THE HE K ALI); OCAL 1TEW3. Step into Leonard's Art Gallery and e the picture. H&nk Straight doe have some of ths licest Blackberries Try thetu. Azro Smith, E.-q., of Rock Iduffs ha he honor of cutting the first Water melon on the First day of August, 1872 And the First men in the place helped Eat it. So we did, Kh ? North Carolina votes to-morrow, first gun for Grant. Tin I. C. Fox and Gen. Cunningham are reported ia Omaha. Steight at the P. O. keeps app'es that make the mouth water great pretty red fellows. Look like Apple '"Bees" ever o to one? Dovcy pays : The Liberal Gree!ey men of this town have cent Col. May on ftn exploring tour to GqJ another hon est man. A pair like that would sink any cause. We ara invited out to a Watermelon feed this afternoon. Azro Smith brought us the first Sweet Fotatoes of the tea-on, this morning. lie will have plenty in a few days. Another. Christian Gone One more Literal in the use of fluids left yesterday. Good bye, thanky, r your company, Mister, while you wae here. Lots offeople bit by snakes all ovei the State this season. Must be a good year for enakes, or else they want to help the Temperance men by getting all the whiskey out of the country. The Fieeport Journal fays ''pairs are abundant at that place, and front gates ar loaded down with them on fine evenings. A Chicago bridegroom is reported to have worn "a diamond pin in his shirt bosom, and a sardonyx smile on his brow." nrsiC BY THE BAXD. Hurrah. Hurrah, our Band has come We'll do come loyal tooting Our boys are some; trey're ia for fas At drumming, fifiug, shooting. We've had to blow and come times crow Without much help in shouting But we'll rest now and g it "slow" The Band can da the routing. Oar next club night, if all is right. We'll show them follow "hornicg ;" The "toots" are spic-span. new and bright We won't, by Jwe, we won't, go home til morning- m is uoot." "Pirda mit yoost der same kind of fedders vill gone together mit dhem- eeiis. The German class take a recess of two weeks from to-day. Scholars are warned to be promptly on hand at commence ment. Dr. G. B. Chapman's flavoring ex tracts are not excelled. For sele, whole sale and retail. 17wtf -.-. . . . - . A ihr.rnnirh p,inra nt tha ftinnt chows that there are more Democrats in Muscatine county, Iowa, who wiil not vote for Greeley than there are Republi cans who will not vote for Grant. It 13 understood there was an affec tionate farewell on the cars a few days since, with a special request to "be sure and come back to-night good bye." Only one German paper in New York upports Friend Greeley, named New York Journal. fl.lEXGEBI'EST AT OMAHA. We have received a poster containg general invitatation to the Saengerfesto the Northwestern Saen get-bund, to take place at Omaha, September 12th, 13th 14th and 15th. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies to furnish tickets at half fare for the oc casion. Germans ought to attend this SaeDgerbuni in our State. COMES HOME. Prof. James, who left this place eight een months ago for Oregon and Califor nia, has returned to this State, and means to live here after this. He thinks that no State in the Union offers the same inducements to settlers that this State docs. We have on our table two glorious great apples, of the varieties known as "Summer Queen" and "Red June.'j from Mr. Lee Wright's orchard one hait mile west of town. Don't it begiu to look like fruit in Nebraska ? Train spoke in Omaha, last night. His lecture is Train and the People against all rings and thieves. He says : "All roads to Greeley lead to Grant.'' That means all roads from both, thould lead to Train. A boy names his dog "Paste." Why do you give him such a name ?" he wa3 asked. "Because I want him to etick to me," was the reply. "Mr. Smith, I wish to speak to you privately. Permit me to take you ppart a few Buoments." Smith (who i?n't the least frightened) "certainly, eir, if you promise to put me together again. Before us are two beautiful bouquets, for which we return thanks to Mr. Hes ter. The brilliant colors of the dahlia and verbena, mingled with the fragrance of the heliotrope, the geranium and the rose, make a charming ornament for our ceutre tabic. When the good (?) news came in from North Carolina yesterday one of our heavy weights rushed up to a doctor and told him a man down in the Drug store was sick and lad a fit. The Doctor marched off and the heavy weight wait ed till be got a block or two when be i,iwl-aStorj Doctor us only Fred. D. ma. L. ZET . CT O IEEE S O ZLST , t&"i)f po ite the Piattc V.iUey House, in SohlaterJ Jewelry Store. lfXfiiii Street, I3:iitsuioutIi, TebraHliii ST. LOUIS, J ls .f G. A M 1 1 1.1 .1; X- 1 1 S PIANOS. xfo (Dijnr jfirst-thss Wholesale and Retail Denier in Strings. Sheet Music, and alt Viudj of Musical Merci.