THURSDAY, JULY 4 1872: 0en- Blaker gporta a Greeley hat The John Fitzgerald is loading with "uur irom wr. leisel's, bound for Orleang, where she will tale - cargo for Liverpool dir-' J The differ0 between high and low water at Omaha, is 19 feet 7 inches. There is 6 feet yet to riso. The railroad bridge b 50 feet above high water. The name of the county seat of Fill more county, was, last week, by vote of the people, changed from Henry to Ge neva. Our townsman, Dr. Condon, has been engaged to deliver his lecture entitled "Man or Monkey: Which?" before fhe Burt county. Neb. Teachers' Institute at its next session. Onawa Gazette. "Man or Monkey: Which?" Let's ga and see, says the Burt county Pilot. Wonder if they could tell after the lec ture. The ITerald 'wonders how Senator Tipton would feel if we should turn in and abuse him once. They have a Uaihaway tomato, down in Rochester, New York. Wonder if it over saw Plattsmouth. Didn't know the Hathaway's were agriculturalists. We learn that Mr. Tipton said the county paper here would abuse hiar- to day. Has it? Answer honest Oar friend and brother Editor, J. Newt Hays, left U3 last week for a trip to the mountains after he sets the Trib une up a week or bo. We wish him a safe journey there and back, and com plete restoration to health and happi ness. There was a great deal of big Tip ton and little 'ou other Senators and people last evening. Jefferson, the actor, is suffering from a disorder of the eyes which lays him up for awhile. Great regret is expressed by the theatre going public. It strikes us that the Hon. Senator who spoke last Thursday rt.U3tkind o'feel that he deserves abusing, he thinks eo much about it. CHAMPION BELT. Mr. N. L. Thatcher, was presented with a very handsome belt and stars yes terday. His many friends desire to see him at the Tittle store round the corner" about 1 1 o'clock for a week. We smoke. Senator Titton thinks the county paper don't tell the people what he doer. No, that's a fact, we do not we ' should abuse their confidence if we did. He advanced nothing last night that it behooves us to answer. To the general charges of corruption in office, to the hints of presents to public men, and so on if we have not exhausted this sub ject, two of the best and most influen tial papers in the country Harper's Weekly and the New York Times have repeatedly exposed the falsity of these charges, and we shall do so at an early day. Look out for the German Turners 4th of Joly. Basket Picnic, good music, good woods, good Turners, good Fourth, every body wanted, turn out, and turn in turner all round all day. Turn-up young America. Go to a T(h)unverien Fourth of July. , The Ball Thursday was a very pleasant and lively little -affair, we enjoyed our selves hugely. The big hall is a splended dancing field and every body that dances knows it Over a plate of Strawberries and Cream D. II. W. told us such a good story on ourselves, that we shall print it some day. You Tell Somebody asks the Hebald if it kept account of the fights yesterday, Did j o i ever hear the story of the eld darky's drunk? It so, you tell how many fights there Were Wbnt Mistake t country gentleman, loquacious lip Top going to speak to-night, Eh ?"' Greeley man sternly "No Sir. Not Tip- Tip-Top ; Tipton, Senator TiptOD, dif ferent man Sir." Wbar'K my Coat. Newt Hays lost his coat. He says its gray almost a Greeley. Two Fre mont Tribunes and a picco of cracker in one pocket. A mere-sham pipe and Nebraska Herald in the other. The side pockets are filled with uotiss's and two ink spots on the left fork of the rear lower divisions. Hunt it up boys and you can have the papers. T II A NUM. The gentlemen of the table committee. yesterday, desire to express their thanks to the Ladies of Plattsmouth for their bounteous hospitality in furnishing a su perabundance of good things for the hungry soldiers tables. We take it for granted the soldiers (?) were hungry, as we always were, when a soldier. APOLOGY. v The oodbovs who took ud the provis ions yesterday, hereby apologise to those ladies at whose houses they did not call. Early in the day it was ascertained that more than enough to crowd the tables was being brought in : also for lack of time the? coaid not call at all the places, thanks are due, just the same and the will goes for the deed. CaDt Bennett, of most gTacious mcin, in