Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 19, 1872, Image 1

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    - ... : r'
mjtii'mwmmfiUiu iiiiiiiaiM-i.Yii.i yysssammtiri
ruWihhcJ every Thursday at
Oniee ( ornrr Mnin iuI Second Street
Second titory.
city and countv.
Teres, in. Advanc.3.
One oopy. one year '. -
Ono copy, six months
One oi y. three month
.. 1:00.
I torn.ys at Law. I'ra.tioe in alt the court
otthe s-tsite. .'iiccnl aiter.lion niven w coiico
ti"n an l maMersof l,r.t
Office over the I'ost Office, Plattsxuoutb, N.eb.
nn' .V WIIF.r.r.KR AttorncTh at Law. Pe-
.1 cial aUeulioi. given to jrol-te 'usiness
i n l land title ir the Mwcnie
Block. Mmn Street. Plattsoioulh. chrwKa.
TXWHIX .fc CHArMAN-Attorrey? a
-I Law and Solicitor! in Chancery. I'latts
luouth, Nebraska. Office in Fi'iiteral l'sU'iock.
Mli. UF.KSr. Attom-y rt Law-Office
. on Mn Mrret. ovrr Chapman's Drug
Stnr. iecia! attention given to collection
jf claims.
I K. 1. 1 Vl. ii.i ION. an I Mir-
It, ceon, tf ndors his pro'eMorial service-
the i.i!l."rn of d? ei-iitv. I'lviden.'e.outh ast
street, one ilw c-t otLymatiV L-4-oocr Yard,
i iiitlsinouta. Ne:.
t . II A LI. 5. Mirircon ant I os:cian
Late a Smi . i-iu-Chi- f of t h Areiv oi
the P "I'imv, l'i:itt.-") nth. Nchrsika. otfire
at O. F. .lohoHon" Iruz t'lre M.iiu etrect.
i poMio ( lark s Fl millers.
"WHEKLl'lt .VllK.VNiOrr Real C-f.ts .nl
TT laying Aeents. t:n? 1'uoIic. ire.
n l Li;'e Insuraace Agents, I'iatrsjiouth. Xeba
raska. 'i.'-Stt"
IIELP.S PAINE Innri:ice Agent
Kenrcsent nine ths uio.-,t reliable Cum
pm ies in iiie Unite! States.
OtTice with Larucs & Pollock in Fitrtreralas
Block . fjanTlAwtr
B i M K Hvs no use;
JOIiX FITZ(;E2.ALD Proj-ncror
Main Street, IJetwecn ftih and Glli ?.f.
Lincoln, Neb.
TKic I'ouie ha s ju t been rt:fitf-'i auJ rcfur
ti'lif"! .vtw throughout. Ev. ryth:i:s; ij iio
aiil le:ir., an i e uiii)rta'lc a Wrtiw ial ion w;ir
rucitJ tu (.'ur;l-i. ir. X. Kioeit.. f.raiet
clerk ol iiuure. is ti!l wit! it. : tngo ot
fioe t'or ali tart" of tie S .". l"re ilui'.s.
l'Uf C li. S'JL' i 11 Ei.L. Propriutor.
Agents Wanted.
VEl!I'.S Practic.,1 (5uiJe to Un-incs i
' tfm li:t e'.iiug hook in the market. It
is a b ok !'r all com-ernci in m iking or snviesr
money. Liberal eoiiiiriisnTons pail, and vl'-V-O
(riven away t ) ager.ts proving eu .ccsfful. AJ-dro.-s
f.r terms and territi ry.
T. M. sl'AHU i CO.
General Western Airents.
17dJtw"w Iavei;port. Iowa.
Fine ili?t alle237
Of t'hotoirat hs. Ambrofyphs and eopijs
from old pictures, plain or colored, either m
ink. water r il. All work neatly executed
add warranted to p e fri'i.-I ict iim.
V. V. LKilSAUD Artin.
l-.VStf Main St.. Plattsm.mrh.
Fanov Dry Goods, Nations,
Ladies, F llrnislnlg OJoods,
largest, Cheapcf-t, and Uet Assortod
Stock in the City.
c3fStore on Main, between 4th and 5th
."rreet. Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
JIG wlfH&wtf
To A nvr.BTlERs All person who contera
p'a'e makii p eonf ra-ts with newspapers lor tti
insertion of Adver isemcnts should send to
for a Ci--i-Inr, or inclose 25 conts for their One
hin !rf i l'i:o Pwmphlet. con'ainina l.'iX.-t of
:'.:l Newi-papers ond estimates, showin the
rest of advertising. aloni:iny nseful hinrstoad
verliserj. and some account of the experiences
of uin who are kpowo as suvesful advertis
ers. '1 his tin i are proprietors of the American
Newspaper Advertising Agency.
41 U- ?
and are po?eed of unequalod facilities for
Hecurins the insertion of advert i?ei!ieiits in all
Newspapers nU PeriiwlicJs at icwest rates. '
HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from the
e fleets of Ern.TS nnd Abuses in early life. Man
hood restored, linoe liinee.'s to Marriage re
moved. Xevr me'hot'of treatment. N w an
remnrkarjio remeilie. Rooks and Cireula
Pent free, in sealed "t; velores.
