Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 27, 1872, Image 1
TIIE II Eli A LI), Published every Thursday at PLATTSMOUTH, HLB2ASKA. THE HERALD. HE1A ADVERTISING RATE 3. o One equate, (10 line or less) or.e insertion II. 6A Each eabpequt-nt icnirtion !Q rrofc.-riional cird.-, iiotexcceJing i.t Une 10 0C J column per annum , .- 20.00' Mcoluain, per annum tO.OV la column do m.OV One column do 10O.00 All advcrtifinir l)illii doe qn.lftoly. Traiyi'-ut ndvcrtisomctit tniist bepuij in nd-' raiK-e. Oflic -Corner Halt nnd Second Street Necond Story. OFFICIAL PAVER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. TERMS; $2.00 a Year. J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS.' Terns, ia Advance. One copy, one year - ...8'-i-Oo. One copy, six months - 1:00. One copy, three month" 30. Ertra O:tifof tir IIkrai.d for unle hy ).Si Straight, at the f'oxt CD'u-p. ai"1 M. John Fun, North filc Main Street, hi tirceQ f oeoni ool Third. Piattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, June 27. 1872. Number 13. Volume 8. ATTORNEYS. A I Law nml Solicitors in Ca&acery. l'latta mouth, Nebraska. OCiee in Fit-tfiral l'jtiilock. MARQUETrTsMITII A STAIiniRO-At-torrieyg at La. I'ra-niee in u'.i the courts fthe tate. Special mention given to collec ticn ami matter of l'r'hitte Office over the Tost Ofii ic PIattmouh, tb 17 OX Sc WHEKLF.Il Attorr.iv n Law. Spe cial attctitiow given t-j prolate l u.-iiu-rs and Iud I title o:ues. Olliee id the M.isonic Llock. Main Street. Plattsiuouth. Nebraska. 1KESE A DKAPER Attorneys it Law IV 0 Slice on Jlam street, uppofrite i.rooits Special attention given to collection oreiinma PHYSICIAN RR. LIVIXOaTON, rhyaiciau an l Sur- teun, temlers his prot'ysKnHl pervierji to the citizens of Caw county, Hesidi-noe southr-iot cornerof Oak andi-ixth Ktreet,-!; office on Main street, one door vrest of Lyman'o Lumber 1 urd I'JutUnnouth. Neb. J- W. RAWLINS, Surireon and Thysician Late a JSuraron-in-l'bief of the Army of the Potomac, PlatNniouth. Ncbrrka. Oitice at O. F. Johnrn lru ftore ilain street, opposite Clark & Pluiiiiaern. insuiianci:. "V HEELER &BEXNKTT Real E-tate and t Tax Paying Aeents, 'otirie PublieFirc, and Lilo Insurance Aleuts, j-aska. l'!:.t:s-jjouth. Xcli i.-j4tt H ELI'S PAINE tSancral Insurance Ajrcnt 1 Represents come of the uio:-t reliable Com-a- ies in ihe United State?. Oflico with L'aroetj & Pollock in Fitr-reralds Block . fjauT'lA wtl' HOTELS. Hfmtioks house. JOIIX FITZGERALD Proi rietur Main Street, Between 5th and tilh.St NATION A L HOT EL- CORNER MAIN AM) THIRD STS BRKKD & FALL AN - - Pror rotors. Just opened to the public, for both day and week boarders. Tables set with the btst the market a Kurds. Accomodation' second to none iu the city. xi f MISCELLANEOUS. "E --v r 4 I ft I 4 yggjjyr1) e3taim.:?hed ix 1861. DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW ELR.Y SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PKXS SPCTACLK"S. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY tit oDS. AVatchos. Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly nd 'wtlh di.-l-atch. .Kemoved to opposite Platte Valiey Houc Main Street. nov. H w tf. Mauueturcr of AND DEALEIt rA N 1 ) D 1 : A L E 11 1 N x ; 1 harness, babbles, griMcs, CDI.I-.A11S, WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c H IK- B O 13 .-T5x SSL .es s. rvr x Promptly Executed. All work Vv'arranted 5-FiNE HARNESS A SPECIAUTY.J Nov. 30 wtf Piattsmouth. Neb ii. jstieTgiit, DOOK-SKLT.CH. Stationery, cizs : AND PAPER. DEALER. lost Oiiicc SSuildiug-. PL ATTSMOUTH, NEB. eSepts t. d JSlmband w tf. Plattsmouth Mills j PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. CONRAD HEISEL ----- Proirietor. Hour. Corn Meal. Feed. Ac Always on hand and for Sale at lowest Cah Prices. .The Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. giayParticular attention piven to cus tom work. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. SCCCK3SOR TO Tootle, Kanna & Clark. JOHS FiTZt.FRAI.n. C. PrtHui.'nt. Jons R. Clark. T. II. PARMKT.E. Vice freiJcnt W. Evans. . Ais't tuthter. This Bank is now open f r business at theit new room, corner .Main and friT.tii (streets, and ore prepared to transact a Ktneral Banking Business. Stocks. Bonds. Gold, Government and Local Securities Bought and Sold. Deposits Received and Interest allowed On time Certificates. t r. nrilM.ln in anv part of the United States and in all the principal towns anil Cities of Europe. FO R C L L K T, It A T E D r r 3JIA 31'..; -IB ;9A N 1) E A 31 E R S. t.: .H'SZl II i!; .-:T.'to brinjr ott friends from .a.. . - purchase ticket from Iu. through .. . .ath. apiStf MISCELLANEOUS. CEDAR CREEK MILLS Ii in running order now.