Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 08, 1872, Image 1

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    t-fffytxT"it"i". -ri r ii ii niir if ivn m-ty -n-in -r- i - .
PuU'ut.i every Thurly at
Political Meeting at Indian
apolis. OWcc Corner nnln m:I hrfvnil Street
Second fclry.
Street Car Troubles Quelled.
Terms, in Advance.
Oa copy, one year S2tOO.
One copy, six months l:0O.
One copy, thrpo months
i'l. Utr mil Solicitors in Chauccry.
mouth, Nebraska. Oi
ce in 1'iizgerald's block
torneys at La-. Praoti'-e in all the courtf
of the State. Spedd attention given to colleo materiof Probate
Otfice over the Post Office Plattetnouth. Neb
TXlX.t WHEELER Attorneys ; Law. Spe
cial atfpotio;. iriv?" to probate luineM
anl l.inl title oases. Office ir the Masonic
Clock. Main Strret. Plattsmouth. Nebraska
RERSE A-'DR PER Attorneys at
Otfico oa Main street. Opposite Urooks
Special attention Kiren to collection of claims
T R. LlVI.VfJS TON. Physician nnrt Sur-
IV. eon. tenders nil pro'wsionsl eervtres o
the citien of O?ieo"nv. Resilience sou'h at
cornerof Oak anuSiatu 'repts: otrce on Man
r rrect. one door west cf Lymun'f Lumber YarJ
Plattunoutb. Nl.
W. RAWLINS. Sunreon on I Physician
Late a ourBe.on-in-Chief of the Annv of
the Pooino, Plattsmouth. Jfcbmnka. OfBce
at O. F. Johnson's Druu Score Main street,
opposite Clark A Plumuier.
Tax Payinjt Amenta, .n ns Publie.Fire.
nn l Life lusuranoo Agest. Pint! nomh. N'eb
raka. "S4M
IH ELfS PAINE General Insurance Aeeut
Represents o:n of the nio3t reliable Coin
1)8' ie in ihe United States.
Office with Humes A' Pollock in Fitzeralis
Clock . jauirlAwtf'
Main Street, Between 5th ami
BREED fe FALL AN - - Proprietors
Just opened to the public, for both d-iy and
week boarders. Tables ret with the best the
market affords. Accomodations second to none
in the city. UceliUwt.f
Lincoln, Neb.
TUU ITouao has just been refitted and refur
r, i.-hed Slew throughout. Everything is new
uud ciean, r.ud cuuiiortublo acc iia tdation war-
rtnted to Ru.vt. lr.- U. it. Korerts, Mrmer
clerk of tr is liou.c. id fti;l wit?i it. StJgo ot
tice for all parts of the S ate. Free. lius
iotf C. U. ri'Jb'i 11 WELL. Proprietor.
Fancy Dry Goods, .Notions,
Ladies' Furnishing- Goods
Largest, Cheapest, and Best AssortoJ
Stock in the City.
f-ST'Store on Main, between 4:h and 5th
streets. Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
dlt wlOd&wtf
To .4dvkp.tiskt!s All persons who conlem
p'ttte contracts with newspapers for tho
icsertion of Advcnisements should send to
or a Circular, or inclos25 cents for their One
hundred Pa? Pamphlet, con'aininsc Lists of
Newspapers anil estiir ates. showinsr the
cost of adrertising. also many useful hin'stoad
vertiscrs. and some account of ihe experiences
of men who are known s incresful advertis
ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American
Newspaj-cr Advertising Agency.
and ere possessed of uneqnnled facilities for
securing the insertion of advertisements in all
Newspapers and Periodicals at lewest rates.
Jos. Sch Liter
Watches. Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly
nd with dispatch.
w-Removed to opposite Platte Valley Hoof
Main Street. no. 10 wtf.
Is in receipt of the finest and
Of Cassltuere?, Cloths Vessings, &c.
ever lrouht to the (ity, which
I will make up in the
Latent styles.
P?.PIeae call ami examine. ""&a
PluttMiiouth, April IS IS'2.
ais dJtwtf.
Twill furnish parties with stone for
buildius purposes at a reasonable price, at
my quarries i r delivered on tho cars st I.ouis
Tille station The following kind of stone can
te ha 1 on fhort notice; culs, caps, p-rchrock
ino or rod sand stone such was used by the
li 1M.R, li. ia the construction of the'r stone
work. All responsible orders, promptly filled
Louisville Station, Neb.
8 &tf
DEALER in Drugi. Medicines. Paints. CiU,
Vara is b. Perfumery. StiTionnry, Notion-,
iBr" snd Tobncro wpltf
J. A. MA3MURFHY, Editor.
Volume 8.
SH. 1872.
C3n.-n;n233 July 1st 1372.