S uth Ninth street. I'hiladt l hia. I. an In
ftitu son having a hi-'h rei-uMtion for hocora
bio conduct ana proles-ional skill.
Nebraska City.,
General Agent Dcp't Northwest.! 1
Uaioi (Jsntral Life
Of Cincinnati Ohio,
Local Agent
Stationery, eivs
eSepfj t. d Jslrnband w tf.
DEALER in Drugs. Medicines. Paints.
Varnish. Perfumery. Stationary, otions.
J. A. MAMURPHY, Editor.
Volume 8.
For the Nebraska Daily Hcral J.
When Colfax ernpsel the ilaiss an ! reached
the to; of the Sierra Nevadas. he tnrceJ his
face to the East and placed his hand behind his
ear. Some of hia companion asked hiru what
he was doing. He 8aid he was listening to the
tramp of the ccmins millions. AsXcb.askais
a part of the country he s.i much admired, we
will try to say fomcthing about it:
As all like to hear of the rich and the rare,
III tell what we sw at the Nebraska Fair.
With all the uiisfortun of drouth and of rain.
We'd gold from the mountains and stock from
the plain;
We'd horses,.- nd neat stock, merinos and swine.
Jelly's and jams, and inoet excellent wine
The fruits of the harvest, that waved in the
And tcuij from the forest, and pearls from the
The man with his Eons and Lis daughters were
And his wife brought the baby to show at the
We'd bcl!e from the East, with their gallant
And merchants aid tradesmen from Atlantic
The millions that Colfax imagined he heard, i
Will spread o'er the plain?, with their flocks
and their herds.
A few more decades, and they've railroads
Ac'4 will talk of the East, when they mean
Council R!uj.
If ever the Nation's involved iu distress.
The 4AeE" of the day may rely on the West.
If rebels fhoull ve turo to raise their old rag.
The sons cf the homestead will stand by the
They h."ve nothing to bet, and are no men to
Eut true as the needle, they'll all go for Grant
It U reported that South Carolina will
give 25,000 for Grant.
Schcll, of New York, haa refused to
s-Iicll cut any more money fora'(Jree
ley fund," and the Deui.-Lihs. 'are be
ginning to curse hitn, as usual.
The Louisville Convention seerus to
be in a worse tix than tL.3 new frotn
North Carolina one day theydil, tiie
next dny they didn't. To-djy O'Con
nor refuses, to-tuorrow !ieaecets. Yes,
no, 3'es, "3-0:1 p:iys your money and you
take.J your choice," boys, we cau't hedp
you. ,
Pu-ey, Liberal candidate for Congress,
over in Iowa, withdraws from the ticket,
cn 1 many are pusey-naniuiously cubing
Two years ago North Carolina went
5,000 Democratic. At the h.-t election
the IJeptblieans carried the State by
3,240. In New Hampshire last year
they elected a Dcinoeratie Governor and
three Congressmen ; tlii-5 year we have
elected a Republican Governor. Con
necticut goes Republican, Rhode Island
uo. Uiegon, always uetore lomocrat-
ic, goes ItepuVlican this time. Ia f-hort,
five States have voted thus far, and :n
eacli there has been a strong Republican
gain. Mow is that for a ground swell ?
The Credit Mobiilier seoation is pro-
nomieeu a canara, fo lar as tpeaKcr
Ilaine, Colfax, Secretary Bout well,
Senator Wilson, or Messrs. Dawes, I'ittg
haru and Ganleld are concerned. These
gentlemen tay tluy never owned a uoi-
ar in any such concern.
Sometime ao this paper male out a
ist ot the newspapers ot the state,
with the candidates they supported, and
which showed that over two-thirds of
the newspapers in Nebraska were for
The Omaha Herald commented on it
the other day, and in order to kill the
effect of this plain truth it calls them all
ring organs," cf course, and-claims
they have no inSuenee. We shall not
go through the li.-t, but take a few pa
pers, three of which are so well known
here that the people in Cass will not
need to be told, scarcely, that the. com
ments of the Omaha Herald are plain,
naked lies :
"Lincoln Journal, Tom. Kennard's pa
per, who stole $100,000 as a Grant Sec
retary of State.
'Fremont Tribune Bought np and
run ly a surveying contract civen to
Hayes & Gray, who sub-let it for $2,000,
neither of them knowing enough about
survt ys to measure a cord of straight
"Nemaha Journal Land OSce Or-
"Blair Times Supported by Kiely's
money wn;cn was paiu uy ine attorney
of Hitchcock for a vole for 'Senator, as
is alleged and believed. It hasp as
much circulation as can be found in the
web of a duck's foot, and less influence,
if possible.
'Schuvler Renisier Fifty-five sub-cn
bers, and not much influence outside of
its own oniec.
"Nebraska Press PostoSec Organ
"Plattsmouth Herald Owned by Sur
veyor General Cunningham.
