Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 11, 1872, Image 1

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Published crtry Thumlay at
One i-iuare, (TO linee or less) one insertion f 1.6 9
Eaoh tatteeqaont Insertion . 9
O0M Corner Malu nnU Second Street
Second Story.
Profetiiionale aril, not exocediaf six line 10 W
column per ... ,..20.CX
column, per annum .... 40.0y
'i column do 60.0flr
Obeeolama do' - JOO.w
An advertUnic II1U due quarterlr,
Tranaient advertisement niuat be paid la M"
J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.
TERMS; S2.00 a Year.
Terrrs, in Advance.
One copy, one year
One copy, tix months..... ..
One copy, three months.. -..
MAXWELL St CH A PM A N Attorneys a1
Law and Solicitors in Chanoery, Platts"
pnouth. Nebraska. Office in Fitigerald'slilock'
torneys at Law. Practice in all the courts
of the Ftate. Special attention given to collcc
. tiorid and matters of Probate
Office oyer the Post Office Plattamouth. Neb
f70X A WHEELER Attorneys at Law. Spe-
J. eial attention given to probate business
and land title cages. Office in the Masonic
lilock. Main Street. Plattamouth. Nebraska.
A DRAPER Attorneys at Law
VI V Office
on Main fctreet. Opposite Brooks
' Special attention given to collection of claims
t R. LIVINGSTON. Physician and. Sur
aeon, tenders his professional services to
hecitiiens of Casseounty. Kesidencesouthcast
lomerof Oak andSixth streets; office on Main
treet, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard
?lattinouth. Neb.
TW. RAWLINS. Surgeon and Physician
Late a Surgeon-in-Chief of the Army of
be Potomac. I'latU mouth. Jiebraska. utnee
t 0. F. Johnson's Drag Store Main street,
I poeite Clark A Plummera.
1 17 HEELER A RENN liTT Real Estate and
l Tm Pavine Aeents. Notoris Public.Fire.
rid Life Insurance AgcaU, I'liittsmouth. NeLg
1)11 ELPS PAINE General Insurance Acent
a. - - ' ' 1 ... 1 .1 - -.n. . -
V Represents some 01 the most reliable lorn
h.i im in iha ITnitad States.
Office with Barnes A Pollock in Fitzscralds
Iain Street, Between 5th and Cth.St
HIE ED & F ALLAN - - Proprietors.
Just opened to the public, for both day and
reek boarders. Tables set with the bust the
inrket atfurds. Accomodations second to none
D the city, aecltuwtt
1 Lincoln, Neb.
This Houao has Just been refitted and rcfur
lished new throughout. Everything is new
ind clean, and comfortable aecoinadation war
-anted to guests. Mr. 0. D. Roberts, former
derk ot this House, is still with it. Stage of
loe for all parts of the State. Free Buss.
Wtf 0. B. SOUTHWELL. Proprietor.
Plattsmoutli; - Nebraska.
Tie best of Fresh Meats always on hand ir
their season.
Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle
Highest Cash Price paid for green Hides.
Is in running order now.
Wanted 50000
bshels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given
tf customers in grinding and sawinr
Jr ljur, Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold
Cheap for Cash.
Come one. Come all, and give the Ceda
'reek Mill a trial.
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and Shoes.
Hat, and Caps.
.Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Weir ar
'IX 1." Cultivators. Union Corn Planter
Orandetour and Princeton Plows, Ac Sec adint'
Mium, all of which we otter to the public at the
oest retail prices.
AH Goods Warranted
As XSeprcseiitecl.
-0ur constant aim will be to sell so low that
it will be to the positive advantage of every far-
Bier in the western and central portion of Cass
county to make this their headquarters for trad.
Burlington & Mo. River R. R. Co.
On Ten Years'.Credit at Gperct. Interest
JJo part of principal due for two years, and
tienee only one-ninth yearly till paid in fu'i.
PKODL'CTS will pay for land and improve
senu within the limit of this generous credit.
" .Belter terms were uver offered, ara not
nw. ami probably never will be.
CI KCU LARS trivinir t-ill particulars are sup
pied gratis; any wifhing; to induce others to em,
urate with thxm, or to form a colony, areinvit
e( to ask for all they want to distribute.
Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS. Land Comm'r.
For Iowa Lands, at Burlington, Iowa,
And for Ntbrotk Lands, at Lincoln Keb.
