Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 19, 1872, Image 3

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G Dods not 6old at less than cost. No
goods given away, but good goods at the
lowest prices tor cash, at
lltl. tURK i'lummers.
L lattsoiouth, JSeb.
Good news for Gratz Brown ! They
...l.;w hUW of rrmst-molon in
JI is ouri. Cincinnati G azelte.
Occol Nurverlfi Uct a Near Home
. II. lirotrn, the Agent for these
well known Nurseries, is in town, solicit-
a a, - - - - - I
mg orders for Iruit and Ornamental
lrces, Mowers, liulb.s, andreen House
1 Jants. batifaction guaranteed or no
pay demanded. W. II. B.
bee advertisement of Dr. Butts Lis-
pensary, headed Book for the Million
Marriage Guide in another column.- It
should be read by all. decldiwly.
Two type-setting machines are work
ing satisfactorily in the- office of the Lon
don Times.
Mr. John Simpson shows us speci
mens of genuiae Prunes, raised in his
garden One nioro for fruit in this
county. '
Dr. John Black has turned express
man. We saw him hauling beli(e)'s
around town and they tol(le)d us so.
Geo. S. Harris, of the B. & M. Land
Department, has written D. II. Wheeler,
.Secretary State Board of Agriculture,
a -.king that specimens of grain, fruits &c.,
may be forwarded at once, to Bo.-ton, for
exhibition at the New England Fairs.
Articles should be sent to D. II. Wheel
er at once, and wc hope Cass county will
Jo bur best.
Wheat, S-KyO ; barley, '20&Z0 cents ;
eoru, 17018 cent.
II. Robinson starts his lime kiln for the
season, to-day. All persons desiring lime
can now be furnished. For information,
call next door east of the Brooks House.
We want a load of wood ; good, sound
1 wood, and honest measure. If any man
n this town can furnish such an article
we would like to see bis countenance at
our office especially if he takes the
We are an abased and injured indi
vidual. Aq "item" we were expecting,
and had been promised, and was almost
bre, jumped off the train over in Iowa,
iii I thus disappointed the IlKilALD and
tIl its healthy readers Sheriff, you're a
r.'tty good fellow but you should tele
graph the next man not to jump off till
ho s;ets on this side, where we can get a
ii-k at him.
P:kd On tho 9th of September,
IknmeP. diuhter of Lewis II. and Young, ucar Rock Bluffs, Cass
Co. , Nebraska, aged 2 years and 17 days
Curious folks these Lib.-Dems. are
On half of the party 6ay Furnas can'
':? e! :eted because he opposed the re of the Capital to Lincoln, and the
o tl lt half because he did not oppose its
r-H:j val from Omaha. Who has the
r:f'Lc of it?
So !r as Douglas county is concerned,
ti.e lraot State ticket is broken down ()iniha Herald.
As the Herald has never been known
f :", nor make an error of judgment
folks may believe this.
.j-jimy Davis, of tho Lincoln States
?!, ha9 gone to California. He takes
"j. v-,isb" on the Vallejo Democrat. Clark, of Ft. Calhoun, is not only
z: :--.t Miller, but he has turned his
l.un I to fruit raising, and shows 12J inch
s; !'.s and things around to hid nighbors.
shv the papers up there.
V.'iterman & Son are rolling in the
:mt-.T at the rate of ten car loads a day.
(i-n. Dix holds the very responsible
orl -if "Comptroller of Trinity Corpo
ra t: .:," and as such, has the oversight
i f its vast estate, valued at $ GO, 000,000.
Iliv cn. Dr. Morgan Dix, is rector of
rhf parish, at a salary of $1 1,0-: X) and
pnrv.nage. Dr. D. is one of the most
' ! i vious and estimable members of the
V: isoopal Church, and personally very
i opular with the clergy and laity.
plaits aud sr2:r::A7:o3
i our new School House can now be
i at the Offl'.e of Mayor White, in
;s city. All persons desiring to bid
reon had better step ap and take a
4 at them.
The plans and specifications for our
u School Building are now on exhi
1 iti iri at Mayor White's office, and hav
i ic examined the same wc must pro
:. u.'tce them very suitable and elegant
I -'la;:-, for such a building. Mr. DrUcoll
i a tine workman, in his line, and draws
u? : ireful and elaborate data for all his
b uli Jings.
Wrn. Noxon the Grange man, writes
i:s a very pleasant little letter, and says
1. will post us up by and by, whan he
-time, and when we get time. All
O. K- come ahead Bro. Noxon.
A Cffortecs Gentler, ar..
John M. Thayer is a courteous It,-. r.Atrr nl.l.infa anpn -il
urt -Miig i.ub'ic meetings, to respectful
;;.!. ns '-ifizens who iuterrupt
I:::m : -r the puipose of obtaining iufor
iii?.i.,n upon public puestions. Citizens
of l'rornont Schuyler, and other places
where the General is to speak, will bear
this in mind. Omahx Herald.
