admonition now rings id the e a. European potentates. But, WVM they have now no gates J..JX. will bhut. When I was 3-yis??Pe' n JS42, there were q .and no entrance or exit ftiut passports, which must d first L eXatU sou.'J. otco'fe. hown a dozen times a day. Tr;. -c over the Coutinent again in f?CS. I found passports heed- less, save in Russia and Home. Liber ty of locomotion had opened many a jealous gate. Steam, on land and sea, rendering locomotion switt, saie, com fortable and cheap, beyond the dreams of past ages, had opened all old gates wider and made new ones. A iole was broken through the wall of fVurelian round Rome to let the cars enter the Eternal City. The Irish famine, the Continental rev olutions of '43, the gold discortTies in California, the demand for laborers on American canal, railroads, rcanafactor ies, and lands, have each broke the bolts and the ban of the gates in soma trans atlantic wall. But nothing his so roused the Euro pean millions of all classes to burst asunder the gates that hemmed them in as the tidings of the New Hf, its free farms, no less for the stranger than the native, with railroads ruuning among them in advance c f settlements. Hence, even in Nebraska, in the very centre of the conUnent, witnin three years after it became a State, there were settled thirty thousand immigrants, represent ing almost every corner of the world, except Greece and Portugal. Tiding of iertile lands near railroads, free to all who will take them, seemed incredible to those who had been wont to view every landowner with awful rev erence. Accordingly some gates began to close again. But they will open wider than ever, for those tidings are certified as truthful by the United States Commissioner of the General Land Of fice, Washington, in an official naper of sixteen pages, "prepared" in his own words, "for the information of foreign ers seeking a home in the United States. Wherever this official document, which is published in many tongues, shall be read, its plain tale of truth will make Old Worldlings feel themselves imprisoned till they escape from the gates by which they have been confined. At the census of 1870, the persons born abroad but resident in the United States were more than five and a half millions (5,Gf0.546). U hat an Exodus ! Uow many gates must have spread their jaws to the widest to let out, with in a generation, these peaceful erusaders a host many times more numerous than combined Europe could send in centuries to Palestine. These immi grants have made their own way to the new West, while the medieval soldiers reached the old Eat only through tax ing to the utmo.-t the public resources. Nothing is now pushing open Euro pean gates faster than the exemption from oomtiulsorv tnilitarv .ervir in Vn United States, in contract to the armed J neutrality of transatlantic; nations their armies on a war footing in time of peace. as wel' as conscription becoming more rigorous, and talked of even in Lngiand Dunns the nrst bait of the present year. t. Ool Uermans landed in iNew York, a larger number than ever before in the same number of months, liis marck is said to be al irmed and to be shutting up his gates. Bat he will sooner dam up the Rhine, Elbe, and all German rivers, than shut up the Ger man people, who every day receive from two and a halt millions ot .teutonic emi n , , i . grants, jvjcnoi clusters proving wnat -a vertab'e land of promise they possess in America. As often as he shuts one gate a hundred others will open, if, in deed, the Germans outward-bound do not carry off with them all barriers, as Samson did the gates of Gaza. J. D. Butler Lincoln, Nebraska, July. 1S72. Grant has nevrr lost a battle nor be trayed a caue. Let us follow him once rrore to victory ! Faithfully yours. D; E. Sickles Citizen Bowles, writing learnedly in the Springfield (Mass.) Republican about M issouri lawlessness, says : The fact is that the State has never been so tran quil, so free from violence and bloodshed, as it is to-dar." And yet if Mr. Bowles were to venture into Reynolds county he would be hung within twenty-four hours for bis pronunciation of "Leow." IIETS 72CiI TSS 227. 12. S2A7. A Ccasecr&iioa on tha rralrls3. On Sunday, August 25th, Bishop Clarkson consecrated St. Stephen's Church, Silver Creek, Nebraska, a name sake and protrge of St. Stephen's Church Philadelphia. This little church has been a long time io building, but is now fully completed, out of debt, beautifully appropriate in all its arrangements, and now has been solemnly consecrated to the service of Almighty God. Two of the missionaries on the lino of the Pacific railroad, the llev. Messrs. Kippey and Lyon, gave up their services for the day, aud brought with them some of their people to unite with the Rev. Mr. Shaw and the bishop in the consecration. It was a delightful service, even though tho thermometer touchnd 100. After the morning service was over, the clergy and visitors were invited to the hospita ble and ceuifortable turf cabin of the Rev. Mr. Shaw, the bachelor missionary. There we found spread under an extem