V 1 ir THE HE UAL I) THURSDAY, JUNE 27 172. Hail road Time Table. B. A M. R. R IN NEUP.ASIwA. iRt YM. ' I DFPART MaU an.l Ex. 1:"0 p. m. Mail and Ex. 10:0n a in Freight & Ac. tf:U) a.m. Freight St Ac. 3::W ! m B. A M. U. K. IN IOWA. DPART3 Mail A Ex. f: 5 a. m. Ait'tion A Fr' 12::i in. Atlantic Ex. 4: p in. Sf ait A Ex. 5:35 p. m Ac'tion A FrVbt 'X p in. pacific Ex pro U.2'J a in TheTnnsfer boat will leave the Depot t c n nect with Eastern b:mn 1 trains 4" minuU s earli er h.iti the time itiven aboe. The Poat is run by C'hicaBOtime which La :53 minutes lafterthan plattsuioutb time, OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burlington A Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at foot of Jons struct. LEAVES. AX"'" flmaha a.m. Lincoln 12:30 p. m do ;ko p. uj. Iditcoln 5:o0 - n. do 1;39 1. m. do : P. i Omaha 11 :ln . m do 0:1K p. in K O. ST. JOfi. A C B. R. R. (.AT PACIFIC Jf NOTION IOWA.1 COIVO NORTH. OOIK1 ROITTH. Mail and Express 4:4S r. m. 8 ',0 a. m. Night Express 8;tM a. in 3:1.1 p. in. This Rives passenger from l'lattsmoutu ciose connection Koin South or North by leaving hero in the -SV in. train. AB.RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS, BOrTZ. C. B. A St. Joe R. R. South C. B. A St. Joe K. R. Nortn. B. ic M. R. R. Fast. B. A M. R. R- West. Umahaby R :i it m : .. - CLOSM. AP.P.1VKS 9 p m. lu.:!0 pc 9 p. in. i0. i'l p ui S p in. 10.3D p m yam. 4 pin. 0 p in l't a m 12 n. 12 m. 9 n in. 8 p in. Nebraska- City, by Stace, Departs Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. OKice hours, from 7 a m to 8 p in. Sunday.. 12 to 1 Py MARSHALL p M City Oflicial. PLATTSMOUTH. M. L. White. Hosj Vanatta, Josiah Moorcs, Jfivcr. Pity I.I,:, k. P.dii r Judsu. Mttr-hal. alter J. White. Mrcel i-OH-iuis-iouer. ALDERMEN. First Wa an. John FiUirerj? . FlbcrtPuke. Skcomd Wai-o J". Uuuery, J. Ucyman. Tuian Ward. B. Cushinic. K. Vivian. Churches. "I artist On the corner of Main Rr1 Ninth I Kev.T. J. Arnold, pastor, Residence, on M'in between lOih an! Hth. cervices everv S.i'oatU at li a. in., and ut i p in. .-'abl.ath Vfhunl at O' j a.m. Prayer meeting every U ed r.sd.y evening. CImkistian Serviei in Clark A I'lummvr' Hall Elder Aiton preacher. Elders, Isaac Wiles nd T. J. Todd. Tpiscopal Corner Viro an 1 ThirJ Ftrects jlj llff. A. R. (iraves .Sort ices every Surviay at 11:0.) a. m. and 8 p. ni. Sunday School t 2 i. in.. Prof. d'Alletuand. Supi. Cl.iNfJRKOATloN tLOorner Locust an 1 Sth sts ; Iter. B. F M anwell, re-ideo e Lo. u-i st be trccn 4th and Stlmts Services ever? Sabbath t 11 a. in: aad ft: p. m. Sabbath S-h.oi at 12: 51 P. m. Prayer iureting every Wednesday f euing. (Iathomc North side of Publics .jxire Father Hayes. First Mass every S-ihhath at a. tn.. Second Mass and Sermon at l':.-!0 Vespers and Benedietion lit 3:30 p. m. Mass at -1 a. m. every week day. I.'irst Presbtttriax North sideofMain sf. westofti'h Rev. D. W. Cameron ; Scrvire eery Sabljalh at 11 a. m. ::nd li:.' p. m. S:ib bath School at ;:.!) a- in.. Thos I'olloi-k rl..rin tjn lnf. Prayer meefir.u every Vcduosd.iy evening at 6:.'50 o'clock. Mbthooist Ei'i.sroptt West si !c of Sixth street, south of Main Kcv. J. II. Vresson Services every Sabbath atl0::5il a. in. an i 7 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Class neetings every Monday evening ami immediate ly after close of Sabbath morning services 3abbath School at 2:-'0 Ofistir, den 21 September bat die Deutsche O Ev. Luth. lmein's in ihrom Si-!iiill!:ius orniittai-'S um 11 Uhr tiotte.idient. Utbvrhnipt findat derselbe von jctzt tn rcu'cl mac-si alle 14 Tagestatt. Minister Rev. L 'Hauu:wal 1. f-abbath school at a m.. Prof. d'Altcmand, Pupt. Lodufe- rO. O. F. Regular meetings of Tlatte Lodge, No. 7, I. O. !. F. every Sat'ird.i., evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Transient Brothers are cor iiaily iavitedo visit. J. W. J0I1NS0N N. G A.d'ALLKMAXO, Sec. 10. 0. F. Plattsinonth Encampment Ni. 3. Regular Convocations the 2 and 4 Friday's f each month at O ld Fellows Ilail cor. :5d and Main sts. Transient Parnarchs eor-ti iily invitoJ visit. WM. L. WELLS, C. P. A. d'ALI-EMAS o. Scribe MiSONIO Pi ATTMOrTH Lopor No. fi A. F ,t A. M. Hcgalar mc-tinas at their hall on the first and thir I Monday eveninirs of each month Trans-eit hrffhrn invited t visit. J ACOB VALLEUV. W. M, A. d'ALLKVIAM. Sec. MA.0OY Lodge No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Regular meetings at Macoy Hall. firt ai.l third Ini iy.-. J. N. WISI W. M. J. M. BgfSDSLsr. Sec. "rBRASKACHAlTKB No. 3 R. A. M. Rcgubir il convocations second anl fourth Tuesday veninkS of eac month at XZ o'clock p. in. R. R. LIVINGSTON Jl. P. II. Newman. Sc. IO. G-T. OMVK BRAxrn.No.2 WDFerree . W. C. T.; E. Bradley. W. S.: T. W. Shry ock Loilge Deputy. Meets at Clark f- Pliimmer's nail every Tuesday evening. Traveling Temnlaig "espectrally invited. LOCAL IST-hLi Vv Local adVertUing reeded here In this town, we mean. Fill up our column, if you want a fat japer, gentlefolks. The State Teachers' Institute, at Lin coln, on July 'Jth, closes Aug. 1st. Re member the day. The fourth day of the irreat juT-iloe, at lio'-ton, has clot-d. Weather pood, crowd Lir, Music grand. Grant anvl Wil.