1 " S A PLATTSMOUTH, NEB It A SKA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1872. J. A. 24 ACMURPIIY. ...Editob. Official Directory. CONCESSION AL T'. W. Tipton. BrownrUl. U. 6. Senator. " U. S Senator. Representative. P. W. , Hitchcock. Omaha. . Jab Ta.Be. Ouaaha, EXECUTIVE. William H- Jane. Lincoln, Act. Governor. M'itiiain H. Jaoiea, Lincoln. bee. ct State. Jaha Uiilarpie, Lincoln. Auditor. H. A. kotuif. Coluuibua, Treasunr. t. H. Kobena, Omaha, Attorney General. J. M. idaleu. Line la. up Pu. Intuj-uc'n JUDICIARY. . O. P. Matoa, Nebraska City. Chief Justice. Uortre U. Ja ke. Omaha. I . . . L. Croanae. ft. Calhoun J awH!UW "ce. CASS COUNTY. H. F. E1I1.. D&nl McCTiaaoa. W.L. Hobhs. J W. Johnaoa, V. W. Wise. Jacob ValleT.I BaJ. Albia. V Jaia . J Probate Judge. County Clerk. Treasurer. Sheriff. fapt. Pub. Instruction, County Commissioners. Coroner, I. W-Ifco REPUBLCIAN ICKET. For President. For Vice-President. HENRY WILSON. KEPIBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Member of Congress. L. CltOUNSE, of Washington. For Governor. It. W. FURNAS, of Nemaha. For Secretary of State, J. J. GOSPER, of Lancaster. For Auditor, J. B. WESTON, of Gage. For Treasurer, n. A. KOENIGr, of Platte. For Attorney-General, J..R. WEBSTER, of Saline. 1 For Chief Justice, GEO. B. LAKE, of Douglas. EOR district attorneys. First District, A. J. WEAVER, of Richardson. Second District, J. W. CON NELL, of Douglas, Third District, . M. B. IIOXIE, of Schuyler. Presidential Electors. SILAS A. STRICKLAND, of Douglas. OTrO FUNKE, of Lancaster. Judge HEIST, of Cheyenne. Associate Justices, SAMUEL MAXWELL, of Cass. , DANIEL1GANTT. of Otoe. State Prison Inspector, W. W. ABBEY, of Richardson. POLITICAL. PU8MC MEETINGS. II. C. Lett, Liberal and It. W. Fur nas, republican candidates for Governor, will meet the people as follows : at Falls City. Moadiy, S pt-TO, a2 o'clock. Salem. Monday. Sept. 15. at 8 o'clock. Pawuee City. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 2 o'clock. Table Rock. Tuesday. Spt. 17. at 8 o'clock. Teeumseh. Wednesday, Sept. 13. at 2 o'clock. Beatrice, Thursday Sept. 19. at 2 o'clock. Fairbury, Fri Jay. Sept. iO, at 2 o'clock. Meridian, Friday. Sept. 20. at 8 o'clock. Juniata, Saturday, Sept. 21. at 2 o'clock. . Lowell. Monday, Sept. 23. at 2 o'clock. Crete. Monday, Sept. 23, at 8 o'clock. Frautont, Tuesday, Sept. 21. at 8 o'clock. Schuyler, Wednesday, Sep 23, at 2 oclock. Columbus. We Inn Jay, Sept. 25. at 8 o'clock Lone Tree, Thursday, Sept. 20. at 2 o'clock. Grand Island. Thursday, Sept. 20. at 3 o'clock Blair, Friday, Sept. 17, at 8 o'clock. Dakota. Sawaday. Sept. 23. at 8 o'clock. West Point. Monday. Sept. 28. at 8 o'clock. Omaha, Monday, Sept. 29, at 8 o'clock. PlaUsmootfeTaesday. Oct. 1, at 2 o'clock. Nebraska CHy, Tuesday. Oct. 1, at 8 o'clock Jude Crouasc and Col: Warner wi speak as follows : Ashland, Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Yi r a. r. Xabruka City. Thursbay. Sept. 19. 7 P. Jf. Peru, Friday. Sept. 20. at 2 P. a. Brovaville. Friday. Sept. 23. at 7 P. a. Rulo, Saturday. Sept. 21. at 7Ji p. M. Gen. Jobn M. Thayer speaks at Weeping Water oo Tuesday.. Sept. 24. Three large houses have failed in Bal timore for over three millions dollars. Cause, reductions in the tariS. The State Journal throws down the gauntlet for Col- Furnas, and dares the opposition to bring on their charges. There was a club of COO Tribunes in a town in central Ohio. When the year expired, not one of the COO renewed his subscription. Twelve Democrats of Kendall county, Illinois, have published a card declaring that they will not support Greeley, and saying that they are not of thoe who believe in casting ut devils through Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Governor Caldwell is his name, Beating Merriman gave him fame He balked them in their little game, And Grant is certain to do the tame. A school committee in Kansas having advertised for a 'Vmart teacher," a man named Mustard applied for the bituation and was accepted. Our man's name was pepper. The principal argument of the D?mo cratic press in favor of Mr. Lett as Gov ernor of Nebraska, is faid to be that he has not an enemy in the State We have never known a man to succeed in politics who was fo devoid of positive qualities that he had not succeeded in ui&kirjg an an enemy. llee. T $253 Cal Who says it does not pay to raise fine Ptock ? Daniels, of Sarpy county, had a 7 month ftld, red roan bull call at the Lincoln Fair which took the firt premi um in his class and sold to Jas. V . Eifn for $250, to be used on his stock farm near Nursery Hill. He is named 1st Luke of Omnha, i of pure herd l ook pedigree, weighed 752 J lbs., at Sy