ATJook Tor tlie ITIillion !
MARRIAGEII A private counselor to the
GUIDE. : Married or those about to mar
1 1 ry on the physiological myster
ies and revelations of the sexual system, the
litest dicaoveries in producing and preventing
offspring, how to preserve the complexion fce.
This is an interesting work of two hundred
and tweity-four pages, with numerous engrav
ings, and contains valuable information for
those who are married, or contemplate mar
riage. Still, it is a book thnt ought to be kept
under lock and key. ard not laid carelessly
about the house.
Sent to any one (free of postage) for 50 cents.
Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, No. 12 N
Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo.
Notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate.
Before applying to the notorious quacks who
advertise in public papers, or using any quack
remedies, peruse Dr. ButU' work no matter
what yr desease U or how deplorable your
condition. ,
Tr v.!ittain Ka cnnsnUeii. personally or by
mail," on the diseases mentioned in his works.
Office, No.l2N. Eighth street, between Market
adCaesnut, t. liouu, no. atc-utmj
Volume 8.
OS" Schlater
Watcher. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly
nd with dispatch.
.Removed to opposite Platte Valley House
Main Street. nov. 10 w tf.
. 1840.
Pasengers booked to and frcm all parts of
.. . 1 ... .... 4 .. . 1 .
CiUrui'Q b luwcob rutis, nj'MJj n
GenTWestern A'st, 37ft State st. Chicago,
or to ED. WILSON.
12 6m.
Piatt smoiitH .
Summer Term
FOE 1872,
Commences July 1st 1872.
Chicago Avenue. Plattauouth Cass county
Prbf. Adolphe rd' Alleniand, Proprietor
and I'nncipal,
Wholesale 3c Retail Dealers in
Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves
Blacksmith Tools, Ac.
Keep on hand a Large Stock of
And Other First-Class Cooking
of All kinds
Coal or Wood kept on hand.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
I am prepared to accommodate the public with
Horses, Carriages, BuKeies and a No. 1 Hearse
on short notice and reasonable terms. A Mack
will run;to!the steamboat landing, and to all part
fthe city when desired.
January 1. 1871 diwtC
Burlington & Mo. R. R. R, Co.
On Ten Years' Credit at 6 per ct. Interest
No part of principal due for twe year?, and
thence only one-mttn yearly till paid in full.
PRODUCTS will pay for land and improve
ments within the limit of this generous t-red t.
-jJetter termt were never ottered, are no
now. and prOably never will be.
CIRCULARS giving full particulars are tup
plied gratis.
Apply to Geo. S. Habits, Land Comm'r.
Lincoln Nebraska.
T will furnish rarties with for
buildins purposes at a rea.-oBable price, at
my quarries or delivered on the cars at Louis
ville station. The following kind of stone can
.be bad on short notice; sills, caps, perch rock
ine or rod sand stone such as was used by the
B. t M. R. R. in the construction of their stone
work. All responsible orders, promptly filled
Louisville Station, Neb,
House and Sign Painter. Graining, paper
hanging and ornamental Painting, Orders
promptly tilled, b hop north cf r rice 8 Black
mitn bnof. ocid.Mn.
C. HEISEfi,Propr ietor. Having recent! yee
repaired and placed t n thorough running ord
luu.tiOO Bushels of Wheat wanted immediate
or which the highest market price will be pa
Among; (be Doetors.
Dr. Miller on Dr. Livivingston:
Gen. Livingston can and will do more
than any other man in the States to
solidify and perfect in organized form
the cohorts ot Greeley and Urown. lie
is a disciplanarian and his whole soul ia
in this battle.
The direction of the Doctor's soul ia
much regretted by his best friends here
we understand, as well'as his choice of a
ather Confessor. Can the Herald
6hrive him? Next fall will tell.
The tanner and shoemaker can com
plete the job. Sioux City Journal.
Bet yer sole on that brudder Perkins !
Cedar Rapids Republican.
We declare unhesitatingly tnat we
shall jro.our axel on it. Sioux City
Of course then you will heel all our
national troubles. Onawa Press.
Will they make an end of corruption?
Burt Co. Pilot.
Yes, by vjaxing the Liberals and sew
ing up the Democratic party.
Some of our Liberal friends say they
cannot support Grant because he backed
down on the "indirect claims," and they
won't support a coward. Of all charges
this is the silliest and most unreasonable.
