Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 05, 1872, Image 1

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Published erry Thursday at
Necwudi ft) lory.
Srr jS corz J. A. MAMURPHY, Editor. . "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." , TERMS; $2.00 a Year.
Teres, in Advance. ;
on. -Py..nere.r .2 o. Volume 8. Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Thursday, September 5, 1872. Number 23.
Oae copy, aix month 1:00. . '
One copy, three months 80. '
torneys at Law. Practice in all the courts
of the State. Special attention given to colleo
tionsand matter of Probate
Office over the Poet Office, Plattsmoutb, Neb-
IOX & W1IEELER Attorney!, at Law. Spe
cial attention given to probate business
and land title eases. Office id the Masonic
Block. Main Street. Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
& CHAPMANAttorreys a
ill Law and
Solicitors in Chancery. Platts
mouth. Nebraska. Office in Fitzgerald'sElock.
TEESE k. DRAPER Attorneys at Law
IV Office on Slain ttreet. Opposite Brooks
Special attention given to collection ofclaiois
R.LIVINGSTON. Physician and Sur
aeon, tenders his professional services to
the eitnens of Caw county. Residence Bonthnwt
nrntrof Oak andfeixtb streets: office on Main
street, one door wei-t of Lyman's Lumber Yard.
Plattsmoutn. reo.
T W. RAWLIXS. Suriroon and Physician
l Late a Surgeon-in-Chief of the Army of
tne rotoinac, n.-ituinoutn, Nebraska. Omco
at O. F. Johnson's Drug Store Main street,
orposito vaara m namuien.
WnEELER &. BENN ETT Real Estate and
Tax Paying Airents. Notaris PnblicFire.
and Life Insurance Ageats,
PlHttsmouth. Neb
PHELPd PAINE General Insurance Agent
Represents some of the most reliable Com
rades in ihe United States.
Office with Barnes Pollock in Fitzgerald
Block . OanTdiwtl'
JOIllf FITZGERALD Proprietor
Main Street, Between 5th and 6th St.
BREED & FALLAN - - Proprietors.
Just opened to the public, for both day and
week boarders. Table set with the bent the
market affords. Accomodations second to none
a the city, decl61wtf
Lincoln, Neb.
This Ilonse has jat been refitted and refur
nished kkw throughout. Everything is new
and clean, and comfortable accomodation war
ranted to gnests. Air. C. U. Iloborts. former
clerk of tbis House, is still with it. Stage of
fice forall pnrtsot'the S':te. Free Bins.
lutf C. B. SOUTHWELL. Proprietor.
Agents Wanted.
WELSH'S Practical Ouide to Business is
the best fell iu n book in the market. It
Is a book for all concerned in making or e ivirnr
money. Liberal oomtuiins paid, aoj il'K'O
Siren away to agents proving successful. Avi
ress for terms and territory,
General Western Agents.
17dJtw3w Davenport. Iowa.
Fine A?t 3-a.31c?TT.
Ambrotyphs and copiss
from old picture, plain or colore'!, eitner in
ink. water or oil.
work neatly executed
and warranted t give satisfaction.
V.V. LKONARD Artist.
lOdtf " Main St.. Piattsinouth.
Fancv Dry Goods, -Notions,
Ladies' Furnishing Goods,
Largest, Cheapest, and Best Areortod
Stock in the City.
JtVStorc on Main, between 4th and 5th
streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
dl6 wlCd&wtf
To AnTiRTisnas All persons who contem
plate making contracts with newspaper? for the
insertion of Advert wements should send to
eo. f. gowell & 0o.
for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their On
hundred Pace Pamphlet, containing Lifts of
S.0"iO Newspapers and estimates, showing the
cost of advertising, also many useful hints to ad
vertisers, and wiine accountof the experiences
of men who are known as successful advertis
ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American
Newspaper Advertising Agency.
41 $ark gow H. y.
and are possessed of ancqualed facilities for
securing the insertion of advertisements in all
Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates.
Is in receipt of the finest and
Of Cassimcres, Cloths, Vesting?, &c
ever brought to the city, which
1 will make up in the
Latest styles.
l3&.Please call and examine."!
Plattsmouth, April 18, 1872.
416 diwtf.
TELER in Dru. Med-sin P.'.fs. Oil
Varnish. Perfumery, stationary, Notions,
linn ana xoDacco wiott
Jos Schkiter.
FAN'fiY i;KlTfS-
Watches. ClockB and Jewelry repaired neatly
and with dispatch.
to oppOTfite 'iatt vauey jiouse
nov.uw ii
CASS CI727T7 A&2:S-LT72AL A1T3 13
TEAS 1S72.