The people of this county will be glad
to learn that Tom. Kennard owns the
State Journal, and from a seven yeors'
knowledge of II. D. Hathaway, they
will be likely to. believe that he is the
kind of ma'n to be tacked on as an ap
nndaTfi to aav otliPr nerson in the
I o -
State. Knowing Hathaway, as they do,
and knowing his financial condition, and
all, they will be very likely to believe
that he does not own an interest in the
Journal. Observe the meanness of the
last fling "Tom. Kennard a Grant Sec
retary of State." Mr. Kennard was
elected Secretary of State in Nebraska
before Grant was thoueht of for Preti
Frsmont Tribune Newt. Hays left
this town poor, and by his own energy
and perseverance, built up and made a
bu.-incss in Fremont, and put the Trib
une on a good, sound paying basis, long
before his bad health induced him to
take a surveyor's contract and he al
ways knew enough to make it pretty hot
lor the Umana IleralU while he was
home and editing his paper,
Nemaha Journal No such paper in
the State. Ignorance and lies generally
go toiretliPr.
B'air Time Kiely is a fugitive from
justice in Canada he never owned a
dollar in the Timet, and the owner of
the limes, V. G. Lantry, was a bitter
enemy of Iviely's, and aided as much as
any other man in having Kiely brought
to justice. The circulation of the Times
is as larg3 as that of any weekly paper
except. one, in the State, and a (rent
tfe il larger than the xcctlrfy list of the
Omaha Herald. It has the best paying
list in the State, perhaps, and is alto
gether as influential in two counties as
any paper of like kind in the United
That the Schuyler Register has only
55 subscriber any one mty believe that
likes. There is a paper closer home that
floats Greeley at the head, whose "sub.
list" is very diminutive, and yet we will
credit it with over 55. Do tell the truth
once, Mr. Herald.
Of the two last Darned, the Press is not
owned by Mr. Brown, the Postmaster,
at Nebraska City, but by another Mr.
Brown, who is no relative; of the last
one, it is astonishing that tiie Herald
did not add has no influeuce that's
We simply take up this matter, not
because it makes any difference what the
Omaha Herald says about us, but only
to show the kind of argument the oppo
sition are forced to resort to ia order to
keep their courage up, and because we
don't think it does any good for a news
paper to lie when the truth wou'd serve
better. The Herald need not have gone
out of its own building to have learned
that the Blair Times was never owned
by Kiely, and also as to its circulation.
O.i tuatters of opinion, newspapers of
different po'itics may differ widely, and
one may often think the other stretches
things in its conclusions ; but when it
comes to statements of facts, there is no
excuse for f-uch statements as the above,
and nothing is proven by them. The
fact stands that the Press of Nebraska
are 33 to 10 for Grant, and generally
speaking, they are the best paying,
strongest and most influential papers in
the State that hoist the Grant colors,
and papers that were paying before,
have always paid, and always will pay
while they are managed by good business
men, as at present.
Mr. John Hcfferman, of Jackson, has
deposited S 500. 00 in the Mail office, iu
presence ot James btott, to be luted by
am one in the county or State that Da
kota county wnl give Grant 100 ma
jority. How s that lor high : Dakota
This is Capt. Warner's own county,
and it does not look very well for his
prospects up there.
lzitzss a:;d tzhtss.
The following was found in the pocket
of a pair of old 'pants in Plattsmouth.
Who could have been so far gone in this
quiet community ?
My Daulixo Mary: You have now
been absent from me two whole days
Oh ! when are you coming back to your
lovinjr John? The last time we met you
kissed me : one of 3'our ringlets touched
tny n se and that organ was immediately
transformed into loaf sugar. Oh I lout
su;ar of my hopes, and molasses of my
expectations! The sun is dark at rjid
d;ty when you are absent. I am so lone
some sifter you that my teeth are loose ;
also. I haven't cot any appetite. My
hair, if not really turned gray, is at least
kindy whitish, sort o'-the color of ropes.
Oh. my dearest duck, come back soon to
V(iur disquiet and uncontented goose.
W lien vou do come, be sure and trine
that 2 shilling which I lent you, as 1
want to buy some tobacco.
lours, John.
John! what John? It can't be our
John, that brings the paper; nor the
John at th-3 drug store, nor ourselves.
John! we don't write that way, besides
we are married. There is a John or two
more around town, but well, we give it
up, but somebody had better look after
this John, that's all.
The Glenwood Opinion says that Ty
son's "Jour," one Sherman, who runs a
Greeley paper there, can't make it go,
and he is going to move over to Platts
mouth, where ha will run the "Confede
rate Plattsmouth Journal." Oh, my !
Perhaps he could make it pay here.
Bead his Eccordl
The Rev. C. W. Dennison, who so
modestly undertook to break the ve
racity of Henry Wilson, is a Methodist
and an ex-Baptist, but without standing
m either denomination, uecords are
said to show that he deserted from the
army; appl'ed recently to. President
Grant to have the order in his case re
moved, and that the President author-
iz d the Secretary of War to do so, i
the facts permitted. And the facts, as
it is alleged, did not, which is what is
the matter with Dennison. Chicago
One by one the defamers and detrac
tors of this administration and the Rr
publican party, turn up. Deserters, de
faulrers, sore-heads, rebels, or worse, if
possible. Justice will triumph 1
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, September 19, 1872.