Chicago Avenue. Plattot. outh Cass connty
Prof. A'dolpho "d'AllemanJ, Pr?r,netoi
and Principal,
n l 2SI
Tlie Cheapest,
Look at the men "riding in the shade o
The Marsh Marv.ster.
t-e found at his ell stand on Main St.
I 1 where he will be pie sed to see his for
mer customers and lricnds.
He has a large and good assortment of farm
machinery such as the
rj'he Marsh harvFtsr. arearcrtjit twj men
i. can ct und bind te.' acres per j iv with
one man to drive, and tho binacra cut work iu
tho thuue.
Milbiirnand Studenbaker VTaeons, fTiam
pion Reaper A- Mowe Massillon Thrash
er, a n liuhalo Pit thrasher, aud Excelsior
Reaper and Mower ic.
Main Street. Platt.mouth. Neb.
L. S- Blaib, Traveling Agent.
Feb. 29 wtf.
11123.15 SI? I Zfil2mtbS2?
The Undersigned has on hanl and
All kinds of
At his Mills at the Ferry Landing at Plattsmouth
Orders Promptly Filled.!
William Edgretoh.
For Preserving and Beautifying the HiimanH air
To Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray.
A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of
middle age, at once bespenks refinement, elo
gancc, health and peauty. It may truly be
called Woman's Crowning- Glory, while men
n re not insensible to its advantages and charmst
Few things are more digus in? than thin,
frizzly, harch, untamed Hair, with head and
coat ceyered with Dandruff. Visit a barber
and you feel and look like a new man. Tbis is
what LYON'S KATHAIRON will do all the
time. The charm which lies in well placed
Hair. Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a
Clean Head, is noticeable and irresistablo.
Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores.
Jan. 2d. diw lw every 3w
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Goods,
iioots. and Sl:oe,
flats. ii.d Taps.
Aericulfural Impltments of nil kinc-. Weir or
-f X L." CultivHtors. Mnion Vrn
Grandctour and Princeton Plo-'-i. ,- A- n.iiu'.
tntum, !1 of which weolier to the oubiic at the
owei-' retail prices.
All ChoocIn Warrantee!
As IlcproHi'iited.
i-0ur constant aim will be to sell so low that
it will be to the positive advantage of every lar
tner in the western au J central portion of Cu?t
county to make this their headquarters for trad.
Dealer ia Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Hats.
Caps, Boots & Shoos, Trunks
Vali-es & Carpet Bags, &c. &c.
One of the Oldest and most Reliable
Houses in Plattsmouth. Main
. Street, between 4th & 5th.
qi i;u v r
Every livinsr Senator who voted for
the acquittal Johnson, the mrt sue
cessfuliy impeaehel min before the peu-
p!e that we havo any record of. h sup
porting Greeley. Isn't it funny?
Since his nomination, it is said, Hor
ace Greeley has become a conflnned fop
He wears a swallow-tailed coat lined
with white .satin, with a ppri; of migno
nette pinned to the lappel ; anoints hi
fae with cold cream, and has started a
brigandish moustache. It is reported
that he secretly attends a dancinir sohooi,
and wears boots thr -e sizes smaller than
Bro. Frost, of the Tribune ami Repub
lican, Omaha, will please not confound
us with the "little concern" up the
street, yclept ihe "Perhaps," and by the
way, Mr. Tiib. ami Hep., that fellow
U'lit worth the uowder you are wa.-tins.
His paper to use hi own sweet dial, cr
is so "thin" that forty editions! would
only be a homeopathic commencement
towards an approximation of what a
fair daily newspaper ousht to be.
W 1.1.. SOW!
The New York Evening Fust of Tues
day last, asserts that the signature- f
of the 15,000 German voters of New
York which had been afllxed to a Gree
ley ratifieation ii-t. and so very dramati
cally unrolled before the Natiouui J'etno-
cratic Convention at Baltimore, were ob
tained some years ago undvr an anti
temperance protest. (A greit uriny
signers to the protest have been dad
for years) th' heading has been eh mgod
for one suiting tho times, and the Lib
eral Democratic Greeley and Browu-any-tbiiig
to bei.t-Grant airitators
BUI.C'N L. K 1'
Speaker Blaine is out in a letter to
Sumner, wl.ich scores him unmercifully;
and sets forth in its true lisht the effect
of S jii tier's speech which injured him
self and net Giant. It al-o states tha'
every man who some years ago wished
to murder Sumner was in the Rebellion,
and also eicry l,tst one are now for Gree
Tlif t'oloreil -.u. in the South'
era Sktmew.
From the St. Louis Globe.
404. L''X
521, 3S4
3S2 S90
Moiih Carolina
South Carolina
The "bloody chasms" which we heat
so much about, over which the libera!
tails and the democrat kites propose to
c!a.-p hand, ha, afier con-id rable
search, been found 'Three mill n"
lopty stomachs yawning for a post-office.
State Joit nml.