Oar County Fair commences on the
21th, and continues over the 2Cth of
September, three days. All entries for
exhibition must be upon the first day o
the Fair, (or previous). Entries can be
made in writing, by addressing the Presi
dent or Secretary, at Plattsmoutb., Ne
braska, up to September 24th, 1872.
The Premium List of the Association is
now in the printer's hands, and will be
ready for distribution by the l6t of Sep
tember, end may be had by calling upon
the officers of the association. Tha
Vioe-Presidenta of the several preempts
of the county should' call upon D. II.
Wheeler, President, Plattsmouth, or C,
II. King, Secretary, Eight Mile Grove,
and procure some lists for distribution
in their several precincts. Also, they
may call upon the officers of the society
and procure Family Tickets for sale at
one dollar each : also cards of Life
Membership can bo procured for $25.00.'
This constitutes the person paying this
sum a member of the association for life,
without further lee. By prcmpt action
and attention to these matters, the Vice-
Presidents of the several precincts may
aid materially the interests of the so
ciety in their-localities.
The premiums for the several classes
are liberal, for so young a county, and
should attract the attention of all who
expect to be exhibitors.
Our Directors have determined to
spare no pains to make the Fair the most
interesting one ever held in the county.
They hope to procure some able speak
ers to address the people, on the Fair
Ground, the third day of the Fair.
Friends of the enterprise must remem
ber that without their aid the officers
of the association cannot make it a suc
cess. If you do not exhibit your horses,
cattle, sheep, hogs, and articles of manu
facture, such as agricultural implements,
machines, wagons, buggies, plows, cul- j
tivators, &c. ; your grains : wheat, rye, I
oats, corn, barley your garden products,
potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, beets,
onions, cabbages, carrots, &c the nur
serymen their fruits and flowers the la
dies their needle work, and specimens of
culinary skill, fcc, the Fair will be a fail
ure. But, we know from experience, the
interest is so real that there will be no
lack of exhibitors and competition.
Our city manufactories should advertise
their work aDd bring it to the Fair for
HvaJLi'.bitiun such as boots and r-hoej',
irniture, saddles, harue?s. confectiou
erios, &c. Jjtft us wan one accord co to
work earnestly and work together for the
best interest of the itir, and prove that
Cass county is the Banner County of the
Will our city editors aid us by givinc
this an insertion in their weeklies, and a
favorable notice in their daily and weekly
issues and oblige
1 ours most truly, -
C. II. Kino, Sec'y.
The Isabel, a specirs of stone color, is
now tne lashionaLle tint in Loudon.
G32ELZ7 YAS::s.
A friend from Wisconsin 6cnds na the
following, and says it is so. May be.
We don't know what they might do in
old 'Wisconsin," but it looks like a
yarn :
'In the office of a Wisconsin journal
there is a compositor who pet tj-pe so
rapidly that the friction of his move
ment fuses the leaden emblems of his
tick, making them solid, like stereotype
plate. The only way to prevent this is
to have his case submerged in water ; and
the rapidity of his motion keeps the
water boiling and bubbling so that ggs
have frequently been boiled m the space
box. l i pes leaa irom the bottom ot nis
cate to a boiler in the press room, and
the steam generated by the fast com
positor's movements run the power
press, in one day tie set so much that
t took all hands, from editor to devil,
two weeks to read the proof, and it
wasn't his good day for setting type, ci
The "Perhaps" ought to hire this fel-
ow at once save that "power press,
you know.
- "SAH!"
"Descending into obscurity, when suc
ceeded by Gen. Livingston, as Surveyor
Ueneral, whose incorruptible administra
tion ot that omce is about the only
bright spot in the Republican record.
(Jmatia Herald.
Had not the lltrald better wait a few
days, just a. few days, before it goes very
heavy on the incorruptibility of that ad
it it is only one bright spot in our
w . a - .
record that is yjore by just one than the
Democratic party, under Miller s lead,
can show in this State.
Our time and 6pacc to-day are both
limited, and we cannot say the words we
would like to say against this perniciuos
and abominable practice of dragging
politics into everything. Our-ch arches,
oar schools, cur opinions of men, and
our judgment of nition-?. The Watch
man, thinkiog it had a good point on
Dr. (eorge Black, about a matter that
should have nothing to do with his poli
tics at all, made an indecent assault on
his character. That the party snoered
at, turns out to be Dr. John Black, one
our best citizens, if ho is a Democrat
will not excuse this man for indulging
his natural propensity for mischief when
he supposed it was a Grant man he had
ia quod. It may learn him a lesson, al
though it is hard work to teach an old
dor mr7rtricts'.
Tell Ycur We.
