Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 11, 1872, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JULY, 11. 1872
Official Directory.
T. W. Tiptn. Browaville.
P. W. Hitchcock, Omaha.
John Taffe, Omaha,
U. S. Senator.
U. 8 Senator.
William n James, Lincoln, Act. Governor.
William H. James, Lincoln, bee. f State.
John Uillecpie. Lincoln, Auditor,
li. A. Koenig, Columbus, Treasurer.
W. H. Koberts, Omaha, Attorney General.
J. il. McKemie, Line In, Supt. Tub. InsUruc'n
O. P. Mafcon, Nebraska City, Chief Justice.
George B. Lake, Omaha,) .., . . T ..
U Crounie. I t. Calhoun Asociate Justioca.
II. E. Elli-on.
Dan'l McKinnon,
"W. L. Uobbs.
J. W. Johnson,
U. W. Wim.
Probate Julpe.
County Clerk,
Supt. Pab. Instruction,
Jacob Valle-y,")
Benj. Albin, County Commissioners,
" James. )
J. W- Thomas
For President.
XT. S. Q-ZEg, A.TTT.
For Vice-President.
... . !-
We will mail the Weekly ILerald to
aew subscribers and clubs, during the
Presidential Campaign, beginning June
20th and closing November 15th the
week after the Presidential election
twenty-two numbers in all at the fol
lowing rates :
One copy $ 70
Club of ten copies 6 00
Club of twenty-five copies 12 50
DAILY At fair Club rates.
"Wo want subscribers for our weakly
and daily all through" the county. To a
person sending us a club of five names
and over a liberal discount will be made.
August Belmont states that he never
owned an interest in the Worlds nor in
fluenced its editorials.
3Ir. Greeley's supporters being known
-as the "whito tile" party, it is proposed
to distinguish the adherents of the pres
ent stable administration as the hoss-tile
In a recent interview, Peter Cooper
eaid of Horace Greeley : "Greeley, oh,
no 1 With a laugh. I cannot go Gree
ley. Poor, old Horace ! Good a man
as ever lived, but not fit to administer
government Bless you, no ; believes
in everybody and every new idea. It's
a mistake putting him forward."
The Medina (O.) Gazette publishes
the following unique advertisement :
New Firm Enlarged business Its
elements of Success are, Honesty, En
ergy, Experience and Popularity. Ref
erences The People of the United
A letter in the Tribune to-day gives
the particulars of the trade between Mr.
Greeley and the Democrats, which took
place as early as last October. The let
ters and proofs are on hand, and if any
time Republican can vote for him, after
such a shameless transaction, we pity his
ideas of right and wrong, and his sense
of what constitutes honesty in this world.
Honest Horace Greeley, forsooth 1 Mil
ler was right when he said there was not
an honest hair in his head.
The Electoral Vote
Tho"new apportionment increased the
number of members of the House to
2S3. This was further increased by the
supplementary bill to 202. If we add to
this the 74 Senators we have 3C6, the
number of electoral votes. They are
divided among the States as follows :
New ilampahire...
Massachusetts.. ...
Rhode Inland...
New York
New Jersey
... 7
Kentucky ,
Tennessee. .......
.... 6
.... C
.... 5
-.. 3
.... 5
.. 5
... 3
... 3
.13 Illinois.............
...... 4 Missouri...
6 Arkansas
...... 3o Michigan-
..... 9 Florida, ........ ..
29 Texas ..
...... 3 Iowa
. 8 Wisconsin ........
.-..11 California
Ielaware..... ..........
Maryland..... ..
Vinci ni a
North Carolina-....
South Carolina...,
Mississippi...... ......
Ohio.-..... . ...
10 Minnesota....
10 West Virginia..
8 iSevada.
.... 8
It is well known that Honest Horace
has always avoided giving the Territory
or State of Nebraska one iota of praise
or notice in his popular (?) Tribune.
His attention was called to the dis
crimination made against us, by promin
ent men here, and with great reluctance
a short article or two on our State was
Allowed to appear in this immaculate or
gan as it then called itself.
Another case has lately come to our
knowledge where he endeavored to injure
us, not by silence alone, but by active
work and speeches to our detriment.
The B. L M. R. R. Company last
winter, at Philadelphia, "worked up" a
large colony for settlement on their lands
in Aw State. Hearing it, Horace Gree
ley came from his farm at Chappauqua
to see them, and made the colonists a
epeech to induce them not to come to
Nebraslza but to go farther south to
Kansas or Texas.
We have the authority of Messrs.
Touzalin and Scott, of the B. & 31. iu
Iowa, for this statement, and all Nc
braskian?, as well as our our B. & M.
friends on this side of the river, who
talk Greeley may take note how accepta
ble such a President would be to this
Bonds .for the Trunk railroad were
carried in Richardson county, on Satur
day last, by a heavy majority.