behalf of the ladies of the different wards of this City, presented the Her ALD with a magnificent cake, that we might take it home and let the little sol diers eat some, Thank you captain, la die, renninn, and all, Trio T? . r . ; - 7""""UH OI soiuiers and cituenj on the corner up here, in Main g.reer. jotcruay, was botli touching and InM I . mg solemn and pathetic, twit : They touched classes, anrl ct,..: . them eye makes a fellow &" " certainly pa torn and flutlon'ie that has to mend it, theticjj; Haven't we made our words 'good? PERSONAL. Hon. W. F. Chapin, of Lincoln, is stopping in Plattsmouth to-day. Hon. David Brown, P M of Nebraska City, called on the Herald yesterday- W. R. Richards of Omaha left - for the west Wednesday morning. Mr C D Wheeler, father of D H Wheeler of this place, called on the Her ald, He is just lately from a visit to Michigan, though residing at Glenwood Iowa, Nebraska still looks like a good state to live in, even after seeing Michi gan, and intervening States We were gratiGed to see the pleasant face of our old Blair friend, J. Zehruog, in our office, this morning. He is trav eling for the firm of Hurlbut & Edsatl. Wholesale Druggists. Cbieaeo. 1 THE NEW HERALD m mm JggpConie and See IDs "IIavin(r taken this paper "in charge wr propose to refit and renew the entire office a fast as possible, so that no better office can b found in the State. Send In your work" ' Especial attention 'given to Job Work. Work done in Colors. Justice's Blanks, Probate and Cour' Blanks always on hand. JCST-Blank work carefnlly attended to. Blanks of all kinds on hand, for sale. Call at the NEW Herald Office LATTS MOUTH, - NEBRASKA Zjixxxibsz! Xj.-1zxn.T3ez The Undersigned has on hand and i illanuftacturiuff All kinds of COTTONWOOD LUMBER At his Mill at the Ferry Landing at PlattsmoutL Orders Promptly Filled.! William Edoebtox. June3d dJtwtf. Mustang Liniment FOR M ATI A!fD OK A ST. Prohahly few articles have ever had s extensive a Sale, while none have beei more universally beneficial than the cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LIN1 MENT. Children, Adults, Horses, and Domestic Animal., are always liable t accident, and it is safe to say, that n family can pass a single season withou. some kind of an emollient being nece sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. Over three hundred livery stables in the cit) of New York alone are using the Mexican Mus tang Liniment, ia all of which it rives unusual satisfaction. C'AITTIOS. The genuine is wrapped in fine Steel -late engraymg with "ii. W. KVr brook. t'mw("ani1 I rane Mark, M tXlCA A MUXTA&G LJSIMAWT" engraved acros the face of each wrapper. The whole bears th proprietor's private Un-ted States Kevenu Stamp, and not a common stamp as used bj druggists. Lton MiscncrrRio Co . M Park Place. N. T. Jan. 9th. diw lw every 3rdw TOWNLEY HOUSE. Lincoln, Neb. This Houso has just been refitted mil rr nixhed new throughout. Everything is new and clean, and comfortable accomadat inn ranted to guests. Mr. D. Roberts, former clerk ol tt is House, U still with it. Stage ot- nee ror all parts or me amen, irae hum. lotf C. B. SOUTH WELL. Pmrrixtor, L ' Grocerios and Provissions. CATL.L AT DUKE 9 S AUCTION AND Commission Rooms MAIN ST Where you can buy almost every thing eatable, including EresH Meruit , At the lowest Prices for cash. H ghest price paid for Country Produc Butter, Chickens, &c. &c. Goods Delivered in the Citv Free of Charge. S. DUKE. jy!7d&wti. ISTEW STORE ' Weeping Water, Nebraska. JTAS. CJLXSISK & CO 8UCCK33KRS TO 1I0RT02J & JENKS. DIALERS IX General Merchandise, 8CCH AS- DRY GOODS. . GKOCEIES. HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE. HATS. CAPS BOOTS. w , ; SHOES. NOTIONS. &o We are Agents for Willcox &. Gibt-3 Sewing Machine FURNITURE. FURW1TUR E TIios. W. &liryock, CABINET MAKER - And dealer in all kinds of Furiiiture & Chairs. mais btseet, (third door east of P O Plattsmouth Neb S"RepairinB and Varnishing neatly none Funeral attended on the shortest notice. NEBRASKA LAND FOR SALE BY THE Burlington & Mo. R. R. R. f o. On Ten Years' Credit at 6 per ct. Interest No part of principal due for tw yearf. and hence only one-ninth yearly till paid in full. PRODUCTS will i-ay for land and improve nenf within the limit of this generous cred t, 4W Better If-rmr were never offered, are not now. and probably nevor will he. CIRCULARS giving full particulars are sup plied gratia , Apply to Geo. SIIaesis. Land Comm r. Lincoln Nebraska. nar9w3m EW GOODS! New Styles!? 