No man in his senses ever charged Gen,
Grant with being a coward, and worse
still, with one and the same cry they
charge hiia with being a despot, with
wanting to inaugurate a military rule,
being cruel and delighting in war, and
yet with refusing the grandest and only
chance of making a war that will proba-
ly occur during his administration.
Above all this twaddle, however, rises
the fact that it is not true. There being
no back down, no blunder and no non
sense. The "case," indirect cfaima and all,
has gone before the Conference and been
decided on. We have not received any
money value for our indirect claims, but
we have gained the most decided victory
in forcing a recognition of our ideas of
neutrality, and probably caused a vexed
question of international diplomacy to be
settled for ever. So much for a farm
man at the helm.
Our German friends think this Sena
tor has been badly treated, and in conse
quence the entire German yote is going
for Greeley. Hear what the Richmond
Examiner says about it. This paper is
an extreme Southern paper in principles,
and is supporting Greeley with a very
wry face. Listen to its opinions of
Schurz and the Germans. :
Where are Schurz and the Germans
he had in his pocket, and where are the
followers of all the Liberal Repurlican
leaders who met in undelegated conven
tion at Cincinnati? These are the ques
tions we want our friends here who are
so eager to force Greeley down the
throats of the Democracy, Ion gre, mat
gre, to answer. Sc :urz has not, to our
knowledge, made a single sign or uttereu
i , ti . i - t ii
a single wora iavoraoie to me Vyiiappa
qua philosopher, since the adjournment
of the convention, and we nave watcnea
the papers closely for some sign or word.
On the contrary, we have very good
reasons for believing that the entire Ger
man vote will be cast against Mr. Gree
ley. The news from the West is that it
has been solidified against that ticket.
Senator Tipton held a meeting at Fair-
mount, in I'illinore Uounty on tne J4tn
ingt. At the close of the meeting they
gave three cheers for Grant & Wilson,
and throe cheers for Phil. Sheridan.
After a preamble setting forth their rea
sons they passed the following Resolu
tions .
Whereas, After patiently hearing the
eloquence of the lion. Senator,
We, the iicpuDlicansoi i iiimore uoun
ty, .Nebraska, are convinced Deyona a
doubt of the following facts :
That the Hon. T. W. Tipton is dis
satisfied with the present administration,"
and opposes the re-election of U. S.
Grant, lor the reasons stated, as follows:
lhat the .President has not appreciated
the wisdom and statesmanship of the
Hon. T. W. Tipton.
That the f 'resident has not used his
appointing power witii a view to tne
political interests ot 1. w. lipton.
lhat Senator lipton cannot control!
political influence with U. S. Grant
and the administration in power.
That Tobias Wellington lipton is con
demned by the Republican party of Neb
raska, who elected him to the high office
which he now holds. Therefore, be it.
Resolved. That the Republicans of i Ul
more County gladly deliver him unto the
Democratic Liberal anything for office
party to be dealt with as they may deem
Resolved, That we endorse the admin
istration of Prenident Grant, and hearti
ly support U- S. Grant and Wilson, for
President and Vice President of the
United States.
M. II. Brown, F. H. Gerhard,
President. Secretary.
Stale Journal.
A correspondent of the Warren (Pa.)
Mail tellsaeood story of Horace Greeley,
which is not found in his "Recollections
of a Busy Life." In 1841 the correspond
ent was workincr at a saw mill in Wrights
ville. Greeley being in that section on
a visit to his father's family, came along
canvassing for his paper. He started to
cross the pond on loose logs. Now suih
Iocs never keeD till. They bolt, and the
bolting philosopher soon found himself
on two logs and two legs spreading wider
and wider apart the longer he tried to
stand still 1 The writer called to him to
eo ahead, but he diden't: he only went
up to his neck, and that's all he knows
about riding a saw log. Now if he can't
ride two saw logs in one direction, how
can he ride two horses runing in different
directions, without coinc under ? That's
the question.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, July 11. 1872.
In the Omaha Herald appears a let
ter from Plattsmouth, signed Vindex.
