Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 27, 1872, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JUNE, 27. 1872
Official Directory.
J. XV. Tip'on, Brownville.
P. W. Hitchcock, Ouiaha.
John Taffe. Omaha,
IT. S. 'enator.
U S Senator.
William II- James, Lincoln, - Act. Governor.
William )i. J am pp. Lincoln, Sec. . ( State.
John GilKspie. Lincoln. Auditor.
II. A. Kocnig. Columbus, Trea-un r.
G. II. Roberts, Omaha, Attorney iem
J. M. McKenzic, Line In, Sup . Pub?Ins:ruo'n
0. P. Mason. Nebraska City, Cbicf Justice.
George B. Jjike. Omaha, I , . . , ...
L. Crounie. i t. Calhoun 'J Awociat. J unices.
H. F. E1M on.
Dan'l McKiuaon,
W. L. ilobbn,
J W. Johnson,
Probate Judgi.
County Clerk,
Supt. Pab. Instruction,
County Commissioners.
U. W. V ise.
Jacob Vnlle-y,
llenj. Aibin.
' James.
J. Vr. Thomas.
For President.
For Vice-President.-
ci. i' it it v i ts tan Tin: A.iii'AHiA.
We will mail the Weekly Herald to
new subscribers and clubs, during tlie
Presidential Campaign, beginning June
20th and closing November 15th the
week after the Presidential election
twenty-two numbers in all at the fol
lowing rates :
One copy
Club of ten copies
Club of twenty-five copies
Dailt At fair Club rates.
C 00
12 50
We want subscribers for our we kly
and dai'y all through the county. To a
person sending us a club of five name
and over a liberal discount will be uiade.
Chas. A. Croney, editor of the Sew
ard County Reporter announces the ter
mination of his editorial connection with
that paper. Name of successor not yet
Was an immense success. The meeting
was called to order by W. F. Chapin.
.Stricaland reviewed the party, and
Chase, lledick, and other speakers kept
the ball rolling. 5,000 people were pres
A grand ratification meeting was held
in Omaha on Saturday evening last.
At a few. minutes after eight o'clock.
Col. Wilson called the meeting to ord r,
Hon. John I. Eedick was appointed
President, with the following list of Vice
Presidents; C. F. Goo Jinan, C. J.
Kaibaugh, Hon. John Ahmason. S. H.
Hrown, Carr Axford, and H. II. Viss-e-lier.
Secretaries Themis Swobe, C.
L. Jenkins, and Andrew Rosewater.
The meeting was harmonious, and al
together a ground success.
Yes, we need it, and the Herald, for
tic, will most heartily endorse any
measure .that looks towards a true and
ii inest reform in our National or home
;olities; but the unthinking yell which
-'outs reform, reform, is too much like
mad cry that swells up from the
'.roats of overburdened Paris when
hey shout Lberty, liberty. Their hb-
1 1 ty mean3 anarchy, and a great deal of
:e reform of the present day tuc-aas
Miy a change in the plunderers, a new
leal at the offices and patronage of the
V.r.ernraent. Ilonest as Horace himself
i ;:y be, he is surrounded by a hungry
vrde, and were it possible for him t
i-t elected, such a hungry swarm of half
-:r.rved and ferocious beggars would rush
on him as to preclude the possibility
! any honest reformation in thes3 mat
' 1 rs, at least, for it is not probable that
c man who, by all his friends accounts,
mnot refuse a needy villain's check for
ionty or thirty dollars, could, when
.'resident, refuse the same scamps an
lice of profit or prominence, Think
well of this fact, oh, Reformers !
MKDK 4 1. IS I.
That is the name sought to be given
t.i the movements of a fe-w of ourf iiow
i itizens. In political matters, a great
deal sometimes lies in a name, and it is
not so easy to mike a rGse smell as svet
by the name of dandelion.
A liberal man d2?irc3 to hear his
neighbor's opinion, and to allow for his
idiosyncraetes, and humors, but our
liberal political friends, are not willing
that we should even think that Gen.
Grant is an honest man; that he has
been belied, perchance, and that it might
be possible that he caruestly wanted to
reform a bad system, and found Libera
geutlemeu and Demcciatie ideas too
strong for even his iron will. ' Be chary
of your blame, till you know all the
tur.T n .-;.
Lincoln has struck i! the bored for
salt and struck GOLD, shining ye'.ler
p9ld dust. It is only 1C0 feet down in
the bowels of the earth and to prevent
too easy grabbing (they are good at
grabbing in L ) a little layer of 8 feet ot
blue limestone was placed over it.
wherc's the silt company? Ca(h)n we
believe this wondrous tale of a well.
Good bye to salt developement, good
bye to farming lands in atid around Lin
coln. Go for it boys
You've the lang lang Sunjmcr djy to
Wben ,lYou'un3" strike tlie gold send
u- a Kn.!& fti.-fc.
One buy's Ride.
Ye Editore, F eling the need of some
air not polluted with the smell of benziue
and tLe compound odor of ink und lead
dust, bethovght himself that such a
thing might be fnd treyond the hills of
Plattsniouth, and accordingly placed him
self behind a pair of Shannon'- st to
pers, and presto -
The dingy office, the muddy river, the
shrieking whistle, and Riding draymen
ar; left behind, and soon-VjLbroa
free prairies we were speeding away,
drawing in with each breath a draught
of elixir that many a Wall st. Banker
might well give of his thousands freely
for a like draught.