Col. C. C. Carhart, an old Jersey
friend, arrived this afternnon from a
look-out down towards Crete and there
abouts. He reports things looking nicely
in the southwest.
Three of the most venomous opposers
of Gnnt; are Ch irles A. Dana, of the
Nct York Sun, G. A. Tovrnend, the
''G-wh"' correspondent of thf Chicago
TiUntrie and I on Piar, of the Wa-liinir-ton
Capital. They all were applicants
for office, and all were refused. An ! f
such pap su:king material are President
Grant's tmdueers e-unrioed. Fx.
oxru '4mu.ii auu.v.
Th ; news to d iy pans out very much
as ws opined it would yesterday, and
wen the country districts are heard
from the State m:iy be ltepublican after
The great Democratic victory was
predicated on the fact that all the ne
groes were in the cities.
It seems that while many of them
have been workingin the towos they arc
not registered voters there, aud were
obliged to return to the county districts
to vote, some of (hem walkina many
many miles to do so. When the returns
from these districts come in the victory
will bo reduced to a bare majority, if in
deed it prove a on-'prvHiive gain at all.
it:y. i'..M.uii n.
When we first m t Gen. Cunningham,
at Inco!n, two years ago, and were in
troduced to him as the President of the
Senate, we thought hi to a quiet little
man of not much force. When he dis.
played some con-iderable parliamentary
knowledge and skill in that position we
thought, ' well ho i a good presiding
officer, that's all." We begin to suspect
he must b of more strength than we
give him credit for. He must be a man
of some power when it takes the united
abilities of the four leading Democratic
papers of this State to write him down.
Keep at it, gentlemen. The public like
such talk just when impor ant national
matters are in hand, aud are likely to
read your columns.
rti Irish Keptiblirnni True loPrln
From the Irish Republican.
The American UepuMican h ve nev
er truly understood the worth and nu
merical strength of the I ri-h Republi
rans. me mere rattle wnien na gone
through he land that Horace Greeley
can command the Irish vnt is as hollow
as a drum. The Breat Irish Republican
vote is as solid for Grant to d iv as it
was in '03. Not because Grant is at our
head, although W 1va th man hut
becne h represents the principles of
me ttepuoiicio party.
Thisdoes'nt sound as ifaHthe Irish
wpr for Gr!or.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, August 8. 1872.
Infamous I'wlillcnl Treachery The
hclieuie Irons Ihe Krsiuuinj;.
Lewis C'nrmlchael nid Horace Gree
CJreoley Fsvoni l'enilons for Rebel
Soldier i hi."mh to lie t lie llemo
crntie CAoilidale.
The Doable Plot, iincinnall
'Npenlanreus Vpritnir of the I'eo-
Tap Verrl lllatory of the Jllstemble
Plot rr.nie. ttr. leinenls,
I:vlf, ?-.v ti ;.! f i ellersi,
Ei , :ie. Etc.
From the Biiiph mptoa Republican, July 19.
Onlont.a, July 17, 1872.
C. S. Cariienter, bt iipg du'y sworn.
di-poses ami says Shut he is a resilient ot
(liieontu. Otsego county, in the Mate of
New York, and that In is well acquaint
ed with Lewi- Cunuichael, of Umdill.i,
in said county. That Cariuichud has
lor miuy ye.irs b'.-en a Doiuocrjt, inter
ested in cointy. State and natoiial con
ventions, which he fn-quentiy attended;
and that he for auout a year jiasl
been eniiired in .-eeking a Democratic
candidate tort hi- pri.-i'i"-ney That Car-
m:chael a Ist. tail in corresiondence
with Horace Greeley and tlotauo Sey
niour, on th iuo-iion of nuking new
ties; one of which was Ihe p-iyment
of pt-n.ions to iliaab'e i rebel soldu r-, a-
well as to Un oii soldiers ; and tliat de
iion:nf saw letters from s tid Greeley and
from Seymour on that, question. That
one of Gret ley's l. iters, which deponent
ieeogn:zel by what lie knows ot (jiee-
:y s handwriting, and by the lruiune
leading (this letter being an answer to a
citer of Cartuichacl, asking his views
on the confederate pen-ion question),
expressed the ri'fics of Jlr. (jrcrhu as
fnrnrablf to the. pazxnrje nf u law pra
ttling that tlif general vrnment pa;
pensions to Southern tt aa't i'd so'aters;
iiltli.iUih he ltreeley) doubted whether
congress would pass such a mat
dep-n .iit read the letter can fully, and
this was its true expression and meaning;
and it was freely discussed between Car-
michael and deponent. that this hoe-'
was, according to deponent s De ( recol
eetion, dated in Au-iu-t or early in ep
temoer. lUi I. l'eiionent saw a letter
om Horatio Seymour on the same sub
ject, at about the same time. Air. fcey
mour expressed unused in oppo.-ition to
tiakmg the pen-ion an i?-ue then.