porized arbor a most inviting collation, and over fifty guests were as satisfacto rily entertained as they could have been iu a great Eastern hotel. We are glad to hear that the "Bach elor Missionary" is well, and lives in a 'turf-cabin." How goes it, Bro. Shaw, ouder the turf? FLAT722 TH." The Democrats must have been highly edified by the speech of Col. Warner the other uight, he spoke so flattcriogly of Democrats, now didn't he? A Straight Ans-wer to a Straight Qaestlca. Referring to the IlerabI, Mr. E. E. Cunningham's Plattsmouth paper a-ks: "When did it ever tell the truth?" The ready answer is, when it charged that Surveyor General Cunnincham stip ulated with a certain U. S. Deputy Sur-' veyor to receive, and did receive, from one-third to one-half the gross amount of a double contract for surveying, as a consideration for letting said contract. thiuma Jural J, Sejtt. IS. Thajik you, sir ! We have got you at last. For once you have answered a question, by making a plain, straightfor ward statement. How do you feel? Is there a comet comine, or what is about to happen ? Now would you be so kind, please, Mr. IleralJ, if this dou't strike in and hurt, or anything, would 3ou just answer one more question ? While your hand is in it'll come easier, and before you drop back into the old habit of ly ing and prevarication, please answer one question that this paper, "the little con cern down in Plattsmouth," you know, asked some months ago. question, The name of that Deputy Surveyor who paid Gen. Cunningham one-third or one half, or any sum for a contract? Until you answer this as fairly and as squarely as the other question, about your ever telling the truth, we shall take no further notice of any insinua tions about the matter. We don't want you to squirm out nor wriggle away on some one else's authority. You have for once left the "I Believe, &c" out, and stated fairly that Gen. Cunningham did receive said sum and so on. We de mand the proof, now, as before, weeks ago, when you first insinuated the charge. We want the name of the Deputy, the time, the place, and the amount of money paid. The little concern down at Plattsmouth awaits the reply of the august Herald. P. c. Vi e won t consider this per I sonal. (Mr. Grcelej) held the following hn- uage concerning this party that now accepts this opportunity of vroaress and regeneration : Point where you please to an elec tion district wnicii you will pronounce morally rotten given up in ereat part . - . - . ... to debauchery and vice and that dis tricts will be found at every election giving a large majority for that which styles itself the Democratic party. Take all the haunts of debauchery in the land, and you will find nine tenths of their master spirits active participants of the same Democracy. May it be written on my grave that I never was a follower, and lived and died in nothing its debtor. And yet Colonel (?) Warner says he is an honest man par exellence, an hon est man. "In nothing is he a debtor to the Democracy. Is there a man big enough fool to believe that Greeley would stand a ghost of a show to be elected withaut the aid of Democratic voters. T . I ureatnes tnere a man wun soul so dead, who never to himself has said: This was oar Oreelcy ; Once an honest man. But now the tool of every sore bead clan. Alas ! how fallen is the man. Democrats and Republicans will smite in expressing their supreme contempt lor the man that was so honest, that the Tweed's and the Butlers and the War aers took pattern af er him. TSAT TS22S TSCvTSAITD" 2CLLA23 lias been traced to the hands of two Democrats (and Doctor Miller says he knows them) and no proof appears that it ever left them. Gold sticks to such fellows wonderfully. Martin Dunham is a good citizen. As an Andy Johnson man, however, he was not reliable. V hen he assisted us to noun nate A. S. Paddock for Congress, and then deserted him, he proved his meas ure as a totally unreliable man so far as politics is concerned. Yes, of course, any man the Rcpublr cans could nominate would be "unrelia ble." They are astonishingly trtireliable so tar as politics Umabs lieraia polities "is concerned butweshoul like just a few more unreliable men like Martin" Dunham in this country. lie farm would tueiB something then. SarSeli ari Wilron Deny tha Holiler 2i-1 stress. Cns of Train s canaru. General Garfield has to-day had the first opportunity of 6eeing the charges connecting iiis name wun receivmg hares of the Credit Mobiier from Oakes Ames. He authorizes the statement that he never subscribed tor a single hare of that stock, and that he never received or saw a share of it. hen the company was first formed, George rancis Jrain. then active in it, came to Washinston and exhibited a list of sub scribers of leading capitalists and same Members of Congress to the stock oi the rw , ... 