This is a polite intimation that the
Lirifo game must not be p'ayed over
a: iir. We think Dot. Free speech, in this
wintry, means something, and is not
likely to be muzzled without some trouble.
Sfcemember, gentlcraexr.
Council Chamber, Sept 14, '72.
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Mayor Aldermen Buttery,
Vivian, Fitzgerald Wayman, Clerk and
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
F. Kroehler presented petition iu re
Krd to mistake made in surveying lot 7,
on " asuingion avenue, anu
On motion, referred to Committee on
Highways and Bridges.
A petition asking permission to build
side walk commencing at Chicago av
enue, on the north t-ide of Marble street,
running west to Eleventh street. tro-
scnted, and
Ou motion, referred to Committee on
Highways and Bridces.
The Finance Committee retorted the
following bills correct, and recommended
the same be allowed :
I On motioD, report adopted
To Wm. Edtrorton. 100.74 for Inm.
bcr, on Improvement Fund ; Nebraska
HERALD, $20.25, for printing; J.
Moores, $1.10 on General Fund; W. J.
White, Street Commissioner, $5.25, on
Improvement Fund; E. G. Dovey,
$101.85, Merchandise per order Street
Commissioner, ou Improvement Fund ;
II. A. Waterman & Son, $54.14 forlum-
her. on Improvement Fund.
j contract oetween tnc uity oi i'iatts-
mouth and M. B. Cutler in regard to
Citv Scales, was read. It was then
moved that the contract be approved,
fin wrriun a vnrs vqa rL-on rntiiltino ia I
" . " -
lollows: Vivian, ayman, ritzgerald,
ayes ; Buttery, no. Motion carried, and
A n mo tnnrx TV n II ....-.-. . J , J
the erection oi City Scales presented,
On motion read first time. It was
then moved that the rules be suspended
and said ordinance read a eecond and
third time and put on its final passage,
on which motion a vote was taken with
the following result : Ayes, Vivian,
Wayman and Fitzgerald ; noes, Buttery
motion carried, and said ordinance read
a second and third time and put on its
final passage, on which passage a vote
was taken with the following result.
Aycs, litzgeiald, lviao and ayman;
noes, Buttery, and said ordinance passed
and approved.
On motion, B. W. White was ap
pointed to the office of City Weigh
master, with instructions to give bonds
for one thousand dollars, said bond to be
presented at next meeting ; on which a
vote was taken, resulting as follows:--Ayes,
Buttery, Fitzgerald, Wayman and
Vivian, and motion carried.
Ordinance No: 31, to provide for issu
ing City Bonds, pre.-ented, and
On motion, read first time. It was
then moved that the rules be suspended,
and said ordinance put on its second and
third reading and final pas.-age, on which
a vote was taken, re.-ultmg as lollows:
Ayes, Buttery, Fitzgerald, Wayman and
Vivian ; noes, none, motion carried, and
said ordinance was then read a second
aud third tiu;e and put on its final pas
sage, on which passage a vote was taken
as follows: Ayes, Buttery, Vivian, Way-
man, ritzgerald; noes, none, and Siiid
ordinance passed and approved.
Ordinance No. 32, to provide for the
payment of principal aud interest of
High School bonds, presented, and
On motion, read first time. It was
then moved that the rules be suspended,
and said ordiuaucc put on its second and
third reading and final passage, on which
motion a vote was takeo, as follows:
As'es, Buttery, Fitzgerald, Vivian and
Wayman; noes, none. Said ordinance
was then real a second and third time
and put on its final passage, ou which
passage a vote was taken, resulting as
follows : Ayes, Buttery, Vivan, AVay
uian and Fitzgerald ; noes, none, and
said ordiuance passed and approved.
The following accounts were then pre
sented, and, ou motion, allowed : To M.
B. Reese, $18.00 for drafting ordinances,
Sic, on General Fund ; Phelps Pains,
$3.00, for registering one day; P. P.
Gass $3.00 for services as Registrar aud
Clerk of Election one; R. 11. Vanatta,
$3 00, for services as Registrar one day ;
Nick Kngle, Judge of Election, $2 00;
J. R. Vanatta, do, do, $2.00; Ja-on
Streight, do, do, $2 00 ; Prof. d'Alle
mand, Clerk, do, $2.o0; A. L. Brown,
and others, surveying Cbicago aud
Washington avenues $40 00, on Avenue
Fund; ll. A. Watermau & Son. $91.30.
fo-lumber, on Improvement Fund ; J.
A. Mac-Murphy, $82 50, for printing
E. T. Duke & Co., $40.79, for nails, per
order Street ( Commissioner; W. J.
