Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 04, 1872, Image 2
-THE HiiRALih 7 ' IATrrSMOUTII. NEBkAKA. TJIK til LTHCI1 BEI.LM. THURSDAY, JULY, 4. 1872 "ITow merrily they ring, lerrily ? Yes, why frhoulJ not a church bell be- merry ? What bell tells of greater, grander things. Ought Dot the associations that it calls up be sources of enjoyment to alL Was J. A. MACAIURPIir..., Editor. Official Director' CONGRESSIONAL. thero not joy ia the land when Christ there would be more than farmers need- was born? Is there not rejoicing every ed the young oaks were already en- Christmas yet? I croacliiig on their fields and plowed A church bell may be merry without nn(ja indulging in levity, and a church mem At FactoryTille we met Mr. Jennings, bcr would surely be moved to feelings of the DrODrietor : had rood laurh over joy and gladness, rather than to those of b:, Greeiev hat. and we promised to m , - M ground, from points of which we could i again elccteu 1UESIIENT OP THE UNITED fee far up the Weeping Water, view Statfs. Buck s, and other large and beautiful As to the charges against lien. Urant, 0f the Sabbath in the vital economy of groves. There is no lack of timber in j personally, he claimed that many of the American people, there is no longer this region, and Mr. Sheldon stated that 1 them were too puerile to notice. lie had ftny doubt. With all the periodical rest kept his old father, 0 years old an J up- jfc brines Us. we still find ourselves over wards in a postoffice, the salary of which worked; .and the wrecks of paralysis' are wa3 flWayear, and to which Andy strewn around us on every han 1 Johnson appointed him. I his was a Without it, we should find ourselves lair sample of the whole array. ZSo man Vr. Uoiland u iheMundny neiiin r ment jcacj ditvetly away froui the Christ- On the importance of the observance Mttn church. All pure ways are ways of the Sabbath in the vital economy that tend upward, toward God and heaven. Scrifnr, fa .fnhi if the fires are kept out, in ten years T. W. Tipton. Brownrille. P. W. Hitchcock. Omaha, John TaiTa, Omaha, U. 8. Senator. EXECUTIVE. KillUm II- June.', Lincoln. Act. QoTeroor. w lilinm 11. JanFi, Lincoln, . bee. c f State. Johji.Gilietpie, Liacolu, Auditor. n. Aj&oemg, t ominous, Treaaurtr. O. H. Koheru. Omaha, Attorney General. J, M. AlcKenzie, Lino In. Sup;. Pub. Instruc'n JUDICIARY. O. P. MaoD. N ebraska City, Chief Justice. i George B. Lake, Oronha, . . . . L. Crounie. Ft. Calhoun 'Associate Justices. CASS COUNTY. H. F. Elli on, Ian'l McKinnon, W.L. Hobhs, J . W. Johnson. U. W. Wioe. Jacob Valle y. xjeiu. nioin, James. J. W. Thomas. REPUBLICAN TICKET. sadness and sorrow, by hearing his own U. S Senator. I Crmrrh hpll rviIliniT rnm flipprfiillr I mrr. Representative.! ., , . , P i myj io near ine giax uuings oi salva tion. It has always been the custom to speak of the Marriage bells, an alone mer- ry. is a marriage always a merry occa sion ? Has the token which knells the parting of Mother and Daughter, breaks up years of sweet family inter course, and causes the severance of many dear bonds of union on both .sides, any more right to be called merry than when it tolls forth the tidings of men saved of a world to come full of joy and light, of a haven of rest where there are no more partiDgs ? We trow not. A few years back, and Nebraska heard never a church bell, and so strongly did we feel this, that the first bells seemed to ring forth the words, "Come home, Come home," not to our heavenly abode. Probate Judge. County Clerk, Treasurer. , Sheriff. Supt. Pb. Instruction. County Commissioners. Coroner, XT. Foa President. cheek of the girl we loved These were tha homes that the first For Vice-President. HENRY WILSON. tLl'HK41KS fOK THE 1''AlO.T We will mail the Weekly Herald to church bells in Nebraska told I'd us of. aew subscribers and clubs, during the and very dear to our hearts are both the I residential Campaign, beginning June homes and the bells to this dav 20th and closing November 15th the Before this time, however, Sunday af- week after the Presidential election ter Sunday, men, and not .bad men in twenty-two numbers in all at the fol- tentionally either, shouldered their irun 10 WUIJ? rates : I or their fishing rnrl nnrl margin, I - - - m v-- a Ml V U. VI tM J One copy $ 70 for a day's sport, solely because there Club of ten copies COO were no Tchurch bells to call them any Club of twenty-five copie? 12 50 where else. Many and many a time come down and go a fishing in the mill pond, some day. Thatwould be an ex perience once more. We hav'nt fished in an old, jolly, big pond ttince we got "licked" for tumbling off the forebay " years ago. Mr. Jennings & Son have an excellent g'ist mill here, and Borne man with money should come in and put up other machinery, such as Woolen Mills, or go iuto cheese factories. Here is a most excellent point f.r some enterprisiog man to build up a local habitation, and a name, fur success and piosperity must attend a judicious investment in such frpots as these. Water power right at the door, a rich farming country all around, and in all probababihty a rail road within eighteen months or two years. What more could a man need? At Mr. Buruuui'g we were very hos pitably entertained, but as the day was as some might now sugg st, but back to waxing late we were forced to cut our the vine-clad cottages of New England, visit short and return. to the shady vL'llage street, to the It would be iuiDO.sible io the soace of church under the grand old trees, to the this letter to tell of all the fine farms we farm-house in the lane, when the apple saw, of the coolness with which men blossoms were fragrant, and the bloom talked of COO acres. 