-on Ilatifieaiian meet ing on Saturday, -!'Jth. Remcm'mr. A white man vasstabbi-d ly an Indian in Sioux City, last wet k. Subscribers and cr.. for our daily, rc-ceired- at the box office, on Main St., up stair. You can buy ladies' Gaiter?, very neat for $1 T0 at the riattsajomh Shoe Store. aprltf Subscribers wanted for this paper all over the County. New goods ! neat goods, and cheap at the I'lattsniouth Shoe Store, next door to post-olfice. aur4tf We call attention to the second re port of the "First National Dink"' of this place, which appears in our columns. It shows a good exhibit. Connubial Felicity. XcthiDg tends more to connubial happiness thanchcer- V ful and healthy infants and children Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup is the great children's soothing remedy. Walk right up, and give us your ads., show what your town is, and we will Zlerahl you to the' world. Clark & Hammer's store is full of catomeri ill buyiuj away a3 fast as pos Go to F. T. Duke & Co's for Fruit Can A large colony has located in Greedy county, T. -), II, 0, uoith of the Platte. Our streets look lively with wagons, carriages and folks. Economy. lSy uing Mr. Whit comb's Syrup fr thildn n many a doc tor's hill can bn saved and much fuller ing averted. Ilea J the ' advertisement in another column. Drick Pomeroy fays he wont support Greeley if a thousand convention?? should nomii a'c h'v.n. Goto Clark & Plummcr's for a full s'ok of goods. For Sale. Howes Plat form Scares, at E. T. Duke & Co's. Every farmer needs them. 2d 1 w It looked very pleasant to see Father Duke out agsin, and riding about the streets in a carraige. Sicknc-s is a trying invader on our pleasures and joys, and uone so well know the deliuhts ot health as they wh j have but recently arisen from the sick couch. Platte Valley House for rent. Tn quire of MAXWELL & CllPM. iirnrch2Swtf Ferks, Sc thes, Hakes and fanning iniplen.ents cheap at Duke's. 2d lw If you want anything in th 1 vegetab'e. line be sure you will find it at Vivian', he obtains thera fresh every day from the Picnic Gardens. dlw. Summer Gardes. These popular Gardens, south of Pla-ttsmouth, will be opened to the public on Sunday, May 19th, 1872, with music and dance. P. Goose & Co., Proprietors. Senator Tipton speaks this evening on political matters. Tip is one of our best speakers and sarcasm is no ii;tin for h'- stvlo of argument. We rniy expect a dramatic rreat if not a tru'hful exposure of Administration Ljiiies. A small boy ru-he 1 np in our office for a bottle of Printer's Ink to-day. Ts there another daily to be started? Dew tell. If yon don't believe the Emporia Cook Stove is the best in the market ask Jason Streiiiht, or Moses Dodge about it. It i the Red Ribbon Stove. 2d lw The rate on pnsen?er travel, over the Omaha & Northwestern R. R. , has been reduced to 5 rents per mile. Who snys a corporation has no soul ? The Turner Society of thi city have iiiad stiTincenip nts to have a lare bas ket Picnic &c. Sec. on the 4th of July to be f iIIoiv.mI by a ball in top cv p'nir. W vn!l end -.-ivor to further p-?ri Ic nhir-', in a dav or two. The Sunni er trrm at Prof. dV!--mand's well known Academy in I'hift mouth, will com uieritf'i Monday. July 1-t. . L M K'ine, of Cuming City, called onu Thuisday. Mr. K. talks of Le coming a re?-ident of Cass Cc. A Cne drove of 250 heifer pased tiiroueh our city on Friday lat. from Polk Co., Iowa. 7 hey were going west a la Gneley not to Greeley. Nominated Not at Philadelphia, but at Plattsmouth Clark & Plum mcr's, as the best house to deal with in town ; Call and see us. "Dull times" it is said, "are the bc.-t fir advertisers." Because if money i ticht and people are forced to cconomlz" they always read the advertisements to a-certaiu who sells the chvapr-t ;'-d where they can trade to the Le.-t advan tage. Prof. d'Alleman 1 gives private in struct ion in French and Geiman. Clase being formed all the time. 2t Roeck s new building proc;reses fine'' and Boeck, hitn-tdf, flies round from p " lar to post, arid from old stor;- to now store, and ha-k again, like a head wit'i the hen erst off no, like a buy man and eminent citizen. Our Dolly VarJeh si 'e walk was on Vine street between some of 'em, and we got the djrinition from Webstcr,rr told you. 0!?r ion ol Merges, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Stor?, ixiakc to onicr, at reduced prices the very l est clas of Fiviieh ' .i .llO's. ,vc. , ail fstwes i' ft v . i lid'e.-j Bronze, Glove and White Kid Shoes and Slippers, made to order. apr4tf II. J. Streig.it, of the P. O. Book store, has received Mark TvvaiiT? '"Roughing It," and although Matk Twain needs no recommendation from u-, lut for Mr. Streight'6 benefit, we will say that this is, in our opinion, hi best an 1 most characteristic work. It rs 'plum full" of human Dature, and rur: n'ngover with humor. See advertisement, of Dr. Butts'. Dis pensary, bended Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another col mm. It should be read by alb dec. 1 d&wly. Our fnct.d and worthy Pror. s-.or d'Al lemand mu-t bo a public man of excell ing good nature. Do ;., ben with no less thin three petition., fir pu! i objects, and the mm who attuupts in collect money in, these times, m l k". his temper, for any caii, go. d .rial must be a remarkable man. The Pi of is. Platform Scales wcL-hing from COO to 1200 lbs. Cheap at E. T. Duke & Co's. 2d lw a JK-Iti joke. Our friend Jennings, at Facforyviik, informs us that he has very fine white Greeley hat, which he desires to dispo.