White, Street Commissioner, $92 20. on
Improvement Fund; Wm. Edgerton,
SlIG.O, for lumber, on improvement
Fund. !
On motion, Council adjourned.
Attest: M. L. WHITE,
R. II. Vanatta, Mayor.
City Clerk.
New Heating Stoves of all kinds at
E. T. Duke & Co.'s.
Litie'J'c i'.visj Ae.
The weekly numbers of 7'te Licing
Age for August 31 and September 7,
have the following notewonhj contents:
England and France, their Customs,
Manners and Morality, Quarterly Re
view; Recent experiments with the
Senses, Westminster Review ; The Irbh
Priesthood. Spectator, French Dress,
Blackwood's Magazine; 'Something
wrong with the Sun, Spectator; "Question-Day"
in the Highland, Sunday
Magazine; The Meeting of the three
Emperors, Spectator; Saint Jane Fran-iws-Frciiiyot
de Chantal. Athcicum ;
Juarez, hxaminer; The Political Aspect
of the French Loan, Fall Mali Gazette :
Clemence, by Katr-arine C. Macquoid,
author ot i attic, batnt Paul s Maga
zine ; The conclusion of Chru-tiana
North, by E. M. Archer, and the con
tinuation of The Strange Adventures of
a Phneron, by Will'ma" Black, author of
"A Daughter ot I!h," tc be.-ides
Poetry and Miscellany. The subscrip
tion price is $8 a year, or for $10 any
one of the $4 periodicals, is sent with
The Licing Age for a yar.
Bo.-ton, Publi.-hers.
Vivian's ia the place to bay your gro
ceries and pravinocs. . 0ff
Corrected List of Qualified Voters cf PlattS-
msuti Precizct. Cass Casnty, ITea.
Adams Jabob
Akerson M.
Ahl Lawrence
Beverage G W
lievins Augustus
Bevorage C N
Brooks Allen
Cole Shadrach
('ummins J C
Clapp B
Davis Edwin
Dodge M
Dugen ABC
Eikenburg Henry
Adams J W
Anderson Henry II
Aker on reter
Beeson O II
tta-s W B
Beverage John
Cook Joseph
Cole Z V
Clapo L
Doud J F
Dickenson L
Dash George
Ferree Uriah Y
Fosdick S
Gilmour Wm
Gansemer John
Hunter ll
Horning C J
Hubbard D
Jean Nelson
Karnes Johnson
Kinsor G W
Kennard E A
Leatley Joseph
rrekler U-eooge
Frtkler Gotfred
( Jacob
GariMrmor I'eter
I lowland Henry
Hammond G W
llockebery Wm
Jauson John
Kennedy E U
Karnes Alx
Klepsor Andy
Livingston J
Ijeasley John
McUullocL Z P
Maxwell S
Montgomery II K Martin Wm II
Murray Wm K
Mooro John
McMullin D
Newton Join
Orville James
Odam S
Porter Wm B
Peak Oren
Moore J
O wen T S
Patton G M
Pitz Peter
Pettit Joseph
Query John
Kichie J C
Roberts J
Russell C
Rickli Arthur
Sherwin II L
Snoop Ilershey
Slider Henry
Snyder John
Scott J M
Schildkriectt W
Sane H W
Todd T J
Turner Allen
Wright L M
Watson J
Wiles Stephen
Wilfs Thomas
Welborn R W
Wainsi-ott Joseph
We hr be in F Sr
Walker Robert
Packet E
Quinn L
Kichie John
Keese It J
li0bv John
Bubernieh Henry
Khennfrank l P
one pa to v m 11
age iU:as
I Snyder Wu
I Spangkr Henry
i r 1.
I . '
Todd A B
Williams Perry
Watson II
Woodruff Wm B
Wiles Isaac
Wiles J M
Walker L
Wright J II
Weh: bein F Jr
Notice to the qualified vovers of
Plattsmouth Precinct:
You are hereby notified to appear at
my residence lur the purpose of register
ing and correcting any error th:U may
I to in t- n nhrtvo livf fin ATnri.lnv ;iri
Tue.-dar, the Twenty-third and Twentv-
fourth days or September, 1.72.
Isaac Wiles,
A boy by the name of Louis Drath,
fifteen years old. tali of his age, light hair.
grey eyes, long tace. .lie speaks both
English and German. At the time he
left w,)re a brown grey coat, dark pants
and dark hat. Auy information concer
ning his whereabouts will be thank fully
received by his parents, at Elmwood,
Cass county, Neb.
Exthauges please copy.
lw Frkd Dratii
Saturday, Sept. 14, 1S72.
Meeting organized by electing Dr. G.
II. Black, as Chairman and Wm. L.
Hobbs, Sec'y.