A proposal has been submitted to the
voters of Otoe county, by which their
bonds may be made available to the
Trunk road. Their bonds at present al
low no road to use them for building
purposes, any further north than Ne
braska City. This agreement is now
modified to extend to the northern line
of the county, and thi3 proposition wi
undoubtedly carry.
Cass county comes next, and it is time
we bc6tir ourselves. Our County Com
mbsioiiers had the matter under advise
ment at their last meeting, we under
stand. It is of vital importance to the
people of this county.
Wo would suggest the propriety of
submitting a proposition at once, giving
bonds to the road that first builds and
completes, ono of two route?, viz
Along the Missouri river to the north
line of the county ; or up the Weepin
Water valley to the same line, or west
ward to Ashland, or both, as the pcopl
may demand.
on DisHAiwmxu parties.
They talk about disbanding the party
and say Grant is corrupt. Admitting
for a moment, and for the sake of argu
ment, that every word charged against
him were true, would that be a ju
cause for disbanding our party, after the
precedents the Democratic party have
eet us.
With the election of Jeff. Davis and
all his crew in the South, with the Tarn
many ring and Tweed's frauds in the
North, it cannot he a convincing argu
ment from their side of the house that
the election of one corrupt man to office
should disrupt a party. If so, th
Democratic party should have disbandei
years ago. They still claim life and vi
tality, however. How long a Demo
cratic party will exist after the Balti
more Convention meets remains to be
seen. The day is at hand.
A great and at first sight plausible
objection to Grant, in the German mind
is that he somehow knew or connived at
the sale of arms to the French, by which
Germans in the Faderland were killed,
This report, started by enemies of the
Republican party, and of Gen. Gran
personally, has been industriously eircu
Iated, and is often honestly believed, no
doubt, by our German friends, to be the
fact ; hence they say " we will not vote
for Grant."
Let us fairly examine this question.
Who started this cry who raised thi
howl, and for what purpose?
Charles Sumner and Carl Schurz ; and
the motive was as plain as the nose on a
man's face. They did it to make politi
cal capital, and to injure the man who
they supposed stood in the way of their
advancement in the political world.
How much credit is such testimoni'cn
titled to ? How much weight does the
evidence of a prejudiced and interested
party have in any court of justice ? It
should have none.
- Did the German nation demand this
investigation? Not any. Does Bis
niarck tako any stock in Carl Schurz?
Not much.
The German Government not only did
not demand this investigation, but
laughed at the idea ; and when by rea
son of Sumner's and Schurz's irnportu
nity, the matter was fairly and thor
ouehly investigated, not a shadow of
facts was found to sustain the charge
and it was dropped, nor have we heard
of it since. We ask our German breth
ren who are going to oppose Grant on
this ground, to examine these facts care
fully first.. Do not take our word for it,
but read for yourselves the report of the
Investigating Committee, and use your
common sense in judging who is likely
to be right and wrong on this matter.
Schurz boasts that he carries you in Lis
pocket. Are ye slaves, men ? Have ye
brought yourold feudal customs over the
water, that a man of your - race boasts
that he owns and carries your principles
in his pockets or his hands?
What is Charles Sumner, the twin
abettor of this most false charge against
our President? A haughty aristocrat,
hating and despising the German, the
Irish, all and every man who ha3 to
work for a living. Plebians, he calls
them. Spoiled and corrupted by power,
tarnished by twenty-five years of public
service, rendered morbid and savage be
cause after years and years of unlimited
sway, he suddenly runs against a snag
a quiet, determined little man, who
doesn't think Charles Sumner has all the
brains on the continent, and knows all
there is worth knowing of European
politics, and behold the immaculate
Charles flies the track, and charges cor
ruption and fraud, buying and selling of
Arms, on the party that for twenty-five
years has sustained him, and in which
he found no fault until he could not rule
a certain part of it.
Think these tilings over, and by your
own judgment of human nature deter
mine how much credibility and honor
there is in such mens' asseverations and
charges. '
Peter H. Watson, from Ashtabula,
Ohio, is elected President of the Erie
road, and Gen. A. S. Diven, Vice-President.
In future, the Eire road will
work in conjunction with the Atlantic &
Great Western.
Tbe Illinois Liberals.
' Mack," of the Democrat, and one
of the sharpest newspapermen we have,
closes his letter from Springfield in this
wise :
The proceedings of the conventions
have been characterized by a decree of
intolerance as to personal preferences
which has never 5ef-re been witnessed
in such gatherings- Under instruction
roni .New lork, every man who was
not known to be Jbr Greabv was ostra
cised and proscribed, with the exception
of one or two, who, it will be seen, were
openly denounced. The Democratic
party of Illinois not only dug its own
grave to-day, but got into it and shoveled
the dirt cd up oi mcA. Mack.
' We call, attention to the "Special
Election Notice" which has appeared in
our columns for some days.
The importance- of these matters to
this city can not be over-estimated.
Ai for the voting of bonds to the
Hion School, there seems to Le but
little variance of opinion, and -wc shall
only remark that Plattsmouth is already
behind her sister cities in this respect.