-e of. A number of his neighbors have tried the same on but no head to fit it has yet been found. Must somebody of the right stripe emigrate to Factory ville. WAXTF.I! VVlTEDl All the Wool in Cass county, at Cl.-rk & Plummcr'p. Bring it along. ' lOlf. iAsrric4-K I have Pasturage for 40 head .ft rses near S mile Grove, terras l. uiouth. T1IK m OK JI LY. We hope that all olTic s in 1 stoics will b: c'o-ei! ou thi a'Vove ty, m Out. cverjlM-dy may cJ y th .-iustlvcs. L;i I a petition b - ban led to every on? for i their Mgu iLuri to agree to the above re- oie-t. itrtit tiiis. Giols nor sold at less than cost. No goods g vi ii a way, ut good goods at the J -.f. -t prices for cash, at lltf. Clark & Pi.cmmers. Platt-n oui'h. Neb Mi:i:riNi r siormii.i.iis. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Burlington & Mi-s uii 11. It in Nebraska, took pNee in tb's city on Friday, the 21st. The fullowiii officers were elected as Directors for the i.Tisuini! year : Sidney Bartletf, John M. Fnib's, John W. Brooks, Jno. A Burnhatn, Jr.. (vice J. A. B. Sr.), Jo-hua W. Davis, (vic N. T'aayer), all of Biston, M;i..t Cyrus Woodman. Cambridge. Mjss., Chac. E. IVt kins, Bu'lrngton, Iavra. skws v. a y rt.iK As it is impossible for one person to keep the run of a daily pa;-er, see that it comes out promptly every day ami also, be on tho street much of the time; and whereas, nnr finance-, and t h" number of advertisements in the Dvif.Y Ukrald do to as vet wanant us in keeping a corps of paid rep rter, we shall fee' thankful if our friends will send us in all the news and items they ca". Help us to make it lively, boys ! vulat ius(!i.vi;i;y. An ludlnn Cliariiel ISoue I'ncitrtlscl On Friday last, as Prof. d'Allemand and Mr. Wangh were fixing a croquet ground on t li3 ni!l. east ot .mo. Ji. ti.HK s resi deneo, they : suddenly struck a skull. On further digging, no le.-s th;n twenty Indian skulls were foand within the pace of a squar yard, and some seventy in the neighloihood. Oihcr bones of the arms and legs were foond, but not in so porfect a sta'e of preservation as the skuils. Each skuli was pi -rced with a hole as from a bullet or sharp pointed tomahawk. They are no doubt the last ;d remnants of some valorous war party of Otoes or Pawnees, who after years of quiet have been thus rudely unearthed to make place for the white man's sport Oh, croquet; (eroak-ct). to oiKit::t: t. i iulmm larni. i r s . A call has been issued for a state Ger man convention to meet at PlattMiiouth, on July l.-t, 1S72. Savs the Mus.atine (Iowa) Courier: W have dt.itc nd are still doing Lusi ne-- !tl! j .'. a liumber of Advertis !ti' A., i . l . tin (.uhont the country, mi I h vu no fault to find w th them, hut .Messrs. Geo. P. Roweil & Co. give ts -more tuiness ihan any other. Fur tiisl.ing a large amount of advertising, and paying promptly has put thi.-houe at the very boa 1 of Agi-tieies, and has made them a name l'r hone-ty, n lia:-i!-ity. and promptness, which of itsolf i woiih a fortune. XVni A Buy. All tin funny tilings of t tie Re-union, all about our bi cake, the th.n.ks of ii,. committee on tables to the ladies of tin town; the Resolutions of the ofd.-ers, an 1 lots more left over for tomorrow's paper Can't give you ail the cool things " tew on:-t." . . ' Ta llaii ass e k, Flo i: i n a , Aiifii-r 25, ISf.S Jfosrs. Zri'in & Co Our junior ed itor h is tried your Liver Regulator and is taking it now, and rinds it invaluable to him as a corrector of the stomach and regulator of the bowels. Articles of diet that he dared net itidu'ge in he fore taking your Liver Regulator, he can now eat with impunitv. Very truly, Dykks & Sparhawtc, J.ditor Florid an. Mr. AzruSui-tli, of Ruck Bluffs, ma!e us a call ju-t as we were going to pres.-, last week, leaving some of tho finest peeimens of vegetables we have cen this season. He informs us that he (licked his first cahbuges the 12th tf lune. while the N w York inn of which he obt iined h's seeds think the middle of the month very early fur them. Hurrah for Nelra-l.a and Mr Smith! Srill later we are indehte I to him for string I cans cauliflowers, new potatoes, some very lino beets, pea, Sic. We return our hearty 'thanks- and rejoice in his and Nebraska's good luck at raising early vegetables. I ot orMrnjotl. On the "night of the 7th of June, a roan cow about 8 years old, points of horns sawed off, crop and underhit off each ear. Any one giving information to W;:i R'l l ?n of 8 Mile Grow Precinct concerning said animal will be suitably rewarded. Word mav be left at this ee. 3t pd Daily .Moil lo tlcpins lYalrr. Owing to the persevering dibits of our N isby, Capt Mar dial, a daily mail will .oi.n;i:e ru.'Piing to Weeping Water