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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1872)
J 1 i i it THE HERALD. ' '. , - -. ., . COXkTI1TTIO, Bl'-IAWH ASD PUEXIl'M LIST or XII j; . SIXTH ANNUAL FAIR or THE Cass Co. Agricnlt'l Society, , TO BEHELD AT. ' i - '' . Plattsmouth, Neb., Scptem ber 24, 25, and 20,' 1872. Keep thia Preuiiuia List, twl bring it U the Fair.1 Officers for 1872. ' mnsri)r.NT: . I. lL:WnEJ3L12U, riiittmoutu -Vice PreM'Iut at Lurge, Elias Sage, PUiUsmouth. VICE PftESIDEXTS. W. W. Wolfe, Mt. Pleasant. . , Jac. V, Patterson, Rock BluiT.-; I'errt WAX-rta, PI a its mouth l'rect. .. T. Thomas, Oiopolif ; .11. B. MrRPHY,- Hatttmouth; Reynolds, Avoca. . JjVmak James, Greenwood; "! Ja.' Thompson. Stove Creek; Price ri Ccnninohabi, Elnnvood; , Ja?. Hall, 8 Mile Grove; Frank Standkr, Louisville, ., S. C. Salt Creek; ' M. J. Jon;:;, Liberty, E. Post, Tipton; : TiMOTiir. Clark, Weeping Water; Geo. Mattiso.v, South Bend. SECRETARY: CL II.- King, .UYfe Grore. MEASURER. JACOB VALLERY, Sr., Plattsmouth. ... "Geueril Superintendent: J. C. CUMMINS', Assistant SuperiotendeGU : A. B TAYLOK LEVI POLLARD. : .. ' V ",: Chief of Police : 21. Tv. MORGAN, PUtismouih. Directors : Upton, Sheldon, . Murz, Noyes, Brown, Woodruff, aa 1 Jones. : , CONSTITUTION. 4c. We, the undersigned, residents of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of mutual enr St. bsreby enter into aa Association which shall bo known as" th Cas Corvrv Aqrici'lti;sl amd Mechanical Association", and do hereby adopt the f allowing Constitut'on and Ey-Laxs fjr the government of the Society. CONSTITUTION. Article 1. The object of this Hoeiety shall be to encouraga improvement in all things per tabling to the ia'ereit of the Agriculturist tho ilchacie, the Msichaut, or citizen of sny call ing, by aiding uch iuterests as must conduce t9 public good. Abt. 2. Tho officers of this S iciety shall con sist of a President, Vise P es dent. Secretary, Tre tsurer, aa J reren Directors, who, toije'her wiih the officer of the Society shall constitute 3airl of Directors for the general t:an:i(re taent of tho atTairs of the Society, and all of wkom fihill be elected annually. Art. 3. There shall be ono Vioe President for each precinct, to be elected aunnualy at the came time as the other officers. Abt. 4. All pernm over tho a e of eighteen may become members of this Society, by pay in? the sum I OO dollar it. to the Treasury an nually, or may o.c tue a life ineiabcrby p.ivins the saia of twc-ty-livo dollar iaro the 'Irea-s-ury. Art. 5. Amen Jrnonts or additions may be madet'j the Con-titu in at any regular mjet- the Society by a majority of iw--thirda of amoeri! present at sai l meetiaar, jirevious harinir been given of lbs proposed clause- netiee in tome newspaper of the coun'y. :' LY-L-VWS. . ejtio.i This Society shall hold at least two Meetings in each year: ono on the Erst Saturday -.In March, and one on the iat day of ih3 annual - Fair. Sec. 2- The annual election of oflicers ot the 5o cietyehill take p nee at the meeting on tho first Saturday ia ilar.jb, ml the o3i -crs then vhoseu fhall hold thi?tr seroril officers uat 1 their fueccssr are chosen and qualified. Sec. S. Itshall be the d ty of ihe I're-ddent to preside at all meetius ol the s jtiefy ; to call f pcial uiectiiiji J ; to select the place f I - -I meeting; to duciJo .all r"in's of r Ut tlia may arte gabjat to the cu-t;tary rule- ; tt have a gne al .ipervi.-ion c er hc aif.i r " tha Society, an 1 to eau e!u d'rvrtion iv-n by the JJird of Direetor.s to be ev.-.ciie J. tc. 4- It ehitll bo the duty of the Vice Presi dent at lar?e to perfor:i all th" d:itie-? of the President during the absence ol the President, and to a-si.-t the Preilent when desired. Sec. 5. If, at aur meeting of the ooii-ty. it ball appear t hat neit'ier the Pr oid ;i.t nor Vice President are pre;-eni. then the meeting may choose a Presi leat pro trm ; a. alcj in ttie abjecoo of the .S?cretarj'. tt Socrctary .-o ten. may be cbusea Sec- 6. It ghail be th? duty of the Secretary to record the priiceediart .the uiee'ing of the So ciety, and to take ch iro of all d'leumeots au 1 papers Uiually belonia? to his ofU :e as Secre tary; 'an I also o audit th accounts 1" I h -Treasure, nnl certify i the corrjen --ss t'l.r ",$ and to pre-.nttba same to ihe Boar 1 of I.r,.v tors annuxliy on the tir t Saturday in d.i'. !i t3 draw allor leron the Treasurer for i;ioa:y beloaiuc to 'he Society. Sec. T. It tha i be the duty of the Trea;i.-pr to receive and receipt for all moneys paid into the f'juds of tho Society, and bold the 8 sine ttubject to the order of the "Secretary, eounter eigned by tl9-President ; to open an i(5ce on the Fair Grouali during ti.e c-u'i ujiioe t;f the Annual Kair of the Socitt j ; l; I co'icft nil nua.y duo the Society for ad nLtra.-e. ieuiij rent ic, uader the uperisiou of the Presi dent. Previous to entering np..!i the discharge of his duties as Treasurer, h'i s'laH Kivo u b ,n I ia the snui of fivelboujand J l'.ara to the Sock-.