THE HERALD. CAM. It. It IN NEBRASKA. ARK TU. I DKPAT Ma;l and Ex. 1:S0 p. m. "Wail and Ex. 10:00 a tn 1 I'reiOt A Ac. :00 a.m.1 Freight A Ac. 3:JO p- tn B. k. M. R. R. IN IOWA. a ft KIT US Mail & Ex. 5;3. p. in Ac'tion A Fr'cht 2 p m Mail A Ex. fr. m. Ac'tion A Fr 12-:t.i m. Atlantic Kx. 4:31 p ni. Pacific KxpreJ a ui Tli Transfer ht will leave th lenot toeoti- aect with Extern lioua'l traim -T minut- earli er than tbe tiniw riven above 'lhe linut h run fey Chicago time which, in Si minute fibUTthau Flattsinouta tiu.e. OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burliugton A Missouri Eier P.ailroad in N'ebrapka. Depot at foot of Jones btreet- LKATrX- AKftlTM. Omaha..... : a.m. I Lincoln . 12::) P. tn do 3;KI p. m, I do 9:-' r. m. Linooln 5:00 a.m. (Omaha 11:10 a, m do 1;30 p. m. do . 0:10 p in C a 8T. JOE. A C B. R. R. I at rACino jcsctio iowa.1 GOtNU SORTH. BOlSO SOCTH. M ail an4 Express 4:4S p. in. 8.M) a. m. mr . . . - U 1 : . A . Q-1S n A litul CIPIOM........n;inj it. iu ...... r - ' - I Thia rives paweinter from Plntti-tnouth clone I li'i-Mf AS RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. KOCTE. C. B. k St. Joe R. R. Soa'h C. b. A St. Joe K. K. Is orth. B. A M. K. K. East. B. M. K. K. West, Omaha by Kail Weepinit W ater, A - I l. . h S9fffl. CLOSRS. ARRIVES 9 pm. 10.30 pit 9 p. m. pm 9 pm. 10.;fe p tu Haiu. 4pra. 9 p in 10 a iu 12 in. 1 tn. 9 p m. 8 pm. Depart Mondays. Wednesdays and i n lays. OKice bouni, from 7 a in to 8 p m. S andays. 13 to 1 pyr MARSHALL. P. M. City Official. PLATTSMOUTII. M. L. White, Hon Vanatta, -Josiah Moores, Mayor. City 'l?,k. Police Judtre. Mur-hnl. Street Coni mi&ioner. Miles W alter J. White, ALDERMEN. First Ward. John Fiticenil" F.lhertDuVe. Fbcokd Wamd Jas. 15utery. J. eyiuan. Thii Wabd. R. CushiuB. K. iviun. Churches. 11 abtist On thecorner of Main and Ninth 15 Rev. T. J. Arnold, pa-tor. Result-nco .n Main1 between 10th and 11th. Services every Babath at 11 a. in., and t 6 P. m. abt;ath chool at 9'i a.m. Prayer meeting every ed needay evening. Christian Servict in Conspiration Church, at 4 o'clock p. in. Elder Alton preacher. ElJere. Iac Wileo and T, J. Todd. 1 Episcopal Corner Vic u end Third street' Kev. A. R. tirnvcH service? every Stin lay a n.(o a tn anil nil. in. .v i i2p.m.. Prf.d'Alleinand.Sux.t. ll-to a. in. ana op.. cmiijr . in.. Pruf. d'Alletuand. Sunt. "lOHeHROATI )8iioATin jiv-Cnrner w asund th fts Rev.B. FManwell. residence Loou.-t fto- n 4th ami 5? how Service? every hahhath at ,i ecu iui " - , . , . 1 -it n ?i ViihlintU School at - SO p. m. Prayer meeting every odnciday veninc C Catholic North pi le of PublicSquare Rev Father Hayef . First Maw every ftabhath at 8:30 a. m.. Second V.as3 u-.-A S-wn at H:. Vetera and Uenedicti.m at 3: p. m. Mass at a. m. every week day. " 17188T PrepbttfriaK North ?i'leofMaint. i went ol fith-Kev. W. T. B:,rtlo : bervirt-i eery Sabbath t 11 a. m. and W p. ni bab bath School at 9:30 a- m.. Thos Pollock Supertn Undent. Prayer meeting every ednesduy veiling at 8:00 o'clock. Mrthodist Episcopal West pide of Sixth street. Pouth of Main Kev. J. 11. Prc-.n Hervicefeverv Sabbath at 10 ;Vl a. m. and p. ih. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. ''' aieetings every Monday evening and imii.e Ii ite ly after close of Sabbath morning serviced -babbath School at 2:30 Soxtao den 24 September hat die Deutsche Ev. Luth. (iemein.U in ihreni inil,i iu vonnittags urn 11 UhrGotteodien.-t. L t bcrhaa:.: findf't der.'t-lbo von jctzt un rerlmacfp ur ano H Tace statt. Minister Rev. L Haiin:twn;l. Sabbath school at 9 a in., l'rol. d AUesnand, Snpt. Lodges. rn O F. Regular meeuneJ oi nauo uhukc, . No 7 I. O. .F. every Thnrda evening at Odd Fe'lloVs Hall. Tranpicnt Brothers are cor dially invited to visit. J. W. JOHNSON N. Q. A.d'Ai.i.EitANi, Sec. .- -r..i T T I. O. O. F. Plattsinouth Encampment No. 3. Regular Convocaii"tis inu aivi ? of each month at Odd r eiiows nan c .r. u Main ft. Transient Patriarch, cordia ly invited to viit. " t-iLlB v-1 A. VAllrmakc. Scribe M4BOK1P Pi. ATT3MOITTH LODOK No. 6 A. F v A M Rega'i'.r meetings at their hall onthe Bwt and third Mori !ny evening ot each ffionth TranPl7tbrocth,n A. d'ALLXMASD. Sec. acot Lodge No. 2Z A.7. & A. M.-Uegji. A 11'" Mv llall. first and m VH4;ivp. J- N. M. J. M. Beardslk Y Sec. "XTkbrask a Chai-tkr No. 3 R. A. M.-Regular i oonvocationn pecond and fpurtu Tuetday : ..t .u. mini r '1 qr o fl'M-iv I'- 111. .nntk ot v 1 n'lof'k r. in. U. R. LIVINGSTON 11. P. II. Newman. Sec. TO G-T. OMVKBRiNrH.No.2--IIE Eliison . w c T c w. Kin?, w Sec. T. w -bry- oci Lodge leputy.Mecw at Clark Pliiminer's oeV Lodre deputy hall every Tue.iay evening "espectfully invited. iraveiing xcmiiarc i The river has fallen 17 inches since Fri day ; but a big rise at Sioux city is re ported. Maj. Powell, the celebrated explorer of Colorado canon, passed through Omaha yesterday, on his way west for another exploring expedition. Scene Lincoln Tipsy Pedestrian; hie, hurrah for-hic- Hurrah for H-hie-nor, hurrah for-hic ; d it, hie, cant rah for Greeley, hie, worth a cent sup posed o be a Democrat. KOLUIEHH' IMU STT. All soldiers entitled to bounty uni r the recent acts of Congress, will find it to their advantage to call upon 13w4t D. II. Wheeler & Co. S. W. Orton. of Eluiwood, called on ncnim. ami ren.rU very pratify- inr news from the West Few Rrpub- licans that will go Gre4t?y-4Uid more Democrats that will vote for Graut. Thanks to Mr. llc.H-rook, of the R.