Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 25, 1872, Image 4
TILE HE RALD. J. E. Hen tty, of Union, came in this tnorwing, took a 'Hekali, and paid for (he fume. If fie is not a good Grant man, we Jo not know of one. Fanners F when you want Boots or Shoos made to order. Repairing done, or anything in the way of leather and findings, t ill -n O' BnVn & Merge?, at the I'N'tx.u'li S hoe Store, next door to apr4tf Kt j or! - fi: in N uitha and all around fray the in en p i.tlir Lid .ofairinNe brask.i b fore A's i that from Iowa ev! the crops are poor, in some places almost a failare. O'Brien A Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced prices, the very best class of French Calf Boots, Shoes, Jfcc., all stybs of ladies' Bronze, Glove an i White Ivid Shoes and Slippers, made to order. apr4tf Omaha papers report the death. of Steve. Ide, an old and well known freighter and horse deal.r, in Nebraska. is paid to have been stabbed4 in a dispute with another man at Logan, Iowa. Mr. S A. Taylor, the agent of the Continental Life Insurance Company, is in town, looking fine and hearty. Mr. T. called on the Herald, but the editor was out If he will call again wc will insure him a cordial welcome. "The river is going Jown." Ex. Dont it always go down, no matter how high it rises, it is still going down all the time. See advertisement of Dr, Butts Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It shruM bo read by ail. dec.ld&wly. U. S. Marshal, Daily, was in town to day, and called at the HERALD office. Wiliiam looks fine and feels better. Hon. "Tom." 31ajors comes out in a card strong for Grant One by one the supports the Liberals counted on are knocked from u dor them. XOTISE To The fairoiars of j iskson and Else Whair That the said jame II jacksDn WT1 Practice Shummaiking in The Said region For one Dollair tho day and Board. The above notice was absolutely given to a friend of ours with the request that it should bo published jurst as it was. Joe. Brown is hunting for a Glenwood Opinion. Stiles lost it. Loose boys on our street, At eaeh corner we meet. The Posf-oEice keeps mails. Hank. Streigbt straightened out a knotty point the other day and put a head on it. It's not a point now. Dan. Wheeler has gone to Lincoln, Capt. Bennett is writing a life of Rob inson Crew so. The Brooks House has good dinners. Tomatoes are ripe. Peaches airn't, yet. Apples! look Green. So does the man that eats them, now. Schnasse's chimney fTon't smoke. Duke's hardware store looks cool these Jiot days. Buttery's soda fountain "gin out" for two hour3 yesterday, and that's what made the cool weather. REPORT OF THE GREELEY AKD liKOKX (LIB. Agreeable to call a number of persons met in the Court House on Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing a Greeley and Brown Club. Doctor Livingston was called to the chair, and after the usual preliminaries and a speech from the Doctor, the Club was organized as follows : OFFICERS. President, John Fitzgerald; Vice Presidents, E. T. Duke, Wm. Winter- steen, Paul Braistch. Recording Secre- retary, Phelps Paine; Corresponding Secretary, n. Newman; Treasurer, J R. Clark ; Executive Committee, J. L. G. Charlton, W. MickcJwaitrG. Sehnasse L. F. Johnson, C. lleiscl, J. W. Shan non. The Court House was moderately full; they cheered a good deal and got some 25 or 30 names to their Club Roll. Now if there is any thing more which they did, we know not of it. For further particulars see Watchman, A remarkable water spout occured near Denver, Col. last Sunday, which caused the death of two young girls, one named Virden and the other Blood. Mr. Hesser, the florist of Plattsmouth, will accept our hearty thanks for a beau tiful Royal Dwarf Geranium plant. Saline Co. Post. Yea ITesser has the faculty of doing bo all round, and his flowers do pruell so sweet.' Without Hesser Plattsmouth would be lost. Boys, we need our strength in order to win. There is ho use of ever throw ing a chance over your shoulder. The way to catch a cooa is to stop all the holes. We want workers, both of brain and hand. Grant and Wilsoa Club Fri day evening. Rev. James Patterson, and wife and Miss Butterfield ofBrowncll Hall, Oma ha, are in Plattsmouth. To Kzep Ice. Make a double poc ' ket of Strong woolen cloth, no matter how coarse and faded it is. Have a space of two inches or so between the inner and outer pockets, and pack this space as full as possible with feathers. You have no need to use geeso feather.; hens