3F. ELSTEB, MERCHANT TAILOR Is in receipt of the fines and best assortment f Caimeres, Clotho," Veilings rf-o . ever brought ti the city whic' I will make np in atest styli-s. Pleafe caU and examine. Plattsmouth, April 18 1872. w3m PLATTSMOUTH .1111.1.3. C. HEISKrj.Proprietor.TTaving recentlyb-e paired and placed in thorough running ord i' 10,000 Bushsl of Wheat wanted immediate r which the highest market price will be pa SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED TnE GREAT V- A.CT0RT. NM. KftJ ABE &CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Baltiiiobc Mabtlano. Thece Inst rnnents have been befo he Tub- lie tor nearly thirty years, and vpnn their ex cellence alone attained au r;'cA(mi Pre eminence, which pronounces them unequaled in Tone, Touch, Workmniuhip ana Durability. -All our Sauare Pianos have onr New Im proved Overstrung iScale and the Agraffe T ble. AWt would call special attention to our late Patented Improvement in Grand Piano and Square Granos found in no other P.ano, which bring fne piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Evert PIANO Fully Warranted for Five year Wlnst rated Cat logues and price lists prompt ly furnifhedou application to ' WM. KNABE A CO.. Baltimore. Md. Or any of onr regn'ar established licences. NovS'rw'imo. i?To5altimo Piam "DRUGS & MEDICINES. Scad. Koad. Head. to 3 t7 9 DRUBS IViEDlClNES. Perfumerys. Toilet articles. Brashes. Paints, Oil. Varnish, Putty, Window Glass, Lamps, chimney's, extra re 6 ned coal oil. non-explosive burning fluid, to. &c, 4o. &e. go DR. CHAPMAN'S DRUG STORE Next door west of the Post Office, in tho satce room with O'Brien, boot and shoe dealer. Strictly pore wines and liquors (for medi cinal purposes), a speciality. He manufactures flavoring extracts, a fine preparation of chocolat e ready tor use. an un equaled baking powder and various other arti cles. To those addicted o the use of Opium, that poisonous and destroying drug, cotae or ad dress me and be cured as thousands of other have been and are being, by a painless, perma nan; antidote. When once cured, which takes I ut a short time, you have no desire for drug or the antidote jr Communications for the Opium' Antidi to may be addressed to Dr. J. B. Chapman Platu mouth. Neb. or E. J. Chapman, M. D., Mo. Valley. Iowa. janlTdAwtf DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. A N.D All Paper Trimmed free of Charge. Also Dealer in Books, Stationary, Magazines, and Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. Remember the place, three doors west of the Herald office; Plattsmouth, Nebraska. THE BEST IS The Cheapest. Look at the men wriding in the shade o The Marsh MarVwSter. F. J, METTEER, W ill be found at his old stand on Main St. where he will be pleased to see his for mer customers and triends. Ill e has a large and good assortment of farm L J. machinery tucu as the The Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men can cut and bind ten acres per day with one man to drive, and the binders can work iu the had a. " Tilbnrn snd Studenbaker Waeons. Tinm ' 11 pion Iieper.t Mowe Ma?srllon Thrash er, an.i Butal Pit thrasher, and Excelsior Reaper and Mower &e. T.J. METTEER, Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb. L. S. Blair, Traveling Ajrent. Feb. 29 wtf. Piotice. U. S. Land Office, Lincoln, Neb ) Junaa, 1872. J Complaint havine been cntertnl at t offii-e by A. S. Smith, against Franei A Jackson for abandoning his Houievfead Eotry, No 3286 dated May 19th I860 upon the ne i ot's w Section 22, town ship 11 n, ranee 12 e. in said Cass countv Nebraska with a view to 'he cancella tion of said entry: the paid parties are hereby cummoned to appear at this office on the 8 day of July. 1872, at 10 o'clock a. m., to recpond and furnish testimony concerning the said alleged abandon ment. II. W. Sommerlad Register. Geo. P. Tucker, Receiver. 11 4t Estray Notice. fTJaken up by the undersigned at hi. !Q residence in Liberty Precinct, on or about the first of April 1872, one red Cow and calf, the cow is supposed to be nrmnt. throa vonr- rM ond . nr. ft j- v, . ut? a vifr yj i i the right ear and an undercut out of thfl 1 f fill a . ieit ear. ine owner can nave the above by proving property and paying charges. Joh.v Chii-cott. 10 5t uz-ciritm X - - ' -J j - l .S ,l" "ni iuiiMii iiriii'inMii'fiil f --'-a SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. 