It contains the following statment :
"In the Nebraska Daily Herald of
this place, is the assertion that, at the
close of the Liberal meeting held here
on Thursday evening last, "three rous
ing cheers for Grant were given." Ob
serving this to be a stereotyped phrase,
and one of the many contemptible tricks
by which Grant editors of Grant papers,
bought with Grant money, and controll
ed by Grant offioeholdtre, have under
taken to mislead the voters of this free
country, 1 beg to inform the readers of
your valuable journal that the facts in
the case here were simply these: A
couple of underlings in the employment
of the Surveyor General, E. E. Cunning
ham, who had been standing near the
entrance of the Hall during Senator
Tipton's splendid excoriation of the vil
lainous practices of the partizan majority
in the United States Senate, rushed
down stairs at the close of the meeting,
and under a preconcerted arrangement
with a few Grantites, of which small par
ty I am proud to say our honorable post
master refused to be one, shouted, 'Hip
hip, hurrah 1' as the Greeley men came
out, and the latter not discovering the
trick, took up the shout and cheered."
We are not in the habit of answering
unknown and unrecognized scriblers
throughout the land. It would take up
too much of our valuable space, and
they seldom have character enough to
make it worth a gentleman s time to
show them up. We should not notice
this except for this reason ; we desire to
call attention to tfcfis kind of newspaper
writing and this class of journalism.
In the first place, custom in this
country has ordained that the responsi
ble editors of our political papers shall
be known by name, and he almost in
veriably is by person, especially in a town
of this size. In England it. is different
but here this custom obtains; observe
then, thinking men, the meanness, and
the safety with which any d.rty scribbler
over a false signature can blackguard and
abuse men whom sometimes they would
not dare speak to on the street.
The editor is a shining mark, all he
says and does is known and commented
on; he has a local habitation, a name and
an office. W here should we nod index
and Junius and Justice and Agncolus
and Virtae and all the horde who under
one signature or the other, indulge their
malice and spleen in newspaper articles.
A.S regards this particular article from
Vindex we care nothing about that. It
scores not on our hide, it injures not our
reputation for veracity as we shall pre
sently show. It is the principle we are
after. You cry out tor relorm, you
preach for a purer press. Is this the
way to make it so? Did wholesale lying
ever purify a press, a people or an indi
vidual? Did cowardice ever elevate the
human race ? And we end this portion
of our editorial with the reminder to all
these scribblers, that the man who stabs
his neighbor in the dark- whether in his
person or reputation may be classed "as
a coward and assassin.
the facts.
A few words on the charges them
This paper is a Grant paper in the
Rfnj tli at it surmorts Gen. Grant, and
in no other. We bought it ourselves,
we paid for it and we control it, as some
of you will find out before this campaign
is over.
Tf Gen. Grant or any friend of his
wants the Herald, and has the money
to pay for it, they can have it and own
U. and not hefore. There is nothing in
this charge that the Herald need fear,
but look, readers, to the utter Billiness
and absurdity of using such an argument
against your enemy.
Does anvbodv suppose for a moment
that a rank Greeley man tconld furnish
monev to run a Grant paper, or that a
Grant man would be ass enough to fur
nish life and sustenance to a Greeley pa or a Democratio abortion called
Liberal. Who then should turnisli
money for a Grant paper but Grant men.
Who furnish money to support a Ger
man paper but Germans; a paper demoted
to railroad interests but railroad men, or
a real estate paper but dealers in rea1
estate or their patrons. Who start and
support any papers throughout the
land but those who are in unison with
that naner and desire it to bring before
the world their views and ideas.
There is to be a Liberal Fl.appiddle
started here next week, they say. Is
anybody outside of the Insane Asylum
such a fool as to suppose that Grant
men will start it or Grant men support
it. Don't everybody know that Demo
cratic funds buy it, Democratic work
helps it, and Liberal brains are supposed
to run it.
What argument would it ha for the
Herald to bring before a thinking, read
ing people, on a vital and earnest sub
ject, to rant out at them that Democrat
ic money paid for the type and bought
the ink. Democrats buy horses, mules,
stores, and banks, and run them to
make money, and so do Republicans.
Newspapers are property just the same
those friendly to one side will assist in
one and the opposition in another. It
makes no difference who buys or pays
for them. Do they tell you the truth ?
that's the question. Is the editor
gentleman who aims to elevate mankind
and scorns to resort to every petty lie to
aid hu party. If he w this, support
; him and the paper he edit, if you ever
hope to se journalism rise to the dignity
that you claim it ought.
We know nothing about Gen. Cun
ningham's young men, don't know some
of them when we see them, but we do
not suppose they are any more under-
ings now than when they were Gen.