racuse, on his way down, and will be the ,tide of Otoe cj?unry.JVcuf . They say that the Wabash River is so low that the fish are com pelled to stand on their heads to pet water sufficient to moisten their pills. The inhabitants wait up and down the river bed and pull lish as they do onions. " WHEN I pet j-ou in St. Louis, I'll kill you," said aTexan desperado to a cattle drover at Abilene. ' Why not kill me here?" " Because they'd hang tue here ; but in St. Louis they'd think 1 was insane, and let me po. " It is all very well "clasping hands across the bloody chasm" if you have not ) the best reason in the world to think that the fellow on the other side wants to get hold of your hand in order to drag you into it. Aeic York Commercial Ad vertiser. Governor Noyes says he is of the opin ion that Graut will carry Ohio by from 40,000 to 50,000 majority. Mr. James Butfington is one of the "five Congressmen" whom the Greeley men have c'aimed. A correspondent, writing from Full River, says : "In con versation with him on Saturday he sai l that 4 he should vote for Grant, even if not another one in town should vote for him.' So you see how he is. He is very popular in the district." From the Blair Timet;, we copy the following, which it says was sung at Tip ton's meeting in Blair : " 'Twas less than one thort week ago, I swore I'd never eat the crow : But now I say, 'Upon my word, Crow, is a luscious, wholesome bird, And every day I eat my fill, Aud pick my teeth with corvine quill, Eat prairie chickens, if you will ; With quails your craving stotnach3 fill ; But perfect peace you'll never know Till you, like me, cram full of crow." a Ww.i v To nominate a Republican candidate for member of the House of Representa tives for the di.-trict composed of the counties of Douglas, Dodge, Washing ton. Sarpy and Cass, will be held at Gise's Hall, Omaha, on Tuesday, llu 24th day of September, 1S72, at 3 o'clock p. M. At the convention to nominate mem ber of constitutional convention, in May, 1871, said counties were allowed the fol lowing number of votes: Douglas, 9, Dodge 2, Washington 3, Sarpy, 1, Ca five. It is hereby recommended that dele gates to said convention be elected by the county conventions. M. Dunham, Chairman. WHICH OS IS ? The Press of Kentucky stand fifty-two for Greeley, five lor trant. aud two "Straitht-out." This w State that some or" our Grant contemporaries think is doubtful in tire coming Presidential contest. Greeley Paper. Uut the 1 rcss ot arotate makes no difference' you know. Nebraska "stands ' 33 Grant, to 10 Greeley, and yet they make out tables and get down this State as "doubtful." Speaking of onr three greatest ego tists' leaving for Europe, viz. Sumner, Train and Pendleton, the Council Bluffs Republican says : The only good thing Train .said in Eu rope was in answer to some English que rist, who asked him it we were a v erned in the United States by the laxc of entail? to which he replied "No, entirely by the action.ot cocktail. The present representative triumvi rate form a good specimen of this bev crage. Sumner is the sugar, Train the lemon, and Pendleton the stouiihton bottle. LET IT 3TA1TD. "The act stands," says the PlatLs- month llerohl "that the Press of Ne bka stands 33 to 10 for Grant." Yes, and t!:e fact stands that the Omaha Her ald wields more po.-itive power over pub lic opinion in this fctate and country than all the Grant papers, pampered axid bolstered up ly stolen money, com bined." Oir.nhn Herald. It is remarkable that a paper that ex erts so much influence, which puts bread and brains in the stomach and head of every voter in Nebraska that has nursed her and raised her, and petted and pat ted her, has knelt to kor and howled at her, slfould be unable to control a re spectable corporal's guard of citizens in this State for any measure it advocates. It is wonderful, considering the Herald's opinion of itself, that it could not pre vent twelve Democrats from helping to elect P. W. Hitchcock us U. S. Senator. It is marvelous, that as from a Herald stand point the sun of Nebraska rises aud sets in the Herald ollice, this State, from being a respectable and tol erably strong Democratic Territory, shoolJ, under the control aud munipula- tion(?) of the Ouiaha Herald turn up a decided and uncompromising Repub lican iStatC' We, who are young, foolish aud igno rant, according to Herald logic, can not understand the.