-y the faithful appl cati .u of all M n y c aiin in to h a hanl fcy virtue of hU o'Jicc; aid b inl to be filel with the Secrerary of t'a So';e?y wi;h sureties to be npfrovel by the P:csident. "And it shall further be the duty o! Treasurer to submit hid accounts with proper vol -hers, in writing annually, at least two days previous to the first Saturday ia Mar;-L. to the S.-cretary, to be audited and approved by him. Th- Treas urer shall be paid n t less than one doMar pur annum for hii services. Skc. 8. It hall bo tha duty of tho l of Directors to have a supervision of tuo affairs of the .-osiety, rubject to the C'oa-'tiiu-:iou ami these B l.uws. and to provide eueTi ruleigsi regulati ons a''d'ttional as may from time ta time bo denned re juitite. , Skc. 9. Ei v n meui'oLTJ h-.ll constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any jawlttnx of tha Hocietv: bet no motion for the di;po?al of any lar.Js or property of the Socie ty, hcll be eiitertained except at a regul r meeting. Bsc. 10. Fifteen per centum of all Pre ;ui urns awarded bv the Society in ca-h thall be retaiu ed by theyeeretary in drawing ord rs opou tho Treasurer fjr the premiums. C. 11. io person can enter articles rr ani tcabfor exhibition, or compete for premium -nless they are members of the Hoeifcfy, or rnin t children of a membor'i family, except as rided by regulation. 12. kousaL', irupUir.ect!,( iiten?ils. and machines, must be owned by the exhibitor. All agricultural and hort ieultornl prodtfetions must bo raised by the exhibit r, and be the pro ducti jn of the present year. All a tieles of do u.oMie mnufucturo be made by tho ex bib tor. I'rcerved fruiU af vegotables uiujtt 1 put up by the exhibitor. K C-13. All et.tries at.tb9 Annual Fair mint be uiaile on ihe first day, and mu.H pciiy the i name and resnlenee of the exhibitor' and the j class ami number of the premium for which he or he competes. The books for entries ehall bo open for one week previous to the Fair. Per sons living at a di.-taucu can, if they prefer, ! make their entries by letter addressed to ihe Secretary, stating the articles, aui the ela-sg, i ic, in which they wi-'u to compete i 6kc. 14. No one entry shall compcto for more thaa ono premium, t-x :ept f jr sweepstakes, be :4e hei t display on prire. : t-KC. 15. When the catry of the article or ani mal is recorded in the books of th'. .'tcietary. eards will be fund hod with the number ani cla?s marked thereon, whi.-h are to be placed a the auiiaal or article, and which will admit them to the grounds. Skc. Id. When there is but one cxhibitoroom pttiogfora premium, committees will award first orswsoni prcmums. according to merit No premiums will be allowed un!es the animal or article in deemed meritorious. Hfc. 17. All animals and articles must remain in the enclosure d.iring the Fair, except by permission of the President of the Society. fc'Ec. 1"J. Ihe reports '"feomuii; tecs tor award ing premiums must bj inudo in writing and signed by the majority of the committee, and be handed haxcdi itely to the Secretary. Use. 19. Awarding Committees must comply wit', the provi-'ions of the law req'iiring com petitors for premiums on crops and iuiprov ments. to furnish full and correct statements ia writing ot the process ,nd expense of culture, production. Ac. which statements shall be in accordance with tho following rclc3, and rcr i5ed bv affidavit The Tnd shall be measured by some competent pe &on. Tie applicant ehail make ufadavi'- to the quantity tf ground a ad grain raise thereon, ad entereo on ihe pra i:n list, which atlidavit must accompany the application for premium, tcgstdier with a sampla of the grain. - . . . v fKC. 2'). Tha-e By- Law miy bo aHere I or amend' d by a voto of two-thrd.i of the mem bers present at any m;'.-tiii!r f tho So ciety. r.KO'JLATON.?. Membt-rshii 'li..-kei. SI uJ; r, Lii'h coastitates the contiihu'or :t member if the Society rorono year, and entiiles all the bona fidefaoiiiy uu-Jer tighteeayeaxof age to aJmiision to tha Fair during the seasoa. Single a liis?ion. 2o c's ; single horse, or sin gle horse and carrijge, cts; two horses and carriage, 50 cts; hacks or carriages per day, $1. The ticket sellers are instructed not to receive any bills over five dollars. No check will be given at the g.ite.!. Parties with rinIe adtnis eioi tickets going out nust pay on relurn. The fee .or sir.j;le hore, or s ngle horse and carriage t.vo hors s and carriage and oiunibuss-s and hacks, arc in addition to single admission fees. a2Xiilt..L Alt RAN.