1872, 1872 1872. GftEATRUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are going to D. SCHNASSE 8c CO, To buy their DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES AT new yore: store- The best and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELA1NS, GINGHAMS, " BROWN SHEETING, BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA 4S, BOOTS AND SHOF of all kinds and pi ices to suit our numerous customers. ' large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, TS ND CAPS. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES IMvideiuls oil the Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed hy Western men. whose known finanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its careful and succesful management. 2l. Its Polices are all non-f'orl'eiti tttc. 3d. Premium all st. It receives no notes to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon tneir policies, 4th. It has no restriction upon travel. 5th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 6th. Its business ia ezcluseirly life insurance. DIVIDENDS Are the accumulation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at b percent., wnne mis niaKes iu investments ui iweive per cent, or more. The advantage ot Weetrrn investments to the policy holder appears in the following Btartlinf Ggures: The amount of $1,000. invested for fifty years at 6 per cent, compound interest, is $ 18,420.15 8 " " " 46,901.64 10 " " " " 117.360.8-3 12 " " " 318.06K.(iO .is obvious that this olicnoiaer tnan any otner OFFICERS : fl 1 Mackav. President, D M Swan, Vice- Prudent. Or J L Wever, Jied. .O'tor, George A Moore, Secretary, J Jones. Asa't Secretary, II L Newman, Treasurer ' DIRECTORS. D Shre, Leavenworth. Kan, . F Richards, W R Hammond ' " H Edgerton. " Taas Caruey. " o M S'rickler. Junction City Chas Robinson, La wrance, W.Hadley. II D Meckay, Leavenworth Kan. D M Swan, W (i Coffin. Geo A Moore, D W Fcwers, Geo L Davis, St. Louis. Mo J Merritt, E Hastings. MK Morgan " .1. IB. COTWJLT, Gen. Agenlfor Nebraska and Wortliern jsa Good Traveling Solictors Wanted. J. W. MARSHALL, Agent. S R LIVINGSTON. Med Fxamine REED BRO$S Weeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS IN Dry Goods. Groceries, tihidware, Queensware. Boots, and Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Agricultural Impliments of all kinds. Weir r -t X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planter Grandetour and Princeton Plows. Jtc &c adin tatvtm, all of which weofier to the publie at the owest retail prices. All Goods Warranted As Represented. iOur constant aim will be to sell so low that it will be to the positive advantage of every far mer in the western and central portion of Cass county to make this their headquarters for trad. REED. RROS. Legal Notice. Stanley L. Noble, ntmreeiderit defen dant, will take notice that on the 27th day ot May 1872, Lydia Noble filed her petition in the District Court of the 2d. Judicial District, ia and for Cass county Nebraska, the object and prayer of said petition is to obtain a divorce of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and said plaintiff. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 15th day of July 1872. LYDIA NOBLE. Py Maxwtll & Chapman, her Attys 0 ft TBI Company NON-FORFEITING Contribution Plan, Advantage to the Policy Holders and gives none. Policy holders have no interest comnancial advantages and inducements to the II A Calkins, Oeneral Agent, W E Harvey. Con. r ctuary, T A Ilurd, Attorney. II L Newman Leav3north W E Chemberlain. t a Hurd. :; M E B Allen. " " C A "erry. Weston, Mo. G W Veal, Topeka, Kansas. J M Price Atchison, Kan. W RStebbins, " " PIJlTTSMOUTIt LYON'S KATHAIRON, For Preierving'and Beautifying the HumanH air To Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person ot middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, ele gance, health and peauty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and cbarmst Few thiDg5are more disgus'ing than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat cevered with Dandruff. Visit, a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S K VTHAIRON wiU do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable and irresistable. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. d Aw 1 w every 3w " ROCK! STONE! T will furnish parties with stone for building purposes at a reasonable price, a my quarries r delivered on the cars at Louis ville station The following kind of stone can be had on f hort notice; sills, caps, p rch rock ine or rod sand stone such aa was used by the J3. A M. K. R. in the construction of their stone work. All responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station, ICeb. 8 ?tf ICEAD! READ ! ! Nebraska Herald, THE BEST I X NEB RAS K A ! One Year - -Six Months - - $2,00 - $1,00 ADVERTISE . IN THE Nebraska Herald," 3Ifyou want your Business Known" For the HERALD is read hy Farmers. Mer chants. Mechanics, Contractors, t-tock Dealers, Kail road Men, Business Men, Manufacturers, Consumers and Everybody, THE HERAL D Bml Mil ah Is the place to get your Job Work Done 4?IIaVing recently made large additions to our already extensive stock of types rules, bordersand other material We are now prepared to do ali kinds of Work in THE BEST MANNER AND At Reasonable Rates. WllKI PgCrABBO TO FBINZ Business Cards, Wedding Cards, Admission Tickets, Ball Tickets, Bank Checks, Deposit Tickets, Bank Drafts, Protests, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Bills, Way Bills, Dray Tickets, Circulars, Contracts, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Catalogues, Pamphlets. Priee Lists, Dodgers Programmes, Hand Bills, &c. &c &c, Give Us a Call. Satisfaction WARKAXTE I. LELP. GILLETTE Nebraska City, General Agent Dep't Northwest, Union Central Life inrsimAitfCE co Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. H. PRESSON. julyl5d&wtf Local Agen BEN DORKEY Wishes to announce to the people of the Great West that the second Volume of "DORKEY'S WEEKLY" Which commenced April 18th was enlarged to forty-esght columns. With that number the champion j iurnalist introdu ced a number of new and interesing del art ments which constitute "DORKIE'S WEEKLY' the finest literary family paper in the Knited States. His real life and comic sketches, as also the thrlling stories of Western life nuke that journal tie most inter es'ing and best adapted to western r-adera. Terms. Caoh in advance. 13. per annum. SI. 75 six months, tl three months. Send P.O. order by mail to BENN DORKEY. irfn St- Louie. Mo. ADDRESS OF THE LIBERAL. BKPCIiLI(-A.a OF XEII, To tb Frleada of Independence and Ueforin The unndrigned cordially endorsing the platform and candidates of the Na tional Liberal Republican Convention, held in Cincinnati, May t, 1872, appeal to all friends of political independence and governmental reform throughout the State, to unite with them in promot ing the success of those principles and the election of those candidates. A national crisis demands the earnest attention of every patriotic citizen. The corruption consequent upon the war has crept into and obtained control of our gov ernment. The very life of our free in stitutions is threatend. The partisans ot tho Administration have throttled the voice of the people by packing contentions made up of and by tho office holders of such Administration. Influential and lucrative offices have been given those who had obtained tho President's favor by means of valuablo Presents, and to those notoriously corrupt and unworthy. When illustrious Senators havo dared to raise a voice of criticism and to ask for investigation, the zealous partisans of the Administration have ridiculed the charges and stood in the way of such investigations, that the guilt of the Ad ministration might not be uncovered. The dignity of the Executive Chair has been prostituted by most shameless and wbolcsalo favoritism and nepotism. The President has held his official patronage as a merchantable commodity for sale to the highest bidder, Postofficos,- land offices and revenue offices, throughout the nation, but in our own State mot conspicioufly, have been tho guilty purchase-price of the elec tion of United State. Senators, known to be the especial partisans of the President. Other policies than these are deman ded in the conduct of national affairs. The war was ended seven years ago. Now, broadest measures of amnesty to the end that tho acrimonies of the war may be obliterated and peace and good will established in all