On motion, the election of delegates
was entered upon with the following re
sult :
Geo. S. Smitb, M. B. Reese, J. A.
MeMurphy, Wm. L. Bennett.
On motion, delegates were allowed to
appoint a proxy ; or in case this wa
neglected, the delegates present to cast
the whole vote of the delegation.
Capt. L. D. Bennett, Parker Wise,
M. II. Hathaway.
M. B. Murphy, F. M. Dorrington,
Burwell Spurlock, Jno. A. Chapin, C.
P. Moore.
E. Davis, Tlios. Wiles, Wm. Wood
ruff, Mel.-on Jeans,
The convention meets at Weeping
Water, Saturday, September 21st, to
put in nomination one State Senator, two
Representatives and one County Com
missioner, for the Third district al.-o
to nominate delegates to the distr'ct
convention, to be held at Omaha on tho
2ith September, to nominate a float.
The sales of Burlington and Missouri
lliver Railroad Lands in August, 1872,
were; Thirty-one sales in Iowa, 12,578.-
80 acres, average $13 -IS $, $34,783.00;
111 sales in Nebraska, 14,007-07 acres,
average $S.32-5, $110,022 38. Total
sold in August, 10,50 77 acres, for
$151,105.42.. Total sales to Sept. 1st,
1872: 2034 sales iu Iowa, 173,033-84
acres, average $11,75 7, $2,041,007.70;
11)40 sales in Nebraska, 254, V'42-09 acres,
average $8,49 3, $2,105,158 10. ' Total
in both States 42U.580-13 acres, for $4 -200,700.10.
The company have yet for
sale: In Iowa, about 185,500 acres; in
Nebraska, about 1, 375,000 acres.
Our choice htods are for sale at low
prices cn ten years' credit, with 6 per
cent, interest 2o per cent, less for cash
or one-third down,-with balance payable
in one and two years, with interest, at
10 per cent.
Very Respectfully Vcur,
Geo. S. Harris,
Land Commisioner.
Every one to know that O'Brien
Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store,
keep on'y first class shoemakers, and all
their custom work is mada from the best
brands of French calf and kip. They
only chargo 75 cent3 for soling boots, and
make anything to order, from a stoga
boot to the finest French kid, ladies'
shoes. Their foreman is master of his
business, and his fitting" cannot be ex
celled in the best shops ia the country
W call attention to the new ads, of D.
Schnasse & Co., in this issue. Their
stock is new aod at reduced rates.
taez ircncs i
All coods bought at D. Shnasse &
Co 's will be delivered free of chargo,
from tLis lime on Call and see us. and
we will treat you the test we know how.
A CCLC-ZD I207HE2 C1T 21132.
For the llerald.
If you will condescend to print for a
black man I will furni.-h a few lines. In
reading the Bible there are biasings
promised to the good people, and curse
agiuust the wicked. After reading Sum
ner's letter to ' the colored people, I
picked out the 8th verse, of the ".00th
Psalm and adopted it as my curse on
him. It reads thus : "Iot his days be
ftw and let another take hisoiSce." I
mean his political days, and 1 wi.-h the
Bible had said be should not be Gover
nor of Masachusetts. But as be is only
the nominee of the confederates and
they have not got .he inside track. I will
jnst leave him in the hands of the loyal
people of the State, and they will know
how much to discount him.
nsii37 ssssrs itstc rusxirras
We visited Henry Boeck's new store a
few days ago, and were surprised at al!
the conveniences" he has fitted up for
himself, in Lis new place, the largo
brick building opposite the PostofScc.
A great, roomy cellar, gives ample
place for the storing of lumber in the
rough, bjjdstoads, common furniture,
and so on. On the first floor, from the
street, is the show room, - filled with ele
gant and useful articles, from a baby's
cradle to a complete parlor set.
Some very handsome bed room sets are
here shown, and a curious steel wire
spring mattress, lighter and easier fitted
to any bedstead, yet durable, springing
and comfortable as the be.-t old fash
ioned spring mattress.
From the rear of this floor wagons
can be loaded ai;d unloaded level with
the sales room, thus avoiding tugging
and breakages, often. Upstairs, are in-
numerable stocks of chairs, bedsteads,
and all sorts of things iu the rough, and
in "knock downs." Taken all in all,
friend Boeck has as fine a bulling for
the purpose, and as good a stock of goods,
in his line, as can be found iu Nebraska,
and his enterprise is a credit to the town
and count y. Call and examicj for your
selves on Main street, opposite the
postoCiee. 71d25w3t
Sonietiiingr 111 a I Interests Every One.