1 hat uepone t also saw another letter
of Horace Gree'ev. addressed to Canui-
hael. in which Greek v Canni-
h'tei to call on him in N w York; to talk
over political issues that had been
broached bet wet u them ; and a separate
part ot that letter, wnicn deponent d:.I
not have opportunity of reading care
fu'Iv, expressed, as dcpnn-Mit casually
noticed, and was di-toirtly informed by
'armtehael, the poxsaniitii thai dri-ehy
woulil acct-pt the nomination for Frei
lent, it the nomination were tendered to
him in 1S72. That Cartiii hael was ab
sent from Otsego shortly afterward, and
received from Greeley, as (atnitchae!
list inertly and emphatically stated to him
Mr. (Jrerleii s iixitivr. consent to he the
Democrat camliilate for president in
872. if the nomination were given to
iui. lh? date ot tins letter was in uc
tober, 1871.
That Cannichael endeavored to induce
deponent to con-tnt ' advocate paying
pensions to -r;irT ; s; Idler-, as a me,is-
uie of c-'pci ion lu tw north and
outh. n d to support M . Greeley for
lie pre ideiicy.
That it was f'tilTy :iid'T food between
eponctif and ( ';;v!:: l.aei lhat Greeley
was to ! irf--L-! lor U.-nioeratie tionn-
nation lhat iet Tierit reg-iried Car
michael a a c nd vl man, who treated
these su! wi'h thrf unuost serious
ness; and that depoutiit i fuUy con
vinced that this correspondence and in
terviews, and their meanintr and results
were described bv him hone-tlv and
aithfully. C S. CAKPKNTElt
Swiiin before ui this 17ih day of July,
E M. Carver, Notary Public.
LouiiE Irehiiid, of Unadilia. Otsego
eo'.uny, iSew lork, hemg urnrn, says
that Lewis ( at iniehael. aisoof Loadilla.
whom he has known for six years, has
frequently been in deponent's office in
Unadilla, ami has.-nownd -ponent letters
from lloraee Gn-tley, of New York.-five
or siix in number; and one letter of Ho
ratio Seymour; that deponent did not
readily read Greeley's letters, except the
heading and signature Carmichael be
ing addres-cd as "friend Carmiehael,
in one or more of them whieh letters
deponent held in his han 1. Their con
tents related to matters understood be
tween 'armichael ami Greeley, some of
the letters pas-nig on as thoush con
nected with previous busin-ss ; and one
of the letters inrtfeil. Carmichael to go
to Cincinnati. These letters were shown
to deponent in the last of March or first
of April, 1872. ('armichael then said
to deponent that (wteelry tcoula he nomt
nateil at (Cincinnati, atid the Democrats
irouhl adopt him : that the nnlv point
there was, that Greeley shouhl gel the.
(sincinnati nonitnatmn. Deponent ne
rused Horatio S -ymour's letter, which
he read easily, an i recognized th hand
writing according to bis previous knowl
e,l2'i ot it, as .Vyuiour s. ihe subjects
ot th it letter w-re as follows: It men
tim-d an interview of Carmi;hael ami
Seymour, and an tuten iew of Carmi
chael ami Gree'ey . saying he Sey
mour) icon more ftroraltly tinprnvtea with
the turn o! mit'ers, with which h
seemed satisfied; mention d the tariff
oue-ition. and said the be-t way w-s to
leare. the insnea rague one, rut Carmichael
ha a prqtsetl, so as to unite persons of
dirlerent views in the coalition movement;
siifve-ded that if Greeley favored this.
it Would tniMtth the wati to the end. De
ponent s strong impression is that Gree
ley's candidacy was mentioned ; but of
that f. does not say positively. J he
time when this letter was read by de
ponent was about the last of March or
first of April. 1872-
The subject had previously been
brought to deponent s attention by I .nr-
michael: but when the letters were
fhown. particularly Greeley's letters,
deponent thought the matter too absurd
to notice ; but after the Cincinnati nomi
natiou he understood their importance.
and endeavored to procure copies. He
would have exposed the matter, except
that he had hopes of procuring the let
ters or conies ot them.
Deponent was informed in December,
LS7I, from the statement of Carmijhael,
that Greeley had promised (.'armichael
the tone of the Ti Hume would b changed
about the fir-t of the year 1872; and
the deponent, on noticing, aw thv change
which statement of laruiiehael depo
nent can prove on competent testimony
of a public officer.
Deponent further remembers that in
one ot Greeley s letter s, Lhase was men
tionej as now feeble and broken down.
Deponent makes this statement on his
honor as a citizen, and because he be
lieves the facts he has mentioned should
be exposed. L. E. IRELAND.
feworn to and ubserifed oeiorc me,
this 17h day of July, 1872.