If you are in trouble, or a quandary te
your wile, mat is it you nave one, a,
about it at onoe. Ten to one her inven
tion will solve your difficulty sooner than
all your logic. The wit of a woman has
been praised, but her instincts are quick
er and keener than her reason. Coun
sel with your wife, or your mothrer or
sister, and be assured hht will flash up
on your darkness. W omen are too
commonly adjudged as verdant in all but
purely womanly affairs. No philosophic
al student of tha sex thus judges them
I heir intuitions or insights, are subtle
and if they can not see a cat in the uiea
there is no cac there. In counseling
man to tell his trouble to his wife, we
would go further aud advise him to keep
none of his affairs secret f roin her. Many
a home has been happils saved and many
a fortune retrieves, by man s lull conn
dence in his better half." Woman is far
more a seer and prophet than man, i
she have a fair chance. As a cenera
rule, wives confide the minutest of their
plans and thoughts to their husbands.
having no involvements to screen from
them. Why not reciprocate, if but for
the pleasure or meeting confidence with
confidence? We are certain that no man
succeeds so well in the world as he who,
taking a partner for life, makes her the
partner lor all his purposes or judgment.
she will cheek and set right with her al
most universally rmht instincts. Help
mete" was no insignificant title as au
Klied to man's companion. Sheisameet
elp to him in everv darkness, difficulty
and sorrow ol me. And what she most
craves, aud most deserves is confidence
Without which love is never free from
shadow. Journal of the Farm.
We feel very seriously alarmed about
the health of Gen. Cunningham, The
Omaha Herald has not mentioned either
his name nor Brown's for two whole
days. What can bo up?
Jnia Ssar ca Grant.
For one year and part of another I had
the honor of being a participator in the
councils of Gen. Grant's administration.
and desire to testify, and I believe what I
say in Massachusetts will be accepted as
fact, that during the wholo period in
which I was in the cabinet councils I
never heard any mca?ures of the admin
istration discussed or considered except
with a ting'n reference to the public in
terest. I never heard a personal sug
gestion in regard to his influence upon
one man or another man, out the con
sideration simply was, what would be the
est for the country. And when 1 re
member the simple, clear-headed, prac
tical, modest man, who sat at the head
of tho table there, and then hear him
talked of by Mr. Sumner, I think Mr.
Sumner must be rtferring to somebody
Ise. Judge Hoar.
An agent has been sent out to Red
Willow county to thoroughly investigate
and report upon the surveys out there.
A competent surveyor will examine the
ground, and Mr Royal Buck and other
good men are invited to be present and
see for themselves. Come, let us purify.
Still Another Sefcmer
turns up in the est. One Captain
George May, formerly of Iowa, is said to
be stumping Nebraska with creat custn
for Greeley and Reform. Captain
George is a brilliant customer after the
dead mackerel order, lie was appoint-
d Captain and Commissary of Subsist
ence by ilr. Jjincoln, June 60, lt4;
dismissed April 25, 18G5, nine months
afterward. Reason for this summary
dismissal, as recorded in the proper de
partment, drunkenness and gambling.
lappening in bt. Jxmis with $5,000
Jovernment money, he ate soft crab and
buttered melon until he was in good con
dition to gamble away $2,200 of the
money. Provost Marshal General N.
L. Baker compelled the gamblers to dis
gorge, and Captain George was sent out
ot danger, that he might live to urge
(jreeley and reform.
J here is said to be another dead
beat in that distant btate ny the name
of Warner (he calls himself Colonel)
who was dismissed the service unceremo
niously fur sufficient reasons, who is also
impressed with a sense of duty to advo
cate reform in the adminitration of
public affairs. Washington Chrnnule.
One of these men was a delegate to
the Lib-Dem. Convention, and the other
is now a candidate for M: C.
The squarest back down yet known.
The Brown back down of the Omaha
Our Greenwood Letter.
Greenwood, August 2Sth, '72.
Ed. Herald: We met on Saturday,
August 24th, pursu-'nt to previous ar
rangement, to hear Geo. S. Smith, Ksq.,
deliver an expose of the political situa
tion, and right well did he do it. Gree
leyites are like a whipped game chicken
He showed how firm aud patriotic Gen,
Grant had been, how fickle and change
able Greeley had been ; and how he had
shifted on every side of every question
that has ever been agitated in this coun
try. He showed how the money market
had been influenced by Greeley's nomi
nation, in mild and paciGc language.
Republicans went away happy, and con
fident of success. There were some of
the opposition present. I do not know
what to call them they have so many
names and I have no room for many
names. We adjourned to meet two
weeks from Saturday evening, at 7 P. M.,
at Greenwood.
The State Journal thinks that the ol
and tried veteran who "spooned' Grant,
to use the Omaha Herald chaste lingo
will turn out to be "Col." Geo. Lw May
Comment in Plattmouth is unneoes
Haternal Influence.