o:i .i 1 a1';.:-,- j,c firt of Julj. ''iv Arrival. On lat Friday at the house of Wrn. Sta.hhiiann Ep, a new partner in th 3 clothing business A wholesale de partment to the business will be added sjon. State Auditor, Hon. John Gillespie, is in town and s opping at the Biool 6 House. Senator T. W. Tipton stops at the Brooks I leu so. Hon. Dan. Wheeler, nra h une this morning chuck full of ie-Union. Evciyhodyand their wife are in town to the re Union. The Brooks Ilcase Regisier is so full we could not copy it to Jav. Hon. T. W. Tit t m. U. S. Senator of this State : Hon, John G 1 espie. Audit or of State; an! Gen. R. R. Livingston, of Plattsmouth, dropped into our c5ce for a friendly esll, this afrnoon. -rr. iL. ikimi:kiioh. Couscil CnAMBER. June 17, 1S72. C'ou'icil rnt pur-tiant to a ij.m.iiiuent. Present-- Maror, Aldermen . Cu.-h.g, V.viaft. Duke, Waymati, Buttery, CieiL and Marha!. The Journal of last tneeting lvad and approved. A petition was presented for certain sidewalks in the t?outh part of tha city, and, On motion, referred to Committee on Ilighwiys'and Bi idgos, with instructions to draft ordinance for same. Mr. M. B Murphy, was present and asked the Council to make an appropria tion to aid in procuring fire works for thi Soldi rs' Beumoii lo be held in Ptattsmuu.h on t!.e2'". li cf June, 1S72. It was moved thai ."?.J he Hppropii d, and motion l.t. T!ie following a -counts were predated, and, on motion, al'owed: To K. fi. Vanatta, $S.Q'J. for copying ordinances ic To II. A. Wat rmn A. S. n $10 C3 for lumber, on Improvement Fund. W.J. White, 519.20. for c-a.-h joill B. & M. R. R. Co. for lumber, ou Po lice Filed. To Way man & Ce.rtis I3 50 for Post Augur, on Improvi im-nt Fund. .. To I. Wiles, $J2 80, for oak piling, Police Fund. To M. W. Morgan, $50.00, services as Marshal on .' mor.rh. To W. White, .55 5S, w.nk done on streets and bridges ou Improvement Fund. The account of Reese & Draper f r $19 00, referred to Finance Committee. Ordinance No. 25, providing for the payment of interest on City Warrant-, was read first time, and On motion, the itilee were su'pend-l. and said ordinance rea 1 a second and third time and put on its final pasape, on which a vote was taken, reu!ting as fol lows : Ayes, Curbing, Vivian. Duke, Way man and Buttery. Motion carried, and said ordinance was read a second and third time and put ou its final pas sage. A vote was taken resulting as follows : Buttery, Wayman, Duke, Viv i n i i -i ! . ian and Cu-hing, and said ordinance was passed and approved Ordinance No. 2G, appropriating one thousand eieht hundred and forty dol lars, for the jHixpose of opening Chicago and Washington avenues, read first time. On motion, the rules were suspended and said ordinance put on its second and third reading and'tiual passage, on which a vote was taken with the following re sult : Ayes, Buttery, Wayman, Duke, Vivian and Gushing. Motion carried, and said ordinance was re.ad a second and third ttuie and put on its final pas sage, on which passage a vote was taken resu'ring as follows: Ayes, Cu.-hing. Vivian, Duke, Wayman and Buttery, and said ordinance was passed and ap proved. Ordinance No. 27 An ordinance levy ing certain tax s for the purpose of pro viding revenue, was, On motion, read first time. It was moved that the rule.- be su-pended, and said ordinance put on its scmd and third reading and final pas;ige. ou which a vote was taken tetilting as ffii'iiw.-: Ayes, Cu-diiTig. Vi.i tn, Daks', Wayman .in 1 utt-ry. Motion carried, and said ordio iiiee w;is rt-ad a second and thiid time and put on its final passage, on which pas:::ig' a vo?o was taken rtMiit ing as follows : Ayes, L liteiy, Wayiiian, Ibike. V.vian and Cu-hing, and said ordinance wa parsed and approved. Ir was moved that the following ae-coutit.- be all. .we-1, and orders drawn on Avenue Fund, for the amounts, at 90 cents on the doiiar. on which a vote w, s t iken with the wing rc-u'.r : .ves, Cusiiiog, Vivian. Iuke, Waymin and Buttery, and motion carried. CHIC.VIO AVJENl'E. To F. F. Mo-canise. lot 9 1.1. .ck -12 SZOO ( 0 " Pose Ann White, " S. " 12. 7.") 0) " C It. I'arui.'le. - U. 57. 3'i Oit " l!.i.M.H, t'o. Nvb., " II, 57. ; 0 ' J. M. i:ar..lsey. " 5. - f.S. 2 00 H. at.n. " 11. " JCi 1 00 " do d ' 3. " list, J ,o " J. W. Williams " 1. " 42. I f 00 " S. F. X Uri els, 2. " 42. :W0 " A. W. Miyl. r. " 3. " .r5. 20 i(0 " 11. P.CojIe igo. -10. " 57. 15 00 Washington -.ivsmx To J. F. Stull, lot 1), hlock 21. 50 0a " Io (1 "11. " 2!,' CO O't ' do do " 12, " 21. 76 fiO " C. M oVt't.h:iupt. " H. " 42-". l " Fred. KroiicbTer, " 7, " 7. 25 00 ' W. Mi -kelwait. " 4. " 110. John Patterson, "11, " 9. 100 - M. Kennel'y, " 1. " 8. 75 0 " S. F Nuckollf. 10. " 9. 1 00 " do do " 9, " 9. SO 00 " XV. 15 Marshall. " 4. " S, 21 00 " J. Ttir iL-kra ji t-.n. " fi, " 21, 2100 "J. F Lu.k. "11. " 110. 30 00 " J. Q. Owens, unl.li " 3. " 110 15 CO On motion, Council aojourr.ed. Attot: 31. L. WIIITF, R. II. Vanatta, layor. C:ty Clerk. Farmers ! when you want Roots or Shoes made to order. Repairing dorie, or anything in the way of leather and findings, call ;n O'liritn it Mertre.-, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, next dopr to post-office. apr-ltf By the hands of a very small boy we received the Ailluwins keard: Nf b-aski Wat.-htiiaa Jtiiily .v "fpl iy Pliittsmoutti Nb. Iii'let'eii'lcnt in nil things Look - Ji-b i.rinling &.c AC V M cl..na'.h LditrrA Pubo. her Yc-S, we know independent 'too, we are. Pi.attsmuutii, June 22. 1872. To THE Kimoll CF HIE litKAl.I): Piease ft We notice througli your col umns, that ad members of the J'.exg wi'.i I." aecoijoriodated v.ith Admission Tickets to the State Fair. S ptemherSd, 4:h. 5:h and 5:h. Ifc72. upon application -to the .Secretary, D H Wheeler, and obJi.e the Directors State Fmr. 15y order. D. II. Wmeki.f.r, Seei tary. (State papers please c-ipy ) C!ai.k Plii'iimer have just received a new lot of sugars coffees, diivd fruits. ice, iv.c, c, which must be sold. You can buy men's Phnes ( good) f. $2 0d at tho PlittfciLiouth Shoe Store. Latest By Telegraph GKEAT ACCIDENT OX HIE Git AND TliUXK ItAIL-ItOAD. Long Stay at Geneva. Katification in l3rooklyn. An Indian Commission ap pointed to Investigate AiTahs in the Ter "ritorics. President Grant Goes Boston. to Strikers Ivesume "Work. Tho Geneva Con fe ranee. Valuable Treasures Disco vered. The Boston Jubilee. MARKET REPORTS, dc Itntlroai! Acoiilent. BEM.F.vrLLK, Canada, June 22. An accident oecured here this morning .i i '. I. ! I .... Oil l ie ijraiiU iriuov ranroau iu a nam . , , r from loronto to Montreal. An ax e (d t lie engine h-oke, and t he passenger ears were i!ed on each other. Sixty-tive men and women were fearfully scalded a d otherwise injuied, six of whom died on the spot, and the bodies were brought to this place, l our more have died, and others are dying "every hour Not more than three fourths of the in jure 1 will live. The dea l and dving are tying stretched rn mattrasses on th.' floor of the freight shed, so much disfigured as lo be unrecognizable. Geneva. June 22. It is probable tht upon the reassemli lieg of the tribunal next Wednesday, rdj iu. niuent will be taken for four weeks when the sittings of the court will be open to the public. A m-ss meeting to ratify the nomina tions of Giant and Wilson, was held at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, last night. Among the sp-akers were Sena tor N3'C, E D.dah'eld Smith and others Re-oini io.-is p!cd..ing the ticket a hearty support were adop ed. W.osb'ng'nn. June 24 Commissioners Brnror and Cree !cne to ,Jay ti'l- an x t tt'led f onr a i.nrg th.' Indians of Dakota Ui n'ara I iai O, Wyoo ir.g, Utah and Colorado Territories. The ol j.ct of .heir mi sion is to avert threat, in d hofdi'y on the pa t. i f the wild Sioux on the .Noth'-rn .Missmni t'ver. and a gervr:.! exatninatioii int Indian affairs, in t lie T riituriea named Bo-ton June 24. The oratorio passed off agreeably to the strictly muical por tion of the nioderare audience. Prcsi d tit Grant will he pte-ent to-morrow and all the attractive features fr on ihe p,st week's piogiamme will bo performed- New Vo?k. June 24. The strike of the piano makers has ended, all the men having resumed work at ten hours. Those employed by Web er & Sn-inway alone get an advance of wages r.f ten per cent. A Washington special says a monster mass nn-eririir tn ratifY the nomtn ati-.n of rant am) Wiibon. wid be held on Toes d iv evening Sj.ecches w ill be in de out ef doors in front of the City Hall. Philadelphia. June 24 The cabinet m kes strike ended by the men rci-uui-iii work tn old terms. - San Francisco. June 26. Railroad en irineHTS Ijetw.-en A-toii and ('om.-lins, Oregon found marks -on rck leading tn the discovery of a bos containing o,7U 1 in old Spani-h coins, and a quantity ef j-.-welry. New Yor'-s June 24 The Herald's Geneva sp .ialoi'th-' 24ths;iys dii;itch--s lec.'ived .-luce Satuid ay iiiht have inlnei-d the American agent to re.puest Count Sehiopi.s to summon the c uneil imiiicbatily. At a meeting of the Tammany Society last flight ior .fio S. . vmour ma le .sachem Arran-'cments were h'so made fbr a gi-eut celel ration on the 4'h of July. It is- tated that t!ie Drooklyn carpen ter are petting ready to resume work at old rates. A Reli ville. Ontario, dispatch says that many more victims of the raihoad disaster are rapidly .sinking. llriSTON. June 2o. The Coli -fliiiii was filled to overflowinir to-day, over five thousand people were trrnied away ft our the doors. Twenty ihoijs.-ind ti.-kets for .