WLcn there seemed a probability that
Horace Greeley would be the nominee
of the Cincinnati Convention, Schurz
left his chair, and mingling iu his dele
gation, spike as follows :
"I think that this Convention, bynotni
natin" Greeley to the Presidency, wnuM
make a fatal mistake. I do not consider
him the strongest candidate we can nomi
nate, but he is the weakest ! It is not
possible for Gra in to get the votes of the
Uermans. All his li;e he lias been a
temperance fanatic, a;:d his name is con
netted with all the most extreme and
most unreasonable acts which temper
ance fanatics can be guilty of. Ihere
fore, Greeley is extremely objectionable,
The Liberal ticket cannot conquer with
out Ohio and Illinois. NeithrOhio nor
Illinois can be carried for Greeley. 1
have known Greeley for fifteen years,
and our connections were of the most
fiiend'v nature. But Greeley is not Jit
for the. afjire of President, cither by na
ture or education. His want ot dignity,
his odd idea', his freaks and eccentrici
ties unfit him entirely to bold such a high
and honorable position." Mo. Staats
This tells his true sentiments. Ger
mans, mind the language, "uZ his life a
temperance, fanatic. He is not fit for
the office of President." Where is the
German of this town that will now dare
face the music, and tell us Greeley is no
temperance man ?
Our Greenwood Letter.
Ed. Herald: Through harvesting
and threshing wheat, oats and barley at
last, and are now getting ready to knock
off chaff from the Dolly Vardens. We
anticipate that the last named cereals
will be small and expect to find the ber
ry very much shrunken, if we rind on .
We like a spicy paper, aud Mr. Her
ald man, you get it up.
We have had an abundant harvest,
and some kinds of our grain will bring
us a good price. Tilings appear to be a
ittle more as we would have them ; corn
ooks well since our last rain; the i tato
crop will be somewhat damaged by the
potato bug, though I should judge that
there would be a fair crop.
We Jiv a Grant & Wilson Club here,
and are ready for the "long pull, the
strong pull and the pull altogether."
White hats ore in poor demand here.
Lot those that do not know anything
vote for Greeley,' and with them let the
vicious go also, for ignrance and vicious
ness go hand in hand.
lours truly, A. I. Al.,
Greenwood Nebraska.
We take the liberty to leave out some
,f A. B. M's letter, sole y because the
'left out" part flatters us too highly, and
as we could mt publish his letter on the
week it was sent, some of the matter
does not appply now. Ld.
This campaign is prolific of curious
phrases, which may be very rightly called
'glittering generalities," and like such
things" generally, about a'l there is of
them is the glitter and jingle of sound.
urst we had the "ground swell," then
the "fiDger of Providence, in North
Carolina, and now that Maine shows her
whole hand for Union and the laws, we
are told to wait for Pennsylvania and
ndiana, which are the "Piviotal States,'
after which the tide will turn, &c. Nary
turn backwards ! Water don't run up
Our article "Come into Court," does
not suit some people. He did not ex
pect it would. It was not written to
suit everybody. It will suit good Christ
ian, thinking men in this county, who
are tired of-seeing men abused day after
day, and for no cause, and without a
shadow of proof. These men will read
our article and be satisfied we have told
the truth ; as for ourselves, we had a
purpose in writing said artie'e, and there-
iy grouping certain facts together while
they were fresh in our mind. These
facts we expect to find a use for before
many days.
If this Lib. -Deni," party have any prin
ciples or any good basis whatever for
existing as a party, in the United States,
they had tetter trot them out, for the
people are tired of abuse and personali
ties, instead of arguments or reasons.
An old Scotch lady had an evening party
where a young man was present who was
about to leave ior an apwoiiiment in
China. As he was exceedingly extrav
agant in his conversation about himseli,
the old lady said, when he was leaving.
'Tak good care o yourseL when ye. are
awa', for, mind ye they eat puppies in
C17 CP.jZ32Z3.
Perhaps there is-no more cruel or try
ing situation a man can be placed in
than when he is called out to make a
speech just after being defeated as a can
didate for some high office. This is one
of our American customs that might be
honored in the kbreach better than the
observance. It is the custom, however,
aud all our public men are "called on,
to abide by it.
It takes a mm of true and tried metal
to make such a speech as Silas A.
Strickland did in Lincoln on Thursday
last. It was the briefest, best and map
Wc-t speech we ever heard from the lips
of a defeated candidate, and we shal
always feel better towards the man here
after, when we think of that little
epitome of his heart's best feelings, which
he then and there showed us. The
Genera! was nominated as an Elector by
the heartiest and most enthusiastic vote
erer cast in that or any other convention.
First District S. A. Fu'.ton, of Rich
Second L'istrict Wm. Caffrey, of Ne
Third Distri.t John Roberts, of
Fourth District John. W. Barnes, of
Fifth District C. L. Bristol and E,
Ro.ewater, of Doudas.
Sixth District F. M. Johnson, of
Seventh District William Adair, o
Eighth District Jonathan Edwards,
Jr., of Sarpy.
Ninth District E. Parker aud W,
Woodhurst, of Lincoln.