Reautif'd, aluio-t beyond comparison,
is,the prairie in June," I.e. MitifJ a'f over
Nebraska, but doubly so, wlo n, a is the
case in this county, one m Idotu or never
reaches a point entirely out of sight of
timber, either natural or artificial. On
every hill-top stands the stately Cotton
wood, planted in methodical lines, the
border of which, so straight and prim,
looks - precisely as if souij giant hay cut
ter had, with its sharp blade, sliced down
the edges and reduced it to a right angle
with its mother earth, instantaneously.
I11 the vailoys-and nooks, the btoad
leavrd, stulbed oak of natural growth,
and darker foliage, irregular as to boun
dary lines and fantastic in setui-angular
anti-perpendicular, and curious growths,
te!l to the observant eye at a glance whose
groves are the handiwork of dame nature,
or the .handier work of her brother-in-law,
Now t.) the folks, for folks there are
in abundance on all these roads. The
great desert has blossomed and borne
fruit, and not the least of its t -flirts
seem to have been turned towards pro
ducing the human family.
Down a lane, by a huge oat field, and
a snug brown hoo-e, in the shadiest of
spots, with the apple orchard on one
cidc, and the feak woods on the other,
lives "Doc." Wiley cveiybody calls
him l'Doc." and we suppose the Her
ald can also.
Here we dine in good old fashioned
farmer style, and after dinner an hour's
walk through the gardens, -the currant
walk, the plum patch, the peach rows,
and the apple orchard, wll convince the
roost skeptical Eastern man that Ne
braska can raise fruit. Why, the ap
ple trees are jut lo.ided.down.
Gathering a handful of some
thing new here to us to remember the
place and the man, we climb into the
buggy and wend our way to Mr. Pleas
ant, a pleasant place, indeed. Mr. Linch
showed us fruits and berries in abund
ance. Ilia apple trees vie with the Doe
tor's in producing as many apples to the
limb and more limbs to the tree Lhan
any other State in the Union can.
From Ml Pleasant to the Hon. S. M.
Kirk Patrick's, is a short evening's ride,
and we reached there about sundown.
In the spacious farm house there are
man rooms, and we gladly laid ourselves
away in one of them, after an evening
spent in such pleasant chat as one sel
dom has the chance to enjoy in this
work-a-day world. Mr. K. is a good
talker, and what ho doesn't know about
fNcbra-ka, in h-r day?, and the
men that have m i- her famous-, is
hardly worth knowo-g.
In the morning we shall ! the Weep-.
ing Water valley, and tell you how the
white stone fences look and how the
1,200 acre farms get along.
- firinil's Relation.
Our goo frien 1 of the Dee (0'naha
has been to see Father Jesse at Coving
ton, and tcl's us one fact among .luaiiy
others in his very readable letter.
He says Mrs. Grant avers that she
never knew or heard .f one-half the
relatives of the Grant family that have
sprung up since the General became
President. This is the fact. The New
Yoik Turns ;v. other reliable paper
have frtquently e?p"scd this charge and
shuwi ') :.t of all the relations Grant
is elrTr d with keeping in office, a
iargi- pioporlion were appoiu ed before
he became Fre.-id.nit, many more urs
no relatives at all, and he never heard of
their names even, and the few show ton
have been appointed by his power were
men strongly recomru -tided by their
State delegations as men eminently qual
ified for the position aligned them. Do
let us have some truth and plausibility
in these charges against our public effi
cers, 'ere we take them up and sow them
broadcast over the land in two conti
If the Nebrasl a City Chronicle is
short of cd tors we can lend them a few,
either of the "Macs" here will go down
and "tub." a day or two. If they are
not, we would thank them to give us a
little credit in Plattxuouth for our good
deeds. Mr. Chronicle man appropriated
sll of Dan. Wheeler's splendid editoiial
on hind matters, which we copied, giv
ing credit to the Lnnl Agent, and they
printed without creilit to any one, not
even theuiselves. Dan. says he would
not have cared only he sat up three
nights, and forgot to go to lodge on two,
in order to ggt that up, and he feels
sorter, you know. Our own "Answers
to Correspondents," a few remarks on
Stonten, and a slice of an editorial or
two, look well ia th' ir columns. The
mechanical get up of the paper is good,
and they set oil" our own words well.
It does not hurt our pht links a bit, the
oniy trouble is we are afraid to return
the compliment and credit to the Pieaa
ami Chrnniilr bi-i':iui. w unt sure
who-e thutid'-r v.-u n, .v t.o u-ing. Go
in, bays au-i wis ;:.ake a good paper
keep her liveby, and may the good peo
ple of Nebraska. Ci'.y Mess you both iu
fame, Dauie, jurJ?, and pocket.
A Noisy Piece of Crockery. The
cup that cheers. "
Can a Iov:r railed a suitor when he
J-n't rcith-r?
Wnal Ureelry Know About Ojrur.
In regard to the cultivation of cigars
Greeley is said to advise growers to be
careful" in planting them with the small
end in the ground; they should beset
in rows, to be no less thin two feet from
each other; care should be taken to
keep" thein well watered, for if allowed
to become dry, they peel and won't
smoke worth a cent. By keeping them
well watered, in ab at three months
they will be ready for gathering in
bunches of twenty-five or fifty. They
liay then be packed into boxes and sent
..- market, after they have been proper
ly stamped on.
Met in the Court House on Saturday
evening, as per adjournment, Dr. Black
in the chair, MaeMurphy Secretary.
The minutes of last meeting were
road and approved.
Gen. Cunningham presented the re
port of Committee on By-Laws and En
rolment. On motion of F. M. Dorriugton, the
report was received, and after a short
debate, adopted.
On motion the officers acting at last
meeting were elected permanent officers
of the club, with the exception of Ass't
Sei.-re'ary added by the Con-tituiiou.