O'Brien & Merges, at the Platts
mouth Shoe Store, -next door to tho
Post office, are filling up, for the Fall
trade, with the be.-t and cheapest stock
of boots and shoes ever brought to
Plattsmouth. 2.jvtf
II. Ilobinson's lime kiln is now in ope
ration, and all persons desiring lime can
be fu.rr.Lhed. 70d 1 s'2i
Frederick Otz, Veterinary Surgean.
Can be found at John Shannon's stable.
Knows his business iu:d attends to it.
Give him a call. ToJ&wtf
Plattsmouth, Sept. 18, 1S72.
Accord'ng to announcement by the
County Superintendent, the Institute
was organized at 1 o'clock r. M. , County
Superintendent Wi-e acting as Clviir
man. The following is a list of the
teachers and others present, who take
an interest in our school affairs : J. M.
McKenzie, Miss Katie Window, Miss
Gertie Johnson, M i S3 Flora Roll Wise,
Miss Mary Wiies, Miss Ursula Wiles,
George W. Hammond, Lavinas Patter
son, A. A. Pcake, Timothy Lawler,
Francis Linvil'e, J. F. Doud, Wm. II.
Pool, Isaac A. Cory.
The Institute was opened with sinsing.
Miss Wise at the organ, prayer by Prof
McKenzie, and I. A. Cory elected Sec-
Prof. Wise announced the subject for
discus:-ioa to be "the manner of teach
ing geopraphy to primary classes," and
invited Prof. McKenzie to leal in the
discussion. All teachers present touk
an active part, and a deep interest was
manifested by all present. In teaching
"direction" to the young pupil, it was
unanimously adopted to place the pupil's
face to the north, right hand to the
eat and left baud to the west.
Question by Prof. Wise : "If I go to
South America will 1 teach direction in
the same manner?" To be answered to
morrow. Prof. McKenzie then lectured on the
sulject of th;j care in regard to the
health of pupils by teachers, after which
the institute adjourned to meet at the
First Ward .School Hous, at 7 V. M.
Institute met, as per adjournment,
and was opened with singing. Prof.
McKenzie lectured for a few u inutcs on
the subject of school economy, after
which a discussion was had on the fol
lowing resolution :
Hm-Jutd, Tiiat corporeal punishment
should not be uitd under any circum
stances iu the school room.
The County Superintendent appointed
as leading disputants Mr. Cory and Miss
Johnson, on the atiinuative, and Messrs.
Liwler and Hammond on the negative.
The discussion was spirited, and was
participated in by Messrs- Mari'mda'e,
and Sahm, teachers iu the city, and by
Prof. McKenzie.
The Institute adjourned to meet at
Clark & l'lummer's Hall, at 8:45 A. m. ,
to-morrow. I. A. Coav,
E. T. Duke & Co. have just received a
large lot of Heating Stoves of ail kinds,
suitable for parlor, offices, stores, hotels,
or ai y place
Call aud see them.
Fl'B -V I T V It i: !V T KXirnT K !
Go to Henry Roeek's new store fjr
furniture, mattresses a:,d everything in
the house furnishing line.
N. R. Coffins made to order, and tilso
kept cn sale. 70-J&wtf
Mrs. L. R. Crocker & Co. haveju-t
received their first instalment of Fall
and Winter Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Call ar.d see them. 7JJ3i25v2t
September 18, 1S72.
Evening Star, wood burner, and from
50 to 75 varieties of heating stoves.
Call and see us, E. T. Dlke & Co.
Morning Glory, Base-burner, fur hard
coal five sizes, at E. T. DfKE & Co.'s.
Judge Wm. Wheeler and wife, Gltn
wood, Hon. C. S. Wheeler and wife, of
Michigan, Hon. E. Makyes and wife of
Suracus-3, N. Y., Judge L. W. Tubbs
of Emerson, Iowa, M;;j. D. II. Wheeler
and wife, of Piatt.-mouth, Milo Fellows
and wi.'b of Malvern, Iowa, W. J.
Smith and wife, of Malvern, W. II.
Woodrow, Malvern, Challenges. Wheel
er, and Miss Jessie Whee'cr, G enwood,
all met at Judge Tubbs', Emerson Iowa,
on Monday, the 10th in.-t.
. STATS ITSHS. DyggTt. of Dixon county, shot
himself on Wedne.-day la-t, at his home
near Ponca. No cause is u-siizned, he
being in good circum-ta:ic-s, the father
of a happy home circle, and possessor t-f
good health.
The c.iitor of the Schuyler Register
oiL-red a copy of the paper for a year,
as a premium for the largest watermelon
brought to the cilice, aud received one
weighing 47 pounds and 4 ounces. That
must be the champion melon of Ne
braska. Coal stove, for soft coal, of al! siz:s
and kinds and prices to suit, at
Ciidtf25wtf E. T. Puke & co.'s
A IVoril fo our Customers.