- Wanted 50000 bu?hcls of Wheat. Satisfaction will bo given to customers in grinding ami sawitg. ' Flour, Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Como one. Come all,, and give the Ccda Creek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCHLUNTZ Q.'t. 12th vr y CITY Mb AT MARKET, -BY MAIN STREET, Plattinoulh; - IVcbraska. The best of Frcli Meats always on hand i their eo30D. Ilighest Prise Paid for Pat Cattle IIighest Cash Price paid for green Hides. diwtf ICHTnTTHOP! . IVayman i$ Curtis. Repairer" of Staam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. G:ts and Sfentn Ftttiaf?, Wroufiht Iron Pipe, Fcrec and Tilt Pumps, Steam Gauge?, alanc Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice, FARMING MACHINERY I'ctaU) on "bort notice. auc5 Ioncj Saved BT Buying Your Green-house and Bedding Plants. AT TH8 JRicn ic Garde us TOX'T fond East frr Plant. when yon can LJ ect just as eood tir less money nearer h'nin". Tu my KUTtej-ous friends and patroTis I would say that I have the largest and best stock i'f plauts ever (.tiered for sale in the west and propose to sell them at reasonable prices. Be sure and tend fur my ITcw Descriptive Catalogue which wiil be pent free to all who apply for it Then givo your orders, and 1 feel conS lent I can s:itisti' you. Ad. h ers. W. J. IIESSER. Feb. 13 dAwtf Plattsmouth. Nob- "LYON'S KATHAIRON, Fo'r Preserving and Eeiuslfyirg the HumanH air To Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of middle age, at once bepeaks refinement, ele- cancc. health and reauty. It may truly Lc called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and charmst Few things are more disgusting than thin. frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and eoat eavered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and you feel and look like a new man. This is what LYON'S KATHAIRON will do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Ha'r. Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeablo and irrcMstoidc. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan, 23. dw lw every 3w ROCK! STONE! will furnish parties with stone for building purposes at a reasonable price, at my Quarries r delivered on the" cars at Louis- ille station. The following kind of stone can be had on fhort notice; sills, caps, perch rock. ine or rod sand stone such a was used by the B. & XI. R, R. in the construction of their tiono work. All responsible orders, promptly filled. J. T. A. HOOVER. Louisville Station, Neb. 8 9tf JPlattsm o u tU ACADE M Y i Summer Term Commences July 1st. 1872. Chicaso Avenue, Ca.s county Nebraska. Prof. Adolpherd'AlIemand, Proprietor and rnncipal, tahTn CUM XT. BT W. D. FIBKK. Let parties make their usual fuss. About L'lysses prate ; Vet never has a Captain steered Safer the Ship of State. A modest, unassuming man. Ever as true as steel ; An honest, iaithiul officer, Faithful through woe or weal. The most unmercif 'ly abused Art thou, Ulysses Grant ; But then no injury can come Fr jui such opposing cant. To-day, as years agene, dos't thou Remain that faultless being; To A1.L the interests ofState, Hast thou e'er been far-seeing. Safely hast thou a Nation led Through cruel War to Peace ; i nd why cannot thy enemies, Their piteous winnings cease? Let Democrats or Liberals Howl, as they surely will : It will but be a waste of breath, Ruler thou wilt be still. All hail to thee, brave General 1 Thy friends will bo content. To see thee justly crowned again, "Our noble President." From Hearth and Home. The OUiee-NeoUor'H Soliloquy. VKR-iBD BY ZOROASTER IIIUOIN3. I never see seen politics, you know. They're in tho dreadfutlcst kind o'mix, you know. And I'm in the tightest sort o fix, you know. To tell which way to go. Who d'ye think is the man that'll ho the Lucky one. Grant, or old Greeley ? I wish that I could only see the End of all this crooked melee. And then I wouldn't be slow To go For the man that can give a P. ). Grant's a m:ghty great commander, you know, And when he got up his dander, you know. He took to fire like a salamander, you know. He fit and fit like Alexander, you know. And he's paid part of tho debt. Straight Republicans will vote for him. And Voorhees went an l changed his coat for him. And Carpenter would tplit his throat for him. And Sumner can not sink his boat for him. He's the winning horse yet ; I'll bet On him, aud a post-office I will get But Greeley's pop'lar ole white hat, you know. And his ab'litionisra and all that, you know. Anl his bail-bond takes the Democrat, you know. His changes they ain't slim: For Southerners don't find no fault no more. And ef he's put up down at Baltimore, The Democrats Won't never ha't no more. i guess I'll go fer him 1 hick and thin. And wear a white hat with a broad brim. But then how cau a man decide, you know. Which Loss is the very best to ride, yo know. Which w.iy is floating with the tide, you know. And bow to trim ttis sail ? Fer Gree ey's scratched by the Free Traders, And 'Jrant by Sumner and his Upbraiders. And what'll becomo of tae Eight-hour Raiders.' So, whether I win or fail. Here's "heal or tail," Fer I'll get nothing by rid ir.g a rail! I'JL.lTFOItn OF THE llFJ'l'BIICAS l'ABl'V. Philadelphia, Juno, 6th 1S72. 