Th ; same is still vacant, and remains to
be fil id. It appearing that the time
for holding a ratification mcelii g having
been fret Tor the 20ih of June without
d ie rcfiecii :n n to its being the evening
of the Soldier.-' Re-union, the time of
holding the same was changed to
fStituniity June 20th.
On motion, a cv.nmiittifo of Gve w s
appointed as a pc i matiuiit Executive
Committee, who.-e duties ar.; de.-cribod
by Art. 4, of the Constitution. The
commute is: First ward, J. J. llus-t ll ;
Second ward, Wm. Stadeluiaun, J. W .
Barnes; Third ward, M. B. Murphy,
S. M Chapman
On motion, a Com. ?n Finances was
appointed, consisting of V. F. Rennet:,
J. W. Mar.-hail, F. M. Don iugtott, and
Wm . Tucker.
O.hcr committees wore k-ft for a fatuie
nicotine to elect, and the Club adjourned
until Friday eveuirg, June 2Sth, at
which time the Finance Committee are
to report oa the amount of funds rai.-ed,
4'itti-ilitiif ion rikI lly Laws of
4rniil hikI llilvuii 4 lujt of
1'lHl tR4OUlll.
ART. 1. Tii is Association shall le
known as the Giant and Wilson Club, of
Art. 2. This C'ub is organized for
the puipose of promoting the election
of Grant and Wilson, the National Re
publican nominees for President and
Vice President of the United States and
the success of the Republican party in
Art. 3. The officers of this Club
shall consist of a President and three
Vice Presidents, a Secretary, Assistant
Si cretaty and Treasurer, to be chosen in
such manner as the Club may designate
who shall perform the duties u-ually de
volving upon such officers in like Asso
ciations. Art. -I. There shall be a permanent
Executive Committee, and a Committee
on Finance, each of five members. The
duties of the Executive Committee shall
be to have charge of and attend to all
business and execute all orders of the
Ciub not referred to a special committee;
to provide speakers for public meetings
held under the au-pices t f the Club ; to
make all cmtracts for material procured
and for services rendered in neecrdatc
with the orders of th" '!ub, made at a I
regular or oallod mci-ting, to r port uc!i- j
-oj;t;ict to the Finance Committee, and i
to att.-n J to ail other r.oce-s.-try busi;ii'.j j
that cannot be transacted at a general
! meeting of the Ciub.
The duftt-s of the Fin ir-ce ('otyuiiitte"
sha'I le to solicit and v. li.-ct cvn'ribu
tions and sui-eiii tions to the tiva-U'V
of th-C"b; ti d-.?poit all tiionejs col-l"C-ted,
with (Jie tre.isun r. -in, ! t::ke his
leci.ipt theiv'o!-; to examiit" a 1 1-il's
pre-etiteij to the t.luo. and il coiif-rf i
atidju-t, and couiitersignrd by '.ire Ch.tir- j
man of the lxecutive Co;n:.iil tt e to
approve the sanit, and to draw an order
on the Treasurer lr the amount due,
sijn'-d by its el a;rii;an nd i-onnfcis
signed b- the Secretary of the Ciub.
AnT 1. The stated meetings of thi
Club shall bo ht Id at sii'-h tiiue ;i may
be determined on by adjounment.
ART. 2. The elect ion of ( fikers shall
be lu 1 1 immediately upon the adoption
of the Constitution and By-Laws, and
their term of service shall extend to the
day after the holding of the next Presi
dential election.
Akt. 3. Any person desiring to be
come a member of this Cub will he en
titled to all the privileges of members,
bv signincr the Constitution ml By
Laws of the Club, or by sending his
name to the Secietary.
Art 4. The rules of order 1 id
down in Jeffi rsou's Manual, shall govern
the deliberations of this Club, unless
suspended by a vote of two thiids of the
tri-.n,ber present.
. - n-i r.. t ,.. I
amended, aded to, or repealed, by a
vote of two-thirds of the members pres
ent at any regular nicetmg.
Our re Union for 1872 has come and
gone, once more the comrades of many a
hard fought field have seen each other's
well known faces and feJt the grasp of
true and faithful broth r soldiers' hands
At an early hour the streets and hotels
began to fill up, and the town to wear
an air of expectation. When after the
arrival of the moining train it was known
that our orator had arrived, and stran
gers faces appeared on every tide, the
citizens began to believe we were to have
a re-Union irileed.
By the time dinner was announced
the Hall at Paruiele's building wis Well
tiled and l-JO people tloixl up to rations.
Toe tables, were abundantly covered
itb al! tb g'rvi tbio f tL? fesfn,
w.iyj.mmmmM-ji i 1
and every one acknowledged that no
better arrangements were ever seen in
this city.
. ' r. ,. a . 1
zcn they seemed. After dinner we & I
,. ,., tt n u
aujUU! IIC'J HI llii.'l'ldl'l S lliiu, nunc
the Hon. T. W. Tipton delivered a most
touching and ele.'ant address. Short,
froldier-like. and to the joint. The
business of the committee was then en
tered int the result of which we shall
give to-niorrow.
Gen. Livingston was called on for
a few rematks, and very happily suges
ted some measures to induce a larger
turn-out at the next re-Union of Soldiers
in Nebraska.
TI ASl. II-.
irfeetiiiif of the arnncl Hod lea.
OfBcrr ofrrniid toniBianiterj-.
The installation ceremonies were very
impressive and were conducted after the
ritual of the Older by Past Grand Mas
ter D. II. Wheeler, assisted by S. W.
Moore, Grand Warden. The fallowing
officers were installed :
W. E. Hill. M. W. G M. : M. B.
Dunham, D. G. M. ; Frank Web-h, S.