Examples of materal influence are
countless. Solomon himself records the
words of wisdom that fell from a mother's
lips, and Timothy was taught the scrip
tures from a. child by his grandmother
and his mother. Sir rrancis I'hiUips
used to sav : "I should have been an
infidel were it not for the recollection
when my departed mother used to take
my little hand in her s, and make me say
mv prayers on my bended knees.
have found out what made you the man
you are," said a pentlemen one morning
to President Adams : I have been
readiBS your mother's letters to her son.
What could be more expr ssive? Wash
ington's mother trained her boy to truth
fulness and virtue : and when his mes
senger called to tell her tht her son was
raised to the highest station in the nation's
gift, she could say, " George always was
a good boy.
The Omaha Uerald is cornered at
every quarter. liEN. i hayer says
Grant don't drink. J. W. Paddock
says the Hf-mld used his name without
authority, aud Gen. Alvord will just go
throneh the man that overhauled hit
private papers and then ran and blabbed
to the Herald. Good bye, old Herald,
you are a gone case, as far as any belief
in your truth and veracity goes in Ne
The Fremont Herald says :
The Omaha Tribune publishes a list o
36 papers in the State that support
Grant- against a list of 10 that support
Greeley. The name of the first paper
on the Greelcv list the Omaha terald
is equal to the whole 36.
Well 1 You are a toady, for sure.
For Congress J. F. Warner, of Da
ota, (Lib.)
For Governor II. C. Lett, of Brown-
ville, (Dem.)
For Secretary of State C. O. Richie",
of Seward, (Lib.)
For Chief Justice Jas. M. Wool-
wortn, umaaa, (vem )
For 2d Asst. Justice II. S. Calhoun,
Neb. City, (Dcm.)
For Treasurer F. W. Hohmann, Lin
coln, (Lib.)
For Attorney General Aug. Schoen-
heit, or Richardson, (Dcm.)
For Auditor J. R. Clark, of Platts
mouth, (Lib.)
For District Judge Seth Robinson,
of Lincoln, (Lib.)
Adjourned until this P. M.
A waggish friend of ours suggests
that the mistake of the Perhaps about
Dr. Black and the crazy man, way-all
owing to the "corruption in the Survey
or General's office."
They do say the Omaha Herald is
proposing to flop over to O'Connor, i
he makes the riffle at Louisville. Oh,
Gr eat Moses 1 How we pity O'Con
nor. A EOl'A IDS
CAS m.
"The Batch Taie Sollaai Asain."
Louisville, August 24, 1S72.
Editor Herald: I saw a commu
nication in the Watchman ot the 22d
t., signed "The No. 1 Louisville
Dutchman," stating that Capt. J. T. A.
Ioovcr, th? old War Horse of the Ger-
man jit-puPiiean element, sieppea to
the front, and af er a few remarkably
emphatic remarks, announced that he
would vote for Grant and Wilson." He
urther states, "that Captain Hoover
talked about having been a soldier, and
had some principle;" he wonders if
Carl Schurz, and illich, and others
have any principle in voting for Greeley ?
fes ; while we have beeu in the front
acir.g the enemy, how many thousand
were at home fighting in the rear? Is
the correspondent of the Watchinan one
of those? Does Carl Schurz support
the principle of his constituents, who
elected him to the highest office he could
attain ? Emphatically he does not, and
we find all such men with Horace Gree
ley at their head, with all his isms com
bined, with a lot of soreheads of the
North and South men that could get
office from the people ! They cad
themselves "reformers 1" They come
before the people saying, we are your
Moses, we will lead you through this red
sea into office, to make such laws that
your Southern brethren will go hand
in hand with you to pay the rebel debt,
pension the rebel soldiers, and pay their
lost property in human flesh.
Does this correspondent think that
every Dutchman, as he terms himself,
has to follow him or Carl Schurz ?
Wco are Osterhaus, Siegcl, and
thousands of others, that fought under
the stars and stripes? Are they fol
lowing Jeff. Greeley or Carl Schurz? I
wonder why the Liberals can take up
such a man as Greeley, (well, Demo
crats!) when they have been fighting
each other for one generation-! I think
he answers well their purpose ! He is
for Peace in time of War, and for War
in time of Peace !
If the No. I Dutchman would mind
his own business, and not assail his
neiehbors, he would sleep better when
his thermometer is one hundred and a
half. A True German.
Afternoon concerts on the lawn have
been commenced at Lonar Branch and aro
a plea-wit nature erf taa sewqa.
"'They have thrown up the sponge in
Plattsmouth. Ihe corrupt nne9 are si
lent, since the Herald, &c, &c." Oma
ha Herald, Monday.