4iThe Republican party of the United States assembled in National Conven tionintheCityoffhila.leipiii,, on the filch and MXthday of June 1872 again tory, and announces its position upon the questions bef ore the country, r ;rt. during eleven years of supremac it hits accepted with grand courage th-3 soiemn duties of the time; it has suppressed ff gigantic rebellion, emancipaipd fjur millions of slaves, decreed equal citizen ship of ail and established universal suf frage. Exhibiting unparalleled mnrnani uiity, it ctiminaily punched no man for political offences and it warmly welcomed all who proved their loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing justly with their neighbors: it has steadily decrea-ed with firm hand the resultant disorders of the great war, and initiated a wise policy to warns me iimiau'. i no i aumv; n x. ai.u similar vast enterprises have been gen erous v. aided and successfully conducted the public lands ficcilev eiven to actual sftttlers. immigration protected and en courasred. ana a iuu acKnowieugemeni ui , , 11 I 1 1 L i naturalized citizens rights secured rrom Kuropean powers, uniform national cur rency has been provided for, repudiation frowned down, national credit sustained under most extraordinary burdens, and new I on Is nesrotiated at lower rates levenues have been carelully collected and honestly applied. Despite '.he an nual large reductions from rates of tax ation, the public debt has been reduced, during tieneral tyrant s Presidency, at the rate of one hundred miilion dollars a vear. a creat financial cri-is has been avoided, and peace and plenty prevail throughout the iand. Menacing loreign difficulties have been peacefully and lion- crably compromised, and the honor and power or the nation kept in high respect throughout the world. This glorious record of the past is the parties best pledge for the future. e believe theanil ordered that his vassals fill the people will not entrust the government empty space with houses. The people to anv party or combination oi men com - nosed ot those wjio chiefly have resisted every step of this beneficial progress. ocuunu. o.uiimcic uuvi ij a-.iKA equality in the enjoyment of all civil, po- litic-d and public rights should be esta - Second. Cmplete liberty and exact blished and effectually maintained througbout the uniou by efficient appro- priate State and rederal legislation, nei- ther law or its administration, shoum admit of any discrimination in respect to citizens bv reason of race, creeds, color, or previous condition of servitude. Third The recent amendments to the national constitution should be cordially sustained, because thev are rieht not mearly tolerated, because they are law Europe. She speaks with facilty Eng and should be carried out according lish, German, French, and Italian. She to their spirit, by appropriate, legislation, the enforcement of which can only be satelv entrusted to the party that se cured the amendments. Fourth 1 ho national government should seek to maintain an honerable lieaoe with all nations, protecting its ci tizens everywhere, and pympathizing with all people who strive for greater liberty. Fifth Anv svstera of the civil service under which subordinate positions of the government are considered rewards for mere party zeal, is fatally demoralizing, and we therefore favor a reform of the system by law which shall abolish the evils of patronage, and make honesty, efficiency and fidelity qualifications for public position, without practically creat ing a life te nure of office. ixth We are opposed to further grants to corporations and monopolies, and demand that the national dominion be set apart for free homes for the people. Seventh The annual revenue?, after paying current debts, should fumi.-h a moderate balance for the reduction of principal and revenue, so much as may be derived from a tax on tobacco and liquors, or be raise Iby duties on importa tions, the duties of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing reuiuucra? tive wages to the labor r, sn l promoting: the industries, growth and prosperity of the entire country. Eighth We hold in undying honor the foldiers and sailors whose valor saved th- union, their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of'a gen eronsand grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the bounty of the government to all of our soldiers aud sailors who were honorably discharged, and who. in time of duty, became disabled, without regard to the lenath of service or caute of such dis charge. . . Ninth The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance once a subject, always a sub jecthaving at last, through the efforts ot the Republican party, been abandon ed, and the American idea of the indi viduals nj:ht to transfer his allegiance, having been accepted by the European nations : it is the duty ot our govern ment to guard with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens against the as sumption of unauthorized claims by tneir former governments, and we urge oon- tinual and careful encouragement ana protection to voluntary immigration. Tenth The franking privilege ought to be abolished, and a way' proposed for a speedy reduction in rates of postage. Eleventh Among questions wiucn prss for attention, is that which concerns the relation of capital and labor, aud the Republican party recognize the duty of so shaping legL-lation, as to secure a full protection and the amplest held tor capi tal and for labor the creator of capital the lanreist opportunities, and a just share ot the mutual profits of tho;e two great servants of civilization. Twelfth We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an im portant duty in their measures lor the suunression of violent and treasonable organizations, in certain lately rebellious regions, and tor the protection or ballot box, and therefore they are enti tled to the thanks of the Nstion. ' Thirteenth Y e censure the rcpudia tion of the public debt in any form or i- : 1 l uisfruiirC. as a maionai t:iiuie, vua m- witness with pride the reduction of the principal on the national dolt, and of rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently expect that our National cur rency will be perfected by speedy resump tion of specie payment. 