Frederick -A. Sands, Notary Public
of Otsego couury. N. Y.
Wd give below, not exact copies f
the letters ot Oretley. Seymour, and
the others but the sub-tan jo of tluir
contents, with, in most cases, amj !
veii.'ieation :
Lewis (.'armichael to Horatio Seymour.
Augu-t, 1871. Proposing pension
er disabled rebel . soldiers. Affidavit
of ('has. S. Carpenter. J
wis Carinica I to Horace Greeley. -
August, 1S71 Proposing pen-ions for
di-a'di'd rebel soldiers, and a-kiog Gree-
ey's views, I Affidavit ot Mr. Carpen
Horatio beymour to Lewis t. armich
ael Auau-t or September, 1871 Do
dining to advocite then the payment of
rebel pensions. Mr. Cai pouter's affi-
lavit 1
Horace Greeley to lewn Carmichael.
A"gn-t or September, 1871. Declaring
in favor of a law giving pen-ions, bv
the United Sta as government, to rebel
.-oldieis, though doubting congress, etc.,
Affidavit of Mr. Carpenter J
J-iewg Carmichael to Horace Greeley.
September, 1871. Addressing Greeley
s next president ot the United States,
and asking him to be the candi ate of
the Democrats and all di-siti fled men.
Carmichael cave his views about poli
ties. Statement of Carmichael L
Horace Greeley to Lewis Carmichael.
October 4, 1871. Deprecating Dem-
cratic failure to nominate (Jhase in
1808, again-t Republicans; setting
Chase aside for 1872. as "feeble ami
broken down;" proposing united action
to "close the wounds open-d by the
war;" saving he could not see his way
juite clearly to 1872. Already pub-
ished in part by us, and further certi
fied to by affidavit of Dr. Ireland
Horace Greeley to .Lewis Carmichael.
October, 1871. Invitinj Carmichael.
to call on Greeley in New VTork, to ta k
iver issues, cte , and expressing po.-si-
jihty might consent, to b : a candidate.
Statement ot Carmichael (who testifies
that Greeley fully consented), statement
of H. 11. Howard, and affidavit of Mr.
Horatio Seymour to Lswis Carmich
ael. About December. 1871. Refer
ring to interviews of Greelev and Car
michael, and Carmichael and Seymour ;
expre-sing satisfaction wbh the
f affairs ; acceding to Cai michaei s
plan of non-committal farili i-sue, and
commending Greelev s accep ancj of
plan, as looking to the end Statement
t Carmichael and affidavit oi Dr. Ire
and. Carmichael asserts Seymour s
ubseouent lull agreement to support
Horatio Seymour to Waldo llutchins.
About February. 1S72. Seymour had
been uuuble to see II urchins, according
to Caruiichaei's request, and so wrote
hiiu. Contents of this letter be-t
known to Sevmour and Hu:chius.
Statement of R. F. Arnold, Esq.,)
Horatio Seymour to L-wis C-winich
1 VI. ... U.t . . . ,t
ael. A'l 'Ui rerruary. oiaiemeni oi
I'aets to Carmiehael.
Statement of R. F. Arnold, E-q ,
II Greeley to I wis Carmichael.
-About February. 1872. Sut'cc-ting
that Democratic influence should be ex-
rted for Greeley at Cincinnati ; and
that Carmichael should go tiiere AtS-
hivir of ir. Ireland, and statement of
Henry Van Dusen
Horace Greeley to Lewis Carmichael.
April, 1872 Suggesting that it was
not politic yet to undariake an inde
pendent movement for Greeley in Otse
go county, as Carmichael had proposed
Statement ot Hon. li. Y. Courtney J
Horace Greeley to Lewis Carmichael.
Doubting whether the Democrat
would reaily favor him; and proposing
to withdraw fiom the candidacy; but
persuaded by Cat michael to wait and
r.. . .... -I .11
see. i.tarementoi iarmicuieii
Lewis Carmichael to Reuben L. Fen-
ton About March. Inclosing Sey
mour's letter, noting wh it he (Seymour)
aad written to Hutchms. R. F. Ar
Horace Greeley to Lewis Carnncnael.
Stating the re-ults of the Seymour
Penton correspondence all right,
f Howard. 1
Horatio Seymour to Lewis Carmicn-
eL May 1, 181. Stating correspon
dence about Cincinnati convention, (as
Carmichael explains). statement ot
letter already published on our author
ity. 1
Horatio Seymour to Waldo Hutchins.
April, 1872. Contents known to Se'-
mour and llntcriins. Slated oy car
1IY .4.-11 4
michael to be final arrangement for Cin
cinnati convention. Acknowledged in
pvniriiir s letter to I .;iroiu-h:iel. ot Alav
Affidavit ot Sevmour s acknowledg
ment. if challenged,!
ald Hutchins to Horatio Seymour.