-e things. Perhaps it is the paper of Nebraska, perhaps it has and '"wields more positive power over public opiuion in this State than all the Grant papers, &c. ;" but if tliat is the case, may kind fortune grant that we never wield a like power with the Omaha Herald. It does not suit our constitution to bo always adverse to our friends always on the losing side, always on the blow and nevtr on the win. Put this in your pipe and smoke it, a 1- mirer, of the Herald. FTJ32IA3 vs. T1IZ CI! AH A ES2AL3. The Omaha Herald, having, as usual. charged corruption on Col. Furnas, our candidate for Governor, the Lincoln Journal demanded the explicit chaige, and the Herald replied by quoting the old story of his selling his vote sixteen years ago on the Capitol Question. The Journal an-wers by declaring this matter to have been a put up job by which citi zens of Omaha were swindled, aud of which Col. Furnas was entirely innocent, now demands of the Herald the yiroofs which it is always threatening that the whole matter may be Lid before the peo ple for their dtelMon. This is proper and right. Let us have the facts No more foolish and vain cbarire-. Proofs. proofs the peopl-3 want. Bring on your receipt? and tbinge. FICZED UP UT T33 CCU2T 7A2D III PLATTSHOLTH. Some time ago our cotemporary made a splurge on grammar. We have only one question to ask. Was Horace G tee ley right about Democracy and school houses? "Plattsmouth, Sep, 4th, 1S72 "We Do Certify that outhe eveng of the Dem Primerv meety that the Nanes of those below Ware elec ted Delizt'tes to attend the Coun Conv2ntion of 7 inst." PASTC2AL LZTTS3. A Harvest Hcno Festival Episcopal Residkxck, Omaha, ) September 6, 1S72. J To the Cler(j!f and Laity of Nebraska : Dear liitEi iiukn : accordance with the usage in some of our dioceses, aud "at the reque.-t of neveral of our clergy, I hereby appoint Thursday, the 3d day of October, for a harvest home festival, to ba observed with suitable services in all our churches. God has most wonderfully blessed our young State W'th abundant harvests this year, and it is meet and riht that we should receive the same wiih devout, grateful, and joyful hearts. I therefore recommend all our people on the morn ing of that day to assemble in their va rious churches decorated with all the fruits of the field and the flowers of the garden and offer to Him an especial service of gratitude and gladness. The Festival will not take the place of or su percede, the National day of Thanks giving, which will also be ob-crved when appointed by the civil authority. I recommend also, that either imme diately after the service of Thursday, the 3d of October, or at some other ap propriate hour during the daj', the pa rishioners of each parish should meet together at some appointed place for so cial intercourse, so that the day may be in all respects a parish festival. In MtLring the services of the day, the clergj are requested to uo the Ser vices and the Lesson, an 1 collects set forth in the Prayer Book for Thanks giving Da3, and to-askhe contribution of the congregation lor Diocesan Mis sions. I request also of the clergy, in writing, some brief account of the manner in which the day has been kept and the festival observed in their respective par ishes. Lot it be a day of real joy and of holo gram ude, and God will bless.it for the good of us all, and for the prosperity of the Lauren, lam, very truly, Your Friend aud Bishop, Robert II. Claukson. The Harvest Home Festival announced in this letter seems to be a most excel lent thing, and we hope to see it uni versally carried out, and mado, as it can be, a pleasant and memorable occasion, and a real holiday. Gen. Thayer will speak at Fairmont, October 5th. Our Xorth Country Letter. Vermillion. Dakota Teh., V September 4, 1S72. J Editor Hhiald: Perhaps a fow lines from this section of Dakota may prove of some little interest to the many readers of j our excellent and energetic paper. Vermillion is located on the east bank of the Veimiliion river, near its junction with the Missouri. The Dakota South ern Railroad will probably be completed to this point someti!!U during th ; pres ent season. As a consequence, the popu lation is, of course, very much excited over the prospect of wealth and noto riety in the immediate future. Whether their expectations are to be realized or uot remains yet to bo seen. Tne U. S. Land Office for this district is located hero, and is, from all appear ance?, doing a lively bu inoss. The de sirable land?, however, arc a'l taken within a radius of twenty miles. Dakota is a fine country, but it docs net reach the excellent standard cf Ne braska, according to my opinion. Oth ers, of course.moy think difierer.tly. Timber is abundant in the immediate vi cinity of the river. The out-lying coun ry, however, is completely destitute of thi important commodity. The water of this locality is very poor, it being very much impregnated with alkaline- salts, aud is in man' wells unSt to