1,000, 1,503 acres, of the peach only rivaled by that on the as if thoy were garden pAtche.--, or of the STATE AGENT Xew Advertisements. 'Without doubt the finrit jeriodtrul publinhtd. Manny no equal tn r.urope or Amtrt ". Daily At fair Club rates. have we heard the expressed wish, " If we could only go to church now, or hear a real old fashioned church bell, how SUBSCRIBE!! We want subscribers for our weekly I good it would sound ana dai y all through the county. To a How changed ! If we do not all co to person sending us a club ot nve names church, we have the bells each Sunday and over a liberal discount will be made, to remind us that there is a Sabbath. and something higher, holier to strive The Beatrice Express comes to us on a I for than to beat our neighbors in mak- half sheet this week. Reason why? hig money, or as in '57 days, we strove .uecausc iney nave conciuaea to enlarge tor the best corner lot and the biggest to an eight-column sheet. We congratu late them on the increased business I which obliges them to do this. TVe have received so many compli-! mentary notices about our little datJy, from all our brethren of the Press, with- j out regard to politics, that we take this occasion to return our thanks generally. This alone, is not what we set out to say, but to remark on the almost univer sal good will and absence of petty jeal ousy among newspaper editors. Your hand at Poker. Having wrought all this change for the better, who eaj-s they are not Merry bells these Church Bells. TIIBOCUU CASH COUSTT. Tbe Second Day's Itld. June 22, 1872. In the morninir Mr. Kirknatrick snoweu us over tne .iarm ana tne r&u- barb beds one s-talk of which measured literary man per se, the pure Author, is j over four feet in Ior.ptb, and the leaf frequently a very disagreeable person I three feet ten inches in diameter. Whut with his "pets," and his humors, and I has our eastern man to t-ay to thi." We his total want of courtesy to his brother j forget how maoy1 farms Mr. K, told us authors. Lawyers are pretty good na-1 of, but we know that Eddy worked one, tured, very social, and free from many and another son another, and that the of the faults of the former class, jet home farm contained 3C0 acres. Alto they do not always like to acknowledge gether, it is a beautiful place, and after the ability and power of an opposing getting minute directions for our journey brother of the fraternity. Physicians home, we rode down the hill, unto the are very jealous of each other's reputa- valley of the Weeping Water. tion for success. Clergymen are not free its legend. by any means from this jealousy in fact Two good old-fashioned tribes cf InJi- it is rather a clerical failing than other- ans, before the white man it trod need wise. I wmskey and small pox to His red bretn- Your real practical, hard working, j ren, knew no other way of decimating managing editor, seems to be the only j the ranks of their lusty and hungry man who drives ahead and pays no heed j young warriors than by a scries of des- to other people's estimate of his good or perate fights, in which they managed eo bad points, and if a brother editor craftily and had such extraordinary good makes a good paper he says so at once, success,- that scarcely any grown males If he has an ounce or two of brains ex- were left in either tribe, consequently, tra, he gives him credit for it in a twink- the Hquaws gathered in force on the ling ; and when he gets off a good thing, banks of this st-eani and wept so ener- laughs at it as heartily and acknowledges getically and numerously that the water it as readiiy "as if it were the coinage of j riz and overflowed the country round his own brain. Asa class, no set of j about, since whichiime that region hath men abuse each other on public affairs I been called "The Weeping Water 60 roundly and in private life receive one I Valley. It's a fresh, nice, pretty another so entirely free from personal j stream, though, if it was once made of animosity or jealousy. " It'jars; and charming to tell to western ears, it everv here and there runs over A letter to the Omaha Herald from littla -ffleg of , narklipir and shin- Platkmouth, signed ." Junius, states ;ng) foamIrjg ana bubbling in such a good that we had a rousing Greeley & Brown 0ij.fashioned country brook manner, meeting, and that Tipton was repeatedly that we jut iongei kjcfc our shoes off, cheered. It ends by saying "at the close jump out of the buggy, roll our pants of the meeting three rousing cheers were up an,i have a good old schoolboy wade. given for Greeley & Brown." We were It i-jfordable in many places, having a not present at the close of that meeting, J hard, gravel or stone bottom, wherever but a number of persona assured us that fche water runs over these rifHes. ingfro!d with which they announced that "the hundred acre wheat field looked the best this j-ear," or that eighty'm corn was doin remark' bly well." In several places we saw long lines of ex cellent stone fences, gieat, old fihioned barns and outhouses, orchards and fruit without stint or limit. If it is not a laud of plenty, flowing with milk and honey it is not for want of cows or bees either for there are plenty of both on the prai rie and in the yard. Mr. Iaae Pollard has one of the fine farms we ever saw in any State. There aie 1,500 acres in one bodj' a magniti cent brick barn, 100 feet long, running water in several places, stone fences and siock 10 inaicn, uas ou neaa 01 norses and colts, milks 20 cows, and had corn enough in the big barn