&S M. R R., we are having a fine side walk put down across Second St. Those two planks were a temptation to a "tired" man to 6top and rest always ; unless he was too "tired," -when he mo-tly sat down in the Culvert all ' tea onct." Rev. Father McMeuamy, is again at Lome attending to his sacerdotal duties. He is looking as uual and in excellent health, C. B. Kepullican, Frank Reed, formely yard master here, is in town. Frank is enthusiastic over the western country and believes Nc- braska the j-reatest State in the uni- verso. The State Temperance 'Convention have just closed their labors, at Lincoln, and decided to support the men of ei- ther party that are temperance men. Full particulars to-morrow. GOOD HTOC U. We tire very much pleaded with Cass county in respct to stock matters. So far at least we have seen better blooded stock and wore of it in this county than anywhere ebe iu the State, aud hopu by a visit to our breeder's farm.", aud from their statistics to be able to prove that raising good stock does pay. We never had much opinion of Texas and other breeds of that kind of ctttle for a farmer to keep permanently on hid farm or to help multiply. Used merely as con sumers for corn and hay, they Ujay d , tut to ket-p, give n the good broad Lacked; rhort homed, short legged Lur ham that hoks as if a juicy stesk could he cut off anywhere almo.-t from horns to hoofs. TUSK UK. It is astonishing how muh young tim ber there is growing in the eastern part of this county. In a few years, all this portion of the land will be a timber cov ered country unless some measure are taken to prevent the sanie. Young oaks, vigorous Hickory's and . . . . dark green W alnuts are springing up under the beautiful sun and rains of this reason- The cottocwood grows too, further back, the willows and the hedges have increased enormously this year. Kvery man who had a tree out of doors this reason is several feet of wood the richer, and can to. to bed o'nights assured that it is doing its part towards solvitig the fuel question. Doctor Latta, of Rock Bluffs, losr a very valuable horse yesterday. His fine, young, gray team, was tied to a post at Holmes School House. The flies be coming bad, they got restive, and some how pulled up tha post they were tied to, and ran away. The halter was tied about the centre cf the post, and it.U e swinging in tni- manner itupaieo. o;i? oi the borsos causing death inh i':f un hour. The jo.-t was fjur.d a j-hort distance frtui the frchooihous. ; but the team ran half a mile before the mare dropped d ad. She was of "Printer" ttock, a fine animal, and will le a great loss to the Doctor. - . , t J -P Messr. Worthington and Walker, the newly appointed land officers for the Re publican Land District, arrived in this city last evening, and departed for le atrice this afternoon. Thev have just received instruction frum Couitnissioner Pruiutnond to open the office at Lowell, Ii Linl;inw, wi t li the ofS..-e ami ihu imiiy uii wijj j-Jr tjie tratj-action of Lusi- ness Aug'.lst 12th. The neceswary book", blank?, &c, will le received in a f w days. Our frontiersmen will find them accommodating and agreeable gentlc- mdn Lincoln The Nebraska City Chronicle want to know who "Tip-Top" is. Tip Top's r-al name i Pat. O. Haws, and lie edited the l'rownvilV Herald at PJattsuiuut h down in Richardson county, long before the editor of the Chronicle came to thi S a' e. Lincoln Stiiterman. Yes that's us, our name is "Little Mae," we've been on the IlenM, run the Miil. did the Tim's local in Courn i! B'uff-, are Iri-h. nur mother a ruchntar, our fithrr a Sw.-J, w'vo Leon to Wa -hincton, run the R' .pu Mi can pnrty, order Grant ab-u. an-1 h ij.e to be introduced to the I'rc&x and Chro nicle fellows 60me d;iy. Cnuarn Notice. The Christian . Church will hereaitcr meet at the Con gregational Church, at 4 o'clock each Lord's day. Forty-seven years ago President Thiers wis devil in a printing office in Paris. Ex. And ever since a devil of a trouble to the printers of Paris. waxtf.I) i w vmedi All the Wool in Cass county, at Ch rk it Plummer'e. Bring it along. lOtf. Charley Cox, formerly of the Rrooks House; now of the Atwood, L'neoln. is in town looking fine and hearty. lie says the Atwood will soon be the best hotel in Nebraska. ' and ordered a lot or stone from Platts- - i . t h :nfii:nn. ... . . ... ....... his contract to t'ie U. P. R. R. Compa ny i:i Omaha. 11 K. Woolsey, one of our bf-st farm ers, sold one of his farms to Mr. James Spencc, Esq., of Michigan, the other jay. Jir. g ;3 a msin ,.f m!?ans-, and we welcome him to Cass County. Platte Valley House for rent. Tn quire cf . Maxwell & Chapman. march 28 wtf This does not agree with friend Rath man's statements about Washington county, when'lm was 2own here, to the German Convention. "Blair h:id a G ree'ey ratification meet ing last week. The grand affair was held in the dingy shop of a peanut-vender, with two if his regular customers in at teudauce, one acting as secretary pro tern, and the other as door-keeper. Iiig thing! It will do Greeley proud when itcmics to his knowledge. W. P. RepuKUan. LIST OF OKAGC 1$ NKII.MSII V Harlan Grange J. II. Painter, Master. Noxon, 44 . Brown, 44 Grovcland " E. H. C. W Frontier " me Tree 44 Adair Gr. I-land " Mt. Pleas. 