-. EMr:.n Ibe IZxUibilion will commence on the Cfth of Scptetu'KT, 1S7J, and close pa the :M;h. G p's .viU be orcn at 8 a, m.. and at hat time every .officer is required to be at his pi:st. lo disorderly c-i:,diK't of any kind wi 1 be per mitted. A police will he upon the grounds suf ficient to prevent the same and to fee that all rules shall be observed. ANIMALS. No animal will be permitted to run at large on the grounds. L i.til after tho ward has been mile, marks of any k.n 1 or other iu lic.ition of ownjrship will not be iliowod. livery irticle r.r animal up on i h gr Hinds, shad, during the Fair, be under the control of rhe Sop. rinten le:it ajid Boa-d of Directors, and wh le every poss bl. precaution will be taken for the faf keeping of the Ktie. ttie -Vrsociation will iu no case be responsible for any los or damage that uny occur. EXHIBITORS. All stock will bo showa in t!;e arena. X' persons but the awarding co nniit'ee on duly, and the officers of the Hoard or Society will be allowed inside r the a -ena whilst the Exhibi tion ii going on. At the time of maktag th entry of thorou,'h-orcd stock of aay kind, the party applying will bo rc tuired t tarnish the Secretary with authentic ; cairees, which will b parsed upon by tho diiTcrent com litieis If i:. ba asceriaiuc that auy exhibitor has made, or caused to be made, tnv faL-e statement in re gard to any an nial or article exhibited. r if any cshibiti r tttempt to interfere with the julg-.'s in the performance of the:rdu;ics by let ter or otherwise, he shall be excluded .row competition. Th-3 exhibition ot aloe, wiil commence ct t!i time aad proc.e I ii the order sp i-iSed in the progr-immc. Ani mals not ready ai the proper time and plUce will b rulei out of couipetition. Apprcii'icre catermg articles of their own production for lonipeiiaon, mm- furni.-h. at the tim-j of citry a cerriJcate lrui their employers, stating tlieir nges, and tiie time they have served in ihe bus iness. ' Perseus d-siring space for tho cxibition of t.-ii-les or machinery, i ot entered for competi tion, must mako I. e same known to the Secie lary at as ea ly a day as pos.-ilde. and give the n ime of the article, of th s exhibit r, his place of residence, aud specify the aoiount of space required. Heavy machinery, or even otiierar-ti.-!es, may ba taken on the grouuds at any time before ths commeucemeat of the Fair. ' KXTKIE-5. I No pcr-on whatever will bo allowed to pee I tha entries un i! after the award h s been tnade j l-.ii ric-s un be ina lj at my lias be ore the , i-'iir. i,v "t't-I. -e . mi to lii.j -ret -ry or i res j i hoii at !,iau-.rrin ii, l'v . fr-r or ia periou. i Iu iig :h; fi;st -!-ty .-. tr::--. w.'.I only bare viv-1 ..- l ie !'") o t f '-cretary oa "he i.i;r i-. '.ii V. in; c: "try is m.tde of any r"e l jc c- re a: wiil ti.o to th-- ptriy a card, iui. li u'ut coii'aiii the number ( cmry and tiits, and wiiic.1 mu t be attached to tho arti. lc. 1 Inhibitors will confer a gieat favor on tho oSicers of the Board by makii.g their entri js at as eariy a day as possible. Pers ns living abroad cin m iis their entries by letter; bat in such i-ivi-s if the cuuy be of live Jtock, the ai'p!i".r.t ma t g've the na;u u I age of too animal, the u.u.ic and age "f the sire, tho name uud residence of the owner, a;;d the class in which he wi-dic to ei.ter. If the cany oe of ;:i l'-huiiry, iLU)len:e:its, etc . tho applicant aiiisi giv e tue name n J residence -of nalnr. name of patentee au I name or dvsigiiativu oi the :riic. No anijie .-hail b; cpttie 1 in iu.,re th.i)oi-e department. Aii eiU ics w.U be ma do in stricr compliance with tha oilere l p cuiuei lit. and awards made in accord.) sica. Parties ia list, tLcrefore. take particular pufas to hnie stocit aad trticies ciite-.-ed just as they waot h era. Those who purpose entries wi 1 very much obli.o the Secretary and his clerks, i UiO" will, berore leaving home, in ike a .i-t of uli the ar i -lo? they wi.-h o enter, snd the cl.sslo wh eh ihey belong, ami si-'ii their names in full at the bottom. Thi will c:i.i'.!o the clctk to g t theii Dames correct oathe boo.. A" AKUI.VU COM i I f ri:i;s. CoiumiUec? are pnr:ieu aM. re.uestcl n-.t to gi e (tic our:.g merit to over t-.-I am u.ils in ihe breed ..i j cla sc.. in ju f lig 'loc-iea stack, regard will le had to t'uj i nky -i. blood a ts tablisucd by the pe ; iki e. ue. !urj . h;.-: ma iiid ge eral e'.ir i -H-ri -ie t' Ibe various bre- d ', in.k iij proper ail-'W.iuce for feeling, an I olh.T ctreu n-tau s. A w,d u t oe awarded if the ar: i-de or aoimal be not tho-i ;!it worthy, th uh there be no o mipoliti u. Aw.rd in corniiiiitees will o ily awird picmiums to artie'es r-(;u!ar!y e itere 1 ia tacir re-p --cti.'e cbisses; bat they ar i requested t examine all all article.? entered in tt:-j mis eii ine ms e!a-s report. .In lg8 u'e tar iealarl.v req'.i sied ti h:ul their repoits tot'.. S cret.ry soon as d isioa ;s tu fie; mil. as it is the object of the Society f.o c-dlect :l the inionu Hi ii i s siole f out tli- cxhiVit r.- ia tiieir . !as.-c.-, a i go m.ike thc'r report s fu 1 as lima a id cireuiti stanccs will p riiit. -Persons invi'ed to serve on Aw;rlir.g Committees wid rcceiie their badges lrr-m the uperialendeat of the depart ment ia which th. y t-re to serve. 