G. W. ; A G. Hastings, J. G W ; G.
B. GnlT G. T , W. P. H.wtMi, G. S. ;
T. B. L-
G C ; Cr. II. Thnmniel,
G. L ;
L. W. O.-born. G O. G. B
G. M. ; F- Seclor, S D. ; P.
Barge, J. D. ; J. McCatm in, T.
At the co:: luion of tho.-e ceremonb
N. lv Gregss, gvanl- orator, Jb'lowed
with an a!'!e and intcre.-ting oration.
The annual communications' of the
Gr ind Lodge, Grand Cliapter and Grant!
Cominairh-iy were all held duiiog tlie
week and wen? terni'natcd by a grand
bantv'c't tivt-n by the KnLht's Templars
at the l)'.)Ug! is Hou-e on Thu &day evei.-inj-.
run in Km n 1 1- m ati: ctixvt.v
Met at Lincoln on Thursday. June
20 h. Mr. E A. Allen, called the me t
intr to order and was elected Chairman.
The Committee on permanent organi
zation made tlie lb. 'owing report:
S. H. Calioun, of Otoe, President:
G A. Bamum, of Pla:te, J. G. Seog
gin cd' Lancaster E. II. Clatk of Wash
i-gton, G. P. Uld of Richardson, lr
Bi-ar of Cuming. S. Herman D.iuulas.
B. I. Hmixiau cd' Lincoln, A'ie-e Presi
dents ; May, of Dodge, and Scholn-ld,
of Otoe, Secretaries
They aecep ed the Liberal platform.
AYWiW, That it was unwise to put
two tickets in tlie field, mi the same side
ami thus insure the defeat of both : and
ordered the Baltimore Convention to
adopt the nominations made at Cincin
nati. G. L. .Miller, of Douglas; Piatt, of
Crawford ; Black, of Ca-s ; Coleman ami
Thomas, were elected as delegates to tt e
Baltimore Convention.
A boy about fourteen yars of flg
wa drowned in the Missouri river at
Omaha. Monday evening'. He was the
son of Mr. Engli-h, ticket agent at the
U. P. Depot. His body was recovered
the next morning a few feet from where
he was drowned.
Pickpockets and robbers have a lively
time in Omaha. They "go through"
men and hotels nd UUtttm.
Jem Mace and Billy Edwards and
Peiley Mace gave a sparring exhibitiou
at Omaha en Saturday evening.
A horse thief broke penitentiary, at
Lincoln, on Saturday. Warden Camp
bell is after hiui.
The body of-'a man was found in the
Platte River at Plum Creek on the 24th.
Supposed to be a French man, and or."
of the two n.en diowm d at Ft. M -Phei-son
seven'days ago only one of whom
wa- picked up.
On.- of the Ivng iron brdjes was
tt !!sf. rrt d over our h-ry the oil er day ;
and went mi its way rejoicing to spin
the v'eeiii!ir W at er ! e u-; an I afford
f-eihih-s Ca-s county to- trade with
N rin - k a city AV-tcv
Nut all Ca-s county, Mr. News; dew
let us have little?.
PuM'c examinations will be held a'
Talbot. Half, Neb. City, on Tu--day,
Wo. In - day. I liursd y atid Friday ed tn.-v.e-
k. Dr. Gariatt, of Omaha, will ad
d'e s the Aulietice.
Gas woiks are to be erected in
A 11 iilOl S ir.t:il.J.
Mr Fraud- lruli.e'r t-'orlmip.
In tlie course of time the property of
the great Admiral iti England ha-; accu
mulated until it is roughly estimated a
cl200;0,lKie). Think of that. Also
there being nobody left in England who
wants so much money, a -lot of Ameri
cans have set up claims thereto and ail
the " claimants met in J L i.'a Ic'phi.-i not
Ling since "to see what they could do."
The New York Ihrntd telis it thus:
"The claimants are scattered over ali
parts of the Union and every day fVesh
ones are turninir ui. 1 my came yes
terday from Muoky Pittst.utg, god;y
l'lnl:id!idiia. Sag Haibor, St a ten 1-1-
uiid. Lin Island, Jersey and other
parts unknown on all t heir features ex
pectancy sitiing. as if they were gather
ed together at tne reaatng oi a wi i.
In the corner of the room a huge bag ol
biscuit- and a pitcher of water were vis
ibh-, of which the audience steadily pai
took, justifying their claim to be bone ot
the a fuiiral s bone and fle.-h of his fle-l-,
hy indulging in an unlimited quautity ot
hard tack.
"The cretarv made a long report f
what h ul transpired -iuce th' lu-t meet
inn in February, and presented num
berof documents received from England,
with a genealogy which would puzzle
Sir Bernard Burke, Dr. Shelton Mac
kenzie or a Weishnian to unravel. He
said the property involved now amount
ed to 125,000,000."
A lively time they had and a curious
meeting it must have been. Ned Bunt
line, years ago, conceived such a scene,
and worked it into a novel. The Herald
man either cribbed the uovul, or Ned
has clairvoyant powers.
Some "horri -." man says that in the
present ftyle o: dressing young la i:e.s
h"ir it is hsrd to tc'l which j. swirr-n.
'" "ra d" , ,. ,
1 once rtNiu a j.iiiiiouj.nin.-n rtj un
the birth, life and death of a mosjuito.
As I am more interested in his death
than anything else, I send you the tol
... ' .
i lowing stanza, as a toast to the getitle
man, wishing he
May lope his health.
And fail of wealth.
And also joy and ease;
But find a man.
That will and can,
" ' Give bira a mortal squeeze.
Just before sundown. Cosmopolite.
Wouieu Yoiiiitf.