-andU SMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired Satiefjction Gurtrunted.G uoi-tidaw S, BLOOM Sc CO., ZSmm gents' teli RSHI i6 GOODS, .M9 BOYS AJVD CHILDREN'S CLOTUIjXO Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, fiLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E ain Street- Seaond Door East t f the Court Ilouae B RAN CI! HOUSE Lroad way, Coucncil Bluffs MISSOURI TXLLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAVARE STREET, 1EAVENWQRTH, KANSAS; ALL POLICIES K0N-F0KFEITIiG IMvitleiuls on the Contribution 11 an, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holder REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY; 1st. This It a Western Company, managed by ter, ability ana position. uBora ample guaranty 2d. Its Polices are all uon-1'orlVItinjr. 3d. Premium all csh. It receive no notes to pay. ana no outstunaing notes us liens upon tneir policies. 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. Its dividends are made npon the contribution plan. 6th. Its business is excluseirly life insuranco. DIVIDENDS are ine accumulation 01 interest npon premiums paid, bence the Company that loans its et uuneu.gnert raieoi interest can give yon tbe largest uivi ienI. Eastern companies invest taei: moneys at 6 Der cent., while this makes it in vii-iiiu hii. ui tvolin nr n-nt or mrn. The advantage ol Western investments to the ugures; xne tuuoum 01 si.ijuu, mveste'i lor ntty 6 per cent, compound 8 " 10 " " 2 " " olicholder than any OFFICERS H D Mackar. President, D Al Swan, Vice-Pr.ident, UrJ L Wever, A ed. U'tor, DIRECTORS. D Sh're. Leavenworth. Kan, J F Richards. " " II K Uammond : 11 Edgert..- II D Mcckay, Leavenworth Kan. I M hwan, W O Collin, Geo A Moore. 1 V -Vwers. (i-;o L Ltavis, St. Louis. Mo J Alerritt, S M Strickler. J unction City Chas Kobinson.Lawrance, Y,ilaUiey, II. Ihiatiugs. Ol tt. iilorgan " Gen. Ageutfor Nebraska aud iVdUierii jsi Good Traveling Solictors Wanted. J. W. MARSHALL, Agent, E B LIVINGSTON, Med Examine PLAT iS MOUTH BOOT AND SHOE W MANUFACTORY CUSTOM MADE Repairing neatly Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Jaa 13aAwtf In tiuke's Old Stand. W 1 L L I A EVII S ST A D E L M A Fl SM , . "Lias on hand, ona of the largest stocks of CL0THI?iC AND GEKTS' SPRING AND 3.1 invite every body in want of anything ia my line to call at my store, South Side Jffain.Hetirecn 3d & 3d Streets. And convinoe themselves of the fact- I have a a stock of Fine clothing for Men and Boys; "I a! Wp on hand a U'ge an 1 well Al-tad?ork f llf and Crti. HUIIOETT, SMITH'S AM'N. A N.D BOSTON. ORGANS. aub Organs. pianos - Iowa. PlatUmonth, NelirRk Western tnen. whose known charac lor its carelul and successful management. and g-ives none Policy holders hare no intere?" policy holder appears in the following startling years at interest, is $ IS. 420. 15 " 4-5.ifitl.o4 " " 117.:C.H5 " " S1H.d:h.OO othernancial advantages and inducement to the' S?? - - George A Maore, Secretary, A Cilkins, General Agent, J Jones, Ai-t't iejretary, W E lliirvey. Con. -ctuar, U L iewman. Treasurer T A Ilurd, Attorney. II L Newman Lea va orth W E Cheuiberlain. TAllurd. E B Allen. C A "erry, Weston, Mo, U W Veal. Topcka, Kaunas. J M Price Athisou, Kan. W KStebbins. " i r r v ii rr 'r i BOOTS AND SHOES-AT done by P. MA .WELL, G93D3, FOR Si' nidi En, speci il'ty in my UAil Tapartmat e!ect to which we invite thosa who want Uoods. 9 IWf ML J. WiLtia, 1-rorl.wr R. II. SIcUnsilB Co., UrunUul tt.iiu, Mn IrmneiK, Cm., mnd 34 Commerce wrxl.N. 'I IllI.MONS Hear Testtiioiiy to tbelr Wonderrul C'nl-ntiv- Effect. They are not a vile Fnncy Drink, Made of Poer nam, WhUkey, Proof Hplrits mid Krlusn Liquors doctored, spiced nnd sweetened to please tho culled "Tonics," "Apiictizera. 