41 Fka- Dile" Mt. Hope, 4 W. Water " Elm wood 44 S. Rend 44 4-Mile Gro. 44 Oak Grove 44 Calihan 44 44 Gr. Prairie 44 T. P. Motley, C. H. Winlow, ' 44 J. Per, Timothy Clark, . " S. Smith. Win. M-Cair. -Wiu. I), lliil Wm. R. Porter, 44 M. Langdon, 44 J. M. McKinnon, 44 S. I Graham, 44 J. W. Cox, John Mutz, 44 Oakland 8-M Grove head Tills. Goods not sold at less than cost. No goods given away, rut good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at Ht Clark & Plummers. Plattsitouth, IVVd KalljROADS The People Meet at Court-House the Speeches by the Big Guns I Committees Appointed to Wait on the County Commissioners. tc., Etc., Etc. - On Monday evening the Court ITousa was packed fall of enthu-Utic peop'e all bent on havirg a Grand Trunk Rail road built in the State of Nebraska. It was the liveliest turn out we have yet s-en in Plattj-mouth Captain Miir.-h.iii was called to the chair, and Fred. Dorriugton appointed Secretary. . Col. Furnas and Mr. Hoi bach stated the objects of the un-etinti, and informed the people what had been accomplished in the counties below. Doctor Living-ton advocated county bands being voted for two routes; one up the Weeping Water and the other up the Missouri Valley. Said the people of Piattsmouth must not be selli-h, that the arguments he had used to induce people in the souihei part of the county to vote bonds, were good words and good s nse then; "and he had promised to aid them whenever the time came j.t they could get a road, and he now proposed to do so. D- II. Wheeler said we must have the road, it must be built. Mr. Reese inquired who the Company were, and what guarantee the people had that the road would be built even after the bonds weie voted? Mr. Ilorbach explained, and stated that the Company was'a ho.ta vie Com pany, calltd the Nebraska, and St. Louisi Trunk R. it. Co , and that ii was composed of citizens of Nebraska St. Louis, New York and lio.-tun ; a g o 1 ctroug Company, th:U ouly wanted to know that they could have some a d from the counties that would be benefit ted by the road they woul i go ahead and build it. Povey told the Quaker Story aud made a good speech for bonds. Mr. Miekelwait thought we could carry precinct bond.- easily, was doubtful about county bnds though. A re.-olution was then offered by Dr. Livingston, the substance of which wa to submit a proposition to tho County CommisMoners to be put before the people a-king for 6,000 a utile, not to exceed $135,000, however ; the bouds to he placed in the hands of trustees, and delivered, one-half on grading and tie inc t he road, and the other ha'f on it completion. The proposition, if su Viiue 1 by the County Commissioner, wi;l L.i pu'4ished in fail to morrow. lhe following named gentlemen were appointed on that Committee: M. L. White, R. R. Livingston. K. G. Dovey, C. Heisel, G. II. Black. D. H. Wheeler. J It. Clark, M. R Reese, F. M. Dor rington, W. Miekelwait. J. C. Fox, and A. V. Matthews This Committee, and the gentlemen of the road present, will wait on our Count Commissioners this afternoon. FItriT ITEMS. The first apples of the sea-oa were fir sale on our streets yesterday. Mr. Lees!ey showed us an apple branch 2 feet 1 inch iu length, which had C3 young apples on it. They were from the size of a walnut to that of a Ftiia'l epg; just one cluster in fact, and tho tree is, loaded all over the same way. 44 Pot," of Cass, a centlemin lately ar rived here, has a yaid "plum" full of peaches. The little boys hook 'em through the fence so fast that it keeps two doctors on the run to stop the cho lic tc., but that does not militate again t the fact that Mr. Pottenger's thow of peaches is very fine, though his show fur peaches to eat this fall looks slim owing to the boys. Dr. Wiley, of Three Groves, sends ra a basket of fine apples large enough to use in cooking, and from evry quarter good accounts reach us of an abundant yie;d of everything green and growable. If the Powers that m tde the weather will give u ten days more wi'hout 'oir.e terrible storm, old Cas wiilwe the big gest whrat harvest that has gladd. i.ed her ees for many a day. And then f. r an old fi-hioncd harvest r.omc, boy-. Eh ! What you sy ? Lost. A young son of Nick Eqgle disappeared yesterday, an 1 his di consu late lather hunted the town aud adjacent country over for him without- success. Concluding be must have fallen in the river, the edes were dragged, cannon were fired, and the uigl.t long auxiou-rel-itixes watched an! waited to see hi -dad corpus brought home. This morn ing, the conductor on the B. & M. train from Lincoln informed them that the boy got carried off on a train and was safe and sound in Lincoln, where the relieved father has gone to bring his tru atit son once more "to hum'." You can buy men's shoes ( good) for t'2 00 st the Piattsmouth Shoe Store. apritf eo.fc.niiu ms Who doesn't Carl Schurz make that sp "eeh for Greeley ? hy doesn't Trumbull mitke that speech t r Greeley ? Why doesn't Sumner take one side o th other? Why doesn't Fenton "arraign" Grant or somebody Adiertiiter. Durt county has an Agricultural so ciety. Try Dr. Chapman's Baking Powder It has no equal. 