feathers are just as good. With a pocket thus constructad and kept close ly tied at the mouth, a few poundaor ice may be kept a week. dufci wraTon-niT mm i i tmvrrsi, m J. WLKm, Proprietor. R. H. Hi Domio Co., Drome"' tu., Su f rasclac, C&L, s4 M Comment nnl,H,M MILLIONS Bear Testimony to tbelf Womderfal Caratlvb Eflects. The? are not ft vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poer Bin, Wkliker. Troof Spirit arft Kcfuna Litaors doctored, spiced and iweetened to please tho taMa, called Tonics,'.' Appetizers,' "Kestorcra,"4.c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness nnd ruin.bu t aro a true Medicine. mla from the Native Iloot and Her! of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimu lant, They are the (iREAT HI, MOD l'lltl FIEltaod A LIFE tilVIXG FKINCII'LE, a perfect Renovator nnd InviKorntor of the Svstem, tarrying off oil poinonoua matter and restoring theblood to a hcaltby condition. So person can take these Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provitll their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Furenllvens well nsa Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflamr nation of the Liver, and all theVisceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young o old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Eittoaj have no equal. For Inflammatory and Cbronio Rheuma tism and Uout. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Diseases of tbe Blood, Liver, Kid eys and Madder, thosa Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are cansed by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Boad- tche. Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of tbe Chest, Dixsiness. Sour Eructations of tbe Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation oi the Heart, Inflammation of tbe Lungs, Pain in tbe re lions of tbe Kidneys, and a hundred other painful arm p- toma, are tbe offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate tbe Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of nnequalled tScacy in cleansing tbe blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and visor to tbe whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Car buncles, Ring-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Eyes , Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration .of the Skin, Humors ami Diseases of tbe Skin, of wbat'evr name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short lima bv the use ot these Blttnrs. Ooe bottle in such eases wilt convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Gnd its Im purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you Sad it obstructed indslaggish in the veins; cleanse iWhcn it Is fool. and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood sure, and the health of the BTBtem will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking la the lystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Pays a dfft!nirulrhpd phyiolorit. there is scarcely an individual open the tare of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of Worms. It is not upon tne neauny eiemem 01 me body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and alimv denosita that breed these livinsr roousters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vennifug-es, no antoeimintics will ires uie system irom worms u&e these Bitters. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. O-SOLD BY ALL DBUUGIST3 AND DEALERS. SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT TJaltimo e Piano r ACTORY. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUAl'.K AND UPRIGHT Baltimore Maryland. These Inst uments have been befo he I ub- 1 : t il. .ml niukn fVpip r.v celltnce aloneattainod an vnpurchaed Pro- eminence, wmeu pronounces mum uutiiuj;t'i in Tone, Touch, Worhiwnriip and Durability. trg-AM our SqtiiiTC Tiano.- have our New Tm- roved Overstrung t?cule and the Agraffe X c le. 5Wewoul"l call Fpeoiivl attention to our late Patented Improvement ia Grand Pianos and Square Grands found in no other Piano, which bring the piano nearer jicrfeation than has yet been attained. cer PIANO Fully Warranted for Five tear Illustrated (?atlojrnes and price lists prompt ly furnished on application to WM. KNABE & CO.. Baltimore. Ml. Or any of our regular established agencies. Nov30w6mo. HENRY BOECK DEALER IN FURNITURE, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS- Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS AKD AT ALL FRICK3. Metalic Burial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS QPALIi SIZES. Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for past patronage, Ii n ate all to call and examine my larga stock o niture and Coffins jan2St Lock to Your Children. The Great Soothing Remedy. MRS. I Cures colic and griping in Whitcomb's the bowels,- and facilitates Syrup, the process of teething. . MRS. I Subdues convulsion and Whitcomb'slovercomes all diseases inci Syrup. I dent to infanta and children. MRS. I Cures Diarrhoea. Dysente fhrtcombVry andaummeroomplaint Syrup. 1 children of all agea. Pric 2S Cents. Price Cents. Price 25 . Cents. It is the great Infants' and ChUdrcn'snSoeth ina; Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teething or any other cause. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine CoTSL Lonia Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Me everywhere- de2d MACHINE SHOP! Waxjman Curtis. .Plattsni otitis, IYeI., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Griflt Mill-!. Gas and Steam Fitting. Wronsht Iron Virie, Force and Tift rVBSjv, nm (Jaufte. alau Valve Uo crnuK, and ail kindd of Brass Engine Fitting s, furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY EepaiisJ oa sh.ort otiee. atuc5 8 DEALER 11 DRUGS. MEDICINES. AND WAXaia PAPER ! ! Ail Paper rrimmed free of Charne. Also Dsalcr in Books, Stationary, Fragazinss, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex perienced Iruirsrit. Kemcmbcr the place. thrp-door west of th Herald office; Piattf month. Nebraska. PURISSlA ET OPTIMA. Thi. unrivalled M;dicir. i warranted rot to coiil n aMi-iii.i part'u-leot .Mortury, or any in jurious luir.eral Fub-turco. but i PUUEI.Y V I'O KTAULt. ' For forty j cars ir. ha? proved its profit win" in all diseases of tho Liver, kiid Kidneyy l Loafand.- ot the pood mid pie tt i'i all i .rts i( the country vouch Tor i'.s v niloi ii:! ni t I wu powe.-l:i purir'j in? the Mood, .-tiinul.i intr the t -rpid I fir tutd bow-.-N, .i-.i ij nevr lii'? jnd Yiaorto th-i whlu syrji. Sim mons' Liver Regulator is acUnoivKd .cd to have ro equal as? a liver MEDrriN;:, It contain four medical clement , never Tiii tcd in the Fame happy proportion in :ir.y otiiT pr pnration viz ; a gentie Cathartic, a won-lor-ful Tor ic, an un-cxeeitionai)le Alter .tivo and a certain Corrective ofall iinftiritie- ot the body Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now resrnrded as tho G 21 EAT UX FAILING SPECIFIC, for Liver Coiiiplaint and the painful offoprins; tlicreof, tt-vrit. Dyspepsij, Coi s'ii Hti n. Jaundice. Uilious afa ki Sick headache. Colic Depression of Spirits, Sour Stimauh, Heart Burn. Ac i.e. Kegu'a o the liver and prevent, CHILLS AND FEVER. Trepared only by J. II ZEILIX A CO. Drupg'', W.ctn. Oa. Send for a Circular 1 and .-" Arch street. Price 81; by mail 1.25 Philadeiphia Pa, For Sale by J J BUTTERY, janiwly. rir.ttfniouth. Neb. TI. J. STREIGHT, BOOK-SELLER, AND PAPER DEALER. P! ATTC&TC'JTH, UZ3. eSepts'r, d lraband w tf. To tbe East North anJ Southeast. lh 111 h yhs- (3 F-'ivy STATIONS. kYe MAIL- Learo Plattsmouth, 3.40p. in, C.W . in Arrive Bu lington 5.C0 a-m. 8,40p.m. Mcndota 21.15 a- m. '.3.22 a. in. " Chicngo(C.B.AQ.i 3.15 p. in. 7.00 a. m " Peoria.. " 9.00 a. m. 12.C0 a. in, " Ind'plis:i.B.fW. 5:15 p.m. 10.31 a.m. " Cincinnati " Kr,0 p. in, 4.00 p. in. " Loganpp'tT.rAW 5.55 p.m. l20 a. m. "Columbus '" 2.45 a.m. 6.20 p.m. feThroiiph Cars from vi?.-"ouri River to Chi cago. Indianapolii!, Cincinnati, Loanspoi't end Columbus. Connections at those points with Jincs lead ing 'o tho Eaft. Nrth and outb. Xhb is the JJtit; Shortest, Quicictst and Cheap est tioute. Do not bo deceived, but obtain Tickets via the BurlifiKt.'in and MitoUli River Knilroad. A.E. TOL'Z VLIN. . U E. Pt liKIiS. ien'l 1'ieket Agent. Gcn'l Sup"? Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an orJer of sale, i-i.sued out of the District Court for Cass comity, Nebraska, and to rue d.rccteJ, I will, on the oth day of August, A. L. 1S72, at one o'clock p. m. of said da3 at t!io s:uth front door of tho Court House, in the city of riattsmouth, in said county, sell at auction, the following real estate, to-wit : The northwest quarter () of the southwest (i) and the southwest quarter (1) of the northwest () arid the southeast quarter (i) ot the southwest quarter (1) of section .No. eleven, (11) and the northeast quarter (J) of the northwest quarter (i) of section No. fourteen (14), all situated in township No. twelve (12), north of range No. thirteen (13) east of the sixth principal meridian, in Cass county Nebraska, ac cording to the government survey. Sold to satisfy a decree of foreclosure ren dered nt the April term, A. D. 1871, of the said District Court, in favor of Ihonaas iu. lootle, and against A. G, Barnes and Lucinda Barnes. Given under my haud this 3d day of J aJy, A. L. 1872. J. W. jonxsoN, Sheriff Cass Co. Nebraska. Maxwell & Chapman, 14-5tw lTff'B Any . CU1A.Td0NE7 ESTABLISHED -------- lSlO. Pasenger booked to and frcn all parts of Europe at lowest rates, Apply to II. P. DU VERNET. Ocnl Wtstern A'gt, 37"' State st. Chicago, orfo Ei. WILSON. 