Towns in the State, of not half the popu
lation, have fine High Schools and build
ings. In regard to the College bonds, it
seems to us that there can be but one
view of the matter, as regarded in a
business light, and that is. vote the
bonds and get your $50,000 College
built for $25,0OO outlay.
In addition to" securing a handsome
building and grounds within our city
borders, wo should undoubtedly gain
largely in population and importance,
by the location of such an institution,
here. From three to four hundred stu
dents are expected to attend. They
must board here and be lodged, and
bring more or less money among us.
The annual Commencements, &c, will
also bring strangers and friends.
This is the plain facts from a business
. From the sectarian Tiew, not having
any of that "in ours," we cannot argue
the point. Schools, are schools; and
colleges, colleges, to us, so that they
are ably conducted.
More than this we do not urge ; although
we feel deeply interested in the growth
of the town, as much so as any one here
can, we have made it a rule never to
urge the voting of bonds, for anything,
on any community, because it happened
to seem a good thing to do. Every tax
payer must judge for himself of its ex
pediency. It is our duty, as a newspa
per, to place before you the probable ad
vantages to be derived from location of
such a College here, and we have now
done so. Think the matter over, and
vote accordingly. ' . hii
The following letter from Mr. Schaller,
may be of interest to our readers.
Come on ye Buffalo, hunters, and we'll
give you tho biggest steeple chase you
ever had, across the widest country.
Office of the B. & M. R. 11- Co., J
No. 6, South Castle St. , Liverpool. )
Ed. Herald, Plattsmoutii, Neb. :
I enclose you a copy of our Fifth Edition
Guide, a circular of particulars, (with
three plate views of Nebraska), and
also a circular 6ent to the Nobility of
England, with a view to the organiza
tion of a Grand Buffalo Hunt, on the
plains of Nebraska.
I anticipate great success from this.
Have no doubt that in September next
we shall have a large party to enjoy the
sport. I have already several applica
tions, and shall let you know from time
to time the progress we are making.
Yours Truly,
C. R. Schaller.
. !
Harlan Grange-J. II. Painter, Master.
Grovcland "
Frontier "
Lone Tree "
Gr. Island "
ML Pleas. "
Pleas. Dale "
Mt. Hope, "
W. Water "
Elm wood "
S. Bend "
4-Mile Gro. "
Oak Grove "
Calihan " "
Gr. Prairie "
Oakland "
8-M Grove "
II. Noxon,
W. Brown,
P. 3Iobley,
C. II. Winslow,
J. Her,
Timothy Clark,
S. Smith,
-Win. McCaig,
Wm. D. Hill
Wm. B. Porter,
31. Langdon,
J. M. McKinnon,
S. L. Graham,
J. W. Cox,
John Mutz,
Plattsmouth, July 6, 18T2.
The members of the Cass Co. Me
chanical and Agricultural Society met
at D. II. Wheeler's office. Called to
order by E. Sage, Vice-President.
3Iotion by John Mutz, to change the
time of holding the County Fair, from
the 10th, 11th and 12th of September,
to the 24th, 25th and 2Gth of Septem
ber, 1872. It was unauimously carried.
D. H. Wheeler tendered his resig
nation as President of this Society. It
was unanimously rejected, and Mr.
Wheeler wa3 retained President of the
Mr. Brown moved that John Cum-
mings be elected Superintendent of the
Fair Ground, which was unanimously
carried. His duty is to keep the fencing
in repair and cut the grass for the benefit
of the Fair, and keep all stock off the
ground and take general supervision of
the Fair Ground.
It is decided that the Committee on
Premium list will meet and revise said
list," and have it published as 6oon as
practicable. They will meet on Satur
day, the 13th of July, 1872, at 10
o clock a. in.
There being no further business, this
meeting adjourned to the first Saturday
in August, at I o'clock P. 31. It is fur
ther requested that there should be a
general atteudauce of the members of
the Society, at that time, as there is
business of importance to transact.
E. SAGE, Vice-President.
C. II. King, See'y.
Postal News The postage on circu
its, newspapers, and other transient
printed matter, which under the old law
was two cents for every four ounces or
ess, is now one c,pnt, for two ounces or
eas. bmaii circular?, wmcn iormeriy
cost two cents to mail, can now be sent
for one cent an important reduction to
business men, who use the mails largely
to advertise their business. The change
is now in force, the law beiDg immedi
ate in its effects.
"Leaf by leaf tbe roses fall,"- and one
by one the little "goaks" of the recent
press excursion leak out- I His is toe
atest :
Smith, of the Council Bluffs Xonpar-
eil, captured a large thorny Cactus on
the excursion, and by some mishap sat
down on it in the cars. He insisted on
standing up the rest of the way Lome.
U. IS. Nonpareil.
Plattsmouth, July 6th, 1872.
Editor Plattsmouth Herald.