1 ourtcenth lhe Republican party is mindful of its obligation to the loyal women of America for their devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider fields of usefulness is received with satisfaction, and the honest demands of any class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with respectful consideration. Fifteenth Wc heartily approve of the iction of Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal feeling publican party pro poses to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the State and Territorial government. It disapproves ttf the resort to unconstitu tional laws for the purpose of removing the evils bv the interference with the risihts not surrendered Uy the people to either State or National government. Seventeenth It is the duty or the general government to adopt such meas ures as will tend to entourage American commerce and ship building. E ghteenth We believe the modest patriotism, the carneft purpose, sound J judgment, practical visdoui," incorrupti- i , . . i .1 . i...: ... . : r Ulysses S. Grant, have commended him to the hearts of t lie American people, and with him at our head we start today on a new march to victory. HOW TntYl'SKlt lit H lliE CITIES Our attention was attracted to the fol- lowing in an exchange, as showing how they made cities in the olden time. We of the west are apt to do pretty much the same, that is we find some place where a fellow wants a town, and then it is laid out and built up ; the only difTer- ence is, instead 01 a tyrannical rung to order us to fill up the space inside the walls, the emergencies of a new country build the hotels naturally and easily : 'The population of Derlin in one handred and seventy vears has increased I tenfold, and its limits cover a radius o! nearly thirteen miles. hen rredenck the Great's ambition desired a city, he first inclosed a sandy plain with walls, 1 beinsr few were in consenuence somewhat puzzled how to f ulhil the wishes of their sovereign. They at last hit upona plan Gf geometrical triangles, and coni- q geometrical maiign J menced raising two-storicc 1 as many as twenty-five d hotels, having e windows on a fine. The streets thus made were beau- tiful and wide. The site of the city is flat, and consequently much expense has i UCen incurred in order to make the drain age any was approachins perfection I Here is a piece ot information which could not be obtained at any price except from a Paris paper : "Miss Grant is one of the most highly educated women in has contributed under the veil of ationy- mous signatures to several American magazines : and on her. return to her own country she is to marry the son of one of the richest manufacturers of New York, who is a member of the Ameri can Parliament." A bashful printer refused a situation -in a printing office where females were employed, savintr that he never "set I nn,! with a sra in Li lift , Better learn how then soon. Correspondence. OUR WEBSTER LETTER. Webster Co. Neb., May 27, '72. Eqitor Herald : Once again we seat ourself, pen in hand, for the pur pose of "grinding out" a few items for the columns of the Herald. This I find no very easy task as there is not much of interest transpiring in this lo cality, at present. Farmers are done planting, and have turned their attention to breaking prai rie. The face of old mother earth is be ing shaved as it was never shaved before. There will be an immense amount of prairie broken in this county this season. The prospects for good crops are very promising. This part of the footstool has been blessed with an abundance of rain, so far this season. There has been an effort made to se cure the location of tho new South Platte Land Office at Red Cloud. An other new store is in course of construc tion in the aforesaid town. Preaching at the Court House every Sabbath, at hal-past ten o'clock Sunday School at nine in the merning, every Sabbath. Buffalo are beginning to make their appearance in small droves. Last Sab" bath, while the minister was engaged in prophesying ail manner of eternal pun isi.ment.s in store for the "poor sinner," a small herd of these shaggy denizens of the prairie came marching straight into town. The scene that followed their discovery, by the congregation, can be better imagined than described. Men rushed from the building bareheaded, mounted their horses and gave chase, and amid the din occasioned by the gal loping of horses, the snorting and bel lowing of the buffalo, and the incessant crack, crack