driuk. Imagine acmmeu table glass of water containing a desert sponnfuil of common salts and you will get a very good idea of the taste. The weather is tine for the season, with the exception of an excess of heat' ring the middle cf the da-. The niL'hts are very cool ana pleasant. Crops, cspccaliy corn, bus been very seriously tiainageu oy giassiioppcrs ai;u lail. Wheat is a fair crop, better 1 bc ieve, than usual. Territorial political circles are con siderably .agitated at present over the election of legislators and other officers. There was a Republican convention at this poiut yesterday. The attendance was quite large it went off very quietly, however, aud nobody was seriously dam aged, which speaks well for the morals of the community. Now, Mr. Editor, having exhausted my stock of informa tion on Dakota, I will bring my commu nication to a close. II G. Blui:ov.s. Tha Eviissce A;ala:t Fcre:t:r. Tt is reported the authorities have evidence which fully establishes the con nection of Biliy Forester with the Na tliao murder. It is said on the night of the murder a prominent sporting man saw this indiuidual in the vicinity of Na than's house, whose movements were suspicious. He watched him. Pres ently two men came down the steps of Nathan's mansion, who were j uried by the my.-terious man, th thiee going to wards North river. Ivnly the same morr.injF three men entered a saloon on Eighth avenue and left a bundle which proved to bo a bloody shirt. On inves tigation it was found a woman up town had washed the shirt, which was a pecu liar one. for a man now in Connect ic it State Prison, who was a pal of Foi ester. The sporting man above referred to identified at oneo the picture of Forester as that of the man he sawm the vicinity of Nathan's house. On Wednesday twit, (leorffe Kliis, now in the State prison, will be brought here and will tcs fy that the dog used in murdering Na than was i-tolen from Se-hcnk's hou-e by V .rester and himself, aud that Loth used it in various burglaries. ITSTT' TCSS FOS G2ANT. The Albany Journal says : "New York will cast her vote for Grant by a ci.-ijr.rity as overwhelming as. was ever recorded for any Presidential candidate in ihe State." The Journal is good authority. It must he getting low ti le(al) with Grcely all over. A very high compliment, .and one tl. tt none but a printer can appreciate, wis passed on the compositors of the All m office by our Butler county eoirc-nosid-eut, "Porcus." lie says this c fibre- is the only one in the Stale, for which he corre-ponds and they number some ten or fifteen that sets up his manuscript without tiHim: it with typographical cr rois. .We fu'dy appreciate such com pi -merits, and can assure 11 correspondents to the Atlas, that they need have nof. ar at any time of their letters j-oing to p-pss in a careless and erroiiious manner. "Poretis" will please accept the com positors' thanks for the complinent. lias the writer of the above ever il . ..l,l i a-lage, Self praise goes but a way?" If not, perhaps it may be as well to bear it in mind a little. In this cae, we w--u!d simply suggest that Webster has it some, not son:o, that can wou'd be belter than tan, that erroneous Las an c iu.-tcad of an i, and that compliment has two ems instead of two ens. Next time perhaps it would be as well to "look a little out" before- you sound your own praise too loudly. The Iowa Fails Sentiml analyze-' lhc names Giant and Greeley ihus : "Both have the same handle, (Jr. One bus the suffix nut, which means indu-tiious, prudent, full of woik, foresight and in c ii.-.y, and the other has tho suffix eel y, which mea'.is wriggling, slippery, and not twice in tbesan: p'afv." The Toh'do Blade thm replies to an anx ions corre-jionJoiit : "Abranham If j our father will pe-it in bcttiiiir on Hoiace Greeley, theic is but one way to save his es::.te. Get out a writ of Li::a--y. Any conrt will grant it o.i a statement of the ":-e. Charley Dad, how does it haopon t hit you are going to votejust as all the robs uo : l aient fc.iut your mouth., Charley; what in the d 1 does a boy like yya Luow a how politics? The chemistry of the human b'aoi.is curiou. A ghtss of v. hi-ky rising to Grant's hc:.d if what tho . Dorm-cratie papers say about the Gcn?ral's Libu latious be tine makes him in war a ere at st! jier, and in peace a sa'o Pres ident ; and that same glass of whisky in the cerebral ali-mVic of Gratz Brown, turns a thirIri-t:t politician in:o a chive Umr di--r:ee. Ti-is is not ui-tj ivmar ku'de, however, th-n many ether phen omena in nature. The same food 'that makes honey in tue bee make's poison in tlu wasp. Tho New York Herald concedes the Presidential vietor to the Republicans, and says, jmh-dni from . !";c'.s as they are, the Sfes that voted for Genera! (Jrunt in ISi'.s v.iil a!!, or ner.lv nil, vote for him in JS72. and there will bo no nui e ehamro in In liao.i, P -nns 1 vania Oliio, etc., in October than there his been in Vermont aud Maine in Sep, t ember. TH T-T A R V 'f NEW YORK, Septemb- Monev Steady at tio'i Dull at Governments. Stronger. r!7, 1S72 r - m 2;.',:13 CHICAGO. September 17, 1S7 Flour Quiet $7 '2Ca 15 Wheat Dull $ 27. 