The London Examiner, noting the as
sertion that women could not be induced
to vote if they had the right, refers to
the statistics of their conduct in the
municipal elections where they already
enjoy the privilege. It gives the results
of sixtv-six elections, showing that outof
every lOC'O women registered. 5(t went
to the polls, as compared with .ro4 out
of every 1000 men registered. The les
son of those elections is more striking
when the actual figures are given Out
of 27,D-J6 women registered where a con
test oe-eured. 14,410voted. Ofmentheie
were 165. 787 on the register, and 64,080
at the poll--. With these facts before
us wcoucht to hear no .more of the ar
gument that women would not vote if
they hid a chance to. Durtiigton
II tick-rye
. .
; tii'Ksinu' itl il.
A friend relates That when he received
th a-t number of that 'organ of no par
ty, ' the Ni'iv Yorn Tri'ntnc, he found
enclosed iu it an extra, containing Suiu
ner's ebultion of hile. He collected a
tew friends around, read it to them,
without ttdtinc them whosespeech it was,
Mid then asked tiieui who made it.
One said it sounded like Valiandig
iiarii, but ho was dead.
Another said he would guess Jeif
Davis; only the speech referred to the
having helped to organize the Republi
can party; ami heshJes, Jeff, was less
abusive in his speeches than that man.
A third declared that Djolittle was the
to n.
A fourth was confident it was Andy
A fifth -wore that they emM not foo
him on that speech it wa-. Frank B'air,
out and out. .
Fvery one guessed wide of the mark
and when the lri i I informed them of
the real author, they with one accord
pronounced a monosyllable more ex pres
ive than rch'iu-d which will lead the
reader to infer that the article was not
migar, nor soda, nor sa-sa?e ; for they
are not monosyllables IVhite. Cloud
In Emrland the death of John Anvil,
blacksmith, occa.-ijned the following
epitaii :
My nfe'tyfi and hammer lie rcclin'cd ;
A!y It m ten have los heir w n i ;
.Jir- ' e'tni-L. inyurjc -'e-ay'd;
My ric is in the du-l'.-li laid;
VI y cunl is pL'lil. iu . iro'i -one.
My uihh ure drove, uiy wm k is done.
Drnwiiiji of l';ilti-f-!i (jrciit Uirilou-c-frt.
Ou I hnrsday evening this week, June
27 h. at Redick's Opera IIoue,$12-UK0
in prizes will be d sti ihiued by chance
loor open at S P. M. The wheel will
commence to revolve at 6 P. M. , and con
t nue without cessation until ail the prizes
are drawn.
Mr. Chauncey Wiltse, United States
Surveyor, on the Upper Loupe, recently
discovered a fine grove of pine on the
north branch of that stream. It covers
three or four hundred acres, and the
trees wi!l average from twelve to sixteen
inches in diameter, and sixty feet in
height. ' He also saw considerable quan
tities of excellent cedar in various places
in that section.
Xcw Advertisements.
Agents Wanted!
For th"! livi -st and tn-ist agreeable and in
structive book ot the year.
Uy Hon. XV. F. iV h, cf Topea. Kan a . The
wealth and wildnes.s inyrtcr ts an i m.-irvels. of
the b Mindless W si fuily u.i t fni'hfully des
crihed. Ov e fli. wing ,vji h wit i.nd humo . A
Complete Ciai le tir -iimrtsruen a id immigrants
' roiu e!y mid p endidly I lusiraied. Im.'nea
e.y Popular, and se-liing beyond preoed -at
Snd !or i-ate.l cirualar, t'"iiij. e'e , at
oo e t-.the Puiili hers. E. It A N N A Fu IX D A
Co., 19J W est .MudisoL St . Chicago. Ills. 3m,
'Mr7ef d uhl thr Jluwt jier vdlrnl imhtitli d
hivnj w tjit i in Lui uy or .imeMc-
Will Attfaet f'e-erved Attention.
F-oiii Loo-nig s delightful Article on
West Point (profusely Illustrated);
t he brilliant (?onelu-ion of Wilkinson's
Ciitiqneon LoweH' Prase; Warner's
Charuiinir Paper, a Summer Bac'' Log
Study, the best of the series yet pub
ti-hed; Dr. Holhind's Editorials; "The
t'hris'ian Sabbath in Great Cities;' 'The
Literary Bureaus Ae.-iin;" "Our Presi-
h-n';" "Ind'recr Dauriaes;' twoCwriou
Aitidesof pot. ni, ir Science. Iilu-trated;
A Star ling Expo ure of Smuggling, by
Women, aod the Means Employed for
its Petection; Sparkling papers in the
Old Cabuief; Growing Excellence in
Hon. e and Society; and the New De
partment of Nature and Science, hy Pro
fes-or Draper, besikes the u-iial variety
of Stories, Poems, E-says and Reviews,
Fo o.,e dol'nr w will stud tho i'agrine on a
finl subscript i-n f r tur icnths, eommei.cii.g
wiili tn Ma- Num' er.
Trice SI On per yc:ir. or S3 cts. a rntnber.
For nle and nb crip'ious received by all
Ilocksellers ni J e wsdeiih rs.
SCRlBNEll & t O, Pull.shers,
' ItJsw 6 4 Eroadw;:y, New York.
I i it. .y
This nnrivalled Medicine is warranted not to
c.,iana-i gle part-cle of Me-cury, or any in
jurious but is
PUKELY vk;k'ablk.