of the "navies," the pastor endeavored to wind up his discourse, which had been so suddenly and unex pectedly interrupted ; and the buffalo, more scared than hurt, dashed madly away, closely followed by men and boys, hooting and yelling like demons. The pastor in a calm and solemn voice pro nounced the benediction on the "faithful few" that had remained with him, while from far cut on the prairie came the loud and ringing reports of the carbines, which told that the chase had not yet euded. Presently a uetachmcnt c.wik; back bringing the report that they had succeeded ia placing one of the mis guided animals hors tlu comlat ; where upon, the good naturcd pastor congratu lated them cn their success, and the promptness with which they improved the favorable opportunity which Provi dence had thrown in their way, of ob tainicg some fresh meat ; and as he sat at the dinner table and regaled himself on the huge slices of the delicious "runip," he nod led approvingly across the table at tho "deacon," and a genial smile of contentment overspread his. classic features as he spoke of-the "man na" in the wilderness. Verily, the Lord will provide ! I fear I have already cou sumed too much of your valuable time and space and so adieu. Respectfully Yours, M, L. T. A Storm of Hi en. An almost incredible story comes from the Indian ocean. J he ship Althea which, had been on a three years' cruise in the Atlantic, l'acihc, Southern and Indian oceans, arrived at Melbourne, Australia, with only twenty-eight men her oiiginal crew having been forty-eight men Ihe rest had died. Captain Ar lington, the skipper ot llie snip, told a. terrible story of suffering and death. He said that in November last, when the ship was near Madagascar, a dense black cloud was observed approaching the ship. They immediately prepared for a storm, such an one as often hap pens in that latitude. The cloud came on with a terrible roaring, and it proved to be a gisiantie swarm of Uiack Hie which poured upon tho ship like an avalanche. Ihev stung the men to madness: and loaded the ship dowu un til she came near foundering. After some hours of this horror the plague was blown off by a mighty wind that swept down from the Red mountains. Sailors are superstitious, and they began to be mutinous after this event. The captain pushed on, however, regard'e-s of the remonstrances of his men, across the Mozambique Channel, seeing no more of the flies until near Sofala, when thev ran for a day through a rotten mass of the insects' that completely covere the surface ot the sea, and tilled the air with a loathsome stench. Eight of the men took sick and five of them die covered with pustules resembling those of small pox. At last the vessel reached Sofala and found the inhabitants suffer ing from the most malignant type of small pox, and dvmg in great numbers. The physicians held that the disease had been propa'at"d by the flies. The Al thea tied from the stricken shores ; more men died, ethers went crazy and threw themselves evcrboard, and the vesse plowed on to the Comoro islands, through masses ot rotting flies. Ihe Comoro i? lands seemed to be free from the pesti lence, and the wasted crew recuperated there. On leaving there the voyage to Melbourne was a constant battle with flies in the air, their noisome stench on the sea, and all sorts of diseases on board the vessel. Egypt's plague of flies in the days of Moses could have bpen no worse than this. Western Worhl. Patrick S. Gilaiore is described as a very pleasant-looking gentleman, and when he walks off ta in-pect the colise um, he docs so with an irrepressible air ness of demeanor which seems to say : "Oh, this little affair of the jubilee is nothing to what I could do!" Dr. Soour- jee, the organizer and superintendent of the jubilee chorus, is a bland-mannered man with marvelous abilities, a Rhode L-lacd Yankee and an ardent Methodist. Political. The teleerams announce a significant fact that the first congratulatory telegram which Henry lllson received after his nomination was frott the National color ed Workingmen's Union. No men knew their friends by intuition so quickly as the colored men. Grata Rrown tothem is like an iceberg, while Henry Willson is like the warm sun in a May day. Wo arc sometimes met with the taunt, "When vou fkht Greeley you fight the father of the Republican party!" Grant, for anrument sake, that Greeley is the father of the Republican party. Ninet'- four years ago we whipped our -Mother (Ensland) and is it not in keeping with the eternal fitness of things that we should now give the old .man a drubbing. 