1 company, ibe suoscnption was sub scribed as a popular one of one thou sand dollars cash. I ram urged Ueneral Garfield to subscribe on two occasions, and each time he declined. Consequent- v he was azain informed that the list was nearlv completed, but that a chance remained for him to subscribe, when he again dec'ined, and to this day has not subscribed or received any share, stock or bond of the company. It is well known here that under the Durant reigme it was claimed by Durant tfbd George Francis Train Train that some six hundred thousand dollars of the company's money was used in Wash ington, but when the company attempt ed to obtain vouchers and names of par ies to whom payments had been m3de. t was impossible to obtain anything but the very vague and unsatisfactory state ments which Liberal papers are now cir culating, and which beir close resem blance to many others originating with George Francis Train. Referring to Greeley's denunciation of Grant for enforcing the laws which Gree- ey himself originated. Judge Hoadley tells the following pertinent story : Jededmh Burchard, once preacning a revival sermon, was interrupted by the entrance of Aaron Uurr. Here comes one,' 6aid the revivalist, against whom I will testify in the day of judgment. les, st, said iiurr, in htty years ot criminal practice I have always found tho greatest rascals turn State's evi dence.'" There was quite a heavy frost in some parts of Maine last week. In a number of places the corn was killed, and the farmers are cutting it for fodder. All the world is wondering at the ability of France to pay the three mill iard francs that was just needed to pay the part of the war claim of Prussia, recently due. The Paris Univers says: Three milliard francs would weigh, m J, eleven hundred tons, lo coin this uui at the rate of twenty francs a second, would take five years. It would require ten long freight trains to trausport it to russia, ana a man walking rouna tne world twenty-five thousand miles might drop two louis-d"or (forty francs) at each step, and he would have many left on his return." And yet in three ays after this loan was advertised, twelve times the amount wanted was ffered. Tho. amount asked by Presi dent Thiers wa 3.400.000,000 francs or about $680, 000, 000- of our money. The mount tendered, or actually arged on the government, was 41.641,000,000 francs. J he largest sum r ranee ever ried to raise before was 750.000,000 rancs. This was during the Crimean war. u: tnis amount oniy oU-,wv,wu francs were subscribed. It looks as if capitalists had faith in the French re public, the f.mpire could not realize half what it wanted, but the Republic is offered twelve times the amount it asks for. Prairie Farmer. The Republicans of Illinois are in ex cellent spirits, and are confident of car rying the btate by as large a majority as they gave in 1868 more than fifty thousand. Koerner has almost given ud tbe ficht. He finds himself so un popular, personally and politically, that it is impossible lor bira to draw a crowd Lven the Dmocrats have gone back on him because he more than once went back on them. Washington, D. C, Sept., 15. Henry Wilson arrived here this a. M. He authorizes your correspondent to make the most positive denial of the charge so. widely circulated cf late, that he received from Oak3 Ames an inte rest in credit mobiier. tie wishes the denial to be made in the most com pre hensive sense, and at the same time so as to meet every detail of the scandalous chanre. He never invested in credit mobiier, or in its hhares, bonds or stocks, nor has he ever received from any one or owned any interest of any kind in that company, nor m bonds or stocks ot the Umon Pacific Railroad or of any other railroad or corporation that has been be fore Congress for legislation since he has been in the Senate. 772NAS. The Omaha Herald is up to its nsua tricks. It charges that Jno. M. Thayer, Sam. Brown, and a number of other re spcctable business men of Omaha gave snms of from $200 to $300 towards a corruption fund, in order to save their darling Capital, Omaha. Now, there is not one particle of proof to show that CoL Furnas received this money.- These gentlemen paid their little old $200's and $300's, no doubt, but by the Her ald's own record they did not know to whom the money was to go, "nor who was to be bought ;" and now the Her ald assumes that the man was Col. Fur nuas. Why does not J. M. Thayer or Sam. Brown, on whom the Herald con tinually cries, come forward and ttate that CoL Furnas received tho money ? Because they do not desire to tell a false hood and they do not know that Furnas received the money. Bnt we know and the world knows that the same $3,000 or $6,000 that was raised, was paid into the hands of two Democrats, unscrupulous partizans and sharp, shrewd men. Who they paid it to has never transpired. It might have been Miller, for all we know. There was one pun of Sidney Suiith that Charles Lever never fired of tellinz, TMrs. Grote, the wife of the distinguished historian, appeared once at a soiree witn a nuee'r sort of turban on her armm-' plished head. "Look at that," raid Sid ney ; "that's the wisio of tbe wurd go- esque. TERMS ; $2.00 a Year. Number 26. ABUSES CITIZENS. From the Lincoln Jvumal. If there is anything upon which the Statesman can pride itself as