" Tenth District F. S. Hassler, of
Eleventh District C. II. Gere, of
Twelfth District S. L Brass, of Ad
fhirteenth District B. S. Haley, of
John .Roberts, Chairman, Nebraska
C. II. Gere, Cor. esponding Secretary,
Wm. Caffrev, Recording Secretary,
C. L. Bristol, Treasurer, Omaha.
F. M. Johnson, of Burt; C. II. Gere',
Lancaster ; E. Roscwater, Do'iglas ; S.
L. Bass, Adams; John Roberts, Otoe.
The Golden Age furnishes the follow
ing lhlorn ation : 1 he 'lri'uunes present
stockholders that is, dating January 1,
lf2 are Horace Greeiey, .urs. Greeley,
Bayard Taylor, Thomas N. Ruo.ker,
S.'lon Robinson, Samuel Sinclair, Geo.
liipley, Iheodore lilton, Oliver John
son, L haries Jj v ubour, U. A. Kunkle,
John Hooper, Ellis L. Price, Silas E.
Cheney, John F Cleveland, Patrick O'
Rourke, Philip A. Fitzpatiick, White-
law Reid. Parsons Faruham, E. H.
Jenney, J. C. Ayer. and the estates of
A. D. Richardson and S. T. Clarke
twenty-two owners and 100 shares. Any
owner who wishes to sell a share can
readily eet $10,000 for it, and something
over. Lut even at that lush t rice the
Tribune stock is a better thing to hold
than to sell. A year hence the Tribune
will " pull down its barns and build
greater. 1 ne present antique structure
will giv2 place to a building worthy ot
the first of American journals. The
erection wil: be carefull superintended
by Air. Sinclair.
Judge Crounsc accepts Col. Warner's
hailenge, and they are to speak at the
limps and places as already agreed upon
fo-t Judge Crounsc.
The Omaha Herald has struck a new
vein, it is highly sarcastic. It even at
tempts the humorous, and its gambols
therein resemble the antics of a fatshoat
when it teters up and down with all four
egs as stiff as bench legs, or wooden
pins. It calls our candidate lor Judge,
'Sister Maxwell." There's opprobrium
for you. Here's defamation of charac
ter. Such a charge is almost equal to
the charge of "Deacon Miiler," aud
about as true.
The facts are that Mr. Maxwell, by hia
positive knowledge of the law, and by
the cartful, sound advice that he gives
his clients, has won nearly all the legal
practice in this county, and is acknowl
edged by all parties to be a sound, c ire
ful lawyer. His recordin a business
way tells for itself, and needs no com
ment here.
S D. Phelps, of the Inter-Ocean,
was in our Sanctum on Tuesday. He is
associate editor of that journal, but is
now acting as traveling agent. Ihe In
ter-Ocean has gone up to over 20JJ00
subscribers, while the Chicago Tribune
has gone down to some IG,000, froin2S,-
000. The Tribune subscribe s don t like
crow." They will not support a paper
which is purely Democratic. Tribune &
lit publican.
Tha Looks cf Literal Wcmsn.
Yen' intellectual women are seldom
beautiful, tiu-ir features, and particu
larly their lorhcads, are more or less
masculine, nut there are exc3ptions to
all rales, and Miss Landon was an exeep
tion to this one. She was exceedingly
feminine and pretty. Mrs. Stanton is
likewise a handsome woman But Miss
Anthony and Miss Livermore are both
plain. Maria and Jane Porter were
women of high brows and irregular feat
ures, as was also Misshcdgcwicic. Anna
Dickinson has a strong ma-culine fare,
Kate Field has a good locking though
by no means a pretty one, an 1 Mrs.
Stowe is thought positivly homely.
Alice and Phoebe Carey were plain in
features, though their sweetness of dis
position added greatly to their personal
appearance. Margaret Fuller had a
splendid head, bnt her features were not
huidsome : thoueh sometimes in the
glow of conversation she appeared almost
radiant, Charlotte Bront had won
drously dark brown eyes, ami a perfectly
shaped head. She was small to diminu-
tivenes, and was as simple in her manner
a3 a child. Julia ard Howe is a fine
looking woman : wearing an aspect of
grace and refinement and great force of
character in her face andcarrage. Ulive
Lojran is by no meanes handsome in
person, thouirh pay and attractve in
conversation. Laura llnlloway resembles
Charlotte Bronte both in personal app-
earauee and in the sad experiences ot her
vounz lit. ether - iVlary liooth nor
Marion Harlan can lay claim to hand
some faces, though they are splendid
specimens of cultured women, while
Mary Clemmer Ames is just as phasing
in features as her writings are graceful
and popular.
From Saturday! Dai y.
Our Primaries met to day, but they
will not report in time for to-day's
:ut This Out It's Kani7 to Ea7e ia tha
" .1-5
ArkanSns .
Oeorn ,
Iowa ,
M aryland
M ississi pi
Nebraska ,
ew Hampshire-.