1'ress and Chronivle. Demorest s Monthly Magazine for .July containes an ample store of refresh ing literature, including a continuation of Reck at the Farm, by INeili ou- uest; choice poems and music, splendid illustrations, fashions, household, etc-, etc., and a tour page eng.Hvitig or too City of Vienna, the scene of the u orld s Exposition in 1S72 Price, $3 yearly. Published by W. Jennings Ucmorest, 838 Broadway, New York. ni'FI'ALO LASD, We are in receipt of this new and most agreeable volume of over 500 pages from the press of E JIannaford & Co., (Publishers of FIRST CLASS Subscrip tion BookPj Cincinnati and Chicago.) Tho author is Hon. W. E. Webb, of Topeka, Kansas, long and widely known fiom his connection with the interests of emigration, and a strikingly original and popular humorist. It describes th? wealth and wonders, the mysteries and marvels of the bound- ess West that wild region so much talked about, yet so little understood, whose crowth and development seem ike a tale of .Eastern onaaic. It is su perbly illustrated, containing no loss than fifty-three original and striking en gravings, from actual photographs and designs by Prof. Henry Worrall, and ex ecuted (the enterprising publishers as sure us) at a total cost cf over $2,000. In a short review like this, it is, of course, impossible to convey a periect idea of this admirable work. To any one who has tne least touca oi me i i r (i.l Western fever," it must prove really in- j valuable ; and for all classes of readers, without exception, it is the liveliest and mo.-t laugh provoking book v have seen or many a day. It aoounds wan valu able information, tho reliability of which is vouched for by Governor Harve', of Kansas, and others. It fairly brims over with wit and humor, and many of its' chapters rival Mark I warn s happiest style. " Buffalo Land" embraces a wide and varied range of topics, among them the following : Details of great interest and import- ancc concerning tlie natural icaturcs, vast resources, rapid devel lament and almost incredible progress of the far Western States and Territories, with glimpses of their mighty future ; Curious and interesting facts connected with the climatic and other changes con sequent upon tho settlement and denser population of the newly-reclaimed ett- ern lands ; Fresh and authentic information, from official source?, respecting the sup ply of fuel and lumber available for use cn the Great Plains ; the cost of a farm, what the emig-ant should bring with h.m, stock-raising at the west, &c. A full summary of the . Homestead and Pre-emption laws and regulations, prepared by a former Register of the U. S. Laud Office. Full and accurate descriptions of the habits, characteristics, etc., cf the snv age red man, buffalo, '..olf, elk, antelop3, etc , as found in their native wilds and on the out-skirts cf civilization ; Graphic and thrilling narratives of hunting adventures, stalking the bison, encounters with Indians, etc. ; Vivid pictures of life on the frontiers ; the past and present of the Gre?t Plains ; the vast inland sea, and the marvtious akimal life' with which it once teemed ; Highly interesting accounts of the geological wonders of the West, anti quarian and scientific researches, etc. flie publishers desire agents for it everywhere, allowing exclusive territory and the most liberal commissions. The firm is a prompt and reliable one. We cive their address ia full : E. Ilanna- fo:d&Co., 192 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois. Many of our readers will want this book, and agents wii make money rapidly in its sale. 13-2t Yoirxa America fer July is the most intere-ing periodical wc know for juven iles. The Eiitcr gives us an excelent full length portait of himself iu the pres ent number. Mice i,t Play, and Just my Luck are continued, more intere ing than ever. Published by W. den niLgs Demorest, SliS Broadway, New lork. 1.00 per year. Among the greatest sensation that they proposed to oprti the summer sea son with at that fashionable watering place, Niagara Falls, is a grand bufialo hunt, TLe fasionable city people who spend the season at the Falls desire to get a glimpse of far western prairie sports therercre that bu;j alo chase was conceit ed. They sent out to Nebraska for tho live buffaloes, which they propose to convey to Marara t iis in cars-, and thtn have a party of Pawnee Indians in orig uial costume to hu-nt them. t-ieoAi Fun. Iteeuli:r.'y NolU Out. During the month of Jan, 1850 while stopping at tho Sutter House in Sacra mento City, Californa, 1 accidentally overheard a conversation between two pcntlemen, one of whom was f. om Nt w York city, and had been in the country nearly a year, and the other had just t.r rived. The new comer was lamenting his condition, and his fjlly in leaving an abundance at home, especially two beau tiful daughters, who were just budding into Womanhood when he asked tl.e New Yorker if he had a family. "Yes, sir, I have a wife and six children-in New-Ycik and never saw one of them." After this reply, the couple sat a few moments in silence, the interrogator again commenced. "Was you ever blind, sir?" "No, sir." "Did you marry a widow, sir?" "No, sir." Another lapse of silence. "Did 1 understand you to say, sir, that you had a wife and six children living in New-York, and had never seen one of them?" "Yes, sir I so stated it." Anot her and a longer pauEis of silence. Then the interrogator again inquired: "How can it be, sir, that you never saw one of them ?" "Why, was the response, 'one of tlcm was born after I left." "Oh ah !" and a erncral laugh follow ed, and after that the New-Yorker was sspccially distinguished as the man who "had six children and never saw one of them." A young uian from the