Livingston's young men, or Gen. Hitch
cock's young men. Are they decent
citizens of a respectable walk in life, and
do they perform their duty there ? That s
the point at issue, and all Vindex or any
one else has to do with . their character.
It is about time that Americans
took hold of this matter and settled tho
fact whether they want gentlemen and
upright men in their public offices, or
blacklegs and scoundrels. It is time
they decided that the acceptance of an
office from Government or under a Gov
ernment officer does not take away a
man's character and deprive him of the
rights of manhood and American citi
zenship, nor subject him to the vile
abuse of every peripatetic skunk that
chooses to sling dirty ink over him be
cause they themselves have not been
able to secure the same berth.
This will be one more reform, and un
til you elevate your own charactsrs and
make politics respectable and the offices
of Government honorable by regarding
the private character of the occupants
thereof, you can reform nothing.
When a man knows he goes into an of
fice to be abused and blackguarded right
or wrong, he is more than human if he
doe3 not earn some portion of the abuse,
and as constant use hardens and dead
ens to pain it is queer if any man does
not come out of office something the
worse citizen for having been an offi
lastly! cheers.
We were not there at the close of
that meeting. Vindex and every one
else there knows that. Not less than ten
of the first citizens of Plattsmouth told
the editor of this paper that the meet
ing broke up in "cheers for Grant," and
if Vindex can stand it to have his neigh
bors and brethren go forth to the world
as liars the editor of the Herald can
We have made this article long solely
because it bears on a great principle of
journalism in which we are deeply inter
ested, and not on account of T index or
his letter.
Ave have chosen this occupation as
our means of support and business in
life, and we mean by every effort in our
power to elevate aud dignify the prcsn,
our press anyway; and we snail perse
vere until we are satisfied that the peo
pie will not support an editor who tries
to'tell the truth and be a gentleman.-
When that time conies, if it ever does,
we shall sell out to tho dirtiest dog ot a
liar we can find and let him try it
Nebraska Through Johnny Bairn
From the Liverpool Standard, we
clip the following, which shows the be
nefit of advertising, and also the views
our English brethren get of us from
our newspapers. The joke on the Doc
tors is good.
"The question which has puzzled poli
tical economists so long is satisfactorily
answered at length. There is no further
need to ask "what shall we dtfnvith our
surplus population?" From the State
ot iSeorasKa, wmcn lies somewnere ue
tween the Missouri and the Pacific, and
which its inhabitants call "the Garden
of the West." comes a circular inform
ing all whom it may concern that land is
.. . - V 11 1
to be had there tor tne landless, ana
homes for the homeless, and that mil
lions of Acres are almost donated (nice
word that) to the brave pioneers of the
world by the generous Government of
America. In the description of the lo
cality, sent out by those who are settl
ed there already, are eager to in iuce
others to share their happiness, Nebras
ka is painted as a land flowing with milk
and hnnev a veritable land of promise.
There is not a cubic foot of putrid air or
water there. All the cereals ot the 1cm-
perate Zone are grown with ease, cer
tainty, and success, while sorghum, to
bacco, flax, and hemp do well. It is
encouraging to hear that the hemp does
well, lor it is occasionally very useiui in
these newly-colonised regions. To add
to the charms of this "fragment of
Heaven let loose upon earth. we are
likewise informed, in language dull Eu
rope cannot hope to rival, that every
species of berry will ripen lusciously in
the pure sunlight oi Nebraska. fcheep
are never diseased there, and of necessity
must suffer death by violence, as they
will not die otherwise; and it is uncon
tradicted that for Wheat Nebraska is
the Banner State. There is a city there
Omaha, and a railroad runs by it, the
Great Pacific. We have heard mention
of the city before from the truthlul
lios of Mr. George Francis Train, and
there is a sort of hazy recollection on our
minds that the noble savage is in the
habit of stopping the trains on the rail
road for the purpose of enlightening the
passengers, who may have been misled
by Fesnimore Cooper s stones, as to
the manners aud customs of the aborigi
nes. Ihere is a weekly newspaper in
Omaha, verv brilliantly written, in which
such lively little paragraphs as the fol
lowing occur : "That familiar rambler,
"J. A. Tookes has lost three of his front
"teeth: thev were knocked out by Nicrv
"olas Robling, of the Marble Hall
"Saloon." . If these pleasantries are
freauent they should be an inducement
to intending emigrants in the dentist
line. Singularly enough there are doc
tors there. We find the advertisement
of a patent pill maker in the Omaha
Trilnue. but what can he want in such
a salubrious neighbourhood? Tha pitia
ble speculator must be lean as the
apothecary in Romeo and Juliet. If we
are to believe the Tribune Omaha mu
be a second Eden. There ought to be
a fine opening there for architects and
surveror3 of the Martin Chuzzlewit and
Mark Taplcy school- We recommend
all such not to stand upon the order o:
their going, but go at once."