For forty .ears it has proveil iis great vlue
in ail diseases ot the Liver, IJowl-, and Kidneys
ho snr ds ot the good and great in all p .rts of
tie country vouch for i's womleriul and pecu
li rpowe In puriijing the blood, stimula ing
the t ipid I ver ana bw Is. and imparting
new life nd Yigortj lh wholo svHfrui. Suu
uions' Liver Regulator isai Uj owled cd to have
cu cquiil as a
It contains fuu tudic.i element . never uni
ted in the same happy proportion in any other
pr filtration viz . a genele Cathartic, a womler
iul To it aa un-ex'-cptinnaulc Alterative an 1
a certain Correc ive of all iui- uritie of the body
Such signal fuocss has attendee iu use, that it
is now regarded a the
for Li'-er mp a nt O" d the painful offspring
iliereof, t- it. Dyspepsia. Co.fc-.i.ati u.
Jaundice Bilious at a ks .sie-k headache. Colic
Depression of spirits, Saur Stomach, Heart
Hum. Ac A-n.
Kegula e he liver nd pre-cnt.
Prepared only by J. II ZEILIN .t CO.
lru. gists. Maoon. Ga.
Send for a Circular I tudo'-9Arcb tree.
Price SI; try mail 1. "o ( Philadelphia i'a,
For Sale by J BUTTERY,
jnciw'T- ristt month, Nelf.
Hc:ul. Kead. IIeai.
Pcrfjmery. Toilet article., Itrush, Pa-nta,
CilJ. Varnish, Putty, Window
Gla.-.. Lan-p?. chimney .
extrareSned coal oil. n n -ex plo
sive burning fluid, ic. Ac, &xt. Vtc. go
Prescript! o ul
Vest door wt of the Post OHice, in tho same
room with OUnen. boot anil shou dealer.
2?tricUy pure wines and liquor? (for medi
cinal purposes-1. a tpeoialiiy.
Itc niiinufa'-turcs flavoring extract.-', a fine
i,rrp:ir I'inn o' 'hocolaierc;idy tor um. an un
equalled l.nkiug po-.v liT and various other rti-cl.-s.
To thosu -udicted o the une of Opium,
that poisonous and dtroyin(; drug, come or ad
dress me anil he cured as thousands of others
have been mid a"-e be-iiig, liy a painless, perina
nan antidote. When once cured, which tiskes
1 ut a ho: t. time, y ju have no desire fur drug
or I lie nntid'.te
"Coinmunications for the Opium Antidote
may tie pddresi-ed to Or. (i. 15 i huinnan I'latts-
niourh. Neb. or E. J. Chapman, M. 1)., 2Io.
V alley. Iowa. jaulidiwtt
Ali Paper TrimiEed free of
Also Dealer in
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by a rj ex
perienced Druggist
KenuMnber the place, threedoors weet of the
Herald office; Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Abstracts f Title
1 use. For descript ve ci i-ul -rs, a i Iri-pp.
12tf Lurliiigton, Ijwa.
WhiwtS' r
Ju,"tJ'uidiylie l, ' a scaled eace.?, Prire Urtu,
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and
nodical cure of Speruiatorrhiea, or Jseinina!
Vvpakne-ss, Involuntary Liuissions. Sexual le-biltt--.
and Iuipeoliuient.t to Marriag.i generally;
Nerv iusne-s, Consumption, El iieps, nd t iw,
Aj eiiiai and Phisie-al Incapacity, resulting from
x-.'lf-abusc-. A-e ly lto ert J. Culvcrwell, M
Dr. author of tho "Green Rook.' .Vc.
The wurld renouned author, in this admira
b!e Lecture, cleaily proves from his own exper
ience that the awful cocsciiuein-e of self-abuse
may be effectually removed without medicines,
antl without dangerous surgical operations, bou
gics, instruments, rings or eoidials, pointing
out a uio to ol cure at once certain and ed'eetual
by which every sufferer, no matter what his con
dition may be, may cure himsell cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. This lecture wiil proves
hoc n to thousands and thousands.
Se t u . d. r seal, to any address, in a plain
sealed envelope, on the re -eipt ot six cents, or
two pot;ige stamps. Also Dr. Culve-rwe l's
"lii.-irri geguiJe.' price 2 cents. Address the
127 Bowery New York. P. O- Dox 45S5.
Dec 22 wly
Sheriff's Sale.
11 Li. K Miles, id.nutilt. vs. J..jn
Snyder and William Snyder, defend
Notice is hereby given that I will offer
for -a'e at pniilie auction on -Moii'lay t lit
J9ih day of July A. 1. 1872, by virtue
and authoiity of mi order of sale to me
diii cted and issued bv the clerk of the
ii-tiicr Court of the Second Judicial
DUtra-t in and for Cass county, rtebra
ka, at tlie front door of the Court House
in the cttv ol Plattsmouth m sai l coun
ty. at otic o'eloc1: p. m. of said day the
following de-crihed u-al estate, to-wit :
Lot No. five (5), in block No. sixty
three (('...i. in P attsim.ut li city Mrether
with the frame dwelling hou-e situated
tliereon. niinn which bnildin? and lot of
jrround II. L R. Stiles has a Mechanic's
Given under mv band this 25th day
of June, D. 1872.
Sheriff !ass county, Neb.
Maxw ell Jfc Chapman,
Defendant's Attorneys.
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Goods,
Groe- ries,
iioots. and Shoes.
Hats, and Caps.
Agricultural Implimcnts of ail kinds, Weirr
"I X L" Cultivators. Union Corn Planlcrt
Grsndetour nod Prineeton Plows, Ac Ac adin.
tntnm, all of which we offer to the public at the
owest retail prices.
All tfSooiJ Warrantftl
As Kepresented.
SOnr cor.sti.nt aim will be to sell so low that
it will be to the positive advantage cf every lar
uitr ia the western an 1 central portion of Cast
rcunty to make this their headnuarters for trad.
fer-, - ; 7---r'
Tlie Glicapcst.
Look at the men tending in the shade o
.-'V.Si.'--- - V W
. tf - V .
k' 1.1c-.. ."7. i. s!