On or before May 1, 1872. Contents
be.-t known to Hutchins and Sevmour.
Seymour 8 letter says the reply of Hutch
ins was pleasant, or sati-taetory. Ac
knowledged m Seymour s letter to Car
michael, of May 1. Affidavit challeng
We had intended to make a review of
the case we present to-day, but lime and
space do not admit or it. H e think al
doubtless will concede that the case
speaks for it-cT.
The responsibility for disproof is now
placed. Suia 1 talk and hall-way denial
are no Ioniser in order. If Mr. Greeley,
or Seymour, or Hutchins, vs misrepre
sented, we invite him to appeal to the
courts. Lt him sue us for libel, or
slander. We will undertake to prove as
touch better case than we now present
tt" tho rae we hare made t better than
wo promised. Dare they answer this
challenge. W e propose that they try.
The following paragraph from the
Tribune ot yesterday, which we had
missed in our daily glance at that paper,
is called to our attention as we go to
press :
1 he Ringhanipton liepubl'can has for
some weeks endeavored to ordain a no
tice from this journal by a series of fa'
ricwiions which have not even the small
"niieiit of plausibility. It has from day
to dav pretended that it would support
its charces bv letters which it has re
pea ted ly threatened to produce but still
withholds. In vain has its ally, the Even
inn Fast, urged it to produce its evidence
or confess itself mistaken Print your
letter", or acknowledge your slanders!
1 his lournal has been "noticed very
often bv Mr. Greeley, in the Tribune,
during the year pa.-t; and the lesser
trills of that paper, in assuming to
notice" us, are guilty of an imperti
nence, lhey are iikewi-e '.mty or a
deception, u e asked them to deny, by
lu'liontv. of Mr Greeley, or Seymour,
or Hutchins; and they have not been
able to do it. The Tribune is "not an
organ," and does not of course, speak
foi Mr. Greeley. Let us now see what
it will sav if it can sav anything, for it-
elf. We have pointed Mr. Greeley to
Ids remedr. And the mere word of Mr.
Greeley is not henceforth current with
the American people.
Tip-Top, of thePlartsmouth IDrvt.d.
ns recently opened a tdegraiuic co re -
pondeive between Plattaojou'h an I
Chappaqua, in relation to a spu ioi s
orresnondent of the INew lork !.
Greeley's reply as published in the HlR-
ALD is rather lac -nic Om ilia Ber.
Ju'ge McDiil has received the nomi
nation for Congress, over Col. Sapp. in
the 8th Congressional district, Ia. Tho
Council B ufTs Republican (supposed to
started in Col Saop's interest), says,
it shall give McDiil as hearty a support
now, as if he had been the man of their
choice from the first. That's right. I'
ounds sensible, and it is a pity some of
our Nebraska men could not learn ales-
on in the same school.
If the Press of a State is any criterion
of its politics we should certain- like to
know on what grounds the Liberals
elaim Nebraska. We give a list of the
papers of this State, as far as we have
been able to obtain them, with the ticket
they hoist :
Omaha Tribune and Republican.
Omaha Bee.
Lincoln Journal.
Nebraska City Press and Chronicle.
Plattsmouth Herald.
Adams Gazette.
Beatrice Express.
West Point Republican.
Nemaha Valley Journal.
Blair Tim s.
Blue Valley Record.
Beatrice Express.
Dakota Mail.
Covington News
Falls City Journal.
Hebron Journal.
Seward Reporter.
Saline Post.
Central Star, Ft. Kearney.
York Monitor.
Pawnee Tribune.
Platte Valley Independent.
Schuyler R-gister.
P atte Journal, Columbus.
Republicaner (German) Neb. City.
Setrtinel, Sarpy Co.
Nebraska Bulletin.
Brownville Advertiser.
Ashland Times.
Tecumseh Chieftain.
Fremont Tribune.
Scandinav, Omaha. 32
Omaha Herald.
Lincoln Statesman. (Doubtful.)
Plattsmouth Watchman.
Biownville Democrat.
Nebraska City News.
Fremont Herald.
North Platte Democrat.
Staats Zeitung, Lincoln.
Nebraska Atlas.
Southern Nebraskian. 10
JudffeT..who is an old South-side
Deuiocra. urges with great unction that
we should "Let by-gones be by-gones."
Rut. wh'n discussing the candidates, he
cri-s out in holy horror, "Why, sir, your
candidate Wikon, used to be a tvnow
Nothine." 'Verily," said Mr. E. ,
"you do seem to wish to let by-gones be
No by-gones when you speak about
Rebellion, on to Richmond, New York
Riots, Tammany Frauds all by-gones.
Only Wilson's record in only
Grant's Democracy in '56. must not be
by-gones. The opposition is a par'y of
by-gones, forever gone by "that's the
The Grant men are all accused of
holding office, owning a newspaper or
running a Postoffice. Read this:
The Ohio State Journal says: " We
shall never be able to understand this
"Liberal" party and its convention.