The Omaha Herald of this morning
contains a letter from Plattsmouth sign
ed 'Horace, which charges, that Alfred
L. Brown was recently "discharged frcm
the position of Chlrf Clerk in the Sur
veyor Generals office, because he teas for
Greeley." This charge is utterly and
entirely false, and was evidently invent
ed, circulated about town, and furnished
the Omaha Hera Id by this unknown
scribbler for the purpose of manufactur
ing political capital by prejudicing public
No restraint has ever been exercised
or attempted on my part over the politi
cal opinions of any employee in aiy office
and no change has ever been made in
the clerical force for political reasons.
I believe the truth of this statement
will be substantiated by all employees of
the office including 3Ir. Brown.
I do not "know who 'Horace' is, and
do not care, and t-hould not notice him
at all, but that his falsehoods have been.
admitted to the columns of a paper pro
fessing respectability. All that I ask of
'Horace' 'or any other man' isthat when
he has a charge to make agaiust me,
he aocs it like a man, over ms own sig
nature; and not like a coward sneakin
behind the secure cover of an assumed
Glendale, Cass Co. Neb.,
July 3, 1872. )
Ed. Herald. HaviDg promised to
inform you of all unusually interesting
events transpiring in this corner of the
footstool, 1 must now "take my pen in
hand," to apprise you of the fact that
a very important event threatens us just
at present. I presume you may have
heard of the "Dolly Varden" fever.
Some of our inhabitants have got that
pretty bad, and in fact you can see traces
of it yet ; but that was, and is nowhere,
compared with the fever now threaten
ing our community, viz: the order called
"Patrons of Husbandry."
The Varden fever was caught only by
the female population, while the Hus
bandly is catching to both male and fe
male ; for while we of the sterner sex
wish (according to precepts laid down in
the Herald) to patronize home indus
try, the ladies say "Patron (eyes) Hus
bandry." If wo say the grain buyers
must live, they say get a good price for
your grain, and buy us and children
pome shoes. If we say the agricultural
implement , dealers ought to be encour
aged, they Pat.' the Husband, and say
winter is coming cn, save money, and
buy some extra flannels, and thereby
save doctor bills. So, what shall we do?
Shall we tell them that this is a secret
order? or will they answer that they
would like nothing better than the "se
crets of Husband-ry." We are in a fix 1
Have about concluded to abide by your
advice. Please tell us something about
it. Is it dangerous if there is an auli-
dote, &c, &c, and give us your advice,
then we can tell whether we will abide
by it or not. While waiting for your de
cision, will write a little in regard to
Barley is just ready to cut and prom
ises very well. Some of the wheat
promises to be ripe soon, and is generally
good. Oats, ditto, and no chinch bugs
to hurt, in any of the email grain. The
corn and weeds have been running a
close race, but corn is ahead now, and
will likely remain so. In our truck
patches both truck and weeds are flour
ishing. Are you thinking this is enough
from Glendale. Well, then, adieu.
From Esc
Cass Co.. Neb., July Cth, 1872.
Ed. Herald : Since we discovered
a column open to us farmers and clod
hoppers, we have been anxious to con
tribute our altte to help Gil it.
Our whereabouts is seven miles south
west of the falls, on the Weeping Water,
in what is called the. English colony or
settlement. Wfnter wheat with us this
season is a failure, but spring wheat and
oats never looked better. Corn makes
a fair show, potatoes are doing well, if
the tormenting bugs would let them
alone, but the miserable scamps are too
many for us ; we kill some and wish all
manner of bad wishes about the rest.
Vegetation of all kinds is at least a week
ater than usual, owing, doubtless, to
our exceeding cold winter. We have
heard it remarked ever since we were
quite small that when we saw the trees
and shrubs loaded with ice or sleit, it
was a sign of a fruit season, and we
never saw the trees, shrubs and grass,
so heavily laden with ice as we did
about the middlo of Nov. last, nor a
greater show ot wild fruit, especially
plums and grapes, as we see this season.
We have lost a great many bushels of
apples, for the want of trees of suitalle
age and size to bear them. Tree plant
ing is not neglected witn us. ixeany
every farmer has more or less planted to
forest trees. In a few j'ears we will have
plenty of fine groves, to hold Independ
ence in, aud in twenty-five years we pre
diet timber will be plenty in Nebraska.
S. P. Hardy.
Our Greenwood Letter.
Editor Herald :--It has been some
time sioee I have written for the Her
ald. But I expect to keen the other
portions of Cass county posted in regard
to events in this locality. I claim things
change with time, principles never, men
change from policy, boys change in youth
and men may in second childhood. -
Horace Greeley evidently is in his second
childhood, such a man or child thi3 lo
cality fails to appreciate, or else he is
too well appreciated to receive the votes
of this community. We are all for Grant
and Wilson here. We are going to hold
and skin the Democratic Liberals while
Grant tans iheir hides and Wilson pegs
it to their souls) soles, and to this' end
we are at work. July 3d we organized
a Grant & Wilson Club, by adopting the
name for our Club, and setting forth
the object of the meeting, which was for
the rtrnmotinn of the election nf Grnnf.