'I l.o award ii g I'oiuu iitv is wdl be s-b cted from tiie va rious sections of the c- unty with great, care. No one will he a. lowed, while he ia hu cxhib it r, to act rvu Jude. INVITKD 0Ui:ST3l The officers of all Agric liuied and MecV.a.i ical Associations, and a 1 the members of tho Press, everywhere are invited to atienl our Fair with nt further no ic.. . be invited guests can t-btuin free tickets of mites ion by making application to the Sevrvtary r rreiVvt, i the oQice of the Society, and identifying the n -selves by responsible' par ies. REFHEHHMF.NTS . All persons furnishing refreshments are re quired to Imt in the r supplies before o'clock A. ii each day and for that purpose tickets of admission will be given for themselves and wagon. But precisely at S! o'clock he grounds will be cleared of person not en itled to remain. PVr?om renting roTet-hmint booths will not be permitted to sell intoxicating d n:k-- Refreshments booths, showmen, pcdlers. bnikstcrs, Ac, will apply to the President. Secretary or Treasurer fcr terms upon which the? can -enter upon the g ouiids during the Fair. PKEMIU.M-LIST Of the CaM ("oniily Agcriculliiral and JIcdiRtiicHl Ion. CLAS- 1 Cattle, Lot 1 Short Ho ss. Pest bull, 2 years old and over i 2 1 do do I'e't bull, 1 year old and under 2 2d do do li et Lull calf. 21 do Best cowcver3 years 2d do d Beet heifer 2 vears old 2d do do Best heifer 1 year old 21 do d) . Be?t beifer calf 2d do do LOT 2 Dkvonsi, GaLawayb, Aldersv, 5 CO 2 . "iO 5 l) 2 ;V 5 Oft 2 50 5 00 2 r-o 5 00 2 so 1 00 2 o 2 50 1 00 Na- TIVKS) ASH (iRADFSi. Same as Short Hr-rns, only half the premium, LOT 3 SWKK.P3TAKES. Best bull of any age or breed 5 00 Best cow do 5 00 Best ne-d of cuttle, of an ngeor breed compos ed of not less than 5 bead of cattle 5 00 Best herd of grade cattle not less thaa five h ad 5 00 Snpcrinten 'cnt of enttle--Joseph C. fJilntonr. Ju ices P. Cunninghat'i, Henry Eiken ItiT. John Gilmour. lAll animals contending for a premium in Class No. 1 must show a reloible pedigree, as recorded inth American Herd Book.) CL-As.5 2 Lot 1 Horses; Thoroughbred3- Ben stallion 2d do Best mare 2i do LOT 2 Roadstfrs, Best stallion 21 do Best ni'ire 2d do . , . . Be'tpair of m-irs or horses 2d .lo B -s-t si'ig!" horse, mare or geldio?. 5 00 2 50 5 t0 2 50 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 5 fHJ 2 50 5 C LOT 3 ITo'tSESi fiv: (.Sen-ra . Utilitt. Test B ullion 2 years old i-n l ov-r f do 2d di do 2 50 Best marc 2 years old and over 5 00 21 do do 2 50 Best colt, mare or horse, one year old and nnder two . 5 00 2d do 2 50 Best brood mare, with one cdt 5 00 2 1 do 2 50 ; LOT 4 Sweep.-t kks Best sfr.lHoa of 111-y :igo or breed 5 () Best m ire do 5 0'! Be-'t c It. mare or horie under one year o! I 5 P0 j 21 do do 2 5") All animals to be cbssed as thoroughbred uiu.-t show an aothentic.-it-d pedij-ree. J.OT 5 Ibight H -Rsr.s. D st stailicn 2 j-cars old in 1 over 5 0 2d do do 2 50 Best tcre f 0 2d do do 2 50 Saperintend nt of Horses E. W. Birnmc. Judges ChuiKa Holmes, E. L. Heed, E E. Woid-ey. (No nnimal in this class shall In entered for more thaa one premium, except 'r 'weer-stakt-s.j LOT t lONKKYSi J.VU Mcles. t Best j ick over 2 years id 1 2 5) j 21 do do 1 :o I Best -Icnnctt do o r.j ; 21 do do 10 j Best mule colt u i i.-r 1 ye .r d 1 2 "0 2d do Ho 1 (O C LA .-.S3.-" 11 if LOT 1-Sxiee?. Be-t Buck of any age l 00 21 do do Bip. Bet Ewe of any ae 1 00 2d do do Dip. Snperii.tendent iTm. (I.haour. Sr.. Jiulg-s-J. M. Tutter-on. J. F. Doiid, Ym. Ashman. CI-VSH 1 Lot 4 Swimk. Smal Breeds; SfKFOI K. E-six. A CniSA. Best Bonr one year ol 1 and over 5 00 21 do . do 2 m Best do un ler one year 3 00 21 do vl 00 Best Sw one year old and oter 5 0) 2d d. do 2 00 Best . 'do under oo-i year old 3 00 21 do do 1 00 I.iyr 2 Labse Bi eds- Moott e: Best Boar two years oi l and over 2d do : do Be.-t do one do an I un ler two 21 do do Best Boar under one year old 21 do do Be.-t Sow ono year old and over 21 Oo do Best Sow under one year 2d : do do LOT 3 Bhi-ksh res. Best Boar 2 years o! 1 aod over 5 00 2 00 5 00 2 03 3 00 1 00 5 (0 2 fO 3 O? 1 (O 5 00 2 00 3 00 I 00 3 0 1 IO 5 00 2 01 2 00 1 00 21 Best 2.1 B. st 2d Be-t o o do do do " ' orio yrar old and un ler two do 1-r one year old do yrar o' 1 aa 1 over do Jt tio Ijo-t So un 2d do r on- yeirs ' i..' I.UT 4 ; ak ks. Best Bo..r of any breed or nt;e Best Sow d 5 00 5 00 Silprrintend.'.it I. nvson Sheldon. Ju 1g Tiraot'iy Clars, V. C MaySol 1. J.i 111 es Hall. - CI. ' :S 5 Open to the Wor.t.p. Bet IlenpT an I .Mower do Tw-- 'or-e l'low "-'uoerin ea 1 nt 'onr a I II el. Jude3-Siiij Atu-tin. C. U. P i."'i.i I!. Po.-fr. H.-ft lit t!-lhir'e flow uo Harrow do Two-Horse Wagon io 1 'u---Ilirs H'agori do WahOn or Carriage Bn.ko do Two-'lor-c Cirri.ige 1 1 lie-' lor f Carri do Doable Shovel PI w do Corn v.'ul iwitor Din. 1 W.n Dip! do do do do do do do do do do do dr. do do do do llorso Hav Pake do F nni'ig Mill do Farm Gate' do Portable Fence do Churn do '.V.asbitig Machine do I"' 'thes D- er do Clothe Wrinerr eto S -liool I ? k d t ora ' aofr do Oi.e-uali iiozca I rooms do' I'o -.hie B irrci-d "liot tin 11 do r.-i'pla of Farm .Macb iuery and I iu ; 1 incut- by one cxubitor. o do ill do do do CL-VSr, 0 Competition i.v this Clss open to Eveuth out. Best Plow f..r Oidrroun l do Breaking P'ow dc G.itig P.ow do Donble - hovel Plow iio Iroa Beam Plo.v for Old Ground do Ri'li' g l"wo-iure Cu.tivator do Walking do do Hi ling an 1 VV Iking do do Two-Horso It.dkr it ttd t?wer. drill or brads.ift Dip. ! Tuj do ( Mrs. 1 do Bc-t -do do d do do do do do do iio lo do d do do do do do do do do d- do do do do do do do Ho do do do do do do do do do Juices Oe-'Tga Schrider, Henry John Fifzgeral '. ('...A SS 7 MiscELtAsrons Be-t Cat tl Scales do Asfortmnt of Scales do BrieV Machine do Bot.