'Itestorcrs."ic.. that lead the tippler on todruukemiesKandruiii.but are a true Sfedicinc.niaile from tho Native Itoots and llerbi of California, Tree from all Alcoholic Sllmu Innt. Theyarothc(;itEAT III.OOII PI KI FIEItnnd A LIFE (JIVIMi PRINCIPLE, perfect Renovator and Inviorutur of ttie Systenu tarrying off all poisonous matter and restoring thchlood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according tn directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other mentis, and the vital organs wasted Lerond tho point of repair. They are a Gentle 1'iirgntive a well as a Touic, poscsni", also, the ecn!inr merit of acting cm a j owci ful ornt in rrlievitia Congestion or Inflam? mntion of the I.iver. and nil the Vim-era! Organs. roil FEMALE C OMPLAINTS, inyonngor old, niiirried orxinRlc, at tlicdawnof woninnhoott or at Uie turn of life, these Tonic Bitters hare no equal. For ludnitiiuntory niul Chronic Klicumn llsin nnd (Join, lyspcpln or I ndigeMion, ItilioiiM, Kcmiltont nnd I ntcrniillf nt Fe vers, Dist-ascB oT the Itlooil, Liver, Kld eej s and lilnddcr, tlieso Itinera have leen most uceessful. Kucli Disrasrs are caused by Vilinted lllood, which is generally produced by (icrangement ot the Digrnlivc Organs. PYSPEP.SIA Oil IN I) It, EST I OX, Iiead tche, Pain ia the Shoulders, CoiirIis, Tightuess of tbe tTiiest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, llilious Attacks, Palpitation oi Die Heart. Inflammation oT the l.unrs. Pain in tha re gions of the Riduers, and a hundred o'.her painful symp toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Tber invigorate the Stomach andstimuluto the torpid Liver and Bowels, which reoner them of unequalled tfBca:r in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new Iifs aud viyor to the whole system. FOR WKIN DISEASES, Erupt ions. Tetter. Salt Rbeum, Blotches, Spots, Piuiples, Pustules, Boils, Csr ouneles, Rimr-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Eyes, Erysipe Ms. Itch.urf. ItiiMolorntions of the kin. Humors and Ltisoaies of tho !?kin. of whativr name or nnture. ate hterallv linir up and rarried out of the system in a short time by the use ol these Bitters. One bottle in such eaju-s will convince tho most incredulous of their cura tiveeflects. Cleanse the Vitiatd Blood whenever you 6ud its im purities burstin? through the skin iu Pimples, Erup tions or Eores; cleanse it when you Cod it obstructed nd sliggisli in tho veins: clcanss it when it is foul, tnd your feellDgs will tell you when. Keep tbe Mood oure, and tbe health of the svBtcm will follow. Pin, Tape, and oilier Worms, lurking in the rystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distineuished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of tbe earth whose body is exempt from the prvsence of worms. It is not upon tho healthy elements of the body that worms exit. but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed These livinir mounters of disease. No yst.em of Medicine, uo vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKS It, Proprietor. R. H. McDONAl.D CO., Druggists and Uen. Aeents. San Francisco. California, and 3S and 34 Commerce Street, New York. WSOL1) BY ALL DKLUGI8T3 AND DEAXJCRS. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Don't fait to prorvre Hrm Vinlovs'l Suothing Sirup for Children Teething. This valuable preparation has been used witn .EVEti FAiLLNGSUCCE-SIN J1IOU sAXDS Or v-'Ants. It no oulv relieves the child from pain, fcu inv eoratts the gtotu eh and bowels, eorrectr acidity, nnd tcif s tone and enerry o the whob -ystetn. It n iil uls' i gtantly relieve Gripinj in the lljweli nnd "Wind Ctlcc. We believe it the best and surest remedy in thrt wnriil in all ca-ies of Pyscntcry and Ltinr rhre-t in chib're .. wtiutber arriving from teeth iug r anv o her cause Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and t-elief and Ifta'th to Your nunt. Be sure and call for "Mr . fViWoir's Sootning Syrup." II;iving the f c-io.ile of "CURTIS Jfc PiSR KlNii" on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout tho world, lo 3VL 3210. 