country was looking at the telegraph poles nnd lines the other day, and finally asked a gentl man "what's them things fer?" lie was informed that the telegraph is what they sen"? the news over the countiy with. Country's remarks were extre mely characteristic. "You don't say f of then right hero.I shall stand till I see one news papcr shoot through the bottle neck, if it takes till dark.' Pat Casey, as the name indicates, wa3 a native of the land whence its patron saint banished the ophidians, etc., tnd, like the majority of his countrymen, was not well provided with the wealth nor luxuries of this world, and therefore deem ed it best to make a pilgrimage to the newly-discovered mines of Colorado, which he did, in search of gold. When fortune made her grand drawing, a lucky number fell to Pat; that is, in his re searches among the peaks of Clear Creek he was fortunate enough to 'strike a lead, which proved to be one of the richest of that region of remarka- ly rich quartz deposits. A happy man was Pat! And in due course he pocket- d the -'Peters" to the tune ot several lundred thousand dollars. Of course he i l : . . was soon largely imprcss-ju wuu a :-ciie of the importance of wealth in general nd i,t himself in particular. Une day, ifter he became aware tint he was one of the solid men ol the country, and had proved the fact by setting up a sort of bank and discounting-shop in one of the mountain towns, one of his old chums and f llow-min; rs met Pat in the street. How are ye. Pat? was the saluta- on. m the old laminar way. Pat was rich now, and couldn t se it," as the slang phrase goes, and this was Ins reply : "Ll.'dad, Sir. yrr mighty tray, bir : Pat' is it now? I'll be afther lettin' ye ;now, Sir, that mc name is P. D. Casey Sir, and if ye've onv business, Sir, it s mysel as has an olhce in Central, fir, and me office hours are from v. M. in the forenoi n tiil A. XI. in tho afihcrnoon, Sir. Ye can call on mi darks, Sir. )'ve mind that?" And Pat concluded with a move of the head that would do honor to a patrician. Littell'H Living Aire. The weekly numbers of The Living Age for May lTth and 18th, have the ollowing very valuable and interesting contents: Kidnapping in the coutu Seas, Britith Quarterly In ziew ; A Cen tury of til-cat foots, from 1 1 ou uown- .vards, iso I, l'ercy tsysse Buoiiey, Blackwood's Mtqazine.: On the lem- perature and Movements oi tne i?eep Sea. by Dr. . 11. Carpenter, f. Iv. !-, Popular Science Review ; plonks of Li Trappp, Erasers Magazine; English Civil Wars. Saturday Hcviric ; India in Jamaica, ; The Jews as Poli ticians, Spectator; The i 'hy si logical Po- ition of- Alcohol, bv Dr- iucl.aruson, f. It. S. Poimlar Science Review; Lord and Ladv Dundonald's Elopement to Gretna, Saint Pauls; deorge LeatUe, Cornhill Miaaztne: A Hindoo I'nnee, Spectator; The Possibility of War this Year. Spectator : Edward l'enison, Bfackwrjod's Magazine ; instalments of The story ot the Plebiscite, byilieuH . - . - -HVT lit tin-ut.-,hed Trench writers. MM. ivtv mann-Chatrian ; Off the Skellig-, by Jean Ingelow; The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, bv William Rlaek ; be sides poetry and miscellany. Ihe sub scription pric--; of'this G4 page weekly macazine is a year, or for $10 any one of the American $1 magazines is sent with The Living Age for a year. Littell & Guy, IJoston, Publishers. Humor of Ihe (nmpai;n-.V Suppo ftilion Veto from II. ... "An Act to raise rorenue by ia;posir.g a datj 01 ton cents n vjuano. j COMMENTS BY THE l'RESIDENT. I return this obnoxious measure with out inv approval. The man who intro duced it is an ass ; the men wtio vote for it are scheming Eritish agents; an tho men who sav tlnsH not the case are liars and horse-thieves. I judge that on an average, every man, woman an child in America uses a. ton of guano a vear in eome shai3 or other; whether as a farmer in New lork, Louisiana Colurado. Pcdunk. etc., in njricultural or as ('has. A. Dan3, for editorial art i c.Ips. We thus consume, in round fig ures 40,000,000 tons of gOano annually 'the arbitral v and revolutionary act which I veto ta-drry would thus impose a tax of l'mr millions of dollars a year mi our tiooi'le. Willi what effect? It would not stimulate the production of American guano. Amcricau birds couM n jt compete with tire pauper labor of birds in debauchery and priest idden Central America. I am not quite sure as to what I u.ean, or why is is not so, or what is wLich, but the man who speaks to the contrary is a hell-hound and bribed by Rritibh jroM. H. 'jr. Our "Wives' Column. This Column is open for tho Ladies, bear from the. Let un We have ljcad -'l- " Our Wives' Col umn " with a request thnt the ludie should contribute their share toward making it interesting and instructive. We are in receipt of communication." from all over the county, but altf aj s from the mile sex and filkd with ntvoll.