-ito Ii- gcr do K-"ily f'arriage do Tor. Btigsry d Ooen B it;ey do Trotting ".Vrtgon or Sulky do Two-flo'se Teigh do One-eor.-e Sleigh (I.) Wagon or Carriage Brnko I.etihoflT, Dip. do do do do do do do do do do do Double Wpcon of Nebraska Manufac- ture do Sr ing Wapon do do Opon Buggy do do Covered d do do Wagon ma le ousi le of Stato do Spring Wegon do do Open Bucgy do do Covered do do . Superintendent S. M Kirkpatriek. Judges Wm McCaig, Bei;j. AHin 2 50 2 5-1 2 50 2 50 Dip. do do do Henry llowland. CLASS 3 Tfxtil" E.i R cs., asd Mrciiaxic 0 AS" TlVE A HT3. Sup rintendent J. V. Patter",.n, Judges Alfred Johnson, Walter Jenkens, Frank Wolcott. Best tHsplfiy of Tools nnd Cufery do AsHortment of Cabinet Furniture do Set of Cha;rs do Saddle and Bri U do Set of Farm Harness do Set of Carriage Harness do Assortment Tin and Copper Waro Best Coal Stove for Cooking Dip. do do 0J 3 00 Dip. Dip do Two-Horse Cora 1'iaator . do Fanning Mill do Hay and Strw Cutter do Corn Sheiler. Horse Power do do Hand power do Bee Hive without Bees do Cheese Pre- do Cider M-.ll and Press do Cane Mi 1 ' do Evaporator . do Hey i'less . - do ILr.y Stacker , . do Hay Fork in use do Dropper do Harvester do Bi .;-r do Thresher and Separator' do Horse Power t tu-i liny iTji hincry do Wind Poer I'liniji for farm use do Pu"!? or Water Uai-t-r, well or cistern do Corn Cutter, hor powt-r do St ilk Cutt sr do lie l?e Trimmer, by Horse Power do Portable Saw Mill do Portable ilrst Mill do 1'ortible Engine set up for use Sureriio-:dent John F. Buck. do Wood t-tove do do do Combined Wool on 1 Coal Cooking do do Darlor Stove for heating do CLASS 'X Superintendent E. L. Reed Judges C. 31. Shelton. Sam'l He-tor. C- H. Winslow. Bed us'ortinent of Lctither Dip j do Sewiug Ma bine for heavy work do j do do for family US9 do ! do Knitting Maehiuo do do . Collcct:on? of Potter's wnre do do loiof SObiieks 1 00 do Spcclinens of Carpenter work 1 00 do Assortment of Cooperage 1 00 do specimen of blaeksmi'h's work 1 00 do set of hore shoes 1 to CLASS 10. Superintendent Mrs. E Sage. Jidges Mrs. John Te.vksberry, Mrs Dr. Wiley. Mrs. Barnum. Fes 20 yards of carpeting 2 00 do qiijlt do do corcrl: t do . do t air c d'on liosc, home manufacture 0 do 3 Ins s'ocking yarn do 1 00 do p iir woolen s'.orkinss 50 do do socks 50 do do mittens 50 do ly gloves 50 do rug hearth 1 "g 50 do bed spre id . 50 ?o p-vr p:;uts made by lady 1 00 do Ve-t do 1 00 do hi:t do 1 00 do bonnet do 1 ' d . n.-.s rtinent of boots .f- fh"cs t 00 !o display ot book-binder's Dip lo do clothing do do do woolen cloths do CLASS 11. S.-perinf"a -lent Prof. W. W. Wise. .In -'. Mrs Don !, Mrs. J. D. Sims n, J. A. MucMiirphy. Ile-t orn-m-utal an 1 sign paintipg 100 do photograph, plain Pip do do visne! te do co d co'ored do do do on porcelain do d nmbrot' pe do Best disphay .if Photographer's Work Dip do Monochr m .'ic Pain; i:ig do d 1 Oil or Wutr do do do Lau Is.-apo do do do Wa :.n and Baggy do " 1 00 do Drawing an I Sketching do d display of Chrom do 00 Specimen of Peam.iu hip by pupil und:r 15 1 00 CLASS 12. Supc-rintn lent. 'rs. II. V". Barnum. Jijdge Mrs Ilattio Drost, Mrs. Ijaao Pol lard, Mrs. Wil'ia'u Jenks. Best f-tcciinrn of work done by Sowing Machine, to bo dons on the grounds - ' 50 ct or Dip do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Specimen silk cirroid-ry French need e work Otto uh'i Cover Taole cover, n' ell" work Spec.?ii n of worsted work Fancy work witli needle for chair Worked Cushion and Back Limp Mat Ornamental Shell Work do Lei'her Work ' do do do do do do do do do do do d) do do do do do do do do do do do do Sp.-r i.Ticn Whx F owera Specimen Artil'd 1 Flowers Collection of F.irs H -m-stich work by hand Tatting Edzirtg. 1 yard do In-erti 'g di Collection of Hair Work Crochet Edging 1 yard .- do Inserting Transferred Work Seed Work Feather Flowers Burr or Cone Work Yarie'y ofcXroehet Work do Worsted Crochet Embroidery di do Wor-te 1 Work in Frnmi do A rtioles of the nbove--las of domestic man- ufa ore must, be tn-idc by the exhibitor, or in hi or her famllv. CL ss 1 i. Snt i hiternlei.t Thos. Mitchell. Judges D. L. C app. F. L. Clemcut, Liwon heldon. I est deigu for farm house, ci ?t n t to exceed ;', .0 Dip do design for 'arta houss, cost not to e t.-e.l Si OO ; do d desig 1 fir diiry h.:ie, cost not to exce'd stoO do do design for poul rv hmiso do do design for s noke h .ue, cost not Id exceed $150 " do do design or rat and moise proof coi-n crib do do design for hog pen or house do do Model for I?ntie Arbor do 1LAS5U. SnperinU-nden L. F. Johnson. Judg '. F. M. D rrincton. Miss Eil a Crocker. Mf. Perry W. lker. Beet Piano forty Dip d Chine Organ do do Mcl-idcn do do Display of mu-lc d instrutnent do CLASS iv Paiet. DaN'R.-, t Kitchen. upe "intei'd-nt. !rs Isaac Pol'rd .'es Mr. D.inT Clapp. Mrs. C- II. King. 1 Lewi-. fifty ronnus 50 101b. sng.-ir from Chinese or Imphee 1 00 gallon Sorghum Syrup do I'nohee do do home-made Vinegar five po: nd butter hard oap 50 50 5 50 do five ponnds Honey - 50 da half saltop soft soap 50 Competitors for Premiums on su;ar must give mode and rules for manufacture. CLASS lrt. Superintendent Rush Chilson. Judg.