At Plattamntli.
The Turners turned out, and turned
over a new leal to American eyes Dy
celebrating the anniversary of our Na
tional Independence ia the good old
way. At ten o'clock they marched in
procession from Turner Hall to a hand
some grove south of town, where stands
and other accommodations had been pre-
The Declaration of Independence was
read in German, and speeches in the
same language by Messrs. Jacob Vallery,
sr., J. T. Hoover, Herman Newman,
and others.
Not satisfied with this they sent for
Dan. H. Wheeler, Esq., and had the
Declaration read in English, after which
Mr. W. made a short speech congratu
lating them on their enterprise on this
day, and the good feeling that it must
engender to see peoples of all races and
all climes thus meeting under one ban
ner, A vote of thanks to Messrs. Val
lery and Wheeler wa3 carried, after
which dancing commenced and a general
good time prevailed.
In the evening everybody that could
go went to
To most excellent music in Fitzger
ald's famous palace of terpsichore, gay
couples, laughing maidens, jolly dutch
girls, stout old bachelors, and good na
tured married couples balanced and
chasseyed swung and do-so-two'd
(do-se-do'd) until the 5th day of July
made its appearance, and then they a.
went "home in the morning," and that
was the last turn of the Turners.
There was held a basket pio nic. The
Rev. Mr. Puckett gave them a timely
and eloquent speech, and Miss Olive
Horning, only 10 years of age, read the
Declaration of Independence in a very
creditable manner. Some 200 people
were present and all declared they had
one of the pleasantest fourths they ever
M. B. Reese Orated, and Bro. John
Barnes Declarated, both in good style.
It was a Basket and Sunday School pic
nic. Rev. .Mr. Presson spoke to the
children, and every body that went to
Eight Mile Grove 'tells the Herald that
out of a hundred Fourth of July's none
ever were so delightful.
Independcnced as follows : good spea
kurs, good dinner in the woods, good
time generally.
Sam. M. Chapman, the orator of
he day, told us the story of our
country's wrongs and triumphs in good
shape. Mr. L. Reed declared we was
free, and more victuals were disposed of
under the trees there than this reporter
cou.d keep count or, lor particulars oi
which see to-morrow's Herald.
Havn't heard from the rural districts
of Omaha, Lincoln, and Nebraska City
as yet, presume they Fourtlied it "like
everything," by and by will hear from
'em and tell you all about it.
Yesterday was the finest day, atmos
pherically, for the Fourth of J uly that
this generation ever saw. Old Sol gen
erally takes that day to celebrate
on too, and displays ms powers
until every one is disgusted and
overheated or else the clcuds givo
out in holding water for sheerj laziness,
or because they are independent too,
and everybody gets a memento of the
Fourth in the way of colds, sickness,
spoiled dresses, or clothes of some sort,
that causes them to declare "they'll
never, no never, go to anybody's Fourth
of July againj"
All this was avoided this time. The
sun behaved like a gentleman, the gen
tle breezes whispered in the trees-es, the
musquitoes took a vacation, and the
clouds like a beautiful veil o'er spread
the earth, and did duty instead of tents
and umbrellas. For once the whole
creation seemed of one accord in allow
ing the poor humans that inhabit this
world one perfect and happy day of re-
wu l
joicing. w e never saw so many nappy
faces nor heard so many satisfied people
come home from a public holiday. Glo
rious day, glorious country; glorious
thing to celebrate, and, By Jove, we
made a glorious time of it so we did.
Hurrah for our Fourth this year, and
lXt'z generally. It seems to be a year
of promise so far, God grant that it may
nave been a year oi perlormance, as
well, when the last day of" December
The lucky winner of the $50,000 prize
in the Omaha Mercy Hospital enterprise,
arrived in Omaha Monday. His name
is J. B. Geggie, of the firm of Leffing-
well & Co., Real Estate Dealers, St
Geg-along, ye outsider, to haul all that
money off to St. Louis.