12 Cm. STATE AGENT HALLADAY'S PATENT WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND IT ABM PUMPS. FEED ?3ILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The II:!!:id;'y V. iil h-! Ftood the test for fix teen ye;ir, both in the United States and Eu rope a. id is theomyone Generally adopted by all Principal Kail roads and Fanner?. Send for catalogue and price li"i,.srar A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska. T H E BE S T IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST :0: For Your Groceries Go To C rntr Third and Main Streets, Platt?mouth, 4 kci,. - mi band a hoice and - i .J G , if: CoCcis. Icai, Sugar, Syrup, Ac. Ac. Ac. j"A!si a goi.d aisc rtment of Uoot? A Shoe3."t! . :U: In Coiinoction with the Grocery is a Bakery & Confectionery ! fc"-Al! kinds of Country Produce bought and s.dd Take notii-eof the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY Aril) bKi'UrAK. uiayiowtt. B. IV2URPHY, Manucturcr of AND DEALER IN rabbits, griblts, COLL AltS, WllIP, Blankets, Brushes, &c Proinptly Executed. All work Warranted 3-FiN HARNESS A SPECIALITY.- Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb Legal Notice. Aueust Murphy non resident defendant, will take notice that on the 22nd day of June 1872, llhani Madelmann hied his petition, in tho District Court of the 2d Judicial District in and for Cass County Nebraska the objeeiand prayer of which is to recover -a judgement, against you, for the sum of Si08.?0aud interest from April 18, 1871, at 10 per cent on a lronu.sory noteot sai J date and that said plamtiii La caused an order of attach meat to be issued in said cause, and has caused lot 10, in block 3, in fetadeltnann s Addition to the City ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska. l'lair.tiif prays judgment against you for the sum ot SI OS. DO and interest lrom the ISth day of April 1871, and that the suid lot may be sold under fcaid attach ment and applied to the payment of said judgment. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of August, 18 2. . WILLIAM STADELMANN. MAX ELL & CllAVMAM, 14 5w. " llis Attorneys. Sheriff's Sale. II. L. R. Stiles, plaintiff, vs. John Snvder and Wiliiam Snyder, defend- ents: Notice is hereby given that I will offer for sa'e at public auction on Monday the 20th day of July A. D. 1872, by virtue and authority of an order of sale to me directed and issued by the clerk of the District. Court of the Second Judicial District in and for Cass county, Nebras ka, at the front door of the Court House in the .city of Plattsmouth in said coun ty, at one o'clock p. m. of said day the following deVcribed real estate, to-wit: Lot No. five (5), in block No. sixfy three (03), in Plattsmouth city together with the frame dwelling house situated thereon, upon which building and lot of J round 11. Jj. 11. btueshasa Mechanic 6 jien. Given under rny hand. this 25th day of June, A. D. 1872. J. W JOHNSON, Sheriff Cass county, Neb. Maxwell & Chapman, Defendant's Attorneys, nl3w5. Sheriffs Sale BY virtuo of an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court for .. Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the.l2th day of August A. D. 1872, atone o'clock p. m. of said day 'at tho south front door of the Court Ilouse in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county sell at auction tha following described real estate, to-wit : IJeerining at a point 113 feet east and 17S0 feet south of the north-west corner of section no. twenty seven (27) in town ship no. ten (10) north, of range no. (13) thirteen,-east of theGth p. m.; thence east forty (40) feet, thence north one hundred and twenty 120 feet; thence west forty (40) feet, and thence south one hundred and twenty (120) feet to the glace of beginning, and also the Hotel uilding situated thereon- all of said de scribed real estate being situated in Fac toryvillo, Cass county, Nebraska. Sold to satisfy a tnehanio's lien in fa vor of John Ballantine, William Dalian tine and George E. Bragg. Given under my hand this 10th day of July A. If. 3872 J. W. JOHNSON, Sheriff Cass Co. Maxwell & Chapman, Attys for TL 13w5, , Plantation Bitters. S. T. 1860-X. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial tor thv aged and languid it has no equal among stoinachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women are es pecially subject, it is superseding every other Etimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acta ad a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the aniniifl spirits. Dec. 2o. dirtrlyr. Beautiful WomenI HAGAN'S MAGNOOIA BALM gives to the Cem- plexion the Freshness of Youth. IIaqin's magvoli. Balm overcomes the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It make3 the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no per-oucan detect its application. - Uy its use tho roughest ckin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redness, blotches, and pimples. It contains nothing that will injure the skiu the least. Magnolia Ealm is used by all fahionablt ladies in New York. London and Paris. It costs only 75 cents per Cottle, and is sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Dec, 2t5. divr lyr e 3d w. BEST IS Tiac Ciicapesf. Look at the men wriding in the shade o Tho larsli fclarv.ster. J", METTEER. fill be found at his old stand on Main St, where he will be pletsed to see his for iner customers ana mends. 11 e has a larfte and good assortment of farm machinery such as the 'The Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men L can cut and bind ten acres per day with one man to drive, and the binders can work in the thade. Milburnand Stndenbaker Wacon?. Cham pion ltenper A Mower Mas.-illon Thrnfh er. anJ liubnlo Pit thnisher, and Ksfclsior Kcaper und Mower Ac, F. J. METTEER, Main Street, Plattmouth. Neb. L. S. Blair, Traveling Arent. Feb. 29 wtf. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. D on'f nil to promre Mr Wins?oic't Soothing A'trtipjor Cttlaren lcctlung. This" valuable prcpnration has been used with NEVErt FAILING SUCCESS IN TIlUU i? A N D.S 0 1?' OA S ES. It not only relieves the child from pain, tut invigorates the stouvch nnd bowtds, corrects acidity, und piv -s tone nnd energy to the whole system. It will also 1 stantly relieve Griping in the Jiowelt and Wind Cj lee. We believe it the best and surest remedy in theworid, in all cases of Dysentery and Diar rhoea in children, whetner arrising lrom teetn ins ct any other cause. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Itelief and Health to Your Infants. Be sure and call for "Mri, Winilow'a Sootning Syrup." Ilavine the fc-io.ile of "CURTIS Sc Pi2R KINS" cn the outside wrai'Der. Sold by Drupjfists throughout the world. 10 BEN D0RKEY Wishes to announce to the people of the Great West that the second Volume of sD0R.CEY'S -WEEKLY" Which commenced April l"th was enlarged to forty-eifrht columns. With that number the champion jnurn.ilistintrodu ced a number of new and iutercsintr del art meuts wliieh constitute "DOHKIE'S WEEKLY the finest literary family paper in the United tStjttcs. Hi- real life and comic sketches, as also the thrilling: stories of Western life innkc that journal tbeu:ot inter esting and best adapted to western r aders. Terms, Cash in advance. . per snnum, ?1. 75 six months, SI three months. fend P.O. order by mail to liENN DORKEY, ap-oom fc't- Louis, Mo. DOCTOR CTEIITTII2K. S 617 St. Charles Street. I onger located in St. Louis than any Chron J io Physician, so successfully treats Simple mil f!rmilicated Venereal Disease as to brine patients from every State. II13 hospital op- . .n .. n i e-a n tit., tl.mfk .1 noi-i 11 TIJ'O with nil r- 'est drugs prepared in the establishment, cure. 'eascs jtiven up by others, no matter who fail 'ed ; tell yoi r private troubles, t'onsultatior, free. Sena two stamps tor meaicai essays. Manhood, Womanhood, sent fcj mail. 15 cents each, both for 25 eta, 100 pages. All that the carious, doubtful or inquwitiv wish to know all about Self-pollution Preve tion. Marriage. Lvery young man a na man ought to reai it as a warning ine vnm rlhiiitnted or Dartiallv impotent i(?ientiBcallv adviscd.wn "ecid RISE IP RRO. Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groctiies. 