"They have thrown up the sponge, in
Plattsmouth. Silence is the game of
the Hitchcock Cunningham ring, after
the Herald, &c, &c Lincoln States
man, Tuesday.
"The corruptionists of the 'crows
nest are ni'ent, after the Herald, &c,
&c. Watchman, eduesday.
Deacon Miller can rise aud sing the
There was three crows sat on a tree,
As black as only Dem. and Lib. can be ;
Sing, brethren t
Says the Watchman crow to his States
man mate,
ihat shall we uns do for grub to
Sing, aR of yeesl
Says the Herald crow to his compeers
"Can't you lie, you villains, our credit
There lies a Royal Buck, on yonder
And by his help, we'll give 'em pain ;
We'll perch ourselves on his back bone,
And spoil their surveys, one by one,"
ALL sing:
Al Brown's body is out of the "crow's
nd to spite 'em now, we'll do our level
.JrVhile Lis lie goes marching on.
Statesman's and Watchman's answer :
Yes, Brother Herald, great, high mogul.
We'll do yonr dirty work; only show ueprtp
We're awfull hungry, for a good belly full
Of some kind o' pap" that'll keep us on our
Just show us bow to do it, aod we'll pitch in
good and strong ;
We'll rave at every good mas, the bless'd day
And when you get to Congress, George, if that
day ever comes;
For God's sake, George, don't let these things
be "by-gones."
I pronounce the charges of the Her
ald false in every particular, and demand
that it gie the names ot the deputy
surveyors who have made tnese lnia-
mous charces a trains t me, with tun par
ticulars of time and place, or that it re
tract the base slander.
Is the word lie of any avail? Alas.
not in Nebraska. Ihe Omaha Herald
has a patent for using it, and we dare
not infringe but any one that thinks
we have thrown up the sponge, has only
to read our paper of August 23.
See third page for an account of the
way in which Uol arner dressed out
Mr. Grant a Mr. Parsons at Sioux City,
the other night. Omaha Herald.
We do not know "Grant's Mr. Par
sons, aud we naven t read tne 64
pag" yet ; but any man that could not
dress the great Col. "ft arner (?) out
must be such a poor 6tick that we feel
sure Grant has no use for him.
We are toll that our former Surveyor
General, Calhoun, was "as profound a
thinker and brilliant a scholar as Illinois
produced in '55. Now our present
Surveyor General is probably as pro
found a blockhead and as consummate a
rascal as Nebraska has produced in any
a I .
year. . About tne same comparison may
be made between our old and present
State officers. The question may there
fore be asked in all seriousness, "Is Ne
braska retrograding." Lincoln States
man. Nebraska would indeed be "retro
grading" if she swallowed many doses of
such editorship as that. Why, you
miserable little "galoot!" Do you
think anybody would trust you in a hen
roost, alone? The men you are thus
maligning arc as much your superiors as
day is to night. Go, boy, and learn
some manners.
A Tcach&g Irciient.
A gentleman who went up the Hudson
on the St. John tells this story :
" I noticed,", he said," a serious look
ing man, who looked as if he misrht have
been a clerk or book-keeper. 1 be man
seemed to be caring for acryng baby, aud
doing everything he could to still it
sobs. As the child became restless
the gentlinan took it in his arms and car
ied it to and fro in the cabin. The sobs
of the child irritated a rich man, who was
trying to read, until he blurted out, loud
enoupth for the father to hear:
" What does he want to disturb the
whole cabin with thatd d baby for ?'
" The man only nestled the baby more
quietly in his arms, without saying a
word. Then the baby sobbed again.
" ' Where is the confounded mother,
that she don't stop its noise ?' continued
the profane grumbler.
" At this the father came up to the man
and said :
" ' I'm sorry we disturb you, 6ir, but
my dear baby's mother is in her coffin
down in the bairiraee-room ! I'm taking
her back to Albany, where we used to
" The hard hearted man buried his
face in shame, but in a moment, wilted
by the terrible rebuke, he was by the side
or the grict ttncken lather, lhey were
both tending the baby."
Once more we call the attention of ail
our people to the importance of nomina
ting and supporting none but good men
for our various State offios, this fall, as
we shall need fnr strength, and do not
want to be burdened with any dead
weights. in this battle. Sober, lincst
men,' of fur repute, alone etand any
chance to racccod.
Franklin, Neb., Aug., 19, '72.
Editor Herald : Every traveler
who has crossed the plains on the Union
Pacific Railroad, and conveyed his im
pressions of the country to the public
through the medium of the press, has
made it his especial duty to lend a wil
ling hand to the destruction of that In
dian and lizzard haunted Sand Castle of
the imagination, the Great American
Desert. To such an extent has the good
work been carried on that only a buttress
here, and a foundation stone there, are
left remaining ; and soon the energetio
labor of some pioneer will turn even
those ancient relics into the richest of
soils for the bountiful production of
grain and fruits. It was anciently (say
ten years ago) supposed that only a belt
of land along the Missouri river, of per
haps twenty-five miles in width, was sus
ceptible of settlement and cultivation.