to make a coru-er if he only had it on a corner in Chicago, Absolutely tired of questioning an examining so much of interest to the lover of his State and country, we turned our faces and our horses northward, and arrived at home late in fhe evening. We hare been thus particular in de ecribing the amounts of land owned and the good things of the country, not to gratify ourselves, nor yet the men that own them, but because our paper circu latcs far and wide, and we desire to let our Eastern friends know what a coun try there is here as well as to inform our old patrons north of the Platte how South Platte country looks. Everyday we learn that there is more and more of Nebraska - than we once dreamed, and feel confident that but few years can elapse ere wo will produce almost every thing that a great State needs within our borders. OIR RATII t'ATIO.V Grant and YtJItou Salnrdity Xijfht, the facts are, a very feeble cheer was given for Greeley & Brown, and three triumphant cheers for Grant. "Junius" is a very poor judge of facts, before his eyes, when he says Cass county will go Liberal ; also, if he is a native here, he deserves no creJit for yoking fun at Plattsmouth about the reunion, and stretches a point of fact to boot. Many soldiers from the country were here on that day, and at anyi rate, this city did her part nob'y and deserves credit for the endeavors to make it a pleasant, profita ble and sociabb time to those that did come. ,' ' lTlIKCOL.91 SEH8. The Artesian well is down 351 feet. In sinking the well it is found that the water line at Plattsmouth is 200 feet lower than at Lincoln, They are now putting in gas mains all over town. The Atwood House ia being thor oughly renovated and renewed. M. W. Lynch is Clerk, and J. C. Cox, Steward. It will soon be the best Hotel iu the State. The Grand Encampment L O. O. F. was organized yesterday. The wind has blown for three days a gale. Supreme Court meets at Lincoln, to- Marqnett thinks tbe Republican party have increased the price of Religion. That' a newTirtnv' - Close by tbe banks of the Weeping Water, in laughing prosperity lives the Hon. Lawson Sheldon, our Senator to the last State Legislature. Mr. S. is a Vermonter, a splendid farmer, and owns 1200 acres of land, stretching through upland and dale for many and many a rod in every direction. Under his guidance we explored some of the rough parts of tbe valley, and for the first time in our whole life in NebiaLa, we heard Jthe grinding sound of pebbles and boulders beneath our buggy whclf. You must know that in our Northern Nebraska one can ride over whole counties argument combined, read the record of idneversteastoneintheroadbigenough the glorious past of the Kepublican We are satisfied 1 yes, more. It ex celled our utmost expectations. The Ke-unioj bit . recently before us, and the constant asseveration of kind hearted friends (?) that tbe Greeley element in Piattwmouth was strong, we almost distrusied our own judgment aud feared .that our ralifica tion oiu-'bt come out slim. We had re solved to tell the truth, if only ten men were present, but -it would have gme like pulling teeth to have done so, had the meeting proved a failure. One glance around the spacious hall on entering, dispelled our fears on that Fcnre, and we sat down contented. Aljout the same number of people were present as at Senator Tipton's speech, but 'there was a different clement pre vailing, we nngnt miss it widely in guessing at majorities in this, or any other countjv'but .there is tne thing we can hardly fail in; that is, taki::g the measure and temper of a crowd or an audience. We have "taken notes" be fore a sea of upturned faces too often to be badly fooled on these points, and these people were alive, ncrvj- tneir hearts were in their faces, and their sen timents beamed from their eyes. It was not a cold, critical crowd, come to view a rather notorious man, and to hear what he had to say for himself and his friends, but a company of companions, gatherad to hear their comrads in a good cause, reason of the words, the truth and the law Doctor Black called the meeting to or der, and introduced GEN. SILAS A. STRICKLAND. Loud cheering followed. The General squared himself, and then and there with a masterly flow of wit, humor and to throw at a cow. In '64 some Jersey friends came to visit us. We had busi ness up country, and taking a carriage at Omaha, we passed nonh through Washington and Burt counties, to the Omaha Agency. On returning, we came by Arizona bottoms. On our re turn to Omaha, they were profuse in description of their pleasure at the bcau- Party. Launching lrom this into the personal history and characteristics of Gen. Grant, he showed that this "quiet, persistent, reticent, little man had been successful in every effort or move he has made, so far in life ; " and that we had to thank his wisdom, prudence and cour age, for the fact that we have to-day a Country,' a Government and a Republi- f;f,,l pnnnrr nml mpnimno,! n nmirr. can uartv. He reviewed mm as a ing glory "What do you tLink, we have General, a? a President, and 6howed ridden over 150 miles and the carriage conclusively that he was one of the rare wheels never struck a stone." It was few of this world who rise equal to every true, and thev niiebt have ridden many occasion, and conquer, even circuni hundred more in some places, with a stances, in their onward march to sue 1 like result. In this valley, however, at a certain elevation, good lime stone is found in abundance, and crops out in the roads wherever they cross a spur of the bluff at the proper height. We paewd ovrr some