Profiting by the experience gained by
more than two years dealing with the
people- of Pl.ittstiiouth and vicinity, we
have selected for our fall aud winter
trade a class of boot and shoes, that for
cheapness and durability, we say, with
out limitation, are not equalled west of
the Missouri. We find the people want
good goods, and wv are prepared to fur
nish them at reasonable prices.
iwtf O'UaiEX & Merges.
From the smiHng visage of our friend
A. W. Prole, Ev.., one might j'idge
there must be another little Prole.
Keep it quiet, Prole wc take L-mon !
1. S. We won't tell anybody about
that eight pound Log.
Proposals for Bids.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Council of the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, at the
ihc? oi the city Cl -ik m sai l city, for
the erection of a Rrick School Ruiiding,
situated within said city, until 7 o'clock
p. M of the 21st d iy of September 1872
So; arare bids will be received for:
FurnMiitig th stone delivered on the
ground fur the foundation.
For building the foundation including
the nece-sm-y excavation and furnishing
sand and lime.
For the d elivery of the brick necessary
for the whole building.
For building the brick work and plas
tering tho building, the contractor fur-ni-h;ng
the material except the brick.
For all c-.rpenter's work, including all
the necessary material for doing the
For all puinting, graining, and glazing,
including all materials for the same.
For all dressed stonc-work, water-table,
door and window sills.
For terra cotta caps fur windows and
For all iron and tin work.
Rids will also bo received for any num
ber of the above items, nnd also for tho
erection of the entire building.
Plans and . spcci' to which the
work and materials must all conform,
cm be seen on and after September Nth,
1872, a! the ofhee of the City Clerk, in
I'laMsiuonth, and at the office oft hailes
F. Priscoll, architect, Omaha, Nebraska.
The contract for building the founda
tional' said School I louse, is to be com
pleted by the 1 5th of October, 1S72, and
two stories of the biick work to be
tscctcd by ihi 20th of December, 1873,
if not hindered by unfavorable weather.
The whole building to be finished com
plete in all its parts by August 1st, 1872.
The person or per-ons receiving the
award of contract will ba required to ex
ecute a bond with good and sufficient
security for the faithful performance
The Council reserve the right to re
ject arty and all bids offered, if deemed
to i lie inrere-t of tho city hi to do.
Mon'hly payments of eighty-five per
cent will be made as th work progresses
and tin; materials are furnished.
J H. Rjtti:p.v,
M. L. White,
Plattsmouth, Nth., Sept. 11, 1872. 2t
Lena! Notice.
iUa'thiii" Ppohn v. Christian SeMuutz.
OTIOK N hcrt'liy given, we will ofior
:.t f.ul'iiu s;ile. t t'ii Irunt door of'trie Ci.urt
lloiui". in l'l in-uimit!i. ';i.s :u:ity, Nthniska,
on Moii'l iv ilie 4th day .f 17J. it
1 oVIook y ll., cn day. i!i ioilowini; reiil
e-tnte, t' wit : Lut-o--. t n i. t hi ei', ti.ii. lo v
e;i ::n I ( lve in .'. rix wc-t. onv youth,
ia the 'own .f Ure i l!!nriV. (":i omi nty Nct ia---k-i.
with -al the buiiiliiiii.s au-1 apt urtfiiam-e
tiirrcinr.) tx-lo nf i .si.'. t' lv sui'l tin if r 1.11 order
'ali' in in li'i it ir.a ! by the Di-tiift Court,
f tho "J 1 J udic-hil li. trie', in :'.ii l tir t'u.-s eou.i
t Ncira k.i. o'i the 1 h d.iy t' I', A.
1. 1S72- Tortus of x-le: :e-thirl ca-, ore
t'lir i in mm yrar. mi 1 oiir-tliird in two years,
wi'h iniorc-tt on dtlcrr- d i.ivinf nt. at 10 j it
coat, J.ii:s JI. I'lirkUJox,
CoN 'ad lins :t.. and
ifiOROB K.
Ry MAXtt'EM. A Chapm n. Kefurecs.
n24 ot Attoiteya for I'laiatiff.
Qrdinancs 32.
An Ordinance providing for the 'pay-men-,
rd" principal and interest of High
Sc'iMiil IJutldd.
h'r.c 1. I'e it r laine l Ly th mayor
and cuuiK'iliut n of the city of l'iutts
utoutli, That th- prinetpal and inti-re.-t
of al! hon Js of the said city of l'iatts
niautlt, issued tr tu purpose of aiding
in tlie erection of a high' school building
in s;i;d city in thu year 172, putxdia-cd
and held fy perons or corporiitioiis re
siding oatMd the Jtate of Nebraska,
Mi:dl le pty:t!i!e at the option cf t lie
holders of said honds in tint city of New
urk at such National 15 ink as may he
sili'ctec! hy the Tiiasurcr of said city
of I'iatismouth, of which due notice
shall hi' "j von to thj holders of said
bonds ,y tli citv treasurer.