being con sistent in its whole career, it is its persist ent attempt to befoul the city of Lincoln by its low-lived abuae of its prominent eitizens. It so happens that Mr. J. J. Gosper is the only Lincoln man nominated for a State office proper on the Republican tiokeL On this account tba Statesman with its usual pusillanimity, repeats its old and stale "did or did not Mr. Gos per," etc. We have just one word to say with reference to its cowardly attempts to blacken the character of an industrious, intelligent, and public spirited citizen like Mr. Gosper, without haying the manhood to make charges against him. We will bind ourselves to prove the man, whoever he is, that dare say cate gorically against Mr. Gosper what the Statesman sneakingly insinuates, a liar within 43 hours after such charges are made, and we will prove him so by the records- We will prove that he lies in general, and that he lies particularly in every specification that is insinuated. We will take particular pleasure in ac complishing this easy task as soon as any man or any newspaper has the "sand" to give us occasion to do it. Until such charges are made, we have nothing to offer, and fehall not even waste our contempt upon a mode of at tack that the most abandoned "yaller dog" in the land would be ashamed of, as soon as he had emerged from his nrst month of purpy-hood. This meets our views. If any man, or any candidate is proven to be corrupt and a thief no good Republican desires to support him, but just so long as these matters are confined to asking "perpen dicular questions" and tomfoolery gen erally they are not worthy of notice. Asking questions proves nothing. charging proves nothing, and only de bauches the people. The very words themselves, of crime, have lost their force iu this State by the foolish and reprehensible practice of newspaper charges against well known and upright citizens. Give us some proof that the men you denounce arc so corrupt, oh reformers ! The Libs, ia Texas. The Liberals in Texas don't like the treatment they have received from the Democrats. The latter took all the nominations, and to the Liberal growls the Galveston Aretr a coolly replies: "A Texas Democrat is privileged to take ust as much ot the Republican party as he pleases, and we propose to take Gree ley and xirown. in Illinois ana some other States neither the Liberals nor the Democrats can elect their men, therefore they join teams, and each elects a part. But in lexas the Liberals ask bait tbe places where they have nothing to give. heir votes are not necessary to tbe Democrats at all." Jci9 Governor EcFma2. "Eli Perkins," at Saratoga, gives the bllowing dialogue : Mr. B. F. Beekman, the banker, busi- ncss and rauroaa millionaire, ana tne great Christian who raised $300,000 to buy iMornseey s club house, last summer, for the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, had a talk with the Governor' yes terday. Mr. Beekman end be bad voted the Democratic ticket, and that he had fol- owed the party over pretty rough roads, but he didn't see how he could vote for such a shuffling old woman as Greeley. hy, Governor, said Mr. lieekman, 'the ol 1 fool don't know enough to at tend to his own business ; he is eternally ettmg 6ome unprincipled fool swindle , i i him : and wil 6ucn a Die, overgrown child at the head, why, business men wouldn't feel safe ; he d want to do some outlandish 6tupid thing every day ' "But. interrupted the Governor, 1 think Mr. Greeley is a pretty good judge of men. I think he can pick out an honest man or a knave as quick as any one- I " "Why. there 13 where he is always the biggest lool, continued 7lr. IJeek man. "Never mind." said the Governor, 'I would take his opinion on a man to be true quicker than I would take any man's in the country. "You would T asked JHr. Ueekercra, feeling in a side pocket. "les, 1 would, said tbe Governor, firmly. "Well, here is a little slip where he calls you a mountebank and a corrupt. dishonest and swindling IJemocratic vil lain, said Mr. Beekman, as he handed an old Tribune editorial to the Governor, The Governor read it over twice, then looked as if he was trying to see straight through Mr. Beekman. a row of car riages, and a two foot brick partition then he clammed on his hat aud went up stairs. The Democracy have given up Penn sylvania. The Pittsburg Courier says that three weeks azo the supporters of Buckaiew, for Governor, were looking for bets on his election. Now, bets on Hartranft find no takers, and bets on Greeley are a.s much out of the question as the Plantamour comet. Pennsylvania is a "Pivotal State.' a w m . you know, and might go tyrant now, just for fun, after all. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States reports an actnal ac cession to its comm-anion last year, of 24,124, being a larger percentage npon its whole number of members (224,?95) tban any other church. Tho Omaha Herald copies the lie of the "perhaps about Judge Crounse be itig "hissed by his own friends. Will it bow copy the letter of "Obsetver," in the Grant HERALD of yesterday ? This let ter vras voluntarily brought to this office by n Greeley mian with a request that wc should pubSsh it. Please copy that, Mf. Herald, and oblig" . Advices from tne cotton fields, both above and below Charleston, confirm io teUig nc of the ge ueral pn-sf uw uf the caterj illar. King: Charles, of Sweden, drousiy I1L 0- Forty-two Chinese Childreil Going1 to Xcw Haven. Examinntioli of Forester Commenced, Mrs. Scott Siddou9 Comings President Grant ot iVewark, London, September 13. Charles Sumner arrived at Liverpool Saturday. At a meeting ofthe American1 club, he received the first information of his nomination by the Democratic Lib- eral Republicans of Massachusetts fof Governor, and announced that be would positively decline the nomination. London journals rejoice over the con elusion of the Alabama claims contra-' versy, and express hopes that a found a tion for action has been laid for tbe per manent good understanding between the two nations. New York, September IS. Gen. Sherman has arrived from Eu- rope. t On Wednesday Greeley will start dh) western tour, embracing Pittsburgh Columbus, Cincinnati.' Indianapolisi Louisville, Nashville, Chicago, Dotroitf Toledo, Cleveland, Eric and the coal mine region ot Pennsylvania. A Washington dispatch says tne" award of the Geneva tribunal docs not excite the slightest enthusiasm io offi cial circles. Attorney General Williatusi who is only a niaujher of the Joint High Commission, now in Washington, ays tbe award covers fully all the American members expected would be awarded while the sum is actually thoTt of what the English members conceded might be due, under the dictation of Earl ItUs eel, as set forth in tho correspondence between Minister Adams and the Brit ish Premier as for the establishment of a new principle of the. inter aational laW Stockholm, September I?. King Charles, of Sweedeoj is lyintf seriously ill at Male no. Cheyenne, September Is. Tho eastern train to-d3y has forty-two" Chinese hildren going to New Haven to school, and thirty-three barefooted Capuchin monks from Guatamalaf bound for a convent at Milwaukee They reach Chicago via Burlington m m m Denver, Colorado, Sept. 10. The diamond fever is increasing here" and faith in the reality of the existence of diamond fields witbra ten days' drit of Denver is growing. New Youic, September ltf. The examination of Forester com' raenced at the Tombs to-day. Mrs. Ann Keenan testified that she eiw a man, whom she identifies as the prijon er, going into the basement of Nathsn' house on tho night of the murder Lki had something io his coat s'eevc, President Grant will visit the New" Jersey State Fair st Waverly, to mor fternoon, and the New York exposition in the evening. Lo"noon, September 1ft A dispatch from Stockholm announce that King Charles, of Sweden, died afc Netlmo, lit evening. Erie. September 7. Congressman Scbo&eH dispows of thtf Credit Mobilier ease, w fr as it con cerns him in to-morrow's Dispatch. Hrf says he never receeived a cent of sioeji in the company. - mm r Netv York, September 19. At Long Banch President Grant ex pressed himself to a reporter as pleased with the rcFnlt of the Alabama claims arbitration. The settlement of th eon test, in his opinion, is not for dollars and cents, but the preservation of dignitv between tire two countries, with a full maintenance of our national dignity. These points having been achieved, th nation should now be satisfied.- Pittsbcro, September i'J. II orae Greeley and escort will arriver in this eity at seven o'clock this rremng. m e m Loniox, September 20. Mrs. Scott Siddons s passenper on the steamship City of Brussels, which mailed yeterdry frmn Liverpol fof New York, Parts, September 2V American citizen resident in Paris are preparing to give a grand banquet to the" representatives of the United States ia the German Board of arbitration ' m m - New Yoric, September 201. Tbe executive committee of straight . Democrat to-day issued an address to1 the peope of tbe State, appealing t them to Mipport the Louistilie nomi nees, and calling a State convention tor meet at Albany,. October 31, to nomi nate an eieetoral ticket. . mm my m A. T. Stewart declines to allow the Use of his name in connection with the carv didacy for mayor. Newark, September. JSX President Grant remained at tb resl" dence of ex-Governor Wood Ul oighl. This morning he ia quietly visiting tha exposition, viewing objects which tho crowd of last night prevented nis 6eeiog;. Five Dollars reward for a second cla sensation even. Our horse thler man traveled a good ways. We aaw hia committing suicide in tho St. Loi& Globe, shooting hisself is sheer cfoepvt ation in the Vemotwt. Getting c&of on the ran w a New i OTk paper Tft finally 88 having killed Sheriff John3 deadeT'rn a door nail in scma Georgia paper. Give u nothor lift. Sheriff, do. . Republican victories have bwoetue o numerous lately that we forgot to men tion that in Colorado tl Hon. J. B. Chaffee, the Republi candidate, waa elected to Congtess by tifieeu hundred majority. The Democratic graund-ewelF bain't.teackid Piktfe IVak a? Uct dltf