high, mlling cess. He spoke of the unanimity with which ho waa nominated by representatives from all parts of this broad land, and that in November next, at psrlv roll call, by the votes of a satisfied The only colored men for Greeley. people, this "patriot and hero would be ! The Brown men. in the United States lived a purer, nobler life than Grant. Not a vice, not a crime could be charged justly, against him. And years after this when History makes up her record, by the aide of Washington, Jefferson. Madison and Jackson, would stand Gen. Ulysses S. Gkant. Cheers. The speaker then overhauled the hon esty and record of Mr. Greeley ; showed how he had been cn all sides of the fence one moment urging us "on to Richmond," and the next J-aying "Let her slide, we don't want the South, and can do without her." He had ued up I paper enough to cover the whole broad prairie of Nebraska, in abus:ng Demo crats, and hogsheads of ink, in reviling all their measures. (A voice in the crowd) "Prove that, where's your papers?'' "Stri?i ." paused not an instant, but retorted, ' Prove it, why man, it's par- of the history of the country. Where'd you come from?" Roars of laughter greeted this sally The speaker having earned glory enough for one night, after being repeatedly cheered, shortly gave way to the HON. T. M. MARQUETT. Slow and easy and lazy like. Marquert beiran. No person on earth could fell whether he n uitit to give out a hymn. preach a s-ernion, or only to tell a yum or two. Suddenly the lijihv springs to his eyes, the power comes to his face. he shakes back that long mane, and hands, arms and legs, begin to talk, as well as his tongue. Swift and .-tromr as the current of old muddy, at high water mark, but clear as the purest mountain stream, the thoughts, the words, the id-a., leap from his lips, and you see pictured before you, like zig-zag li.trht- nin tracks on the stairv curtain behind him, the dark davs of Democratic mis- rul, the cowering, shivering slave bleed ing under a master's lash, and the haughty Southerner demanding hi.- State rights. The bloody battle field, the loathsome prisons of Libby and An dersonville j-tuud out for a moment to view. The citkn and kindly face of "Honest old Abe" appears on the curtain, aud pictured in vivid lines cf shining light you have the glorious record of the Old Repubican Party, again standing like a halo around the speaker's head. The Honorable gentleman also de scribed Grant's character and deeds, de nounced Sumner for his folly, and in re ply to the oft repeated charge against Grant that he desired a re-election, pointed to Sumner, himself, who has been re-elected for 25 years, and now should stand back and let 60tne other man in Massachusetts have a chance. He went through Senator Tipton's speech, and charges; said the Hon. Senator went down to Lincoln and tried to get re-elected as hard as anybody, and would probably be a candidate again. He explained the Georgia bill, that Tipton dwelt so much on, and stated that Mr. Dawes, leader of the House, a good Republican, prevented the Chor- penning claim from being allowed, and not this wonderful reform crew, Tiptou, Trumbull & Co. He did not choose to go backward for re form to a dead party ; tut rather forward with the party already in the van, once more he declared allegiance to the bona fide old genuine Republican party, and laugbe'l to scorn tho liberal dodge which meant sore heads trying to ride into power on the backs of Democrat", and Demo crats willing to carry them until they had gamed their points, when tn y wouli "buck" and dump their Liberal friends in the mud. Said he liked Greeley because he dressed like himself, despoiled of our most efficient and relia ble safeguard in the dangers wh:ch be set the paths of business enterprise. As a matter of - economy, therefore as a conservative of health and life and the power to work the Sabbath, observed strictly as a day of rest from secular labor fnudy, the best ot the series yet is of the utmost importance. We can- "hed; Dr. Holland s Editorials; not afford to-day, and we shall never be able to afford, to give it up to labor, SCRIBNER'S FOR JULY- Will Attract Deserved Attention. From Loosing's delightful Article on est Point (profusely Illustrated); tho brilliant Conclusion of Wilkinson's Critique on Lowell's Prose: Warner's C'harinint; Paper, a Summer Back Log pub-The Christian Sabbath in Great Cities;' "fhe Literary Bureaus Again:" "Our Presi den?;" "Indirect -Damage;' two Carious either in city or country. Experience Art'tles of Popular Science, Illustrated: has settled this point, and yielded upon A Startling Exposure of Smuggling by every hand its testimonies to the wis- raen, and the Means -Employed for dora of the divine institution. As a nifasore of social, moral, and phyMoal health as a measure of industrial eco nomy the ordination of a day of perio dical rot like that which the Sabbath bring u would come legitimately with in the scope of legislation. If we had no Sabbath, it would be the duty of the State to ordain one; and a we have it, it is equally the dtit3' ofthe State to pro tect it, and confirm to the people the material and viral beticfits which it is so well calculated to secure. There are certain other facts connect ed with the observance of the Sabbath, in America which are quite a- well es tablished as the one to which we have al'uded to, the most prornint-n h, that the high morality and spirituality of any community depeuds uniformly on its, ob servance of the Sabbath. We do not leluv? thi-ie is a deeply reliinu cum m inity in America, of any naioo, tha; dnes not observe