14 diwlw ' In atiuttiei volum.i -ur r a r- Cud an exrcr fioiu xc! agc, iviiijf Hie persoca! hi-to-y of Stanley, corp'spond- 1 cut of the Sew VorU llerntlt wlio com manded the Ilenild't expedition that wade the suuces.-ful search for Dr. Liv ingstone, that culminated at Ujlj Ji. We remember him well, when he was a sort of genteel bummer around Oma ha, and was pre-eut at a trial of a couple of theatrical fellows, belonging to the -ame c rupany with tho "charuiitig ao trp-V of whom Stanley was enamored The lys had been on a spree, broken windows ic, and one of them had a hole in his skin, made by "Cam . Reevs," in defence of the domicile of one of the fr til sisterhood attacked by the theatrical crowd. Stanley was one of the party at first, but left thf m before they got very uproarous, and testified for them in court. He also made an assault, upon Little Mac, then of the Omaha Herald. ,d now of lh Cas county Democrat, for making too free use of his hhui" in writ ing up the shindy in th Herald. Little did the spectators "uiaaiue that poor Stan ley, who was so good natured, and no chronically "hard up" was about to im mortaliz-i hitu self as a military genius and explorer in the wi!d of Africa. He had gone with Livingstone, at last ac counts, to hunt the "source of the Nile" or some other equally imp'Wtant "Io: art. Journal. The furctal of S. L. Flowers took pltce a. Weeping Wa;er, on Sunday June 3trh. A are company assembled to pay the !a-r i-ad tribute of re pect. The funeral iire- wer3 j eritnm ed by Chaplain John Dtvis. The "Weepinz Water G auge," of th "Pa'rons of Hu-ba.idry", met and pas-ed the following : WntREAS: The Great 'Controller of all thing-, ha- in hi wi-d mt,Vtiito th Great Farmer a ove rur ic; ered Mas ter S. L. Flowers. We deeply a;'d sin cerely feci hi- loss, and sympathize with our dt ar sister in her l eievcmenr, a.d pray that our Great Ma-ter above, will. in his mercy, guide and protect her here, and when the -easouoi'toil i over, grant us a'i to mee a' 'lie 'Harvest Home I2r(t!ied: That the foregoing be in sened iu the Ncbta;ka Herald, and thar a copy be tout to si-ter Flowers. R. G. GoMjon, See'y. There will be services at Seheldnichts grove next Sunday at 11 A M. by Elder Alton. W. II. Hoover, Banker, and Davidson Plaster-, both of Brownville are in town and called on the Herai.D. Dr M. M. Butler h gone ca-t f r the purpose of attending Medical lectures at Cincinnati We wish the Doctor good uck and a safe return home. Mr. Ramsey, of Rock BlufT , called to-day. He reports omo damage to the whdtcrop from chintz bug in that vicinity, bat crops generally good. The Salem Independent comes out in its lust issue for Grant and Wilson, in a moderate and very sensible leader. The course of the Indpendent has been thus far conservative its editor an old line Democrat who prefers Grant to G tee ley, and claims the right to choose for himself. E L. Potter, Druggist at Weeping Water, called on the HkraLD ye-teio'ay and reports bu-iuess fine and Weeping Water lively as usual. Ib-ad his card in another column. Captain L. B Bennett leaves on our our table a dozen very fine tomatoes, rom his own garden, : nd of his own raising in the city of Piattsmouth, all it; the coutrty of Cass and State of Nebras ka. Dr. Chapman's Baking Powder and Flavoring Extiacts ate favorites, to all who try them. Md&wlw II U N i F E i i G I J s O N O ii the 15 h inst., by Rev. II W. Euhns, .Mr. Robert Hunt aud Mi- Nancy Ferguson, both of this city. The bride and groom are both deaf mutes pupii-ot tlie. Avtra.-ka Insti tute of the Deaf and Dumb." This is probably the firt deaf mute couple ever martied in this isfite. The services were interpreted by Prof. R. 11. Kinney. Trib. & Rep. Received daily at the Poslofitioe, fresh Fmits, Apples, Ch-rries, Raspberries, &e. Try theui ! Try them ! 1 14Jlw At HANK'S. The la-lies of the M. E. Church request us to give notice tiiat tney win hold a Raspberry Festival on this evening, ana invite a gooa attendance from all. Music, flower. Ice cream aod otner rerresnments. CORRECTION'. Grovelam, Neb., July 13, 1872. The State Giarge P. of H. for Ne- bra-ka, will meet at Grand Island on Thursday, August first instead of the fifth. Ma-ters of subordinate Granges will be governed accordingly. E. II. Noxes, G-n. Dep. N. G. Mr. J A. Litta called onthe Herald this morning from the west. After a short visit with his brother at Rock Bluffs Mr. L. goes to Europe, we wish him a successful voyage. You can buy ladies' Gaiters, very neat for $1 50 at the Piattsmouth Shoo Store. apr4tf Ripe Tomatof, from Azro Smith's gardens, at Rock Bluffs. 