-tanditttr were sold. The President recived cordial greetings from the vat aud'enee. Trenton. June 25 The New Jersey Deuiocr .tie emiven-1 t:on inlets here to morrow. T.i i lea 1 tis are divided on instructing delegates soni'j favor Greeley, others Joel Parker others still favor fending delegates uuin st raced. New Yohk, June 25 Monev lvis- at 4. G. ld Pull i.t LiU Govei utimnts Stea.iy. 1 liteau i'rItire .M.irltf I. . Chicago, June 25. Fiour Very dull and lu minal. Wheal M o I e r a ? e !y a c t i v e. Corn () ned weak and lower. Wool Fair inipiiry tor tub clmics at 6'titt 72e, washed fleece 55( 5.; medium un-vasheo 4ivr'44ie. Hams (To. d demand and firm. Raeon Quiet, Mtaoy and unchancd. St I.oniM l'nxture Mnrlii't. St Louis June 22. Flour -Pull and drooping. Wheat Nouiaiket. rn LHill: No 2 mixed 41 (42. AODKEaS OF THE LIBERAL HKI'l'liUCiSS OF BEB To lh I'rlcndH nt InlejeiiUetit'e Aad The unndrsigned cordially en"doring the plztiortu and candidates of the Na tional Liberal Kepuhlican Convention, held in Cincinnati, May 1st, 1S72, appeal to ail friend of political independence and governmental reform throughout the State, to unite with tliem in promot ing the .success of thos? principles and the election of those candidates. A national crisis demands the earn-rt. attention of every patriotic citizen. The corruption consequent upon the war has crept into and obtained control of our gov ernment. The very life of our f ree in Mitmions is tl.reatend. Tlifc partisans t.t the Administration have throttled the voice of the people by pa hinQ contentions made up ol and by the office holders of'such Admini-traf ion.' Inlluetitial and lucrative offices have been given tho.-e who haa obtained the Pre.-ideut's favor by means of valuable j Pre-ents, an-l to tlicse notoi iouhv corruj t and nnworihy. When iliu-tiious Senators have dared to raise a voice of criticism aud to n.-k for investigation, the zealous partisans of the Administration have rid.cultd the charges and stood in the way of such investigations, that the guilt ol' the Ad ministration miht not he unfovered. The dignity of the Executive Chair has been prostituted by most sbauicles.s and wholesale favoritistn and nepotism. The PreM lent h is held his official patronage as a merchantable commodity for sale to the highest bidder, Por-toifiees, land offices and revenue offices, -throughout the nation, but in our own State mo t con-p eiou-ly, have been the guilty puichae price of the elec tion of United State. Senators, known to be the especial partisans f'ihe President. Other policies than the-e are deman ded in the conduct of national alfair.s. Tho war was ended seven years ago Now, broadest measures of amnesty to the end that the acrimonies of the war may be obliterat 'd and peaje and good will established in all the States and be tween all the State.:, are demanded. A thorough and radical reform in the Civil Service that the unblushing abu-es of fia ud and nepoti.-m which have ob tained under the present Administration may be done away, is demanded. An end to the laws which permit and to Executives who sanction the buying of votes with lucrative offices, in Sena torial elections; an end to vesting the public domain in soulless corporations hut a sacred dedication thereof to actual settlers and to purposes of education ; an end to deci-ions from the Land Depart ment of our Government in favor of Rail road Monopolies and against the Home steaders of our State especially the de fender of the national life; an end to th se!fi-h rule of Administration" cau cuses ; an end to a subsiJized pubi c 'iress ; ' legislation for the whole peo ple not a special class; our officers to be servants of the people not the poeo pie the sycophant slaves of the office holders ; a c vernment under which the pKiAe. shall rule, and the ruler he ruled ; a government which shall regard dis honesty as ticason and political ring as its deadly enemy ; a government in which the military shall be strictly sub ordinate to the civil power ; a govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people, is demanded by every honest man in all the States. Wi therefoie invite and call upon "all patriotic citizens without regard to for mer political affiliations" who desire, with us, the success of such principles and of the candidates for Presidency and Vice Presidency placed I efore the coun try by the Liberal Republican Conven tion at Cineienati, to organize at once in their several counties and voting pre cincts throughout the State at:d 'o ac-tiveh- prepare for the fall campaign. L' t th re be an Executive Committee ehoen in every county an! have the name and address- (1f ts chairman for- w:.r !ed to W. P Roberts. N biaska City. Nehraka. at once L"t campaign clubs be formed in every precinct. Organ ized activity will be the price of success. Act at once. OTOE COUNTY. O P MASON, P Hod nhaus, M Ji llavward, A S Cole. (.1 Schumacher, W Vermillion, A P.owen, M. D. F Renner, J II .Ma.rers, J D ( 'hi inicha. I, John McCartney, J J lloehstetkr, Lawson Cook, W P Roberts. I1 Rut t ma nti. Paul Sch mine, Fred. Reysthlag. NEMAHA COUNTY. Jarvis S Chinch, () Ii Hewctt, Alt. W Moigau, A P Cogswell, J M (iraliam, John C D n-er, C W VV tieeler, (ieo. M-ore. A W Morgan, Sen ,W T Rogers,. T A Creigh, Then 1 1 ill. J C .M'Naut'hton, Nel-ontJ IJaker, R J Wlntn.y, Geo. V Heikhy, A D Marsh, D S. Wa;l. CASS COUNTY. II R Livingston, L F J ho-on, O F J..hiis(in, Levi Golding, Wm l Porter, James i 'fayior, J W Shannn. Phelps Taine, II R Klii on, J D JimpMin, J L i Cliailton, ( W Merk, Henry Ruhwedcr, Mo.se.