1 2 Corn Less Kctive, 37('.3S Oats 1' asier ........ 21 U" Bye Dj'l ; 55 o 00 Bailey Q'lotaMo LnVt ti'J Cattle Choice, .3 25(-: t: Good. $3 25 " 4 25 Hoos Live, $4 755 30 I'a-'oti unehamr.'d Dissolution notice. This is to certify that the co-partnership heretofore exist inn bet worn James Simpsc-n & Ah'X-.t:.J.-r G. ' Ediot uu !. the iirm i:r.!ii; cd'Simp-on & Elliott is rhis .lay dis.-olvcd by mutual consent. Jame Simpson retains possession of all the property and credits and assumes ail the Irtl.il.ties. of I ho hrm. JAMES SIMPSON, ALEXANDER E ELLIOTT, Witness: Jonx Sedam, William James. Stone Creek, Cass Cuuntv, Neb. At gut 21.-t, 1S72. 23-3t c? Car r The p.ubhc see nis a i rovi.-iou in the to have ovc;!o new postr.Lte ses;,)n o! Con: ;ed iw. adopted at the la.-t ess aud now in force, providing that pack ages id' dry goo 's, hardware and other merchandise, tycivhiug twelve ounces or less, may be iliailed to any part i f the United States at a uniform rate of 'wo cents for each two nunees. Thus a package weighing twelve ouues mav be "sent by mail to anv part of the Union for twelve cents. In Ungl.iiid this fea ture is called ihe. Parcel Pot system, and the Ihigd-h people avail themselves of it to an immense extent. When gen eral!' understood among our people it will probably b. come veiv p 'pular and may cut largely into the business of the express companies. If a man can send a twelve ounee package from Indianapo lis to New York or San Fr:u:ci- Is mail for twelve cents, ho uill not be lik ly to pay : he ex pre -s company four or five times that amount. But if the gov ernment can a 'lord to carry it for twelve cents, tho express compapy can do t lie same, and thj result may simply be that on stiia'l packages tho cxpre.-s com panies will reduce their charges to cov- eitiLuent rates. di w-3t Legal Fi:tic2. Samuel Berliner is hereby notiib'd that on r he yd d i.v of Aturnst, IS72. Tootle, Faiii'ii'li it Co., llkd their peti tion in ti.e I)istii.-t Court of the Seinmd Iti li' i.d I'iMii'jt in and for Cass County, Ntbrt-kri ; the oljec-t and prayer of said petition is to forec-ose a tvr'niri mort-ir-iiia on the E 4 of Lot (', in Ulntk C in Piattsmouth eity, Nebra.-ka, in whifh you daitn soin interest, executed by F. S. W'bite. Diaint White. Aiiiru.tus Sl-iers and Lovina Spiers, to Tootle, Par li ii:h it Co., on or about t'nel!tlt!i day of .June, 1ST1. to secure the pavnient f Cvitin prouiissorv ii't;s, !i!litnr 1". r the ... ,i i t . i sum oi six liutsunM nun sixrv-ttsree dollars and sc-venfy-iive cvnts, (SCt'.J To), and prayin.s; that an aer-onnt may b' hnd of the aipount due said Tooele, Parlei.ah it Co., and tint said property mav b:i sold, to -ati-fy the same. You arc rc quired to answer said petition on or be lore th" 2ih d.iv of October. l,'2 TOOPl E, FAllLEI'JH. it CO. Py M AX'VELL it ClIAP.MAN. 24w5 Attorneys. Ordinance No. 30. An Ordinance providing for the erec tion of City Scales an d to secure a uni form system of weights and measures. lie it Ordained by the Mayor airl Couii- cihnen of the City of Piattsmovth. Sectiox 1. That M. B. Cuilcr be and is hereby permitted to construct and erect a set of scales of not less than (b.U'JOj vight thousand pounds capacity to be of acknowledged stan Ja.d pattern to be erected on .Main street at the creating of Filth stieet. and adjoining eh- s.dcwalk cn the South side of Main street, aud to be so constructed as not to interfere with tho travel and use of said Mam street as a public highway. Pioiuled, That the privileges granted by this section shall o upon the, express conditions and re strictions herein contained. Sec. 2. The said scales when so erect ed shall be' known and denominated 4 City Scales." And the right to the full, free, exclusive and uninterrupted use thereof thall vest in the city of Plattsmouth, for the term of three- years from and af ter October 1st. 1872. I EC. 3 That there be and is hereby created the office oilier of city weigh master, which said office .shall be tilled by appointment by the mayor and couricilujen ; and the person appointed t said office shall, before entering upon ihe duties thereof, take the usual oath of office and give a bond to the city iti the sum of One Th..saud dollars with sure