20-3t I.A M S4Lt;. We call attention to the great sale of land in this city, advertis-d to take place on Tuesday, August 20th. This is very desirable property, and ought to be in demand. Me-srs. Hoover an Plasters, two of the Referees, and Commissioners, visited Piattsmouth yesterday on this business. 20dltw3t . i at IVO.. .lil t-lv ilnnrtml toruiiui ..llrntpl to (Apiarr tVuuiAa. lhe llub.d nnd (t tIon- K- On Monday afternoon four or fiv hun dred Mormon" parsed through Omaha on their way to Salt Lake, mostly Swedes. A man by the name of Swan Peterson, who came to thiscouutry two year ago, an 1 settled in Iowa but left bis wife in the old country, to lie brrought out when he got properly "fixed." He is fixeil, and the wife came along with the Mormons, and wanted him to sell out at once and go with her. He refused, and demanded his children any way. Hie and her brothers refused, wnen the po lice and citizens were called on, and af ter a "head" was put on a a few of the Mormons Peterson fetched his wife out of that crowd and took her home where she is now contented and happy. Factoryvu.le, July 15th. Editor Herald If a promise to k. ep you posiod can be kept by -peaking our say iu a lew hues, then here goes. No one set of men look bluer thau the true blue democrat of this locality, now they are forced to swallow Greeley r iro Grant. From a careful survey of this section, I am forced to the co.'idu -ion that the vo!e of Avoca Precinct will show a larger m ijority for Grant than it gave in 1SC3. lam continually asked how it is that such men as Tipton, Ma son ar.d Livingston are out for Greeley. In the worthy Senator's case my refer anee is the public prints. Mason goes Greeley beeau-e he cannot tee any cluuue for office in the old party. Now in the Doctor-General's ca-e, I dm't know what to suy, unless the oft repeated re mark ot him bi true, th tt he cxn't stick to old ru?, any more in politics than in m "dicinv. Not long -mee an old ac-q-nin anc-', a patient of his, said, "Liv ingston is a good phy.-ician but likes to experiment too well to suit an." May it not le that in this case, it is aa ex periment for office. That Greeley hat noticed by. you as wanting a wearer has found one in Dr. Wallace, of Wyoming in Otoe, etiU'd not Soda w. rer litre. The laiiiiers iii this section fre hu-y iMi ve-ting ; Spring wheat, prouii ses the hi ge-t yield, and best qu tlity, for years. Some estimate the average at from 18 to 20 bushels to the acre. Oats Barley and Rye good. Weather, hot but favoraMe for saving the grain. As soon : s I gt time (sickness in fauiiiy now interfearing), shall send you a few name-, (and money), for the Herald. Your paper gives Tip-Tup satisfaction, and fills a void in our couiity literature. Yours for Gr int t- Wilson. Avoca. NEBRASK A NT ATE HOUTICCI.TI7 The fourth semi-utmual meeting of the Nebraska State Horticultural So ciety win be held at Nebraska City, Tuesday, August G'h, 1S72, for the pur psse of di-cussing the merits of Eirly Fruits, and attending to other business of importance to the cause. It is hoped arid earnestly requested that there be a full representation from every part of the !state, both by persons and fruits. The Pomolocical enterprise of Ne-b'a-ka City and Otoe County will fuby u-tain it- reputation iu both Pomology an! H.ispifjity- Friends i';oiii other and distant. States are cordially invited to p irticiote. By order of the Pre-i.i. nt ROBT. W. FfTRNAS, Secretary. State papers please copy, and caU at tention. Try that cold wtter soap, for sale at Dr. Chapman's Prescription Drug rdore- Ul&wlw Notice. The County Commissioners will meet next Monday at ten o'clock A. M., to take -into consideration the pro prie'y of submitting a proposition to the people of Cass County in regard to voting Bonds for the Railroads thiough the County. d&wtd. Mr. Morton, of the N. Y. Tribune, a gentleman now shopping in the city, call ed on the IJHtAl.D to d:iy for a frrenly chit. We find him a very pleasant and well informed gentleman, on everything but politics. There 'we must be leave to differ, even with a Tribune, correspond ent. Mrs. Wood, whose advertisement ap peared recently in our column, informs as that her class in wax flowers have completed their course, and she leaves here shortly for Lincoln. So far as we have hetrd, ail express perfect. snM-fac tion with h-r instructions, and the speci mens of flowers we have seen are very handsome. We commend her to the kind attentions of those amongst whom he may go, and guarantee them satis faction. Azro Smith has ripe tomatoes every day. 20-3t Matilda Fletcher addressed the Brown villians iti defense of the Administration and was enthusiastically received. Good for Matilda. Our paper is largely given np to our correspondent to-day. We must get even with our letter ba-ket and to morrow the weekly goes to press. ATTENTION I KKPl'HI.ICA.VM!! The members of the Grant aud Wilson Club are requested to meet at the Court House, on Friday Evening nt, for the purpose of organizing a band and to attend to other business of vital im portance. G. H. Black, Presidant. At a regnlur meeeting. Jure 19;h, 1872 of the Platt-niouth Turr:verein, it was resolved, that II. Muller and Dr. Wolf be exL-luJed from the society, as members. Reason th'jt