It is said the circulation of the New
York Tribune has fallen off ten per cent'
Horace did it with his little hatchet.
The Peru post-office has, by order of
the Post Office Department, been made
a Money Order office, Advertiser.
Number 15.
Council Chamber, July 1, 1872.
Council met pursuant to call.
Present Mayor Aldermen, Buttery,
Wayman, Vivian Cushing, Clerk & Mar
shal. The Journal of last meeting read and
The Mayor presented the following
call to-wit :
Council Chamber, City of Plattsmouth,
July 1st, 1872.
The Councilmen and Clerk of the city
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
will take notice, that a Special meet
ing of the Council of the said city is
hereby called, to meet at the Council
Chamber, on the 1st day of July, 1872,
at seven and a half o'clock p. m. The
object of said meeting is to take action
on the following subjects, to-wit: To
provide for a Special election, to submit
to. the voters of said city a proposition
to vote bonds ot said city in aid ot a
College, or Seminary, and also for tho
erection of a High School, and also to
levy the necessary taxes for 1872, and
the repeal of such ordinances as may bo
necessary. M. L. WniTE,
Signed July 1, 1872. Mayor.
An ordinance levying certain taxes for
the purpose of providing revenue, and
other purposes, was
On motion, read first time. It was
then moved that the rules be suspended,
and said ordinance put upon its second
and third reading and final passage, on
which motion a vote was taken, result
ing as follows : Ayes, Buttery, Wayman,
Vivian and Cushing ; Noes, none, and
said ordinance was approved.
A notice for a boccial election was
then presented, and
On motion, it was ordered that there
be a Special election held in the city of
Plattsmouth, on the 22d day of July,
1872. for the purpose of voting on the
following propositions :
1st Shall the Mayor and Council
men of the city of Plattsmouth issue
bonds of said city to tho amount of
twenty-five thousand dollars, to be used
in the construction of a nigh School
building, to be erected in tho said city of
Plattsmouth said bonds to be payable
on or before twenty years from the date
of their issuance, but not until after the
year 1880, bearing interest at the rate of
ten per cent, per annum, payable annu
ally, at the office of the .Treasurer of
said city.
2d. Shall the Mayor and Councilmen
of said city of Plattsmouth, be author
ized to levy a tax, annually, on the as
sessed valuation of the property of said
city, sufficient to pay the interest and
principal of said bonds as they may be
come due and payable.
3d. Shall the Mayor and Councilmen
of the said city of Plattsniouth issue
bonds to the amount of twenty-five
thousand dollars, to assist in the erec
tion and construction or a College, or
Seminary building, within said city
(Provided the said College is located
within said city) said bonds to be pay
able on or before twenty years from the
date of their issuance, (but not until af
ter the year 1SS0), bearing interest at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum,
payable annually at the office of tho
Treasurer of said city.
4th. Shall the Mayor and Council-
men of said city of Plattsmouth,
be authorized to levy a tax, annually,
on the assessed valuation of the prop'
erty of said city, sufficient to pay
the interest and principal on said bonds
as the same may become due and paya
On which motion a vote was taken
with the following result : Ayes, Cush
ing, Vivian, Wayman and Buttery;
Noes, none. Motion carried, and the
Clerk was authorized to have the said
notice published as provided by law.
On motion, the following named per-
..1. V l -
sons ' were appointed to act as o uuges
and Clerks of said election : J. R. Van
atta, Nick Engle and Jason Streight,
Judges ; Prof, d' Allemand and Parker
Wise, Clerks; and
On motion, Council adjourned.
Attest: M. L. WHITE,
R. II. Vanatta, Mayor.
City Clerk.
Ninety-seven years ago July 3, the
Declaration of Independence was signed
by Jefferson, Franklin and Adams, and
on the next day, J uly the 4th, it was
publicly read, and announced to all the
world as the principles by which this
Government proposed to- conduct its af
fairs, and manage its own business.
That's the day we celebrate, and the
document contemptuotrsly flouted by the
Tories, of our country, and the mon
archists of all Europe has become the
corner stone of a great nation, and we
have fondly hoped the abiding place for
all of our race that believe man- is capa
ble of self-government, and tht we do
not need the lash of a master to pre
serve order and maintain a stable gov
ernment in the land.
This is from the Neb. City Cluronicle:
Alreadv thev call Judge Mason an in
significant Jackass. Does thab knock
out his brains. News.