New Jers -y
New York
North Carolina
5 17030 1
12 i C1301
8 io!"3:
7 2SOJ0'
8 s 31919
13 770o9
11 311S1!
o 1547i)
8 i
15 2.-,S3
3 42:
3 1-V.2
5 6907
9 2S;0
35 I0JO0
22 :4H28
3 164
29 I2W.S"
4 ot45
7 !l70t-4
12 X)U6
5 32122
5 S719
10 34447
Pennsy Ivanut. .......
Khode Island
South Carolina ....
West Virginia
Totil 3T.7.
Necessary to a choico 1S4.
A 7omoa Tiraicf Saitorial Lift.
The wife oft he Utica (N. Y.) Daily Bee
is tilling tha editorial chair of that estab
lishment like a brave woman, while her
husband is in prison for contempt of
emi t, we believe, the n tired ot the
editorial life, however, as may be seen
from the following pargraph :
" e wish the editor would eome back.
We don't want to occupy his chair any
longer. It in't pleasant. We don't like
it. We don't w int to have tall, beetle
browed Bo' Harts come sliding into our
presence, armed with a heavy cudgel, and
demand to know who wrote some of the
meekest paragraphs ever put in a paper.
W e don t like to have the proprietors ol
old established printing offices pet our
printers away from us. We don't like
so much care and responsibility. We
are glad we are not a man. e would
not ba'e his care and anxiety ot business
for all the ballots in the United States.
Women who choose may occupy excep
tional positions, but we had rather be
excused. We never craved this job, and
are not a bit thankful that it has been
thrust upon us. It is dingy and dark
here, and we had rather be out in the
sunshine. Shonpinar has inexpressible
charms for us, and it is a wonnn's priv
ilege. Besides, there are some one points
of scenery about here which need sketch
ing. So let's have the editor back
again by all means."
Some of the opposition papers still
keep harping on Wilson's Know-Noth-
ingism. We confess that we have not
ept posted as to who may hive denied
that Wilson ever was a Know-Nothing.
Long ago we quoted the American Ency-
clope lia. U show just how much of a
Know-Nothing Wilson really was. The
only fact worth controverting is that
Wilson never was and cannot be shown
t have been a ' blatant prescriptive
now-Nothing" at all, as some claim ;
.vhile Horace Greeley can be proven to
have held the office of Grand Patriarch
of K. N.'s
From the Cincinnati Gazeite.
The General Agent of the Western
Associated Press has seen fit to come
down down upon the Republican female
orator, Matilda Fletcher, with the force
of the thousand telegraph buYtcries he
holds at his command Matilda Fletch
er must bo a tremendous woman it it
takes the entire Western Associated
Press, armed with the lightning from
iieaven to repress her. lot the Gener
al Agent, the Jupiter who wields these
bolts'; deemed it necossary to call out all
his forces for this onset. Matilda
t'letcher is real'y great now, if she was
not before. Never till a woman came
into the field was it necessary to invoke
uch tremendous power. Matilda
Fletcher beats jax- He only defied
the lightning, which heeded him not;
but the lijrlit ninr from a thensand elec
tric batteries is huiled against her, and
she stands unscathed, and U going on in
ler conriuering oratorical course, en
trancing listening crowds by her elo-
luenc j. e look to the General Agents
ronunciamento to see wherein .Matilda
Fletcher has trenched on his domain
The specifications seem to be that the
enthusiastic 3our.g men nf the telegraph
offices where she speaks send accounts
to the Associated Press, of her oratoric
al triumphs. Are they not instructed
to send whatever is notable, and has she
not ha 1 a course of oratorical triumps?
According to our particular information.
she has. Why should they not be dis
patched by the Associated I ress, as well
as the feebler efforts of Trumbull and
Schurz and others ? The General Agent
savs these accounts are couched in about
the same language; therefore he con
cludes they are inspired by ihe same
person. Of course they are. Her elo
quence inspires them, and ner triuinpiis
are as uniform as thicr style. Even if
he had written them, she would only
show a masculins aptitude. We stand
by these operators, lhey did weil.
This was too notab'e a thing to b omit
ted by impartial reporters, ihe Gener
al Agent says he mean this a3 a'so a
hint to male orators. Here is a speci
men of man's injustice to woman. A
lone woman must be made the point of
attack unon an old and common uiacu-
cu -t. m. A e lament the injustice oi the
lightning tamer.
The first number of the Franklin
County Guard, published al Booming
ton, Nebraska, was issued August 30th,
J. D. Calhoun, Esq., is its editor.
Messrs. Furnas and Lett, candidates
for Governor, are stumping the State
together, an 1 will speak at Plattsmouth
on Tuesday, October 1st, at two o'clock.
Father Pere Jlyacinthe vras married
September 3d, at London, to an Ameri
can widow. By thu.s breaking over the
doctrine of priesthood celebacy, he car
ries his nrecent into practice. Wbat
will his Highness say now ?
TERMS ; $2.00 a Year
Number 25.
The Cnaka Hs:
5:a. Liriar:tcae
The Plattsmouth Herald is essaying a
response to something that was recently
said by this paper about the fihastly
mockeries called "convention-" in the
south, takes up the subject of "wholiop
ing" niggars in that section, as follows:
oo tar as heard tiom, these conven
tions are not "destroying" any one in
particular; but they may be making it
a little onpleasant to some ot the
leaders of the rebellion by placing it be
yond their power to "wholiop a niggar
whenever they feel inclined.