they did not attend the reeular meetings nor pay in their monthly du-s H. NEWMAN, President. F. D. Lehnhot, Secretary. d&wl lAKittn Ual.f. THR iSH'CVLTUtAL IO A OF T 1 SITp ATH. My summer rambles take cie ;hnajh Some q'ladot mnd houqo d -. ted place, A:nont ttie utn with biviij arm And ru ldy Csoo. And sach a one I met !t aiabt. At country fdirs tbe oontmut winnt rt His a was brown, his bands were hard, Uis name w-s skinner. Tha spake the lcnltrsI man. While liweat upon his forehead glistened. And I sst calmly on the leaoe And suoksd m.1 listeusd : "Some y th it Grant ain't JuPt the man To plow the corn nd turn lhe stubble : Bnt rly. I can't 'inetly se What wakes the trouble. "lie hsin't writ books to tell you how To piok cat pmnkin tend tbat h.iller ; But mind you. when his corn's by, lie plow? bis fuller. We're cu'rus critters tilers quick To praine or blame a, tnan in stnt on ; We'd probiOily show a he .p mow sense liy uioutir itiua. "Now Orar.t don't know 'bfut plowing deep. Or drainin, ei her, that I know on ; But just you bet the patch he diaga Will do to sow on. " "And when he takes his little S'-ythe. And round ni perun swings it. As ture's you're born, be gir;kes for grain, Aud al'erf brings it It's Intk I Well, mebbo Ms, you know. I won't i-a 'tif, nor won't deny it : But you let some of your great wen Jed try it. It mfiy be luck ; it may be fate, fconiethnes I a!k myself, !What wui it?' The only thin I know is, that The criter dui it. " lhe Britichcrs are paying 'ip : The rebs have welt nub quit conniving ; Our debt is growing leps and le s. And thiaii are tbr ving. The ndian pm.iVes his p;pe in p.Ttco ; The nigner pinss his lou.l hosannor ; And. a the boys say down in town, 'That's wh;.t ails llannT ' "And so. I've 'bout made up my wind I hat thinvp can't easily be mended ; That taken all in all. the farm Is darned well ten led." Billy Staielm.m, sends us a nice big apple to eat, of his own raising. Kvo got in trouble by eating an apple, you kniw. That old episode ma le us cautious and we went over to see him fore eating. II. assure us that they are Gmnt apples, from a Grant trie, and that no Greeley apples were grown on his place. He once sent to Horace for advice about his apples- It wa before the f.Y. Con., and the an swer was : "Vote for Grant and they'll come out aii right." He will follow the advice, as Horace was sober then. Rock Bluffs, Cass Co , Neb., July 5, 1872. ) Mi ls. J. F. Kinney iS: Sun, Ne- biu'lca City General Agents for tne tate of Nebraska fortnc Uu'u Mutual Lite In.-urarn'e Company, of Maii.e Gkn i lkm EN : l he prompt pa. lueut this day made by you for the cuiuptiiy you represent, of three thousand duibirx, bi ing the amount of the "Life Policy" held iu your company by the late Rob ert M. Latta, entitles the company to the highest cori-i Jcrntion, anl cannot fail to r 'Comui'Tid it among the most 10 iiahic in the country On the 7'h day d' February last, Egbert M Latta, of Cas- county, then of robust health, took out a Policy on his life .hrough your agency at Nebraska City, without thinkviy it at ail probable, tbat in i r,ef period of tU'e mouths his children would realize the practical len firs of Life In .-uraiice. With a commendable pru dence, in full vigor of healthy Mr. Latta made this wise provi-ion for bis orphans, who while mouruing the loss of an aflee tioiiMto fatO' r, cannot, but appreciate bat tettd;r regard n l fori's'grit which iii iuced the taking of a Life Fol ey, wiierevy tby are made c.nufrtaio. Ail honor is due to the company for bav ins paid the policy within fourteen days rroin the t;me proof ss tuade of the di-atti of Mr. Latta. You will please pie.-eiit our that.ks to Crocker, Presi dent, anl W. H- Holli ret, Secretary, of the Union Mutual Life IiiU'-hpc purii ar Biiston. for the Honorable iuan n'r the company has paid this 1is-, and ii-eharged their obligations to the or phan children of the deceased. Respectfully Yours, Andrew Rout, Administration of the e-tate of Robert M. Latta, decea ed Co li st a Minor. Gu-trdian of the minor children of the deceased Mortgage Sula. Whereas default has been ma lein the payment of a certain Chattel Mortgage dated November 15th, A. I). 1870, and executed and delivered by Benjamin W. Shewmati to Aultman, Miller & Co., to .-ecure the payment of the sum ot four hundred and eighty dollars, according to the terms of five provisory note-, due and payable as follows : One hundred dollars dated Auau-t 9th, 1870 taliingdue September 9th 1870, one note. Ir ninety five dollar, dated August. 9th 1870, and falling due No vember 9th 1870; one note for ninety five dollars dsited August 9th . 1870 and due January 9ih 1871; one wore for J5 dollars dated Augest 9ih 1870, due dune 10 1871; one note for ninety riv dollars dated August 9th 1870 and due Augu.