-a Mrs. 1.. Sheldon, Mrs Jao. Matz, Mrs. Jno Cuoimings. lresh fruit put up for wint-r use in glass jars not less tha.u two quarts of each kind. Best jar Raspberries Dip or 50 do do Str.iwbrr;es do do do Cherries do-. do do Grape do do do Go'oseb rries do do do Bl ickberries do do do Currents - do do Bottle o! Grape 'Vino do do do CurrntWine do CLASS it. Superintendent Mrs J. A MacMurrhv. Judges Mrs. Wm. B P.irter, -drs. SamT Richarlsjn, Mrs. Josci h Gu 1110 re. Best Loiif of Wheat Bread 50 do do Corn Bread Dip or f;i do do Graham Broad do do Light Cake do do Jelly Cake do do Fruit Cake do do Found Cake do do Grupe Dickies do do Sour Pickles of any kind do do Sweet Pickles of any kind do do and greatest variety of preserves do do Blum preserves do do grape preserves do do strawberry preserves do do apple preserves do do melon preservts do do peach preserves do do pear preserves do d qui ice preserves do do tomato preserves do do plum jelly do do apple jelly do do grape jelly do do currant jelly do do rhubarb jelly do do gooseberry jelly do Greatest variety of jellies do Best raspberry jam do do currant jam do do plum butter do do picalili do do tomato catsup do CLASS 13 Fecits asd Flower... Superintendent H. Hubbard, Jude S. B. llobson. A. L. Child. Bainbridge Hobbs. Largest and best collection of apples named 2d do do do do Largest aod best collection of npjdcs not named 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 (Hi 1 00 1 00 1 00 21 do do do do Best seedlipg apple do collect on of pea.hes do do pears do do plu-ns do as ortment of grapes, not l"ss than 12 bunch. s of each variety 2d do do do 2 00 1 00 CLSS 10. Flotebs. fJuperintendcnt J. X. Wise Judges Mrs. T. Thomas Mrs. Wm. lloll. Mrs. H, Ei kenberry. Best collection of cultivated flowers 2d do 'do do do collection of greon-hotise plants and flowers, in pots. 50 varieties S2 00 1 00 2 Oi) 21 do .do do 1 00 Best and most tastefully arranged pair of hoqucts 50 B"t collection of Phloxes Dip or 50 do do Hoses do ' do do Dahlias , do do do Verbenas do do do Ghtdioli do do do Zinia, do do do Astors do Best Nuriery Stock do CLASS 20. Superintendent W. Tjrwin Judges John. Adams, James Hull, Enos Bergen Best 5 squashes 1 .10 do 3 puo.pkius 00 do Fall Wheat, half bushel 2 00 do Spring do do 1 00 do Oats 1 00 do Barley 1 CO do R; e 1 00 do Wnite beans, one peck 1 i-O do Timothy grass seed, 1 pec's 1 0) do Clover do do 1 U0 . do Yellow Corn, one bushel 1 00 do White do do 1 00 do Bi ets, one half dozen 0 do .-iboage, six head 50 do Specimen bushel of Ir'sh potatoes 1 00 do Asorluieut of Potatoes not le-s tnan five varieties 1 00 do Spe'dmen bushel of Sweet Potatoes 1 00 do Specimen busVcl o' on ons 1 00 do Six heads of celery 50 do Assortment of t cans 50 do Six carrots ' do do half bushel of turnips , do do Six parsnips do do peck of tomatoes - do do three watermelons do do do musk melons do do do cauliflowers do do stalks of rhubarb da CLASS 21. SuDerin'cndei;t John Shannon. Judges E. A. Kirkpatriek, Mrs. Joe. John Son. Mrs. D, II. Wheeler. - Oa the third d ly of the Fair a Special Pre mium will be given for the Best Lady Eques trian 10 to 2d best 5 0-3 SPECIAL OFFER AND PREMIUMS. For the Bust Tex Colts is the Stat'. W. D. Jones, of Ito.-k Bluffs, makes the follow in? oiler; Mr. Jones wil put in S100, an 1 enter his Stal lion "Iovr Tiutf," all p ir'ies desiring to enter their horses to pay S100 ikewisc. ard whoever shows the bo t 10 eohs sh iil have the whole amount of money thus deposited, us a premium. This oS'er open to the State. Programmes wi 1 be i?u.'d and distributed on the fir t day ol the Fair, giving particular in-Ftru'-tiins to Coinnitteosau-l other inform a, ion relating to the 1 air. D. II. WHECLER. Prcs't C. H. KiNrj. Kee'v. Mnr-ha! Joe. Jnittox. m As.'t " A. B. Taylor. . Filustang Liniment FO it W " 4 . IS n A T. Prolitildv few nrtii-le-j hnve over In 1 so, extensive ;i Suit., while wn-, have bcetr more universally heneficial than tho rc le hratp.l MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. ChiMr.-u, A'lulfs. Hot -.'s, an.l D)'ut,t,.ie Ati'tiials, art always liah'e to jiCfi'l.'nt, nti it is safe to miy, that no ftiiiily can p:i-i aKiticli.'. sit.isnti without oiu-2 kitnl ol an eitiulijtit h r'nr neees sa"y. It Hrr'O'.iio-i ; matter of imj'Or tance tli- ti to sro-mi the J-et. rijr ihr'! '111 Irs I liver- stables in the city of e York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liuioient in all f which it give unusual satisfaction. l. I'TI? V. The genuine is wrapped in a fine ,S7f,7 -of- engraving wiih "i. IV Ur brn: I A.miV." and -7'r. )' M rk, MhX"A. .VC.sT.l.Xfi UMMKXT.y engraved cross the face of each wrapper. The whole bears the proprietor's private Un ted Sta'es Hevenue stamp, and not a common stamp as used by drugg.sts. Lvox M anupacturig Co f i Park Place. N. Y. Jan.lth. dAw lw every 3rdw i. ;n.i.f: n i: X lfi ska City, General Agent Dep't Northwest, Jin J 3 1 : 1 1 Life Til UKAIUOO Ot Cincinnati Ohio, J. U. PRESSON. iulylWitwtf Local Ageat E. T- DUKE & CO. AT FOOT OF JULY STRFE1 Wholepale J: Retail Dealers in a. Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves. TIN W ARK. ROPE. 3M, STEL NA L 5 AND Blacksmith Tools, Jcc. Kt-ep on Innd a Large Slock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS FA TEjYT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, L O Y A L C O OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, of All kinds Coal or Wood kept on hand. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DON I CEDAR CREEK MILLS It in running order now. Wanted 5CGCO bushels of Whest. Satisf action will bo given to customers in 4; rinding nnd sawing. Flour, Cora meal, and Lumber, will be sold Chsap for Cash. Come ono. Come all. and give the Ceofl Creek Mill a, tri 1. CHRISTIAN SCHLUNTZ eVeepino Water, Nebraska. DEALERS IN Pry Goots. Groc ries, iii.idware, Queensware. Boots, and Shoes. Hats, and Caps. Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Weir and 'IX L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planters, Grundetour and Princeton Plows. Arc, Ac .aciin iini'um all of which we ofier to the public at the owest retail prices. Ail C5 Warranted Aw laepresented. CC'Our constant aim w ill be to sell so low that it v.-ill be tc the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of C.isr county to make thie their headquarters for trade REED. 1U10S. NEW DRUG STOK WEEPING WATER, NKTt. T. Jj. I O IT TP 13 It , T EALER. in Drugs, Medicines. Paints, lis X ' Varnish, Fertumery StatioLary, Notion., Cigars and lobacco wxvtl ROCK! STONE! will fnriii-h parties with stone for all budding purposes at a reasonable price, a' mv qunrriis r Oeliverel on the cars at Louis ville station The oilowing kind of etono can be ha I on sdiort notice: sills, caps, prch rock iae or r ) I sau 1 stone such ab was used by the B A M. K R in the construction of their t t one work. All responsible orders, promptly filled 'J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station, Neb. S 9tf I DOCTOR W!TTSER.r X 617 St. Charles Street. Jf ongor located in St Louis than any Chron-, . I . tn ii Vt v-w! 1 ciifii-Ad io 1 1 v fronts Sirnril; ?ai:d C mplieated Venereal Disease as to bring fpatieits iroin every State. His hosintol op-I foprsui'ilies. a lif time expprien'e. with pur-j , es1 (trus prepared in the cstaolivnuicnt, ur-f -r;i?i;s piiru u;i iit nu ui.mii m 00 ( ' ed ; tit! yo. r private troubles.. "onsultation S.rce. Send two stamp tor medical e- v. . . . . . . i .t amiooo, 11 "HA' Hiioii, sea i j n nil. 15 cents each, both for 25 cts, 100 pages Alt that the curious, doubrtul or inTtiiit v wish know all i "out Self-pollution Prevcn ion. Marriaie. Kyery young man and wo man ought to real it a a warning The ner vous d bilitated . nartially impotenteat scientir-cally advised. wn dec21 . MACHh. E SHOP! . I'!nttKt!!eu4Ai9 Ieb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Stem Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe Force and Tit't Pumps, Steam Gang;, alaa V'ulve tiovernors. aad al! kials of Ci C itia; J iii O d i O A 1 2 - , 'urnishei on short notice, ARlINIG rylACHiMERY epni oc f-ort notice. not Rook Tor the .Tlillion ! A private counselor to the GUIDE. Married orthoe about to mar ry 011 the oh vsioloirica I m ster- is and revelations ot iho sex ial system, the latent - iesoveries in producing a-id preventing otlsi ring, how to pr -ervetti complexion Ac. Tlii is an interesting work of two huoond and twei.ty-four p-.igs. with nume'ous engrav ings, and contain? valuable in'ormati in for those who are married, or cont.-mplate mar riage. Still, it is b(ok that ought to be kept unoer lock and key. and not laiO carelessly aoout ttxe house. Sent to nnv one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Ad-.lre-s Dr. Butti' I: pensary. No 12 N- l.itrhtn street. St. Louis. Mo. Notieo to the Afflit cd and Unforf urate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who ndvertise in pu''li paper, or using any quack remedi", peruse Dr. Butts' work no matter w hat y uir deseae is or how deplorable your condition. I'r Butts can be consulted, person-illy or by niN'l. .n th iliseise" mentioned in his works. 'Mliee. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market n IChesnut. St. Louis. Mo. dec2dwly DOANE COLLEGE. ThePreparatory Department, Rev. 15. 3 Perry. (Recently of Yale College.) P1UXC1PAL will open September 3d, 1872. Board and Tuition at low rate?. Apply ' CHAS. LITTLE, Chairman of Trustees, Crete Ntb. !CjwGrra - STATIC AGKNT "a. -- HALLAOAY'S pateiit WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS, FEED fSILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladay Mill has stood the test for six teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only one Generally adopted hy all Principal Kail roads and Farmer.0. jr-Scnd for catalogue and price list.