I & WiLon and the suecess of the straight
unadulterated, uudefiled Republican
ticket of Nebraska. The meeting was
called to order by electing James Waters
temporary chairman, and W. D. Wild
man, temporary secretary, and leaving
permanent organization until the next
regular meeting which will be held at
Greenwood July 22, 1S72, at 2 p. m.,
Several loyal men came forward and
signed the roll of honor.
Harvest has commenced in the Bar
ley, Winter Wheat and Rye, aud there
is an immense crop of Spring wheat and
oats with some flax in this locality all of
which promises very fine. One thing
more I wish to state, and it is this.
The boys in blue from here cannot toler
ate the man who is Jeff Davis' bail and
right hand man. That is the reason we
did not turn out. Oh no Granny, we
are too old birds to bo caught by such
chaff as that, if all tho Generals and
Judges go over in Nebraska, we are for
Grant. Yours in haste.
A. B. 31.
The Democratic Elberal Ofllce-EXolil-
itix Ntate Ticket.
The constant cry and complaint of the
liberals from the very inception of the
movement has been, the Kepubhcan
party is controlled by officeholders ;
it3 conventions aro run by otheehold-
ers, tne party is given over to orace-
hunting, and the people have no voice
in shaping its policies or naming its can-
diates." That these charges are ridicu
lous everybody who slops to think,
knows, and that they are false every
Republican who watches the course of
politics is aware. That men who desert
a party without cause, and organize
one without principles, will misrepresent
the party troni winch they have seceded,
is to be expected. If these charges,
which are repeated ad nauseam, against
the Republican party were true it would
be naturally supposed that the new party
which antagonizes tha old, and hopes to
displace it in the confidence of the peo
ple, would at least avoid the errors they
so loudly denounce. But the contrary
is the tact. In selecting hity-nve dele
gates to bpringfield, tho (Jook county
liberals chose thirty-three of them lrom
the ranks of the great army of office
holders, ex-officeholders, and defeated
candidates for office. Inter- Ocean.
How is this for reform and purity f
The following from the Lincoln States
man is by Sammy Davis, we know, for
we heard him tell the story once, and
like to died a laughin', we did. Sammy
is one of the cutest newspaper men we
have iu this State, by the way.
One day on 'Change a well dressed
merchant drew us one side, and asked us
if we wrote up the river column for the
We told lam that we did.
He now began to unfold his tale :
'You see, the matter upon which I
wished to speak to you about is this :
There are a couple of boats on the river,
that are running m direct violation ot
the law, and without a genuine Inspec
tor's certificate. They are the oldest
boats now running on the river ; their
loilers are rotten from end to end.
Their hulls are mere shells, and they are
liable to go to the bottom at any moment
and kill a thousand men, women and
children. Their proprietors are the
most mercenary scamps" that ever run a
line of boats on the river, and yet not a
reporter iu St. Louis has got the sand in
Ins craw to show up the outrageous mat
ter to the public."
"lhe names oi the boats, please :
"The 'Wicks and 'Church.' "
We thanked our informant kindly, arid
rushed back to the office, tilled with the
idea that we were about with a few
strokes of the lead pencil to expose a
great piece of rascality and save untold
human lives, besides demonstrating to
the city that we carried a plenty ol
'sand in our craw, went lor the two
steamboats aud their owner in a sty
very much like the New York Times ex
posing the corruptions of Tammany
Ring. The next morning, Hyde, the
editor, called us up to his room. We
felt pretty good over this, expecting to
be complimented on our great expose.
lou wrote that article in the morn
ing s issue, on tne icks ana
'Church?' "
We answered "1 es, very modestly
"What in h 1 did you do that for
you infernal fool? That line- of boats
gives us five thousand a year in adver
Using. Besides it s all a blasted lie. 1
guess we've got about enough of your
damn foolishness on this paper, lake
this note to tho cashier," he continued
hastily scratching a few lines on a piece
of paper, "I would advite you to leave
town as soon as you can
We started down stairs, and handed a
red headed man in the lower office the
note. It read :
Give this man a week's pay and a
pass to Chicago- Hyde."
lie handed us S25 and filled out
blank pass on the St. Louis, Alton &
Chicago road. As we stepped out of the
ofiice we met a man from 'Change who
ftopped us and made us acquainted with
Capt. A , of the steamboat line
to which the "Wicks" and "Church
We can't convey the faintest idea of
the cyclone of invective which that man
poured upon us for half an hour. Tbe
air got thick and heavy and we thought
we smelt the sulphur and breathed the
smoke ot a battlefield, lhen he stODoed
completely exhausted and out of
breath, and invited us to come down and
see his boats. e went, and found
them bran new and just off the drii docks.
The Captain showed us blandly round,
- .. .
every once in a wnne remarking in a
grim humorous way :
Look out for fresh paint, mvbov:
don't get your clothes against that new
The sales of the Burlington and 31 i s
souri River Railroad lands in June, 1872,
were :
Thirty sales in Iowa, 1,753,01 acres,
average $ll,553-1000ths, $20,312.15.