I well remember the first combined
geography and atlas my father ever
bought me had a picture of a train just
starting across the desert. This picture
was a favorite of mine. There were
wagons, and horses, and mules, and
oxen, and dogs, and men, and women,
and children. The men had each a gun
and pistol or two, besides a knife. My
childish pity was aroused for them, for I
can say of a truth, that I really believed
they were starting across a country that
was one sand bar for a thousand miles,
and destitute of wood, water, and all kinds
of provisions, and only a few bunchea of
grass every mile. So, I thought that
by the time they got across, one-half of
the people in the picture would die for
want of something to eat and water to
drink, and that the other half would be
illed by fierce Indians, and wild beasts.
(What a charming prospect !) Nor was
I alone in this belief ; for thousands of
people thought the same thoughts I did
about the plains, and perhaps drew their
information from about the same source,
the wild speculations of some crazy
geographer. If I had time I would
ight here enter my solemn prote.-t
against parents furnishing their children
with such pernicious books as that geog
raphy, for I not only doubt everything I
ever read in it, but knowing the lies it
told me about the desert, I begin to
doubt tho truthfulness of all the good
books I read when a boy ; and it is hard
on such books as Robinson Crusoe, Pil
grim's Progress, Arabian Night9 and
Gulliver's Travels, to be doubted.
But when I began I intended to tell
about our county, situated away in the
midst of the desert, someting over two
hundred miles west of the Missouri riv-
er. J. his county is a lair sample oi tne
whole desert, and having been "on it"
at all eeasons of the year, I think I am
a competent judge.
Franklin county was organized in
March, 1871, under the General act for
the organization of counties. It is com
posed of sixteen townships, being twen.
ty four miles square. It is bounded on
the south by the State of Kansas, on the
east by Webster county, on the north by
Kearney, and on the we6t by Harlan.
Running through its entire width from
east to west, and about six miles from
its southern line, is the Republican river.
Along its entire course through the coun
ty, the river is fringed with a belt of
what in the we6t is called fine timber.
Through the north-east corner of the
county, for several miles, runs the Little
Blue, a beautiful mill stream, with an
abuudance of timber. "About twenty
five families have already settled along
its banks. The principal streams in the
county besides those mentioned, are
Thompson creek, in the east edge. Cen
ter creek, in the exact center, and Tur
key creek, two miles from the county
ine, on the west. All of these streams
are fine mill streams, being formed and
fed by springs, the supply of water is
permanent. Already men of enterprise
have seen the advantago of scouring
mill sites early, and one is surveying a
site on Thompson creek intending to go
to work this summer Mr. Z. C. Cow-
cy, of New York, has the Umber cut
for the erection of a saw and grist mill,
in the town of Franklin the water to
be supplied from Center creek. He ex
pects to have the mill in running order
this fall. Messrs. Lewis & Davidson are
digging a race, preparatory to building a
mill, on Turkey creek thus giving the
county abundance of mill privileges.
The numerous small creeks running
into the Republican, from both 6idee,
are heavily timbered ; the water is 6oft,
clear, and cold ; the beds are sand and
The soil is a black, tandy loam, and it
is thought by many to be superior to the
soil of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. It is
undoubtedly Tery superior to any east
of the Alleghany mountains.
The crops this year are really wonder
ful, and it looks as though every man
who has planted here has been hooked
with the horn of penty. I here a
great many pieces of sod corn that will
easily yield thirty or forty bushels per
acre, and that on old ground will yield
more. Potatoes and other vegetables
are as good as I ever saw any place.
Small grain has not been tried yet. The
grass is mostly buffalo grass, which i3
short and straw colored, and it better
feed in the rammer than oar ordinary
grass, and better in the winter than
prairie hay. Thousands of cattle are
annually driven from Texas, and the
Cer9We rrostrr; to H Triirtwd s tk
buffalo grass, so as to be ready to take
advantage ef epfing markets. The com
mon blue stem is fast taking the place of
the buffalo grass, and in a few years will
be the only grass, as the buffalo dies out
unless continually trodden.
The surface of the northern half of the
county is a gently undulating, high, table
and. The southern half is rougher in
consequence of the river and creeks,
running through it. The settlements
are mostly close along the the river, al
though twenty-five or thirty families
have pushed out on the high table land
north ot the town ot franklin, and are
well pleased with their location. Two
wells have been dug on this plateau, and
water procured in one case at twenty-two
feet, and in the other at twenty-eight.