one day in seven as a day specially devoted to religion. The earnest Christian or Jewish workers everywr.erj are Sabbath keepers, in their sep ;ate ways and days. It is very well to talk about an "every-daj O-iri-' iai ty,' ' and better to possess and practice it; but there certainly is preciou-- little of it where the Sabbath i not oV - crvfd. The religious faculties, senti ments, and susceptibilities under ail schemes and systems of religion, are the subject of culture, and impeiatively need the periodical food and stimulus which come with Sabbath institutions and min istries. The prevalence and permanence of a pure Christianity in this country depend mainly on what can be done for them on Sunday. If the enemies of Christianity could wipe out the Sabbath 1 hey would do more to destroy the power of the religion they condemn than all the Renans and Strausses have ever done or can do. They understand this, and their efforts will be directed to this end, through every specious protest, plea acd plan. its Detection; Sparkling papers in the Old Cabinet; Urowmg Excellence in Home and Society; and the New De partment of Nature and Science, bv Pro- ft'Ssor Draper, besikes the usual variety of Stories, Poems, Essays and Reviews, &i., TOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. Fo ouo dol'str we willscnl the A'npzine on a trial t atweriptimi for four -lontlm, coinmenciiig with the Slav Number. Price 81.00 peryenr, or 35 cts. a number. For rale and subscriptions received by all Bookseller and Xewsdeulcrs. SCRIBNKI! & CO , Publishers, Itdtw 6 4 Broadway, New York. PURISSIMA ET 0PTIEIA. This nnriyalled Medicine is warranted not to ri n tn n a single particle of Metcury, or any in jurious mineral pubstance. but is TURELY VEGETABLE. For forty eui it has proved its great value in ull diseases of tan Liver. Bowl, and Kidneys ' bovsas.djt of the good and greit in ull pirts of t?ie country vouch for i.s wonderful and pecu lf.,rpowe I;i purifying the blood, stimula ing the t rpid 1 rrr and bowels, and imparting new lift! nd Viitorto th whole pystrm. .Sim mons Liver Regulator if acknowledged to have i.o equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, It contain' fun: in-?iea,: element , never uni ted in tbe ame happy proportion in any other pr parauon viz . a Kendo Cathartic, a wonder lul to ic. an UQ-ex. eoiioriable Alterative an a certain Corrective ofall iin uritie uVthebody Such signal success had attende 1 its use, that it is now reftarneil as the GKEAT UNFAILING SPtCIPIC. lor Laver Louiplaint and the paintul onspring ttiereot, U-wit. Dyspepsia, toistiiati n. Jaundice. Bilious at a ks Sick headache. Colic Depression of Spirits, Sour Stomucn, Heart Burn Ac Ac. Kegu'.a e tbe liver and prevent, CHILLS AND FEVER. Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN A- CO. Druggists, Macon. Ga. Send for a Circular t and Arch street. Price $1: by mail 1.5 Philadelphia Pa, For Sale by J H BUTTERY, juntwly. Plattsmouth, Kb. I. HALLADAY'S patent WIND MILLS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING FORCE AND FARM PUMPS. FEED &ILLS, ETC., TERMS LIBERAL. The Halladav M ill has Htoml tli tpt for ; teen years, both in the United States and Eu rope and is the only one Generally adopted by all Principal Rail- roaus and iarmers. Scnd for catalogue and price list.-ff A. L. STRANG, aplSwtf . Lincoln Nebraska. 0 The Two Most Successfu Popular and Perfect, O O EC I KM 31 A C II I N E S OF THE PERIOD Are Our Well Known Fi V' -ZB R Sheriff's Sale. II. L. R. Stiles, plaintiff, vs. John Snvder and William Snvder. defend 1 he most religious and earnest ot the ents : Catholic clergy of Europe lament the fact that the Sunday of theirchurch and their several countries is a day of amuse ment. They see, and they publicly ac knowledge, that without the English and American Sabbath they work for the spiritual benefit of their people to a sad disadvantage. It is this European Sab- Notice is hereby piven that I will offer for sale at public auction on Monday the 29th day of July A. D. 1872, by virtue and authority ot an order of sale to me directed and issued by the clerk of the District Court ot the fcecond Judicta District in and for Cass county, Nebras ka, at the front door of the Court House in the city or 1 lattsmouth in said coun ty, at one o'clock p. m. of said day the ath. or Sunday, which we are told is to following described real estate, to-wit: come to America at last through her -nvf r' ,n T" o. sixty w;., v. v th.r?e 63 1,1 Plattsmouth city together would like to ask those who would re- thereon, upon which building and lot of joice in its advent, how much it has done ground II. L. R. Stiles has a Mechanic's for the countries where it exists. Go to Italy, France, Spain, Ireland to any part of Germany, Catholic or Infidel, and find any people so temperate, pure, chaste, truthful and benevolent as the Sabbath-keeping communities of Ameri ca. It cannot be done. I he theatre, the hore-race, the ball, the cricket around, the beer saloon, have nothing in them that can take the place of the institutions of religion . They are esta- Lien. Given under my hand this 25th day ot June, A. 1). 