Ninety-four sales in Nebraska, 13,CC3,-
77 acres, average $S.54G-1000ths, $116,-
One hundred and twentyfour sales in
June, 15.421.7S acres, for $137,103.97.
One thousand nine hundred seventy-
six sales in Iowa, 169,550.17 acres aver
age $11.73$, $1,999,324.46.
One thousand seven hundr d forty-
nine sales in Nebraska, 229,963.07 acres
average $8.50 $1,952,546.80.
Total sales in Iowa and Nebraska,
399,513.24 acres, amounting to $3,941,-
The Company have for sale : In Iowa,
about 190,000 acres ; in Nebraska, about
1,400,000 acres.
Our choice lands a'e for sale at low
prices on ten years' credit, with 6 per
cent, interest twenty per cent, less for
cash or one-third down, with balance
payable in one and two years, with inte
rest at 10 per cent.
V ery Respectfully 1 ours,
Geo. S. Harris,
Land Commissioner. 1
For the Herald.
On Uncle Samuel's wide domain,
Whre restless wolves now roam,
The orchard, house, and fields of grain,
Will deck tho farmers, homo.
Oh the hope, the cheering h pe, the poor man's
heart should 11.
The hope when e're be farms again, he'.l own
tho land he'll till.
The eastern boys the west will throns,
J nd here they'll spend their lives,
And old men bring their girls along.
To make the young ones' wives,
Oh tho hope, the cheering hopo, tor Jack who
loves his Jill,
To occupy a western farm and own tho land
they till.
Temperance Lecture, by Rev. T. J.
Arnold at the Baptist Church, at 8
o'clock. Come every body.
Here's a lucky fellow, just hear him :
An independent editor.
The Crawford (31o. ) 3Iirror is a week
ly paper printed in the woods upon a
farm 4 utiles from Steelvillc Uie county
scat, to which point the paper is sent for
circulation. The situation is described
as most beautiful, surrounded as it is by
nature in all her pristine loveliness
woods, wild flowers, myraids of birds
singing all day, and at night the call of
the whippo' will, the hoot of the owl,
aud the howl of thz wolf.' The editor
gives among others, the following rea
sons for selecting that location :
"We own the office, and we mean to
do what we please with it ; we own the
house, which we have had fitted up to
suit ourselves ; and we own the farm (of
230 acres) on which the printing house
stands. We have 6ix children, (the
yoangest ten years old,)all of whom can
and do set type. Our oldest daughters,
Nellie and Dollie, can set 1,000 ems of
type per hour all day ; they also write
stories for the paper, editorials, locals,
etc., and can use the scissors judiciously ;
while the eyes of our youngest daugter
begin to exhibit a poetically frenzied
Early in the morning, vehicles filled
with happy people from all parts of the
country came pouring to Dr. Schild
knecht's Grove, all glad to celebrate the
Ninety-sixth Anniversary of American
At ten o'clock the multitude gathered
around the stand, and Capt. Isaac Wiles
was appointed chairman. By appoint
ment of the chair, 31. 31. Butler was
made Secretary. The exercises were
then opened with prayer, by Rev. 3Ir.
Puckett, after which 3Ir. Puckett was
introduced as speaker. Notice of his
very interesting remarks we are obliged
to omit for want of space. Ed. He
ended by advising all to vote ftr that
good, faithful, brave, generous, tried
and true patriot, U. S. Grant. Cheers.
Recess During which time dinner
was provided by the ladies. We then
began to realize that truly this is a time
of feasting. Everybody seemed filled
with sociability, life, and good grub, and
before we realized it that hour and a
half had flown, and we were again called
to order, by the chairman, and enter
tained by some Literary productions,
conducted by 31. 31. Butler, among
which was the Declaration of Independ-
j j i. t it -
eace, rendered by Miss Olive Horning,
ten years oi age, ana some exercises Dy
twelve little boys and girls, concluding
with short, but pointed, speeches from
Hon. Samuel Maxwell, Capt. Wiles and
A pleasant, Eociable time followed,
and when the company retired to their
homes each felt that there was one more
day of pleasure added to their long list
of enjoyments of this life.
31. 31. Butler, Sec'y.
Talking of Grant's "nepotism," the
Ogdcnsburg (N. Y.) Joiiraal says: "It
is a way he had before he was called to
occupy the White House. Ilecommenc-
cd at Fort Donelson, which he gave to
his Aunt Columbia ; he gaye Vicksburg
to his uncle cauiuel lor a birthday pres
ent; 3Iission Ridge to his Cousin Yan
kee JJoodle, and Appomattox to Broth
er Jonathan. In order to perpetuate
this nepotism, he had to turn out Buck-
ner, l'emberton, Beauregard, Bragg,
Bob Lee. They all consider it an out
rage, but it made no difference with
Grant, for he did not stop as long as there
was anything to take.
Xew Advertisements.