ties to be approved bv the council, con ditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such Officer ; which said bond shah. be filed with the city cleik and shall bo for the use of the city and any persons agrieved bv the official acts of said weiuhmaster. And it shall be the duty of the city clerk on payment of legal fees therefor to furnish a certified copy of said bond to all persons dedr ing the same Sec 4. It shall bo the duty of tho weigh master to be present and attend to weighing on said scales nt all sea -o liable times and he shall weigh till ehaught-i whi-h may be required to weighed upon payment of such li es at may hu fi'ced by the mayor and council, a tul le A which shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place cn or near the scales an J it shall a '.so be tho duty of the wetghmastcr to settle with th? city cLil at the clo.-e of each month an 1 pay over to him idl money received by viituo of his office during the month fir which the settlement, is made, taking t!i;i clerks receipt therefor. The city cleik shad then pay to the said Cutler one- h f of all money received from the welsnma-ter durinir the month ami ray take his receipt tln-refor and shall to the city iieasurcr ail othr money re ceived from the weLdnnaster and the said Culler shall al-o be entitled to have all his weighing done on said scales free of charge pro vided he shall maintain and kce, said se:-.!es in complete repair and shall pay the velghmaters salary and' all other expenses connected wiih said scales. Si:c. 5. The weighma tor shall keep a comet record of all trcighini done on said scales, w hich record may bo kept in the uu :! wr.y by t!io use of duplicate (stub) bills of weight. And he sliall al.-o lurnih to each person, for whom webbing- is done, a correct bill of weight. Si c. 0. The- weighmaster shall be L'.c fj'no inspector and scaler of weights and measures and shall discharge all of t ho duties of said Ouico as provided in Oiuinanco No 7. entitled, "An Ordi nance to provide a standard of wcits and measures" and all fees receivedror the diseharro of the duties id' said ollice shall le paid by him to the city clerk a.s provided in section four hereof, Sfc. 7. The com pen -a tion of the weighmaster . hall be Fifty Dollars per month and no more, which the said Cut ler is tc pay in full in order to secure the benefit of the provision of this Or dinance.. Sk; S. Tho fees r.nd charges for weighing i n said scab's shall be collected bv the weighmaster an 1 shall be as fol lows : For weighing cattle per head 5 en's. For weighing hnss per head, 3 cents ; for w ighing sheep per head, 2 cents; and for each draught other-wi-e t! ;!ii above stated, ten cents. Provided that not less than ten cents shall be charged in any case. Snc. S. It shall be unlawful for any other person or corporation to erect or continue in use within said city any sc'.a'e- for (lie purpose of weighing there on except for their own individual use. And any person violating tho provis ions of this section after the fir-t day of October, J 872. sliall for cn.-h oflVn e on conviction be find not less than two do I irs nor more than ten dollars. Sec. y. This Ordinance shall take ef fect from and alter this publication as provided by law. Pasted and approved September 14th, I.72. M. L. WIIITK, Attest: .Mayor. R. II. Vaxatta. w2t City Clerk. P.cbato KcticG. I hereby give notice to all concerned that :i Will jiiirportin to be the last will ;:n I testament of Shepherd Ihike, i!e.:e.ise 1, late of Cass county and State of Nebraska, has been filed in the cilice tif the Probate Court cf sail county arid that a hearin-r will be had at uiv of lice in the city of I'latt -mouth, in said coun ty on the 12 1st day pfVScptenibcr, at one o'clock l. M , of'sai 1 day on the appli cation, to .rove and admit said Will to Probate, at which time and place all persons interested in ,:iid estate are re quested to nppear'and if they see fit con test admittitiir sai 1 Will to Probate. (liven under my hand and seal at my o!liec this USth day of Ansrusr, A. D., is?- h. i::i: i.li son, . i;22w3t Prob te .Judjre. .Mint i: t oi zi.ci oi:. Sealed )tnposals will be received at the oMice ol' County Clerk of Cass Coun ty Nebraska, until 10 o'clock A. M. , on th.' 1! I -t day of September. 187:2, fjr the fnrtii.hinsf t.'f materials and eon-t ruction f the County 1'oor House, on the Poor Farm two and a ha'f mile west of Piatt.s niruth. Tho bail !:::' to be coii-tiui-ted in aecoidnnce with a Plan :mi-1 Spceiiiea ti;ns to be .seen at the store of Messrs. Y.-!!cry & lluiVncr. Tb f .per.