1ST Mustang Liniment FOIl 315' AM) nr.tsT, Probablj few articles have ever had so extensive a S;tL, while none have been more universally beneficial than the elc brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. C'hil.lren, Adults, Horses, and Dotnttie Animtils, are alwaj-s liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no firuily can pass a single season without some kind of an cniol ient bein neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery stahlen in the city of Sew York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. C.l"TIOX. The genuine is wrnpned in a fine Steel ltiUt eutrruvinir with "(J. W HVf- br.,k- Chnnit." Binl " J'rf i il-'rl: MKXICAN MUSTAAU LIMMh'AT," engraved across the f-ice of each wrapper. The wtiole bears the proprietor's priva'e Un ted Staies Revenue Stamp, and not a common stamp as used by drnggi ts. 1.TOS MANCPACTUBia uo . iJ 1'aik i'laoe. Si. X. Jan. 9th. ditw lw every 3rdw I'LATTSMODTH MILL.. C. ITEISlsL. Proprietor.IIaving recently been repaired and il;tcel in thorouirh runninir order lOO.OtlO Buehcla of Wheat wunt-vl immediately or which the bighest market prin will be paid. Lo.k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. ! Cures col io and rriring inl Pric Whifcomb's the bowels, and f.icilitatesi Syrup, .the rroce.s of teething. Cen. M KS. ijubiues convulsions and Price whitcomb s overcome all diseases lnci- So Cents. Syrup. den- to infxnts and chiidn n. NiftS. I Cure Ui&rrhrca. Dvsente- Price hicomb''rv and suinmurcotnpluiut 23 Cents. ayrup. icniiiren ol all ages. It is the great Infants' and Childrcn'snSooth- ing Remedy, in nil disorders brought on bv teething or any other cause. Prepared hv the (.ration Medicine Co St. Loni Mo. told by druggists and dealers in Me everywhere de'2d CEDAR CREEK MILLS Is in running order now. Wanted 5CCCO bushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customers m grinding ana sawing. rlour. Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Come one. Come all. and give the Ceda Creek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCI1LUSTZ Abtrncts or Title. M'HE NUMERICAL SYSTEM The beet in ACKES, BLACKM.1R St CO. I2tf Burlington, Iowa. Conttntnhl gmlbing. Uos. 24, 2G -28Isssaa St. B g J USTC LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. Enterprising llcGnomicaf, JLWerah anil SafCm Number Policies issued to Jan. 1. 1872 . Number Policies issued aud revived in ASSETTS, Jan. 1. 1872 , This Company is Purely Mutual ir it operations, dividing its entire "urplus among its Poli- y holder, annuallv. on the "V ontrihution Phin." nnd has a larger business and a lower ratio of xpense to 'ncome. than have ever been attained by any other Company at a Corresponding i-rioit in its history. Itg total Assets are sufficient to discharge a'l liabilies. imludin? re-insuranca. pay back all Its slock cupi' al, and leave as a balance more th'in u MILLO - of earned surplus. This Goixipanj- Issued lYIorc Polici js IjST 1871 THAN Any Oihei? Company in tlic IrUox! S. A. TAYLOR & CO., janiodiwtf cneral Agents, for, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. L872, 1872 1872. J RE AT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are going to To DRY GOODS ISTE "W YORK STORE- The best aid STOCK OF DRESS Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly rcauced prices. attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PKINTS, DELA1NS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA - 4S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and piises to suit our numerous customer. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLXSSWAKE, YANKEE NOTIONS, TS AND CATS, HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FUR N ITUR E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BKDSTKADS OP ALL DRSCKIPTTONS AND AT ALL PB1CKS. Metalic Burial Cases. WODDKN COFFINS OP ALL SIZES. Eeady Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage. It n Ate all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins jan28t MACHIN E SHOP! Way man $ furtix. .1'IaUsmotitih, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Pteam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, rurciuu a ul .rumps, leim uauges, aian Valve Governors, and all kinds of Bras Engine Fittin s, furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY KepaiJeJ or hort notioe. aug5 I. GILLETTE fTebfatka Cityt General Agent Dep't Northwest. Union Central Life Xir3URAITC3 co Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. H. PRES30N. Local Agen julylSdAwtf H. J. STREIGHT, BOOK-SELLER, Stationery JYetvs AND PAPER, DEALER. ' lost OfUce ISiiildins- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Srt"t, 4 ilmbad w tf. I able yon 45.000 13.537 ..7,50.V5,50 1371. CO, bay their SUMMER, AND GROCERIES AT TU most eomplete We call particular T H E BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Your Groceries Go To C rner Third and Main Streets. Plattsmouth. :o: fSrlle keeps on hand a choice and well selected Stock of Fancy Groceries, Coffees, Teas, Sugar, Syrup. ic, 4c. ie. "Also a good assortment of Boots JtShoes.