1872. J. W. JOHNSON, Sheriff Cass county, Neb. Maxwell & Chapman, Defendant's Attorneys. n!3w5. Probate Notice. the animal, and not at all in the interest of the moral and intellectual side of hu manity. They can neither build up nor purify. They minister only to thought lessness and brutality. So much, then, but he did no like hint wejl enough to seems obvious: 1st That we cannot help hitii to put the Democrats in power, do without Sunday as a day of physical and first, last and all the time advised I and mental rest; 2d. That either as a the people to Hand by. the steady, true consequence or a concomitant, moral and and tried leader aud GenMtl, now and spiritual improvement goes always with always, a man that led his men upward the observance of Sunday as a religious and onward to victory. day; apd 3d. That Sunday, as a day Three rousing cheers for Grant were of amusoment simply, is profitless to the given, a vote of thanks passed to General j better and nobler side of human nature Strickland and Mr. Marquett, and the j and human life. great ratification came to an end for one jfow the "questions relating to the day. We are bafe on Plattsmouth, or onenire of narks, libraries, readinff rooms Notice is hereby given to al! concern" ed that t?austa .J. 31 mer. trpnrire A- blished and practised in the interest of Lattaand William E. Latta, filed in the office of the Probate Court, Court, Cass County, iNebraska, an application lor the appointment of an administrator for the estate of Robert M. Latta, deceased. Said application to be heard on the 22 day ot June, A. D. 1 8 2, at my pmce in 1 lattsmouth. June 5th 1872. H. E. ELLISON, 10 5t Probate Judge. never did a people so misrepresent them' selves as on Saturday night. 1I1K LIRE1UI. MEKTISB IX SE- The Nebraska City Chronicle is severe on the meeting there on Saturday. Af ter describing Butler's harrangue, and etc., in great cities on cunay. are not moral or religions subjects at all, they arc prudential and to be settled .by exper iment. It is to be remembered that there are large numbers of the young in alf great cities who have no home. They Commissioners Sale of Real Estate "VOTICK is hereby given, that by virtue of an order ot s-le issued out of tne Dis trict Court, of Nemaha Count y, iu the Stare of Nebraska, and to ns dlr-ct-d as referees and commissioners in the cafe herein if er mentioned; upon an order and decree ren dered by the said Court in a certain action therein pending, wherein Bryant Cobb is plain tiff, and Martha Finlty, Nancy Allison. Clark Cobb, Williamson Cobb. W;.kney Cobb, Clay Cobb. David Cobb, Catherine Kin?, Mar tha Conner, Francis Cobb, Seymour Cobb, Nancy A. Kin. Williamson R. V. Cobb, Newton C. Worley. Louisa Inman; Martha N." McGaha, Eliza Nelson. Martha C. Kell and John A, Irwin are pefendanls. we will offer for sale at public auction, at the door of the Court House in t'lattsmouth. Cas county. Nebraska, on Monday, May 27th, 1872 one c clocK in tne afternoon ot day, sleep in little rooms, in Which in Winter the following real esUte in Cass County. Ne braska, to wit; S E !. Section 15. Town. 11. Ranre 10. 1(50 comfort. They are without congenial cre? ,i sJl 15vT T?w" telling how ho went through Morton s society. They have not the entree of oth- quarter of Section 15 Town, ll Range 10 loo er homes ; and they must go somewhere, I TERMS OF SALE. One third cash; one third rk; . I in one year, una oneiuiru in iwoyeare. Lteler- and really need to go somewhere. J red payments to be secured by mortgage on the tian onnrtesv do-s much to brincr them premises, with interest at 10 per cent .per an- j num. payaoie annually, i career, and Morton being called for, re taliated, by calling Butler "a thief, liar. villain, aud impeached bell-hound." It concludes its article as follows : 'Now, in conclusion, we say that the meetin? last night was a miserable affair. a disurace to a civilized people. We are extremely sorry that such an organiza tion exists in the State. A nnmber of our former radical friends have been in- i .i . i. e 1 veitriou into me moveuiem, iruiu me . , , , . F ,v,r fact that they were led-to conclude that OI Roou or, luc Ul luwc r ws a uiuveujciiii iu iaui u itiuiiu. i . v. , ...... i.- ...j , :ii ,i, ,o u j ,.r i..,.. They aro beginning to open their eye?, der out for the one look at nature and D. 1872, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said aay, at ine vouiu ironi uoor oi lue isoun House in the city ot natismnutn in said coun- into christian association, and ought to do a thousand times more. The least it can do is to open all those doors which lead to pure influences and to the enter tainment of the better side of human nature. A man who seeks the society rorn date of aalv Wm. 11. Hoove. Rele Datius s Pi-astrrs, - and Rich'd V. Hdghks. J Commissioners. Thomas & Bboadwat, Attorneys. 8.9 15 This sale was adjouroed to the 16th. day of July 1872. Sheriffs Sale. Electa G. Hasty vs Emerson II. Eaton. Order of sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court for Ca?s county Nebraska, and to OAK 1 AND EPICUIiH BROILERS S Both are of tho Kimp'est Construction, and so Easily managed that we guarantee them to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION As no article in the household has a ereater in- 5uence in promoting the health, comfort and happiness of th family circle than tbe Couk btove, it is economy as well as policy to (ret the very best; and in buying the Charter Oak, you can rely on getting the most successful, popular and perfect cooking stove ever made. In using an Epicure liroiler you are always sure oi Having J uicy, Tender and Delicious Beefstakes, Chickens, Hams, Chops, &o. . Sold By EXCELSIOR M'FC'T CO. 612 & 014 N. Main Street, St. Louis Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dec2diwGm. Vf PrnprUtnr. R. H. MrDmit. Co., Iriii, .u f dZ Ag.ou, f IrmoclKOiC.I., i4 M Coauu.rt mini, . V MILLIONS Hear Tritmonr to tbelt Weoderfiil Cat-alive Effects. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Hade of l'or Ram, IVkWkcr, I'roof Kplrlia and ItrfMaa Llqaors doctored, spiced and awectenad to pleaaa tha taste, called "Tonics,'.' Appetizers," "llUrcm,"4jc, that lead the tippler on to druuKanness and ruin, but ara true Medicine. made from tho Native Roots and Merbt of California, free from all Alcoholic H 1 1 in lanta. They aro the (J It E A T 1II.OOI I'l . FIEltand A LIFE OIVINU I'lUNCH'I.E, perfect Renovator and Invigorntor of the tjjuUm. carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring thetilood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Illte tars according to directions and remain long unwell. provided their bones are not destroyed Ly mineral poison or otliur means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tbo point of repair. They are a Gentle Iu ran live aa well ms Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inthun, InsUon of tha Liver, and aU tho Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COM I'l.A I NTS. lnjonng ei old, nuuTicd or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, Uiese Tonie Hitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Uhrsnt tlam and Gout, Drapepala or Iaalaesiloa. Ilillou, Hetnittent and Intermittent Ye- era, Dlaeaaee of the Illood, I.lver, Hid oeya and Itlnddcr, tUese Illttcre have been most successful. Koch Dlaeaaee ara cansed by Villnled DIood, which is generally vroduord by derangement pf tbe Digestive Organ. DYMl'EI'MIA Oil INDIUEMTION, Dead- ache, Pain In the SbouUlars, Coughs, Tigbtness of the Chest. Disxiness, Bour Eructations of tbe Mtnmach. Bad Taste la the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ol the Heart. IuQamination of tha Lungs, Pain in tba re gion! of the BJUnsys. and a hundred other painful arms- soma, ant tba oflsprlnga of Dyspepsia. Tber Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tbe torpid Liver and Bowels, wblcb render them of unequalled tfCeacy Id cleansing tbe Mood of all Impurities, and Itn parting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEAHEM, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Plmrltn, Pustules, Bolls, Csr- Ounclea, King-Worms. Scald liosd. Sore Kyns, Kryalpe aa. Itch. Scurfs, Discolorationa of tlie Mi In, Humors and LlisesKPS of tbe rikm. of wtiatvr name or rmturr. are literally dug up and carried out of the systnm in a slTt time by the use ut these Ull tern. One hnttl In nurtl eases will convince tba uiost lucredulous of tbeir curs live effects. Cleanse the Yitiared Blood whenever ymi find Its Im purities bursting through tbe sklo in Pimples, Kru tions or Bores; cleanse It wben you And it obstructed andsluggiiib in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, ind your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Muod pore, and the hcaltb of tbe aratem will follow. Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking la the lystem of so many thouaands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Fara a distinrulahed Dhraiolnrlat. there is scarcely an Individual upon tha face of tha esrth whose body is exempt from the pr-senca of worms. It is net upon the healthy elements of tba body that worms exit, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these livina- monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmlntica will free the system from worms like these Bitters. 3. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McBONAI.D CO., Pruggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco. California, anu 3X ana n Commerce Mreet, new Xurk. BOLD BY ALL DRUUOlSTS AND DKALKRfv HENRY EOECK DEALER IK FUR IV ITU R E, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS OP ALL DESCKIFTIOMS AKD AT ALL PB1CEB. Metnlic Burial Cases. Mm B. MURPHY, Manuctnrer of AND DEALER IN ariuss, Sabbks, ribles, COLLARS, WHIPS, Blankets, Brushes, &c. Promptly Executed. All work Warranted S-FINE HARNESS A SPECIALITY." Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb . Legal Notice. August Murphy non resident defendant. will take notice that on the '22ad day of June 1872, William Stadelojatin hied his netitiou, in the District Lourt or the 2d Judicial District in and for Uas.s Couoty Nebraska the object aud prayer ot which is to recover a judgement, against you, for the sum of $lU;.9uaud interest from April 18, 1871, at 10 per cent on a protiiisory note of said date and that said plaiutitf has caused an order of attach ment to be issued in said cause, and has caused lot 16, in block 3, in btadetmann s Addition to the Uity .ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Plaintiff prays judgment arainst you for the eurn of $108. 90 and interest from the 18th day of April 1871, aud that the said lot may be sold under said attach ment and applied to tne payment of aiJ iudement. 1 ou are required to answer said petition on or Lelore tne lytn day ot August, 1872. W1L.L.1ASI 0 1 AJJJliLuU AIM i . MAXVN ELL & ClIAVMAM, 14 5w. . 11 is Attorneys. and hundreds arc coming back to the old, trusted and tried llepubiican party. Come back I Lome back ! A erav-haired old man tried to ret a room on Kearney street, San Francisco, the other day. lie asked the woman who answered the bell : "Have you a room to let?" 'Yes,' she replied, "but" "But what?" "Vou cannot Lave iL" "Why not, ?" asked the old gentle man. "i'ouare more than sixty years old, are you not t "I am t.ixty-five. W hat of that ?" lhe landlady won tallow any funerals rom her house.' the one feast of pure air which the week can give him, is not to be met by bar or xt txxTll ban. V hatcver teeda the man and lg- b'ock No. biz w in tbe city or riatieinonth. i Nebraska, and the sontheasi quarter (!igectioa nores Or Starves the brute IS to be fostered No. twenty-four (24) in township No. twelre12) , . .