11 m d ware. Queensware. Boots, and Shoes, Ilats. and Caps, A grieuttural Inrpliments of aU kinds. Weir ar f X L" Cultivators, Union Corn Planters Grande tour and Princeton Plows, &o Ac adin ntum, all of which we offer to the publio at the owest retail prices. All Goods Warranted As Represented. . Our constant aim will be to sell so low that ;t will Ka trt ttir n.jit l vn a.-t va nf h.'.b r.f ftverv fur mer in the western and central portion of Casf county to make this their headquarters for trad. SPRING AND "SUMMER GOODS. 1872, 1872 1872. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and X. SCHHASSE To bay their DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. -t thk 1ST" E "W YOEK ST ORE- The best and most somplete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, HLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and piiccs to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QbEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES NON-FOKFEITIKG dividends on the Contribution Plan, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men, whose known finanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its careful and succesful management. 2d. Its Polices are all iioJi-tMrleiliijjf. 3d. Premium all ohs.Ii. It receives no notes and rives none. Policy holders have po interest to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. i 5th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 6th. Its business ia excluseivly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets m, uie uikucm raie 01 uiieresi cjin give you ine moneys ai o percent., wniie in is inaKcs us investments ai iwelve per cent, or more, x ud uuTtLuuiitc i'i i citri ii in . trsLuiuiiin tu luc figures: The amount of $1,000, invested for fifty 6 per cent, compound 8 " 10 " " 12 " " , is obvious that this olicnolder than any OFFICERS . II I Macka. President, D M Swan. Vice-Priident. Dr J L Wevcr, ited. iJ'tor, George A Moore, Secretary, J Jones, Ass't Secretary, II L Newman, Treasurer DIRECTORS. D Shire, Leavenworth. Kan, J F Riohards, II R Hammond ? II Edgerton. ' " Tnos Carrier. S M Siricklcr. Junction City Chas Robinson, Lawrance. W. Uadley. II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. 1) M Swan, W G Coffin. Geo A Moore. D W Powers. " Geo L Davis, St. J Merritt, K Hustings. MR Morgan " Gen. Agenifor Good Traveling J. W. MARSHALL, Agent, R E LIVINGSTON, Med Examine (Continental $nilbin9, Bos. 24, 26 28 Nassau St. B JUSTUS LAWRENCE. President. J. P. ROGERS. Secretary. Enterprising Economical, -MAherah mul Safe Number Policies issued to Jan. 1, 18T2 Number Policies issued and revived in 1S71. ASSETTS. Jan. 1,1872 This Company is Purely Mntual i its operations, dividing its entire surplus among its Poli- JTniio ,k "I'antrihutln Plan." and haa a larger business and a lower ratio of cy h lUIUCIOl .UUU.H-J vu n- " ' expense to income, than nave ever Deen aiiainea Dy any oiuer vouipaujr ai . vwimiiuuj, period in its history. ... .. , , . , , , , Ita total Assets are sufficient to discharge all liabilities, including re-insurance, pay back all its stock capi- al. and leave as a balance more than a MILLION of earned surplus. This Company Issued More Polici msr is7i th aist - Any Other Company in the Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., jnawiwtf 5cncral Agents, for Nebraska, more too, are going to Bl CO, largest uiviuenus. ,atern companies invest thei puniy nuiucr appears in years at the following startlin interest, is 3 18.420.15 " " 4,901.6d " " 117.S50.H5 " " blS.IH.OO comnancial advantages nd inducements to th other II A Calkins, General Agent. W K Harvey, Con. actuary, T A llurd. Attorney. II L N-wman Lcavonxorth W E Chemberlain. T A Hurd. I" E B Allen. " " C A t'erry, Weston, Mo, G VI Veal, Topcka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W RStebbins, " Louis. Mo " 1. IS. CO WIIjTj Nebraska antl Northern Cian 99a Solicitors Wanted. PLJlTTSMOUTit 45,000 19.337 ..87,303,23.5,50 , . . I " Irl fVvl TELEGRAPHIC. Great Fire at Oirden Political Convent ions, Rati fications, &c. London Times on the Stokes Case. Stanley Arrives at Port Said and Departs for England. Tammany Ratifies Greeley and Brown. Boutwcll's Speech. Xew Taper at St. Louis. Ogden, Utah, July 17. The junction eating house, Wells, Far go and Co.'s LuilJinps and two or three adjoining small buildings and contents were consumed this noon. Loss un known, hut cannot f'allbhort often thou sand dollars. Washington, July 17. Henry A. Wise, iu declining to address a Grant meeting at Alexandria, pays it ia entirely unlit for him