-K :0:- In Connection with the Grocery is a Bakerv &. ConfeLtinnp.rv f j All k.inds of Country Produce bought and Sold T k e notice of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY mi is ivu icai. mayiowtt. THK 03L1 L0ABL A Heavy Stock of Goods Hand. on Ifo Rent and No Interett on Borrowed Caoi- at io c jaaa vjj viu,mtT 1 1 OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE North side Main between Second and Third its. Takes pleasure in announcing to Farmers and Mechanics, That he has as large and well selected stock of Dry 'ionds urocries. rrovitone. as were ever brought to the city of Plattsmouth It will e-st you noth'nr to look at them wbe'her you boy or not- Bv examining the nrindi af tha -OZ" RELIA BLE" on will hn to tell when other parties try to swindle 17-wtf 25-dti. A Xj 5?tnra,ns S '.TU AGENT Tfctr' . - 7 lLo. T9 HALv-AUAY '6 PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS. FEED MILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladny M ill hn stood the test for fix een year.', both in the United States and Ku rope and is the only one Generally adopted by all Principal Rail roads and Farmers. -Send for catalogue and price list,- A. L. STRANG, apl8wtf Lincoln Nebraska. O. J?. JOHXSOX DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. AND WALL PAPER ! ! All Paper rrimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex perienced Drueeist. Remember the place, threedoors west of the Herald othce: Plattsmouth. JNiebraska. PURISSIMA ET OPTIMA. This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to conta n a ningle particle of Morcury, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, For forty ears it has proved its great vslue In .11 J!usi.irl,.1i.., Dm). o,wl VlAw.-w.rn 'i housands of the good and great in all parts of ine country voucn lor its wondertuj and pecu liar powe' In purifying the blood, stimula ing the t rpid 1 ver and bowels, and imparting new life Hnd Vigorto the whole system. Sim mons' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have tio equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical element., never uni ted in the same happy proportion in any other pr- paration vix . a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful To ie. an un-eseeptionable Alterutive and certain Corrective ofall im- untie of the bodv Such signal Fuc(ess has attendel its use. that it is now regarded a the G BEAT UNFAILING SPECIFIO. for Liver Complaint a d the painful offspring thereof. t( -wit. DvsneDfia. Cot Rtii.ation. Jaundice Bilious at arks Sick headache. Colic JJeDression of tDirits. sour Stomnch. Heart sum, Jcc ic. Regula.e the liver and prevent, CHILLS AND FEVER, Prepared only by J. H ZEILrN k CO. Druggists, Macon. Ga. Send for a Circular) anil Arch utrmt. Price $1; by mail Jbf Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by J LJ BUTTERY, jan4wly. Plattsmonth. Neb. AHook for the TI illioi ! MARRlGe! A private counselor to the CiUIOb.. Married or those about to mar rv on the Dh vsiolorical m v t pr ies ana revelations ot the sexual system, the latest cicsoveries in nrodncinaand nreventine ouMprmg. now to prcerve the complexion c. Thi is an interesting work of two hundred and twci.ty-four pnges, with numcous engrav ings, and contains valuable intormati m for those who are married, or contemplate mar riage. Still, it is a book that ought to be kept under lock and key. and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, No. 12 N Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in public papers, or using any quack remedies, peruse Dr. Butts' work no matter what your deseaae is or how deplorable yonr condition. lr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on the diseases mentioned in his works, "tlire. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market "ndChesnut. St, Louis, Mo. decl'dawly NEBRASKA LAND FOIt SALE BY THE Burlington & Mo. R. R. R. Co. On Ten Years' Credit at 6 per ct. Interest No part of principal due for tw yean, and thence only one-ninth yearly till paid in full. PRODI CT-S will i,ay for laud and imDrova- mentn within the limit of this generous cred t. --Uetter term were never ottered, are not now. anil nroKab y never will be. C1KCLLAR3 giving full particulars are sup lied gratis Apply to Geo. S. Uabhi3. Land Comm'r. Lincoln rteoraeka. ay9w3m DOCTOR WIIITTIEK. 