-.fii or per?Ciiis re-.e ivinjr the award oi'i-orstract will be r q'lircd to exe cute a pond, with eood and sufli'.ient seeuiity, in twi.'e the amount of the eon tract, fur the laithfuliperfoT'iianco there of. For further particulars inquire of Ja cob Yallory. .J r. The Ciiunty Commissioners reserve the ritrht to rijce-t any or all of the bids. By order of the Board. B.-A LB IN, tiG3-w2-l 2w Chairman. rtfis i on i i.vtii;. 0r.r:cs Ch. Qr.. V . Deit. Pr.TK, 1 Omaih. Neb iSept. 'J. ISTj i Sl'ALEn liltlS. in ditpli'-a'e. wi::i Rimrantee s!t"cl I y 'w redpoll 1 c parties, imt bid ders wiil l.e received at this oliicc until eleven i'c!o.-k a. m., n thiir.'diy. !! I!, 1S7J. fir t ho u liv. ry at. Cmoh.i Depot, Ncb.a-.ka, from time to' time. i;s iKjuire.1. i f Cll.OiK) bushels of Oats, 7O.OU0 bushels of Corn, or nnv p:irt thereof. Did to l end r-cd on the envelope. "BiJs l.r i.irrisc." , The riht to rcj- ct any or a'l bi Is is r servc.I "L-''Oik bidj furnished, and trencral condition made kti4wn on apidicaliVin at 'i ' pj'"- Cw-4t Ch , Qr.. Mr ! Dcrt. Platte. Xi. if1, tjomsrsoisr, iSTOpposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlatter's Jewelry Storc.J Main Street, HijittsiEiutIs, Kebraslta ST. LOUIS, r - G. A. MI LLF.lt & GO'S l PIANOS. Snb &tftx jfirst-thss Lcltsalc and Retail Dealer in Stiirir?, Ebcct i-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuntd S, BLO OM & 7?rr-r . 4rLA TTS IB S. BLCCM Sl CO -K CLOT HI NO. BOYS A1YD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and GLA?!KETS, RUBBER Main Street. Second Door East cftfce Court House KllAXCU IIO USE UroaUwuy.Coucr.eil ElufTs Iowa PLAT iSL OUTH BOOT AND t MANUFACTORY CUSTOiM KADE BC0T3 A?5D SHOES AT I rf -; :fRepairiRn nsatly Hiaiii US SOUR I Insurance Ho. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES NOK-FOEFEITIKG Uivitlcucls on tlie CoitilriKjictioxi IPlan, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COFjIPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, tnannst-il by V.e?trn men.. whose known flnanancial charac ter, ability anl imsition. aiTorJ ti:ni!o punraiity lbr iu careful aud fucceslul uianaifiiiutnt. ja. Its Polices are iim-lriitiiiij. . oil. I'rf iuiu;n ull fit"3i. It re'-eivts no notes an 1 gives none 1 olicy aoMons oave no lnteree to pay. an.! no outHijaniiiiir note. its liens ujion t!eir policies, 4;h. It litis no restriction uiou travel. 6th. ltsiiivi ieiiils ure mii'lo upon trie contribution. 1'lan. tilh. Its business is excludeivly life iusaianee. Are the npcunuipition of interest upon premiums paM. hepcethn Company that loan its asset nt ti.e highe-t rate of interest can (five you the largest ii iilmid. hastcru companies invest their T. , .. u.. 100, t lo iii.iL-r., ir, i n v-f.vfi,n.;if :i t iwoivA npr ipnl. or more. The adv;intuee ol Western invcstuieiita to t'ne policy holder appears iu the following startling figures: The amount of si.ooi". iuvosted for liliy years at 6 percent, compound interest, is $ 1S.4J0.1") 8 ..... 4.i,'.ml.i4 10 " " " " 117.:;'i.s5 12 " :iis.i":s.oo olicholdcr thanany othernancial advantages and iniucoments to the OFFICEIIS II I) Matkav. President. 1) M ewau. Vice 1'rri.iont. r. J L Vrvcr. Med D"ta:. (tcortro A Moore, S-jcrct iry, J Jones, Ass't aecrefiry, II L Ne.rmaa. Treasurer DIRECTORS. D Sh;re. Leavenworth. Kaa, .1 F Richards. U U lhimuioud ' II Ej:cri ... ;, L . - '..mi. S M St ri'.-klcr. Junction City Chas il .biuson. La.vrauce, W . liadlcy. 11 D Mockav, Leavenworth Kan. 1 M Sw in. " " W ti Clin, (leo A Moore, D W IVwcrs. Geo L Davis. St. Louis. Mo J Mernf. 4 1-. H.istini'?. M R Morgan " IS. CO WEI lien. Agent for Nebraska unci Aortlicrii liausCil Gaad Travoling Salic-tors Vantsd. R. W. JIAHSIIALL, Ajcnt, J. R LIVINGSTON, Jied rxataiae PJIL L I A M STADELR3A W W , Has on hau I, one of the largest stoeks of CL0THINC AND GEMT3' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR SPRING AUD SUMMER, invite every body in want of anything in my lina to call at my store, ftatttli ide ZJluIia, IetiYcen J2il llil Htrecttt. And convince thm?clves of thu fact- I h.iro ai a gpeciality in my Ketail Department a select stock of line clotbiug for Men aud Boys; to which wc invite those fho want Goods. i-Ialso keep on band a larga and well ;elcctl I3URDETT, SMITH'S AM'N AND B O S T O N. ORG ANS. aub Organs. -J - - . J'usie, otid nil k nd of Musical Merchandise and Kvpnirtd Satisfaction Guaranteed .tA lit cod W oo.. n rpFiTTrr I'EALKRS IV oexts -Sw jbX R.jiskivgg3ods c . c Jco. ic, Caps, Boots and Shoes, GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. . - Flattsinouth, Nebraska dona by P. MAXWELL, btreot, PJatteniauin, uqu. jit In Duke's Old Stand. VALLEY LIFE Company II A Calkias, tJnoral Agent, TZf V E ilarvcy. Cn. r.ctuar,. . I A lluri. Attorney. II L Nwrnan Lea v9iorth ' W i: e'heiuberlain. '. T A II urd, K B AlUn. C A "erry. Vreston, Mo. G W Veil. Topeka. Kansas.! J M Price Atohton, Kan. W RStebbius, " PLA TTSMOUTU stock of Lists and Cap. SICHf Piattsmouth Mills ! ! rLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKAi CONRAD IIEISEL Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal. Feed. Ao., Alwnvi on hand and lor Sale at lowest Caeh l'ricc. -Th9 II ifhest price paid for Wheat and Corn. BSyParticuIar attention given to cus tom worlc. inrlil WSL II. BROWN, Uealer in Fruits and Ornamental Nursery Stock. FLOWERS. BULBS and GREEN II0USK PLANTS. Osceola, Iowa ZxS- Trees warranted true to name. Any stock ordered that ennnot be furnished tha money will be promptly refunded. Orders Solicited. n20-w3m Also for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address. GOODSPEKD'S K MPIR 13 PUHLISUING HeiUSE. Chicago. Cincinnati, St. Louis, New Orleana, or New York. 22w low Mustang Liniment, FOR MA AM) IICAST. Probably few artieles Lave ever had eo extensive a Sale, while none have beeu more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, HorscH, and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is Fafe to Bay, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Ovor three hundred livery stables in the city of New York alono are using the Mexican Mua tang Liniment, in all of whih it give ununaal satisfaction. t'Al'TIOX.-The genuine is wrnrred tn a fine Stnl Hate engraymg with "(J. IV. VVVi l,ro:k. Cheminl" mid " Tr.t lr Mirk. M k'Xl CA A MUSTAMJ LIXIML'MT." cnnraved acrona tho face of each wrapper. The whole bears tho proprietor's private L'n-ted .States Revenue Stamp, and not a common etauip an uvod by druggists, Lyon Makcfaotcrhi Co . r-i Park Place. N. Y. Jan.'.'th. diw lw every .'irdw AtsENTMVA MTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best books rublUhec on the Hoksb end the Cow. Liberal terms. Money trade rapid ly by Agents selling these books. Send lor circulars, PORTER St COATES. rublinhers. (Philadelphia, Pa. II. J. STUEIGIIT. BOOK-SELLER, &tationeru9 J9civs AND PA PER DEALER. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. eSepta t. d alinband w tf. A GEN T S. flO to $20 per day Guaranteed. Specimens and full particulars free. Address WOODS LlTEitARY and Art Agency. Ncwburgh, N. Y. 72d-lww25 4t NEW DRUG STORE vrEErixa avater, neb. T. 3L. POTTER, DEALER in Druir.", Medicines. Painfc, Oila, Varnish. Perfumery, istaiionary, Notions OiBirs und Tobacco w ldtf, Iloo!a Tor the lillioik ! MARRIAGE;! A private counoelor to the GUIDE. I Married or these about to niar liry on the physiological uiytter ic? and revelations of thj to.-.Tiial fystein, the latest a icsoveries in produciriKand irevcntinK oll'-i.rinff, how to pr-crve the -omplexion Ac. 'J his is an interesting work of two hundred and twci.ty-four pagi s, with numerous enifrav it.irs. and contains valuable information for those who are married, or contemplate inar rittge. Mill, it is a book that ouirht to be kept un.icr lock and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. . Isent to any one (free of postiiite) for SO ccnU. r Addresa lJr. Huffs' Iiisuonsarv. No. 12 N Eighth street, St. Louis. Mo. Notice to the AfJictcd and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quack who advertise In public papers, or using- any quack remedies, peruse lr. Butts' work no matter what yourdesea.se is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on the disesc mentioned in his works. Office. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market eniChesnut. St. Louis. Mo. dec2dwlv ROCK! STONE! 1 will furnish parties with stone fo all building purposes at a rensoaable price, at my quarries or delivered on tho cars at Louis ville station The following kind of stoqe can be had on tdiort notice; sills, caps, perch rock ine or rod sand stone such at was ui-ed by tho B. A- M. K, R. in the construction of their stone work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station. Xeb. SOtf LYOH'S KATHAIRON, For Pretorving'and Beautifying the Human Hair To -Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Ilair, in a person of middle age. at once bespeaks refinement, ele gance, Health and beauty, it may truly ve called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charms Few thing? "are more disgusting than thin. frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat covered with Dandruff. VLsit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This what LYON'S KATHAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Hair. Gloify Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irrefutable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Store. Jan. 2d. diw lw avory 3w FARMERS