to act with any political party, hut he cannot vote with the so-called liberal republicans. In communication with the war de partment Gen. Sheridan saya: "We can never stop wild Indians from murdering and stealing until wc punish them." m m m i Terra Haute, July 17. The democratic nominating conven tion of this congressional district meets at Spencer, Owen county, to-morrow. It ia understood that Hon. Daniel W. Voorhees .will have the nomination without opposition, an 1 it is said - by leading democrats that he will support Greeley and Brown. Ilichmond, July 17. The anti-Greeley democrats held a secret conference to day. Erie. Pa., July 17. The Grant and Wilson ratification meeting held here to night was six times as large as the Greeley meeting last Saturday. A considerable number of the latter have declared tot Grant. Our only democratic paper has not yet hoisted Greeley's name. Klmfra, N. Y.July 17. Hon. AlexW. Ilandall, ex-governor of Wisconsin, is lying critically ill here. m mm London, July 17. The Times, commenting on the Stokes trial, says : 'At the bottom of what we call this miscarriage of Justice, is that indifference the Americans feel for viol ent crimes, in which both murderer and victim are rowdies." New York, July 17, Stokes's council say they have noin tenlion to try to secure the bail for their client at. present. The Apollo hall democracy have not as yet signified its course a to the Haiti more nominations. The Tribune accuses Senator O'Brien, who is tho foreman of the organization, with an attempt to carry it over to the Grant party. London, July 18. A di?patch from Port Said announces the arrival there and subse quent departure for Kngland, of Stan ley the hero of the Livingstone seanb, accompanied by a son of Livingstone's. New York, July 18. . The republican national executive committee had a meeting yesterday af ternoon, and for the mobt part secret. Measures were discussed for forwarding the canvass in 1'enDsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina and West Virginia. Ex Senator Abbott made a cheering report of the canvass in North Carolina. A Herald dispatch now contradicts the former statement that general Banks had gone over to the liberal liepublicans. The Tammany general committee to night ratified tho nomination of Greeley and Brown, and appointed a committee to arrange for a mass ratification meet ing. Terrc Haute, July 18 D. W. Voorhees was nominated by the democratic convention to day at Spencer for congress, and made an cbibor ate speech. Charlotte, N. C, July 18. Boutwell spoke at the court house to day, in support of the administration in reference to finances. St. Louis, July 1H. McKee and Ilanser, formerly of the Democrat, issued their new paper, the Globe, this morning. They fly the Grant and Wilson flag, and announce their pur pose to use their best endeavors to pre serve unity, and maintain the ascendency of the republican party. A man from one of the rural districts recently went to Washington' to see the piphts. A member of the House, wBose constituent he was said: "Come up to morrow, and I will give you a scat on the floor of the House." "No you don't!" replied Jonathan ; "I always manage-To have a cheer to set on to home, and 1 bet I hain't come to Wash'n'ton to sit on the floor; Injuns may do that when they come, it they like, but 1, that am civilized, don't do it'' Mrs. A. Hazeltine. living two miles north-east of York, in lowering the win dow in her bed-room, encountered a rattle-snake, which had taken up his lodg ing on the window sill. In her fright Mrs. 11. dropped the sash on his snake- ship, as he was beating a hasty retreat. Not relishing his imprisonment he struck out viciously at his captor. But fortun ately the window was betweene him and his captor and his spite was SDent on a pane of glass, which proved an ex cellent non-conductor of snake bite in this instance. At this stage of the per formance, an aexuaintanca came to the rescue, and dispatched the rattler. It has become fashionable lately i fast young cities where sensations are necessities, to have some one recognize J. Wilkes Booth the assassin of the President alive and on the wing. Some fellow in Fort Wayne has "saw him hut a moment," an Editor in Council Bluff?, as interviewed and knows where to address him. If these places must ha .V a sensation every morning for breakfast, 1 let them have a bloody murder, or a toisined suicide, but don't dish up Vilkes Booth any more. He is State hash.