Now is the time to paint your houses
For the next sixty day3 I will offer
special inducements on Strictly Pure
White Lead. Having disposed of one
half tonDf T, II. Nesin & Co.'s strictly
pure white lead, manufactured at Pitts-
uuiju, x u., uutiuuuiy iuu ery uest icau
in the market ; the remaining one half
ton will be sold cheap, for, cash.
Strictly Pure Drugs and 3Iedicines, Per
fumeries, Toilet articles, Brushes,
Combs, Knives, Razors Lamps and
Lamp Goods, Fruit Cans, Lubricating
oils, Coal oil, &c, at the lowest possible
figures : all the leadiDg Putent 3Iedicines
of the day, new and fresh ; 50 different
preparations of Tilden & Co.'a Fluid
Extracts ; also their make of Elixir's,
Pills, &c., to which the attention of the
3Iedical Fraternity is invited ; Brown's
Chloral um, a powerful deodorizer and
disinfectant, perfectly safe in the hands
of any one no family Ehould be without
it during the warm season. Goods sold
to Country 3Ierchants and Doctors at
Chicago prices, freight added. Pure
Wines and Liquors expressly for the
sick, a speciality. All orders and pre
scriptions receive immediate attention
Dr. G. B. Chapman,
Druggist and Apothecary,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
P. O. Box, 720.
Stationery i Jctvs
Iost OlSIee ISuiMiiig.
ce:'t!t, d Jslmband w tt
This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to
coDta'n a single particle of Mercury, or any in
jurious mineral substance, but is
For forty years it has proved its gwat value
in all diseases of the Liver, liowls. and Kidneys
'i housands of the pood and great in all parts of
tho country vouch for its wouderl'ul nud pecu
liar power In purvlying tho blood, ctimula'ing
the torpid 1 ver and bowels, and imparting
new life and Vigor to tho wholo system. Sim
mons' Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have
no equal as a
It contains four medical element ., never uni
ted in the same happy proportion in any other
preparation vi : a gentle Cathartic, a wondor
ful i'otiic, an un-exceptionable Alterative and
a certain Corrective ofall impuritio- of the body
Such signal succe has attended its use, that it
is now regarded as tho
for Liver Complaint and the paintul otlspring
thereof, U-wit. Dyspepsia. Cnnstipati n.
Jaundice, Bilious at'a ks Sick headache. Colic
Depression of Spirits, Sour Stoiuacli, Heart
Burn, Ac. Ac.
Kt'gula:e the liver and prevent,
Prepared only by J. II. ZEILIN A CO.
jJruRgists, aiacon.
Rpnil for a Circnlnrl and ;V2i) Arch street.
Price 81; by mail l.'Jof Philadelphia Pa,
For Sale by j L, BUTTERY,
jantwly. Plattsmouth, Neb.
A grand chance to obtain
choice building lots, at pri
ces and terms to suit the
I am now offering to sell lots in my
addition from
Each, from ono third to one-half down
and the balance payable in six, nine and
twelve months, according to the value
of the lots, with ten per cent interest.
Qf A discount often per cent will be
made for cash.
This is certainly one of the finest
chances ever offered in Plattsmouth to
parties of limited means, to secure a
piece of ground upon which to erect a
3Iy lots are beautifully situated and
nearly all are covered with a fine growth
of young forest trees.
Come and look at them. No charge
made for showing.
July 5th 1872. 10d2wl4wtf
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, issued
out of the District Court for Cass county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on
the 5th day of August, A. D. 1S72, at
one o'clock p. m. of said -day, at the
sruth front door of tho Court House, in
the city of Plattsmouth, in said county,
sell at auction, the following real estate,
to-wit: The northwest quarter (1) of
the southwest (i) and the southwest
quarter (1) of the northwest () and the
southcast quarter (lj oMhe southwest
nuarter (1) of section No. eleven, (II)
and the northeast quarter (i) of the
northwest quarter (i) of section JNo.
fourteen aI1 6itu'ated in township
n0 twelve (12), north of range ISo.
thirteen (13) east of the sixth principal Cass county Nebraska, ac
cording to the government survey. Sold
to satisfy a decree of foreclosure ren
dered at the April term, A. D. 1871, of
the said District Court, in favor ot
Thomas E. Tootle, and against A. G,
Barnes and Lucinda Barnes.
Given under my hand this 3d day of
July, A. D. 1S72.
Sheriff Cjss Co. Nebraska.
3Iaxwell & Chapman,
14-5tw lTff's Att'y's.
W M. SLAUGHTER, is hereby no-
tified that Orange W. Child has
this day commenced a buit at law in the
District court for Cass county and State
of Nebraska, against him tho said V
31. Slaughter and others asking the court
to compel him the said W. 31. Slaugh-
terto perfect a deed made by him the
said Slaughter to the said Child dated
3Iay 30th 1857, purporting to convey to
the said Child the north halt ot the south
west quarter ot section twenty-two in
townshiptwelve, ot ranse thirteen east
ot sixth principal menui in, ot land in
said Ca.-s county, which cause will be eet
for hearing at the September term of
6aid court for the year 1S72.