They didn't hit the right place, per
While they bray, he will Jfhunder.
He'll do what?.
...1 T 1 , A C
and can, root out all corruption. But'
ler's speech.
So can a hog.
Extra (hpietaftU IItD for ! fy fl.
StreiBOt, at tne roin'mt, uiu j. , yuuu
ton. North aide Main Street, between bccout
and Third.
Eric Railway Brings Suit
Against Jay Oould.
Twenty-eight discs of Sun
Kew Postmaster at Omaha,
Sir. Story returns to Chicago
Accident on the Chicago
& Northwestern R. 11.
Greeley in Boston.
Stokes Trial.
The Fourth Celebrated by
Americans Abroad.
Robinson's Circus comes to
Fire in Constantinoilev
The Fourth at Homc.r
New York, July 2.
A corn plaint in suit, brought in tho name?
of the Erie Railway against Jay Gould,
has been served upon the defendant.
The Strokes trial to-day was attended!
by a great crowd, as it was expected
Josie Mansfield would be put on the'
witness stand, but the medical testimony"
for the prosecution was continued.
The thermometer is 103 in the shadcr
and about 140 in the sua.
The cornoners to-day have been not'w
fied to hold inquest on twenty-eightr
bodies, victims of sun stroke.
Denver, July 2.
Tho opening of the Denver and Ricr
Grande railway to Pueblo is being cele--brated
to-day by an excursion from Den'
ver to Pueblo, dinner, speeches,- firo
works, &c. Eight crowded coaches o
excursionists left here this morning,
Baltimore, July 2'.
Dr. Lanahan is !to be given a public
reception by his Mcdthodist friend on
his returru
Washington, July 2.
The President to day appointed C. hs
Yost postmaster at Omaha, vice Griffen,
resigned. .
Madrid, July S.
The Archbishop of Madrid is dead.
Chicago, July 3.
Mr. Story, of the Times, arrived home
to-night, having sufficiently recovered"
from injuries recieved at Springfield, to
bear removal.
New York, July 3.
In the Strokes case, this afternoon
the testimony was closed on the part of
the prosecution, and McKean made his
opening speech for tho defence. He'
claimed that on the day of the murder
Strokes was not seeking Fisk, but met
him accidentally upon the stairs of tho
hotel ; that the latter drew his revolver
to 6hoot Stokes, who drew a pistol and1
fired in self-defense. He also hinted at
insanity in Stokes family, and said the
prisoner's mind was upset since his in
carceration by Fisk, on the charge of
Fourteen deaths from 6un stroke be
tween midnight and 8 o'clock this morn'
ing. One hundred and six death Iron
heat the past few days.
Boston, J uly Z.
Horace Greeley arrived this morning:
and was waited upon to-day by his nu
merous friends. He attended the jubilee
this afternoon.
Madison, Wis., July 3".
The fixth anual re-union of the Army'
of the Tennessee met here this morning.
Many prominent officers aro present,,
among other, Secretary Belknap, Gov
Noyes, and Gen.-McOook.
Denver, Col., July Z.
Dick Allen, an enpincer on the Union
Pacific, was run over by a locomotive or
the Denver and Rio Grande load, and
both his leirs cut off near the thighs. He-
lived but a short time after tho accident.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 3.
A fearful accident occurred on the
Chicaco and Northwestern railway
yesterday afternoon one mile east cf Belle
Plaine. A freight train ran- into a con
struction train and telescoped the caboose-
of the latter, killing one man almost
instantly and mortally wounding sir
others, rour ol the wounded nave since
died, and the other two cannot live.
New York, July 5.
The Day was celebrated with patriotic
WThile Robinson's circus was going
under a bridge at West Haven, the
briJge settled. The menagerie cages
on the platform cars struck it, and tho
cages were knocked off and broken up.
The lien and tapir escaped, but were
soon caught. A cage containing fifty
monkeys was among the wreck. Thcr
monkeys are all loose in the woods.
Loss. $10,000.
London,. July 4.
The Fourth of July was more generally
observed by American citizens in Europe
this year than- ever beforer by special
celebrations in this city. Edinburgh,
Liverpool, Manchester and other cities.
San Francisco, July 4.
The celebration was a magnificent
success, and the procession two miles
long. Gen. Joe Hooker received an ova
tion at the banquet following the celebration.