One of the chief objections to the pres
ent order or thins was that there were
editors holding office so the convention
nominated two editors one for Presi
dent the other for Vice-Piesident. Then
the greatest enormity wa the protective
tariff, and they nominated o!d Protective
himself for President
And we might well add that Brown is
an office holder, and Gret ley has always
wanted to be one.
Thirty two Grant papers to ten Gree
ley no. Democratic, for there is not a
8'ng.e old Republican paper in the outht
except Doe. Renner'h German paper.
How standii this tor a Republican loos
out, fchonl 1 Greeley h elected :
TERMS; $2.00 a Year.
Number 19.
Iinnienke I.os of I'opnlMtlon.
Tmiieniluii Reduction In umbera,
A MHttiamnticnl Problam Solved.
The Greeley and Brown Club of this
place was suddenly and unceremoniously
deprived of the major part of its mem
bers day before yesterday.
The most singular and astonishing re
duction in numbers, that we ever heard
of. It establishes a new rule in Arith
metic, and by inference we may conclude
that the Liberal party have t- ken to
"Addition, Subtraction and Division, (a
la Omaha UerulJ) principally to Sub
On Monday morning the Club num
bered, it is said, 200. On Tuesday,
there were but 2 , Two oughts had
b -en cut off, left, departed, taken away,
and of course but 2, remained. How's
this for High? Mathematics.
When Johnny Brougham re-opened the
old Bowery Theatre with the great play
of Pocahontas the first night was a big
him;. At that titoa this Elitor wai
nothing but a boy and in companv wi;h
the son of a N. Y. E litor we coaxed to
go along to the Theatre that night.
Our Elders, three grave men of let
ters, bad complimentanca ol course
and finally let us youngstees go. Tt e
three Editors and a party of jolly fellows
had all dined together that afternoon
and by the time the curtain rolled up
things were lively in that box at the old
When King Powhattan i Brougham) in
a fit of absence of mind, sat down on hi8
big war club full of tacks and things, the
Senior member of the party, now a
shining Literary light in Philadelphian
circles, could stand it no longer ; bat
with a regular comanche war whoop
dashed his wig on the stage, almost in
Broughams face. When remonstrated
with about his exuberance of spirits,
his only excuse was "Porter told me
Readers, this is our only excuse for
the first story on this page. "Pot
told us to. He swore it wa true, and
he never lies with his little hatchet, and
you know it.
In view of Mr. Greeley's revolting
purpose of favoring the payment of pen
sions to rebel soldiers, should he be
elected to the presidency, what guaranry
have the people that he would not also
recommend the payment of foui hundred
millions of dollars to the ex-slavo hold
ers, as compensation for the loss of their
laves, in accordance with the proposi
tion he made in 1S64 ? This is a matter
which deserves to be carefully pondered.
Greeleyism, installed in the Executive
hair and pervading the national admin-
inistration. would ioon double the bur-
lens of every tax-payer in this nation.
What are Confederate bonds worth since
Mr. Greeley's marriage, and his rebel
pension proposition : remaps, rise
and explain.
A great burly, hearry farmer frani the
southwest came to town last week, and
our "iti." gathered round him.
"How's crops?"
"First rate, never better."
"Good wheat this year?"
"Oh, yes, go thirty bushels to tho
"Much rain?"
"Not too much, just helped the weeds
"How's politics down your way?"
"Wall, don't hear much about 'en"),
have to work ; can't git time to talk
Any Greeley men down your way?'
"Greeley men, what's them? '
"Liberals, don't you know?"
"Liberal man ! yes. I'm called a liberal
man by my neighbors."
Joy o'erspread their countenances,
happiness pervaded their beings. Here
was their man, and they opened :
"Good, give us your hand, you'll vole
for Greeley."
Vote for Greeley ! w os's he?"
"Why, Greeley, don't you know Grec-
ev. our candidate ?"
'I've lived there nigh onto fifteen
years, and know near about every mau
in the county, and I never heard
of Greeley. No sir, won't vote for a
man I don't know. Good-bye."
Blwniartt on Urant.
The ProinciaI Correspondent, the im
mediate organ of Bismarck says in a re
cent number :
"We notice with intense regret that
certain politicians and newspapers in the
United States arc unscrupulous enough
to array the German voters in that Ke
pu'-Iic against I 'resident Grant on ac
count of the course he pursued toward
Germany during the war with trance.
We have said tt before, and we repeat it
n w: l nis ijovernment nas rounu no
fault with the conduct of President
Grant towards our country during the
war. On the contrary, he has given na
many and valuable proof of genuine
sympathy for our cause.