-s Dodge, LANCASTER COUNTY. F W Ilohmann, S l I I'dini inn, A W" Kellogg, R W Taylor,' Geo hi Church, las Gorton, Jas I) Phiipott, John Houston, N'.dson C Rrock, F K Atwoud, W J Lamb, . nj. F Fisher. O V bster, J W 1 1 art lev, L V liillitig'ley, J M Young, J K Honeywell, S P, Galev, W P Phiilipp, S J Ciark, DOUGLAS Ci'NTY. J. lin MoCermick Then B turner llen'y I uriuill A. V l'h .use Win F Swesey r r -d Kmsr John H Alanck J C Wie'ners Ar old Peycke A Urote 'J'iie.i .StubbendorOT J nlius ile or Thco Decker lit; Held A J t'eek Albert Abel Ceo II ei m i o.l Au .us; I'oriuanD ll. liutnecke Willi.-fui Aust ' II D'Uiniiil.erg Loui- H.iai'ke 0 J o U Aucu-ium tloll " ci,;, idler FJ crlau John B Mitntel l-rtd Ywciul 1 tin li. k J C Mar ily John .sfhultj K Kstnbr-iok Arch e Vic Neil Then P Carter A I J ' C3 i i. rhooiBs Win J Kennedy CO . u el A McAu.-Inni John F Mirrf J sej h LtiK u-'iii Kce'er Stebben tieiss 1. r i 1 . n. i er tieo Friekcr II Set. wo be ; wrra Fischer Win ioU J iTanK Joh Ita'.Tiaa G Ow'u Fred Knhu Fnsi Prictman cor:e s'u.iih Frrd Met J A Alien Adolphus Boehme t h is lliiworlii Ans ust M Schroedcr ti Poiuy A 1eyer Iteury Holler e- 11 iIj; iinann J uliuri T hide John tljuim-r AilVc l Arutminn 11 ti lilair l..)uu so'uriider ' U;lo Hic li i tiner hr rch'nid il.-iiry lyer Wiiiia i .-a.clke. Ju i ius K'.uow.-ky v iu 'vrl-iu J Un Albert Jo d St tiii.per Jtei.rv t' inarn i't: Walk-.-r. l-t-rl Urndfui her M .Tiul.tr l'r't-r nugas N M O'Bi i, n K li.- H .las a Uruner C A Pardee H II Henry K Allen A K i. merest John lias James SipJiens..n John clkvr J P Gu thtr Jiiuui Krull Iunicl Iran C 1 .Miller Che t. affitier K.i ward V iith K Ii: iltldt ( PaaJorS" j John Bess - Jul iu Mntr GREAT SALE OF LAND A large additional tract, embracing more than 4 750,000 Acres of Choice Farming Land AVill be Placed in Market by the. Union Pacific Pail Road Company, Thursday, June 27111 7S These Lands are contained in the Ten Mile Limits on the Third One Hundred Mile of the Union Pacific Rail Road. . . , They are I ottl in tho Countie ot Kftrney. B jflV.lo Daw..u and Lincoln, in Itimw, ij wee t to 1'4 west inclusive. Moro than 3Mn Acres. KioU tlovemuieut Muds aubject to thw aloiue-t-tea.l Law ki o contained within iho iuiiie limits. 'J he great .Valley of u.o Platte here widens out into a broad, beautiful gently undulating plain, covered with, a rank growth of nutritions grassc's arrd Watered by . many clear running streams, nnd forrus ono of the " - , fc1ost fe tile' and 'attractive sections in Nebraska. Kearney Junction, in liutlalo Cotiutv, the point of inter section of the Ijiiilington and Missouri llivcr Railroad, is' destined to become a. large inland City. Plum Creelc, the' County seat of Dawson County, on the line of the freat natural route to the Gulfol Mexico, is the centre ol a vast agricultural and grazing region. North Platte, at the Junction of the, great fertile valleys of the. North and South I'littes, and the terminus of the first division of the Union Pacific Railroad, occu pi"s one of" the beist geographical K)sitions in the State. t These towns are rapidly developing into business points of importance and influ ence, offering unequalle 1 inducements to the merchat:t n.;d mech intr, and render' ing the Ian Is now offered for sale among the mot desirable locations in t h west. Thrse lands will be sold cheap for cash, or on a loug credit of Five or Ten years,' with interest at only fix pel cent. Omaha. June 19, 1872. O.F.DAVIS. 13 4t. Land Commissioner, U. P. R. n , ( o. PUT. jSMOUTH BOOT AND SHOE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AMD SHOES AT V'ilFTDRnJri-in nnflv jg .f r a Has oa hand, one of the largest stocks of CLOTrllMO AND DEBTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOTf SPRING AND SUMMER, invite every body in want of anything in iiy ihi to cull at my fllore. feioutU Hide Mtaiia, ISL'tweeea Scl 1 5ilrceM. And convince them.-elves of the fact- t!iavra:a sppcHPty in mv Tv.o , It Prr-nrtu.'-nt k SoerV block of i'ine clothing for Men and Buys; to which we invite those who want (ioods. Ci'I also keep oa band a large and i7e!l svlcjteJ liSrOpposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store, Maiu Street, jPlattnisiomtSB, ISTcJraMltf ST. LOUIS, AZ?f.r -- 33UUDj1JTT; DECKER BROS., pf G. A. MILLER & COS M pianos. a-" .J OS a a iis. nb (Di!jer jfirst-ttass pianos anb (Drijans. Wbolesule and Retail Dealer in Strinca. f Lei t Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise 5-MU31CL INiTRUMENTS Tuned and nrpaircdil'itlictluiiCunranlrfdrS ciecoJAW SIXTY FIVE IstFfiiZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT ftysrVs -ultimo e Piano WRB. KNABE (LCD. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Baltimore Makyusd. Theselr? uinents have been befo he Pub lic tor nenily thirty years, and upin their ex eeiUticeul ni nttaiued an vnjtt vlmnfi Pre eminence, which pronounces liiciu uue.jua.lcd in Tone, 7'owh, Wiirkin 'Wthlp and Ihirliility. tiAll our SjniLre I'i:iiio hn ve our I-Tew Iin pruveij ijverstiunij .s-iile ui:d tl:e frailo 1 e ble. T"We wf.ti'il ::11 special attention t our I:ite PiteriO 'i luip ove.i ent in Grand Pianci and Square GrnQs found in no other P lino, which Lrirs tao rdiir.'i rearer j.criection tlian has yet been attained. t'cer riANO Fi.flj Warranted for AVri? ie'o Illastra se-l Cut l- pucs and price li.stsi roin t ly !urni-h den ni pii. -ation to VM. KNAl:i; Sr CO.. Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular cstublif !icd agenccj. NoV.'ItlWI'lHO. National Business Index. The above i the title of a new monthly paper devoted to business interests ol'a oaiioKul or itenerMl ciiani"! er. tor tho edifn-Kt jon and b.-n- fi. ol inlcllijent. people otall clii.-scs, it un-t-riaei to view and review paving event." Ir in u bu.-iniKs ptan-i' oi;.t. Fact.' of a bu.-i-n'.s ntiture relatin.r. Capital, liib'T.. ttjfrlciil turo, conii'ieree luannf; etures. tdueation, r. li gi..n,.Ivt rature. ptditic. every. huL.tpci tom m&ndir.y Pe eral aitontion, are tirousht . tofretti -T iintl arranired in a ters-, e!t?d. t.uiiiesj Tke manner. Strict aceurraey i.s c.r.f ciontiou ly nought 'iffr Candl I. iuipartial, ir. mu? cinimeiir and eritieifui by ahle writers be an import teat ure A busiries orrtsp n lent is d-ired in every ountyin the Lnited h'taea wiiere not already engueed. Questions ot a business character from readers re. -five c.jn-cij.! attention. i'erint rSl.OO ayoar; liit-ect.i a. e.ipy. '1 ti- Index Co. Publishers, 4;;.". W. JaekH-u St., Chicago, 111. diw 1. MONEY SAVED Is Money Earned GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS Below will be found a partial Pst of the goods offered by us at One Dollar encW: Twelvo ya'ds Urown or Uieaehcd ?hirtin(r. Three yards., double wdth. T ible Dama.-k. l..i.li's' Fine Clien.ise with lancy bi.S"in, frutli -d or trimmed,) wttu a bix tucked tkin. to ni audi. I. .dies' fine white eighteen Tucked Skirt. Fine (jenu n V iotin, with ivory tip bow, One iozen all Linen llaiitier.-hifs. . One ten quafer 1'uin-y Comb Quilt.' A (r el aierury Cloek. Warranted Kitht pair ladies' line hite Cot on Hoe, Two l i'ht-blnded pea'l bamile Knivei. lvRht r l.-i Ulack A'.p.iea. One hundred picture civet Photograph Al bum. Two fine white six tucke l Skirts. ' Oiii I'r-m-uni Lint wiinol be ejcc:tled lo cfub orffi-r-Z'r. f pie- UiU Twectv-kvy oernian Concert-na, 1 wrl ve yar.U ot'CaiiL-o; a ?'.o l an uric. Unedoitn T.'rubiers wi.h rix trobltta to match. ne dozen Linen Towd. mediaia size. Eirh'.y -rds Lancaster liimrham. fs. t t -llvti - pl.i el T !. puo-ic. with six Tcarpoor.s lo 'natch. Plated on white metal. Two Pi'lrliwiies' lierinan Corsets; told ev-y-w .-re atil per pair. Send hize. T he above articies are fri-m a 1 1 " per "c nt. ch tn per than ciin be pure but ed ol iheretail'trade anywhere. O'tveut a triui order. Cut out one or any number of the above items and return to us wt. h the money, and convince- your-cl ve that we do better tuau any Doiiar JJouse iu this country. For lnrther infermation seed fur circulare aad terms to agent., Agents Wanted Everywhere TiORT IN. lHUNDArn A C., N'. "!! Pine Street, iSu L.uiii, o. flnno hv P MAXWELL. .-I" m-u sto-1: -f If.its an 1 Ctp. 8 lOtf SWITH S AM N. l I AND BOSTON. To A nvKRTtsvns. All persons who contetn-.. p'ate iniikiiiK contract!) with new fat" -tutor tho insortion of AdvertiseuitntH should ccnd to geo. f. Howell 0o. or a Circular, or int-Pm" 2 cents for their On hundred Pane PjOiii hlet. eoii.aii.i!,' .i?'.r of ;'.,()..!) Newspaper ai.d eiiii.utt!'. sbowinn the cost of advertising, also ninny iiHcful hinot toH.t vertiscrs. and some nccountof the experieneeg of men who are kn.iwn n t-r.ee f-ful advertis ers. This firm ar- proprirtr.is ol the Ameri'-an Newspaper Adveni.-asiK Ajtency. and a re popseffed of uncoiinled facilities for hecurinir the insertion of advertisements in till N .v.-pupCM ud Periodicals at lcwei't rate. REPORT OF THE C0NDITI0H OF THE First national Bank of Platts-' tnoutli Nebraska. At Plattsmouth in the State of Nebraska At clono of LuMnosa Ju ie 10th H72, RESOURCES. Loans .n.d lnseounta Overdraft- Ii i : i 1 L'. S Pond.i to ?c-:re Ci.J-ul:rtioo fin.irM.oo Othei Slocb. Ponds, ai d Mortinges l0,;.',L".;:8 Pue l rt un hcdcciiiiritjund Kcserve Arent3 l.T.". l)ue troin other National Pank.4 1 i.l Ilue from i.tl.er ljauk ucd Uiiker.-j lie 'J.-' il:erPe:i! Kstte s,,,(,,,( Kurnirtir' and Fixturo J.'j'M Current Expenses 2 f. Premiums ,! i'l.-l t Cush J tems ( in ludinii Ftimr.K) 4'.V3 l;i:i.s f other National liiiuku . 1,I.I Fractional Curren.-y linclu ling Nikelsl 1 H..r)2 Legj.1 Tender Notes XT.VO.cO 1'jV.'18.17 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock pail in Iise'unt ;.:.chr.ri.-o 50 coocr, . .4H'. 4:t ' i-. .;'.' ..zr- I Interest I National Bank Circulation out- ! Mandiu " ()0 O-'J jsl.2i J.i Hi 1.;j:j.1'J Individual Iep it luet Nation. il lhii.k.' Due to o'her 1'auks and Ean!,er l.'ji8 ir FTTK OF NUiBAFKA. 1 1 J uo 1'.. v laik. Ca- hier of the First National . Pauk of I'latl Miiout!. Neb. do Bol. mnly iwear that the above statement is true, to the lcst ol my kuowleds. and belief. JNO. P.. CLA!'.K.'Ji-7ir-. Subscribe 1 and fTrorn tc ttforeme th:.' 17tL day ol Jone 172. T. Vf . Kfaks, Notary Tu'-lio Cop.f.irT Attest ; Samuel Maxwell-! 11. C. Ciii-hiiKt Dire toll, L.tLDovey) MAGfllwEiHOPI Wayman Curtis.- .PlaUszuouZh, Nzh. Kepai-ers of Steam EErineF, Eoilers. E :-. Grist Mills. . . ' ia and ft'itn Fittinpa, Wrorpbt T Force ami T;t I'.tinps, ."steaiu iia Vrive Goverr.ors, uuu Ui kicd Brass Ecgr c ' famished on .Lf ff ft Q yff y it-.'