July 5th, 1872.
D. W. JIcKINNON, Clerk
of taid court.
31. Gaston, Att'y. 15w6t
Kanna & Clark.
John Fitzgerald,
C. II. Parjiklk.
Vice President
John It. Clark,
T. W. Evans.
Att't Cashier.
This Bank is now open for businesi at theii
new room, corner Main and fenth streets, and
are prepareu to transact a general
Banking Business.
Stocks, Bond,
uold, (iovcrnment
and Local
Bought and
Sold. Dennsits
Received and
Interest allowed
On time
Draftd drawn, available in anv rnrt of ih
United States and in all the principal towns
ana lilies oi r-uroie.
OF S T E A 31 E R S.
Persons within to brine out f ends from
Europe can purchase tickets from .us, through
o I'latuuioutn.
Probate Notice.
TV OTICE is hereby given to all persons
having accounts or claims against
the estate of Robert 31. Latta deceased
are notified to file the same in the Office
of Probate Judge, Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, on or before the 22d
day of January A. D. 1873.
July 10th. A. D. 1S72,
H. E. ELLISON, Prolate Judge.
L Btrang
The IlallaJav Mill hits ptood the test for fix
teen years, both in the United Statei and Eu
rope and is tho only ono
Generally adopted by all Principal Rail
roads and Farmers.
f Send fur catalogue and prico liat,-
oplSwtf LincoU Nebraska.
For Your Groceries Go To
IP. 1.
Corner Third and Main Streets, Plattsmouth,
5yne keeps on hand a choice and
well selected Stock of
Fancy Groceries,
Coffees. Teas,
Sugar, Syrup,
Ac, Ac. Ao.
J-Also a good assortment of Boots A Shocs."i
In Connection with the Grocery is a
Bakery it ConfeUionery !
SA11 kinds of Country Produce bought and
Take noticeof the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY
AND GliOCLICY. umylOwtt.
Manucturer of
harness, babbles, riblcs,
Blankets, Brushes, &c
Promptly Executed. AH work Warrantod-W-FINE
Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb
Legal NGtice.
August 31urphy non resident defendant,
will take notice that on the 22nd day of
June 1872, William Stad luiann tiled his
petition, in the District Court of the 2d
Judicial District in and for Cass County
Nebraska the object aud prayer of which
is to recover a judgement, against you,
for the sum of $10;.f0aud interest from
April 18, 1871, at 10 per cent on tt
promisory note of said date and that eaid
plaintiff has caused an order of attach
ment co be issued in said cause, and has
caused lot 1G, in block 3, in Stadelmann's
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Plaintiff prays judgment against you
for the sum of $I(JS.'J0 and interest from
the 18th day of April 1871, aud that the
said lot may be sold under said attach
ment and applied to the payment of said
judgment. You are required to answer"
said petition on or before the 1'Jth day of
August, 1872.
14 5w. His Attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
II. L. R. Stiles, plaintiff, vs. John
Snyder and William Snyder, defend
ents :
Notice is hereby given that I will offer
for fale at public auction on 3Iondav the
29th day of July A. D. 1872, by virtue
and authority ot an order ot sale to mo
directed and issued by the clerk of the
District Lourt ot the Second Judicial
District in and for Cass county. Nebras
ka, at the front door of the Court House
in the city of Plattstnouth iu said coun
ty, at one o'clock p. m. of said day the
following described real of-tate, to-wit:
Jbot iso. hve to), in Mock iNo. nxtv
three (03), in Plattsmouth city together
with the frame dwelling house situated
thereon, upon which building and lot of
ground II. L. R. Stiles has a Mechanic's
Given under my hand this 25th dav'
of June, A. D. 1872.
Sheriff Cass county, Neb.
3Iaxwell & Chapman,
Defendant's Attorneys,
SherifTs Sale
DY virtue of an Order of Sale issued
out of the District Court for Cas
county, Nebra.-ka, and to tne directed, I
will on the 12th day of Augut A. D.
1872, atone o'ekek p. m. of said dav nt
the south front door of the Court 11 on so
in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county
sell at auction the following described
real estate, to-wit :
Begining at a point 113 feet cast and
1780 feet south of the north-west corner
of section no. twenty seven (27) in town
ship do. ten (10) north, of range no. (13)
thirteen, east of tbefith p. m.: thence
east forty (40) feet, thence north ono
hundred and twenty f!2ol feet: thrn
west forty (40) feet, and thoncR unnih
one hundred and twenty (120) feet to the
nlace of beginuintr, and also tho Hotel
building situated thereon: all ofKai.l !-
scribed real estate being t-ituated in Fac
toryviller Cass eout:ty, Nebraska.
cold to entwy a mebnnic's lieu ivi-
vor oi John Ballatitine, llhaiu BaHan-
tine and George E. Bragg.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
July A. D. J 872.
Shenli' Cass Co.
Maxwell & Chapman, Atiyafbr Pf.