- ft-
The Marsh Marv.ster.
ill be found t bis oil stan 1 on Main St.
where he will be pie ised to see bis for
mer customers, and friends.
e has a large and good assortment
muchiucry aueh ad the
of farm
r"he Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men
1 can cut ami bind ten acres per day with
One man to drive, and the binders can work in
the ehade.
Milburn nnd Studenbaker Wagons, Cham
pion Reaper A Mower Massillon Thrash
er. anJ Jjutnlo i'it tlir.isuer, ana t,xfKlniut
Reaper and Mower &c.
Main Street. Plattsmouth. Xeb.
L. S- Biair, Traveling Aent.
Feb. 29 wtf.
u. s.
Land Office, Lincoln. Neb
June 5. Its72. )
Complaint having been entered at t is
office by A. S. Smith, against Franci A
Jackson for abandoning his Homestead
Entry, No 32SG dated" May 19th 1M30
upon the ti e ofs w J Section 22, town
ship 11 n, ramre 12 e, in said Cass county
Nebraska with a view to "he cancella
tion of said entry: the said parties are
hereby stuumoned to appear at this office
on the 8 day of July 1872, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to respond and furnish testimony
concerning the said alleged abandon
ment. II. W. Somm KitLAD Register.
Geo. P. Tucker, Receiver.
11 4t
The Ilalladay Mill his ttood tlie test for six
teen years, both in the United States and Eu
rope and is the only e ne
Generally adopted by all Principal Rail
roads and Farmers.
jf Send for catalogue and price list,-?
aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby given to al' concern"
ed that Cah-sta J. Miner, George A
Littaand William E. Latta, filed in the
office of the Probate Court, Court, Ca.-s
i County, Nebraska, an application for
the appointment of an administrator fir
the estate of Robert M. Latta, deceased
Said application to be beard on the
22 day of June, A. D. 1S72, at my office
in 1 lattsmouth.
June oth 1872.
10 3t Probate Judge.
For Your Groceries Go To
C rsef Th-ird ttoJ Maiu Streets, riattafaouth,
&uf lie keeps on hand a .hoice and
well selected Stock of
Fancy Groceries.
Coffees, Teas,
Sugar, Syrup.
Ae., Ac. Ac,
3f-AUo a gool assortment of Boots A Shoes."
In Connection with the Grocery is a
Bakery & Confectionery !
4A11 kinds of Country Produce bought
s- Id
Take not-ceof the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY
AND OKUtcKV. mayl'iwtt.
T, 'ken up by the undersigned at his
residence in I.iherty Precinct, on
or about the first of April IS72, one red
Cow and calf, the cow is supposed to be
about three year old, and has a crop off
the right ear and an undercut out ot the
left ear. The owner can have the above
by proving properly sind paying charges.
10 5t
The best books publishee. on the Iloess and
the Ci.w. - lit. ernl terms. Money trade rpi.t-
ly by Agents selling these hot ks. Jsc-na lor
circa ars. . . , , ,. ,
rUKi tft UlAi !..-. i-ui.iiner.
Y2 If Philadelphia. Pa.
Mothers, Mothers,
Deli 't fa it to $tiriir Mr Winluw' Soothing
-'lrvj Jitr Children 'Jeethtnu.
This valuable preparation bus been ured
witn NEYl'.rf. FAI LING sLCCE-S IN J lluU
It no' onlv relieves the child from puln, tut
inv gorates tho slom eh and bowtls, correct
acidity, and giv s tone and energy to the whol
syatein. It will also i stantly relieve
Uripini in th ' I! ircli and lVt'-e
We believe it tho best and surest rented y ia
the worid. in all cases of Dysentery and lUar-
rhien in cliiKiren, whether ai rising irom learn
ing r anv o her cause
Depend upon it mothers, it will give rut to
yoursel ve-s, and
J.elirfand Ilea'th to Your InfanU.
Be sure and call for
"Mr; lVYWoir' Sootning St,rup."
Having the f c-.iniile of '"CURTIS A PfiR
K 1 NS" n the outside w rapper.
Sold by Druggists tumighuttt the wori.l. iu
To the East North and Southeast.
Leave Plattsmouth. 3 40p. va, 6.00. ia.
Arrive I!u lii.gton 5.C0 a- m. 8,40 p. m.
" Mendota ni.l"-m. .3.22 a.m.
" Chicago;C.B.XQ.'i 3 15 p.m. 7.00 a. m
" Peoria.. " 0,00 a.m. 12 00 a. lit,
" Ind'plisrl.B.tC'W. 6:13 p. in. 10 31 a. m.
" Cincinnati " 9.50 p. m, 4.00p.ra.
" Logansp't T.PAW 5.55 p.m. V.20a;o.
"Columbus 2.45 a.m. 6.20 p.m.
tt.Through Curs from Missouri River to Chi
cng . Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansi ort and
Connections at those points with lines lead
ing io the East North and South.
This is the Bent, Shorten!, QuiekeAt and Cheap
eat lioute. deceived, but obtain Tickets ria
the Burlington and uissouii River Railroad.
GeilTl kket Agent. Gen'l Sup
Burlington & Ho. River R. R. Co.
On Ten Years' Credit at Gperct. Interest
No put of principal due tor two years, and
thence only on -ninth yeor y till piiia in lu'L
FKODc i.TjS wiil fmy lor laml lout improre-'
tients wihin the limit of this renernus eie.lit
U'UilcUcr lenus were nvr olTered, ara uot
now. and firobably never will be.-
Cl i.CL piiriicalars are sup--phed
gri.tis; tiny wishing to induce o;hers to etc
l.rato wi h I M'.tn. or to form acob.ny. nreiuvil
ea to usk lor all they want to di tribute.
Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS, Land Comra'r,
For Iowa Lands, at Rurliiigton. Iowa.
And fur Ncbracki Lands at Lincoln Net.
niaj 2.'i-,!iii.
AKook fop (ht; T2iIIiou !
MRR'G:j A priv.ite counvelor to the
GUIDE. .Married or thoe about to mar
, , dry cm tho physiological in fter
jes ami revelations ot the sexual system, the
latest m-soveries in prod ieing and nr. ven'ii g
oflspring, how to pr--erve the compleion Ac-
I hu is an interesting work of two bu'inred
and twt-i.ty-lourpiig.s, with numcous engrav
ings, and contains valuable inorinati .n for
those who are tnarricd. or contcmpUte mar
riage. f-tl.I. it is a book that ought to be kept
umler lock and key. and not luid carelessly
about the nouse.
Sent to any one (free ofpostage) for. 7) cents.
Address Dr. Butts' Difpc-UBary. No. 12 N
Eighth btroet. St. Louis, Mo.
Notice to the Aflliccd and Unfortunate.
Before a pph ing to the notorious quacks who
advertise in public papers, or using any quark,
remedies, peruse Dr. Butts' work no n-atter
what your de-si ase is or how deplorable your
Dr. Butts can be conu!ted. personally or by
mail. n the discuses mentioned in his works,
'trice. No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market
"ndCkesnut. St. Lyuis. Io. dce-2dwly
Commissioners Sale of Real
XJOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of
i. an order of s le issued out of the Dis
trict Court of Nemaha County, in the St e
of Nebraska, and to us dir et d as referees
and commissioners in the case herein it er
mentioneii; upon an order and decree ren
dered by the said Ci.uit in a certain action
therein pending, wherein Bryant Cohb is p ain
tilf. and .Martha Finley. Nancy Allison. Clark
Cobb, Williamson Cobb, 1'i kney Cobb, Clay
Cbb. David Cobb, Catherine King, Mr
tha Conner. Francis Cobb, Seymour '.bb,
Nancy A. King. Williamson R. V. Cobb,
Newton C. iVorley, Louisa Inman; Mar ha
N. Mcliaha, Eliza Nelson. Mnrtha. O. Krll
and John A, Irwin are pefendants, we will
offer fur sale ut public auction, at the door
ol the Court, lioute in l'lattsniouth. Cas
county, Nebraska, on Monday, Miiy 27lh, 1S72
at one c'clock in the afternoon of th it day.
the following real estate in Cass County. Ne
braska, to wit:
SE'i. Section 15, Town. 11. Range 10. ICO
acres: also, S K !. Section l.'i. Town 11.
Rango 10, Pin acres, and the Nor h West
quarter of Section la Town. Jl P.iuige l'J .t
ac es
TERMS OF SALE. fine third cs-h: en ti i: I
in one yoitr, nnd one third in woyeare li -red
payments to be secured by mortgage on tb.
premises, with interc-i't at 10 per cent per an
num, payable annually, lioiu date of sale.
W M. 11. llnnVK, Re.erees
Dv:t'B n Pt.STt.Rs, and
RiCH'n V. IkoiiKs. j Commissioners.
Thou A3 A Broadwa v. Attorneys. 8.9 16
Thii sale was adjourocd to the ICth, day of
JuJylsT2. m
Legal Notice.
Stanley L. Noble, nonresident defen
dant, will take notice that on the 27th
day of May 1872, Lydia Noble filed her
petition in the District Court of the 2d.
Judicial District, in and for Cass county
Nebra.-ka, theohjectand prayer of said
petition is to obtain a divorce of the
bonds of matrimony , existing between
yourself and said plaintiff.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 15th day of July
Ry Maxwell & Chapman, her Attys
9 .rt
Sheriff's Sale.
Electa G. Hasty vs Emerson II. Eaton. Order
of sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
District Coart for Cits county Nebraska, and t
inedire. ted. I will, on the l.'Sth day of July, A.
D. 1S72, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the (south) front door of th - Cour
House in the city of Plattsmouth in said coun
ty, sell at public auction tho fallowing real
estste, to-wit: Lots 7. 8, f. 10 11 nd 1. m
b ock No. six (fi) in the city of Plat -mouth.
Nebraska, and the southeast j jarter (m sect ion
No, t wei.ty-four (24) in township No. twelve (12
nerth range No. twelve (12) east of the Cth P.
M.. and part of tho northeast quarter of
section No. twen.y-five ) township No.
twelve (12) north range No. twelve (12) east of
the Cth P. M-, containing about one hundred
acres; t.e southwest quarter (v4) .f section
fourteen (14) township twelve (12; north r-rge'
No. twelve (12) east of the 6;h r. M.: the west
htlf (Jai of the sou'h-east quarter (..'4 and the
southeast quirtcr 0 ) of the southeast quarter
1 of section No, nineteen (13j township No;
twelve (12) north range No. thirteen (13 east P-h'
M. ; the southwest q-uarter (M) of the south-
west q,mrter !l of fcecui. No. twenty '20
township No. twelve (12 north range- N"c. thir
teen (13 ea-st of the 0th P. M.: and the south
west quarterG 4) of section No. thirteen 13 in
township No. twelve (12) north range No.
wehe (12) eat of the Cth P. M-, to satisfy a
judgment recovered at the April term. A. D.
1872. of the said District Court by Electa G
ll isty. Administratrix of Charles Hasty, d
e.i e l. against Emerjon II. Eaton.
Sheriff Cass County Nebratka.
Tot A 'vt'iregijcn. PFffj Atty'a. 8 9 ht