Corpora! Livingstone is the chiel edi
tor of the torch and-turpentine sheet
aforesaid, and thus is the brainy charac
ter of the above argument accounted for.
As to wholloping niggers, it we un
derstand what is meant by that pastime,
it was a good deal more humane an in
dulgence than putting ropes around
their necks and stringing them upon
trees under threats of hanging them tor
petty offenses. This, we ara informed,
was allowed to be done by some of the
supremely "loyal" friends of the gontle-
nien who talks about wholloping mg-
g'-rs, when he commanded the Nebraska
L list Regiment- in the State ot Arkan
sas. Herald, Dec. 18t, 18G7.
' NOW.
Descending into obscurity when suc
ceeded by Gen Livingston as Surveyor
General, whose incorruptible administra
tion of th it ntjl'.e. is about the only bright
spot in the Republican records. Oma
ha Herald, Aug. 237, 1872.
Fiora a Corporal to a general, when
did it ever tt ll the truth ?
Our Webster Co. Lcttor.
Great Bend, Webster Co., Neb., )
September 4, 1872 )
Ed. Herald : I promised" that I
would send you a few items from this
part of the "footstool," for publication,
so here goes.
Crops are splendid. Old ground corn
will yield Gfty bushels per acre, on an
average, throughout the entire county.
Sod corn wil! turn off twenty bushels to
the acre on an average. Potatoes are
almost an entire failure ; they were de
stroyed by their natural enemy, the po
tato bug. There has teen a heavy im
migration to the Republican countiy
this season, and still they come. At al
most any hour of the day can be seen
numbers of "prairie schooners" wending
their way westward, seeking homes on
the broad and fertile prairies of Nebras
ka, where they can earn an henest live-
ihood and be the independent owners
of the land they till. True, they are
compelled to dispense with some of the
usuries that they would, perhaps, enjoy
did they remain in the older settled
States, and perhaps have to endure some
hardships, and labor under some incon
veniences lor the nrst year or so ; out
what is this compared to the monoto
nous and unremunerativc drudgery of
the poor" man in the too densely popu-
ated countries of Europe, and some of
our Eastern States.
I do not, hear much about politics.
The people here appear to have their
minds prcty well made up. The ma
jority of the settlers are men who served
their country on the "tented field," and
rallied around the hero of Fort Donel-
son, Shiloh, and Yixburg, and obeyed
lis command amid the din of battle, the
'trumpets clangor and the cannon's
roar, and they win not dc siow on ine
5th of next November to cast their votes
for their former leader and our nation's
iberator. Time presses, will write more
next time. Until then consider this our
Dolly Yarden.
"our3 in haste, M. L. T.
wci:a:t sur?3A33 htsiassassusztts.
The Republicans of Massachusetts, in
their State Convention recently, took a
step forward on the subject of Woman
Suffrage. A year ago the Republicans
in that State, like the Republicans in
National Convention this year, resolved
to treat with respectful consideration the
claims of women for additional rights.
Now, they come out emphatically and
unreservedly, as follows :
Resolved, That we heaitily approve
of the recognition of the rights ot wo
men contained in the 14th clause ot the
National Repub ican Platform ; that the
Republican party of Ma-sachuttts, as
the representative of libeity and pro
gress is in favor of extending suffrage
on equal tcsms to all clashes of Ameri
can citizens, irrespective of sex, and will
hail the day when the educated 'ntellect
in 1 the enlightened conscience of women
find direct expression at the ballot box.
The Republicans of Massachusetts are
the legitimate vanguard of the great Re
publican party of tre nation, and four
years hence we shall find the National
Republican Convention only too eager
to take the valiant step which has been
taken in the Oi l Bay State. Honor to
the Republicans of Massachusetts. Ex.
For two weeks, beginning at Colum
bus, AuguH 22, Matilda Fletcher has
been speaking to immense an 1 enthusi
astic audinces, in Ohio, under the direc
tion of the Repbliean State Central
Committee. She goes to Illinois and
Indiana for a week's work speaking at
Freeport, September 10, Monmouth,
11, Quincy, 12, Danvi.le, 13, Mattoon,
14, Effingham, 16, Torre Haute, 17, In
dianapolis, 18, and back to Ohio again;
beginning at Dayton, tho 19th, she wil
speak in Ohio until after the October
Th? Glenwood ODimon has ine out
as a daily, fix column sheet, lively as a
ginger snap, and as saucy a? a Turkey
It's cot two cocks one on each side of
the paper, and both crowing about
aid ca
New York, September 1 .
Pere Ilyacinthc'a letter concerning
and defending his recent marriage, ami
which lie published in the French pa
per?, declaies it to be farthest from hi
intention to renounce his calling, lie
claims, with many arguments appended,'
to chow the justness of his claim that
marriage and priesthood are by no mean
antagonistic, and that his step lias not
been inconsiderate or hasty, or notoriety
sock ing.
Loisville, September ll.
The city is crowded with visitors nt'
tending the peace re-union. The
trains lat night and this morning
brought in hundred, nniong them Hon.