-ftfr A. L. STRANG. aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, A N D WALL FilPESR ! ! All Paper rrimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by ar. ex perienced Druceist. Kernetiiber the place, thrcedoors west of the lUmld office: Plattsmouth, Nebraska. PURISSIMA ET OPTIHAT" This unrivalled Medicine in warranted not to conta n asinple particle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty i ears it has proved its great vlue in nil diseases of the Liver. Bowl, and Kidneys 'i hoesands of the good and great in all pirts of the country vouch lor its womlertul and pecu liar powe- In purifying the blood, stimula'ing the t rpid I ver and bowels, and imparting new life nnd Vigor to th whole system. Sim mons' Liver Regulator isacknowleded to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contain four milicn.i element . never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other pr partion viz . a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful To- ic. an nn-exeeptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective ofall iimuritie of the body Such sagna! success has attendel its use, that it is now r'-etirded a the GREAT UN FAILING SPECIFIC . for Liver Complaint a d the painful offspring thereof, t -wit. Dyspep-ia. Cm sii ati n. Jaundice. Bilious at'a ks Sick headache. Colic Depression of Spirits, Sour Stomacn, Heart Burn. A'C. Ac. Regula:e the liver and prevent, CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN A- CO. Druggists, Macon. Ga. Send for a Circular I and e'JO Arch street. Price SI: by mail l.:'o Philadelphia Pa, for Sale by J J BUTTERY, janlwly. Platt-moutb, Neb. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FU R N I TU R E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS A.VO AT ALL PRICES. Metalic Burial Cases. VVOt'lEN COFFINS OP ALI sizes. Ready Made, and Sold Chesp for Cash. With tinny thanks for past patronage, Ii n Ate all t i call nnl examine my large stock o niture an 1 Coffins . jan2St " University of Nebraska, LI IV CO 17V, EI. iJ- The next term of the University will open SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1S72. A full Corps of Professors is proviled. The .apparatus, library and Catdnet are tew and enmp'etc. The Agricultural College tVill open this fall. Tuition free, and honV. . co-t For further information send for a cata logue. Roorr.s for self board inir fi cost to tho undents.. " ,u"" A. R. BENTON, Chancellor. ' - ' ' V 3 I S i Y C;.'l ?i - :JZ- 1 ' To the Ea-t Norlh an 1 S.nithoast. STATIONS. Leave Plattsmouth. Arrive Bu lington " Men lot i " Chie.-.goT.B .tQ " Peoria... " Iod'plis I.B.XW. " Cincinnati " " Logansp't T.riW " Columbus " ATl.A NTIC KM' I HS1 ' MAIL. 5.50 a. m. 10.50 p. in. 3.23 a. m. . 7.00 a. ra 12 50 a. n. 0 25 a. in. 4.15 p. m. I'. 20 a. iu. 5 JM p. m. .-. S .. III. 7.' 0 a- in. 11 .15 a- m. ...l." ii. in. 4' Oil a. m. 15:15 p- I 11.14) p. in, 5.55 p. m. 2.15 a. m. JtTlirough Cars from Miss.uni River to Chi cago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logunsport mid Columbus. Connections at thse points with lines lead ing 'o the liust North and South. '1 his is tho JJent, Short tit, QuUktal and Cttaf tut iloitt Do not bo deceived, but obtain Ti-;ket via the Burlington and Missouli River Railroad. A. E. TiUZA LIN, C E. I'r UK INS. Gen'l Ticket Agent. Geii'i Sup'l F U R H I TURE TIi os. W. fhrjoek, CABINETMAKER And doaler in all kindi of Furniture o& Cltairs. main btbikt. (third door east of P O Plattsmouth Neb. Hit-Repairing and Varr.i: hir.v tic iijy uone. Funerals attended on t lie shortcut notice. A rrand clinncts to obtnii clioice building lots, at pri ces and terms, to hiiit tlic times. I am now ofT'jiinir to mII Iota ia n.y addition from la Each, from one third to one-Lalf down and the balance pay.ihlt in t-ix, nine ami twelve ruonth-, according to the valaa of the lots', with ttn per cent intercf-t. EkXTA. discount of ten per cent will be made for ca.-h. This is ccrtaitdy one of the finest chances ever offered in Plattsmouth to parties of limited mean-, to secure piece of ground upon which to erect ft home. My lots are beautifully piiuatcd ar:i nearly all are covered with a fint growth of youn forest trues. Come and look at them. No charge ujaie for rlunvipg. July 5th 1ST2. S. DUKE. 0d2wl4wtf T H E BR S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Your Groceries Go To W. It. UTEIIA1VX, Ccruer Thirl and Main Streets, Flattsuiou'b, tot iKSIIe keeps on hand a choice and well selected Stock cf Farcy Groceries. Coffees. Teas. Sugar, Syrup. tc, Ac. Ac. tS-Also a good assortment of Eoote ic Shoes.' 6 :0: In Connection with the Grocery is a Bakery & Confectionery ! 4dAl! kinds of Country Produce bought and sold Tsko noticeof thi s'gn "EMPIRE BA K F P. AM) lit 11 i maylontf. Ahtrnc of Title 'I'ltK r V FIJI-" .f. s e i- . r . - V i . ".I The bert in J use, 12tf eseri ;: v i -i -. - r . a idreso, AC;t v . Pl.-i CK t A it A CO Lurli..gtoii. Iowa. NEW .STORE Weeping Water, Nebraska. I AH. CiiIf4KE & 0 BCCCEfBEBS TO HORTON A JENKS. ' DEALEK8 IN ' General Merchandise, BtTCH A3 DRY GOODS. GK iCEIES. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. HATS. CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS, is " Hrc Agents for Willcox & Gib Sewing Machine C UN ARD LINE. ESTABLISNED - - 1HI0. Pasengers booked to and frtm all parts of Eu ope t lowest rates, Ap'dyto II V. DU VERNET, Geal Wistern A'gt. 375 State st. Chicago,- SW 'IUr- t at) f I