The first settlement was made in the
county in the spring of 1871. The pres
ent population is perhaps 1500, mostly
from Missouri, Illinois and Iowa ; and it
is safe to 6ay that they would not settle
in a country poorer than either of those
The Rev. Mayo told me that he actu
ally thought the 'Republican Valley was
the site of the Garden of Ldcn his
ife, while hoeing in the garden had
found the stumps of pear trees, and a
very decayed stump of a fig tree, also
the stump on which the old Theological
apple tree stood ; and he, himself, had
found the huckleberry patch in which
Adam hid.
There is, at present, but one town in
the county Franklin There are two
good stores here, each doing a fine busi
ness. There being but one town in the
county, it is the centre of business, and
news, drawing the trade of the entire
county, besides a very heavy trade
rem Kansas. There is also a semi-
weekly mail from Fort Kearney to Frank-
. There is a weekly mail up and
down the valley, giving Franklin three
mails a week. Passengers are carried
from Kearney to Franklin in a day,
leaving here Tuesdays and Fridays.
Franklin is sure i to make one of the
best points on the river, being backed up
by one of the finest agricultural and
pastoral regions in the west, besides,
having the trade of the entire county
there being no other stores and adjoin
ing counties in Kansas ; and being right
on the trail, over which the Texan cattle
which find a northern market, are driv
en, it is bound to be the gTcat shipping
point of these cattle as soon as a railroad
is built up the Republican, which will be
next year. Besides this, it has an ad
vantage over all other points in the val.
ey, in having direct, regular and sure
communication with the ii. & 31. Kail
road at Lowell, and the U. P. at Kearney-
Good soil, water, timber, stone and
people, and all right in the niidot of the
desert." How do you like it, Tip
Tor? Franklin.
On the 26th inst., just one week ago,
A. L. Brown wa9 challenged publicly,
and in pointed language, to reduce his
oose and general charges against the
Surveyor General of this State, to spe
cific form, and bring them whore they
could be investigated by the proper offi
cers of the law.
His reply to this challenge hag been so
ar, profound silence. Silenoe too has
seized the Omaha Herald on this sub
ject. This man A. u. lirown, the great
witness of the mighty Hera'J, "whose
character for intelligence and integrity
can neither be successfully questioned.
nor impeached one of the best aod
purest of men and ready to make
oath to what he affirms, ' when ebal-
enged to substantiate his charges, and
published as a "deliberate falsifier," be
comes suddenly silent. He elings to si-
ence as a "drowning man elings to a
traw. will the Omaha lierxld pro-
eed to write another chapter on this
We call attention to the letter of
"Franklin" in this issue, it is such a
neat, pleasant reading letter, and exceed
ingly well written. It does one good to
find a clean, handsome M3S., bow and
then. The writer says, as usual, "Please
correct all errors," but there were no er
rors te correct, friend Franklin.
Socially, it is extremely quiet at New
port and ennui prevail among the
The Convention at Weeping Water
passed off very creditably to Cass county.
It was a dignified, solid body of men,
representing the beet element in the
county. We have sent good delegates,
sound men, every oae tells us, and your
editor has only to say that he has not
taken any part in what is called wire
workirg or controlling this convention in
any shape. We do not think it is prop
er or right for an editor to do so. You
must settle your own affairs, ia that re
spect, but we do tell you, bow, that from
the class of men you have elected we ex
pect good, sound, honest, and sober men
to be nominated for State officers, acd
we hope every man will feel himself per
sonally responsible ia having such men
nominated. We shall then feel proud
in supporting the Ticket with our whole
soul and ioSaene, and our conflieace in
its success will be ".abounded. The time
has come for all aninor prejudices to be
thrown aside and for the whole Repub
lican party to work together honestly
Lor don, August 26.
The reported renewal of the riot at
Belfast Saturday is untro.
New York, August 26.
A Buaaber of straight out Democrats,
including Senator Stockton, of New Jer
sey, Henry Thompson, of Pennsylvania,
J. R, Gilbert, ef Kentacky, W. 11.
Curtis of Ohio, and Henry Williamson,
of Indiana, met at Long Branch, to day,
aad the following were appointed dele
gates to the Louisville convention and
instructed to rupport Cbas. O'Connor
as nominee for lVident : Horace
Black, Del. ; Robert Prest, Heory K.
Williamson, and Edgsr Jerrold, Ind. ;
Henry Thompson and John Appleeate,
Pa. ; Richard Henderson, W. Va. ;
Wilson Perry. N. J.; J. R. Gilbert,
Ky. ; Rufus Rogers and Tbeo Da vies.
Ohio; Chan. Martin, Geo. Gullen and
James O'Brien.
Salt Lake, August 25.