Germans, please read this and ponde
An elderls gentleman returning home
from church, began to extol the merits
of the sermon to his sen. Said he
Jack, I have beard one of the most delight
ful sermons eer de'iverd lief ore a Chrt?
tian society. It carried me to the gate of
heaven." "Why didn't you dodge rn?
replied Jack irreverently, "you will nev
er get another such a chance."
Hon. John A. Uubbard died at Litch
field, Corfn,?'ti'"it. yoferd:4.j
Diamond Mining' Company
Latest from Xorth
Colorcd Voters' Mass Meet-
Market Reports, &c.
Indianapolis, July 31
Two very large political meeting- were
held to-night, (he Democrats and Liber
al at the Academy of Music and Re
publicans at their wigwam.
Savnnnah, July 31.
Tho itreet ear troubles have tutirely
San Francisco, July 31.
A mining company, with ten million
doilaro capita, is incorporated, to work
the new diamond fields at the head
waters of tho Colorado. Among tho
stockholders are Gen. MeCldlan and S.
M. Barlow, of JS'cw York..
London, July 31.
The American fleet will be inspected
at Cowes, by the Prince and Princess of
Vienna, July 31.
Nelie Grant is here.
New Yoric, July 31.
The damage by fire at Hunter's 1'oint
is estimated by the iusurtuce agents at a
million and a half.
Aspinwall dates say the Agassiz party
were to sail July 22d for San Francisco.
Montgomery, Ala., July 31.
The boll worm and army worm are ru
ining the cotton crops.
Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 1.
The election was one of the quietest
for years. Business was generally sus
pended. A large vote was polled
through the greatest exertions of both
parties. Full returns of the city are not
yet in. Tne second ward gives Merriman
C9 majority conservative gain of 154.
The hi st Republican gaia of 50 votes
is reported from Rogue Swan, Holden
township. Wilson county gives 200 ma
jority for Merriman.
2 A. M. But few additional returns
are received. It is conceded here by
nearly all the leading men of both par
ties that JMernman has carried the State
The latest just received from Concord
says, in twelve townships in Cabarrus
county, Merriman has a gain of 203. A
lew Republicans here say the result is
doubtful, but the Star estimates Merri
man s majority will be about 5000. Tho
Journal's estimate is a little higher
The Post, as a Republican paper, con
cedes that Merriman is elected by a
small majority.
New York, August 2.
The World's Raleigh special nuts
Mepriman's majority at 5,000.
Ihe Herald, editorially, cays it is on-
safe to hazard a prediction as to the re
sult fiom the meagre returns at hand,
and that after all it is possible the negro
counties may give the State to the Re
I be lnbune, editorially, thinks the
returns don't warrant any positive state
ment as to the result; that the gains in
the cities may prove deceptive, bein
caused by the return of the negroes to
their country places ot registry.
Ihe limes claims the State has cone
j he limes Raleigh special fays that
indications are the vote in the State will
be elose, and that Rogers, Democrat.
will be elected to Congress in this, the 4th
district Republican claim the State.
Returns como in slow'y
Detroit, Aug. 2.
The colored voters of this city held a
arge and enthusiastic meeting to-nigt.
It was addressed by Rev. George W.
ilhams, ot Boston, a pupil and inti
mate friend of Sumner, who counseled
bis hearers to disregard Sumner's advice
to vote for Greeley. He explained the
cause which has made the Massachusetts
Senator so bitterly hostile to Gen. Grant.
Resolutions were unanimously adopted
pledging their unswerving fidelity to the
party which made the colored men free.
Indianapolis, Aug. 2.
A very large mass meeting of colored
people this evening resolved that the ne
groes weie responsible only to God and
their country for the proper use of the
franchise, and will adhere to the Repub
lican party with their judgement, hearts
aud votes.
Terre Haute, August J.
At a mass meeting of colored voters of
this county this evening, resolutions
were passed acknowledging Sumner's
great services to the colored race, but de
clining to follow his lead out of the Re
publican party, and pledge their support
to Grait as thr- re;jrts-tirat'. o iA true
Republican prineiobM and the best
friend of the colored people.
Memphis, A'i?nt 1.
The city election to-day pasr-cl off
quietly. The entire Democratic ticket
was elected by a greatiy reduced ma
Washington, August 1.
The public debt was reduced during
July over three millions.
Denver, Aug. 2.
The Republican convention met hero
to-day. The attendance was very large.
The conven ion organized promptly.
J. B. Cualics was unanimously nomi
nated for delegate to Congress.
NEW YORK, Augusts, 1872.
Money Ensy at 45
Gold Active at 15(16
Governments Firm at an advaucc.
August 2, 1872.
Cattle Choice,
Good, .
floos Live,
.?' 00016 00
$3 254 25
f4 204 00
Flour Steady
$7 2.'HW 50
Wheat Excited
$1 3Hv.l 3i
Corn Less active.
Bacon unchanged
Wool Quiet;
41 (42 .