the States and be tween all the States, are demanded. A thorough and radical reform in the Civil Service that the unblushing abuses df-fraud and nepotism which have ob tained under the present Administration may be done away, is demanded. An end to the laws which permit and to Executives who sanction the buying of votos with lucrative offices, in Sena torial elections; an end to vesting the Eublic domain in soulless corporations ut a sacred dedication thereof to actual settlers and to purposes of education ; an end to decisions from the Land Depart ment of our Government in favor of Kail road Monopolies and against the Home steaders of our State especially the de fenders of the national life ; an end to th i selfish rule of ' Administration" cau cuses ; an end to a subsidized public "press legi.-lation for the whole pi-o- Iile not a special class ; our officer to ie servauts of the people not the p o rle the sycophant slaves of the offk-e-holders ; a government under which the people shall rule, and the ruler be ruled ; a government which shall regard dis honesty a3 treason and a political ring as its deadly enemy; a government in which the military shall )ie strictly sub ordinate to the civil power ; a govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people, is demanded by every honest man in all the States. . We therefore invite and call upon "all patriotic citizens without regard to for mer political affiliations" who desire, with us, the success of such principles and of the candidates for Presidency and Vice Presidency placed before the coun try by the Liberal JJepubliean Conven tion at Cincinnati, to organize at once in their several counties and voting pre-. cincts throughout the State and to ac tively prepare for the fall campaign. Let there be an Executive Committee chosen in every county and have tie name and address of its chairman for warded to W. P. Ptoberts, Nebraska City, Nebraska, at once. Let campaign clubs be formed in every precinct Organ ized activity will be the price of success. Act at once. OTOE COUNTY. O P MASON, F Rcnner, J H Masters, J 1) Carmichael, John McCartney, J J Hochstetler, Lawson Cook, W P Roberts, Paul Schmine, Beyschlag. f liouenhaus, M L Hayward. A S Cole. C Schumacher, W Vermillion, A Powen. M. D. F W Itottmann, Pred. NEMAHA COUNTY. Jarvis S Church, O B Hewett, A P Cogswell, John (J J)euser, Alt. W Morgan, J M Graham. C W Wheeler. ueo. li .Moore, VV T Jlopers, try ..... A W Morgan. Sen.. T A Creiirh. Jheo. Hill, Nelson 0 Maker, Geo. W Berkley, U S. Wall. J C M'Naughton, It J Whitney, A D Marsh, CASS COUNTY. R R Livingston, L F Johnson, Phelps Paine, II E Kllison, J D Jimpson, J L U Charlton, G W Merk, Henry Rohweder, Moses Dodge, O F Johnson, Levi Golding, Wm li Porter, James G Tuylor, J W Shannon. LANCASTER COUNTY. F W Hohmann, S li Hohmann, W J Lamb, Benj. F Fisher, O W WtLster, J W Hartley, L W Millingley, J M Young, J K Honeywell. o 1 ' .1 .... " w Kellocg, R W Taylor, Geo. E Church, Jas Gorton, Jas. E Phi I pott, John Houston, Nelson C Brock, W P I'hilli ips, F E Atwood, S J Clark DOUGLAS COUNTY. John McCormick O W Ambr so Weorge ."'mith Theo Baumer Henry 1' urn all A C Mthouse Wm F Swesey Fred Krug John 11 Mink J C M iemers Arrold Peycke A Drocte Theo StabbendorflT Julius Meyor Theo Docker II V Held A J Peck Alb-rt Abel Ceo Heiinrod August Dormann H Humecke Aust II Blum to berg Louif Raapka GJ Wolff Augustus Doll C tchrridler F J I rlau Jobn B Mantel Fred Ywcifil Chas Flick J C Marailr John Schulti E Eitabrook Arch e Ale Neil Tbos P Carter A D J one D L Tbouias Wm I Kennedy CC h ousel A d McAusland John Fmgg Joseph Lies Justin Kepler Rtebben Geiss L ErviUnder Geo Fricker II Scbwobe K'wrrd Fischer Wm Doll J rrank John Dalmun O Owtus Fred Kuhu Fre1 Erickman t red Metz J A Allen Adolpbus Boehme Cbas Uapworth Aug ust M Hchrueder (J Pomy A iey-r Henry Uoller tieit 11 liaamann Julius Thiele John Bauiner A urea Arnemann li ii lilair Louis .-chrader Otto Rice K. Filler e hr Schmid Henry Myer n llliatu Sjexelke Julious Rodowsky W in "jrlau John Albert Jobn liittinper Henry Oos.imann EO Walker Eerd Brodfucher M Peter Hucrus G M O'Brien A Bels Jas B Bruner C A Purdeo tl ii Henrv K Allen A R Demerest John Has James Stephenson Jonn wel Her P Gurther William Rrnll Daniel Fran C tl 1) Miller Chr Graffmer Kdward Wirth R Brandt Cbis Bandorff JoHn Bs Julius Mots