-t 9;h 1871. Each note bearing interest from date at the rate of fen per c-nt per annum. That there is now due and payable on said five prouiis-orv notes the swm of S4C6 0). That Mort gage was duly recorded on the 15"h d y of November, A. D. 1S71- at lages 2'.i'2 and 293 in book "I" f the Chattel Mortgage record of Cass county, Nebras ka. Now therefore by virtue of th 1 power of sale in said Chattel Mortgage I will on the 17th day of August A. D 1872, at the f out door of the Court House in Plattsiuomh City, Cass evinty Nebraskn, offer for sa!e at public au. ti n the following property described in said Chattel Mortgage, I cing one thirty inch Geared Sweepstake Separator wlt'i ttn horse power complete. C. AULTMAN k CO. By Maxwell & Chapman, their At's wlG 5t Dissolution fioics. npiIE partnership heretofore existing - between L.i v . Jne and J. II Hogan, at Elmwood, Neb., is hereby d.s-olved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Lane & Greenslate who are authorized to receive all accounts due said Lane fiz Hogan; and to pay all debts owing by them. ELI W. LANE, J. H. HO'JAN. Elrawood, Neb. July 1. 1872. wIGSt CUNAR0 LINE. ESTABLISHED - 140. Pasengem booked to and frfm alt parts of Europe t lowwt rates, Aflyto It. P. DU VERNET. OenT Western A'gt, S7" s;tat Chicago, or to ED. WILSON, 12 (ha. . i a TELEGRAPHIC. The London Press on the Ualtimoro Noininationa. Orangemen Parade, fcc. B. Gratz Brown. Field, Leiter it Co. Kcturn, Extension of Mail Service in Xebraska. Greeley Answers Letters, Sec. &c. Geneva Conference in Ses sion. Stokes' Jury Pail to Agree. Dr. Living-stonV Discoveries Murder at Grand Island. Stokes He fused Bail. Tweed's Trial. Market Keports, &c. London, July 12. London journals cimment as follows on tlie no.i.iriMt loo of (Ireeley at the Baltimore convention : The Adrerti-er confesses its sympathies entirely with Greeley as a ticw.-paper man. The Post deelares such fl igrant red ic tio d ab.-urdum wiil Isrceiy le idto bring 'out an aharidomni nt of a hystem where by ihn. people d" Ameriea have s long tieen deo'ived of all real choice for iluir pre ident. Tbe Tvlegrapli -tyles Greeley a politi cal wetber-cock, and say as a democrat supported by the south he is endeavor ing to unseat the general who saved the union. 'lhe Standard thinks GrcHey would not be an eligible- candidate were it not for bis electioneering strength. He is not hs honest as a partisan can be, and si ows occasional glimpses of rouh good Pens; but he is violent in desperation, without regular education and devoid of experience in the administration of public KfTair. In fact, he is a respectable yeornan of tho last generation. Alto gether Greeley b inferior to Adams, h i not inferior to Grant. We do tr't believe, if'he is elected his sub ordinates wiil be appointed from the Tri bune c.fEce. New York, July 12. Abut two hundred Orangemen peaceuiy parmieu io-ua, aecompjinciA by tweive hundred pol:ec B. Gratz Brown returned from .New Haven this monirig Si eoinl Dp .tch to the Cincinnati (iaietle. New York, July 9. There is trouble among the magnates at the Greeiey head'joirters in this city, and pome of them threateti to resign. (Jreeley reeieves a large number of letters d.i!y, Rnd personally answers most of them, whether he knows the writers or not. He receives numerous applications for office, an I all sorts of propositions tij secure the support of the writers, and Greelev sends encourneing an-wers to them. His managers complain bit terlvof this, and some of them sv they Grace GrccnwooJ has found in Cali will resign unless he turns his letters -. . . over to rhe. cm.mittee to be dealt withj wh0 " giibrly spir lty.L i LA;" original character! aa e?th5S, .ta) . A ur n" , . ' " letter to Greeley and get an au-wer, . i . t .ii i . i , ' anu we snail very simm u in irieiuie of the worst kind if he keen? it ur. Yes terday a fellow nobody ever i i ni-JC wrote to Greelty that he could influence a large German vote, and dreeley at or.o" leolis-d. making au apointuieut for the. fellow to meet him." C'nicngo, July 13. Field, Loiter & Co , leased old loca tion in the burnt district and i!l return. 1'ho fact is destined to ex rcise grea influence on the value of surrounding property. Wasl.inyton. July 13. The Postmaster General h;ti ordered the extension of mail service on the Burlington it Missouri River Railroad trom Harvard to Lowell, Nebraska, com mencing the first if August. Geneva, July 15. The board of arbitrators convened at tw. o'clock this afternoon and continued in session till "Mir. The members agnia tbat absolute sccre.-y should bi maintain ed as to thtir proceedings. The first subject under di-cusion will be the principle enunciated by the treaty of Washington. New York, July 15. An immense conconurse of people were waiting the teturn of the jury this morning. Stokes and his counsel looked rather cheerfa . When the jury entered the foreman announced they could come to no agreement. The judge thereupon di-charged them, and Stokes was taken back to the Toombs. Gratz Drown, though able to be out, is t;ot yet fully recovered. The Herald's letters from Stanley, civing a history of his meeting with Dr. Livingstone, and the latter's account of Ins exploration, say the Cnsmbeir is the headwaters of the Nile. Tbe stories the Doctor tells of two countries through which tbe great river runs, read like a fable. He tells of ivo y leing ro cheap and plenty as to. be vised for door-posts : of skillful msnufacture, fine eraas, cloth