617 St. Charles Street. r onger located in St Louis than any Chron kj ic f bysicia' . -o successfully treats Simple hiiu Vj ujpiicaiea v euereui i)ier. u ui nnni i .jfr. ii.-. patients trom every state, iiis hospital op- "Drtunities. a lilr lime experience, with Dur- est drugs prepared in the wtablii hinent. furt cases given up by other, no mutu-r who (ail ed : tell yoi r private troubles. 'onsultation tree, frenci two stamps tor medaoai ei-aiys. MaMHOon. WouikH )o. seiv b oiail. 15 cents each, both for 25 eta. 100 oarm ! All that the enrious. doobtlul or icaui'it t i (wish io know all nKont Self-pollution Preven lion. Marriage Kverv vanni man and man ought to rea-1 it as a warning The nux-l vuui u:utnubbou ur DarLiaii7 lmnouDE ioientioally advled.wn de24 m hi- IOWA & "NEBRASKA LANDS FOR SAXE BT TflE Dirrlington & Mo. Rhror K R. Co. - MlLtlOSS OF ACHES On Ten Years' Credit at Cpcrct. Interc3t No uart of principal due for two years, and thence onlv one-ninth yearly till pnid in fu'l. I'KODIXTS wiil pay for land and improve ment withiu the limit of this g-rierou. creiit. tjubctter lern-.s were never offered, ara not now. ard prohnbly nevnr will be. Ul Ktt i A rw giving pill p tnicu:rs are sup died gratis; any wishing to induce others to ein , lgrate wi h thui. or to t.irm a colony, are Invit ed to usk tor all they want to distribute. Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS. Land Comm'r. For fowa Lands, at Burlington, Iowa, Ani tor Nebraska Lands, at Lincoln Neb. may23w3m. o RrtL mi mvtft r. mm O ir. v. VTW a mm O! A C W II R U I "I c , lisW.Tt-.iA.a o Southeast. 1 I Dl' an To the East North and STATIONS. ixVaisa MAIL- Leave Plattsmouth, S 40p.m. 6.00 a.m. Arrive Bu lington 5.00 a- m. 8,40p.m. " Mendota P1.15 m. .3.22 a. m. " Chicngo(C.B.lQ.) 3.15 p.m. 7.00 a. m " Peoria.. " fi.00 a. m. 12.00 a.m. Ind'plisU.B.rf-W. 6;45p. m. 10) a. tn. " Cincinnati " 9.50 p. in, - 4.00 p. m. " Loganfp't T.PAW 5.55 p. m. 9.20 a. m. "Columbus " 2.5a. m. 6.20 p.m. fi-Through Cars from Missouri River to Chi cago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and Columbus. Connections at those points with linos lead ing to the East North and South. This is the Beit, Short tit, (Juicknt and Chmp ft Houte. Do not be deceived, but obtain Tickets via tbe JJurhng'on and mssouli Hirer Kail road. E. TOUZALIN. E. PrRKI vS. Oen'l Snpl Gen'l Ticket Agent. FURTJITUR E CABINET TJIAKER And dealer In all kinds of Furniture & Chairs. mis BTiitr, (third door east of P 0 Plattsmouth - - - Neb, Repairing and Varnishing neatly none. Funerals attended on the shortest notice. CHJE.il9 JL O TS. A grand chance-to obtain choice building- lots, at pri ces and terms to suit the times. I am now offering to sell lots ia mj addition from Each, from one third to one-half down and tbe balance payable in six, nine and twelve month, according to the value of the lots, with ten per cent interest. SA discount often per cent will bo made for cah. This is certainly one of the finest chances ever offered in Plattsmouth to parties of limited means, to secure a piece of ground upon which to erect a home. My lots are beautifully cituated and nearly all are covered with a fine growth of young forest trees. Come and look at them. No charge made for showing. S. DUKE. July 5th 1872. I0d2wl4wtf JYJ. B. MURPHY, Manucturer of "" AND DEALER IN U Uarntss, SabMcs, griblrs, COLLAUS, WHIPS. Blankets, Bribhes, &c. Promptly Executed. AH work Warranted "FINE HARNESS A SPECIALITY. Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb t z Plantation i3itters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful Tegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial lor thw aged and languid it baa no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it ia superseding ever other stimulant. In all climate?, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acts ax a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Dec. 26. dAw lyr. Beautiful WomenI HAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to the Cem. plexien the Freshness ef Youth. Uaoax'a mackoua Balm overcomes the flushed ippearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that ao person can detect iu application. By iu use tho roughest rkin is made to rival the par radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skin the least. Magnolia Balm is used by all fashionabU lidiea in New York. London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Dm,?), dl-wirr eSi w. i At gvwe era? nvr orth Car