Gen. Ord returned from the south last
night. He telegraphed Gen. Sheridan
to-day the Indian troubles are exagger-
ted. He Mys all Indians having res'
ervations have gone home.
New York, August 27.
Greeley leaves for another eastern
tour September 10, pausing through
Rhode Inland and delivering the open'
ing addrras of the Vermont State Fair
on the 30th.
A Washington special says much law
lessness and violence prevails in N. 0
owing to political feeling running high.
Portland, August 27.
A maw convention ef the Union sol
diers of Maine met in the City Hall.
On the Platform were (sen. Burnnde,
Senater Wilson. Geo. John M. Uarlm,
Ky.. Fred Dousda. BurnnJe wn tr
thusiastically rsctived.
New York, Aug. 2i.
The meeting of the polio Hall Dem
ocratic convention last nicbt was fully
attended. Jndge Spnnlding was elected
chairman in place of Wickhara, resigned.
He made a speech strongly opposing
G reel j. He said the Democracy looked
to the Louisville convention for help.
A resolution to appoint delegates to
the Louisville convention, and that they
be instructed to vote for Charles O Conor
or the presidency, was passed almost
Senator V llson in a letter to the Ger
mans of Brooklyn, says he never belong
ed to the Know Nothing party, but al
ways opposed it.
Albany, August 28.
It is authoritatively stited that the
eading candidates eretofore named for
Governor at Syracuse, aod their friend
hare agreed to nominate by acclamation,
Charles O'Conor, as the only man on
whom all the factions can be harmonized
and that Gov Hoffman has agreed to at
tend the convention in person and pre
sent the name of Charles O'Conor as his
successor. The joint withdrawal of
Judge Church and Governor Hoffman,
it is understood, had this basis. It h
also authoritatively stat-d that tho
friends of O'Conor have given assurance
of their ability to secure his acceptance
of tho responsibility in the interest of
Lishon, August 20.
Cholera is reported raging in India.
died in the city of Lahore, and in several
other large places.
mm m
Washington, August 27.
Information has been received by tha
attorney-general, from official sources in
North Carolina, which makes it neccs
sary to give the ku-klux ca-es more par
ticular examination, ihe President has
therefore decided not to issue pardons
for ihe present.
Ihe cabinet met at eleven to day, all
members being present except Robcbon,
Boutwell and Delano.
Evansville, Ind-, August 20.
Senator Morton addiessed a large Re
publican meeting here this afternoon
and evening. Hon. D. W. oorhees
spoke at Greeley Hal' to-night.
Watcu Hill, August 30.
The propeller Metis, was wrecked six
miles off this shore this morning. A
dreadful storm prevailed bbout 5 o'clock
the propellr was struck by a schooner.
knocking out bcr bottom. In a short
time the lower part of boat, engine, Ac,
went down about hve miles from shore.
It aeems alotovt ocrtaa that seventy Uvea
were loat.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, August 30.
The paper nill in this city burned a
an early hour this morning- Loss $25,-
OUO; insured for $15,000.
New ifoRK, August 30.
Charles O'Conor wan visited by fully
a dozen reporters yesterday. He refused
to talk with any of them, merely ob
serving that he bad decided not to make
kaown inadvanee his political purposes.
The Sun, however, says it is settled that
be will not take the lesion nomination
for Governor.
The polls were opened by electing Prof.
U. W. Wise, Chairman, and Jno. A.
MacMurphy, Secretary.
Oa motion, the Chair appointed W.
F. Bcnactt and T. W. Evans as tellers.
It waa moved that the polls bo held
opea until seven o'clock this evening.
Oa motion of Geo. S. Smith, ballot
ing for feur delegates to the convention
at Weeping Water, was commenced at
On motion, it was resolved, that tho
four delegates having the highest num
ber of votes, be elected delegates to the
said eonvention.
A detailed statement of the proceed
ings of other wards have not reached us.
The delegates from each will be found
Delegates to the convention at Weep
ing Water, on Saturday :
First Ward Jno. A. MacMurphy,
E. G. Dovey, Geo. II. Black and Geo.
S. Smith.
Second Ward Parker Wise, J. W.
Barnes and Alex SchlcgeL
Third Ward S. M. Chapman, G. Lv
Seybolt, J. W. Johnson, M. B. Mur
phy and Wash. Smith.
.T220732 30T7TE.
The B. & M. R. R. in Nebraska, com
mence ruDniog through trains to Kear
ney Junction, where tbey intersect tho
U. I. R. R , on and after next Tuesday.
Leave Plattsmouth at 10 A. M. and ar
rive at the Junction at 8:10 P. M. ; leave
the Junction at 5:10 A. M. and arrive in
Plattsmouth at 1:50 P. M. trip through
fe. 8 rtvw ft W aiailo.