Sko -. 'Flos ( )rd nnnoj shall take ef
fect from and i'tcr it ia-age.
i'as-ed and approved Sept. 14. 1ST2.
Attc-t: M. L. WHITE
11. II. Vanatta. Mayor.
dJtw'lt . City Clerk.
Dealer in Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Hats.
Caps, Loots it Shoos, Trunks
Yah -ps &, Carpet Lags, &c. itc.
One of the Olde-t and most lleliable
Iloues in I'fatt.-t'jouih. Main
Street, hrtru -1th & 5th.
' gdif
cottf ittSKTAt ttvn
Contiitcnlal gnilbing, tos. 24, 26 & 28 Hassan Si. t JJ
JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROG ERS. Secretary.
muter prising Economical, JLibcral,
Xumer Policies issued to .Ian. 1. 1S7J...
jmli'-r Policies issund and revived iu 1S71..
ASSETTS. Jan- 1, 1S72
Thia Company is Purely Matnnl in its cerar'nns. diviJintrits entire surplus among its Poli
cy lmlJers. aunuallv. on tbo "( ontriltution Plan." nj has a linger buines and a )nwr ratio of
expense to income. th:m have ever been attained by auy other Company at a Corresponding
period in its history .
lis Assets nre sufficient to dii'charira aU liuliH'f'c. inaludinz ro-insniraioo. pay back all
hi stne-k capi'al, aud leave ad a balance titure tlntn a MILLION of earned surplus.
ilnf Otlid? Gompany in tlie TTUorl .
janiouwtf General AgeriJs, for TcbraHkn.
South West Corner of Main Street I'la-tsmouth, Nebraska,
19 R "2" O-
Iii the Grocery line we keep the Finest and Best
All the Varieties of Sjices, in fact for all Your
Save money by paying Cash for your
Dkalers in
Also a full ttoct of
1IAT.S and CAPS.
Wo buy largely for CASH
cheap for the money.
and tell
(torc opposite the Brooks House).
Main street,
Notice is hereby given, that on Tues
day, the 8th day of October next, at the
usual places of holding elections, an
Election will be held for the purpose oi
Oiie Member cf ConcresF, 1 Governor,
1 Chief Justice. '2 Associate Justices,
1 Secretary of State, 1 Auditor, 1 State
Treasurer, 1 .Attorney General. 1 States
Trison Inspector, A District Attorney
for the Second Judicial Di-tricf
One Stato Senator for the Fourth
Senatorial District, composed of the
County of Cass. Two .Members of the
Uou.-e of Representatives for the Fourth
licpre-cntative District, composed of
the County of Cass.
One Member of the House of Repre
sentatives for tho Twenty-fifth Repre
sentative - District, composed of the
Counties of Cas. Sarpy, Douglass,
Washington, and Dodge.
One County Commissioner for Cas
County, from the Third District.
One Precinct Assessor for each l're
cinc. Which Election will be opened at S
o'clock in the morning and continue
open unil G o clock in the Afternoon
of the same day.
By order of the County Commissioners,
D. W. M. KINNON. Clerk.
This oi day of September, 1ST-'.
21 iw
! !
A Heavy Stcck of Goods
iVb Jtenta nnd JVo ntrt on Borroired
til to te Made OJ vslomeri 1 1
Xorth side Main between Second and Third sts.
Takes pleasure in announcing ti
Farmers and Mechanics,
That he has as larj;e and well selected stock mt
Dry tioods, (iroceries, I 'rovi-oons, as wero
ever brought to the city of Pidtumouth
"It will eost you nothing to look at them
whether you huv or not. By exituininir the
prieda at the "OL r It E Li A HLE"yau wil 1 be
able to tell wheu other parties try to pwtndle
you 7l-wtf-U6utf.
Is in receipt of the finest aud
Of Cassimeres, Cloths, Yesting, &c.
ever brouiiht to the city, which
I will make up in the
Latest styles.
EJl'lease call Hnd examine. ""jsfi
l'lattsmouth, April IS, 1S72.
Sheriff Sale.
Electa Q. Hasty Administratrix of the T!stA,e
ot' Charles Haty dec-aed. vi. Emiuersou 11.
Jr-atoti. JJy virtue of an nr.t-r of tilts ifued out
of the District Cuurt in and lor Cmi t,"o.. .Neb.,
and to me directed. I will nn'the liith day of
September. A. 1). 1372. atlv o'clock A. M.. of said
lay at the front door of the Court ILmse ia the
City of I'l-ttytnouth in sai'l county. offr for cale
at public auction the f.dlowinir described real
tsUte, to-wit: Lots NO. 7. s, y, 10. 11 and 12 in
I'.lock -No. tix'ft. in the City of 1'la, turnout h.