rivalling that of India, and of a people nearly white, and of great beauty, whore he suppo-cs to be descendants of the an cient Egyptians. Washington, July 15. Red Cloud has w. itten a letter to the northern Sioux, saying he will war no more with the whites, and urging them to adopt the same course. St. Louis, .July 16. Senator Schurz has arrived at home It is understood be will make his open ing campaign speech hero on Monday night. Grand Island. Neb., July 15 A man by the? name of II. M. list ings, lato of Garden Grove, Ici'.ur county, Iowa, waa murdered at this place last night. Rochester, July 16. Tha republican mass meeting was extremely large. Judgfl Oeoigt W. IUwsod, presided. Stewart L. VK)d ford made a brilliant speech in vin lion tion of the character of Grant. Judge Tourjee also delivered a (during address. Rle"ign."N. (J., July 1C. Tha con-iervative ratiSotion mas meeting here to dy tm largely attend ed. Speech were made by Senator Doolitlle aud Tipton, ex -Senator Miller, of Georgia. Col. Joseph J Davis, and others. i m m m - Albany, July 1(5. The trial of Twsed oommeneed today in the Supreme court. His counsel arc David Dudley Field, John Graham, anil five others. For the prosecution aro ('has. O'Connor, Samuel J. Tilden, and Pcckham. The court will hear argu ments iu the Tweed and Couaolly case.- together. New York, July 1C, Tho grand jury in general scu-ion have indicted Robert L. Crawford, tiotber-in law of Vanderbiit, fur shooting detec tive Hender.-on. Gen. Porter is shortly to make pub lic a list ofdeujocrats who are oing to stump for Grant. It is believed that the district attor ney, with whom matters in ueh cases rest, will refuse to allow Stokes to be bailed; also that the next trial will bo held in eouie other county probably Saratoga. THjiATKET NEW YORK, July, 10. 1872. Money Knsy at 2(3-3 Gold Dull at 14(2 15 Governments Strong CHICAGO, Ju'y 1C. 1872. Cattle Choice $5 2r5 8.5 Good, .. (4 00(0-4 25 ...f3 9r)(a4 20 .'..$1 25(31 20 4iC.41 i Hogs Live, F.our Very dull .. W heat Weak ..... Corn Less active, , Bacon unchanged Wo A-Quiet, r A traveler who has been there gives tbe following schedule of hotel prices at Niagara Falls : To lie down one night $1; to sit up one night $1; to eat $1; to stand fifteen minutes with back to stove, 60 cents; to go where iherejs a stove, 25 cents; to sl ave as a stranger 25 cents; to shave as a citizen. 15 cents; half-solinx shoes t; gin anl milk 25 cents; plain gin 30 cts; plain wash 10 cents; with so;ip, 15 cents: with soup and towel, 20 cents; to look out of the win low, 10 cents; three looks out of the window for a quarter. If you have ll your I Bi g gc in your coat poc ket tbe porterage is 50 cents; but it is a good thing to know if you only stop one d-ty the porterage is paid fur the season. NSW DRUG STORE, WLEPINO WATTB, BtliB. T DEALER in Droic?. Melicints. Pain tn. !', I .' Varui-h, 1 vrtuiuery bt-vUoi.ary, ntifnp( wlritf Cigars and Tob:iceo. "Potatoes! ' cried a darkey peddler' 'll..tK .1.. 1... : i Richmond. tracts de whole neighborhood," came tiuou uiii j UIA ... . ... - .OU) a colore'I woman in a door-way, You kin hear me, kin yon ?" "Heai 1 kin hear you a mile." "Tank Hear 5Tou a mile. Tank? kd for dat I'sc holrowin' to be heard. noes. The London correspondent of tho lid it New Letter states that the execu rs of Miss Reed, the eccentric old lady 10 left the money to the Rrompton n3umptivo Hospital, mado nn insnec- 5n of the house in which the had lived id died. On opening one room, which id a always been kept carefully locked , it was found to contain a collection of mnets, in the fashions of the last fifty ars or more, two or three tor every Jar, in all various degrees of decay. ttic mountamccr, a good r dor, c ruber, ,, . . T , - i nd shot. In rough 1 osemite costume. he explores the heights and gorges ; list lmrta ltA W.n M a 1 I uctr, iijo i.jx, me narc, -Jjti PAINT I PAIXT ! ! P A I U T I I f 9 P A 1 H T ! ! PAIXT ! ! PAINT I VOW is th time to l a'at your houses. For i the N'hXT Hays I will rffisr spo.rial inilueement on Strictly Pure Wbee Having dipjiopcl of n half. -rf'f. Ii. Neiu Jt C'.'x Pt.-iclly l-ure wnite inanul t ;r-.i nt i'ittpburir. J'b.. deeidcily the vriy hxt Ira'i in th market; the remaining half ton ill be sola Cheap for Cash. 8IRtCTLT Fl'ltR DHUG3 AD r.IECICINES. rerrnmprie". Toilet Article'. Brushes. Combe. Kcive., P.iiTj. L - in 4 Mini Lamp Guod, 1'rui Cutis. Lubri caun g Oils, Coal oil, . AC. A t the lowest Pokh i I) 1 e Figure ; all the lending Patent .Medicines of the cluy. FCl difTerent preparation of Tilden A Co.'s -'"' Fluid Extrat'tn; lso tLeir make nf Elixir's Pill?. Jfi.. to whi h the attention of the Medi cal 1 rateririty is inviied; Brown's .'hlurluni, a powerful eeoiiorizer ami di-iiituctant. perteclly pmIo in the ha f any one no l.-uiiily elmul l bo Hith'iut it daring lhe m.rra eeafou. lionds sold to eouutry rr .Tchaiit.-i aud doctors at Chi cago prices, freiht ad'led. 1'ure wine arid LiiU rs expres-ly tor lhe sick, a ppeciulily. AU or tcri and j.rcicrii iiorig receive iuniiodiaLe attention. Db.O. B. CHAPMAN, Irug?'t and Ar-otnerary. rjsttrxnouth, JSelrak. F. 0. Box. 730".