L. D. Campbell, of Ohio; cx-Governoi
Yance, of North Cnmli. , and many
other prominent gentlemen from all sec
tions of the country. The committee on
reception conducted (he invited guests
to the steamer, which conveys them tcr
the grounds, nbmit two miles love the?
city. About 10,000 nre on the ground
this morning. Stands have been erected
in favorable places, for speaker?, and on
immense barbecue prcjred for tho
crowd,. The most prominent Kentuck-'
iati8 are here to welcome the arrivals as
guests. Thirty bullocks, 150 sheep and
70 hogs were barbecued.
New York, September ll.
It is reported that the Lcuisvillo denu
tation have decided not to further urge
the nomination on Charles O Connor.
It is understood O'Connor met the derm'
tation to-day with a decided refusal, at
first, but Moran urged that, as many in
fluential citizens were ready to support
O'Connor, it was his duty to accept.
O'Connor said if he could be shown
that any considerable number of citizens-
of New York felt as Moran represented
he might modify Lis decision.
New York, SeplcoJber 12.
The announcement to-dav that Charle.-
O'Connor had accepted the Louisville;
nomination is an error.. In reply to
Major Morean's speech urging him to
accept, Mr. I) Conor presented a long
address in which he says: "My viows as
to the duty of resisting the Baltimore
nomination coincide with thtse which
you have expressed. There is said to
be no fit choico presented, and that of
two admitted evil-, it is wisdom to
choose the least. If all this were true it
hould riot result in favor of tho Balti-'
more nominee. In transcendent ability'
and energy unequalled, there is no room
lor compaiison between himself and hi-
rival. The out-cry, 'too late, is not-
just. JiVen now men travel by steam-
and commune by electricity. It to da
popular sentiment: exists it can be
stimulated to action in an hour. Lt it
not be stid that fifty days do not afford
adequate space for an awakening in pro'
moling the otject ot your convention
It is assumed that the action of yonr
convention casts upon Mr. Adams and
myself the sole responsibility of leaving,
it without power to express it-elf an
tagonism which we had done our part to.
waken, and in which we earnestly partici
pate. It is therefore a-serted that with'
out my intervention, all democrats who1
dissent from the Baltimore coalition,
and many patriots who revolt at its ori
gin oF dread its consequence, will be left
without power to record their protest
against it. It such were tho tact, it
would present a casi in which a citizen
could have no moral liberty to spend in
one's allotted place, a blameless life of
honest effort, nnd at its end to perish
nobly, contending in the thcrmopylre of
an honest cause has ever seemed to m
the perfection of a happy individual
A private letter from a French military
man of rnnk to a friend in this city state
that it i certain that the verdict of the
court Martial upon Marshal Baziine will
Cnd hitn guilty rf infidelity to duty, ami
that the marshal expects death,
San Francisco September 12.
In the case of Mr. Fair, one hundred
and filty persons hive been exaniind for
jurors, and but one accepted.
Paris, September 13.
Rochefort is reported as dying in exilo
at New Caledonii.
New Y'ork, September 13.
A Washington special says it seems
well established there that the award on
the Alabam arbitration will be signed at
Geneva in duplicate, on Saturday, and
handed to the agents of the respective
governments for transmission to London
and Washington.
The Post s Washington special Fays
one of Sumner's mo.-t intimate friend-,
who has believed that Greeley would be
elected, gives up the content now, ati'i
says the Maine election has virtually de
cided the matter; that if Greeley get
as many electoral votes as Seymour did
iu 18GS he wil! be very fortunate.
Sot Cut lTeighoors Liye Untold Wealth,
ia a Ccrrcr.
A Big IlLzz
This morning as John Duke, Esq.,
was pokintr around under the counter
for something, he happened to strike a
mouse nest, and what do you think he
found ?
The little mouse learning wisdom
from white men, concluded that money
being the root of all evil he would
reach- for a little of the roof. So he
peregrinated back and forth from Duko
& Co.'s money drawer, and each time ho
carried a five or a ten dollar williatu to-
ieep him warm and to buy thing? for
his f. roily. Maybe Mr. Mouse thought
a "Morning Glory coal burner" would
come handy to have in the, and
wa3 laying by a stock of greenbacks to
buy one with. Maybe he was an in
temperate mouse, as there were a great
many 10 cent pieces in bis keeping. It-
would appear that Mr. Mou-ic carried
this little game on for some time, a
there were remnants of ten dollar bills.
five dollar bills, one's, two's, and curren
cy of all kinds and descriptions, frop
five cents np. It is supposed that he at
first carried this money away to keep for
future business speculations such as ob
taining a coiner lot, &.c. ; but happen
ed to come across one of "old Builion9
speeches" in the United States Senate,
many years ago, he concluded that this
paper money was all a curse, a snare and
a duius'fon, and that making him angry
he pitched in and thuced the whole
lot up into a wad ahd made nests for tho
little mouseys of it. In this way he
managed to u-e up, for better or worse,
the sum of sixty odd dollars, and Major
Wheeler has been mousing round for
the pieces, and a Deputy Sheriff, ever
since, fiow, hows's this for a mouse
Btory ?
visiiEwis luinccv