-.ts of the crops, Je'ails of political meeting?, JmlTalo hunts, or the like pursuits, inter esting more particulaily to themselves. Cau we not sometimes by way of va riety, open co mo neat thvi!o)e nm! r"nl a short, pithy article, just suited to the Wives' Column, and bearing tho im press of the female mind and hand? A fjw simple, practical recipes, a descrip tion of some one's flower garden, and the efforts and labor which have made it beautiful. The details of some Ei diea' Sewing Society, or festival ; nny thing and everything which will add to the interest of the" Wiv c Column. Scud ttfctn along, ladies, and don't be afraid to' try because its a new business.- i n i A Siic-f-eMHfuI I.imIjt Ctlitor. A Chicago correspondent of tho New York World sends the following sketch of a lady writer on the Chicago Evening Fust; "Miss Margaret F. s;ms to be, beyond comparison, the most effi cient woman in journalism. For two years now she has written an aver ago of more than a column of editorial every working-day, the topics ranging through the whole breadth of commerce and finance, politics, and foreign affairs, f rom a playful estimate of the 'Possum Policy ' to a solid treatment of the Ala bama question. Two years ago she walked into the olhce of the Chicago Evening Post and handed a kttcr of in trodaction to the editor. 'I would like a place among your editorial writers,' who said, confidently. The editor, seeing be fore him only a buxom, pink-faced girl of twenty-two or twenty-three, naturally inquired, 'What can you do?' 'Any thing that needs doing on a newspaper,' she replied audaewusly. 'What expe rience hive you had?' was the next question. 'None to speak o',' she fiaidf 'but I can do it 1 feel it in my bones. Try me.' She was assigned a desk, pa per and pencil, and in twenty minutes produced an article entitled 'The MichU gan Schism,' a full account of the Con gressional contest between the Republi can Strickland and the bolter Prig, in the Sixth District, with caustic com ment thereon. It was a strong, mdscu- ine editorial, and was accepted with tho word 'Vou may call again.' Tho next day she walked into tho office and straightway hung up her boruut nnd hawl and resumed Ihe desk. bhrt wrote an article on the Jjast Jarift D de,' which was received with i maze' mcni and pub.i.Jicd next day. The ed itor, -Jr. tilakciv, now employed her egu'arly, and she th owed that she could a man's day's work for a man s pay or almost two years she has been tho principal editorial nssistant. invading other departments of the paper, how ever, from time to time, for special pur poses. She Itts proved an admirable dramatic and musical ciiti- nf.d nas written editorials on almost oveiv pha-e of 1 merii an lift', politics and finuice nothing intimidates lor. During the month MiciCiding the fuc she averaged more than a column and a half a dav. besides furni-hin.' matter to two or three weeklies. Readiness is her striking trait. She works like lihtnin, and sel dom revises her manu-tript in the least. Her facility and vigor are marvelous She is an Iii-h Catholic, a bigot in the ology, a radical in politic-", and a girl who f-eemi to have never yel seriou-ly thought of marrying. She throws olf a poem now and then for a magazine: but sentiment is one of her least conspicu ous qualities. Her editorial- are terse nervous, satirical, aggressive, ami pei fectly in harmony with the spirit of the nore. Without beincr conventionally hand-omc, Miss Buchanan hm a most striking presence, c-pecially wrren ad dressing aii audience. Without being weakly sensitive she is thoroughly wo manly, and she is an impersonation of the enthusiasm, thi wit, the quick tem per, the generosity, the fidelity, the pluck, the tirhting-and-overcomifi!r qual ities of the North of Inland She has a weu-tra:ned mini and vey thorough, classical education, and all she knows is at the end3 of her fingers, ready for in stantaneous app.icidou to the morning h news. She lov.-s journalism, and de clares that she wi.'l stLk to it as ion? she lives In the absence of the' editor-in-chief and his deputy, "he ha some times been in charge of the Evening Po.t for a week at a time ; and, though only twenty-five, she already sittntcts at tention as the first woman who ha shown a wile familiarity with politidal and tinnncial qur-stiorw, and who has 1,5 ci'p od for years with success and honor, the chair of a leading editorial writer. Management of R rooms. If broom are wet in boiling suds onc a week, they will become very tough, rr:M not cut a carpet, last much langer. and always sweep like a new broom. A hrdful of salt fcpriiiklc-1 on the carpet, will carry the dust alonn with it and ui!ke the car pet look bright and clc;.n. 'A h-it is said in tho following is true In many town and city houses the apartments receive but ne thoroneh sweeping a week, Brooms wear out carpets quit3 as much as f eet do. One MortE CritE. A German cst-kecp?r, eighty two years ol 1, !or- nor wishing to carry to the grave with an important secret, lias pubiishrl in the Leipsie Journal a recipe fw h is 11-1H for fifty years, and rhith, h i say, has saved several men and a great number of animals from a horrible death by hydro phobia. The bite mu-t be bathed as eoon as possible with warm viriea-tr wvi water, and when this has dried, a fewr drops of muriatic acid poiired upon the' wound will destroy the poison of the ea liva, and relieve the patient from all pre sent or future dancer.