- TL-cVkV. nn I nerth range No. twelve (vl) east of the 6th P. made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. That is not religion, but pa gan slavery, which makes of Sunday a nenance and a sacrifice. It is better r that a man be in a library than alone all the time. It is better that he wander in the park than even feel the tempta tion to enter a dnnking-saloon or a brothel. Tbe Sunday horse-car is justi fied in that it takes thousands to church who could hardly go otherwise. The M.. and part of the northeast quarter QA) of section rio. twenty-tive fJo township Ho. twelve (12 north ranfre No. twelre (12) e.t of the 6th ir. SI., containing abour one hundred acres; the southwest quarter !:) of section fourteen (14) township twelve (12) north rnge No. twelve (12) east ot the 6h P.M.: the west half ( of the gou'h-east quarter (i and the southeast quarter () of tbe southeast quarter of section No. nineteen (19) township No. twelre 12) north range No. thirteen (13ieait 6th P. M.: the southwest quarter ivij oi tne a-juin- er l4 ot section so. twenty ip west quarter tOWDSnip O. isenli.l uui iu laiiRO tui'- teen (13) east of the 6th P. M.; and tbe south ern quarter or seciioa mi in No. twelve (12 north b.snin No. twelve (12 north rantre No. welve (12) east ofthe 6th P. Ms to satisfy a judgment recovered at the April term. A. I). 1872. ofthe said District Court by fclecta U l;k... ; ;ct;Rfl,1 In tW it ia a Uasty. AdimniMrairix t hmVi r FU uu, " eased, against i-merson ri. r.aioH. road which leads in a good direction. gherlff cs cJunry NebVwka. Tbo nra-is devctod to Sunday amue- rx.t Ta? l, ne Arr. ??t Sheriff's bale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued out Of the JJlstncv iuuu iut vaas uouuiy, Nebraska, and to nie d.rected, 1 will, on the 5th day of August, A. D. 1872, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the s.-uth front door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmoutn, in saiu couuty, tell at auction, the following real estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter (i) of the southwest U) and tne southwest quarter (i) of the nortnwest t) and tne southeast quarter (4) ot the souiUwtBt quarter (1) of section . No. eleven, (11) and the northeast quarter ii ui me northwest quarter (i) oi secwon o. fourteen (14). all situated in township No. twelve (12), north ot range No. thirteen (13) east of the sixth principal meridian, in Cass county Netrasta, ac cording to the government survey, bold to satisfy a decree of foreclosure ren dered at the April term, A. V- of the said District Court, in lavor ot Thomas E. Tootle, and against A. (x. Barnes and Lucinda Barnes. , Given under my band this 3d day of July, A. D. T,ltTVcnv Sheriff Ciss Co. Nebraska. s twttt. X-. Chapman. i-5tw yve'9 Auy . j WOODEN COFFINS OF ALL SIZES. Beady Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. ' With many thanks for past patronag-o, Ii a Ate all to call and examine my large stock o niture and Coffins Jan'ist MACHIft SHOP! Wayman $ Curtin. .Flattsmonth, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Unst Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipf, Force and Tift Pumps, Steam Gauges. sl n Valve Uovernors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY RcpaUel on short notice. angS J Abstracts of Title. 'HE NUMERICAL SYSTEM The bestir use, for descriptive circumn", a 'urtu. 12tf ACKKS, I1L4CK.MAR A COw Jjurliogton, lows. Lo-k to Your Children. The Great Soothing Ilemedy. MRS. I Cures colic and griping in Mhitrnmh'a the bowels, and facilitates Pri 2 Price 24 Cent. Syrup, .the process oi tceioinic. , I V, uai ViiIIpp con vulMions and. Price Whitcom'b's overeomos all disease inci- 2 Syrup, idem to infants anu rnimna. vnw MRS. Cures liiarrncpa. vyseoia- Whitcomb's ry andsummtrcompiaint Svruo. children oi an ages. T i the reat Infant' and Childfen'snSooth- inir Remedy, in all dinorders brought on by teething or any other caue. prepared by the Grafton Medicine Co.. St. Louis Mo. . . , ...... hold by druggisH bdu ..,rUr. deaJd Agents Wanted! For the liviext and most agreeable nd in tructive book ofthe year. uffaloLand, By Hon. W. E. V-K ef Topeka. Mjr,iM -iif, .nrt ildne.s. rnyteries and rnarrers, of the boundless M fully and truthfully des cribed. Ove.flowingwitb wit and humo.. A Complete Gui ie f-r sportsmen and bm'grnnfs. Prolu-ely and plendid'y Illustrated. Im n- sely Popular, and sell irg beyoml precem m. tend f.r Illustrated circular , imns . ete , at once tothe Publishers. E. HANNAl-ORl' Co.. ! Vt f a,li.,.t. St.. Chicago. Ills. 3m AITANTED. Af7ENTS-IO to 250 per f months everywhere: Male and I-emale. to introduce the genuine inn ' . , genuine iinproveu .i a nii HEWING MA til INK. This machine will stitch, hem. fell. tuck. bind, braid, cord, quilt. and embroider in a most superior manner. Price, only $15, fully licensed and warrunted for five years. We will pay fSHWO for any machine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, inre bexutiful or more elastic seam tban oars. It makes the Elnutic Lorh-nit-h. Every second stitch can be cut. and still the clth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenta lno to Ua per mouth, and expense, or a com mission from which twice that amount can be made. For particulars and terms, apply to or address S.' MARSHALL CO. No. 102 Nassau btreet. New York. CAUTION. Io not he im nosed UIOD by other parties traveling through the country palming oil worthless cast-iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the genuine and really rheaa machine manufac ture'!. afWwtf