Ca'8 county, Nebraska Al o the Fouhuut
quarter ( 'i ) it Seetiun No twenty-fiur V2tt in
Townsbiii No. twelve (12 North of Kn:u No.
twuivetlJ) East of the ith p. u. Al. one
hundred acres ctf of the Nor:!iea-it quarter
of Section twenty five li'jl i Town ht So,
twelve (12' North of Itansre Nt. twelve (2l Ilast
ot the Kixth p m.. all situated in Cu-s county.
Neb. To be fold to eati.-ry a judruicut and irrter
of sale uti icr an attachment rendered at the
h- veiuber'erm A. L). InTit, of the sai l lL-'!rii-t
Court in lavor f the isaii Ilaiutiffatid a--aiii?t
the raid deletidant.
Uiven uuder w Land th: S:h Auy of August
ist2. j. v. Johnson.
Sheriff CaM Co.. Nebraska.
Pottenjer. Fos iiwelci', 4ttoru.ys for
rUinriftj. 3"-w&
Still keeps on hand a large assortment
of the best goods
and they will not bo undersold.
lias just returned from the East with a
new stock of the
And he informs us that it is their intention tr
eell their OOQ1M at Omaha prioes and
in fact us low ns tnry cud ho
purchased Kast in the
TOi lui
Plantation Bitters,
S. T. I860 X.
This wonderful vegetable rcstorativo
is the .sheet-anchor of the feeble and de
bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for th.
aged and languid it has no equal among
stomachics. As a remedy for tho ner
vous weakness to which women are es
pecially subject, it is superseding every
other stimulant. In all climates, tropi
cal, temperate or frigid, it acta as a
specific in every species of disorder
which undermines tho bodily strength
and breaks down the animal spirits.
Pec. 20. diw lyr.
Beautiful WomenI
plexion tha Frethnati of Yotrth.
Haoan's magnolia Balm ovoroouio th
flunked ii'pearance caused Ly Jieat, fatigue and
excitement. It laakei the lady of fort appear
but twenty, and eo natural and pcrfoet that no
perron can detect its application, iiy its udO
tho roughest fkia is made to rival the puro
radiant texture of youthful beauty. Itromovea
redness, Motchca, and pimplea. It contains
nothing thai will injure the akin the least.
Magxolia Balm is used by all fashionable
ladies in New York, London and Paris. It
eota only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by ail
DruggUts and Perfumers.
Dec. a. diw lyr e 3d W.
Lumber! Lumber
The Undesigned has on Land and id
cflanufaciMU inff
All kinds of
At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattamoatil
Orders Promptly Filled.!
, William EdoertoS.
JuneSd dAwtf
Gco. 1 ciiler,
Plattsmoutlij Nebraska
The bert of Froch Meats alway on hand le
their teuton.
Highest Pricjo Paid for Fat Cattld
"lli(hc?t Cash Price paid for green Hi Jon.
TIic Gil cap est.
XTill bo found at his old stand on Main Sti
II where he will be pleased to sue bia for4
mer cuctomers and friends.
He has a larpo and good assortment of farm
machinery such aa the
rihe March harvster. a reaper that two mti
L can cut and bind ten acres tier day will
one man to drive, and the binders oan work, ij
the tha Jo.
Milbnrnf.nd StU'lftihaker Wagons, Cham
pion Reaper Jt Mower MaXHtlloo Thrash
er. anJ JJutinlo Pit thrasher, and Lielaior
Kcaper and JVIowcr Ac,
Main Street. Plattrnonth. cb.
L. S. Blair, Trarcling AjenU
Feb. -J wtf.
& Clark.
Tootle, Hanna
Jean li. Ci akk.
C. II. Vakxki.k,
Vive i'rtnidmt
T. W. Evans.
A n't Cuthier.-
hts Rank is now open forbuniness at theii"
new room, corner Main a-id Sixth strecU, and
are irearcu to transact a ttcncral
Banking Business.
Stocks, Bonds
uoU. tioverntnent
and Loenl
Boucfat and
Pold. DeDosi'.s
Received ami
Interest allowed
On time
DrnOs drawn, avnilabl In aor Mirt of the
L'nifd Sut" and in alt tin irinclal tow us
and Cities of Euroie.
Ferfoni wiahtcs to brinx out their friends froni
Europe can purchase tickets from, us through
to Plattsmouth. atlStf
"I'LATl'sMOLT:! .T21L.Lh.
C. HElShli. Proprietor. Having recentiybeer
repaired and placed in thorouKh ruuutnxordtr
J.oJ liurholH ot V neat waut.e't nniui-imtf I,
i- which the hiiUcct uiarlv-t f rjcC U) bfc r-S-.